
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
59243And blind, too?
59243And how about my off hours,_ Captain_,Parker said, emphasizing the word as though it were obscene;"then may I fraternize?"
59243And without the sense of touch?
59243But what about Parker?
59243Now what?
59243What does it mean?
59243Actual or symbolic?
59243After awhile, Parker said,"Do you suppose they''re both mirages?"
59243For what?
59243How about you, Parker?"
59243Let him do what he wants here; what difference does it make if the natives do n''t know what''s happening?"
59243Why are they ignoring us?
61052Anything new during the night?
61052How many barmaids in the Cheshire Cat? 61052 How''s the captive coming?"
61052Is it possible, Doc?
61052*****"Captain Gwayne, may I present your former friend, Captain Hennessy?"
61052And who told these creatures that a space ship''s metal finders could be fooled by a little more than a hundred feet of solid rock?
61052But how could primitives do what these must have done?
61052But we have n''t really been changed yet, have we?"
61052For the return of their leader-- or for something that would give the ship to them?
61052For what?
61052How could the primitives have gotten to the men inside Hennessy''s ship?
61052How many pups did your oldest kid''s dog have?
61052How many were brown?"
61052Why was its fuel dumped?
59172Am I going to be retired as your First Mate?
59172Bart is n''t around, is he?
59172Ever have the feeling you''d been some place before when you''d actually never been there? 59172 Find anything interesting?"
59172He''ll wash me out of this job and then what will I do? 59172 In the stores?"
59172In the water?
59172Is that finally dawning on you?
59172Notice how the dead plants just pack under and do n''t decay?
59172Notice the water?
59172Say, Tom,Willie said hesitantly,"will you check over these figures?
59172Suppose some of them drifted here?
59172Think you''d like the loneliness of farming?
59172What about me?
59172What say?
59172What the hell are you trying to do?
59172What the hell did you do that for?
59172What you got?
59172What''s the hunch?
59172Where''s Willie?
59172Where''s Willie?
59172Why would a planet have ferns and nothing else, not even the beginning of animal life?
59172You ca n''t stay here, Willie,Tom began,"how are you going to live, to eat?"
59172Did n''t you feel anything about this planet, Tom?"
59172Do n''t you understand?
59172How about you, Tom?
59172How much difference is there from our sun?"
59172How''d that happen?"
59172Or what?"
59172Suppose we earn the bonus by bringing back a full report on whether it''s fit for a colony or not?"
59172Thinking of some gal back home?"
59172Want to be my navigator?"
59172We going to pass it close?"
59172What am I going to do when they ground me?
59172What would Willie do for food if his crops failed when the emergency rations were gone?
59172What''ll you do if you get sick or need help?"
59172Who''d get into our stores?
59172Willie, are we going to pass it close?"
58639Has space affec... did you feel any ill effects in space?
58639Have you enjoyed your stay, boys?
58639How do you feel, Dave?
58639How do you mean?
58639Is it possible we''re back on Earth? 58639 Mistake?"
58639Pity? 58639 Really?
58639Shall we talk about Earth now?
58639The_ what_?
58639Those are your ranks, are they not?
58639We do n''t care for all this...."Married?
58639What''s that?
58639You know?
58639You mean Mars is in exactly the same state of development as Earth?
58639You were in space for four years, were n''t you Captain Galus?
58639Are the inhabitants intelligent?"
58639By S. A. Lombino Only one question seemed important in this huge space venture: Who was flying where?
58639Ca n''t you understand that we are Earthmen?
58639Do you understand?
58639Galus and Lt. Dale, please?"
58639How the hell could we possibly be mistaken for them?"
58639I understand the strain of space, gentlemen, but we must be practical, must n''t we?"
58639Is it possible the joke is on us?
58639Is n''t it wonderful?"
58639Look, ca n''t you get this through your heads?
58639We''d like you to stay as long as you want to, but....""For God''s sake,"Cal snapped,"will you please listen to me?"
58639What do we have to do to prove it?"
58639What else does Earth have?
58639What is it like?
58639Why a pity?
58639Why am I arguing with you?
58639Why do you say that?"
58639_ Just exactly what?_ He tightened his grip on the big blasters, and trained the guns around to where Dave puttered in the sand.
58639_ We''re_ Earthmen, ca n''t you understand that?"
58639_ What''s out there?_ Cal wondered.
30901And how do I win?
30901Back room?
30901Buy anyone a drink?
30901C- coffee?
30901Can you trust that Jorgensen? 30901 Do they use... er... real money?"
30901Do they?
30901Everything okay?
30901How about some coffee?
30901How about taking him out for a drink so an old customer can squeeze in for a few plays?
30901How''d you make out?
30901Howlet, how about having a word with your shipmate?
30901I... ah... suppose the closer you come, the more you win, eh?
30901Introducing some friends to the best hamburger joint on Mars?
30901Look, Tony,she said after a pause,"what makes you think I could n''t settle down with him?
30901Oh, you three make the ship go, huh?
30901Over a-- on account of_ you_?
30901What about the sandeaters you promised to stake?
30901What makes him your buddy?
30901What''re you gon na say? 30901 What''s he done wrong?"
30901What''s that? 30901 When do you figure to start?"
30901Who''s that?
30901Why should I?
30901You tryin''to say I could n''t make a home here? 30901 You wanna get yourself lynched?"
30901Coffee all around and we''ll get on course, eh?"
30901Dining room still open?"
30901He has a job to do, or some such canal dust?"
30901If I had it to do over again?
30901It would have been nice to see Meadows wind up rich, or for Howlet to become mayor of the dome, but what could I do?
30901Know what he''s doing?"
30901Like to buy her coffee?"
30901Music too?"
30901See that silver spiral going out from Venus and around the table to the orbit of Saturn?
30901What would you do right now with a million?
30901Where''s Hughie and his little friend?
30901Which one should I have talked into staying for the sake of love or money or power, without even being able to go in his place?
30901Why say"superstition"?
30901You a spacer?"
30901_ How many never know how close they come to making their mistake, or being a statistic in somebody else''s?_"Why the double trance?"
30901_ How many never know how close they come to making their mistake, or being a statistic in somebody else''s?_"Why the double trance?"
30901_ How many pick their landing?_ I thought.
61007And are you completely happy here?
61007And ca n''t you mix another kind of shining paint? 61007 And do you think that you will ever die?"
61007And have you gotten no older in all that time?
61007And the damnest thing about it,muttered Langweilig,"is, how are you going to prove him wrong?
61007And your daughter, or niece?
61007Are there any other people here?
61007But are there any others?
61007But are we not people?
61007But is there more than one man or woman?
61007Can we have something to eat?
61007Do you consider yourself a knowledgeable man?
61007Ha- Adamah, is it allowed to eat the apples?
61007How could there be more than one of anything?
61007How would there be any others? 61007 How?"
61007What do you make of them?
61007What is there, Adam?
61007Why in cosmos would we want an armed escort?
61007You do n''t want to visit any of the other areas first? 61007 You, a man of the cloth doubt it?
61007Adam, old man, how about a game of checkers?"
61007Adam, old man, how long have you been here?"
61007And us ready skeptics convinced by our senses?
61007And you, my good man, what is your handle, your monicker, your tag?"
61007Are we not people?"
61007But would it be possible for the exact same proposition to maintain here as on Earth?"
61007Father Briton, you are the linguist, but in Hebrew does not Ha- Adamah and Hawwah mean--?"
61007How about it, Adam?
61007How could there be other people?"
61007How is it that you use the English tongue?"
61007Shall we follow the rest of the surface to find another, or concentrate on this?
61007Somewhere away from the thoughtful creature?"
61007The captain was a little puzzled by this, but he went on doggedly:"Ha- Adamah, what do you think that we are?
