
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
53684Was he not wasting his life? 53684 What more delightful than to stand in the moonlighted garden and pluck the velvet leaves?"
53684Seest thou this tiny vial?
53684So many pilgrims sought him to beg his wizard touch, that the question,"Where is the house of Omar?"
53684What opportunity was the desert offering him greater than kings''houses could give?"
43701But should he be forgotten?
43701He looked at me for a few moments in evident surprise, and said,"Is it to be larger than New York?"
43701He replied,"So I have; where will it come?"
43701He replied,"What is that?
43701Her Majesty noticed it at once, and exclaimed,"Where is the cushion?"
43701How comes it that this multitude of peoples, these descendants of martial races, live together in peace and amity?
43701I rang the bell and the hall porter came in; I said,"What is that?"
43701What would you do if you had to make a canal to Manchester?"
21959And you''ll come?
21959But how was I to know that you meant Miss Churchill?
21959Ca n''t you hush it up somehow?
21959Hello, Jim,I called;"do you still want that job?"
21959I trust, William, that you recognize the responsibilities of your stewardship?
21959Is it generally known, sir, do you think?
21959Is it safe, William?
21959Looks as if he''d skipped, eh?
21959Then you''ve asked?
21959Think they intend to cut up?
21959Well, shall I go?
21959Where''s Bud?
21959Why did n''t you come out like a man and say so at first?
21959Would n''t your daughter like a pillow under her head?
21959You have n''t been such a double- barreled donkey as to give her an option on yourself, too?
21959You here?
21959You''re engaged to that Miss Moore, too, are n''t you?
21959Come this afternoon and tell me, for we''re still good friends, are n''t we, Jack?"
21959Does a College education pay?
21959Had he joined the church before he started?
21959How far are you committed to Miss Churchill?"
21959How have you managed to keep this Curzon girl from announcing her engagement to you?"
21959How much did you lose?"
21959Is that you, Jack?"
21959So, to gain time, I blurted out:"Tell''em what, mam?"
21959What is it you''ve said to her?
21959Who is that?"
21959Who''ll I report to?"
21959Would the crowd join him?
21959You have n''t married her on the quiet, too, have you?"
21959You settled the whole business, I take it?"
21959|+----------------------------+ XIX NEW YORK, November 4, 189-_ Dear Pierrepont:_ Who is this Helen Heath, and what are your intentions there?
1296Gude save''s, Mr Dravel, are ye gane by yoursel?
1296Hooly, hooly, bailie,said I;"what''s a''this for?"
1296Then,said the dean of guild,"you have reason to believe that there is to be a dissolution, and that we are to be contested?"
1296Whar awa sae fast, dean o''guild?
1296What''s the matter, provost?
1296What''s your will?
1296But it was a task of delicacy, and who could I prompt to tell the town- council to do what they ought to do?
1296But what could I do?
1296But what did all this signify to me, who was conscious of the truth and integrity of my motives and talents?
1296But what did the dean of guild do?
1296Couldna we manage this matter between us?
1296Do you refuse to perform what I order?
1296Hae ye sent the coals, provost, hame to yersel, or selt them, provost, for meal to the forestaller?"
1296However, when he saw my lord''s franking, he said,"Are the boroughs, then, really and truly to be contested?"
1296Indeed, what pleasure would it have been to me to have dealt unmercifully, either towards the one or the other?
1296The deacon stopped and said,"Is''t out?
1296This was the worst news of all; but what could I do?
1296Whar do ye expeck a widow woman like me can get five shillings for ony sic nonsense?"
1296Who would have thought that this affair was to prove to me the means of an easy riddance of Mr Hickery?
1296cried the dean of guild, with great eagerness;"wha told you that we are to be contested?"
1296is''t out?"
1296said several of them as I came in;"are ye ill; or what has fashed you?"
1296whar''s the fire?"
12106And the second?
12106Did you lick''em?
12106Do n''t you love your Doodums anymore?
12106Do you prefer to the er-- er-- Infant Phenomenon?
12106Have you been fighting?
12106How much is it?
12106How would this pretty little shepherdess effect do?
12106Including the Breakfast- Food-- er, James?
12106Was you wantin''anything, Duckie Doodums?
12106What d''ye mean by coming into my office smoking cigareets?
12106What does this mean, young man?
12106What is it? 12106 Which one?"
12106You bet it helped you; but where''d you get the rest? 12106 You would n''t allow, Thorn, to look at it, thet thar was special pints about thet spring, would you?"
12106You would n''t be willin''to swar thet the wealth of the Hindoos warn''t in thet precious flooid which you scorn? 12106 You would n''t deceive your Honeybunch, would you, Duckie Doodums?"
12106Are you listenin'', Doodums?"
12106But is there anything you do n''t say in it?
