
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
19366Do n''t you think, little friends, that this little tale ends In the very best kind of way?
19366Well, what do you know about that?"
31342So they lived and looked pleased-- They were petted not teased-- Now what do you think of that?
48420Are n''t you glad we came?
48420Are you sure this is the right way?
48420Are you sure you can find the way, Jazbury?
48420Are you there, Jazbury?
48420But are n''t you going to help us?
48420But how did it happen?
48420But how ever did you manage to do it?
48420But what are you going to do about it?
48420But wo n''t you show us the way home first?
48420Ca n''t you come over in my yard to play?
48420Did you bring it home?
48420Did you catch anything?
48420Did you ever see anything as dirty as the black one?
48420Did you ever see such a little wildcat?
48420Did you fall into a bucket?
48420Did you go away with that Yowler cat?
48420Did you, Jazbury? 48420 Do n''t you like it there?"
48420Do n''t you wish we were home?
48420Do you see this fence? 48420 Going to catch it?"
48420Had pretty good times, did n''t you?
48420He wo n''t tell; will you, Fluffy?
48420How do you suppose they ever got here?
48420I do n''t have to go; do I, Jazbury?
48420Is n''t he a fine catcher? 48420 Is n''t he too sweet?"
48420Is n''t it fun, Fluffy?
48420Now what shall we do?
48420Oh, could you? 48420 Oh, is there?"
48420Suppose we meet some dogs?
48420Was n''t that terrible?
48420What are you going to show me?
48420What did I tell you?
48420What did you mean by going off without telling me? 48420 What do you s''pose they''re going to do with us?"
48420What does she do it for? 48420 What is it?
48420What kept you so long?
48420What were you dreaming, dear?
48420What you got there?
48420What you looking so cross about?
48420What''s that, Jazbury?
48420What''s the matter with you, Jazbury?
48420What''s the matter, Jazbury?
48420What''s the matter? 48420 What''s the matter?"
48420What''s the use of my bothering to catch mice?
48420What_ has_ become of him?
48420When are you going?
48420Where are you going to catch it?
48420Where are you going to run to?
48420Where have you been all night?
48420Where have you been?
48420Where is it?
48420Why do n''t we? 48420 Why not?"
48420Why wo n''t you tell me now?
48420Why, Jazbury, what are you crying about now? 48420 Why?"
48420Yes; what shall we do about breakfast?
48420Ai n''t we pardners?
48420But where was Yowler?
48420Can we come, too?"
48420Could you, Jazbury?"
48420Do n''t you remember the feather on his whiskers?
48420Do n''t you want to come, Jaz?
48420Do n''t you want to play?"
48420Do you remember that sort of little cave I found today under that big rock?
48420Get the white one out for me, wo n''t you?
48420Has Jazbury been doing anything?"
48420How would you feel if that happened to you some day?
48420I guess you''d be scared if you tried to catch a mouse as big as that one; would n''t you?"
48420I look as if I''d been in a dry place, do n''t I?
48420May I, Jazbury?
48420May n''t I, Mother?
48420Not again?"
48420So you thought you''d catch me, did you?"
48420Want to come along?
48420What d''you mean by that?
48420What d''you mean?
48420What did I tell you?"
48420What is it?"
48420What shall we do about breakfast?"
48420What shall we do about it?"
48420What would a mouse be doing in the coal- bin?
48420What''s going to become of us?
48420When did I catch any bird?"
48420Where are you bound for?"
48420Where our mommas live?"
48420Where''s Yowler?"
48420Why not?"
48420Without giving me any?
48420Wo n''t Yowler be pleased?
48420You thought you''d catch me, did you?
48420You''re not-- not_ really_ going home?
48420[ Illustration:_ They saw Jazbury dragging something in from the shed beyond_]"Jazbury, what_ have_ you got there?"
48420did you know I lived here?"
22566A what?
22566And the Cowardly Lion?
22566And were you?
22566And when you make a sign she will bring you to her in the Land of Oz?
22566And-- and-- do you eat people?
22566And-- pardon me for the foolish question-- but, are you all invisible?
22566Are the bears invis''ble, too?
22566Are these bears here?
22566Are they real?
22566Are we only half way up?
22566Are you hungry?
22566Are you sure?
22566Are you sure?
22566Are you surprised that you are unable to see the people of Voe?
22566As dead as poss''ble would be pretty dead, would n''t it?
22566But Jim knows his business all right-- don''t you, Jim?
22566But did n''t you cut it almost too short?
22566But how can you get down?
