
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
7558will it be yesterday over again?
7541Well, sir,said he,"was not that a good stroke?
7541Who has dared to calumniate me thus? 7541 THE COUNTESS OF SAINT GERANCould not, for instance,"said the marquis,"a confinement be effected without pain?"
7539Have but one set of jokes to live upon Have you learned to carve?
3364911 Why remain sad and idle?
3364920 What is it that renders death terrible?
3364927 Wouldst thou know what thou art?
33649June 1 CAN WE, amongst all hearts, find one more amiable than that of Jesus?
33649Why exhaust thyself in the anguish of melancholy?
7542What is life but waiting?
7543DE LA FONTAINE A pretty wife?
7543FAVORITE QUOTATIONS A pretty wife?
7543Has not your spouse with you a right to try What freaks he likes?
7543WIFE But still, why think you, friend, it was not I?
7543WIFE''Twas mine: NEIGHBOUR Be patient:--and inform me, pray, If this were worn by you or her to- day?
7553How many conquests have been made in the name of God How can you judge the facts if you do n''t know the feeling?
7553One has to wait How many sons have ever added to their father''s fame?
7553Who can understand a woman?
35289O sister, sister, truly tell Who did this wrong to thee?
35289***** Did I say basalt for my slab, sons?
35289Even Prince Siddartha wondered at it:"Since if, all powerful, he leaves it so, He is not good; and if not powerful, He is not God?"
35289How else Shall ye contrast my frieze to come beneath?
35289In these dull and lonely moments also one inevitably asks whether it is true that people exist who are stolid to pain?
35289SYMONDS,_ Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece._ DOWN IN THE CITY IS it ever hot in the square?
35289What does it all mean that a God otherwise beneficent should impose on the creatures he has brought into the world illness and suffering?
35289What useful purpose did he serve?
35289tell us young serving maiden, pray Where yon castle''s lady may be?"
7544And where may you have been?
7544What do you mean by God?
7544Could beauty be confided to him?
7544Did Nature permit a Forsyte not to make a slave of what he adored?
7544In that great London, which they had conquered and become merged in, what time had they to be sentimental?
7544Or should she not be just a visitor, coming when she would, possessed for moments which passed, to return only at her own choosing?
7544What fate could compare with that?
7544Why could n''t she look at him like that?
7544You second that?
7549Do you know the people who live in the little red cottage at the end of the Rue du Berceau?
7549As he had never enjoyed anything, he desired nothing Do you know how I picture God?
7549Do n''t know what to say, for I am always terribly stupid at first Hotel bed: Who has occupied it the night before?
7549For his own sake?
7549His life?
7549How many days?
7549Is it not strange that people can laugh, amuse themselves, be joyful under that eternal certainty of death?
7549Ten, twenty, fifty, or a hundred?
7549What would he do with it, inert and trembling wreck that he was?
30373[ original has single quote]Why not?
7545Do you ever wonder why poets talk so much about flowers?
7545What has he done?
7545Whether anything can be conscious of its own flavor??
7545Whether anything can be conscious of its own flavor??
7545Why did I not ask?
7545you will say Will you take the long path with me?
7557Was ever produced so insipid a result?
7557You think so?
39204Is there any better or equal hope in the world?
39204Why should they do anything for us if we will do nothing for them?
39204_ EIGHTH_ What is the influence of fashion but the influence that other people''s actions have on our actions?
39204_ EIGHTH_ Why should there not be a patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people?
39204_ ELEVENTH_ Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws?
39204_ FOURTH_ Must a government, of necessity, be too strong for the liberties of its own people, or too weak to maintain its own existence?
39204_ SECOND_ What is the use of putting up the gap when the fence is down all around?
39204_ SIXTEENTH_ What will the country say?
39204_ THIRD_ If Almighty God gives a man a cowardly pair of legs, how can he help their running away with him?
39204_ THIRTEENTH_ Are you not over- cautious?
39204_ THIRTIETH_ Should any one in any case be content that his oath shall go unkept on a merely unsubstantial controversy as to how it shall be kept?
39204_ TWENTIETH_ Are you strong enough?
39204_ TWENTY- EIGHTH_ Will anybody do your work for you?
39204_ TWENTY- SECOND_ Object whatsoever is possible, still the question recurs,"Can we do better?"
39204but"Can we all do better?"
39808But what is the tump for?
39808What has that to do with it?
39808What have you done?
39808Before I had seen her a few minutes she remarked:"I suppose you do n''t remember me, Lord Tredegar?"
39808He got on very well, as she thought, and one day, meeting his professor, she said,"Oh, Professor, do you think my son will ever learn to draw?"
39808I have put this question to myself many times in the last month or so--"What does it all mean?
39808I said,"What have they found out about you?"
39808I saw in a newspaper which does not hold the same opinions as I do, the question,"What on earth is Lord Tredegar made a Viscount for?"
39808I was hunting in the Midland Counties and I asked,"Where is Tom?"
39808One is''What is Home Rule?''
39808Remarking to the young lady that the martial air appealed to an old soldier, she said,"Why, Lord Tredegar, were you ever in the Army?"
39808So why,"said they,"do you want to have more knowledge?"
39808What are your charges for telling me what I can call anyone without getting into trouble?"
39808What have I ever done to deserve this great tribute?"
39808_ Conservative Meeting, Newport, February 2nd, 1894._ WHAT IS A PHILANTHROPIST?
39808and the other is''Have you used Pear''s Soap?''
6126What is life but waiting?
6126What is life but waiting?
6126What is life but waiting?
7551Doctrine much more intricate and fantastic than the thing itself Dost thou, then, old man, collect food for others''ears?
7551What can they not do, what do they fear to do( for beauty) What can they suffer who do not fear to die?
7551What did I say?
7551What may be done to- morrow, may be done to- day What more?
7551have you not lived?"
7551no, Chremes, I had What he did by nature and accident, he can not do by design What is more accidental than reputation?
7551that I have?
7550Am I thy master, or thou mine?
7550Do you judge of heroes as of lesser men?
7550How little a thing serves Fortune''s turn How to compromise the matter for the sake of peace?
7550I can confess my sight to be imperfect: but will you ever do so?
7550If you kneel down, who will decline to put a foot on you?
7550Is it any waste of time to write of love?
7550Is not one month of brightness as much as we can ask for?
7550Not now?--does it mean, not now?
7550On a wild April morning Once my love?
7550Who cries, Come on, and prays his gods you wo n''t Who so intoxicated as the convalescent catching at health?
7550Who rises from Prayer a better man, his prayer is answered Who beguiles so much as Self?
7550Who shuns true friends flies fortune in the concrete Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?
7550Whole body of fanatics combined to precipitate the devotion Whose bounty was worse to him than his abuse Why should these men take so much killing?
7550of what avail is human effort?
7550or, Do I serve my heart?
7550what have I done?
7550you did it in cold blood?
44748Would you care to buy a bird, sir?
44748And did not he make one?
44748And what of her own?
44748And who shall stand when he appeareth?
44748And would not those stronger ones with great mental gifts have more to answer for accordingly than those of weaker natures?
44748Are not your ways unequal?
44748But why dost thou judge thy brother?
44748Did not the Pilgrim Fathers estimate one good as another if their righteousness was equal?
44748Does the seventh commandment demand more obedience from one sex than the other?
44748Eventually would electricity impel the entire universe?
44748Gradually there came stealing into this rich man''s brain new thoughts; was he doing right with his boundless wealth?
44748Had all these aristocrats as clean a record?
44748Had this always existed and was yet to be brought out by masterful minds?
44748Hath not one God created us?
44748Have not these people immortal souls which may be white as the whitest; and in many cases, brilliant talents?
44748Have we not all one Father?
44748Have ye not known?
44748He hath showed thee, O Man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
44748How many needy ones had he passed by?
44748How many wives, instead of trying to make home attractive, drive happiness away with their cruel tongues?
44748If a man put away his wife and she go from him, and become another man''s, shall not that land be greatly polluted?
44748Is it any wonder that the women of our land clamor for a voice in the affairs of state and nation?
44748Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house?
44748Is not my way equal?
44748Is not this the fast that I have chosen?
44748Isaiah li, 6. Who may abide the day of his coming?
44748Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
44748No one?
44748Or why doth thou set at nought thy brother?
44748Our Witch could hear in her mind''s ear the rebuke of old: What have I done unto thee, that thou has smitten me these three times?
44748Should not real Christian worshippers work in harmony?
44748The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?
44748The thunder of his power who can understand?
44748Then it was wisely said in ages past: How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity?
44748Understand, ye brutish among the people, and ye fools, when will ye be wise?
44748Was not this government founded on the principle of equality?
44748Was this the connecting link between God and man?
44748Were they more in need of rest than this poor laboring woman?
44748What more was this great display of finery than one way of advertising goods?
44748What of this occult power?
44748What of this outer covering?
44748What were their parents teaching them?
44748When thou seest the naked that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
44748Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?
44748Who have said with our tongue will we prevail; our lips are our own who is lord over us?
44748Why all this contention?
44748Why ape the Old World customs?
44748Why draw this color line so tightly?
44748Why not venture further into a wider range for action?
44748Why this sudden sympathy so foreign to his hardened nature?
44748Why was this headgear exacted as a badge of servitude?
44748Why were these new and better impulses taking possession of his mind?
44748Will this influence stop here?
44748Would God hold him responsible for this neglect and bar him from the Kingdom?
44748Would it not be as well to live the remainder of his life with the mother of his children whom he dearly loved?
44748Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed; how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me?
44748hath it not been told you from the beginning?
44748have ye not heard?
44748have ye not understood from the foundation of the earth?
44748or will it go on and on through all the ages to come?
44748to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye brake every yoke?
13677Good Master, what must I do to inherit Eternal Life?
13677And what does the Life- science teach?
13677And yet what would Science demand of a perfect correspondence that is not met by this, THE KNOWING OF GOD?
13677As yet?
13677Breathing now an atmosphere of ineffable Purity, shall he miss becoming pure?
13677But if it know not God?
13677But what are the possibilities of this spiritual organism?
13677But who is to define the limits of the spiritual?
13677But who will not rather approve the arrangement by which man in his creatural life may have unbroken access to an Infinite Power?
13677Can the embryo FASHION ITSELF?
13677Can the protoplasm CONFORM ITSELF to its type?
13677Can we shut our eyes to the fact that the religious opinions of mankind are in a state of flux?
13677Character is to wear forever; who will wonder or grudge that it can not be developed in a day?
13677Christ held up this method almost to ridicule when He said:"Which of you by taking thought can add a cubit to his stature?"
13677Communion with God-- can it be demonstrated in terms of Science that this is a correspondence which will never break?
13677Dante should not also instruct, inspire, and mould the characters of men?
13677Has love no future?
13677Has right no triumph?
13677Have you ever noticed how much of Christ''s life was spent in doing kind things?
13677How can modern men today make Christ, the absent Christ, their most constant companion still?
13677How can the New Life deliver itself from the still- persistent past?
13677How could it be reflected from there if it were not there?
13677How long will it take Science to believe its own creed, that the material universe we see around us is only a fragment of the universe we do not see?
13677In vital contact with Holiness, shall he not become holy?
13677Is Conformity to Type produced by the matter OR BY THE LIFE, by the protoplasm or by the Type?
13677Is Evolution to stop with the organic?
13677Is it not a clear case of exchange-- an exchange, however, where the advantage is entirely on our side?
13677Is life not full of opportunities for learning love?
13677Is man in correspondence with the whole environment or is he not?
13677Is organization the cause of life or the effect of it?
13677Is the change from the earthly to the heavenly more mysterious than the change from the aquatic to the terrestrial mode of life?
13677Is the infinite task begun?
13677Is the unfinished self to remain unfinished?
13677October 10th What is the essential difference between the Christian and the not- a- Christian, between the spiritual beauty and the moral beauty?
13677On what does the Christian argument for Immortality really rest?
13677Or is there a deeper distinction between the Christian and the not- a- Christian as fundamental as that between the organic and the inorganic?
13677Reaching out his eager and quickened faculties to the spiritual world around him, shall he not become spiritual?
13677Shall death, or life, or angels, or principalities, or powers, arrest or tamper with his eternal correspondences?
13677Shall these"changes in the physical state of the environment"which threaten death to the natural man, destroy the spiritual?
13677Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?"
13677Suppose we deliberately made up our minds as to what things we were henceforth to allow to become our life?
13677Surely there is nothing more touching in Nature than this?
13677Then the Christian experiences are our own making?
13677There is nothing that requires so much to be kept in its place as religion, and its place is what?
13677Walking with God from day to day, shall he fail to be taught of God?
13677What a very strange thing, is it not, for man to pray?
13677What is Revelation but what the Spiritual World has said to Spiritual men?
13677What is Science but what the Natural World has said to natural men?
13677What is Truth?
13677What is the Spiritual Environment?
13677What is the creed of the Agnostic, but the confession of the spiritual numbness of humanity?
13677What is yet to emerge from this chrysalis- case?
13677What makes a man a good artist, a good sculptor, a good musician?
13677What makes a man a good man?
13677What soul will seek to remain self- luminous when it knows that"The Lord God is a Sun?"
13677What though its correspondences reach to the stars of heaven or grasp the magnitudes of Time and Space?
13677What though we sacrifice a hundred such correspondences?
13677What wonder if development be tardy in the Creature of Eternity?
13677When will it be seen that the characteristic of the Christian Religion is its Life, that a true theology must begin with a Biology?
13677When, how, are we to be different?
13677Where is the capacity for heaven to come from if it be not developed on earth?
13677Where, indeed, is even the smallest appreciation of God and heaven to come from when so little of spirituality has ever been known or manifested here?
13677Where, then, shall it be classed?
13677Who does not miss at every turn of his life an absent God?
13677Who does not miss, at every turn of his life, an absent God?
13677Who does not tremble often under that sicklier symptom of his incompleteness, his want of spiritual energy, his helplessness with sin?
13677Who does not tremble often under that sicklier symptom of his incompleteness, his want of spiritual energy, his helplessness with sin?
13677Who has not come to the conclusion that he is but a part, a fraction of some larger whole?
13677Who has not come to the conclusion that he is but a part, a fraction of some larger whole?
13677Why but that already in each man''s very nature this principle is supreme?
13677Why is it easy?
13677Why should man be an exception to any of the laws of nature?
13677Why this unscientific attempt to sustain life for weeks at a time without an Environment?
13677Why will men treat God as inorganic?
13677Wilt thou ever permit thyself TO BE conformed to the Image of the Son?
13677where the Reign of Mystery supersedes the Reign of Law?
17112Can any good come out of Nazareth?
17112Hast thou hope?
17112If you ask, what is the first step in the way of truth? 17112 If you ask, what is the second?
17112What is eternity?
17112What is wanting,said Napoleon one day to Madame Campan,"in order that the youth of France be well educated?"
17112A child''s eyes, those clear wells of undefiled thought-- what on earth can be more beautiful?
17112Alexander, CÃ ¦ sar, Charlemagne and I myself have founded empires; but upon what do these creations of our genius depend?
17112And dost thou serve God in newness of life and conversation?
17112And shall I prove ungrateful?
17112And why take ye thought for raiment?
17112Are all old things done away, and all things in thee become new?
17112Are friendship''s pleasures to be sold?
17112But what, it may be asked, are the requisites for a life of retirement?
17112Can gold remove the mortal hour?
17112Do you know what a man is?
17112Do you know what is more hard to bear than the reverses of fortune?
17112Do you think that any one can move the heart but He that made it?
17112Do you wish men to speak well of you?
17112Has not God borne with you these many years?
17112Hast thou a new heart and renewed affections?
17112Have you known how to compose your manners?
17112Have you known how to take repose?
17112How can there be pride in a contrite heart?
17112If not,--what hast thou to do with hopes of heaven?
17112If you ask me which is the real hereditary sin of human nature, do you imagine I shall answer pride or luxury or ambition or egotism?
17112If you ask, what is the third?
17112In life can love be bought with gold?
17112Indeed, who can estimate the interest of knowledge?
17112Is it not as the steps of degree in the Temple, whereby we descend to the knowledge of ourselves, and ascend to the knowledge of God?
17112Is it reasonable to take it ill, that anybody desires of us that which is their own?
17112Is it then saying too much if I say, that man by thinking only becomes truly man?
17112Is that necessary?
17112Is there a heart that music can not melt?
17112It must be so-- Plato, thou reasonest well-- Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire, This longing after immortality?
17112Love why do we one passion call, When''tis a compound of them all?
17112MORALITY.--In cases of doubtful morality, it is usual to say, Is there any harm in doing this?
17112Nay, who dare shine, if not in virtue''s cause?
17112O who would trust this world, or prize what''s in it, That gives and takes, and chops and changes, ev''ry minute?
17112Or whence this secret dread and inward horror Of falling into naught?
17112Ought a gentleman to be a loyal son, a true husband, an honest father?
17112RECONCILIATION.--Wherein is it possible for us, wicked and impious creatures, to be justified, except in the only Son of God?
17112SLANDER.--When will talkers refrain from evil- speaking?
17112Seest thou a man diligent in his business?
17112Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit?
17112There is no better rule to try a doctrine by than the question, Is it merciful, or is it unmerciful?
17112There is nothing like fun, is there?
17112This question may sometimes be best answered by asking ourselves another: Is there any harm in letting it alone?
17112To purchase Heaven has gold the power?
17112Too many have no idea of the subjection of their temper to the influence of religion, and yet what is changed, if the temper is not?
17112Unblest with sense above their peers refin''d, Who shall stand up, dictators to mankind?
17112What do people mean when they talk about unhappiness?
17112What does competency in the long run mean?
17112What gem hath dropp''d and sparkles o''er his chain?
17112What is beauty?
17112What is difficulty?
17112What is good- looking, as Horace Smith remarks, but looking good?
17112What is it to be a gentleman?
17112What is the Bible in your house?
17112What is the best government?
17112What is the grave?
17112What is there in the vale of life Half so delightful as a wife; When friendship, love and peace combine To stamp the marriage- bond divine?
17112What then shall the sowers of discord be called, but the children of the devil?
17112What''s a table richly spread, Without a woman at its head?
17112When our country is threatened by dangers and pressed by difficulties who are the best bulwarks of its defence?
17112Whence but from Heaven, could men unskill''d in arts, In several ages born, in several parts, Weave such agreeing truths?
17112Where is the man who has the power and skill To stem the torrent of a woman''s will?
17112Who hath woe?
17112Why are we so blind?
17112Why not make earnest effort to confer that pleasure on others?
17112Why shrinks the soul Back on herself, and startles at destruction?
17112Why will any man be so impertinently officious as to tell me all prospect of a future state is only fancy and delusion?
17112Would we attain mercy?
17112or how, or why Should all conspire to cheat us with a lie?
17112what would the world be to us, If the children were no more?
17112who hath babbling?
17112who hath contentions?
17112who hath redness of eyes?
17112who hath sorrow?
17112who hath wounds without cause?
16732_ Forever, Fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love; And, when we meet a mutual heart, Step rudely in, and bid us part? 16732 ***** I can not find it;''tis not in the bond? 16732 2. Who is here so base, that would be a bondman? 16732 A simple Child, That lightly draws its breath, And feels its life in every limb, What should it know of death? 16732 A wounded spirit who can bear? 16732 Am I my brother''s keeper? 16732 And dar''st thou then To beard the lion in his den? 16732 And what is so rare as a day in June? 16732 Are you good men and true? 16732 Art thou a friend to Roderick? 16732 But who can paint Like Nature? 16732 Ca n''t I another''s face commend, And to her virtues be a friend, But instantly your forehead lowers, As if_ her_ merit lessened_ yours_? 16732 Call you that backing of your friends? 16732 Can any mortal mixture of earth''s mould Breathe such divine, enchanting ravishment? 16732 Can imagination boast, Amid its gay creation, hues like hers? 16732 Can such things be, And overcome us like a summer''s cloud, Without our special wonder? 16732 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? 16732 Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? 16732 Die of a rose in aromatic pain? 16732 Dost thou think, because them art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale? 16732 Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire, This longing after immortality? 16732 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 16732 Go, poor devil, get thee gone; why should hurt thee? 16732 Hast any philosophy in thee, shepherd? 16732 Hast thou a charm to stay the morning star In his steep course? 16732 Hath thy toil O''er books consumed the midnight oil? 16732 He''s gone, and who knows how he may report Thy words, by adding fuel to the flame? 16732 Hear you this Triton of the minnows? 16732 Here lies what once was Matthew Prior; The son of Adam and of Eve: Can Bourbon or Nassau claim higher? 16732 How long halt ye between two opinions? 16732 I am a Jew: hath not a Jew eyes? 16732 If she be not so to me, What care I how faire she be? 16732 Inform us truly, have they not henpecked you all? 16732 Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? 16732 Is she not more than painting can express, Or youthful poets fancy when they love? 16732 Is she not passing fair? 16732 Is there no balm in Gilead? 16732 Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle towards my hand? 16732 Is this that gallant, gay Lothario? 16732 Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? 16732 Line 1. Who shall decide when doctors disagree? 16732 Line 308. Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel? 16732 Line 5. Who hath not owned, with rapture- smitten frame, The power of grace, the magic of a name? 16732 My galligaskins, that have long withstood The winter''s fury and encroaching frosts, By time subdued( what will not time subdue?) 16732 Not a word? 16732 O death, where is thy sting? 16732 O grave, where is thy victory? 16732 Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frosty Caucasus? 16732 Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare imagination of a feast? 16732 Or make pale my cheeks with care,''Cause another''s rosie are? 16732 Prithee, why so pale? 16732 Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn? 16732 Shall I, wasting in despair, Dye because a woman''s fair? 16732 Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days o''lang syne? 16732 Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to min''? 16732 Sits the wind in that corner? 16732 Some asked how Pearls did grow, and where? 16732 To be, or not to be? 16732 Under which king, Bezonian? 16732 Was I deceived, or did a sable cloud Turn forth her silver lining on the night? 16732 Was ever woman in this humor won? 16732 Was ever woman in this humor wooed? 16732 What art can wash her guilt away? 16732 What can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cowards? 16732 What constitutes a state? 16732 What peaceful hours I once enjoyed? 16732 What shall I do to be forever known, And make the age to come my own? 16732 What stronger breastplate than a heart untainted? 16732 What though the field be lost? 16732 What will Mrs. Grundy say? 16732 What''s Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba? 16732 What''s in a name? 16732 What, all my pretty chickens, and their dam, At one fell swoop? 16732 When Adam dolve, and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman? 16732 When lovely woman stoops to folly, And finds too late that men betray, What charm can soothe her melancholy? 16732 When shall we three meet again, In thunder, lightning, or in rain? 16732 When yet was ever found a mother Who''d give her booby for another? 16732 Whence and what art them, execrable shape? 16732 Whence is thy learning? 16732 Where be your gibes now? 16732 Whose heart hath ne''er within him burned, As home his footsteps he hath turned Prom wandering on a foreign strand? 16732 Why should a man, whose blood is warm within, Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster? 16732 Why so pale and wan, fond lover, Prithee, why so pale? 16732 Why, so can I, or so can any man: But will they come when you do call for them? 16732 Will, when looking well ca n''t move her, Looking ill prevail? 16732 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? 16732 can a Roman Senate long debate Which of the two to choose, slavery or death? 16732 can it be That this is all remains of thee? 16732 hast thou wandered there, To waft us home the message of despair? 16732 hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? 16732 is there no physician there? 16732 know ye not, Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow? 16732 my Friend, and clear your looks; Why all this toil and trouble? 16732 once more who would not be a boy? 16732 what power divine Shall henceforth wash the river Rhine? 16732 where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face? 16732 wherefore art thou Romeo? 16732 who can tell how hard it is to climb The steep where Fame''s proud temple shines afar? 16732 will the line stretch out to the crack of doom? 16732 wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice? 16732 your flashes of merriment, that were wo nt to set the table on a roar? 16732 your gambols? 16732 your songs? 4904 Am I thy master, or thou mine? 4904 And life said, Do it, and death said, To what end? 4904 And never did a stroke of work in my life Are we practical?'' 4904 But great, powerful London-- the new universe to her spirit Can a man go farther than his nature? 4904 Do I serve my hand? 4904 Emilia alone of the party was as a blot to her Fine Shades were still too dominant at Brookfield Had Shakespeare''s grandmother three Christian names? 4904 How little we mean to do harm when we do an injury How to compromise the matter for the sake of peace? 4904 Humour preserved her from excesses of sentiment I can confess my sight to be imperfect: but will you ever do so? 4904 I can confess my sight to be imperfect: but will you ever do so? 4904 If only been intellectually a little flexible in his morality If we are robbed, we ask, How came we by the goods? 4904 If there''s no doubt about it, how is it I have a doubt about it? 4904 If we are robbed, we ask, How came we by the goods? 4904 If you kneel down, who will decline to put a foot on you? 4904 Intellectual contempt of easy dupes Invite indecision to exhaust their scruples Is not one month of brightness as much as we can ask for? 4904 Intimations of cowardice menacing a paralysis of the will Irony instead of eloquence Is it any waste of time to write of love? 4904 Is he jealous? 4904 Is he jealous? 4904 Is it any waste of time to write of love? 4904 Not now?--does it mean, not now? 4904 Not now?--does it mean, not now? 4904 Not now?--does it mean, not now? 4904 They move on noiselessly Would he see what he aims at? 4904 We has long overshadowedI"What a man hates in adversity is to see''faces''What else is so consolatory to a ruined man?
