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id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
A13221 | Abelin, Johann Philipp. Arma Suecica. English. | The Svvedish discipline, religious, civile, and military The first part, in the formes of prayer daily used by those of the Swedish nation, in the armie. Together with two severall prayers, uttered upon severall occasions by that pious King; which God immediately heard and granted him. The second part, in the excellent orders observed in the armie; whereof we here present you the articles, by which the souldiery is governed. The third part, in the Kings commission for levying of a regiment: his order for drawing vp of a private company; of a squadron; and of a brigade: with his manner of enquartering a private regiment; and of an army royall: vnto which is added the best manner of building and fortifying of a towne of warre. All, in fiue severall figures expressed and explained. Last of all, is the famous Battell of Leipsich, in two fayre figures also set forth: and now this second time more fully and particularly described. | 1632 | 37576 | 11828 | nan | ./cache/A13221.xml | ./txt/A13221.txt |
A08780 | Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, 1604-1639. | A true and brief relation of the bloudy battell fought foure dayes and foure nights together betweene Duke Bernard van VVimeren, victour, and Iohn de Weerdt, with the Duke Savelli, both imperiall generalls, vvho were utterly overthrowne and beaten / translated out of authentick letters, as well out of the Duke of Wimeren his owne letter, as another written to a great lord from Basill. | 1638 | 2464 | 537 | nan | ./cache/A08780.xml | ./txt/A08780.txt |
A08142 | Bourne, Nicholas, publisher. | July 29. Numb. 42. More newes of the good successe of the Duke of Brunsvvicke Fully relating his last and seuerall victories atchieued against the forces of Monsieur Tilly. With the muster, march, strength, order, approches, encounters, and pursuits of the said Duke of Brunswick; from the first setting forth vnto the third of our Iuly. As likewise some letters betwixt the old Duke of Brunswick and Monsieur Tilly, concerning the state of the businesse. Something also of the emperours other preparations, and seuerall other occurences about the Kings of Denmarke, Poland, and Sweden. Together with other weekely newes from sundry other places. | 1623 | 10204 | 2864 | nan | ./cache/A08142.xml | ./txt/A08142.txt |
A08140 | Butter, Nathaniel, d. 1664, publisher. | July 22. Numb. 41. More newes of the Duke of Brunswick Relating the late and full ouerthrow giuen by him to two regiments of Monsieur Tilly. The continuance of Bethlem Gabers warlike preparations. Some new propositions made by the emperour vnto him. Count Mansfields march out of Embdenland, vnto Meppen. With other newes of the Prince of Orang and Spinolaes last designes. Together with diuers other particulars, from seuerall places and the continuation of our former newes. | 1623 | 6901 | 1800 | nan | ./cache/A08140.xml | ./txt/A08140.txt |
A02404 | Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1578-1637. Letter of Ferdinand the Roman Emperour to the most illustrious King of Swethen Gustavus Adolphus. aut | A firme aliance & agreement made betvveene his Ma[ies]tie the King of Svvethland on the one side: and his grace the Duke of Statin and Pomerland on the other side VVherein is shovvne the cause, vvhich moued the King of Swethland to take vp armes to defend the said distressed Duke, and his countries against the horrible oppression, and violence of the Emperours souldiers. Translated out of Dutch into English Anno 1631. | 1631 | 8609 | 2216 | nan | ./cache/A02404.xml | ./txt/A02404.txt |
A85219 | Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, 1608-1657. | A declaration or manifesto, vvherein the Roman Imperiall Majesty makes known to the states & peers of Hungarie, what reasons and motives have compelled him to proceed in open warre against the Prince of Transylvania. VVhereby also his Imperiall Majesty admonisheth them to a due consideration of their loyaltie and obedience, as also to a zealous and joynt opposition against the said Prince of Transylvania, bearing date the 23. of February, 1644. | 1644 | 2665 | 644 | nan | ./cache/A85219.xml | ./txt/A85219.txt |