12106Did n''t you know the horse was blind?
12106Did you hear thet Boston banker what bought the Cracker- jack from us a- hollerin''?
12106Eh, Thorn?"
12106I do n''t want to question your ability or the purity of your friends''intentions, but are you sure you know their business as well as they do?
12106It began,''Where is my wandering boy to- night?''
12106Jim grinned:"He''d holler, would he?
12106She would begin by saying in a please- don''t- all- speak- at- once tone,"Now, children, who wants this dear little neck?"
12106So you''re the great bull, eh?
12106Spit it out quick?"
12106Where''d you get it?
12106Where''d you get the money for all this cussedness?
12106Where''d you get the money?
12106Where''d you raise the money to buy all this cash lard and ship it abroad?
12106Why did n''t you tell me?"
12106Why do n''t you git a cellar man that''s been raised with the hogs, an''''ll treat''em right when they''re dead?"
12106Would Thorn join him on a grub, duds, and commission basis?
12106Would Thorn surprise his skin with a boiled shirt and his stomach with a broiled steak?
12106You would n''t have me violate a confidence as affected the repertashun of a pore dumb critter, and her of the opposite sect, would you?"
12106[ Illustration:"Say, Mr. Graham, do n''t you want that suit of clothes back?"]
12106you''ve got to quit it and go to one of those churches where the right answer to the question,"What is the chief end of man?"
42522Do you remember C. B., the brother of J. and G. B.? 42522 What think you?
42522What treasure will compare with this? 42522 Will it not be well for him to furnish you, at stated periods, an exact account of his expenditures?
42522With his large family of children, do n''t you think these_ odds and ends_ will come as a blessing? 42522 ''What,''he writes again,''should we do, if the Bible were not the foundation of our self- government? 42522 ***And now, my friend, what can I say that will influence you to come here, and enjoy with me the beautiful scenes upon and around our Mount Zion?
42522Also, how is old father F.?
42522But where shall we find such a man?
42522Can I forget it all?
42522Can you wonder, then, my friend, that I wish our names associated in one of the best literary institutions in this country; viz., Williams College?
42522Do not these people need a Christian teacher?"
42522Does a good act require pardon?
42522Does he need my warm outside coat, when I get supplied with a better?
42522Have we not reason to praise and bless God in taking, no less than in sparing, these honored and loved ones?"
42522How could a good man pass over Jordan more triumphantly and gloriously?"
42522How could it be otherwise than that your image should be with me, unless I should prove wholly unworthy of you?
42522How do you employ yourself?
42522How shall I show my sense of responsibility?
42522How, then, can I enjoy life better than by distributing the good things intrusted to me among those who are comforted by receiving them?
42522How, then, can we murmur and repine at his dealings with us?
42522I say, with all these things, can I be blamed for being a child in this matter?
42522I shall never cease to remember with interest the veterans of the A. F. Co. How are my friends B. and others of early days?
42522In contemplating a life like his, who can say that compensation even here is not fully made for all the anguish and suffering he has formerly endured?
42522In view of these trusts, how shall we appear when the Master calls?
42522Is it not to teach me the danger of being unfaithful to my trusts?
42522Is not the prospect such as to gild the way with all those charms, which, in our childhood, used to make our hours pass too slowly?
42522Is not this work worth looking after?"
42522May I not hope that this will also be entering on our final reward?
42522Of what use will it be to have my thoughts directed to the increase of my property, at the cost of my hopes of heaven?
42522Shall we, then, my dear children, doubt him in this?
42522Shall we, then, repine at his separation from us?
42522The question for us is, How shall we treat them?
42522The question you will naturally ask yourself is, How has the time been spent?
42522The text was said to be,"What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
42522Three families of children and grandchildren within my daily walk,--is not this enough for any man?
42522Were we not liable, dear brother and sister, to interrupt those communings which God calls us to with himself?
42522What am I left here for, and the young branches taken home?
42522What can be more emphatic, until my final summons?
42522What else is there in life that can make us patiently and submissively and calmly endure its ills?
42522What is it for, that I am thus saved in life, as by a miracle?
42522What more is wanting?
42522What need I say more?
42522What say ye?
42522What say you to putting this money into the life office, in trust for his sister?
42522What say you?--will you do it?
42522What shall I render unto God for all these benefits?
42522Who so able to unlock and lay open its history as yourself?
42522Who that has witnessed the effects of this rest upon the moral and physical condition of a people, can doubt the wisdom of the appointment?
42522Why, then, may not a whole people be judged by the same standard?
42522Will you send me two thousand dollars this morning in Mr. Sharp''s clean money?
42522You ask, Then why not take it yourself?
42522and what will become of us, when we wilfully and wickedly cast it behind us?
42522and what will become of us, when we wilfully and wickedly past it behind us?''
