
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
59423''To whom,''asked Admiral Villeneuve in good English,''have I the honour of surrendering?''
59423''_ Who can feel any pride in a mere blustering adjective?
59423Has he been in action before?''
59423How many of them all would kneel next Sunday three weeks to receive the_ aumônier''s_ blessing at early mass?
59423Jack looked him in the face with supreme contempt, and retorted indignantly,"What 12th of April?
59423Le brave Gardiner tombe et finit sa vie, Mais il vit dans nos coeurs, il vit par ses vertus, Est- ce le ciel qui nous l''envie?
59423Saw ye the flush of the death- cloud, Crimson o''er Trafalgar?
59423Supposing he made a show of trying to cut the two French ships off-- how would De Grasse take it?
59423The captain from the bridge, glass in hand, watching anxiously the aim of her gunners, would shout from time to time:"What was that, my men?"
59423The doctor, not immediately calling to mind that great day, inquired again,"_ What_ 12th of April?"
59423To see the gleam in their eyes, who could doubt that within them beat hearts as stout as in those hearts of oak of the grand old days?''
59423V THE''FIGHTING''_ TÉMÉRAIRE_ WHERE, HOW, AND WHEN SHE MADE HER NAME Heard ye the thunder of battle Low in the south and afar?
59423Vive la Gloire!_ Light- hearted and gay, how many of them gave a thought to something else?
59423Was it sunstroke?
59423Were the enemy going to back down at the last moment?
59423What did De Grasse himself think of his men''s poor show?
59423What made the men fall dead so suddenly?
59423What of those who would not live to see the coming battle through?
59423What on earth had happened now?
59423What was it?
59423What was the matter?
59423What was to be done?
59423What; are there two of them?
59423Where are those colours now?
59423Who and what was the stranger?
59423Would he turn back and come to the rescue?
59423Would the pilot have escaped had he pulled himself together and stuck to the helm?
59423Yet, surely, it is deserving of the honour?
59423[ 116] Poor Villeneuve!--where moulders his unhappy dust?
59423quel funeste coup, ce héros n''est donc plus?
59423where''s Sir George?''
21487A thousand men to withstand twenty thousand?
21487Am I to inform the admiral that you refuse to deliver up the islands and their castles to the fleet of the Commonwealth?
21487And Dick, where is Dick?
21487But have you found any men on whom you can rely?
21487But what if they wo n''t believe us?
21487But will they believe us?
21487Ca n''t we go in and destroy them?
21487Can the admiral really intend thus to allow the pirates to escape with impunity?
21487Do you bring any news?
21487Have you a mind to sail with us, youngsters?
21487Have you any orders to pay for the shroud and coffin?
21487Have you anything to say for yourselves?
21487Have you sailed so many years with our good commander, and yet can fancy such a thing?
21487How many fighting men have we?
21487If they inquire who we are, as they are sure to do, what shall we say about ourselves?
21487Is there no hope?
21487Tell me, Mr Aylett, who were those young ladies of whom you speak?
21487Well, old friend, what has happened?
21487Were they with us at the siege of Lyme?
21487What became of the_ Hector_?
21487What have you to say, lads?
21487What shall we do now?
21487What ship, what ship?
21487What''s the matter?
21487What''s to be done?
21487What''s to be done?
21487Where are my father and sister?
21487Where are we?
21487Where is he?
21487Where is my dear Audrey?
21487Who are you, my pretty maiden?
21487Who dares to say that?
21487Who is he?
21487Who is he?
21487Would you like to accompany us and see the big ships?
21487Would you wish to remain with me?
21487Are you then acting like brave men by turning against your officers?
21487Have we your permission, for you are, I opine, the general of this army?"
21487Is he a sailor?"
21487Mark you not, Master Ben, how deep by the head is that stout Portugale ship?
21487Maybe you may remember Richard Bracewell?"
21487Shall we ever reach the shore, Martin, do you think?"
21487The Prince, for that such he was we knew by the way the officers who stood round addressed him, smiled as he replied--"Say, who is your father?"
21487The answer was not heard, but the question,"What ship is that?"
21487What do you say to obtaining leave from the admiral to fit out one of the vessels we have just taken, and to go and look for them?