22566But how would it help us to be able to fly?
22566But tell me,said Dorothy,"how did such a brave Champion happen to let the bears eat him?
22566But what am I going to eat?
22566But where are the people?
22566But why destroy my friends?
22566But why did n''t you tell us at first?
22566But why fight at all, in that case?
22566But wo n''t they be veg''table, like everything else here?
22566But_ is_ there any other place?
22566Ca n''t you mend them?
22566Ca n''t you see us?
22566Can he fight?
22566Can your horse talk?
22566Canary- birds?
22566Could n''t you manage to hold me in your arms?
22566Could we fly with them?
22566Did he? 22566 Did n''t you feel the ground shake?"
22566Did the glass houses in your city grow, too?
22566Did you ever see such little pigs before?
22566Did you not wear green whiskers at one time?
22566Did you see that, Dorothy?
22566Do I like fish? 22566 Do I?
22566Do all your people grow on bushes?
22566Do you eat?
22566Do you happen to know whatever became of the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow?
22566Do you mean my kitten must be put in a grave?
22566Do you mean that I''m a freak?
22566Do you mean that Princess Ozma will see this cave in her enchanted picture, and see all of us here, and what we are doing?
22566Do you see that big rock standing on the hillside yonder?
22566Do you take me for a salamander?
22566Do you take me for a tom- cat? 22566 Do you take me for a weasel?
22566Does it hurt to be invis''ble?
22566Does the air bear up your weight?
22566Does the dama- fruit grow on a low bush, and look something like a peach?
22566For the second time?
22566Have you a factory in this place?
22566Have you come to take me to Hugson''s Ranch?
22566Have you ever died yet?
22566How about the birds and beasts and fishes?
22566How are your brains?
22566How big is this hole?
22566How can we do that?
22566How can we go away?
22566How did they happen to be so little?
22566How did you happen to be shod with gold?
22566How does it taste?
22566How is Uncle Henry?
22566How long did you rule the Emerald City, after I left here?
22566How long do you live, after you are picked?
22566How long will it take you to stop my breath?
22566How long will you be with us?
22566How old are you?
22566How old is your mother?
22566How_ can_ we''scape?
22566I live on the fat of the land-- don''t I, Ozma?
22566If it makes you invis''ble, why do you eat it?
22566If that is so,said the boy,"how could he do that wonderful trick with the nine tiny piglets?"
22566In what way?
22566Is Billina a girl?
22566Is Mr. Hugson your uncle?
22566Is it possible that you are a Real Horse?
22566Is n''t it fine?
22566Is n''t it funny?
22566Is n''t she ripe now?
22566Is n''t that a great deal?
22566Is not the Real Horse a beautiful animal?
22566Is that the way to treat my friends?
22566Is this a fairy country?
22566May I eat one of them?
22566May we examine some of these articles?
22566My thoughts are always----"Is this a trial of thoughts, or of kittens?
22566Neither stones nor people?
22566Nine times?
22566Oats? 22566 Of course; ca n''t you see?"
22566Of course; how else could I see it? 22566 Oh; are you hungry?"
22566Sir,said he,"why are you here, in the Land of the Mangaboos?"
22566Suppose the stairs get steeper?
22566Tell me, Eureka,said the Princess, gently:"did you eat my pretty piglet?"
22566Tell us, dear, what do the creatures look like?
22566That would be unlucky, would n''t it?
22566Then why not race with the Sawhorse?
22566Train in?
22566Was Ozma once a boy?
22566Was not the door closed?
22566Well, what then?
22566Well,said another piglet,"you are a wizard, are you not?"
22566Were you ever before shut up in a cave, far under the earth, with no way of getting out?
22566What are Gargoyles?
22566What are those holes up there?
22566What are you going to do with us?
22566What are your products?
22566What brought you back?
22566What curious animal is that which is eating the grass on my lawn?
22566What do you do?
22566What do you mean by that?
22566What do you want?
22566What does all this mean, anyhow?
22566What does that mean?
22566What for?
22566What good is it?
22566What harm can the Gurgles do?
22566What in the world is this?
22566What is he good for?
22566What is your name?
22566What made them fly away?
22566What shall we do now?
22566What shall we do now?
22566What sort of a place is this?
22566What was that?
22566What were you when you were first alive?
22566What will happen if she is guilty?
22566What would you do?
22566What''s that?
22566What''s the matter with you, old man?
22566What''s the use?
22566What''s to become of me?
22566What''s wrong?
22566What, the hinges?
