
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
960A Tin Woodman? 960 All of them?"
960And are you happy?
960And did you marry Nimmie Amee?
960And does she weep and wail from morning till night?
960And of the different parts of our bodies?
960And what are we going to do with them?
960And what good is the straw man to you, or to himself, when the ditch keeps you from going any further?
960And will you take me along?
960Are they rubber, do you think?
960Are we going to the Munchkin Country by way of the Emerald City?
960Are you a Witch, then?
960Are you a witch, or fairy, or something of the sort?
960Are you friends, or foes?
960Are you happy?
960Are you really my old friend, the Scarecrow?
960Are you sure of that?
960Are you trying to make me angry?
960But are they happy?
960But how came you to lose your body?
960But how can we get to that part of the Munchkin Country where you once lived without passing through the Emerald City?
960But who are you?
960But who can you be?
960But, tell me, please, why were you not killed when you were chopped to pieces?
960But-- see here,said the Scarecrow, who had listened intently to this explanation,"why not put the monkey''s form on some one else?"
960By the way,said the Tin Soldier,"what ever became of my old head, Ku- Klip?"
960Could n''t the Wizard give you a heart that was both Kind and Loving?
960Could n''t we go around it?
960Could n''t you manage to escape from this terrible Yookoohoo?
960Could you make us all as small as that rabbit?
960Did it hurt?
960Did n''t you say she lives with a Wicked Witch, who makes her a slave?
960Did they ever grow up?
960Do n''t I look horrid, Dorothy, with eyes several sizes too big for my body, and so weak that I ought to wear spectacles?
960Do n''t you know me, Nimmie?
960Do n''t you know me, my dear?
960Do n''t you know me? 960 Do n''t you know what happiness is?"
960Do n''t you think you''d better leave me as I am?
960Do you know the name of the people on Mount Munch, with whom she went to live?
960Do you remember loving a pretty Munchkin girl named Nimmie Amee?
960Do you s''pose Nimmie Amee still loves you, after all these years?
960Do you think a magic breakfast would taste good, or relieve the pangs of hunger I now suffer?
960Do you think me so cruel?
960Do you think we shall ever be able to get our proper forms back again?
960Does Nimmie Amee live there now?
960Does your burrow go underneath this Wall of Air?
960Happy? 960 Have n''t you a name?"
960Have n''t you heard of Jinjur?
960Have you any children?
960Have you decided what forms to give us?
960How about a plump owl?
960How did it happen, do you suppose?
960How did you get there?
960How did you happen to have such a shape?
960How did you manage to do that?
960How do you expect me to comb my hair without help?
960How does it feel, Scarecrow, to be a Bear?
960How high is it?
960How long a nap do you wish?
960How long have you been in this cupboard?
960How old am I, Father?
960How old are you now?
960How would mush- and- milk do?
960I do n''t hear any bugle, but when do we go?
960I wonder who lives there?
960I wonder who you are?
960I wonder,said Dorothy, thoughtfully,"if we could n''t find someone in the Land of Oz who would be willing to become a green monkey?
960I wonder,said Woot,"if those cast- off parts of you two unfortunates are still in that barrel in the corner?"
960If that is true, how was that Wicked Witch destroyed?
960If you are Nick Chopper''s Head, then you are Me-- or I''m You-- or-- or-- What relation are we, anyhow?
960If you can work magic, why do n''t you break the enchantment you are under and return to your proper form?
960If you found her, do you suppose she''d change you back into a two- legged boy?
960In what way?
960Is Jinjur a man, a woman, a beast or a bird?
960Is Ozma''s magic all used up?
960Is it good to eat?
960Is she a dwarf?
960Is the shape natural?
960May I ask your name, sir?
960May I have some of your straw?
960May I see him?
960Oh, have n''t I told you about Chopfyt?
960Oh; do you think, then?
960Oh; it''s a wall, is it?
960Pardon me, but may I ask if you-- eh-- eh-- if you ever had a Body?
960Shall I puncture the King?
960She shall choose between us, as we have agreed,the Tin Woodman promised;"but how shall we get to the poor girl?"
960Thank your Majesty,replied Woot, and then he turned to the Tin Woodman and inquired:"What are your further plans, Mr. Emperor?
960Then what are you doing with that axe? 960 Then what in the world do you expect me to eat?"
960There are no fields of grain in your Valley,said he;"where, then, did you get the flour to make your biscuits?"
960Unless what?
960Was the witch, or fairy, or whatever she was, an old person, with wrinkled skin and half her teeth gone?
960Well, what are we to do about it?
960Well,said the Giantess,"what excuse have you to offer?"
960What Magic Apron do you mean?
960What are you going to do?
960What are you waiting for, Captain Fyter?
960What became of Chopfyt after that?
960What can we do about that leg, anyhow?
960What do I care for a girl whom I have never seen and who has never seen me?
960What do you care, anyhow,Betsy Bobbin asked the Tin Woodman,"so long as Nimmie Amee is satisfied?"
960What do you suppose my friend the Patchwork Girl would think of me, if she saw me wearing this beastly shape?
960What do you want?
960What does the Sign say?
960What forms do you intend to give us?
960What have you discovered?
960What is Magic Glue?
960What sort of a Professor is your husband?
960What was the Munchkin girl''s name?
960What will become of her, I wonder?
960What will you do now?
960What''s the matter?
960When shall we start?
960Where did you go?
960Where is she now?
960Which of my friends did you manage to eat?
960Who is Chopfyt?
960Who is Jinjur?
960Who lives here?
960Who put the air wall around the house?
960Who was this Dorothy?
960Who will govern the Winkie Country during your absence?
960Who would agree to make the change?
960Who''s King here, anyhow? 960 Who''s there?"
960Whose heart did you use in making the body?
960Why did n''t you look where you were going?
960Why did you do that?
960Why do n''t you cross over and eat hay?
960Why not go to Ku- Klip and ask him what has become of the girl?
960Why not?
960Why not?
960Why, I''m-- I''m-- How old am I, Father?
960Will a stuffed Bear also make you laugh?
960Will you accompany me on this errand?
960Will you allow us to pass through it, if we are able to?
960Will your father scold you for getting left on the earth?
960Wo n''t you please tell me the story?
960Would n''t you be willing to become a green monkey-- see what a pretty color it is-- so that this poor boy could be restored to his own shape?
960Would n''t you like to be the Empress of the Winkies?
960Would she care if I ate some of those ripe cream- puffs?
960Would you like some?
960Would you really do that?
960Would you really like to be as you were before?
960Yet, in spite of this condition, you were going to marry Nimmie Amee?
960You knew it was private property, I suppose?
960You? 960 A learned college professor recently wrote me to ask:For readers of what age are your books intended?"
960Am I correct, friend Scarecrow?"
960And Mrs. Yoop transformed you?
960And what good would an exchange do?"
960And why has the other tin man a sword?"
960Are they dangerous, do you think, my good Panta?"
960Are you hungry?"
960But how are we to get into his deserted castle?
960But how did she manage to get you, Polychrome?"
960But tell me, since you are a fairy, and have a fairy wisdom: do you think we shall be able to break these enchantments?"
960But what is it?"
960But where could they have gone to?
960But where is the monkey boy?"
960But why should you wish to escape?
960But, tell me, please: what is a Tin Owl good for?"
960But, tell me, what was the name of the Munchkin girl you were in love with?"
960Ca n''t you change''em back into their own shapes?
960Ca n''t you help us, being a Fairy?"
960Chapter Sixteen Captain Fyter"Are you really a soldier?"
960Did you think,"with a pleasant smile,"that I was born just as I am?
960Do n''t you ask questions?"
960Do n''t you know that thinking is very bad for Dragons?"
960Do n''t you see his sword?"
960Do you see?"
960Do you think it looks like rain?"
960Do you want to keep me thinking all the time?
960Finally one of the Dragons which was farthest away from him asked, in a deep, grave voice:"What was that?"
960Finally the Tin Woodman ventured to ask:"And did Nimmie Amee return your love?"
960Had you no friends in that corner of the Gillikin Country?
960Have you eaten him so quickly?"
960How are we going to get rid of these shapes, and become ourselves again?"
960How dare you enter my house?"
960How is my Tin Owl feeling?"
960I do n''t like being a monkey, but what''s the use of kicking against my fate?"
960I hope you do n''t resent my affectionate appetite?"
960I wonder who lives here?"
960I''m your old friend the Scarecrow?"
960Is the pump ready?"
960It''s wicked to be wasteful, is n''t it?"
960Look at me, Woot; what am I?"
960One of the Scarecrow''s recitations was like this:"What sound is so sweet As the straw from the wheat When it crunkles so tender and low?
960Perhaps you''d prefer to choose your own transformations?"
960Polychrome began to laugh, and the Scarecrow said:"What''s the matter?"
960Said the Scarecrow, twisting his stuffed head around in Mrs. Yoop''s direction:"Do you know, Ma''am, who we are?"
960She danced close to him and said:"If you can stretch your neck across the ditch, why not help us over?
960Sitting upon the ground, the boy asked:"Can you see us, Poly?"
960That a Head would be created without a Body?"
960The clatter of the Tin Owl''s wings sounded above him, and the little Brown Bear came trotting up and asked:"Where is the monkey?
960Then he said in a voice that trembled with emotion:"Who are you, friend?"
960There was no reply"Ca n''t you see he''s rusted, just as you were once?"
960They were all very sorry for him, and Dorothy anxiously asked Ozma:"Could n''t Glinda save him?"
960Was it not homelike and comfortable?"
960What do you think, Ozma?"
960What have you thought about, in all that time?"
960What would you like to eat?"
960What''s that?"
960Whatever possessed you to jump up the chimney?"
960Where are you?"
960Where did they come from?"
960Where is it?
960Where is it?"
960Which would you prefer, Woot the Wanderer?"
960Why do n''t you draw lots for her?"
960Why not transform Toto into Woot the Wanderer, and then have them exchange forms?
960Why should they sleep, when they never tired?
960Will you still seek Nimmie Amee and marry her, or will you abandon the quest and return to the Emerald City and your own castle?"
960Would you like to go with me, Dorothy?"
960You or Me?"
960You''re in no hurry, are you?"
960asked Dorothy"Do n''t you know?"
960cried the Tin Woodman, sadly perplexed;"how came you to be made of tin?"
960do you think I''d bother to make biscuits out of flour?"
960exclaimed Woot, staring in astonishment into the rabbit''s blue eyes;"whoever heard of air so solid that one can not push it aside?"
419And can you make a bird a beast, and a beast a bird again, without taking a human form in between?
419And get enchanted again?
419And how about you?
419And who are these others?
419Are n''t you afraid to be wicked?
419Are n''t you going to save those six monkeys who are giant soldiers?
419Are n''t you good for ANYthing?
419Are n''t you hungry, Cap''n?
419Are they better than gold pieces?
419Are you lonesome because you''re a magician?
419Are you sure he ca n''t get away?
419Are you sure you can get''em out of their fix?
419Are you sure you know the way?
419Are you the Wizard?
419But how can two beasts raise an army to conquer the powerful people of Oz?
419But if I find your black bag-- and find it inside of five minutes-- will you admit my pink brains are better than your common human brains?
419But it''s safe, is n''t it?
419But tell me, Glinda, what can I give our lovely Ozma on her birthday?
419But what became of the walnut and the hickory- nut into which you transformed those dreadful beast magicians?
419But what will WE be doing?
419But where is the Magic Flower, and how can we get it?
419But where will you get such tiny monkeys?
419But why do you wish to go back to the island?
419But why should MY wish be obeyed?
419But why, if you are so great a magician, can not you conquer the Oz people without our help, and so save us the trouble?
419Ca n''t you find any fat babies in Oz to eat?
419Can you do that, Wizard?
419Can you make a raft, Cap''n Bill?
419Can you really do such wonderful transformations?
419Can you remember the Magic Word that transforms people?
419Can you think of anything more the little monkeys can do, Wizard?
419Could n''t the Wizard of Oz help us-- or Glinda the Good?
419Could n''t we put it on your back?
419Did n''t you see the Magic Flower in the gold flower- pot?
419Did they try to fight you when you saw''em?
419Do many beasts live here?
419Do n''t you admire my pink brains?
419Do n''t you ever get hungry or thirsty?
419Do n''t you have to hunt for your food?
419Do n''t you know who WE are, either?
419Do n''t you know?
419Do n''t you like eggs?
419Do n''t you like pretty things?
419Do n''t you remember the four and twenty blackbirds that were baked in a pie? 419 Do n''t you remember?"
419Do n''t you want some, too?
419Do you know what I can give her?
419Do you remember tellin''me yesterday''bout a Magic Flower in a Gold Pot?
419Do you think I could wish for anything else, Cap''n and get it?
419Do you think I''m a fool? 419 Do you think they''ll object?"
419Do you think, Wizard, the Duck was right in saying no magic can rescue Trot and Cap''n Bill?
419Do you''spose it''s very heavy, Cap''n? 419 Has any of your friends ever picked a flower from the wonderful plant?"
419Have n''t you any friends?
419Have you ever traveled this way before?
419Have you money?
419Have you the money to pay for it?
419How are you?
419How can you do that?
419How could I walk OVER the water on the BOTTOM of the river? 419 How dare you come here?"
419How dare you disturb me?
419How did you get to the island?
419How do you know about it, and who are you, anyhow?
419How do you like it, Dorothy?
419How do you s''pose a single, solitary Duck happened to be in the Land of Oz?
419How does the Mixed Beast know that what he says is true?
419How long will we be gone?
419How many candles should there be on the cake?
419How shall we answer this friendly stranger?
419How would it be to give her that useless Pink Kitten?
419I said''people,''did n''t I?
419I suppose we must take the shapes of beasts?
419I suppose you can transform us into beasts as well as birds?
419I suppose you''re not strong enough to bring the raft to this side, are you?
419I suppose you''ve heard of me?
419I wonder if the beasts will attack us?
419I wonder who he was?
419If I find it, will you go to them?
419Is any kind of an egg dangerous to a Nome?
419Is he ALWAYS hungry?
419Is it good poetry, Scraps?
419Is that ALL you want, Dorothy?
419Is that all you can do, Wizard?
419Is the Flower really wonderful?
419Like what?
419May I go across with you?
419Me? 419 Me?
419Prove what?
419Roots an''all?
419Shall we ask Ozma to let us take the Sawhorse?
419Shall we go back to the Emerald City, as we are, and then visit Glinda the Good and ask her to break the enchantments?
419Sorry for what?
419Tell me, Toto,said the girl;"what would Ozma like best for a birthday present?"
419The Wizard transformed? 419 The bees?"
419Then what shall we do?
419Then you''re a wizard?
419Then you''ve never seen the Emerald City of Oz?
419Two bees?
419Under the water?
419WHO''S going to do that?
419Well, where can we find it?
419What are Kalidahs?
419What are you doing?
419What are you going to do now?
419What are you going to do with a raft?
419What are you going to do with that?
419What are you going to give Ozma on her birthday?
419What are you going to give Ozma on her birthday?
419What are you thinkin''of, Trot?
419What became of the Goose?
419What became of your magic tools?
419What do YOU think, Rango?
419What do we need a raft for, Cap''n?
419What do you say, Bru?
419What do you''spose has happened to us, Cap''n Bill?
419What does he mean by that?
419What does that mean?
419What good would that do us?
419What happens to them, then?
419What has become of those Giant Soldiers who used to be monkeys?
419What have you thought of?
419What is a magician?
419What is it, Cap''n Bill?
419What is it, Glinda?
419What is your thought, my dear?
419What made them kick you out?
419What shall we do now?
419What shall we do with him?
419What was I going to say?
419What will happen to the Oz people, and what sort of an army could we get together, except of people?
419What will they do with the swords?
419What''s on your mind, Dorothy?
419What''s that for?
419What''s that swimmin''towards us, Trot?
419What''s the matter?
419What''s wrong with them?
419When did that happen?
419When did they go, and where have they gone?
419Where are you going?
419Where did you find so many diamonds?
419Where is he now?
419Where is it?
419Where''s the Goose?
419Where''s the Wizard?
419Where''s the Wizard?
419Where, Dorothy?
419Who ARE you?
419Who are you, and how came you in the forest of Gugu?
419Who are you?
419Who are you?
419Who are you?
419Who are you?
419Who played this joke on you?
419Why did you come here, anyway?
419Why did you do it?
419Why did you let them do that?
419Why do n''t you make a few friends, and find something to do?
419Why not find the Goose, first?
419Why not?
419Why not?
419Why not?
419Why should I want to please anybody?
419Why should I?
419Why so?
419Will the beasts consent, do you think?
419Will the big Leopard let me be King?