21487What say you to dressing up in her clothes, and taking Ben with you?
21487Who are you?"
21487Who is that youngster standing by you?"
21487have you never seen Prince Rupert, the bravest commander in the king''s armies, and now his best admiral?
21487he exclaimed, cutting the rope;"are you not afraid of committing murder, when, at any moment, you may be sent to stand before the Judge of all men?"
61371And the gliders?
61371And they would try it at night?
61371And what would they still be doing at anchor?
61371Are they returned? 61371 But our-- uh-- tactics, is it?
61371But_ we_ whip them, ho?
61371Can they come through the Break?
61371How many corvettes?
61371How many corvettes?
61371How many?
61371How slow?
61371May I light the lamp?
61371Not to go in?
61371Then we wait?
61371There is a way?
61371We fool them, ho? 61371 We hit them?"
61371We made it, ho?
61371We wait like before?
61371You tell when?
61371And what about this thing of being afraid?
61371And what was he doing here with these strange, alien Kali?
61371How do you go about explaining caution to a people like that?
61371How''ll we do it, John?
61371Present Occupation?
61371Probably meaning how the hell should I know?
61371So who had it, the head or the heart?
61371Tahn coughed and leaned his head sideways, fairly equivalent to a casual''so what?''
61371The humid, hot salty flavor of a strange sea blanketed the cabin, and sparked a sudden thought:"What the hell am I doing here?"
61371They are to keep out of the Passage?"
61371What did they call it?
61371Where are the rest?"
61371You know how it will be?
40689A nabob? 40689 All hands into the boats?"
40689All hands on deck?
40689And who are you, young gentleman?
40689And, papa, we must not forget this old boatman, too, who pulled the boy and me-- what''s your name? 40689 Are there any more of you stowed away?"
40689Are you much hurt, sir?
40689But suppose it came on thick weather, and you lost sight of us?
40689Can I remain in command of her, sir?
40689Come on, my lads?
40689Do n''t give in, Mason?
40689Fire, and then charge?
40689Good- bye, Jack?
40689Here, Jack?
40689Hold on, whatever you do?
40689I suspect the_ Fawn_ will outsail the junk, and then what will you do?
40689I wish to show my gratitude, but how can I do so?
40689If you so think fit, my friend,answered Mrs. Brigadier;"and if the boy-- by- the- by, what is your name?"
40689Is it? 40689 Jack Junker?
40689Jack, are you prepared to die?
40689Jack, were you ever sea- sick?
40689Oh, but that may not be for a long time, father; and what should I do with myself till then?
40689Remember my directions?
40689Rouse up, every one of you; rouse up, you young villains, and go to your duty?
40689Shall I take Jack with me? 40689 Then I suppose you are the young Brigadier?"
40689Then you will let me go, will you not, father?
40689They say your father is a nabob; is he?
40689Very jolly, eh?
40689Well done, Rawlings?
40689Well, Jack, what do you think of it?
40689Well, lads,he said,"are you ready to put on your clothes, and come along to young master''s friends?
40689Well, old man,again asked the young gentleman,"are you going after my boat?"
40689Well, what mischief have you been after?
40689Well, you do look like two drownded rats?
40689What are all you boys idling here for?
40689What are we to do with these black fellows, I wonder?
40689What are you sodgers doing there?
40689What business had you to be tumbling into the water?
40689What''s the odds?
40689Who am I? 40689 Who are you, my men?"
40689Who is that growling out?
40689Why, Jack, shall I have to do this sort of work?
40689Why, Mr. Plumb, what amount of navigation do you possess?
40689Will one or two do?
40689Yes; never say Die?
40689You have heard of good service stripes, may- be, Jack?
40689You think so?
40689A favourite song of his, which he used to hum, was--"What''s the use of sighing, While time is on the wing?
40689Do you happen to know your mother''s maiden name?"
40689Do you know what a brigadier is, you young jackanapes, eh?"
40689It would be great fun going away by ourselves to look after prizes, would it not?"
40689Suddenly, a loud voice was heard, shouting,"On deck, lads, for your lives?"
40689We there had to answer to our number, and then came the pipe--"Watch and idlers, holystone decks?"
40689Were you?"
40689Where is my papa?
