This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
144133902 | ( 188).CHI( i firings, others ib, and others only 5;( which of them{ hall we believe?) |
144133902 | (?/ Mineral Oils. |
144133902 | / |
144133902 | /> |
144133902 | /IJ^=/I3X/*=L^j=.0002639 And therefore AR=.5773502 — ll2.|4£22+ ♦ 0641500.0213833 x.0091277.0023759 5 7 9 11.0007919.0002639.0000879.0000293 1? |
144133902 | 1''Ni. O T?. |
144133902 | 10 s. amount to in 7 years, at 5 per cent, per annum, compound interelt? |
144133902 | 11 to- f 10 9f 84- The diameter of the? |
144133902 | 12? |
144133902 | 2 W. 90? |
144133902 | 3 difpenfibly demanded by the native dignity of heroic fong? |
144133902 | 35'', N. lat 5? ° 15''. |
144133902 | 3? 9.) |
144133902 | 4 d./>fr ducat? |
144133902 | 40? |
144133902 | 420000: 7241!^( 52?) |
144133902 | 440 jo\ FERRE, or A? |
144133902 | 45 ° 2?''. |
144133902 | 48 ° 4?''. |
144133902 | 55? |
144133902 | 56? |
144133902 | 69 °? o'', and N lat. |
144133902 | 7? |
144133902 | : How much money muft be paid at Edinburgh for the bill? |
144133902 | . |
144133902 | . |
144133902 | . |
144133902 | / Vegetable Oils. |
144133902 | ? |
144133902 | ? |
144133902 | ? |
144133902 | ? |
144133902 | ? |
144133902 | ? |
144133902 | ? 4 e H E M this alloy renders it much more folid,- and the mixed mafs continues''tolerably duftile. |
144133902 | ? r> or CB= 1.001 and C£= 0.999,there wid t> e obtained Adro.oo 1000500033 35835, and AD= o.ooo99950oi333o835. |
144133902 | ?"W- Flax. |
144133902 | ?) |
144133902 | ?) |
144133902 | ?, in Grecian antiquity, a kind of judges,, of which there were two forts, the cleroti and diallac- terii. |
144133902 | ?< «''*/^Inflection, in the high¬ er geometry, is a point where a curve begins to bend a II contrary way. |
144133902 | A high heelcaufes a horfe to trip and dumble often; and the low one, with long yielding paderns, is very apt to be worn quit? |
144133902 | After decree of declarator is obtained, by which? |
144133902 | Aiding undereach other, are, by the congelation of the intercepted water, ce? |
144133902 | All the experiments hitherto made concur in proving, that different bodies, whether principles or compounds, hav? |
144133902 | And fltall we fee ftopt in our rival pretenfions to fame by this juft reproof? |
144133902 | And has there arifen but one.Tully, one Demoft- henes, in fo long a courfe of years? |
144133902 | And is that then in nature abfolutely im- poflible? |
144133902 | And it is evident alfo, that this augment¬ ation of induftry will not eftentially increafe numbers: Why? |
144133902 | And the f^me as to lities, and both kinds of quantities: for we fay, with¬ out an article, what sort of, how many, how great? |
144133902 | And what a marvellous funfirine did it there enjoy? |
144133902 | And what he faw, may not others reach? |
144133902 | And who bid fairer than our country¬ men for that glory? |
144133902 | Another often, fees that in us, which we fee not ourftlves; and may there not be that in us which is unfeen by both? |
144133902 | Arabia? • P''rjia A''. |
144133902 | Are not our minds call: in the fame mould with thofe before the flood? |
144133902 | Are they If rat lit is? |
144133902 | Are they oj the feed of Abra¬ ham? |
144133902 | Are you troubled with iangs? |
144133902 | As great, perhaps greater than thofe mentioned,( pre- fumptuous as it may found) may, poffilly, arife; for, who, hath fathomed the mind of man? |
144133902 | As the firft of thefe opinions would evidently have been a miftake, why may not the fecond be fo too? |
144133902 | As to the firft, vtzxe.they more than men? |
144133902 | At the end of the leffon, rein hack; and then put the horfe, by a little at a time, for? |
144133902 | At what age mull this"princefs have mounted the throne, for they make her fuc- ceed her brother? |
144133902 | Born originals, how comes it to pafs that we die copies? |
144133902 | But befidesthis fourfold diftinCtion of/yllogifnis, there is alfo a farther fubdivrfion of them in every figure, ari- fing from th? |
144133902 | But fuppofe we are to add other fubdantives, as, for indance, air, or beams'', how could thefe coincide, or under what charafter be introduced? |
144133902 | But how can any third idea ferve to difcover a relation between two others, by being compared feverally with thefe others? |
144133902 | But obferve, that thefe three emperors were even before Chini- nong; how can it be faid then, that letters were not invented till under Hoang- ti? |
144133902 | But wh^n? |
144133902 | But what oil i wh, at acid? |
144133902 | But why are originals fo few? |
144133902 | But, after the invention of letters, how could they return again to the ufe''of thefe cords, which is- fo limi¬ ted and imperfed? |
144133902 | By rniftake Florida is placed under the Spaniflt empire, and Canada under that of France; wherea? |
144133902 | CAP Capricorn-^//?. |
144133902 | CHASTE-/r. |
144133902 | CHASTE-/r. |
144133902 | CHI( 187) CHI Tfang- hie, who, according to your own teftimony, did not flourifti till the ninth period? |
144133902 | CHRYSOLITE, in natural hiftory, a gem which the ancients knew under the name of the topa? |
144133902 | COLURI, a little ifland in the gulph of Engia, in the Archipelago, about feven miles fouth of Athens: of thi? |
144133902 | CRICETUf?,* in zoology. |
144133902 | Can competition among buyers poflihly take place, when the provifion made is more than fuflicient to fupply the quantity demanded? |
144133902 | Can you be faid to imitate Homer for writing fo, as you would have written if Homer hadn''ever been? |
144133902 | Corpus re//Vi/ An?.'' |
144133902 | Cur in thsatrum Cato fever* venifii? |
144133902 | DACA, a city of the province of Bengal, in the Eafl- Indies, fituated on a branch of the river Gange? |
144133902 | DEVISES, a borough town in Wiltfhire? |
144133902 | DON, the name of two rivers; one very large, which, after dividing Alia from Europe, falls into th? |
144133902 | DRANK, among farmers, a term ufed to denote wild oats, which never fail to infell worn- cut lands; fo that when plowed land? |
144133902 | EPISTROPHE, in rhetoric, a figure, wherein that which is fuppofed of one thiryj, is ftrongly affirmed of ano¬ ther: thus, Are tbey^Hebrews? |
144133902 | Example: The rate of intereft being.051. what is the intereft of 851. for 4 years and 3 quarters, or 4.75 years? |
144133902 | Example: What is the amount of 2461. principal in 2 years and 4. or 2.5 years, the rate of intereft being.05I? |
144133902 | Fat, properly and diftinftly fo call- 6 G F A W( 5? |
144133902 | Fir/? |
144133902 | Flemifh per 1. flerling? |
144133902 | Flemilh into Sterling money exchange at 37 s. 6 d. Flemilh per l. Sterling? |
144133902 | For A? |
144133902 | For example; all grain? |
144133902 | For how are vegetable fubftances converted into chyle and milk in an animal body? |
144133902 | For may not this pa¬ radox pafs into a maxim? |
144133902 | For what is the caufe of this walking or fitting? |
144133902 | For what would it avail him to know good from bad adfions, if he had no freedgm of choice*, nor could avoid ihe one aud purfue G I C. 99* the other? |
144133902 | For why flop at a limited number, when in all fubje&s fufceptible of intenfion the intermediate excefles are in a manner infinite? |
144133902 | For, how could there be fuch energies as to love, to fly, to ’ wound? |
144133902 | From thefe definitions compa? |
144133902 | H? |
144133902 | Hath Bolingbroke depos’d Thine intelled? |
144133902 | Hath he been in thy heart? |
