
This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.

id author title date words sentences pages cache text
A16739Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626?A dialogue full of pithe and pleasure: betvveene three phylosophers: Antonio, Meandro, and Dinarco vpon the dignitie, or indignitie of man. Partly translated out of Italian, and partly set downe by way of obseruation. By Nicholas Breton, Gentleman.1603147714365nan./cache/A16739.xml./txt/A16739.txt
A77944Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.A description of the state and condition of all mankinde upon the face of the whole earth. And a discovery unto all; shewing what man was in his creation before transgression, and what he is in transgression ... Also, the way of restoration, of salvation, redemption, and of life eternal, is here declared ... that all may come to the knowledge of the Creator, and to have fellowship with him again, from whom all the children of men are separated in the state of enmity, and are ignorant of him, and drove from his presence. This is to go abroad into all the earth, through the whole world ... that they ... may be restored again to serve, and worship, and glorifie the living God, who made heaven and earth, and all things therein. By ... Edward Burrough.165772521695nan./cache/A77944.xml./txt/A77944.txt
A28518Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624.A consideration upon the book of Esaias Stiefel, of the threefold state of man, and his new birth written anno Christi 1621, by Jacob Behmen, otherwise called Teutonicus philosophus.1653209536827nan./cache/A28518.xml./txt/A28518.txt
A69592Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624.An apologie concerning perfection being a fundamentall answer and reply upon Esaiah Stiefel his exposition of four texts of the Holy Scripture written in the year 1622 ... / by Jacob Behme, also called Teutonicus philosophus ; Englished by John Sparrow.16616098321045nan./cache/A69592.xml./txt/A69592.txt
A01210Franck, Sebastian, 1499-1542.The forbidden fruit· or A treatise of the tree of knovvledge of good & evill of which Adam at first, & as yet all mankind doe eate death. Moreover, how at this day it is forbidden to every one as well as to Adam; and how this tree, that is the wisedome of the serpent planted in Adam, is that great image, and that many headed beast, mentioned in Daniel and the Apocalyps, whom the whole world doth worship. Lastly, here is shewed what is the tree of life, contrary to the wisdome, righteousnesse, and knowledge of all mankind: with a description of the majestie and nature of Gods Word. By August: Eluthenius [sic]. Translated out of Latine into English.1640320999323nan./cache/A01210.xml./txt/A01210.txt
A45478Hammond, John, d. 1707.Know thy self1656737151nan./cache/A45478.xml./txt/A45478.txt
A44699Howe, John, 1630-1705.The vanity of this mortal life, or, Of man, considered only in his present mortal state by J. Howe ...1673298308260nan./cache/A44699.xml./txt/A44699.txt
A44683Howe, John, 1630-1705.The living temple, or, A designed improvement of that notion that a good man is the temple of God by John Howe ...16757718921407nan./cache/A44683.xml./txt/A44683.txt
A47631Leigh, Edward, 1602-1671.A treatise of the divine promises in five bookes : in the first, a generall description of their nature, kinds, excellency, right use, properties, and the persons to whom they belong : in the foure last, a declaration of the covenant it selfe .../ by Edvvard Legh ...16418262329425nan./cache/A47631.xml./txt/A47631.txt
A49252Love, Christopher, 1618-1651.The naturall mans case stated, or, An exact map of the little world man considered in both his capacities, either in the state of nature or grace / as is laid down in XVII sermons by that late truely orthodox divine, Mr. Christopher Love ... ; whereunto is annexed The saints triumph over death, being his funeral sermon, by that painful labourer in the Lords vineyard, Mr. Tho. Manton ...16527660423984nan./cache/A49252.xml./txt/A49252.txt
A51412Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728.The spirit of man, or, Some meditations (by way of essay) on the sense of that scripture, 1 Thes. 1:23 ... by Charles Morton ...1692230517995nan./cache/A51412.xml./txt/A51412.txt
A07666Moore, John, d. 1619.A mappe of mans mortalitie Clearely manifesting the originall of death, with the nature, fruits, and effects thereof, both to the vnregenerate, and elect children of God. Diuided into three bookes; and published for the furtherance of the wise in practise, the humbling of the strong in conceit, and for the comfort and confirmation of weake Christians, against the combat of death, that they may wisely and seasonably be prepared against the same. Whereunto are annexed two consolatory sermons, for afflicted Christians, in their greatest conflicts. By Iohn Moore, minister of the word of God, at Shearsbie in Leicester-shire.161712866341158nan./cache/A07666.xml./txt/A07666.txt
A07786Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623.The true knowledge of a mans owne selfe. Written in French by Monsieur du Plessis, Lord of Plessie Marly. *And truly translated into English by A.M..1602251217123nan./cache/A07786.xml./txt/A07786.txt
A52431Norris, John, 1657-1711.Reason and religion, or, The grounds and measures of devotion, consider''d from the nature of God, and the nature of man in several contemplations : with exercises of devotion applied to every contemplation / by John Norris ...16894416013503nan./cache/A52431.xml./txt/A52431.txt
A53712Owen, John, 1616-1683.The nature, power, deceit, and prevalency of the remainders of indwelling-sin in believers together with the wayes of its working and means of prevention opened, evinced, and applyed with a resolution of sundry cases of conscience thereunto appertaining.16758856725410nan./cache/A53712.xml./txt/A53712.txt
A64763Vaughan, Thomas, 1622-1666.Anthroposophia theomagica or A discourse of the nature of man and his state after death; grounded on his creator''s proto-chimistry, and verifi''d by a practicall examination of principles in the great world. By Eugenius Philalethes.1650166315412nan./cache/A64763.xml./txt/A64763.txt