4904What''s an eccentric?
4904When we despair or discolour things, it is our senses in revolt Who can really think, and not think hopefully?
4904Who beguiles so much as Self?
4904Who can really think, and not think hopefully?
4904Who shuns true friends flies fortune in the concrete Would he see what he aims at?
4904Who so intoxicated as the convalescent catching at health?
4904Who so intoxicated as the convalescent catching at health?
4904Who so intoxicated as the convalescent catching at health?
4904beastly bathos On a wild April morning Once my love?
4904beastly bathos On a wild April morning Once my love?
4904not a small matter to any of us What a man hates in adversity is to see''faces''What else is so consolatory to a ruined man?
4904not a small matter to any of us What he did, she took among other inevitable matters What''s an eccentric?
4904of what avail is human effort?
4904of what avail is human effort?
4904of what avail is human effort?
4904or, Do I serve my heart?
4904or, Do I serve my heart?
4904or, Do I serve my heart?
4904what have I done?
4904what have I done?
4904what have I done?
4904you did it in cold blood?
4904you did it in cold blood?
4904you did it in cold blood?
8489''What would''st thou with me?'' 8489 ''What would''st thou with me?''
8489How so?
8489Signor, are you then a Christian?
8489What next, Michael?
8489Why so?
8489Why, what?
8489''Did not you take dates out of your portmanteau, and, as you ate them, did not you throw the shells about on both sides?''
8489***** A person said to me lately,"But you will, for civility''s sake,_ call_ them_ Catholics_, will you not?"
8489***** Can a politician, a statesman, slight the feelings and the convictions of the whole matronage of his country?
8489***** Can dialogues in verse be defended?
8489***** Could you ever discover any thing sublime, in our sense of the term, in the classic Greek literature?
8489***** How did the Atheist get his idea of that God whom he denies?
8489***** Must not the ministerial plan for the West Indies lead necessarily to a change of property, either by force or dereliction?
8489***** Was there ever such a miserable scene as that of the exhibition of the Austrian standards in the French house of peers the other day?
8489--"Not that I know, my lord,"I replied;"what have I done which argues any derangement of mind?"
8489--''Did not you sit down when you came hither?''
8489A lady once asked me--"What then could be the intention in creating so many great bodies, so apparently useless to us?"
8489And can such a feeling be without its effect on the estimation of the wedded life in general?
8489And how could a_ man_ be a mediator between God and man?
8489And shall man alone stoop?
8489And she loved you too?
8489And then what does this Samuel do?
8489And what next?
8489Are all my tears lost, all my righteous prayers Drown''d in thy drunken wrath?
8489Are domestic charities on the increase amongst families under this system?
8489Are you not damned eternally?"
8489Are you, indeed?
8489As for the House of Lords, what is the use of ever so much fiery spirit, if there be no principle to guide and to sanctify it?
8489At last I was so provoked, that I said to him,"Pray, why ca n''t you say''old clothes''in a plain way as I do now?"
8489Ay, thou unreverend boy, Sir Robert''s son: why scorn''st thou at Sir Robert?
8489Belike you found some rival in your love, then?
8489Besides, can we altogether disregard the practice of the modern Greeks?
8489Bowyer asked me why I had made myself such a fool?
8489But are you sure that they are dead?
8489But how can it be shown that the principles applicable to an interchange of conveniences or luxuries apply also to an interchange of necessaries?
8489But tell me, Signor, what_ are_ the differences?"
8489But your subtle fluid is pure gratuitous assumption; and for what use?
8489But,_ what_ happiness?
8489By the by, do you know any parallel in modern history to the absurdity of our giving a legislative assembly to the Sicilians?
8489By the by, what do you mean by exclusively assuming the title of Unitarians?
8489Can any thing beat his remark on King William''s motto,--_Recepit, non rapuit_,--"that the receiver was as bad as the thief?"
8489Can there ever be any thorough national fusion of the Northern and Southern states?
8489Children are excluded from all political power; are they not human beings in whom the faculty of reason resides?
8489Colbrand the giant, that same mighty man?
8489Do n''t you see that each is in all, and all in each?
8489Does such a combination often really exist in rerum naturae?
8489First, however, what does O. P. Q. mean by the word_ happiness_?
8489First, where will you begin your collection of facts?
8489For, has any thing happened that has happened, from any other causes, or under any other conditions, than such as I laid down Beforehand?"
8489G."And why not, Signor?"
8489G."But do you not worship Jesus, who sits on the right hand of God?"
8489G."I''m thinking, Signor, what is the difference between you and us, that you are to be certainly damned?"
8489G."Then why not worship the Virgin, who sits on the left?"
8489He will not, can not study; of what avail had all his study been to him?
8489How can creatures susceptible of pleasure and pain do otherwise than desire happiness?
8489How can there be a sinful carcass?
8489How could a poet-- and such a poet as Dante-- have written the details of the allegory as conjectured by Rosetti?
8489How could he be tempted, if he had no formal capacity of being seduced?
8489How far are we to go?
8489How should it be otherwise?
8489I see no reformer who asks himself the question,_ What_ is it that I propose to myself to effect in the result?
8489If a man''s conduct can not be ascribed to the angelic, nor to the bestial within him, what is there left for us to refer to it, but the fiendish?
8489If you take from Virgil his diction and metre, what do you leave him?
8489In what respect were the Jews more sinful in delivering Jesus up,_ because_ Pilate could do nothing except by God''s leave?
8489Is Holland any authority to the contrary?
8489Is it Sir Robert''s son that you seek so?
8489Is it not just to kill him that has killed another?''
8489Is it not unnatural to be always connecting very great intellectual power with utter depravity?
8489Is not its real price enhanced to every Christian and patriot a hundred- fold?
8489Is not"Romeo and Juliet"a love play?
8489Is reason, then, an affair of sex?
8489Is that forehead, that nose, those temples and that chin, akin to the monkey tribe?
8489Is the House of Commons to be re- constructed on the principle of a representation of interests, or of a delegation of men?
8489Is the case much altered now, do you know?
8489Is there, then, no knowledge by which these pleasures can be commanded?
8489James Gurney, wilt thou give us leave a while?
8489LADY F. Where is that slave, thy brother?
8489Must it be another threat of foreign invasion?
8489My brother Robert?
8489Now, what would he not have done if he had lived now, and could have availed himself of all our vast acquisitions in physical science?"
8489Now, would such prohibitions have been fabricated in those kings''reigns, or afterwards?
8489Of what complexion was she?
8489Old Sir Robert''s son?
8489Quale est?_ and_ Quid est?_ the last bringing you to the most material of all points, its individual being.
8489Quale est?_ and_ Quid est?_ the last bringing you to the most material of all points, its individual being.
8489Shall we give less credence to John and Paul themselves?
8489That holds in chase mine honour up and down?
8489The cavern?
8489The last are likest to their original, but what pleasure do they give?
8489Then, again, if a popular tumult were to take place in Poland, who can doubt that the Jews would be the first objects of murder and spoliation?
8489They''ll hang the faster on for death''s convulsion.-- Thou seed of rocks, will nothing move thee, then?
8489Think of the sublimity, I should rather say the profundity, of that passage in Ezekiel,[ 2]"Son of man, can these bones live?
8489Think of upwards of 160 members voting away two millions and a half of tax on Friday[1], at the bidding of whom, shall I say?
8489Thou calledst him?
8489Thus shall our healths do others good, Whilst we ourselves do all we would; For, freed from envy and from care, What would we be but what we are?
8489Was I so mad to bid light torches now?
8489Was there ever a greater misnomer?
8489Was there ever such an absolute disregard of literary fame as that displayed by Shakspeare, and Beaumont and Fletcher?
8489We had ridiculed their_ quiddities_, and why?
8489Were your bloods equal?
8489What blasphemy, I should like to know, unless the assuming to be the"Son of God"was assuming to be of the_ divine nature_?
8489What brings you here to court so hastily?
8489What can an English minister abroad really want but an honest and bold heart, a love for his country and the ten commandments?
8489What classes should we admit?
8489What could he have been but a sort of virtuous Sesostris or Buonaparte?
8489What could redintegrate us again?
8489What evil results now to this country, taken at large, from the actual existence of the National Debt?
8489What further need have we of witnesses?
8489What have_ we_ to do with him?
8489What in the eye of an intellectual and omnipotent Being is the whole sidereal system to the soul of one man for whom Christ died?
8489What is it that Mr. Landor wants, to make him a poet?
8489What is the spirit which seems to move and unsettle every other man in England and on the Continent at this time?
8489What make you with your torches in the dark?
8489What moral object was there, for which such a Messiah should come?
8489What saidst thou?
8489What would you think of a law which should tax every person in Devonshire for the pecuniary benefit of every person in Yorkshire?
8489What, and yours too?
8489Where are our statesmen to meet this emergency?
8489Where must we stop?
8489Who can read with pleasure more than a hundred lines or so of Hudibras at one time?
8489Who could always follow to the turning- point his long arrow- flights of thought?
8489Who could fix those ejaculations of light, those tones of a prophet, which at times have made me bend before him as before an inspired man?
8489Who has not a thousand times seen snow fall on water?
8489Who is mad now?"
8489Who would dream, indeed, of comparing Wesley with a Cuvier, Hufeland, Blumenbach, Eschenmeyer, Reil,& c.?
8489Who would listen to the county of Bedford, if it were to declare itself disannexed from the British empire, and to set up for itself?
8489Whom must we disfranchise?
8489Why are not Donne''s volumes of sermons reprinted at Oxford?
8489Why do we expect the Jews to abandon their national customs and distinctions?
8489Why need we talk of a fiery hell?
8489Why not use common language?
8489Why not_ shillinged, farthinged, tenpenced,_& c.?
8489Why should not the old form_ agen_ be lawful in verse?
8489Why should we not wish to see it realized?
8489Would he not have said,"You need not make a difficulty; I only mean so and so?"
8489Would it not be silly to call the Argonauts pirates in our sense of the word?
8489Would not a total silence of this great apostle and evangelist upon this mystery be strange?
8489Would you put England on a footing with a country, which can be overrun in a campaign, and starved in a year?
8489[ 1] Did the name of criticism ever descend so low as in the hands of those two fools and knaves, Seward and Simpson?
8489[ 1] His Liberty of Prophesying is a work of wonderful eloquence and skill; but if we believe the argument, what do we come to?
8489[ 1] I have a mind to try how it would bear translation; but what metre have we to answer in feeling to the elegiac couplet of the Greeks?
8489[ Footnote 1: I know not when or where; but are not all the writings of this exquisite genius the effusions of one whose spirit lived in past time?
8489[ Footnote 3:"But who is this, what thing of sea or land?
8489and, secondly, how does he propose to make other persons agree in_ his_ definition of the term?
8489are all Englishmen Christians?"
8489are you not Turks?
8489dost thou mock us, slave?
8489he is holding his nose at thee at that distance; dost thou think that I, sitting here, can endure it any longer?"
8489it is my mother:--How now, good lady?
8489my good lord, of what crime can I be guilty towards you that you should take away my life?''
8489said Ball,"what can you mean, Sir?"
8489says the merchant,''how should I kill your son?
8489was it not so?
8489where is he?
8489where will you end it?
8489why dost thou wonder at it?
8489you believe in Christ then?"
41705How much is that in yards or feet?
41705If we say so of the Sicilians, why may not Buonaparte say this of the Swiss?
41705Is not that a nice one?
41705The Beggar''s Petitionis a fair instance, and what if I dared to add Gray''s"Elegy in a Country Churchyard"?
41705What do you mean, my love?
41705A.D. 1806[?
41705And all the thoughts, pains, joys of mortal breath, A war- embrace of wrestling life and death?
41705And for what reason, say, rather, for what cause, do you believe immortality?
41705And if the latter be fit objects of a final cause, why not the former?
41705And is not man a being capable of Beauty even as of Hunger and Thirst?
41705And now where is it?
41705And though it may receive the assent of the people of"the squares and places,"yet what does that do, if it be the ridicule of all other classes?
41705And what are these?
41705And what if joy pass quick away?
41705And what is a moment?
41705And what is the height and ideal of mere association?
41705And what then?
41705And whence arises the pleasure from musing on the latter?
41705And wherefore?
41705And who are the friends of the People?
41705And why is difference linked with hatred?
41705And why is this?
41705And yet scarcely more than that other moment of fifty or sixty years, were that our all?
41705Are not the words precisely appropriate, so that you can not change them without changing the force and meaning?
41705Are they not pure English?
41705Are they the poor and despised, the unalphabeted in worldly learning?
41705Besides, when are the rebukes, the chastisements to commence?
41705But IT?
41705But Sweden, Norway, Germany, the Tyrol?
41705But are they not even now intelligible to man, woman, and child?
41705But how far is this state produced by pain and denaturalisation?
41705But the implements with which we reap, how are they gained?
41705But the question of the source of the remark is, to whom?
41705But what can I say, when I have declared my abhorrence of the_ Edinburgh Review_?
41705But what is love?
41705But who are the swine?
41705But why?
41705Can he be an adequate, can he be a good critic, though not commensurate[ with the poet criticised]?
41705Compare this with the Law of Conscience-- Is it not its specific character to be immediate, positive, unalterable?
41705Did I not particularly notice the_ un_likeness on my first arrival at Malta?
41705Do not the bad passions in dreams throw light and show of proof upon this hypothesis?
41705Does not everyone do this in looking at any conspicuous three stars together?
41705Does the understanding say nothing in favour of immortality?
41705Even that is less absurd than the conceit of deducing the Divine being?
41705Every man asks_ how_?
41705Final causes answer to why?
41705For what is forgetfulness?
41705Grant all this-- that_ they_ will_ out_grow these particular actions, yet with what HABITS of_ feeling_ will they arrive at youth and manhood?
41705Had I forgot the caterpillar?
41705Has the bird hope?
41705Have you never seen a stick broken in the middle, and yet cohering by the rind?
41705His pains and sorrows[ what are they but] the fertilising rain?
41705How continued but by a_ causative power_ in the soul?
41705How indeed is it possible at once to_ love_ Pascal and Voltaire?
41705How many hostile tenets has it enabled me to contemplate as fragments of truth, false only by negation and mutual exclusion?
41705How shall we think of this compatibly with the monad soul?
41705How was this?
41705I ask, to what do they belong in my waking remembrance?
41705I could not find it, it was not on the table-- had it dropped on the ground?
41705I fear I can make nothing out of it; but why do I always hurry away from any interesting thought to do something uninteresting?
41705I never, except as a forced courtesy of conversation, ask in a stage- coach, Whose house is that?
41705I quoted your own exposition, and dare you with these opinions charge others with superstition?
41705I searched and searched everywhere, my pockets, my fobs, impossible places-- literally it had vanished, and where was it?
41705I turned to Greenough and"Who broke his bottle?"
41705If my researches are shadowy, what, in the name of reason, are you?
41705In the first place, here is a prodigality of beauty; and what harm do they do by existing?
41705Is it a cowardice of all deep feeling, even though pleasurable?
41705Is it connected with my epistolary embarrassments?
41705Is it in_ excess_ when on first_ dropping_ asleep we_ fall_ down precipices, or sink down, all things sinking beneath us, or drop down?
41705Is it love of liberty, of spontaneity or what?
41705Is it not a strange system which sets prudence against prudence?
41705Is it not strictly analogous to generation, and no more contrary to unity than it?
41705Is not a real_ event_ in the body well represented by this phrase?
41705Is not the reproduction of the lizard a complete generation?
41705Is not the very nature of superstition in general, as being utterly sensuous,_ cold_ except where it is_ sensual_?
41705Is there no other edition?
41705Is there, then, disproportion here?
41705Is this a guide, or primary guide, that for ever requires a guide against itself?
41705Is this the metaphysic that bad spirits in hell delight in?
41705Is very life by consciousness unbounded?
41705Is''t then a mystery so great, what God and the man, and the world is?
41705Love as it may subsist between two persons of different senses?
41705May not many common but false conclusions originate in the neglect of this distinction-- in the confounding of objective and subjective logic?
41705May there not be gunpowder as well as corn set before it, and the latter will not thrive, but become cinders?
41705Must she not be, as is thy placid sphere, Serenely brilliant?
41705O are they the songs of a happy, enduring day- dream?
41705O that it were the_ prudential_ soul of all I love, of all who deserve to be loved, in every proposed action to ask yourself, To what end is this?
41705O ye strange locks of intricate simplicity, who shall find the key?
41705On her return, being asked"Well, what do you think?"
41705Or have ye lim''d your wings with honey- dew?
41705Quid si vivat?
41705S. T. C. and De Quincey?]
41705Shall it be in the attractive powers of the different surfaces of the earth?
41705So Homer''s Juno, Minerva, etc., are read with delight-- but Blackmore?
41705So should I feel sorrow, if Allston''s mother, whom I have never seen, were to die?
41705Succession with interspace?
41705That deep intuition of our_ one_ness, is it not at the bottom of many of our faults as well as virtues?
41705The fibres, half of them actually broken and the rest sprained and, though tough, unsustaining?
41705The whole of religion seems to me to rest on and in the question: The One and The Good-- are these words or realities?
41705There are, I see, weighty arguments on the other side, but are they not to be got over?
41705These varying and infinite co- present colours, what are they?
41705This, if true, may be a subtlety, but is it necessarily a trifle?
41705This-- and what more than this?
41705Those whispers just as you have fallen asleep-- what are they, and whence?
41705To extinguish the light of love and of conscience, to put out the life of arbitrement, to make myself and others_ worthless, soulless, Godless_?
41705To perplex our clearest notions and living moral instincts?
41705Was he not dragged into it?
41705Was it the action of the rays of my face upon my eyes?
41705Were one a Catholic, what a sublime oration might one not make of it?
41705What an unintelligible, affrightful riddle, what a chaos of limbs and trunk, tailless, headless, nothing begun and nothing ended, would it not be?
41705What else can there be?--for the substantial mind, for the_ I_, what else can there be?
41705What if our existence was but that moment?
41705What if the natural life have two possible terminations-- true Being and the falling back into the dark Will?
41705What if they break?
41705What if, in certain cases, touch acted by itself, co- present with vision, yet not coalescing?
41705What is music?
41705What is the beginning?
41705What is the difference between a thermometer and a barometer?"
41705What is the first and divinest strain of music?
41705What is the practical result?
41705What is the solution?
41705What is the solution?
41705What is the universal of man in all, but especially in savage states?
41705What now?
41705What say I more than this?
41705What seest thou yonder?
41705What then are they guilty of who uncover the dormitories of the departed, and throw their souls into hell, in order to cast odium on a living truth?
41705What then?
41705What vanity, what self- conceit?
41705What worse?
41705What, I say, is the clear dictate of prudence in the matter of friendship?
41705What, then, is it?
41705What, then, is sympathy if the feelings be not disclosed?
41705What_ can_ he do?
41705Where shall I find an image for this sublime symbol which, ever involving the presence of Deity, yet tends towards it ever?
41705Which of the two notions is most like the philosopher, which the superstitionist?
41705Who ever felt a single sensation?
41705Who has not seen a rose, or sprig of jasmine or myrtle?
41705Who would have said this even fifty years ago?
41705Why did I neglect it?
41705Why not verboil, zerboil; verrend, zerrend?
41705Why this endless looking out of thyself?
41705Why were not_ all_ Gods?
41705Why, then, not acknowledge your obligations step by step?
41705Why, to be sure, it is called a religion, but the question is, Is it a religion?
41705Will it be the reverse with Great Britain and America?
41705Would it act?
41705Would not the incident be in equal keeping with that of the child, as well as the image and tone of romantic uncommonness?
41705Yet did we not_ despair wrongfully_ of the people?
41705[ Compare the three last lines of"What is Life?"
41705[ Sidenote: A BLISS TO BE ALIVE] Zephyrs that captive roam among these boughs, Strive ye in vain to thread the leafy maze?
41705[ Sidenote: August, 1811] Why do you make a book?
41705[ Sidenote: CONSCIENCE AND IMMORTALITY] From what reasons do I believe in_ continuous_ and ever- continuable consciousness?
41705[ Sidenote: COROLLARY] Between beasts and men, when the same actions are performed by both, are the means analogous or different only in degree?
41705[ Sidenote: July 20, 1800] Poor fellow at a distance-- idle?
41705[ Sidenote: THE AIM OF HIS METAPHYSIC] What is it that I employ my metaphysics on?
41705[ Sidenote: THE IDEA OF GOD] Did you deduce your own being?
41705[ Sidenote: THE INTOLERANCE OF CONVERTS] Why do we so very, very often see men pass from one extreme to the other?
41705[ Sidenote: VAIN GLORY] Lord of light and fire?
41705[ So the MS.] If I played the hypocrite to myself, can I blame my fate that he has, at length, played the deceiver to me?
41705[ What is this but] to fix morals without morality, and[ to allow] general rules to supersede all particular thought?
41705[ untranslatable]--the pretended sight- sensation, is it anything more than the light- point in every picture either of nature or of a good painter?
41705_ Homines sumus et nihil humani a nobis alienum._ But does it follow, therefore, that in_ all_ schools these plans of teaching should be followed?
41705_ Horace_.--What other word have we?
41705and how is this the means?
41705and not the means to something else foreign to or abhorrent from my purpose?
41705and what are they in nature?
41705and what then?
41705and who cared?
41705and who ever supposed that they did?
41705and, again, subordinately, in every component part of the picture?
41705can not we condemn a counterfeit and yet remain admirers of the original?
41705does not every one see by the inner vision, a triangle?
41705each attraction the vicegerent and representative of the central attraction, and yet being no other than that attraction itself?
41705etc., as if you[ were talking to] Wordsworth or Sir G. Beaumont?
41705how long he talks,"and they never ask themselves, Did this man force himself into your company?
41705in this hay- time when wages are so high?
41705no cheap German?
41705not to how?
41705or are both reasons the same?
41705or do you resign all pretence to reason, and consider yourself-- nay, even that in a contradiction-- as a passive[ cir] among Nothings?
41705or does it abandon itself to the joy of its frame, a living harp of Eolus?
41705or if not, are they consistent, and capable of being co- or sub- ordinated?
41705or is every animal a republic_ in se_?
41705or is it laziness?
41705or is it something less obvious than either?
41705or is there one Breeze of Life,"at once the soul of each, and God of all?"
41705or waste?
41705quam miserum_, 177 Indian fig and death of an immortal, 177 Kings, what kind of gods?
41705that is, did my eyes see my face, and from the sidelong and faint action of the rays place the image in that situation?
41705the dislike that a bad man should have any virtues, a good man any faults?
41705what the end?
41705where is it?
41705why this endless rage for novelty?
41705why, in short, did not the Almighty create an absolutely infinite number of Almighties?
41705would Ray or Durham have spoken of God as you spoke of Nature?
38106And you deserted them?
38106Did you believe that rib story?
38106Did you belong to any church?
38106Did you ever run off with any of the money?
38106Did you have a wife and children of your own?
38106Did you take anything else along with you?
38106Do you belong to any church?
38106Do you think anybody is ever prejudiced in their sleep?
38106Have you heard of them since?
38106How much did you run off with?
38106Well, did you believe that rib story?
38106What is Infidelity?
38106What is your business?
38106What kind of a bank did you have?
38106What rib story? 38106 What?"
38106You believed it, did you?
38106''Well,''said I,''What would you advise me to do under similar circumstances?''
38106( 1776?)
