
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
7196AIN''T it gay?
7196Say-- boys, do n''t say anything about it, and some time when they''re around, I''ll come up to you and say,''Joe, got a pipe? 7196 Say?
7196That''s just the way with me, hain''t it, Huck? 7196 Well, the things is ours, anyway, ai n''t they?"
7196Well, we''ll let the cry- baby go home to his mother, wo n''t we, Huck? 7196 Well, what would you do?"
7196What makes the candle blow so?
7196What sail''s she carrying?
7196What would the boys say if they could see us?
7196And when we tell''em we learned when we was off pirating, wo n''t they wish they''d been along?"
7196Do n''t you remember, Huck,''bout me saying that?"
7196Do n''t you remember, Huck?
7196How''d you feel to light on a rotten chest full of gold and silver-- hey?"
7196How''d you get around it?"
7196Now I wonder what?"
7196Poor thing-- does it want to see its mother?
7196Presently Huck said:"What does pirates have to do?"
7196Then a guarded voice said:"Who goes there?"
7196We''ll stay, wo n''t we, Huck?
7196We''ll stay, wo n''t we?"
7196What right had the friendless to complain?
7196You like it here, do n''t you, Huck?
7196You''ve heard me talk just that way-- haven''t you, Huck?
7193Did n''t you want to go in a- swimming, Tom?
7193Hang the boy, ca n''t I never learn anything? 7193 Like it?
7193No-- is that so? 7193 Oh come, now, you do n''t mean to let on that you LIKE it?"
7193Oh, you think you''re mighty smart, DON''T you? 7193 Powerful warm, warn''t it?"
7193Well why do n''t you DO it then? 7193 Well why do n''t you DO it?
7193Well why do n''t you?
7193Well, you SAID you''d do it-- why do n''t you do it?
7193What do I care for your big brother? 7193 What''s gone with that boy, I wonder?
7193What, a''ready? 7193 Why, ai n''t THAT work?"
7193Ah, how would she feel then?
7193Ai n''t he played me tricks enough like that for me to be looking out for him by this time?
7193Ben said:"Hello, old chap, you got to work, hey?"
7193But my goodness, he never plays them alike, two days, and how is a body to know what''s coming?
7193But of course you''d druther WORK-- wouldn''t you?
7193Do n''t you wish you could?
7193Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?"
7193He said:"May n''t I go and play now, aunt?"
7193He wondered if she would pity him if she knew?
7193How much have you done?"
7193Now do n''t you see how I''m fixed?
7193Or would she turn coldly away like all the hollow world?
7193Said she:"Tom, it was middling warm in school, warn''t it?"
7193Then Tom said:"What''s your name?"
7193Then she had a new inspiration:"Tom, you did n''t have to undo your shirt collar where I sewed it, to pump on your head, did you?
7193Tom contemplated the boy a bit, and said:"What do you call work?"
7193Was the sacred presence there?
7193What IS that truck?"
7193What do you keep SAYING you will for?
7193What you been doing in there?"
7193Why do n''t you DO it?
7193Would she cry, and wish that she had a right to put her arms around his neck and comfort him?
7193You think you''re SOME, now, DON''T you?
7197And Joe?
7197And me, too?
7197And me?
7197And then-- and then-- well I wo n''t be certain, but it seems like as if you made Sid go and-- and--"Well? 7197 Are you sure you did, Tom?"
7197Auntie, what have I done?
7197Benjamin Rogers, did you tear this book?
7197DID you kiss me, Tom?
7197Did you? 7197 Gracie Miller?"
7197How could I know you was looking at anything?
7197I did come-- didn''t you see me?
7197Joseph Harper, did you?
7197Oh, may I come?
7197Oh, you do, do you? 7197 Say, now, would you, if you''d thought of it?"
7197Susan Harper, did you do this?
7197Well, try to recollect-- can''t you?
7197What bark?
7197What did you come for, then?
7197What did you kiss me for, Tom?
7197Would you, Tom?
7197And then what?
7197But it ai n''t reasonable; because, why did n''t you tell me, child?"
7197Did you dream any more?"
7197Did you?
7197I wo n''t ever, ever do that way again, as long as ever I live-- please make up, wo n''t you?"
7197That''s something, ai n''t it?"
7197The first composition that was read was one entitled"Is this, then, Life?"
7197The master scanned the ranks of boys-- considered a while, then turned to the girls:"Amy Lawrence?"
7197Then he spoke:"Who tore this book?"
7197Tom thought,"Oh, hang her, ai n''t I ever going to get rid of her?"
7197Tom was so stunned that he had not even presence of mind enough to say"Who cares, Miss Smarty?"
7197What did I make him do, Tom?
7197What did I make him do?"