144133902 | Have not fome leven- fold volumes putais in mind of Ovid ’s fevenfold channels of the Nile at the conflagration? |
144133902 | Having thus fufficicntly evinced the certainty of de- monftration in all it? |
144133902 | Hitherto we have treated of proposition?, where ■ only two ideas are compared together. |
144133902 | How can this be paid? |
144133902 | How do you do? |
144133902 | How great are the names juft mentioned? |
144133902 | How many d. Ster= 4001. or 96000 d. Flemilh? |
144133902 | How much nobler, if he had refided the tempta¬ tion of that Gothic daemon, which modern poefy lading, berame mortal? |
144133902 | I? |
144133902 | INTERROGATION, or Point^Interrogation, in grammar, a character of this form(?) |
144133902 | If 100: 60:: 7241^ 5 ‘ 4344Z? |
144133902 | If a fubjeA is fold as a fun¬ gible, and not as? n individual, or corpus, e.g. |
144133902 | If one has no fixed dwelling place,. |
144133902 | If we queftion about fublknces, we can not fay the who is this; but who is this? |
144133902 | In F O V( 29) F O W In tins metal is funk the face of the letter, by ftriking his thumb, and thrulls. |
144133902 | In St Mat¬ thew, who relates the fame thing, we read, Are not two fparrows fold for a farthing? |
144133902 | In a natural Rate, they often exceed 200 years, and propagate their fpecies till they be 120: It is 30 year? |
144133902 | In a trading nation every man muff turn his talents to account? |
144133902 | In the name of wonder, why this flight and childifh reafoning, when immediately before he had obferved, that the hyperbole is founded on human nature? |
144133902 | Is a labyrinth then to be juftified? |
144133902 | Is it not as the Spartan Haves received a licenfe for ebriety, that their betters mipht be aftiamed of it? |
144133902 | Is this ornament in a good tafle? |
144133902 | It fend? |
144133902 | It is governed by four jurats, who fuperintend their rights and privileges, vifitth? |
144133902 | It is in like manner, that the relative pronoun becomes an interrogative-, as in this line from Milton, Who firft feduc''d them to that foul revolt? |
144133902 | Its capital is Nuremburg; and from this county the Frank?, who conquered and gave name to the kingdom of France, are faid to have FRANGULA, in botany. |
144133902 | KC is to KM in the ratio compounded of the ratio of KC to KG(= A’7?) |
144133902 | Kidne v- beans, radifhes, lettuces for cabbaging, and endive, may now be fown; a? |
144133902 | LIGNICENSIS terra, in the materia medica, the nam? |
144133902 | Modern writers have a cifo/ A? |
144133902 | Mufl: we, then, not imitate ancient authors;? |
144133902 | Muft rhyme then, it may be faid, be banifhed? |
144133902 | Npw fince A could give B 2 out of 3, A might urldertake to win three throws? |
144133902 | Obfolete; dill employed in the Scotch dialed: the plural of//6/ r; and contralled to/ Aey?, in the fame manner as that is to this. |
144133902 | Of the cafual ties du? |
144133902 | Of the federal Sorts of Saline Siibftancesf l. P/ V/;? |
144133902 | On the other hand, can com¬ petition take place among the fellers, when the quantity demanded exceeds the total provifion made for it? |
144133902 | One of thefe laminse is immoveable, and faftened with t''7 Champ okee, V 6 Cke^stetjle r J Cb ossxxets-r~(( y^NTJENT CroeEE? |
144133902 | Others fay it had but 25 firing?. |
144133902 | Red coral i? |
144133902 | Required the fun''s altitude? |
144133902 | Requiredthe number of cubic inches, and the ’ weight of the water, in an upright pipe 278 feet high, and 1 inch diameter? |
144133902 | Rough uncultivated ground,-difmal to the eye, infpires peevifhnefs and difcontent: may not this be one caufe of the harfti manners of fa- va^es? |
144133902 | See Anatomy, P- 29?. |
144133902 | See Anatomy, p. 19? |
144133902 | Serling J> er millree? |
144133902 | Several of thefe matters, being-only bruifed, effervefce with acid? |
144133902 | Should it be aflted, Why adverbs of time, when verbs have ienfes? |
144133902 | Si §? ldiZmateP 8 ™, E X C v( 525) E X C The money of Venice is of three forts, viz. |
144133902 | Spauilii/ |
144133902 | Sterling amount to in Spain? |
144133902 | Sterling per piaftre? |
144133902 | Sterling per piaftre? |
144133902 | Sterling pezzo? |
144133902 | Sterling/>tfr ducat? |
144133902 | Sterling? |
144133902 | Sterling? |
144133902 | Ster¬ ling: How much Irifh money will that amount to, exchange at 9^per cent.? |
144133902 | Tafte is a certain manner of corredtnefs peculiar to one ’s felf, derived either from nature, mafters, or ftudie?, orall of them united. |
144133902 | Take thy corre&ion mildly, kifs the rod, And fawn on rage with bafe humility? |
144133902 | The 11th'', the dynafty o? |
144133902 | The chief fervitudes of houfes ampng the Roman? |
144133902 | The common number afterwards, in the firfi times of the free ftate, was four thoufand? |
144133902 | The feptemcindius, or dafypus, with feven move- able belt? |
144133902 | The firft term only meafures the firft fluxion; the fluxion?. |
144133902 | The former is founded on a natural principle: but can the latter claim the fame au¬ thority? |
144133902 | The jirgularis- t 1^ 5- 102, ■ is''a- na- tive COL( 226* tiC? |
144133902 | The man de¬ parts, and returns a week after: What do I then fay? |
144133902 | The method of preparing a bomb is as follows: A hollow iron globe is caft pretty thick, ha? |
144133902 | The object at which we are looking, and want to diftinguilh, is perhaps an individu¬ al.—Of what kind l Known or unknown? |
144133902 | The zinc fall? |
144133902 | There ar? |
144133902 | They C, 11 a( 74?) |
144133902 | Things of pro- mifeuous ufe to hufband and wife, as plate, medals, 3cc, may become paraphernal, by the hufband ’s giving them to? |
144133902 | This bole is todt? |
144133902 | This evidently implies a contra- diction? |
144133902 | This precipitate is extremely white, and known by the name of? mg{fiery of bifmuth. |
144133902 | Thus, pakad in that language dgmfes hevijited-, pakeda,_/&i? |
144133902 | Thus»y«w |
144133902 | Ti? |
144133902 | Tie up all trees and( bruts to( fakes, other- wife by their being loofe, and at liberty, the wind? |
144133902 | Tliis tree is a prodigious quick, grower, and very har¬ dy; loves moift and cool places; and, if conftantiy ws? |
144133902 | To determine moxim? |
144133902 | To explain this by an example, I fee an ob--jedt pafs by which I never faw till then: What do I fay? |
144133902 | To extraCt Tin from its Ore. Bkeai? |
144133902 | To this day they make ufe of this expreflion, in afking after any perfon ’s health; Ceuii- iang? |
144133902 | Trade is come to a flop: what then becomes-ef all the hands which were formerly employed in''fupplying the foreign demands? |
144133902 | V. To find//> |
144133902 | Vinegar de- pofites a vifcid oily matter, as hath juft been obferved, very different from the lees and tartar of win?. |
144133902 | Was it not becaufe his difeerning eye faw fome length of perfection beyond it? |
144133902 | We are not acquainted with the tree which produce? |
144133902 | We ffiall therefore fpeak of each of thefe apart; and firft of £?> i''.''’«-c-«r/-FisHERY. |
144133902 | We fftall therefore endeavour, in theyfr/? |
144133902 | What Creflid is, what Pandar, and what we? |
144133902 | What a marvellous crop bore it in Greece and Rome? |
144133902 | What a pity is it that we fltould have ftopt fhort fo foon? |
144133902 | What are the firft confequences''of this revolution? |
144133902 | What difeafe have you? |
