
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
26707After leaving the crowded(?)
26707After we had walked pretty briskly for three or four hours he inquired meekly,"Can you walk this way all day?"
27233A question that is very frequently put is,"What has been the influence of Christianity upon Japanese life and thought?"
27233How long, without the mainstay of religion, will the Japanese cling to this outworn but beautiful relic of his old life?
27233On the other side patriotism is kept alive by the pilgrimages of school children to the national shrines, but one is confronted with the questions?
27233What is it that has kept them unspotted from the world of business?
27014And for what, does the reader suppose?
27014European shipmasters used to complain bitterly of the roguery practised upon them by the native dealers; but who taught the native his roguish tricks?
27014I have often heard the question raised in Australia, Whence proceed the hot winds?
27014Ship after ship arrived from the manufacturing districts, with full cargoes; and the universal cry was,"What is to be done with all these goods?"
27014Suppose I no want ask any thing, what for I go?"
27014Supposing the route should prove practicable simply as a mail line, is the Colony at present in circumstances to bear the expense of keeping it up?
27014These winds invariably blow from the north- west; but the question is, Whence do they derive the heat they are charged with?
27014What better conduct, however, can be expected from men, nine- tenths of whom either are or have been convicts?
27014What more can be said of any community?
27014What was it that carried off so many of the Cameronians and Royal Irish stationed in Chusan during the first expedition to the North?
27014What was to be done?
27014What would my fair countrywomen say to the"black- fellow''s"mode of taking unto himself a wife?
27014Who introduced false weights?
27014Who is there possessed of authority to hand me and my countrymen, like so many cattle, over to the Dutch or to any other power?
27014higher than when all the cry was,"What is to become of these goods?"
27452How long, O Lord, how long?
27452How shall they preach, except they be sent?
27452Of whom speaketh the prophet this? 27452 But how can one who is not sure that Jesus ever uttered the words of the Great Commission urge the churches to fulfil that command of Christ? 27452 Can not a document have more than one author? 27452 Can we more surely dry up the sources of missionary contributions, than by yielding to the pernicious influence of this way of treating Scripture? 27452 Could one of these modern interpreters have taken the place of Philip, when he met the Ethiopian eunuch? 27452 Do men believe in Christ''s deity who ignore his promise to be with them to the end of the world, and who refuse to address him in prayer? 27452 He answers them by asking,How then doth David, in the Spirit, call him Lord?"
27452He must begin his investigations with one of two assumptions: Is the Bible only man''s word?
27452His searching examination propounds to the unbelieving Jews the question,"What think ye of the Christ?
27452How can one who has had no experience of Christ as a present and divine Saviour, have power to stand against the rationalism and apathy of the church?
27452How can one who has never felt his own need of an atonement adjure his brethren, by Christ''s death for their sins, not to let the heathen perish?
27452How should we reach that threatening height?
27452If his knowledge of things so essential be denied, what trust can we place in any other of his utterances?
27452In literature, is there any more acknowledged fact than that Erckmann- Chatrian''s battle- stories were the work of two writers, and not of one?
27452In painting, did not Landseer get Millais to paint the human figure into the picture of his dogs?
27452Is it a mere product of human intelligence?
27452On being asked who the father was, the mother replied:"How should I know?
27452Shall we begin with the particular, leaving out for the time all thought of the universal?
27452THE THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS 199- 212 Is man''s religious nature only a capacity for religion?
27452The heat reminded us of the conundrum:"Why is India, although so hot, the coldest country on the globe?"
27452They are only a good set of human beings made in the divine image, for is it not written that even"He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh"?
27452Was his interpretation of Scripture correct?
27452What are the facts in other realms of art?
27452What is the effect of this method of interpretation upon missions?
27452What is the effect of this method of interpretation upon the churches of our denomination?
27452What is the effect of this method upon our theological seminaries?
27452What is the truth in this matter?
27452What right has he to surrender himself, body and soul, to a man like himself?
27452What sort of systematic theology is left us, when the perverted historical method is made the only clue to the labyrinth of Scripture?
27452Whence has come this so- called"historical method"of interpreting Scripture?
27452Who can measure the corrupting influence of this temple upon the lives of the people over a wide area in Assam?
27452Who shall count the billows past?
27452Ye divinities on earth, sinners?
27452of himself, or of some other?"
27452or, Is it also Christ''s word?
27452whose son is he?"
27260Could the Mighty One at Berlin condone the offense if China gave Germany a harbor to be used as coaling station and naval headquarters?
27260I''ll write home for funds,he decides;"but how am I to live while awaiting the remittance?"