419Will you go?
419Wo n''t that make a queer combination?
419Wo n''t you go now?
419Would n''t you like to be king of that splendid fairyland?
419You do n''t happen to have TWO o''them saws; do you, Wizard?
419A Pink Kitten was curled up on the window- sill and Dorothy asked her:"What can I give Ozma for her birthday present?"
419And can we get it home without breaking it?"
419And it kept up these sounds so long that Trot finally exclaimed:"Ca n''t you hurry up and finish that''cantation?
419Are we fools, not to heed a warning?"
419As soon as she could speak the Glass Cat asked indignantly:"Are n''t you going to punish those monkeys for playing such a trick on me?"
419Being transparent, so anyone can see through me, I''d look nice, would n''t I, with a common mouse inside me?
419But how are we going to carry that big gold flower- pot?
419But the beasts are better than the people, and why should they not have all the good things the people have?
419But what shall we give her?"
419But what will you do with it?"
419But who are these strangers with you?"
419But why had his father taken up the board?
419Can you transform them all at once?"
419Can you wonder I''m lonesome?"
419Finally one of the walruses asked:"Can you really transform beasts into men, and men into beasts?"
419Had he hidden some of his magic tools underneath the floor?
419He now approached the Wizard and said:"Well, what do you intend to do about those poor enchanted monkeys?"
419He served them an excellent supper, and while they ate it, the Hyup boy asked his companion:"Where did you get so many jewels?"
419How did Trot and Cap''n Bill get to the island?"
419I do n''t suppose we''re far from that Magic Flower, are we?"
419Is that true?"
419Next morning he said:"Which way do you travel to- day?"
419Shall we agree to this plan, or not?"
419Shall we ask Ozma if we can go?"
419She met the Patchwork Girl and said:"What are you going to give Ozma for a birthday present?"
419Suddenly the blue- green leaves of the trees changed to a purple hue, and Trot noticed this and said:"I wonder what made the colors change like that?"
419The tools are in my Black Bag; but where is the Bag?"
419The travelers halted abruptly and the Wizard said:"Look out for what?"
419Then the little girl and the funny little man dismounted, and the great Lion demanded in a loud voice:"Who is King in this forest?"
419Then, after the smoke had disappeared into air, the Wizard called out to the prisoners:"Are you free?"
419What are you doing here?"
419What do you say, Rango?"
419What good are the things anyhow?"
419What makes you lonesome?"
419When are your folks comin''here?"
419When it reached the river bank, both Dorothy and the Wizard leaped ashore and the little man asked excitedly:"Where are the bees?"
419Where are you going now?"
419Who are you and where did you come from?"
419Why did n''t you tell me before?"
419Why should I do that?"
419Will you help us search for the Black Bag, Friend Cat?"
419Will you listen to what he has to say to you-- to the message he has brought from the sky?"
419Wo n''t that be fine?"
419You''d be glad to please Ozma, would n''t you?"
419he asked,"and what is a boy?"
419suggested Dorothy;"what then?"
419the Fox asked the Lamb; and"Who are you?"
419the Munchkin boy asked the Rabbit; and"Who are you?"
485Ah, why indeed?
485Am I?
485And did you send Polly to us?
485And do you know his father?
485And have n''t you traveled from Oz to Kansas in less than half a jiffy, by means of the Silver Shoes and the Magic Belt?
485And what is your name?
485And where''s the Scarecrow?
485Any onions, your Majesty?
485Are they alive?
485Are you a magician? 485 Are you afraid of enemies?"
485Are you glad to leave us, dear?
485Are you going to Ozma''s party?
485Are you sorry you stole it?
485Are you''fraid of bubbles, too?
485Are your feet tired?
485Ask''em who they are, and what they want,whispered Dorothy; so the shaggy man called out in a loud voice:"Who are you?"
485But I mean another piece?
485But as we ca n''t go ahead and there''s no use going back, what shall we do next?
485But how did the Rainbow''s Daughter ever get on this lonely road, and become lost?
485But tell me, my friends, how did you happen to be here, in the Country of the Winkies, the first of all to meet us?
485But tell me, sir, where did you get the Love Magnet which you say you own?
485But what do you want us for?
485But what''s happened to you? 485 But what''s your real name?"
485But where is the sand- boat?
485But who is this?
485But you ca n''t dig forever; and what are you going to do then?
485But, tell me, my dear, did you ever see so wonderful a city as Foxville in Kansas?
485Ca n''t you see that Billina is my friend?
485Did n''t I?
485Did you conquer her?
485Did you enchant me when you asked the way to Butterfield?
485Did you know the bear?
485Did you''vite the Musicker?
485Did you?
485Do YOU know what''s going to become of me?
485Do YOU think I''m beautiful?
485Do n''t they go to school?
485Do n''t they work at all?
485Do n''t you know where you came from?
485Do n''t you like it?
485Do n''t you realize that? 485 Do n''t you want to find your mama again?"
485Do n''t you? 485 Do they all wind up together?"
485Do you belong to the nobility?
485Do you know Button- Bright, too?
485Do you know Ozma?
485Do you know what''s going to become of YOU?
485Do you know who Button- Bright is?
485Do you know,asked the Rainbow''s Daughter,"if this is the right road to the Emerald City?"
485Do you really expect to get to Oz?
485Do you really think so?
485Do you think I could eat it?
485Do you think you will be able to guide the bubble?
485Do you, Button- Bright?
485Does n''t your fox head want to yelp every minute?
485Emp''ror? 485 Found what?"
485Have n''t you any dewdrops, or mist- cakes, or cloudbuns?
485Have the foxes gone?
485Have you ever been to sea?
485Hear me crunkle?
485Hello, Dorothy; still having adventures?
485How can you call that lovely head dreadful?
485How did you come here?
485How did you know my name, Santa?
485How do you like it?
485How do you like us?
485How should you? 485 How''bout you, Polly?"
485I guess the palace will be chock full, Button- Bright; do n''t you think so?
485I mean, have you ever been on a big ship floating on a big ocean?
485I mean, have you ever been where there''s water?
485I trust you are in good health, and that your families are all well?
485I wish it would snow, do n''t you?
485I''m glad I do n''t have to live with the organ- man; are n''t you, Polly?
485I''m sure Ozma would invite you if I asked her,she said;"but how could you get to the Land of Oz and the Emerald City?
485Is King Dough good to eat?
485Is he alive?
485Is it a boy or a girl?
485Is it a toy?
485Is it good?
485Is n''t it damp?
485Is n''t it?
485Is she?
485Is that all you have to eat?
485Is this a fairy country?
485Is this, also, some enchanted person?
485Is your Conscience still in good order?
485It looks now as if it might end pretty soon,remarked the shaggy man;"and what shall we do if it does?"
485It''s kind of fun to be a Princess once in a while; do n''t you think so?
485It''s rather pretty, is n''t it?
485Must I?
485Must I?
485Must it?
485My name''s Dorothy,said she, jumping up again,"but what are we going to do?
485Oh no, Polly-- I may call you Polly, may n''t I? 485 Oh, do you?"
485Polly whom?
485Stop it, ca n''t you?
485The Wizard? 485 The seventh from where?"
485Then where does he live? 485 Then why do you wear sailor clothes?"
485Then why do you wonder that an hour or two could bring you to Foxville, which is nearer to Oz than it is to Kansas?
485To see what?
485Was it alive?
485Was n''t he sorry then?
485Was n''t it here a minute ago?
485Well, why do n''t you?
485What are you going to do?
485What beasts are they?
485What became of the Saw- Horse, afterward?
485What became of the other heads, Jack?
485What brought you here, strangers?
485What can Johnny do?
485What do you mean by making such a racket?
485What do you suppose my name is?
485What do you think, Polly? 485 What do you want?"
485What else?
485What for?
485What have we here?
485What in the world do you s''pose that is?
485What in?
485What is it, a band or a mouth- organ?
485What is it, dear?
485What is it?
485What is this?
485What is your Magic Belt?
485What is your business here?
485What is your papa''s name?
485What more do you desire?
485What must I know?
485What''s a captive?
485What''s a musicker?
485What''s a pris''ner?
485What''s sov''rin, and what''s c''u''nity?
485What''s that?
485What''s that?
485What''s that?
485What''s that?
485What''s the matter, Polly?
485Whatever made you think this is Kansas?
485When is her birthday, Jellia?
485Where are your reindeer?
485Where do you expect to get to?
485Where do you live?
485Where does HE live?
485Where is the Truth Pond?
485Where is your home?
485Where is your mama?
485Which one?
485Who are they?
485Who are you, dear?
485Who are you?
485Who do you imagine, dear, mixed up those roads, so as to start you wandering in the direction of Oz?
485Who ever heard of a shaggy fairy?
485Who is still to come?
485Who is your friend?
485Who lives here?
485Who''s he?
485Who''s he?
485Why did n''t the Eskimo keep it?
485Why did n''t you send me word you were going to have a birthday party?
485Why did n''t you want to go to Butterfield?
485Why did you steal it?
485Why do they call you Chick?
485Why not?
485Why not?
485Why not?
485Why, do n''t I see you every Christmas Eve, when you''re asleep?
485Why, yes; we are in Kansas now, are n''t we?
485Will he?
485Will the Scarecrow scare me?
485Will you ride in a bubble, or shall I send you and Toto home by means of the Magic Belt?
485Will you, Toto?
485Will your folks worry?
485Wo n''t your father miss you, and look for you, and let down another rainbow for you?
485You do n''t?
485You take the branch next the willow stump, I b''lieve; or else the branch by the gopher holes; or else--"Wo n''t any of''em do, miss?
485You''ll be my friend-- won''t you?
485And now-- why, where''s the highway, Shaggy Man?"
485And where are they, Billina?"
485Are they friendly to us, do you think?"
485Are you going to the Land of Oz?"
485Are you well and happy?"
485As they walked leisurely along the shaggy man said to the Tin Woodman:"What sort of a Magic Powder was it that made your friend the Pumpkinhead live?"
485At last the shaggy man turned and inquired,"What''s your name, little girl?"
485But tell me, do you think I am so beautiful?"
485Button- Bright stopped crying and asked timidly:"Am I?"
485Did you ever sail a ship?"
485Did you suppose we are so vulgar as to use money here?"
485Do n''t you think so?"
485Do n''t you think so?"
485Do n''t you, Toto?"
485Do you have to help wash dishes on the rainbow, Polly?"
485Do you know the mighty Princess Ozma?"
485Do you know why two and two make four?"
485Happening just then to feel the Love Magnet in his pocket, he said to the creatures, with more confidence:"Do n''t you love me?"
485He turned toward their foes and asked:"What do you want us to do?"
485How do you like the new head, Button- Bright?"
485How''s his heart?"
485How, then, did he come to be in this lonely road?
485In the bright morning sunshine, as they ate of the strawberries and sweet juicy pears, Dorothy said:"Polly, can you do any magic?"
485Is it far from here to the Emerald City?"
485Is n''t it lucky we found it?"
485Is there any command, in the meantime, with which you desire to honor me?"
485Is this the lane?"
485It is n''t nearly as pretty as your own head, no matter what the foxes say; but you can get along with it for a little while longer, ca n''t you?"
485It would be hard to match this castle in Kansas; would n''t it, little Dorothy?"
485Presently she saw a sign on a house that read:"Madam de Fayke, Hoofist,"and she asked their conductor:"What''s a''hoofist,''please?"
485Shall I promise the donkey king an invitation to Ozma''s party?"
485So what does it matter?"
485The Way to Butterfield"Please, miss,"said the shaggy man,"can you tell me the road to Butterfield?"
485The first one is by the elm tree, and the second is by the gopher holes; and then--""Then what?"
485The shaggy man said:"Who are you, sir?"
485This speech greatly surprised the little girl, who asked:"How did your Majesty know my name?"
485To the surprise of his companions, the boy asked this long question:"If I swallowed a mouth- organ, what would I be?"
485Try some, wo n''t you?"
485Turning again to Button- Bright, he asked:"Having told you my name, what would you call me?"
485We''re across the desert, are n''t we?
485What does your mama call you?"
485What food would you prefer, a bran mash or ripe oats in the shell?"
485What would you advise me to do, Dorothy?"
485Whatever''s the matter now?"
485Where DO you want to go, then?"
485Where did you get that donkey head?
485Where do you suppose they all go to?"
485Where''s Ozma?"
485While they waited, the Scarecrow, who was near the little boy, asked:"Why are you called Button- Bright?"
485Who else do you suppose brings him his Christmas neckties and stockings?"
485Why did you name them all with the same name?"
485Why not?"
485Why, what''s that?"
485exclaimed Dorothy;"is this another fairy adventure?"
485or a fairy in disguise?"
485she cried;"where did you come from?"
30852A Tin Woodman? 30852 All of them?"
30852And are you happy?
30852And did you marry Nimmie Amee?
30852And does she weep and wail from morning till night?
30852And of the different parts of our bodies?
30852And what are we going to do with them?
30852And what good is the straw man to you, or to himself, when the ditch keeps you from going any further?
30852And will you take me along?
30852Are they rubber, do you think?
30852Are we going to the Munchkin Country by way of the Emerald City?
30852Are you a Witch, then?
30852Are you friends, or foes?
30852Are you happy?
30852Are you really my old friend, the Scarecrow?
30852Are you sure of that?
30852Are you trying to make me angry?
30852Are_ you_ a witch, or fairy, or something of the sort?
30852But are they happy?
30852But how came you to lose your body?
30852But how can we get to that part of the Munchkin Country where you once lived without passing through the Emerald City?
30852But who are you?
30852But who can_ you_ be?
30852But, tell me, please, why were you not killed when you were chopped to pieces?
30852But-- see here,said the Scarecrow, who had listened intently to this explanation,"why not put the monkey''s form on some one else?"
30852By the way,said the Tin Soldier,"what ever became of_ my_ old head, Ku- Klip?"
30852Ca n''t you see he''s rusted, just as you were once?
30852Could n''t the Wizard give you a heart that was both Kind and Loving?
30852Could n''t we go around it?
30852Could n''t you manage to escape from this terrible Yookoohoo?
30852Could you make us all as small as that rabbit?
30852Did it hurt?
30852Did n''t you say she lives with a Wicked Witch, who makes her a slave?
30852Did they ever grow up?
30852Do n''t I look horrid, Dorothy, with eyes several sizes too big for my body, and so weak that I ought to wear spectacles?
30852Do n''t you know me, Nimmie?
30852Do n''t you know me? 30852 Do n''t you know what happiness is?"
30852Do n''t you know?
30852Do n''t you know_ me_, my dear?
30852Do n''t you think you''d better leave me as I am?
30852Do you know the name of the people on Mount Munch, with whom she went to live?
30852Do you remember loving a pretty Munchkin girl named Nimmie Amee?
30852Do you s''pose Nimmie Amee still loves you, after all these years?
30852Do you think a magic breakfast would taste good, or relieve the pangs of hunger I now suffer?
30852Do you think me so cruel?
30852Do you think we shall ever be able to get our proper forms back again?
30852Does Nimmie Amee live there now?
30852Does your burrow go underneath this Wall of Air?
30852Happy? 30852 Have n''t you a name?"
30852Have n''t you heard of Jinjur?
30852Have you any children?
30852Have you decided what forms to give us?
30852How about a plump owl?
30852How did it happen, do you suppose?
30852How did you get there?
30852How did you happen to have such a shape?
30852How did you manage to do that?
30852How do you expect me to comb my hair without help?
30852How does it feel, Scarecrow, to be a Bear?
30852How high is it?
30852How long a nap do you wish?
30852How old am I, Father?
30852How old are you now?
30852How would mush- and- milk do?
30852I do n''t hear any bugle, but when do we go?
30852I wonder who lives there?
30852I wonder who you are?
30852I wonder,said Dorothy, thoughtfully,"if we could n''t find someone in the Land of Oz who would be willing to become a green monkey?
30852I wonder,said Woot,"if those cast- off parts of you two unfortunates are still in that barrel in the corner?"
30852If that is true, how was that Wicked Witch destroyed?
30852If you are Nick Chopper''s Head, then you are_ Me_--or I''m_ You_--or-- or-- What relation_ are_ we, anyhow?
30852If you can work magic, why do n''t you break the enchantment you are under and return to your proper form?
30852If you found her, do you suppose she''d change you back into a two- legged boy?
30852In what way?
30852Is Jinjur a man, a woman, a beast or a bird?
30852Is Ozma''s magic all used up?
30852Is it good to eat?
30852Is she a dwarf?
30852Is the shape natural?
30852May I ask your name, sir?
30852May I have some of your straw?
30852May I see him?
