
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
35724But what about another class of prisoner?
35724Did it mean a separate peace with Russia?
35724Had they seen us?
35724Have you ever tried to live in a room in which five or six fret- saws are working for hours at a time?
35724I wonder if it is realised how much the British are hated by the Germans?
35724If so, from what were they running?
35724Should we try and break through the cordon, northwards or eastwards, by striking across country?
35724What if the dogs were put into our copse?
35724What was to be done?
35724What would a patched- up peace mean?
35724Who could they be?
35724reply--"For an"Engländer"?
27229("What are you doing there?").
27229But then what is one to do?
27229Could it be that the victorious German fleet, of which they had so often heard, was at this very moment bearing down upon us?
27229Did the turnip''s voice deceive the Hun?
27229Had I a sporting chance or were the odds against me too great?
27229I wonder what he would have done had some one enticingly rattled a shilling on a plate?
27229I worked in several tunnels at different times, fitted with air pumps and perhaps even electric light-- who knows?
27229Now what about the Cambrai officer''s question,"Why do you call us Huns?"
27229Should this book in the near future be read in Germany, as I expect it will, would some kind Hun take the trouble to satisfy my curiosity?
27229To what was it due?
27229To what was it due?
27229Towards evening we passed through Hameln?
27229Vaguely I wondered what it could be?
27229Was it possible that they were only heaps of peat?
27229Whereupon he snapped,"What, you say that the commandant''s note is useless?
27229With a sinking heart I slowly made out the letters B-- R-- I-- E. Was it necessary to read any further?
27229_ Why, indeed?_ The German captain nearly always took roll call.
50425Can any of you play?
50425Do you see that ravine?
50425First, however, could we have some water to drink? 50425 Have you any gold?"
50425Have you good news of him?
50425Of what value are such things to me? 50425 And why did they not report our presence when they went ashore? 50425 And would he desert his post even if he did hear? 50425 But what of the men who had none? 50425 Conversation was turning to lighter subjects, when it was interrupted by the entrance of another chance(?) 50425 Could the plash of the water lapping against the sides of the creek have muffled the sound of the rattling chain? 50425 Did they know such and such a place? 50425 Had they rifles and revolvers? 50425 How had we managed to escape? 50425 It is merely his method of temporarily soothing your feelings, and is not this of the essence of politeness? 50425 Johnny was very contemptuous,--didn''t the man know that it was a specially good Magyar button, and one of the latest pattern? 50425 RECAPTURED? 50425 RECAPTURED? 50425 Should not its rulers be taught such a lesson that it would be impossible for those of future generations to forget it? 50425 They asked,Who are you?
50425Was it friend or foe?
50425We did not answer, so they said,"Are you foreigners that you do n''t understand Turkish?"
50425Were these from villages, or were they shepherds''fires?
50425Were they discovered?
50425What if that country so fails to grasp the responsibility that its prisoners are allowed to die by neglect?
50425What offers for the job?
50425Where are you going?"
50425Where had they come from in Austria?
50425Where, meantime, was the anchor?
50425Whom did they take us for?
50425Would the sentry hear Pat calling?
50425Would they show him the revolvers?
50425and"Why hiding?"
42490But do n''t you think that this is hardly the proper time or occasion to talk of compensation? 42490 Drop me a line when you get to Berlin, will you?"
42490How did you ever get away?
42490How many millions of pounds will he want for his trouble?
42490Mrs. O''Brien, did Pat write you how many German prisoners he brought back with him?
42490Remember me to your friends, will you? 42490 Well, O''Brien,"he asked, as he entered the room where I was awaiting him,"what do you say?
42490Well, if I ca n''t serve in France, sir,I suggested,"would n''t it be feasible for me to fly in Italy or Salonica?"
42490Well, what do you want me to do? 42490 Were you treated any worse by the Germans, Leftenant,"he asked,"on account of being an American?
42490When shall we see you again?
42490Who are you?
42490Why, my dear man,I said, smilingly, thinking that perhaps he was joking,"you do n''t really mean that, do you?"
42490You want me to get to Holland, do n''t you? 42490 You''re an officer, are n''t you?"
42490Am I not right?"
42490Ca n''t you fix it so that we can be similarly treated, or be transferred at least to a second- class compartment?"
42490Can it be possible that I was spared to convey a message of hope to others who are destined for similar trials?
42490Did the Huns get him?
42490Did you find that to be the case?"
42490Do n''t you think it is fairer that you should risk your own safety rather than place the lives of three innocent men in danger?"
42490Has he landed at some other aerodrome?
42490Has he lost his way?
42490How can I arrange to get it to you?
42490How much do you expect in the way of compensation?
42490If I could n''t get over it, what was the matter with getting under it?
42490Is n''t that fair enough?"
42490Once when I looked over in his direction his eyes were on me and to my surprise he said, very sarcastically,"What the hell are you looking at?"
42490Suppose I should run into a German sentry before I succeeded in getting one?
42490Suppose the soldier had questioned me?