61007What other kind of people could there be than man and woman?"
61007Where is that bright light coming from?"
61007Why do you doubt?"
61007Would it show Thought on the body?
61007You would n''t have a drink on you for a tubful of thirsty travellers, would you?"
63473... How could there be? 63473 Anti- radiation screen?"
63473Are we going straight?
63473Clear around the city? 63473 Does all this, this whole place, look at all familiar to you?"
63473Have you a better idea?
63473How should I know?
63473I wonder where it gets its power?
63473Is this it,Wass murmured,"or an auxiliary?"
63473Martin, what if there are no reservoirs? 63473 Neither were the-- well, shall we call them, people?
63473Shall we, gentlemen?
63473That''s all we need, is n''t it?
63473The shield?
63473The wind--?
63473To the switchboard, Martin?
63473We may have to...."What?
63473Well, Skipper, are you going to do the honors?
63473Well, skipper...?
63473What do you suppose caused this?
63473What do you think you''re doing?
63473What else?
63473What would you suggest, instead?
63473What''s holding up the procession?
63473What''s the matter?
63473Why did n''t you answer?
63473Why not?
63473Why not?
63473You mean_ dig_ out?
63473You too, Wass?
63473You''d rather monkey with the switches and blow yourself to smithereens?
63473Eleven levels later Rodney asked,"How much time have we now?"
63473Have you noticed how low everything is?"
63473Hear me, Rodney?"
63473How far do you think it goes?"
63473I wonder what they were like?"
63473If the band around the city is responsible for the dome, does it project down into the ground as well?"
63473If they would n''t grow there.... Or had they, once?
63473Is it?"
63473Or cold storage units?
63473Parallel evolution on two inner planets of the same system?
63473Remember the wind?
63473Rodney said,"How does water help us get out?"
63473Somewhere, sometime, a common ancestor?
63473Then Martin said,"Did you listen until the end?"
63473Then--"I wonder what it''s like here in the winter when there''s no light at all?"
63473Then--"It was n''t.... Why did you close the hatch then?"
63473Wass said, more quietly,"Remember that metal band?
63473Wass, how much time have we?"
63473What if there are cemeteries instead?
63473What keeps all that up there?"
63473What''s the matter, Wass?"
63473Why not, after all?
63473Why not?"
59174All right, what do the counters tell you?
59174All right, you get my point? 59174 Am I always supposed to say his name twice?"
59174And you know what, Sam? 59174 Are we all not one under the sun?"
59174Had n''t you oughtta read that thing?
59174I mean-- hell, they could be from Earth--"Ever hear of an Earthman with two hearts, Skipper? 59174 Naturally, there would n''t be any bodies around to prove your theory, would there, Skipper?
59174No objections to the artillery this time, I take it, Sam?
59174Psychologically what?
59174So the long arm of Superior Civilization has reached out its clanking claws again to make the Universe a Better Place to Live in, has it? 59174 So,"he said slowly,"so he told you he did n''t know, did he?"
59174Sure, and what''s it got us, Sam? 59174 That makes''em bad, I suppose?"
59174Was_ that_ in the contract you made with them? 59174 What can it matter where he is from?"
59174What class?
59174What is it you''re lonely for, Nicholas?
59174Why intruders? 59174 You do n''t trust them at that, do you, Nicholas?"
59174You going to talk to me, Nicholas, or pass out before you get the chance?
59174You''re sure some expedition did n''t get here before we did?
59174You''re sure, Sam, about leaving my guns back at the ship?
59174You''re surprised that they''re not cluttering up the roads, trying to get a closer look at us?
59174_ Reasonable?_Joel thundered.
59174A bellyful of cold, aching loneliness-- our guts twisted and squeezed until the life''s dried up in''em-- and what do we get?
59174All right, got the''copter ready?"
59174And when the_ kaelli_ was at last freed, he said,"Now then, where can I take you?
59174And who, any more a man than himself, could dare to be judge?
59174Any questions?"
59174As intruders to begin with, my men and I--""Intruders, sir?"
59174But sometimes-- sometimes, even when a man knew he was fooling himself, he had to give it a try, just to see--"They went native, did n''t they, Sam?"
59174Did n''t the grinning idiot know it must have been an awful pill for these people to swallow all at once?
59174How do you know what the hell they mean by reasonable?"
59174I-- ah, you hurt?"
59174Sam, has Dobermann given you any practice in their lingo?
59174The psychology of the thing is obvious enough, is n''t it?"
59174They''re willing to meet our terms, that it?"
59174What do those wrangling, yapping, bellyaching rotters back home give us for it?
59174What do you want to bet they''re still going strong, who or wherever they are out in that black hell up there?
59174What do you want to bet, Sam?"
59174What the hell is it you''ve got holed up out there?"
59174Where there was something beautiful, why in the name of anything holy or otherwise should it be covered up?
59174Wrong, was it?
59174You got any Bond with you, Southard?"
60743Always cautious, hey, Skipper? 60743 And one that makes a tree grow_ rooms_?"
60743And those rooms-- there are four of them-- scaled to people_ our_ size?
60743And what have you decided about us?
60743Anyone see where he went?
60743But has there been anything else since Decontamination was set up?
60743By what? 60743 Cut to_ our_ size?"
60743Dan,I said as we went into orbit,"did Alex come aboard?"
60743How''d you guess?
60743Like Alex?
60743No,I admitted,"but that was enough, was n''t it?
60743Okay, Skipper, but what''ll I do?
60743See anything unusual?
60743The Bureau ship that landed this morning?
60743Think my job''s exciting?
60743Want me to call a psychologician?
60743What about those benches?
60743What did you do to him?
60743What''s wrong?
60743When we gon na land, Skipper?
60743Where did you stay that first night?
60743Where is he?
60743Who wants to?
60743Why should we?
60743You and the ship?
60743You sure you''re all right?
60743You will be leaving soon?
60743You''re a reporter, are n''t you?
60743And does a man change his habits of eating just because he is fat?"
60743Besides, how did they know that there''d be four of us?"
60743But what is too easy and how much is too much?
60743How many of them do you estimate there are?
60743Then why the noble savage act?
60743What about it?"
60743What are these natives like?
60743What cultural level are they?
60743What did they do to you besides making you a strip- tease artist?
60743What do they look like?
60743What else?
60743What''s wrong?"
60743Where did this savage learn to operate the circlet and how did he recognize its purpose?
60743Why had n''t one of us carried the discussion a bit further?
60743Why were they trying to hoodwink us?
60743You understand?
59438And what do you predict I''m going to do right now?
59438Any questions?
59438Anything you have to add to all that?
59438Are there any further comments?
59438But did n''t you hear the alien tell us to make no attempt to contact our home base or he''d destroy us at once?
59438But if he meant what he said about not notifying Earth, why has n''t he already destroyed us?
59438But_ if_ they find us?
59438Ca n''t you understand that?
59438Do n''t you think it''s better we discovered subspace than if we were still back trying to beat the speed of light in our own universe?
59438Do you think they''ll ever find us?
59438Find us? 59438 Friction?"
59438Good Lord, man, do you mean to say that you''ve been sending messages to Earth right along?
59438Hello, Bridge?
59438How do you know he''s got one?
59438How do you mean?
59438Lovely, are n''t they, Broussard?
59438Mind if I join you?
59438No aliens, eh?
59438Radio silence?
59438Shall we bother replying to it?
59438So you feel the stars are lovely?
59438That''s why therapy is so hard, is n''t it? 59438 Well, what''s next?"
59438What do you mean, do n''t put away my Lewinian vector charts too soon? 59438 What does all this have to do with baseball?"
59438What in God''s name makes a man''s personality so dear to him? 59438 You feel rather strongly about this, do n''t you?"
59438''God forsaken,''did we say?