144133902 | What encouragement from the nature of their governments, and the fpirit of their people? |
144133902 | What expeft we from them? |
144133902 | What then are the confequences of this new commerce to our merchants, who have left their homes in queft of gain aboard? |
144133902 | What then are the grounds of our judgment in relation to fads? |
144133902 | What will 2210 guilders in bank money amount to in Holland currency, the agio being 3^ per cent.? |
144133902 | What, is my Richard both in ftiape and mind Transform’d and weak? |
144133902 | When they are alfced, to what purpofe ferves fueh an immenfe profufion of hu¬ man animalcules? |
144133902 | Where ’s the neceflity of that, Mr Bayes? |
144133902 | Whether fhould a ruin be in the Gothic or Grecian form? |
144133902 | While thefe clouds are agitated with the moft rapid motions, the rain generally falls in the greateft plenty; and if the agitation be exceeding great? |
144133902 | Who does not approach his cha¬ racter with great refpeCt? |
144133902 | Who firft feduc''d thetn? |
144133902 | Who fliall outwit, and who( hall be outwitted, in this complicated operation- of exchange among merchants? |
144133902 | Who would expedttofind Pindar and Scotus, Shakefpeare and Aqui¬ nas, of the fame party? |
144133902 | Why are monkies fuel) mafters of mimickry? |
144133902 | Why condemned Maro his admirable epic to the flames? |
144133902 | Why then ffiould it be a rule, that every fcene in tragedy muft be in blank verfe? |
144133902 | Why then fhould this ufeful, patient, fober animal be fo much defpifed? |
144133902 | Why( hould not their pofterity embark in the fame bold bottom of new enterprife, and hope the fame fuccefs? |
144133902 | With refpeft to farinaceous fubftan- ce?, as they are almoft all either oily or mucilaginous, they require a little |
144133902 | Yet who will daily affirm, that as great may not rife up in fome future, or even in the prefent age? |
144133902 | ained in the vitriol, which had gradually fallen upon, and adhered to the iron, ■? |
144133902 | allowing$ per cent, per annum, compound intereft? |
144133902 | and between 30 °? nd 40 ° N. lat. |
144133902 | and complaints made at the chief office of excife are to be heard by three or more commiflioners; but two juftices of th? |
144133902 | and how are they united? |
144133902 | and remitting to Amlter- dam? |
144133902 | and that of B ’s a+b? |
144133902 | arifing from vitiated fluids, may it not be tried on, with a drong probability of fuccefs? |
144133902 | denced pace alfo, which they work in, muft be accord? |
144133902 | die concludes, that the fluid produced by the firing of gun- powder will te T3? |
144133902 | fo( hall the right lines i d, 2, 3/ j fee. |
144133902 | have been put in his hands as doe? |
144133902 | in''the retort but a very friablevh/ o? |
144133902 | it is the will and vital powers belonging to Ceefar: and what is the fubjedt made fo to move or fit? |
144133902 | lars concur to delude us into an impreffion of reality, What is the true notion of an epifode? |
144133902 | long.-12?, and S. lat. |
144133902 | n?'' |
144133902 | o 305 0 3 °? |
144133902 | of Mil- ton, Greece, and Rome? |
144133902 | of thieves? |
144133902 | or 424-/? |
144133902 | or are we lefs? |
144133902 | or camphorated''fpirit of wine; and roll the part three or four inches,''both? |
144133902 | or how is it genuine fentiments, paffionate language, and perfuafive to be diftinguifhed from the principal adtion? |
144133902 | or is it not rather contrary to nature to* fail in it? |
144133902 | or is it the found “ of days that are no more? |
144133902 | orifices, j^^ 3 3 3 2 The fufees are in? |
144133902 | per crown.? |
144133902 | per pound Sterling? |
144133902 | r. What Sterling money maft be paid iy London to receive in Paris 1978 prawns 25 fols, ex¬ change at 3 d. per crown? |
144133902 | that it is,? |
144133902 | the philofopher, pa¬ triot, orator, and poet; but where is the tragedian? |
144133902 | the trifulca, or ivy- leaved duck’s-''meat? |
144133902 | to furpafs our pre¬ deceflbrs? |
144133902 | why receive they fuch a talent at imitation? |
144133902 | with a hrafs wire, AB?, of an inch thick, folder- ed into it. |
144133902 | with too, njpeh rapidhy, and.with a bifling noile, the dqoc of.the''aflidjore muft be bn- ttrely fhutj in order aodfiackeii the fir?. |
144133902 | with what loud applaufe Did’ft thou beat heav’n with bleffing Bolingbroke Before he was what thou would’ft have him be? |
144133902 | y? |
144133902 | ‘ GREENLAND, or/Fiy? |
144133902 | “ Did not Oflian hear a voice? |
144133902 | ■ Suppofe,(. |
144133901 | ''? |
144133901 | ''Pox How many years purchafe may he offer? |
144133901 | ( •^ll3+ 3^,+3>4- 5''>''"fyl~2pe}ZPe>=o,+ V+ie C whofe roots are lefs than the roots of the preceding e- quation by the difference( e). |
144133901 | (?, See Laurus.. BAY- falt. |
144133901 | )''in all refpects, but that the fecond and fourth terms will have co''ntrary figns to what they have in( Z?). |
144133901 | * 3? |
144133901 | *-? |
144133901 | + 5*? |
144133901 | , 5x80—3x100 too 5 then j’=== 5- 2- J 5x8—3x7 19> I? |
144133901 | .0069-*1''.000578,703,.013$.001157,407,.0208J.00x736,1x1,''02jf • ° 347? |
144133901 | /rr gallon: How much wine, and how much water muff he take? |
144133901 | 1 has,?).o37,03:7,037(012345679. |
144133901 | 10 s. confifting of raifins, at 4 d. per lb, H h and 122 A L L I G and almonds at 6 d. how many pounds of almonds were in the mixture? |
144133901 | 10 what can he afford to fpend per day? |
144133901 | 120 X 31= 3720, and 8)3720(459 Anf BARTHOLOMEW, or St Bartholomew, one of the Caribbee iflands, fituated in 62 ° 5? |
144133901 | 12X48=5x6//?. |
144133901 | 13( S''oo 3 To Simon Smith, qooo crowns, at 56^.? |
144133901 | 16 s. per C.? |
144133901 | 16: 24=''28= 32= 36= 40= 24= 2 36=? |
144133901 | 16? |
144133901 | 1752 1771 17S9 1808 1827 1845 1761 1780 1799 1817 1836 1834 1753 1772 1790 1809 1828 1846 1754 1773 1791 18x0 1829 1847 L 175? |
144133901 | 17?, If the accompt be fmifhed,/. |
144133901 | 2?. |
144133901 | 2?. |
144133901 | 3 In 727 guineas 13( hillings, how many pounds? |
144133901 | 3. let S be the fun, E the earth, RR the earth ’s lhadow, and and i? |
144133901 | 38? |
144133901 | 3? |
144133901 | 44 Whence is aether derived? |
144133901 | 45? |
144133901 | 47.^ Contains, upon the Dr fide, the prime coft and char¬ ge? |
144133901 | 4? |
144133901 | 54-d. per day? |
144133901 | 5936"? |
144133901 | 635, at 1 s. 422, at 3 s. L-3 L.44 6 Ws/?, The remainders at the firft divifion in the a- bove examples are the fame with the rate. |
144133901 | 6e*—Ipe+q) is deduced in the fame manner from the term immediately following, that is, by multiplying every term of 41? |
144133901 | 85 a"^''— ax; its third power or cube is a 3X''^ra? |
144133901 | 9, and 3 remains; which 3 placed on the left hand of the following figure 6 make 36: And again fay, Can I have 6 alfo 9 times in 36? |
144133901 | : A? |
144133901 | : What fhare.muft, each man have? |
144133901 | ; and muft then rife with as little difference of time as in harveft? |
144133901 | =^=?-=5. |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? |
144133901 | ? ib-\-cy or a\ fo that it muft be a common meafure of a and b. |
144133901 | ? l 8? |
144133901 | ? l 8? |
144133901 | ?, and the Cornice. |
144133901 | ?. |
144133901 | ?.r''T- Divide 95- 43275- |
144133901 | ?//(?/•^Attorney. |
144133901 | A gentleman gives.40 years purchafe for an eftate: What intereft has he for his money? |
144133901 | A''bejng 60, and B 25 years of age? |
