
This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.

id author title date words sentences pages cache text
A16679Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. autA solemne ioviall disputation, theoreticke and practicke; briefely shadowing the lavv of drinking together, with the solemnities and controversies occurring: fully and freely discussed according to the civill lavv. Which, by the permission, priviledge and authority, of that most noble and famous order in the Vniversity of Goddesse Potina; Dionisius Bacchus being then president, chiefe gossipper, and most excellent governour, Blasius Multibibus, aliàs Drinkmuch ... hath publikely expounded to his most approved and improved fellow-pot-shots; touching the houres before noone and after, usuall and lawfull. ... Faithfully rendred according to the originall Latine copie.1617195876047nan./cache/A16679.xml./txt/A16679.txt
A19997Deacon, John, 17th cent.Tobacco tortured, or, The filthie fume of tobacco refined shewing all sorts of subiects, that the inward taking of tobacco fumes, is very pernicious vnto their bodies; too too profluuious for many of their purses; and most pestiferous to the publike state. Exemplified apparently by most fearefull effects: more especially, from their treacherous proiects about the Gun-powder Treason; from their rebellious attempts of late, about their preposterous disparking of certaine inclosures: as also, from sundry other their prodigious practices. ...16167574124670nan./cache/A19997.xml./txt/A19997.txt
A38822Everard, Giles.Panacea, or, The universal medicine being a discovery of the wonderfull vertues of tobacco taken in a pipe : with its operation and use both in physick and chyrurgery / by Dr Everard, &c.1659284178180nan./cache/A38822.xml./txt/A38822.txt
A87472Everard, Giles. De herba panacea. English. Selections. 1676.The touchstone, or, Trial of tobacco whether it be good for all constitutions : with a word of advice against immoderate drinking and smoaking : likewise examples of some that have drunk their lives away, and died suddenly : with King Jame''s [sic] opinion of tobacco, and how it came first into England : also the first original of coffee : to which is added, witty poems about tobacco and coffe [sic] : something about tobacco, written by George Withers, the late famous poet ...1676297198450nan./cache/A87472.xml./txt/A87472.txt
A01425Gallobelgicus.Wine, Beer, and Ale Together by the Ears16307740721080nan./cache/A01425.xml./txt/A01425.txt
A04242James I, King of England, 1566-1625.A counterblaste to tobacco160465741835nan./cache/A04242.xml./txt/A04242.txt
A20030Marbecke, Roger, 1536-1605.A defence of tabacco vvith a friendly answer to the late printed booke called Worke for chimny-sweepers, &c.1602218256505nan./cache/A20030.xml./txt/A20030.txt
A14326Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660.A briefe and accurate treatise, concerning, the taking of the fume of tobacco vvhich very many, in these dayes, doe too too licentiously vse. In which, the immoderate, irregular, and vnseasonable vse thereof is reprehended, and the true nature and best manner of vsing it, perspicuously demonstrated. By Tobias Venner, Doctor of Physicke in Bath, in the spring and fall, and at other times, in the borough of North Petherton neare to the ancient hauen towne of Bridge-water in Somersetshire.162165451639nan./cache/A14326.xml./txt/A14326.txt