27260See here, you drooling idiot; what do you think I have hired you for? 27260 What are the two annas for, and who is this man?"
27260Why not fabricate her own raw silk, and send it to market ready for wear?
27260Would you like to go down in a diving- costume from a boat alongside the barque?
27260****** Were these the scenes that poet looked upon, Whose lyre though known to fame knew misery more?
27260Adept in the art of warfare he surely is; but have not the Fatherland''s victories under his rule been those of peace, and those only?
27260And of a people with a capacity to perform in two generations such amazing things who shall dare say what to them is impossible?
27260And what is back of it?
27260And what is this India, governed by Great Britain through its delegated officials?
27260And what of the"hinterland,"compassed by the 45-mile semicircle, dotted with thirty odd native towns, the whole having a population of 1,200,000?
27260But the appointment with the state elephant-- what of that?
27260Can it be an alarm of fire, or have the customs officials at the gates apprehended a flagrant smuggler?
27260Can these Easterners, squatting on mats like fakirs in open- front stalls, judge the merits of a pearl?
27260Could it be cholera, the plague, or simply appendicitis with which I was stricken?
27260Did I try my luck?
27260Do we not already lead in foreign trade?
27260Does it deal with"spicy breezes,"and"pleasing prospects?"
27260Does the fishery pay?
27260Has Germany been involved in strife possessing the dignity of war since he came to the throne?
27260How do the gastronomic experts of pagan Asia acquire their skill?
27260Is there anything like it, strategically and trade wise, in the East?
27260Its purpose?
27260May not insular Japan become in time the Asiatic equivalent of Great Britain?
27260Some are satisfying in the extreme; but these waiters, can they be described as in uniform?
27260What country was to benefit through this, with Russia''s moral support and permission, had the Czar''s legions been successful?
27260What is it?
27260What is the purpose of the appropriation of 14,000,000 marks for Kiau- chau in last year''s official budget of the German government?
27260What of the German colony in China-- Kiau- chau, on the east coast of the Shan- tung peninsula, whose forts frown upon the Yellow Sea?
27260Who could resist the temptation?
27260Who, then, could stand in a likelier position to become legatee of this valued privilege than the Trade- Lord of Germany?
27260Why War- Lord, as an appellation for the august William?
27260Why not make it the Hamburg of the East?
27260Why, then, may she not do what England has done?
27260Would the sahibs care to witness the combat?"
27260Would you have me set myself up for a wiser person than my revered parent?"
27260[ Illustration: TYPICAL BUSINESS STREET IN A CHINESE CITY] Then why not Trade- Lord, for this is what the German Emperor is?
1409And yet,--stranger paradox still,--was there ever any one willing to exchange his personality for another''s?
1409And, if he did, what other business should he adopt?
1409Are the laws we have learned to be true for matter true also for mind?
1409Are the most religious peoples the most moral?
1409But first, what do we know about its existence ourselves?
1409But is it otherwise at home?
1409But is it?
1409But that portion of it which we each know as self, is it not like to a drop of rain seen in its falling through the air?
1409Can it be that the personal, progressive West is wrong, and the impersonal, impassive East right?
1409Do not our personal presentments mock each of us individually our lives long?
1409Does not one''s own imagination elude one''s power to portray it?
1409Hai, elder sister, augustly exists there sugar?
1409Has there been any influence at work to differentiate us in this respect from Far Orientals?
1409Have specially religious races been proportionally truth- telling ones?
1409Have the least religious nations of Europe been any less truthful than the most bigoted?
1409If individuality be a delusion of the mind, what motive potent enough to excite endeavor in the breast of an ordinary mortal remains?
1409If not, has there been any other cause at work in the development of mankind tending to increase veracity?
1409If the ego be but the passing shadow of the material brain, at the disintegration of the gray matter what will become of us?
1409If you begin,"Well met, Green, how goes it?"
1409In what, then?
1409Is a like fate to be the lot of the soul?
1409Is it likely, then, that in the most important case of all the rule should suddenly cease to hold?
1409Is it not forever flitting will- o''-the- wisp- like ahead of us just beyond exact definition?
1409Is it to be presumed that even Socrates chose Xantippe for her remarkable contrariety to himself?
1409Is not its seeming wisdom rather the precociousness of what is destined never to go far?
1409Is not our would- be slight unwittingly the reverse?
1409Is there a man so poor in all that man holds dear that he does not keenly resent being accidentally mistaken for his neighbor?
1409Nay, do we not cling even to its outward appearance?
1409Now what does this strange impersonality betoken?
