
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A29558],[ London?
A59340Was not Shaftsbury all along this Lord''s Gamaliel?
A59340Well, but what signifies that?
A57609At which he being much mov''d said; Why, what( fellow) dost thou thinke of us Bishops?
A57609It is also reported that a gentleman of quality comming to the Tower to give him a visite, and asking his grace how it fared with him at that present?
A57609[ London?
A04554Furthermore, in the time of King Dauid, there were three yeres famine, and Dauid demaunded the cause why?
A04554How detestable treason is it then, for a sworne seruant, to lay violent hands on his anoynted Prince?
A04554Johnson, Richard, 1573- 1659?
A04554Johnson, Richard, 1573- 1659?
A56091But what hast thou been doing all this while?
A56091Now thou art Chang''d since I see thee?
A56091West for a wise Councellor, or the Solamanca Bloud- sucker for a Saviour in the other World?
A56091Will M — pass for a Head- piece?
A56091Will a Vote of the Factious Rump save us from the Curse of King- Killing hereafter?
A56091Woud''st thou have me to brazen it out like thy self, and go to the Devil with a Lye in my Mouth?
A56091dost thou not know thy old Master?
A26178And why should not a moral incapacity in this sense be a natural one?
A26178Atwood, William, d. 1705?
A26178Atwood, William, d. 1705?
A26178I desire to know what Person besides H. 7. was so much as imagined to be Rightful King, or Queen, of England, when that Act was made?
A26178Or one, whom every Sex, every Age, opposed and cried out against?
A26178This, he said, was a light case: But what if a Parliament should enact, That God should not be God?
A26178What more pernicious than against the will of all, violently to snatch the Rights of the Kingdom?
A9128720, 21. shall the Throne of inquity have fellowship with thee which frameth mischief by a Law?
A9128722. doth consirm this Statute of Magna Charta in Ireland or not?
A912876. concerning Rapes, of which there was some doubt made whether it extended to Ireland?
A91287For the first, Whether this Act extends to Treasons committed in Ireland by Irish- Commoners?
A91287Namely, Whether this Act extends to Treasons perpetrated in Ireland by Irish- Peers, as well as by Irish Commoners?
A91287Whether it reacheth to Treasons in Ireland perpetrated by Irish Peers, as well as by Irish Commons?
A91287Whether this S ● atute extends to Treasons committed in Ireland, by Irish Commoners?
A91287or sent over to be tryed in Ireland for Treasons acted there, after an Endictment for them here found against him?
A16750Are these the scopes of Machiuilian skill, That all the world, with his infection fills?
A16750Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626?
A16750Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626?
A16750But, was there ever such a wicked dreame, To overthrowe a kingdome with a blast?
A16750Do we not see it euery houre effected, Treason still hatefull both to God and man?
A16750Must they needes run into the divels den?
A16750O blessed Britaine, more then greatly blessed, In God, thy King; his Councell, and thy state, How can his glorie be enough expressed?
A16750Oh God, what divell could in ill go further?
A16750To whom is he a foe?
A16750What can be thought to be the fruit of Treason?
A16750What mischiefe walkes among the minds of men?
A16750Who can have pitty on so vile a soule, As murder seekes on such a gratious King?
A16750Whose gratious life, but he in love embraces?
A16750Whose humble suites hath he left disalated?
A16750Whose power, but Prides, hath ever he abated?
A16750Whose proved love hath he left vnregarded, Whom, but the wicked, hath hee ever hated?
A16750Whose true affect, but he in favour graces?
A16750Whose vertuous acts hath he left vnrewarded?
A16750Will nothing serve their discontented wills?
A87908( Is this the Oppress ● on your wise Worship intends?)
A87908ALas, good Gentleman; you suspect the General?
A87908But all this while, you Beg the Question, How comes the King to be mentioned?
A87908Dare you say, that he promised, and failed?
A87908I hope Commo ● ions in Ir ● land are no Miracles; nor ● i ● it needfull to assign them any other reason, than the Humour of the Peopl ●?
A87908I''ll take his —( what shall I call them?)
A87908If this be not a Force, what is?
A87908Say, — MILTON; NEDHAM; either, or both, of you,( or whosoever else) — Say; where this Worthy Person, ever mixt with you?
A87908Suppose the Gentlemen of the Back side, should look on for a Fit now; the Reyal Family( you say) God cast out before us: Who casts out these?
A87908Touching the Treac ● erous Intent, did he tell you his mind?
A86997And then his Lordship said, You have room enough here, have you not?
A86997I know not the fashion, I may ask you Sir; Do these Gentlemen expect I should say any thing to them, or no, they can not hear?
A86997J hope, through the free grace of your gracious God, you are now able to say, O Death where is thy sting?
A86997Lie down flat upon your belly: and then having laid himself down, he said, Must I lie closer?
A86997Lord what art thou now a doing, art thou not now reconciling an angry God and me together?
A86997My Lord, shall I put up your hair?
A86997O grave where is thy victory?
A86997Should I, what will that do me good?
A86997Sir, have you your Warrant here?
A86997Stay a little, Which side do you stand upon?
A86997Stay a little, is it well as it is now?
A86997Then the E. of Cambridge said to the Executioner, Must J lie all along?
A86997Then the Earle having laid his head over the blocke, said, Is this right?
A86997Then turning about, and looking for the Executioner( who was gone off the Scaffold) said, Which is the Gentleman?
A86997Then turning to the Executioner, he said, Well, you are ready when I am ready, are you not?
A86997Whether shall I pray first?
A86997Which is the way of lying?
A86997Which way must I speak?
A86997Will your Lordship please to give me a Sign when I shall strike?
A86997art thou not interposing thy selfe betweene the Justice of God and my soule?
A86997art thou not pacifying the wrath of God?
A86997what if I come to him, as Nicodemus did, staggering in the night?
A86997which is the man?
A630926. both laid aside, not to mentio ● others, and was there ever such a King as this of ours?
A63092And doth he not in the mean time plentifully encourage and reward Fitz- Gerald and all the Sham- plotters?
A63092And doth he not to his utmost discountenance the Discoverers of it, and suffer them to want Bread?
A63092And was not the false heart of their Emissary Buckingham, found out by an Assassins Knife?
A63092Are you become French asses to suffer any load to be laid upon you?
A63092But I am in greater fear of the present Possessor, why do we frighten our selves about the Evil that is to come, not looking to that which is at hand?
A63092But let us come to Examine their Actions which are a better proof of their hearts, were not the Dukes Servants and Confidents all Papists?
A63092Did he not countenance and promote the Rebellion in Ireland?
A63092Doth not Charles all he can to hinder the further detection of the Popish Plot?
A63092Hath he not modell''d all the Sheriffs and Justices throughout England in subserviency to a Popish Design?
A63092Have they not all along maintained Secret Correspondency with France and Rome?
A63092Have you not Eyes, Sense or Feeling?
A63092If he was heartily concerned for our Religion, would he not oppos 〈 … 〉 cessor, who will Infallibly overthrow it?
A63092Is it not time then that all should be ready?