59438A few moments later, the alien added,"Are your recording devices in readiness?"
59438After several moments of silence, Broussard cleared his throat and asked,"And which choice have you decided it must be?"
59438And then he said,"Will all of you who have sufficient faith in me and my judgment please rise in assent?"
59438Are you ready to give me your decision?"
59438Could you possibly destroy it instead?"
59438Did n''t you once tell me that?
59438Did n''t you?"
59438Do you understand?"
59438Do you want to wait until Betsy decides that''s the one, or shall we take a chance and head for it first?"
59438Exactly thirty minutes, do you understand?"
59438Funny what the presence of one small pinpoint of light does to the blackness of a field, eh?"
59438Funny, is n''t it?
59438Giving vent to a well- disciplined snort, Captain Hawkins said,"And eventually the child either gets well switched or badly bitten, eh?"
59438He almost shouted at the alien,"If we''re in such bad shape, why ca n''t you just go off and leave us alone?
59438He paused for just a second, then added,"What''s it really like?"
59438How come you did n''t stay for the game?
59438How did you know it would work?"
59438I may have a chance to use them on_ whom_?"
59438So what did I do...?"
59438That''s why constructive education is so difficult, is n''t it?
59438The Dakn Empire?
59438Then he went on,"Broussard, have you ever been out there in that stuff?
59438Used to be what they called psychiatrists in England back in the old days, right?"
59438Where do you want us to land?"
59438Who''d dare to strike me out when I came to bat?"
59438Who''s the Duty Officer?"
59438Why ca n''t you just leave us alone in our little corner of it?"
59438Why does it look so much blacker in that window now than any other black I''ve ever seen?"
59438Why has it always been just about the last thing that a man will give up?
60928And where are your women?
60928But if you sleep?
60928But it turned out okay, sir, did n''t it?
60928Do you think we''ve discovered the Martians?
60928Does he talk?
60928Hey, were n''t there_ eight_ of those guys a while back? 60928 How does this thing-- well, how does it_ feel_ to you?"
60928Huh? 60928 I mean, Ulkay and his bunch are okay, are n''t they?"
60928Is he_ alone_, though?
60928Is it not_ yours_?
60928Is it something about Ulkay and his bunch? 60928 Like a spring- driven phonograph?"
60928Of course, there''s no reason why it should feel at all_ hard_, is there?
60928Ookl okkl?
60928Sergeant,said Lloyd, trying to confide his fear to the other man,"when we got here, we were nervous about making contact with aliens, right?"
60928So what''s eating me? 60928 These transparents you wear upon your faces, why?"
60928Ulkay, do you mind if we ask you some questions?
60928Ulkay, tell me, are you the last of your race, or are there others of your kind still left alive on Mars?
60928Ulkay,he said softly,"would you tell_ your_ friends that we''re_ their_ friends?
60928Ulkay,he said, going toward the machine,"does this work both ways?"
60928What''s bothering me?
60928When I saw you up the street, I envisioned a full- scale guerrilla attack and-- Damn, you''re not getting a word of this, are you?
60928When he says he''ca n''t''tell you, does he mean he is physically unable to, or forbidden to?
60928Where are his friends?
60928Where are you from?
60928Where are you?
60928Where are_ you_ parked?
60928Why should I wake up in the middle of the night feeling scared? 60928 Why would they bother, when hand- weapons would do?"
60928Will your air supply not run out?
60928You mean it''s unfashionable but serviceable?
60928*****"Is it some sort of taboo or what?"
60928A hunch?
60928And did n''t Ulkay explain that the atmosphere on Venus is just as thin?
60928Are n''t my men all present and accounted for?
60928Are n''t they sleeping quietly, just as they should be?"
60928But if they''re not going to be chums, why go to all this trouble?
60928Can we be allowed the similar luck?"
60928Is this_ your_ planet?"
60928Look, Ulkay, why do n''t both our groups get some rest and we''ll make our inspection tour of the city tomorrow, the two groups together?"
60928Or do I call you by both names?
60928Or just Mister Blet?"
60928Or just alien- planet nerves?"
60928So what am I scared of?"
60928That''s them?"
60928The only really odd thing about them is that they do n''t wear any breathing equipment in this thin air, right?
60928Then the nozzle asked,"What trip?"
60928Think you can rig a written or oral Rosetta Stone for us, Craig?"
60928Where the hell--?"
60928Why do you now call it''Mars''?"
60928You know what I mean, sir?"
60829Come on down here, will you?
60829Could I ask you something?
60829Could you reverse the wiring in the computer?
60829Do n''t you think I know I''ve gone too far? 60829 Do you know what, Starbuck?"
60829Do you smoke, Ben?
60829Have you had this machine long?
60829Have you read any good books lately?
60829If he thinks that''s run of the mill, Captain, I wonder what he will have to find to make him think it''s unusual?
60829Is that what you had in mind, Ben?
60829Is there a keyboard or something?
60829Magnificent, is n''t it, Ben? 60829 Me?
60829Mind if I say''hello''to the rest of the men?
60829Noticed the dragon, did you?
60829One of these days_ what_?
60829Quick,Birdsel said,"do you have your IDQ file on you?"
60829That was why the captain was acting so nutty? 60829 The hyperspace jump?
60829Was there anything else you wanted to know?
60829Well, what would you like to see first? 60829 What about them?"
60829What do you want to know?
60829What is it?
60829What kind of an ethnologist am I?
60829What''s it supposed to do?
60829What, Kettleman?
60829Why do n''t you stow your bag here, buddy? 60829 Would it?"
60829Yes? 60829 You are n''t going to suggest that the brain reconsider or override its decision?"
60829You know what the trouble with the human race is, Ben? 60829 You mean the captain?"
60829You sent for me, sir?
60829You want to talk about something?
60829You want_ me_ down there?
60829You''re not on their side? 60829 You''ve got one of those things?"
60829_ Pssst._"Pssst?
60829And guess who will play Jack Ketch personally?"
60829And where did he find them?
60829Got some muscles there, have n''t you?
60829Had Birdsel disposed of him as he had threatened?)
60829How do you report to a spaceship?
60829I suppose we''ll take a closer look, Captain?"
60829Is that it?
60829Mind if I lean on your shoulder a bit like this?"
60829New man, eh?
60829New man, eh?"
60829Or would they?
60829Ought to do it more often, eh, Ben?"
60829Say,"Hello, spaceship?"
60829Speak to the captain?
60829That would be all right with the brain, would n''t it?"
60829The brain?"
60829The first mate?
60829Was that all?"
60829What are they going to do?
60829What are they waiting for?
60829What is it, Ben?"
60829What''s wrong with them?
60829Will you do that?"
60829You can guide me, ca n''t you, sir?
60829You do play that game like the rest?"
60829You would n''t be a new man too, Percy?"
62321A strange thing to you Earthmen?
62321And when we reach twenty- nine million miles from the Sun-- then we''re on our own?
62321Bob? 62321 Could n''t they rush ahead of their masters, trailing us?"
62321Do n''t you think so?
62321Do you suppose there''s only one of them?
62321Is he the only one around here? 62321 It has an atmosphere?"
62321Jan-- Oh, Jan, where are you?
62321Just this one Org?
62321Over there?
62321Somewhere about here? 62321 Swim it?"
62321That bond- line there-- see it? 62321 That''s valuable?"
62321Then, when we head off to round the Sun, if Vulcan is where they think it is we ought to sight it in a few days?
62321There''s a better chance of finding sizable deposits of allurium here than anywhere else?
62321We follow orders?
62321Well,Jan murmured,"not very hospitable- looking, is it?
62321Well,he said,"Earthman?
62321What is it, Bob? 62321 What is it?"
62321What will the ore of_ allurium_ look like? 62321 What''s the idea?"
