
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskmEven if it were possible to save all this, how could it be presented to the reader so as to make more transparent the decision- making process?
work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aaLippman, R. Anthropos quo vadis?
work_432zobppujgrfl5xfphnoyz4p4“ Is My Model Good Enough?
work_3mifxysn6jb35np3ddn5iatkueHow the system works?
work_3zytjanwqfhq7mfbrf6vdrtdxiMambrini, F. and Passarotti, M. Will a parser overtake Achilles?
work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpaCan persistent identifiers be cool?
work_6seporrc6rafjcqugk5zpbfg3ySchur L, Kruse D, Blasi J, Blanck P( 2009) Is disability disabling in all workplaces?
work_6toa3a2mefhnvm2csn7b7435caIt undermines the attempt to identify levels and, 3”R/ ProgrammerHumor- When Do We Want What?, ” reddit, accessed June 3, 2019.
work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6byChin Geogr Sci 9(2):159–165 Stanford JN( 2009) One size fits all?
work_bhz3tr2jvfesniohrdugc7vedadoi: 10.12759/ hsr.suppl.31.2018.78- 95 Fotis Jannidis Modeling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program?
work_aw467ogqnvajnifcoh3uaqtjyyIf You Build It Will They Come? work_2sfmwbbrdfflznayz2scykzqqq “ What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo? ” Literary and Linguistic Computing 29( 3): 326–39. work_3horm3ctfzfelcnmozatqdozsa How can the viewer be moved from a passive position to a state of engagement and communal experience? work_3horm3ctfzfelcnmozatqdozsa She is currently writing Laying Claim: Imagining Empire on the U.S. Mexico Border( Oxford University Press) and Where Is American Literature? work_2jrybysfevbopiecnsyp6jokoe Yet, is this pushing the implication of these technologies too far? work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay Der Kiureghian, A.; Ditlevsen, O. Aleatory or epistemic? work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay Does it matter? work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y [ 22] Serlen, R., 2010, The distant future? work_4ry2oq4ivzdcnnphnfbaamfpia ( 2013) Visualizing Uncertainty: How to Use the Fuzzy Data of 550 Medieval Texts? work_4ry2oq4ivzdcnnphnfbaamfpia – and an intensifying need for control over the land and its gradual appropriation? work_cnna6vnve5gspbow2jzuisxyni ''No Such Thing as Humanities Computing? work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4 If learning by example is such a fundamental approach to learning a computing language, where is TEI by Example? work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4 “ Tree, Turf, Centre, Archipelago- or Wild Acre? work_becbdobjdjamjgxuo64hj77n7i work_becbdobjdjamjgxuo64hj77n7i “ Virtual reality for a physical reconstruction? work_dgqqsodngzbe3pkxr3s4zt73ty What is humanities computing? work_4zemnol56vfmjps3drenrec2xu Falck, A. and Rosenqvist, M.( 2012) ‘ What are the obstacles and needs of proactive ergonomics measures at early product development stages? work_6le2npbvkveupkv3od5vq5edau “ Are You a Nigerian Writer? work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq Alles 3D? work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq Paradigmenwechsel in der historischen Bauforschung? work_eklg3piwvbdxdlxggels6ggrmm Are occupational drivers at an increased risk for developing musculoskeletal disorders? work_esyo6plndnejhnptsxiuw3tahy Smith, A.: Does the cerebellum learn strategies for the optimal time- varying control of joint stiffness? work_a536k3ux6zfina57hcqvb3wgge 3 G. Crane, ‘ What do you do with a million books? ’, D- Lib magazine, 12.3( 2006). work_5lgvhggzxnhfvkvyq7hd263ofu “ Defining Data for Humanists: Text, Artifact, Information or Evidence? ” Journal of Digital Humanities 1, no. work_fw6fzegd7bfwfkfhyo4q4vmmlu The question is: How can we bring them all together? work_ebmpwo5ymjb2jnp6d7kgtlbkna Dombrowski, Q 2014 What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo? work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm 8 Five scenarios( four reachability? work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm Each partici- pant participated in 10 trials: 5 target scenarios( 4 kid? work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm Result A total of 20 trials was conducted per participant(( 4 reachability? work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m )? ” The students then produced short essays( maximum 500 words) and typed these essays in the Perseids annotation system. work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m They were encouraged to address questions such as: “ How does this text/ artifact compare to other testimonies on the same myth? work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m Why is it different/ similar? work_g2jcebslp5elfmzdsxwrfoxmh4 “ The digital dark ages? work_2d55kfkwzfh3dcbwvg7v5mj4wm - By what means shall we determine what we teach? work_2d55kfkwzfh3dcbwvg7v5mj4wm - In what ways shall we teach it? work_2d55kfkwzfh3dcbwvg7v5mj4wm - Toward what purpose? work_2tcncpfqmfcrrcx33e6z4msogi 44 Such as: Is a separation of a genre and its parodies necessar y, and if so, how can such a distinction be upheld? work_2tcncpfqmfcrrcx33e6z4msogi How could meaningful illustrations be produced if hundreds, or even thousands, of books were subjected to data- mining? work_2tcncpfqmfcrrcx33e6z4msogi In how far does the illustration present a visualization of genre negotiations by means of comparison? work_2tcncpfqmfcrrcx33e6z4msogi Is this wave movement even coincidental due to the novels in the corpus? work_4ubshnppnvhytfurhaxn6g3f3e How can libraries anticipate the data- driven research of the future? work_4ubshnppnvhytfurhaxn6g3f3e How do we provide librarians with the skillsets and knowledge needed to respond to new research and teaching needs? work_fvlnsuuajzcchapn3qcudhpmh4 The “ logicism ” of Jean- Claude Gardin Is it then possible to envisage the forms of this desired return to origins in our new context? work_6q6s76vinzcprhoteoqw6vgn7a - By what means shall we determine what we teach? work_6q6s76vinzcprhoteoqw6vgn7a - In what ways shall we teach it? work_6q6s76vinzcprhoteoqw6vgn7a - Toward what purpose? work_ej2okgjm65e5rirjm3rpfmetpe ¿ Qué uso hacen los profesores? work_epd3m3kblbgdnohw24udk3giay Ma è questa l’unica possibilità per conoscere l’Ermitage a distanza? work_epd3m3kblbgdnohw24udk3giay Per quanto tempo ancora la monografia costituirà la modalità principale di scrittura accademica? work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu Genome Res 13(11):2498–2504 Shneiderman B( 2003) Why not make interfaces better than 3D reality? work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu How can we compare the coverage of entities? work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu How does this change over time? work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu Who appears with whom? work_ffhzfogh2vc6bpes4zeewwyv4m ? work_ffhzfogh2vc6bpes4zeewwyv4m Ore, C.-E.; Eide, Ø. TEI and cultural heritage ontologies: Exchange of information? work_ffhzfogh2vc6bpes4zeewwyv4m What are NoSQL Databases? work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy What is Digital Humanities and What ’s It Doing in English Departments? work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy What ’s Under the Big Tent? work_awm7ys2jurdglkgnbzs4sxlfgq So why did hundreds of companies rush into computerization before its economic feasibility was established? work_awm7ys2jurdglkgnbzs4sxlfgq Will you see me as a DIY expert ‘ of con- trasts ’ because I mix up gestures from different times? work_awm7ys2jurdglkgnbzs4sxlfgq Would I be an ethno- graphic curiosity? work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m But what of humanities data? work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m Discussion How can we as library professionals best aid humanities scholars in the area of data management? work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m How do humanists view and manage their own research output and do they conceive of it as manageable data? work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m How do you manage data that comes out of humanistic inquiry when it is not as mathematically measurable and regular as scientific data? work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke För och mot tolkning Diskussionsseminarium utifrån frågeställningen: Vad är mening, förklaring och förståelse? work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke Introduktion Kurspresentation Vad är vetenskap; humaniora och samhällsvetenskap? work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke Var placerar sig lingvistik och litteraturvetenskap i förhållande till övriga vetenskaper? work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke Vilka data, material, källor använder vi? work_cxgrjqjaergz3gbuaypp2wyhea /37 The Linked Open Data Cloud Linked Open Data Open Data? work_cxgrjqjaergz3gbuaypp2wyhea Linguistic Resources 1/37 Open Data of Ancient Greek and Latin Sources 1 2/37 and other projects … Open Access? work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq EBSCOhost, work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq How fast did they spread and what were the most important nodes in the Finnish media network? work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq How good can it get? work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq However, this is a balancing act — how should a library organization best serve researchers with its limited resources? work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq Is it possible to find joint funding opportunities and actually complete tasks together, in close relationship? work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki - By what means shall we determine what we teach? work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki - In what ways shall we teach it? work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki - Toward what purpose? work_hx7uxdq4obarpkoubgihxbdala Si veda in proposito almeno R. Af- ferni et al.,... but what should I put in a digital apparatus? work_hx7uxdq4obarpkoubgihxbdala What is the Spatial Turn?, Scholar ’s Lab- University of Virginia Library, http://spatial.scholarslab. work_i2eulfvrwjaw7oy7fpt5zfmkwi What ever happened to project bamboo? work_i2eulfvrwjaw7oy7fpt5zfmkwi What is EUDAT? work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4 work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4 ¿ De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Humanidades Digitales? work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4 ¿ De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Humanidades Digitales? work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e 17 J. Huggett, ‘ Core or periphery? work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e But how does one analyse a georeferenced text in ways that are sensitive to the complex nature of humanities sources? work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e Moreover, what contributions to knowledge can we expect from these approaches? work_gv7vwol2tvfddmns3xm2mj7aje Can forward dynamics simulation with simple model estimate complex phenomena? work_gv7vwol2tvfddmns3xm2mj7aje In: 32 International conference of biomechanics in sports Can forward dynamics simulation with   simple model estimate complex phenomena? work_k5u7zjbuujdsfcjjamzbbxz7xu Can the skin be bleached? work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy 31 work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy : “ Using Participa- tory Design and Visual Narrative Inquiry to Investigate Researchers? work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy John Wiley& Sons, 2012. work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy What are the factors that contribute to such a gap, or is the current status of usability in DH tools better than we think? work_gbwegerwnngtpd5va6ifmrlnnu Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What ’s in a Name? work_gbwegerwnngtpd5va6ifmrlnnu Is there a text in these variants? work_gbwegerwnngtpd5va6ifmrlnnu What is a transcription? work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq Data vs. presentation: What is the core of a scholarly digital edition? work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq It is possible to think of a critical edition as a collection of pieces of pure data? work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq Its data or its presentation? work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq Or is a representation layer fundamental to the concept of ‘ edition ’? work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq This distinction[ between TEI data and HTML presentation] leads to an important question: what constitutes the core of an edition? work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq What is a scholarly digital edition? work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii Humanities and the born digital: Moving from a difficult past to a promising future? work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii Media archaeology of institutional archives? work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii Or is the experience of contemporary interaction a main factor that needs documentation? work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii Web archives and( digital) history: a troubled past and a promising future? work_dkcnnr2bgfg7fay2k2g6cw67lq To what end do these ‘ guardians of knowledge ’ express their opinions? work_dkcnnr2bgfg7fay2k2g6cw67lq What if one spoils the manuscript? work_dkcnnr2bgfg7fay2k2g6cw67lq Why not use digital tools to study it from one ’s own laptop? work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be But can ROs accommodate humanities workflows in useful ways? work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be Parallel provenance[ Series of parts]: Part 1: What, if anything, is archival description?. work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo? work_3hxzu73yiva45pzyuwqvvxu5ki AnArcheology for AnArchives: Why do we need — Especially for the arts — A comple- mentary concept to the archive? work_3hxzu73yiva45pzyuwqvvxu5ki And, is it critically productive to interrogate the functional reality of an object and re- deploy it for new( potentially better suited) ends? work_3hxzu73yiva45pzyuwqvvxu5ki Can the process of engaging with the technology be preserved without the content? work_3hxzu73yiva45pzyuwqvvxu5ki Does everything need to be preserved in its original state? work_3hxzu73yiva45pzyuwqvvxu5ki The$ 100 laptop – is it a wind- up? work_2upg4spnnvcebki5mzn4y5git4 ( See Figure 2 for a fragment of the user interface of the online listening experiment).26 What can we expect the results to be? work_2upg4spnnvcebki5mzn4y5git4 ; H. Honing, ‘ Is expressive timing relational invariant under tempo transformation? ’ Psychology of Music( in press). work_2upg4spnnvcebki5mzn4y5git4 The role of ICT in music research: a bridge too far? work_jfiqroorqfcc5nr45smesapquy Alternative place name gazetteers for Great Britain How useful is the GB1900 gazetteer? work_jfiqroorqfcc5nr45smesapquy Similarly, the field names which form 70 per cent of the DEEP Gazetteer lack locations and attributions, so what is their value in a gazetteer? work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny AND WHAT DO THESE RELATIONSHIPS MAKE POSSIBLE? work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny Digital, information or copyright literacy for   all? work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny Or none? —, this complexity has been successfully embraced in the digital realm. work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny WHAT ARE SOME CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR PUBLISHERS AND/ OR LIBRARIES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP? work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny WHAT ARE THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PUBLISHING AND DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP? work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny Who owns oral history? work_b7souw6hjjhbbdw2yeigadgsbm Así nos preguntamos: ¿ qué nos dicen los discursos de las mujeres? work_b7souw6hjjhbbdw2yeigadgsbm La organización de la narrativa establece las rela- ciones entre la historia y sus audiencias a partir de dos dimensiones: ¿ qué contar? work_b7souw6hjjhbbdw2yeigadgsbm Le cinéma: langue ou langage? work_b7souw6hjjhbbdw2yeigadgsbm Mujer, ¿ La sal de la tierra, la luz del mundo? work_b7souw6hjjhbbdw2yeigadgsbm Who Owns de Media?. work_b7souw6hjjhbbdw2yeigadgsbm y ¿ cómo contarlo? work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q 20 21 T. Causer, J. Tonra and V. Wallace, ‘ Transcription maximized; expense minimized? work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q 51 T. Causer, J. Tonra and V. Wallace, ‘ Transcription maximized; expense minimized? work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q 62 R. Holley, ‘ Crowdsourcing: how and why should libraries do it? ’( 2010). work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q 7 R. Holley, ‘ Crowdsourcing: how and why should libraries do it? ’, D- Lib Magazine, 16, No. work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q M. Haklay, ‘ How good is volunteered geographical information? work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4 “ Encoding Models for Scholarly Literature: Does the TEI Have a Word to Say? ”. work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4 “ How Is a Digital Project Like a Film? ”. work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq Are directories the best way to do so, or should we give up and depend on Google to manage our history? work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq How might knowledge about tools be preserved and made available? work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq If the experience and data is archived in an accessible form, does it really matter if any particular tool like TAPoR 3.0 disappears? work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq This leaves us with an important question to consider: what will happen if TAPoR 3.0 is no longer able to be maintained or supported? work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq This raises the question: how can Digital Humanists better support digital tool directories, and, more broadly, tool development? work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq “ What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo? ” Literary and Linguistic Computing 29(3). work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq “ What is Digital Humanities and What is it Doing in English Departments? ” Debates in the Digital Humanities. work_ftbmk33innhhdebs3n535qcp6a ( 2002)What is Humanities Computing and What is not?".
work_ftbmk33innhhdebs3n535qcp6aHow can they spend time and resource effectively in a highly fragmented world that ultimately works against effective collaboration?
work_ftbmk33innhhdebs3n535qcp6a[ 15] Janes, Robert R.( 2009) Museums in a Troubled World: Renewal, Irrelevance or Collapse?
work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolskiSample Undergraduate Final Projects in Computing for Poets All of Caesar is Divided into Five Parts, but Who Wrote What?
work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolskiShould we ask this computational question on The Hobbit?
work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolskiSuccess in Introductory Programming: What Works?
work_hucex7asuzhu5esayctslwqdm4- By what means shall we determine what we teach?
work_hucex7asuzhu5esayctslwqdm4- In what ways shall we teach it?
work_hucex7asuzhu5esayctslwqdm4- Toward what purpose?
work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsiBackground on DH TOOLS: Zotero, DIRT Directory Kirschenbaum, M.( 2010) What is Digital Humanities and What ’s it Doing in English Departments?
work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsiCan History Be Open Source?
work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsiDoes Information Really want to be free?
work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsiOnly Typing?
work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsiWhat Do Girls Dig?
work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsiWriting History Dorn, S. Is Digital History More than an Argument about the Past?
work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsi“ This Is Why We Fight? ”: Defining the Values of the Digital Humanities.
work_m5tumtiecnd2xfgkvjflp4k63qDiversity in organizations: Where are we now and where are we going?
work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmeceIs the DH mix simply too broad to have meaning?
work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmeceLe numéro inclut l’article « What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmece“ What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_ju52ryvefnhpngf2a3vvzbrpfuDOI:10.1017/ mdh.2017.53 Corpus ID: 9057841Will It Come Here?
work_ju52ryvefnhpngf2a3vvzbrpfuPDF] Will It Come Here?
work_kumed6nnxjhzrfehcnuwcu5icm▪ Hilde De Weerdt, Brent Ho, Allon Wagner, Qiao Jiyan and Chu Mingkin 347 What is Local Knowledge?
work_mawyuiswszef7e6udtelso53l4Schließlich rundet ein Community- Beitrag zu Cloud- Technologien in der Hochschullehre – Pflicht oder Kür?
work_a734rm3mxbf4pn5ghgxadmhjjaIs it the right thing to do to eliminate written- out numbers from a Russian text, or any references to ‘ articles ’ in a Czech text?
work_a734rm3mxbf4pn5ghgxadmhjjaWhat is Unicode?
work_a734rm3mxbf4pn5ghgxadmhjjaWhy is Unicode important?
work_a734rm3mxbf4pn5ghgxadmhjjaWhy is Unicode important?
work_a734rm3mxbf4pn5ghgxadmhjja• cats?!
work_g2vkzz5wvzfmreplmjszn7vqo4( Can We Do It Again?
work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzyHow far can we automate input processes to reduce monitoring costs but ensure reliability?
work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzyHow much further can we simplify and clarify the contribution process?
work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzy Can this system be picked up by others and readily used or has it become too intertwined with our own data?
work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzy How closely do we monitor the reliability of contributor- supplied information?
work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzy How do we get people to contribute?
work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzy What do we do when the money runs out?
work_mlnmubhsxbe3haantprvffezpiSo, why should we strive to foster meaningful collaborations?
work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmmDoes this look like German to you?
work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmmGeneral characteristics of the web and their implications for LRLs Why is finding LRL content on the web hard at all?
work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmmOr better, what makes it difficult?
work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmmTo give a written paraphrase, what language would you guess the following sequence to be Das Gehortung warrende Humpelkatz rimpelt in Ratzfatz?
work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoiAnd should it?
work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoiOr can it?
work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoidoi:10.1057/ ajcs.2015.13 Why ca n’t cultural sociology be a science?
work_2wrmmvxfdbggtgz4fx6f2c2sjmCan we combine the notions of a digital archive and a digital edition?
work_2wrmmvxfdbggtgz4fx6f2c2sjmCan we further develop the notion of the hybrid edition?
work_2wrmmvxfdbggtgz4fx6f2c2sjmHow can we reappraise textual collation in a digital paradigm?
work_2wrmmvxfdbggtgz4fx6f2c2sjmHow do we adjust or rethink editorial theory to cope with born- digital works of literature?
work_2wrmmvxfdbggtgz4fx6f2c2sjmHow do we conceive of the scholarly edition in 3D?
work_2wrmmvxfdbggtgz4fx6f2c2sjmHow does a digital scholarly edition differ from print editions?
work_2wrmmvxfdbggtgz4fx6f2c2sjmThis raises the question: how can our research be relevant to these other sub- disciplines in digital humanities?
work_jo75ux2s2fbezhakno22qcvgjaWas there ever a real danger to the British Empire in America or was the threat blown out of proportion by panicked whites?
work_jo75ux2s2fbezhakno22qcvgjaWhat in f act did the rebels hope to achieve?
work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsyA play may interest them, but how will an entry about it look on a c.v.? ”( Mueller 2014).
work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsyAnd how does that shape how we access and understand early modern drama?
work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsyCan Information Be Unfettered?
work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsyThe Digital Anthology Frequently Asked Questions page anticipates that users will want to know “ Where is Shakespeare?
work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsyThe questions less often asked are: when we focus on Shakespeare(s) in our digital projects, what is excluded by our Shakespeare- centrism?
work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cie10 G. J. Kalkman, Verbal Forms in Biblical Hebrew Poetry: Poetical Freedom or Linguistic System?
work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cieBut what kind of explanation?
work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cieHas there been a text transmission error?
work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cieHow are annotations created, how are they published, and how do they behave in the research data cycle?
work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cieIs there a hidden borrowing from another text?
work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cieIs there a syntactic construction that belongs to another dialect or language?
work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cieOr is there a truly special meaning lurking behind the text?
work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cieWas ist Computerphilologie?
work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2ciethere deliberate use of language to achieve a literary effect?
work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsquResearch/ Scolarship( what are researchers doing?
work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqufunding programmes, strategic research, service provision) might serve to ‘ optimize ’ outcomes?
work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsquwant to do?)
work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu● obstacles, constraints, risks and threats – what might prevent this from happening?
work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu● potentialities and opportunities – what may happen?
work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu● requirements – what do we want to happen?
work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze8, page   39 of 50 what about the damages that the misfortune has created in their subconscious souls?