A63092Where is the Old English Noble Spirit?
A63092Witness Bellasis now a Traytor in the Tower, did not James by Coleman, Throgmorton and others, hold open Correspondency with the Pope and Cardinals?
A63092and could Charles be Ignorant of all this?
A63092deposed for going about to imbrace the Mahometam Religion, and for entring into a league with the K. of Morocco to that purpose?
A63092of France; and if this can be proved to be their only aim and endeavor, why should not every True Britain be a Quaker thus far?
A63092s.n.,[ London?
A33865And, I ask, first, is not this Jesuits proceeding with his King extremely, both uncivil and disloyal too?
A33865Are all these but four or five?
A33865Are all these things true, and were they not then in hand, whilst her Majesty dealt so mercifully with you?
A33865But to what purpose should we do so?
A33865But when afterwards thou didst begin to wrong them,& c. And when was that our great Monseigneurs?
A33865But why find I not that alledged here, if there be not some juggle in''t?
A33865But with these matters, what had we to do, that were either Priests or private men?
A33865Concerning which I first inquire, whether this be roundly true?
A33865Did not Pius Quintus move the King of Spain to joyn in this Exploit, for the better securing of his own Dominions in the Low Countries?
A33865Did not Pius Quintus practise her Majesties subversion: she( good Lady) never dreaming of any such mischief?
A33865Did not the Pope ▪ give order to Ridolphi, to take 150000 Crowns to set forward this attempt?
A33865Do you not remember how and why you went from Venice?
A33865For in the said Garboils, and very undutiful proceedings, how hath her Highness dealt with us?
A33865For, who are those few?
A33865Fourthly, whether the Pope may discharge the Subjects of her Majesty, or of any other Princes Christened, of their Oaths of obedience?
A33865Give us not occasion to say with the blessed Apostle: You foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you?
A33865Had not the Pope and King of Spain assigned the Duke of Norfolk, to be the Head of this Rebellion?
A33865How can you excuse these designments: so unchristian, so unpriestly, so treacherous, and therefore so un- prince- like?
A33865I desire to know, by what virtue you explicate your Vow in these words?
A33865Let it be answered why they came thus by stealth into the Realm?
A33865Marry to say the truth, as we have confessed before, how could either her Majesty or the State know so much?
A33865Must things presently be concluded to be just as such men have said, without searching farther?
A33865Must we be judged by them, rather than by such who were in the top of business, and knew all the first grounds and Reasons of Things?
A33865My Doubt is, what your Answer is, whether I or no?
A33865Secondly, whether they thought her Majesty to be the lawful Queen of the Realm, notwithstanding the said Bull or any other Bull of the Pope?
A33865This you alledge not to be, originally, your Invention; but, is it no guilt to follow another mans wickedness, when it leads to so horrid a crime?
A33865Was not one Robert Ridolphi, a Gentleman of Florence sent hither by the Pope( under colour of Merchandize) to sollicite a Rebellion?
A33865Was not some of that Money sent for Scotland: and some delivered to the said Duke?
A33865What if Hollinshead, or Stow, or Speed, or any later men have let fall some passages, which the Enemies of our Church make use of to its disadvantage?
A33865What may be reasonably thought was meet to be done with such seditious persons, but by the Laws of the Realm to try, condemn, and execute them?
A33865When her Majesty used you kindly: how treacherously was she dealt with by you?
A33865When other Kingdoms begin to loath them, why should you so far debase your selves, as to admire them?
A33865Where is Genserick and Hunricus with their Arrian Hereticks?
A33865Whether it does not make you as refractory to Kings and Princes, as to the Pope?
A33865Who then gave the cause that you were troubled?
A33865Why my Masters?
A33865if your endeavours do not stop it, how will you be both hated for attempting it, and scorned for miscarrying in''t?
A33865why they have wandered up and down in corners in disguised sort, changing their titles, names, and manner of apparel?
A55942About what Month?
A55942About what time was it?
A55942After this Discourse with you, how long was it before you spake of it to any body else?
A55942All of them?
A55942All the same Discourse?
A55942All your Kindred are Papists, are not they?
A55942And did not you declare then that you were tempted to witness against your Conscience?
A55942And did you provide them with Arms?
A55942And what then?
A55942And you think this is ground enough for you against him?
A55942And, said he, Mr. Dennis, what is the Number of your name in the Country as near as you can tell, how many are you?
A55942Answer them whether you did hear him speak any words that you conceive Treasonable at any other time?
A55942Are these Coffee- house Discourses, do you think, ground enough for you to cavel at Persons, because you have heard this Discourse in a Coffee- house?
A55942Are you acquainted with one Callaghan and Downing, two Irish- men?
A55942Ay, to the Protestant Religion: You say you have been one many years?
A55942Before my Lords Commitment or after?
A55942By whose hand?
A55942Can not you bring in one of them?
A55942Did he carry you up to my Lord?
A55942Did he propose any Reward, or any thing of that Nature?
A55942Did he talk to this purpose every time?
A55942Did never any body move you, or desire you to be a Witness in this case against my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942Did not you hear of it in Parliament?
A55942Did you ever go about to muster your 400. men you had in Ireland, I ask you whether you did or no?
A55942Did you ever go by the Name of Barry?
A55942Did you ever hear their Names?
A55942Did you ever make any solicitation to any to make this Discovery?
A55942Did you find that Paper in the Trunk?
A55942Did you hear any thing about deposing the King?
A55942Did you hear any thing else, at any other time?
A55942Did you hear my Lord speak these words in any other Room or Place?
A55942Did you know any more of them?
A55942Did you never go by the Name of Barry?
A55942Did you never hear my Lord speak Treason in any House but his own?
A55942Did you never hear of any Irish Witnesses sent down by Mr. Marriott to the Isle of Ely?
A55942Did you not speak such words to William Herbert?
A55942Do n''t you know, Sir, there was a Discourse in the Parliament of an Association?
A55942Do n''t you remember in the House of Commons, Sir, it was read upon occasion of that Bill?
A55942Do you know any thing more than what you have said here?
A55942Do you know one Mr. Marriott?
A55942Do you know one Mr. Shelden?
A55942Do you know what the mans name is?
A55942Do you officiate as a Minister?
A55942Do you own your self to be in Orders still?
A55942Do you remember any discourse of Richard the Second, at that time?
A55942Do you remember any more?
A55942Do you remember nothing at any other time?
A55942First Converted?
A55942Foreman ▪ Which Secretary?
A55942Foreman, Did you never hear of any Witnesses he sent to his Tenants?
A55942Foreman, What Month was it?
A55942Foreman, Who else?
A55942Foreman, Who was present when my L. Shaftsbury spake those words?
A55942From whom had you the Key?
A55942Gentlemen of the Jury, would you ask him any Questions?
A55942Had you any other discourse with him at any other time?
A55942Had you any other discourse with my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942Had you any other discourse, at other times?
A55942Has no body discoursed you from him?
A55942Have you been desired to be a Witness, or did you do it voluntarily?
A55942Have you had any Information concerning this to Mr. Herbert?
A55942He introduced you?
