This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
A23765 | Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. | Scala sancta: or The exaltation of the soul. Being a train of pious thoughts, compleating the whole duty of man: or, Devotions compiled by R.A. Gent. in his solitudes. | 1678.0 | 58294 | 17770 | nan | ./cache/A23765.xml | ./txt/A23765.txt |
A23773 | Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. | The whole duty of divine meditation described in all its various parts and branches : with meditations on several places of scripture / by the author of The whole duty of man. | 1694.0 | 32439 | 11014 | nan | ./cache/A23773.xml | ./txt/A23773.txt |
A25963 | Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of, 1585-1646. | The confession and conversion of the chiefest and greatest of sinners, with his frequent communion with God, in Christ, by the spirit, or, A garden of spiritual fruits and flowers | 1662.0 | 111309 | 35071 | nan | ./cache/A25963.xml | ./txt/A25963.txt |
A23279 | Austin, Anne, Mris. | Devotionis Augustinianae flamma, or, Certaine devout, godly, and learned meditations written, by the excellently-accomplisht gentleman, William Austin, of Lincolnes-Inne, Esquire. The particulars whereof, the reader may finde in the page following;) set forth, after his decease, by his deare wife and executrix, Mrs. Anne Austin, as a surviving monument of some part of the great worth of her ever-honoured husband, who changed his life, Ian 16. 1633 | 1635.0 | 134833 | 51413 | nan | ./cache/A23279.xml | ./txt/A23279.txt |
A26920 | Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. | The duty of heavenly meditation reviewed by Richard Baxter at the invitation of Mr. Giles Firmin''s exceptions in his book entituled, The real Christian. | 1671.0 | 8645 | 2444 | nan | ./cache/A26920.xml | ./txt/A26920.txt |
A27456 | Berkeley, George Berkeley, Earl of, 1628-1698. | Historical applications and occasional meditations upon several subjects written by a person of honour. | nan | 11195 | 3251 | nan | ./cache/A27456.xml | ./txt/A27456.txt |
A08813 | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153, attributed name. | Saint Bernards vision. Or, A briefe discourse (dialogue-wise) betweene the soule and the body of a damned man newly deceased laying open the faults of each other: With a speech of the divels in hell. To the tune of, Fortune my foe. | 1640.0 | 1933 | 533 | nan | ./cache/A08813.xml | ./txt/A08813.txt |
A13694 | Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153. Epistola de perfectione vitae. English. | The follovving of Christ Diuided into foure bookes. Written in Latin by the learned and deuout man, Thomas a Kempis, canon-regular of the order of S. Augustine. Whereunto also is added the golden Epistle of S. Bernard. And also certaine rules of a Christian life, made by Iohn Picus the elder, Earle of Mirandula. Translated into English by B.F. | 1615.0 | 69622 | 22238 | nan | ./cache/A13694.xml | ./txt/A13694.txt |
A06534 | Binet, Etienne, 1569-1639. aut | The devout hart or Royal throne of the pacifical Salomon. Composed by F. St. Luzuic S.I. Translated out of Latin into English. Enlarged with incentiue by F. St. Binet of the same S. and now enriched with hymnes by a new hand | 1634.0 | 37914 | 11656 | nan | ./cache/A06534.xml | ./txt/A06534.txt |
A16892 | Brinsley, John, fl. 1581-1624. | The fourth part of the true watch containing prayers and teares for the churches. Or A helpe to hold up the hearts and hands of the poorest servants of God, untill our Lord Iesus Christ shall have rescued his glorie, kingdome, and people in all the world, and fully prepared the way to his most glorious appearing. | 1624.0 | 88890 | 26746 | nan | ./cache/A16892.xml | ./txt/A16892.txt |
