
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
work_7cgwg2vh6fdkdmgm2mqp5ykvjiIt may be that trebles with modes marginally above the standard mode frequencies Designing a guitar ftimil?, Fig.
work_45wy3fczjvc5fj53ll2knwbjv4Homer, Gregory, and Bill Evans? work_45wy3fczjvc5fj53ll2knwbjv4 Guitar diagram for A- minor 7 add 9 A m in? work_cagg2iehrvacpijnsx55uocaje What pops into your head before you try to fall asleep? work_cagg2iehrvacpijnsx55uocaje Where''s my life?!'' work_qauxvqzy35eszi54ysadvjqyjq Is human information processing conscious? work_qauxvqzy35eszi54ysadvjqyjq What about music? work_snruknwrzbaupasn7skiaqlh4i How and when does an image become a document? work_snruknwrzbaupasn7skiaqlh4i What happens when the avant- garde appropriates its affective properties along with its images? work_snruknwrzbaupasn7skiaqlh4i What happens when the avant- garde cozies up to the mainstream cinema? work_snruknwrzbaupasn7skiaqlh4i Without the cinema, though, would we still be able to see them? work_dqbaol2l6nfrlmygths4vqk47m All we like sheep? work_dqbaol2l6nfrlmygths4vqk47m Bargainin ’ for salvation: Bob Dylan, a Zen master? work_dqbaol2l6nfrlmygths4vqk47m What is the future of the music industry? work_dqbaol2l6nfrlmygths4vqk47m What would Keith Richards do? work_dqbaol2l6nfrlmygths4vqk47m What ’s that sound? work_hcnsckvh2bfjdp7sjhdkehu5na Could one scale be used for all instruments, or should different scales be developed using some, but not all, common items( Horowitz, 1994)? work_hcnsckvh2bfjdp7sjhdkehu5na How does adjudicator training affect reliability? work_hcnsckvh2bfjdp7sjhdkehu5na How reliable is the WJIES when used by a larger panel of experienced adjudicators? work_hcnsckvh2bfjdp7sjhdkehu5na If reliable and valid instrumental jazz improvi- sation measures presently exist, is it truly necessary to construct additional rating scales? work_jeaea5yzlnbyvnymnnngmzvjti Are there kinds of concepts? work_jeaea5yzlnbyvnymnnngmzvjti Does the induced clustering of the exemplars and the features take the form of a partition or is it an overlapping clustering? work_jeaea5yzlnbyvnymnnngmzvjti Is the number of exemplar and feature clusters fixed throughout the esti- mation procedure or is it dynamically updated? work_jeaea5yzlnbyvnymnnngmzvjti Natural categories: Well- defined or fuzzy sets? work_jeaea5yzlnbyvnymnnngmzvjti The models differ in many respects, however: Are the models deterministic or stochastic? work_5u3r7cajqbbivoevkhhea6ncgy But are all of them equally important for music analysis and interpretation? work_5u3r7cajqbbivoevkhhea6ncgy JAAH Dataset 3d degree Includes diminished 5th? work_5u3r7cajqbbivoevkhhea6ncgy Major Minor Major chord Dominant 7thchord Yes Minor chord Diminishedchord Halfdiminished 7th chord Includes minor 7th? work_5u3r7cajqbbivoevkhhea6ncgy No NoIncludes minor 7th? work_5u3r7cajqbbivoevkhhea6ncgy There ’s a good progress for both datasets, but is the task close to being completely solved? work_53x2t22auffgxhyvfxvcwrttgu 39 D. Coplan,''The Urbanisation of African Music: Some Theoretical Observations'', Popular Music, 2[ issue number? work_53x2t22auffgxhyvfxvcwrttgu 7 Zambia? work_53x2t22auffgxhyvfxvcwrttgu Cultural brokerage was something that they did – or were supposed to do – but does that mean they were cultural brokers? work_53x2t22auffgxhyvfxvcwrttgu What for UNIP was a prerequisite