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id author title date words sentences pages cache text
A53772Adams, Fitzherbert.Advertisements from the delegates of convocation for his Majesties reception, for the heads of houses to deliver with great charge unto their companies.1695.01593352nan./cache/A53772.xml./txt/A53772.txt
A26622Albemarle, George Monck, Duke of, 1608-1670.To the Reverend and Honourable, the Vice-Chancelour and the body of the Convocation in the University of Oxford1660.0718144nan./cache/A26622.xml./txt/A26622.txt
A56225Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681.The Vniversity of Oxfords plea refuted, or, A full answer to a late printed paper intituled, The priviledges of the University of Oxford in point of visitation together with the universities answer to the summons of the visitors ... / by William Prynne, Esq. ...1647.0220436779nan./cache/A56225.xml./txt/A56225.txt
A41040Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681.The privileges of the University of Oxford in point of visitation cleerly evidenced by letter to an honourable personage : together with the university''s answer to the summons of the visitors.1647.033891020nan./cache/A41040.xml./txt/A41040.txt
A30982Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691.Pegasus, or, The flying horse from Oxford bringing the proceedings of the visitours and other Bedlamites there, by command of the Earle of Mongomery.1648.066281751nan./cache/A30982.xml./txt/A30982.txt
A48034Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673.A letter from a scholar in Oxford to his friend in the country shewing what progresse the visitors have made in the reformation of that university, and what it is that obstructs it.1647.01910488nan./cache/A48034.xml./txt/A48034.txt
A79478Cheynell, Francis, 1608-1665.The svvorne confederacy between the Convocation at Oxford, and the Tower of London.nan2831771nan./cache/A79478.xml./txt/A79478.txt
A53775Cooper, Benjamin, 1622 or 3-1701.At a meeting of the heads of houses. Mar. 22. 1688. Whereas the gowns, capps, and habits of all members of this University, are by the statutes of the same to be made and fashioned with all exactness possible, ...1688.01187150nan./cache/A53775.xml./txt/A53775.txt
A67881D''Ewes, Simonds, Sir, 1602-1650.Two speeches spoken by Sir Simonds D''Ewes the first touching the Antiquity of Cambridge lately published by Iohn Thomas, with many ignorant and foolish mistakes which are here rectified : the other concerning the priviledge of Parliament in causes civill and criminall.1642.01409326nan./cache/A67881.xml./txt/A67881.txt
A66946E. D.A vindication of the historiographer of the University of Oxford, and his works from the reproaches of the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, in his letter to the Lord Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield, concerning a book lately published, called, A specimen of some errors and defects in the history of the reformation of the Church of England, by Anthony Hurmer, written by E.D. ; to which is added the historiographer''s answer to certain animadversions made in the before-mention''d History of the Reformation, to that part of Histroia & antiquitates Universitatis Oxon, which treats of the divorce of Queen Catherine from King Henry the Eighth.1693.072351963nan./cache/A66946.xml./txt/A66946.txt
A50441E. M.A brief answer unto the Cambridge moddel which is to go to the two universities to be read by all the doctors and students, vice-chancellor, and fellows, as they will answer it to God : and likewise this is to go to all those they call gentlemen to the countreys to whom this moddel is directed, from the doctors, for money to maintaine the students : and is to go amongst all the priests that are, and have been heretofore made ministers by the same doctors of colledges, now planted themselves in the countreys, and this is to go amongst all the country-men, that they may see the fruits of the learning from the doctors, which fruits is persecution ... / by E.M.1658.069241719nan./cache/A50441.xml./txt/A50441.txt
B02972England and Wales. Parliament.At the Committee of Lords and Commons for reformation of the University of Oxford1648.0708128nan./cache/B02972.xml./txt/B02972.txt
A37876England and Wales. Parliament.Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that the boursers and treasurers of the colledges in Oxforde shall retaine and keepe such monyes as they have received1648.0635100nan./cache/A37876.xml./txt/A37876.txt
A37874England and Wales. Parliament.Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parsliament [sic], that in regard of the late contempt of fellows, officers, and members of colledges in Oxford to the authority of Parliament, the Visitors do send a new summons1648.0863160nan./cache/A37874.xml./txt/A37874.txt