42490The way it has come to me since I returned from Europe is: If, O Lord, I was_ not_ to be done for, What were my sufferings e''er begun for?
42490Was it possible that I could be fortunate enough to get by again?
42490What of it?"
42490What was the use of further suffering when I would probably be captured in the end, anyway?
42490What were the chances of escape?
42490Who are you?"
42490Why do n''t you go out by yourself and buy your food at the stores?
42490Will you go?"
42490Will you let me see it?"
42490Will you sign the order or not?"
42490Wo n''t you make this coward leave me, North Star?
42490Would he try to steal a march on me and get in a first word to the authorities, so that my story would be discredited when I put it to them?
34421And yet,he said,"all Englishmen say that Turks are barbarians, do n''t they?"
34421Are we in Switzerland?
34421Are you going to try to escape again from me?
34421But how could a railway be there?
34421Did the General speak politely?
34421Escaped prisoners, are you?
34421Have you got any papers?
34421Is it quite hopeless?
34421Of course not,I said,"why spend money unnecessarily?
34421Sofort aus dem Bureau gehen?
34421Then you do not now think the Turks barbarians?
34421Wer kommt dann hier?
34421What about the garrison?
34421Why do you say that?
34421Why wo n''t you give us wine?
34421( Straight on to Anrath?)
34421( Will you go out of the bureau?)
34421(_ b_) Was it desirable from a military or political point of view?
34421Again then, where were we?
34421Are you there?
34421As we were going in, an Englishman in a beard passed by the side of me saying,"Have you anything to hide?"
34421At one place where there was a level crossing a man came to open the barrier, so I took the initiative and said,"Nach Anrath gerade aus?"
34421At that moment a Frenchman, Commandant Collet, rushed up to me and said,"Did you see what happened?"
34421Both start shouting simultaneously:"Why wo n''t you give us wine?"
34421But how could it be otherwise, since for the last fortnight I had been in close contact with people who live year in and year out covered with lice?
34421But what was Oswego?
34421But why did the Germans never shoot?
34421Had I bribed the sentry?
34421He answered our salute very politely, taking no notice of our undress uniform, and turning to the Commandant, said,"Sie waren in dem Tunnel gefangen?"
34421He suggested that the Somme was an expensive failure, so I said,"What about Verdun?"
34421He was a big heavy built fellow, and as he walked quickly up to me he said,"Who are you?
34421However,"What does it matter?"
34421I called out to them in German,"Is this Barzheim?"
34421I must have shown my surprise, for she said,"Why, do n''t you believe me?"
34421I said to Buckley, and he nodded, so I leant across and said to the sentry,"Wir wollen essen; wollen Sie etwas nehmen?"
34421I took no notice of this hint, but said,"Could you kindly tell me if this is the Dutch frontier just here?"
34421One of these threw open a window as we were passing, and asked us who we were and where we were going--"Nach Pfullendorf?
34421Perhaps some Frenchman would call out to an Englishman,"Savez- vous combien de prisonniers Bosches les Anglais out pris hier?"
34421Should we be eligible to fight against the Germans?
34421Should we lie up where we were and try to get across the next night?
34421The question was,"Is this the valley we are looking for?"
34421The question which really was causing us some anxiety was,"Would the ice bear?"
34421Then he brightened up and said,"Why not give me your parole not to escape till Clausthal; it will be so much more comfortable?"
34421Was it Riedheim?
34421What are you doing here?"
34421What shall I do?"
34421What we had to consider was--(_a_) Was it possible?
34421What would you do here?
34421and if you got out, where would you escape to?"
34421he said,"when you went to the lavatory?"
50970Are you akin to David Hepler?
50970Boys,he continued,"supposing it should become necessary for us to separate into two squads, how''ll we divide?"
50970But just now, where did you come from just now?
50970Can it be that they have been caught?
50970Can it be,said Smith,"that Averill''s cavalry are on a raid through here?"
50970Has n''t any one been to mill?
50970He lived in Cincinnati, did he, and belonged to Company-------- Regiment, Ohio Volunteers?
50970How about the keys; do n''t the whites get up and unlock?
50970How many were there in the squad?
50970O, one or two,answered Childs,"but they were in a hurry, and did n''t stay long?"
50970We do n''t have to stand picket in the night- time; we do n''t have to march, skirmish, and frequently fight in the night- time, I suppose?
50970Well, this is Lewis''s house, is it?
50970What do you want?
50970What does this mean?
50970What''s your name?
50970Where is Lewis?
50970Why do n''t you get up, then?
50970You did n''t say any thing about us, then?
50970As I was sitting next him, he took hold of my pants at the knee, and inquired rather roughly,"Where do you belong?"
50970As he neared the shore on which we stood we asked,"Are you a brother- in- law to Alderman?"
50970As he was endeavoring to gain the shelter of the bushes the woman noticed him shying off and asked,"What are you afeared of?"
50970As he was staring at us, we accosted him with,"How are you, old fellow?"
50970As it was also half inquisitive, the woman answered that there was a company of soldiers not far off, and asked,"An''t you one of''em?"