1409Now what evidence have we that this analogy holds?
1409Now, in what does this so- called personality consist?
1409Now, the"augustlies"go almost without saying, but why is the sugar honorable?
1409Shall we simply lapse into an indistinguishable part of the vast universe that compasses us round?
1409Should we not refuse to tolerate a play that insisted on furnishing us with a full perspective of its characters''past?
1409The T. H. M. The honorable sugar, augustly is it?
1409They have to do with things which we know are transitory: how can they be immortal themselves?
1409Was Loyola a gentleman whose assertions carried conviction other than to the stake?
1409Was fanatic Spain remarkable for veracity?
1409Were the eminently mundane burghers whom he persecuted noted for a pious superiority to fact?
1409What they do with space in their paintings do we not with time in the case of our comedies, those acted pictures of life?
1409Who can imagine foregoing his own self?
1409Who has not been delightedly duped by the semi- disclosures of a dress?
1409Who has not had a shock of day- dream desecration on chancing upon an illustrated edition of some book whose story he had lain to heart?
1409Who has not in his dreams fallen repeatedly from giddy heights and invariably escaped unhurt?
1409Who has not suspected through a veil a fairer face than veil ever hid?
1409Who would expect of a mason an impersonal interest in the principles of the arch, or of a plumber a non- financial devotion to hydraulics?
1409Why are these peoples so different from us in this most fundamental of considerations to any people, the consideration of themselves?
1409Why should he adopt another line of business?
1409Will analogy help to answer the grewsome riddle of the Sphinx?
1409Yet who but has thus felt its force?
29546''Being without anxiety or fear,''said New,''does this constitute what we should call the superior man?'' 29546 And how much is paid per day when a single day''s labor is wanted?"
29546But is n''t the system weakening now?
29546But where are the bereaved families?
29546Do you know what has brought about the change in China?
29546Have you had plenty chow- chow?
29546If we are to die, we shall die; why offend the gods by attempting interference with their plans?
29546See that grave over there? 29546 The Master replied,''When a man looks inward and finds no guilt there, why should he grieve?
29546You are married, of course?
29546''Absence of grief and fear?''
29546And the buggies, carriages, and automobiles: what on earth has become of them?
29546And those two men bowing to each other as they meet-- are they rehearsing as Alphonse and Gaston for the comedy show to- night, or are they serious?
29546And what may we do for the conservation of these qualities?
29546And why?
29546At first you ask,"But why are there no windows in the houses?
29546But, after all, reverting to the question of mourning, why should the Hindu mourn for his dead?
29546Could n''t they get anybody to have you?"
29546Do you wonder that I avoided telling the Japanese educational officer just how our provision for farm boys and girls compared with Japan''s?
29546Has America given anything more than a half- hearted assent to the idea?
29546How about two of twelve each?"
29546How do Kipling''s verses go?
29546How then can you expect the poor, ignorant Chinaman to shake off the clutches of opium?"
29546One of the greatest and wealthiest temples in Kyoto is more notorious right now for the vices of its sacred(?)
29546Or if a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or preacher, how much income?
29546Or if a manufacturer, how much business?
29546Or if a newspaper man, how much circulation?
29546Or if a railroad man, how much traffic?
29546Or if you are a banker, what sort of deposits could you get among such a people?
29546Or of what should he be afraid?''"
29546Rather should America ask:"If Japan in a primitive stage of industrial evolution is doing so much, how much more ought we to do?"
29546Snapshots of Japanese Life and Philosophy 9 What a Japanese City Is Like Strange Clothing of the Japanese Who Ever Saw So Many Babies?
29546Surely the people could leave openings in the clay walls that would give light and ventilation?"
29546The Master said,''If a man look into his heart and find no guilt there, why should he grieve?
29546Then the babies-- who ever saw as many babies to the square inch?
29546Was it not an Oriental prophet who wrote:"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge?"
29546What can be the effect of your new tariff except to increase the burdens of the farmer for the benefit of the manufacturer?"
29546What is the lesson of it all?
29546What need to produce what can not be taken to market?
29546What shall be the outcome?
29546Where three or four farms come near together, why should not the dwellings be grouped near a common centre?
29546Why is it that the Oriental gets such low wages, and has such low earning power?
29546Why may not our civic improvement associations, women''s clubs, etc., get an idea here for our American towns?
29546or what should he fear?''"
29546said Niu,''Is this the mark of a princely man?''
29546the zenana women will ask when an American Bible- woman calls on them; and, if the answer is in the negative,"Why not?
