
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A50886Then what to the German Emperour?
A50886Yea, quoth he, what saist thou of the French and Spanish Kings?
A39792How he should be saved?
A39792How many Apostles there were?
A39792How many Evangelists there were in the new Testament?
A39792I asked him first what part of Scripture it was, that he had read?
A39792I asked him, why he shore himself a Frier?
A34008Or thus; Why wouldst thou die?
A34008What is that for a God?
A34008did I not bring thee fine Children?
A34008hadst thou not a fair Wife, pretty Children, much Goods, good Clothes, and Brandy- wine enough?
A34008hadst thou not all things in abundance?
A34008was I not careful of thy House?
A12545But now come( when to our Iourneys sickly certaine end we are so neere come) howe thinke you, must he not be welcome?
A12545Doe wee resist thee?
A12545May the world report wee were our owne murderer?
A12545Shall not the Earth say, Thou weart the cause?
A12545Wee haue no right; yet our Father was el ● cted?
A12545What if wee were perswaded thou art the right, yet there are many, many, that neuer will bee?
A12545What ● it were graunted?