A55942How did it come into my Lord Shaftbury''s Closet?
A55942How do you mean to be in Orders?
A55942How long have you been a Protestant?
A55942How long have you been a Protestant?
A55942How long was this before you communicated this to any body?
A55942How many Stories was that Room where you talked with my Lord?
A55942How many, Sir?
A55942I am sorry to hear it, said I, but what would you have me do with these Irish Witnesses?
A55942I ask you if this is all you have to say?
A55942I do not know whether you desire the Witnesses should be Examin''d apart, do you desire that, Gentlemen?
A55942I would ask him one word, we would fain know what allowance you have, or what you receive, if you have any allowance, from any body?
A55942In the beginning?
A55942In what Room was it that my Lord spake those words to you?
A55942In what place in his house?
A55942Is Mr. Turbervile there?
A55942Is that Witness a Prisoner?
A55942Is that all, speak all your knowledge?
A55942Is that fit to be brought in when Treason is in question against the King''s Life?
A55942Is this all that you know, have you heard my Lord say any treasonable words in any other place, or at any other time?
A55942Is this all?
A55942It was about the Fourth of July, you say, your Depositions were taken?
A55942It was in March, and where?
A55942Jury, Can not you remember how long it was before?
A55942L. C. J. VVill you have the Statute read?
A55942Look ye Gentlemen, is that a question that is pertinent?
A55942Look ye, Gentlemen, what Discourse you take up at random in every Coffee- house?
A55942Look you Gentlemen of the Jury, you hear what his Evidence is, would you ask him any thing while he is here?
A55942M. Papilion, Mr. Smith, who did you give your Information to?
A55942More than you said in the Morning?
A55942Mr. Booth, do you go under no other name but Booth?
A55942Mr. Booth, you told us of Fifty men that were Listed under Captain Wilkinson, Do you know any more of them?
A55942Mr. Dennis, in the morning you told me something about the Discourse you had with my L. of Shaftsbury, tell me when it was?
A55942Mr. Godfrey, Mr. Dennis, pray who was in the Room when you were there?
A55942Mr. Godfrey, VVho else?
A55942Mr. Godfrey, VVho else?
A55942Mr. Godfrey, Was it in the Evening or the morning?
A55942Mr. Godfrey, was it to the purpose whether Mr. Marriott sent any Irish Witnesses to his Tenant, or no?
A55942Mr. Haynes, Against the Earl of Shaftsbury, Sir?
A55942Mr. Haynes, The words against my Lord?
A55942Mr. Papilion, And is that all?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Are you an English- man or an Irish man?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Are you sure none of his servants were there?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Before my Lord was committed, or after?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Can not you tell which of the months?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Dennis Macnamara, tell us how you were introduced to my L. Shaftsbury, when you had this Discourse?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did he every time say the same?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did he whisper it in your ear?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did my Lord whisper it, or speak out?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did not you give in an Information of a Design against the Earl of Shaftsbury?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did not you petition the Common- Council Sir, for relief?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did you ever hear any other words than what you have now testified?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did you ever make any other Information to a Justice of the Peace?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did you hear these words in any other place, or at any other time, or any Treasonable words against the King?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did you petition to the Common Councel?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did you read it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Do you know of any other place or time?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Fitz- Gerrald told you this, and so you made Affidavit of it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, In June, or when?
A55942Mr. Papilion, In another place?
A55942Mr. Papilion, In the month of June?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Is Mr. Smith gone?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Mr. Haynes, when did you give in your Information upon this matter?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Mr. Macnamara, when was it you had this discourse with my L. Shaftsbury, what is the time as near as you remember?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Nay, I know not from whom: I ask whether you have any from any body?
A55942Mr. Papilion, No body but Mr. Ivey?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Nor don''t know what is in it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Nor touching this matter?
A55942Mr. Papilion, So you say the words were, when were the words spoken that you mentioned?
A55942Mr. Papilion, That was before my Lord was committed, was it not?
A55942Mr. Papilion, To what purpose was that?
A55942Mr. Papilion, To whom did you give information?
A55942Mr. Papilion, To whom did you give it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Twice then do you speak of?
A55942Mr. Papilion, VVhen did you make this information?
A55942Mr. Papilion, VVhich of them?
A55942Mr. Papilion, VVho did you make it to?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Was it before his Commitment?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Was it before my Lord was committed?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Was it the same time he spake about the D. of Buckingham?
A55942Mr. Papilion, We ask if he have any allowance?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Were none of his Servants in the Room?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What time in April was this?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What time was it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What time?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What time?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What was that design against my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What, did you propound a Rebellion in Ireland?
A55942Mr. Papilion, When did you give Information of this?
A55942Mr. Papilion, When did you hear these words ▪ speak to the time exactly?
A55942Mr. Papilion, When did you make information of this?
A55942Mr. Papilion, When was that?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Where did you see my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Where was it you had this discourse?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Where was it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Where?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Which is that that was in April?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Which of them?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Who else?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Who was in the Room besides?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Who was present with you then?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Who was present?
A55942Mr. Secretary, I would ask you some questions, if you did not know of a Debate in Parliament of an Association?
A55942Mr. Smith, From whom?
A55942Mr. Smith, My Lord, am I to answer to these questions?
A55942Mr. Smith, What Information?
A55942Mr. Smith, Which words do you ask?
A55942Mr. Smith, the Jury ask you a Question, whether or no you did not use to go by the name of Barry?
A55942Mr. Turbervile, I desire to be satisfied in one thing, whether my Lord Shaftsbury was Committed before or after your Information?
A55942Mr. Turbervile, when you had this Discourse with my Lord Shaftsbury, who was present with you?
A55942Mr. Turberville, have you had any discourse with my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942My Lord, said I, what is the meaning of that?
A55942My Lord, we only ask this Question, whether he hath not contradicted this, or said the contrary to any body else?
A55942No body else?
A55942Nor in any other place?
A55942North, Gentlemen, what do you mean that he should have a pardon for?
A55942Or a Justice''s Clerk?
A55942Pray my Lord said I, what shall I do in the mean time?
A55942Pray my Lord, what Model do you take, or intend to do?
A55942Pray what Room was it you had this Discourse in?
A55942Pray what date is this Paper of?
A55942Pray what time did you discover this?
A55942Pray, Sir, Did any inform you that I had any Correspondence with this man?
A55942Pray, Sir, what Education have you had?
A55942Pray, Sir, whose hand writing is that Paper of?
A55942Sayes he, Do you not think but there are Families in England, that have as great pretences to the Crown as the King?
A55942Sayes he, Do you think there are no Families in England, that have as much pretence to the Crown as any of the Stewarts?
A55942The Discourse that you had with my L. Shaftsbury, when was it, at what time?
A55942The beginning of July?
A55942The words that you spoke of, when was that?
A55942Then you concealed it from February to July: Who did you Communicate it to first of all?
A55942There is no hand to it at all?
A55942To satisfie the Jury, was the Paper in the Closet before you came there?
A55942To whom did you give it?
A55942To whom did you give your Information?
A55942To whom, Sir, did you give your first Information?
