This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
49579 | Burnett, Frances Hodgson | Little Lord Fauntleroy [abridged]: Für den Schulgebrauch bearbeitet | nan | 43882 | 5211 | nan | ./cache/49579.txt | ./txt/49579.txt |
61186 | De Vet, Charles V. | Gramp | nan | 2553 | 249 | nan | ./cache/61186.txt | ./txt/61186.txt |
36166 | Hall, Edith King | That Little Beggar | nan | 27165 | 2147 | nan | ./cache/36166.txt | ./txt/36166.txt |
20963 | Molesworth, Mrs. | Grandmother Dear: A Book for Boys and Girls | nan | 56231 | 4074 | nan | ./cache/20963.txt | ./txt/20963.txt |
26310 | Molesworth, Mrs. | My New Home | nan | 44359 | 2851 | nan | ./cache/26310.txt | ./txt/26310.txt |
48593 | Pyle, Katharine | As the Goose Flies | nan | 26898 | 2246 | nan | ./cache/48593.txt | ./txt/48593.txt |