This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
56536 | Binns, Henry Bryan | A Life of Walt Whitman | nan | 157165.0 | 15573.0 | nan | ./cache/56536.txt | ./txt/56536.txt |
6854 | Campbell, Helen | Anne Bradstreet and Her Time | nan | 103004.0 | 5092.0 | nan | ./cache/6854.txt | ./txt/6854.txt |
36661 | Cawein, Madison Julius | Kentucky Poems | nan | 24131.0 | 2092.0 | nan | ./cache/36661.txt | ./txt/36661.txt |
42281 | Keller, Elizabeth Leavitt | Walt Whitman in Mickle Street | nan | 44104.0 | 2266.0 | nan | ./cache/42281.txt | ./txt/42281.txt |
37191 | Kennedy, William Sloane | John Greenleaf Whittier: His Life, Genius, and Writings | nan | 64477.0 | 3613.0 | nan | ./cache/37191.txt | ./txt/37191.txt |
1224 | Mims, Edwin | Sidney Lanier | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
7274 | Painter, F. V. N. (Franklin Verzelius Newton) | Poets of the South A Series of Biographical and Critical Studies with Typical Poems, Annotated | nan | 47964.0 | 3532.0 | nan | ./cache/7274.txt | ./txt/7274.txt |
34752 | Smith, Rebekah | Poems: With a Sketch of the Life and Experience of Annie R. Smith | nan | 30510.0 | 2841.0 | nan | ./cache/34752.txt | ./txt/34752.txt |
12985 | Thompson, Slason | Eugene Field, a Study in Heredity and Contradictions — Volume 2 | nan | 77773.0 | 4733.0 | nan | ./cache/12985.txt | ./txt/12985.txt |
12984 | Thompson, Slason | Eugene Field, a Study in Heredity and Contradictions — Volume 1 | nan | 74631.0 | 3761.0 | nan | ./cache/12984.txt | ./txt/12984.txt |
35725 | Whitman, Walt | The Wound Dresser A Series of Letters Written from the Hospitals in Washington during the War of the Rebellion | nan | 53295.0 | 3317.0 | nan | ./cache/35725.txt | ./txt/35725.txt |
12402 | nan | The Poets and Poetry of Cecil County, Maryland | nan | 68885.0 | 6149.0 | nan | ./cache/12402.txt | ./txt/12402.txt |