This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
22217 | Tagore, Rabindranath | My Reminiscences | nan | 62064 | 3688 | nan | ./cache/22217.txt | ./txt/22217.txt |
2518 | Tagore, Rabindranath | The Hungry Stones, and Other Stories | nan | 49190 | 3359 | nan | ./cache/2518.txt | ./txt/2518.txt |
6524 | Tagore, Rabindranath | Stray Birds | nan | 5963 | 760 | nan | ./cache/6524.txt | ./txt/6524.txt |
6523 | Tagore, Rabindranath | The Post Office | nan | 7653 | 1226 | nan | ./cache/6523.txt | ./txt/6523.txt |
7164 | Tagore, Rabindranath | Gitanjali | nan | 14621 | 888 | nan | ./cache/7164.txt | ./txt/7164.txt |
6686 | Tagore, Rabindranath | The Gardener | nan | 14118 | 1256 | nan | ./cache/6686.txt | ./txt/6686.txt |
7951 | Tagore, Rabindranath | Glimpses of Bengal Selected from the Letters of Sir Rabindranath Tagore | nan | 24765 | 1425 | nan | ./cache/7951.txt | ./txt/7951.txt |
6520 | nan | The Crescent Moon | nan | 8875 | 664 | nan | ./cache/6520.txt | ./txt/6520.txt |