42522how can I such folly show, When faults indulged to vices grow,-- Who know that idle days ne''er make Men that are useful, good, or great?
42522not How much have you hoarded?"
54815A secret concerning the new firm?
54815A special train for Tokio?
54815Ah, you wish to sell the information, I suppose?
54815And at its base are the caves?
54815And if we engage you we can become the agents of your English and German firms in this matter of the government contracts?
54815And it was gone when you examined the safe after your father''s death?
54815And run the risk of passing him during the night, eh? 54815 And suppose we do n''t look at it in that light?"
54815And that means a little trifle of twenty thousand pounds, eh?
54815And the other party?
54815And thou escaped from old''Jishin''after all? 54815 And when did you reach that city after leaving my father''s service?"
54815And who will ye take besides me, sir? 54815 And you propose?"
54815Are you afraid?
54815Are you here for the same reason?
54815Are you injured, brother?
54815Bandai- San?
54815But did you see how he acted when he caught sight of us?
54815But does he know them?
54815But first tell me if ye anticipate anything serious? 54815 But how can you?
54815But my friend?
54815But tell us, how did you manage to escape?
54815But what proof can you present? 54815 Can I do anything for you?
54815Can you pay me the money now?
54815Can you tell me exactly where he is, so that I can send and have him arrested?
54815Could yer step back here a bit where we wo n''t be overheard, sir? 54815 Dead?"
54815Did a party composed of foreigners and several coolies with a prisoner pass through here recently?
54815Did they state their destination?
54815Did you hear what that crippled whelp said?
54815Did you notice whether the two other coolies were with them? 54815 Did you see him?"
54815Did you see the others?
54815Do n''t you think this is rather sudden?
54815Do you agree to the conditions?
54815Do you dare to insult my father in his own office? 54815 Do you intend to return to the house, or shall I lock up the bottles?
54815Do you know what that means to us?
54815Do you know what you mean, you puny wretch? 54815 Do you know where Willis Round is?"
54815Do you know who I am?
54815Do you think I am a fool? 54815 Do you think I would tamely submit to arrest and go from here with the certain knowledge that my destination would be a long term in a prison?"
54815Do you think they succeeded in leaving before the shock came?
54815Does it ever reach this far?
54815Fools; what think you?
54815For me to say? 54815 Four hours?"
54815Grant-- what of him?
54815Had n''t we better get out of this house before we talk?
54815Hardly, but----"Grant?
54815Have you a twin brother, sir?
54815Have you anything to prove that you are Grant Manning?
54815Have you heard anything?
54815Have you seen anything of Patrick Cronin?
54815How about the German firms?
54815How are we going to reach the road, I wonder?
54815How dare you interfere? 54815 How do you do, Master Grant?
54815How does the estate stand?
54815How much can we use this quarter?
54815How much farther?
54815How much farther?
54815How under the sun did you get in here?
54815I beg your pardon, sir, but could Oi have a bit of a talk wid yer?
54815I suppose you are afraid of your neck?
54815I suppose you are anxious to know what it is?
54815I suppose you know why I am here?
54815I wonder if there is any way by which they could leave?
54815I wonder what he had to do with that debt?
54815Is he dead?
54815Is he one of my countrymen, a youth like yourself, and clad in tweed?
54815Is it as bad as that?
54815Is it possible he has fallen so low as to frequent such a place?
54815Is n''t it at the base of that volcano where those peculiar mud caves are found?
54815Is the information worth twenty pounds, sir?
54815It is to your interest to ruin the new firm before the awarding of the army contracts, eh?
54815It''s mad ye are at me, Oi suppose?
54815May I ask the nature of the contracts?
54815Mr. Udono, will you please accept our bid for the contracts?
54815Nagasaki? 54815 Nattie, when will you ever learn to avoid these disgraceful rows?"
54815Nothing was found of the first receipt?
54815Now what is it?
54815Oh, did n''t we?
54815Phwat is the matter, sir? 54815 Pray tell us, father, have you seen aught of a red- bearded foreigner traveling by horse?"
54815Send me to the offal heap, thou braggart?
54815So Black& Company have wind of the impending contracts, eh?
54815So you are our old bookkeeper after all?
54815So you think there will be no trouble in effecting the capture, eh?
54815So you wish to enter our employ as bookkeeper?
54815Suppose we start at once?
54815Sure and Oi do n''t want to lose th''drink, but----"Yes, or no?
54815That''s the way to the caves,muttered Nattie, then he added, aloud:"How long have they been gone?"
54815Then I am forgiven for disobeying orders, eh?
54815Then how much?
54815Then the scoundrel escaped after all?
54815Then we would have over six thousand dollars to the good if we could prove that father had really paid the English importing merchant?
54815Then you have been away from Japan for some time?