29546{ 261} XXVI WHAT THE ORIENT MAY TEACH US But, after all, what may the Orient teach us?
29546{ 9} II SNAPSHOTS OF JAPANESE LIFE AND PHILOSOPHY"What is a Japanese city like?"
26924''But do they drown the girl babies now?'' 26924 ''But who usually kills the girl babies?''
26924''Do they bury it then?'' 26924 ''How many passengers have we on board?''
26924Ah, he was a soldier?
26924And that boyish American was----"Who?
26924And what are they protesting against?
26924And what do you think of that way? 26924 And what is Mr. Bear doing all that time?"
26924And what is that may I ask?
26924And you would not tell him their names?
26924Are they like our American Indians in looks, since their history is so much like them?
26924But how do you live yourselves; how are you training your children?
26924But there must have been some men to start it?
26924But what has that to do with us?
26924But why do they do it?
26924But why may we not sing''Rock of Ages''?
26924But you; you know better? 26924 Did he eat it himself?"
26924Did he really mean it?
26924Did the old man eat that one?
26924Did the old man, whom we had decided was more of an animal than a human being, eat that one?
26924Did they do it?
26924Did twenty millions of people all get together then, and plan?
26924Do they often indulge in that little friendly game with the Devil?
26924Do you know about the Independence Movement?
26924Do you know him?
26924Do you live in American fashion or Japanese fashion?
26924Do you see these needles?
26924Does he say so?
26924Even though your father married a Scotch woman?
26924Fear of what?
26924From whence did it spring?
26924Had they been tried?
26924Have they a history?
26924Have you a family?
26924Have you a mother?
26924Have you seen Korean kiddies with flags painted on their stomachs?
26924How could you stand it?
26924How did you feel?
26924How did you guess it, my friend?
26924How do they worship bears and kill them at the same time?
26924How long will they stay with us?
26924How many children?
26924How old are they?
26924Is it getting better or worse?
26924Is n''t it just a sort of an appendix of China, after all? 26924 Is there no one who had charge of this movement from the beginning?"
26924My God man; you do n''t mean that they let the dogs eat their babies because they are afraid of the devil?
26924Now what are you going to do?
26924Now will you refrain from yelling''Mansei?''
26924One dog he a great, what you call him-- Coolie? 26924 Perhaps the good Christian God is lighting the fires for you?"
26924Perhaps? 26924 Sauci,"said he to her, recognizing her for an intelligent Korean girl,"why do not the Koreans like us?"
26924Since when was it begun?
26924So that''s what they''re waiting for; to undress us?
26924Sun''s got who, fool? 26924 The big dog say,''Little dog, for why you have your tail all bandaged up like that?
26924The old idea of a fear religion, a fear social life, a fear family life and a fear surgery prevails in Korea as it does in China?
26924Then what will your children do when they grow a bit older and go out on the streets and yell this cry?
26924There is what?
26924What are you doing in Japan?
26924What are you doing, my boy?
26924What did you do?
26924What do you mean?
26924What do you mean?
26924What do you most need?
26924What do you want?
26924What do you want?
26924What does Japan most need to learn?
26924What had happened?
26924What is his name?
26924What is it?
26924What is your occupation?
26924What kind are you looking for?
26924What was that for?
26924What would be the worst of it?
26924What would have happened if somebody in a fit of patriotism had shouted''Mansei''?
26924What''s the matter, Pop?
26924What? 26924 Where did you find them?"
26924Where is it that fear holds sway?
26924Who tells you to do these things; you students? 26924 Why are they making all this fuss over Shantung?"
26924Why are you leaving a good position and going to Java?
26924Why did he beat you?
26924Why did n''t you fire him?
26924Why do they kill girl babies?
26924Why do you not sit down and eat with us?
26924Why is that strange wall built in front of every household door and even before the Temples?
26924Why is that? 26924 Why should you not give them?"
26924Why will you not marry James?
26924Will I not get to meet her before I go?
26924Will there be any Japs in Heaven?
26924Will they get it?
26924You speak good English?
26924''Surely not the mother?''
26924Are you here again?
26924But why such a thought at this ungodly hour?
26924Can this scene be duplicated in Formosa and Korea, where the Japanese hold sway?
26924Despise the mother?
26924Do you not like that way better than the Korean way?"
26924Does that sound as if it might be China''s appendix?
26924Hate the Priest?
26924He did it in the following language as nearly as I can remember it:"I feel like a cartoon I see in your peculiar paper-- what you call him--_Puck_?
26924Her lover?"
26924I said to a high official of the Government,"Does that painting represent the way you Filipinos feel to- day?"
