This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
60633 | Ellis, Edward Sylvester | Wolf Ear the Indian: A story of the great uprising of 1890-91 | nan | 27833 | 1564 | nan | ./cache/60633.txt | ./txt/60633.txt |
55966 | Everett-Green, Evelyn | In Taunton town : a story of the rebellion of James Duke of Monmouth in 1685 | nan | 139889 | 6377 | nan | ./cache/55966.txt | ./txt/55966.txt |
20524 | Gaylord, Glance | Culm Rock The Story of a Year: What it Brought and What it Taught | nan | 58303 | 4158 | nan | ./cache/20524.txt | ./txt/20524.txt |
45573 | Henty, G. A. (George Alfred) | Out with Garibaldi: A story of the liberation of Italy | nan | 105799 | 4854 | nan | ./cache/45573.txt | ./txt/45573.txt |
43806 | Otis, James | Sarah Dillard''s Ride: A Story of the Carolinas in 1780 | nan | 48500 | 2536 | nan | ./cache/43806.txt | ./txt/43806.txt |
37330 | Stables, Gordon | Aileen Aroon, A Memoir With other Tales of Faithful Friends and Favourites | nan | 108805 | 6068 | nan | ./cache/37330.txt | ./txt/37330.txt |
11556 | Verne, Jules | Facing the Flag | nan | 57265 | 3442 | nan | ./cache/11556.txt | ./txt/11556.txt |