A83764England and Wales. Parliament.Die Veneris, 21 April. 1648. An order of the Commons assembled in Parliament, enabling the visitors of Oxford to displace, and other officers and members of colledges, as shall contemn the authority of Parliament.nan728137nan./cache/A83764.xml./txt/A83764.txt
A53818Fell, John, 1625-1686.Orders concerning the rates and demands of carriers and their porters, for goods brought and conveyed betwixt the University of Oxford, and city of London1666.01175157nan./cache/A53818.xml./txt/A53818.txt
A42532Gayton, Edmund, 1608-1666.Epulæ Oxonienses. Or a jocular relation of a banquet presented to the best of Kings, by the best of prelates, in the year 1636, in the mathematick library at St. John Baptists Colledge.1661.01660387nan./cache/A42532.xml./txt/A42532.txt
A53777Greenwood, Daniel.By the vice-chancellour and heads of houses whereas by the rude carriage of severall schollars in this university ... severall tumultuous disorders have been lately committed ... / signed in the name, and by the consent of the heads of houses, by Dan. Greenwood, vice-can.1651.0696111nan./cache/A53777.xml./txt/A53777.txt
A53815Greenwood, Daniel.The vice-chancellour and heads of houses, with the rest of the delegates, reflecting upon, and taking into consideration the disturbances, disorderly carriages, and incivilities of many younger scholars of this university in publike meetings ...1652.0717119nan./cache/A53815.xml./txt/A53815.txt
A62567H. T.Great news from Oxford, or, An exact account of the several transactions of my Lord Lovelace in a letter to a friend1688.01521251nan./cache/A62567.xml./txt/A62567.txt
A67467Hooker, Richard, 1553 or 4-1600. Sermon of Richard Hooker, author of those learned books of Ecclesiastical politie.The life of Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of Lincoln written by Izaak Walton ; to which is added, some short tracts or cases of conscience written by the said Bishop.1678.06910519797nan./cache/A67467.xml./txt/A67467.txt
A62025Langbaine, Gerard, 1609-1658.Reasons of the present judgement of the Vniversity of Oxford concerning The Solemne League and Covenant, The Negative Oath, The Ordinances concerning discipline and vvorship : approved by generall consent in a full convocation, 1, Jun. 1647, and presented to consideration.1647.0142074330nan./cache/A62025.xml./txt/A62025.txt
A94141Langbaine, Gerard, 1609-1658.Reasons of the present judgement of the Vniversity of Oxford, concerning [brace] The Solemne League and Covenant. The Negative Oath. The Ordinances concerning discipline and vvorship. Approved by generall consent in a full convocation, 1. Jun. 1647. and presented to consideration.1647.0142954349nan./cache/A94141.xml./txt/A94141.txt
A67907Langbaine, Gerard, 1609-1658.The foundation of the Universitie of Oxford, with a catalogue of the principall founders and speciall benefactors of all the colledges, and total number of students, magistrates and officers therein being. And how the revenews thereof are and have been increased from time to time, and by whom, with buildings, books and revenues as no universitie in the world can in all points parallel: these are the nurseries of religion, and seminaries of good literature.1651.059541635nan./cache/A67907.xml./txt/A67907.txt
A53779Mews, Peter, 1619-1706.By order from Mr. Vice-Chancellor. VVhereas complaint has been brought to me of several disorders committed in and about the new tenis-court, where His Royall Highness the Duke of York''s servants now act; ...1671.096988nan./cache/A53779.xml./txt/A53779.txt
A53778Mews, Peter, 1619-1706.By order from Mr. Vice-Chancellour. These are to give notice that whereas Thomas Dye and John Fosset hath without licence from mee, and in contempt of the Chancellor, Masters and scholars of this University (to whom the ordering and governing of all carriers of what kind soever tradeing to or with the University and City of Oxford doth of right belong) ...1671.0106998nan./cache/A53778.xml./txt/A53778.txt
A53817Mews, Peter, 1619-1706.Orders agreed upon by the heads of houses for the preventing and quenching of fire1671.01537256nan./cache/A53817.xml./txt/A53817.txt
A53781Mews, Peter, 1619-1706.By order from Mr. Vice-Chancellor. VVhereas Thomas Dye and John Fosset, have without licence from mee, and in contempt of the Chancellor, Masters and scholars of this University (to whom the ordering and governing of all carriers of what king soever, trading to or with the University and City of Oxford, doth of right belong) ...1672.01079109nan./cache/A53781.xml./txt/A53781.txt
A52282Nicholas, John, d. 1712.Sir, I do most earnestly desire you to assist me in removing the neglect of wearing the university habits at solemn meetings according to the statutes: ...1678.01138141nan./cache/A52282.xml./txt/A52282.txt
