
This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.

id author title date words sentences pages cache text
1473Edgeworth, MariaThe Absenteenan1055795164nan./cache/1473.txt./txt/1473.txt
16951Edgeworth, Richard LovellRichard Lovell Edgeworth: A Selection From His Memoirsnan363601447nan./cache/16951.txt./txt/16951.txt
55956Hume, FergusThe Lost Parchment: A Detective Storynan855576524nan./cache/55956.txt./txt/55956.txt
23000Trollope, AnthonyOrley Farmnan31440020404nan./cache/23000.txt./txt/23000.txt
4917Trollope, AnthonyThe Kellys and the O''Kellysnan18671710256nan./cache/4917.txt./txt/4917.txt