30852Oh, have n''t I told you about Chopfyt?
30852Oh; do you think, then?
30852Oh; it''s a wall, is it?
30852Pardon me, but may I ask if you-- eh-- eh-- if you ever had a Body?
30852Shall I puncture the King?
30852She shall choose between us, as we have agreed,the Tin Woodman promised;"but how shall we get to the poor girl?"
30852Thank your Majesty,replied Woot, and then he turned to the Tin Woodman and inquired:"What are your further plans, Mr. Emperor?
30852Then what are you doing with that axe? 30852 Then what in the world do you expect me to eat?"
30852There are no fields of grain in your Valley,said he;"where, then, did you get the flour to make your biscuits?"
30852Unless what?
30852Was the witch, or fairy, or whatever she was, an old person, with wrinkled skin, and half her teeth gone?
30852Well, what are we to do about it?
30852Well,said the Giantess,"what excuse have you to offer?"
30852What Magic Apron do you mean?
30852What are you waiting for, Captain Fyter?
30852What became of Chopfyt after that?
30852What can we do about that leg, anyhow?
30852What do I care for a girl whom I have never seen and who has never seen me?
30852What do you care, anyhow,Betsy Bobbin asked the Tin Woodman,"so long as Nimmie Amee is satisfied?"
30852What do you suppose my friend the Patchwork Girl would think of me, if she saw me wearing this beastly shape?
30852What do you want?
30852What does the Sign say?
30852What forms do you intend to give us?
30852What have you discovered?
30852What is Magic Glue?
30852What sort of a Professor is your husband?
30852What was the Munchkin girl''s name?
30852What will become of her, I wonder?
30852What will you do now?
30852What''s the matter?
30852When shall we start?
30852Where did you go?
30852Where is she now?
30852Which of my friends did you manage to eat?
30852Who is Chopfyt?
30852Who is Jinjur?
30852Who lives here?
30852Who put the air wall around the house?
30852Who was this Dorothy?
30852Who would agree to make the change?
30852Who''s King here, anyhow? 30852 Who''s there?"
30852Whose heart did you use in making the body?
30852Why did n''t you look where you were going?
30852Why did you do that?
30852Why do n''t you cross over and eat hay?
30852Why not go to Ku- Klip and ask him what has become of the girl?
30852Why not?
30852Why not?
30852Why, I''m-- I''m-- How old am I, Father?
30852Will a stuffed Bear also make you laugh?
30852Will you accompany me on this errand?
30852Will you allow us to pass through it, if we are able to?
30852Will your father scold you for getting left on the earth?
30852Wo n''t you please tell me the story?
30852Would n''t you be willing to become a green monkey-- see what a pretty color it is-- so that this poor boy could be restored to his own shape?
30852Would n''t you like to be the Empress of the Winkies?
30852Would she care if I ate some of those ripe cream- puffs?
30852Would you like some?
30852Would you really do that?
30852Would you really like to be as you were before?
30852Yet, in spite of this condition, you were going to marry Nimmie Amee?
30852You knew it was private property, I suppose?
30852You? 30852 A learned college professor recently wrote me to ask:For readers of what age are your books intended?"
30852Am I correct, friend Scarecrow?"
30852And Mrs. Yoop transformed you?
30852And what good would an exchange do?"
30852And why has the other tin man a sword?"
30852Are they dangerous, do you think, my good Panta?"
30852Are you hungry?"
30852But how are we to get into his deserted castle?
30852But how did she manage to get_ you_, Polychrome?"
30852But tell me, since you are a fairy, and have a fairy wisdom: do you think we shall be able to break these enchantments?"
30852But what is it?"
30852But where could they have gone to?
30852But where_ is_ the monkey boy?"
30852But why should you wish to escape?
30852But, tell me, please: What is a Tin Owl good for?"
30852But, tell me, what was the name of the Munchkin girl you were in love with?"
30852Ca n''t you change''em back into their own shapes?
30852Ca n''t you help us, being a Fairy?"
30852Captain Fyter[ Illustration] CHAPTER 16"Are you really a soldier?"
30852Did you think,"with a pleasant smile,"that I was born just as I am?
30852Do n''t you ask questions?"
30852Do n''t you know that thinking is very bad for Dragons?"
30852Do n''t you see his sword?"
30852Do you see?"
30852Do you think it looks like rain?"
30852Do you want to keep me thinking all the time?
30852Finally one of the Dragons which was farthest away from him asked, in a deep, grave voice:"What was that?"
30852Finally the Tin Woodman ventured to ask:"And did Nimmie Amee return your love?"
30852Had you no friends in that corner of the Gillikin Country?
30852Have you eaten him so quickly?"
30852How are we going to get rid of these shapes, and become ourselves again?"
30852How dare you enter my house?"
30852How is my Tin Owl feeling?"
30852I do n''t like being a monkey, but what''s the use of kicking against my fate?"
30852I hope you do n''t resent my affectionate appetite?"
30852I wonder who lives here?"
30852I''m your old friend the Scarecrow?"
30852Is the pump ready?"
30852It''s wicked to be wasteful, is n''t it?"
30852Look at_ me_, Woot; what am_ I_?"
30852One of the Scarecrow''s recitations was like this:"What sound is so sweet As the straw from the wheat When it crunkles so tender and low?
30852Perhaps you''d prefer to choose your own transformations?"
30852Polychrome began to laugh, and the Scarecrow said:"What''s the matter?"
30852Said the Scarecrow, twisting his stuffed head around in Mrs. Yoop''s direction:"Do you know, Ma''am, who we are?"
30852She danced close to him and said:"If you can stretch your neck across the ditch, why not help us over?
30852Sitting upon the ground, the boy asked:"Can_ you_ see us, Poly?"
30852That a Head would be created without a Body?"
30852The clatter of the Tin Owl''s wings sounded above him, and the little Brown Bear came trotting up and asked:"Where is the monkey?
30852Then he said in a voice that trembled with emotion:"Who are you, friend?"
30852They were all very sorry for him, and Dorothy anxiously asked Ozma:"Could n''t Glinda save him?"
30852Was it not homelike and comfortable?"
30852What do_ you_ think, Ozma?"
30852What have you thought about, in all that time?"
30852What would you like to eat?"
30852What''s that?"
30852Whatever possessed you to jump up the chimney?"
30852Where are you?"
30852Where did they come from?"
30852Where is it?
30852Where is it?"
30852Which would you prefer, Woot the Wanderer?"
30852Why do n''t you draw lots for her?"
30852Why not transform Toto into Woot the Wanderer, and then have them exchange forms?
30852Why should they sleep, when they never tired?
30852Will you still seek Nimmie Amee and marry her, or will you abandon the quest and return to the Emerald City and your own castle?"
30852Would you like to go with me, Dorothy?"
30852You are really the famous Scarecrow of Oz?"
30852You or Me?"
30852You''re in no hurry, are you?"
30852[ Illustration: I do n''t hear any bugle]"Who will govern the Winkie Country during your absence?"
30852[ Illustration]"How long have you been in this cupboard?"
30852[ Illustration]"What are you going to do?"
30852cried the Tin Woodman, sadly perplexed;"how came you to be made of tin?"
30852do you think I''d bother to make biscuits out of flour?"
30852exclaimed Woot, staring in astonishment into the rabbit''s blue eyes;"whoever heard of air so solid that one can not push it aside?"
486A Wheeler?
486A pretty ornament you''d make, would n''t you?
486A purple kitten?
486Am I a good guesser, Mr. Nome King? 486 And could you, in fairness, ask me to return to you the lock of hair, just because you had smashed the doll?"
486And is Mr. Tiktok attractive?
486And is n''t this a key- hole, Billina?
486And no heart, I suppose?
486And the Scarecrow and the machine man?
486And what are Nomes?
486Are the Wheelers the only folks living in the Land of Ev?
486Are you alive?
486Are you intel''gent?
486Are you so very hungry?
486Are you sure?
486Are you the Princess Langwidere?
486Are you wound up to keep my secret?
486But how am I to know which thing is enchanted, and which is not?
486But how can you escape, without my consent?
486But what good is a bite, to a hungry tiger?
486But what is to become of the private?
486But what shall we do now?
486But where are my friends, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman?
486But where did you get the key to un- lock this door?
486But, my children-- tell me, I beg of you-- where are my children?
486But, tell me; how does it happen that you are able to talk? 486 Ca n''t you hear me?"
486Can I tell metal when I bump into it, or is the thing a rock?
486Can he think, and speak, as you do?
486Did they make many of you?
486Did you not pick our lunch- boxes and dinner- pails? 486 Do I speak quite properly, in your judgment?"
486Do I understand that she will now return to us in safety?
486Do n''t you remember the warning in the sand:''Beware the Wheelers''? 486 Do n''t you want to hatch it?"
486Do the lunch- box trees and the dinner- pail trees belong to the Wheelers?
486Do they live in the town of Evna now?
486Do you expect me to believe all that rubbish about the Land of Oz?
486Do you lay your egg very early?
486Do you mean to say that so many different princesses are one and the same person?
486Do you surrender?
486Do you take me for a cannibal?
486Do you think that is all true, my dear?
486Do you wish your ruler to plead with this wicked Nome King?
486Done what?
486Done what?
486Dorothy who?
486Guessing right?
486Has she failed?
486Have n''t you a club?
486Have n''t you any better manners than that?
486Have n''t you any idea what country this is?
486Have n''t you had your breakfast?
486How about Dorothy?
486How are you?
486How can the left wing be at the right?
486How can you?
486How could they know that the Queen of Ev and her family are all ornaments of a royal purple color?
486How could you guess right, where your betters have failed, you stupid fowl?
486How dare you annoy me with your senseless chatter?
486How dare you call me a fool?
486How is my grammar?
486How may we pass the monstrous man of iron?
486How should I know?
486How''s that?
486I beg your pardon, I''m sure Mrs.--Mrs.--by the way, may I inquire your name, ma''am?
486I wonder what has become of her?
486I''d like to know,said Dorothy,"who this Nome King is?"
486I''d look nice as a piece of bric- a- brac, would n''t I?
486If I buckled it around my waist and commanded it to take me to Uncle Henry, would n''t it do it?
486In what way?
486Is it so very late?
486Is n''t anyone going to get my egg?
486Is n''t it a trick?
486Is n''t it wrong to imprison a queen mother and her ten children?
486Is n''t it, though?
486May I see the Princess, please?
486May I use it?
486Oh, be very careful, Tiktok; wo n''t you?
486Oh, do you talk?
486Oh, that''s all, is it?
486Shall Ozma of Oz humble herself to a creature who lives in an underground kingdom?
486Suppose I refuse?
486Tell me,she resumed,"are you of royal blood?"
486That makes him think, does n''t it?
486Then how could it be a long life?
486Then how did you get away from there again?
486Then what has become of her?
486Then what shall we do?
486Then why do n''t you eat something?
486Then,said Dorothy, anxiously,"what shall we do?"
486Was n''t he in the palace?
486We''ve had some fine adventures together, have n''t we?
486Well, where is the passage through which you entered this room?
486What are they like? 486 What are you crying for?"
486What are you doing?
486What can that be?
486What can the matter be?
486What color will you make the Kansas girl?
486What did I tell you?
486What difference does that make?
486What difference does that make?
486What do you find?
486What do you mean by making a noise like that?
486What do you mean?
486What do you suppose the Wheelers are?
486What does it say?
486What does it say?
486What does she look like?
486What does?
486What else can we do?
486What if we fail?
486What in the world are you doing up there?
486What is Tiktok doing now?
486What is dreadful?
486What is it?
486What is it?
486What is she doing-- singing her lay?
486What is that?
486What is your name, my man?
486What is your name?
486What looks like a door?
486What mean you, O kindly stranger?
486What more do you want?
486What names shall I give the Princess?
486What rubbish?
486What shall I do with the egg?
486What shall we do with the hen?
486What will become of me?
486What would become of it?
486What''s gone?
486What''s happened?
486What''s that?
486What''s the matter?
486What''s wrong?
486What''s wrong?
486What, your tooth?
486Where are you going now?
486Where did you get it?
486Where is it? 486 Where is the entrance-- where is it?
486Where is the key to the clock- work?
486Where is your husband?
486Where''s the place? 486 Where?
486Which shall I wind up first?
486Who did that?
486Who is Billina?
486Who is it?
486Who is very good?
486Who made you?
486Who speaks?
486Who was that laughing?
486Why are you so cruel to me?
486Why did n''t my magic belt work, I wonder?
486Why do n''t you eat the egg?
486Why not?
486Why should you fight the Nome King?
486Why so?
486Why, then, if the belt obeys you, were we unable to discover the Tin Woodman?
486Why, you do n''t want to go away and leave me all alone, do you?
486Will you exchange heads with me?
486Will you kindly give me permission to eat you?
486You refuse?
486You''re a lady hen, are n''t you?
486And then she added, with some anxiety:"You do n''t strike, do you?"
486And then she turned to the machine and asked in an eager tone:"Do you know the Land of Oz, Tiktok?"
486And then, being very curious, she asked:"How did you come to be locked up in this place?"
486And what do you suppose this mysterious key unlocks?"
486And what has happened to me?"
486And who are you?
486Are you hungry?"
486But do you feel comfor''ble now?"
486But how will you touch the objects?"
486But tell me: who rules the Land of Ev now?"
486But what''s to become of us, I should like to know, afloat on this big pond?"
486Ca n''t you?"
486Could you say that I had not given you a pretty doll?"
486Did n''t I do him up brown?"
486Do n''t they sound delicious?
486Do n''t you know eggs are poison to Nomes?"
486Do n''t you know that eggs are poison?"
486Do n''t you remember standing on a corner of the mantel?"
486Do n''t you?"
486Do n''t you?"
486Do you suppose it is too deep for me to wade the rest of the way?"
486Do you think that it would fit this key- hole, Billina?"
486During the feast Ozma grew thoughtful, and suddenly she asked:"Where is the private?"
486Have you a conscience?"
486Have you not a stolen dinner- pail still in your hand?"
486Have you seen Billina?
486How could you guess my enchantments?"
486How dare you do such a thing?"
486How do you suppose it came there, Billina?
486How many guesses has he made?"
486Is Dorothy Gale of Kansas pretty?"
486Is he not a great work of art?"
486Is she here?"
486Is there no way to stop his machinery?"
486It seems too bad to destroy the use of the magic belt in that way, does n''t it?"
486It was opened by a little maid in a cap trimmed with gay ribbons, who bowed respectfully and asked:"What do you wish, good people?"
486Just then Dorothy ran into their room, in a state of great anxiety, crying:"Where''s Billina?
486She was still thinking of the egg, though; so presently she asked:"Why do you lay eggs, when you do n''t expect to hatch them?"
486Strange, is n''t it?"
486Their sweet little letters plead to know"more about Dorothy"; and they ask:"What became of the Cowardly Lion?"
486Then Dorothy asked:"Where is Billina?"
486There she stood before the slight and delicate form of the little girl from Oz and cried out;--"How dare you enter my palace unbidden?
486They were part way across the sands when Billina suddenly cried, in a voice of terror:"What''s that?"
486What COULD it be, she wondered?
486What have you done with it?"
486What sort of brains are you fit- ted with?"
486What''s that?"
486When she had left them( and you may be sure no one was sorry to see her go) Ozma said to Tiktok:"Will you join our party?"
486Where are they confined?"
486Where is it?"
486Which of you goes next?"
486While they waited for this command to be obeyed, she enquired:"Have we any other privates in the armies?"
486Who locked you up?"
486Who will make the first attempt?"
486Will Your Gracious Highness see them?"
486Will you go, too, Billina?"
486Would it not be well for us to avoid this grave danger?"
486and when they had stopped their flight he asked:"Where are you going?"
486and"What did Ozma do afterward?"
486are you useful?"
486cried Dorothy, in a shocked voice;"have you been fighting?"
486she exclaimed, in surprise;"have YOU been here all night, too?"
486what did I say?"
26624Ah, why, indeed?
26624Am I?
26624And did you send Polly to us?
26624And do you know his father?
26624And have n''t you traveled from Oz to Kansas in less than half a jiffy, by means of the Silver Shoes and the Magic Belt?
26624And what is your name?
26624And where''s the Scarecrow?
26624Any onions, your Majesty?
26624Are they alive?
26624Are you a magician? 26624 Are you afraid of enemies?"
26624Are you glad to leave us, dear?
26624Are you going to Ozma''s party?
26624Are you sorry you stole it?
26624Are you''fraid of bubbles, too?
26624Are your feet tired?
26624Ask''em who they are, and what they want,whispered Dorothy; so the shaggy man called out in a loud voice:"Who are you?"