A55942Upon what account?
A55942VVas it above stairs?
A55942VVas it at more times than one?
A55942VVhat Religion are you of?
A55942VVhy did not you say so before?
A55942VVhy did you conceal it so long?
A55942Was he with you every time?
A55942Was it before my Lord was Committed, or after?
A55942Was it out of your hands?
A55942Was it the right hand as you came in?
A55942Was it the right hand or the left?
A55942Was this Paper found in one of those Trunks or Boxes that was deliver''d to you by Mr. Gwyn?
A55942Was you frequently with him?
A55942Was you never desired to be a Witness against my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942Were not you one that Petitioned to the Common Council in London?
A55942Were you ever Indicted for any Felony?
A55942Were you ever a witness for my Lady Windham or against her?
A55942Were you ever an Attorney''s Clerk?
A55942Were you ever in Orders?
A55942Were you in a poor Condition?
A55942Were you in their Company lately?
A55942Were you never in their Company?
A55942What Date, Sir, was the Warrant for my Lord Shaftbury''s Commitment?
A55942What Members were they?
A55942What Month?
A55942What Religion are you of, Mr. Smith?
A55942What is that to this business?
A55942What is your mans name?
A55942What place was it in?
A55942What should I do?
A55942What time in February?
A55942What time was it when you had this Discourse with my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942What time was this?
A55942What was the reason, you say it was the latter end of April and May, my Lord was not committed for a good while after, here was two months time?
A55942What was your design in signing that Petition?
A55942What words did he speak?
A55942What, he that was here last?
A55942When did Mr. Booth come down?
A55942When did you give in this Information?
A55942When did you give in your Evidence first?
A55942When did you make Information of this?
A55942When did you receive the Sacrament?
A55942When was it?
A55942When was that?
A55942When was this?
A55942When were you first Converted?
A55942When were you in his Company?
A55942Where had you the Trunk you delivered to Mr. Blaithwait?
A55942Where would you have these Witnesses that have been examined to stand?
A55942Whether the Matter contained in them, and which you shall have in Evidence, be Matter of Treason within the former, or this Act of Parliament?
A55942Which of the Secretaries?
A55942Who did?
A55942Who introduced you?
A55942Who put up the Papers?
A55942Who supposes it?
A55942Who was by?
A55942Who was present when the Discourse was?
A55942Who was that too?
A55942Who was with you at that time?
A55942Who went in with you?
A55942Will you ask him any more questions?
A55942You did it voluntarily?
A55942You had several Discourses with him; Had you easie Admission, or was it with difficulty you came into his Company?
A55942You have not heard then, that there was such a thing in Parliament concerning an Association?
A55942You say Mr. Ivey was by at the same time?
A55942You understand the question, whether you did give no Information of a Design against my L. Shaftsbury to some Justice of the peace?
A55942You were never examined before then as a Witness?
A55942what did you look for?
A258783. does not say that there shall be two positive witnesses to Treason?
A25878A Petition from whom?
A25878About what?
A25878Among whom?
A25878And I asked him to what purpose?
A25878And can you tell so long ago, not only your own actions, but testify to all other mens actions too that were in the room?
A25878And does he speak of another time when I shewed him the Back, Breast and Arms?
A25878And he asked, whether they had any Discourse that tended to justifie their former Votes?
A25878And how much of that Ribband had he, pray?
A25878And that was to vindicate him, that he never did speak any Treasonable words?
A25878And was that the true Interest of the Nation, to cut off the Kings Head?
A25878And what do you mean by having them go to Breda?
A25878And when he came up to me, How now, said I, honest Joyner?
A25878And you, take it upon your Oath, that he asked you, who Haynes was?
A25878Another time he came to speak with my Tenant Mrs. Scot, who is now gone into Ireland; when he came to the House, he asked me, is Mrs. Scot within?
A25878Are not your Witnesses together?
A25878Are you Bolron''s Wife?
A25878Are you Guilty or not Guilty?
A25878Are you Guilty or not Guilty?
A25878Are you Guilty or not Guilty?
A25878Are you Guilty, or Not guilty?
A25878Are you Guilty, or not Guilty?
A25878Are you Guilty, or not Guilty?
A25878Are you sure there was no such thing?
A25878Art thou Guilty of this High- Treason, or not Guilty?
A25878As to Dugdale or Turbervile?
A25878As to this Presbyterian Plot, Sir?
A25878At Oxford?
A25878But Mr. Atterbury, before you go down, pray tell the Court, did you take any of these papers at my House, or at my Brother- in- law Spurs House?
A25878But by whom?
A25878But did you ever hear me say any thing against His Majesty or the Government?
A25878But did you hear him say any thing of these words, that he was employed in a Plot against the Protestants?
A25878But he sung this Libel?
A25878But pray tell us again what he said of the Kings running away?
A25878But shall I not have my papers my Lord?
A25878But shall not we talk among our selves?
A25878But was this Treasonable discourse before you made the Affidavit, or after?
A25878But, Mr. Everard, have you any more to say concerning any of them?
A25878But, my Lord, pray let me ask you one Question more; You take these words distinct from any matter of Fact do n''t you?
A25878By whom is it subscribed?
A25878By whom was it presented?
A25878Ca n''t you answer him?
A25878Can not you tell whether you be Guilty or not Guilty of this Treason?
A25878Can you believe, said I, that my Lord of Shaftsbury will betray you?
A25878Can you deny that?
A25878Can you prove this now?
A25878Can you remember a matter so distinctly, which Dr. Oates says was a year and half ago?
A25878Can you say any thing concerning this matter that is sworn against of Treason?
A25878Can you say nothing of your own knowledge concerning Turbervile?
A25878Certainly, my Lord, the thing speaks it; he is not to be talked withal; Is it probable I should talk to an Irish- man that does not understand sense?
A25878Come will you call any Witnesses?
A25878Come, Mr. Smith, do you know Mr. Colledge?
A25878Come, what say you?
A25878Come, who do you call else?
A25878Culprit, by whom wilt thou be tryed?
A25878Did I discourse who were to joyn with me?
A25878Did I explain any Pictures to you at London, or owned I was the Author of them?
A25878Did I say any thing, Sir, who I had those Arms against?
A25878Did I say so to you at my Lord Lovelace''s?
A25878Did I speak these Treasonable words after the Affidavit made?
A25878Did Mr. Smith and you and I go together?
A25878Did Mr. Smith go with us?
A25878Did he discourse any thing to you about Arms to provide your self?
A25878Did he in Oxford desire this of you?
A25878Did he make any comparison between his own party and the Kings party?
A25878Did he make this explication to you?
A25878Did he publish that in the Intelligence?
A25878Did he say so?
A25878Did he say what he was offered, and by whom?
A25878Did he say, If he had not ran away, he would have seized him?
A25878Did he speak it openly or privately to you?
A25878Did he tell you he had them here?
A25878Did he tell you of any that were listed, in order to the coming down of the Parliament at Oxford?
A25878Did he tell you of any that were listed?
A25878Did he tell you so?
A25878Did he tell you that here?
A25878Did he tell you this was of his making?
