
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
56550His two sons, Zipacna and Cabrakan( earth- heaper[ 4](?)
56550How did the American peoples regard this drear abode?
56550If not regarded as gods, then, what were they?
56550which is translated:"Is the dawn about to be?
7072Ah, senor mio,cried the superintendent,"Y como esta usted?
7072And keep the whole town awake all night?
7072And where do I get this official permission?
7072But what do people eat and drink in La Paz? 7072 But why not?"
7072Do you mean to say three caballeros with money and passports-- and shoes are denied admittance to the great and famous Republic of Guatemala?
7072Gar-- How''s that, señor?
7072May I pass the night with you?
7072No revólver?
7072Suppose you had taken a picture of our fortress and garrison here?
7072What are you doing here?
7072What''s he got that for?
7072What''s up now?
7072Why not?
7072Why the idle curiosity?
7072Yet necessary?
7072A bargain, eh?
7072But how can there be life and laughter where a half- dozen blankets are incapable of keeping the promenaders comfortable?
7072But what would you?
7072But"he and she both wanted,"so"qué quiera usté''"?
7072Como''stá uste- e- é?
7072Cómo no?
7072D''onde viene?
7072Do you not wish to accompany me?
7072Every one did it, why should n''t any one?
7072For were there not a score of Indians waiting outside eager to pay as well for masses, confessions, and all the rest of his own hocuspocus?
7072Grass and water?"
7072Have you a pass to go through our department?"
7072He had heard that I could"put people on paper,"and would I put his wife on paper in return for his kindness in giving me posada?
7072He showed no funk, and when ordered to undress turned to the"gringo"manager with:"Me too, jefe?"
7072Here and there were pulquerías full of besotted, shouting men-- and who would not drink to drown such misery?
7072How did they resist eating up their own wares?
7072I asked how many deaths the collection represented, and the director shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent"Quién sabe?"
7072La familia buena?
7072My aunt might be holding some social affair, or be sick or-- But we will surely call at her mansion to- morrow, and--""Como usted quiera?"
7072What is there about the palm- tree so romantic and pleasing to the spirits?
7072What must it be in the dry?
7072Why could n''t I do it now?
7072Why did they not spring upon me and snatch the purse I displayed or die in the attempt?
7072Why did they not suddenly rise and sack the city?
7072Why should man work when his food drops year by year into his lap without even replanting?
7072and"How much did this cost?--and that?"
7072to make the pretty little mouse- colored donkey he was riding keep up with me-- and what did I think he paid for him?