This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
32700 | Giloane, William | Area Handbook for Romania | nan | 120304 | 6188 | nan | ./cache/32700.txt | ./txt/32700.txt |
45976 | Marie, Queen, consort of Ferdinand I, King of Romania | My Country | nan | 16157 | 911 | nan | ./cache/45976.txt | ./txt/45976.txt |
43637 | Winlow, Clara Vostrovsky | Our Little Roumanian Cousin | nan | 20951 | 1831 | nan | ./cache/43637.txt | ./txt/43637.txt |
20552 | nan | Roumanian Fairy Tales | nan | 63961 | 3831 | nan | ./cache/20552.txt | ./txt/20552.txt |
38991 | nan | Roumanian Stories, Translated from the Original Roumanian | nan | 66537 | 4883 | nan | ./cache/38991.txt | ./txt/38991.txt |
43059 | nan | Rumanian Bird and Beast Stories Rendered into English | nan | 110012 | 6548 | nan | ./cache/43059.txt | ./txt/43059.txt |