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id author title date words sentences pages cache text
A23641Allin, John, 1596-1671.A defence of the answer made unto the nine questions or positions sent from New-England, against the reply thereto by that reverend servant of Christ, Mr. John Ball, entituled, A tryall of the new church-way in New-England and in old wherin, beside a more full opening of sundry particulars concerning liturgies, power of the keys, matter of the visible church, &c., is more largely handled that controversie concerning the catholick, visible church : tending to cleare up the old-way of Christ in New-England churches / by Iohn Allin [and] Tho. Shepard ...16488950526336nan./cache/A23641.xml./txt/A23641.txt
A70435Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662.A letter of many ministers in old England requesting the judgement of their reverend brethren in New England concerning nine positions written Anno Dom. 1637 : together with their answer thereunto returned, anno 1639 : and the reply made unto the said answer and sent over unto them, anno 1640 / by Simeon Ash, and William Rathband.16435215015534nan./cache/A70435.xml./txt/A70435.txt
A63200Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662. Letter of many ministers in old England requesting the judgement of their reverend bretheren in New England.A tryall of the nevv-church vvay in New-England and in old ... by that learned and godly minister of Christ, John Ball of Whitmore ; penned a little before his death and sent over to the New England ministers, anno 1637, as a reply to an answer of theirs in justification of the said positions ... ; now published ... by William Rathband and Simeon Ash.16445221815567nan./cache/A63200.xml./txt/A63200.txt
A29432Baillie, Robert, 1599-1662.A dissuasive from the errours of the time wherein the tenets of the principall sects, especially of the Independents, are drawn together in one map, for the most part in the words of their own authours, and their maine principles are examined by the touch-stone of the Holy Scriptures / by Robert Baylie ...164511600235214nan./cache/A29432.xml./txt/A29432.txt
A89790Congregational Church in England and Wales. Savoy Meeting (1658).A declaration of the faith and order owned and practised in the Congregational Churches in England; agreed upon and consented unto by their elders and messengers in their meeting at the Savoy, Octob. 12. 1658.1659227366221nan./cache/A89790.xml./txt/A89790.txt
A34672Cotton, John, 1584-1652.A coppy of a letter of Mr. Cotton of Boston, in New England, sent in answer of certaine objections made against their discipline and orders there, directed to a friend vvith the questions propounded to such as are admitted to the church-fellowship and the covenant it selfe.16412073485nan./cache/A34672.xml./txt/A34672.txt
A50245Davenport, John, 1597-1670.An apologie of the churches in New-England for church-covenant, or, A discourse touching the covenant between God and men, and especially concerning church-covenant ... sent over in answer to Master Bernard, in the yeare 1639 ...1643209206144nan./cache/A50245.xml./txt/A50245.txt
A88943Davenport, John, 1597-1670.Church-government and church-covenant discussed, in an answer of the elders of the severall churches in New-England to two and thirty questions, sent over to them by divers ministers in England, to declare their judgments therein. Together with an apologie of the said elders in New-England for church-covenant, sent over in answer to Master Bernard in the yeare 1639. As also in an answer to nine positions about church-government. And now published for the satisfaction of all who desire resolution in those points.16435480716656nan./cache/A88943.xml./txt/A88943.txt
A37208Davenport, John, 1597-1670.The saints anchor-hold, in all storms and tempests preached in sundry sermons, and published for the support and comfort of Gods people, in all times of tryal / by John Davenport ...16614520814748nan./cache/A37208.xml./txt/A37208.txt
A43755Higginson, John, 1616-1708.The cause of God and His people in New-England as it was stated and discussed in a sermon preached before the honourable General Court of the Massachusets Colony, on the 27 day of May, 1663, being the day of election at Boston / by John Higginson ...1663125183575nan./cache/A43755.xml./txt/A43755.txt
A43756Higginson, John, 1616-1708.A direction for a publick profession in the church assembly, after private examination by the elders Which direction is taken out of the scripture, and points unto that faith and covenant contained in the Scripture. Being the same for substance which was propounded to, and agreed upon by the Church of Salem at their beginning. the sixth of the sixth moneth, 1629. In the preface to the Declaration of the Faith owned and professed by the Congregationall Churches in England. ...16652043428nan./cache/A43756.xml./txt/A43756.txt