38106372. Who is the Blasphemer?
38106399. Who is the True Nobleman?
38106443. Who Designed the Designer?
3810695. Who Shall Rule the Country?
38106A Little Too Late Is it not a little late in the day to object to people because they sacrifice meat and other eatables to their god?
38106After all, is it not possible to live honest and courageous lives without believing these fables?
38106And suppose that he also knew that only by betraying Christ could he save either himself or others; what ought Judas to have done?
38106And why did they do this?
38106Are all the investigators in perdition?
38106Are the Christian nations patterns of charity and forbearance?
38106Are you not glad that our flag is covered all over with financial honors?
38106Are you not glad?
38106Are you willing to rely upon an argument that justifies the treachery of that wretch?
38106Believe, or Beware And what does a trial for heresy mean?
38106But how do we know that the disciples of Christ wrote a word of the gospels?
38106But where is the legislation?
38106But where is the new Eden?
38106By what right does a man, or an organization of men, or a god, claim to hold a brain in bondage?
38106Can God be Improved?
38106Can God, then, through the Bible, make the same revelation to two men?
38106Can I assist Him?
38106Can a Sane Man Believe in Inspiration?
38106Can it be possible that any punishment can endure forever?
38106Can it be pretended that the witnesses could not have been mistaken about the relation the Holy Ghost is alleged to have sustained to Jesus Christ?
38106Can the conduct of infinite wisdom, power and love ever change?
38106Can there ever be any progress in this world to amount to anything until we have liberty?
38106Can we believe that God made lashes upon the naked back, a legal tender for labor performed?
38106Can we believe that the inspired writer had any idea of the size of the sun?
38106Can we believe that the real God, if there is one, ever ordered a man to be killed simply for making hair oil, or ointment?
38106Creation the Decomposition of the Infinite Admitting that a god did create the universe, the question then arises, of what did he create it?
38106Did Franklin and Jefferson Die in Fear?
38106Did God destroy the memory of mankind at that time, and if so, how?
38106Did all the ministers of Scotland add as much to the sum of human knowledge as David Hume?
38106Did all the priests of France do as great a work for the civilization of the world as Diderot and Voltaire?
38106Did all the priests of Rome increase the mental wealth of man as much as Bruno?
38106Did he know of the one hundred and four planets belonging to our solar system, all children of the sun?
38106Did he know that the volume of the Earth is less than one- millionth of that of the sun?
38106Did it ever occur to them that a cancer is as beautiful in its development as is the reddest rose?
38106Did the writers of the four gospels have"the sensible and true avouch of their own eyes and ears"in that behalf?
38106Did they wish to save his life?
38106Do the angels all discuss questions on the same side?
38106Do they benefit mankind?
38106Do you know I dislike this man?
38106Do you know that there is only a little zig- zag strip around the world within which have been produced all men of genius?
38106Do you mean that Adam and Eve business?
38106Do you then believe that the Bible is a different book to every human being that receives it?
38106Does God Uphold Slavery?
38106Does He believe in some being superior to himself?
38106Does Mr. Black pretend that such statements would be admitted as evidence in any court?
38106Does the Bible teach man to enslave his brother?
38106For more than a thousand years the Church had, to a great extent, the control of the civilized world, and what has been the result?
38106For what purpose do you get up?
38106From Whence Come Wars?
38106Give the Devil His Due If the account given in Genesis is really true, ought we not, after all, to thank this serpent?
38106Had I not better say so?
38106Has the promise and hope of forgiveness ever prevented the commission of a sin?
38106Has there been found upon the records of the savage world anything more perfectly fiendish than this commandment of Jehovah?
38106How Did Water run up Hill?
38106How can I assist God?
38106How could language be confounded?
38106How did it happen that Christ wrote nothing?
38106How did the animals get back to their respective countries?
38106How did these waters happen to run up hill?
38106How did they get there?
38106How did they know the way to go?
38106How do we know that the writers of the gospels"were men of unimpeachable character?"
38106How long will they grovel in the dust before the ignorant legends of the barbaric past?
38106How long, O how long will mankind worship a book?
38106How long, O how long will they pursue phantoms in a darkness deeper than death?
38106How much are they worth?
38106How much is a ton of iron worth in the ground?
38106How was it Done?
38106How was it possible for any one of the four Evangelists to know that Christ was the Son of God, or that he was God?
38106How were some portions of the ark heated for animals from the tropics, and others kept cool for the polar bears?
38106How were the animals watered?
38106How would you go to work to prove that the devil entered into a drove of swine?
38106I appeal to every laboring man, and I ask him,"Is there another country on this globe where you can have your equal rights with others?"
38106I asked:"What are they?"
38106I have read this book, and what shall I say of it?
38106I wrote the article that appeared in the August number, and by me it was entitled"Is All of the Bible Inspired?"
38106If I rob Mr. Smith, and God forgive me, how does that help Smith?
38106If it does, is it not blasphemous to say that it is inspired of God?
38106If the Bible is Not Verbally Inspired, What Then?
38106If the government can make money, what on earth does it collect taxes for you and me for?
38106If the words are not inspired, what is?
38106If this doctrine be true, how can God be just or virtuous?
38106In mercy?
38106In order that they may be prepared to investigate the phenomena by which we are surrounded?
38106In the eyes of intelligent men of Greece and Rome, were all deeds, whether good or evil, morally alike?
38106Infinite Impudence of the Church Who can imagine the infinite impudence of a Church assuming to think for the human race?
38106Is a god who will burn a soul forever in another world, better than a christian who burns the body for a few hours in this?
38106Is all that Succeeds Inspired?
38106Is he in want?
38106Is it Possible?
38106Is it necessary to believe in the existence of an infinite intelligence before you can have any standard of right and wrong?
38106Is it nothing to civilize mankind?
38106Is it nothing to dignify man and exalt the intellect?
38106Is it nothing to fill the world with light, with discovery, with science?
38106Is it nothing to free the mind?
38106Is it nothing to make men wipe the dust from their swollen knees, the tears from their blanched and furrowed cheeks?
38106Is it nothing to relieve the heavens of an insatiate monster, and write upon the eternal dome, glittering with stars, the grand word-- Liberty?
38106Is it possible that God would make a successful rival?
38106Is it possible that a being can not be just or virtuous unless he believes in some being infinitely superior to himself?
38106Is it possible that a designer exists from all eternity without design?
38106Is it possible that a few Chinese can bring"our holy religion"into disgust and contempt?
38106Is it possible that an infinite God created this world simply to be the dwelling- place of slaves and serfs?
38106Is it possible that only those who believe in the God who persecuted for opinion''s sake have any standard of right and wrong?
38106Is it possible the devil was such an idiot?
38106Is the infinite capable of any improvement whatever?
38106Is there a Democrat now who wishes we had taken the advice of Bayard to scale the bonds?
38106Is there a Greenbacker here who is not glad we did n''t do it?
38106Is there an American, a Democrat here, who is not glad we escaped the stench and shame of repudiation, and did not take Democratic advice?
38106Is there any such thing as Methodist mathematics, Presbyterian botany, Catholic astronomy or Baptist biology?
38106Is there no intellectual liberty in heaven?
38106Is there no possibility of delusion about a circumstance of that kind?
38106Is there, in the civilized world, to- day, a clergyman who believes in the divinity of slavery?
38106It takes no more ink and no more paper-- why not make$ 1000 bills?
38106Let another read him who knows nothing of the drama, who knows nothing of the impersonation of passion; what does he get from him?
38106Money by Work How do you get your money?
38106Mr. Greenbacker, suppose the government issued$ 1,000,000,000 to- morrow, how would you get any of it?
38106Must We Believe Fables to be Good and True?
38106Must one be versed in Latin before he is entitled to express his opinion as to the genuineness of a pretended revelation from God?
38106Must we believe that God called some of his children the money of others?
38106Must we regard the auction block as an altar?
38106Must we, in order to be good, gentle and loving in our lives, believe that the creation of woman was a second thought?
38106Of what use are all the improvements in farming?
38106Of what use is all the improved machinery unless it tends to give the farmer a little more leisure?
38106On which of the six days was he created?
38106Paring Nails Why should we in this age of the world be dominated by the dead?
38106Questions About the Ark How was the ark kept clean?
38106Religion and Facts What has religion to do with facts?
38106Says he,"Do n''t you think he could put in another day to advantage right around here?"
38106Seven long years of war-- fighting for what?
38106Shakespeare''s Plays v. Sermons What would the church people think if the theatrical people should attempt to suppress the churches?
38106Shall the men that said, This is not a nation, have charge of the nation?
38106Shall the men who saved the old flag hold it?
38106Shall the men who saved the ship of state sail it?
38106Shall the people that saved this country rule it?
38106Shall we pay our debts?
38106Should any great credit be given to this deity for not being caught with such chaff?
38106Some tell me that it is the desire of God that I should worship Him?
38106Standing here amid the sacred memories of the first, on the golden threshold of the second, I ask, Will the second century be as good as the first?
38106That I should sacrifice something to Him?
38106That Jehovah really endeavored to induce Adam to take one of the lower animals as an helpmeet for him?
38106That what they are pleased to call the adaptation of means to ends, is as apparent in the cancer as in the April rain?
38106The Bible a Poor Product Admitting that the Bible is the Book of God, is that his only good job?
38106The Devil and the Swine How are you going to prove a miracle?
38106The Old Idea What was the old idea?
38106The South and the Tariff Where did this doctrine of a tariff for revenue only come from?
38106The World in Debt to Infidels What would the world be if infidels had never been?
38106The question is, Shall the men who endeavored to destroy this country rule it?
38106Then who shall say what shall be done with what is produced except the producer?
38106There is still another question:"Will all the wounds of the war be healed?"
38106There they were of every sort, and color, and kind, and how was it that they came together?
38106They said:"We saved the nation''s life, and what is life without honor?"
38106To feed the cattle?
38106Was it under these pontiffs that the"church penetrated the moral darkness like a new sun,"and covered the globe with institutions of mercy?
38106Was the Devil an Idiot?
38106Was the slave- pen a temple?
38106Was there no design in having an infinite designer?
38106We are the greatest and wisest and most virtuous of mankind?
38106We are told that God made man; and the question naturally arises, how was this done?
38106We care nothing for the rich, except what will they do with their money?
38106We know how it was ventilated; but what was done with the filth?
38106Well, if it is, what''s the use of wasting it making one dollar bills?
38106Were blood hounds, apostles?
38106Were the greatest men of all antiquity without this standard?
38106Were the stealers and whippers of babes and women the justified children of God?
38106What Were We Fighting For?
38106What did Moses know about the Sun?
38106What do I get out of him?
38106What else were they fighting for?
38106What else were they fighting for?
38106What for?
38106What for?
38106What for?
38106What harm would it do to have an opera here tonight?
38106What has any form of superstition or religion to do with a fact or with any science?
38106What if Death Does End All?
38106What is Christianity?
38106What is Conscience?
38106What is conscience?
38106What is harvesting now, compared with what it was in the old time?
38106What is the talk?
38106What kind of a man were you?"
38106What kind of a man were you?"
38106What man who ever thinks, can believe that blood can appease God?
38106What right has he to assassinate the joy of life?
38106What right has he to murder the sunshine of the day?
38106What shall these men do?
38106What wrong would there be to see one of those grand plays on Sunday?
38106When the man is called up by the recording secretary, or whoever does the cross- examining, he says to his soul:"Where are you from?"
38106When you rise at four and work till dark what is life worth?
38106Whence Came the Gospels?
38106Where Did the Serpent Come From?
38106Where are you from?"
38106Where did the serpent come from?
38106Where from?
38106Where is the New Eden?
38106Who is the blasphemer; the man who denies the existence of God, or he who covers the robes of the infinite with innocent blood?
38106Who made him?
38106Who on earth at this day would pretend to settle any scientific question by a text from the Bible?
38106Who saw it, and who would know a devil if he did see him?
38106Who selected these?
38106Whom can I assist?
38106Why Did Not God Kill the Serpent?
38106Why Hate an Atheist?
38106Why Should Infidels Die in Fear?
38106Why Should the Church be Merciful?
38106Why did he fail to speak?
38106Why did he go dumbly to his death, leaving the world to misery and to doubt?
38106Why did he not cry, You shall not persecute in my name; you shall not burn and torment those who differ from you in creed?
38106Why did he not defend his children?
38106Why did he not explain the doctrine of the trinity?
38106Why did he not plainly say, I am the Son of God?
38106Why did he not put Adam and Eve on their guard about this serpent?
38106Why did he not say something positive, definite, and satisfactory about another world?
38106Why did he not tell his disciples, and through them the world, that man should not persecute, for opinion''s sake, his fellow- man?
38106Why did he not tell the manner of baptism that was pleasing to him?
38106Why did he not turn the tear- stained hope of heaven to the glad knowledge of another life?
38106Why did not the Lord God take him by the tail and snap his head off?
38106Why do n''t it make what money it wants, take the taxes out, and give the balance to us?
38106Why do you shock these people?
38106Why hast thou forsaken me?"
38106Why investigate when you know?
38106Why not feed them more the night before?
38106Why not make$ 100,000,000 and all be billionaires?
38106Why not say, God has intelligence, therefore there must be an intelligence greater than his?
38106Why pursue that which you have?
38106Why should God hate to see a man happy?
38106Why should a believer in God hate an atheist?
38106Why should barbarian Jews who went down to death and dust three thousand years ago, control the living world?
38106Why should it excite his wrath to see a family in the woods, by some babbling stream, talking, laughing and loving?
38106Why should she show mercy to a kind and noble heretic whom her God will burn in eternal fire?
38106Why should that day be filled with gloom instead of joy?
38106Why should the Church pity a man whom her God hates?
38106Why should these gentlemen object to a god with big fiery eyeballs, when their own Deity has eyes like a flame of fire?
38106Why should we be damned for laughing at Samson and his foxes, while others, holding the Nebular Hypothesis in utter contempt, go straight to heaven?
38106Why should we look sad, and think about death, and hear about- hell?
38106Why should we send missionaries to China, if we can not convert the heathen when they come here?
38106Why should you object to these people on account of their religion?
38106Why was Christ so Silent?
38106Why was not the serpent kept out of the garden?
38106Will God have more power?
38106Will There Be an Eternal Auto da Fe?
38106Will he become more merciful?
38106Will he not be damned as quick for denying geology as for denying the scheme of salvation?
38106Will his love for his poor creatures increase?
38106Will not a man be damned as quick for denying the equator as denying the Bible?
38106Will some theologian, versed in the machinery of the miraculous, tell us in what way God confounded the language of mankind?
38106Will the Second Century of America be as good as the First?
38106Will the Wounds of the War be Healed?
38106Will the agony of the damned increase or decrease the happiness of God?
38106Will the penitent thief, winged and crowned, laugh at the honest folks in hell?
38106Will there be, in the universe, an eternal_ auto da fe_?
38106Will they be kind enough to tell us what the fountains of the great deep are?
38106Would God Kill a Man for Making Ointment?
38106Would God give a bird wings and make it a crime to fly?
38106Would a Real God Uphold Slavery?
38106Would he give me brains and make it a crime to think?
38106Would it not be far better to treat this atheist, at least, as well as he treats us?
38106Would you expect to find that book in favor of liberty?
38106or shall the rebels walk her quarter- deck, give the orders and sink it?
38106simply for the purpose of raising orthodox Christians?
22019''Verily they have their reward,''you mean? 22019 An''the wench?
22019An''they couldna stir it?
22019And for what does he perish?
22019And he?
22019And how can it love if it have not a soul?
22019And what do you mean by that?
22019And what good will you do? 22019 And what is that?"
22019And wheer may he lie?
22019And when he leaves you?
22019And when that ship sails without you? 22019 And why do we want to have anything to do with them?"
22019And you have given yourself up to us that by your death you may purchase a messenger from us for this errand?
22019And you prefer what is born of the latter?
22019And,added Estmere, with a smile,"if you were not Tricotrin you would be Béranger?"
22019Are there not higher things than present reward and the mere talk of tongues? 22019 Are they not?"
22019Are they? 22019 Are we sure that nothing lives of the music you mourn?
22019Are you a socialist?
22019Are you so sure? 22019 Art can only live by Faith: and what faith have we?
22019Be dog alive?
22019But how can I hope you will believe me?
22019But if ye warn''t needed at yer mill cos the iron beast was a weavin''and a reelin''and a dewin''of it all, how''d yer feel? 22019 But may not dramatic art escape thither also?"
22019But of what use is it for one to say he repents unless in some measure he makes atonement?
22019But surely you would rather be merry than anything else?
22019But that is always a northern feeling?
22019But the end?
22019But what is the smoke?
22019But where atonement is impossible?
22019Can not make a name? 22019 Can nothing save her?"
22019Creeds? 22019 Dew it matter?"
22019Did any one ever speak to you in that way?
22019Did you pray for the holy men?
22019Didst thou dream that I should be faithless and forsake thee? 22019 Divorce?
22019Do you not want to see Rubes''world, little one? 22019 Enough to efface it in the eyes of one who had never sinned?"
22019For him?
22019Good gracious me, why should he? 22019 Have you ever thought what you have done?
22019His end? 22019 How can it feel, to live like_ that?_"he asked, in a wistful, tremulous voice.
22019How do you know?
22019How good you would have been to her, Bébée?
22019How much work have you done, Annémie? 22019 How wur''t?"
22019I canna tell; but for sure it is well with him?
22019I thought God made women?
22019Is he there?
22019Is it possible?
22019It has been there always-- always-- so near me?
22019It is only a dog,you say;"what matter if the brute fret to death?"
22019It were a ston''as killed him?
22019May I tidy the room a little?
22019Mercury-- is that a shoemaker?
22019Nay;--how do you know?
22019O child, what use is that? 22019 Of what country, my dear?"
22019Oil and flame, old and new, living and dying, tradition and scepticism, iconoclast and idolater, you can not unite and harmonise these antagonisms?
22019Only Pantomimi?
22019Only Pantomimi?
22019Repentance in secret-- would that avail?
22019She amassed wealth,they say: no doubt she did-- and why?
22019She will have her art----"Will the dead bird sing?
22019Since sophism came in, which was with Monsieur Cain, when he asked,''Am I my brother''s keeper?'' 22019 Since when have you discovered that?"
22019That is not the fault of the reeds?
22019The Roman Emperors?
22019The birds in cages sing,she answered him,"but think you they are glad?"
22019The children?
22019The power of vision? 22019 Then there is no use in a stage at all?"
22019Then why give the wealth of your intellect to men?
22019Was it because you were afraid of dying in your prime that you would never woo Fame then yourself?
22019Well, if they do? 22019 Were you guilty?"
22019What am I worth that you should perish for me? 22019 What are you thinking of to- night?"
22019What avail to strive to bring men nearer to the right? 22019 What did you do?"
22019What is it you feel?
22019What is your name then?
22019What matter what brought them,she said softly,"if they reach the same goal?"
22019What then?
22019Wheer? 22019 When wur''t?"
22019Where is there such a one? 22019 Who are celebrated in Scripture?
22019Who cared for his sweat or sorrow? 22019 Who has done that?"
22019Who has put that into your head, Bébée?
22019Who is there?
22019Who would not?
22019Why do you do that?
22019Why do you shine?
22019Why had you not a grandmother of your own, my little one?
22019Why not twice? 22019 Why that?"
22019Will it?
22019Will they burn me if I sing too well?
22019You believe in public penance?
22019You care for art yourself, M. Della Rocca?
22019You come from the Roman Emperors?
22019You have chapel and chaplain yonder at your château, I believe? 22019 You have sworn to take my body, sawn in two, to Ben- Ihreddin?"
22019You mean that superiority has its attendant shadow, which is calumny? 22019 You think very ill of men?"
22019You will not, I believe, seek to enforce your title to dispute them with me?
22019You would not lose''those thoughts that wander through eternity,''to gain in exchange the peace from ignorance of the peasant or the dullard?
22019_ A m''effacer_? 22019 _ You_ are of the people of Rubes''country, are you not?"
22019''My dear,''she said to him,''why did you trouble yourself to put all that wit and sense into it?
22019''Will ye have Christ or Barabbas?''
22019*** A genius?
22019*** Bad?
22019*** But they are hollow inside, you still urge?
22019*** Can an ignorant or an untrained brain follow the theory of light, or the metamorphosis of plants?
22019*** Do n''t you know that whilst broad, intellectual scepticism is masculine, narrow, social scepticism is feminine?
22019*** Do you know the delicate delights of a summer morning in Italy?
22019*** Ever and anon the old, dark, eager, noble face was lifted from its pillow, and the withered lips murmured three words:"Is she come?"
22019*** Have I been cruel, my child?
22019*** How should we have great Art in our day?
22019*** I never knew quite whether I liked her-- how can you with those women of the world?
22019*** Is Nature kind or cruel?
22019*** There never was an Æneas; there never was a Numa; well, what the better are we?
22019*** What is the use of railing against Society?
22019*** What was love if not one long forgiveness?
22019*** Wrong to be proud, you ask?
22019*** Yet as he thought, so he did not realise that he would ever cease to be in the world-- who does?
22019*** You know how St. Michael made the Italian?
22019***"And when the ship sails away without you?"
22019***"And where are you going so fast, as if those wooden shoes of yours were sandals of mercury?"
22019***"Ben Dare, he be dead?"
22019***"But ye dunna get good wage?"
22019***"Can you inform me how it is that women possess tenacity of will in precise proportion to the frivolity of their lives?
22019***"Does it vex you that I am not a boy?"
22019***"Is that all you know?"
22019***"So you have brought Fame to Lélis, my English lord?"
22019***"The future?"
22019***"Then everybody is a hypocrite?"
22019***"They were greater than the men that live now,"she said with a solemn tenderness,"Perhaps; Why think so?"
22019***"What avail?"
22019***"What is England?"
22019***"When the soldier dies at his post, unhonoured and unpitied, and out of sheer duty, is that unreal because it is noble?"
22019***"Why do you go to such a place?"
22019***"You are not unhappy now?"
22019***"You surely find no debtor such an ingrate, no master such a tyrant, as the People?"
22019***"You think any sin may be forgiven?"
22019And for the future who cares,--save these madmen themselves?
22019And the old dame, she said, Weel, sir, I dinna b''lieve tha Almighty would ever spite a poor old crittur like me, do n''t''ee think it?
22019And those who held that sublime code of yours, that cleaving to truth for truth''s sake, where are they?
22019And were it ours, should we give him the nameless mystic mercy which all men live to crave-- give it as the chastisement of crime?
22019And without your settlements, where are you in Society?
22019And would you summon it as your hardest cruelty to sin?
22019And yet, what is gain except love, and what better than joy can we have?
22019And you count that gain?
22019And you know it is not age with_ me_, Annémie?"
22019Answer me-- is the compact fair?
22019Are you not glad for me, O Sun?"
22019Are you possessed?
22019Are you quite sure you are better to- day?"
22019Because the multitudes have it, such as it is, instead of the units?
22019Bichât gave himself to premature death for science''sake; does the world once in a year speak his name?
22019But Bac the cobbler, who was with me,--it was a fête day-- Bac,_ he_ said,''Do you not believe that, Bébée?
22019But even if-- if-- I only remembered him by wounds, what would that change in me?
22019But how many on the miserable stage of this country have ever had either humility to perceive, or capability to achieve this?"
22019But if a wanton stone from a boat passing by break the shell, where is the nautilus then?
22019But if we''re no to help oursells i''this world, what for have He gied us the trouble o''tha thrid to spin?
22019But the lips moved still, though no voice came, with the same words:"Is she come?"
22019But this man?
22019But what could she know of this?
22019But what do you think the reed felt then?--pain to be so sharply severed from its fellows?"
22019But what is the use of talking?
22019But what music do we ever have in the churches?
22019But what of that?
22019But who is there to care?
22019But why do you look at me so?
22019But why not show yourself at them?
22019But with Barabbas-- what was the end?
22019But you seem to envy that reed-- so long ago-- that was chosen?"
22019But_ you_ must come out of Rubes''land-- at least, I think so; do you not?"
22019By his own hand alone would his future be fashioned; would he hew out any shape save the idol that pleased him?
22019Can you not see that if every man took heed of the guilt of his own thoughts and acts, the world would be free and at peace?
22019Can you read my parable?
22019Can you tell me?"
22019Can you think that I shall be its informant?"
22019City of Pleasure you have called her, and with truth; but why not also City of the Poor?