144133901 | ANTICHRESIS, among civilians, the fame with what • in common law is.called a, « £. |
144133901 | APHANES, in botany, a genus of the tetrandria digy- nia? |
144133901 | Acknowledgment- zw#? |
144133901 | Adonis A?/;?, in antiquity, an ancient beverage made of wine, mixed with flower of roafted adon. |
144133901 | Afterward this right fubclavian, at about? |
144133901 | Ahvi&-houfe? |
144133901 | Alarm-/>3/?, or Alarm-^Lci?, the ground for drawing up each regiment in cafe of an alarm. |
144133901 | Alarm-/>3/?, or Alarm-^Lci?, the ground for drawing up each regiment in cafe of an alarm. |
144133901 | Alms-^x; or Alms- cA?/?, in churches, and hofpitals, ebc. |
144133901 | An arithmetical proportion is agreeable in numbers; but have we from this any reafon to conclude, that it muft alfo be agree¬ able in quantity? |
144133901 | An increafe of 4 degrees Ihows a pretty brilk inteftine motion “ To what are all thefe effefts owing? |
144133901 | And by fuppofing x — e — y, there will arife an equation agreeing with( i? |
144133901 | And fince it meafures b and c, it muft meafure? |
144133901 | And let it be required to transform it into ano¬ ther equation whofe roots ffikll be lefs than the roots of this equation by fome given difference(? |
144133901 | And then/3—npXy1+? « 1 «? X/——r= o. |
144133901 | And then/3—npXy1+? « 1 «? X/——r= o. |
144133901 | Anda+H- Hr^ ’ where there are two changes of the figns: Or they are that is, a- gain, p''—B+iq, or B — pz—2?. |
144133901 | As the moon can never be full but when fhe is oppo- fhe to the fun? |
144133901 | As the obferver advances to¬ ward the nearer pole, thefe two circles enlarge their dia- N O M?. |
144133901 | At 3 s. 4 d. what coll 346? |
144133901 | At 6 s. 8 d. what coll 439? |
144133901 | At i f. pgr yard, what coft 432 yards? |
144133901 | B 279 1. for 10 months, and C 735 1. for 6 months; they gained 10001.: What( hare of the gain muft each hare? |
144133901 | BAY- rr? |
144133901 | BRADFIELD, a market- town in EfTex, fourteen miles north of Chelmsford: E. long, jo7, and N. lat..? i ° 54 • BRADFORD, a market- town in Wiltfhire. |
144133901 | BRAIL, or brails, in a fbip, are fmall ropes made BRA( 660^ BRA •nf? |
144133901 | Barley--( 522) BAR( Barley- w/?, the leaft of our long- meafufes, being the third of an inch. |
144133901 | Befides, allowing the organs to enjoy an independent faculty of propulfion, what does this pro- puKLn mean when applied to vegetables? |
144133901 | Black- m^/?. |
144133901 | Boatswain ’s mat? |
144133901 | Bord- Z^i?, afervice required of tenants to carry timber out of the woods of the lord to his houfe. |
144133901 | Brook-/zw. |
144133901 | Brought into my w.arehoufe My 5hhds pymento, containing"? |
144133901 | But alfo,^ —? |
144133901 | But does not this indicate that the proper office of the ftigma is to fecern and propel rather than to abforb moifture? |
144133901 | But here this natural queftion will arife, Why have we not the hotteft weather when the earth is neareft the fun? |
144133901 | But if we efteem the right- hand figure to be ninth- parts, we have To-+ ° f- r?> — tV=+-ps5= the given vulgar fradtion. |
144133901 | But is there any thing in nature more unfettled, defultory, arid capricious, than the direction and motions of the wind? |
144133901 | But let us examine this notable definition a little fur¬ ther: What idea does a fpontaneous propulfion of humours convey? |
144133901 | But when he comes to J?, he appears to ftand ftill in the 23d degree of at F, as ftiewn by the line BF. |
144133901 | But where are thefe organs fituated? |
144133901 | But where is the man who can learn the prin¬ ciples of any fcience from a Dictionary compiled upon the plan hitherto adopted? |
144133901 | But yhat, pi''pcef* of argument, ayon does he employ? |
144133901 | But, how does he proceed in this matter? |
144133901 | By theTables the amount of 675.577 1-? |
144133901 | By this right the French king claims the inheritance of all foreigners that die within his dominions, not- withfland- A U D( 50?) |
144133901 | C+3= o “ 26/ V*-lri i*+''io — A+10= — i''C—3? |
144133901 | C. 3 Q^coft at that rate? |
144133901 | Cafo, received in compofition of his? |
144133901 | Cajh, in part for 90 pieces, at? |
144133901 | Can I have 6 alfo 2 times in 42? |
144133901 | Can I have 6 alfo 2 times in 9? |
144133901 | Can I have 6 alfo 3 times in 12? |
144133901 | Can I have 6 alfo 9 times in 64? |
144133901 | Can I have the following figure of the divifor 6 alfo 2 times in 18? |
144133901 | Debtor Creditor*?/>/>//«//o the inventory. |
144133901 | Divijion.. 250 216 340 324 160 144/fo/? |
144133901 | Do we not fee, that the farther a planet is from the fun, the greater apparatus it has for that pur- pofe? |
144133901 | Does not this difference in foil rather depend up¬ on the greater or leffer quantity, than any peculiar qua¬ lity in the food? |
144133901 | Each palate- bone may therefore be divided into four parts, the palate fquare bone, the pterygoid pro? |
144133901 | F.j/$, 1.8) 6) 2X6=12 8X4=72 24 12)84(7 F.^ fuperficial lineal folid 2X24=48? |
144133901 | For four months in the year, greatet rains fall there than perhaps in any other part o? |
144133901 | For the force which moves it from y7 to 7? |
144133901 | Having now( hewn how to.keep/ ivt? |
144133901 | Here, becaufe 8 is not con¬ tained in 5, point off 56 as the firft dividu¬ al, and fay, How of¬ ten 8 in 56? |
144133901 | Hopkins? ny accompt in amp.''? |
144133901 | Hopkins? ny accompt in amp.''? |
144133901 | How is fuch a number to be exprefled or written? |
144133901 | How many gallons, at 8 s. may be bought for 5001.? |
144133901 | How many? |
144133901 | How much plulh of 3 quarters wide will line a cloak that hath in it 4 yards of 7 quarters wide? |
144133901 | How often 3 in 30''? |
144133901 | How often 6 in 18? |
144133901 | How often 7 in 17? |
144133901 | How often is one given number contained in another? |
144133901 | However, be tins a? |
144133901 | If 13 yards of velvet coft L. 21, what will 27 yards cod at that rate? |
144133901 | If 14 horfes eat 56 bufhels of corn in 16 days, in how many days will 20 horfes eat 120 bulhels at that rate? |
144133901 | If 14 horfes eat 56 bulhels of corp in days, how many bu/ hels will 20 horfes eat in the fame time? |
144133901 | If 14 horfes eat a certain number of bulhels in 16 days, in how many days will 20 horfes eat the fame quantity? |
144133901 | If 1: 1:: tV 4=? |
144133901 | If 36 yards be a rood of mafon- work, at 3 feet high, how many yards will make a rood at 9 feeta high? |
144133901 | If 4 yard coft 4! • what will yard coft? |
144133901 | If 4 yards coft 12 ftiillings, what will 6 yards coft at that rate? |
144133901 | If 4 yards coft 12( hillings, what will 6 yards coft at that rate? |
144133901 | If 56 bulhels are eat up in 16 days, in how many days will 120 bulhels be eat up by the fame eaters? |
144133901 | If 8 men can do a piece of work in 12. days, in how many days will 16 men do the fame? |
144133901 | If C. 42:-2: 8 of tobacco be made up into.5 equal hhds, what will be the neat weight of each hhd? |
144133901 | If acre of grafs be cut down by 2 men in y day, how many acres fhall be cut down by 6 men in 3 f days? |
144133901 | If e be equal to the fecond value of x, then, of thofe two exceffes, one being negative and one pofitive, their produft 3? |
144133901 | If one has a yearly penfion of 375 1. what is his daily income? |
144133901 | If only part of the goods be injured enter( which is either from you, from a partner, or from aneu- air ° twtce- iy?. |