62321What''s the matter?
62321What-- what you do?
62321Where you figure on landing?
62321Where-- where were you?
62321Which way, Ama? 62321 Which way?"
62321Which way?
62321Which way?
62321Would a thing like that attack us, Ama?
62321You all right now, lad?
62321You can find the way back to the ship?
62321You heard that whistle?
62321You hope it''s inhabited, Jan?
62321You know the way?
62321You know the way?
62321You smell the fire? 62321 You strong enough to start now?"
62321You think you know the way?
62321You will take me to my people?
62321Your fren''--he did this?
62321A Thing of rubber?
62321A creature-- burning?
62321A girl''s voice?
62321A movement in there?
62321A moving blob?
62321A tangible thing?
62321Abruptly his hand gripped my arm as he gasped,"Why-- good Lord-- what''s that?
62321And in which direction?
62321And the heat-- the fire?
62321And where was Torrence?
62321And where was that other Org, companion of the clumsy savage I had killed when it had tried to attack me?
62321But what was that?
62321But what was this?
62321Chasing the savage?...
62321Do n''t you suppose there''s any moisture, or any vegetation?"
62321From behind the little hill, answering shouts were responding...."Is it closer to your village, or to our ship?"
62321Had Jan killed it?
62321Had this weird enemy gotten Torrence so swiftly, so silently?
62321He and that-- animal- thing which I killed?"
62321I was up here-- I started down, but too late--""Where''s Bob?"
62321If Jan had fought and killed it-- then where was he now?
62321If it''s bad-- you suppose we ought to take shelter?
62321In the blurring, blasting heat and smoke, she had untied us, but of what use?
62321It did, did n''t it?
62321Like a little oasis, is n''t it?"
62321Like you?
62321New one?"
62321See that?"
62321Seemed that way, do n''t you think?"
62321Someone coming?
62321Something important?"
62321Something not human, that had so quickly seized him and dragged him away?
62321Started suddenly back, and called:"Is that you?
62321Two minutes since I had left Jan?
62321Vaguely Jan recalled that I had left him and gone across the gully.... Where was I now?...
62321Was he close to them, or far away?
62321Was it two minutes now?
62321Was the crouching savage with the girl still there across the gully?
62321What had happened?...
62321What strange organic material was this?
62321What was I doing up there?
62321What''s your name?"
62321Where had I gone?
62321Where we go?"
62321You are Earthman?"
62321You hear?"
62321You want to come and look?"
62321You want to locate that_ allurite_?"
62321Your report and mine-- to tell them the hazards of this trip--""We should go back?"
49525''Why should we?'' 49525 ... and who_ are_ these Lensmen, anyway?"
49525A drink?
49525A lot of road, eh?
49525A mutant? 49525 A small, cold one?"
49525After all, perfectly nice people do meet informally on shipboard; why not in concourses?
49525After you get it made, what are you going to do with it in case nothing happens?
49525Against anything the Galactic Patrol can swing?
49525Ai n''t you getting tired of sticking around here, George?
49525Allotropic iron, U-235, or plutonium?
49525And I suppose you want me to blast back to Tellus?
49525And have you, by any chance, been paying any attention to what I have been telling you?
49525And in the case of Spaceways, not normal?
49525And is there anything cheerful about that?
49525And just what do you think you''re going to do with me?
49525And murders? 49525 And now, I wonder what that daughter of mine is doing?
49525And the rest of you...? 49525 And then?"
49525And what have they got that makes them so tough?
49525And what have you deduced?
49525And what would you name it? 49525 And what would you think might be in that package?
49525And you and Dronvire are sitting idly by, doing nothing, of course?
49525Anything in their hand- bags, Mase?
49525Are n''t you even going to kiss mama goodbye, baby boy?
49525Are them the plants we''re going to get, boss?
49525Are you innocent enough to think you''ll get out of this building alive if I do n''t accept you?
49525Are you or have you been, reading my mind?
49525Are you photographing this, Lance?
49525Are you sure there''s air-- and they''ll pick us up? 49525 Are you_ sure_ you''re all right, Samms?"
49525Atmospheric vibrations? 49525 Back so soon?
49525Boskone? 49525 But ca n''t they be screened out?"
49525But enough of me-- how are you doing?
49525But surely they can not be of any use?
49525But what makes you think Herkimer here never took one of the same?
49525But when I die, will it be a perpetual menace?
49525But who are you going to send first, Virge?
49525But why now? 49525 But would n''t the very fact of such rigid restrictions operate against morale?
49525But you have nothing concrete to go on, I take it?
49525But... no reprisals?
49525Buy me a drink, mister? 49525 Ca n''t believe that any woman_ can_ be Herkimer- proof, eh?
49525Can they match that or not?
49525Can you talk now?
49525Can_ you_ talk sense, Mase? 49525 Captain Willoughby?"
49525Coming with us, Rod?
49525Count_ her_ out, with all the stuff she''s got? 49525 Cuddly and baby- talkish?
49525Democracy? 49525 Deny it?
49525Dexitroboping has to do with... nourishment? 49525 Did I act as though I thought it was?
49525Did any of you-- Costigan?--see any signs of a concerted rush, such as there would have been to get the killer away if we had n''t interfered?
49525Did n''t I? 49525 Did n''t he add''and_ stay_ scrammed''?"
49525Did that signal, by any chance, originate anywhere near seventeen hours and plus ten degrees?
49525Did you boys listen in on his Casper speech last night?
49525Die? 49525 Direction-- got a compass?"
49525Disappeared? 49525 Distance sixty nine point two--_that_ all?
49525Do I need to answer that?
49525Do I? 49525 Do you call that horrible wound a_ scratch_?"
49525Do you know why?
49525Do you pronounce that or sneeze it? 49525 Do you remember what happened because the pirates learned to duplicate the golden meteor of the Triplanetary Service?"
49525Do you see any detector rigs?
49525Do you think it''s actually_ alive_, sir? 49525 Do you think you can get away with_ this_?"
49525Do you want the job? 49525 Does it work?"
49525Dwarf in the Trojan?
49525Eight foot checkerwork to the hangin'', anyway, huh?
49525Fred? 49525 From when?"
49525Going fishing, huh?
49525Got your maps?
49525Has n''t it radiated_ yet_?
49525Have any of the observers spotted anything, high up or far off?
49525Have we got time enough?
49525Have you any additional orders or instructions?
49525Have you got a spy- ray into that lock- box yet?
49525How about calling a Council conference on it?
49525How about coming back to Tellus with me, Virge?
49525How about the glory holes?
49525How about the home planet, then?
49525How d''ya like your new boss, May?
49525How did_ that_ happen, Jack?
49525How did_ that_ happen? 49525 How do you know-- another of your hunches?"
49525How do you like_ them_ potatoes?
49525How do you want it; voice, or Lens, or both?
49525How long can you make a drill last?
49525How low do you go?
49525How many of you others agree with Corander; how many with Ohlanser?
49525How wide a sag you figurin''on, Supe?
49525How_ sure_ are you of this, Miss Samms?
49525Huh? 49525 Huh?
49525Huh? 49525 Huh?
49525Hunting? 49525 Hush- hush?
49525I suppose that it will be all right... that is, I can call on you again, if...?
49525I take it, then, that there is no objection to her going?
49525I''d better get at this, sir, do n''t you think, and let Operation Boskone go for a while?
49525If I did have, do you think I''d be standing here talking to you?
49525If you_ dared_?
49525In spite of being over seven feet tall? 49525 In what respects?"
49525Including Department Q? 49525 Is Tallick here, or anywhere on the planet?"
49525Is it possible for you, sir or madam, to give me a moment of your time?
49525Is there a doctor here?
49525It has improved, then, lately?
49525It''s perfectly safe here, you think?