40689Who is it?"
40689You do n''t want to get drowned, do you?"
40689but are you to be a midshipman?"
40689he exclaimed in a sharp, querulous tone,"where have you been all this time?
40689he exclaimed,"where are you going?
40689he shouted again,"what will become of the boat?
40689she said turning round sharply,"without consulting me?"
40689we will sell our lives dearly?"
40689what do you mean by that?"
40689what is that buoy floating there?"
40689what is this?"
40689what will become of the boat?"
40689what''s the use of crying?
40689you want to know who I am?"
43420A what?
43420Ai n''t it time for me to go on deck?
43420An''do you really think there''s a chance for me?
43420An''your father is aboard the_ Brooklyn_, eh?
43420Are we anywhere near the_ Brooklyn_?
43420But what am I to do on board here?
43420But what''ll become of me? 43420 But when he comes?"
43420Ca n''t you earn enough to keep you in food?
43420Can we sink her?
43420Can you get me somethin''to eat?
43420Did he leave you behind to run wild?
43420Did n''t want a boy, eh?
43420Do n''t yer s''pose I know that? 43420 Do n''t you do anything for a livin''?"
43420Do you know when she''s likely to leave?
43420Do you suppose any such plan might work?
43420Do you suppose they''ve all been killed?
43420Do you think they will live to sink the_ Merrimac_?
43420Find a chance? 43420 He''ll come back, wo n''t he?"
43420How can it?
43420How long before you''ll sink her?
43420How long will it take her to get there?
43420How will you let him know where I am?
43420Is the yard open all the time?
43420Is the_ Brooklyn_ anywhere near?
43420It does n''t stand to reason you should have been left aboard to go down with the steamer, eh?
43420Meanin''that you''re willin''to help me?
43420Of course he ca n''t, else why is he takin''a crew with him? 43420 Out for a soldier, eh?"
43420Runnin''a bank?
43420See the captain?
43420Time? 43420 Want more bread?"
43420What do you mean?
43420What do you mean?
43420What do you think of that, lad?
43420What else can he do?
43420What will make her sink?
43420What''er you doin''here?
43420What''s the sense of picklin''a rod for your own back when you may run away from it? 43420 What''s the use tryin''to scare a feller almost to death?"
43420What''s your name?
43420What''s your name?
43420When will they start?
43420Where is Captain Miller?
43420Where was you headin''for?
43420Where''d you come from?
43420Where''s the_ Brooklyn_?
43420Where''s your folks?
43420Where''s your mother?
43420Where-- who-- what-- oh, a stowaway, eh?
43420Why do n''t you do it now? 43420 Why do n''t you try to work your passage?
43420Why not?
43420Why not?
43420Will he let in to me pretty tough?
43420Will we run right alongside of her?
43420Yes; did you allow she laid within hail?
43420You said she was goin''to carry the coal to our vessels, did n''t you?
43420Course I make enough to buy food; but you do n''t think I''m blowin''it all in jest for a spread, eh?"
43420Do n''t you see how much nearer your father we are than we were this mornin''?"
43420Do n''t you see the ship here almost alongside?"
43420Do you count on jumpin''right into the captain''s arms?"
43420During several moments he was in such a daze as to be virtually unconscious, and then he heard his companion ask:"Where is the_ Merrimac''s_ crew?"
43420Every Spanish gun within range will open fire on''em, an''what chance have they got of comin''out alive?"
43420He wo n''t come the sooner, or stay away any longer, no matter how much you fuss, so why not save the wear an''tear of thinkin''?"
43420His vessels are the very ones we''ve come to coal, an''if that ai n''t luck enough for a stowaway, I''d like to know what you could call it?"
43420Hot down here, eh?"
43420Is it a dead sure thing that the steamer''s bound for our war- vessels?"
43420She might be runnin''straight away from him, an''then what would you do?"
43420Teddy took up the pails, and as he turned to go out of the yard his new acquaintance asked, solicitously:"Got money enough to buy what''ll be needed?
43420Tell me what brought you here, sonny?
43420Then where''ll I be?"
43420Think you a craft like the_ Merrimac_ could stand the storm of shot and shell that was poured on her from the time we saw the first flash?
43420What have you got by way of an outfit?"
