This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
25355 | Abbott, Jacob | Rollo in Geneva | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
22377 | Abbott, Jacob | Rollo in Switzerland | nan | 43780.0 | 2396.0 | nan | ./cache/22377.txt | ./txt/22377.txt |
7373 | Belloc, Hilaire | The Path to Rome | nan | 97562.0 | 4952.0 | nan | ./cache/7373.txt | ./txt/7373.txt |
12990 | Cooper, James Fenimore | A Residence in France With an Excursion Up the Rhine, and a Second Visit to Switzerland | nan | 114265.0 | 4745.0 | nan | ./cache/12990.txt | ./txt/12990.txt |
39651 | Fox, Frank | Switzerland | nan | 43109.0 | 2114.0 | nan | ./cache/39651.txt | ./txt/39651.txt |
46074 | Gribble, Francis Henry | Lausanne | nan | 21070.0 | 1183.0 | nan | ./cache/46074.txt | ./txt/46074.txt |
18565 | Howells, William Dean | A Little Swiss Sojourn | nan | 16128.0 | 680.0 | nan | ./cache/18565.txt | ./txt/18565.txt |
35068 | Paine, Albert Bigelow | The Car That Went Abroad: Motoring Through the Golden Age | nan | 86305.0 | 4860.0 | nan | ./cache/35068.txt | ./txt/35068.txt |
45097 | Prime, Samuel Irenæus | Letters from Switzerland | nan | 61238.0 | 2656.0 | nan | ./cache/45097.txt | ./txt/45097.txt |
12404 | nan | Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 5 Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Switzerland, Part 1 | nan | 53320.0 | 2486.0 | nan | ./cache/12404.txt | ./txt/12404.txt |
11179 | nan | Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 6 Germany, Austria-Hungary and Switzerland, part 2 | nan | 52983.0 | 2440.0 | nan | ./cache/11179.txt | ./txt/11179.txt |