A08253Nixon, Anthony.Oxfords triumph in the royall entertainement of his moste Excellent Maiestie, the Queene, and the Prince: the 27. of August last, 1605. With the Kings oration deliuered to the Vniuersitie, and the incorporating of diuers noble-men, Maisters of Arte.1605.061911727nan./cache/A08253.xml./txt/A08253.txt
A90694Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691.A third and fourth part of Pegasus: taught by Bankes his ghost to dance in the Dorick moode, to the tune of Lachrymæ. In two letters from Oxford, July 1. 1648.1648.03181831nan./cache/A90694.xml./txt/A90694.txt
A64191Taylor, John, 1580-1653.Oxford besiedged surprised, taken, and pittifully entred on Munday the second of Iune last, 1645. by the valiant forces of the London and Westminster Parliament. Written, by a trusty wellwisher of theirs, who sted-fastly hopes, and heartily prayes, they may have the like prosperous successe in all their future undertakings. The writers name and surname begins with the 9th letter of the Greeke alphabet, io-ta.1645.03067777nan./cache/A64191.xml./txt/A64191.txt
A53816University of Oxford.Ordered by the lord chancellour and visitours of this university, that no fellow, demy, scholler, chaplaine, clerke, chorister, officer, servant or member of Magdalen Colledge shall enjoy any benefit of their respective places or any of them, untill they give satisfaction to the visitours of this university1647.0728114nan./cache/A53816.xml./txt/A53816.txt
A90318University of Oxford.Qvæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis nono die Julii an. Dom. 16531653.01340296nan./cache/A90318.xml./txt/A90318.txt
A90323University of Oxford.Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, octavo die mensis Julii, Anno Dom. 16711671.01218268nan./cache/A90323.xml./txt/A90323.txt
A53819University of Oxford.Orders for the reception of the most illustrious James, Duke of Ormond, &c. and chancellor of the University of Oxford agreed upon by the vice-chancellor and delegates to be communicated to the heads of houses, and by them to their respective companies.1677.01282187nan./cache/A53819.xml./txt/A53819.txt
A53821University of Oxford.Orders to be observed while His Majestie, or the two Houses of Parliament continue in Oxford agreed upon by the vice-chancellor and delegates, to be communicated to the heads of houses, and by them to their respective companies.1681.01310199nan./cache/A53821.xml./txt/A53821.txt
A90316University of Oxford.Univers. Oxon. The price of provision, appointed by the Reverend Timothy Halton, Doctor of Divinity Provost of Queens-Colledge, and Vice-Chancellor to the most illustrious James Duke of Ormond, &c. Chancellor of the University, His Majesties clerk of this market. VVhich prices all sellers are required not to exceed.1681.01268191nan./cache/A90316.xml./txt/A90316.txt
A53794University of Oxford.Doctors in all faculty''s appointed to meet the King1687.01172208nan./cache/A53794.xml./txt/A53794.txt
A90306University of Oxford.An account of the decree of the University of Oxford, against some heretical tenets At a meeting of Mr. Vice-Chancellour, and the heads of colledges and halls, in the University of Oxford, the 25th of November, 1695.1695.01149139nan./cache/A90306.xml./txt/A90306.txt
A53776University of Oxford.At a meeting of the Vice-Chancellor of the heads of colleges and halls of the University of Oxford on the 25. day of November in the year of our Lord 16951695.01073121nan./cache/A53776.xml./txt/A53776.txt
A74094Wollaston, John, Sir.London, anno Dom. 1647. The subscriptions of the trustees themselves for the better encouragement of this work.1647.0954266nan./cache/A74094.xml./txt/A74094.txt
A71276Wood, Anthony à, 1632-1695.Athenæ Oxonienses. Vol. 1. an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the most ancient and famous University of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of King Henry the Seventh, Dom. 1500, to the end of the year 1690 representing the birth, fortune, preferment, and death of all those authors and prelates, the great accidents of their lives, and the fate and character of their writings : to which are added, the Fasti, or, Annals, of the said university, for the same time ...nan712416254920nan./cache/A71276.xml./txt/A71276.txt
A71277Wood, Anthony à, 1632-1695.Athenæ Oxonienses. Vol. 2. an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the most ancient and famous University of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of King Henry the Seventh, Dom. 1500, to the end of the year 1690 representing the birth, fortune, preferment, and death of all those authors and prelates, the great accidents of their lives, and the fate and character of their writings : to which are added, the Fasti, or, Annals, of the said university, for the same time ...nan759134257426nan./cache/A71277.xml./txt/A71277.txt