7197What did he say, Tom?"
7197What did you dream?"
7197When is it going to be?"
7197Where did you sit?"
7197Who''s going to give it?"
7197You going to have all the girls and boys?"
7197You holler''nough, do you?
7197you bad girl, why did n''t you come to Sunday- school?"
7200And kill them?
7200Ca n''t let me in, Tom? 7200 Have the which?"
7200Hey, Huck!--you hear that?
7200Huck, I would n''t want to, and I DON''T want to-- but what would people say? 7200 Is it far in the cave?
7200NOW where''s your Number Two? 7200 Now, Tom, hain''t you always ben friendly to me?
7200Secret about what, Sid?
7200Sid, was it you that told?
7200Sid, what ails Tom?
7200Tom, have you got on the track of that money again?
7200Tom-- honest injun, now-- is it fun, or earnest?
7200Well, what?
7200What orgies?
7200What''s a ransom?
7200What''s that?
7200Will you, Tom-- now will you? 7200 YOU followed him?"
7200''UNDER THE CROSS,''hey?
7200Ai n''t you and the widow good friends?"
7200And who''ll we rob?"
7200Are you strong enough?"
7200But do you see that white place up yonder where there''s been a landslide?
7200Did n''t you let me go for a pirate?"
7200Did this drop fall patiently during five thousand years to be ready for this flitting human insect''s need?
7200Do n''t you remember you was to watch there that night?"
7200Do you see that?
7200Got bricks in it?--or old metal?"
7200Has everything a purpose and a mission?
7200Injun Joe was believed to have killed five citizens of the village, but what of that?
7200Just as they were about to move on, the Welshman stepped out and said:"Hallo, who''s that?"
7200Now, what''s that for?
7200Oh, good- licks; are you in real dead- wood earnest, Tom?"
7200Say-- ain''t this grease and clay, on your clothes?"
7200Tom Sawyer''s Gang-- it sounds splendid, do n''t it, Huck?"
7200Tom poured the mass of yellow coin upon the table and said:"There-- what did I tell you?
7200What do you want to be afraid for?"
7200What was the matter with you, Tom?"
7200What''s all this blow- out about, anyway?"
7200When do you say?"
7200When you going to start the gang and turn robbers?"
7200Will you go in there with me and help get it out?"
7200You would n''t do that, now, WOULD you, Tom?"
7200You would n''t shet me out, would you, Tom?
7200and has it another important object to accomplish ten thousand years to come?
7200and leave the treasure?"
7200what do you want to slope for?"
7199Can you find the way, Tom? 7199 Could you see the rags by the light of the cigars?"
7199Do it NOW? 7199 Do you remember this?"
7199How''ll she ever know?
7199I wonder how long we''ve been down here, Tom? 7199 Joe Harper, have you seen my Tom this morning?"
7199Kill? 7199 Lordy, what did you do?
7199Say, Tom, did you see that box?
7199Tom, it might be dark then-- would they notice we had n''t come?
7199Well, Becky?
7199What!--what''d you see, Tom?
7199What''s the row there? 7199 When did you see him last?"
7199When would they miss us, Tom?
7199Why, who are you?
7199Yes,with a startled look--"didn''t she stay with you last night?"
7199Your Becky?
7199And company there?
7199And why should he give it up, he reasoned-- the signal did not come the night before, so why should it be any more likely to come to- night?
7199But what could she be crying about?
7199But what did give you that turn?
7199But why do n''t you want it known?"
7199But you could n''t see what they were like, in the dark, lad, I suppose?"
7199By- and- by somebody shouted:"Who''s ready for the cave?"
7199Did he wake up?"
7199Did you hear that?"
7199Do n''t you see, now, what''s the matter with that ha''nted room?"
7199Do you understand that?
7199HORSEWHIPPED!--do you understand?
7199Huck started up in bed, wild- eyed:"What?
7199If she bleeds to death, is that my fault?
7199Maybe ALL the Temperance Taverns have got a ha''nted room, hey, Huck?"
7199Now, where you going to sleep?"
7199Now-- this way-- now you see, do n''t you?"
7199The old man promised secrecy once more, and said:"How did you come to follow these fellows, lad?
7199Then Becky reflected a moment and said:"But what will mamma say?"
7199Then he said:"Becky, can you bear it if I tell you something?"
7199They found none, but captured a bulky bundle of--"Of WHAT?"
7199Was it Tom Sawyer that found it?"
7199Was there any use?
7199Was there really any use?
7199Were they looking suspicious?"
7199What do you want?"
7199What was it?"
7199What were YOU expecting we''d found?"
7199Who said anything about killing?
7199Who''d''a''thought such a thing?
7199Who''s banging?
7199Why call Tom now?