26924I said to him"Are things better or worse in Korea?"
26924I said to this missionary, who had just arrived from Korea,"Is it true that the cruelties have stopped in Korea?"
26924I took dinner in Shanghai with one of the foremost merchant princes of China and said,"Are you selling any Japanese- made goods?"
26924Mr. Choi said,''What do you want me to confess?
26924No-- he bin in that peculiar paper,_ Life_?
26924One Korean child said,"Do we have to put in that little group of islands east of the coast of China?"
26924The missionary woman said to the Korean when the Jap ran;"Why do you not report this to the Japanese police?"
26924Then much to my astonishment this Kansas man turned to me, and said,"Did it ever occur to you that these fields of Shantung look just like Kansas?"
26924Was it something like our''button, button, whose got the button?''"
26924What a painting they would make?"
26924What about your children, when they take sick?"
26924Who but a group of insane foreigners would drop into a town at three o''clock in the morning with a blizzard blowing?
26924Who could pass up that group of a dozen little rascals who followed us through the ruins of the old Summer Palace?
26924Who could resist their imitations of everything one did?
26924Who teaches you to treat your Japanese teachers in that manner?"
26924You have an accident?''
26924You have been in an American School?"
26924_ Judge_?
26924asked the Japanese official,"Did the visitor tell you how to run your house?"
27347Am I not clean?
27347Am I not healthy? 27347 And that is contrary to the system?"
27347And that one thing?
27347Are you getting your share of applications? 27347 At least,"he said,"you do not pretend that this is religion?"
27347But how can they govern what they ca n''t even see?
27347But why should the proper thing be done?
27347But your friend?
27347Can the souls of men be reincarnated as animals?
27347How about these beautiful spring days for hustling? 27347 Meaning by Culture?"
27347No,said my friend,"but do n''t you wish they were?"
27347One does not expect--why not?
27347Rocks that are bones, earth that is flesh, what, what do you mean Eyeing me silently? 27347 So many times the question is asked,''Why is it, and how is it, that Mr. So- and- so writes so much business?
27347The system?
27347Then what is this that looks like Life?
27347What_ do_ you want? 27347 Who can say?"
27347Why do you do it?
27347Why worry us?
27347_ Instead of being ashamed of his calling, he should be mortally ashamed of his not calling._Are you happy in your work?
27347_ Master._ But, my dear sir, why should you call it an earthen image? 27347 ANTÆUS 211 CONCLUDING ESSAY 218 PART I INDIA I IN THE RED SEABut why do you do it?"
27347Am I not athletic and efficient?"
27347And China does not change?
27347And after burial?
27347And in all this, is there no room for God?
27347And is not the following exactly parallel to a denunciation, from the mission- pulpit, of the unprofitable servant?
27347And should we ever have been presented with that new shibboleth"unassimilable"?
27347And the Jade Emperor-- is he a mere idol?
27347And the music?
27347And the other?
27347And what sense would there be if duty were nonsense?
27347And, if you do n''t, what becomes of your reputation?"
27347And--"would you believe it?"
27347Are there any opposites that exclude one another?
27347Are these people idolaters, these dignified old men, these serious youths, these earnest, grave musicians?
27347Are you?"
27347As we waited for the tram, someone said,"Would you like to see Kali?"
27347Because of the position of women?
27347But China?
27347But can you imagine a rural council in England breaking into this personal note?
27347But if education is to mean the substitution of the gramophone and music- hall songs for this traditional art, these native hymns?
27347But there was-- has the reader ever heard the second-- or is it the third?--overture to"Leonora"?
27347But they may say, some of them, as the Indian will certainly say,"Is that all?
27347But where is our sacred mountain?
27347But will their civilisation be of a kind to invite such reflection?
27347But, really, does anyone-- does any man of business-- think it a better education than Greek?
27347Can the ice be changed into red coal in your hearts?
27347Can we not save him?
27347Come along!--Success?
27347Could I have a bathing costume?
27347Did a host move out to meet the foe?
27347Did a wounded hero fall?
27347Did he see a warrior fall?
27347Did not we discover them?
27347Did not we squat upon them?
27347Divine somehow in its potentialities?
27347Divine to a deeper vision than mine?
27347Do I love God?
27347Do n''t you see?
27347Do you hear it?
27347Do you see it?
27347Drama was it?
27347Faster and faster, louder and louder, more and more intensely, crying and flaming towards-- what?
27347For good or for evil?
27347Forget what?
27347Had the writer, I wonder, ever been in Japan?
27347Had there been anyone?
27347Have I myself known God?