22566Where are they?
22566Where are they?
22566Where are you?
22566Where did you come from?
22566Where did you grow?
22566Where do you come from, then?
22566Where does it lead to?
22566Where in the world have you been, my lad?
22566Where is Dorothy?
22566Where is she?
22566Where is she?
22566Where is that Magic Belt?
22566Where is the House of the Sorcerer?
22566Where is your mother?
22566Where shall we stay?
22566Where''s my milk?
22566Where? 22566 Wherever have you been, Eureka?"
22566Which wings must I flop first?
22566Who accuses me?
22566Who are they?
22566Who built these lovely bridges?
22566Who did you say it was?
22566Who is Ozma?
22566Who is this?
22566Who said so?
22566Who will be the jury?
22566Why did you leave the surface of the earth?
22566Why did you wickedly and viciously send the Rain of Stones to crack and break our houses?
22566Why do n''t you walk down?
22566Why do you not eat the damas?
22566Why do you want me?
22566Why have you dared to intrude your unwelcome persons into the secluded Land of the Mangaboos?
22566Why not let them live?
22566Why not?
22566Why should n''t I?
22566Why, where''s Eureka?
22566Will it hurt?
22566Will there be any more Rains?
22566Would such a gentle animal be guilty of eating a fellow creature? 22566 Your Highness,"cried the Woggle- Bug, appealing to Ozma,"have I a mind''s eye, or have n''t I?"
22566Am I talking?
22566And if he was invis''ble, and the bears invis''ble, who knows that they really ate him up?"
22566Are you guilty, or not guilty?"
22566Are you not vegetable, also?"
22566Are you ready?"
22566But I did n''t see them go; did you?"
22566But it''s a big hollow, is n''t it?"
22566Can you match that pedigree, little girl?"
22566Can you remember any breakfast that I''ve had today?"
22566Can you talk?"
22566Could n''t you, Zeb?"
22566Do n''t you remember how the Champion escaped them by shouting his battle- cry?"
22566Do n''t you see their terrible eyes?"
22566Do you ever make mistakes?"
22566Do you like fish?"
22566Have n''t you heard of him?"
22566Have you breakfasted, Sir Horse?"
22566Have you them here with you?"
22566He has won the race, and won it fairly; but what can a horse of flesh do against a tireless beast of wood?"
22566I can see her, in my mind''s eye----""What''s that?"
22566I mean, will you be good to us, or do you intend to eat us?"
22566Is n''t it funny?"
22566Is not a Wizard something like a Sorcerer?"
22566Is there nothing that is decent to eat in this palace?"
22566Jump out and fight?"
22566Now was the Wizard''s turn, so he smiled upon the assemblage and asked:"Will somebody kindly loan me a hat?"
22566On the roof?"
22566Otherwise--""What will happen otherwise?"
22566Please, Mr. Wizard, may I eat just one of the fat little piglets?
22566Presently she asked:"Why did your mother tie your tails?"
22566So what could I do but tell"what happened to the Wizard afterward"?
22566That''s_ real_ magic, Mr. Wizard; is n''t it?
22566The trembling servants sent for the Royal Steward, who came in haste and said:"What would your Highness like for dinner?"
22566Then Jim exclaimed:"For goodness sake, what sort of a being are you?"
22566Then Jim suddenly asked:"Are there any horses in Oz?"
22566Then he asked:"What is an earthquake?"
22566Then the Princess spoke in a stern voice:"Prisoner, what have you to say for yourself?
22566Then, after a moment''s thought, she asked:"Are we friends or enemies?
22566This is a nice scrape you''ve got me into, is n''t it?"
22566Were you ever with a circus, brother?"
22566What do you call it?"
22566What else can you do?"
22566What is your sorcery good for if it can not tell us the truth?"
22566What''s going to become of us now?"
22566Where did you find my missing pet, Nick Chopper?"
22566Why are you so bad?"
22566Why destroy me?"
22566Will you buy it, my dear?"
22566Will you kindly tell us which way your mother went to get on top the earth?"
22566Will your Sorcerer die?"
22566Would you like it again?"
22566You''ve been to Australia, have n''t you?"
22566and what can I do but obey their commands?
22566are_ you_ here again?"
22566cried Dorothy,"did you eat the bones?"
22566he said, seeing her,"are you Dorothy Gale?"
22566said the Wizard,"will somebody please loan me a handkerchief?"
22566said the Wizard;"are there really people in this room?"
420A what?
420And the Cowardly Lion?
420And were you?