26624But I mean another piece?
26624But as we ca n''t go ahead and there''s no use going back, what shall we do next?
26624But how did the Rainbow''s Daughter ever get on this lonely road, and become lost?
26624But tell me, my friends, how did you happen to be here, in the Country of the Winkies, the first of all to meet us?
26624But tell me, sir, where did you get the Love Magnet which you say you own?
26624But what do you want us for?
26624But what''s happened to you? 26624 But what''s you real name?"
26624But where is the sand- boat?
26624But who is this?
26624But you ca n''t dig forever; and what are you going to do then?
26624But, tell me, my dear, did you ever see so wonderful a city as Foxville in Kansas?
26624Ca n''t you see that Billina is my friend?
26624Did n''t I?
26624Did you enchant me when you asked the way to Butterfield?
26624Did you know the bear?
26624Did you''vite the Musicker?
26624Did you?
26624Do n''t they go to school?
26624Do n''t they work, at all?
26624Do n''t you know where you came from?
26624Do n''t you like it?
26624Do n''t you realize that? 26624 Do n''t you want to find your mamma again?"
26624Do n''t you? 26624 Do they all wind up together?"
26624Do you belong to the nobility?
26624Do you know Button- Bright, too?
26624Do you know Ozma?
26624Do you know what''s going to become of_ you_?
26624Do you know who Button- Bright is?
26624Do you know,asked the Rainbow''s Daughter,"if this is the right road to the Emerald City?"
26624Do you really expect to get to Oz?
26624Do you really think so?
26624Do you think I could eat it?
26624Do you think you will be able to guide the bubble?
26624Do you, Button- Bright?
26624Do_ you_ know what''s going to become of me?
26624Do_ you_ think I''m beautiful?
26624Does n''t your fox head want to yelp every minute?
26624Emp''ror? 26624 Found what?"
26624Have n''t you any dewdrops, or mist- cakes, or cloud- buns?
26624Have the foxes gone?
26624Have you ever been to sea?
26624Hear me crunkle?
26624Hello, Dorothy; still having adventures?
26624How can you call that lovely head dreadful?
26624How did you come here?
26624How did you know my name, Santa?
26624How do you like it?
26624How do you like us?
26624How should you? 26624 How''bout you, Polly?"
26624I guess the palace will be chock full, Button- Bright; do n''t you think so?
26624I mean have you ever been where there''s water?
26624I mean, have you ever been on a big ship floating on a big ocean?
26624I trust you are in good health, and that your families are all well?
26624I wish it would snow; do n''t you?
26624I''m sure Ozma would invite you if I asked her,she said;"but how could you get to the Land of Oz and the Emerald City?
26624Is King Dough good to eat?
26624Is he alive?
26624Is it a boy or a girl?
26624Is it a toy?
26624Is it good?
26624Is n''t it damp?
26624Is n''t it?
26624Is she?
26624Is that all you have to eat?
26624Is this a fairy country?
26624Is this, also, some enchanted person?
26624Is your Conscience still in good order?
26624It looks now as if it might end pretty soon,remarked the shaggy man;"and what shall we do if it does?"
26624It''s kind of fun to be a Princess once in a while; do n''t you think so?
26624It''s rather pretty, is n''t it?
26624Must I?
26624Must I?
26624Must it?
26624My name''s Dorothy,said she, jumping up again,"but what are we going to do?
26624Oh no, Polly-- I may call you Polly, may n''t I? 26624 Oh; do you?"
26624Polly whom?
26624Stop it, ca n''t you?
26624The Wizard? 26624 The seventh from where?"
26624Then where does he live? 26624 Then why do you wear sailor clothes?"
26624Then why do you wonder that an hour or two could bring you to Foxville, which is nearer to Oz than it is to Kansas?
26624To see what?
26624Was it alive?
26624Was n''t he sorry then?
26624Was n''t it here a minute ago?
26624Well, why do n''t you?
26624What are you going to do?
26624What beasts are they?
26624What became of the Saw- Horse, afterward?
26624What became of the other heads, Jack?
26624What brought you here, strangers?
26624What can Johnny do?
26624What do you mean by making such a racket?
26624What do you suppose my name is?
26624What do you think, Polly? 26624 What do you want?"
26624What else?
26624What for?
26624What have we here?
26624What in the world do you s''pose that is?
26624What in?
26624What is it, dear?
26624What is it?
26624What is your Magic Belt?
26624What is your business here?
26624What is your papa''s name?
26624What more do you desire?
26624What must I know?
26624What''s a captive?
26624What''s a musicker?
26624What''s a pris''ner?
26624What''s that?
26624What''s that?
26624What''s that?
26624What''s that?
26624What''s the matter, Polly?
26624Whatever made you think this is Kansas?
26624When is her birthday, Jellia?
26624Where are your reindeer?
26624Where do you expect to get to?
26624Where do you live?
26624Where does_ he_ live?
26624Where is the Truth Pond?
26624Where is your home?
26624Where is your mamma?
26624Which one?
26624Who are they?
26624Who are you, dear?
26624Who are you?
26624Who do you imagine, dear, mixed up those roads, so as to start you wandering in the direction of Oz?
26624Who ever heard of a shaggy fairy?
26624Who is still to come?
26624Who is your friend?
26624Who lives here?
26624Who''s he?
26624Who''s he?
26624Why did n''t the Eskimo keep it?
26624Why did n''t you send me word you were going to have a birthday party?
26624Why did n''t you want to go to Butterfield?
26624Why did you steal it?
26624Why do they call you Chick?
26624Why not?
26624Why not?
26624Why not?
26624Why, do n''t I see you every Christmas Eve, when you''re asleep?
26624Why, yes; we are in Kansas now, are n''t we?
26624Will he?
26624Will the Scarecrow scare me?
26624Will you ride in a bubble, or shall I send you and Toto home by means of the Magic Belt?
26624Will you, Toto?
26624Will your folks worry?
26624Wo n''t your father miss you, and look for you, and let down another rainbow for you?
26624You do n''t?
26624You take the branch next the willow stump, I b''lieve; or else the branch by the gopher holes; or else----"Wo n''t any of''em do, miss?
26624You''ll be my friend-- won''t you?
26624And now-- why, where''s the highway, Shaggy Man?"
26624And where are they, Billina?"
26624Are they friendly to us, do you think?"
26624Are you going to the Land of Oz?"
26624Are you well and happy?"
26624At last the shaggy man turned and inquired,"What''s your name, little girl?"
26624But tell me, do you think I am so beautiful?"
26624Button- Bright stopped crying and asked timidly:"Am I?"
26624Did you ever sail a ship?"
26624Did you suppose we are so vulgar as to use money here?"
26624Do n''t you think so?"
26624Do n''t you think so?"
26624Do n''t you, Toto?"
26624Do you have to help wash dishes on the rainbow, Polly?"
26624Do you know the mighty Princess Ozma?"
26624Do you know why two and two make four?"
26624Happening just then to feel the Love Magnet in his pocket, he said to the creatures, with more confidence:"Do n''t you love me?"
26624He turned toward their foes and asked:"What do you want us to do?"
26624How do you like the new head, Button- Bright?"
26624How''s his heart?"
26624How, then, did he come to be in this lonely road?
26624Is it far from here to the Emerald City?"
26624Is n''t it lucky we found it?"
26624Is there any command, in the meantime, with which you desire to honor me?"
26624Is this the lane?"
26624It is n''t nearly as pretty as your own head, no matter what the foxes say; but you can get along with it for a little while longer, ca n''t you?"
26624It would be hard to match this castle in Kansas; would n''t it, little Dorothy?"
26624Presently she saw a sign on a house that read:"Madam de Fayke, Hoofist,"and she asked their conductor:"What''s a''hoofist,''please?"
26624So what does it matter?"
26624The first one is by the elm tree; and the second is by the gopher holes; and then----""Then what?"
26624The shaggy man said:"Who are you, sir?"
26624This speech greatly surprised the little girl, who asked:"How did your Majesty know my name?"
26624To the surprise of his companions, the boy asked this long question:"If I swallowed a mouth- organ, what would I be?"
26624Try some, wo n''t you?"
26624Turning again to Button- Bright, he asked:"Having told you my name, what would you call me?"
26624We''re across the desert, are n''t we?
26624What does your mamma call you?"
26624What food would you prefer, a bran mash or ripe oats in the shell?"
26624What would you advise me to do, Dorothy?"
26624Whatever''s the matter now?"
26624Where did you get that donkey head?
26624Where do you suppose they all go to?"
26624Where''s Ozma?"
26624Where_ do_ you want to go to, then?"
26624While they waited, the Scarecrow, who was near the little boy, asked:"Why are you called Button- Bright?"
26624Who else do you suppose brings him his Christmas neckties and stockings?"
26624Why did you name them all with the same name?"
26624Why not?"
26624Why, what''s that?"
26624[ Illustration] In the bright morning sunshine, as they ate of the strawberries and sweet juicy pears, Dorothy said:"Polly, can you do any magic?"
26624[ Illustration]"Did you conquer her?"
26624[ Illustration]"I''m glad I do n''t have to live with the organ- man; are n''t you, Polly?"
26624[ Illustration]"What is this?"
26624[ Illustration]"What''s sov''rin, and what''s c''u''nity?"
26624exclaimed Dorothy;"is this another fairy adventure?"
26624oom, pom- pom!__ Tiddle- tiddle- tiddle, oom pom- pom!__ Oom, pom- pom-- pah!_"What is it, a band or a mouth- organ?"
26624or a fairy in disguise?"
26624shall I promise the donkey king an invitation to Ozma''s party?"
26624she cried;"where did you come from?"
33361A Wheeler?
33361A pretty ornament you''d make, would n''t you?
33361A purple kitten?
33361Am I a good guesser, Mr. Nome King? 33361 And could you, in fairness, ask me to return to you the lock of hair, just because you had smashed the doll?"
33361And is Mr. Tiktok attractive?
33361And is n''t this a key- hole, Billina?
33361And no heart, I suppose?
33361And the Scarecrow and the machine man?
33361And what are Nomes?
33361Are the Wheelers the only folks living in the Land of Ev?
33361Are you alive?
33361Are you intel''gent?
33361Are you so very hungry?
33361Are you sure?
33361Are you the Princess Langwidere?
33361Are you wound up to keep my secret?
33361But how am I to know which thing is enchanted, and which is not?
33361But how can you escape, without my consent?
33361But what good is a bite, to a hungry tiger?
33361But what is to become of the private?
33361But what shall we do now?
33361But where are my friends, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman?
33361But where did you get the key to un- lock this door?
33361But, my children-- tell me, I beg of you-- where are my children?
33361But, tell me; how does it happen that you are able to talk? 33361 Ca n''t you hear me?"
33361Can I tell metal when I bump into it, or is the thing a rock?
33361Can he think, and speak, as you do?
33361Did they make many of you?
33361Did you not pick our lunch- boxes and dinner- pails? 33361 Do I speak quite properly, in your judgment?"
33361Do I understand that she will now return to us in safety?
33361Do n''t you remember the warning in the sand:''Beware the Wheelers''? 33361 Do n''t you want to hatch it?"
33361Do the lunch- box trees and the dinner- pail trees belong to the Wheelers?
33361Do they live in the town of Evna now?
33361Do you expect me to believe all that rubbish about the Land of Oz?
33361Do you lay your egg very early?
33361Do you mean to say that so many different princesses are one and the same person?
33361Do you surrender?
33361Do you take me for a cannibal?
33361Do you think that is all true, my dear?
33361Do you wish your ruler to plead with this wicked Nome King?
33361Done what?
33361Done what?
33361Dorothy who?
33361Guessing right?
33361Has she failed?
33361Have n''t you a club?
33361Have n''t you any better manners than that?
33361Have n''t you had your breakfast?
33361Havn''t you any idea what country this is?
33361How about Dorothy?
33361How are you?
33361How can the left wing be at the right?
33361How can you?
33361How could they know that the Queen of Ev and her family are all ornaments of a royal purple color?
33361How dare you annoy me with your senseless chatter?
33361How dare you call me a fool?
33361How is my grammar?
33361How may we pass the monstrous man of iron?
33361How should I know?
33361How should you guess right, where your betters have failed, you stupid fowl?
33361I beg your pardon, I''m sure Mrs.--Mrs.--by the way, may I inquire your name, ma''am?
33361I wonder what has become of her?
33361I''d like to know,said Dorothy,"who this Nome King is?"
33361I''d look nice as a piece of bric- a- brac, would n''t I?
33361If I buckled it around my waist and commanded it to take me to Uncle Henry, would n''t it do it?
33361In what way?
33361Is it so very late?
33361Is n''t it a trick?
33361Is n''t it wrong to imprison a queen mother and her ten children?
33361Is n''t it, though?
33361May I see the Princess, please?
33361May I use it?
33361Oh, be very careful, Tiktok; wo n''t you?
33361Oh, do you talk?
33361Shall Ozma of Oz humble herself to a creature who lives in an underground kingdom?
33361Suppose I refuse?
33361Tell me,she resumed,"are you of royal blood?"
33361That makes him think, does n''t it?
33361Then how could it be a long life?
33361Then how did you get away from there again?
33361Then what has become of her?
33361Then what shall we do?
33361Then why do n''t you eat something?
33361Then,said Dorothy, anxiously,"what shall we do?"
33361Was n''t he in the palace?
33361We''ve had some fine adventures together, have n''t we?
33361Well, where is the passage through which you entered this room?
33361What are they like? 33361 What are you crying for?"
33361What are you doing?
33361What can that be?
33361What can the matter be?
33361What color will you make the Kansas girl?
33361What did I tell you?
33361What difference does that make?
33361What difference does that make?
33361What do you mean by making a noise like that?
33361What do you mean?
33361What do you suppose the Wheelers are?
33361What does it say?
33361What does it say?
33361What does she look like?
33361What else can we do?
33361What if we fail?
33361What in the world are you doing up there?
33361What is Tiktok doing now?
33361What is dreadful?
33361What is it?
33361What is it?
33361What is she doing-- singing her lay?
33361What is that?
33361What is your name, my man?
33361What is your name?
33361What looks like a door?
33361What mean you, O kindly stranger?
33361What more do you want?
33361What names shall I give the Princess?
33361What rubbish?
33361What shall I do with the egg?
33361What shall we do with the hen?
33361What will become of me?
33361What would become of it?
33361What''s gone?
33361What''s happened?
33361What''s that?
33361What''s the matter?
33361What''s wrong?
33361What''s wrong?
33361What, your tooth?
33361Where are you going now?
33361Where did you get it?
33361Where is it? 33361 Where is the entrance-- where is it?
33361Where is the key to the clock- work?
33361Where''s the place? 33361 Where?
33361Who did that?
33361Who is Billina?
33361Who is it?
33361Who is very good?
33361Who made you?
33361Who speaks?
33361Who was that laughing?
33361Why are you so cruel to me?
33361Why did n''t my magic belt work, I wonder?
33361Why do n''t you eat the egg?
33361Why not?
33361Why should you fight the Nome King?
33361Why so?
33361Why, then, if the belt obeys you, were we unable to discover the Tin Woodman?
33361Why, you do n''t want to go away and leave me all alone, do you?
33361Will you exchange heads with me?
33361Will you kindly give me permission to eat you?
33361You refuse?
33361You''re a lady hen, are n''t you?
33361And then she added, with some anxiety:"You do n''t strike, do you?"
33361And then she turned to the machine and asked in an eager tone:"Do you know the Land of Oz, Tiktok?"
33361And then, being very curious, she asked:"How did you come to be locked up in this place?"
33361And what do you suppose this mysterious key unlocks?"
33361And what has happened to me?"
33361And who are you?
33361Are you hungry?"
33361But do you feel comfor''ble now?"
33361But how will you touch the objects?"
33361But tell me: who rules the Land of Ev now?"
33361But what''s to become of us, I should like to know, afloat on this big pond?"
33361Ca n''t you?"
33361Could you say that I had not given you a pretty doll?"
33361Did n''t I do him up brown?"
33361Do n''t they sound delicious?
33361Do n''t you know eggs are poison to Nomes?"
33361Do n''t you know that eggs are poison?"
33361Do n''t you remember standing on a corner of the mantel?"
33361Do n''t you?"
33361Do n''t you?"
33361Do you suppose it is too deep for me to wade the rest of the way?"
33361Do you think that it would fit this key- hole, Billina?"
33361During the feast Ozma grew thoughtful, and suddenly she asked:"Where is the private?"
33361EXCLAIMED DOROTHY]"What do you find?"
33361Have you a conscience?"
33361Have you not a stolen dinner- pail still in your hand?"
33361Have you seen Billina?