22019Could it destroy the past?
22019Could she see the blank despair that blinded my sight?
22019Could she see the frozen hand that I felt clutching at my heart and benumbing it?
22019Could she see the tears of blood that welled up in my eyes?
22019Dear mother Annémie, are you better?
22019Did he?"
22019Did her great men spring up full- armed like Athene, or was it the pure, elastic atmosphere of her that made her mere mortals strong as immortals?
22019Did she like the new weekly journal that was electrifying Paris?
22019Did you never find out the value of their words?
22019Do you ever wonder at revolutions?
22019Do you know what I mean?
22019Do you know what the good priests would say?"
22019Do you never think how horrible it is, that mockery of woe?
22019Do you not know?
22019Do you often think of them?
22019Do you remember how he read it that night after Mozart amongst the roses by the fire?
22019Do you remember those pictures of Vittario Carpacio and of Gentile?
22019Do you say the merle was glad?"
22019Do you understand?"
22019Does the sun shine less often, have the flowers less fragrance, does sleep come less sweetly to you than to them?
22019Does this sound a fanciful folly?
22019Estmere looked at this wayside wit, this wine- house philosopher, with a regard that asked plainly,"Are you fool or knave?"
22019For what do you know?
22019For what hast thou bartered to me the golden rod of thy wealth and thy dominion over the flocks and the herds?
22019For what if he came and found me away?
22019For when do men forgive force in the woman?
22019Forest King had done so much, could he have stay and strength for this?
22019Gudule and St. Michael had set the church down in the night all ready made-- why not?
22019Had she read the new French story"Le Bal de Mademoiselle Bibi?"
22019Have you the face to make it?
22019Her love was deathless: how could she know that his was mortal?
22019Hev''''ee e''er heerd on her?"
22019How can I say how right I think your system with these children?
22019How can one care for a God since He lets these things be?"
22019How can we tell what Byzantium might have become under one mighty hand?
22019How could one say to her the thing that he had made her in man''s and woman''s sight?
22019How have they fared in every climate and in every age?
22019How have you the poor with you?
22019How is that any fault of mine?
22019How many of my bravest have fallen in death; and shall I be afraid of what they welcomed?
22019How, then, can it be art, which is only great in proportion as it escapes from the physical life into the spiritual?"
22019I love my hut, and the starling, and the chickens-- and what would the garden do without me?--and the children, and the old Annémie?
22019I think if I could hear great music once-- if I could go to Florence----""To Florence?"
22019I want some one who will tell me,--and if you come out of Rubes''country as I think, no doubt you know everything, or remember it?"
22019I was on the lower hill, so I ran up-- is all right with you?"
22019I, whose whole life is one restless impatience, one petulant mutiny against circumstance?
22019I-- a dog?"
22019I?--the mind of a man, the breath of a god?"
22019If ever you have children, I suppose you will rear them on science and the Antonines?"
22019If it be not, how comes it that women have given you no great poet since the days of Sappho?
22019If it were of any use who would mind?
22019If this woman took the lad away from him, where was there any mercy or justice, earthly or divine?
22019In answer she wrote back to him:"I do not urge you to have my faith: what is the use?
22019In the Grand Stand the Seraph''s eyes strained after the Scarlet and White, and he muttered in his moustaches,"Ye gods, what''s up?
22019In those days the impossible was possible-- a paradox?
22019Indeed, who can tell?
22019Is he grieved to live?
22019Is he who did them shut out from all hope?"
22019Is it not well to clothe a distasteful and barbaric necessity in a refining guise and under an elegant nomenclature?"
22019Is it true?--if the world''s choice were wrong once, why not twice?"
22019Is not my Venetian glass with its iridescent hues of opal as real every whit as your pot of pewter?
22019Is there any threnody over a death half so unutterably sad as that one jest over a life?
22019Is there no glory at all worth having, then?
22019Is this the meaning of civilisation-- to make privacy impossible, to oblige every one to live under a lens?
22019Is your foot less swift, your limb less strong, your face less fair than theirs?
22019It seems that they loathe and despise him?"
22019It was the Corso di Gala that afternoon, would she not go?
22019It will all_ end_ now, will it not?
22019May we not trust that at the bottom of it, as at the bottom of Pandora''s, there may be hope?
22019Men can bridle the ass and can drive the sheep; but who can drive the eagle or bridle the lion?
22019More than Alexander ever grasped at-- what might not have been done with it?
22019No doubt you are come in to see it all?"
22019No: what was the use of reading novels of society by people who never had been in it?
22019Now- a- days, science makes a great discovery; the tired world yawns, feels its pockets, and only asks,"Will it pay?"
22019O child, do not pine for the glass house that would ennoble you, only to force you and kill you?
22019Oh, all that?
22019Oh, my dear, my heart is broken; how can I tell you?
22019Old Age?--Is there not white and red paint, and heads of dead hair, and even false bosoms?
22019Once he asked her--"Are you tired?"
22019Pain?--Are there not chloral and a flattering doctor?
22019People were talking of a clever English novel translated everywhere, called"In a Hothouse,"the hothouse being society-- had she seen it?
22019Renan asks,''O God, when will it be worth while to live?''
22019Shall I ask higher payment than the God of the sun and the violets asks for Himself?
22019Shall I be Nothing?--like the muscle that rots, like the bones that crumble, like the flesh that turns to ashes, and blows in a film on the winds?
22019Shall I die so?
22019Shall I perish with the body?
22019Shame?--Is it not a famine fever which never comes near a well- laden table?
22019She must content, or how will she be countenanced?
22019She said it was well done, but what charm was there in it?
22019Singing how?
22019So she dubs us"cynics"and leaves us-- who can wonder if we wo n''t follow her through the rain?
22019So she thought,"Surely, my dew will best fall where such glorious water dances?"
22019Sorrow?--Are there not a course at the Baths, play at Monte Carlo, and new cases from Worth?
22019Still-- to see so great a gift as yours wasted----""Wasted?
22019Surely it is best bestowed where it will change to a jewel?"
22019Take care of the old man-- he will not trouble long-- and of Vole- qui- veut and Etoile, and Boule Blanche, and the rat, and all the dogs, will you?
22019That is the sort of dinner we make all the year round, morally-- metaphorically-- how do you say it?
22019That is your friend who bends over me here?--is it not?
22019That rose now, is it well done?"
22019The Book of the Christians is the very manual of Socialism:''_ You_ read the Gospel, Marat?''
22019The Huron Indians pray to the souls of the fish they catch; well, why should they not?
22019The Veglione on Sunday-- would she not go to that?
22019The martyr, the liberator, the seeker of truth, may deserve its peace; how has the traitor won them?
22019Then she thought,"Surely my gift will be best given in succour to the first and lowliest thing I see in pain?"
22019There might be paradise for virtue and hell for crime, but what in the name of the universe was to be done with creatures that were only all Folly?
22019There was another world, and saints and angels and eternity; yes, of course-- but how on earth would all those baccarat people ever fit into it?
22019They love their darkness best-- why not leave them to it?
22019They write of love, and who forgets the Lesbian?
22019Think you I would exchange them for the gold showers and the diamond boxes of a Farinelli?"
22019Though it fall, err, betray, be mocked of others and forsaken by itself, what does this matter?
22019To be great?
22019Under what nodding oxlip did Shakespeare find Titania asleep?
22019Was Cimabue''s masterpiece veiled in a palace or borne aloft through the throngs of the streets?
22019Was she too familiar with the Holy Mother?
22019Was that death to the reed?--or life?
22019Was that death to the reed?--or life?
22019Was the bell tower yonder set in a ducal garden or in a public place?
22019Well, what have we gained?
22019Were they?
22019What business have you here, who do neither the one nor the other?"
22019What can I say to you?
22019What can I say?
22019What can seem more obstinate to the weak?
22019What can seem more strange to the shallow?
22019What could I dare to say to her of shame?
22019What could I say to her?
22019What could Paul himself say that would change them?
22019What could divorce do for me?
22019What could the world say?"
22019What did he want with people to hear?
22019What did it matter who heard it on earth?
22019What do other gardens know of that, save in orange- groves of Granada and rose thickets of Damascus?
22019What does he care?
22019What does it matter if everybody looks after you when you pass down a street, what they say when you pass?"
22019What does that change?
22019What is genius?
22019What is it to be a player?
22019What is it to die-- just to die?
22019What is it?
22019What is political eloquence for, if not to make the people forget such things as these?
22019What is religion?
22019What is the consequence?
22019What is there objectionable?"
22019What matter which very much after all?
22019What matter?"
22019What raised it higher than the senses if not its infinite patience and endurance of all wrong?
22019What should I say to them?
22019What then?
22019What think''ee, Daffe?
22019What use was endless life and all the lore of the spirits and seers to Sospitra?
22019What use?
22019What voice was in the fountain of Vaucluse?
22019What was doing down there?
22019What was its hope of eternal life if it had not gathered strength in it enough to rise above human arrogance and human vengeance?
22019What will you do?
22019What will you do?
22019What woman is it he calls?"
22019What would you have?
22019What, if he lived, could destroy a future that would be solely dependent on, solely ruled by, himself?
22019When Barbarians thronged the Forum, and the representative of Galilee fishermen claimed power in the Capitol?
22019When I tell you this, do you dream that I spare you?
22019When he leaves you, what will you do?
22019When we hold the chisel ourselves, are we not secure to have no error in the work?
22019When will you learn the first lesson of society, and decently and discreetly_ apprendre à vous effacer_?"
22019Where did Guido see the golden hair of St. Michael gleam upon the wind?
22019Where did Mozart hear the awful cries of the risen dead come to judgment?
22019Whereas man-- what does he do?
22019Who can remember a summer breeze when it has passed by, or tell in any after- time how a laugh or a sigh sounded?"
22019Who can tell?
22019Who can tell?
22019Who can want more of life-- or death?"
22019Who can want the creature of such progenitors?"
22019Who could think it hard to die in the glory of strife, drunk with the sound of the combat, and feeling no pain in the swoon of a triumph?
22019Who could, by any stretch of imagination, conceive Madame Mila and Maurice des Gommeux in a spiritual existence around the throne of Deity?
22019Who dare say they are not the heroes of the world?"
22019Who has delivered us unto you to be thus tortured, and martyred?
22019Who is a hero?
22019Who is a martyr?
22019Who is a patriot?
22019Who is a philosopher?
22019Who is a priest?
22019Who is a queen?
22019Who is a ruler?
22019Who is a saint?
22019Who is an immortal?
22019Who shall say whence it comes?
22019Whose is it?"
22019Whose matter is it?"
22019Why confuse the two?
22019Why do you not say honestly that you care nothing?
22019Why do you not set yourselves to make us more abundant in those joyless homes, in those sunless windows?
22019Why have you ever bade me desire the light and seek it, if for ever you must thrust me into the darkness of negation?
22019Why is it that in a polished life a man, whilst becoming incapable of sinking to crime, almost always becomes also incapable of rising to greatness?
22019Why not a thousand times?
22019Why not break the simple shell for sport?
22019Why should it not be?
22019Why should it not be?
22019Why were not men like that?
22019Why, my Waif?
22019Will human ears give heed to thy song now thy sceptre has passed to my hands?
22019Will you count my remorse as nothing?"
22019Will you never change your mind, and live with me, Annémie?
22019Will you never come?
22019Will you tell me that?
22019With these-- and youth-- who shall dare say the painter is not rich-- ay, though his board be empty, and his cup be dry?
22019Without Rubens, what were Antwerp?
22019Would a thousand summers of life by the waterside have been worth that one thrill of song when a god first spoke through it?
22019Would a thousand summers of life by the waterside have been worth that one thrill of song when a god first spoke through it?"
22019Would the Baës take them if they were not?
22019Would yer think iron beast wor o''use thin?
22019Yet what remains of his love and his toil?
22019You do not like Socialism?
22019You know Or San Michele?
22019You laugh?
22019_ M''effacer_?
22019_ Tiens!_ what is it to give?
22019all that?
22019and was not Dante himself called the laureate of the cobblers and the bakers?
22019and when do women ever forgive the woman''s greatness?
22019and when does every cur fail to snarl at the life that is higher than its fellows?
22019and why no han''t He made tha shirts, an''tha sheets, an''tha hose grow theersells?
22019are you an angel?
22019did not Sperone and all the critics at his heels pronounce Ariosto only fit for the vulgar multitude?
22019did the world know of such a thing?
22019echoed Bruno aghast;"what are you about, child?
22019everybody cries with eager zest; but when they have only to say"Oh, was n''t it so?"
22019he muttered;"shall I never muzzle and yoke you ever again?"
22019how can I thank you?
22019let your mother die rather than allow her to eat the bread of your dishonour: which choice between the twain do you not think a mother would make?
22019or would yer damn him hard?"
22019said the girl--"why should it vex you?
22019she echoed, with less languor and more of impetuosity than she had ever displayed,"are you ever in love, any of you, ever?
22019she said at last,"that means something that one has not, and that is to come-- is it so?"
22019she would have said,"what did that mean in''15?
22019that is simple enough, is n''t it?
22019what can I say to you?
22019what have I done to be worthy of such love?"
22019what matter when or how each bubble of it bursts?
22019what shall these profit thee now?"
22019whatever is there that stands the test of knowing it well?
22019who cares to be bored?
27889If it is not,he replied,"when will it be?"
27889Pray, what is that?
27889Shall I beat the bush and another take the bird?
27889We are by nature all as one, all alike, if you see us naked; let us wear theirs and they our clothes, and what is the difference?
27889What muscles are those?
27889Why, then,said some one to him,"do not you die?"
27889''T is insensible, then?
27889--an echo answers,"Where?
278891, 20._ What find you better or more honourable than age?
278891._ Can one desire too much of a good thing?
278891._ Condemn the fault, and not the actor of it?
278891._ Has this fellow no feeling of his business?
278891._ Is it so nominated in the bond?
278891._ Is she not more than painting can express, Or youthful poets fancy when they love?
278891._ Is she not passing fair?
278891._ Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?
278891._ Is this that haughty gallant, gay Lothario?
278891._ Shall I never see a bachelor of threescore again?
278891._ She was a wight, if ever such wight were,--_ Des._ To do what?
278891._ Think you I am no stronger than my sex, Being so father''d and so husbanded?
278891._ What seest thou else In the dark backward and abysm of time?
278891._ What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?
278891._ Why may not that be the skull of a lawyer?
278891._ Why should a man, whose blood is warm within, Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster?
278891._ Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?
278891.__ Cornelia._ What flowers are these?
2788910._ Seest thou a man diligent in his business?
2788911._ Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?
2788911._ Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
2788912._ Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?
2788913._ Is there no balm in Gilead?
2788914._ For a man can lose neither the past nor the future; for how can one take from him that which is not his?
2788916._ How long halt ye between two opinions?
2788917._ Do you seek Alcides''equal?
278891773._ Was ever poet so trusted before?
2788918._ The Lord opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?
278892, 8._(_ 675._) What now if the sky were to fall?
278892._ A simple child That lightly draws its breath, And feels its life in every limb, What should it know of death?
278892._ Are you good men and true?
278892._ Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?
278892._ Condemn you me for that the duke did love me?
278892._ Didst thou never hear That things ill got had ever bad success?
278892._ Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe?
278892._ For where is any author in the world Teaches such beauty as a woman''s eye?
278892._ In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt But being season''d with a gracious voice Obscures the show of evil?
278892._ Is not old wine wholesomest, old pippins toothsomest, old wood burns brightest, old linen wash whitest?
278892._ Is not this a lamentable thing, that of the skin of an innocent lamb should be made parchment?
278892._ No scandal about Queen Elizabeth, I hope?
278892._ Tell me where is fancy bred, Or in the heart or in the head?
278892._ Think''st thou existence doth depend on time?
278892._ Use every man after his desert, and who should''scape whipping?
278892._ Was ever book containing such vile matter So fairly bound?
278892._ Was ever woman in this humour wooed?
278892._ What imports the nomination of this gentleman?
278892._ What precious drops are those Which silently each other''s track pursue, Bright as young diamonds in their infant dew?
278892._ What''s Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba, That he should weep for her?
278892._ Who is here so base that would be a bondman?
278892._ You are not like Cerberus, three gentlemen at once, are you?
278892._ Your fathers, where are they?
278892._"Darest thou, Cassius, now Leap in with me into this angry flood, And swim to yonder point?"
278892._[105- 4] What''s in a name?
278892._[120- 1] Will all great Neptune''s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand?
278892.__ Cel._ Not a word?
278892.__ Clo._ What is the opinion of Pythagoras concerning wild fowl?
278892.__ Falstaff._ What wind blew you hither, Pistol?
278892.__ Ham._ Do you see yonder cloud that''s almost in shape of a camel?
278892.__ Ham._ His beard was grizzled,--no?
278892.__ Ham._ Is this a prologue, or the posy of a ring?
278892.__ Pol._ What do you read, my lord?
278892.__ Serv._ Where dwellest thou?
2788920._ Am I my brother''s keeper?
2788920._ Doth perfect beauty stand in need of praise at all?
2788922._ If they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?
2788922._ Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
2788923._ What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
2788925._ Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook?
2788928._ A wounded spirit who can bear?
2788928._ Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
278893._ For when did friendship take A breed for barren metal of his friend?
278893._ Have you summoned your wits from wool- gathering?
278893._ Hear you this Triton of the minnows?
278893._ I said, an elder soldier, not a better: Did I say"better"?
278893._ Is it a world to hide virtues in?
278893._ Is there no respect of place, parsons, nor time in you?
278893._ O, who can hold a fire in his hand By thinking on the frosty Caucasus?
278893._ Shall I not take mine ease in mine inn?
278893._ Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of the brain awe a man from the career of his humour?
278893._ Should I have answer''d Caius Cassius so?
278893._ Sits the wind in that corner?
278893._ Stands Scotland where it did?
278893._ Under which king, Bezonian?
278893._ What are these So wither''d and so wild in their attire, That look not like the inhabitants o''the earth, And yet are on''t?
278893._ What, all my pretty chickens and their dam At one fell swoop?
278893._ Wherefore are these things hid?
278893._ Who can not give good counsel?
278893._[120- 2] Who can be wise, amazed, temperate and furious, Loyal and neutral, in a moment?
278893.__ 2 Watch._ How if a''will not stand?
278893.__ Brutus._ Then I shall see thee again?
278893.__ Iago._ What, are you hurt, lieutenant?
278893.__ Sir To._ Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?
2788931._ Canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?
2788932._ Hath not thy heart within thee burned At evening''s calm and holy hour?
278894._ Call you that backing of your friends?
278894._ Can such things be, And overcome us like a summer''s cloud, Without our special wonder?
278894._ How is''t with you, That you do bend your eye on vacancy?
278894._ What act That roars so loud, and thunders in the index?
278894._ What doth gravity out of his bed at midnight?
278894._ Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?
278894.__ Duke._ And what''s her history?
278894.__ Macb._ What is the night?
2788940._ Is thy servant a dog, that he should do this great thing?
278895._ Art thou there, truepenny?
278895._ For who hath despised the day of small things?
278895._ Indeed, what is there that does not appear marvellous when it comes to our knowledge for the first time?
278895._ Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit?
278895._ What the devil did he want in that galley?
278895._ What will not woman, gentle woman dare, When strong affection stirs her spirit up?
278895._ Where''s my serpent of old Nile?
278895.__ 1 W._ When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
2788950._ Did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us?
2788952._ O death, where is thy sting?
2788959._ Why is it that we entertain the belief that for every purpose odd numbers are the most effectual?
278896._ Must I hold a candle to my shames?
278896._ Why doth one man''s yawning make another yawn?
278897._ You have the Pyrrhic dance as yet, Where is the Pyrrhic phalanx gone?
278897.__ Macb._ If we should fail?
278898._ Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
27889809._ Who knows but life be that which men call death,[699- 3] And death what men call life?
278899._ Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?
278899._ Is Saul also among the prophets?
278899._ Is there anything whereof it may be said, See, this is new?
278899._ Watchman, what of the night?
278899._ Why should the Devil have all the good tunes?
27889A Tragedy._ But whither am I strayed?
27889A better buckler I can soon regain; But who can get another life again?
27889A woman asked the coachman,"Are you full inside?"
27889ANNE CRAWFORD( 1734- 1801):_ Kathleen Mavourneen._ Who can refute a sneer?
27889Ah, who can tell how hard it is to climb The steep where Fame''s proud temple shines afar?
27889Ah, who shall lead us thither?
27889Am I not a man and a brother?
27889And echo answered,"Where are they?"
27889And happy always was it for that son Whose father for his hoarding went to hell?
27889And is there love In heavenly spirits to these Creatures bace?
27889And that which was prov''d true before Prove false again?
27889And the prophets, do they live forever?
27889And who gave thee that jolly red nose?
27889And why does thy nose look so blue?
27889Antagoras replied,"Do you think, O king, that Agamemnon, when he did such exploits, was a peeping in his army to see who boiled congers?"
27889Apology for Raimond Sebond._ When I play with my cat, who knows whether I do not make her more sport than she makes me?
27889Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight?
27889As a bankrupt thief turns thief- taker in despair, so an unsuccessful author turns critic.--SHELLEY:_ Fragments of Adonais._ You know who critics are?
27889Be she fairer than the day, Or the flowery meads in May, If she be not so to me, What care I how fair she be?
27889Book i. Stanza 1._"But what good came of it at last?"
27889Bright jewels of the mine, The wealth of seas, the spoils of war?
27889Burned at Smithfield, Feb. 14, 1554._[687- 2]***** And shall Trelawny die?
27889But if you chance to be placed in some superior station, will you presently set yourself up for a tyrant?
27889But will it not live with the living?
27889Ca n''t I another''s face commend, And to her virtues be a friend, But instantly your forehead lowers, As if_ her_ merit lessen''d_ yours_?
27889Can honour set to a leg?
27889Can honour''s voice provoke the silent dust, Or flatt''ry soothe the dull cold ear of death?
27889Can imagination boast, Amid its gay creation, hues like hers?
27889Canto i. Stanza 1._ Where the virgins are soft as the roses they twine, And all save the spirit of man is divine?
27889Canto i. Stanza 1._ Who hath not proved how feebly words essay To fix one spark of beauty''s heavenly ray?
27889Canto i. Stanza 17._ But, oh ye lords of ladies intellectual, Inform us truly,--have they not henpeck''d you all?
27889Canto i. Stanza 216._ What is the end of fame?
27889Canto iii._"What is good for a bootless bene?"
27889Canto v. Stanza 16._ And dar''st thou then To beard the lion in his den, The Douglas in his hall?
27889Canto v. Stanza 30._ Where, where was Roderick then?
27889Costs it more pain that this ye call A"great event"should come to pass From that?
27889Could not the grave forget thee, and lay low Some less majestic, less beloved head?
27889Cui Bono?_ In the name of the Prophet-- figs.
27889Dear son of memory, great heir of fame, What need''st thou such weak witness of thy name?
27889Dialogue i.__ Lord M._ What religion is he of?
27889Did Shakespeare?
27889Do your joys with age diminish?
27889Doth he feel it?
27889Doth he hear it?
27889Drinking._ Fill all the glasses there, for why Should every creature drink but I?
27889Edinburgh Review, 1828._ How does the poet speak to men with power, but by being still more a man than they?
27889Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire, This longing after immortality?
27889Fast asleep?
27889Fond hope of many nations, art thou dead?
27889HARRIET W. SEWALL( 1819- 1889):_ Why thus longing?_ Do n''t you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt?
27889HARRIET W. SEWALL( 1819- 1889):_ Why thus longing?_ Do n''t you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt?
27889Hark, in thine ear: change places; and, handy- dandy, which is the justice, which is the thief?
27889Hast any philosophy in thee, shepherd?
27889Hath he not always treasures, always friends, The good great man?
27889Hath not a Jew eyes?
27889Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?
27889Hath thy toil O''er books consum''d the midnight oil?
27889Heaven sends us good meat, but the Devil sends cooks?
27889Honour hath no skill in surgery, then?
27889How a good yoke of bullocks at Stamford fair?
27889How begot, how nourished?
27889How can ye chant, ye little birds, And I sae weary fu''o''care?
27889How would you be, If He, which is the top of judgment, should But judge you as you are?
27889I can not play alone: The summer comes with flower and bee,-- Where is my brother gone?
27889I love it, I love it, and who shall dare To chide me for loving that old arm- chair?
27889III._ What gentle ghost, besprent with April dew, Hails me so solemnly to yonder yew?
27889In parts superior what advantage lies?