54815Then you have no money?
54815Then you mean to pay it?
54815Then you think?
54815Thought you would give us the slip, eh?
54815To crawl out of the scrape, eh?
54815W- h- hat did you say?
54815Was your father lying upon the floor when you were called?
54815Weel, now,he said, slowly,"can you no explain matters to me?
54815Well, did you ever see the beat of that?
54815Well, do you intend to pay?
54815Well, what do you wish to say? 54815 Well, what is the object of this visit, then?"
54815Well, what of it?
54815What about yourself, brother?
54815What are you afraid of?
54815What are you driving at?
54815What are you talking about?
54815What did you get out of his father and those Germans, Mori? 54815 What do yez want?"
54815What do you mean, dog?
54815What do you mean, you scoundrel?
54815What do you mean? 54815 What do you mean?"
54815What do you mean?
54815What do you think he could have meant?
54815What do you want in here?
54815What do you wish?
54815What does this mean?
54815What have you seen?
54815What have you to do with it?
54815What have you to say, Nattie Manning?
54815What is it, my lad?
54815What is it?
54815What is it?
54815What is it?
54815What is that on the edge of the lake? 54815 What is the matter now?"
54815What is the matter, Manning?
54815What is the matter?
54815What is the matter?
54815What is the matter?
54815What is the meaning of it all, brother?
54815What is the meaning of this, sir?
54815What is your plan?
54815What nonsense is this?
54815What of it?
54815What on earth is the matter with you?
54815What shall it be, back gate or a search through the blessed shanty? 54815 What shall it be, home?"
54815What time does the next train leave for the capital?
54815What was he doing in there, then?
54815What was it, an earthquake?
54815What will we do with Patrick Cronin?
54815What would you do, blowhard?
54815What would you do?
54815What would you give if they were rendered unable to bid for them?
54815What''s a dislocation, anyway? 54815 What''s that you say?"
54815What''s the difference?
54815What''s up now, dad?
54815What, what''s that?
54815When can we leave?
54815When shall we close up?
54815Where are the others?
54815Where are you going?
54815Where art thou now, Raiko? 54815 Where have you been?
54815Where have you been? 54815 Where in the deuce have they gone?"
54815Where is Willis Round?
54815Where is he now?
54815Which are caused by internal convulsions of the volcano, I suppose?
54815Which shall we take?
54815Which way did the scoundrels go?
54815Who was in the office when your father-- er-- when the sad end came?
54815Why did n''t I bring matters to a point in the office? 54815 Why do n''t yez lift that fine- tooth comb thing and go out and fight them?"
54815Why do n''t you come in and rescue your brother, you coward?
54815Why do n''t you storm the castle like the knights of old?
54815Why do n''t you try for the contracts then?
54815Why do you ask? 54815 Why?"
54815Would it do any good to notify the American Consul?
54815Would yer like to capture him?
54815Would you delay us, man?
54815Yes; but you intend to remain here until morning?
54815You do n''t know the name of your antagonist?
54815You do n''t say?
54815You do n''t think he intended to lead us into a trap?
54815You mean about that debt?
54815You refer to the army contracts?
54815You remember Mori Okuma?
54815You think so?
54815Am I right in believing that you are open for valuable contracts?"
54815And through whom?
54815And where is the foreigner, old Red- Beard?"
54815Answer me, yes or no?"
54815Any mention made of purchases?"
54815Are they more brave than we?"
54815As I understand it, you wish me to invest twenty thousand_ yen_ against your experience and the orders on hand?"
54815As they left the craft, Yoritomo leaned over the clumsy rail, and called out, sneeringly:"How about that four hundred_ yen_ and the free pardon?
54815Brother, is it You?"
54815Brother, is it you?"
54815But for what class of articles?"
54815But had n''t we better leave this neighborhood?
54815But how is Ralph?
54815But then would it not be advisable for the sake of future peace to have Round behind prison bars?
54815But what do you intend to do now?"
54815But what in thunder can I do?
54815But where are the fugitives?
54815But where, and how?
54815But who would believe that miracles could happen in this century?
54815By the way, what is your name?"
54815By the way, what was in that letter?"
54815Ca n''t you see that a horse could n''t pass here?
54815Can you pay it to- day?"
54815Can you telegraph from here?"
54815Can you tell me anything of him?
54815Did the fellow really use those words?"
54815Did the old man do any betting?"
54815Did you like this story?
54815Dinner first, eh?
54815Do n''t you think we should feel ashamed?"
54815Do you agree?"
54815Do you know anything about the place?"
54815Do you really mean to say that you have a plan promising success?"
54815Do you think I would leave you and Grant in the lurch?
54815Do you think it is time to get up and circumvent those fools?
54815Has Mr. Grant absented himself before?"
54815Have either of you heard?"