work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbzeWhat Revolution?
work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze“ Building Theories or Theories of Building?
work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze“ Digital Palaeography: What is Digital about it? ” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 32(suppl.
work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze“ Nigerian Children Specimens as Resonance of Print Media Advertising: What for? ” Communicatio 11(2): 79–111.
work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze“ Revolution?
work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze“ What Is Humanities Computing and What Is Not? ” Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences.
work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze“ What is Digital Humanities and What ’s It Doing in English Departments? ” ADE Bulletin 150: 55–61.
work_joxqrmexinaa5bjkwkuc5fyiam3 Alan Liu, ‘ Is Digital Humanities a Field?
work_joxqrmexinaa5bjkwkuc5fyiamFor instance, need to know what “ hack vs yack ” means?
work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4But are radical works in this space still “ writing ”?
work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4Could we not take the above traits, for instance, and situate them amid any number of past literary moments?
work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4If so, what kinds of writing and from what types of spaces?
work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4Is simply using a word processor enough of a mediation to call writing “ digital ”?
work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4Romanticism, Modernism, or Postmodernism?
work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4Surely some of the emergent work in the field of critical university studies would at least have merited a mention here?
work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4What does it mean to “ write ” in the digital age?
work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4Yet, how do we conceive of digital writing as different from other forms of production?
work_l4vkatqh3jexlltf3pcdldzpnu- By what means shall we determine what we teach?
work_l4vkatqh3jexlltf3pcdldzpnu- In what ways shall we teach it?
work_l4vkatqh3jexlltf3pcdldzpnu- Toward what purpose?
work_qcabkc2qcfhmhfduo6uoc6xs2iWriting Under poses a question central to new media scholarship: How might we attempt to represent the internet in its entirety?
work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcji2 Domenico Fiormonte, Towards monocultural( digital) Humanities?
work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcjiBomo zmogli?
work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcjiMoji so: Re: 29.82 National identity and digital humanities?
work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcji— Kam slovenistika?
work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mjiConrad, concordance, collocation: heart of darkness or light at the end of the tunnel?''
work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mjiHow can we extract dominant semantic domains from a literary text by using corpus techniques?
work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mjiWhich features of the selected computer software help in this context?
work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5eNever Mine the Mind?
work_kicxn2icvzh6fowok6ocyfv3b4The key question is how have rituals enabled temple communities to survive and adapt?
work_kicxn2icvzh6fowok6ocyfv3b4The key question was how did changing rituals transform local society?
work_kicxn2icvzh6fowok6ocyfv3b4Whose Orders?
work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmiDid patterns differ depending on rank, and did the patterns change over time?
work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmiIn particular, how is one to understand the Christianity as given in the New Testament without recourse to received dogma?
work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmiSo far this looks like a mathematical trick, but what does a “ topic ” then mean, given the math that defines it?
work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmiThe Retreat of Meaning How do the digital humanities provide an epistemological model for thinking about the human?
work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmiWere officials from Fujian more likely to develop local kinship networks than were officials from Zhejiang?
work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2a1790 14 John Richardson[] £ 2 412 Wealth?
work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2a1844, Blackley: S Bamford, p 11 8 See p968 of Marfany, J., Is it still helpful to talk about proto- industrialization?
work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2aOrigin Term Occupier Property NAV0 Chain Comment Unknown Bundles Year( years) Origin?
work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2aaudit: can the chains be completed?
work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2aaudit: can the chains be placed- and with what degree of precision?
work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2aj 15 1790 99 Joseph Dewsnap[] £ 2 391 lost.. 4 1791 1 Samuel Richardso n cottage £ 1 534 Wealth?
work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2aj 18 1795 99 James Shaw Silent Mill £ 2 4843 lost.. 11 1813 99 Joseph Band[] £ 2 2398 Wealth?
work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2ap117 13 See for example van Bavel, B.J.P., ‘ Early Proto- Industrialization in the Low Countries?
work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7yAre new methods really worth the investment of time and energy?
work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7yHow can one tell which methods are most appropriate for which sources?
work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7yWhat are the pros and cons of various tools and software?
work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7yWhat kinds of projects can benefit from digital methods?
work_ogrwph2apfg3riq533eqpmdwl410, n ° 4) What arrangements for DH?
work_ogrwph2apfg3riq533eqpmdwl48, n ° 4) The “ delivered ” humanities book culture, re- invented reading Socio( n ° 4, 2015) The digital turn... and after?
work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiuDigital humanities: Roles for libraries?
work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiuDoes the library have a role to play in digital human- ities?
work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiuWhat is digital humanities and what ’s it doing in English departments?
work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiuWhat is digital humanities and what ’s it doing in the li- brary?
work_m6jtxowewfggld3npw6jm6o2kiShould University Presses adopt an Open Access[ electronic publishing] business model for all of their scholarly books?
work_m6jtxowewfggld3npw6jm6o2kiSo the question is, what forms of closer integra- tion between printed monographs and digital resources could there be?
work_r3py5ojsirb6pjnvglevsz22p4How much of the observed linguistic variation can be accounted for by the underlying geography?
work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolmDigital Humanities: What Can Libraries Offer?
work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolmDo DH Librarians Need to be in the Library?
work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolmHow are these connections best facilitated and fostered?
work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolmHow do libraries find their DH research communities?
work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolmHow do we let ‘ them ’ find ‘ us ’?
work_hslmqi4fi5dmlgmhf6b7537ugqWhat kind of intervention is appropriate?
work_hslmqi4fi5dmlgmhf6b7537ugqWho has the responsibility and capacity to intervene in this situation?
work_hslmqi4fi5dmlgmhf6b7537ugq“ In Service?
work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4How can we represent the technique of literary stream- of- consciousness and the thematics of disorientation and fragmentation that might provoke it?
work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4How, for instance, can we use a database to represent the relationship between image and text in the graphic novel?
work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4In terms of ontology, how would we visualize temporality versus duration, or how could we visualize reference and memory?
work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4What happens when we move away from the relational database or if we at least incorporate other forms of database?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imueArnold, T.; Tilton, L. New Data?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imueBod, R. Who ’s Afraid of Patterns?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imueBut if agreement is not the objective of humanities discourses, why should inclusion in a discourse be based on agreement?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imueCollini, S. What are Universities for?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imueKuhn, A.; Hagenhoff, S. Nicht geeignet oder nur unzureichend gestaltet?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imueLaporte, S. Preprint for the Humanities — Fiction or a real possibility?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imueOpen Humanities?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imuePowell, K. Does it take too long to publish research?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imueRoss- Hellauer, T. What is Open Peer Review?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imueSperlinger, T.; McLellan, J.; Pettigrew, R. Who are Universities for?
work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imueWhat, then, are hot topics in( open) humanities publishing?
work_rdemphivhzfxjk2g3v3pzokjei“ What is Sound? ”; Edgar Varèse and Chou Wen- Chung.
work_ntu3w4a2rjhldcswld5cwjtjkiHow can we ensure that we can be forgotten in the world of big data at least if we want to?
work_ntu3w4a2rjhldcswld5cwjtjkiHow can we measure what big data algorithms do to us and how they represent us?
work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm10 Deb Verhoeven and Colin Arrowsmith, “ Mapping the Ill- disciplined?
work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm14 Deb Verhoeven, “ What is a Cinema?
work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm5 Richard Altman, “ Whither Film Studies( in a Post- film Studies World)? ” Cinema Journal 49, no.
work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjmWhat are the distinctive features of the early development of cinema and cinema- going in Scotland?
work_dyvz74kqyjb6hnzcol4jrnqr6yNot just... diversity( of problem) ● How does digital scholarship differ when it is done by the colonised and the coloniser?
work_dyvz74kqyjb6hnzcol4jrnqr6y● How do you do digital humanities differently in high- vs. low- bandwidth environments?
work_dyvz74kqyjb6hnzcol4jrnqr6y● How do( groups of) people differ in their relationship to technology?
work_dyvz74kqyjb6hnzcol4jrnqr6y● How is what we discuss and research influenced by factors such as class, gender, race, age, social capital?
work_kh4ev75fezgrjkmt6rwf4623um10 R. Rosenzweig, ‘ Scarcity or Abundance?
work_kh4ev75fezgrjkmt6rwf4623um11 S. Noiret, ‘ Y a t- il une Histoire Numérique 2.0? ’, in Genet and Zorzi, eds., Les historiens et l’informatique, 235–288.
work_kh4ev75fezgrjkmt6rwf4623um17 F. Heimburger and É. Ruiz, ‘ Has the Historian ’s Craft Gone Digital?
work_kh4ev75fezgrjkmt6rwf4623umIn that which concerns historical knowledge, we must ask which part is being affected by the digital movement and which part seems unchanging?
work_kh4ev75fezgrjkmt6rwf4623umTo what extent are these alterations contributing to new forms of scientific production and access to historical knowledge?
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hmAre there risks for doctoral students or the untenured in undertaking digital projects?
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hmCan short- term digital assignments in discipline- specific courses go beyond “ teaching with technology ”?
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hmDo they learn methods and skills in the process?
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hmIs that an end or a means of graduate education?
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hmWhat should the students walk away knowing?
work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hmWhy not refer everyone to online tutorials?
work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54caWhy another performance database?
work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54cahow to connect data of IbsenStage with Theadok?
work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54ca What to do next?
work_eurrngme4rastj3rgbundxma5uBut what constitutes an informative and meaningful visualisation of textual variation?
work_eurrngme4rastj3rgbundxma5uCode, scholarship, and criticism: When is code scholarship and when is it not?
work_eurrngme4rastj3rgbundxma5uIt is a veritable challenge to visualise the entire collation hypergraph in any meaningful way, but the question is, really, do we want to?
work_eurrngme4rastj3rgbundxma5uThe question is, how( and where) to include the additional information in the visualisations?
work_eurrngme4rastj3rgbundxma5uThis begs the question: is it even possible or desirable to decide on one visualisation?
work_eurrngme4rastj3rgbundxma5uWhere is the editor?
work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4iColloquium: Digital Technologies, Help or Hindrance for the Humanities?
work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4iConsumers, creators or commentators?
work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4iThe Victorian Web 1987–2016 Why is it Unique?
work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4iWhat is Digital Curation?
work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4And what potential do new technological Computer Vision, offer?
work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4Are there common basic requirements?
work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4Existing data archives: in how far can ex- isting data archives meet the needs?
work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4In the end, though, we have to return to the question posed in the beginning: what are of education from the perspective of its researchers?
work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4Is there a need for another solution?
work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4Potential: Can existing data archives meet the demands of the visual history of educa- tion?
work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4What do they offer and how are they used?
work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4What is their strength and weakness in regard to the analytical possibilities they offer?
work_pff32ikkunfjtphff2clwa5sz4Manovich L( 2012) How to compare one million images?
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dmHow could ProQuest charge so much for the use of it?
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dmHow might Americans have understood what it did, or did not do?
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dmOf course they can grow by introducing new products, but do they not want to find revenue growth in legacy products as well?
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dmOnce they have sold their products to the limited number of institutions able to afford them, where do they find growth?
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dmWhat did they have to say about its scope of activity?
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dmWhat happens when they all have acquired or constructed a satisfactory digital preservation application?
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dmWhat language did they use to argue for more, or less, government involvement in the American economy and society?
work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dmWhere does the company find growth then?
work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubmAnd there''s a big tension between, well how do volunteers deal with this[ process], do we trust volunteers?
work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubmBoth legal and technical issues will come in to play with this, as questions of licensing( who owns the volunteer created data?
work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubmCrowdsourcing: How and Why Should Libraries Do It?, D- Lib Magazine, 16( 2010),
work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubmCrowdsourcing: How and Why Should Libraries Do It?, D- Lib Magazine, 16( 2010),
work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubmIf most crowdsourcing projects ask amateurs to do little more than wash test tubes, where are the projects that solicit scholarly interpretation?
work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubmWhat is Web 2.0?
work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubmWhat is the relationship of these projects to those working in Digital Humanities?
work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubmWhat types of web- related activities are now described as “ crowdsourcing ”?
work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubmWho does the copyright belong to?)
work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubmWould n''t it be better just to give us more money to hire more professionals?
work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ieAn example is the Tweet that can be read below: 138 América Crítica 4(2): 131–141 nemowo what s this?
work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ieMa- jid KhoshraviNik and Eleonora Esposito( 2018), in par- ticular, highlight three specific features to which online 8 Nemowo what s this?
work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ieon the fringes of humanities ”( Jensen 2014: 57), six years later is this still the case?
work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ie“ What is Corpus Linguistics?
work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ie“ What is Corpus Linguistics? ” Language and Linguistics Compass 3: 1- 17.
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gyAnd what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gyAnd what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gyAnd what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gyAnd what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gyAnd what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gyAnd what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gyAnd what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gyAnd what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gyAnd what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gyAnd what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gy� And what about dirty OCR?
work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gy� And what about dirty OCR?
work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexqComment ne pas devenir fou?
work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexqDigital Humanities or Hypercolonial Studies?
work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexqGli interventi di Julianne Nyhan( Where does the history of the Digital Humanities fit in the longer history of the Humanities?
work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexqLost in Translation?
work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexqWhat Is Digital Humanities and What ’s It Doing in English Departments?
work_sk7gnw3pqnavpepvdpzuf3wytin.d. “ What Are the Digital Humanities? ” Accessed September 18, 2019.
work_rpx2ykzfkbcglbaofawoh5irua• most practical way of contributions?
work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi“ How Does Technology influence Student Learning? ” Learning and Leading 29(8): 46–49.
work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi“ Insegnanti in formazione e integrazione delle tecnologie in classe: Futuri docenti ancora poco social? ” Qwerty 10( 2): 30- 45.
work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi“ No Place to Hide?
work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi“ Towards Data Justice?
work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi“ Where Are Human Subjects in Big Data Research?
work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi“ ‘ What ’s on Your Mind? ’: Writing on Facebook as a Tool for Self Formation. ” New Media& Society 16( 5): 823–39.
work_r2xqygg7wvamtpr6da22cpnmsmAnd what if a certain translation has been created using one or more intermediate translations with no access to the original document?
work_r2xqygg7wvamtpr6da22cpnmsmHow do I record that this document is a translation of that specific revision of another document?
work_slf56v6zgnezzi3cayi4weg36y?- 0123456789()[]{}.
work_spoj7ejsojgznin7fgij5obsciBut is the difference just due to the difference in height or does it reflect a gender difference?
work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwuCi sono differenze tra l’ateneo torinese e quello milanese o napoletano?
work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwuE tra i diversi paesi europei?
work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwuPer quali ragioni ideologiche e socio- culturali?
work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwuPerché in un certo paese vi è più “ domanda ” di traduzioni di un certo autore o di una certa opera rispetto a un altro paese?
work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu- By what means shall we determine what we teach?
work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu- In what ways shall we teach it?
work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu- Toward what purpose?
work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4Are these kind of results of more importance than other output?
work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4Are they digitally literate enough for this task?
work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4But what about history that is created in analogue forms, like handwriting, manuscripts, print and analogue audiovisual material?
work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4Compare: Alan Liu, “ Where is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?, ” in Debates in the Digital Humanities, ed.
work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4Fogel, “ ‘ Scientific History ’ and ‘ Traditional History, ’ ” in Which Road to the Past?
work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4Marcel Broersma, “ Nooit meer bladeren?
work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4Martijn Kleppe, “ Wat is het onderwerp op een foto?
work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4Who will pay for the digitisation of all newspapers?
work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea( 2013) ‘ What is humanities computing and what is not? ’, in Defining Digital Humanities: A Reader, eds.
work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iieaGrand, A., et al.,( 2012) ‘ Open science: A new ‘ ‘ Trust technology ’ ’? ’, Science Communication, vol.
work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iieadoi: Goodfellow, R.( 2014) ‘ Scholarly, digital, open: an impossible triangle?
work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iieadoi:10.3402/ rlt.v24.32036 RESEARCH ARTICLE Different views on Digital Scholarship: separate worlds or cohesive research field?
work_sbhx7f63fvddtkojjbeebxlyom¿ De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Humanidades Digitales?
work_sbhx7f63fvddtkojjbeebxlyom¿ De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Humanidades Digitales?
work_rp4ngzluyjaxtpazacjngvlura“ Where Is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Hu- manities? ” Debates in the Digital Humanities.
work_rp4ngzluyjaxtpazacjngvlura“ he Aesthetics of Environmental Vi- sualizations: More than Information Ecstasy? ” Public Culture 26.2( 2014): 319–37.
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4): 34 miracles l. Weiner Codex 463 – EMIP 3238( 19​th​ cent.?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4Eventually, PEMM would like to answer the following question: 12 ● How did individual Ethiopian Marian miracle tales change over time and region?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4Have these African stories grown and changed across regions, languages, and periods?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4How many are there?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4Or, perhaps, if the keywords are good enough, no precis is needed?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4Or, perhaps, if the keywords are good enough, no precis is needed?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4What themes do they have?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4When was each written?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4a. Weiner Codex 233 – EMIP 2175( 17 ​th​ cent.?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4● How many Ethiopian Marian miracle tales are there?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4● What are the themes of the Ethiopian Marian miracle tales?
work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4● What is the origin of each​ ​Ethiopian Marian miracle tale?
work_7hx5xm4t6fh5vdizdql4poiudyNYPL Labs What s on the menu?
work_7hx5xm4t6fh5vdizdql4poiudyWhat is Open Science?
work_7hx5xm4t6fh5vdizdql4poiudyWho is open data for and why could it be hard to use it in the digital humanities?
work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4But what is learned writing?
work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4Do disciplines end, or do they just adapt, ab- sorb, and mutate?
work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4How to balance disciplinary depth with interdisciplinary reach, rigor with imagina- tion?
work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4How to balance expertise with ingenuity?
work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4Is it restricted to the creation of schol- arly books, monographs, and journal essays disseminated as industrialized print artifacts?
work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4What are their ends, in the sense of boundaries but also in the sense of their ability to undergo knowledge transfers?
work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4What, if anything, comes ater or lies beyond disciplinarity: new disciplines?
work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4Where does such writing start, and where does it end?
work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4always- shiting interdis- ciplinary grounds?
work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4new disci- plinary containers?
work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy26 For the quality- control process, see Causer, Tonra and Wallace, ‘ Transcription Maximized? ’, 128–30.
work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy3 R. Holley, ‘ Crowdsourcing: How and Why Should Libraries Do It? ’, D- Lib Magazine, vol.
work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy33 See, for example, Holley, ‘ Crowdsourcing: How and Why Should Libraries Do it? ’, section 4.
work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy8 T. Causer, J. Tonra and V. Wallace, ‘ Transcription maximized; expense minimized?
work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxynor, Can they talk?
work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4y92–93, 2010 © 2010 isasT WHAT ’S UP PROF?
work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4yCan we break free of this production line method and provide ef- fective feedback loops between the dif- ferent links in the production chain?
work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4yCan we develop mechanisms that robustly store digital footage for decades or centuries?
work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4yCould we make a cloth simulator which is physically plausible but which gives the artist control over specific behaviours?
work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4yDodgson, N., Patterson, J., and Willis, P.( 2010) What''s up prof?
work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4yFor example, can we build a water simu- lator where the artist can control where the water goes?
work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4yHow can we make better use of existing assets?
work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4yHow do we archive something like this?
work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4yHow do we make things that look plausible when they are physically impossible?
work_iljyqb6kevfnrdl6nqmngihoayHow to Talk About the Body?
work_iljyqb6kevfnrdl6nqmngihoayJe li relevantan za mene?
work_iljyqb6kevfnrdl6nqmngihoayKako mogu napraviti deskripciju te inskripcije?
work_iljyqb6kevfnrdl6nqmngihoayKako se može pratiti?
work_iljyqb6kevfnrdl6nqmngihoayLearning, Teaching, and Scholarship in a Digital Age: Web 2.0 and Classroom Research: What Path Should We Take Now?.
work_iljyqb6kevfnrdl6nqmngihoayMogu li ga prevesti na moj jezik?
work_iljyqb6kevfnrdl6nqmngihoayOdakle trag dolazi?
work_iljyqb6kevfnrdl6nqmngihoaySmart People or Smart Contexts?
work_qrr5tu5w4jcuzcfxoyd3nb6ycaAll these reasons for preferring individual handling of requests point to:  a willingness to share data( only?)
work_qrr5tu5w4jcuzcfxoyd3nb6ycaCertain people or groups Choose any combination of P2A, P2B, and P2C: P2A Research community members What level of access( choose one only)?
work_qrr5tu5w4jcuzcfxoyd3nb6ycaHow do you want to be contacted?
work_qrr5tu5w4jcuzcfxoyd3nb6ycaLanguage community members See below regarding identifying members What level of access( choose one only)?
work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4“ Écriture Féminine: Searching for an Indefinable Practice? ” Literary and Linguistic Computing 20(Suppl Issue): 147–64.
work_uc3y3xkdbzeinlmww2l63yqx5uYes, but how?
work_uglloq4xjbfhvcvy47osjaixvi¿ Que és un dispositivo?
work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagqThe questions which the project addressed were questions both of theatre history – where were the sites of performance?
work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagqWhat types of performance took place there( drama, pantomime, variety, lectures, readings, concerts, grand parades)?
work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagqWho watched these performances?
work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagqWho were the performers?
work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagqand who performed?
work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagqthe database The database for the project had to be designed to hold information on essentially three key aspects of performances: what was performed?
work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagqwhere was it performed?
work_uolzcec3xff3ra45tohoqbp2yuDo hours of work, rest, and recovery play a role in accidents and injury?
work_uxxl47cvw5h5ffwgo4ee5vxic4[ 12] Okunribido, O.O., Wynn, T., Lewis, D.: Are older workers at greater risk of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace than young workers?
work_uboh7ioqubeklgwkvenjn7gphiGraph- Based Visual Analytics Tools for Digital Humanities Research?
work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4Answers to the question ‘ What is/ are( the) Digital Humanities? ’ are many, varied and disputed.
work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4Do readers report liking or disliking their encounter with the work?
work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4Does the library have a role to play in the Digital Humanities?
work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4How well do they score on tests?
work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4Reinventing research?
work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4Usability or criticism?
work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4[ For example] How quickly can readers find facts in the hypertext?
work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreu52 From the sidelines to the archived web: What are the most annoying football phrases in the UK?
work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreu73 Session 15: WARC and OAIS What ’s missing from WARC?
work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreuBut what do the columns mean?
work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreuJak velký je Webarchiv?
work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreuWhat do you think are the most annoying phrases to describe women ’s football?
work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreuWhat does the Web remember of its deleted past?
work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreuWhat is Web Archiving?
work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreuWhy should we care?