A17408 | Byfield, Nicholas, 1579-1622. | The promises: or, A treatise shewing how a godly Christian may support his heart with comfort against all the distresses which by reason of any afflictions or temptations can befall him in this life. Containing al the most comfortable places through the whole Bible, orderly digested. By N. Bifield preacher of Gods Word at Isleworth in Middlesex. | 1619.0 | 20982 | 7181 | nan | ./cache/A17408.xml | ./txt/A17408.txt |
A31893 | Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. | The art of divine meditation, or, A discourse of the nature, necessity, and excellency thereof with motives to, and rules for the better performance of that most important Christian duty : in several sermons on Gen. 24:63 / by Edmund Calamy ... | 1680.0 | 55335 | 16827 | nan | ./cache/A31893.xml | ./txt/A31893.txt |
A19506 | Cowper, William, 1568-1619. | Three heavenly treatises, concerning Christ [brace] 1. His genealogie, 2. His baptisme, 3. His combat with Sathan : together vvith deuout meditations, for Christian consolation and instruction / by Mr. William Cowper ... | 1612.0 | 49816 | 15646 | nan | ./cache/A19506.xml | ./txt/A19506.txt |
A19502 | Cowper, William, 1568-1619. | A most comfortable and Christian dialogue, betweene the Lord, and the soule. By Mr. William Covvper, minister of Gods word | 1617.0 | 7148 | 2106 | nan | ./cache/A19502.xml | ./txt/A19502.txt |
A20631 | Donne, John, 1572-1631. | Devotions vpon emergent occasions and seuerall steps in my sicknes digested into I. Meditations vpon our humane condition, 2. Expostulations, and debatements with God, 3. Prayers, vpon the seuerall occasions, to Him / by Iohn Donne ... | 1624.0 | 53314 | 16166 | nan | ./cache/A20631.xml | ./txt/A20631.txt |
A39665 | Flavel, John, 1630?-1691. | Husbandry spiritualized, or, The heavenly use of earthly things consisting of many pleasant observations, pertinent applications, and serious reflections and each chapter concluded with a divine and suitable poem : directing husband-men to the most excellent improvements of their common imployments : whereunto is added ... several choice occasional meditations / by John Flavell. | nan | 101318 | 31256 | nan | ./cache/A39665.xml | ./txt/A39665.txt |
A39934 | Ford, Thomas, d. 1656. | Grace and mercy to a sinner in a time of afflictions, or, The serious meditations of M. Tho. Ford of Rochester during the time of his imprisonment, before his execution, faithfully delivered from his own copie : together with his funeral sermon, preached by Mr. Wil. Sandbrook, P.M. Rochester / set forth for the strengthning of our faith in Jesus Christ ... ; published for the satisfaction of his friends ... by John Plasse. | 1657.0 | 14144 | 4426 | nan | ./cache/A39934.xml | ./txt/A39934.txt |
A40662 | Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. | Good thoughts in bad times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, historicall applications, mixt contemplations / by Thomas Fuller. | 1645.0 | 15608 | 5430 | nan | ./cache/A40662.xml | ./txt/A40662.txt |
A40668 | Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. | Good thoughts in worse times consisting of personall meditations, Scripture observations, meditations on the times, meditations on all kind of prayers, occasionall meditations / by Tho. Fuller ... | 1647.0 | 19587 | 6324 | nan | ./cache/A40668.xml | ./txt/A40668.txt |
A40678 | Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. | Mixt contemplations in better times by Thomas Fuller ... | 1660.0 | 21680 | 6615 | nan | ./cache/A40678.xml | ./txt/A40678.txt |
A01537 | Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. | Iacobs thankfulnesse to God, for Gods goodnesse to Iacob A meditation on Genesis 32. 10. VVherein by the way also the popish doctrine of mans merite is discussed. By Thomas Gataker, B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith. | 1624.0 | 42709 | 16206 | nan | ./cache/A01537.xml | ./txt/A01537.txt |