27347Have we not''mixed our labour with them''?"
27347Have you no place for the Eternal and the Infinite?"
27347Have you not observed?
27347He regrets to have missed my visit; will I not return and let him show me the school?
27347He thinks to himself,''Is it possible that the thought of God can make a man forget the world?
27347How can I describe it?
27347How long will it last?
27347How real is it, even now?
27347I reached the hotel; I bowed and smiled to the group of kow- towing girls; but how to tell them that I wanted a bathe and a meal?
27347I wonder?
27347III ULSTER IN INDIA"Are you a Home Ruler?"
27347If detected, will it be prosecuted?
27347If it is illegal, will it be detected?
27347If some other agent is up early, wide- awake and alert, putting in from ten to fifteen hours per day, he is bound to do business, is n''t he?
27347If the Japanese had had white skins, should we ever have heard of the economic argument?
27347In this respect what nation can compete with them?
27347Interesting, is it not?
27347Is East East?
27347Is West West?
27347Is he Buddhist or Taoist?
27347Is he right?
27347Is it Gounod''s"Faust"or an Anglican hymn?
27347Is it courage?
27347Is it family life?
27347Is it honesty?
27347Is it industry?
27347Is it sexual purity?
27347Is not that delightful?
27347Is patriotism the standard?
27347Is there also an East?
27347Is there going to be a melody?"
27347Might not this almost as well have been an address from the headquarters of the Salvation Army?
27347On that point, what Western nation can hold up its head?
27347On the contrary, I was pressed, urged, implored almost with tears in the eye-- to reform them?
27347Once more, what_ do_ the foreigners want?
27347Once more, what_ does_ he want?
27347Or am I wrong?
27347Or opera?
27347Or the wholesale massacre, robbery, and devastation which followed when the siege was relieved?
27347Or what?
27347Or_ is_ it divine?
27347Really, sir, what are we to think?"
27347Sacred to what god?
27347Streams that are voices, what, what do you say?
27347The men were dead, then, too?
27347The one or two children who died in the Legation, and the one or two men who were killed?
27347The question is a large one; but, summarily, where do the Japanese fail, as compared with the Western nations?
27347The real question is, will it pay?
27347This is the shop!--Health?
27347To what result?
27347To what, in fact, are most people on this continent turning theirs?
27347WHY IS IT?
27347Was battle engaged?
27347Was it Homer or Shelley that grasped Reality?
27347Was there a real voice?
27347Was there nothing else?
27347Was this India or Athens?
27347What English agricultural labourer would do as much?
27347What are our resources for evading or defeating the law?
27347What business have I to go about preaching to others?
27347What do they do with it when they get there?"
27347What has happened to religion?
27347What is it?
27347What is the sun?"
27347What is this?
27347What is this?
27347What is this?
27347What manner of man, then, was this Sri Ramakrishna?
27347What matters the form of the struggle, whether it be in arms or commerce, whether the victory go to the sword, or to shoddy, advertisement, and fraud?
27347What messages were they, I wondered, that were passing across the mountains?
27347What now is Sri Ramakrishna''s view of this matter?
27347What of it?
27347What of the honesty of the West?
27347What people are braver?
27347What really makes this difference?
27347What then?
27347What_ do_ foreigners want?
27347When men worship the mountain, do they worship a rock, or the spirit of the place, or the spirit that has no place?
27347Where could I change?
27347Where, in all the country, that charming mythology which once in Greece and Italy, as now in China, was the outward expression of the love of nature?
27347Where, outside the East, is found such solidarity as in Japan?
27347Who is more industrious?
27347Why did it spring?
27347Why is it then, that She has bound us hand and foot with the chains of the world?
27347Why then should I reason?
27347Why, in this respect, is America, as undoubtedly she is, so sterile?
27347will it please Theophilus P. Polk or vex Harriman Q. Kunz?
39474But at least you gave them food?
39474But how did they live?
39474But suppose they failed to bring food, what became of the workmen?
39474But surely you paid them wages?
39474Do missionaries do any good?
39474Do you really mean to say,I asked,"that there are tigers here in this valley?"
39474Do you see that strip of woods yonder?
39474Do you see yonder small mountain?
39474Have the English any right in India?
39474Is it not all a farce?
39474Of the first dynasty?
39474You are going to Lucknow?
39474( Did not this suggest to later Roman mythologists the river Styx, and the boatman Charon who conveyed departed souls to the gloomy shades of Pluto?)
39474( Was it here that Pythagoras, who studied in Egypt, obtained his doctrine of the transmigration of souls?)