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3iBut will they be for much longer?
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3iIn order to facilitate that change, what should we give up?
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3iThis Used to be my Playground?
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3iWhat should libraries be in the twenty- first century?
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3iWhat should twenty- first century librarians do?
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3iWhich Way Do We Go?
work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i“ The End of Library Scut Work?
work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4qBut what is the nature of this responsibility when it comes to digital technologies, drones, surveillance, and networks?
work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4qDoes where we are determine how we view art and culture?
work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4qEven if we grant that it is theoretically or experientially possible, the question is, to what extent?
work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4qIn other words, what are the politics of location in cultural production and reception? ga=2.177205733.1390175729.1561346061- 577688779.1561346061.
work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4q“ The ‘ Surgical ’ Legitimacy of Drone Strikes?
work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4q“ Where is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities? ” In Debates in the Digital Humanities, edited by Matthew K. Gold.
work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4q“ Whither the Digital Humanities? ” Hybrid Pedagogy.
work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4q“ Why are the Digital Humanities So White?
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhiBut what would it mean to slip the bounds of the neoliberal academy, even for a moment, and imagine this work as the center of scholarly activity?
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhiBut why not?
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhiFrom the video ’s description: What if you could become anything?
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhiGold, Matthew K. “ Whose Revolution?
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhiIf they centered around questions of labor, race, gender, and justice at personal, local, and global scales?
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhiIn “ Whose Revolution?
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhiWhat happens after species change surgery becomes a reality?
work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhiWhat was the idea?
work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qe3 Selection of content for web archives 3.1 How is web archiving framed by the law?
work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qe3.2 How is web archived content selected?
work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qe4 Consultation, access and ease of use of web archives 4.1 How to consult and access web archived content?
work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qe4.2 What makes a web archive easy to use?
work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qeConsultation, access and ease of use of web archives How to consult and access web archived content?
work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qeHow can we improve our web collection?
work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qeHow is web archived content selected?
work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qeWhat is the Portuguese Web Archive?
work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qeWhat makes a web archive easy to use?
work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qeWhy archive the web?
work_w7pqlmbmyvhlxmkklvkuousvhuKoodaamisen ja kirjoittamisen vuoropuhelu?
work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7mHa un senso parlare di un Web Semantico Letterario?
work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7mMa in questo panorama, se lo osserviamo senza l’ausilio del cannocchiale, quali sono le vette che si stagliano con maggiore rilievo?
work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7mProviding evidence seems justification enough, but evidence becomes increasingly 5 J. Unsworth,"Tool- Time, or''Have n''t We Been Here Already?
work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7mQuali sono i motivi di questo tutto sommato insoddisfacente panorama?
work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7mQuali sono i risultati più importanti che la ormai pluridecennale attività di ricerca nel dominio delle Digital Humanities ha prodotto?
work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7mWhat might?
work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7mWhat might?".
work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7mÈ possibile individuare dove l’informatica umanistica in generale e quella letteraria in particolare hanno fallito nel cogliere il punto?
work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7m— — —,"Literary enquiry and experimental method: What has happened?
work_rsdxcdqkxfeh5ntzfvi2o52d74PROSOPOGRAPHY Shaped by the Sea, Manchester, 27- 28 June 2019Helen Mair Rawsthorne@hmrawsthorne What is prosopography?
work_rsdxcdqkxfeh5ntzfvi2o52d74Shaped by the Sea, Manchester, 27- 28 June 2019Helen Mair Rawsthorne@hmrawsthorne What are tide prediction machines?
work_twttk6mrojc3heixwgwr32fdmuCan we, as information professionals, counter this bias?
work_twttk6mrojc3heixwgwr32fdmuIf we acknowledge there are algorithms of oppression, could there also be algorithms of resistance?
work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ryAlcuni progetti di digitalizzazione “ La sfida per musei e biblioteche?
work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ryArt after New Media, dove c’è un approfondimento dal titolo Displaying Data — Virtual Galleries or Digital Collections?.
work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ryQuale futuro per l’integrazione? ”, Labour& Law Issues, vol.
work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ryQuale futuro per l’integrazione? ”.
work_vfo53ls3ebbqjegkts2752dvjq8 Ian Newbould, Sir Robert Peel and the Conservative Party, 1832- 1841: A Study in Failure?
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvqAre there aspects of them that all sides of a collaboratory can share?
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvqAre there other aspects that are simply too commercially oriented to take root in the open source ethos espoused by digital humanities?
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvqCould such guidelines be scaled from the informal collaboration to the more formalized research collaboratory?
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvqHow can humanists understand what colleagues in computing think is a valuable result in a research project?
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvqHow do we balance experimentation and rigor in software prototyping that can bring us closer to “ next generation tools ”( Siemens, 2016, n.p.)?
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvqHumanities and Computer Science Collaborations: Towards a Product or Prototype?
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvqIf we are to generalize from the experience, what might be some ways of constructing the frame of collaboration in mutually beneficial ways?
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvqIn our case, what kinds of thinking across the disciplines led to our prototype?
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvqWe might formulate this insight as a question: for whom does a prototype have an afterlife?
work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq“ So What ’s an Economic Metaphor? ” In Natural Images in Economic Thought: Markets Read in Tooth and Claw, edited by Philip Mirowski, 20–51.
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy1–17, DOI: RESEARCH What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredyThat is: is DH made up entirely of tourists?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredyWeingart and Eichmann- Kalwara: What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredyWeingart and Eichmann- Kalwara: What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredyWeingart and Eichmann- Kalwara: What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredyWeingart and Eichmann- Kalwara: What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredyWhat ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy Weingart and Eichmann- Kalwara: What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy Weingart and Eichmann- Kalwara: What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy Weingart and Eichmann- Kalwara: What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy“ Core or Periphery?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy“ What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy“ What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy“ What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy“ What ’s Under the Big Tent?
work_wth6lpqkrrha5hlyd7yzd7rtsaHow Does the Leap Motion Controller Work?
work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi), and race( can we know anything about Egeria ’s racial identity?
work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi), class( would an ordinary person be able to afford such an expensive pilgrimage?
work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yiDoes the body of a god need such nourishment? ” — Celsus.
work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yiHow did early forms of martyrdom and asceticism challenge emerging modes of church authority?
work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yiOr those she met?)
work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yiWhat is at stake in the debates about Christian meal and/or food practice?
work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yiWhat is at stake in these theologies?
work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi“ Narratives or Sources?
work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmheWhy not use...?
work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmheWhy not use...?
work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmheWhy not use...?
work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmheWhy not use...?
work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmheWhy not use...?
work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe● Not particularly reliable Why not use...?
work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe● Not particularly reliable ● External dependency= technical debt Why not use...?
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq2     Part 1 The Digital Humanities A Case of Cruel Optimism?
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdqAnd would students such as my younger self, educated in Canada in the 1980s, have found moocs so attractive?
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdqBut why and how have we gotten here?
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdqModern   Languages   Association   Program   Archive   29   Dec.   2009.
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdqThe question is, though, what have we been able to do to change this?
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdqbetween what ’s empirically observable and what ’s true?
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq“ Whatever   Happened   to   Project   Bamboo? ”   Conference   paper.
work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq“ Where   Is   Cultural   Criticism   in   the   Digital   Humanities? ”   Alan   Liu.
work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolqIts locus is twofold: who are we?
work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolqand who are they?
work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolq“ Can Digital Humanities Mean Transformative Cri- tique? ” Journal of e- Media Studies 3.1( 2013).
work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolq“ What Is Digital Humanities and What ’s It Doing in English Departments? ” a de Bulletin 150( 2010): 55–61.
work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolq“ Where Is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities? ” Gold 490–509.
work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolq“ Why Are the Digital Humanities So White?
work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq16 Joris van Zundert, ‘ If You Built It, Will We Come?
work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq17 Van Zundert, ‘ If You Built It, Will We Come?, ’ 167.
work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqqHow can the basic affordances of annotation tools accommodate for disagreement or complementary views?
work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqqHow did the tool influence our research methodology, and did it stimulate us to change our research question or strategies?
work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqqMoreover, is it necessary to agree?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mIf the correct action is performed, will the user see that progress is being made?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mIs it clear that this is what the specific control is for?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mWhat do the physical and geographical properties of each control convey to the user?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mWhat if there were no indications for what gear the car ’s gearbox was in?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mWhen and where should the task be performed?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mWill the user associate the correct action with the desired effect?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mWill the user notice that the correct action is available?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mWill the user try to achieve the right effect?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mo Action- effect discrepancies – is it obvious beforehand that a certain action will have a certain effect?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mo Are demands on consistency and standards of the domain met?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mo Does the system match the real world and the plausible mental model of the user?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mo Is the system status visible?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3mo Will the user identify the action space where the correct action should be performed?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m• Compatibility o Does the system match other, similar systems in terms of semantics, semiotics etc.?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m• Feedback o Will the user understand that a correct or faulty move has been made?
work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m• Function – When and where should the action be performed?
work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5y): what is the resource?
work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5yWhat Now?
work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5y“ 1: rto: Tb 15 – 22 – 25 – 26 – 1, vso:?
work_wk5gdkhmunbxtgjjfiwymt5fmuWhat would you do?
work_ryovfvs4cnadde5omsuozall44As creeks are cemented or hillsides built upon, do new environmental risks emerge?
work_ryovfvs4cnadde5omsuozall44By seeing this map, we have a way to focus our attention on these areas and ask why, for example, a subdivision was desirable?
work_ryovfvs4cnadde5omsuozall44Did the city have a political motivation behind capturing a desirable area?
work_ryovfvs4cnadde5omsuozall44What builders were involved in its construction?
work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54Did a particular author write the document?"
work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54Does that mean the subconscious use of function words in Nahjul- Balagha corpus is significantly affected by the text genre?
work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54First, does this collection of sermons, letters, and sayings share a single author?
work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54How about the Hapax Legomena/ Type Ratio( henceforth HTR)?
work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54Or is it the product of a multiple- author conspiracy?
work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54Second, does the sermon"Al- Shaqshaqiyyah"belong to this collection?
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m( 2012) Consumers, creators or commentators?
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m( 2015) Are We Doomed to a World of PDFs?
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m( 2017) Scholarly equivalents of the monograph?
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4mHow is the book changing as a ‘ system ’ for creating and disseminating knowledge?
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4mHow might a digital long- form publication which could truly rival the printed academic book emerge?
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4mHow well are we currently placed to commit to such challenges?
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4mPrice, K. M.( 2009) Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What ’s in a Name?
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4mThat gives some sense of how the digital humanities views publishing; in what ways does it actually perform publishing functions or roles?
work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m‘ Print first ’ or ‘ digital first ’?
work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubiLibrary Carpentry: What Is Library Carpentry?
work_xga75oisv5d2fnzsh6arqwo6wuNot sure if this title is the one for you?
work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54Also, neither algorithm detects a split between the Southwest of England and other southern dialects, as posited by?
work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54First, how much of this variability can be explained by geography?
work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54If so, do these dialect areas conform to those previously identified in the literature( see section 2)?
work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54Is it possible to identify dialect areas on morphosyn- tactic grounds( and on the empirical basis of frequency data)?
work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54Second, to what extent is morphosyntactic variation in non- standard British dialects patterned geographically?
work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54The dividing line runs south of Lancashire and South Yorkshire, and thus cuts right across what?
work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54This division is quite compatible with? ’s(?)
work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54This division is quite compatible with? ’s(?)
work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54This opposition would be in accor- dance with Inoue( 1996) as well as?.
work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54Two research questions guide the investigation: First, on methodological grounds, is corpus- based di- alectometry viable at all?
work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm“ Power   Through   the   Algorithm?
work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm“ Power   Through   the   Algorithm?
work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm“ Social   Media:   Pulse   of   the   Planet? ”   Blog.
work_x3cwidxhhvbzbo5z3qq7bjcb6yAnd what visual requirements may alter head motions during reaching tasks?
work_rp6edoblbzflvnbyuqhs3uwcoq( p. 17) Do the affordances of such cybernetically totalitarian systems encourage lying or dishonesty?
work_rp6edoblbzflvnbyuqhs3uwcoqAre the DH focused on tool development and service provision to support other disciplines?
work_tqrmsflourgttbhjwamhgiv25i88 PROSOPOGRAPHY AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES Oceanext, La Mer XXL, Nantes, 3- 5 July 2019Helen Mair Rawsthorne@hmrawsthorne What is prosopography?
work_tqrmsflourgttbhjwamhgiv25iOceanext, La Mer XXL, Nantes, 3- 5 July 2019Helen Mair Rawsthorne@hmrawsthorne What are tide prediction machines?
work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbmeBut, there are questions about radio art: • What has comprised radio art historically?
work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbmeto increase its effectiveness and opportunities for social engagement?
work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme• Could radio and transmission arts provide a venue for narrative?
work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme• How could these efforts help to recenter sound as the primary form of sensory input, even while it is part of a mix of multimedia?
work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme• How might these stories be told?
work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme• How was this work created, transmitted, and received?
work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme• What stories might be told using radio and transmission arts?
work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acmxlv Quantifying the aesthetic or the aesthetics of quantification?
work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acmxxxix N. Hayles, Writing Machines xl L. Manovich, What is visualization?
work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hyBut does digitization guarantee a higher profit?
work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hyHow about social welfare?
work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hyO’Reilly Media, Inc., Newton Zheng C( 2018) Can blockchain impact the future of art collection?
work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hyThen, can we conclude that digitiza- tion always improves the vendor ’s profitability?
work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hyThen, can we conclude that digitization always improves the vendor ’s profitability?
work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hyWhat is the intuition behind the Coase conjecture in the digitization context?
work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hyWhy does digitization improve social welfare?
work_xe7nfcf7krednl3rd2iu55jkqaIn re- sponse, how can digital humanities scholars find val- ue in work undertaken at a small scale?
work_xe7nfcf7krednl3rd2iu55jkqaLarge- Scale Humanities Com- puting Projects: Snakes Eating Tails, or Every End is a New Beginning?
work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2duIs this the case with big medical history data?
work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2duOne example is the term ‘ inflammation ’: as an entity, is it a Condition?
work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2duOr is it a characteristic of a body part and thus Anatomical?
work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2duWhat possibilities for historical scholarship would such tools open up; what challenges do they present?
work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2dua Sign or Symptom?
work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6ykaHow about Tools for the whole range of scholarly activities?
work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6ykaWhat is Modelling?
work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6ykaWhy do we make such external representations?
work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka Introduction What is Modelling?
work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsyljaDid they join a church?
work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsyljaDid they seek a similar community?
work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsyljaMigration Theory: Quo Vadis?
work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4a11 W. McCarty, ‘ What''s going on? ’, Literary and Linguistic Computing 23, 3( 2008), 253- 61.
work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4aFusing Structured Data with Markup for Charters?
work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4aSo, is this paper building a case that one is actually better off if one does not include the actual charter text at all in our representation?
work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4aSo, what then is the nature of each connection between the factoids and these world objects?
work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4aWhat happens when one conceives the material the charters present in a ‘ world ’ context rather than a ‘ textual ’ one?
work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4aWhat is a Knowledge Representation?
work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4aWhat is the nature of this difference?
work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4aWith so many entities having an existence in the medieval world, what ones are in fact specific to the actual charter textual?
work_vk3og5ptq5fphod6kgz6rnkfceAppraisal or documentation: Can we appraise archives by selecting content?
work_vk3og5ptq5fphod6kgz6rnkfceWhat does ‘ forensically sound ’ really mean?
work_vk3og5ptq5fphod6kgz6rnkfceWhat is archival theory and why is it important?
work_vk3og5ptq5fphod6kgz6rnkfceWho Is SWGDE and what is the history?
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu1.4 Visualization as scholarly argument Where is visualization as a research tool in its own right?
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvuCan visualization not actually create new re- search questions?
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvuIs Digital Humanities Too Text- Heavy?
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvuThe idiocy of the digital literary( and what does it have to do with digital humanities)?
work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvuWhat are the Digital Humanities?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq157- 175 ISSN 2039- 2362( online); ISBN 978- 88- 6056- 670- 6 DOI: 10.13138/2039- 2362/2529 Umanesimo Digitale e Bene Comune?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq161UMANESIMO DIGITALE E BENE COMUNE?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq163UMANESIMO DIGITALE E BENE COMUNE?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq165UMANESIMO DIGITALE E BENE COMUNE?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq167UMANESIMO DIGITALE E BENE COMUNE?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq169UMANESIMO DIGITALE E BENE COMUNE?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq171UMANESIMO DIGITALE E BENE COMUNE?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyqChe cosa oggi le tecnologie ci permettono di realizzare?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyqCome le nuove esperienze di realtà aumentata e immersiva possono profondamente trasformare il rapporto tra uomo e patrimonio?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyqCome rimettere l’uomo al centro del suo patrimonio?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyqCome si attuano e come si legano tra loro le quattro leve, sopra descritte?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyqCome è pensabile usare le nuove tecniche, ormai sufficientemente affidabili e pervasive, per ricreare la simbiosi tra arte e tecnica?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyqCome è possibile oggi pensare ad un patrimonio dematerializzato dalla sua realtà fisica e disponibile dovunque e per chiunque?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyqCome è possibile rendere efficace e reale il nuovo umanesimo digitale?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyqI risultati dell’acquisizione High Resolution( HR) del dipinto e un suo ingrandimento 175UMANESIMO DIGITALE E BENE COMUNE?
work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyqLa filiera di acquisizione che conduce alla realizzazione dei facsimili digitali 3D 173UMANESIMO DIGITALE E BENE COMUNE?
work_ykadjighvrerxgisawafryswaeOn October 22, 2017, the image was tweeted, with the text: “ Committed to using# digitalhumanities to advance scholarship?
work_ysd6ifgec5annemdfm2rfbu3uqHumans: the missing link in manufacturing simulation?.
work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzyHow should the archived material be made accessible in the Web archive?
work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzyHow to handle updates taking place during the process of archiving?
work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzyWhat ’s the average lifespan of a Web page?
work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzyWhat, if any, are the basic and shared characteristics of all these different forms of digital processes?
work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzyWhich archiving software and strategy should be used?
work_scsuwb43sbgxdk7pbuddywep3m“ Are Digital Natives Spreadsheet Natives? ” ArXiv:1909.00865[ Cs], September.
work_scsuwb43sbgxdk7pbuddywep3m“ Are Young Generations in Secondary School Digitally Competent?
work_scsuwb43sbgxdk7pbuddywep3m“ Digital Natives and Ostrich Tactics?
work_scsuwb43sbgxdk7pbuddywep3m“ Digital Natives: Digitally Competent?"
work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oode- Culture- what culture does it represent?
work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oode- rich/ poor?
work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oodeMore semantics for this image- Fruits- apple- grapes- Rose flower?
work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oodeOr ideas for collaboration?
work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oodeThank you for listening Any Questions?
work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oodeetc- Objects- vase- bowl?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmAnd what about the users using an Italian( 36), Dutch( 24), Portuguese( 10) or other marginal languages( 40) interface?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmBy analysing the “ who ’s following who? ” network among these 2,500 people, we discover who are the most connected individuals.