A25878Did not he s ● y that the Dutchess of Portsmouth employed him too?
A25878Did not the Indictment say so?
A25878Did not you call me out, with Macnamarra and Haynes, to the Hercules- Pillars?
A25878Did not you swear against my Lord Stafford?
A25878Did not you tell Zeal of such a thing?
A25878Did the Jury believe you?
A25878Did the Kings Waterman take any shavings by himself?
A25878Did they go accordingly?
A25878Did they say what time I should be Hang''d?
A25878Did this man shew it you?
A25878Did we go into Cabals two and two together there?
A25878Did you come a purpose to speak with me, or had you any business particularly with me?
A25878Did you come for shavings there, Mr. Atterbury?
A25878Did you ever hear me speak against the King or the Government?
A25878Did you ever hear me speak any thing against the Government?
A25878Did you ever say the contrary, pray?
A25878Did you ever see him, Bolron?
A25878Did you find an Original of that in my Chamber?
A25878Did you hear Mr. Smith say any thing against me?
A25878Did you hear any Treasonable discourse between us?
A25878Did you hear him declare this at London?
A25878Did you know Bryan Haynes?
A25878Did you never declare to any Gentleman of Oxford, that Colledge made this Picture?
A25878Did you never hear him talk against the Government?
A25878Did you see him have any Pistols?
A25878Did you see him in his Silk Armour about the Parliament- House, the Lobby, or any place?
A25878Did you see him write it?
A25878Did you see them in his hand?
A25878Did you sell any mum?
A25878Did you stay after dinner?
A25878Did you swear then, that the words you swear now were spoken at London?
A25878Did you tell her you had nothing to say against her Master that would touch his life?
A25878Did you tell him that other passage, when you swore you would not starve?
A25878Did you tell you Master soon after they were left there?
A25878Do I charge you since the Parliament?
A25878Do you ask him any more questions?
A25878Do you call any more Witnesses, Gentlemen?
A25878Do you call any more Witnesses?
A25878Do you challenge him peremptorily, or with cause?
A25878Do you deny what they say to be true, Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Do you know Bryan Haynes, Mr. Lun?
A25878Do you know Bryan Haynes?
A25878Do you know Haynes?
A25878Do you know John Smith?
A25878Do you know John Smith?
A25878Do you know Narrative Smith?
A25878Do you know Turbervile, Sir?
A25878Do you know Turbervile?
A25878Do you know any thing against Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Do you know any thing concerning Mr. Smith?
A25878Do you know any thing concerning any of the Evidence that hath been given here?
A25878Do you know any thing more concerning him, what he hath said at other times concerning me?
A25878Do you know any thing more, Sir?
A25878Do you know any thing of Turbervill or Dugdale?
A25878Do you know any thing of a Presbyterian Plot?
A25878Do you know any thing of any Arms he had, and for what?
A25878Do you know any thing of the papers that were carried to my Brother George Spur ●?
A25878Do you know any thing of the rest of them; Haynes, or Smith, or Dugdale?
A25878Do you know any thing of the rest, Doctor?
A25878Do you know any thing of this conspiracy in general?
A25878Do you know any thing of your own knowledge?
A25878Do you know him, Sir?
A25878Do you know that Gentleman, Mr. Bolron?
A25878Do you know this Bryan Haynes, pray?
A25878Do you remember how long ago that was?
A25878Do you say I set you upon that?
A25878Does any body accuse me that I did?
A25878For what are the Evidence that have proved this?
A25878For what purpose?
A25878From whom?
A25878Gaoler, have you your Prisoner?
A25878Gen. And you found too those that were printed?
A25878Gen. Are these the same papers?
A25878Gen. Did he disperse them to any body else?
A25878Gen. Did he give you Ten pound to swear?
A25878Gen. Did he name any one?
A25878Gen. Did he swear any thing on your behalf, for your credit, Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Gen. Did he tell you he came down for that purpose to seize the King?
A25878Gen. Did he tell you to what purpose you should arm your self?
A25878Gen. Did not you find him a bragging man?
A25878Gen. Did not you ramble I do n''t know how, and yet you were suffered to go on?
A25878Gen. Did you lye together?
A25878Gen. Did you not shew it in Oxford?
A25878Gen. Do you go to Church, Mistress?
A25878Gen. Do you know any thing of any Pictures of Mr. Colledges making?
A25878Gen. For what purpose did he desire you to arm your self?
A25878Gen. For what?
A25878Gen. Has Mr. Turbervile told you any thing?
A25878Gen. How came you by that Original?
A25878Gen. How did he describe it to you, when he shewed it to you?
A25878Gen. How long have you been a Protestant, Mr. Colledge?
A25878Gen. How long is it ago since he left that place?
A25878Gen. Is it to this matter?
A25878Gen. Mr. Colledge; can any body tell whether you be guilty or no, better then your self?
A25878Gen. Mr. Smith, did you deliver these two papers to the Prisoner?
A25878Gen. Mr. Smith, did you never hear Mr. Colledge speak any ill words of the King?
A25878Gen. My Lord, I desire you would please to send for Mr. Starkey?
A25878Gen. Pray Mistress, did you believe him when he told you he was so honest a man?
A25878Gen. Pray let me ask you that question again: When was this that he said he believed he was an honest man?
A25878Gen. Pray, what account did he give you of it?
A25878Gen. Theirs and theirs, who did he mean?
A25878Gen. To what purpose did he bring them?
A25878Gen. To what purpose?
A25878Gen. Was it before Dinner, or after Dinner, that Colledge fell asleep behind the Table?
A25878Gen. Was it on Saturday last?
A25878Gen. Was that Gentleman sworn at my Lord Stafford''s Tryal, Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Gen. Was that the same Allowance you had when you were Witness for the Popish Plot?
A25878Gen. Was there no Silk Armor?
A25878Gen. Was this Gentleman sworn to your Reputation there?
A25878Gen. Well, go on, what more do you know?
A25878Gen. What Trade are you?
A25878Gen. What did he desire you to do, to be assisting in any thing?
A25878Gen. What did he say to you about any one''s seizing the King?
A25878Gen. What did you know of his delivering any marks or signs for persons to be distinguished by?
A25878Gen. What do you know concerning Mr. Starkey, and what he did offer you?
A25878Gen. What do you know of any Pictures?
A25878Gen. What say you to Mr. Masters?
A25878Gen. What say you your self?
A25878Gen. What was that for?
A25878Gen. What were the papers you delivered to him in the Tower?
A25878Gen. Where do you dwell, Sir?
A25878Gen. Where was this?
A25878Gen. Where was your Master all that time?
A25878Gen. Who did he mean by Rowley?
A25878Gen. Who do you mean by they?
A25878Gen. Who was the Author did he say?
A25878Gen. Who were they that were to be with him in that design of his?
A25878Gen. Will you ask him any more Questions, Mr. Colledge?
A25878Gen. Will you ask him any more Questions?
A25878Gen. Will you give us an account of your knowledge of him?
A25878Gentlemen, are you agreed of your Verdict?
A25878Had they been at dinner with us there?