420And when you make a sign she will bring you to her in the Land of Oz?
420And-- and-- do you eat people?
420And-- pardon me for the foolish question-- but, are you all invisible?
420Are the bears invis''ble, too?
420Are these bears here?
420Are they real?
420Are we only half way up?
420Are you hungry?
420Are you sure?
420Are you sure?
420Are you surprised that you are unable to see the people of Voe?
420As dead as poss''ble would be pretty dead, would n''t it?
420But IS there any other place?
420But Jim knows his business all right-- don''t you, Jim?
420But did n''t you cut it almost too short?
420But how can you get down?
420But how would it help us to be able to fly?
420But tell me,said Dorothy,"how did such a brave Champion happen to let the bears eat him?
420But what am I going to eat?
420But where are the people?
420But why destroy my friends?
420But why did n''t you tell us at first?
420But why fight at all, in that case?
420But wo n''t they be veg''table, like everything else here?
420Ca n''t you mend them?
420Ca n''t you see us?
420Can he fight?
420Can your horse talk?
420Canary- birds?
420Could n''t you manage to hold me in your arms?
420Could we fly with them?
420Did he? 420 Did n''t you feel the ground shake?"
420Did the glass houses in your city grow, too?
420Did you ever see such little pigs before?
420Did you not wear green whiskers at one time?
420Did you see that, Dorothy?
420Do I like fish? 420 Do I?
420Do all your people grow on bushes?
420Do not all people grow upon bushes where you came from, on the outside of the earth?
420Do you eat?
420Do you happen to know whatever became of the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow?
420Do you mean my kitten must be put in a grave?
420Do you mean that I''m a freak?
420Do you mean that Princess Ozma will see this cave in her enchanted picture, and see all of us here, and what we are doing?
420Do you see that big rock standing on the hillside yonder?
420Do you take me for a salamander?
420Do you take me for a tom- cat? 420 Do you take me for a weasel?
420Does it hurt to be invis''ble?
420Does the air bear up your weight?
420Does the dama- fruit grow on a low bush, and look something like a peach?
420For the second time?
420Have you a factory in this place?
420Have you come to take me to Hugson''s Ranch?
420Have you ever died yet?
420How CAN we''scape?
420How about the birds and beasts and fishes?
420How are your brains?
420How big is this hole?
420How can we do that?
420How can we go away?
420How did they happen to be so little?
420How did you happen to be shod with gold?
420How does it taste?
420How is Uncle Henry?
420How long did you rule the Emerald City, after I left here?
420How long do you live, after you are picked?
420How long will it take you to stop my breath?
420How long will you be with us?
420How old are you?
420How old is your mother?
420I live on the fat of the land-- don''t I, Ozma?
420If it makes you invis''ble, why do you eat it?
420If that is so,said the boy,"how could he do that wonderful trick with the nine tiny piglets?"
420In what way?
420Is Billina a girl?
420Is Mr. Hugson your uncle?
420Is it possible that you are a Real Horse?
420Is n''t it fine?
420Is n''t it funny?
420Is n''t she ripe now?
420Is n''t that a great deal?
420Is not the Real Horse a beautiful animal?
420Is that the way to treat my friends?
420Is this a fairy country?
420May I eat one of them?
420May we examine some of these articles?
420My thoughts are always--"Is this a trial of thoughts, or of kittens?
420Neither stones nor people?
420Nine times?
420Oats? 420 Of course; ca n''t you see?"
420Of course; how else could I see it? 420 Oh; are you hungry?"
420Sir,said he,"why are you here, in the Land of the Mangaboos?"
420Suppose the stairs get steeper?
420Tell me, Eureka,said the Princess, gently:"did you eat my pretty piglet?"
420Tell us, dear, what do the creatures look like?
420That would be unlucky, would n''t it?
420Then why not race with the Sawhorse?
420Train in?
420Was Ozma once a boy?
420Was not the door closed?
420Well, what then?
420Well,said another piglet,"you are a wizard, are you not?"
420Were you ever before shut up in a cave, far under the earth, with no way of getting out?
420What are Gargoyles?
420What are those holes up there?
420What are you going to do with us?
420What are your products?
420What brought you back?
420What curious animal is that which is eating the grass on my lawn?
420What do you do?
420What do you mean by that?
420What do you want?
420What does all this mean, anyhow?
420What does that mean?
420What for?
420What good is it?
420What harm can the Gurgles do?
420What in the world is this?
420What is he good for?
420What is your name?
420What made them fly away?
420What shall we do now?