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmInformation network or social network?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmIs it finally only a bias related to the social media analysed, where behaviours differ according to local “ cultures ”?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmIs the French- speaking digital humanities community important and structured enough to be less dependent on English refer- ences?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmOr are the practices so different that the need for skills transfer is less strong with this com- munity than with others?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmTherefore, are the language communities discernible in our data- set?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmTo follow or to be followed?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmTo follow or to be followed?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmTwitter, un nouveau “ baromètre de l’opinion publique ”?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmWant to be retweeted?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmWe can elaborate sev- eral hypotheses and questions: is English less used there than in other non- English speaking com- munities?
work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bmWho shall survive?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giCan this new information enhance what we know about an object and improve search and discoverability?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giCan this reveal anything about gender roles and/or behaviors?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giCan we augment our ability to detect emotion by analyzing changes in rhythm, timbre, tone, tempo?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giCan we automatically cluster acoustically similar audio/ material/ objects?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giCan we detect any environmental features in the audio stream?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giCan we detect the use of different recording devices as a means of clustering and classifying two temporally distinct data sets?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giCan we reveal anything about the relationship or dynamic between interviewer and interviewee?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giCan we use this to remove background noise that provides context to recordings?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giCould we use this to automatically detect a specific voice within a collection?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giFor example, can we create a feature which distinguishes interviewer from interviewee?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giFor example, can we detect overlaps or interruptions by the interviewer?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giFor which properties might this be most robust?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giHow might this affect the analysis of interviews?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giIs it therefore possible to identify song, poetry, speech, crying, laughter, etc.?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giThe MIR techniques that we use create quantitative 7 “ Beyond Text in the Digital Age?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giWhat descriptive metadata can we automatically extract from the digital audio file?
work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6giWhat technical metadata or technical information can we automatically extract from a digital audio file?
work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4iBut what if we flip Price ’s statement?
work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4iBut what, exactly, does the legacy of textual studies mean to the way in which we understand digital literary studies?
work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4i“ Editorial Theory and Literary Criticism: Lamb and Wolf? ” Review 19: 37–61.
work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4i“ Revolution or Remediation?
work_ygmpjkhitradbhrqvzfntyegayIs the library a partner or service?
work_ygmpjkhitradbhrqvzfntyegayRead: Wilson& Berg, Locke& Mapes( 8) PARTNERSHIP VS SERVICE How is this DH collaboration framed?
work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4aResearch questions: The study addresses the following questions: • What can we learn from a study of interfaces to digital humanities material?
work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a“ How Has Your Science Data Grown?
work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a• Do these changes affect the way the resource is used, and the way it conveys meaning?
work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a• How have interfaces to digital humanities materials changed over the course of their existence?
work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a• Should we preserve interfaces for future scholarship?
work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcua), CNRS éditions, Paris, 2017, 364 p.( 3)Kersting, K.& Meyer, U. Künstl Intell, From Big Data to Big Artificial Intelligence?
work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcuaIn what ways do these interactions between Artificial Intelligence and the humanities have the potential to produce new forms of knowledge?
work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcuaWhere would the development of the autonomous car be without usage analysis?
work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcuaWould Artificial Intelligence be able to avoid going entirely off track if faced with hypothesis- free digital data?
work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcua– 14 – Introduction have access to?
work_zomqelblfnhhfo5ely527dp6cm○ What about our times?
work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiamGalina asks, ‘ who are we? ’ in Digital Humanities and we both share a similar view: DH is a community( more on that below).
work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiamIn her keynote, ‘ Is There Anybody Out There?
work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam‘ An alternate beginning to humanities computing? ’
work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam‘ Is There Anybody Out There?
work_wqplletz2jaw7afr3nbq3eiyjqBut the students were not as satisfied and really wanted to know: “ What do we do now?
work_wqplletz2jaw7afr3nbq3eiyjq· Of these community hubs, what are their topics over time?
work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxuComputing or humanities?.
work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxuDoes the library have a role to play in digital humanities?
work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxuWhat does digital humanities bring to the table?
work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxuWhat is humanities computing?
work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22mHow best can we augment and sustain innovative scholarly practice in Irish Studies?
work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22mHow will they find it if they do?
work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22mIs the DRI the research infrastructure for Irish Studies, or will it be a cultural heritage exhibitor and curator?
work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22mWho knows who else needs our data?
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbucheAre collections sets?.
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbucheAre digital humanities projects sus- tainable?
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbucheHow can management systems serve to underpin experimental, interactive, and dynamic platforms?
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbucheHow well can this model capture the logic and meaning of dig- ital collections?
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbucheResearch Information Systems – fit for the future?
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbucheThe final question is, how are both context and content components interrelated?
work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbucheWhat are the original con- tributions and important contextual components, and how are they related?
work_ucnz4tbnvjhclahi5fqfcfpuguGraphic/ alphabetic layers in TEI?
work_ucnz4tbnvjhclahi5fqfcfpuguGraphic/ alphabetic layers in TEI?
work_ucnz4tbnvjhclahi5fqfcfpuguIs a grapheme the expression of an alphabeme?
work_ucnz4tbnvjhclahi5fqfcfpuguIs a phoneme the content of an alphabeme?
work_ucnz4tbnvjhclahi5fqfcfpuguWhy are there no digital scholarly editions of"classical"texts?
work_ucnz4tbnvjhclahi5fqfcfpuguon the basis of alphabetic writing), how else can we identify them?
work_ytz52hnlyzhjfjj4q6fcppsxla( 2) how does this digital humanities collaborative system produce or collect digital content responding to the calls of Public History?
work_ytz52hnlyzhjfjj4q6fcppsxlaand( 3) what are the usages and possible challenges or issues related to this digital humanities collaborative system?
work_y3latjeqz5adxdtpqzaema4akmNobody speaks Spanish in the Philippines, right?
work_y3latjeqz5adxdtpqzaema4akmNow, the question is: canonical for whom?
work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdiEvaluación de personajes con redes sociales en obras teatrales de la Edad de Plata?
work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdiExample of data dramatization Piotr Marecki Leszek Onak ANJA, ¿ dónde están los encabalgamientos?
work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdiGood Libraries?
work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdiGreat Libraries?
work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi• How does the current framing of ELD affect digital in- novation in the UK library sector?
work_vkxbjbmoyfa55i6h53jlvsibzm3.2 Why do they do it?
work_vkxbjbmoyfa55i6h53jlvsibzmThe Trolls 3.1 Who are they?
work_vkxbjbmoyfa55i6h53jlvsibzmWhy Have n’t Men in Tech Spoken out?"
work_vkxbjbmoyfa55i6h53jlvsibzmWhy would educated people working in research institutions act this way?
work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wqHow can we visually and ethically represent various forms of data and how does the data morph in the representation?
work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wqHow does the concept of mapping change when we begin from the Global South?
work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wqWhat kinds of questions, for instance, does the practice of mapping pose to our research and teaching?
work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wqWhen we attempt to share our work through social media, how is it changed and who do we imagine it reaches?
work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq• Or, If you were to center an understanding about what DH is around one of these projects/ sites, how would DH be defined( or redefined)?
work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444aDid he consider destroying it, as the investigators ’ dragnet drew nearer?
work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444aDid he consider it incriminating?
work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444aHow did he respond to the architecture and art that surrounded him?
work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444aHow, we ask, did Aponte learn about the things he depicted in his book of paintings?
work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444aSee Jane Landers, “ Catholic Conspirators?
work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444aThe image gallery, in this regard, suggests we ask, What if we wrote an art history of colonial Cuba from the perspective of one of these artists?
work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444aThe majority read the testimony and did not( or could not?)
work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444aWhat might he have thought about his book in this context?
work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444aWhat might that link signify?
work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444aWhat were his possible visual influences in Havana?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqCan community buy- in be achieved?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqDo they even participate?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqHow can an electronic copy be as good as seeing the original in a library?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqHow can existing resources such as lexi- cons and ontologies be incorporated into the framework?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqHow can it take advan- tage of( instead of competing with) existing commercial search utilities?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqIn the words of the summit report, What kinds of tools would foster the discovery and exploration 11 of digital resources in the humanities?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqNo such thing as humanities comput- ing?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqPerhaps the real heavyweights are simply publishing their DH work else- where, but are still a part of the community?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqReaching out: What do scholars want from electronic resources?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqWe can again compare this to the publishing opportunities for a bibliography — is “ my bibliography is now 50% complete ” a publishable result?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqWhat kind of search questions should be supported?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqWho are these authors, and do they represent high- profile and influential scholars?
work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oqWhose funeral?
work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbqHow many photos have ever been taken?
work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbqHow must historical scholarship change when the evidentiary basis shifts toward the digital?
work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbqScarcity or abundance?
work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44Are there disciplinary differences in the types of tweets sent by researchers?
work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44Can tweets predict citations?
work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44Do altmetrics work?
work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44How are researchers in different disciplines using Twitter for scholarly communication?
work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44Overthrowing the protest paradigm?
work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44Twitter for Scientific Communication: How Can Citations/ References be Identified and Measured?
work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44Want to be retweeted?
work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44What do researchers typically tweet about?
work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44Which candidates do the public discuss online in an election campaign?
work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdi( See Figure 2 for a fragment of the user interface of the online listening experiment).26 What can we expect the results to be?
work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdi; H. Honing, ‘ Is expressive timing relational invariant under tempo transformation? ’ Psychology of Music( in press).
work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdiThe role of ICT in music research: a bridge too far?
work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyheBut how, exactly, did the interpretative force of the annotation develop at each stage?
work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyheIs its annotation randomly applied, or is there a strategy?
work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyheWho was in control, and how?
work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhehow easy is it to ignore one or both in order to read straight through the poem, or to assemble sections of each in the same view with the poem?
work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhehow easy is it to tell them from Pope ’s notes?
work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhe• User may use extracts from the document in line with the concept of ‘ fair dealing ’ under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988(?)
work_xte6bkd55jb7nn5jvoiynglfi4But what has all this got to do with the humanistic disciplines that study documents, texts and images of the past?
work_xte6bkd55jb7nn5jvoiynglfi4Is it an object of study, a method, a group of technologies or a discipline?
work_xte6bkd55jb7nn5jvoiynglfi4The term is used in academia, industry and the media … but what exactly does it mean?
work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4248 What role does dialect knowledge play in the perception of linguistic distances?
work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4250 What role does dialect knowledge play in the perception of linguistic distances?
work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4258 What role does dialect knowledge play in the perception of linguistic distances?
work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4As could be 256 What role does dialect knowledge play in the perception of linguistic distances?
work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4In order to convert the NOR data, we used 246 What role does dialect knowledge play in the perception of linguistic distances?
work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4On the other hand, the judgments by listeners who did 254 What role does dialect knowledge play in the perception of linguistic distances?
work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4references C. Gooskens( 2005), ‘ How well can Norwegians identify their dialects? ’, Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 28( 1), 37–60.
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziAreas that are not traditionally associated with humanities research( or institutions that support the How Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziArt, culture, How Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziHow Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziHow Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziHow Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziHow Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziHow Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziHow Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziKirschenbaum MG( 2010) What is digital humanities and what ’s it doing in English departments?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziPuschmann C( 2014)( Micro)blogging science?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziPuschmann C, Mahrt M( 2012) Scholarly blogging: A new form of publishing or science journalism 2.0?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euziThe Hypotheses team provides support How Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzidoi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0115035.g002 How Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzidoi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0115035.g003 How Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzidoi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0115035.g004 How Digital Are the Digital Humanities?
work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqaDo you have an institutional data policy?
work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqaDoes every research library need a digital humanities center?
work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqaThe digital humanities are alive and well and blooming: now what?
work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4Revolution? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 ''Who works in digital archaeology?, ADS Online 22( Winter). work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 As Study or as Paradigm? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 Building relationships? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 Core or Periphery? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 Digital Archaeology and Digital Humanities So where does this leave archaeology and its relationship with DH? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 Does the lack of reference to other humanities disciplines represent a lack of interest in or relevance of digital methods in those areas? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 Does this account for the poor showing of digital classics and digital philosophy? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 Help or hindrance for the humanities? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 Is the disciplinary scope of DH much smaller than might have been expected? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 Methodological commons? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 Nothing at the Center? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 Poor relatives or favourite uncles? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 So what lies behind this apparent focus on literature, linguistics and history? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 So, from an archaeological perspective, what is the scope of DH? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 The humanist turn? work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 What Revolution?
work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4Where are the Philosophers?
work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4and what is the nature of its relationship with the individual humanities disciplines served by DH?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey10 James Stewart and Robin Williams, ‘ The Wrong Trousers?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey13 Max Kemman and Martijn Kleppe, ‘ User Required?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey2 M e d i a u s e r s a s s t o r y t e l l e r s i n c o n t r o l?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey43 Berber Hagedoorn and Bas Agterberg, ‘ The End of the Television Archive as We Know It?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey6 N e e d- t o- h a v e s o r n i c e- t o- h a v e s?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjeyAnd what do these narratives signify in terms of how we interpret media events?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjeyAnd what is the position of the retrieved object in context of the larger collection it belongs to?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjeyAs a respondent describes: “ Even a database has a hidden agenda(...) Can I trust the algorithm? ” – Media professional[ respondent no.
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjeyHow are media trying to understand what is happening?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjeyHow do the search affordances of the online repository/ ies shape your research question and your understanding of the topic?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjeyHow much exploration is afforded, also in terms of time and budget?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjeyIn other words, how are the disruptive events translated into a story( short or long- term narrative)?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjeyIs it an interpretation of said facts?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjeyPreviously made productions are also revisited: what was already made and searched for regarding the topic?
work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjeyWhat research questions are sparked by what you find?
work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampiWhat does such a field look like?
work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampiWhat happens when historical questions are separated out from inherently interdisciplinary projects?
work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2eLu Mingshan recorded proverbs and folk sayings, most likely sourced from farmers.35 The Daoist and painter Ma Zhen 馬臻( 1254 –?)
work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2eS2059163220000316jra 391.. 429 RESEARCH ARTICLE What is Local Knowledge?
work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2eSome disaster references in the History of the Yuan such as Li Dehui ’s 李德辉( 1218 –?)
work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2eThis implies that significant usable local records — or information in some form( perhaps even oral?
work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2eWhat do these data thus allow us to say about the enactment of Yuan administrative rules on disasters and their management?
work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2eWhat is Local Knowledge?
work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27de6:576. doi: 10.3389/ fpsyg.2015.00576 De Jong IKE, Burgers C( 2013) Do consumer critics write differently from professional critics?
work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27deFollows S( 2014) Do film critics and film audiences agree?
work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27deIn 2005 for the paper Androids as an Experimental Apparatus: Why there is an uncanny and can we exploit it?
work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27deIs it the real deal?
work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27deIs there some hidden virtue getting to this point?
work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27deMacDorman KF, Green RD, Ho C- C, Koch KT( 2009) Too real for comfort?
work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27deRadford C( 1975)"How Can We Be Moved by the Fate of Anna Karenina?"
work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27deWHY do we want to do this?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaAnd do you know why it ’s on the rise?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaAre they friends or enemies of France?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaCan they be seen as a type of scientific knowledge?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaDigital humanities: meaning engineering or material hermeneutics?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaLes humanités digitales précèdent- elle le numérique?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaLes humanités digitales précèdent- elle le numérique?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaLes   humanités   digitales   précèdent‐elle   le   numérique?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaLes   humanités   digitales   précèdent‐elle   le   numérique?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaQuelles humanités numériques?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaQuelles   humanités   numériques?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaShould we have helped them or not?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaVers une sémiotique computationnelle?
work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsaWhat forms of knowledge are NH?
work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzra( Ruecker, Radzikowska& Sinclair, 2016: 111) Thus, a reader may ask ‘ why is TEI important?
work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzraDOI: Orlandi, T 2002 ‘ Is Humanities Computing a Discipline? ’, in Braungart, G. et al.
work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzraDOI: DeRose, S J, Durand, D G, Mylonas, E and Renear, A 1997 What is Text, Really?
work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzraMcCarty, W 2008 What ’s Going On?
work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzraOre, C- E and Eide, Ø 2009 TEI and Cultural Heritage Ontologies: Exchange of Information?
work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzraWhat barriers must be overcome in order to use the methods of the digital humanities to develop new understandings of the early modern period?
work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzraWhich, if any of the following suggestions specifies the object name?
work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzraWhy is it important to understand the benefits and complexities of applying TEI to early modern catalogues like that of Sloane? ’.
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfy2 Digital forensics: a transnational discipline?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyAre there any documents that you would like to delete?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyCan you imagine depositing or donating the digital archive of your works to a public research library?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyCould one develop a model for editing books and material objects rather than just the linguistic phenomena we call texts?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyDo you also keep the external documents that you have consulted?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyDo you manipulate them?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyDo you organize your folders with this in mind when you finish a work?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyHard disk, cloud, hardcopy?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyHow do you imagine a future library/ digital archive of authors( for example, Residencia de estudiantes)?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyHow do you name them?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyHow often do you save what you wrote?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyL’ordinateur, Olympe de l’écriture?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyWhat do you do with previous “ versions ”?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyWhat is the reason for such a delay in these disciplines that can be observed in Europe?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyWhen does the author self- archive their born- digital materials?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyWhen you buy a new computer, do you keep the hard drive of the one you dispose of?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyWhere do you keep the digital files related to the writing process of your works?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyWhere is the archive stored( cloud, hard disk, hard copy)?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfyWhy can we say that digital forensics and media archaeology( Kirschenbaum) are not trasnational disci- plines?
work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfy¿ Sueñan los escritores con obras electrónicas?
work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waq2   Koh: Why did the Montreal Massacre prompt you to start taking English literature classes?
work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waqCould you speak more about this?
work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waqCould you tell us more about this?
work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waqDo you think that the humanities needs to seriously rethink its commitment to interdisciplinarity, particularly in relation to computer science?
work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waqHow have people from the sciences or engineering responded to your work?
work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waqHow have things changed?
work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waqKoh: How would you design a curriculum that encourages your understanding of interdisciplinarity, then?
work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waqKoh: So, what skills should humanists learn?
work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waqWhat do you think of this?
work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waqWould you say that engineering teaches a different type of critical thinking than the humanities?
work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oqTrust Your Science? work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq How Did They Make That?, 2014. work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq Risam: to what extent are the motivations driving all of the above available to the user? work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq Stodden: to what extent are data and the code that generates data available to the user? work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam Virtual Visitors: what do we know about use of the British Museums''Collection Database Online? work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam What materials are most important for research? work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam What research questions do academic researchers have? work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam mitä tutkimusartikkeleita sanomalehtikor- pukseen liittyen on jo julkaistu? work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam “[ M]itensumea haku"käytännössä toimii?
work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpbyDoes the available information justify, in quality and in quantity such a costly undertaking?
work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpbyHow did such an enduring border influence those patterns?
work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpbyIs there a significant difference in population distribution in cross- border regions?
work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpbyWhat are the factors that explain population distribution?
work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpbyWhat are the patterns of population distribution in the entire Peninsula?
work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpbyWhat was the role of geographic factors?
work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5ftiDo the data legitimate the decision of the ISI hitherto to refrain from producing a JCR for this database?
work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5ftiHow would a JCR of A&HCI inform us about these journals differently from the existing JCRs for the SCI and SSCI?
work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5ftiIs the construction of scientometric indicators and bibliometric maps using A&HCI a feasible and desirable project?
work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5ftiIs the impact of A&H perhaps underestimated when focusing on the( S)SCI or A&HCI, separately?
work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5ftiTechnoscience Art: A Bridge between Neuroesthetics and Art History?
work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5ftiWhat is Humanities Computing and What is Not?
work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5ftiWhat is Humanities Computing?
work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5ftiWould such a pattern be the norm for journals in the arts and humanities?
work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yuHow can a library get ready to collaborate on digital humanities pedagogy projects?
work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yuIf a library is going to offer Omeka for class projects, who will be responsible for managing user accounts and how long will projects remain live?
work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yuRegardless of the project, who in the library will be responsible for instruction and how will that be reflected in their job description?
work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yuWhat are some examples of digital humanities pedagogy projects?
work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yuWhat is digital humanities pedagogy?
work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yuWhy should librarians get involved?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiArtists ’ activities?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiBut also in other ways?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiDo we include pictures?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiDoes it have non- linguistic manifestations and how can we detect them?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiHow are these two interrelated?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiHow can we find such cases, then?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiHow can we make different languages and cultures visible and comparable?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiHow can we make sense of aesthetics in this situation?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiIf the field is this big, why do I tend to focus on some of its parts?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiIf this is the case in academic contexts such as WoS and other similar databases, what is the situation outside academia?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiIn addition, in the case of BJA, can we really trust that everything in it represents aesthetics?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiIn the end, we will end up discussing the ontology of aesthetics: how does it exist?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiOr networks and groups of things rather than individual cases?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiWhat are the best search terms and what do they actually bring up?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiWhat are the latest trends and which themes are fading away?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiWhat kinds of studies of the arts actually belong to the field of aesthetics, and what kinds are outside it?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiWhat kinds of terms will bring up relevant data?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiWhere and how does it exist?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiWhere are the differences between art history and aesthetics?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiWhich sources should be included?
work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7uiWhy am I for some of them?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu3.5 How to combine transcription with databases?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuCan we encode the propositions made by the words of a text into the transcription?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuComment mettre en lumière les réseaux sociaux dans les corpus historiques numériques?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuGibt es eine fachspezifische Datenverarbeitung in den historischen Wissenschaften?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuHow can we integrate the Web of Data( the ‘ Semantic Web ’) into scholarly editions?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuHow can we use automatic information extraction processes in the scholarly edition?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuHow does one harvest information?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuIf so, how?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuIs semantic markup( provided by the TEI) sufficient?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuThis method is attractive, as it closely relates the assertive expression to the text How might TEI be similarly extended?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuWarum werden mittelalterliche und frühneuzeitliche Rechnungsbücher eigentlich nicht digital ediert?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuWhat form does the information take as digital data?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuWhich interface elements are typical for an assertive edition?
work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nuWhich models relate the information to the transcription?
work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiuIs n’t that something you want in your En glish department?
work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiuSo what is digital humanities and what is it doing in En glish departments?
work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu— Cynthia Selfe What is( or are) the “ digital humanities, ” aka “ humanities computing ”?
work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu“ What Is humanities Computing and What Is Not? ” Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences.
work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu“ What is digital humanities? ” essays like this one are already genre pieces.