27889Is it for that the winds, slipping the smooth oil, have no force, nor cause any waves?
27889Is it not man that keeps and serves me?
27889Is there no physician there?
27889Is this the great poet whose works so content us?
27889JAMES G. PERCIVAL( 1795- 1856):_ To Seneca Lake._ What fairy- like music steals over the sea, Entrancing our senses with charmed melody?
27889JOSEPH E. CARPENTER( 1813-----):_ What are the wild Waves saying?_ Well, General, we have not had many dead cavalrymen lying about lately.
27889Last line._ I am his Highness''dog at Kew; Pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you?
27889Let her and Falsehood grapple: who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?
27889Life let us cherish, while yet the taper glows, And the fresh flow''ret pluck ere it close; Why are we fond of toil and care?
27889Line 1._ Is there no bright reversion in the sky For those who greatly think, or bravely die?
27889Line 1003._ He''s gone, and who knows how he may report Thy words by adding fuel to the flame?
27889Line 1073._ Why comes temptation, but for man to meet And master and make crouch beneath his foot, And so be pedestaled in triumph?
27889Line 13._ Say first, of God above or man below, What can we reason but from what we know?
27889Line 139._ Why has not man a microscopic eye?
27889Line 197._ What needs my Shakespeare for his honour''d bones,-- The labour of an age in piled stones?
27889Line 203._ What can ennoble sots or slaves or cowards?
27889Line 207._ Who but must laugh, if such a man there be?
27889Line 213._ Was I deceiv''d, or did a sable cloud Turn forth her silver lining on the night?
27889Line 217._ Ask where''s the North?
27889Line 221._ Can any mortal mixture of earth''s mould Breathe such divine enchanting ravishment?
27889Line 254._ Truths would you teach, or save a sinking land?
27889Line 257._ Why should not conscience have vacation As well as other courts o''th''nation?
27889Line 270._ Who shall decide when doctors disagree, And soundest casuists doubt, like you and me?
27889Line 282._ Among unequals what society Can sort, what harmony, or true delight?
27889Line 283._ But who can paint Like Nature?
27889Line 293._ What boots it at one gate to make defence, And at another to let in the foe?
27889Line 309._ For what is worth in anything But so much money as''t will bring?
27889Line 316._ Must helpless man, in ignorance sedate, Roll darkling down the torrent of his fate?
27889Line 317._ He that imposes an oath makes it, Not he that for convenience takes it; Then how can any man be said To break an oath he never made?
27889Line 379._ O little booke, thou art so unconning, How darst thou put thy- self in prees for drede?
27889Line 379._ Say, shall my little bark attendant sail, Pursue the triumph and partake the gale?
27889Line 463._ And would''st thou evil for his good repay?
27889Line 47._ Falsely luxurious, will not man awake?
27889Line 472._ Who hath not own''d, with rapture- smitten frame, The power of grace, the magic of a name?
27889Line 51._ What is it but a map of busy life, Its fluctuations, and its vast concerns?
27889Line 55._ Which way shall I fly Infinite wrath and infinite despair?
27889Line 65._ What though the field be lost?
27889Line 666._ Whence and what art thou, execrable shape?
27889Line 687._ What makes all doctrines plain and clear?
27889Line 775._ Must I thus leave thee, Paradise?--thus leave Thee, native soil, these happy walks and shades?
27889Line 873._ But how carve way i''the life that lies before, If bent on groaning ever for the past?
27889Line 88._ Ever charming, ever new, When will the landscape tire the view?
27889March, 1775._ Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
27889Mark you His absolute"shall"?
27889Methought I saw the footsteps of a throne.--WORDSWORTH:_ Sonnet._[ 26- 2] If she be not so to me, What care I how fair she be?
27889Must in death your daylight finish?
27889Need I say She was enchanted by the wicked spells Of Gebir, whom with lust of power inflamed The western winds have landed on our coast?
27889Nemo est nisi ipse( Do you seek Alcides''equal?
27889No feat which, done, would make time break, And let us pent- up creatures through Into eternity, our due?
27889No forcing earth teach heaven''s employ?
27889Not one now, to mock your own grinning?
27889Now, in the names of all the gods at once, Upon what meat doth this our Cæsar feed, That he is grown so great?
27889O grave, where is thy victory?
27889Of the Art of Conversation._ What if he has borrowed the matter and spoiled the form, as it oft falls out?
27889Of two such lessons, why forget The nobler and the manlier one?
27889Oh when shall it dawn on the night of the grave?
27889Oh why should the spirit of mortal be proud?
27889Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite By bare imagination of a feast?
27889Or if I would delight my private hours With music or with poem, where so soon As in our native language can I find That solace?
27889Or make pale my cheeks with care,''Cause another''s rosy are?
27889Or that his hallow''d relics should be hid Under a star- y- pointing pyramid?
27889Or wallow naked in December snow By thinking on fantastic summer''s heat?
27889Or whence this secret dread and inward horror Of falling into naught?
27889PRIOR:_ Upon a passage in the Scaligerana._[ 180- 2] What beckoning ghost along the moonlight shade Invites my steps, and points to yonder glade?
27889Pay every debt, as if God wrote the bill?
27889Perhaps it was right to dissemble your love, But-- why did you kick me down stairs?
27889Prelude to Part First._ And what is so rare as a day in June?
27889Prithee, why so pale?
27889Prithee, why so pale?
27889Question ix._ Why does pouring oil on the sea make it clear and calm?
27889Quite chap- fallen?
27889ROBERT HAWKER( 1753- 1827):_ Benediction._ Roy''s wife of Aldivalloch, Wat ye how she cheated me, As I came o''er the braes of Balloch?
27889Said he,"How are we fallen among them more than they among us?"
27889Said one to Iphicrates,"What are ye afraid of?"
27889Shall I bid her goe and spare not?
27889Shall I, wasting in despair, Die because a woman''s fair?
27889She coldly said, her long- lasht eyes abased,_ Is this the mighty ocean?
27889Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days o''lang syne?
27889Since no man has aught of what he leaves, what is''t to leave betimes?
27889Sister Anne, do you see any one coming?
27889St. 12._ And is there care in Heaven?
27889St. 43._ Who will not mercie unto others show, How can he mercy ever hope to have?
27889Stanza 1._ And after all, what is a lie?
27889Stanza 1._ Art thou a friend to Roderick?
27889Stanza 1._ But what am I?
27889Stanza 10._ Can storied urn, or animated bust, Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?
27889Stanza 100._ And who( in time) knows whither we may vent The treasure of our tongue?
27889Stanza 11._ Where''s the coward that would not dare To fight for such a land?
27889Stanza 145._ Scion of chiefs and monarchs, where art thou?
27889Stanza 2._ Where is it now, the glory and the dream?
27889Stanza 4._ But how can he expect that others should Build for him, sow for him, and at his call Love him, who for himself will take no heed at all?
27889Stanza 55._ Forever, Fortune, wilt thou prove An unrelenting foe to love; And when we meet a mutual heart, Come in between and bid us part?
27889Stanza 8._ And what is friendship but a name, A charm that lulls to sleep, A shade that follows wealth or fame, And leaves the wretch to weep?
27889Streaming eyes and breaking hearts; Or all the same as if he had not been?
27889Tell( for you can) what is it to be wise?
27889The Rat- catcher and Cats._ Is there no hope?
27889The Shepherd and the Philosopher._ Whence is thy learning?
27889The Shepherd and the Philosopher._ Where yet was ever found a mother Who''d give her booby for another?
27889The references are to the text of Umpfenbach._[702- 1]) Do not they bring it to pass by knowing that they know nothing at all?
27889This Goldsmith''s fine feast, who has written fine books?
27889To that dry drudgery at the desk''s dead wood?
27889To the inquiry of"What religion?"
27889To what strange shores This gain of our best glory shall be sent T''enrich unknowing nations with our stores?
27889Treason doth never prosper: what''s the reason?
27889Was ever woman in this humour won?
27889Was man made a wheel- work to wind up, And be discharged, and straight wound up anew?
27889Was she not fair?
27889Was she not fruitful?"
27889Was thy dream then a shadowy lie?
27889Was your youth of pleasure wasteful?
27889Washing._ FOOTNOTES:[ 20- 1]_ Falstaff._ What wind blew you hither, Pistol?
27889What art can wash her guilt away?
27889What cat''s averse to fish?
27889What female heart can gold despise?
27889What if I doe?
27889What is honour?
27889What is in that word honour; what is that honour?
27889What is it?
27889What is matter?
27889What need a vermeil- tinctur''d lip for that, Love- darting eyes, or tresses like the morn?
27889What news on the Rialto?
27889What shall I do to be forever known, And make the age to come my own?
27889What shall I render to my God For all his gifts to me?
27889What will Mrs. Grundy say?
27889What worlds in the yet unformed Occident May come refin''d with th''accents that are ours?
27889What would the world do without tea?--how did it exist?
27889What would you have, O man?
27889What''s not devoured by Time''s devouring hand?
27889When Adam dolve, and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman?
27889When cowards mock the patriot''s fate, Who hangs his head for shame?
27889Where are the snows of last year?
27889Where be his quiddities now, his quillets, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks?
27889Where be your gibes now; your gambols, your songs?
27889Where breathes the foe but falls before us, With Freedom''s soil beneath our feet, And Freedom''s banner streaming o''er us?
27889Where left you Chrononhotonthologos?
27889Where''s Troy, and where''s the Maypole in the Strand?
27889While Cato gives his little senate laws, What bosom beats not in his country''s cause?
27889Who blushes at the name?
27889Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel?
27889Who fears to speak of Ninety- eight?
27889Who hath it?
27889Who in widow weeds appears, Laden with unhonoured years, Noosing with care a bursting purse, Baited with many a deadly curse?
27889Who would not weep, if Atticus were he?
27889Who wrote it?
27889Whose heart hath ne''er within him burn''d[488- 1] As home his footsteps he hath turn''d From wandering on a foreign strand?
27889Why all this toil and trouble?
27889Why ar''n''t they all contented like me?
27889Why choose the rankling thorn to wear?
27889Why do n''t the men propose?
27889Why flash those sparks of fury from your eyes?
27889Why is thy countenance sad, and why are thine eyes red with weeping?
27889Why may not imagination trace the noble dust of Alexander, till we find it stopping a bung- hole?
27889Why should I hurt thee?
27889Why shrinks the soul Back on herself, and startles at destruction?
27889Why wish we warfare?
27889Why, man of morals, tell me why?
27889Will, when looking well ca n''t move her, Looking ill prevail?
27889With these dark words begins my tale; And their meaning is, Whence can comfort spring When prayer is of no avail?
27889Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?
27889Yea, but how if honour prick me off when I come on,--how then?
27889Yet who would tread again the scene He trod through life before?
27889You have the letters Cadmus gave,-- Think ye he meant them for a slave?
27889[ 171- 2] Is not old wine wholesomest, old pippins toothsomest, old wood burns brightest, old linen wash whitest?
27889[ 26- 2]_ Poem._ If she seem not chaste to me, What care I how chaste she be?
27889[ 292- 1]_ Introduction to Polite Conversation._ Do you think I was born in a wood to be afraid of an owl?
27889[ 318- 1] Why may not a goose say thus?
27889[ 352- 1]_ The Double Falsehood._ FOOTNOTES:[ 352- 1] Quæris Alcidæ parem?
27889[ 360- 1]_ Maxims prefixed to Poor Richard''s Almanac, 1757._ Dost thou love life?
27889[ 405- 1]_ King Cophetua and the Beggar- maid._"What is thy name, faire maid?"
27889[ 405- 2]_ King Cophetua and the Beggar- maid._ And how should I know your true love From many another one?
27889[ 406- 4]_ Sir Launcelot du Lake._ Shall I bid her goe?
27889[ 449- 2]_ I hae a Wife o''my Ain._ Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind?
27889[ 560- 1] What is mind?
27889[ 598- 1]_ Good Bye._ For what are they all in their high conceit, When man in the bush with God may meet?
27889[ 709- 2]_ Maxim 262._ What is left when honour is lost?
27889[ 717- 1] Why does pouring oil on the sea make it clear and calm?
27889[ 718- 4] How many things, too, are looked upon as quite impossible until they have been actually effected?
27889[ 725- 1] The pilot telling Antigonus the enemy outnumbered him in ships, he said,"But how many ships do you reckon my presence to be worth?"
27889[ 725- 5]_ Life of Lysander._ Did you not know, then, that to- day Lucullus sups with Lucullus?
27889[ 741- 1]_ Which are the most crafty, Water or Land Animals?
27889[ 758- 7]"How thick do you judge the planks of our ship to be?"
27889[ 782- 1]_ First Week, Third Day._ For where''s the state beneath the firmament That doth excel the bees for government?
27889_ 2 Clo._ But is this law?
27889_ A Death in the Desert._ What?
27889_ A True Hymn._ Wouldst thou both eat thy cake and have it?
27889_ Advice to a Lady._ What is your sex''s earliest, latest care, Your heart''s supreme ambition?
27889_ After._ Ah, did you once see Shelley plain, And did he stop and speak to you, And did you speak to him again?
27889_ Areopagitica._ Who shall silence all the airs and madrigals that whisper softness in chambers?
27889_ B._ What more?
27889_ Ballad upon a Wedding._ Why so pale and wan, fond lover?
27889_ Beauty._ Wilt thou seal up the avenues of ill?
27889_ Bonny Lesley._ Ye banks and braes o''bonny Doon, How can ye bloom sae fresh and fair?
27889_ Circa_ 720(?)
27889_ Cos._ Pray now, what may be that same bed of honour?
27889_ Eveleen''s Bower._ Shall I ask the brave soldier who fights by my side In the cause of mankind, if our creeds agree?
27889_ Extempore Effusion upon the Death of James Hogg._ Those old credulities, to Nature dear, Shall they no longer bloom upon the stock Of history?
27889_ Faustus._ Was this the face that launch''d a thousand ships, And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?
27889_ Fly not yet._ When did morning ever break, And find such beaming eyes awake?
27889_ For a Very Little Child._[535- 1] Who ran to help me when I fell, And would some pretty story tell, Or kiss the place to make it well?
27889_ From the Persian._ What constitutes a state?
27889_ Guy of Gisborne._ Have you not heard these many years ago Jeptha was judge of Israel?
27889_ Ham._ Or like a whale?
27889_ Hot._ Why, so can I, or so can any man; But will they come when you do call for them?
27889_ How shall I woo?_ A friendship that like love is warm; A love like friendship, steady.
27889_ In a Balcony._ Was there nought better than to enjoy?
27889_ Judges v. 27._ Is not the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abi- ezer?
27889_ Kitty._ Shikspur?
27889_ Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers._ What sought they thus afar?
27889_ Letter, Jan. 28, 1821._ What say you to such a supper with such a woman?
27889_ Life of Coriolanus._ A Roman divorced from his wife, being highly blamed by his friends, who demanded,"Was she not chaste?
27889_ Lines by a Clerk._ Where go the poet''s lines?
27889_ Morning._ Why should we faint and fear to live alone, Since all alone, so Heaven has willed, we die?
27889_ Of Man''s Progress in Virtue._ What is bigger than an elephant?
27889_ Old England is our Home._"Will you walk into my parlour?"
27889_ On his Blindness._ What neat repast shall feast us, light and choice, Of Attic taste?
27889_ Poem._ If she undervalue me, What care I how fair she be?
27889_ Political Precepts._ Leo Byzantius said,"What would you do, if you saw my wife, who scarce reaches up to my knees?
27889_ Poor Jack._ Did you ever hear of Captain Wattle?
27889_ Ruth._ When he is forsaken, Wither''d and shaken, What can an old man do but die?
27889_ Sacrifice._ For what avail the plough or sail, Or land or life, if freedom fail?
27889_ Stanzas._ Hear ye not the hum Of mighty workings?
27889_ The Death of the Virtuous._ Child of mortality, whence comest thou?
27889_ The Dying Christian to his Soul._ Tell me, my soul, can this be death?
27889_ The Dying Christian to his Soul._ What beckoning ghost along the moonlight shade Invites my steps, and points to yonder glade?
27889_ The Gardener''s Daughter._ Of love that never found his earthly close, What sequel?
27889_ The Hermit._ But when shall spring visit the mouldering urn?
27889_ The Issues of Life and Death._ Who that hath ever been Could bear to be no more?
27889_ The Last Rose of Summer._ When true hearts lie wither''d And fond ones are flown, Oh, who would inhabit This bleak world alone?
27889_ The Little Cloud._ Friend after friend departs; Who hath not lost a friend?
27889_ The May Queen._ Ah, why Should life all labour be?
27889_ The Rock of Rubies, and the Quarrie of Pearls._ Some asked how pearls did grow, and where?
27889_ The World._ What then remains but that we still should cry For being born, and, being born, to die?
27889_ This Lime- tree Bower my Prison._ Hast thou a charm to stay the morning star In his steep course?
27889_ Tumble- down Dick._ Can any man have a higher notion of the rule of right and the eternal fitness of things?
27889_ Welcome me Home._ Why do n''t the men propose, Mamma?
27889_ What is Prayer?_ Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye When none but God is near.
27889_ Which are the most crafty, Water or Land Animals?
27889_ Why do n''t the Men propose?_ She wore a wreath of roses The night that first we met.
27889_ Written the night before his death.--Found in his Bible in the Gate- house at Westminster._ Shall I, like an hermit, dwell On a rock or in a cell?
27889a soldier, and afeard?
27889alive, and so bold, O earth?
27889are you yet living?
27889become of me?
27889can Sporus feel?
27889can a Roman senate long debate Which of the two to choose, slavery or death?
27889can it be That this is all remains of thee?
27889could not one suffice?
27889do n''t ye hear it roar now?
27889has she done this to thee?
27889hast thou wandered there, To waft us home the message of despair?
27889he turned to his friend and said,"Have I not unawares spoken some mischievous thing or other?"
27889how have I frighted thee, That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down And steep my senses in forgetfulness?
27889ii._ FOOTNOTES:[ 769- 2] But where is last year''s snow?
27889iii._ When is man strong until he feels alone?
27889iv._ Can we ever have too much of a good thing?
27889iv._ Have you found your life distasteful?
27889iv._ How does the meadow- flower its bloom unfold?
27889iv._ What can they see in the longest kingly line in Europe, save that it runs back to a successful soldier?
27889ix._ Very late in life, when he was studying geometry, some one said to Lacydes,"Is it then a time for you to be learning now?"
27889ix._ Would yee both eat your cake and have your cake?
27889know ye not, Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow?
27889l._ Would you damn your precious soul?
27889line 303._[ 261- 1] One of our poets( which is it?)
27889must one swear to the truth of a song?
27889no: or an arm?
27889no: or take away the grief of a wound?
27889note 8._[ 686- 1] The same proverb existed in German:-- So Adam reutte, und Eva span, Wer war da ein eddelman?
27889once more who would not be a boy?
27889or art thou but A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat- oppressed brain?
27889p. 38._ Are these the choice dishes the Doctor has sent us?
27889p. 8._ Live or die, sink or swim.--PEELE:_ Edward I._( 1584?).
27889paragraph 53._ What Heraclitus would not laugh, or what Democritus would not weep?
27889shall I call thee bird, Or but a wandering voice?
27889that parchment, being scribbled o''er, should undo a man?
27889the Western giant smiles, And twirls the spotty globe to find it; This little speck, the British Isles?
27889to the hurried question of despair:"Where is my child?"
27889v._ Shall I show you the muscular training of a philosopher?
27889vi._ Why do you lead me a wild- goose chase?
27889vii._ When the liquor''s out, why clink the cannikin?
27889viii._ Euripides says,-- Who knows but that this life is really death, And whether death is not what men call life?
27889viii._ Have you not heard it said full oft, A woman''s nay doth stand for naught?
27889viii._ Who is so deafe or so blinde as is hee That wilfully will neither heare nor see?
27889what boots the long laborious Quest?_ Of blessed consolations in distress.
27889what light through yonder window breaks?
27889what power divine Shall henceforth wash the river Rhine?
27889what would you have with my wife?"
27889where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face?
27889where is thy blush?
27889where is thy sting?
27889where is thy victory?
27889wherefore art thou Romeo?
27889wherefore welcome won Xerxes, Xantippus, Xavier, Xenophon?
27889why dost thou shiver and shake, Gaffer Grey?
27889why should sorrow O''er that brow a shadow fling?
27889why should they know their fate, Since sorrow never comes too late, And happiness too swiftly flies?
27889will you not bear with your own brother, who has God for his Father, as being a son from the same stock, and of the same high descent?
27889wilt thou the spigot wield?
27889wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice?
27889x._ Are we to mark this day with a white or a black stone?
27889x._ To what happy accident[402- 4] is it that we owe so unexpected a visit?
27889xi._ I would have nobody to control me; I would be absolute: and who but I?
27889xi._ Who is worse shod than the shoemaker''s wife?
27889xix._ When lovely woman stoops to folly, And finds too late that men betray, What charm can soothe her melancholy?
27889xlvi._ How shall I be able to rule over others, that have not full power and command of myself?
27889xvi._ What is the first business of one who studies philosophy?
27889xx._ Why, then, do you walk as if you had swallowed a ramrod?
27889xxi._ Who is there whom bright and agreeable children do not attract to play and creep and prattle with them?
27889xxiii._ How does the water Come down at Lodore?
27889your flashes of merriment, that were wo nt to set the table on a roar?
12444''But the rose?'' 12444 ''Did you git''em, boss?"
12444''Did you git''em, boss?
12444''How is Congress divided?'' 12444 ''How''s that, my boy?''
12444''Jim,''he said,''how is it the colonel is able to sleep so soundly with so many mosquitoes around?'' 12444 ''Liza, what fo''yo''buy dat udder box of shoe- blacknin''?"
12444''My, my,''I said,''what am I to do now?'' 12444 ''See that there tree?''
12444''Seen Ole?'' 12444 ''Ullo, Bill,''ow''s things with yer?"
12444''Wait a moment,''said Bill,''is it codfish they caught?'' 12444 ''Well,''said the teacher,''what do you say the answer is?''
12444''What office do you mean, uncle?'' 12444 ''What s the matter?
12444''What s the matter? 12444 ''What''s in here?''
12444''What''s that?'' 12444 ''What''s the matter?''
12444''Who broke the glass in the back window?''
12444''Who''s there?'' 12444 ''Who''s there?''
12444''Why do you cherish in this way,''my friend said to his host,''that common brick and that dead rose?'' 12444 ''William,''said I,''your face is fairly clean, but how did you get such dirty hands?"
12444''Wot''s so funny about bein''flogged?'' 12444 ''Would n''t change hit, boss, would he?''
12444''Would n''t change hit, boss, would he?'' 12444 A compromise?"
12444A missionary in a slum once laid his hand on a man''s shoulder and said:''Friend, do you hear the solemn ticking of that clock?
12444A sense of humor? 12444 A wish?"
12444Ah,she answered in the sweetest of tones,"I did n''t miss it so far, after all, did I?"
12444Ai n''t there a lot o''stuff in the pantry?
12444Ai n''t they fine boys?
12444Ai n''t we got a good house to live in?
12444Ai n''t yer''fraid ye''ll freeze?
12444All paid, eh?
12444All right, Jake, but what are you going to do this time?
12444An''how long have ye been here?
12444An''what are ye thinkin''about noo-- anither, eh?
12444An''what micht it be?
12444And are you a regular communicant?
12444And did he say he would not come?
12444And did you actually see this yourself?
12444And did you call Mr. Jones a worse fool?
12444And do n''t you take anything for it?
12444And do you have to be called in the morning?
12444And how do you plant it?
12444And how much money have you given her?
12444And how would you do it?
12444And is your husband a good provider?
12444And so you''re working''ard to keep out of mischief?
12444And were you not decorated?
12444And what are those things on her head?
12444And what can I do for you?
12444And what did he say?
12444And what did you do, Johnny?
12444And what did you get a hundred in?
12444And what did you say?
12444And what did you say?
12444And what do you do in winter?
12444And what do you wish the new one to be?
12444And what have you brought me?
12444And what kind of an egg might that be?
12444And what were you talking about?
12444And what,he asked,"do you suppose is the name of the chap who keeps a whole county dry?"
12444And who are you?
12444And why not?
12444And you are trying to free the niggers, are n''t you?
12444And you would n''t let a man beat you-- not even if he was your husband-- would you?
12444And you would n''t let a man beat you-- not even if he was your husband-- would you?