49525Jack and Mase-- I do n''t suppose you looked?
49525Jill, do you agree with what Rod here has just told me?
49525Jill, will you please explain why they have to waste as big a man as Kinnison on such a piffling job as president? 49525 Jill?
49525Jones? 49525 Just a word, if you will, Mr. Samms, as to these trials and the White Book?"
49525Just for my information, Mr. Isaacson, how many predecessors have I had on this particular job, and what happened to them? 49525 Just like that, huh?"
49525Kill you, my pet? 49525 Look around, will you?
49525May I offer a suggestion, sir?
49525May I take a moment of this idle time in which to spread my visualization, for enlargement and instruction?
49525Me? 49525 Me?
49525More men left than I thought-- how many-- half of''em?
49525Murgatroyd, do you suppose?
49525No Lensman material here, you say, Rod?
49525No guns?
49525No invasion or occupation? 49525 No... o... o...?"
49525No? 49525 No?
49525Not enough to turn on_ anything_--not even the purifiers?
49525Not whether I_ could_ have or not-- I couldn''t-- but_ should_ I have, Spud?
49525Not_ exactly_ parallel?
49525Now is the time for all good men and true to come to the aid of the party, eh?
49525Now, Vice- Admiral Ohlanser...."How do you, a stranger, know my name?
49525Now_ should_ I have shot her, or not?
49525Of course not-- but did I use any language that would burn out the transmitters? 49525 Oh, does''oo?"
49525Oh, you did? 49525 Oh... how?
49525Ohlanser, then, who assumed command, is also a Petrino? 49525 One more question, Miss Samms?"
49525Or Bergenholm at least? 49525 Or are you trying to set up a paradox?"
49525Or been approached, or moved?
49525Or did somebody tell you something? 49525 Or is it something I should not mention?"
49525Ordinary or extraordinary, what matter? 49525 P- p- pine...?"
49525Peace? 49525 Q as in''quiet'', eh?
49525Quadruple second cousins? 49525 Ready to visit them, via Lens?"
49525Rigelston, I would translate it?
49525Rod? 49525 Rushton Boulevard, you think, Mase?"
49525Shall I blow the air, sir?
49525Shall we go out now an''start pickin''''em?
49525Shall we spy- ray him, Virge? 49525 Shoving off early?"
49525Since you do not drink, and since you were not in search of feminine... er... companionship, just why did you go down to Roaring Jack''s dive?
49525Sirs, which of your Magnificences is officially the commander of this here bucket of odds and ends at the present instant?
49525So you know?
49525So? 49525 So?"
49525Somebody must have done a terrific job of selling, to make you believe that... or_ are_ you sold, actually?
49525Something slip?
49525Space- happy? 49525 Support?
49525Sure that was all?
49525Sure, but what do_ they_ care?
49525Tallick? 49525 Thanks, Skipper, but might n''t it be just as well,"he jerked his head inconspicuously toward the other officers,"to play the string out, this trip?
49525That all?
49525That was Spaceways, under cover?
49525That''s enough, Rod, do n''t you think?
49525The girl? 49525 The good old oil, eh?"
49525The lunch- box, then, will be slightly special?
49525The_ Chicago_? 49525 Then I-- I alone-- of all the entities in existence, can wear this particular Lens?"
49525Then you can conceive of the desirability of working with non- Palainian entities toward an end which would benefit both races?
49525There''ll be nothing doing here tonight, will there?
49525They go crazy, eh?
49525They''re not pikers, anyway, are they? 49525 Think you so?"
49525This altruism-- what good is it? 49525 This arouses my curiosity no end-- does it merely complicate the thionite problem, or does it set up an entirely new problem?
49525This where we''re going to land?
49525This, I believe, concludes the business of the meeting?
49525Too damn much water too soon, huh?
49525Um... m... m. Put that away, it does n''t sound so good, does it? 49525 WHAT?
49525WHERE ARE YOU FROM? 49525 Want me, Jill?"
49525Want to know why he''s doing such a quick flit?
49525Was n''t she the most perfectly_ beautiful_ thing you ever saw?
49525We won-- technically-- I guess-- or did we? 49525 Well, Virge-- satisfied?"
49525Well, are n''t you curious to know what it is?
49525Well, my skeptical and pessimistic friend, was I lying, or not?
49525Well, say that once upon a time there were two men named Albert and Chester...."What? 49525 Well, then, can Samms?"
49525Well, then,Samms thought, almost viciously,"can you introduce me to someone who is stupider, sillier, and more foolish than you are?"
49525Wha''s the idea of that damn surveyor lying to us like that?
49525What am I here for, then?
49525What are the symptoms? 49525 What are those mounds along the streets?"
49525What did you do?
49525What did you expect? 49525 What difference does it make?"
49525What do you mean by_ that_ crack?
49525What do you mean?
49525What do you think should be done about him?
49525What do you think you''re going to do?
49525What do you want to get into it for?
49525What do_ you_ think? 49525 What do_ you_ think?"
49525What else? 49525 What gives?
49525What in hell''s behind this? 49525 What is it, Virge?"
49525What is reality?
49525What is the opposition?
49525What is there along that line?
49525What kind of a car are you in?
49525What next, sir?
49525What of it? 49525 What ship shall we take, and when?"
49525What the hell goes on here?
49525What was the solution?
49525What would I do with it?
49525What would we use for time? 49525 What would you say, then, to the idea of this office being our real headquarters, of that little package there being our real business?"
49525What would you use for a case? 49525 What''s the matter, Rod?"
49525What''s the matter, Virge?
49525What, then?
49525What? 49525 What?
49525What? 49525 What?
49525What? 49525 When can you go?
49525Where are you and what are you doing?
49525Where are you, Jill?
49525Where were you?
49525Where''s Jones?
49525Whither away, pilot?
49525Who knows?
49525Who of this club would be most interested in becoming a Lensman?
49525Who''s being heroic now, Rod?
49525Why did you stop_ here_?
49525Why do n''t you go to Arisia and be tested for one? 49525 Why does n''t it back up or turn around?
49525Why not, indeed? 49525 Why not?
49525Why not? 49525 Why not?"
49525Why not?
49525Why not?
49525Why talk, when we could be eating? 49525 Why was I not killed?
49525Why, indeed?
49525Why? 49525 Why?
49525Will you need me any more, Doctor Murray?
49525Winfield to First Lensman Samms-- you will be ready to blast off at twenty one hundred?
49525With all this enthusiasm? 49525 Without knowing what the job is or how much it pays?"
49525Without my boys-- the backbone and the guts of North America, as well as of the Patrol? 49525 Wonder how we came out?
49525Yes, Jack?... 49525 Yes, Knobos?
49525Yes, Miss Regan?
49525Yes, Virge?
49525Yes, sir?
49525You already know the Lens?
49525You are not even sending your fleet, or heavy units of it, with us, to see to it that we follow your instructions?
49525You are sure of these observational facts?
49525You are, I think, familiar with my parentage?
49525You called Deke?
49525You can, then, produce Lenses yourselves?
49525You do n''t know? 49525 You do n''t think, then, that there is any chance?"
49525You do not look like an Italian, but perhaps you have enough of that racial heritage to believe in prophecy?
49525You had no trouble in recognizing me, then, my dear?
49525You hope they do?
49525You know what this is?
49525You mean you are n''t going to kill me, even now? 49525 You observed and understood?
49525You saw that, Alex? 49525 You think I''m safe, then?"
49525You think they''d last until the next pay- day if they start playing that kind of ball? 49525 You up there ahead of me?"
49525You wanted a diversion, did n''t you?
49525You would n''t have, by any chance, been considering the idea of...?
49525You would not be unduly surprised to learn that substances other than uranium occasionally reach Northport?
