This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
46413 | Anonymous | Special Days and Their Observance September 1919 | nan | 50168.0 | 3836.0 | nan | ./cache/46413.txt | ./txt/46413.txt |
35697 | Campbell, Edward Livingston | Historical sketch of the Fifteenth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers First Brigade, First Division, Sixth Corps | nan | 8412.0 | 753.0 | nan | ./cache/35697.txt | ./txt/35697.txt |
37834 | Colles, Julia Keese | Authors and Writers Associated with Morristown With a Chapter on Historic Morristown | nan | 84836.0 | 4686.0 | nan | ./cache/37834.txt | ./txt/37834.txt |
24741 | Drake, Samuel Adams | The Campaign of Trenton 1776-77 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
55714 | Eaton, Charlotte | Stevenson at Manasquan | nan | 9478.0 | 504.0 | nan | ./cache/55714.txt | ./txt/55714.txt |
3043 | Fisher, Sydney George | The Quaker Colonies: A Chronicle of the Proprietors of the Delaware | nan | 46966.0 | 2057.0 | nan | ./cache/3043.txt | ./txt/3043.txt |
15695 | Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins | ''Doc.'' Gordon | nan | 65820.0 | 5631.0 | nan | ./cache/15695.txt | ./txt/15695.txt |
17793 | Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins | The Debtor: A Novel | nan | 171940.0 | 12482.0 | nan | ./cache/17793.txt | ./txt/17793.txt |
18158 | Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins | The Butterfly House | nan | 54802.0 | 3833.0 | nan | ./cache/18158.txt | ./txt/18158.txt |
17492 | Hope, Laura Lee | Six Little Bunkers at Cousin Tom''s | nan | 46949.0 | 4219.0 | nan | ./cache/17492.txt | ./txt/17492.txt |
38103 | Ingersoll, Robert Green | Trial of C. B. Reynolds For Blasphemy, at Morristown, N. J., May 1887: Defence | nan | 21595.0 | 1301.0 | nan | ./cache/38103.txt | ./txt/38103.txt |
19878 | Leighton, Marshall Ora | The Passaic Flood of 1903 | nan | 20411.0 | 1806.0 | nan | ./cache/19878.txt | ./txt/19878.txt |
41805 | Shriner, Charles A. (Charles Anthony) | History of the Catholic Church in Paterson, N.J. with an Account of the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Establishment of St. John''s Church | nan | 32382.0 | 1620.0 | nan | ./cache/41805.txt | ./txt/41805.txt |
15550 | Smith, Mabell S. C. (Mabell Shippie Clarke) | Ethel Morton at Rose House | nan | 29992.0 | 1903.0 | nan | ./cache/15550.txt | ./txt/15550.txt |
24713 | Stockton, Frank Richard | Stories of New Jersey | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
59877 | Various | The New Jersey Law Journal, Volume XLV, No. 2, February, 1922 | nan | 18096.0 | 829.0 | nan | ./cache/59877.txt | ./txt/59877.txt |
60300 | Various | The New Jersey Law Journal, Volume XLV, No. 3, March 1922 | nan | 18821.0 | 805.0 | nan | ./cache/60300.txt | ./txt/60300.txt |
60238 | Various | The New Jersey Law Journal, January, 1922 Vol. XLV. No. 1. Jan., 1922 | nan | 18304.0 | 1090.0 | nan | ./cache/60238.txt | ./txt/60238.txt |