12444Any good? 12444 Any good?"
12444Any good?
12444Any trouble, Tom?
12444Anything on your mind, Catherine?
12444Are fried potatoes rich in carbohydrates or not?
12444Are n''t they rather light?
12444Are n''t you working to- day, Uncle?
12444Are there any trout out there?
12444Are we all goin'', too?
12444Are ye the captain of that vessel?
12444Are you a lawyer?
12444Are you a pillar of the church?
12444Are you a woman suffragist?
12444Are you an Episcopalian?
12444Are you an experienced aviator?
12444Are you drunk, too?
12444Are you going back?
12444Are you hurt, dear?
12444Are you married?
12444Are you positive of it?
12444Are you quite sure that was a marriage license you gave me last month?
12444Are you quite sure they wo n''t leave us any money?
12444Are you sick?
12444Are you sure this is all you have?
12444Are you the boss?
12444Are you trying to save souls from hell?
12444Are you waiting for me, dear?
12444Are you?
12444As to how?
12444Ask me?
12444Burned, eh?
12444But do you really, after a year, want to marry?
12444But how can I help that?
12444But how did that fact make you think you were still alive?
12444But how is it that you have the candy now?
12444But what would we do with the other two days?
12444But why does laziness make him howl?
12444But why not?
12444But why should n''t faith work as well in one case as in the other?
12444But would n''t tomorrow night do just as well?
12444But you''re a Jew?
12444But your views, as you expressed them some time ago?
12444But, my dear sir,expostulated the author,"does he sign them with his feet?"
12444But,one asked,"how does it get to the other end of the hole?"
12444By the way, do you put these fines back into the roads?
12444By whom?
12444By whom?
12444Can you give me some particulars of this accident?
12444Can you ride a horse and swim, too?
12444Can you ride a horse and swim, too?
12444Chicken pie? 12444 Choked to death?"
12444Come, come, I know that-- drunk again, I suppose?
12444Conductor,he demanded indignantly,"do you permit drunken people to ride upon this train?"
12444Could you not do it yourself, father? 12444 Could you tell him what to do in case of an attack?"
12444D''ye call thot applause?
12444D''ye think thot I''m goin''to put in me whole day drivin''ye around for two hours? 12444 D''you s''pose I''d be workin''in the garden on Saturday morning if she was n''t?"
12444Dare yez to answer me when I puts a question to yez?
12444Dat''s hard luck,said the first;"did youse lose anyt''ing?"
12444Dear me, how tiresome,said the lady;"have you Praed?"
12444Dear me, son, how did that happen?
12444Dear, dear, that''s too bad;''oo did it happen?
12444Did Hardlucke bear his misfortune like a man?
12444Did n''t I tell ye she''d had her pound of meat?
12444Did n''t I tell ye the fire department was comin?"
12444Did n''t I tell ye to keep out of the way?
12444Did n''t he wire you too?
12444Did n''t that make him come across?
12444Did n''t the boy bring that dozen bass I gave him?
12444Did n''t you hear of the lawsuit over a title that I had with Jones down in Malone last summer?
12444Did n''t you notice that he counted his fingers after I had shaken hands with him and we were coming away?
12444Did n''t you tell Dr. Brooks last week that they were Episcopal kittens?
12444Did she tell you she''d forgotten?
12444Did the ass fancy that one would pay any attention to his wire?
12444Did ye see as Jim got ten years''penal for stealing that''oss?
12444Did you cast your vote, Aunty?
12444Did you come by it honestly?
12444Did you get rid of him?
12444Did you have orders?
12444Did you run like the wind, Sam?
12444Did you say your prayers before you went to bed?
12444Did you see it?
12444Did you sleep well, Mary?
12444Did you take it?
12444Did you tell the police?
12444Did you write this report on my lecture,''The Curse of Whiskey''?
12444Did youse git anyt''ing?
12444Do I understand, Mr. Stevens,asked the Judge, eying"old Thad"indignantly,"that you wish to show your contempt for this court?"
12444Do n''t you ever pray?
12444Do n''t you know what becomes of little boys who stay away from school to play baseball?
12444Do n''t you like the show?
12444Do n''t you love me too?
12444Do n''t you remember what happened to Ananias and Sapphira?
12444Do n''t you think he offers up a good prayer, Joe?
12444Do n''t you think she is a wonder?
12444Do n''t your wife miss you on these occasions?
12444Do you believe in the doctrine of election to be saved?
12444Do you call that an insult?
12444Do you call that thunder? 12444 Do you cycle?"
12444Do you doubt it?
12444Do you drink yourself?
12444Do you have much trouble with your automobile?
12444Do you know that that bulldog of yours killed my wife''s little harmless, affectionate poodle?
12444Do you know where Johnny Locke lives, my little boy?
12444Do you know who I am?
12444Do you know,said the swimmer,"this is the third time to- day that I''ve fallen off that bally old ranch of mine?"
12444Do you live in this house, too?
12444Do you live in this house?
12444Do you live in this parish?
12444Do you mean to say such a physical wreck as he gave you that black eye?
12444Do you motor?
12444Do you save up money for a rainy day, dear?
12444Do you see those two men sitting in the corner? 12444 Do you still like them?"
12444Do you think only of me?
12444Do you think that is long enough to know a man before taking such an important step?
12444Do you understand the requirements of that responsible position?
12444Do you want a lawyer?
12444Do you want me to help you upstairs?
12444Do you, sir,the doctor asked, in the course of his examination,"talk in your sleep?"
12444Do you, then, perhaps, fly?
12444Does being bald bother you much?
12444Does de white folks in youah neighborhood keep eny chickens, Br''er Rastus?
12444Does he pray for the members?
12444Does n''t he just take all the hope out of life?
12444Does n''t it ever rain around here?
12444Does n''t it?
12444Does your head feel better now, Mamma?
12444Does your wife want to vote?
12444Doin''any good?
12444Don''yo''want y''soul washed w''ite as snow, Brudder Jones?
12444Doyle,he asked,"how is it that you have n''t shaved this morning?"
12444Er-- have you kissed the bride?
12444Excuse me, are you a preacher?
12444Excuse me,interrupted the would- be- wit;"but can you tell us what the evening wore on that occasion?"
12444Felicia,said her father upon her return,"did you give him the check?"
12444Five dollars for what?
12444Found a horse? 12444 From headquarters, I suppose?"
12444From where in hell do you come, sir?
12444General, why do you not give the order to fire?
12444George,his wife said,"why did n''t you stand up?"
12444Gerald,said the young wife, noticing how heartily he was eating,"do I cook as well as your mother did?"
12444Get it?
12444Guilty, or not guilty?
12444Had Solomon really seven hundred wives?
12444Hair cut?
12444Hand- clapping?
12444Happy? 12444 Happy?
12444Hard? 12444 Hard?"
12444Has he a sense of humor?
12444Have a good time?
12444Have n''t I got damages enough already, man? 12444 Have they such tall buildings in America as they say, Pat?"
12444Have you a good cook now?
12444Have you a newspaper in town?
12444Have you any money left?
12444Have you done anything for her?
12444Have you heard about the new manner in which the planters are going to pick their cotton this season?
12444Have you no other ambition, Mr. Herford,she demanded,"than to force people to degrade themselves by laughter?"
12444Have you tried brown paper and a hot iron?
12444Have you tried gasoline?
12444Have you_ A Joy Forever_?
12444Heavens, Clancy, do n''t you ever stop?
12444Henry,faltered the young bride,"do you still love me?"
12444Here, officer,he said,"what''s this man charged with?"
12444Here,said a congressman to the head waiter,"why do n''t you put them things on our table too?"
12444Hey, how far''s the next town?
12444Homesick at a time like that?
12444Hoo is it, Jeemes, that you mak''sic an enairmous profit aff yer potatoes? 12444 How about beefsteak?"
12444How am I out of order?
12444How are you getting on?
12444How are you making out?
12444How are you, Mary?
12444How can that be,continued the storekeeper,"when it was cured only a week?"
12444How can we ever get Papa out of that little hole?
12444How can we?
12444How dare you say that when we all heard him? 12444 How dare you tell me that with the beard you have on your face?"
12444How did he get his title of colonel?
12444How did you hurt your feet, Dinah?
12444How did you like our railroad trains?
12444How did you lose your arm?
12444How did you pull it?
12444How did you sleep?
12444How did you write my name?
12444How do you do?
12444How do you get along here?
12444How do you know that this one is mine?
12444How do you know?
12444How do you mean it''s no use?
12444How do you plow that field?
12444How do_ you_ know?
12444How does it happen that you are five minutes late at school this morning?
12444How far apart were they?
12444How far in?
12444How far to the next town?
12444How fast is your car, Jimpson?
12444How has it worked?
12444How long did he cry?
12444How long have you been married, Uncle Moses?
12444How many children have you?
12444How many of you boys,asked the Sunday- school superintendent,"can bring two other boys next Sunday?"
12444How many people work in your office?
12444How many shots did you hear?
12444How many strokes?
12444How many times have I told you not to play with that bad Jenkins boy?
12444How many trees have you?
12444How much are they?
12444How much did he leave?
12444How much did that medicine cost, Doc?
12444How much have you saved, darling?
12444How much land have you?
12444How much to pay?
12444How old are you, Tommy?
12444How old are you?
12444How so?
12444How so?
12444How so?
12444How so?
12444How soon?
12444How was that?
12444How was that?
12444How was that?
12444How will you do it?
12444How would you make a Venetian blind?
12444How''s that?
12444How''s that?
12444How''s times?
12444However did you reconcile Adele and Mary?
12444I beg the gentleman''s pardon,said General Cochrane, springing to his feet;"but what was that last remark?"
12444I ca n''t, ca n''t I?
12444I do n''t remember having seen you here before,said she;"how long have you been in the asylum?"
12444I know a very outspoken painter whose little daughter called at a friend''s house and said:''Show me your new parlor rug, wo n''t you, please?''
12444I presume,she remarked,"that you begin the day over here the same as they do in New York?"
12444I suppose that interfered with his holding a good position?
12444I suppose you gave it up then?
12444I wonder if that''s what makes the Delaware Water Gap?
12444If he is good for nothing what do you want him back for?
12444Igh cost o''livin''not''ittin''yer, Bill?
12444In the first place, where did you meet this woman who, according to your story, has treated you so dreadfully?
12444In the first place, where did you meet this woman who, according to your story, has treated you so dreadfully?
12444Is a spanking hereditary?
12444Is he as good as Foy?
12444Is he balky?
12444Is he hurt?
12444Is he?
12444Is it true that he is henpecked?
12444Is it true, father,he asked,"that marriage is a failure?"
12444Is it, laddie?
12444Is n''t it?
12444Is n''t this the---- Theater?
12444Is she short or is she tall, slender, willowy?
12444Is that nitrogenous?
12444Is that the city gas- works?
12444Is that the truth?
12444Is that you, dear?
12444Is the baby strong?
12444Is there any one you would like to see?
12444Is this it?
12444Ish it possible I have the honor of speakin''to Misshus Smith?
12444It did n''t hurt as much as you expected it would, did it?
12444It is very gratifying to know that your mother thought of me in her illness,said he,"Is your minister out of town?"
12444It''ll last till you git another husband, wo n''t it? 12444 It''s a fine thing for you to belong to the church,"replied the younger brother,"If I join the church who''ll weigh the coal?"
12444It''s cold out to- day, is n''t it?
12444It''s like dis, aindt it? 12444 It''s pretty rough to be gone through like this, ai n''t it, sir?"
12444It''s you, John, is it? 12444 Johnny,"said the mother as she vigorously scrubbed the small boy''s face with soap and water,"did n''t I tell you never to blacken your face again?
12444Kinder chilly, ai n''t it?
12444Large and affectionate?
12444Last days of Pompey? 12444 Look here, Sam,"he said,"what did I order?"
12444Look here, young lady,she said,"who are you that calls my husband and insists on talking to him?"
12444Madam,he said,"if this man were your husband and had given you a beating, would you call in the police?"
12444Martha, have you wiped the sink dry yet?
12444Martha, is it possible that you are thinking of getting married?
12444Mary,he asked,"will you marry me?"
12444May I venture to inquire as to the nature of the book you propose to write?
12444Maybe you are a Baptist?
12444Maybe--here the sentry laughed--"maybe you''re the major himself?"
12444Me mind your machine? 12444 Me?"
12444Miss Annie, is that so?
12444Miss Annie,said the young man, in deep earnest tones,"I am thinking of proposing to your sister Kate-- will you make your home with us?"
12444Mister,he inquired,"was you tryin''to ketch that Pennsylvania train?"
12444Mr. Henry? 12444 Mulligan, what the divvil ar- re ye doin''?"
12444My boy, is it true that you called Mrs. Jones a fool?
12444My dear man,observed the onlooker,"are you not afraid that your brain will be affected in the hot sun?"
12444My friend,he said, shrugging his shoulders and indicating the crowd in front,"I quite agree with you, but what are we two against so many?"
12444My friend,says I,"I''ve heard that there''s nothing in a name, but are you not one of the Wood family?"
12444My horses?
12444My mother, Flora? 12444 My mother, Flora?
12444My poor man,he said,"I suppose you will have to make good this loss out of your own pocket?"
12444New minister?
12444No use?
12444No? 12444 No?
12444Not much chance for caddying then, I suppose?
12444Not that young fellow who has been calling on you lately?
12444Now supposing you had your wish, what would you do?
12444Now that you have made$ 50,000,000, I suppose you are going to keep right on for the purpose of trying to get a hundred millions?
12444Now, Charlie,she pleaded,"are you going to let the sun go down on your wrath?"
12444Now, Lena,she asked earnestly,"are you a_ good_ cook?"
12444Now, look here, Mother,said Bobby,"do I look as if we''d been playing?"
12444Now, what did he say?
12444Now, where in hell have I seen you?
12444Now,said the clergyman to the Sunday- school class,"can any of you tell me what are sins of omission?"
12444Now,said the teacher,"why did n''t you know when Moses lived?"
12444Nurse,he said one day, leaving his blocks and laying his hand on her knee,"nurse, is this God''s day?"
12444O, Mother, why are the men in the front baldheaded?
12444Oh nonsense, uncle, you do n''t mean to say that you subscribe to all the articles of the Presbyterian faith?
12444Oh, Cousin John, what is that?
12444Oh, ai n''t he?
12444Oh, dearest, how did you do it? 12444 Oh, do n''t you_ love_ Ibsen?"
12444Oh, is it?
12444Oh, is that all?
12444Oh, my brother,groaned the reverend gentleman,"wouldst thou rob me?
12444Oh, that''s all right,replied Ben;"but what about the mornings I do n''t get home in time?
12444Oh, that''s too bad, but just supposing you were, whom would you support in the present campaign?
12444Oh, well, your servant is honest, is n''t she?
12444Ole,she said desperately,"why do n''t you say something?"
12444Oxford, Oxford,remonstrated that surprised dignitary,"why this unseemly haste?"
12444Pardon me,continued the Hubbite,"but what did you try to get him to swallow?"
12444Pass you in? 12444 Pete?"
12444Please, Mis''Mary, might I have the aft''noon off three weeks frum Wednesday?
12444Pride, eh?
12444Prisoner at the bar,called out the clerk,"do you wish to challenge any of the jury?"
12444Quite,said the clergyman;"but do you really want an appropriate verse?"
12444Rain? 12444 Rain?"
12444Say, Captain,he said"you ai n''t got anything but the habit, have you?"
12444Say, cap''n,said one of them,"what ought I to carry home to the children for a souvenir?"
12444Say, do you know where I can buy a folding toothbrush?
12444Say, do you know who I am?
12444Say, fellers,he murmured anxiously,"is the boss mad?
12444Say, friend,called out one of the men,"how far is it to the next town?"
12444Say, have you seen this show?
12444Say, young man,asked an old lady at the ticket- office,"what time does the next train pull in here and how long does it stay?"
12444Say,asked the stranger, mopping his brow,"do you always go home like this?
12444See that millinery shop over there?
12444Senator, why do n''t you unpack your trunk? 12444 Shall I help you upstairs?"
12444Shine yer boots, sir?
12444Shine''em so''s yer can see yer face in''em?
12444Sho,said Uncle Abe,"who they buryin''today?"
12444Shore dere was-- plenty of''em,the other hastened to assure his minister"What was dey a- doin''?"
12444Smoking, is it, sor? 12444 So I is, Missus, but do you''spose I''d keep all dis yer money in de house wid dat strange nigger?"
12444So you did n''t spend your 2 cents?
12444So you have adopted a baby to raise?
12444So you have had a long siege of nervous prostration?
12444So you heard the bullet whiz past you?
12444So you think the author of this play will live, do you?
12444So you want to see the boss?
12444Something else, Jimmy? 12444 Souls?"
12444Squirrel whisky?
12444Suppose a reporter should visit our church?
12444Surely you are glad?
12444Suspicious? 12444 Tall buildings ye ask, sur?"
12444Tart, what?
12444Tart, what?
12444Tell me,pleaded the insurance agent, when the lad came into the kitchen,"are you the boss of the house?"
12444That so? 12444 That your boy, Billups?"
12444That? 12444 The barber from the village?"
12444The burglar''s legs?
12444The morrn''?
12444Then how are you an Episcopalian?
12444Then nothing passed between ye?
12444Then what in thunder''s she hollering for?
12444Then where is the funny paper?
12444Then why did you come away?
12444Then why do n''t you go into the speculation?
12444Then why do you call it chicken pie? 12444 Then why do you give it to me?"
12444Then why do you persist in hissing the performers?
12444Then,said James,"why do n''t you chew cloves?"
12444There are several I have n''t heard, are n''t there?
12444They ca n''t sell liquor at all there?
12444Three months, is it? 12444 Tite Harrison, hey?
12444To drink?
12444To what parish do you belong?
12444Tommy,said his mother reprovingly,"what did I say I''d do to you if I ever caught you stealing jam again?"
12444Up the soide of the hill is it, sor?
12444Up the soide of the hill? 12444 Up to my shoulders?"
12444Vell, say,he whispered again,"he must be pretty exbensive, then, ai n''t he?
12444Vittles fo''what?
12444Want a raise, do you? 12444 Want to buy some nice cold tea?"
12444Want to see the boss?
12444Was Helen''s marriage a success?
12444Was Minerva married?
12444Was dere any white men dere?
12444Was they brought on specially for this show, or do they live here?
12444Watcher want?
12444Well did anybody ever?
12444Well then tell me do you believe that I am elected to be saved?
12444Well, Bobby, what do you want to be when you grow up?
12444Well, George, have you tried ammonia?
12444Well, I''ll tell you,he said then, thoughtfully:"why do n''t you sugar your head and go as a pill?"
12444Well, Jenny?
12444Well, Pat, what good would it do if yez knew?
12444Well, William?
12444Well, Willie?
12444Well, boys, where have you been all afternoon?
12444Well, did n''t they give any encouragement? 12444 Well, did you have a good night''s rest?"
12444Well, father, was he the man who said,''Give me liberty or give me death?''
12444Well, how did you like the piece, my dear?
12444Well, if yer do n''t like it,the conductor finally blurted out,"why in thunder do n''t yer git out an''walk?"
12444Well, it may turn out all right, but do n''t you think you are taking chances?
12444Well, little girl,the mother began,"did you tell God all about how naughty you''d been?"
12444Well, my good woman,said he,"so you are ill and require the consolations of religion?
12444Well, my little man, and what can I do for you?
12444Well, my little man, did you want to see me?
12444Well, my lord, you''ll excuse me, but he said,''Who''s that old woman with the red bed curtain round her, sitting up there?
12444Well, then, madam,requested the little man,"would you mind changing seats with me?
12444Well, what about it?
12444Well, what are we called?
12444Well, what are you going to do about it?
12444Well, what are you going to do, then?
12444Well, what do the revolutionists want?
12444Well, what do we care,mumbled John, rolling over,"so long as they do n''t die in the house?"
12444Well, what do you think of that?
12444Well, what do you want me to do?
12444Well, what if I do? 12444 Well, what is it, sweetheart?"
12444Well, what is it?
12444Well, what is it?
12444Well, what is it?
12444Well, what of it?
12444Well, why do n''t you go there then?
12444Well, why do you preach your doctrines up here? 12444 Well, why is n''t your wife helping you to celebrate?"
12444Well,rejoined the Governor,"now that you have seen one, are you satisfied?"
12444Well,said the first,"what''s new this morning?"
12444Were any of them receipted?
12444Were any of your boyish ambitions ever realized?
12444Wh- why are you following me?
12444Whah wuz yo''soul washed w''ite as snow, Brudder Jones?
12444Whar did you git such a fine goose?
12444Whar yo''vittles?
12444Whar''d yoh jine?
12444What American name would you like to have?
12444What about?
12444What are her days at home?
12444What are they?
12444What are ye wearin''thot mournful thing for?
12444What are you cutting out of the paper?
12444What are you cutting out of the paper?
12444What are you doing for her?
12444What are you doing here?
12444What are you eating?
12444What are you going to do with all that paper, Henry?
12444What are you going to do with it?
12444What are you going to do with it?
12444What are you going to do?
12444What are you in bed for?
12444What are you running for, Mose?
12444What are you trying to do? 12444 What are you, then, uncle?"
12444What caused it? 12444 What caused the coolness between you and that young doctor?
12444What d''ye mane?
12444What did he say?
12444What did he say?
12444What did he want?
12444What did they do? 12444 What did they do?"
12444What did you bring that sign in here for?
12444What did you do with it?
12444What did you do?
12444What do they do to you?
12444What do you consider the most important event in the history of Paris?
12444What do you mean by bo''n oratah?
12444What do you mean by following me in this manner?
12444What do you mean by that?
12444What do you mean? 12444 What do you mean?
12444What do you think I''m running? 12444 What do you think about it, Uncle Bill?"
12444What do you want?
12444What does he say?
12444What does this mean, your being asleep out here? 12444 What does your mother say when you tell her those dreadful lies?"
12444What explanation have you,he asked severely,"for not speaking to your wife in five years?"
12444What floor do you live on?
12444What for?
12444What for?
12444What for?
12444What good will thet be?
12444What great event took place July 4, 1776?
12444What happened?
12444What has that to do with it? 12444 What have you there?"
12444What is a drunken man like, Fool?
12444What is a steward?
12444What is a''faculty''?
12444What is faith, Johnny?
12444What is he so angry with you for?
12444What is it?
12444What is that Japanese idol over there worth?
12444What is that little boy crying about?
12444What is that?
12444What is the charge against these young men?
12444What is the matter with him?
12444What is the matter, dearest?
12444What is the name of your automobile?
12444What is the old one?
12444What is the trouble, my dear?
12444What is the trouble?
12444What is this for?
12444What is this?
12444What is this?
12444What is wrong, dear?
12444What is your ideal man?
12444What is your name?
12444What is your opinion of a tolerable egg?
12444What little boy can tell me the difference between the''quick''and the''dead?''
12444What made you go crazy?
12444What makes you carry that horrible shriek machine for an automobile signal?
12444What makes you think the baby is going to be a great politician?
12444What of it?
12444What on earth are you doing, man?
12444What on earth are you trying to do there, Dudley?
12444What on earth has the dog to do with it?
12444What profit do you make out of that?
12444What punishment did that defaulting banker get?
12444What seems to be the trouble?
12444What sort of a man is he?
12444What sort of a ticket does your suffragette club favor?
12444What sort of chap is he?
12444What then have you got?
12444What was he put in for?
12444What was that, feyther?
12444What was the dream?
12444What was the matter?
12444What was your adventure, though?
12444What were you and Mr. Smith talking about in the parlor?
12444What were you in for?
12444What will we do?
12444What with all their clothes on?
12444What you been doin''to get tired?
12444What''d he do with it?
12444What''d he do?
12444What''ll ye pay?
12444What''s brought you here?
12444What''s that man shaking his stick at her for?
12444What''s that? 12444 What''s that?"
12444What''s the charge ag''in this man?
12444What''s the charge?
12444What''s the greatest play you ever saw?
12444What''s the matter there?
12444What''s the matter, Bill?
12444What''s the matter, Crane? 12444 What''s the matter, Jim?"
12444What''s the matter?
12444What''s the matter?
12444What''s the matter?
12444What''s the matter?
12444What''s the trouble?
12444What''s the word?
12444What''s this?
12444What''s this?
12444What''s up? 12444 What''s wrong now?"
12444What''s wrong?