A01645 | Gerhard, Johann, 1582-1637. | Gerards meditations written originally in the Latine tongue by Iohn Gerard Doctour in Divinitie, and superintendant of Heidelberg. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge. | 1638.0 | 95509 | 31632 | nan | ./cache/A01645.xml | ./txt/A01645.txt |
A01648 | Gerhard, Johann, 1582-1637. | Gerards prayers; or, a daylie practice of pietie: divided into foure parts. 1 of Confession of sinnes. 2 of Thanksgiving, for benefits. 3 of Petitions for our selues 4 of Supplicatio[n]s for our neighbours. Written (originally) in the Latine tongue, by Iohn Gerard; Doctor in Divinitie, and Superintendent of Heldeburg. Translated and revised by Ralph Winterton, Fellow of Kinges Colledge in Cambridge. Wherevnto is added a morning and euening prayer, for a familie | 1638.0 | 21134 | 6596 | nan | ./cache/A01648.xml | ./txt/A01648.txt |
A72189 | Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. | The vanity of thovghts discovered with their danger and cvre. By Tho: Goodvvin, B.D. | 1638.0 | 15475 | 4529 | nan | ./cache/A72189.xml | ./txt/A72189.txt |
A42148 | Griffith, John, 1622?-1700. | Some prison-meditations and experiences with some hints touching the fall of the mother of harlots, and the exaltation of the son of God upon the throne of David / written ... by John Griffith ... | 1663.0 | 37902 | 11850 | nan | ./cache/A42148.xml | ./txt/A42148.txt |
A44003 | Hale, Matthew, Sir, 1609-1676. | Contemplations moral and divine by a person of great learning and judgment. | 1676.0 | 91571 | 25934 | nan | ./cache/A44003.xml | ./txt/A44003.txt |
A02553 | Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. | Meditations and vowes, diuine and morall. Seruing for direction in Christian and ciuill practise. Deuided into two bookes. By Ios. Hall. | 1605.0 | 20337 | 6571 | nan | ./cache/A02553.xml | ./txt/A02553.txt |
A02513 | Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. | The arte of diuine meditation profitable for all Christians to knowe and practise; exemplified with a large meditation of eternall life. By Ioseph Hall. | 1606.0 | 15942 | 4956 | nan | ./cache/A02513.xml | ./txt/A02513.txt |
A68133 | Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. | Occasionall meditations by Ios. Exon ; set forth by R.H. | 1631.0 | 31504 | 9644 | nan | ./cache/A68133.xml | ./txt/A68133.txt |
A45630 | Harrington, James, Sir, 1607-1680. | Horæ consecratæ, or, Spiritual pastime. concerning divine meditations upon the great mysteries of our faith and salvation : occasional meditations and gratulatory reflexions upon particular providences and deliverances, vouchsafed to the author and his family : also a scripture-catechisme dedicated to the service of his wife and children, and now published, together with other treatises mentioned in the following page for common use / by Sir James Harrington ... | 1682.0 | 182084 | 60234 | nan | ./cache/A45630.xml | ./txt/A45630.txt |
A03092 | Hearne, Richard. | Ros cœli. Or, A miscellany of ejaculations, divine, morall, &c. Being an extract out of divers worthy authors, antient and moderne. Which may enrich the mean capacity, and adde somewhat to the most knowing iudgement. | 1640.0 | 38560 | 11689 | nan | ./cache/A03092.xml | ./txt/A03092.txt |
A43229 | Hebdon, Returne. | A guide to the godly, or, The dayly meditations of Returne Hebdon Gentleman who for his conscience (through the tyrany of the Bishops) suffered many years imprisonment in the Kings-Bench and their remained till death : being very useful for instruction of all those that desire to walke in the paths of Jesus Christ. | 1646.0 | 25142 | 7504 | nan | ./cache/A43229.xml | ./txt/A43229.txt |