A01023 | Forbes, John, Captain. | A letter from Sarient Maior Forbes from the King of Swethens army to his reverend father Mr. Iohn Forbes, minister to the Worshipful Company of Marchant Adventurers residing in Delft touching the great battle fought by Lypsick betweene the King of Swethen, the Duke of Saxons army, and the Emperours army, and that commanded by Generall Tilly, of the Catholique League the 7. of September, 1631. | 1631 | 1914 | 365 | nan | ./cache/A01023.xml | ./txt/A01023.txt |
A01653 | Gentleman well deserving that hath suffered much in those warres. | The invasions of Germanie with all the civill, and bloody warres therin, since the first beginning of them in anno 1618 and continued to this present yeare 1638 : wherein are described the severall battles, encounters, conflicts, and assaults, of cities, townes, and castles ... with a new and exact map of Germany ... : together with the progresse of every army, marked with severall markes or lines, with the pictures of the chiefe commanders on both sides / faithfully collected out of good and credible originalls by a Gentleman well deserving that hath suffered much in those warres. | 1638 | 18374 | 5909 | nan | ./cache/A01653.xml | ./txt/A01653.txt |
A42276 | Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, conte, 1606-1678. | An history of the late warres and other state affaires of the best part of Christendom beginning with the King of Swethlands entrance into Germany, and continuing in the yeare 1640 / written in Italian by the Count Galliazzo Gualdo Priorato and in English by the Right Honourable Henry Earle of Monmouth. | 1648 | 269116 | 75161 | nan | ./cache/A42276.xml | ./txt/A42276.txt |
A07361 | Mayeres, Randulph. | Mayeres his travels containing a true recapitulation of all the remarkable passages which befell in the authors peregrination and voyages, as namely in these imployments following: viz. his 1 voyage for the wars in Ireland in Queen E.R. 2 At Breda, under one of the four English Colonell regiments. 3 With Count Mansfield. 4 To Cales. 5 To the Ile of Rhee. Wherunto is added a speech the author held with great King Hunger in his journey over the alpes. Collected and written by him who was both an actor, and an eye witnesse in the above named severall imployments, the space of forty yeeres, R.M.S. Gent. Published with license and authority. | 1638 | 10953 | 3372 | nan | ./cache/A07361.xml | ./txt/A07361.txt |
A07628 | Monro, Robert. | Monro his expedition vvith the vvorthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) levied in August 1626. by Sr. Donald Mac-Key Lord Rhees, colonell for his Majesties service of Denmark, and reduced after the Battaile of Nerling, to one company in September 1634. at Wormes in the Paltz Discharged in severall duties and observations of service; first under the magnanimous King of Denmark, during his warres against the Emperour; afterward, under the invincible King of Sweden, during his Majesties life time; and since, under the Directour Generall, the Rex-chancellor Oxensterne and his generalls. Collected and gathered together at spare-houres, by Colonell Robert Monro ... for the use of all worthie cavaliers favouring the laudable profession of armes. To which is annexed the abridgement of exercise, and divers practicall observations, for the younger officer his consideration; ending with the souldiers meditations going on service. | 1637 | 189865 | 56323 | nan | ./cache/A07628.xml | ./txt/A07628.txt |
A08843 | Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626, attributed name. | A briefe information of the affaires of the Palatinate The which consist in foure principall heads, which be 1. The acceptation of the crowne of Bohemia. 2. The difference and controuersie which hath ensued thereof, betweene the Emperour Ferdinand, and the King Frederick. 3. The proscription and bloudy proceeding that hath ensued thereof. 4. And the interposition of the King of great Brittaine, and with that which hath happened in the meane space. | 1624 | 16276 | 4576 | nan | ./cache/A08843.xml | ./txt/A08843.txt |
A13445 | Taylor, John, 1580-1653. | An English-mans loue to Bohemia with a friendly farewell to all the noble souldiers that goe from great Britaine to that honorable expedition. As also, the names of the most part of the kings, princes, dukes, marquisses, earles, bishops, and other friendly confederates, that are combined with the Bohemian part. By Iohn Taylor. | 1620 | 3557 | 952 | nan | ./cache/A13445.xml | ./txt/A13445.txt |