39474An American poet sings:"What is so rare as a day in June?"
39474And are we not all pilgrims?
39474And how has England used her power?
39474And now of all this magnificence and glory of the ancient capital of Egypt, what remains?
39474And when their working days are over, can they not be cared for as well as the Hindoos care for old horses and camels?
39474And why?
39474Are they like English or American Christians?
39474Are they loyal?
39474As I ride about I ask myself, Am I on the earth, or in the moon?
39474Besides the temptation of such trinkets, who could resist the insinuating manner of the women who brought them?
39474But for young men who are already educated in the government colleges, is there any way of reaching_ them_?
39474But how came all this blood to be shed?
39474But how can I convey to others what is but a picture in my memory?
39474But how could the Khedive propose a change which was a virtual surrender of his own absolute power?
39474But how were we to get back to Saharanpur?
39474But if the fortune of war be against him, who so well as the devout Mussulman knows how to suffer and to die?
39474But is it not practically impossible?
39474But is there any hope of seeing Hindooism destroyed?
39474But may there not have been a secret passage to the top?
39474But what can one say of the desert?
39474But what could it do so long as foreigners were selling opium in Canton, right before its eyes?
39474But what if a wild elephant should come out upon us?
39474But what signifies destroying slavery in the interior of Africa, when a system still more intolerable exists in Egypt itself?
39474But what sort of Christians are they?
39474But what were the gods they adored, and what sort of worship did they render, and how did all this act on the life and character of the people?
39474But when and how?
39474But when was English courage known to fail?
39474But who would have sunshine_ forever_?
39474Can any one estimate the influence of such a man, with his gentle wife at his side, who is also active both in teaching and in every form of charity?
39474Can these things be, and we look on unmoved?
39474Can we wonder that they hesitate to be sacrificed, and beg their government to move slowly?
39474Do we need any other argument for Christian missions?
39474Do we not all belong to that slow moving caravan, that marches steadily across the waste and disappears in the horizon?
39474Does it make men better or worse-- happy or unhappy?
39474Does not this simple statement furnish a perfect defence, and even an imperative demand for their establishment?
39474Does this seem very hard?
39474Egypt is a country with a long past, as we found in going up the Nile; may we not hope, also, with a not inglorious future?
39474Has he also the gift of political wisdom?
39474Has not England something to answer for?
39474Has there been any change for the better since the great impeacher of Warren Hastings went to his grave?
39474Have I not a right to say that to know men is to love them, not to hate them nor despise them?
39474Help, if it come at all, must come from without, and where else can it come from, but from lands beyond the sea?
39474How are they affected towards the English government?
39474How came they to the happy seats Of everlasting day?
39474How can a people be pure, when their very religion is a fountain of pollution?
39474How has England governed India since that day?
39474How much progress have the Egyptians made in four thousand years?
39474How then are they to be reached?
39474How then could a Mohammedan ruler establish his throne without exterminating the inhabitants?
39474I ask, What idea do the Hindoos attach to bathing in the Ganges?
39474I asked him what was the best guide- book to Egypt?
39474I can not go down the steps without a dozen rushing toward me, calling out"Doctor, want a donkey?"
39474I had read much of"the mild Hindoo"and"the learned Brahmin,"and I asked myself, May not their religion have some elements of good?
39474I have asked many times, What gave the name to the Red Sea?
39474I heard a noise overhead, and asked,''What is that?''
39474I know not what sudden freak of fancy took me just then, perhaps I thought, How would it seem to be a king even in his tomb?
39474I stand on the bank of the Great River, and ask if it brings not some secret out of the heart of Africa?
39474If England by her own wicked policy provoked the Mutiny, is she not guilty of the blood of her children?
39474If God be for us, who can be against us?
39474If she has suffered terribly, did she not pay the penalty of her own grasping ambition?
39474If such be the heat in January, what must it be in July?
39474If they may fight this battle in England, may we not fight the battle of truth with error and ignorance in Hindostan?
39474If with all these things against them, English skill and courage and discipline triumphed at last, can it ever be put to such a test again?
39474In that day will not nature share in the joy of man''s deliverance?
39474Is it a good or bad faith?
39474Is it not better at least than no religion?
39474Is it not often so in life?
39474Is it purification or expiation, or both?
39474Is it something in the air, that quickens the blood, and reacts upon the brain?
39474Is it strange that God should choose such a vast and silent temple as this for the education of those whom He would set apart for his own service?
39474Is it the putting away of sin by the washing of water; the cleansing of the body for the sins of the soul?
39474Is it too much to believe that there is a great future in store for South Eastern Asia?