A44524 | Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697. | The great law of consideration: or a discourse, wherein the nature, usefulness, and absolute necessity of consideration, in order to a truly serious and religious life, is laid open: By Anthony Horneck, preacher at the Savoy. | 1677.0 | 100692 | 28618 | nan | ./cache/A44524.xml | ./txt/A44524.txt |
A44560 | Horsman, Nicholas, fl. 1689. | The spiritual bee, or, A miscellany of scriptural, historical, natural observations and occasional occurencyes applyed in divine meditations by an university pen | 1662.0 | 31238 | 9035 | nan | ./cache/A44560.xml | ./txt/A44560.txt |
A68256 | Jenner, Thomas, fl. 1631-1656. | The soules solace, or Thirtie and one spirituall emblems | 1626.0 | 9408 | 2896 | nan | ./cache/A68256.xml | ./txt/A68256.txt |
A47236 | Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711. | The royal sufferer A manual of meditations and devotions. Written for the use of a royal, tho'' afflicted family. By T- K- D.D. | 1699.0 | 33833 | 11334 | nan | ./cache/A47236.xml | ./txt/A47236.txt |
A47386 | Killigrew, William, Sir, 1606-1695. | Mid-night thoughts, writ, as some think, by a London-Whigg, or, a Westminster-Tory, others think by a Quaker, or, a Jesuit: but call him what they please, they may find him a true penitent of the church of Christ. | 1682.0 | 41719 | 11511 | nan | ./cache/A47386.xml | ./txt/A47386.txt |
A06475 | Lupton, Donald, d. 1676. | Obiectorum reductio: or, Daily imployment for the soule In occasional meditations upon severall subjects. By Donald Lupton. | 1634.0 | 17092 | 5229 | nan | ./cache/A06475.xml | ./txt/A06475.txt |
A58209 | M. R. | The meanes of preventing, and preserving from, and curing of the most contagious disease, called the plague with the pestilential feaver, and the fearfull symptomes, and accidents, incident thereunto. Also some prayers, and meditations upon death. | 1665.0 | 7814 | 2121 | nan | ./cache/A58209.xml | ./txt/A58209.txt |
A50098 | Master, William, 1627-1684. | Drops of myrrhe, or, Meditations and prayers, fitted to divers of the preceding arguments. | 1653.0 | 4196 | 1252 | nan | ./cache/A50098.xml | ./txt/A50098.txt |
A51388 | Morland, Samuel, Sir, 1625-1695. | The Urim of conscience to which the author has had recourse for plain answers, in his own particular case (as every man living ought to do in his) to four questions of great weight and importance, viz. 1. who and what art thou? 2. where hast thous been? 3. where art thou now going? 4. whither art thou going? : together with three select prayers for private families / by Sir Samuel Morland. | 1695.0 | 38309 | 11116 | nan | ./cache/A51388.xml | ./txt/A51388.txt |
A07678 | Norden, John, 1548-1625? | A godlie mans guide to happinesse A manuell of necessary motiues, holy meditations, and godly prayers, to stirre vp the hearts of men vnapt to pray. To the great comfort of all, that with due and holy attention will practise this most godly and Christian dutie. Written for his owne, and published for the comfort of them that long for trv[e] happinesse. by I.N. | 1624.0 | 30697 | 8767 | nan | ./cache/A07678.xml | ./txt/A07678.txt |
A13699 | Page, William, 1590-1663. | The imitation of Christ divided into four books / written in Latin by Thomas à Kempis ; and the translations of it corrected & amended by W.P. | 1639.0 | 73619 | 22982 | nan | ./cache/A13699.xml | ./txt/A13699.txt |
A55005 | Palmer, Herbert, 1601-1647. | Memorials of godliness & Christianity in three parts : with a brief account of the authors life / by Herbert Palmer. | 1670.0 | 16775 | 4913 | nan | ./cache/A55005.xml | ./txt/A55005.txt |