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigqA presentation?
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigqAnd, how does one understand the physical archive that underpins the CDA, the Concord Free Pub- lic Library''s Special Collections?
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigqCan you standardize your materials to best take advantage of work that is already completed in digital humanities?
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigqCould you develop links to other digital humanities projects or resources, such as NINES or the TEl consortium?
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigqDoes this make the CDA a col- lection?
work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigqWhat infrastructure is available at your institution?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvq89 8   Faulty, Clumsy, Negligible?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqA student project, say, that encodes text for display rather than structure?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqBut what about poor- quality work from “ diverse ” researchers?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqFOR PRIVATE AND NON- COMMERCIAL USE ONLY 170 170 Full of Sound and Fury …?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqHow do you do digital humanities differently in high- vs. low- bandwidth?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqHow do( groups of) people differ in their relationship to technology?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqHow does digital scholarship differ when it is done by the colonized and the colonizer?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqHow is what we discuss and research in luenced by factors such as class, gender, race, age, and social capital in an intersectional way?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqIs it the case that “ whenever one opts for diversity, it usually means opting for less quality ”?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqIs there an inherent con lict between these two concepts within digital human- ities?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqOr a project from a researcher working outside mainstream digital humanities that uses proprietary software or formats or strict commercial licences?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqThat ignores( or appears to be unaware of) basic disciplinary conventions?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqWhat criteria, this committee asked itself, should we use for accepting or rejecting submissions?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqWork, for example, that does not use or recognize existing technological standards?
work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvqorg/? page_ id=76.
work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm67 Iss: 2, pp.214- 237. distracting and inconsequential tool full of „ pointless babble‟?
work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm67 Iss: 2, pp.214- 237. the other more conversational?
work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwmCan We Use Twitter for Educational Activities?
work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwmDh09# thatcampTwitteruser: what‟s the trajectory of learning „ digital‟ things in dh?
work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwmDo the user intentions differ from those of the physical conference attendees?
work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwmHow is microblogging used within academic conferences, and can we articulate the benefits it may bring to a discipline?
work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwmIs it Really About Me?
work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwmPost organisatio nal questions dh09Twitteruser: can you use time stamps to navigate You Tube videos?
work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwmSimple skills that build into deeper understanding?
work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwmWhat would it mean to blog on the semantic Web?
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfiHow might you want to make use of a module like this?
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfiIf yes, how do you currently view video content?
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfiLifelong Learning Initiatives Location Examples Who guides/ Fee?
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfiWhat are the technical challenges/ opportunities and how should they be addressed?
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfiWhat delivery modes should be available( e.g., mobile)?
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfiWhat is your age range?
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfiWhat issues complicate use( e.g., rights or storage format) and how can they be accommodated?
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi• 26!responded!to!“What!kinds!of!questions!might!interest!you? ”!
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi• 28!responded!to!“How!might!you!want!to!make!use!of!a!module!like!this? ”!
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi• HOW: How can we best use technology to reach our audience and ameliorate logistical issues?
work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi• WHAT: What content and expert networks do we have to work with and where are they located?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruAlso consider reporting structure: for example, does your unit report directly to either the associate dean, dean, or provost?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruDigital This, Digital That: How Do We Define “ the Center ”?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruDo you have your own budget line?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruHow are you funded?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruJoris van Zundert, “ If You Build It, Will We Come?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruModels: What Does a Digital Scholarship Center Do?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruSchaffner and Erway, “ Does Every Research Library Need a Digital Humanities Center? ” 5.
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruWhat is your mission statement?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruWhat is your reporting structure?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruWhat positions do you have to support your work?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruWhat services do you offer?
work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiruWhat space do you have?
work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4Are kinds of connections historically stable or do they change over time?
work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4Are people connected with one another in the same sets of ways they are connected to animals or to their physical environs?
work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4Everything may be connected, but how?
work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4Is ‘ everything connected ’ in Texas according to the same standards that ‘ everything is connected ’ in Athens, Nairobi, Sao Paulo, or Nepal?
work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4Where should a letter written in, for example, the middle of the Atlantic Ocean be coded for location?
work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmi), What is an image?
work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmiData are or data is?
work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmiDefault sort, or what would Shannon do?
work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmiUsing images to gain insight into web archives?
work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmiWhat else is there to an image besides what we already see?
work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmiWhat is an image?
work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmiWhat is an image?
work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmiWhere might we find a hidden depth, if the image is already defined by a lack thereof?
work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4Can we reasonably expect that some users will ever need re- productions at 3,000 DPI or more?
work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4Does the word Bernard, for instance, refer to the medieval author Bernard of Clairvaux or the present- day scholar Bernard Mc- Ginn( or both)?
work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4Starting from what resolution does a photograph offer a reliable representation of the immediate source?
work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4The software makes these decisions on the basis of a statistical assessment of a token ’s appearance( for example, is the token capitalized?)
work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4and the lexical context in which it appears( for example, is the token preceded by an adjective?).
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojm( 3) Common and uncommon: What are common themes that have emerged from your exploration of scholarly practices?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojm( 4) Unpacking a commonality: What discrete practices are involved in this theme?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojm( 5) Unpacking the uncommon: For whom/ which dis- ciplines or areas of study is this theme helpful?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmBased on your discussion of scholarly practices, what are two themes that piqued the curiosity of those at your table, or are uncommon?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmChanging scholars ’ minds would not be quick; as noted in What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmDiRT and What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmIs ‘ designing ’ cyberinfrastructure – or, even, defining it – possible?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmOP- LLCJ140026 326.. 339 UC Berkeley UC Berkeley Previously Published Works Title What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmUnlike the planning project working groups, What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmWhat Ever Happened to Project Bamboo?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmWhat Ever Happened to Project Bamboo?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmWhat discrete practices are involved in this theme?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmWhat makes these themes common and uncommon?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmWhat outstanding issues need to be ad- dressed in regards to this theme?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmWhat outstanding issues need to be addressed in regards to this theme?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmWhat questions do you have re- garding Bamboo?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmmore productive in relation to research?
work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojmwhat productive things do you do in relation to humanities research?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm14 two examples are: B. Smith, and D. M. Mark, ‘ Do mountains exist?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm23 for instance D. Montello, M. Goodchild, J. Gottsegen, P. Fohl, ‘ Where ’s downtown?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mmEqually, how far down do we have to descend from the summit of the Matterhorn until we are no longer on its slopes?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mmFirstly, are the Alps referred to in New Zealand or Europe?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mmFurthermore, having disambiguated the term Alps and identified an unambiguous referent for the term, with what region should it be associated?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mmHeisenberg states: Is n’t it strange how this castle[ Kronberg] changes as soon as one imagines that Hamlet lived here?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mmSo, given these limitations, what contributions have we made to the research questions we sketched in the introduction?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mmWhat is a mountain, and do we all agree?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mmWhat then are the implications of such models?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mmWood, T. Cheng, ‘ Where is Helvellyn?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mmend notes 1 M. Volk, ‘ How many mountains are there in Switzerland?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mmgeneric/ locale 3) Mapping locale How can geographic locales, such as mountains, be linked to space?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm• How can theoretical context influence the choice of methods?
work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm• What are the major challenges and the limitations of such methods?
work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik416 Fischer, Herder heute?
work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik430 Herder, Haben wir noch jetzt das Publikum und Vaterland der Alten?
work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik481 Offen, kreativ und kollaborativ, dazu noch kritisch?
work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4Fischer, Bernd: Herder heute?
work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4In einer Fußnote des Artikels von Bernd Fischer aus dem Jahr 2006 mit dem Titel Herder heute?
work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4In einer aus zwei Teilen bestehenden kleinen Abhandlung mit den je- weiligen Überschriften Haben wir noch ein Publikum?
work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4Zuerst einmal: Was kann unter dem Ausdruck „ Herder heute “ verstanden werden?
work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4und Haben wir noch ein Vaterland?, die 1765 anlässlich der Eröffnung des zuvor schon i m Beisein von Katharina II.
work_vupzlhzh2zflhf2pxztynr4couAdvocatus Diaboli: Lost in Distant Reading?
work_vupzlhzh2zflhf2pxztynr4couDH in Biblical and Religious Studies: What Is at Stake?
work_vupzlhzh2zflhf2pxztynr4couDH in Biblical and Religious Studies: What Is at Stake?
work_vupzlhzh2zflhf2pxztynr4couHomer and the New Testament as “ Multitexts ” in the Digital Age?
work_vupzlhzh2zflhf2pxztynr4couHow can our expertise in Biblical Studies influence and shape Digital Humanities for the better?
work_vupzlhzh2zflhf2pxztynr4couHow will the series accommodate such approaches alongside the traditional philological and codicological study of religious texts?
work_vupzlhzh2zflhf2pxztynr4couNew Testament in a Digital Culture: A Biblaridion( Little Book) Lost in the Web?
work_vupzlhzh2zflhf2pxztynr4couPourquoi éditer un manuscrit unique?
work_vupzlhzh2zflhf2pxztynr4couSo the floor is ours, open to us, the Humanist scholars: why are we studying so many cultures and languages, but not this one?
work_vupzlhzh2zflhf2pxztynr4couWhat is Narrative Criticism?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm5.1 Are Identified Entities Relevant?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm5.2 Do Entities Refer to Specific or General Concepts?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm5.4 What is the Overlap and Complementarity in between NER Services?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm5.5 Do URIs Refer to Resources or their Descriptions?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfmAnd how can we overcome the shortcomings of the Gold Standard Corpus( GSC) by extracting terms that are not generally recognized as named entities?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfmAre the Entities Correctly Disambiguated?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfmDo Entities Refer to Specific or General Concepts?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfmDo URIs Refer to Resources or their Descriptions?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfmHow can quality be defined in the context of information systems?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfmThe discussion finishes with the challenging issue of what exactly is identified by a URI: a resource or a document about this resource?
work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfmWhat is the Overlap and Complementarity in between NER Services?
work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7qAtticism: The Language of 5th- century Oratory or a Quantifiable Stylistic Phenomenon?
work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7qBut how exactly do digital models relate to their original objects?
work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7qHow then does one choose these properties?
work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7qIs the book as an object entering the digital world?.
work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7qWhat are the conditions under which we may use them?
work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7qWhat are, after all, the advantages and disadvantages, the limitations and bene- fits of models?
work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7qWho ’s Afraid of Patterns?
work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7qdoi: 10.12759/ hsr.suppl.31.2018.78- 95 Fotis Jannidis Modeling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiCan this approach help to find out more about DPs ’ agency in negotiating their destiny with the author- ities?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiDigitale Objektivität in der Geschichtswissenschaft?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiHow can historians unveil and understand this agency?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiIf so, how can the relevant information be generated from the sources and modeled into a useful form for research?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiIn Was Ist Ein Medium?, ed.
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiIn Was Ist Ein Migrationsregime?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiIndeed, is it actually possible to do so?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiIs reality something external that can be researched and modeled as closely as possible, or is it the construct of our access to the external world?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiModelle in der Klimaökonomik: Instrument, Bild oder Dispositiv?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiOder: Kann man finden, was man nicht sucht?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiOr, is reality the contested product of our social interaction with people and things around us?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiWhat Is Visualisation?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiWhat Is a Migration Regime?, ed.
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiWhat Is in a Migration Regime?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwiYet how should one select those individu- als of interest, and what was the fate of the rest?
work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwidoi: 10.12759/ hsr.45.2020.4.45- 68 Filip Strubbe A Straightforward Journey?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graAdditionally, what mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion are at work in geospatial communities?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graHas the analysis of some spatial inequities been privileged over others?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graHow can marginalized populations be digitally empowered in the contemporary geoweb era?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graOne approach involves continually asking, ‘ Who is missing?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graParticipatory GIS a people ’s GIS?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graSuch questions might include: How should we conceptualize the notion of ‘ justice, ’ in procedural, distributional, or other terms?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graThis slippage is not a mistake, but rather the crux of an ongoing debate: What exactly is the scope for critical GIS?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graTo what extent does the availability of particular types of data influence which injustices are addressed?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graWhat can an interrogation of GIS tell us about broader political economies?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graWhat tools and theories are most relevant to our work and with what political commitments do they come?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25graWith few exceptions, both mainstream GIS( or should that be GIScience?)
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra“ How Much Information is Geospatially Referenced?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra“ New Lines?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra“ What Does a Critical Data Studies Look Like, and Why Do We Care?
work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra“ Where is an Author? ” City 19(1): 5- 43. doi:10.1080/13604813.2014.962897.
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviA question of education — towards a reinvention?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviBut why?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviFor what purpose would a flashlight be if, when the button is pressed, the bulb only comes on once in a while?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviFrom Digital Humanities to a Renewed Approach to Digital Learning and … Reinventing education?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviFrom Digital Humanities to a Renewed Approach to Digital Learning and … What is the human in a world increasingly machinized?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviFrom Digital Humanities to a Renewed Approach to Digital Learning and … Why think when you can click?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviHow would this affect our understanding of society, culture, and the world we inhabit?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviHow would this affect our understanding of society, culture, and the world we inhabit?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviIntroduction “ It ’s our dreams that turn us from machines into full- fledged human beings. ” K. Dick Why this quote?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviSo how to find a way out?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviWhat are we?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviWhat crossroads where to decide alone the path to take at the expense of the dream promise of the other way?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviWhat impacts on education, learning, teaching?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviWhat would happen if we took the full measure of this idea?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviWhat would happen if we took the full measure of this idea?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviWhat would the equations say if they could talk?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviWhy tell you this?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviКак она повлияет на наше понимание общества, культуры и мира, в котором мы живем?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviЧто будет, если мы в полной мере осознаем эту идею?
work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qviЧто влияет на образование, обучение, преподавание?
work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okviSuch hybridity is a prevalent feature of digital humanities method.16 How might such hybrid method be better grounded theoretically?
work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okviWhat do we do with such data?
work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvihey relect near their opening:[ W] hat is the meaning of changes in word us- age frequencies?
work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi“ Is Digital Humanities a Field?
work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi“ More Hack, Less Yack?
work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi“ Position Statement from McGann. ” Panel: What Is Text?
work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi“ What Is Digital History?
work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi“ What Is Digital Humanities and What ’s It Doing in En glish Departments? ” ADE Bulletin 150( 2010): 55–61.
work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi“ Where Is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Hu- manities? ” Gold 490–509.
work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi“ Who You Calling Untheoretical? ” Journal of Digital Humanities 1.1( 2011): 68–74.
work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6mBut does not the phenomenon of ‘ painting by numbers ’ at least suggest the possibility of allograph painting?
work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6mHow can we define the concept of facsimile?
work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6mHow reproductive is a reproduction?
work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6mHur dokumenteras ett dokument?
work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6mIn other words, which document was actually used when producing a given digital facsimile?
work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6mIs it autographic or allographic?
work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6mOr are we then rather facing a case where an autographic object has been ‘ allographed ’?
work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6mWhat is an original, what is a facsimile, and in what way is a digital facsimile a reproduction, if it is indeed?
work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6mWhat roles do they play, and are they changing scholarly editing in any fundamental way?
work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6mÅterge eller återskapa?
work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e( in Chinese) 】 283Chen, Chen,& Huang: Who Was the Key Figure?
work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e25, 54- 55) Shanghai, China: 273Chen, Chen,& Huang: Who Was the Key Figure?
work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e3( 2018): 243- 284 孰執牛耳?明代蘇州藏書家 社群的數位人文解析 Who Was the Key Figure?
work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6eDiansi 279Chen, Chen,& Huang: Who Was the Key Figure?
work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6eE- mail: Who Was the Key Figure?
work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6eIn 275Chen, Chen,& Huang: Who Was the Key Figure?
work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6eTaipei: The Commercial Press, Ltd.( in Chinese) 】 271Chen, Chen,& Huang: Who Was the Key Figure?
work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e 277Chen, Chen,& Huang: Who Was the Key Figure?
work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi3.1 Seeing web history or web archiving history?
work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3giFor instance, what conclusions do we reach when we apply similar methods to different kinds of files?
work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3giHow does Google ’s cleardot.gif track email recipients with a generic URL?
work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3giUsing the data, is it possible to identify which uses of the single- pixel, transparent GIF predate other uses?
work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3giWhat answers do web archives and other born- digital archives offer to such questions?
work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3giWhat does this tell us about the history of web archiving practices?
work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3giWho invented the spacer.gif?
work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3giWho would have imagined there were millions of copies of one of these tiny files captured in the UK Web Archive in one particular year?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmCrowdsourcing: How and Why Should Libraries Do It?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmEvery time you tweet, do you know who is paying attention?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmHow can we monitor success in a crowdsourced environment?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmHow come higher ed never moves that fast? ’( Bobley 2010) we all chuckle at the thought of the academy as being a reactive, immediate place to be.
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmHow do we fair with the crucial aspects of Digital Identity, Impact, and Sustainability?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmHow does Digital Humanities itself hold up when under scrutiny?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmIs a PhD really required for one to take part in the digital humanities these days, even in supporting( non- research) roles? ’( Porter 2010).
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmLiterary and Linguistic Computing, 26(3): 257- 269. leave it to its own devices, to become an online- free- for all?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmMaybe I ’m sensitive, not having a PhD?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmSo why am I writing journal articles again?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmWe understand the implicit horror in a tweet such as that from Simon Tanner saying ‘ England next?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmWhat about impact?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmWhat audience are we performing for, and can you be sure you are in control of how our actions are viewed and used?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmWhat technical and pragmatic difficulties will we run into?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmWhy does all this matter?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmWill people be interested in volunteering their time and effort to read the( poor) handwriting of a great philosopher?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmWill the user forums, and user contributions, continue to be monitored and moderated if we ca n’t afford a staff member to do so?
work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbmWill we get high quality, trustworthy transcriptions as a result of this work?
work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffiBut if that ’s the idea, then who should that person be?
work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffiOften fixed- term roles, what happens when the contract runs it course?
work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffiSo, what is the DH job?
work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffiWhat are the prospects for someone who wants to stay in alt- ac?
work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffiWill we start to see senior versions of the DH job emerge, or is the idea that capacity building will lead to new opportunities?
work_xhooob3vmze7bnvtnptbpli4ey( 2016) How is computational linguistics different from natural language processing?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amBut do we need to heed them?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amBut how might we study the Bible within the Digital Humanities?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amBut is the engagement of the same quality?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amBut what kind of Bible ends up in the public domain?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amDo we still remember and engage with what we outsource?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amHow do we develop new ways of engaging information in digitally native ways?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amIf our Bible is outsourced, are we less biblical people?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amIs that information easily re- embedded within our own internal processing?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amNot just with material Bibles but with mediated Bibles?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amPerhaps we already need to be looking at the local production of high- resolution facsimiles rather than centralized digital manuscripts?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amWhat bits of the Bible are being shared and does this shared Bible create a kind of digital canon?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amWhat happens when funding goes or when technology changes?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amWhat light would new tools shine upon the biblical text?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amWhat new areas of research do the digital humanities open up for us?
work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5amWhat would it mean to develop a similar network- node analysis for the Synoptics or for John or the Acts of the Apostles?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6m6 Editing online book discussion?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mConversely, perhaps, what could a study of these sites mean for textual scholarship?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mDoes it matter which name we use( Price 2009)?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mEdition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What ’s in a Name?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mIs that the desktop view, the tablet view or the smartphone view?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mOr is ‘ thematic research collection ’( Palmer 2004) or ‘ archive ’( Vanhoutte 1999) a better name?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mPierazzo might have added( but did not) a clause that the edition should result from a careful( manual?)
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mWhat could an approach along the lines of textual scholarship mean for such a collection?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mWhat could an approach along the lines of textual scholarship mean for such a collection?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mWhat is a scholarly digital edition?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mWhat platform do we see as canonical?
work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6mWhere is the editor?
work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssuCan you be a digital humanist without doing those things?
work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssuKirschenbaum, “ What is ‘ Digital Humanities, ’ and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible Things about It? ” differences 25.1( 2014): 46- 63.
work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssuKirschenbaum, “ What is ‘ Digital Humanities, ’ and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible Things about It? ” differences 25.1( 2014): 46- 63.
work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssuKirschenbaum, “ What is ‘ Digital Humanities, ’ and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible Things about It? ” differences 25.1( 2014): 46- 63.
work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssuThe agon par excellence of the construct is of course the question of definition: what is digital humanities?
work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssuWhat Is “ Digital Humanities, ” and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible Things about It?
work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssuWhy write a third piece on the topic?
work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu“ Open Thread: The Digital Humanities as a Historical ‘ Refuge ” from Race/ Class/ Gender/ Sexuality/ Disability? ” Weblog entry.
work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu“ What Is Digital Humanities and What ’s It Doing in English Departments? ” ADE Bulletin 150( 2010).
work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu“ Where Is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities? ” Gold, 2011.
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmCan we leverage quantitative methods in ways that respect the nuance and complexity we value in the humanities?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmCan you create a session that focuses on a piece of the process — i.e., looking at a predetermined corpus in AntConc?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmHow do you allocate staff in this situation?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmHow do you allocate staff?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmIf graduate students are used as labor for these projects, how can it be organically integrated into graduate training?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmIf the library is to provide this support, however, how can it do so most effectively?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmShould the library provide support staff for digital projects, or should that support staff come from the ranks of graduate students?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmSo what are you going to do with that?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmThe question becomes, who is best positioned to provide that support?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmThese text sets raise a range of issues: What skills do you train humanists to have?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmWhat is the library ’s role in enabling and supporting use of those materials?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmWhen an institution or a company provides access to a data set, do they have a responsibility to assist researchers in using the data set?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmWho oversees sus- tainability and data management?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqmWho ’s going to oversee sustainability and data management?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm“ Does Every Research Library Need a Digital Humanities Center? ” OCLC Research Report.