39474Is not life a desert, where, as on the sea, all paths are lost, and the traveller can only keep his course by observations on the stars?
39474Is not this a sign of progress, of an era of peace and good will?
39474Is there then any good reason-- any_ raison d''être_--for the establishment of missions in India?
39474It has been one of the problems of physical geographers: What was the_ use_ of deserts in the economy of nature?
39474It has been well said,"We are told that knowledge is power, but who has considered the power of ignorance?"
39474It was very tempting, but what could we do without guides or interpreters?
39474May we not get a hint from this for our instruction in America, where some of our best men are making earnest efforts for civil service reform?
39474May we not take this as a sign of the way in which the Christian faith will stand against all the false religions of India?
39474Might he not have risen in wrath out of his sarcophagus to see these frivolous moderns thus making merry in the place of his sepulture?
39474Needs it any argument to show how impossible is good government under a creed in which there is no recognition of justice and equality?
39474Or is it the sensation of rising into a higher atmosphere, of"going up into heaven?"
39474Or is there in it some idea of atonement?
39474Pursuing my inquiry into the character of her neighbors, I asked,"Have you any snakes about here?"
39474Shall she be left to herself, shut up between her seas and her mountains?
39474Take it all in all, would you make the exchange?
39474Taking it as an emblem of Christian truth, where is the chief corner- stone?
39474The mountains smoke, and why not the Dutch?
39474The same question has been raised in regard to the sea: Why is it that three- fourths of the globe are covered by water?
39474This is certainly a curious coincidence, but may it not prove simply that the latter was derived from the former?
39474Thus moving on in these slow and endless marches, what so natural as that the camel- riders should beguile their solitude with song?
39474To add to the weirdness of the scene, the Arabs asked if we would like to see them perform one of their native dances?
39474Was it not too bad that he could not be allowed to go to heaven in his own way?
39474Was there ever a more complete and utter desolation?
39474Was there ever a more touching inscription?
39474Was there ever such a scene-- men, women, and children, by tens of thousands, in all stages of nakedness, pressing towards the sacred river?
39474We asked why the Regent did not go abroad to see the world?
39474We can only answer these questions by asking another: Who are meant by the people of India?
39474What answer can be made to it?
39474What are all the observatories of Greenwich, and Paris and Pulkowa, to such a rock- built citadel as the Great Pyramid?
39474What can man do in the Arctic circle against the cold that locks up whole continents in ice?
39474What does it all mean?
39474What impression then could he make outside of the circle of his court?
39474What is the fascination of this religious observance?
39474What is the magic of a name?
39474What is the secret of its power, by which it lives on from century to century, and seems as if it could not but by annihilating die?
39474What must be the effect on the Hindoo mind of such a system, founded in justice, and enforced by a power which they can not resist?
39474What painter that has visited Egypt has not tried to put on canvas that after- glow on the Nile, which is alike his wonder and his despair?
39474What right have a handful of Englishmen, so far from their native island, in another hemisphere, to claim dominion over two hundred millions of men?
39474What right have we to pronounce on his opinions and conduct any more than he upon ours?
39474What would be thought of an avenue nearly two miles long, lined with over twelve hundred colossal sphinxes?
39474What would he have said to see such a party disturbing the place of his rest at such an hour as this?
39474When I asked,"Have you many leopards about here?"
39474Who can but respect a people that honor their fathers and mothers in a way to furnish an example to the whole Christian world?
39474Who can put bounds to such a race, that not content with a quarter of Asia, overflows so much of the remaining parts of the Eastern hemisphere?
39474Who can understand Hindooism-- where it begins and where it ends?
39474Who shall deliver them from the body of this death?
39474Why is it that we feel such exhilaration in climbing mountains?
39474Why should not man smoke, when even the earth itself respires through smoke and flame?
39474Will anybody tell me that the people of India, if left alone, would have built their own railways?
39474Will it be content with what it has gained, or will it press still further, and force China to the wall?
39474Will the people of India wish to rise?
39474With his Republican ideas of the right of every nation to govern itself, he can not help asking: What business have the English in India?
39474With such a consciousness of duty done, who could fear to die?
39474With such an advance in less than one generation, what may we not hope in the generation to come?
39474With such results of English rule, who would not wish that it might continue?
39474With such support to his physical weakness, who could not listen patiently to a man who was on his knees before him pleading for his life?
39474Yet what do they all teach the anxious and troubled heart of man?
39474_ Life_ in the desert?
39474do you keep a family snake?''
39474who indeed exaggerate their reverence to such a degree that they even worship their ancestors?