12444What,asked the Sunday- school teacher,"is meant by bearing false witness against one''s neighbor?"
12444What- all''s de matter wif de chile?
12444What? 12444 What?"
12444When is you gwine to git married, Miss Maudie?
12444When will I be old enough to, Mama?
12444Where am I-- in heaven?
12444Where am I?
12444Where are the bottles?
12444Where did you come from, Lizzie?
12444Where did you get the pattern, Mamma?
12444Where did you sit?
12444Where do all them troopers come from?
12444Where do you feel worst?
12444Where hae you been the nicht, Andrew?
12444Where have you been?
12444Where is everybody?
12444Where is he?
12444Where is your lawyer?
12444Where were you when the first shot was fired?
12444Where were you when the second shot was fired?
12444Where''d you go?
12444Where''s old Four- Fingered Pete?
12444Where''s the fish?
12444Which one?
12444Who are those people who are cheering?
12444Who are you?
12444Who confirmed you, then?
12444Who is Orlando Day?
12444Who is it?
12444Who is this?'' 12444 Who''s going to pay me for my horse?"
12444Who''s there? 12444 Who''s there?"
12444Who, father, is that gentleman?
12444Who-- who the devil is this, anyhow?
12444Whom do you wish to see?
12444Why are you driving so recklessly? 12444 Why did you break your engagement with that school teacher?"
12444Why did you come to college, anyway? 12444 Why did you run when you had this permit?"
12444Why do n''t both sides come together and arbitrate?
12444Why do n''t women have the same sense of humor that men possess?
12444Why do n''t you make up?
12444Why do n''t you stay in out of the rain?
12444Why do you ask?
12444Why do you ask?
12444Why do you object to Baedeker?
12444Why do you wish to change your name?
12444Why does it take him so long?
12444Why in thunder do n''t you make it a rule to tell only half what you hear?
12444Why is it,asked the persistent poetess,"that you always insist that we write on one side of the paper only?
12444Why is it?
12444Why not? 12444 Why not?"
12444Why not?
12444Why on earth did you agree to do it for so little?
12444Why on earth did you do that?
12444Why should I keep your money for you? 12444 Why was it you never married again, Aunt Sallie?"
12444Why were you not at our revival?
12444Why you no ringa da bell?
12444Why, Brudder Brown,he asked,"whar''r all yo''chickens?"
12444Why, I came home late, and my wife heard me and said,''John, what time is it?'' 12444 Why, Johnny,"said his mother,"what''s the matter?"
12444Why, Mother dear, did n''t you know that was the ribbon I won at the show?
12444Why, colonel, what''s the matter?
12444Why, how big is your father''s farm?
12444Why, mother,cried Hilda,"ca n''t you see?
12444Why, then,the stranger queried,"should the dog howl?"
12444Why, what is it, Harry?
12444Why, what on earth''s the matter?
12444Why, what''s he been doin''now?
12444Why, what''s the matter, dear?
12444Why, you would not speak to a strange man, would you?
12444Why,asked headquarters,"do you wish to be transferred?"
12444Why,he inquired,"do you, who fought on the other side, give me so much more than any of those who were my comrades in arms?"
12444Why,said he,"does a bride invariably desire to be clothed in white at her marriage?"
12444Why,said the teacher,"George Washington did his own sewing in the wars, and do you think you are better than George Washington?"
12444Will they bite easily?
12444Will they?
12444Will you give me a certificate to that effect?
12444Will you please tell me, sir, what is the extreme penalty for bigamy?
12444Will you take tart or pudding?
12444Will you, really?
12444Willie,she said,"did you invite Tommy to your party tonight?"
12444Wo n''t do? 12444 Wo n''t you try it on?"
12444Wot cheer, Alf? 12444 Wotcher wages?"
12444Would n''t it be awful?
12444Would n''t yo''gib me one?
12444Would n''t yo''give me twenty- five?
12444Would you be offended if I was to present him with a nice brass collar?
12444Would you call Si Perkins a liar?
12444Would you mind writing all that down for me?
12444Ye do n''t, hey? 12444 Yes, Father, but how can I tell when I have enough or am drunk?"
12444Yes, but how about the man who works and has to listen to him?
12444Yes, ma''am,replied the salesman;"something very strong?"
12444Yes, sir,said the waiter, reaching for the sandwich;"will you eat it or take it with you?"
12444Yes, yes,said the Bishop of London with the suspicion of a twinkle in his kindly old eyes,"but why such haste?
12444Yes; what is it?
12444Yes? 12444 Yes?"
12444Yis, sor, but is this the relief station?
12444You blithering idiot,said the foreman,"did n''t I tell you to get out of the road?
12444You can make doors, windows, and blinds?
12444You did n''t suppose God was a Yankee, did you?
12444You do n''t know? 12444 You do n''t mean to imply that he is a spendthrift?"
12444You do n''t mean to say they sell whiskey in a millinery store?
12444You do n''t suppose God would be loafing around here this time of day, do you? 12444 You do n''t think they''ll take everything, do you?"
12444You do n''t think we''re rehearsin''with him, do you?
12444You had$ 35 when you left the fort, did n''t you?
12444You have a pretty tough looking lot of customers to dispose of this morning, have n''t you?
12444You have been conspicuous in the halls of legislation, have you not?
12444You have? 12444 You say you are your wife''s third husband?"
12444You say your jewels were stolen while the family was at dinner?
12444You thoroughly understand carpentry?
12444You''re a Jew, ai n''t you?
12444You''re sure it''s in style?
12444You- all carried moah''n a million passengers? 12444 Young man,"he said brusquely,"do you know what time it is?"
12444Your chief? 12444 Your fortune?"
12444Your husband will be all right now,said an English doctor to a woman whose husband was dangerously ill."What do you mean?"
12444''"Ow long''ave yer been at it?"
12444''"Tis cold, ai n''t it?
12444''Any entertainment here tonight to help a stranger while away his evening?''
12444''Are ye dead?''
12444--_The Advertiser_ SALOONS"Where can I get a drink in this town?"
12444A Bostonian died, and when he arrived at St. Peter''s gate he was asked the usual questions:"What is your name, and where are you from?"
12444A German woman called up Central and instructed her as follows:"Ist dis de mittle?
12444A darky meeting another coming from the library with a book accosted him as follows:"What book you done got there, Rastus?"
12444A freighter?"
12444A genius who once did aspire To invent an aerial flyer, When asked,"Does it go?"
12444A gentleman sprang to assist her; He picked up her glove and her wrister;"Did you fall, Ma''am?"
12444A passing Irishman stopped and watched him with great interest for two or three minutes; at last he said:"Well, why do n''t ye jump?"
12444A playmate passed him, looked at his position, then sang out:"Hey, Bobbie, have you lost your other skate?"
12444A political speaker, while making a speech, paused in the midst of it and exclaimed:"Now gentlemen, what do you think?"
12444A poor lady the other day hastened to the nursery and said to her little daughter:"Minnie, what do you mean by shouting and screaming?
12444A woman stuck her head out of a second- story window and demanded, none too sweetly:"What do you want?"
12444AERONAUTICS A flea and a fly in a flue, Were imprisoned; now what could they do?
12444AEROPLANES"Mother, may I go aeroplane?"
12444AGENTS"John, whatever induced you to buy a house in this forsaken region?"
12444ALIMONY"What is alimony, ma?"
12444ALLOWANCES"Why do n''t you give your wife an allowance?"
12444ANNIVERSARIES MRS. JONES--"Does your husband remember your wedding anniversary?"
12444ASPIRING VOCALIST--"Professor, do you think I will ever be able to do anything with my voice?"
12444AUTOMOBILES TEACHER--"If a man saves$ 2 a week, how long will it take him to save a thousand?"
12444AVIATOR( to young assistant, who has begun to be frightened)--"Well, what do you want now?"
12444About two months later she cuddled up close to him on the sofa one evening, and said:"Robert dear, have you saved up that thousand yet?"
12444According to directions he knocked and the Dean asked:"Who is there?"
12444After a few minutes he leaned over to a gentleman near him and whispered,"Say, mine frient, this must be a pretty goot doctor, ai n''t he?"
12444After a few moments''deep thought:"Say, ma, then do n''t you think they''d be lots more surprised if you did take us all?"
12444After looking around in considerable astonishment Pat replied:"And is it yez, captain?
12444After the beau had made a rapid exit, the father turned to the girl and said in astonishment:"What was the matter with that fellow?
12444After the service the preacher met the Judge in the vestibule and said:"Well, your Honor, how did you like the sermon?"
12444After the train had made another stop and gone on, the brakeman came into the caboose and said to the conductor:"Well, is he off?"
12444Ai n''t that a character for ye?"
12444Am I walking straight?"
12444Am you habbing prosper''s times?"
12444An aviator alighted on a field and said to a rather well- dressed individual:"Here, mind my machine a minute, will you?"
12444An old farmer, driving past the place after work had been started, and seeing a man in the doorway, called to him:"What be ye doin''in this place?"
12444An''ef yo''had a hundred watermillions would yo''gib me fifty?"
12444And are you married?"
12444And he was ground to pieces, I suppose?"
12444And oh, friend, do you know what day it inexorably and relentlessly brings nearer?"
12444And when he says to me,''Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband?''
12444Any tender little romance there?"
12444Anybody happen to know?"
12444Approaching an old lady in a Lakewood hotel, he said:"Can you crack nuts?"
12444Are n''t you a- gwine in?"
12444Are n''t you aware that I am a divine?"
12444Are there any questions to be asked?"
12444Are yo''corresponding wif some other female?"
12444Are yo''so good for nuffen lazy dat yo''cahn''t wish fo''yo''own watermillions?"
12444Are you married?"
12444As I jabbed the pen back into the dish of bird shot, I said:"''Can you direct me to the bank?''
12444As he passed down the street a gamin yelled:"What''s the kid done?"
12444As the waiter placed the order before him he said in a loud voice:"Waiter, what is largest tip you ever received?"
12444At last, unable to stand it longer, he arose and demanded, in a high, penetrating voice,"Is there a Christian Scientist in this room?"
12444At the conclusion of the service the American chanced to ask one of the jackies:"Are you obliged to attend these Sunday morning services?"
12444At the end he said,"Did the other doctor take your temperature?"
12444B--"Would you mind telling me what it was?"
12444BALL-"What is silence?"
12444BARGAINS MANAGER( five- and- ten- cent store)--"What did the lady who just went out want?"
12444BEER A man to whom illness was chronic, When told that he needed a tonic, Said,"O Doctor dear, Wo n''t you please make it beer?"
12444BEES TEACHER--"Tommy, do you know''How Doth the Little Busy Bee''?"
12444BIBLE INTERPRETATION"Miss Jane, did Moses have the same after- dinner complaint my papa''s got?"
12444BILLY--"Then why ai n''t you sick today?"
12444BOBBY--"When did you begin, then, Mamma?"
12444BOGGS--"What luck did you have with them?"
12444BOOKS AND READING LADY PRESIDENT--"What book has helped you most?"
12444BORES"What kind of a looking man is that chap Gabbleton you just mentioned?
12444BRIDGE WHIST"How about the sermon?"
12444BROOKLYN At the Brooklyn Bridge.--"Madam, do you want to go to Brooklyn?"
12444BUSINESS ETHICS"Johnny,"said his teacher,"if coal is selling at$ 6 a ton and you pay your dealer$ 24 how many tons will he bring you?"
12444Be you the whistle?"
12444Being told that such was the case the old darky said;"Do you mind telling me something that has been botherin''my old haid?
12444But I got out shust in time, eh?"
12444But I will give you two thousand,"answered the upholder of American honor; and then in a moment he added:"May I ask who gave you the thousand francs?"
12444But how on earth did you do it, Ethel?"
12444But how was I to know?
12444But how, pray, could he really know?
12444But sure, this is the relief station?"
12444But taking the matter seriously, how would one define humor?
12444But what are you going to do now?"
12444But what in tarnation was them drunken painters in sech an all- fired hurry fer?"
12444But what on earth is she doing up in Virginia?"
12444But where are you dining tonight?"
12444But where does the insult to you come in?"
12444But where does the insult to you come in?"
12444But you see that big man over there?"
12444But"--suddenly looking up--"where the divvil is the cat?"
12444CASEY--"Now, phwat wu''u''d ye do in a case loike thot?"
12444CHAMPAGNE MR. HILTON--"Have you opened that bottle of champagne, Bridget?"
12444CHIEF CLERK( to office boy)--"Why on earth do n''t you laugh when the boss tells a joke?"
12444CHINAMAN--"You tellee me where railroad depot?"
12444CITIZEN--"What''s the matter, John?
12444CLANCY--"Loike phwat?"
12444CLERK--"To cut out?"
12444CLERK--"What is it, please?"
12444COLLEGE STUDENTS"Say, dad, remember that story you told me about when you were expelled from college?"
12444COLONEL HIGHFLYER--"What are your rates per column?"
12444COMMUTERS BRIGGS--"Is it true that you have broken off your engagement to that girl who lives in the suburbs?"
12444CONFESSIONS"You say Garston made a complete confession?
12444CONUNDRUMS"Mose, what is the difference between a bucket of milk in a rain storm and a conversation between two confidence men?"
12444COST OF LIVING"Did you punish our son for throwing a lump of coal at Willie Smiggs?"
12444COUNTRY LIFE BILTER( at servants''agency)--"Have you got a cook who will go to the country?"
12444COURAGE AUNT ETHEL--"Well, Beatrice, were you very brave at the dentist''s?"
12444COURTSHIP"Do you think a woman believes you when you tell her she is the first girl you ever loved?"
12444CRITIC--"By George, old chap, when I look at one of your paintings I stand and wonder--"ARTIST--"How I do it?"
12444CRITIC--"Why not give it to an institution for the blind?"
12444CRUELTY"Why do you beat your little son?
12444CURIOUS CHARLEY--"Then what tree does the doughnut grow on?"
12444Ca n''t you tell the difference?"
12444Can it be possible in a civilized country?"
12444Can nothing he done to stop it?"
12444Can you write?
12444Come on, sir, what was it?"
12444Could n''t yer make it a quarter an''thoroly enjoy yourself?"
12444Could you love a girl like that?"
12444Could you not spoil the marriage?"
12444D''ye think I''d be relyin''on total strangers for support if I had a wife?"
12444D''ye want to drown me?"
12444DANCING He was a remarkably stout gentleman, excessively fond of dancing, so his friends asked him why he had stopped, and was it final?
12444DEMOCRACY"Why are you so vexed, Irma?"
12444DEMOCRATIC PARTY HOSPITAL PHYSICIAN--"Which ward do you wish to be taken to?
12444DEWLEY--"Is the machine on the market yet?"
12444DIVORCE"When a woman marries and then divorces her husband inside of a week what would you call it?"
12444DOGS LADY( to tramp who had been commissioned to find her lost poodle)--"The poor little darling, where did you find him?"
12444Dey ai n''t no dog in a dog biscuit, is dey?"
12444Did he mention any names?"
12444Did n''t I tell you to take care and get out of the way?
12444Did n''t the lady you last worked for have them on the table?"
12444Did n''t they appreciate it?"
12444Did n''t they ask you to come before the curtain?"
12444Did ye not hear it?"
12444Did, eh?"
12444Do n''t you care anything about your souls?"
12444Do n''t you know me?
12444Do n''t you know the difference in value?
12444Do n''t you see how it reads?
12444Do n''t you see the gentleman wants to take the lady''s picture?"
12444Do n''t you think that is very nice of them?"
12444Do ye see this big dent in my head?
12444Do you do it to avoid repeating yourself?"
12444Do you ever take alcoholic drinks?"
12444Do you know her equal?"
12444Do you know why?
12444Do you mean to say that they actually used to quarrel?"
12444Do you think I am made of money?"
12444Do you think-- is it your opinion-- that they have, so to speak, decreased in violence, if I may use that word?"
12444Do you understand?"
12444Do you understand?"
12444Do you understand?"
12444Do your parents look after your moral welfare?"
12444Dost thou love life?
12444Dost thou love life?
12444EARNEST YOUNG MAN--"Don''t work?"
12444EARNEST YOUNG MAN--"Have you any advice to a struggling young employee?"
12444EDITOR--"Well, what further proof do you want?"
12444EDITOR--"You wish a position as a proofreader?"
12444ELECTRICITY In school a boy was asked this question in physics:"What is the difference between lightning and electricity?"
12444EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES"You want more money?
12444Each favorite vintage in its turn,-- What man could wish for more?
12444Elated with her seeming quick perception, he then turned to the picture of a Chimpanzee and said:"Baby, what is this?"
12444Elizabeth gazed at the sardines in wonder, and then asked:"But, mother, how do the large fish get the cans open?"
12444Excuse my asking you, but is there much more to do before we get there?"
12444Eyeing her sleepily he said curiously,"Say, are you talking yet or again?"
12444FAIR VISITOR--"Why are you giving Fido''s teeth such a thorough brushing?"
12444FAST FRIEND--"Who from?"
12444FATHER( impressively)--"Suppose I should be taken away suddenly, what would become of you, my boy?"
12444FATHER( reprovingly)--"Do you know what happens to liars when they die?"
12444FATHER-"And what did he say?"
12444FEET BIG MAN( with a grouch)--"Will you be so kind as to get off my feet?"
12444FIGHTING"Who gave ye th''black eye, Jim?"
12444FIRST DEAF MUTE--"He was n''t so very angry, was he?"
12444FIRST ENGLISHMAN--"Why do you allow your wife to be a militant suffragette?"
12444FIRST EUROPEAN SOCIETY LADY--"Wouldn''t you like to be presented to our sovereign?"
12444FLATS"Hello, Tom, old man, got your new flat fitted up yet?"
12444FORESIGHT"They tell me you''re working''ard night an''day, Sarah?"
12444FOUNTAIN PENS"Fust time you''ve ever milked a cow, is it?"
12444FOURTH OF JULY"You are in favor of a safe and sane Fourth of July?"
12444FREE THOUGHT TOMMY--"Pop, what is a freethinker?"
12444FRIEND-"So your great Russian actor was a total failure?"
12444FRIEND--"So you''re going to make it hot for that fellow who held up the bank, shot the cashier, and got away with the ten thousand?"
12444Finally the captain, taking him by the shoulder and giving him a vigorous shake said:"Pat, why do n''t you answer?
12444Finally the hostess turned to Field and asked:"You, sir, must have often seen these affairs?"
12444Finally the traveler approached and asked, solicitously:"Is your horse sick?"
12444Finally the young man asked timidly,"Do n''t you think, sir, that this painting of mine is-- well-- er-- tolerable?"
12444Finally the youngster asked,"Are you really and truly a governor?"
12444Freddie read over the list, and then said:"Mother, have n''t you a list for a bad little boy?"
12444From almost every berth on the car a head came out from between the curtains, and with one accord nearly every man shouted:''What''s that?''"
12444GENTLEMEN"Sadie, what is a gentleman?"
12444GERTIE--"Then you think every woman should have a vote?"
12444GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP"Do n''t you think the coal- mines ought to be controlled by the government?"
12444GRAFT"What is meant by graft?"
12444GUARANTEES TRAVELER( on an English train)--"Shall I have time to get a drink?"
12444GUESTS"Look here, Dinah,"said Binks, as he opened a questionable egg at breakfast,"is this the freshest egg you can find?"
12444Get home all right?"
12444H.F.--"What have you to live on?"
12444H.F.--"Will you have a church or a private wedding?"
12444HASH"George,"said the Titian- haired school marm,"is there any connecting link between the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom?"
12444HE--"But what reason have you for refusing to marry me?"
12444HE--"Why stop there?
12444HEALTH RESORTS"Where''ve you been, Murray?"
12444HEIRLOOMS HE( wondering if his rival has been accepted)--"Are both your rings heirlooms?"
12444HER SUITOR--"Then do n''t you think you''d better let me take her off your hands?"
12444HEREDITY"Papa, what does hereditary mean?"
12444HIS BETTER HALF--"But why wait?
12444HIS FATHER--"And what were your thoughts after you had done so?"
12444HIS FATHER--"Well, my son?"
12444HIS WIFE( in surprise)--"Honestly?"
12444HUSBAND( to his wife)--"Shall I have another glass, Henrietta?"
12444HUSBAND--"At the counter where the sweet little blond works?
12444HUSBAND--"Did he whisper it or say it out loud?"
12444HUSBAND--"What letter?"
12444HUSBANDS"Is she making him a good wife?"
12444Harold, what would your mother say if she saw you smoking cigarets?"
12444Has Easter gone back on you?''
12444Has Easter gone back on you?''
12444Has anybody got any whiskey?"
12444Has n''t his father got an automobile, too?"
12444Has you, sah?"
12444Have a bite?"
12444Have n''t you got any more sense than to eat persimmons at this time of the year?
12444Have n''t you washed that Afghan yet?"
12444Have you any money?"
12444Have you fixed the day of the wedding?"
12444He answered,"My queen, Is it manners you mean, Or do you refer to my figure?"
12444He asked a native:"How long does it take you to carry your goods to market by muleback?"
12444He got the wrong number and, without asking to whom he was talking, he said,"Can I get a box for two to- night?"
12444He paused at the door, asking:"Sor, may I speak to you, not as an officer, but as mon to mon?"
12444He smiled and added:"Is there anything quite so queerly cosmopolitan as a New York cafe?
12444He stepped up to the man in charge and inquired:"Is this the relief station, sor?"
12444He walked ahead of the servant for a short distance and then asked:"How is it?
12444He was once approached at a reception by a fussy old lady, who demanded,"Oh, Mr. Zangwill, what is your Christian name?"
12444Hence the following conversation in Brownsville recently between two of the old- time residents:"Where have you been lately, Bob?
12444His answer was:"What On?"
12444His wife said to him on his arrival:"Well, what luck?"
12444How can I repay you?
12444How can I show my gratitude?
12444How can you eat so much?"
12444How dare you do that?"
12444How many battles was he in?"
12444How many children have you?"
12444How much are you getting?"
12444How would you like to stay back in this class another year and have little Mary go ahead of you?"
12444How''s this guy Hitchcock, anyhow?"
12444Hurriedly came the answer:"Mine frent, you surely vould not refuse me two per zent discount on a strictly cash transaction like dis?"
12444I cried:"What is my fault?
12444I have thought of journalism--""What are your own inclinations?"
12444I may look like her, but do you tink dat''s a favor?"
12444I paid the cook this noon, and what do you think?
12444I said,''Pat, will you have a drink of whisky?''"
12444I thought you were going to be married?"
12444I wonder where all the pins go to, anyway?"
12444I wonder why?"
12444I''d like to know what you think I''m sending you to college for?
12444INSURGENTS"And what,"asked a visitor to the North Dakota State Fair,"do you call that kind of cucumber?"
12444INTERVIEWS"Have n''t your opinions on this subject undergone a change?"
12444If woman fair he strove to please, Where did he get his"hours of ease"?
12444In China when the subscriber rings up exchange the operator may be expected to ask:"What number does the honorable son of the moon and stars desire?"
12444In Nola Chucky one day I said to a man:"''What is the principal occupation of this town?''
12444In answer to the question,"Disposition of carcass?"
12444In life''s small things be resolute and great To keep thy muscles trained; know''st thou when fate Thy measure takes?
12444In the grim silence she turned to an old gentleman on her right and said:"Would you like a sonata before going in to dinner?"
12444In what way?"
12444Is Pompey dead?
12444Is Tite dead?"
12444Is a joke that does not produce a laugh a joke at all?
12444Is it a go?"
12444Is it a go?"
12444Is it counterfeit?"
12444Is it much of a walk?"
12444Is it possible that the laugh is not the test of the joke?
12444Is n''t it grand?
12444Is n''t that where we live?"
12444Is n''t there something about that word"sportive,"on the lips of so learned an authority, that tickles the fancy-- appeals to the sense of humor?
12444Is that so, Father?"
12444Is that so?"
12444Is that the idea?"
12444Is that the proper way to beg?"
12444Is there an Absolute in the realm of humor, or must our jokes be judged solely by the pragmatic test?
12444Is there anything the matter?"
12444Is your mother in?"
12444Is your wife at home now?"
12444It read:"When you are through, will you please turn off the lights, lock the door, and put the key under the mat?"
12444It was at a recent examination at her school that the question was put,''Who makes the laws of our government?''
12444It was"My Lord, will you have some of this?"
12444JENNIE--"What makes George such a pessimist?"
12444JEWS What is the difference between a banana and a Jew?
