
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
59420Why hear for a distance of 100 meters when the enemy trench is only 40 meters away?
44734How are they to be taken care of?
44734What is to be done with them?
44734What was to be done?
53126A. and bomb stores?
53126Am I as_ offensive_ as I might be with organized snipers, sniperscopes, rifle grenades, etc., and patrols?
53126Am I as_ offensive_ as I might be with organized snipers, sniperscopes, rifle grenades, etc., and patrols?
53126Am I doing all I can to make this line as strong as possible?
53126Am I doing all I can to make this line as strong as possible?
53126Am I doing all I can to prevent my men getting"trench feet"?
53126Are all my rifles and ammunition clean and in good order?
53126Are dugouts and shelters kept clean and tidy?
53126Are live rounds and cases properly collected?
53126Are my bags for refuse and empties in position?
53126Are my listening patrols properly detailed?
53126Are my men drinking water from any but authorized sources?
53126Are my men using wood from the defenses as firewood?
53126Are my parapets and traverses bullet proof everywhere?
53126Are my sentries in their right places?
53126Are my trenches as dry as I might make them?
53126Are the arrangements for cooking and the care of rations as clean and sanitary as they can be made?
53126Are the arrangements, in case of gas attack complete and known to all ranks?
53126Are the magazines kept charged?
53126Are the orders as to wearing equipment carried out?
53126Are the trenches as clean and as sanitary as they might be?
53126Are they under cover from the weather?
53126Do I connect up all right with the platoons on my right and left?
53126Do I know the position of my nearest support?
53126Do all my men know their duties in case of attack-- bombers especially?
53126Does every man know his firing position, and can he fire from it, over the parapet, at the foot of the wire?
53126Have I carefully studied the ground in front and noted all places where Germans expose themselves or are likely to do so?
53126Have I got the S. O. S. message in my pocket, and do I know the orders regarding its use?
53126Have all the men got rifle covers?
53126Have my men always got their box respirators on them, and are they in good order?
53126Have they received proper instructions?
53126How can I prevent my parapets and dugouts from falling in?
53126Is my wire strong enough?
53126What points in front particularly require patrolling at night?
53126Where are my listening posts?
53126Where are my sally ports and gaps in my wire?
443701.--What inspections should be made on the day before the relief?
443701.--What is the difference between"trench warfare"and"open warfare"?
4437010.--What precautions may be taken against capture of fire- trench?
4437010.--When should close order be abandoned for deployment?
44370106.--Is open warfare probable?
4437011.--At what distance from the enemy does deployment become imperative?
4437011.--What does trench warfare correspond to in open warfare?
4437012.--What does the safety of a sector depend on?
4437012.--What is the last formation to escape direct observation?
4437013.--What is the fundamental duty in trench warfare?
4437013.--What precautions may be taken against aeroplane observations?
4437014.--What is the difference between a registering fire and fire for effect?
4437014.--What rule determines the number of men to be posted in the fire- trench?
4437015.--How may the German registering fire be recognized?
4437016.--What is meant by double sentinels?
4437016.--What precaution may be taken against it and why is it effective?
4437017.--What preliminaries are necessary to open fire for effect?
4437017.--Why is listening attentively even more important than keeping a sharp look out?
4437018.--What is an easy way to recognize whether fire for effect may be expected?
4437018.--Why should the sentinels refrain from answering the enemy''s fire?
4437019.--What five cases of fire may be distinguished?
4437019.--What is expected of the men in the listening posts?
443702.--What is meant by the"combat"?
4437020.--What is the burst area of a shrapnel shell?
4437020.--When should the sentinels fire on a clear night?
4437021.--What is the safest protective formation against shrapnel?
4437021.--What should the sentinels do, if they hear the enemy''s digging?
4437022.--What is the difference between a shrapnel shell, a time- fuse high explosive shell and a percussion high explosive shell?
4437022.--When and where are sharpshooters posted and what is their duty?
4437023.--What information may patrols bring back?
4437023.--What is the burst area of a time- fuse high explosive shell?
4437024.--What is the safest protective formation against it?
4437024.--When should patrols be sent out and how should they be assigned?
4437025.--What is the burst area of percussion high explosive shells, and what precautions can be taken against them?
4437025.--What should the sentinels along a sector know about the patrols, and the several possible patrols know about one another?
4437026.--What is the safest protective formation against all types of shells?
4437027.--What objections may it be open to?
4437028.--What is the safest way and direction to go when under artillery fire?
4437028.--What should they do on encountering a hostile patrol?
4437029.--What should be the motto of men on patrol?
4437029.--Why should small woods be avoided?
443703.--What are the two phases of the combat?
443703.--What may be the marching orders, on the way to the trenches?
4437030.--In large woods, what precautions must be taken to secure a steady advance?
4437030.--What are some of the most useful informations about the enemy, you should try to obtain?
4437031.--How should the exit from a wood be made?
4437031.--What motto should you have about ammunition?