43420What more could any twelve- year- old boy ask for?
43420[ Illustration]"Turned out of house an''home, eh?"
42099''Dis? 42099 ''How is that sentry out there?''
42099''Look here, my man, just let me pass, will you? 42099 ''Look here, my man,''said he,''do you see that soldier out there?''
42099''Now,''said our leader,''do you want a good dinner-- one of the very best?'' 42099 ''Well, how am I going to find out?''
42099''What means this?'' 42099 ''What schooner is that?''
42099''Why, doctor, what''s the matter?'' 42099 Any more rebel sentiment in you that wants washing out?
42099Any one been wrongin''you, sir? 42099 Any thing wrong?"
42099Are we safe?
42099Are you caterer of your mess?
42099Are you on an even keel now, my hearty?
42099Are you ready to take back what you said?
42099But tell me one thing, Jack,said Frank, his face still covered with his hands,"Am I a coward?"
42099But, to change the subject, how many men did you lose in the action to- day?
42099Ca n''t yees be aisy, I say? 42099 Can you furnish me with a copy of those regulations?"
42099Did he?
42099Did n''t the Yanks see you as you came up?
42099Do n''t know,replied the rebel;"but, I say, Yank, will you let a fellow come over there?"
42099Do n''t you know that this room is n''t iron- clad?
42099Do you call this thing a hat?
42099Do you hear what I tell you?
42099Do you think he has improved any with your help?
42099Go on; what next?
42099Going back to your ship, eh? 42099 Harry, what is the matter with you?"
42099Have you indeed succeeded?
42099How are you now, Johnny?
42099How is it now?
42099I have n''t, eh? 42099 I then lay down by the side of the road, and in a few moments Sam whispered:"''Bill, I wonder what''s the number of this post?''
42099If you must execute us,said Frank, in a husky voice,"why not let us die like men, and not like criminals?"
42099In the first place,said he,"I guess you have found that we are in earnest, have n''t you?"
42099Mr. Nelson,shouted the captain,"what are you doing?
42099Say, Yank,continued the rebel,"do you see a hole in the crown of that hat?"
42099Say, you rebel,exclaimed Frank,"why did n''t you tell me that you had stuck a bayonet into my cap?"
42099The prisoners, sir,began the sergeant----"Well, what''s the trouble with them?"
42099Then I did not expose you needlessly, did I, Jack?
42099These two white men he caught,said Lieutenant Somers,"what were they?
42099Tom,said Frank, addressing himself to the quarter- master, as the two were standing their watch that evening,"how came you to go to sea?"
42099Wal, Yank, what do you want now?
42099Well, Frank,exclaimed Keys, as the former entered and took his place at the table,"was the captain glad to see you?"
42099Well, what did the old man say?
42099Well, what else?
42099Well, what in the world possessed you to hoodwink Mr. French in this manner?
42099What are you doing there, sir?
42099What did you say your business was, Yank?
42099What do you mean, sir? 42099 What do you take back?"
42099What does that flag of truce mean? 42099 What seems to be the matter, Mr. Martin?
42099What shall I do? 42099 What will you give?"
42099What''s the matter now, sergeant?
42099What''s the matter, colonel?
42099What''s the matter, sir?
42099What''s the meaning of all this?
42099Where are the guerrillas, Jack?
42099Where are they?
42099Where do you get your grub?
42099Where was that?
42099Who has abused you, sir?
42099Who is making them? 42099 Why are you not at your post?
42099Wo n''t the lazy Yankees get up? 42099 You''re sure you do n''t intend to swindle a fellow?
42099''Got any?''
42099''Have n''t you got sense enough to know that you are dangerously wounded?
42099''If some one should happen to come along without the countersign, and I should want to call the corporal, I would be in a nice fix, would n''t I?''
42099''Is he a scout?
42099And how had he escaped without even a scratch?
42099And then, when and how had he been guilty of disrespect to his superior officer?
42099Are there any rebels there?"
42099Are we likely to have a brush?"
42099Are you crazy, sir?"
42099Are you going to surrender?"
42099As soon as they had fairly started, the orderly sergeant galloped up beside Frank, and inquired:"Yank, how did you get out of that cabin that night?