12444JOHNNY--"Papa, would you be glad if I saved a dollar for you?"
12444JONES--"How''d this happen?
12444Jones busted in, stopped, looked my witnesses over carefully, and said:''Paul, are those your witnesses?''
12444Just as he reached the clump he heard a voice say:"Why in hell did you play that card?"
12444Just as he was leaving, he said:"Did you hear about that man who died the other day and left all he had to the orphanage?"
12444Just what is the difference between them?"
12444LADY--"And ca n''t you get one?"
12444LADY--"I guess you''re gettin''a good thing out o''tending the rich Smith boy, ai n''t ye, doctor?"
12444LEADING MAN IN TRAVELING COMPANY--"We play_ Hamlet_ to- night, laddie, do we not?"
12444LISPING"Have you lost another tooth, Bethesda?"
12444LITTLE BROTHER--"What''s etiquet?"
12444Leaning over the dash- board, he inquired, in the gentlest of tones:"Pardon me, ladies, but shall I get you a couple of chairs?"
12444Leaning over to the white- haired man at his side, evidently an old member of the congregation, he whispered:"How long has he been preaching?"
12444Lillie''s tone changed to indignation:"Now, Miss Annie, what yo''think?
12444Looking back, he demanded, in a very fever of interest:"Which horn did she blow?"
12444Love the sea?
12444MADELINE--"Who was speaking?"
12444MAGISTRATE--"And what was the prisoner doing?"
12444MAGISTRATE--"You admit you stole the pig?"
12444MAKING GOOD"What''s become ob dat little chameleon Mandy had?"
12444MAN--"Is there any reason why I should give you five cents?"
12444MANDY--"What foh yo''been goin''to de post- office so reg''lar?
12444MARRIAGE MRS. QUACKENNESS--"Am yo''daughtar happily mar''d, Sistah Sagg?"
12444MEDICAL INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS PASSER- BY--"What''s the fuss in the schoolyard, boy?"
12444MEDICAL STUDENT--"I mean what did he have?"
12444MEDICAL STUDENT--"What did you operate on that man for?"
12444MESSAGES"Have you the rent ready?"
12444MICE"What''s the matter with Briggs?"
12444MIDDLE CLASSES WILLIE--"Paw, what is the middle class?"
12444MINORITIES Stepping out between the acts at the first production of one of his plays, Bernard Shaw said to the audience:"What do you think of it?"
12444MISSIONS"What in the world are you up to, Hilda?"
12444MISTRESS--"Have you a reference?"
12444MISTRESS--"Who is your intended, Delia?"
12444MOLLYCODDLES"Tommy, why do n''t you play with Frank any more?"
12444MOTHER--"The teacher complains you have not had a correct lesson for a month; why is it?"
12444MOTHER--"What makes you say that, darling?"
12444MR. HENPECK--"Are you the man who gave my wife a lot of impudence?"
12444MR. HENPECK--"Do you know if I am going with her?"
12444MR. HENPECK--"Is my wife going out, Jane?"
12444MR. SLIMPURSE--"But why do you insist that our daughter should marry a man whom she does not like?
12444MRS. HOUSEN HOHM--"Do you expect to be called Miss Arlington?"
12444MRS. HOUSEN HOHM--"What is your name?"
12444MRS. LITTLETOWN--"Doesn''t she get tired of always reading the same one?"
12444MRS. MCGORRY--"Me vain?
12444MRS. MURPHY--"As long as thot?"
12444MRS. PECK--"Henry, what would you do if burglars broke into our house some night?"
12444MRS. POST--"But why adopt a baby when you have three children of your own under five years old?"
12444MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT"What''s the trouble in Plunkville?"
12444MUSICIANS FATHER--"Well, sonny, did you take your dog to the''vet''next door to your house, as I suggested?"
12444May I ask how much it cost you?"
12444May I not instruct my Lord High Treasurer to reimburse you for it?"
12444May I open it?''"
12444Mike, seeing Pat crying, exclaimed:"Phat be ye cryin''fer?"
12444Mistook a stranger for an acquaintance?"
12444Mr. Roosevelt seized a pitchfork and-- but where was the hay?
12444NATIVES FRIEND( admiring the prodigy)--"Seventh standard, is she?
12444NATURE LOVERS"Would you mind tooting your factory whistle a little?"
12444NEIGHBOR--"I s''pose your Bill''s''ittin''the''arp with the hangels now?"
12444NEW CONGRESSMAN--"What can I do for you, sir?"
12444NURSE GIRL--"Oh, ma''am, what shall I do?
12444Near the station he saw a newsboy smoking, and approached him with:"Say, son, got another cigarette?"
12444Next day Goodwin saw the boy again near the theater, so he asked:"Well, sonny, how did you like the show?"
12444Next day a plantation owner said to one of his men:"Sam, were you in that crowd that gathered last night?"
12444Nobles and heralds by your leave, Here lies what once was Matthew Prior; The son of Adam and of Eve; Can Bourbon or Nassau claim higher?
12444Now then, what would you regard as a fair settlement between you and the railroad company?"
12444Now what did Pompey die of?"
12444Now where is he?"
12444Now who can foresee What his morals_ might_ be?
12444Now, I suppose you do not speak Chinese?"
12444Now, let''s see; what do they accuse you of stealing?"
12444Now, madam, what do you want?"
12444Now, what little boy or girl can tell me what the people of Maine are called?"
12444OFFICE BOYS"Have you had any experience as an office- boy?"
12444OLD MAID--"But why should a great strong man like you be found begging?"
12444ONIONS Can the Burbanks of the glorious West Either make or buy or sell An onion with an onion''s taste But with a violet''s smell?
12444OPERA"Which do you consider the most melodious Wagnerian opera?"
12444Once when Dean Briggs, of Harvard, and Edward Everett Hale were on their way to a game at Soldiers''Field a friend asked:"Where are you going, Dean?"
12444One day Mose sought his employer, an acquaintance of mine, and inquired:"''Say, boss, is yo''gwine to town t''morrer?''
12444One day a hostess asked a well known Parisian judge:"Your Honor, which do you prefer, Burgundy or Bordeaux?"
12444One day a stranger asked him:"Why do you always take the penny?
12444One day an old- timer met him with:"How are you getting along, Pat?"
12444One day he asked:"Why ca n''t you join the church like I did?"
12444One day he remarked to one of his sons:"Can you tell me the reason why the lions did n''t eat Daniel?"
12444One of the girls became indignant and scornfully asked:"What line do you think you are on, anyhow?"
12444Only three months an''as black as thot?
12444Or would you have me wait a year And give you then a hundred clear, If I should find the marriage state As happy as I estimate?"
12444PAT--"Is it dangerous she is?"
12444PAT--"Is it dangerous she is?"
12444PATIENT--"Tell me candidly, Doc, do you think I''ll pull through?"
12444PITTSBURG"How about that airship?"
12444POETS EDITOR--"Have you submitted this poem anywhere else?"
12444POLICE COMMISSIONER--"If you were ordered to disperse a mob, what would you do?"
12444POLICEMAN--"Why did n''t you tell me before?"
12444POLITICAL PARTIES ZOO SUPERINTENDENT--"What was all the rumpus out there this morning?"
12444POLITICIAN--"Now what in thunder did you want to bring up that point for?"
12444PRESENCE OF MIND"What did you do when you met the train- robber face to face?"
12444PRODIGALS"Why did the father of the prodigal son fall on his neck and weep?"
12444PROFESSOR--"Now, Mr. Jones, assuming you were called to attend a patient who had swallowed a coin, what would be your method of procedure?"
12444PROHIBITION"Talking about dry towns, have you ever been in Leavenworth, Kansas?"
12444PROMPTNESS"Are you first in anything at school, Earlie?"
12444PROVIDENCE"Why did papa have appendicitis and have to pay the doctor a thousand dollars, Mama?"
12444PUBLIC SPEAKERS ORATOR--"I thought your paper was friendly to me?"
12444Pat, of course, saw the donkey''s head on his coat, and, turning to the Englishmen, said:"Which of yez wiped your face on me coat?"
12444Presently the maiden asked archly:"Of course, you''ve read''Romeo and Juliet?''"
12444Provoked by her irresponsiveness, he said,"You do n''t seem to care for this magnificent scenery?"
12444QUARRELS"But why did you leave your last place?"
12444QUIRE--"What are those women mauling that man for?"
12444RACE SUICIDE"Prisoner, why did you assault this landlord?"
12444RACES In answer to the question,"What are the five great races of mankind?"
12444RECALL SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER--"Johnny, what is the text from Judges?"
12444REMEDIES MISTRESS--"Did the mustard plaster do you any good, Bridget?"
12444REMINDERS The wife of an overworked promoter said at breakfast:"Will you post this letter for me, dear?
12444RESIGNATION"Then you do n''t think I practice what I preach, eh?"
12444RESPECTABILITY"Is he respectable?"''
12444RETALIATION You know that fellow, Jim McGroiarty, the lad that''s always comin''up and thumpin''ye on the chest and yellin'',''How are ye?''"
12444RICH MAN--"Would you love my daughter just as much if she had no money?"
12444SECOND TRUSTEE--"True; but what can we do?
12444SEEDY VISITOR--"Do you have many wrecks about here, boatman?"
12444SENSE OF HUMOR"What of his sense of humor?"
12444SERVANTS TOMMY--"Pop, what is it that the Bible says is here to- day and gone to- morrow?"
12444SHE--"And so you are going to be my son- in- law?"
12444SHE--"How did they ever come to marry?"
12444SHOPPING CLERK--"Can you let me off to- morrow afternoon?
12444SKYBOUGH--"Why have you put that vacuum cleaner in front of your airship?"
12444SLASHER--"Been in a fight?"
12444SOLEMN SENIOR--"So your efforts to get on the team were fruitless, were they?"
12444SON--"May I stay up till he does?"
12444SON--"May I stay up till he does?"
12444SON--"Why do people say''Dame Gossip''?"
12444SOP--"Been scratching your head?"
12444SPINSTERS"Is there anyone present who wishes the prayers of the congregation for a relative or friend?"
12444SPOONLEIGH--"Does your sister always look under the bed?"
12444STEAK"Can I get a steak here and catch the one o''clock train?"
12444STEAM"Can you tell what steam is?"
12444STRANGER--"What''s the fight about?"
12444STUDE--"Do you drink, sir?"
12444STUDE--"Do you smoke, professor?"
12444STUDE.--"Is it possible to confide a secret to you?"
12444SUB- MANAGER--"Why?"
12444SUMMER RESORTS GABE--"What are you going back to that place for this summer?
12444SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER--"Willie, do you know what beomes of boys who use bad language when they''re playing marbles?"
12444SURGEON AT NEW YORK HOSPITAL--"What brought you to this dreadful condition?
12444SURPRISE"Where are you goin'', ma?"
12444Said one:"What do you make of that, Bill?"
12444Said the bibulous gentleman who had been reading birth and death statistics:"Do you know, James, every time I breathe a man dies?"
12444Said the two to the tutor,"Is it harder to toot, or To tutor two tutors to toot?"
12444Say, Cap, jest throw on another wagon, will yer?"
12444Shall a joke be judged by its intent or by its consequences?
12444Shall we stop there?"
12444She here again?
12444She looked fondly down upon him and after a few minutes murmured gently,"Laws, honey, ai n''t yo''shamed to be so han''some?"
12444She was long in returning, and after a tiresome wait the missionary went to the door and called with some impatience:"Are n''t you coming in?
12444Shoot him?"
12444So I stepped out and asked:''Where are you going with that umbrella, young fellow?''
12444So proud was he of his father''s valor, his eyes fairly shone, and he cried:"He could n''t knock any brains out of you, could he, Father?"
12444So soon?
12444So we''ll have banns published and when the wedding day comes the parson will say to thee,''Wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife?''
12444So you think I had better have it?"
12444So, before the group of ministers, he said:"You are Wendell Phillips, are you not?"
12444Soon the silence was broken by the little one''s question:"Mother, may I come down now?"
12444Still another for the Wrights, Finally one of them turned to a little man who had remained silent:"Who do you think?"
12444Suddenly a voice from the rear inquired:"Who''s the printer?"
12444Suppose it does not excite the laugh expected?
12444Suppose the other speakers have not heeded Bacon?
12444TARIFF Why not have an illuminated sign on the statue of Liberty saying,"America expects every man to pay his duty?"
12444TEACHER-"Now, Tommy, what is a hypocrite?"
12444TEACHER--"And why is it nice of them, Corky?"
12444TEACHER--"Now, Johnny, suppose I should borrow$ 100 from your father and should pay him$ 10 a month for ten months, how much would I then owe him?"
12444TEACHER--"Now, Tommy, suppose a man gave you$ 100 to keep for him and then died, what would you do?
12444TEACHER--"Now, Willie, where did you get that chewing gum?
12444TEACHER--"Willie, did your father cane you for what you did in school yesterday?"
12444THE AUTHOR--"Would you advise me to get out a small edition?"
12444THE LADY--"And loving parents?"
12444THE LADY--"Are they bringing you up to be a good and helpful citizen?"
12444THE LADY--"Little boy, have n''t you any home?"
12444THE LADY--"Will you ask your mother to come and hear me talk on''When Does a Mother''s Duty to Her Child Begin?''
12444THE NEW GIRL--"An''may me intended visit me every Sunday afternoon, ma''am?"
12444TOM--"What does he say?"
12444TOMMY''S AUNT--"Won''t you have another piece of cake, Tommy?"
12444TRADE UNIONS CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE--"Is this the place where you are happy all the time?"
12444TRAMPS LADY--"Can''t you find work?"
12444TRAVELER--"Can you give me a guarantee that the train wo n''t start?"
12444TREES CURIOUS CHARLEY--"Do nuts grow on trees, father?"
12444TROUBLE"What is the trouble, wifey?"
12444TWINS"Faith, Mrs. O''Hara, how d''ye till thim twins aparrt?"
12444Tell me now, what have ye been doin''wid yer uniform an''arms an''bills?
12444The Englishman turned to his friend and said:"I say, old chap, what_ are_ yonkers?"
12444The angler, after a moment''s thought, exclaimed,"Say, do you know who I am?"
12444The applicant drew himself up and answered haughtily:"What for?
12444The boss, thinking that he would get ahead of Pat, said:"Say, Pat, how many shirts can you get out of a yard?"
12444The doctor pulled up and said:"My dear man, how do you manage to train your dog that way?
12444The following dialogue ensued:"Your name, sir?"
12444The governor listened quietly and then said:"Did I ever tell you about Mose Williams?
12444The laborer contemplated him for a moment and then replied:"Do you think a man with any brains would be working at this kind of a job?"
12444The lady''s eyes sparkled as she responded,"Ah, he says he is asleep, eh?
12444The latter took it, looked it over for a moment or so, and then asked:"Which horse do you want?"
12444The man seized him by the arm and said between pants:"Have you a permit to fish on this estate?
12444The miner responded with a stream of forcible and picturesque profanity, winding up with:"And what kind o''trail did you have?"
12444The minister, to make congenial conversation, inquired:"Have you a dog?"
12444The next day the woman called, and the dialogue was as follows:"Better?"
12444The old fellow rose slowly and drawled out:"Be you going to shoot if I go?"
12444The only question is, how did he do it?
12444The other leaned over and called:"Are yez dead or alive, Mike?"
12444The preacher spent some time praying and talking, and finally the old man said:"What do you want me to do, Parson?"
12444The question is, What would become of you?"
12444The retort came like a flash:"Are you still beating your wife?"
12444The senator turned with a pleased expression on his benign countenance and said,"Major, did you see that pretty girl smile at me?"
12444The sentry, not recognizing him, did not salute, and the major stopped and said:"What''s that you have there?"
12444The teacher asked:"When did Moses live?"
12444The tramp tried to slink past the group without speaking, but one of them called to him:"Well, did you get something from our young brother?"
12444The young man reflected for a moment and then inquired:"You have n''t one about fifty, have you?"
12444The youthful redskin lifted his eyes from his work, calmly surveyed his questioner, and then replied:"No, are you?"
12444Then Willie answered between sobs:"Well, Father, who started this war, anyway?"
12444Then he added,"Be you the gentleman over yonder from New York?"
12444Then he stopped as if that told the whole story, so said the baron,"What of that?"
12444Then it occurred to him,"Why not tell them all?"
12444Then looked up at the lawyer and said:"What''s the matter with this dollar?
12444Then she ventured to ask the brakeman how he had lost his finger:"Cut off in making a coupling between cars, I suppose?"
12444Then the next day the girl in love visited the pretty one and said anxiously:"Well, did you ask him?"
12444Then the parson said to the woman:"Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband?"
12444Then, during a pause in the conversation, little Willie looked up at the young gentleman and piped:"Am I as heavy as sister Mabel?"
12444Then, with the utmost gravity, he asked the boy:"Are you civilized?"
12444Then:"Well, how can_ I_ stop it?"
12444There was a small boy in Quebec, Who was buried in snow to his neck; When they said,"Are you friz?"
12444There was an old man who said,"How Shall I flee from this horrible cow?
12444Thinking that a small drop of whisky might do him good, the captain called Pat aside and said,"Pat, will you have a wee drink of whisky?"
12444Treason doth never prosper: what''s the reason?
12444Turning to her mother, the little girl said:"I look just like you now, Mother, do n''t I?"
12444VANITY MCGORRY--"I''ll buy yez no new hat, d''yez moind thot?
12444VILLAGE GROCER--"What are you running for, sonny?"
12444VILLAGE GROCER--"Who are the fellows?"
12444VISITOR--"And you always did your daring robberies single- handed?
12444VISITOR--"Can I see that motorist who was brought here an hour ago?"
12444VOX POPULI--"Do you think you''ve boosted your circulation by giving a year''s subscription for the biggest potato raised in the county?"
12444Vat does he charge?"
12444W-- who sent the others?"
12444WAITER--"Have another glass, sir?"
12444WEATHER"How did you find the weather in London?"
12444WEIGHTS AND MEASURES"Did n''t I tell ye to feed that cat a pound of meat every day until ye had her fat?"
12444WIDOWS During the course of conversation between two ladies in a hotel parlor one said to the other:"Are you married?"
12444WIFE( to her mother)--"Shall he have another, mother?"
12444WILLIE--"Well, what are the others here for?"
12444WILLIS--"What''s the election today for?
12444WIND VISITOR--"What became of that other windmill that was here last year?"
12444WIVES"Father,"said a little boy,"had Solomon seven hundred wives?"
12444Wad ye like to be buried there too?"
12444Well, will you be kind enough to return and ask him when he intends to wake up?"
12444Were his plans carried out?"
12444Were you run over by a street- car?"
12444What are you crying about, something that happened at home or something that happened in a novel?"
12444What are you going to do about it?
12444What be ye goin''to keep it in?"
12444What can I do for you?"
12444What causes, pray, This unprovoked assault?"
12444What did he get-- five years?"
12444What did you do with the other$ 3?"
12444What did you say?"
12444What do they feed you on?"
12444What do you and I know about it?"
12444What do you get for preaching?"
12444What do you suppose I heard her say to that boy of hers this afternoon?"
12444What do you think?"
12444What do you want?"
12444What do you want?"
12444What do you want?"
12444What do you want?"
12444What do your folks call it?"
12444What does it say there?"
12444What does that mean?"
12444What for you see Baedeker?"
12444What for?"
12444What has appealed to you as the real basis of your unusual vigor of mind and body, and has been to you an unfailing comfort through joy and sorrow?
12444What have I done?
12444What have you got on that wagon?"
12444What is it?"
12444What is your first name?"
12444What is your name?"
12444What is yours?"
12444What made you change your mind again?''
12444What made you change your mind again?''
12444What more can I do?"
12444What of the joke that misses fire?
12444What on earth are you doing here this time o''night?"
12444What ought I to do, Oscar?"
12444What prompted you to do it?"
12444What question did the teacher ask, Johnnie?"
12444What shall be the play?
12444What stirred it up?"
12444What the deuce?
12444What was it?"
12444What will follow, I repeat?"
12444What would you suggest?"
12444What would your Majesty have done had I lost both arms?"
12444What would yours be if you were a lion?
12444What''s her address?"
12444What''s the matter with''raise''and''lift''?"
12444What''s the matter?"
12444What''s the matter?"
12444What''s wrong with the school?"
12444Whatever do you mean, my dear?"
12444When a few days later he returned he took the horse back to the stable and asked the man who had given it to him:"Keep this horse for funerals?"
12444When he had listened to the recital of Mrs. Delehanty''s troubles, the lawyer said:"You want to get damages, I suppose?"
12444When shall it be?"
12444When she had finished her story she said:"Dear Billy, if your papa were to die, would you work to support your dear mamma?"
12444When she had finished she said:"Well, Tommy, what have you to say?"
12444Where is it?
12444Where is it?"
12444Where is she?"
12444Where''s the dispute in that?"
12444Whereupon the unmoved lawyer asked:"Have you any other business?"
12444Which do you prefer, a ton of coal or a gallon of good whiskey?"
12444Which will you hab?"
12444While acting as magistrate at an Irish village, Lord Rossmore said to an old offender brought before him:"You here again?"
12444Who goes there?"
12444Who is he telling it to?"
12444Who is your chief, pray?"
12444Who married three wives at a time: When asked,"Why a third?"
12444Who, then, did Cain marry?"
12444Why are n''t you at the head, where you ought to be?"
12444Why did n''t you have a pal?"
12444Why did n''t you run up the side of the hill?"
12444Why did n''t''e buy the''oss and not pay for''i m like any other gentleman?"
12444Why did you take Mrs. Gilkie''s chicken?"
12444Why do n''t you go over into Kentucky?"
12444Why do n''t you try the same?"
12444Why do you call him Izaak Walton?
12444Why not make your note for five hundred, and you and I will split it?"
12444Why not on both?"
12444Why not?"
12444Why not?"
12444Why should I do that?"
12444Why should I know how to cuss any better than he does?
12444Why should n''t I be?"
12444Why should n''t I look happy?
12444Why was it?"
12444Why, I--""No, excuse me,"he interrupted;"what I want to ask is this: What date have you and your mother decided upon for our wedding?"
12444Will you fix one for me?"
12444Will you kindly let me know whether you liked it or not?"
12444Will you persist in hurling the corner stone of our personal liberty to your wolfish hounds of collectors, thirsting for its blood?
12444Will you-- hic-- come down an''pick out Mr. Smith?
12444Winnie had been very naughty, and her mamma said:"Do n''t you know you will never go to Heaven if you are so naughty?"
12444With a frown he summoned the page and asked:"Did you tell the gentleman from Texas what I said?"
12444Wo n''t you come to the mourners''bench at the next service?"
12444Wo n''t you please tell me?"
12444Would that seem appropriate?"
12444Would you pray for him?"
12444Y''know what I''ll do?
12444YALE UNIVERSITY The new cook, who had come into the household during the holidays, asked her mistress:"Where ban your son?
12444YOUNG DOCTOR--"Why do you always ask your patients what they have for dinner?"
12444Yer lookin''sick; wot is it?"
12444You admit it yourself, do n''t you?"
12444You didn''t--?"
12444You hear dat fool question I am axed?
12444You know how bridegrooms starting off on their honeymoons sometimes forget all about their brides, and buy tickets only for themselves?
12444You know what a tremendous voice he has?"
12444You married for love, did n''t you?"
12444You''ll be sure to remember?"
12444You''re his father, are n''t you?"
12444You''re his mother, are n''t you?"
12444ZONES TEACHER--"How many zones has the earth?"
12444a son of mine grow up and not he able to figure up baseball scores and batting averages?
12444exclaimed her son:"that blue ribbon-- you have n''t been wearing that at the temperance meeting?"
12444exclaimed the Bishop, starting up in assumed terror,"pray, what might that be?"
12444he asked,"Drunk?"
12444he cried;"Did you think,"she replied,"I sat down for the fun of it, Mister?"
12444he said, turning to his son,"who''d''a''s''posed that thing had a colt?"
12444he said,"you hear dat, brederen an''sisters?
12444next Saturday afternoon, at three o''clock, at Lyceum Hall?"
12444remarked Mr. Gladstone;"does a pint of champagne really help you to answer the twenty letters?"
12444said she sweetly;"is that any worse than men going into saloons to get their noses red?"
12444take your choice to cry or laugh; Here Harold lies- but where''s his Epitaph?
12444where''s all the hay?"
12444with your new trousers on?"