144133901 | If the numerator is*? |
144133901 | If there is a re¬ mainder, divide your laft divifdr by it; and thus pro? |
144133901 | If you borrow L. 64 for 8 months, what fum lent for 12 months, or a year, will recjuite the fa¬ vour? |
144133901 | In 45:3120 farthings how many pence, ftiillings, and pounds? |
144133901 | In 7641. how many guineas? |
144133901 | In C. 47: i: 20 how many ounces? |
144133901 | In L. 472 how many( hillings, pence, and farthings? |
144133901 | In an area or floor, in length 465 inches 6 lines, and in breadth 284 inches 6 fines, how many fquare inches and feet? |
144133901 | In an area, pavement, or piece of plai- fter- work, in length 24 feet 7 inches, and in breadth 18 feet 5 inches, how many fquare feet? |
144133901 | In apiece of timber, whofe length is 18 feet 16 inches, breadth 2 feet 4 inches, and thieknefs 2. feet 3 inches, how many foKd feet? |
144133901 | In cafe your c?. |
144133901 | In extraS ir,? |
144133901 | In how many days will 16 men do the fame-? |
144133901 | In this fpace, the membra¬ nous portion of the peritonaeum is detached on both hands, produces a duplicature by two elongations or particular lamina? |
144133901 | It fr? |
144133901 | It opens backward unde? |
144133901 | J 5 hoglheads fugar, containing"? |
144133901 | L. t. 14? |
144133901 | LEDGE Iv? |
144133901 | May we not then fairly conclude, by parity of reafoh, that the end and defign of all the other planets is the fame? |
144133901 | Note?, Inftead of si. |
144133901 | Of the Culture of Beat:?. |
144133901 | Of the Genesis ffwa? |
144133901 | On the anterior furface of the arytenoid cartilages, there is a fmall depreffion between th? |
144133901 | Or a fadtor above and below may be divided by the fame number thus: v(^ ° r the fadtors of the numerator of the quot may be ex- changed, the,,.W.52? |
144133901 | Paid him in full, Druggets Dr to Sundries, 195 l. To Cajh, in part for 26 pieces, at? |
144133901 | Plate zxxv;?. |
144133901 | Reduce to a decimal? |
144133901 | Ruflel( Jacob) 3 Refufal of bargains y Ship Britannia Stock Spencer( Jacob) Sufpenfe- acct Sugar Stuffs Ship Phoenix in? |
144133901 | See Pale and Escutcheon;?/''pretence. |
144133901 | Sfy-/• 1 ■~ f jiihtrr/ fr/ G: » Sc> m<(''jtq.-J ■*_/ |
144133901 | So that the difference of the fides( if ther |
144133901 | Some valuable medicines have been difeovered, But by whom? |
144133901 | Sup- pofe a planet at B to be carried by the projeCtile force as far as from B to b, in the time that gravity would have brought it down from 2? |
144133901 | Suppofe the queftion to be, If L. 100 in 12 months gain L. j intcreft, what will L. 75 gain in 19 months? |
144133901 | That this is no ideal fcheme, the following faft is a fufficient proof? |
144133901 | The Dr fide of this accompt exhibit? |
144133901 | The calix is three- leaved; the petal? |
144133901 | The chief queftion on this fubjed is, Whether cattle fliould be yoked in pairs, or in a line before one an¬ other? |
144133901 | The dura mater is made up of two lamina?, adhering very clofely together* the fibres of both croffing each other obliquely. |
144133901 | The firft queftion that arifes to be determined on thefe • principles is,.What is the propereft liquor for fteeping, cloth? |
144133901 | The firft two are common to each te¬ fticle, and to the fpermatic rope that belong? |
144133901 | The fpinous procefles of the vertebrae of the back be? |
144133901 | The general principles of the new hufcandry may be reduced to two, viz? |
144133901 | The mefentery begins at the laft incurvation of the duodenum, and runs obliquely from left to right, along the vertebra? |
144133901 | The other arteries in thi? |
144133901 | The planes of the orbits of all the other planets like wife cut the fun in halves; bur, extended to th? |
144133901 | The quadratic 3?1—2/ H-£=o, mves v/7,‘—''3?. |
144133901 | The quantities? ” Supp. |
144133901 | The reafon of the rule may be( hewn thus: 4X-£=T8 T: for 4=4-f-> anc*? |
144133901 | The red part of the lips is made up of papilla?, repre- fenting very fine hairs or villi, clofely united together. |
144133901 | The two thyro- epiglottici crofs the thyro- arytenoida? |
144133901 | The utility of the plough, for example, may make an objed of admiration or of defire; but why fhould utility make it beautiful? |
144133901 | The y?r/? |
144133901 | The, right one will be engraven, and de? |
144133901 | Thefe.arches traverfing from one angle to another diagonal wife, form a crof? |
144133901 | Thei? |
144133901 | Their external furface is compofed of two fmooth con¬ cavities and a mid 1? |
144133901 | Their two orifices may be diftinftly feen in the fkekton at the lower part of the nafal fbfl ®, on the anterior and lateral? |
144133901 | There are two particular elongations which form the periftoneum of the orbits, together with the vagina? |
144133901 | Therefore I A, L O E B II A. I next try 6, and fjbftituting it for x we find — i6x- J~$ 5=36—96+ 5.5=> —? |
144133901 | Therefore the fecond term of the produft rauft be — n a, which deftroys 4-/? |
144133901 | Therefore the point S is as diredly upward to the inhabitant( s) on the fouth pole, as N is to the inhabitant n on the north pole; fo is v? |
144133901 | Therefore, if on any given day, fup- pofe the firil of June, the earth is at A, on the firfl: of Auguft it will be at 2? |
144133901 | They are the orifices of the fame number of fmall ob- long glands which lie in the fulei, channels, or^groove? |
144133901 | This is certainly true: But what then? |
144133901 | This leads to a queftion, Whether the fituation, where there happens to be no choice, ought, in any meafure, to regulate the form of the edifice? |
144133901 | Thu? |
144133901 | Thus, if it be demanded, what chance a perfon of 40 years has to live feven years longer? |
144133901 | Thus,.50=5, and.500=5, for.50=^=^=.5; and T4|? °=^=.5. |
144133901 | To Jofeph Martin, on de- 7 mand,-- 3 To Sir Ifaac Crifp, due ill? |
144133901 | To John Harris, for my bill on? |
144133901 | To Profit and Lofis, for my"? |
144133901 | To ditto, paid porterage of goods bought oLAZ?. |
144133901 | To reduce « M 1 x t quantity/ |
144133901 | What analogy is there betwixt the corolla of a plant and the nymph# of an animal? |
144133901 | What divifor will give a quot equal to the product of 125 into the dn idend? |
144133901 | What fradtion of a C. is of a pound? |
144133901 | What fradtion of a penny is f L.? |
144133901 | What fradtion of a pound Sterling is^of a penny? |
144133901 | What fradtion of a{ hilling is^ of a pound? |
144133901 | What is the caufe of gravity? |
144133901 | What is the difference of two given numbers? |
144133901 | What is the fum of 4+ 4? |
144133901 | What is the fum of 4+ 4? |
144133901 | What is the fum of two or more numbers? |
144133901 | What is the fum of.7251. and.625 s.? |
144133901 | What is the intereft of L. 75: 10: 4 for 8 months, at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum? |
144133901 | What is the prefent worth of a yearly penfion or rent of 75 1. to continue 4 years, but not to commence till 3 years hence, difcounting at 5 percent,? |
144133901 | What is the prefent worth of an annuity of 401. to continue 5 years, difcounting at 5 per cent, com¬ pound intereft? |
144133901 | What is the price of 126 yards of vel¬ vet, at L. 3: 8: 4 per yard? |
144133901 | What is the price of 8604 yards of cloth, at 19 s. 64-d. per yard? |
144133901 | What methods, it may be alked, have the compilers em¬ ployed to accomplilh this delign? |