7199Why did n''t you come and wake me?"
7199Why not give it up and turn in?
7199Why, what''s the MATTER with you?"
7199You go back and watch that long, will you?"
7199Your mother wo n''t know, and so what''s the harm?
7195Do you though?
7195Hucky, do you das''t to go if I lead?
7195Look here, what does this mean?
7195Lord, how is this, Joe?
7195No--''tain''t so, is it?
7195Now, sir, what did you want to treat that poor dumb beast so, for?
7195Then art thou indeed that famous outlaw? 7195 They do, do they?"
7195Tom, what on earth ails that cat?
7195Tom,whispered Huckleberry,"does this keep us from EVER telling--ALWAYS?"
7195What are you talking about? 7195 What did you do it for?"
7195What is it, Huck?
7195What is it, Tom?
7195What is it?
7195What you got on your mind, Tom?
7195What''s the reason he do n''t know it?
7195What''s verdigrease?
7195Which of us does he mean?
7195Who art thou that dares to hold such language?
7195Who''s accused you?
7195Who? 7195 Why did n''t you leave?
7195You DO?
7195After another reflective silence, Tom said:"Hucky, you sure you can keep mum?"
7195By and by their pulses slowed down, and Tom whispered:"Huckleberry, what do you reckon''ll come of this?"
7195Can you pray?"
7195Could it be possible that she was not aware that he was there?
7195D''you reckon he could see anything?
7195D''you reckon he knowed anything?"
7195Did he before?"
7195Did n''t Gracie Miller fall in the kitchen fire and burn herself terrible the very next Saturday?"
7195Did n''t you hear it?"
7195Did you think I''d forget?
7195Do n''t you remember?
7195He saw Injun Joe, and exclaimed:"Oh, Injun Joe, you promised me you''d never--""Is that your knife?"
7195How can he tell?"
7195It''s awful solemn like, AIN''T it?"
7195NOW who can he mean?"
7195S''pose something happened and Injun Joe DIDN''T hang?
7195So he said in a whisper:"Hucky, do you believe the dead people like it for us to be here?"
7195Tell WHAT?
7195Tell me, Joe-- HONEST, now, old feller-- did I do it?
7195Then Tom whispered:"Say, Hucky-- do you reckon Hoss Williams hears us talking?"
7195Think they''ll see us?"
7195Tom thought a while, then he said:"Who''ll tell?
7195We''d drop down dead-- don''t YOU know that?"
7195What did make him act so?"
7195What did you want to come here for?"
7195What had he done?
7195What has that got to do with it?"
7195What if he turned his back, now, and disappeared mysteriously?
7195What is it you''ll tell?"
7195What kin they be up to?"
7195What''ll we do?"
7195What''s that?"
7195Where''bouts is it, Huck?"
7195Who comes here into Sherwood Forest without my pass?"
7195Who does he mean?"
7195Why do n''t you fall yourself?
7195Why do n''t you fall?"
7195Why had he not been called-- persecuted till he was up, as usual?
7195You WON''T tell, WILL you, Joe?"
7194Becky, wo n''t you say something?
7194Did he say anything?
7194Do you? 7194 Everybody?"
7194Good for? 7194 Have you?
7194In the daytime?
7194Kiss? 7194 Like?
7194Look here, Joe Harper, whose is that tick?
7194Oh, auntie, I''m--"What''s the matter with you-- what is the matter with you, child?
7194Oh, will you? 7194 Oh, you do n''t, do n''t you?
7194Say, Hucky, when you going to try the cat?
7194Say-- what is dead cats good for, Huck?
7194Shall I tell YOU?
7194Tom, why did n''t you wake me sooner? 7194 Was you ever at a circus?"
7194Well, what of it? 7194 Well, why do n''t you?
7194What did you give?
7194What was it?
7194What''ll you give?
7194What''ll you take for her?
7194What''ll you take for him?
7194What''s that you got?
7194What''s that?
7194Where''d you get him?
7194Where''d you get the blue ticket?
7194Why, what''s the matter, Tom? 7194 With his face to the stump?"
7194Would you like to?
7194You wo n''t tell anybody at all? 7194 You would n''t, would n''t you?
7194At last he said:"Is it genuwyne?"
7194At the door Tom dropped back a step and accosted a Sunday- dressed comrade:"Say, Billy, got a yaller ticket?"
7194But say-- how do you cure''em with dead cats?"
7194But you must n''t ever tell anybody-- WILL you, Tom?
7194But you''ve another one I daresay, and you''ll tell it to me, wo n''t you?"
7194By jings, do n''t you wish you was Jeff?"
7194D''you ever try it, Huck?"
7194D''you ever try it?"
7194Did n''t they get him Saturday night?"