33361How could you guess my enchantments?"
33361How dare you do such a thing?"
33361How do you suppose it came there, Billina?
33361How many guesses has he made?"
33361Is Dorothy Gale of Kansas pretty?"
33361Is he not a great work of art?"
33361Is she here?"
33361Is there no way to stop his machinery?"
33361It seems too bad to destroy the use of the magic belt in that way, does n''t it?"
33361It was opened by a little maid in a cap trimmed with gay ribbons, who bowed respectfully and asked:"What do you wish, good people?"
33361Just then Dorothy ran into their room, in a state of great anxiety, crying:"Where''s Billina?
33361She was still thinking of the egg, though; so presently she asked:"Why do you lay eggs, when you do n''t expect to hatch them?"
33361Strange, is n''t it?"
33361Their sweet little letters plead to know"more about Dorothy"; and they ask:"What became of the Cowardly Lion?"
33361Then Dorothy asked:"Where is Billina?"
33361There she stood before the slight and delicate form of the little girl from Oz and cried out;--"How dare you enter my palace unbidden?
33361They were part way across the sands when Billina suddenly cried, in a voice of terror:"What''s that?"
33361What have you done with it?"
33361What sort of brains are you fit- ted with?"
33361What''s that?"
33361What_ could_ it be, she wondered?
33361When she had left them( and you may be sure no one was sorry to see her go) Ozma said to Tiktok:"Will you join our party?"
33361Where are they confined?"
33361Where is it?"
33361Which of you goes next?"
33361While they waited for this command to be obeyed, she enquired:"Have we any other privates in the armies?"
33361Who locked you up?"
33361Who will make the first attempt?"
33361Will Your Gracious Highness see them?"
33361Will you go, too, Billina?"
33361Would it not be well for us to avoid this grave danger?"
33361[ Illustration: DOROTHY AND BILLINA ARGUE WITH THE KING]"Oh, that''s all, is it?"
33361[ Illustration: DOROTHY WOUND UP NUMBER ONE]"Which shall I wind up first?"
33361[ Illustration: THE NOME KING PUFFED HIS PIPE]"How''s that?"
33361[ Illustration:"DON''T YOU KNOW THAT EGGS ARE POISON?"]
33361[ Illustration:"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A FOOL?"]
33361[ Illustration]"Is n''t anyone going to get my egg?"
33361[ Illustration]"What does?"
33361[ Illustration]"Where is your husband?"
33361and when they had stopped their flight he asked:"Where are you going?"
33361and"What did Ozma do afterward?"
33361are you useful?"
33361cried Dorothy, in a shocked voice;"have you been fighting?"
33361she exclaimed, in surprise;"have_ you_ been here all night, too?"
33361what did I say?"
956A big one?
956All ready?
956Am I not your friend and playmate?
956And defy Tititi- Hoochoo?
956And how big will the army be?
956And is he a Rose, also?
956And just for throwing a few strangers down the Forbidden Tube?
956And there''s a little girl--"Dorothy?
956And what became of the Magician?
956And why did you ever leave such a beautiful land as Oz?
956And you intended to conquer Ruggedo, the Metal Monarch and King of the Nomes?
956And you will leave my wife here in Oogaboo?
956And you, Tik- Tok?
956And-- and Princess Dorothy?
956Another escape? 956 Are eggs as high here as they are at home?"
956Are n''t you, Hank?
956Are there spikes in them?
956Are you ready?
956Are you sleepy now?
956Are you the only Tiger in Oz?
956Are you?
956But how about breakfasts?
956But how about yourself, Shaggy?
956But is n''t this an odd experience? 956 But tell me, please,"she pleaded,"why do you all wear a dragon''s head embroidered on your gowns?"
956But what can you expect,whispered Betsy,"when the poor man has been a prisoner for so many years?"
956But what could he find to eat?
956But who are these new friends he has found?
956But why does he hide among those green trees, instead of enjoying all these glittery golden ones?
956Ca n''t the enchantment be broken in some way?
956Ca n''t we pull it up, and see what it is?
956Ca n''t you manage to lift your body off from my commanding officers?
956Ca n''t you see you''re frightening us out of a week''s growth?
956Can- not I march without fall- ing in- to it?
956Could n''t you manage to fall all by yourself, my dear?
956Could your magic do that?
956Did he ever have any children?
956Did the bullets hurt you very badly?
956Did you want to see me, Ozma?
956Do I get a salary?
956Do n''t you love me, Gardy?
956Do n''t you think I''d better drop in on Ruggedo and obey the orders of the Jinjin?
956Do n''t you want to conquer the world?
956Do you fear him, then?
956Do you hear me, Shaggy Man?
956Do you imagine anything in the world or upon it can be out of the reach of the Great Jinjin?
956Do you know him, then?
956Do you know what they have done to me?
956Do you know why?
956Do you see it plainly?
956Do you see that grove at your left?
956Do you see this ribbon around my neck?
956Do you suppose Ruggedo destroyed them?
956Do you suppose they are likely to fail?
956Do_ you_ understand it?
956Does Tititi- Hoochoo condemn me to such a fate?
956Does n''t anyone know where it is?
956Down here?
956Eh? 956 Fall in what?
956Gone where?
956Has anyone a match?
956Have I no welcome here, pretty subjects?
956Have I not come from my Royal Bush to be your Ruler?
956Have n''t you ever been through this Tube before?
956Have we conquered this place, Your Majesty?
956Have you any jewels left?
956Have you seen him, Queen Ann?
956How about the Rose Princess?
956How about the eggs?
956How are you enjoying our Land of Oz?
956How could anyone be safe when she''s going about sixty miles a minute?
956How do you know we''re in the center of the earth?
956How do you know?
956How do you know?
956How do you know?
956How in the world did you happen to be in that well, when I left you safe in Oz?
956How long ago was that?
956How many Generals are there in your army?
956How would you like it, Toto, if I said nothing to you but''bow- wow''?
956I know; but which road shall we take?
956I wonder if he sees anything down there?
956Is he dangerous, then?
956Is he rich?
956Is it your Royal Will that we have some fun with these invaders?
956Is n''t it your home, too?
956Is n''t she Royal?
956Is the glass the Law in this country?
956Is the young dragon invisible?
956Is there fire inside of you?
956Look here, Kaliko,said Betsy, addressing the new King,"what''s the use of being hard on Ruggedo?
956May Hank come with me?
956Me? 956 Me?
956Nevertheless,said Captain Buttons,"if the Rak catches us, and chews us up into small pieces, and swallows us-- what will happen then?"
956Not just one word, Toto, to prove you''re as any other animal in Oz?
956Not when they''re shipwrecked?
956Now, then,called Betsy in a cheerful voice,"have you got that handkerchief off your face, Ugly?"
956Polly,said Betsy, pleadingly,"wo n''t_ you_ try?"
956Shall I show it to you?
956Shall I wind him up?
956Shall we go?
956Tell me, dear brother; is the charm broken?
956Tell me, pretty cousins,she said in her sweet, gentle voice,"which way will lead us to the Kingdom of Ruggedo, the Nome King?"
956That I was born? 956 The Ugly One?
956The flowers?
956The star exploded?
956Then why does n''t everything go on down to the center of the earth?
956Then you advise me to admit Shaggy''s brother?
956Then you are enemies of Ruggedo?
956Then your name is Ti- ti- ti- Hoo- choo?
956Then, since they are now helpless, why not release them and send them back to the earth''s surface?
956Tititi- Hoochoo lives on the other side of the world, so what do I care for his anger?
956Unless I ask you to transport them all here?
956Was it the wind, do you think?
956We were marching to the Nome King, to conquer him and set Shaggy''s brother free, when on a sudden--"Who are you?
956Well, how about the Army of Oogaboo?
956Well, we ca n''t afford to lose our Shaggy Man, can we?
956Well, what are we waiting for?
956Well, what''s to be done?
956Well, where are you, then?
956Well, why not ad- mit him?
956Well,said Polychrome,"what do you intend to do now?"
956Wh-- wh-- who is this?
956What Law?
956What about it?
956What are the''Three- Course Nuts''like?
956What are you doing here?
956What can all this mean?
956What charge lies against these people, Tubekins?
956What could you find to eat here?
956What do they look like?
956What do you say, Wizard?
956What do you wish to eat?
956What does your brother look like?
956What has happened to you all?
956What is a Rak?
956What is it?
956What is the thing like?
956What is your will?
956What keeps it going?
956What kind of a kiss?
956What kind? 956 What must I do?"
956What next?
956What people?
956What shall I do?
956What shall I do?
956What shall we do, hide or run?
956What sort of a dragon would I be if my fire went out?
956What would happen to you, Quox, if you ran out of gasoline?
956What''s all this?
956What''s coming?
956What''s that?
956What''s the matter?
956What''s the use of supposing that?
956What''s up, Your Majesty?
956What, to throw them down the Tube?
956Where are they now?
956Where are you going?
956Where did you come from and how did you get here?
956Where is Betsy?
956Where is my brother now?
956Where is that?
956Where is the dragon now?
956Where is the wicked King who want- ed to melt me in a cru- ci- ble?
956Where is this famous Queen?
956Where is your Army?
956Where was he lost?
956Which road leads to the Metal Monarch''s cavern?
956Who else?
956Who is Betsy?
956Who is he?
956Who is the leader?
956Who knows?
956Who''s he?
956Who? 956 Who_ are_ you, and where did you come from?"
956Why did n''t I think of it before? 956 Why did you do that?"
956Why do n''t we stop there?
956Why do n''t you ask the flowers to tell you the way?
956Why do n''t you make one of your officers the Private?
956Why do n''t you raise an army and conquer them, and be Queen of all Oz?
956Why do they call him the Ugly One?
956Why do you suppose that?
956Why do you want sharp claws?
956Why not be good to the strangers and release your prisoner, the Shaggy Man''s brother?
956Why not, Brother?
956Why not?
956Why not?
956Why should you fight to defend us, who are all three loving friends and in no sense rivals? 956 Why, what''s the matter?"
956Will the Rainbow''s Daughter be an agreeable companion?
956Will you go through the Tube again?
956Will you oblige me by taking a seat beside me on my throne?
956Will you release my dear brother?
956With gold epaulets and a sword?
956Wo n''t you let Polychrome and the Rose Princess come here, too?
956Would the nomes obey you?
956You''ll protect me, Hank dear, wo n''t you?
956Alas,"he continued, after a moment,"the clouds are already breaking in the west, and-- see!--isn''t that the Rainbow coming?"
956And do you know Princess Ozma?"
956And is n''t it funny, Shaggy Man, that what is the bottom to us now, was the top when we fell the other way?"
956Are you conquered yet?"
956Are you sure you found the right cave?"
956Are you, then, the Great Jinjin?"
956Are your magnetic rubber wires in working order?"
956As they turned away Betsy said wonderingly:"Do all the animals in Oz talk as we do?"
956At this moment the Rainbow''s Daughter and the Rose Princess approached them, and Polychrome said:"What have you found, Shaggy One?"
956But is my dear brother well?"
956But tell me, Hearer, do the strangers want anything else?"
956But tell me, Ruggedo, why my friends have been wound with cords and bound with chains?"
956But to disappear like that_ seems_ like magic; now, does n''t it?"
956Chapter Twenty- Five The Land of Love"Well, is''hee- haw''all you are able to say?"
956Chapter Twenty- Two Kindly Kisses"Wo n''t you be dreadful sorry to leave this lovely place?"
956Did n''t Mr. Edison discover it?"
956Did you say Ruggedo?"
956Do n''t you remember, Shaggy?"
956Do n''t you think so, Hank?"
956Do n''t you understand such dog language?"
956Do n''t you want to join our party until you find your father and sisters again?"
956Do n''t you want to, Toto?"
956Do you know, Dorothy, I did n''t believe any girl could ever have such a good time--_anywhere_--as I''m having now?"
956Dorothy knelt down before him and shaking her finger just above his nose she said:"Toto, have n''t I always been good to you?"
956Ever been there, my dear?"
956I believe you came here from the cold, civilized, outside world, did you not?"
956I wonder how they came to be here?"
956Is anything more wonderful than to see a flower grow and blossom, or to get light out of the electricity in the air?
956Is he indeed a prisoner in this place?"
956Is he lost?"
956Is it very far to the other side of the world?"
956Is n''t that true, Shaggy?"
956Is she among them?"
956Is there a Royal Gardener, then?"
956Oh, I''m Betsy Bobbin, and--""Who is the leader of this party?"
956Presently he asked:"How far away are those people now?"
956Said he, in a sleepy tone:"What''s the matter, little Rainbow?"
956Shall I send them here, too?"
956She turned to her attendant and asked:"Can not your magic take these unhappy people to their old home, Wizard?"
956Some of the officers now stuck their heads out of the bushes and asked:"Is the coast clear, Private Files?"
956Tell me, Brother, what have they done?"
956Tell us, Tik- Tok, how shall we get to the Nome King''s underground cavern?"
956The Roses now looked at the mule less fearfully and one of them asked:"Is that savage beast named Hank?"
956The Sawhorse, standing stiffly before Hank, repeated his question:"Is''hee- haw''all you are able to say?"
956The well?"
956Then she remarked, as she looked at the six messengers of light:"We could n''t very well do without any of''em; could we?"
956Then she turned to Shaggy and asked:"Are you sure he has n''t seen the Love Magnet?"
956Then, after a pause, she added:"But where do you s''pose we''re going to, Your Maj''sty?"
956What can I do to prevent the Shaggy Man from taking it out of his pocket?"
956What country_ is_ this, please?"
956What do you s''pose became of him?"
956What do you suppose these invaders want?"
956What do you think, Polychrome?"
956What else do you hear?''
956What else?"
956What have you done?"
956What is it all about, Ozma?"
956What part of him shall I wind up first?"
956When I asked her about this idea, she replied:"Why, have n''t you heard?"
956Where are they now?"
956Where are they now?"
956Where are they?"
956Where is he?"
956Where is the Ugly One now, Kaliko?"
956Who could conquer my thousands of nomes?"
956Who is he?"
956Why not make Shaggy Man the private soldier?"
956Why not?"
956Why, what is that?"
956Wo n''t you come with us, and help us?"
956Would n''t you like to live always in this beautiful cavern, Polychrome?
956You remember her, do you not?"
956cried Betsy in a loud voice, and Queen Ann heard her and called out:"Are you safe, Betsy?"
956cried Betsy, staring hard at him;"are you really from the wonderful Land of Oz?"
956cried the King;"a Rainbow under ground, eh?"
956replied Shaggy, drawing the Love Magnet from his pocket;"not a little bit?--just a wee speck of a like?"
956roared the King;"how dare you bring that beast here and enter my presence unannounced?"
956roared the King;"who took the cover off?"
956what do I care for the Jinjin?"
956why did you not come before?
959A King is n''t required to stay at home forever, and if he takes a notion to travel, whose business is it but his own? 959 All of them together?"
959And do you know that your Ruler, Ozma of Oz, has been stolen?
959And give me back my dishpan?
959And is the dishpan still at the castle of Ugu the Shoemaker?
959And my own magic tools?
959And take a tumble among the thistles?
959And the Frogman, is he also a Yip?
959And the Great Book of Records of Glinda the Good?
959And the Magic Picture?
959And was n''t Ozma in it then?
959And who is Ugu the Shoemaker?
959And who is he?
959And you''ll bring the little Pink Bear?
959Are owls ever blind?
959Are they giants?
959Are they really rubber?
959Are you all agreed to accept my judgment?
959Are you sorry, then?
959Are your people called Thists?
959Are your people so dangerous, then?
959But I have another question to ask: How does it happen that the Thists have no King to rule over them?
959But by what name do others call your city?
959But how about Ozma? 959 But how about my lost growl?"
959But how could you execute us?
959But none of you have answered my question: Where is my growl?
959But tell me, please,said the Wizard,"how does it happen that your city jumps around so, from one part of the country to another?"
959But what can we do when we get to Ugu?
959But what good would that do?
959But what will I do when I get home to the Glass Cat and the Pink Kitten?
959But where is the place? 959 But who will rule in your place while you are gone?"
959But who-- who-- who?
959But who?
959But why should we have anything else when we have so many thistles? 959 But why?
959Ca n''t the Pink Bear tell?
959Ca n''t you see?
959Can you bark?
959Can you hear what I say?
959Could n''t the Little Pink Bear tell us what he did with Ozma?
959Did Your Majesty speak?
959Did any strange person come in or out of the city on the night before last when Ozma was stolen?
959Did n''t he say Ozma was in that hole in the ground?
959Did you get in?
959Do n''t you like Button- Bright, then?
