This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
34744 | Allen, Grant | The White Man''s Foot | nan | 35386.0 | 2319.0 | nan | ./cache/34744.txt | ./txt/34744.txt |
2690 | Darwin, Charles | Coral Reefs | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
3054 | Darwin, Charles | Volcanic Islands | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
32038 | Goodwin, Harold L. (Harold Leland) | The Flaming Mountain: A Rick Brant Science-Adventure Story | nan | 39706.0 | 3988.0 | nan | ./cache/32038.txt | ./txt/32038.txt |
35433 | Hamilton, William, Sir | Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and Other Volcanos | nan | 31250.0 | 1318.0 | nan | ./cache/35433.txt | ./txt/35433.txt |
43320 | Houston, Edwin J. (Edwin James) | The Wonder Book of Volcanoes and Earthquakes | nan | 99886.0 | 4436.0 | nan | ./cache/43320.txt | ./txt/43320.txt |
31627 | Hull, Edward | Volcanoes: Past and Present | nan | 69780.0 | 3610.0 | nan | ./cache/31627.txt | ./txt/31627.txt |
26380 | Linthicum, Richard | Complete Story of the San Francisco Horror | nan | 117414.0 | 6220.0 | nan | ./cache/26380.txt | ./txt/26380.txt |
46658 | Serao, Matilde | Sterminator Vesevo (Vesuvius the great exterminator) Diary of the Eruption of April 1906 | nan | 21877.0 | 1212.0 | nan | ./cache/46658.txt | ./txt/46658.txt |
37588 | Stables, Gordon | The Island of Gold: A Sailor''s Yarn | nan | 80753.0 | 5414.0 | nan | ./cache/37588.txt | ./txt/37588.txt |