49525You would? 49525 You''re telling me?"
49525You''ve got some duty- dances, of course..."_ Some?_ I''ve got a list as long as from here to there! 49525 You, who have been so afraid of us for over two thousand million Tellurian years that you dared not let us even learn of you?
49525Your scouts sounded me out; what did they tell you? 49525 Yourself first, the organization second?"
49525_ Fourth_ Officer? 49525 _ Lovers!_ Who the hell ever said we were lovers?...
49525_ Recent_ periodicity?
49525_ Spaceways!_ Isaacson?
49525_ Was ist los_, Stu? 49525 _ What?_"Kinnison exclaimed, then fell silent.
49525_ Who_ says so, the dirty, sneaking liars?
49525''_ Virgilia_'', I suppose?"
49525*****"That buttons thionite up, do n''t you think?"
49525... but I wonder... with the Lens perhaps telephones are superfluous?
49525A_ tour de force_?
49525After the fact, it is easy to say that he should have continued his personal supervision of Earth, but can that view be defended?
49525All right?"
49525All the comforts of home, eh?"
49525An''I was due to take the deep breath the next week, see?
49525And Clayton and Schweikert and the rest of the gang?
49525And Jack?
49525And Riley?
49525And a dance, huh?"
49525And above all, how about Jill?"
49525And as for a machine, what finer one is possible than the Patrol?
49525And can you duplicate his machine?"
49525And even had he thought it worth while to make such a glaring exception, would not the fused Elders of Arisia have intervened?
49525And how can we make the approach?
49525And how?
49525And if the absentee were not to be found on Earth, what of it?
49525And if they were to be forced out of normal space, what matter?
49525And just where does that put the Palainians?"
49525And now we''d better get to work, do n''t you think?"
49525And say, from the throw of the pump and the volume of the sump, will you give me the best estimate you can of how much time we''ve got?
49525And the major reason?"
49525And to complete my argument, you work with other Palainians, do you not, to reach a common goal?"
49525And what would they do about it?"
49525And when can you go to work?"
49525And when they grew up-- half way up, that is....""Do n''t tell me that we are going to suppose that all those identical twins married each other?"
49525And when?
49525And where do you go from there?"
49525And where?
49525And why Virgil Samms?"
49525And why had some of that dexitroboper''s-- whatever_ that_ meant!--thoughts come in so beautifully sharp and clear and plain while others...?
49525And why would anybody want to make such an all- out effort to get rid of you?
49525And why, the reader asks, were not at least some of those named persons arrested before Election Day?
49525And you others?"
49525And you?"
49525Animal, vegetable, or mineral?"
49525Another hunch?"
49525Anybody else covered?"
49525Anybody except me wearing a pistol?
49525Are n''t you holding back maybe just a little bit of a suspicion, for diplomatic reasons?"
49525Are not some of them...?"
49525Are you by any chance either hungry or thirsty?"
49525Are you in trouble?
49525Are you loose- screwed enough to actually think I would ask or need your permission?
49525Are you pretty sure, Jill, that Herkimer is a key man?"
49525Are you?"
49525Are you_ sure_ of that?
49525Atmospheric_ vibrations_?"
49525Been able to find out anything more about it?"
49525Bergenholm passed you, of course?"
49525Better we take it up with the boss, do n''t you think?"
49525Born with second sight-- or whatever it is?"
49525But I gather, from what you have said, that I would probably not be given a Lens to use purely for my own selfish purposes?"
49525But Mase would, before he went to bed-- or would he?
49525But Ossmen is clean, you say, Jack?
49525But about this stumping-- you said I''d better start as soon as we get back?"
49525But are n''t you over- drawing a bit?
49525But could n''t the voters tell easily enough which side was on the offensive and which on the defensive?
49525But did you say a_ cold_ lemon sour?"
49525But how many of your sons and daughters has Roderick Kinnison murdered, either personally or through his uniformed slaves?
49525But how of these, my other friends?
49525But how... oh, those?"
49525But if he''s such a mental giant, why is n''t he getting results with his own problem, the meteor?
49525But in spite of what you said about''ducking''politics, what have you got Northrop, Jill and Fairchild doing?"
49525But is it something else, as well?
49525But notice one beautiful thing about this story?"
49525But now-- and I''ve got my ears pinned back-- what was it you started to say about pirates?"
49525But the big break was-- you remember the disappearance of that girls''-school cruise ship?"
49525But the field is so_ big_--how do you expect to find him?
49525But the reason for this call is to ask you if you have anything new, however slight, to add to our very small knowledge of Zwilnik?"
49525But there''s a note on my pad that he wants to see me sometime today-- suppose we have him come in now?"
49525But we''ll get ours, huh?"
49525But what makes you think that she''s anything to be afraid of?
49525But what the hell else can we do?"
49525But you and Mase, Jack?"
49525But you have never been in thionite?"
49525But you have suspicions or ideas?
49525But you know what, Molly?"
49525But, if Morgan were really the Big Shot, would he have deigned to interview personally such small fry as Olmstead?
49525But-- can you stand transfer?"
49525By analogy, and since Isaacson is apparently on the same level as Towne, immediately below Morgan....""Would n''t there be three?
49525By being dumb?"
49525By the way, you do n''t know yet who is going to carry it, do you?"
49525By what stretch of the imagination do you figure that you can find anybody with a loose enough mouth to out- lie and out- promise Morgan?
49525Ca n''t you raise_ anybody_?"
49525Can do?"
49525Can things be_ that_ rotten, really?"
49525Can you and will you give me a chart of a routing from here to Palain Seven?"
49525Can you classify''em from here, Jack?"
49525Can you feature that?
49525Can you give me the shortest possible distance?"
49525Can you see any more of them, either of you?"
49525Can you stand up yet?"
49525Can you use a sap?"
49525Can you?"
49525Closing up, he asked:"Where are you taking that baggage, Charley?"
49525Come into my office, will you, Rod?"
49525Confidential, sort of...?"
49525Converted into... what?
49525Could that constellation be Orion?
49525Could the range of detection then be increased?"
49525Could_ anybody_ build a bomb that powerful?
49525DalNalten, I do n''t suppose it would be quite bright for you to go swimming down there too, would it?"
49525Dead men, ringers, repeaters, ballot- box stuffing, and so on, you said?"
49525Did Brainerd act or look nervous, toward the last?
49525Did it?
49525Did n''t you believe I knew what I was talking about?"
49525Did you hear what the boss told''em today?"
49525Did you think that moving upstairs would make a boot- licker out of me?"
49525Distance only, or is somebody on your tail?"
49525Do I get heaved out between planets without a space- suit, or not?"
49525Do either of you know him?"
49525Do n''t you know that_ nobody_ can get anywhere near that damn planet?"
49525Do you others agree?
49525Do you want to come peaceably or shall I work on your neck again?"
49525Do you, about yours?"
49525Do you?"
49525Does not the fact that we ceased hostilities so soon mean anything to you?"
49525Does the Council think it''s got a man with enough dynage to lift the load?"
49525Each of you has taken oath to the Galactic Patrol?"
49525Even if we could find him... and by the way, what do you think the chance is of our spies finding him?"
49525Fair enough?"
49525Father told you about the way I work, I suppose?"
49525First Lensman Samms, sir...?"
49525Five levels above you are dead, you know, so....""Dead?
49525Five years, let us say?"
49525Flew away?
49525Follow him?
49525From where?"
49525Funny, is n''t it, how hard it is to stop, even when you are n''t in any particular hurry?
49525Go to Arisia?"
49525Got your spotting screens full out, Mase?"
49525Guess I''ll eat now-- join me in a sandwich and some hot coffee or a cold lemon sour or cherry soda?"
49525Have I been too rough?"
49525Have any of you boys anything to say?