959Do n''t you love Ozma? 959 Do n''t you s''pose we could get to it?"
959Do n''t you suppose Ugu would listen to reason?
959Do you come in war or peace?
959Do you happen to have any talented magician among your people, one who is especially clever, you know?
959Do you know of any wicked people in Oz, Dorothy?
959Do you mean yourself?
959Do you really eat those prickly things?
959Do you s''pose it hurt them much to bump against those mountains?
959Do you s''pose they have flying machines, Wizard?
959Do you see her anywhere around here?
959Do you suppose I can be any funnier than you?
959Do you suppose Ozma could have taken them, herself, for some purpose?
959Do you think the Herkus would hurt us?
959Do you think the person who stole Ozma stole my growl?
959Do you think we are afraid of a toy bear with a toy gun?
959Do you think, then, that my growl was stolen?
959Do you think,asked Dorothy anxiously,"that Ugu the Shoemaker would be wicked enough to steal our Ozma of Oz?"
959Does Dorothy know you are here?
959Does n''t Glinda the Good know where she is?
959Does the Scarecrow admit that this overgrown frog is the wisest creature in the world?
959Does this dragon of yours bite?
959Has anyone a pin?
959Have n''t you anything else to eat?
959Have you a King?
959Have you found Ozma?
959Have you heard of any magicians being among them?
959Have you seen the Herkus yourself?
959He has stolen about everything else of value in Oz, has n''t he?
959He has stolen everything he wants, perhaps,agreed the Lion,"but what could anyone want with your growl?"
959How can that be done?
959How can you wait here and find Button- Bright at one and the same time?
959How could they do that?
959How dare you interrupt me?
959How did that happen?
959How did you manage to conquer Ugu the Shoemaker?
959How do you know that the Shoemaker stole your growl?
959How do you know?
959How ever will you get down?
959However did you come alive?
959I think I shall go last,said the Wizard,"so who wants to go first?"
959I wonder if Ozma is there?
959I wonder if it is strong?
959I wonder if she''s been transformed into Button- Bright?
959If she''s in a dungeon cell, how are you going to get her out?
959If we explained to him how wicked he has been, do n''t you think he''d let poor Ozma go?
959If you have disputes among you,said he after a little thought,"who settles them?"
959If you know so much,she retorted,"why do n''t you know where your dishpan is instead of chasing around the country after it?"
959In peace, of course,retorted the Wizard, and he added impatiently,"Do we look like an army of conquest?"
959In what part of the room is she?
959In what way?
959In which one of Button- Bright''s pockets is Ozma?
959Is Ozma REALLY in this hole?
959Is Ozma up yet?
959Is he alive?
959Is n''t there anyone who rules over you?
959Is that in the Land of Oz?
959Is this your dishpan?
959Is your throat sore now?
959It''s mighty queer, is n''t it?
959Magic, eh?
959May I ask why you have left your home and where you are going?
959Maybe, maybe,responded another Yip,"but why take chances?
959Must we all go back?
959No, but what everyone says must be true, otherwise what would be the use of their saying it?
959Now, tell me,he said, turning to Button- Bright,"could your man in Philadelphia crumble marble in his fingers?"
959Of what crime do you accuse them?
959See here, Frogman, why ca n''t you carry me across the gulf when you leap it? 959 Shall we?"
959So THAT''S the thief, is it?
959Someone in the Land of Oz?
959Stone, is it?
959Tell me, could this man crush a block of stone with his bare hands?
959That is the same thing as calling us thieves and robbers and bandits and brigands, is it not?
959That? 959 The city has stopped hopping around, it is true, but how are we to get to it over this mass of prickers?"
959Then he is the principal person here?
959Then what about my dishpan?
959Then what did he do with her?
959Then why did n''t you answer the Frogman?
959Then you forgive me for all the trouble I caused you?
959They really look that way, do n''t they? 959 They''ve both been stolen, have n''t they?"
959Ugu? 959 Up to your old tricks, eh?
959WHO says so?
959Was it enchanted?
959We came here to capture the Shoemaker, did n''t we?
959Well, what then?
959Well, where is my dishpan?
959Were you ever a dog?
959What COULD it be, then?
959What are they like?
959What are we going to eat?
959What are you doing out of your frog- pond?
959What did he look like?
959What do n''t you believe?
959What do you mean?
959What do you suppose Ugu has done with her?
959What do you suppose has become of it?
959What harm could happen to us in Oz?
959What harm happened to Ozma?
959What has caused you to change your mind so suddenly?
959What if you lost your roar, Lion? 959 What is a King?"
959What is he mumbling about?
959What is that around your waist, Dorothy?
959What makes you so strong?
959What makes you so wonderfully wise?
959What''s gone?
959What''s that?
959What''s the matter with YOUR brains?
959What''s the matter with the country ahead of us?
959What''s the matter?
959What''s this?
959What''s wanted?
959What, jump from here to that whirling hill?
959What? 959 When did you perform those enchantments?"
959Where IS she?
959Where can it be, then?
959Where else could she be?
959Where has Your Honor been?
959Where has he gone?
959Where is Ozma?
959Where is Ozma?
959Where is the mountain?
959Where''s Dorothy?
959Which of you has dared defy my magic?
959Which way?
959Who can fight against magic?
959Who is Ugu the Shoemaker?
959Who is Ugu the Shoemaker?
959Who is the thief?
959Who says all that?
959Who says that?
959Who''s that?
959Why ca n''t you use another Royal Ruler? 959 Why could n''t the Lion ride on the Woozy''s back?"
959Why did n''t I think of that before?
959Why did n''t we think of those blankets before?
959Why do n''t I?
959Why do you wish to capture us?
959Why do you yell at me, woman?
959Why have you dared intrude in my forest?
959Why is that?
959Why not look in the Magic Picture?
959Why not?
959Why on earth did you eat the enchanted peach?
959Wo n''t YOU get lost, too?
959Wo n''t the room keep turning?
959Would n''t he know it?
959Would n''t it be a rich joke if he made prisoners of us, too?
959Yes, yes, wo n''t he say he''s sorry and get on his knees and beg our pardon?
959You have never lost it before, have you?
959And did n''t I bring to you the little Pink Bear, which has told you where Ozma is hidden?"
959And do n''t you want to find her?"
959And how was it enchanted?
959And then he inquired,"Were you born with those queer forms you have, or has some cruel magician transformed you to them from your natural shapes?"
959And then he looked all around him and said in a solemn voice,"Ozma, are you here?"
959And then he turned the crank of the little Pink Bear again and asked,"Is this the hole that Ozma of Oz is in?"
959And then the Lavender Bear King asked,"Would you like to see this magical shoemaker?"
959And then, after looking around the group, he inquired,"What is that on your finger, Trot?"
959And what will happen to one who eats it?"
959And who could wish to deprive her of her Great Book of Records?
959And who else could have carried away my beautiful magic dishpan without being seen?"
959And who, having the power, could also have an object in defying the wisest and most talented Sorceress the world has ever known?
959Are n''t you angry?
959Are n''t you indignant?
959Are you ready to start for the wicker castle of Ugu the Shoemaker?"
959At first a chorus of growls arose, and then a sharp voice cried,"What has happened, Corporal Waddle?"
959But how?"
959But how?"
959But tell me, where did you come from?"
959But what errand requires you to travel such a distance?"
959But what has happened to your Royal Ozma?"
959But where are we?"
959But who, in all the Land of Oz, was powerful and skillful enough to do this awful thing?
959But why ca n''t your friend wash her dishes in another dishpan?"
959But why is he called Ugu the Shoemaker?"
959Ca n''t we do ANYthing to find her, Wizard?"
959Could n''t the Little Pink Bear tell us how?"
959Do n''t you know it''s impolite to get lost and keep everybody waiting for you?
959Do you s''pose it''s on wheels, Wizard?"
959Do you think I''d risk the safety of my innocent people by using a biting dragon to draw my chariot?
959Do you two girls think you can find your way back home again?"
959Do you want to keep our dear Ozma there any longer than we can help?"
959Even if I landed there and could hold on, what good would it do?
959How can you fight a great magician when you have nothing to fight with?"
959How far or how near?"
959How, do you say, how?
959However, Cayke wanted her dishpan very badly, so she turned to her friends and asked,"Who will go with me?"
959If I were Ozma, do you think I''d have tumbled into that hole?"
959In the darkness, the Cowardly Lion felt a shaggy little form nestling beside his own, and he said sleepily,"Where did you come from, Toto?"
959Is n''t it kind of him?"
959Is n''t it queer?"
959No wall?"
959Presently he inquired,"Where is the Little Pink Bear?"
959Seems mighty strange and mysterious, does n''t it?"
959So he turned the crank in the Little Pink Bear''s side and inquired,"Did Ugu the Shoemaker steal Ozma of Oz?"
959So tell me, are you going to struggle, or will you go peaceably to meet your doom?"
959So why do dogs do it?"
959So you''ve eaten the enchanted peach, have you?"
959Suddenly, Trot asked,"Where''s Button- Bright?"
959Tell me, my Pink Pinkerton, what has become of this lady''s jeweled dishpan?"
959The Great Frogman is hungry as any tramp, is he?
959The Great Frogman pick up sticks?"
959The King turned to the throng of toy bears surrounding him and asked,"Has any of you ever seen this golden dishpan before?"
959Then he asked,"Why do you attach so much importance to a dishpan?"
959Then she looked steadily at the boy and asked,"Are you Ozma?
959What is Ugu, and what is a magician?
959What shall we do with this one, which we have just found?"
959What shall we do?"
959What''s become of the city?"
959When the woman had listened to this story, she asked,"Then you have no idea as yet who has stolen your dishpan?"
959When they had finished, she said,"Where are you going next?"
959Where did YOU come from?"
959Where did you find it, Toto?"
959Where is he?"
959Who could have done this wicked, bold thing?
959Who do you think did it, Wizard?"
959Why do n''t you give it up and go home?
959Why do you speak such nonsense?"
959Why would he wish to steal HER?"
959Will some one of you kindly give me a match?"
959Will you kindly tell us by what name your city is called?"
959Will you let me ask him one more question?"
959Would n''t YOU like a dose, sir?"
959Would n''t you feel terrible?"
959Would you like to eat some?"
959Yet what other explanation of the mystery could there be?
959she called,"Have you seen Ozma this morning?"
52176A big one?
52176All ready?
52176Am I not your friend and playmate?
52176And defy Tititi- Hoochoo?
52176And how big will the army be?
52176And is he a Rose, also?
52176And just for throwing a few strangers down the Forbidden Tube?
52176And there''s a little girl--"Dorothy?
52176And what became of the Magician?
52176And why did you ever leave such a beautiful land as Oz?
52176And you intended to conquer Ruggedo, the Metal Monarch and King of the Nomes?
52176And you will leave my wife here in Oogaboo?
52176And you, Tik- Tok?
52176And-- and Princess Dorothy?
52176Another escape? 52176 Are eggs as high here as they are at home?"
52176Are n''t you, Hank?
52176Are there spikes in them?
52176Are you ready?
52176Are you sleepy now?
52176Are you the only Tiger in Oz?
52176Are you?
52176But how about breakfasts?
52176But how about yourself, Shaggy?
52176But is n''t this an odd experience? 52176 But tell me, please,"she pleaded,"why do you all wear a dragon''s head embroidered on your gowns?"
52176But what can you expect,whispered Betsy,"when the poor man has been a prisoner for so many years?"
52176But what could he find to eat?
52176But who are these new friends he has found?
52176But why does he hide among those green trees, instead of enjoying all these glittery golden ones?
52176Ca n''t the enchantment be broken in some way?
52176Ca n''t we pull it up, and see what it is?
52176Ca n''t you manage to lift your body off from my commanding officers?
52176Ca n''t you see you''re frightening us out of a week''s growth?
52176Can- not I march with- out fall- ing in- to it?
52176Could n''t you manage to fall all by yourself, my dear?
52176Could your magic do that?
52176Did he ever have any children?
52176Did the bullets hurt you very badly?
52176Did you want to see me, Ozma?
52176Do I get a salary?
52176Do n''t you love me, Gardy?
52176Do n''t you think I''d better drop in on Ruggedo and obey the orders of the Jinjin?
52176Do n''t you want to conquer the world?
52176Do you fear him, then?
52176Do you hear me, Shaggy Man?
52176Do you imagine anything in the world or upon it can be out of the reach of the Great Jinjin?
52176Do you know him, then?
52176Do you know what they have done to me?
52176Do you know why?
52176Do you see it plainly?
52176Do you see that grove at your left?
52176Do you see this ribbon around my neck?
52176Do you suppose Ruggedo destroyed them?
52176Do you suppose they are likely to fail?
52176Do_ you_ understand it?
52176Does Tititi- Hoochoo condemn me to such a fate?
52176Does n''t anyone know where it is?
52176Down here?
52176Eh? 52176 Fall in what?
52176Gone where?
52176Has anyone a match?
52176Have I no welcome here, pretty subjects?
52176Have I not come from my Royal Bush to be your Ruler?
52176Have n''t you ever been through this Tube before?
52176Have we conquered this place, Your Majesty?
52176Have you any jewels left?
52176Have you seen him, Queen Ann?
52176How about the Rose Princess?
52176How about the eggs?
52176How are you enjoying our Land of Oz?
52176How could anyone be safe when she''s going about sixty miles a minute?
52176How do you know we''re in the center of the earth?
52176How do you know?
52176How do you know?
52176How do you know?
52176How in the world did you happen to be in that well, when I left you safe in Oz?
52176How long ago was that?
52176How many Generals are there in your army?
52176How would you like it, Toto, if I said nothing to you but''bow- wow''?
52176I know; but which road shall we take?
52176I wonder if he sees anything down there?
52176Is he dangerous, then?
52176Is he rich?
52176Is it your Royal Will that we have some fun with these invaders?
52176Is n''t it your home, too?
52176Is n''t she Royal?
52176Is the glass the Law in this country?
52176Is the young dragon invisible?
52176Is there fire inside of you?
52176Look here, Kaliko,said Betsy, addressing the new King,"what''s the use of being hard on Ruggedo?
52176May Hank come with me?
52176Me? 52176 Me?
52176Nevertheless,said Captain Buttons,"if the Rak catches us, and chews us up into small pieces, and swallows us-- what will happen then?"
52176Not just one word, Toto, to prove you''re as good as any other animal in Oz?
52176Not when they''re shipwrecked?
52176Now, then,called Betsy in a cheerful voice,"have you got that handkerchief off your face, Ugly?"
52176Polly,said Betsy, pleadingly,"wo n''t_ you_ try?"
52176Shall I show it to you?
52176Shall I wind him up?
52176Shall we go?
52176Tell me, dear brother; is the charm broken?
52176Tell me, pretty cousins,she said in her sweet, gentle voice,"which way will lead us to the Kingdom of Ruggedo, the Nome King?"
52176That I was born? 52176 The Ugly One?
52176The flowers?
52176The star exploded?
52176Then why does n''t everything go on down to the center of the earth?
52176Then you advise me to admit Shaggy''s brother?
52176Then you are enemies of Ruggedo?
52176Then your name is Ti- ti- ti- Hoo- choo?
52176Then, since they are now helpless, why not release them and send them back to the earth''s surface?
52176Tititi- Hoochoo lives on the other side of the world, so what do I care for his anger?
52176Unless I ask you to transport them all here?
52176Was it the wind, do you think?
52176We were marching to the Nome King, to conquer him and set Shaggy''s brother free, when on a sudden--"Who are you?
52176Well, how about the Army of Oogaboo?
52176Well, we ca n''t afford to lose our Shaggy Man, can we?
52176Well, what are we waiting for?
52176Well, what''s to be done?
52176Well, where are you, then?
52176Well, why not ad- mit him?
52176Well,said Polychrome,"what do you intend to do now?"
52176Wh-- wh-- who is this?
52176What Law?
52176What about it?
52176What are the''Three- Course Nuts''like?
52176What are you doing here?
52176What can all this mean?
52176What charge lies against these people, Tubekins?
52176What could you find to eat here?
52176What do they look like?
52176What do you say, Wizard?
52176What do you wish to eat?
52176What does your brother look like?
52176What has happened to you all?
52176What is a Rak?
52176What is it?
52176What is the thing like?
52176What is your will?
52176What keeps it going?
52176What kind of a kiss?
52176What kind? 52176 What must I do?"
52176What next?
52176What people?
52176What shall I do?
52176What shall I do?
52176What shall we do, hide or run?
52176What sort of a dragon would I be if my fire went out?
52176What would happen to you, Quox, if you ran out of gasoline?
52176What''s all this?
52176What''s coming?
52176What''s that?
52176What''s the matter?