420What shall we do now?
420What sort of place is this?
420What was that?
420What were you when you were first alive?
420What will happen if she is guilty?
420What would you do?
420What''s that?
420What''s the matter with you, old man?
420What''s the use?
420What''s to become of me?
420What''s wrong?
420What, the hinges?
420Where are they?
420Where are they?
420Where are you?
420Where did you come from?
420Where did you grow?
420Where do you come from, then?
420Where does it lead to?
420Where in the world have you been, my lad?
420Where is Dorothy?
420Where is she?
420Where is she?
420Where is that Magic Belt?
420Where is the House of the Sorcerer?
420Where is your mother?
420Where shall we stay?
420Where''s my milk?
420Where? 420 Wherever have you been, Eureka?"
420Which wings must I flop first?
420Who accuses me?
420Who are they?
420Who built these lovely bridges?
420Who did you say it was?
420Who is Ozma?
420Who is this?
420Who said so?
420Who will be the jury?
420Why did you leave the surface of the earth?
420Why did you wickedly and viciously send the Rain of Stones to crack and break our houses?
420Why do n''t you walk down?
420Why do you not eat the damas?
420Why do you want me?
420Why have you dared to intrude your unwelcome persons into the secluded Land of the Mangaboos?
420Why not let them live?
420Why not?
420Why should n''t I?
420Why, where''s Eureka?
420Will it hurt?
420Will there be any more Rains?
420Will you try it, Zeb?
420Would such a gentle animal be guilty of eating a fellow creature? 420 Your Highness,"cried the Woggle- Bug, appealing to Ozma,"have I a mind''s eye, or have n''t I?"
420Am I talking?
420And if he was invis''ble, and the bears invis''ble, who knows that they really ate him up?"
420Are you guilty, or not guilty?"
420Are you not vegetable, also?"
420Are you ready?"
420But I did n''t see them go; did you?"
420But it''s a big hollow, is n''t it?"
420Can you match that pedigree, little girl?"
420Can you remember any breakfast that I''ve had today?"
420Can you talk?"
420Could n''t you, Zeb?"
420Do n''t you remember how the Champion escaped them by shouting his battle- cry?"
420Do n''t you see their terrible eyes?"
420Do you ever make mistakes?"
420Do you like fish?"
420Have n''t you heard of him?"
420Have you breakfasted, Sir Horse?"
420Have you them here with you?"
420He has won the race, and won it fairly; but what can a horse of flesh do against a tireless beast of wood?"
420I can see her, in my mind''s eye--""What''s that?"
420I mean, will you be good to us, or do you intend to eat us?"
420Is n''t it funny?"
420Is not a Wizard something like a Sorcerer?"
420Is there nothing that is decent to eat in this palace?"
420Jump out and fight?"
420Now was the Wizard''s turn, so he smiled upon the assemblage and asked:"Will somebody kindly loan me a hat?"
420On the roof?"
420Otherwise--""What will happen otherwise?"
420Please, Mr. Wizard, may I eat just one of the fat little piglets?
420Presently she asked:"Why did your mother tie your tails?"
420So what could I do but tell"what happened to the Wizard afterward"?
420That''s REAL magic, Mr. Wizard; is n''t it?
420The trembling servants sent for the Royal Steward, who came in haste and said:"What would your Highness like for dinner?"
420Then Jim exclaimed:"For goodness sake, what sort of a being are you?"
420Then Jim suddenly asked:"Are there any horses in Oz?"
420Then he asked:"What is an earthquake?"
420Then the Princess spoke in a stern voice:"Prisoner, what have you to say for yourself?
420Then, after a moment''s thought, she asked:"Are we friends or enemies?
420This is a nice scrape you''ve got me into, is n''t it?"
420Were you ever with a circus, brother?"
420What do you call it?"
420What else can you do?"
420What is your sorcery good for if it can not tell us the truth?"
420What''s going to become of us now?"
420Where did you find my missing pet, Nick Chopper?"
420Why are you so bad?"
420Why destroy me?"
420Will you buy it, my dear?"
420Will you kindly tell us which way your mother went to get on top the earth?"
420Will your Sorcerer die?"
420Would you like it again?"
420You''ve been to Australia, have n''t you?"
420and what can I do but obey their commands?
420are YOU here again?"
420cried Dorothy,"did you eat the bones?"
420he said, seeing her,"are you Dorothy Gale?"
420said the Wizard,"will somebody please loan me a handkerchief?"
420said the Wizard;"are there really people in this room?"