49525Have n''t we been eating out of the same dish for lo, these many moons?
49525Have n''t you any idea who he is?"
49525Have those big suns got any planets?"
49525Have you any idea how long it will be?
49525Have you any idea where?"
49525Have you any other material, not necessarily facts, which may have bearing?"
49525Have you any specific project in mind?"
49525Have you got a little girl- friend, too?"
49525Have you got a man you can break in to take your place here?"
49525He likes little, cuddly baby- talkers, who pretend to be utterly spineless and completely brainless-- eh, Jack?"
49525Her father?
49525Heroin, hadive, and ladolian, was n''t it?
49525How about it?"
49525How about me giving the boys a briefing on it, right now?"
49525How about the_ Bolivar_ and the_ Himalaya_?
49525How about throwing a globe around Eridan?"
49525How about time?
49525How about you, Mase?
49525How about you, Vice- Admiral Corander?
49525How about you?
49525How about your identical- twin cousins, Ray and George Olmstead, who have been doing such a terrific job of counter- spying?"
49525How are you coming with Operation Bennett?"
49525How can I know or report the exact mass, length, and orientation of single hairs?"
49525How can a man of that caliber have been kicking around so long without me knowing anything about him?"
49525How come?"
49525How could they-- really-- exist as they seemed to exist?
49525How could you possibly have overcome-- reconciled-- a situation so full of conflict?"
49525How did you do it, Olmstead?"
49525How did you know?"
49525How do they get that way?"
49525How do you expect me to build up a staff if you snatch every good man I find away from me?"
49525How do you figure that?"
49525How do you figure_ that_ puts her in my class?"
49525How do you suppose I lived to get as old as I am now?
49525How does it work?"
49525How many of them had Tworn had to disable?
49525How much detection have you got out?"
49525How much radioactivity will it stand?"
49525How often, would you say, do they have to come here to service this station-- change tapes, and whatever else might be necessary?"
49525How say you, Bergenholm of Tellus?
49525How was the crew taking it?
49525How would you like to kick him from Panama City to the North Pole?"
49525How would''Director of Research''sound?"
49525How..._ how_... HOW could he do what he had to do?
49525How_ could_ it happen?
49525I am the first Tellurian you have met?"
49525I ask you, Chief, does that make sense?"
49525I assume that you four wish to continue at work?"
49525I do n''t know of anything at all out that way, do you?
49525I have drawn every picture I can think of with Isaacson in the driver''s seat, but none of them fit?"
49525I never saw one close up before, did you?
49525I think I''ll call Jill now, before I go-- wonder where she is?
49525I want a spy- ray op-- is it safe to use Fred?"
49525I wonder what this Dr. Olmstead does with his spare cash?"
49525I wonder, though, if you knew how much of it was testing?"
49525I wonder....""Why not have the boys in-- Jill, too-- and thrash it out?"
49525I wonder...?"
49525I''m ignoring you, too-- like this, see?"
49525I''m still on your track?"
49525If it has other powers... what are they?"
49525If that trooper had known what was in the box beside his leg he probably would have fallen over backward; but how was he even to suspect?
49525If they did n''t know about him, why the ships-- especially the big battlewagons?
49525If they did think he might be out there somewhere, why did n''t they go and find out?"
49525If, ten years ago, anyone had told you that such a race as the Rigellians existed, what would you have thought?
49525In a place like this?"
49525In force?
49525In the meantime, who''s calling?
49525Instead:"I would like to show you, if I may, the above- ground part of our Works?"
49525Is he actually in supreme command?"
49525Is he alone?"
49525Is n''t that true, copper?"
49525Is that clear?"
49525Is the fault mine?
49525It is, I now perceive, the Lens which makes this full accord possible, and it is basically about the Lens that you are here?"
49525It would not take too many scouts, would it?"
49525Jones almost screamed,"Can I dog the damn thing down?"
49525Just how far down are you willing to start?"
49525Kinnison exclaimed,"Can you''scopists see it on him?"
49525Let me carry some of that plunder?"
49525Let''s call it off, shall we?
49525Like charges, repelling each other inversely as the square of the distance?
49525Maybe they''re going to make us breathe space....""Huh?
49525Maybe you saw him talking to me a while back?"
49525Measure this scratch, will you?
49525Miss Reed, get me Rand... Rand?
49525Morgan began then to worry, but there was nothing he could do about the situation-- or was there?
49525No indemnities to your Patrol, or reparations?
49525No punishment of us, our men, or our families?"
49525No thionite involved anywhere?"
49525No, it must be more specific... Rigelsville?
49525Nobody''s put a beam on him yet, have you?"
49525Not a fleet, probably-- the_ Boise_?
49525Not even a spy- ray block?"
49525Not having much luck catching Mr. Black, are they?"
49525Not two Irishmen named Pat and Mike?
49525Nothing you could have done would have....""You know my name?"
49525Now if we can come that close to winning an absolutely honest election, how do you figure we can possibly lose the kind this one is going to be?
49525Now if you will step just a little closer to the mike, please, Mr. Samms, or should I say...?"
49525Now would he please quit bellyaching and get to hell out?
49525Now, how many of you jaspers have got your emergency kits on you?
49525Now, sir, what everybody wants to know is-- who are the Blacks?"
49525Now-- how are the Geigers on the outside of the Hill behaving?"
49525Now-- you noticed, of course, the vote at the end of the meeting?"
49525Number Four, you said, darling?"
49525Of all the hells in space, why Arisia?
49525Of course, we will soon have our own Galactic credit system worked out, but....""What the hell difference would_ that_ make?"
49525Oh, those?
49525On the Lens, sir?"
49525Or Mase?
49525Or better yet, one of those people it told about in those funny old books they dug up last year-- liege lords, or something like that, remember?
49525Or both?
49525Or both?"
49525Or days?
49525Or do you know where he is?"
49525Or do you think I am?"
49525Or even degrade me, or put me under arrest?"
49525Or is he?"
49525Or is it?
49525Or the_ Chicago_?"
49525Or was Olmstead''s job of more importance than he, Samms, had supposed?
49525Or was n''t he holding her-- had the damn thing stopped cutting?
49525Or was n''t the pirate fleet supposed to be in on this?
49525Or weeks?
49525Or were they in fact working together as closely as were the two young Lensmen themselves?
49525Or what?"
49525Or what?"
49525Or would n''t you rather have it a twosome?"
49525Pops Kinnison?
49525Quite an operation, do n''t you think?"
49525Rigel City?"
49525Rigel and Betelgeuse?
49525Right now?"
49525Second, why did you cut down, instead of increasing as ordered, the weight of broadleaf per trip?
49525Shall I hail her?"
49525Shall we hunt him up and eat together?"
49525Shall we report now, or are n''t you ready to go to work yet?"
49525Shall we stick around and see whether it comes in from Cavenda or not?"
49525She got her hair and eyes from you, why not your hard- headedness, too?
49525She looked to be about twenty-- except her eyes-- but she must have been a hundred, to know so much-- but what are you boys staring so about?"
49525She was sure that murder was intended, but who was to be the victim?
49525Should he use his headlights, or not?
49525Side- arms?
49525Sitting on our fat rumps and crying into our beers?"
49525So afraid that you dare not, even now, meet me mind to mind, but insist upon the use of this slow and unsatisfactory oral communication between us?"
49525So how about this?
49525So it''s_ your_ doing-- what in hell''s the big idea?"
49525So you noticed it yourself?"
49525Somebody else?
49525Somebody must have learned something before anything happened; but if they did, why did n''t they do more?
49525Sure you wo n''t help me clean up on those sandwiches, before they get stale?"
49525Take a look-- you can, ca n''t you, with your Lens?"
49525Tell him to-- how many men has he got on the rotary?"
