This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
34419 | Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson | The Ancient Law | nan | 122396 | 6528 | nan | ./cache/34419.txt | ./txt/34419.txt |
14895 | Habberton, John | All He Knew: A Story | nan | 42839 | 2600 | nan | ./cache/14895.txt | ./txt/14895.txt |
48731 | Hugo, Victor | Les Misérables, v. 1/5: Fantine | nan | 110641 | 6694 | nan | ./cache/48731.txt | ./txt/48731.txt |
56161 | Kaye-Smith, Sheila | The Three Furlongers | nan | 72211 | 5670 | nan | ./cache/56161.txt | ./txt/56161.txt |
62964 | LM (Leslie Moore) | The Peacock Feather: A Romance | nan | 57950 | 4551 | nan | ./cache/62964.txt | ./txt/62964.txt |
40176 | Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe | Pippin; A Wandering Flame | nan | 89571 | 8586 | nan | ./cache/40176.txt | ./txt/40176.txt |
41180 | Scott, Leroy | To Him That Hath | nan | 103199 | 8561 | nan | ./cache/41180.txt | ./txt/41180.txt |