A70872 | Prynne, William, 1600-1669. | Rockes improved comprising certaine poeticall meditations extracted from the contemplation of the nature and quality of rockes, a barren and harsh soyle, yet a fruitfull and delightfull subject of meditation / by VVilliam Prynne ... | 1641.0 | 17382 | 8676 | nan | ./cache/A70872.xml | ./txt/A70872.txt |
A10251 | Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. | Diuine fancies digested into epigrammes, meditations, and observations / by Fra. Quarles. | 1633.0 | 40348 | 14616 | nan | ./cache/A10251.xml | ./txt/A10251.txt |
A56943 | Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. | Boanarges and Barnabas, or, Judgment and mercy for afflicted soules containing of [brace] meditations, soliloquies, and prayers / by Francis Quarles. | 1646.0 | 27989 | 8865 | nan | ./cache/A56943.xml | ./txt/A56943.txt |
A56828 | Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. | Judgement & mercy for afflicted soules, or, Meditations, soliloquies, and prayers by Fra. Quarles. | 1646.0 | 27995 | 8869 | nan | ./cache/A56828.xml | ./txt/A56828.txt |
A11063 | Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. | Three decads of diuine meditations VVhereof each one containeth three parts. 1 A history. 2 An allegory. 3 A prayer. With a commendation of the priuate countrey life. By Alexander Rosse his Maiesties chaplaine in ordinarie. | 1630.0 | 7764 | 2433 | nan | ./cache/A11063.xml | ./txt/A11063.txt |
A13542 | Taylor, Thomas, 1576-1632. | A man in Christ, or A new creature To which is added a treatise, containing meditations from the creatures. By Thomas Taylor, Dr. in Diuinity. | 1629.0 | 35356 | 11190 | nan | ./cache/A13542.xml | ./txt/A13542.txt |
A64529 | Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name. | The Christians pattern, or A divine treatise of the imitation of Christ. Written originally in Latin, by Thomas of Kempis, above 200. years since. Faithfully Englished. And printed in a large character for the benefit of the aged | 1695.0 | 63052 | 18766 | nan | ./cache/A64529.xml | ./txt/A64529.txt |
A63822 | Tubbe, Henry, 1617 or 18-1655. | Meditations divine & morall by H.T. ... | 1659.0 | 21158 | 5966 | nan | ./cache/A63822.xml | ./txt/A63822.txt |
A14004 | Tuke, Thomas, d. 1657. | The practise of the faithfull containing many godly praiers both of morning and euening and other necessarie occasions. Whereunto are added diuers profitable and comfortable meditations necessarie to be remembered and practised of euery Christian. | 1613.0 | 28529 | 8756 | nan | ./cache/A14004.xml | ./txt/A14004.txt |
A14795 | Warwick, Arthur, 1604?-1633. | Spare-minutes: or resolved meditations and premeditated resolutions. Written by A.W. | 1634.0 | 15028 | 4566 | nan | ./cache/A14795.xml | ./txt/A14795.txt |
A65287 | Watson, Thomas, d. 1686. | The Christian''s charter shewing the priviledges of a believer by Thomas Watson. | 1654.0 | 53376 | 18330 | nan | ./cache/A65287.xml | ./txt/A65287.txt |
A65793 | White, Thomas, 1593-1676. | A manuali [sic] of divine considerations delivered and concluded by ... Thomas White ; translated out of the original Latine copie. | 1655.0 | 28074 | 8286 | nan | ./cache/A65793.xml | ./txt/A65793.txt |
A65794 | White, Thomas, Minister of Gods Word in London. | A method and instructions for the art of divine meditation with instances of the several kindes of solemne meditation / by Thomas White. | 1672.0 | 50980 | 15588 | nan | ./cache/A65794.xml | ./txt/A65794.txt |
A66403 | Williams, John, 1582-1650. | A manual, or, Three small and plain treatises viz. 1. Of prayer, or active, 2. Of principles, or positive, 3. Resolutions, or oppositive [brace] divinity / translated and collected out of the ancient writers, for the private use of a most noble lady, to preserve her from the danger of popery, by the Most Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Arch-Bishop of York. | 1672.0 | 15943 | 5035 | nan | ./cache/A66403.xml | ./txt/A66403.txt |