A25878Had you ever seen me before?
A25878Have you any more Witnesses?
A25878Have you any more of them?
A25878Have you any other Allowance than what you had before, when you gave Evidence at my Lord Stafford''s Tryal?
A25878Have you any thing against Macnamarra?
A25878Have you any thing to ask Mr. Masters?
A25878Have you done with your Witnesses?
A25878Have you done, Mr. Colledge?
A25878Have you it there?
A25878Have you no Plea in Law?
A25878Have you proved any thing of this?
A25878Have you proved one jot of it?
A25878Have you proved that?
A25878Have you seen Raree Shew?
A25878Have you seen him at Church lately?
A25878He would have had you sworn it, would he?
A25878Heark you, Sir, were there no disputations in Divinity?
A25878Here is the Kings Health to you: So I drank, and I asked him how he did?
A25878Here you say he explained this with the Pack at the back to be the King?
A25878How came you there?
A25878How came you to have so many seized in your House?
A25878How comes any body to give you Papers?
A25878How did he explain it to you ▪ Mr. Dugdale?
A25878How did he express himself?
A25878How do you know Spur carried any?
A25878How do you know that?
A25878How do you mean, Sir?
A25878How does he come to know, that by that word I meant the King?
A25878How long ago is this?
A25878How long ago was it, pray?
A25878How long before I was taken?
A25878How long have you known him?
A25878How long is it ago since we were at the White Hart together?
A25878How long is it ago since you were in my company last?
A25878How long since?
A25878How long was it before the Sitting of the Parliament?
A25878How long was it before they were seized?
A25878How long?
A25878How often have you seen him?
A25878How sayest thou, Stephen Colledge, Art thou Guilty of this High- Treason whereof thou standest Indicted, and hast been now Arraigned, or not Guilty?
A25878I am not a carpenter but a joyner, is that any bar to it?
A25878I ask him, was he the first time with us when I was called out of the Coffee- house to hear Haynes''s Discovery?
A25878I ask when it was the first time you were acquainted with me so much, as to know me well?
A25878I ask whether he hath given any Evidence against me any where?
A25878I ask you whether it was the same with this?
A25878I ask you whether you have or no?
A25878I ask you, Sir, Whether the Song which you say was sung at my Lord Lovelace''s, and other places, was the same with this?
A25878I beseech you Sir, have you any body to prove this?
A25878I do n''t know you, Sir; but what do you know of him?
A25878I do only desire one thing, I do not say, that you ever had Raree Shew, but did you ever tell any body that Colledge made any of these Pictures?
A25878I met him, and said I, Where are now all your cracks and brags?
A25878I met with Mr. Turbervile again; and, hearing he had been there, I asked him if he had sworn any thing against Colledge?
A25878I put it, did I make it?
A25878I saw Mr. Turbervile since I come hither, and he asked, Are you come, Mr. Broadgate, to give Evidence against me?
A25878I would ask you, whether you ever had any discourse with that Gentleman?
A25878I would see what opinion he had of the Church of England; there are some Church- men, what are they a doing?
A25878If I am ignorant of that, and can not propose it, shall I not have the assistance of councel?
A25878If I am ignorant what Questions to ask of the Witnesses, shall not my Friends help me, my Lord?
A25878If matters of Law arise, shall I have Counsel to speak to them?
A25878If you are my counsel, then have I any Plea in law to make?
A25878If your Lordships please, whether or no I may deliver in these papers?
A25878In the company of whom?
A25878Is Justice Warcupp an Evidence here?
A25878Is Thomas Deacon there?
A25878Is he here?
A25878Is it for this man to ask me, my Lord, such a question?
A25878Is it not my right that I ought to have a copy of the jury?
A25878Is it so probable a thing, that any men of common knowledge would do it?
A25878Is it your Lordships opinion that I have no Plea in Law?
A25878Is not counsel to be allowed to one under my circumstances?
A25878Is that all you have to say?
A25878Is there any thing relating to White- hall?
A25878Is this man sworn?
A25878Is this the man, Shirland?
A25878It is not lawful for the Kings Counsel to confer together?
A25878It may be so, I am sure many at London have been by, as Mr. Starkey by name, Mr. Boson, Mr. Baldwin?
A25878It was since the Parliament sat at Oxford: But what was that he was employed to do, did he say?
A25878L. c. j. Mr. Colledge, will you call any other Witnesses?
A25878L. c. j. Mr. Smith, do you hear what Mr. Oates hath said?
A25878Let him answer you if he will, but you must not afterwards go to disprove him?
A25878Look you, Mr. Colledge; what word is there in all this Petition that, is a contradiction to what they have said now?
A25878May I have any Friends come to see me in the mean time?
A25878Mowbray, was Bolron''s Wife by when this discourse was?
A25878Mr. Bolron, what is Mr. Shirland?
A25878Mr. Everard, do you know any thing more?
A25878Mr. Ivy; you have sworn against me, have you not?
A25878Mr. Mowbray, pray, Sir, do you know Narrative Smith, as he calls himself?
A25878Mr. S. Gen. Who went along with Colledge?
A25878Mr. S. Gen. Who went along with Mr. Smith?
A25878Mr. Smith, Where was this discourse I had with you?
A25878Mr. Smith, did he never deliver you any of those Pictures?
A25878Mr. Turbervile, when did you give in this Information against me?
A25878Mr. Yates, pray was there nothing in the Coffee- House about one that he asked to go with him, when he said he knew nothing against me?
A25878Mrs. Bolron, Pray do you know Mr. John Smith?
A25878Mrs. Oliver, Do you know any thing more of him?
A25878Must I keep him in custody?
A25878Must that necessarily follow upon my saying, I might be a Colonel in time, and that more bloud would be lost?
A25878My Lord, I am a stranger to the Prisoner at the Bar; what I have to say, is concerning Mr. Turbervile, whom I met one day, and he asked me how I did?
A25878My Lord, I would know what time your Lordship is pleased to appoint for my preparation?
A25878My Lord, may not I have a pannel of the Jury?
A25878My Lord, ought not I to have a copy of this Jury?
A25878No, only this; Do you swear, upon your Oath, that you found the Original in my House?
A25878No, they were not, Sir?
A25878None but one I borrowed of you, and that you had again; had I?
A25878Nor of Philosophy?
A25878Nor was ever promised any thing?
A25878Not before?
A25878Not one word of that?
A25878Not to help me to my right in Law?
A25878Now for the Cut then; Did he shew you this Cut?
A25878Now the Question is, Are you Guilty or not Guilty?
A25878Or will you call any more?
A25878Ought I not to have that paper, my Lord?
A25878Pray Sir, do you know that person there?
A25878Pray Sir, do you know who went together thither?
A25878Pray Sir, was there not some discourse betwixt Justice Warcupp and you in Lincolns- Inn Walks?
A25878Pray Sir, you go too fast already, as you are still gallopping; where was this discourse about his Majesty?
A25878Pray afterwards, what discourse had you about his Colonelship?
A25878Pray answer me, Sir; When was the first time I talked to you?
A25878Pray did you ever hear me speak for the King?