144133901 | What multiplier will give a produtt equal to the quot arifing from the fame number divided by.008? |
144133901 | What was “ his age? ” It appears from the queftion, that if you call his age x, then ftall... —* —= x and by Rule 3.. |
144133901 | What will be the refult or produCt of a given number repeated or taken a certain number of times? |
144133901 | What, then, is this fubftance? |
144133901 | When we keep th? |
144133901 | Where is the analogy between the pollep and the animalcules in femine mafeulino? |
144133901 | Who then can deny that vegetables are poflef- fed of living and felf- moving powers? |
144133901 | Why? |
144133901 | ], to( hew that it ha? |
144133901 | and B 81.; they gain 5 1.: What is eaxh man ’s ftutre? |
144133901 | and confequently how many died each year, as in the firft of the following tables; which is well? |
144133901 | and is not this agreeable to the beautiful harmony which exifts throughout the univerfe? |
144133901 | another, and to e; then it is plain that two values- of in the transformed equation will be equal to nothing: fince y= x —. |
144133901 | b\ it muft therefore like- wife meafure their fum a? |
144133901 | byR.VIi:? byR.IX. |
144133901 | coft L. 514, 4 s. what is that per ounce? |
144133901 | d. L. 9==-xh? |
144133901 | d. Si 0.57083- 1.141^ 1.7125 0.571875 I- M375 1.7x5625 0.57291$.14583.71875 o 5739583- 1.14791(1 1.721875 4 2.283- 5;2.854i(? |
144133901 | earth defcribes the curve 2? |
144133901 | en 7 in 8? |
144133901 | fo as to fell the mixture or compound at 8*d. per lb: What quantity of each muft he take? |
144133901 | for cooperage, 176? |
144133901 | how the quadratic 36''2—2pe-\-q is deduced from the propofed cubic J—- pe1-\-qe — r — o, viz. |
144133901 | in any given time, will carry it from 2? |
144133901 | into fnnilar pairs, by making each pair conlift of one term clays? |
144133901 | l. s 38 07 6 And alfomy 5 hhds fugar, con-"? |
144133901 | lefs, the pofitive remaining undiminiffied,) a for¬ tiori, all the coefficients of the equation( y?) |
144133901 | may obtain the value''of the unknown quan- “ tity expreffed in known terms. ” Thus, Suppole jiz- j- aj=6 Add the fquare ofto? |
144133901 | no- Dec. Hcv John Perkins my? |
144133901 | of pepper coft 211. how much will 5 C. coft at that rate? |
144133901 | on all the payments then in arrear? |
144133901 | per C.^ 59 I? |
144133901 | per pack? |
144133901 | per pound, A The compofition which I have recei-? |
144133901 | r. d./.or?. |
144133901 | riate. AXMi:/''•(? wna/ictfc Jl • v.? |
144133901 | riate. AXMi:/''•(? wna/ictfc Jl • v.? |
144133901 | thing more cafual and fortuitous than the wild and wayward paths of infefts? |
144133901 | three fimple, ana tout complex): in>? 11 which the goods bought and received art Dr; but the Cr varies according to die tetmsof pufehaie. |
144133901 | whofe fum fubtra&ed London, ift Jid? |
144133901 | y*—-ft> y''l-\-f? |
144133901 | yylrrCj? |
144133901 | ‘ t M O''A R C JH il T? |
144133901 | ’ v i. n ■ u;? |
144133901 | “ Do we not fee,( fays he) the ftigma of almoft every hermaphrodite flower covered over with the pollen or im¬ pregnating fubftance? |
144133901 | “ Now,! ’ adds Linnaeus, “ we have already proved that vegetables,/,/ » |
144133901 | “ Why hart thou then broken down her hedges, fo “ that all that pafs do pluck her? |
144133901 | •f yard wide will make the fame garment? |
144133903 | -? ••.-Oi ’ ■* 1*''» i,,. 144133903 #\ € rocas martis dptifienf? 144133903 ''* isriio atf? 144133903 ''*.isf: Ifs 233* 1 to t/ y? sri: « ri: Inal also lo srin^i-jaif; o/*•-.-/ yil; 41 yri- pitaB ai''t?7•. |
144133903 | '',( t,^LrU\\-^y/''nyA''\,UV) VV.V 7 r^KVAL/“v''?, y-!-V''X-_-,c_J, c. |
144133903 | ''-yV y I TY- W V-^i 7\^''W, V 7 X, 7 I •-V^^''v^ K7\^ 7-/)'',/t^A"MA V V 7 L Y f 7\A V i L V, G T l-''l-''Y c v.''Yz^py_^ i*-m1\ a A?-i w;. |
144133903 | ''^ATT''LX/ M_ L 71 “ 7"(A, j y i.l y^/Yo(( v? |
144133903 | ''i''l srii aii- qT- a c? |
144133903 | ( 3^>) N. N A M ■? V T AF> OB, a viceroy or governor of one of the. |
144133903 | (,(, V''''V,\X —/,,-''Crx/''vV*-T(M •/k.f)-,( •“>rrt^yk'' |
144133903 | () |
144133903 | (?. |
144133903 | (?/Obliq_ue Sailing, The queftions that may bepropofed on this head being innumerable, wefhall only give a few of the moft ufeful. |
144133903 | *''iSCfldl 3;ifJ(J ■ ■''■-ni.H ‘: rj •f? |
144133903 | -? |
144133903 | -Li> v.Udtfii* •; • L, a/ ■ f;,.'':?''''''''" |
144133903 | -_-''.7y75S-^^*:-''-"^*? |
144133903 | .-iit- d 3dT j13?'' |
144133903 | .donKi''d B.9*«od ad bnsrt suo-s « joh^di 5a»ftin^BnT « oi’ow^iife asw? H aiostbsctJ qj yi!-''awB''ib. |
144133903 | .ositod!jb<;!? T*?i99ta?'' |
144133903 | .ositod!jb<;!? T*?i99ta?'' |
144133903 | /.-. |
144133903 | 16?, N. lat, 58 ® 3c/. |
144133903 | 190 there be about feparate fpirits? |
144133903 | 2 73 want?. |
144133903 | 2 II Y S I C S. iB? |
144133903 | 2, The knee of the head, r cut water. |
144133903 | 22? |
144133903 | 3 A This l8 |
144133903 | 3 fa 1 1,1 iru^chfrjrjffirr gx^ffrrfrri “ O''Crravn Plate cxxxx; 5ii< 54 An- dante; 1/-(f^ir''l.^"djl J ij) I*^|J^ m-e- e- ipm BE? |
144133903 | 303 itfelf to his providence, and triumphs in his approbation? |
144133903 | 36? |
144133903 | 3^b6 3b? |
144133903 | 40''? |
144133903 | 440 4? |
144133903 | 50 ° 35'', MUNTINGIA, in botany, a genu? |
144133903 | 6i |
144133903 | 79?, N. lat. |
144133903 | 7Ifar/? |
144133903 | 8-^-8^ 1?- © 80- o 6: 6J; 64 o o Semitones O. |
144133903 | 8. of thisbV<''?. „ for it is plain ad is the enlarged difference of latitude, and ab the proper; confequently « i? |
144133903 | 8. of thisbV<''?. „ for it is plain ad is the enlarged difference of latitude, and ab the proper; confequently « i? |
144133903 | 90? |
144133903 | ; iif iisdw, dio< n^iq- dapa srlT''br.s.noagiql?. |
144133903 | ; sd? |
144133903 | ;) nrfiin idh ■#|T< 09 I H 8!& od* s; iiJtig aiiT.88 s- raiofl;-.-.3D ftLg 3.--J •.31 oti''o? |
144133903 | ;- ad: jnrtSJ yrit-.6,^r-? |
144133903 | < 36< 3^<3# h-42 46 44/j4 W+7 44 49< K H m\: s"b: WL> piafo cy? n-Ty^_^_--L-^ Ki. |
144133903 | |
144133903 | . |
144133903 | . |
144133903 | /''« Luxation Humerus. |
144133903 | ? |
144133903 | ? |
144133903 | ? |
144133903 | ? |
144133903 | ? |
144133903 | ? 3i 8^ oi^4* ‘; OOOi 01 dot iV,:'')• »<-Jf.ri:* ft03 OOOf Oi^{ P 1 mOi ’''. |
144133903 | ? £ UVM^.l/ X, C^-vl T_^ A, C k T C Y/X L^l VO/. |
144133903 | ?, depofiting the urine in this refer voir, which is attached to its other extremity. |
144133903 | ?.aug o8o''fd no rt- ya E ni 3iR w?si dliWu’i^8? |
144133903 | ?.aug o8o''fd no rt- ya E ni 3iR w?si dliWu’i^8? |
144133903 | A mixture much ufed for anointing fpfains, £? c. |
144133903 | A workman then learns to fink his price without regret, and can raifi? |
144133903 | A •"V, 7 •>-1.. V 7 ST? |
144133903 | A///1 y^< I V 1, k/•''y- y l£ ir/ M^wuy//yay-1''YlVi''X’. YArVA.VCVV v^A.1.i- r>-? |
144133903 | Again, from the fcale of equal parts take 603.1( the meridional part? |
144133903 | Again, it is the proportion of the fharp 3d and flat 6th: for, 4 l — 47? |
144133903 | Again, where the thicknefs is A |
144133903 | And do not we condemn him as a knave, who violates them on that account? |
144133903 | And how eagerly do they rtill grafp at new difcoveries, without any fatisfadion or limit to their ambition? |
144133903 | BODTF.? |
144133903 | Both kinds, when prefent, have the following fymp- toms; A deprivation of the ideas o? |
144133903 | Brute, decs te Oro, qui reges confueris tollere, cur non Hunc regem jugulas? |