52176What''s the use of supposing that?
52176What''s up, Your Majesty?
52176What, to throw them down the Tube?
52176Where are they now?
52176Where are you going?
52176Where did you come from and how did you get here?
52176Where is my brother now?
52176Where is that?
52176Where is the dragon now?
52176Where is the wick- ed King who want- ed to melt me in a cru- ci- ble?
52176Where is this famous Queen?
52176Where is your Army?
52176Where was he lost?
52176Which road leads to the Metal Monarch''s cavern?
52176Who else?
52176Who is Betsy?
52176Who is he?
52176Who is the leader?
52176Who knows?
52176Who''s he?
52176Who? 52176 Who_ are_ you, and where did you come from?"
52176Why did n''t I think of it before? 52176 Why did you do that?"
52176Why do n''t we stop there?
52176Why do n''t you ask the flowers to tell you the way?
52176Why do n''t you make one of your officers the Private?
52176Why do n''t you raise an army and conquer them, and be Queen of all Oz?
52176Why do they call him the Ugly One?
52176Why do you suppose that?
52176Why do you want sharp claws?
52176Why not be good to the strangers and release your prisoner, the Shaggy Man''s brother?
52176Why not, Brother?
52176Why not?
52176Why not?
52176Why should you fight to defend us, who are all three loving friends and in no sense rivals? 52176 Why, what''s the matter?"
52176Will the Rainbow''s Daughter be an agreeable companion?
52176Will you go through the Tube again?
52176Will you oblige me by taking a seat beside me on my throne?
52176Will you release my dear brother?
52176With gold epaulets and a sword?
52176Wo n''t you let Polychrome and the Rose Princess come here, too?
52176Would the nomes obey you?
52176You''ll protect me, Hank dear, wo n''t you?
52176Alas,"he continued, after a moment,"the clouds are already breaking in the west, and-- see!--isn''t that the Rainbow coming?"
52176And do you know Princess Ozma?"
52176And is n''t it funny, Shaggy Man, that what is the bottom to us now, was the top when we fell the other way?"
52176Are you conquered yet?"
52176Are you sure you found the right cave?"
52176Are you, then, the Great Jinjin?"
52176Are your magnetic rubber wires in working order?"
52176As they turned away Betsy said wonderingly:"Do all the animals in Oz talk as we do?"
52176At this moment the Rainbow''s Daughter and the Rose Princess approached them, and Polychrome said:"What have you found, Shaggy One?"
52176But is my dear brother well?"
52176But tell me, Hearer, do the strangers want anything else?"
52176But tell me, Ruggedo, why my friends have been wound with cords and bound with chains?"
52176But to disappear like that_ seems_ like magic; now, does n''t it?"
52176Did n''t Mr. Edison discover it?"
52176Did you say Ruggedo?"
52176Do n''t you remember, Shaggy?"
52176Do n''t you think so, Hank?"
52176Do n''t you understand such dog language?"
52176Do n''t you want to join our party until you find your father and sisters again?"
52176Do n''t you want to, Toto?"
52176Do you know, Dorothy, I did n''t believe any girl could ever have such a good time--_anywhere_--as I''m having now?"
52176Ever been there, my dear?"
52176I believe you came here from the cold, civilized, outside world, did you not?"
52176I wonder how they came to be here?"
52176Is anything more wonderful than to see a flower grow and blossom, or to get light out of the electricity in the air?
52176Is he indeed a prisoner in this place?"
52176Is he lost?"
52176Is it very far to the other side of the world?"
52176Is n''t that true, Shaggy?"
52176Is she among them?"
52176Is there a Royal Gardener, then?"
52176Oh, I''m Betsy Bobbin, and--""Who is the leader of this party?"
52176Presently he asked:"How far away are those people now?"
52176Said he, in a sleepy tone:"What''s the matter, little Rainbow?"
52176Shall I send them here, too?"
52176She turned to her attendant and asked:"Can not your magic take these unhappy people to their old home, Wizard?"
52176Some of the officers now stuck their heads out of the bushes and asked:"Is the coast clear, Private Files?"
52176Tell me, Brother, what have they done?"
52176Tell us, Tik- Tok, how shall we get to the Nome King''s underground cavern?"
52176The Roses now looked at the mule less fearfully and one of them asked:"Is that savage beast named Hank?"
52176The Sawhorse, standing stiffly before Hank, repeated his question:"Is''hee- haw''all you are able to say?"
52176The well?"
52176Then she remarked, as she looked at the six messengers of light:"We could n''t very well do without any of''em; could we?"
52176Then she turned to Shaggy and asked:"Are you sure he has n''t seen the Love Magnet?"
52176Then, after a pause, she added:"But where do you s''pose we''re going to, Your Maj''sty?"
52176What can I do to prevent the Shaggy Man from taking it out of his pocket?"
52176What country_ is_ this, please?"
52176What do you s''pose became of him?"
52176What do you suppose these invaders want?"
52176What do you think, Polychrome?"
52176What else do you hear?"
52176What else?"
52176What have you done?"
52176What is it all about, Ozma?"
52176What part of him shall I wind up first?"
52176When I asked her about this idea, she replied:"Why, have n''t you heard?"
52176Where are they now?"
52176Where are they now?"
52176Where are they?"
52176Where is he?"
52176Where is the Ugly One now, Kaliko?"
52176Who could conquer my thousands of nomes?"
52176Who is he?"
52176Why not make Shaggy Man the private soldier?"
52176Why not?"
52176Why, what is that?"
52176Wo n''t you come with us, and help us?"
52176Would n''t you like to live always in this beautiful cavern, Polychrome?
52176You remember her, do you not?"
52176[ Illustration] Dorothy knelt down before him and shaking her finger just above his nose she said:"Toto, have n''t I always been good to you?"
52176[ Illustration]"Where is Betsy?"
52176[ Illustration][ Illustration] CHAPTER 22 Kindly Kisses"Wo n''t you be dreadful sorry to leave this lovely place?"
52176[ Illustration][ Illustration] CHAPTER 25 The Land of Love"Well, is''hee- haw''all you are able to say?"
52176cried Betsy in a loud voice, and Queen Ann heard her and called out:"Are you safe, Betsy?"
52176cried Betsy, staring hard at him;"are you really from the wonderful Land of Oz?"
52176cried the King;"a Rainbow under ground, eh?"
52176replied Shaggy, drawing the Love Magnet from his pocket;"not a little bit?--just a wee speck of a like?"
52176roared the King;"how dare you bring that beast here and enter my presence unannounced?"
52176roared the King;"who took the cover off?"
52176what do I care for the Jinjin?"
52176why did you not come before?
517Ah; who is that coming down the mountain?
517Ai n''t there any place to wipe my feet?
517Airship? 517 And Jack Pumpkinhead?"
517And contented and prosperous?
517And they are happy, I suppose?
517And where''s the Wonderful Wizard?
517And why make the journey back to Kansas again? 517 And will you make me big again, when I''m ready to go away?"
517And you wo n''t forget to ask her?
517Any others?
517Are n''t you overdone?
517Are n''t you rather yellow?
517Are not all these paper girls and women named Miss Cuttenclips?
517Are there any eatables in Bunbury?
517Are there any tigers and bears in this neighborhood?
517Are we going there? 517 Are you Dorothy''s friend?"
517Are you a Flutterbudget, too?
517Are you able to re- stuff yourself without help?
517Are you likely to stay there long?
517Are you ready, Dorothy?
517Are you sure?
517Are you sure?
517Are you the Cowardly Lion?
517But have n''t you anything to eat in your kingdom? 517 But how can you do it?"
517But how do the paper dolls happen to be alive?
517But suppose you fail?
517But what reward do they demand?
517But what road do we take to get to the Rigmaroles?
517But what shall we do now?
517But when do they study?
517Can YOU make me smaller?
517Can we do anything for you?
517Could n''t I eat just one house, or a side- walk or something? 517 Could n''t I eat something besides people?"
517Could n''t we bribe our enemies, by giving them a lot of emeralds and gold?
517Did it tell you how our enemies drank the Water of''Blivion?
517Did n''t you know that?
517Did n''t you?
517Did you call both the roosters Daniel?
517Did you ever hear of any one''s eyes growing together?
517Did you ever see an ocean?
517Did you wander in the forest all day?
517Do n''t they get any reading, writing and''rithmetic?
517Do n''t you ever match each other?
517Do n''t you know, dear?
517Do n''t you teach them anything else?
517Do they all talk like that?
517Do you know where there''s a road?
517Do you know whether the First and Foremost Phanfasm of Phantastico is at home or not?
517Do you make all the paper dolls?
517Do you mean to say you can save us from those awful Phanfasms, and Growleywogs and Whimsies?
517Do you not tremble to take such liberties with your monarch?
517Do you remember the Nome King?
517Do you think there would be any work for ME in Kansas?
517Does it make one crazy?
517Does the Tin Woodman keep any Flutterbudgets or Rigmaroles at his castle?
517From the Ruler of Oz?
517Good or bad?
517Has the Scarecrow heard of Ozma''s trouble?
517Have you heard the news?
517Have you tired of life, then?
517Honor bright?
517How about the eggs?
517How can a wooden thing be so intelligent?
517How can you keep every one from ever finding Oz?
517How did Ozma find out about the tunnel?
517How do they take''em, in applesauce?
517How do you know that?
517How long will it take us to march to the Emerald City?
517How will you do that?
517I wonder if your mother could spare one or two of you?
517I wonder why?
517I''d like to see them-- wouldn''t you?
517I''ve never heard of any,admitted the woman,"but if there were--""Have you any idea of throwing your baby out of the window?"
517If you do n''t like it, why do n''t you resign?
517In what way?
517Is Nick Chopper the Tin Woodman''s name?
517Is all ready?
517Is anything the matter, ma''am?
517Is it in danger?
517Is n''t it?
517Is n''t this tin hollyhock going to seed?
517Is the Nome King''s tunnel finished, Ozma?
517Is the tunnel all ready?
517Is there anything to drink here?
517It would n''t look very well in a hole in the ground, would it?
517Madam,said he,"do you suppose I would allow anyone to catch my beautiful fishes, even if they were foolish enough to bite on hooks?
517May I bring my dog Toto, and the Yellow Hen? 517 May I go with you?"
517May I help you up?
517May we see Miss Cuttenclip, please?
517May we see Miss Cuttenclip, please?
517Must we lunch on tin?
517Now that we''re together again, and one reunited party,observed the Shaggy Man,"what are we to do next?"
517Now then, good subjects, who speaks next?
517Oh, is it?
517Oh, is it?
517Oh, is there dust in the tunnel?
517Oh, what is it?
517Oh, will you, Ozma?
517Reduce what?
517Sorry for what, Dorothy?
517Suppose we wo n''t go?
517Tell me, Dorothy,he said;"do all the men here wear duds like these?"
517Tell me, please, what IS our business?
517Then may I come in?
517Then tell me: what can you offer the Phanfasms that they have not already?
517Then what HAS happened?
517Then what am I to do?
517Then why need we go way back to the crossroads?
517These Oz people are quite good, are they not?
517Unless what, dear?
517Was that the time the Wizard scared you?
517Well, have n''t I?
517Were you ever a King?
517Were you scared when I looked at you just now?
517What are the Flutterbudgets like?
517What are they?
517What are you doing here?
517What are you going to do about it?
517What can be done?
517What could I do to earn money?
517What do you do, run?
517What do you know about it?
517What do you mean by doses?
517What do you mean by that?
517What do you mean by their getting scattered?
517What do you propose to do?
517What do you want me to do?
517What does that mean?
517What does the fly do then?
517What has she done, Captain Dipp?
517What has she done?
517What is it, dear?
517What is it?
517What is that?
517What is your Magic Book like?
517What is your name, General?
517What kingdom?
517What made you''cept the invitation, and come here?
517What makes you unhappy?
517What names do you give''em all, dear?
517What reward did you promise them?
517What seems to be worrying your Majesty?
517What share of the spoils am I to have?
517What would happen,she inquired,"if I should set my dog on your Brigade?"
517What''s that? 517 What''s the matter with your King?"
517What''s the matter?
517What''s the rest of him like?
517What''s wrong now?
517What''s wrong?
517When are you likely to see Glinda?
517When will they come?
517Where did all this dust come from?
517Where did this girl come from?
517Where do you get the butter?
517Where is the Scarecrow?
517Where is your child?
517Where to?
517Which path shall we take?
517Which way do we go, Dorothy?
517Who ARE the Cuttenclips, anyhow?
517Who accuses the little girl, anyway?
517Who are they, anyhow? 517 Who are they?"
517Who are you disputing with?
517Who are you, my dear?
517Who are you?
517Who designed his house?
517Who else has promised to help you?
517Who has any water?
517Who made the laws?
517Who usually puts them together?
517Who will assist the Nome King?
517Whoever heard of eating a wheelbarrow?
517Why did n''t you say so before?
517Why did n''t you tell us what you were goin''to do?
517Why did you do that?
517Why do n''t you behave yourself, and stay put together?
517Why do they call it the Forbidden Fountain?
517Why do you allow your clock- work brains to interrupt our joy?
517Why do you do it?
517Why does n''t he live with Ozma in the Emerald City? 517 Why have you captured this foolish wanderer and brought him here?"
517Why not try it?
517Why not, Guph?
517Why not?
517Why not?
517Why not?
517Why not?
517Why not?
517Why would n''t you live here by choice?
517Why, how old are you, child?
517Why, that''s what they''re for, ai n''t it?
517Will there be any fighting?
517Will you bring them here with the Magic Belt, and give them a nice little farm in the Munchkin Country, or the Winkie Country-- or some other place?
517Will you make them behave?
517Will you? 517 Wo n''t it make any difference to us?"
517Wo n''t you come in?
517Wo n''t you stay with us?
517Would n''t it be funny,she said,"for me to do housework in Kansas, when I''m a Princess in the Land of Oz?"
517Would n''t my clothes be too big for me?
517Would they bite on hooks?
517Yes, where''s the Scarecrow?
517Yes,she admitted;"have you, Billina?"
517Yes; I''ve a milk pump and a water pump; which will you have?
517Yes; when do they get their''rithmetic, and jogerfy, and such things?
517You''re bread, are n''t you?
517After that--""Well, what then?"
517After they had ridden in silence for a while Dorothy turned to the little man and asked:"Do''ifs''really make Flutterbudgets?"
517And are we to stay here, as she says?
517And did n''t he enchant the wagon wheels so they''d find the road?"
517And is it all real?
517And now, Dorothy, tell us where you have been-- to Bunbury or to Bunnybury?"
517And what does it all mean, anyhow?"
517And what is she going to do?"
517Are we going to Fuddlecumjig?"
517Are you not sorry for me?"
517As these two officials took their places, Dorothy asked:"Why is the colander the High Priest?"
517But it would be a dreadful thing, would n''t it?
517But what can we do to prevent it?"
517But what do you expect me to do with these prisoners?"
517But what reward did the First and Foremost demand?"
517But where are all the strange creatures you used to know here?"
517But why are you all so downcast?"
517By and by the Wizard said to the animal:"Are the Fuddles nice people?"
517Ca n''t we have some back room in the attic, that''s more in our class?"
517Can he talk, Dorothy?"
517Do you have''skeeters in Oz?"
517Dorothy noticed six roguish looking brown children standing all in a row, and she asked:"Who are you, little ones?"
517Eh, Henry?"
517Finally, he remembered how angry he was, and cried out:"What do you mean, Kaliko, by being so contented when your monarch is unhappy?"
517Have n''t you?"
517He appeared to be in a very nervous condition and the Wizard stopped him to ask:"Is anything wrong, sir?"
517He looked so anxious, as he said this, that the little girl asked:"There is n''t anything wrong with Ozma, is there?"
517He saw Ozma and her people, too, and yelled out:"Why do n''t you capture them?
517How could you?"
517How could you?"
517How did you manage to do it?"
517How in the world did we ever get here so quick?
517How the General Talked to the King When General Guph returned to the cavern of the Nome King his Majesty asked:"Well, what luck?
517How the Wizard Practiced Sorcery"Where next?"
517I do n''t wish to hurry you, but please tell me if you are coming down, or going up?"
517I s''pose you''re the King of this town, are n''t you?"
517I wonder if we could n''t manage to escape and get back to Kansas by means of the Magic Belt?
517If I only had a gun--""Have n''t you, Henry?
517Is it not so, my friends?"
517More paper things?"
517Now let me ask you, as a friend and a young lady of good judgment: is n''t all this pomp and foolishness enough to make a decent rabbit miserable?"
517Now what do you advise?"
517Now, then, who will volunteer to lead my hosts to the Emerald City?"