54815Have you ever heard of the firm of Manning& Company, dealers and importing merchants?"
54815He added, sneeringly:"Are you awakening from your''Rip Van Winkle''sleep?
54815He presently gasped:"Who is-- is here?
54815How about bringing him here this afternoon?
54815How did you get in?"
54815How do we know that we were not seen in Yokohama?
54815How does this sound?
54815How is everything in London?"
54815How is it you could find no trace of the payment at the bank or among your canceled checks?
54815How is your shoulder?"
54815How long will it take you to start a special train?"
54815I mean those who were with Ralph at the castle?"
54815I must-- what''s that?"
54815I suppose you have come to beg for time, as usual?"
54815I think-- what is up now?"
54815I wonder what he thinks about the failure of his confederate, Willis Round, to injure us?
54815I wonder what they expected to do after the awarding of the contracts?
54815I wonder where Patrick is?"
54815I wonder where Ralph is?
54815I would have fought for thee if mortal enemies threatened, but what is my puny arm to that of the underground demon?"
54815If Oi----""Then it is''no,''eh?
54815If we had money could we continue the business with any success?"
54815In the meantime how had Nattie and his party fared in their pursuit of the wily Irishman?
54815Is he safe?"
54815Is it Grant-- Grant Manning?"
54815Is it going to sea we are in a train of cars?
54815Is this the new member of the firm?
54815Just then a maudlin voice came from outside:"Phwere is the lock, Oi wonder?
54815Know they not that the demon of the mountain, old''Jishin''himself, lives there?
54815Legitimate expenses, you understand?
54815Men and provisions, eh?
54815Now what are we going to do?"
54815Now what can be his reason?"
54815Now where is Willis Round?"
54815Now where is he?"
54815Patrick Cronin, did ye live to see the day when forty men would scoot from the sight of yer face?"
54815Phwy do n''t yer git fat?
54815Remember the cowardly thrust thou gavest my brother?"
54815Remember the night at the_ matsura_?
54815Round may have stolen the receipt?"
54815Rushing bareheaded into the street, Grant grasped one of the lads by the arm, and exclaimed:"What under the sun does this mean, Nattie?
54815So the Germans are hobnobbing with our esteemed enemy, eh?
54815So you would try to wheedle me with lies?
54815Sumo, who is a good man to send to the nearest town for police?"
54815Suppose Round-- if it were he-- should take it into his head to enter one of the private apartments?
54815Surely you must remember his son, Nattie Manning?"
54815The first question in such a case is, who will it benefit?"
54815The old company has called in native blood, eh?
54815The others----""What of them?"
54815The police are coming at last, eh?
54815They surely could not hope to keep Grant a prisoner for many months?"
54815Was it theft of valuable silks or deliberate incendiarism?
54815What about him?"
54815What absurdity is this?"
54815What are you going to say about this affair?
54815What can he hope to do against the authorities?"
54815What could be the man''s object?
54815What could the fellow mean?
54815What could you do in a row with three or four cutthroats?
54815What did the Blacks agree to pay you?"
54815What do you say?"
54815What do you say?"
54815What do you think about it?"
54815What do you think of it?"
54815What do you think of it?"
54815What do you think of it?"
54815What do you want to come out in this wet for when you have a cozy nook in yon house?
54815What had he learned?
54815What have I to do with it?"
54815What have you seen?"
54815What if the truth should be discovered?
54815What is the cause of this disgraceful row?"
54815What is the matter with all of the old merchants, eh?
54815What kind of a man was he?"
54815What mystery do you mean?"
54815What of him?
54815What part?"
54815What was Nattie''s object in leaving the Manning residence in face of Mori''s warning?
54815What was his object in paying a visit to his enemy at such an hour of the night?
54815What would I do with a vacation?
54815What would you give if the contracts were placed in your way?"
54815When can you see him?
54815When do you want to start, sir?"
54815Where had the man gone?
54815Where is the animal?"
54815Where is the engine that brought the train in a few moments ago?"
54815Whither go you?"
54815Who will take the bet?"
54815Why am I dragged out here like a drunken sailor?
54815Why ca n''t you come also?"
54815Why do you ask these questions?"
54815Why this haste?"
54815Will you mention your suspicions?"
54815Will you please give me a reply?"
54815Willis Round, Cronin, do you intend to abide by Ralph Black''s murderous proposition?"
54815Wo n''t ye make it twenty pounds, sir?"
54815Wonder if I have any matches in my pocket?"
54815Would it really be worth the candle to bring the ex- bookkeeper to justice?
54815Would the excellency call at once?
54815Would the excellency condescend to visit him at his house in a street hard by the Shinto temple?
54815Would you add to our misery?
54815You Grant Manning?
54815You do not think you could ruin them single- handed?"