42099At this moment a shaggy head, nearly covered up with a slouch hat, was thrust in at the door, and a voice inquired:"Are you all right now, Yank?
42099At your old tricks again so soon?"
42099Bill,"whined Charles, writhing like an eel in Harry''s strong grasp,"are you going to sit there and see me abused in this manner?
42099But have we your permission to come ashore and bury our dead?"
42099But what am I to do?"
42099But what do you suppose we care for that dish- rag?
42099But what else did you hear?"
42099But what were you going to say?"
42099But what''s your hurry?"
42099But where are you going?"
42099But why did they not fire through the bulk- head?
42099But why have n''t you been around to see a fellow?
42099But, to change the subject again, what did you come down here to fight us for?"
42099Could he be mistaken?
42099Could it be possible that he had heard aright, and that he was in reality a condemned man?
42099Did n''t you hear that drum?''
42099Did you see''Nuisance''when he came out of his room?
42099Do you ever have as good a supper as this on board your men- o''-war?"
42099Do you feel able to walk up there?''
42099Do you know what you are about?
42099Had the Concord been disabled, and was the captain about to run her ashore and surrender?
42099Have you allowed them to escape?"
42099He boldly entered this creek, but had not proceeded far when a voice hailed:"Who comes there?"
42099Here, sir,"he continued, turning to Frank, who happened to be the nearest officer,"can you make those signals?"
42099How can you stay at home?"
42099I wonder if there is any thing wrong?"
42099I wonder if this darkey ranks me?
42099In a few moments the captain had made out the signal, which was,"How do you succeed?"
42099In the present instance, this seemed very poor policy; for what good would it do to make objections to the order after his men had been sacrificed?
42099Is the captain in the parlor?"
42099Morton, what are you about, sir?
42099Now, what is there out in the country that you go to see so often?"
42099Pointing to a chair, he inquired, as he commenced turning over the leaves of the memorandum- book:"Mr. Keys, is this some of your work?"
42099Shake hands with a feller, wo n''t ye?''
42099Shall we go up?"
42099Should they spring out and overpower the sentry where he sat?
42099The effect of this question, so abruptly put, was astounding, and Frank could only falter--"Sir?
42099The negro was to accompany him, and as Frank saw them about to move off, he inquired, carelessly:"Have n''t you got another horse?
42099Then, in a louder tone, came the question,''Did you keep a good look- out for that smuggler, as we requested?''
42099They at once took us for some of their scouts, and one of them inquired:"''How are the Yanks?''
42099They reached it in safety, when the executive said, triumphantly:"What do you think now?
42099They were just in the"nick of time,"for, as they approached, they distinctly heard a voice inquire:"Where''s the colonel?
42099To his surprise, however, the rebel eagerly advanced to meet him, and, extending his hand, greeted him with:"How are you, Nelson?
42099To the challenge,''Who comes there?''
42099Want your prisoners also?"
42099Well, when do you suppose you will be home again for good?"
42099Were their services needed below Vicksburg, and were they about to imitate the Queen of the West, and run by the batteries in broad daylight?
42099What could be the meaning of this new move?
42099What did you wish?"
42099What do you and your master go out into the country for, twice every week?"
42099What do you intend to do with a fellow, Johnny?''
42099What do you say?
42099What do you want here?
42099What does he know about soldiering?''
42099When they had approached within speaking distance, Frank inquired:"Well, uncle, is there any chance for a hungry man to get any thing to eat in here?"
42099Where are you going?''
42099Who says you did, sir?"
42099Why are you not at the front, where you belong?
42099Why do n''t you start, sir?"
42099Will you allow me to look at them?"
42099Will you give me men enough to recover it?"
42099Will you have the kindness to call away the first cutter?"
42099Will you keep an eye on the baby?''
42099Will you oblige me by giving three cheers for the boys who are fighting our battles-- every day risking their lives in defense of the old flag?"
42099Wo n''t he get his rations stuffed into him?"
42099Wo n''t the Johnnies be surprised when they call all hands in the morning, and find us missin''?"
42099Would I survive the experiment?
42099exclaimed Charles, at this moment, coming alongside and stretching out a hand to each of them,"how are you?
42099how de do?
42099is this you, me boy?"