A25878Pray go on, when do you think we shall have done else?
A25878Pray what Arms did I bring to your House, Sir?
A25878Pray who came with you in the company?
A25878Pray who intends to murder you?
A25878Pray, Mr. Dugdale, what had you to give this your information?
A25878Pray, Mr. Dugdale, what was the use was to be made of this Ballad?
A25878Pray, Mr. Lewes, what do you know about Turbervile?
A25878Pray, Sir, how long ago was this?
A25878Pray, Sir, how many are there of the Jury that appear?
A25878Pray, Sir, let me ask you one question; when came you from York?
A25878Pray, Sir, what do you know concerning Dugdale?
A25878Pray, Sir, what do you know of Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Pray, Where is it?
A25878Pray, do you know Mr. Smith?
A25878Pray, how came you by this Witness?
A25878Pray, how could this be possible?
A25878Pray, my Lord, let me ask some Questions of Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Pray, my Lord, who hath been sworn against me?
A25878Pray, when was the first time you gave this Evidence?
A25878Pray, who did you give it before?
A25878Recollect your self, pray; was Mr. Colledge asleep there?
A25878Said I, by whom?
A25878Said I, did not you tell me so and so?
A25878Said I, if you will not give it to any body else, will you give it to Mr. Michael Godfrey, Sir Edmundbury Godfrey''s Brother?
A25878Said he, Sir, will you drink?
A25878Said he, of some design of the Protestants: Said I, what, against the Government?
A25878Said he,''t is a Sham Plot: I asked him what he meant by that Sham Plot?
A25878Says I, did Mr. Fitz- Harris move for Haynes''s pardon?
A25878Says he, what would you have us do?
A25878Shall I not have my Papers after I have pleaded?
A25878Shall I not have the use of the papers, my Lord; will you not please to deliver them back to me, now you have perused them?
A25878Shall I speak now, my Lord?
A25878Shall my ignorance destroy me, Mr. Attorney?
A25878Sir, did you see that trumpery taken?
A25878Sir, do you know any thing more of him, or did he name me, or that he was to swear against me, or any Protestant?
A25878That is Towzer; but you have the Original of the Rary Shew?
A25878That night?
A25878The Speech is not fit for you, what other papers would you have?
A25878The first discourse you talk of, what I told you going to Mr. Wilcox''s to dinner, and when it was?
A25878The next morning I came to him again, and, said I, I am come again, what must I do?
A25878Then it was before the Court, what could be made of it?
A25878Then pray, how long did you continue before you came to London?
A25878Then said I to him, why, what is the matter there?
A25878Then you did give in your Information, that I spoke these words at Oxford?
A25878There was nothing at all spoken of?
A25878They were in the Counting- House?
A25878This your Tenant told you, what do you know your self?
A25878To what Church?
A25878To whom?
A25878To whom?
A25878Twice, do you say?
A25878Upon what Picture was it that I took occasion to explain the name Rowley to you?
A25878Upon what occasion did I explain it to you?
A25878Upon your Oath, did you tell him so?
A25878VVe did discourse commonly then concerning the Papists, Pray, Sir, did you find me inclined to the Popish interest?
A25878VVhat Picture was it I gave you there?
A25878VVhat Statute is this Indictment grounded upon?
A25878VVhat do you know more about Haynes?
A25878VVhat do you know of him?
A25878VVhat have you sworn against me?
A25878VVhat have you to say more?
A25878VVhat was that you heard Turbervile say of me, or of any Presbyterian Plot?
A25878VVhat was the reason you did not discover this Treason before?
A25878VVhere is the Petition to the Common Council, Doctor?
A25878Was John Smith there?
A25878Was Mr. Peacock, Mrs. Fitz Harris Maids Father, or she here, either of them Witnesses against you?
A25878Was all this in the presence of Mr. Bolron?
A25878Was he alone?
A25878Was he at Church there then, and received the Sacrament?
A25878Was he in your Country the last Easter?
A25878Was he never in the company of Colledge at your house?
A25878Was he to swear against the Protestants?
A25878Was it above stairs, or below?
A25878Was it before it was printed then that he sung it?
A25878Was it on a Sunday that I told you I had been beating of somebody?
A25878Was it such a little room that you could hear all was said?
A25878Was my Lord at home?
A25878Was that his common application for the King?
A25878Was that in Oxford?
A25878Was that the first time?
A25878Was there any body by at Oxford, when you did hear me talk of Arming my self?
A25878Was there any body by at my explaining of these Pictures?
A25878Was there no body by?
A25878Was this after he had been at the Old- Baily, or before?
A25878Was you by when it was delivered?
A25878Was your Father in the Fleet then?
A25878We see what has been done by Massianello a mean man in another Countrey, what by Wat Tyler and Jack Straw in this Kingdom?
A25878Well, go on, have you any more?
A25878Well, what do you ask her?
A25878Well, what say you to him?
A25878Well, will you ask him any thing?
A25878Were not you a Witness, Mr. Smith, at my Lord Stafford''s Tryal?
A25878Were you an intimate acquaintance of his before March last?
A25878Were you at the Coffee- House when I went along with your Brother?
A25878Were you at the Dinner which Mr. Wilcox gave your Brother?
A25878Were you examined in my Lord Staffords Tryal?
A25878Were you in my company any where, but in those two places?
A25878Were you in their company in Oxford here?
A25878Were you much conversant with him?
A25878Were you there all the while?
A25878What Actions, my Lord?
A25878What Arms did you see of mine in this Town?
A25878What Church do you frequent in London to hear Divine Service?
A25878What City?
A25878What Countrey- man are you, Sir?
A25878What Religion are you of?
A25878What Trade, Sir?
A25878What a story is this?
A25878What about, Sir?
A25878What are you, Sir?
A25878What ask you him?
A25878What business?
A25878What can you say of him?
A25878What did I say, Sir, about my Armour?
A25878What did he mean by the two Faces?
A25878What did he say he would do to the King?
A25878What did he say if the King did not yield to the Parliament?
A25878What did he say of himself?
A25878What did he say of the Parliament since?
A25878What did he say to you about it?
A25878What did they talk of?
A25878What did you hear Turbervile say?
A25878What do I know?
A25878What do you ask her?
A25878What do you ask her?
A25878What do you ask him now he is here?
A25878What do you ask him, Mr. Colledge?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask of him?
A25878What do you know concerning Mr. Dugdale?
A25878What do you know of Mr. Smith?
A25878What do you know of Mr. Turbervile?
A25878What do you know of him?
A25878What do you know of him?
A25878What do you know of him?
A25878What do you know of him?
A25878What do you know of him?
A25878What do you know of it?
A25878What do you mean by cabals?
A25878What do you mean by that Mr. Smith?
A25878What do you say as to this Witness?
A25878What had he to do to engage himself before his advice was required?
A25878What is he?
A25878What is it that you know concerning Mr. Colledge at Oxford, Sir?
A25878What is that pray, Sir George?
A25878What is the Gentlemans Name?
A25878What is your Christian Name, Sir?
A25878What is your Christian Name, Sir?