49525Thanks, immensely, for allowing me to come here, Mr....?"
49525That all?"
49525That city is named... that is, in your English you might call it... Suntown?
49525That would mean... but where?"
49525That''s the point we''re diving at now... see that crater?"
49525The Marine Room, you said?"
49525The Patrol get them?"
49525The only chance now remaining is for you to win the election, and how can you do that?
49525Then Drounli arrived; arrived in the instant of his leaving The Hill-- what matters even inter- galactic distance to the speed of thought?
49525Then, as soon as Stanley''s voice came on:"What I want to know is, why is this damned water- pump overloading?
49525Then, when he had emerged into the now brilliantly illuminated stope,"Where are the timber- pimps?"
49525There are, I assume, other surviving officers of your rank, although of lesser seniority?"
49525There_ must_ have been a leak somewhere-- but where in hell could it have been?"
49525They are, then, actually available upon your world, Samms of Tellus?"
49525They know what is going on, then?"
49525This emmfozing, then-- if I read correctly, your race has only two sexes?"
49525This feels funny, does n''t it?"
49525This forecast is, I trust, sufficiently detailed so that you will have no difficulty in checking its accuracy or its lack thereof?"
49525This is what you wanted?"
49525This it?"
49525This, from_ you_?"
49525Three of my boys have just hatched out something that may be worth quite a few million credits a year to us.... Me?
49525Upon what basis did you arrive at the figure you established?"
49525Vice- Admiral Corander?"
49525Want to come along?"
49525Was stolen?
49525Was this lifetime of agony only one minute?
49525We all know what it_ does_, but what, really,_ is_ it?
49525We should run an eye over it, do n''t you think?"
49525Well, then, Mr. Samms, who do you think it was that tried to kill you, and where do you think the Black Fleet came from?"
49525Were they, in fact as in seeming, total strangers?
49525What about that Lens?"
49525What are all you Lensmen-- the Galactic Council and so on-- really up to?
49525What are they, Jack?"
49525What are they, anyway?
49525What are you taking?
49525What could she do?
49525What did they do to you?"
49525What did_ you_ see?"
49525What do they say?"
49525What do you expect to get out of it?
49525What do you get out of it?"
49525What do you know about her-- and how?"
49525What do you mean?
49525What do you mean?"
49525What do you think you''re doing, anyway-- playing tennis or seeing how many innocent bystanders you can bring down out of control?"
49525What do you think, Virge?
49525What does a Chief Dexitroboper do?"
49525What does that mean?
49525What does the ticket cover?"
49525What does time mean to any Arisian?
49525What duties would be connected with this... er... position?
49525What for, I wonder?
49525What good was life, except to enjoy such thrills as he had just had and was about to have again?
49525What happened, and where?"
49525What have you got on top of the umbrella, the_ Boise_ or the_ Chicago_?
49525What in hell do you think_ I''d_ be doing?
49525What is all this Lens stuff really about?
49525What is it?"
49525What is this job you''re so sure you are going to do?"
49525What is your decision?"
49525What makes you think that any such are available?"
49525What matter that there were not that many planets in their native space?
49525What of it?
49525What of it?"
49525What of it?"
49525What other streets could it be?"
49525What say we and some of you fellows round up some girls and go have us a party?"
49525What say we do it now?"
49525What was at the bottom of that affair-- the Lens or the woman?
49525What was death?
49525What was the matter?
49525What were-- really-- those Palainians?
49525What would I really do?"
49525What would you be doing, if you were on the other side?"
49525What would you do if our situations were reversed?"
49525What''s Boskone?"
49525What''s the circuit?"
49525What''s the story?
49525What''s the technique, and how do I cover up?"
49525What''s your idea on that?"
49525When did you stop being a sadist?"
49525Where do you want this ninety- sixty with the doctors and nurses?
49525Where does_ she_ fit into this picture?
49525Where is your representation upon that so- called Galactic Council?
49525Where next, First Lensman?"
49525Where''s Pennoyer?
49525Which pressed for action and which insisted on postponement and delay?
49525While we wait, shall we study the planet a little?"
49525Who can tell?
49525Who invented it?
49525Who is to select them?"
49525Who is to watch the watchmen?"
49525Who knows?
49525Who knows?"
49525Who was_ he_, that all these boys should care so much whether he lived or died?
49525Who''s the captain of your team-- you or the clothes- horse?"
49525Who, in your opinion, is the real boss?"
49525Who, what, and why-- and for how long-- was Gray Roger?
49525Whom did you talk to, and what did he, she, or it say?"
49525Why axes?
49525Why could n''t he?"
49525Why did n''t our Mr. Murgatroyd do something?
49525Why did n''t somebody Lens her?
49525Why did n''t you?"
49525Why do you do it?
49525Why do you suppose they offered that much, when they can get anybody killed for a hundred?
49525Why lie?"
49525Why not Lewistons, or rifles, or pistols?
49525Why not let him keep up the counter- espionage-- do the job you were figuring on doing yourself-- and you stay here and boss it?"
49525Why not thousands of cycles ago?
49525Why not?"
49525Why should I be different from the rest of you?"
49525Why should_ you_ die?
49525Why the diffidence all of a sudden, Mase?
49525Why was I allowed to keep on making campaign speeches?
49525Why was I not informed of the Patrol''s real power-- how could you be guilty of such stupidity?
49525Why, otherwise, had not a single one of the thousands of accused even been arrested?
49525Will they hold it up deliberately or strike fast?"
49525Will you please send my car up to the Wright Skyway feeder?"
49525Will you tell the public, First Lensman Samms, what your guess is?"
49525Will you?"
49525With whom?
49525Wonder how he''ll go about it?
49525Would it by any chance happen to coincide with our Tellurian November fourteenth of this present year?"
49525Would it throw you off too much to go inert and match intrinsics, so that I can join you?"
49525Would such a race of beings have need of such things as cities?
49525Would there, or would there not, be cities?
49525Would you like to come along?"
49525Would you like to observe the proceedings?"
49525Would you like to see them?"
49525Would you part with her-- for, say, ten credits?"
49525Wright, what would you say is the biggest sag we can cut in this kind of rock at two and a quarter feet a minute?"
49525Wright, you''re all in one piece, are n''t you?"
49525Y''don''t s''pose he''s going to take the Old Man away from us already, do you?"
49525You also will realize that I must have become cognizant of my own peculiarities long before anyone else did or could?"
49525You are an expert at that, I believe?"
49525You are of course familiar in a general way with our operation at Northport?"
49525You are of course observing all specified precautions as to key personnel?"
49525You are, Spud?"
49525You call it mewing and purring, I believe?"
49525You can guess?"
49525You do not perceive yours, either, as you drive?"
49525You have given me a Lens for Roderick Kinnison; how about the others?
49525You have?
49525You know how sarcastic and superior he is, even when he''s wrong?"
49525You know the edge of the galaxy closest to Tellus, where that big rift cuts in?"
49525You swear it?"
49525You think, then, that it might not be good technique to take the time to go back to the spaceport?"
49525You two must have had a common ancestor-- or several-- not too far back, did n''t you?"
49525You yourself expect an attack, do you not?"
49525You''re a Procian, are n''t you?"
49525You''ve been working on him right along, though, have n''t you?"
49525You''ve given up, then, on the idea that Arisia is the pirates''GHQ?"
49525You''ve got things in shape, have n''t you, so that you can take the week- end off?"
49525You''ve seen systems like this before?"
49525_ Atmospheric_ vibrations?
49525_ How?_ Mind- reading?"
49525_ How?_ Mind- reading?"
49525_ How_ would California go?
49525_ Lovers!_ Me and that red- headed stinker-- that jelly- brained sapadilly?
49525_ Where_ did you get it?"
49525_ You_ passed it, did n''t you?"