144133903 | Bum? |
144133903 | But by palling through- the plano- convex glafs/? |
144133903 | But ffiould it be faid, that man is made for adion, and not for fpeculation, or fruitlefs fearches after knowledge; we alk, For what kind of adion? |
144133903 | But if the tendons and ligaments are fo violently drained, that they can fcarc? |
144133903 | But in a period when phyficians and medi¬ cines were equally unknown, how was that relief to be obtained? |
144133903 | But is not a compad or promife binding, till men have agreed that they ffiall be binding? |
144133903 | But is not a man drunk or fober the fame perfon? |
144133903 | But the fuppreffion did not take effedt in Poland, where they Hill fobfilt, as alfo in leveral province? |
144133903 | But this cafe doe? |
144133903 | But thofe% zy,? |
144133903 | But, continues he, of what nature is this, matter, which an animal, or vegetable, aflimilates’toIts own fubftance? |
144133903 | By, 674 S U II G i?. |
144133903 | CoNSlSTORIAL PRUDENCE, ijr GENERAL Oe. CONOMY of Mi? |
144133903 | CouldPlato, Socrates, Seneca, and Cicero, be unconcerned for their fame among future generations, and future philofophers? |
144133903 | Counterfeit? |
144133903 | Do not we highly ap¬ prove the man who fufills them, even though they ffiould prove to be againft his intereft? |
144133903 | Does not this virtually determine the value of fuch currency with re- 3 U gard MON( 21 ward to all the currencies in Europe? |
144133903 | F, A fmall crooked needle and ligature for taking up the leffer arteries, fuch as thofe of thf? |
144133903 | For difference of latitude: As radius — — 10.00000 is to the diflance 28 1.44716 fo is the co fine of- the courfe n0, ij ’ 999 •J? |
144133903 | For in faift, was it poflible for them to believe the pagan fables? |
144133903 | For the context plainly points out the two fubdantives; and the verb/»/«£•? |
144133903 | Geometrical pace?. |
144133903 | Groom of/A? |
144133903 | H- uh your Grace ne’er a brother like you? |
144133903 | Here occurs a quedTon:,, Does the great quantity of paper money in England tend to diminifh the value of the pound derling? |
144133903 | How frequently do we put two, nay fometimes three vowels, to exprefs the found of one only? |
144133903 | How has he fitted the ac¬ tor, man, for playing his part in this perplexed and bu- fy feene? |
144133903 | I think, I reafon, 1 feel plsafure and pain: can any of thefe be more evident to me than my own exiftence? |
144133903 | IJle/’WIGH T, part of the county of Southampton, and feparated from it by a narrow channel, is about twenty miles long, and twelve broad. |
144133903 | If no infl ammation has preceded, and^the patient was fubjedt to obftruftion? |
144133903 | If there i? |
144133903 | Ill N? |
144133903 | Is it only for bodily exercifes; oj for moral, political, and religious ones? |
144133903 | Is it poflibieto conceive it can add motion to itfelf, or produce any thing? |
144133903 | Is not this( lay voluntary? |
144133903 | It may be allied, how, at this rate, any filver has re¬ mained in England? |
144133903 | It may be demanded, what hurt this trade can do to 9) MON England, fince thofe who.export filver bring back thJ fame value in gold? |
144133903 | It may be inquired in this place, how far the coining the pound troy into 65( hillings''is contrary to the laws of England? |
144133903 | Let cuftom from the very childhood have joined figure and fhape to the idea of God, and what abfurdities will that mind be liable to about the Deity? |
144133903 | Let us fuppole its parts firmly at red together: If there were no other being in the world, mud it not, eternally remain fo, a dead unadive lump? |
144133903 | M-''g osa- n- w moil sS- ab- flUH''p.f isd uM iu hm. OU’vtiui aommos A= ‘ 11 tbfiO-.d i}''o* Biotlittl tdlgnsloi? |
144133903 | MAGNITUDE, whatever is made up of part? |
144133903 | MAYO* one of the Cape Verde iflands-: W. Jen? |
144133903 | MUS- M U T( 354) M? |
144133903 | Morning teachings, q^ufed by hard drinking, are cured? |
144133903 | NARBONNE, a city of France, in the province of Lan-? |
144133903 | Now, what lhall fecure a man ’s virtue in circumftances of fuch trial? |
144133903 | Now, what provifion has the Author of our nature made for this neceftitous condition? |
144133903 | ORGUES, in the military art, are thick? |
144133903 | Of Bleeding^//? |
144133903 | On the fouth coaft of Africa, to the fouth of C. Corientes, and ab6ut the fouthern parts of the ifland of Madagafcar? |
144133903 | Or are they only binding becaufe it is our intereft to be bound by them, or to fulfill them? |
144133903 | Or does the God of nature envy the happinefs of his offspring? |
144133903 | Or, to add one other inftance, What doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to live S0TiS.Ki.v, righteously, and godlV, in this prefent •world? |
144133903 | Order I. Dysasthesia, or difeafes arifing from? |
144133903 | PASTIL, or Pastel, among painters, a kind of pafte made of different colours, ground up with gum- water, in? |
144133903 | PIRATE, a perfon, or veffej, that rob? |
144133903 | Pharos, or Phare, a light- house,?. |
144133903 | REFORMATION, the a<5 t of reforming or corredhng an •error or abuie in religion, difciplin?, or the like. |
144133903 | REPEAT, in mufick, a charatSer fhewing that what was lad play? |
144133903 | Rope yarn, among failors, is the yarn of any rope untwill¬ ed, but commonly made up of junk; its ufe is to make linnet, mats,, ejn?. |
144133903 | S"o''m.*- ©-1 3 s* Sharp Tlaf^ 4^ ih* b^d^6^ b^{h 1 Hu1? |
144133903 | See Anatom?, p. 173. |
144133903 | See Anatomy, P 22?. |
144133903 | See, As atom y, p.? ° 7- STEP of the maft and capftan, in a flnp, is that piece of timber whereon the malls 01 capfians do Hand at bottom. |
144133903 | Should we not fufpedt the reafoner of knavery, or(of very weak affedfions to virtue? |
144133903 | Simple mode? |
144133903 | So? |
144133903 | Sometimes the firing def ends along a wooden ruler,< £? £. |
144133903 | That his followers might be more punctual in this du¬ ty, Mohammed is faid to have declared, thatM? |
144133903 | The Mufeum at Oxford, called the Afhmolean Mu¬ feum, is a noble pil |
144133903 | The ball f may reprefent the centre of the earth, the ball g fome water on the fide next the moon, and the ball |
144133903 | The bill is fomewhat cylindrical and cal- trated; the nodrils are naked; the faux is ciliated? |
144133903 | The body fconlifts of two ftrong cheeks, |
144133903 | The calix confifts of five fegmepts, and the co¬ rolla of five pefals; and the fhell of the drupe is full of prominent future?. |
144133903 | The ealix confifts of three perfiftent feg¬ ments; the corolla is bell- fhaped, with three fegments; the capful? |
144133903 | The fizes are from tv? |
144133903 | The gods of the ancient Greeks and Romans were all? |
144133903 | The primary phrenfy is prec&ded by heat and a violent I C I N E. inflammatory pain within the head, a rednefs of the eye? |
144133903 | The tube may be fo placed, when the fun is low-, that his rays A A may enter diredtly into it: but when he is high, his ray? |
144133903 | The ufuai ftate in which it i? |
144133903 | The uterus, in contradting, preffes down thefe coagulum? |
144133903 | The veffd is left open ten or twelve day? ’, and then dopped cl.qfe for two months before it be tap¬ ped. |
144133903 | The/fry? |
144133903 | Then for departure, it will be, by the fame Cafe, As radius 10.00000 is to the diftance 246* 2.29094 fo 1? |
144133903 | Then how can any man be faid To break an oath he never made? |