A25878What is your Christian Name?
A25878What is your Christian Name?
A25878What is your Christian Name?
A25878What is your Name, Sir?
A25878What man was that?
A25878What month as near as you can?
A25878What said he further?
A25878What say you against him?
A25878What say you to it, Mr. Smith?
A25878What say you to it, Mr. Turbervile?
A25878What say you to the discourse he talks of at Fleet- bridge?
A25878What say you to this Gentleman?
A25878What then?
A25878What thing done?
A25878What think you of our perusing the papers?
A25878What times were those?
A25878What to do?
A25878What use did he say he would make of them?
A25878What was it, can you remember any part of it?
A25878What was it?
A25878What was meant by the Pack?
A25878What was the answer he made you?
A25878What were the base things he said he was to do, and would not do?
A25878What were the words?
A25878What were they?
A25878What will you ask her?
A25878What words did I say there?
A25878What words have they and you heard, and rebuked me for?
A25878What would you ask him, Mr. Colledge?
A25878What would you ask him?
A25878What would you ask of him now?
A25878What, Sir?
A25878What, before you have pleaded?
A25878What, did they say nothing all the while?
A25878What, just after the same manner, in raising War and Rebellion against the King?
A25878What, of all of them?
A25878What, of your conspiracy?
A25878When I was in the House with him, he then said Mr. Wilcox gave Mony to provide Arms: I asked for what?
A25878When did he carry them?
A25878When did you discover it?
A25878When he had been there, what did he say?
A25878When he said he would not do those base things, did you believe him?
A25878When was it dated?
A25878When was it that I gave you any Pictures there?
A25878When was it, Sir?
A25878When was it?
A25878When was it?
A25878When was that discourse, I ask you once again?
A25878When was that?
A25878When was that?
A25878When was the first discourse you had with him?
A25878When was the first time Mr. Smith came into your company?
A25878When was the first time you came acquainted with him?
A25878When was this?
A25878When was this?
A25878When was this?
A25878When were you last at the publick Church?
A25878When were you to make use of it?
A25878Where at my Lord Lovelace''s?
A25878Where did he tell you this?
A25878Where did you hear him say that?
A25878Where did you swear these particulars were done then?
A25878Where do you dwell, Sir?
A25878Where do you live, Sir?
A25878Where had you it?
A25878Where had you that Picture from me that they call Raree- Shew?
A25878Where is Aaron Smith?
A25878Where is George Spur?
A25878Where is Mr. Symonds?
A25878Where is it in Oxfordshire?
A25878Where is it?
A25878Where is that Room?
A25878Where is that?
A25878Where is that?
A25878Where is the Prisoner Stephen Colledge?
A25878Where is your friend, said I?
A25878Where was it I said those words in Oxford?
A25878Where was it he was in His Majesties Service?
A25878Where was it to be distributed?
A25878Where was it?
A25878Where was it?
A25878Where was this discourse about superceding your Warrant?
A25878Where was this he explained it?
A25878Where was this he said so?
A25878Where was this spoken?
A25878Where was this?
A25878Where was this?
A25878Where was this?
A25878Where were the other Discourses I had with you?
A25878Where, in his Pocket?
A25878Whereabouts in Somersetshire were you born?
A25878Whereupon I asked one Fellow, that was a kind of a Porter, if he knew any thing of him?
A25878Whether did he bring it?
A25878Which do you mean, the former part or the latter?
A25878Which part of them?
A25878Who appointed the High Court of Justice that tryed the King and condemned him but the Parliament?
A25878Who did I say this to, to you?
A25878Who did he send it by?
A25878Who did he tell you did make it?
A25878Who did tell you so?
A25878Who do you call next?
A25878Who has any conspiracy against your life?
A25878Who preferred and signed it?
A25878Who shall say for you?
A25878Who should?
A25878Who was that person?
A25878Who was there besides?
A25878Who were in the company there?
A25878Who were the All?
A25878Whose Waterman was it?
A25878Whose hand- writing are the papers in?
A25878Whose hands are to it?
A25878Why did you make it then, and not before?
A25878Why did you not indict him of it?
A25878Why do n''t you plead not Guilty then?
A25878Why do you use such loose Expressions then Mr. Smith?
A25878Why, do you think ▪''tis an answer to him in what he proves upon his Oath?
A25878Why, how is it written in your Fathers name, when it is not subscribed at all?
A25878Why, says Ivy, do you think there is no truth in it?
A25878Will it be now known that I am a Papist?
A25878Will not that bear a more favourable interpretation, my Lord?
A25878Will you ask Mr. Oates any questions?
A25878Will you ask her any thing else?
A25878Will you ask him any more questions?
A25878Will you ask him any questions?
A25878Will you ask him any questions?
A25878Will you ask him any thing more?
A25878Will you call any other Witnesses?
A25878Will you please to give me the paper that has the Questions in it, to ask the Witnesses?
A25878Will you please to order me my Papers back that were taken from me?
A25878Will you promise me my Lord, there shall no advantage be taken against me, if I do plead so?
A25878Will you that are of Counsel for the King call any more?
A25878Within what time did you tell him?
A25878Would he have had you been an Evidence, and swore it?
A25878Would he have perswaded you to say any thing that was not true?
A25878Would he say so to you?
A25878Would you ask any thing further?
A25878Would you ask her any thing else; what do you know more?
A25878Would you ask him any more questions?
A25878Would you ask him any thing else?
A25878Would you ask him any thing else?
A25878Would you have him called up again to clear this?
A25878Would you have the Jury to believe you upon your word?
A25878Yes, if it please your Lordship, Do you know no more, Sir?
A25878Yes, what then?
A25878You are to give a plain Answer, whether you are Guilty or not Guilty?
A25878You can tell whether you are Guilty or not Guilty, ca n''t you?
A25878You found the paper in the House?
A25878You have heard the Indictment read, what say you?
A25878You hear, says he, Haynes is taken?
A25878You mistook me, and said, Cousin, how long have you and I been Cousins?
A25878You say I desired you to make an Affidavit, was it after that or before I had that discourse with you?
A25878You say you heard him in Oxford, and in Oxfordshire, and at my Lord Lovelace''s, where is that?
A25878You say you knew him a Souldier, pray when was that?
A25878You talk of the contrary, and the contrary; what did he mean by that, what Plot should he disown?
A25878You used to converse with him, Mr. Smith, did he never say any thing like it to you?
A25878You were Colledge''s Servant, were you not?
A25878You were examined at Sir Miles Stapleton''s Tryal, was you not, Mowbray?
A25878Your Tenant you mean?
A25878did you know him?
A25878had not he as good send Mr. Smith, who is his counsel?
A25878of May, as near as I remember; so I came to him, How now, Colonel Colledge, said I, what do you make this bustle for?
A25878pray speak, did you see any more?
A25878what a bustle might they have made, and what confusion might there have been on a sudden?
A25878what do you ask him Mr. Colledge?
A25878what name did he give that?
A25878when, and to whom?
A25878which is it?
A25878who are they?
A25878who made it?
A25878with an abbreviation?