4437033.--What are good protective formations against cavalry and how is it repulsed?
4437033.--What is the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate ruses?
4437034.--On what principle is the enemy''s ruse of the use of blank cartridges based?
4437034.--What elements have the mission to deal with cavalry patrols?
4437035.--How may this ruse be foiled?
4437035.--What is meant by"the objective"in attack?
4437036.--What is the distinction between determining the objective and the position from which to start the attack?
4437036.--What should the sentinels, and what should the men on patrol do, when the enemy sends up flares?
4437037.--How should the enemy''s machine gun fire be answered?
4437037.--What is the distinction between"the approach"and getting into position for the attack?
4437038.--At what distance from the enemy does deployment as skirmishers become imperative?
4437039.--When are the trench mortars and the machine guns fired?
443704.--What is the distinction between"the approach"and the"attack"?
4437040.--How are hand grenades thrown?
4437040.--Where should the officers be during this advance?
4437041.--How is liaison( communication) secured between the various commands?
4437041.--Where should the rifle fire be aimed?
4437042.--What is meant by the fire attack?
4437042.--When are bayonets used?
4437043.--Is it sufficient to repulse an attack?
4437044.--How is the time to fire determined?
4437044.--What formation should be adopted for the counter attack?
4437045.--How are fire control and fire effect secured?
4437045.--How is the advance made and the counter attack carried out?
4437046.--How is the firing line advanced?
4437047.--How is it rectified?
4437047.--What should be done, if the enemy bombards the fire- trench?
4437048.--What should the sentinels do?
4437048.--Why should care be taken not to have men out of breath?
4437049.--How should machine guns be made to contribute to the approach, the fire attack, the charge?
4437049.--What should be done if the bombardment is back of the fire- trench?
443705.--What other precautions should be taken?
443705.--Why is maneuvering impossible under infantry fire?
4437050.--How far should the company supports be from the firing line?
4437050.--What general rule applies to the use of all trench artillery?
4437051.--What are its ordinary objectives?
4437051.--Who commands them?
4437052.--How are trench mortars handled?
4437052.--How is the firing line reinforced?
4437053.--What is meant by calling trench- artillery mobile weapons?
4437055.--What is essential to secure effective artillery fire?
4437055.--What is the final stage of the whole attack?
4437056.--What should be done if one''s own artillery fire falls short upon one''s own trenches?
4437056.--Who orders the charge and how is it made?
4437057.--How is coordination between artillery and infantry secured in case of a raid?
4437057.--What is the difference between the charge and the pursuit?
4437058.--What are the principal items of the morning schedule, of the afternoon schedule?
4437058.--What should be done with a newly conquered position?
4437059.--What is the first objective in attacking a wood?
443706.--What is the purpose of the approach?
443706.--What should the company commander attend to on reaching the trenches?
4437060.--How does the aim of the troops on the wings differ from that of those in the center?
4437060.--What orders are given at the time of relief?
4437061.--What is done before the men are dismissed to their billets?
4437062.--How should the days in rest billets be utilized?
4437065.--What should be the supreme aim alike of men and officers?
4437065.--Why should night attacks be of limited scope?
4437066.--What special precautions should be taken?
4437067.--What is the largest unit advisable?
4437068.--How is surprise secured?
443707.--How are orders issued?
443707.--What possible improvements of trenches are obviously called for?
4437070.--Should the enemy''s fire be answered in a night attack?
4437071.--What does the success of a night attack chiefly depend on?
4437072.--How should troops be distributed for the defense of woods and what is the function of each?
4437074.--How should the outskirts defense be organized?
4437076.--How can a defile be kept open for an advance?
4437077.--How can a defile be safeguarded for a retreat?
443708.--How is liaison secured?
443708.--What special attention should be given the parapet?
4437081.--Is an attack ever advisable without previous reconnaissance?
4437083.--What is the best time to launch a counter attack?
4437084.--What precautions must be taken to secure the success of a counter attack?
4437085.--What is a good motto under all conditions, but especially in the attack?
443709.--What were the original functions of combat patrols?
44370Are snipers placed in trees during the day and at night?
44370Are they planning any raids?
44370At what time are rations brought or served?
44370Do they anticipate raids by us?
44370Do they have grenades and how are they relieved?
44370Have they any asphyxiating gas or liquid fire apparatus?
44370Have they any idea of our own activities?
44370How are they dressed and armed?
44370How many advanced posts?
44370How many men are sent out on patrol, how often, at what time, by what route coming and going?
44370How many men in each, by day and by night?
44370How many regular army officers, how many reserve officers?
44370How strongly are your various lines held?
44370Post and the officers''dugouts?
44370What are their instructions?
44370What do the men think of their officers?
44370What does the enemy know about our own patrols?
44370What is the actual muster of the company?
44370What is the location of their machine guns, trench mortars?
44370What is the nature and the location of their accessory defences?
44370What parts of our sectors can they see?
44370What work are they carrying on during the day and at night?
44370When, on a dark night?