54815You have been a prisoner in your time, eh?"
54815You have doubtless heard rumors of trouble with China about Corea?"
54815Your little plan did n''t work, eh?
54815do you know what day this is?"
54815is n''t that provoking?"
54815or why did n''t I strike him down while I had the chance a moment ago?
54815so it''s ye, me bold Nattie?
54815there will be loads of fun, and-- what under the sun is the matter?"
54815where are the backers of the other side?
54815why do I ask such a question?
54815wo n''t they groan in bitterness of spirit when I send over for the money?"
26695A locket?
26695All the time he was in the room?
26695Am I a man of ordinary common sense? 26695 Am I to understand that Fitz and you intend to fight me in the law upon this matter?"
26695And the boy?
26695And who be you? 26695 And you do n''t know where this hospital was?"
26695And you encourage such ridiculous notions-- do you, Ellen?
26695And your brother-- was he taken from the cholera hospital?
26695Any written papers?
26695Anything else?
26695Are there any papers there?
26695Are you Mr. Hart, sir?
26695Are you a Frenchman?
26695Are you aware of the amount of this claim?
26695Are you crazy, Fitz?
26695Are you deaf, Lawrence? 26695 Are you going to accept his offer?"
26695Are you not ashamed of yourself to speak of your father in that way, Fitz? 26695 Boy, what is your name?"
26695Burnet told you so?
26695But do n''t I say we need no money to carry on the suit? 26695 But do n''t they go up in your chamber?"
26695But if he does produce the child, where is the money to pay the expenses?
26695But what was the other name of the one that died?
26695But what will the firm of Checkynshaw, Hart,& Co. do without him? 26695 But where is the child now?"
26695But who was your mother?
26695But why did n''t you take the place when he offered it to you at double wages, Fitz? 26695 But you do n''t expect any one to give you six dollars for a trap like that, with half a dozen rats in it-- do you?"
26695Ca n''t you go to sleep again,_ mon père_?
26695Can he read and write?
26695Can it be that the mighty name of Choate is to be linked with injustice and oppression? 26695 Can you send for him?"
26695Can you write it correctly?
26695Could I see your mother?
26695Could n''t I live with André again?
26695Could you show me some letters from Marguerite, or some bill you have paid for her board or tuition?
26695Did Fitz do it?
26695Did I ever tell you how he treated me and my mother? 26695 Did I?
26695Did Leo know they were there?
26695Did he ever say anything about any papers of mine?
26695Did he ever say anything to you about me?
26695Did he tell you how much he gave for the mouse- house?
26695Did n''t you know there was a package of papers in the chest-- such as bonds, deeds, and notes?
26695Did the barber-- your father, if he is your father-- send you to my office to- day?
26695Did you ever learn the barber''s trade, or did you pick it up yourself?
26695Did you know your father had got himself into a scrape?
26695Did you make any effort to find the parents of the child you adopted?
26695Did you train them yourself?
26695Do n''t you keep any white mice in it?
26695Do n''t you see that, if the child died, the block of stores belongs to my mother? 26695 Do n''t you want an establishment of this kind, Baxter?"
26695Do n''t your mice get out of their houses down stairs, and come up?
26695Do you know Fitz Wittleworth?
26695Do you know Pilky Wayne?
26695Do you know in what hospital the child was placed?
26695Do you think I ca n''t do the business alone?
26695Do you think I should not know my own child when I saw her?
26695Do you think if I did it that I would tell you of it?
26695Do you translate English proper names?
26695Does he want me?
26695Does it pull, Fitz?
26695Does n''t André know?
26695Fifty cints-- is it? 26695 Fitz says so-- does he?"
26695Has he met with any success, sir?
26695Has he, indeed?
26695Has n''t he cleared out?
26695Have n''t you heard from her for eighteen months?
26695Have you a mother?
26695Have you always worked at the business?
26695Have you any at your house?
26695Have you ever told any person that Marguerite Checkynshaw died at the hospital?
26695Have you had any papers there at any time?
26695Have you overhauled the contents of your chest lately?
26695Have you seen the key of my safe?
26695Have your hair cut?
26695He did?
26695His name is Leo-- the Lion?
26695How can we settle it, if you have nothing to show me to prove that Marguerite is living?
26695How is father?
26695How is he?
26695How is your father, miss?
26695How long was he in this room?
26695How much money was stolen with the papers?
26695How shall we pay the rent if I lie here? 26695 I assure you, mademoiselle--""Where do you live, André?"
26695I think we do not need any help-- do we, Maggie?
26695If you get turned off, what will become of us? 26695 In one word, will you wear the bracelets, or will you tell where you obtained the papers?
26695In what?
26695Insult you? 26695 Into what?"
26695Is André Maggimore here?
26695Is Maggie at home?