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm“ Must Humanists Learn to Code?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm“ The Digital Humanities Are Alive and Well and Blooming: Now What? ” Educause Review.
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm… Under the flag of interdisciplinar- ity, are the digital humanities no more than the colonization of the humanities by the sciences?
work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm… What kinds of lessons and prac- tices are needed to master key performances? ”( 1998, 8).
work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24But what are characteristics of an academic area?
work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24CONCLUSION What are findings of relevance from these investigations?
work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24Is There a “ Digital ” Art History?
work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24Nationality( Online Survey, top 10 out of n=693) What is the background of people who are active in the field of cultural heritage?
work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24This was originally published in( Münster and Ioannides, 2015) What are research areas and topics?
work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24Topics and methods in digital heritage What are research topics and methods?
work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24What are disciplinary backgrounds of authors?
work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24What are most relevant publication bodies?
work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24What are standards in digital heritage?
work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24• What are leading publications and projects?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiCHALLENGES: DATA PERSPECTIVES ON DIGITAL HERITAGE What are the shared problems and challenges of digital humanities and heritage?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiCONCLUSION: SHARED DIFFERENCES?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiDigital Connoisseur?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiHowever, are they that different?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiOpening a Pandora''s Box?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiRebuilding what is missing or deconstructing it?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiWhat are the fields of research in the digital humanities?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiWhat are the related research applications?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiWhat is Digital Humanities and what ’s it doing in English Departments?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiWhat is the linkage between digital humanities and digital cultural heritage?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzaiWhere does a discourse on digital heritage take place instead?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai What are the research applications in heritage related digital humanities?
work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai What are the shared problems and challenges?
work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxq2 Full disclosure: I contributed a piece to Gold: Stephen Brier, “ Where ’s the Pedagogy?
work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxqAmong the project ’s most important accomplishments was its “ Who Built America? ”( WBA?)
work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxqAmong the project ’s most important accomplishments was its “ Who Built America? ”( WBA?)
work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxqAre we currently standing at a key juncture in historical scholarship?
work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxqFrom the Great War of 1914 to the Dawn of the Atomic Age in 1946.16 A hallmark of the WBA?
work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxqThe two WBA?
work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxqmultimedia history curriculum, which included a two- volume text- book( one of the co- authors of the first edition of the WBA?
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy14 Jennifer Schaffner; Ricky Erway, Does every research library need a digital humanities center?.
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy18 Joris van Zundert, If you build it, will we come?
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy29 Christine L. Borgman, What are digital libraries?
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy93 J. Schaffner; R. Erway, Does every research library need a digital humanities center?
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayyBorgman, What are digital libraries?
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayyChe cosa ne emerge?
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayyCome si valutano i dati che si ottengono?
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayyCon quali strumenti?
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayyL’articolo ha per titolo la domanda: Does every research library need a digi- tal humanities center?
work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayyintersezioni 223 113 Dino Buzzetti, Where do humanities computing and digital libraries meet?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq25 Ryan L. Boyd and James W. Pennebaker, Did Shakespeare Write Double Falsehood?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq26 Boyd/ Pennebaker, Did Shakespeare Write Double Falsehood?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq3 Christof Schöch, Big?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq632 Malte Rehbein of a historical figure just through automated analysis of historical textual sources?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqAnd if there is, shall we take this take or better not?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqAnd what would then happen if we do not understand the data and the algorithms anymore and stop challenging the machines like the people from 2484?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqBut what about the Digital Humanities?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqBut what about the researcher who develops but does not necessarily apply this technology?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqBut what happens if this data is used against someone, for instance, to deny an insurance policy?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqDo we violate Rowling ’s right of privacy or anonymity?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqGero von Randow, Zukunftstechnologie: Wer denkt in meinem Hirn?, in: DIE ZEIT, No.
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqIs there a risk that we might create future generations in which values like a right to stay anonymous do not exist anymore or is there not?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqJonas does both: he criticizes and he extends( modernizes?)
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqOr what measures shall we take to minimize it?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqPutting aside the particular scenarios in which Big Data is studied/ examined, one might ask what is methodologically typical for it?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqShould one( or not) ask this individual whether she objects to this investigation?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqShould we not do the same and achieve an informed consent when we regard the internet as a laboratory and use its data?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqThe moral question, however, is again: at what cost?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqThere is yet another interesting aspect to this story: we usually speak of technology and Wissenschaft in the same breath as representing?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqWhat consequences would follow out of this for society?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqWhat could be problematic about such research?
work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkqWhy should we bother?

< cit>< quote rend="block">How far can the machine accompany and aid its master along this path?

< p> What happened?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mBut exactly what is it that machines< emph> can’t do?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mCan the race thus develop leaders, of such power and intellect, and such forces of conviction, that the world can be saved from its follies?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mCould this image be externalised now, and live beyond him?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mDiscard the original bibliographic data?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mIn the content or in the information system?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mIs there anything inside thought which is purely human?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mThe question is, which are these experimental authors asking for?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mWhat would they look like?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mWhy did it fail?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mWhy did the world ’s most important analogue computer end up in a back room within five years?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6mWould someone eventually build this machine?
work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m• The question we have to ask here is: are these experiments in semantics or in design?
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xykaAnd who is going to take the necessary decisions?
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xykaBut are scholarly texts, as cultural products, independent from their language of production?
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xykaBut is this situation favorable to the rest of the world?
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xykaCan we keep on ignoring what is happening in the world and the connections we activate( or not) when making a choice?
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xykaDoes this sound familiar?
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xykaHence the provocative question by Comaroff and Comaroff: is Euro- America evolving toward Africa?
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xykaIn fact, why English- speaking colleagues should ever give up this enormous capital of “ symbolic power? ”( Bourdieu 2013).
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xykaWhich codes and languages, what kind of food, which memories are expected to survive in the future?
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xyka“ Do we need the BRICS of Knowledge?
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xyka“ Quando os BRICS do conhecimento? ” blog).
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xyka“ Taxation Against Overrepresentation?
work_zonbqj5sa5bc3bckyp5ti7xyka“ ¿ Para cuándo los BRICS del conocimiento? ” Dixit.
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweAccessed March 30.
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweCan Information be Unfettered?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweCómo definir a las humanidades digitales o cómo no definirlas:(
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweHow do social, cultural and historical factors shape the knowledge   built at university?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweHow do they become part of the scientific field?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweHow much of that symbolic violence comes across in this dialogue?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweIs There Anybody Out There?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweMcPherson, T. Why Are the Digital Humanities So White?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweOr do we mean that diversity is in some way a crucial intellectual aspect of what we do?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweThe “ Dance of the P ’s and B ’s ”: Truth or Noise?, Language Log.
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweWhat Is Digital Humanities and What''s It Doing in English Departments?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweWhence Feminism?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqsweWho are the agents that can be part of this dialogue?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqswe¿ De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Humanidades Digitales II?
work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqswe¿ De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Humanidades Digitales?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miA student project, say, that encodes text for display rather than structure?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miBut what about poor quality work from “ diverse ” researchers?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miFull of Sound and Fury …?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miHow do you do digital humanities differently in high- vs. low- bandwidth?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miHow do( groups of) people differ in their relationship to technology?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miHow does digital scholarship differ when it is done by the colonised and the coloniser?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miHow is what we discuss and research influenced by factors such as class, gender, race, age, social capital in an intersectional way?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miIs there an inherent conflict between these two concepts within the Digital Humanities?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miOr a project from a researcher working outside mainstream Digital Humanities that uses proprietary software or formats or strict commercial licences?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miThat ignores( or appears to be ignorant of) basic disciplinary conventions?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miWhat criteria, this committee asked itself, should we use for accepting or rejecting submissions?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43miWork, for example, that does not use or recognise existing technological standards?
work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43micase that “ whenever one opts for diversity, it usually means opting for less quality ”?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk42 Adelheid Heftberger, ‘ Do Computers Dream of Cinema?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk44 W h a t D o e s “ S e e i n g ” M e a n?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4And, is there actually a difference between the ‘ algorithmic logic ’ and the ‘ editorial logic ’?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4Are IPAs, and if so to what extent, positioned or perceived as visual experts in this regard?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4Big Data, Big Brother?, 2018, pp.
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4But what does “ seeing ” actually mean?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4How do they select and “ know ”?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4How do they “ see ”?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4M a c h i n e o r: H u m a n a n d M a c h i n e?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4The crucial question is: who is actually able to give the correct answer?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4The following questions remain: How do algorithms choose information?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4This leads to the following questions: how is meaning addressed to images and by whom?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4What understandings of seeing, and closely connected to it- recognising- do we have, especially when it comes to teaching computers to achieve sight?
work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4“ RODNEY KING BEATING VIDEO Full length footage SCREENER ” 5 W h o I s t h e V i s u a l E x p e r t?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm- From the beginning perhaps?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm- How old do you think I am?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm- Well, how could they say no to you?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm- Why are we here?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmAnd what is an actor if not a model representing the world view of the au- thor and the stage director?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmCan we define the methods of digital modelling informed by such an integrative and non- reductive approach?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmFrom where the project came to be?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmHow to sort out this mess?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmMake sense of the world?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmModeling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmOr the many worlds?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmWe will not spend much time on this introduction, but still: where can we start?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmWhat about the cave itself?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmWhat do we expect from you?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmWhat role do formal and informal metamodels play in translating models of cultural phenomena into implementations?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmWhat shared terminology can help us gain an integrative and non- reductive under- standing of digital modelling?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmWhere to start?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmWhere to start?
work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitmdoi: 10.12759/ hsr.suppl.31.2018.78- 95 Fotis Jannidis Modeling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36ka( Bourdieu 1973, p.259) So, what does this have to do with Digital Humanities and Biblical Studies?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaDoes it promote collaboration and equity?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaEvangelical Textual Criticism: When is a Manuscript a Minuscule?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaHow many of us in the Society of Biblical Literature would define ourselves as Digital Humanities scholars?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaIs the project transparent?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaIs what you remix yours to remix, or are you appropriating someone else ’s cultural heritage?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaMy second question is this: how can our expertise in Biblical Studies influence and shape Digital Humanities for the better?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaPart 5: Orthodoxy& Heresy: Is the Digital Academy Catholic?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaSecond, how can our expertise in Biblical Studies influence and shape Digital Humanities for the better?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaThe output, I would argue, is easier to gauge: Is what you do transformative?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaWas there ever a catholic or universal community of Digital Humanities?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaWhat Is Text, Really?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaWhat Is an Author?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaWhat is Text Analysis, Really?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaWhence Feminism?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaWho does the labor and who gets credit?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaWhy Are the Digital Humanities So White?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kaWill it change the field?
work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36kap.220) So, is markup about representation?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3huHave I missed something?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3huHow does data work in other fields?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3huHow does data work in other fields?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3huHow does data work in other fields?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3huHow then do you proceed?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3huSo what have I been doing here?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3huThe finches?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3huThe notes about the finches?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu○ Hypotheses rather than these s?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu○ Questions of sampling practice and bias ○ Lab books?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu○ Report null results?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu○ Requirement to share data protocols?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu○ Requirement to share raw data?
work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu● New forms of data introduce new types of techniques and questions: ○ Falsification as standard of proof?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5mi14 Question 12: How important is the possibility of consulting a digital edition''s website in multiple languages other than English?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miDiscussion and Recommendations How do the digital editions in the Catalogue compare to the responses recorded by this survey?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miHow can we have a digital edition tailored to various needs in one place?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miHow do I best convert these( hundreds..) of documents into plaintext?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miMontgomery, Scott L. Does Science Need a Global Language?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miOther: Are the Responsible Contacts for the edition available/ named?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miPrice, Kenneth M. “ Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What ’s in a Name? ” 3, no.
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miQuestion 10: How important is the provision of high quality digital images upon which the digital edition builds?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miQuestion 13: How important is the provision of data in Open Source/ Access formats?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miQuestion 18: Which of the following data formats would facilitate your studies?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miQuestion 19: Can you provide an example of a digital edition that has good functionality for your needs?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miQuestion 20: Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your user needs for digital editions that we have not covered here?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miQuestion 4: What do you primarily seek in a digital edition?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miQuestion 5: How important is the scholarly component of a digital edition for you?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miQuestion 6: How important is knowing the production lifespan or duration of a digital edition( begin and end years)?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miSo why are creators not engaging potential users more actively?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miWhy and how does it meet your needs?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miamount of funding obtained, number of researchers/ staff involved)?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5micurrent repository of source material, links to external resources, quality of source materials, etc.)?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5miglossaries, information about the technologies used to produce the digital edition, the imaging settings, was the text OCR''d or keyed, etc.)?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5mistudents, scholars, general public)?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5mithe possibility of using it on a tablet and/or smartphone)?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5mi“ Quale Futuro per Le Edizioni Digitali?
work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5mi“ Should We Just Send a Copy?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia( 1) Since university funding will not today increase, what do you recommend be given up to support e- Humanities as you recommend?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia( 2) What do you yourself propose to accomplish?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia( 3) Why would your proposed research be better done in a Humanities Faculty than by current scientific or engineering faculty in your own university?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia17( 2) Over and above an answer to( 1), what criteria must be satisfied for a digital preservation method to be judged a practical solution?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaBut is the current issue such a case?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaHow could this happen?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaHow much new funding will this require?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaMicrosoft Word- Gladney_april22_hmg.docx Long- Term Digital Preservation: a Digital Humanities Topic?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaSWE, your background seems insufficient for you to understand! ” How might SWE respond?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaWhat balancing cuts should be made within your own university?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaWhat should a digital preservation solution accomplish?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaWhich of many different signal versions is ‘ the original ’?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaWho might be harmed by considering DH to be a discipline in itself?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaWhy is it needed and how is it justified?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehiaWith these in hand, we would surely ask, “ What skills are needed to provide what''s called for?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia“ Are Intellectual Property Rights a Digital Dilemma?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia“ Got Data?
work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia“ Long- Term Digital Preservation: Why is Progress Lagging? ”
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y( please provide information) e) mentions in the press/ blogosphere?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y( please provide link) d) software or tool?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y( please provide links) 3) Has your project continued beyond the Start- up Phase( if appropriate?)
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y( please provide links) b) journal articles or other publications?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y( please provide links) c) a museum exhibit or other public program?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y( please provide links) e) a class, workshop, etc?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y2) Did your project lead to any of the following: a) a project website?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y6) What are you overall thoughts about the Start- Up Grant program?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2yIf so, did having an NEH SUG help you in obtaining further funding?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2ySo where does it fall?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2yThe survey questions were: 1) What is the current status of your project?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2yWas it helpful for your work?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2yWhat barriers did you encounter?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2yYour career?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2ya) Did you accomplish the goals you set out to do?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2ya) If yes, tell us how?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2yb) Did you receive money from any other funders?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2yb) What lessons did you learn?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2yc) If you were turned down for further funding, can you give us an idea why?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2yd) If your project has not continued, please tell us why?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2yfully complete, no funding, etc) 4) What are your general feelings about your project?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2ywhat worked?
work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2ywhat would you do differently?)
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuCould there have been an opportunity to dialogue about the constraints of the medium?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuCould this have been an opportunity to enact inquiry in another mode?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuHow did they define the criteria for inclusion?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuHow do you make the past speak whilst retaining accurate information?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuIn this case, CollectionBuilder provided a new way to think 17What is Static Web and What ’s it Doing in the Digital Humanities Classroom?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuKey questions for exploration: • What does the data seem to tell us?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuKey questions for exploration: • What kind of data is being shared?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuThis was a decision which Cohanim took very seriously: how do you imagi- natively inhabit the past without imposing too much upon it?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuWere students en- couraged to communicate historical research in this medium?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuWhat did their terminology communicate to the user about that item?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuWhat information about that item did they perhaps leave out?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuWhat was their approach to applying metadata?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuWhich crimes earn a “ criminal ” signifier?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdjuWhy did they ascribe certain words or terms to an object?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdju“ Big?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdju• How was the data created?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdju• What human or machine- based biases are present?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdju• What other information do we need to complete the picture?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdju• What steps are being taken to ensure the data is findable, reusable, and preserved?
work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdju… 13 dh+lib Special Issue 2020 What is Static Web and What ’s it Doing in the Digital Humanities Classroom?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y( 1999)''What is Text?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y( 2004)''Wikipedia as Participatory Journalism: Reliable Sources?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y( 2011a)''Where is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?''
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y( 2011b)''Where is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?''
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yAre the textual, visual, or other phenomena that the digital humanities treat best understood as technology, media, or information?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yErnst, W.( 2006)''Dis/ continuities: Does the Archive Become Metaphorical in Multi- Media Space?''
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yFor instance, how might computational text analysis be relevant to the reading of the interior structure of individual poetic lines or a single Tweet?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yGoldstein, E. R.( 2010)''Digitally Incorrect: Ricardo Dominguez''s Provocations: Art or Crimes?''
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yIs all media informational, or vice versa?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yIs all technology mediational, or vice versa?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yMcCarty, W.( 2010)''Industrialisation of the Digital Humanities?''
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yPaper presented in debate on''Collective Intelligence or Silicon Cage?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yPaper presented in panel on''Graphs?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yRockwell, G.( 2003)''What is Text Analysis, Really?''
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yThis raises a whole new class of issues-- for example, not just how can the digital humanities serve the humanities?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yWhat are the digital humanities missing?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5yWhat kinds of humanistic phenomena appear only at scale?
work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5ybut how can the digital humanities help the humanities and higher education serve larger society so as to show the distinct value of the humanities?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze1- 2 years 3- 4 years 5+ years Not sure Is your resource hosted at your own institution?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze2- 3 4- 5 6+ I am working on this project alone Has preservation been discussed in relation to this project?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeAnd who will do the work? ” whose answers are often difficult to pin down.
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeBefore the project began During the project After project completion Who is/ will be responsible for preserving this project?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeDo you have defined member roles/ responsibilities for your project?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeHow are you backing up your work?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeLarge- Scale Humanities Computing Projects: Snakes Eating Tails, or Every End is a New Beginning?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeRetrieved from What is digital humanities?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeSelect all that apply Institutional funding Grant funding Personal funds Were you required to create a preservation plan for a funding application?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeSelf Librarian DH center staff Project member Funder Host department Other: At what stage in the project was preservation first discussed?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeWhat is your main contribution to this project team?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeWho will pay for it?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeYes No How many years into the future do you see your project being usable/ accessible?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeYes No How often have you consulted with the DH center for your project?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeYes No If no, where is it hosted?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeYes No Is there a DH center at your institution?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeYes No Title or working title of your DH project: Does your project have an online component?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeYes No What kinds of resources have you consulted to inform the preservation of your project?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeYes No Who first mentioned the preservation of your project?
work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqzeYes( Please provide link, if available): To be determined No What techniques or content types have you used or will you use in your project?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq( Although we can not be certain that this refers to the same project) 3.3 Names and resource description If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq( Warwick, 1999a) Funding bodies must therefore make decisions about If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq17 Is data archiving once your research is complete central to your work?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq3.7.3 Critical judgement Pleasure Low Complexity High Complexity If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq3.7.6 Access problems If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq38( 4): 292- 313 If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq4.4 Critiques of digital resources If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq4.6 Summary If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqAccessed 30/06/06 Blandford, A., Makri, S., Buchanan, G., Gow, J., Rimmer, J., Warwick, C. ‘ A Library or Just another Information Resource?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqAre certain types of material, for example text or images, more popular?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqConclusions and recommendations If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqDo projects in certain subject areas tend to be especially widely used?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIf You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIf You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIf You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIf You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIf You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIf You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIf You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIf You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIf You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIf You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIn its short history scholars have produced thousands of digital resources which If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIs a project more likely to be used if it has communicated with the user community during its design phase?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqIts name described the resources If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqNeither the DNS address If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqOther popular areas If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqThe Wundt Curve If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqThey were least likely simply to use an external search engine, and tended to use a combination of the If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqThis is a technique that has been used If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqUse of Digital Resources If You Build It Will They Come?
work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgqWe therefore wished to test the If You Build It Will They Come?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmAre they used at the same rate?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmDo they overlap?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmDo you agree?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmDoes it help you better understand the book?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmDoes the map give you a different way of thinking about space and time in the book?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmHow does this help us understand the story?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmIn other words, what are the strengths and weaknesses of both?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmIn other words, what are the strengths and weaknesses of both?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmIn other words, what are the strengths and weaknesses of both?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmIn other words, which words are attached to the top lines on the chart?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmIn other words, which words stand out to you visually?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmQuestions for Discussion:  Which words are most prominent?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmQuestions for Discussion:  Which words are used most frequently during the time span you chose?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmQuestions for discussion:  Do you think that the overall feeling of the story was mostly positive or mostly negative?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmSo, the bottom lines?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmThe same answers?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmUsing your own knowledge of the world, did the story sound like it was set in the year 1903, over 100 years ago?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWhat do you notice about it?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWhat do you think this means?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWhat do you think this means?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWhat is a word cloud?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWhat is the setting of the book?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWhat type of story do you want to create?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWhich are the least frequently used?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWhich did you change?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWhy or why not?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWould using the Ngram viewer help us to know that, for example, if Maya Angelou had not told us the year?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpmWrite them down here:  Do these words match up with the words you wrote down for the memory exercise?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm Are there any words that are used more often earlier in the century, and less often later?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm Do these sentences from the story express mostly positive or negative emotions?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm If you could make a computer program that could change the way we read books, what would it do?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm If you could make a computer program that could change the way we read stories, what would it do?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm If you could make a computer program that could change the way we read stories, what would it do?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm If you could make a computer program that could change the way we read, what would it do?
work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm Which parts of the sentiment charts did you think were accurate?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeDocumentation and Metadata What documentation will be needed for the data to be read and interpreted correctly in the future?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeDocumentation and Metadata What documentation will be needed for the data to be read and interpreted correctly in the future?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeHave you considered what type of end- user license to include with your data?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeHave you considered what type of end- user license to include with your data?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeHow and where will your data be stored and backed up during your research project?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeHow and where will your data be stored and backed up during your research project?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeHow will the research team and other collaborators access, modify, and contribute data throughout the project?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeHow will the research team and other collaborators access, modify, and contribute data throughout the project?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeHow will you make sure that documentation is created or captured consistently throughout your project?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeHow will you make sure that documentation is created or captured consistently throughout your project?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeHow will you manage legal, ethical, and intellectual property issues?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeHow will you manage legal, ethical, and intellectual property issues?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeIf applicable, what strategies will you undertake to address secondary uses of sensitive data?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeIf applicable, what strategies will you undertake to address secondary uses of sensitive data?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfePreservation Where will you deposit your data for long- term preservation and access at the end of your research project?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfePreservation Where will you deposit your data for long- term preservation and access at the end of your research project?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeSharing and Reuse What data will you be sharing and in what form?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeSharing and Reuse What data will you be sharing and in what form?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeWhat do you estimate the overall cost for data management to be?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeWhat do you estimate the overall cost for data management to be?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeWhat file formats will your data be collected in?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeWhat file formats will your data be collected in?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeWhat resources will you require to implement your data management plan?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeWhat resources will you require to implement your data management plan?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeWhat steps will be taken to help the research community know that your data exists?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeWhat steps will be taken to help the research community know that your data exists?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeWill these formats allow for data re- use, sharing and long- term access to the data?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeWill these formats allow for data re- use, sharing and long- term access to the data?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeand the length of time you will be storing it?
work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfeand the length of time you will be storing it?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y/Was sag ich?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y2018- 03 Was ist unter „ Visualisierung “ zu verstehen?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yAuf welche Forschungsgegen- stände legten die Neuberufenen das Hauptgewicht?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yB. Seefeldt und Thomas, „ What Is Digital History? “[ s. p.].