A43183Howe, John, 1630-1705.Heads of agreement assented to by the united ministers in and about London, formerly called Presbyterian and Congregational16913650910nan./cache/A43183.xml./txt/A43183.txt
A47164Keith, George, 1639?-1716.The Presbyterian and independent visible churches in New-England and else-where brought to the test, and examined according to the doctrin of Holy Scriptures ... : more particulary directed to those in New-England, and more generally to those in old England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. : with a call and warning from the Lord to the people of Boston and New-England, to repent, &c. : and two letters to the preachers in Boston, and an answer to the gross abuses, lies and slanders of Increase Mather and Nath. Morton, &c. / by George Keith.16916415318269nan./cache/A47164.xml./txt/A47164.txt
A88947Mather, Richard, 1596-1669.A modest & brotherly ansvver to Mr. Charles Herle his book, against the independency of churches. Wherein his foure arguments for the government of synods over particular congregations, are friendly examined, and clearly answered. Together, with Christian and loving animadversions upon sundry other observable passages in the said booke. All tending to declare the true use of synods, and the power of congregationall churches in the points of electing and ordaining their owne officers, and censuring their offendors. By Richard Mather teacher of the Church at Dorchester; and William Tompson pastor of the Church at Braintree in New-England. Sent from thence after the assembly of elders were dissolved that last met at Cambridg to debate matters about church-government.1644263847888nan./cache/A88947.xml./txt/A88947.txt
A55001Mather, Richard, 1596-1669.A Platform of church discipline gathered out of the Word of God, and agreed upon by the elders, and messengers of the Churches, assembled in the Synod at Cambridge in New England, to be presented to the churches and Generall Court for their consideration and acceptance in the Lord, the eighth moneth, anno 1649.1649178645756nan./cache/A55001.xml./txt/A55001.txt
A50246Mather, Richard, 1596-1669.A catechisme, or, The grounds and principles of Christian religion set forth by way of question and answer wherein the summe of the doctrine of religion is comprised, familiarly opened, and clearly confirmed from the Holy Scriptures / by Richard Mather, teacher to the church at Dorchester in New England.16503210913195nan./cache/A50246.xml./txt/A50246.txt
A50248Mather, Richard, 1596-1669.A defence of the answer and arguments of the synod met at Boston in the year 1662 concerning the subject of Baptism and consociation of churches against the reply made thereto, by the Reverend Mr. John Davenport, pastor of the church at New-Haven, in his treatise entituled Another essay for investigation of the truth &c. : together with an answer to the apologetical preface set before that essay, by some of the elders who were members of the Synod above-mentioned.16648062723845nan./cache/A50248.xml./txt/A50248.txt
A52591Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672.A Declaration of the faith and order owned and practiced in the Congregational churches in England agreed upon and consented unto by their elders and messengers in their meeting at the Savoy, October 12, 1658.1659228156214nan./cache/A52591.xml./txt/A52591.txt
A53732Owen, John, 1616-1683.The true nature of a Gospel church and its government ... by the late pious and learned minister of the Gospel, John Owen ...168910737232196nan./cache/A53732.xml./txt/A53732.txt
A57969Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661.The due right of presbyteries, or, A peaceable plea for the government of the Church of Scotland ... by Samuel Rutherfurd ...1644344394111271nan./cache/A57969.xml./txt/A57969.txt
A57981Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661.A survey of the Survey of that summe of church-discipline penned by Mr. Thomas Hooker ... wherein the way of the churches of N. England is now re-examined ... / by Samuel Rutherfurd ...165822522674179nan./cache/A57981.xml./txt/A57981.txt
A66099Willard, Samuel, 1640-1707.The fiery tryal no strange thing delivered in a sermon preached at Charlestown February 15, 1681, being a day of humiliation / by Samuel Willard teacher of a church in Boston in New-England.168284212305nan./cache/A66099.xml./txt/A66099.txt