26695Is he there now?
26695Is it far from here?
26695Is she living?
26695Is there anything I can do for you?
26695Is there anything in that chest besides your clothes?
26695Is this the way you waste your time and your money? 26695 Is your boy-- What''s his name?"
26695It was rather sudden-- wasn''t it?
26695Know who?
26695Leo, what do you keep in that chest of yours, up in your room?
26695Leo,said the banker,"how is your father?"
26695Must you? 26695 My turn?"
26695O, she died there-- did she?
26695Should n''t you have seen them?
26695Should you deny it?
26695Suppose he does n''t get it?
26695Suppose he should produce her?
26695Take good care of him?
26695Taste-- is it? 26695 The last time I went out of an evening,"he added,"I called on my friend Choate-- you know Choate?
26695The money is ready; where are the papers?
26695Then he gave you the reward?
26695Then you did not find the papers yourself?
26695This is from Marguerite-- is it?
26695Twenty? 26695 Was I not right about this affair?
26695Was Mr. Hart in this office?
26695Was he, indeed?
26695Was it true?
26695What about?
26695What ails him?
26695What ails me? 26695 What are his reasons?"
26695What are we coming to?
26695What are you about, you blockhead? 26695 What are you doing here, Fitz?"
26695What are you going to do, Fitz?
26695What are you going to do, Fitz?
26695What are you going to do, Leo?
26695What are you going to do?
26695What are you thinking about, Leo?
26695What became of the child?
26695What became of this patient?
26695What can we do, Fitz?
26695What can we do, mother? 26695 What can we do?
26695What can you do?
26695What did he say to you?
26695What did you come for-- to beg?
26695What did you get?
26695What do they perform?
26695What do you mean by that?
26695What do you mean by''bought him up''?
26695What do you mean by''make or break,''Leo? 26695 What do you think my friend Choate would say to that?"
26695What do you want, then?
26695What do you want?
26695What does he care for that? 26695 What does he say about the child?"
26695What does that mean, Billy?
26695What else?
26695What for?
26695What has he gone to France for, then?
26695What have you here, boy?
26695What have you proved?
26695What have you there, my boy?
26695What if he has? 26695 What is it, mother?
26695What is that one for?
26695What is the matter, Miss Maggimore?
26695What is the price?
26695What is the use for us to think anything about the block of stores? 26695 What is this?"
26695What made you think so?
26695What makes Fitz think that Marguerite is not living?
26695What makes me think so?
26695What makes you think so?
26695What paper am I to sign?
26695What shall I do? 26695 What then?"
26695What time were you here?
26695What was Mr. Hart doing?
26695What was he like?
26695What was the locket?
26695What was the name of the other Marguerite?
26695What was the reason, then, Fitz?
26695What were you doing there?
26695What would you be willing to give for it?
26695What would you say if I told you that a couple of them had made a nest in your chest up stairs, and had a litter of little ones there?
26695What''s that?
26695What''s the lowest price you will take for the concern?
26695What''s the price of them?
26695What''s the use of saying that, mother?
26695What, keep such a pretty cage as that in the kitchen?
26695When can you do it?
26695Where are Maggie and your father?
26695Where did he find you?
26695Where did you find them?
26695Where did you get them?
26695Where do you live now?
26695Where do you live, my boy?
26695Where do you live, sir?
26695Where do you suppose father is?
26695Where is Fitz?
26695Where is it, then?
26695Where is poor father now?
26695Where is the locket now?
26695Where is your mother?
26695Where were you while he was here?
26695Where would you keep them, then?
26695Which way did he come in?
26695Who else?
26695Who has been in my office?
26695Who has the block of stores now?
26695Who is the witness?
26695Who keeps house here?
26695Who told you I had?
26695Who told you I should not be back again?
26695Who was the man that came out of the office?
26695Why did n''t you wait for me?
26695Why did you bring that boy with you?
26695Why did you say so, then?
26695Why did your father tell the Wittleworths, then, that he was employed in the cholera hospital in Paris?
26695Why do you call him''_ mon père_''?
26695Why may it not have been?
26695Why not? 26695 Why not?"
26695Why not?
26695Why should he be afraid of you? 26695 Why should he say she did n''t die, if she did die?"
26695Why should he? 26695 Why so?"
26695Why will I, Fitz? 26695 Why will you persist in talking about starving?"
26695Why, not?
26695Why, what do you mean, sir?
26695Why, what is the matter?
26695Why, what''s the matter, Leo? 26695 Why_ will_ you talk about your friend Choate?
26695Will you give up a hundred thousand dollars for ten thousand?
26695Will you go?
26695Will you see my husband?
26695Will you show us just where you found them?
26695Will you tell him, sir, that I came as he wished, and will call again at one to- morrow?
26695Will you witness your mother''s signature, Fitz?