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yBetrieben die Neuberufenen „ reine “ rechtliche Grundlagenforschung und-lehre?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yFür wen stehen diese Infrastrukturen und Services offen und auf wie lange sind sie angelegt?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yHat sich daraus ein Forschungszentrum entwickelt?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yHier stellen sich Fragen, wie beispielsweise: Was wird visualisiert?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yI m Überblick betrachtet, schnitt Session 2 folgende Fragen an: Welche Infrastrukturen und Services für linguistische Projekte existieren bereits?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yInwiefern bestand ein Zusam- menhang zwischen ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten und den DH?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yInwiefern könnten meine Erfahrungen und mein Wissen etwas zu dem Vorgetragenen beitragen, und zwar mit Fragen, Informationen und Einschätzungen?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yMit anderen Worten: Wie erleben die Rezipienten die Visualisierung und wie verhalten sie sich zu ihr?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yMit welchen Methoden( methods) und Medien( tools) wird visualisiert?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yOder verhalfen ihre wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten vielmehr zu Wissen, das sich in der Rechtspraxis anwenden liess?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2ySherwin, Richard K. „ Imagining Law as Film( Representation without Reference?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2ySo fragt Birr: „ Wird die Rechtsgeschichte fundamental durch die neuen, digitalen Instrumente und Praktiken verändert werden?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yWarum und wozu werden rechtliche Inhalte visualisiert, audiovisualisiert und multisenso- risiert?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yWelche Arten von Rechtsvisualisie- rungen, rechtlichen Audiovisualisierungen und Multisensorisierungen werden produziert?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yWelche Arten von Visualisierungen lassen sich ausmachen?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yWer wurde i m Jahr 2017 neu an die Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Zürich in die Fachgruppe „ Grundlagenfächer “ berufen?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yWie lassen sie sich beschreiben, interpretieren und evaluieren?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yWie wirken sich die visuellen, audiovisuellen und multisensorischen rechtlichen Er- zeugnisse aus?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yWorin unter- scheiden sich der SNF und die SAGW hinsichtlich der Dauer ihrer Förderungsmassnah- men?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y[ Lucas Roos?].
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yauszulegen, die in Deutschland, Österreich und in der deutsch- sprachigen Schweiz ihren Ursprung haben?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2yunter dem Titel „ What defines the Digital Humanities now? “: And the notion of the primacy of text is being challenged.
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y– In welchem Medium manifestiert sich das visuelle Produkt( Medialität)?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y– In welchem semiotischen Code erscheint es( Codalität)?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y– Was ist aus dem von José Luis Alonso initiierten Forschungsschwerpunkt „ juristische Papyrologie “ geworden?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y– Wer sind die Rezipienten der Visualisierung – Juristen, Studierende der Rechtswissen- schaft, juristische Laien?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y– Wie wirkt sich die Visualisierung auf die Rezipienten aus?
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y„ Documentation, Documentary, and the Law: What Should Be Made of Victim Impact Videos? “ Cardozo Law Review 31, Nr.
work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y„ What Is Digital History? “ Perspectives on History: The News- magazin of the American Historical Association.
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva140 8 Problems Solved?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva140 C H A P T E R 8 PROBLEMS SOLVED?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva6.1.2 Manual Annotation – How much is enough?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva94 6.1.2 Manual Annotation – How much is enough?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaGleiche Textdaten, unterschiedliche Erkenntnisziele?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaHow Noisy Social Media Text, How Diffrnt Social Media Sources?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaHow can existing POS models and resources be utilized in order to benefit the goal of tagging related text?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaHow stable is a thin ice that( relative pronoun, PRON) August hot sun has?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaINTRODUCTION • Section 6.2 Publication Learning from Within?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaIn which way does the quantity and quality of training data influence the performance of a model?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaIs Part- of- Speech Tagging a Solved Task?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaLearning from Within?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaLexical Postcorrection of OCR- Results: The Web as a Dynamic Secondary Dictionary?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaNormalizing SMS: Are Two Metaphors Bet- ter Than One?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaPROBLEMS SOLVED?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaPROBLEMS SOLVED?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaPROBLEMS SOLVED?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaScholarly Primitives: What Methods Do Humanities Researchers Have in Common, and How Might Our Tools Reflect This?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaUsers like you?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaWhat Is “ Digital Humanities, ” and Why Are They Saying Such Terri- ble Things about It?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaWhich algorithms and techniques are suited best for the purpose of POS tagging in the domain of historical texts?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgvaWhy are such terrible things written about DH?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva• Can large data quantity make up for low data quality?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva• Can large data quantity make up for low data quality?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva• In which way can large resources that have been developed for a different purpose be incorporated to improve tagging?
work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva• Is there a way to incorporate large resources that have been developed for a different purpose to improve tagging?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q2) What makes you fearful about computers and computation?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qAre you being watched back?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qCan humans become digital computers?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qCan you imagine a scenario in which you make rules that the computers are subject to?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qCould your behavioral algorithm be automated?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qCreating Computers Where did computers come from, and what makes them tick?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qDid anything you learned by doing this exercise change your mind?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qDo they augment your abilities, or could not not do what you want to do without them?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qDo they help you do your work or do they actually tell you what work you need to do?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qFebruary 18/20 Computers+ Humans: Augmentation or Symbiosis?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qHow did this algorithm or automata come into your life, what was its intent, how did it work, and what did it do to/ with/ about you?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qHow do computers make sense of things that we can not?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qHow do these automata and algorithms reinforce or perpetuate human biases, or do they correct these biases?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qHow does all of this impact you?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qHow long do you think they keep it and for what purposes?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qHow might we all go out into our various workplaces and fields of study and consider this relationship differently?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qHow successful are these attempts to make machines do our thinking for us?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qHow would you describe your relationship to computers?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qIn what form does it exist( database, video, logs, etc.)?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qJanuary 14/16 Can Machines Think?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qOr can they?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qSo, how do the things you type into your computer get translated into language the computer can understand?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qThen, set up your WordPress account, and write a first post answering two questions: 1) What''s most exciting to you about computers and computation?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qTo what degree are you in control of this surveillance?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWeek 13: Becoming a Digital Citizen How would you describe the relationship humans have with computers?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWeek 1: What Are Computers?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWeek 2: Can Machines Think?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWeek 7: Computers+ Humans: Augmentation or Symbiosis?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWere you surprised by anything?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat Are Humans?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat are the borders between humans and computers, or can they be drawn at all?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat are the compromises and assumptions we are making?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat are the ideas wrapped up in our dependence on the digital infrastructure that now wraps the globe?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat changes us when we interact with them?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat does it mean to rely on a computer to deal with all the details?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat does or does not make something fun?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat does our use of these automata and algorithms say about us?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat permission do they need from you to collect it, if any?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat roles do computers play in our lives, and what role do we play in theirs?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat was the nature of its"intelligence"and to what extent did you/ do you trust it?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhat would that( does that) look like?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhere can you break those rules to accommodate special situations?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhere can you not break those rules and why not?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhere in this system do you see that computers make rules you are subject to?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWho or what is recognizing your face or monitoring your activities?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWhy or why not?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWould you like it to be automated?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6qWrite up a list of all of the activities in which you think you are tracked, and then write, reflecting on the following questions: Who has this data?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q● Brian Merchant, “ Looking Up Symptoms Online?
work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q● Michael Brennan, “ Can Computers Be Racist?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksia( And it is worth emphasizing that Cary Wolfe is no exception in this respect, certainly in terms of his book What Is Posthumanism?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksia1 Cary Wolfe, What Is Posthumanism?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksia64 What does this mean for the ways in which research, and theory, is experienced?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaAlways and everywhere, in every situation and circumstance?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaAnd how do they enable us to challenge, and even transform, the existing publishing practices and pedagogical institutions?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaAnd what is gained or lost at the hands of these new ways of producing, extracting, and representing data?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaAre there forms of expression that are better suited to our current systems of communication than writing and printing on paper, or even on screens?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaCan research seminars become what Peters characterizes as “ an interactive setting of collective knowledge production ”?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaHow are we to understand the role of design and aesthetics in the formation of knowledge?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaIn particular, Creating Posthumanities asks who, or what, produces knowledge and can know?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaSarah Kember tackles the problem of such binaries directly in “ At Risk?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaShe asks, how we can adopt different methodologies when we are so saturated with humanist assumptions?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaThe important question for her in this respect is how do we evaluate and value non- linguistic practices?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaThe question is this: what could the humanities be if it were not engaged in the fixing of meanings?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaWhat is so important about Mouffe ’s theory of politics and the political for the argument we are making here?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaWhat is the relation here between aesthetic expression and knowledge?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaWhat will the methodological implications of a diffractive methodology be for what we do as scholars, and for our own scholarship?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaWhat, then, does this entail for their delivery both to peers and to students?
work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksiaWould doing so require radically reinventing how we design and run conferences and seminars, both online and off?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyAre manifestations of sociopolitical influences detectable, like censorship decisions or changes in power?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyBut is it trivia?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyDo we know anything about the social composition of the viewers?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyFor are they, in the end, not the experts when it comes to understanding the medium, whether it is analog or digital?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyHow are we to judge what a moving image should be?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyHow can I search these documents for recurring topics of interest related to the film, for example war, housing problems, poverty, political issues?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyHow can we browse through them efficiently and effectively without any preconceived notions about what we wish to find?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyHow can we compare movement within different shots and present the results visually?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyHow can we correlate shot lengths with movement or images and motifs with movement?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyHow can we integrate into the static visualizations an impression of the duration of shots in relation to their neighboring shots?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyHow did the audience react?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyHow do we effectively embed human faces into trees, networks and matrices?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyHow was the film received?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyHow, therefore, can we discover interesting things in massive media collections?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyIs the understanding of it as an art medium, of the kind best revered in a cinematheque, now something absurdly narrow?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyJust by looking at this visualization we start raising questions: Which actions occur within a particular shot and how dynamic are they?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyKnowing the context is essential: Is our reference point the Soviet Union of the 1930s or the Austrian rural community of the 1950s?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyOr should we opt for a more explorative approach, let computer scientists do a basic search and pre- rank the results for humanists to evaluate?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyThe visualization can be viewed online.12 How can we create something similar using moving images?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyWas there a gradual evolution of style or rather radical changes?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyWhat should be preserved, and how can we ensure it remains accessible( and to whom)?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyWhat, intrinsically, is the difference between, say CITIZEN KANE and CHARLIE BIT MY FINGER?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyWhen and where did the major changes occur and how are we able to explain these deviations from the usual pattern?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyWhen should we apply qualitative analysis and when not?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyWhere and how often was a particular film screened, and which other films were scheduled in the same screening program?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyWhich topics can be investigated in films by taking formal analysis into account?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtyWho wrote about it?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgtywith methods of qualitative analysis?
work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgty“ Film archives and digital humanities – an impossible match?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q414 Q23 WHICH PROGRAM OF NEH FAMILIAR WITH?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4As Professor Matthew Gold notes in his essay, “ Whose Revolution?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4But stretched as community college faculty are in teaching workloads, she asked, is this possible for ccs?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4DH as Community Builder: How can DH projects cultivate connections among students and their communities?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4Do you teach your course(s) with some online components and/or entirely online?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4He demonstrated his latest project, 19 “ Should Liberal Arts Campuses Do Digital Humanities?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4How do we decide?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4How highly do you value the use of technology in your teaching, curriculum development, assessment and research?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4How will digital humanities be mainstreamed at the CC?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4If you teach, what level courses do you teach regularly?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4In your opinion, does a"digital divide"exist between PART- TIME faculty on your campus and FULL- TIME faculty?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4Incidents in the Life of Harriet Jacobs — Wordles: what kinds of words should we count?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4Or are they to be stuck creating derivative products that mimic what is being done in research institutions?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4Q11 ONLINE COMPONENTS?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4Q14 SUPPORT AMONG YOUR COLLEAGUES?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4Q15 MEET EXPECTATIONS FOR FACULTY STAFF DEVT?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4Q19 WOULD YOU ATTEND A SUMMER INSTITUTE?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4What difference does publication location make?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4What do our students have that others do n’t?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4What is the Pipeline for New DH Faculty at the CC?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4What is your employee role?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4What is your employment status?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4What is/ are your teaching discipline(s)?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4What level of autonomy do you have in designing your courses?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4What methods do you use to keep current in your discipline and teaching practice?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4Which of the following digital humanities pedagogies, methods, and objects of study are you familiar with?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4Which of the following do you use regularly in your humanities courses?
work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4Will it eventually lead to DH at the CC?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymAnd do you think they should survive, or what are your thoughts?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymAnd how long are the audio files going to last?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymAs more of the context is stripped out in transcription, however, what remains of the conversation that took place in Rowland ’s office?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymBut I just spliced or grabbed some quotes from that and I thought I would read them out to you and let you comment on them, okay?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymCan you talk about that?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymCould you give us a little background on how peer review developed?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymCould you talk about this transformation?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymDid it mean that everything was fine?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymDid it mean that everything was so bad that no one was going to embarrass me by saying so?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymFR: And then, you studied television in terms of literature in your first book, but were you studying television outside that, in more general terms?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymFR: Interesting, and are other people doing this?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymFR: Which is oral culture, right?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymHow did you get from the first book to the second book?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymHow does that feed into your book and your argument about these tensions?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymHow is anyone going to find these interviews?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymI mean, what did television have to do with English departments?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymI was asked you know in this kind of environment, how do you command student attention?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymKF: Television as television?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymSo …?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymSo, to end our interview, I was just wondering, what were some of your favorite TV shows growing up?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymThe Institute was absolutely fundamental to establish …[ 32:48] FR: They ’re at NYU?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymThey never see it, although professors will – and they should do this – get up and talk about who is this person responding to in this work?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymWhat does this do to the author and the text?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymWhat is it about, and what were you trying to accomplish?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymWhat would you …?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asymWhen we talk about peer review, it ’s not just an abstract argument, it ’s also the bread and butter of academics, right?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 15:36] FR: So I guess did this surprise you, the path of your career?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 18:45] FR: How would you define the digital humanities?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 27:13] FR: How many comments did you get?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 29:12] FR: Or did it mean that people just did n’t read those parts?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 31:52] FR: Okay and just a little bit about MediaCommons and how it developed?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 33:24] FR: How does moving more scholarship into web- based formats destabilize our notions of the author and the text?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 3:02] FR: Yes, what do you mean by that exactly?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 3:55] FR: And the authors, who are the authors you were dealing with?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 40:46] FR: Can you imagine alternatives to the scholarly monograph?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 52:33] FR: How do you think university presses will change in the next ten years?
work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym[ 55:26] FR: And what role do you see academic libraries playing in this whole publishing ecosystem?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu( attach a Scoping Diagram for clarity) What are the project interfaces?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu( both systems- related and user- related) Countermeasures How will you avoid this?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquAbove factors all OK?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquConstraints What is the maximum cost of the project?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquDefinition OK?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquEnd Date When will it end?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquEstimate How many effort hours?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquFinal Product What is the end product?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquHow critical will the impact of the project be?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquHow many elapsed hours?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquInterim Products What are the products of the milestones?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquIs plan OK?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquOur open- source research products?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquOutcome acceptable?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquProject Approach What are the milestones?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquRisks What could go wrong?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquSchedule Start Date When will the project start?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat are the critical requirements?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat are the interproject dependencies?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat are they expected to do?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat assumptions are you making?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat business procedures are required?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat documentation is required?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat happens if we do n’t do it?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat is the latest project completion date?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat locations are in and out of scope?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat production operations procedures are required?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhat training is required?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWho will accept the finished product?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWho will remove obstacles?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWho will signoff the requirements?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWhy do it now?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWill Systems Analysis be required, if so what ’s needed?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquWill an Acceptance Test Plan and testing be required?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquYes/ No 2) Will upcoming target dates be missed?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquYes/ No 3) Does the team have resource constraints?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknquYes/ No 4) Are there issues that require management attention?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu–   Any outstanding issues?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu–   Skills inventory matrix •   Who will be responsible for what?
work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu•   Do you make changes?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu( Some possibilities might be: To make your data available?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu( nd.d) What is digital curation?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buAnd hypothetically, which of your data would you contribute?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buAre there any barriers to sharing your data that are out of your control?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buAre you going to save the files?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buAre you the person on your research team that primarily collects, processes, and analyzes the data?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buBriefly describe your current research and the data you use, generate or collect?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buCan you walk me through your data collection process, from start to finish?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buFor others on your team?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buFor potential deposit in a repository?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buFor yourself for future use?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buHave you submitted data and/or metadata to a shared community repository?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buHave your data, the collection process, or metadata practices changed in recent years?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buHow are they stored?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buHow can the UCLA Data Registry benefit UCLA researchers?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buHow do you describe your data or apply metadata?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buIs it essential to the published paper?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buIs there a strong ethic of sharing in your research community?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buIs your data included in the publication?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buOne faculty member questioned, “ what does it mean to save the data?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buResearch Question 1: How will the UCLA Data Registry benefit UCLA researchers?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buResearch Question 2: What incentives and disincentives do researchers have to register their data?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buThe XML files and image files?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buTo fulfill a mandate by a funding agency?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buTo receive credit for research output?)
