This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
45287 | Bramble, Charles A. | The A B C of Mining: A Handbook for Prospectors | nan | 41170 | 2786 | nan | ./cache/45287.txt | ./txt/45287.txt |
61895 | Cummings, Ray | Space-Wolf | nan | 5481 | 572 | nan | ./cache/61895.txt | ./txt/61895.txt |
15195 | Daviess, Maria Thompson | Rose of Old Harpeth | nan | 55615 | 2905 | nan | ./cache/15195.txt | ./txt/15195.txt |
14998 | Kay, Ross | The Go Ahead Boys and Simon''s Mine | nan | 50467 | 3893 | nan | ./cache/14998.txt | ./txt/14998.txt |
27984 | Otis, James | Ralph Gurney''s Oil Speculation | nan | 74353 | 3181 | nan | ./cache/27984.txt | ./txt/27984.txt |
51768 | Sheckley, Robert | Prospector''s Special | nan | 8547 | 972 | nan | ./cache/51768.txt | ./txt/51768.txt |
61811 | Williams, Robert Moore | Quest on Io | nan | 5336 | 526 | nan | ./cache/61811.txt | ./txt/61811.txt |
23391 | Young, Rose E. (Rose Emmet) | Sally of Missouri | nan | 56705 | 4015 | nan | ./cache/23391.txt | ./txt/23391.txt |