144133903 | Then the crier proclaimed with a loud voice, Who is here? |
144133903 | There are feveral forts of grounds for pictures and portraits: fome are quite brown, with Spanifh brown, umber? |
144133903 | There are particu¬ larly three virtues which go to the forming this right temper towards ill, and which? re of Angular efficacy, if Von. |
144133903 | There are two fpecies, both native? |
144133903 | Therefore, as the line appears at BG, fo the line.SC? |
144133903 | This being fix-? |
144133903 | This iton? |
144133903 | Thofe that are feized with it, feem to have a hearintf? |
144133903 | Thus Alexander himfelf was peremptorily? |
144133903 | Thus, how many are withheld from the violent outrages of refentment by fear? |
144133903 | Thus, the man^2? |
144133903 | To Wind, or Wend a Jhip, fignifies to bring her head a- bout Ho- w winds or wends the Jhip? |
144133903 | To a/ f?/A? |
144133903 | To break a fiddle and your word? |
144133903 | To''what conduct are we obliged? |
144133903 | Trans is the only common prepofition beginning with t? |
144133903 | VAN, a term derived fronj the French avant, or avaunt, fignifymg £<^c> n?, or foremojl of any''thing: thus we fay, the van- guard"of an army,& jc. |
144133903 | VEGETABLE, a term applied to all plants, confidered ks capable of growth;. |
144133903 | VORTEX, in meteorology, a whirlwind, or fudden, ra? |
144133903 | Was he mad, Sir? |
144133903 | What doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to live f- ly, r ly, and g ly in this prefent world? |
144133903 | What is the ccnfequedce of this? |
144133903 | What is the confequence of this? |
144133903 | What pow¬ er is it that communicates to this matter the activity and motion neceflary to penetrate this mould? |
144133903 | What then is the cqnfequence of all this diforder? |
144133903 | What, for example, has the e and a to do in the word beauty? |
144133903 | What.effect has it upon the current value of a pound her ling? |
144133903 | When my eyes are{ hut, I can at pleafure recall to my mind the ideas of light, or the fun, which former fen¬ fation? |
144133903 | When that my care could not with- hold thy riots, What wilt thou do when riot is thy care? |
144133903 | When the woman lies on her back, and the placenta- adheres to the left fide of th? |
144133903 | When we know that white is not black, what do we but perceive that thefe two ide(ts do not agree? |
144133903 | Which of thefe difpofitions would be his choice, in order ro be contented, ferene, and happy? — The former temper is vice, the latter virtue. |
144133903 | Who are paid in inch pounds? |
144133903 | Why( hould the money- jobber melt down the filver coin? |
144133903 | Will you have me, Lady? |
144133903 | With thine own cold to kindle me? |
144133903 | Would fuch abor¬ tions in the moral world be congruCus to that perfection of wifdom and goodnefs which upholds and adorns the natural? |
144133903 | X~ ‘? |
144133903 | Yet herbs and roots of this kind are not altogether to be condemn? |
144133903 | \ y/ y Y iYY t/ M l. A I LAV v V''-''A> r LA-.X?.l r A. M''I 1 C k I f, y/ V^ OA''. |
144133903 | ^^5i4g^llc^i;)r rli r r| V rfe 4 A 4 3^b6 3b? |
144133903 | ^^““a? |
144133903 | ^_ i-1/2/ r\£ vx? |
144133903 | a^pi^vt-^o toe.raoot- sJsfi odT, 8, n? |
144133903 | absi? |
144133903 | afFect’iOHS of bodies having no affinity at all with the ideas they produce in us, we can have no^diltinft know¬ ledge of iuch operation? |
144133903 | alii;>! T0& io agsfdo.-ab:- cs i Fi^-J q''f.-•''m’m... k? |
144133903 | and how eafily is fear controuled in its turn, while mighty wrongs awaken a mighty refentment? |
144133903 | and longitude of 24 20 W. Firft, To the latitude of the Lizard — 50 °, 00 N. add the latitude of St Vincent — x? |
144133903 | and, if fueh a force exift, would it not be by a fimilar force that the internal mould itfelf might be reproduced? |
144133903 | and.would not this fie a violen^and an arbitrary re¬ volution in the value of the money unit, and a raifing of the ftandard? |
144133903 | anqt tnx- e qrr.3? |
144133903 | as it- ftrike? |
144133903 | as jo*- ■ r--nnrt.n? |
144133903 | bm.atod* bsri''i»b;-5 issdi jwtwbilifij.iwbio U y?-l omi bib • b l i- d? |
144133903 | but they were moft in vogue after the end of the eleventh century, when every on? |
144133903 | can he not buy gold with it as well without melting it down? |
144133903 | entirely a matter of expe¬ rience, in which we muft examine, as in any other natural inquiry,? |
144133903 | every man, What ffiould limit our purfuits of private happinefs? Ts nature fallen and penurious? |
144133903 | every man, What ffiould limit our purfuits of private happinefs? Ts nature fallen and penurious? |
144133903 | harmonious mafs; the feveral parts muft be well con- nedled and contrafted,.fo as jo render the whole as grate- P A l( 450) •''fel to the pys, a? |
144133903 | i^v>^ |
144133903 | ik; i.lO''lIff? |
144133903 | inform/)? |
144133903 | ins ftsro ido diiw.noidlfij- aaiSil 1''Lu-.. xi9n or- e sir(? |
144133903 | is a queftion aflced by mariners, concerning a fhip under fail; fignifying as much as, upon what point of the compafs does( he lie with.her head? |
144133903 | is the projec? |
144133903 | j* 16 Semiquaver.*? |
144133903 | j* U#1 ®? s«pl diw bsli^l# n y, dT ’.niVJ- XO w*H at''bsmViq*! |
144133903 | lo fcfiud ‘ biawsft? |
144133903 | m*ds- i*d 3d? |
144133903 | modi- 00? |
144133903 | mother, already pregnant, conceive? |
144133903 | muft not all Europe alfo agree, that the Britilh parlia- mentftiad defrauded the nation? |
144133903 | of it? |
144133903 | of latitude AD —''8 — 0.90309 fo is the fecant of the courle? |
144133903 | oj''Sf 3ifi.i?fid- s9^si dftri os f- c anciT bafi.gaol 5 i{ HOti''''( 1.3S3 b«S jfeotir £ f? |
144133903 | ones put together, are called: v s i c s. 17? |
144133903 | or what fenfe can he have of moral obligation to promote it? |
144133903 | or what fyftem of conduct would man in this fituation naturally follow? |
144133903 | r; k>< nooi b#3i< J od? |
144133903 | rK..^ eq.fTt^~pv~* j*Vit''S^ V;.V 8t8 bo#,,}ilti>''.vc< i stiBi? v#;^ v#''? •• as•?••>. |
144133903 | rK..^ eq.fTt^~pv~* j*Vit''S^ V;.V 8t8 bo#,,}ilti>''.vc< i stiBi? v#;^ v#''? •• as•?••>. |
144133903 | rK..^ eq.fTt^~pv~* j*Vit''S^ V;.V 8t8 bo#,,}ilti>''.vc< i stiBi? v#;^ v#''? •• as•?••>. |
144133903 | rdg!t oi,8.f aifT, 001.euddiaieovi xlt ■ hcuitiobtvvMvy''\d: • ■ •.. mo''n- bww-T- •»1SftT tcpj V- C"? |
144133903 | rlJ.dT? |
144133903 | rrhus of//£ |
144133903 | sA, 1 01 1 s. rootl feus tgp«>t •( •••3? |
144133903 | tU3 ii li|1? |
144133903 | thefe may be added emollient and anodyne clyfters, and a. bladder of hot milk, with camomile flowers, applied to? |
144133903 | to •twry? |
144133903 | ttts vjdto yd sjmdaHiQl li^uadl; ssItoH stidw.ow''l yd, 6jhu\,.o bs.-iqwtihl ad ani «''.lo''ito •;.rir 8 „-six t ’ ■;?{* o:! |
144133903 | v[>''CWV a:?. |
144133903 | w*? |
144133903 | what duty does nature didate and require in fuch a cafe? |
144133903 | {,.grb Mi''K- ocJok- gr. H i. MVS ’ J-M. L a i d? |
144133903 | £?/ “ Difficulty cr Suppression c/"Urine. |
144133903 | £?/$: for the ray AGf will go on from/''in the direction fGa, and the ray CE/''in the direction/Fc\ and fo of the reft. |
144133903 | «{- ■''.-.sod---:? |
144133903 | ‘, 03bnr«l tibo»!«Q*m 01 e* ooiftaifiib 10 9«i? |
144133903 | •> r-i, • c? |
144133903 | •? |
144133903 | €? ut of the fit, native cinnabar and wild valerian root are moft proper for correcting the juices. |
144133903 | ■,: L... ■ ■ ■ ■< ■? |