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buUnder what conditions would you release data to others?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buWhat Tools do UCLA Researchers Need?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buWhat are the challenges or obstacles that need to be overcome before services like the Data Registry can be built and utilized by researchers?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buWhat are you current data management methods?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buWhat incentives and disincentives do UCLA researchers have to register their data?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buWhat is the purpose of describing your data?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buWhat language/ terms do you use?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buWhat would your motivations be for registering your data?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buWhere are your data currently stored?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buWhere do you receive most of your funding?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3buWhy cite data?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• Are there any data management requirements?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• Are there metadata standards that you use?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• Are there standard taxonomies that you use?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• How much data do you produce?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• If not, why not?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• If so, what data did you contribute?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• If so, where did they come from?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• To what degree is your data collection process ad hoc or standardized?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• What constitutes a dataset?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• What data would you make available?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• What format(s) do they come in?
work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu• Where are your data management pain points?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4( 2014: 44) First, what do we understand by complexity?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4), Übersetzen – Translating – Traduire: Towards a “ Social Turn ”?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Apostles: What ’s the buzz?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Apostolii: Ce se- aude, Ce se- ntâmplă?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Can we argue at this point that applying a systems paradigm in studying agency is opportune?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Can we still speak about the translators ’ invisibility in the age of instant access to information and ubiquitous computing?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Chișinău: Quo Vadis?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Chișinău; Ploiești: Quo Vadis?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Could they not, perhaps paradoxically, also help fire resistant transformations and hence unintentionally subvert themselves?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Customs Officers or Smugglers?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Customs Officers or Smugglers?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Details from Ana Virgilia Popa ’s online CV confirm the fact that the first edition was published in 1995 at Quo vadis?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Do n’t you mind about the future?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Do n’t you try to think ahead?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4First, how valid are the grounds for labeling a culture as ‘ minor ’ or ‘ peripheral ’?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Fourth, one may wonder: what do complex adaptive systems bring to the table that Niklas Luhmann ’s systems do not?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Here is for example the Romanian translation of “ What ’s the Buzz? ” What ’s the Buzz?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Here is for example the Romanian translation of “ What ’s the Buzz? ” What ’s the Buzz?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4How are theories based on the global book flows addressing this situation?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4How do poetry translations come into being since they are neither economically, nor socially influential?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4How do they associate among themselves and how do they get in contact with the contemporary authors they translate?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4How do translators build and maintain their networks?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4How does digital space enable translation?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4How does the online reshape the definition of translation?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4How was I to go beyond the dynamics of power professed by Pierre Bourdieu through the words of Pascale Casanova( 2004)?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Iisus: De ce oare vreți să știți?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4In our case in point, what are the building blocks of translation studies?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4It did n’t feel accurate, so what was I to make of this?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Jesus: Why should you want to know?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4La ce vine nu gândiți?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Part 1, minute 31:00 Ce se- aude, ce se- ntâmplă?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Second, what is a system and what is a complex adaptive system?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4The first bilingual edition was published in 1995 at Quo Vadis?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4The most important question I asked myself was: If there is a dynamics of power, is it unidirectional?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4Viitorul – ce vă pasă?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4What are these translators ’ lines of flight?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4What can we learn from the evolution of social sciences over the past sixty years in terms of acknowledging and fostering heterogeneity?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4What if there is no one center, but ‘ multiple center(s) ’ that could provide invaluable knowledge for the field?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4What is a viable theoretical 13 model for the analysis of poetry translator ’s agency in all its complexity?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4What research models and tools are available for exploring this complexity?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4You wanna know what happened?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4» In Où va le livre?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ A ‘ Multilingual ’ and ‘ International ’ Translation Studies?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Beyond Eurocentrism?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Can the Subaltern Speak? ” In Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture.
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Cea mai mare bucurie?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Cei care strang bani pentru tine; A fost El vreodată acolo?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ De ce EgoPHobia? ” Web:
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ De ce?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ How Eurocentric is Europe? ” In Eurocentrism in Translation Studies( Luc van Doorslaer and Peter Flynn, Eds.).
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ How did she come to embark on such projects? ” was the next question.
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Is Translation Studies Going Anglo- Saxon?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Page- Turner( can one trust the narrator?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Partisanship or Loyalty?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Revealing the “ soul of which nation? ”: Translated literature as cultural diplomacy. ” In Translation.
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Un soare veşnic; Cuprins de dor; Te- am pierdut? ”( Olimpia Iacob, Trans.)
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Unsafe at Any Speed?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ When is the Economy not like Weather?
work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4“ Why( Not) Luhmann?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm1 MELANIE[ 1(softly)]1 Can I ask you something …?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm1.2 What is Annotation?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm11 Mats Wirén et al.< Cultural Analytics ‘ Do you want it with water? ’< Man – Girl>< TURN> ‘ I do n’t know, ’ the girl said.
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm13 Mats Wirén et al.< Cultural Analytics< TURN> Who likes Animal Collective, you or Melissa?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm8 shifts in narrative levels or frames?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm< Bobbi – Nick> Can we listen to music?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm< Frances – Dad> You ’re away, are you?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm< Nick – Bobbi>< TURN> But who bought the CD?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm< Woman–(Man, Girl?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm< CHARACTERS>< TURN> Dad?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmAnd will the results help readers to attend to the meaningfulness of these changes in perspective, acting alongside one ma- chine reading another?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmAre annotators allowed to use exter- nal references in this search, and if so, which( e.g., lexica — or Wikipedia etc.)?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmAre there reasons mentioned why aspects are in-/excluded?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmAs for “ change of state ” whose state does this refer to?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmAs he sits down with the tray …]1 OLD JAKE There ’s only one “ first time ” for everything, is n’t there?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmBut still, after time had passed and the shock had worn off, was n’t there something you could have done?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmBy close reading on a word- by- word basis?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmBy more loosely skimming the text?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmCompare also the classification of “ narration ”( which is about the “ who? ”), “ story ”( “ what? ”) and “ text ”( “ how ”?)
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmCompare also the classification of “ narration ”( which is about the “ who? ”), “ story ”( “ what? ”) and “ text ”( “ how ”?)
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmCompare also the classification of “ narration ”( which is about the “ who? ”), “ story ”( “ what? ”) and “ text ”( “ how ”?)
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmDo you gain new insights about narrative levels in texts by applying the foreign guideline, compared to the application of your own guideline?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmDoes it make a difference in this context, if an analepsis is completed or not, external or internal?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmDoes it omit something?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmDoes the application of this guideline influence your interpretation of a text?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmExplanation: If the guideline is based on a theory or multiple theories, does it include the whole theory or only parts of it?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmFor example, is the statement “ I went to the supermarket and bought some fruit ” already a narrative?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmGenerally, the model should be maximally precise- are “ interlaced ”( p. 9) and “ sequential ” two types of “ embedding ”?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmHow adequately is the narrative level concept implemented by this guideline in respect to narrative levels?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmHow comprehensive is the guideline with respect to aspects of the theory?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmHow does one “ identif[y] moments where one narrative yields to another ”?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmHow easy is it to apply the guideline for researchers with a narratological back- ground?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmHow easy is it to apply the guideline for researchers without a narratological background?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmHow helpful are these narrative levels for an interesting corpus analysis?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmHow helpful are they as an input layer for subsequent corpus or single text analysis steps( that depend on narrative levels)?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmHow many short stories will the annotator receive?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmIn particular, when does a dialogue, which is part of a narrative, become a narrative of its own?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmIs it sufficient to characterize the narrator, or should we think about the narratee as well?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmIs our assumption of at least two applying indicators too arbitrary?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmIs the narrative level concept based on existing concepts?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmIs the narrative level concept explicitly described?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmIs this a new narrative?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmIt undermines the attempt to identify levels and, 3”R/ ProgrammerHumor- When Do We Want What?, ” reddit, accessed June 3, 2019.
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmIt would be like destroying yourself. ” “ Why are we talking about this? ” Tsukuru said, half to himself, trying to sound upbeat.
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmJAKE Dad …?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmNick switched on the radio and Bobbi withdrew her face from the window< CHARACTERS>< TURN> and said, do you not have a CD player?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmOLD JAKE Twice in one night …?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmOr perhaps using a simpler narrative?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmOur annotation of the “ how? ” is also relatively rudimentary.
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmOur annotation of the “ what? ” is rather rudimentary.
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmOur emphasis of the “ who? ” no doubt reflects the fact that we have approached the problem of narrative structure from linguistics.
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmRegardless of the mode, is the description/ definition understandable and clear?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmSISKO What … what happened …?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmWhat about dreams or visions?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmWhat are the closing tags closing?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmWhat does it mean to say “ Each narrative has an ID number ”?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmWhat happens if there are two types of narration happening( a flashback inside a dream)?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmWhat is the difference between “ events ” and “ happenings ”?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmWhat would be your surprise, my son, when you expected a happy and glad welcome, to behold, on the contrary, tears and wretchedness?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmWhich specific criteria do we need in order to distinguish between analepses( flashbacks) and embed- ded narrative levels?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmWho, then, is the narrator of the passages concerning the early life of the Creature?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmWhy did n’t you challenge it?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmWould the phrase “ like I had done every morning since she left ” be a flashback?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmYou ’re away, are you?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm] 1 OLD JAKE Twice in one night …?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmthe point between two different narrative levels, or should we annotate the whole passage belonging on one level?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxmthe specific way of boundary crossing, the respective narrative act of the former level, the speakers ’- or narrators ’?
work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm“ If possible, please use different colors for each narrative ”?
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work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4“ Where ’s the Pedagogy?
work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4“ Why Are the Digital Humanities So White?
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work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4“ Why Do Marketspaces Matter for the Humanities?
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work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy( 2) what of importance might it ignore?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy( 3) how does it relate to — or join — the other two elements?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy( For example, would you cut an element?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy( That is, how broadly or narrowly does it describe the place, people, or things it ’s describing?)
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy( That is, how do they relate, and how do they contradict/ complement each other?)
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy( That is, how well does it account for the range of possibilities suggested by your data elements?)
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy( That is, how would it hold up to critique?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy( Try one that starts with “ how. ”) • What are the data elements for your project?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy( Try one that starts with “ how. ”) • What are the data elements for your project?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy( You ’ve likely done this, no?)
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy: Modules Ahead • Collecting Idea Pockets, Do You Believe in Angels?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy: Modules Ahead • Mapping in Stakes, What ’s Data?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyAdd one?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyAgain, the medium is yours, but please transmit the following: • What is your research question?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyAgain, the medium is yours, but please transmit the following: • What is your research question?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyAnd how does it differ from more common websites?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyAnd how would they put it down?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyAnd what kind of collaboration, exactly?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyAnd who do these groups represent?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyAs a parody of old school, low- tech personal web pages, what media is it remediating?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyBefore and during the process, consider: • What is realistic for a quarter?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyBefore and during the process, consider: • What is realistic for a quarter?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyBelow are five possible approaches, which are broadly framed and adopted from Roel Nahuis ’s and Harro van Lente ’s “ Where Are the Politics?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyBut please respond to the following: • What do you want from your emerging project?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyBut please respond to the following: • What do you want from your emerging project?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyBut, for the purposes of this module, what are boxes?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyBy focusing, perhaps, on what your project is not doing, what have you learned about what it is doing persuasively?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyChange how they are worded?)
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyComparable to how nanotechnologists speak of carbon nanotubes, let ’s speak of your data as threads: o How “ thick ” of a thread is it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyConsidering the aims of your project, as well as your elements( from Module 5), does any of the visualizations work for you?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyData, but how to gather it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyDo you need to look to more texts?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyDo you plan to circulate it to others or make it public?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyDo you plan to circulate it to others or make it public?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyExpand vision?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyFair enough, Carl, but that does n’t mean we ca n’t at least try to make things a tad easier, right?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyFair enough, Carl, but that does n’t mean we ca n’t at least try to make things a tad easier, right?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyGiven this module, what kind of data do you expect?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow are the projects graded?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow can students find help with 498 and find other support on campus?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow did that interpretation manifest in the encoding?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow do those expectations resonate with your data model?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow do those expectations resonate with your data model?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow does it achieve humor in this remediation?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow does the individual project work?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow has your project — and your framing of it — changed since then?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow has your project — and your framing of it — changed since then?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow is he to find out what the poet tried to do?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow might it alter common perceptions of history, of landscape, of culture, of literature?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow might paradigms and syntagms play a role in this refashioning?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow might this conversation between close and distant reading figure into your assessment?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow might you make that data more interesting?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow might you take advantage of this difference?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow might you take advantage of this difference?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow will some audiences object to the distant reading you ’re conducting?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow would your encoding influence how a reader interprets the poem?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow, if at all, is it at odds with other ways you ’ve practiced reading and criticism?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyHow, then, does a map become Haraway ’s nonliteral swervy thing, or Geertz ’s “ model for ”?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyIf were not surprised, then why?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyIn composing such an abstraction, what are some ways to remind yourself of your data ’s texture?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyIn tension?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyIn “ zooming in ” on specific elements of the text, what did your nanovision occlude, and to what effects on your project?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyMore provocative?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyMy first suggestion?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyMy next suggestion?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyOf everyday life?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyOf its material embeddedness and implications?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyOf research?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyOr how might it become a vehicle for humor or political action?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyOr, to return to Moretti and Module 5 for a sec: For now, what knowledge are you taking for granted?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyOr, to return to Moretti and Module 5 for a sec: For now, what knowledge are you taking for granted?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyOr, what is your objective, and what ’s motivating it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyOr, what is your objective, and what ’s motivating it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyPut another way, what, if anything, did you think you had under control and all mapped out that, in fact, you do not?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyRegardless of whether you are modeling for or modeling of, how will you make your data interesting, and how will it be organized?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyRevise them so that they relate differently?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzySo how about what we ’ll call a “ workflow ”?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzySo how about what we ’ll call a “ workflow ”?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzySo what is “ the digital humanities, ” exactly?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyThat is, what texts will you be working with?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyThat is, what texts will you be working with?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyTheir limits of vision?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyThings to consider: What concerns do you have about distant reading?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyTo what critical approaches( see Module 7) is it accountable?)
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat Now?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat Now?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat Now?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat Now?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat Now?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat Now?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat appeals?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat appeals?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat approach(es) do you prefer and why?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat are the course policies?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat audience(s) do you have in mind, and what matters to them?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat confounds?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat confounds?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat did you learn from another course or project that could be developed and re/ intermediated?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat did you learn from another course or project that could be developed and re/ intermediated?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat did you learn from it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat did you learn from it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat do you care about?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat do you care about?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat do you want to continuing learning from it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat do you want to continuing learning from it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat does it afford?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat does it afford?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat does it ask of audiences and to what effects?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat does it ask of audiences and to what effects?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat have you written on?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat have you written on?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat is n’t?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat is n’t?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat is the role of digital technologies in learning and taking humanities classes at the university?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat might need to change from that last module?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat will others?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat will others?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat will your product look like?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s Next?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s Next?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s Next?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s Next?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s Next?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s Next?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s Next?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s Next?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s Next?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s curious, and what could be developed?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s curious, and what could be developed?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s familiar?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s familiar?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s in the remnants?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s mapped?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s not?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s your trajectory, collector?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhat ’s your trajectory, collector?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhere were the historians today?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhere ’s the calendar?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhich of the two terms do you prefer?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhy or why not?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhy or why not?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhy or why not?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhy teach this course, in particular, on “ mapping ”?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyWhy, or why not?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo How are the two approaches coextensive or complementary?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo How well are your data sets “ knotted ” or “ tied ” together?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo How “ durable ” of a thread is it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo How “ tightly or loosely woven ” is it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo How, if at all, do computers and new media figure into the above questions?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo If you were to revise your data elements along the lines of one of these approaches, then what would change?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo Now that you have some data, how, if at all, did the data elements( as constraints) help you gather data that surprised you?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo What are the limits of your data sources and archive?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo What does a close reading afford humanities research, especially digital humanities research?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo( 2) For your project, are you more invested in modeling for or modeling of?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo( 3) How do the visualizations affect your perception of your elements( from Module 5)?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzyo( 4) What other kind of visualizations or models would you like to work with in class?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• Considering the brevity of a quarter, how was your project a success?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• Considering the brevity of a quarter, how was your project a success?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How can something as strict as binary code, computation, or organization enable curiosity?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How can something “ digital ” also be “ material ”?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How can we do more than simply “ use ” digital technologies and media for information?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How could you improve your project?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How could you improve your project?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How did encoding the text influence your interpretation of it?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How did your perception of how you controlled and navigated information change?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How do you avoid reinventing the wheel?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How do you avoid reinventing the wheel?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How does your project produce new knowledge and about what?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How does your project produce new knowledge and about what?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How is each of these a form of collaboration?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How is each of these a form of collecting?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How — for better and for worse — does your animation project differ from an academic paper( especially one intended for print)?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How — for better and for worse — does your animation project differ from an academic paper( especially one intended for print)?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How, if at all, do you plan on developing( or using) your project in the future?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• How, if at all, do you plan on developing( or using) your project in the future?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• On the blog, list your three elements and address three things about each:( 1) what kind of interpretation would it afford?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• Proceduralist: How is mapping( as a set of social practices with rules and agreed- upon guidelines) a negotiation between interested groups?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• What did you learn, and how did you learn it differently from these two interfaces?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• What do you need( e.g., knowledge, experience, materials, and practice) to pull everything off?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• What do you need( e.g., knowledge, experience, materials, and practice) to pull everything off?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• What does something like Doodlebuzz afford?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• When the spring ’s finished, what kind of project will be most useful for you?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• When the spring ’s finished, what kind of project will be most useful for you?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• Where are you going for evidence or data?
work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy• Where are you going for evidence or data?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, At the moment the pilot is in a initial phase Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, Download statistics and other knowledge of usage Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, Google analytics, social media, publications Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, Participant feedback Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, Through existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, Through existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, Through existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, Through existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, With surveys Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, Yearly reviews Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze, not exactly clear how we would do this Please specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze1- 2 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze1- 2 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze2- 5 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze3- 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze33/ 67 LIBER DH& DCH Working group- use case survey Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze57/ 67 LIBER DH& DCH Working group- use case survey Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze6- 10 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze6- 10 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze6- 10 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze6- 10 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeA born- digital collection we created and curate, A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeA born- digital collection we created and curate, A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeA born- digital collection we created and curate, A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeA born- digital collection we created and curate, A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeA digitised collection we created and curate Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeA digitised collection we created and curate Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeA digitised collection we created and curate Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeA digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeA digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeA digitised collection we have a license to, A digitised collection we created and curate, Metadata Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeAny other CC- license Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeAny other CC- license Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeArticles in journals, Conferences, Blog posts, Other( please specify): Workshops Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeArticles in journals, Conferences, Own website Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeArticles in journals, Conferences, Own website Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeArticles in journals, Conferences, Partner''s website, Social media Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeArticles in journals, Own website, Social media, Blog posts Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeAware( They know( some of) the activities the library is active in) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeAware( They know( some of) the activities the library is active in) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeAware( They know( some of) the activities the library is active in) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeAware( They know( some of) the activities the library is active in) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeAware( They know( some of) the activities the library is active in) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeCC0, Any other CC- license Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeCC0, Any other CC- license, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeCC0, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeConferences, Own website, Partner''s website, Social media Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeConferences, Own website, Social media, Blog posts Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeCopyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeCopyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeDigital content/ collections Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeDigital content/ collections Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeDigital content/ collections, Advisory/ consultation roles Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeDigital content/ collections, Digital storage/ preservation/ hosting Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeDigital content/ collections, Skills training and development Q16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf no, why not?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf no, why not?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf no, why not?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf no, why not?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, how?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIf yes, please specify which skill gaps you indentified: Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIn other words, is it part of a policy?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIt belongs to the scope of this activity Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIt belongs to the scope of this activity Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIt belongs to the scope of this activity Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeIt belongs to the scope of this activity Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeMore than 10 Q9 Is the activity being undertaken in an embedded program in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeMore than 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeMore than 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeMore than 5 years Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo, because Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo, because, Lack of money Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo, because, Not yet, but we will Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo, it is an ad- hoc activity Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo, it is an ad- hoc activity Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNo, it is an ad- hoc activity Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNone Q17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNot applicable, the library does not promote the activity Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNot applicable, the library does not promote the activity Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNot applicable, we did not follow or offer any training Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNot applicable, we did not follow or offer any training Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNot applicable, we did not follow or offer any training Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNot applicable, we did not follow or offer any training Q19 How aware are academics in your institution of the DH activities the library is active in?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNot aware( They have no idea the library does anything related to DH) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeNot aware( They have no idea the library does anything related to DH) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeOnline Presence – DH Lab/ Portal, Social Media, Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeOnline Presence – DH Lab/ Portal, Social Media, Physical Space – Facilitating/ Hosting, Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeOther forums – committees, faculty liaison, others?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeOther forums – committees, faculty liaison, others?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeOther( please specify): Archive data Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeOther( please specify): Catalogues Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeOther( please specify): Collection we are digitising and are making available CC- BY Q13 How is the data you are using licensed?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeOwn website Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeOwn website, Partner''s website, Social media, Blog posts Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeOwn website, Social media, Blog posts Q21 Where can we find any extra information about the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q12 What kind of collection are you using in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePlease specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePublic domain Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePublic domain, Any other CC- license Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePublic domain, CC0 Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePublic domain, CC0, Any other CC- license Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePublic domain, CC0, Any other CC- license, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePublic domain, CC0, Any other CC- license, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePublic domain, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePublic domain, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePublic domain, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzePublic domain, Copyrighted Q14 How did you find/ built a relationship with the researchers working in this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ16 What were the most significant skill- gaps you identified for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ17 Did you follow or offer any training for librarians as part of this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ3 Is it OK if we share this use case( including the name of library)?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeQ7 How long have you been doing this activity in your library?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeScoping tools – Environmental Scans, Surveys, Training/ outreach events, Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeSomewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeSomewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeSomewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeSomewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeSomewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeSomewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeSomewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeSomewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeSomewhat aware( They know that the library does something, but are not sure what) Q20 If the library promotes the activity, where does it do so?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeThrough existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeThrough existing relationships Q15 What would be the main topics describing your relationship with the researchers working in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeTraining/ outreach events, Online Presence – DH Lab/ Portal, Social Media, Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeTraining/ outreach events, Physical Space – Facilitating/ Hosting, Other forums – committees, faculty liaison, others?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeUnder a year Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeUnder a year Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeUnder a year Q8 How many people of your library are involved in the activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, it is part of the library ’s policy Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, it is part of the library ’s policy Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, it is part of the library ’s policy Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, it is part of the library ’s policy Q10 Do you have a dedicated budget for this activity?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, namely Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, namely Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, namely, Metadata training Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, namely, html, php, digitisation Please specify: Q18 If you have followed or offered any DH training for librarians, how is it organised?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with a combination of internal and external funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with a combination of internal and external funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with external funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with external funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with external funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?
work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmzeYes, with internal funding Q11 Are you assessing the impact of your work?