7194Do you go home to dinner?"
7194Do you remember what I wrote on the slate?"
7194Ever, as long as you live?"
7194He said to himself, it is not possible that the boy can answer the simplest question-- why DID the Judge ask him?
7194He said:"Do you love rats?"
7194How did he know she was a- witching him?"
7194How long you been this way?"
7194How many of my readers would have the industry and application to memorize two thousand verses, even for a Dore Bible?
7194Is that so?
7194Lemme go with you?"
7194Now you wo n''t, WILL you?"
7194Now, sir, why are you late again, as usual?"
7194Say, Becky, was you ever engaged?"
7194Say-- what''s that?"
7194So all this row was because you thought you''d get to stay home from school and go a- fishing?
7194The master said:"You-- you did what?"
7194Tom, what is the matter?"
7194Tom, what''s the matter with you?"
7194What do you kiss for?"
7194What is it like?"
7194What is it?"
7194What is the matter, Tom?"
7194What''s the matter with your tooth?"
7194What''s your name?"
7194What''s your way?"
7194What''s yours?
7194When I''m gone--""Oh, Tom, you ai n''t dying, are you?
7194Where''d you get him?"
7194Why do n''t you tell me, Mary?--what do you want to be so mean for?"
7194Will you meow?"
7194Will you?"
7194Wo n''t you tell us the names of the first two that were appointed?"
7194You call me Tom, will you?"
7198''Bout what?
7198Any one with you?
7198Do n''t they come after it any more?
7198Do they hop?
7198Get me to tell? 7198 Have you got one of them papers, Tom?"
7198Huck, have you ever told anybody about-- that?
7198Is it under all of them?
7198Never a word?
7198Revenge? 7198 Richard?
7198Save it? 7198 Say, Huck, if we find a treasure here, what you going to do with your share?"
7198Talk? 7198 Then how you going to know which one to go for?"
7198Thomas Sawyer, where were you on the seventeenth of June, about the hour of midnight?
7198Well then, how you going to find the marks?
7198Well, I never said I was, did I? 7198 Well, ai n''t you going to save any of it?"
7198Well, what did you say they did, for?
7198Well, what of that? 7198 Well-- if you say so; what''ll we do with this-- bury it again?"
7198Were you anywhere near Horse Williams''grave?
7198Were you hidden, or not?
7198What ai n''t a dream?
7198What is it?
7198What is it?
7198What is the talk around, Huck? 7198 What''ll it be?"
7198What''s a YEW bow?
7198What''s that?.
7198Where''ll we dig?
7198Who hides it?
7198Why, is it hid all around?
7198Why, robbers, of course-- who''d you reckon? 7198 After a pause:Huck, they could n''t anybody get you to tell, could they?"
7198Anyway, what''s her name, Tom?"
7198But anyway they do n''t come around in the daytime, so what''s the use of our being afeard?"
7198But say-- where you going to dig first?"
7198But wo n''t the widow take it away from us, Tom?
7198Can you get out?"
7198Did they fight?"
7198Did this attorney mean to throw away his client''s life without an effort?
7198Do n''t you feel sorry for him, sometimes?"
7198Do you know Robin Hood, Huck?"
7198Do you reckon they can be up- stairs?"
7198Hain''t you ever seen one, Huck?"
7198Have you heard anybody?--seen anybody?
7198He gathered himself up cursing, and his comrade said:"Now what''s the use of all that?
7198Hear it?"
7198How near were you?"
7198How''s that?"
7198Huck said:"Do they always bury it as deep as this?"
7198If it''s anybody, and they''re up there, let them STAY there-- who cares?
7198If they want to jump down, now, and get into trouble, who objects?
7198Is that so?"
7198Now what you going to do?"
7198Presently he said:"Who could have brought those tools here?
7198S''pose we tackle that old dead- limb tree on the hill t''other side of Still- House branch?"
7198Sunday- school sup''rintendents?"
7198The poor fellow had got the attorney to promise secrecy, but what of that?
7198Tom was impatient to go to the haunted house; Huck was measurably so, also-- but suddenly said:"Lookyhere, Tom, do you know what day it is?"
7198What business has a pick and a shovel here?
7198What business with fresh earth on them?
7198What did you take there?"
7198What do you reckon it is?"
7198What do you think?"
7198What for?"
7198What makes you ask?"
7198What you going to do with yourn, Tom?"
7198What''ll we do with what little swag we''ve got left?"
7198What''s his other name?"
7198What''s the name of the gal?"
7198Who brought them here-- and where are they gone?
7198Who did he rob?"
7198Who''s Robin Hood?"
7198You mean Number One?"
7198bury it again and leave them to come and see the ground disturbed?
7198have I been asleep?"