50970As soon as we were at leisure he asked,"Are you the boys that came in from prison two days ago?"
50970At the same moment we halted, and Sutherland put his hand to his mouth and asked if any whites were about?
50970Did those who had not finished dinner, now finish it?
50970Giving each of us a hearty shake of the hand, he said,"I know where you are from; will you have some coffee?"
50970He refused to even get out of bed, whereupon Sutherland demanded,"Shall we burst your door down?"
50970He then put his mouth to the string- hole and asked,"Is any body at home?"
50970If asked why so?
50970It was the 30th of March, after we had dressed ourselves anew, when Smith came to me in Lytle Barracks, saying,"Where''s Wood and Sutherland?"
50970On seeing us, Wood approached, saying to the negro,"Where did you come from?"
50970Since we had already traveled twenty miles without rest or sleep, the question was, Can we reach the picket- post by dark?
50970Smith then asked,"Did n''t that man at Camp Reynolds say that Phillips did business near the Public Landing?"
50970Sutherland then asked,"Did you ever see or hear of any Yankee prisoners escaping through here before?"
50970Sutherland then asked,"Smith, where is Taylor?
50970Sutherland then said,"I wonder where Davis and Tige are by this time?"
50970The man said,"That rests with you,"and inquired,"Who are you, and where are you going?"
50970The query then arose, shall we hide in the open woods on our left, or in the inclosed woods on our right?
50970Was supper prepared?
50970Was there time for coffee?
50970We continued talking with Childs, however, and Smith said to him,"I suppose you have n''t reported us, have you?"
50970We pressed on, however, and in the course of an hour we met a man of whom we asked,"How far is it to the pickets?"
50970When we were ready to leave the river this question arose: what shall we do with our canoe-- tie it up or allow it to float down the river?
50970Wood, addressing the largest of the men, asked,"Your name is Lewis, I suppose?"
50970an''t he coming?"
50970and Wood added,"and come in and burst your noggin?"
50970dat so?"
12880Are there many women in Canada-- women in every house-- like here?
12880But,said Lena,"what do they do in house-- when bread is made and dish- wash?"
12880Do you think it will be over soon?
12880How are the folks at home?
12880How long shall I be there?
12880Is it well?
12880My country-- is it well?
12880What are the flags up for?
12880What are you?
12880What did you do to it?
12880What good would books be to me in this black hole?
12880What reason had we? 12880 What time is it?"
12880Who are you?
12880Did I not like girls?
12880Did he by any chance know a boy from Vancouver called Wallen Gordon, who had been"Missing"since the 2d of June, 1916?
12880Did they get enough to eat?
12880Did they get their parcels?
12880Do you hear of any who did?"
12880Have you got any?"
12880Have you the rings?
12880He came to me and said,"Well, what have you got?"
12880He fairly danced at his work after that, and when I saw him afterwards, he eagerly asked--"My country-- is it well?"
12880He looked thin and worried, and, as usual, the questions were put to us--"Why did we want to leave?"
12880He walked over to the gendarme and glared in his face,--"What do I want to get back for?"
12880How were they treated?
12880I said--"what things?
12880It took time, of course, but what was time to us?
12880Lena had heard women worked in the house, and not outside, in Canada-- was it true?
12880Of course, we all knew we were taking a grave risk, but then, why should n''t we?
12880Or Reg Black from Manitou?
12880The Russians were scurrying out like scared rabbits, but the British, not so easily intimidated, were asking,"What''s the row?"
12880The gendarme at last broke out into English, cutting his words off with a snarl:"What do you fellows want to get back for anyway?
12880The possession of a compass is an indication that the subject of"escaping"has been thought of, and the question,"Have you a compass?"
12880Then came the moment of tense anxiety.... Would he lock me in?
12880Then he asked me what did Canada hope to get out of the war?
12880Then, after a few minutes''conference-- Had I a girl?
12880This is the form in which the question came:"You have no girl, but you say you like girls; is n''t it all right to have a girl?"
12880Was Fanny my girl?
12880Was I married?
12880Was it the food, or was it because we had to work?"
12880We asked him if there was any danger of our being interned?
12880We did not enjoy the notoriety very much, but the guard enjoyed it immensely, for was he not the keeper of two hardened and desperate men?
12880We were asked our names, ages, previous occupation, when captured, and the most important questions of all,"Why were we fighting against Germany?"
12880Wer da?"
12880Were they very lonely?
12880What if they were burnt on the outside?
12880What matter if I never saw it again?
12880What spite have you and I at each other?"
12880What_ do_ they understand?"
12880When he came in, he blew his breath in the frosty air, and asked,"Kalt?"
12880Who do you know that has got away?
12880Why go to England?
12880Why had n''t I a girl?
12880Why had n''t I thought to put sugar in it when I mixed it up?
12880Would we sign a paper-- he asked us then-- to show this?
12880and,"Why did we want to leave Germany?"
12880is the prison- camp way of saying,"What do you think of making a try?"
12880or Garnet Stewart from Winnipeg?
12880or what?