26695Will you?
26695You are one of the partners-- are you not?
26695You are?
26695You asked Burnet for me?
26695You do n''t think any one will give you five dollars for that house-- do you?
26695You have concluded to come back-- have you?
26695You know where I live?
26695You say the child was sent to the cholera hospital?
26695You translated this letter into French for Mr. Checkynshaw-- did you?
26695You wo n''t put poor Leo in jail-- will you? 26695 You wo n''t take him up-- will you?
26695Your father-- Is he your father, miss?
26695_ Mon père!_ You speak French-- do you?
26695Am I rightly informed?"
26695Are you comfortably provided for, André?"
26695Are you his children?"
26695Bad counsels?"
26695By the way, is your sister-- what''s her name?"
26695Could this have happened?"
26695Did Checkynshaw ever write a letter to her?
26695Did any one else ever see the child?
26695Did any one ever see a letter from her?
26695Did n''t you see him cringe?"
26695Do you suppose Mr. Checkynshaw would keep me out of it if it belonged to me?"
26695Do you think you could live on the income of ten thousand dollars a year?
26695Do you wish to buy it?"
26695Do you wish to see him, sir?"
26695Does a man of wealth and influence leave his own child among strangers, in a foreign land, for ten years?
26695Does he ever send her any money?"
26695Does that man mean to tell me that we have no grounds for a suit?"
26695Has any one any knowledge of her existence except through Checkynshaw?
26695Have I lived to attain my present stature without growing wiser with every day of life I lived?
26695Have I not persisted, from the beginning, that the child was dead?"
26695Have I not told you from the beginning what Checkynshaw was?
26695Have n''t I been in the office with him for years?
26695Have n''t we got most to your house?"
26695How came those papers in my brother''s chest?"
26695How did you know me?"
26695How far is it?"
26695If he has a daughter in France, fifteen years old, as she must be, would n''t she write to him?
26695Is he at home?"
26695Is it strange that the child was reported to be dead?
26695Is it strange that they were separated?
26695Is it strange that, at such a time, my wife believed the report?
26695Is n''t it singular how a light remark, casually dropped, leads us off into a conversation which occupies a whole evening?"
26695Is your sister at home?"
26695It was all_ make_, and no_ break_--wasn''t it, Leo?"
26695Lawrence, will you send for a carriage?"
26695Mother, have I not furnished wisdom for our family?
26695Of what avail are my judgment, my knowledge, and my experience, if I can not penetrate a sham so transparent as this?
26695Sure who''d give fifty cints for those bits o''crayturs?
26695Sure, would anyone ate''em?"
26695The integrity of his intentions could not be doubted, for had he not given Mrs. Wittleworth ten thousand dollars?
26695Was it possible that Leo had been concerned in the robbery?
26695Was there not some useful article which he could make and sell-- a boot- jack, a work- box, a writing- desk-- something new and novel?
26695What are you going to do now?"
26695What can I do?"
26695What could he want to see Maggie for?
26695What did Mr. Checkynshaw want of you?"
26695What do you shave for?"
26695What do you suppose induced him to double my salary so readily?"
26695What do you wish me to do?"
26695What for?
26695What is that for?"
26695What makes me think so?
26695What makes you look at me so?"
26695What need have I of a place?
26695What shall we do now?"
26695What shall we do?"
26695What should I do if you were sick?"
26695What sort of a boy is he?"
26695What will become of you?
26695What will you do?"
26695What would a rich man care for five dollars when he wanted to please his children?
26695What''s this he called the disase?
26695What, when he comes here to accuse me of robbing his safe?
26695When can you come?"
26695When will you learn to keep still, Fitz?"
26695Where is Elinora?
26695Where is Elinora?"
26695Where is Leo now?"
26695Where will you get food to eat and clothes to wear?"
26695Who was the gentleman?"
26695Why did he want a quitclaim deed, if his rights were clear?
26695Why did n''t you come to me?"
26695Why did n''t you do it before you came here?
26695Why do n''t you go for a constable, and take me up now?
26695Why do n''t you go out and try to find a place to work?"
26695Why do n''t you open the door when I ring?"
26695Why do you give my mother a letter purporting to come from your daughter Marguerite, which was written by Miss Maggimore?
26695Why had he forged a letter from Marguerite, when he must have real ones, if the daughter was still living?
26695Why will you be so absurd?"
26695Why, indeed?"
26695Will you let me bring the suit against Checkynshaw for the block of stores?"
26695Winthrop was a little stiff; but what did I care for him, as long as Choate and Everett were on good terms with me?"
26695Wo n''t you come in?"
26695Would n''t he go and see her?
26695Would n''t he send her money?
26695Would n''t he write to her?
26695Your boy''s name is Leo-- isn''t it?"