517Now, what do you advise?"
517One Whimsie alone seemed to have a glimmer of sense, for he asked:"Suppose we fail to capture the Magic Belt?
517Ozma did not wish all these Nomes to overrun her land, so she advanced to King Roquat and taking his hand in her own said gently:"Who are you?
517Really, it seems too bad, does n''t it?"
517So the Wizard stopped a boy and asked:"Is this Rigmarole Town?"
517Tell me, are you not subjects of Ozma of Oz?"
517The Captain saluted and retired and Dorothy sat down on an overturned kettle and asked:"Have you anything to eat in your kingdom?"
517The Sawhorse stopped short at this pitiful sight, and Dorothy cried out, with ready sympathy:"What''s the matter, Kangaroo?"
517The Yellow Hen now turned one eye up toward the little girl and asked:"Have you forgotten where the camp is, Dorothy?"
517Then her eyes fell upon Dorothy, and she said:"D- d- d- don''t that look like our little girl-- our Dorothy, Henry?"
517Then she added, in a louder voice:"Who''s going to do the dishes?"
517Then the First and Foremost, who had resumed his hairy body and bear head, turned to the Nome and asked:"Do you still demand our assistance?"
517Then the man said:"Do you suppose you could manage to return to your fairyland, my dear?"
517Then they all climbed into the red wagon and the Sawhorse inquired:"Which way?"
517Then, looking around at the sad faces of her friends, she added:"Have you all been worrying about this tunnel?"
517They looked at the lovely little girl wonderingly, and the Wizard asked:"What happens to your paper village when it rains?"
517Were they not the strongest people in all the world?
517What do you advise me to do?"
517What is your name?"
517What time is it, Blinkem?"
517What will happen then, and what good will all our fighting do?"
517What''s that?
517What''s that?"
517What''s that?"
517When he had finished, the Chief Whimsie looked at him through the holes in his chin and asked:"What reward will you give us if we help you?"
517When shall we transport them here, Dorothy?"
517When the first loving kisses and embraces had been exchanged, the fair Ruler inquired:"What is the matter, dear?
517When they had listened to this explanation Dorothy inquired:"Where is the soft- shell crab?"
517When, indeed, had her powerful and faithful friend refused her anything?
517Where do you live?"
517Where have you been?"
517Who is next in command?"
517Why do n''t you conquer Oz, you idiots?
517Why do n''t you run things yourself, instead of asking everybody''s advice, like the big, clumsy idiot you are?"
517Why do you stand there like a lot of dummies?"
517Why not?
517Will some one please lend me a handkerchief?"
517Will the Whimsies join us?"
517Will you do that?"
517Will you do this, General Crinkle?"
517Will you, indeed?"
517Will you?"
517called one of them;"what do you mean by slamming the door and blowing us over?"
517cried Aunt Em, impatiently;"what''s all this rigmarole about?"
517exclaimed the zebra, in astonishment;"do I hear you aright?"
517it cried, jeeringly;"now will you give up?"
517what is it?"
41667Ah; who is that coming down the mountain?
41667Ai n''t there any place to wipe my feet?
41667Airship? 41667 And Jack Pumpkinhead?"
41667And contented and prosperous?
41667And they are happy, I suppose?
41667And where''s the Wonderful Wizard?
41667And why make the journey back to Kansas again? 41667 And will you make me big again, when I''m ready to go away?"
41667And you wo n''t forget to ask her?
41667Any others?
41667Are n''t you overdone?
41667Are n''t you rather yellow?
41667Are not all these paper girls and women named Miss Cuttenclips?
41667Are there any eatables in Bunbury?
41667Are there any tigers and bears in this neighborhood?
41667Are we going there? 41667 Are you Dorothy''s friend?"
41667Are you a Flutterbudget, too?
41667Are you able to re- stuff yourself without help?
41667Are you ready, Dorothy?
41667Are you sure?
41667Are you sure?
41667Are you the Cowardly Lion?
41667But have n''t you anything to eat in your kingdom? 41667 But how can you do it?"
41667But how do the paper dolls happen to be alive?
41667But suppose you fail?
41667But what reward do they demand?
41667But what road do we take to get to the Rigmaroles?
41667But what shall we do now?
41667But when do they study?
41667Can we do anything for you?
41667Can_ you_ make me smaller?
41667Could n''t I eat just one house, or a side- walk, or something? 41667 Could n''t I eat something besides people?"
41667Could n''t we bribe our enemies, by giving them a lot of emeralds and gold?
41667Did it tell how our enemies drank the Water of''Blivion?
41667Did n''t you know that?
41667Did n''t you?
41667Did you call both the roosters Daniel?
41667Did you ever hear of any one''s eyes growing together?
41667Did you ever see an ocean?
41667Did you wander in the forest all day?
41667Do n''t they get any reading, writing and''rithmetic?
41667Do n''t you ever match each other?
41667Do n''t you know, dear?
41667Do n''t you teach them anything else?
41667Do they all talk like that?
41667Do you know where there''s a road?
41667Do you know whether the First and Foremost Phanfasm of Phantastico is at home or not?
41667Do you make all the paper dolls?
41667Do you mean to say you can save us from those awful Phanfasms, and Growleywogs and Whimsies?
41667Do you not tremble to take such liberties with your monarch?
41667Do you remember the Nome King?
41667Do you think there would be any work for_ me_ in Kansas?
41667Does it make one crazy?
41667Does the Tin Woodman keep any Flutterbudgets or Rigmaroles at his castle?
41667From the Ruler of Oz?
41667Good or bad?
41667Has the Scarecrow heard of Ozma''s trouble?
41667Have you heard the news?
41667Have you tired of life, then?
41667Honor bright?
41667How about the eggs?
41667How can a wooden thing be so intelligent?
41667How can you keep every one from ever finding Oz?
41667How did Ozma find out about the tunnel?
41667How do they take''em, in applesauce?
41667How do you know that?
41667How long will it take us to march to the Emerald City?
41667How will you do that?
41667I wonder if your mother could spare one or two of you?
41667I wonder why?
41667I''d like to see them-- wouldn''t you?
41667I''ve never heard of any,admitted the woman;"but if there were--""Have you any idea of throwing your baby out of the window?"
41667If you do n''t like it, why do n''t you resign?
41667In what way?
41667Is Nick Chopper the Tin Woodman''s name?
41667Is all ready?
41667Is it in danger?
41667Is n''t it?
41667Is n''t this tin hollyhock going to seed?
41667Is the Nome King''s tunnel finished, Ozma?
41667Is the tunnel all ready?
41667Is there anything to drink here?
41667It would n''t look very well in a hole in the ground, would it?
41667Madam,said he,"do you suppose I would allow anyone to catch my beautiful fishes, even if they were foolish enough to bite on hooks?
41667May I bring my dog Toto, and the Yellow Hen? 41667 May I go with you?"
41667May I help you up?
41667May we see Miss Cuttenclip, please?
41667May we see Miss Cuttenclip, please?
41667Must we lunch on tin?
41667Now that we''re together again, and one reunited party,observed the Shaggy Man,"what are we to do next?"
41667Now then, good subjects, who speaks next?
41667Oh, is it?
41667Oh, is it?
41667Oh, is there dust in the tunnel?
41667Oh, what is it?
41667Oh, will you, Ozma?
41667Reduce what?
41667Sorry for what, Dorothy?
41667Suppose we wo n''t go?
41667Tell me, Dorothy,he said;"do all the men here wear duds like these?"
41667Tell me, please, what_ is_ our business?
41667Then may I come in?
41667Then tell me: what can you offer the Phanfasms that they have not already?
41667Then what am I to do?
41667Then what_ has_ happened?
41667Then why need we go way back to the crossroads?
41667These Oz people are quite good, are they not?
41667Unless what, dear?
41667Was that the time the Wizard scared you?
41667Well, have n''t I?
41667Were you ever a King?
41667Were you scared when I looked at you just now?
41667What are the Flutterbudgets like?
41667What are they?
41667What are you doing here?
41667What are you going to do about it?
41667What can be done?
41667What could I do to earn money?
41667What do you do, run?
41667What do you know about it?
41667What do you mean by doses?
41667What do you mean by their getting scattered?
41667What do you propose to do?
41667What do you want me to do?
41667What does that mean?
41667What does the fly do then?
41667What has she done, Captain Dipp?
41667What has she done?
41667What is it, dear?
41667What is it?
41667What is that?
41667What is your Magic Book like?
41667What is your name, General?
41667What kingdom?
41667What made you''cept the invitation, and come here?
41667What makes you unhappy?
41667What names do you give''em all, dear?
41667What reward did you promise them?
41667What seems to be worrying your Majesty?
41667What share of the spoils am I to have?
41667What would happen,she inquired,"if I should set my dog on your Brigade?"
41667What''s that? 41667 What''s the matter with your King?"
41667What''s the matter?
41667What''s the rest of him like?
41667What''s wrong now?
41667What''s wrong?
41667When are you likely to see Glinda?
41667When will they come?
41667Where did all this dust come from?
41667Where did this girl come from?
41667Where do you get the butter?
41667Where is the Scarecrow?
41667Where is your child?
41667Where to?
41667Which path shall we take?
41667Which way do we go, Dorothy?
41667Who accuses the little girl, anyway?
41667Who are they, anyhow? 41667 Who are they?"
41667Who are you disputing with?
41667Who are you, my dear?
41667Who are you?
41667Who designed his house?
41667Who else has promised to help you?
41667Who has any water?
41667Who made the laws?
41667Who usually puts them together?
41667Who will assist the Nome King?
41667Who_ are_ the Cuttenclips, anyhow?
41667Whoever heard of eating a wheelbarrow?
41667Why did n''t you say so before?
41667Why did n''t you tell us what you were goin''to do?
41667Why did you do that?
41667Why do n''t you behave yourself, and stay put together?
41667Why do they call it the Forbidden Fountain?
41667Why do you allow your clock- work brains to interrupt our joy?
41667Why do you do it?
41667Why does n''t he live with Ozma in the Emerald City? 41667 Why have you captured this foolish wanderer and brought him here?"
41667Why not try it?
41667Why not, Guph?
41667Why not?
41667Why not?
41667Why not?
41667Why not?
41667Why not?
41667Why would n''t you live here by choice?
41667Why, how old are you, child?
41667Why, that''s what they''re for, ai n''t it?
41667Will there be any fighting?
41667Will you bring them here with the Magic Belt, and give them a nice little farm in the Munchkin Country, or the Winkie Country-- or some other place?
41667Will you make them behave?
41667Will you? 41667 Wo n''t it make any difference to us?"
41667Wo n''t you come in?
41667Wo n''t you stay with us?
41667Would n''t it be funny,she said,"for me to do housework in Kansas, when I''m a Princess in the Land of Oz?"
41667Would n''t my clothes be too big for me?
41667Would they bite on hooks?
41667Yes,she admitted;"have you, Billina?"
41667Yes; I''ve a milk pump and a water pump; which will you have?
41667Yes; when do they get their''rithmetic, and jogerfy, and such things?
41667Yes; where''s the Scarecrow?
41667You''re bread, are n''t you?
41667After that--""Well, what then?"
41667After they had ridden in silence for a while Dorothy turned to the little man and asked:"Do''ifs''really make Flutterbudgets?"
41667And are we to stay here, as she says?
41667And did n''t he enchant the wagon wheels so they''d find the road?"
41667And is it all real?
41667And now, Dorothy, tell us where you have been-- to Bunbury or to Bunnybury?"
41667And what does it all mean, anyhow?"
41667And what is she going to do?"
41667Are we going to Fuddlecumjig?"
41667Are you not sorry for me?"
41667As these two officials took their places Dorothy asked:"Why is the colender the High Priest?"
41667But it would be a dreadful thing, would n''t it?
41667But what can we do to prevent it?"
41667But what do you expect me to do with these prisoners?"
41667But what reward did the First and Foremost demand?"
41667But where are all the strange creatures you used to know here?"
41667But why are you all so downcast?"
41667By and by the Wizard said to the animal:"Are the Fuddles nice people?"
41667Ca n''t we have some back room in the attic, that''s more in our class?"
41667Can he talk, Dorothy?"
41667Do you have''skeeters in Oz?"
41667Dorothy noticed six roguish looking brown children standing all in a row, and she asked:"Who are you, little ones?"
41667Eh, Henry?"
41667Finally he remembered how angry he was, and cried out:"What do you mean, Kaliko, by being so contented when your monarch is unhappy?"
41667Have n''t you?"
41667He appeared to be in a very nervous condition and the Wizard stopped him to ask:"Is anything wrong, sir?"
41667He looked so anxious, as he said this, that the little girl asked:"There is n''t anything wrong with Ozma, is there?"
41667He saw Ozma and her people, too, and yelled out:"Why do n''t you capture them?
41667How could you?"
41667How could you?"
41667How did you manage to do it?"
41667How in the world did we ever get here so quick?
41667I do n''t wish to hurry you, but please tell me if you are coming down, or going up?"
41667I s''pose you''re the King of this town, are n''t you?"
41667I wonder if we could n''t manage to escape and get back to Kansas by means of the Magic Belt?
41667If I only had a gun--""Have n''t you, Henry?
41667Is it not so, my friends?"
41667More paper things?"
41667Now let me ask you, as a friend and a young lady of good judgment: is n''t all this pomp and foolishness enough to make a decent rabbit miserable?"
41667Now, then, who will volunteer to lead my hosts to the Emerald City?"
41667Now, what do you advise?"
41667Now, what do you advise?"
41667Ozma did not wish all these Nomes to overrun her land, so she advanced to King Roquat and taking his hand in her own said gently:"Who are you?
41667Really, it seems too bad, does n''t it?"
41667So the Wizard stopped a boy and asked:"Is this Rigmarole Town?"
41667Tell me, are you not subjects of Ozma of Oz?"
41667The Captain saluted and retired and Dorothy sat down on an overturned kettle and asked:"Have you anything to eat in your kingdom?"
41667The Yellow Hen now turned one eye up toward the little girl and asked:"Have you forgotten where the camp is, Dorothy?"
41667Then her eyes fell upon Dorothy, and she said:"D- d- d- don''t that look like our little girl-- our Dorothy, Henry?"
41667Then she added, in a louder tone:"Who''s going to do the dishes?"
41667Then the First and Foremost, who had resumed his hairy body and bear head, turned to the Nome and asked:"Do you still demand our assistance?"
41667Then the man said:"Do you suppose you could manage to return to your fairyland, my dear?"
41667Then they all climbed into the red wagon and the Sawhorse inquired:"Which way?"
41667Then, looking around at the sad faces of her friends, she added:"Have you all been worrying about this tunnel?"
41667They looked at the lovely little girl wonderingly, and the Wizard asked:"What happens to your paper village when it rains?"
41667Were they not the strongest people in all the world?
41667What do you advise me to do?"
41667What is your name?"
41667What time is it, Blinkem?"
41667What will happen then, and what good will all our fighting do?"
41667What''s that?
41667What''s that?"
41667What''s that?"
41667When he had finished, the Chief Whimsie looked at him through the holes in his chin and asked:"What reward will you give us if we help you?"
41667When shall we transport them here, Dorothy?"
41667When the first loving kisses and embraces had been exchanged, the fair Ruler inquired:"What is the matter, dear?
41667When they had listened to this explanation Dorothy inquired:"Where is the soft- shell crab?"
41667When, indeed, had her powerful and faithful friend refused her anything?
41667Where do you live?"
41667Where have you been?"
41667Who is next in command?"
41667Why do n''t you conquer Oz, you idiots?
41667Why do n''t you run things yourself, instead of asking everybody''s advice, like the big, clumsy idiot you are?"
41667Why do you stand there like a lot of dummies?"
41667Why not?
41667Will some one please lend me a handkerchief?"
41667Will the Whimsies join us?"
41667Will you do that?"
41667Will you do this, General Crinkle?"
41667Will you, indeed?"
41667Will you?"
41667[ Illustration] One Whimsie alone seemed to have a glimmer of sense, for he asked:"Suppose we fail to capture the Magic Belt?
41667[ Illustration] The Sawhorse stopped short at this pitiful sight, and Dorothy cried out, with ready sympathy:"What''s the matter, Kangaroo?"
41667[ Illustration]"Are you likely to stay there long?"
41667[ Illustration]"Is anything the matter, ma''am?"
41667[ Illustration]"What do you mean by that?"
41667called one of them;"what do you mean by slamming the door and blowing us over?"
41667cried Aunt Em, impatiently;"what''s all this rigmarole about?"
41667exclaimed the zebra, in astonishment;"do I hear you aright?"
41667it cried, jeeringly;"now will you give up?"
41667what is it?"