for national unity, the broadcasters saw as endangering the liberal, democratic? work_liud7tkplbabjku3d6qh7i4fnm Once you ’re doing the thing that you believe in, why not do other gigs and make money out of it and have a more comfortable lifestyle? work_7shefhbpyvf7pabtdlj52nvgaa E D I T O R I A L In July, I participated in a two- day meeting dubbed “ Restoring or Renaturing? work_7shefhbpyvf7pabtdlj52nvgaa So, what am I doing? work_7shefhbpyvf7pabtdlj52nvgaa So, why did we avoid this discussion at the workshop? work_7shefhbpyvf7pabtdlj52nvgaa • Can rewilding be a legitimate goal in Europe, or is this a Holy Grail better pursued in the New World? work_7shefhbpyvf7pabtdlj52nvgaa • How can restoration history improve our current efforts to restore? work_7shefhbpyvf7pabtdlj52nvgaa • What can the historical record tell us about the nature of degradation? work_7shefhbpyvf7pabtdlj52nvgaa • What historical assumptions do we hold when we set out to restore, and what are the political and social implications? work_kjij7pfoonfqzc3h2zbgjvbfpq ( Akata et al., 2015a), DEVISE( Frome et al., 2013), SJE( Akata et al., 2015c), ESZSL(?) work_kjij7pfoonfqzc3h2zbgjvbfpq ? Socher et al., 2013) the search space includes all the class embeddings both at training time and at test time. work_kjij7pfoonfqzc3h2zbgjvbfpq Are we ready for autonomous driving? work_kjij7pfoonfqzc3h2zbgjvbfpq Finally, the standard label propagation(?) work_kjij7pfoonfqzc3h2zbgjvbfpq In addition to the classical regularization techniques, how can we encourage the models to share knowledge across related tasks? work_kjij7pfoonfqzc3h2zbgjvbfpq Our work is also inspired by?. work_kjij7pfoonfqzc3h2zbgjvbfpq Quo vadis, action recognition? work_kjij7pfoonfqzc3h2zbgjvbfpq What principles make the representation generalize better to novel tasks? work_4zym37jx4jfhzm2c5o7gcjfgju What''s the point?"
work_4zym37jx4jfhzm2c5o7gcjfgjuWhat''s the point?
work_4zym37jx4jfhzm2c5o7gcjfgjuIs the goal worthwhile?
work_4zym37jx4jfhzm2c5o7gcjfgjuIs the rule an effective way of achieving the purported goal?
work_4zym37jx4jfhzm2c5o7gcjfgjuWhat goal is served by the following rule?
work_2ip4tri33vfdbfxs5spwnrl2ji3.1 What is Complexity?
work_2ip4tri33vfdbfxs5spwnrl2ji7 2 Working Thesis and Procedure 8 3 Music Complexity as a Semantic Descriptor 10 3.1 What is Complexity?
work_2ip4tri33vfdbfxs5spwnrl2jiBut how can we arrive there?
work_2ip4tri33vfdbfxs5spwnrl2jiHow can musical preference be modified?
work_2ip4tri33vfdbfxs5spwnrl2jiHow do we identify the aspects of music that make the formulation of the overall behaviour difficult?
work_2ip4tri33vfdbfxs5spwnrl2jiWhat are the atomic components we should consider in this context?
work_2ip4tri33vfdbfxs5spwnrl2jiWhat is complexity?
work_2ip4tri33vfdbfxs5spwnrl2jiWhich are useful semantic descriptors to be used?
work_2ip4tri33vfdbfxs5spwnrl2jiWhich one should be rated more complex?
work_2ip4tri33vfdbfxs5spwnrl2jiWhy should musical complexity descriptors be particularly interesting for the normal music consumer?
work_l6yr6hunf5atnl3tqjan3dvy64Do you auralize?
work_l6yr6hunf5atnl3tqjan3dvy64How does it develop?
work_l6yr6hunf5atnl3tqjan3dvy64If so, what is the nature of these images triggered during sight reading?
work_l6yr6hunf5atnl3tqjan3dvy64In addition, there were five mathe- matical number line completion exercises( e.g., 22, 27, 25, 30,?)
work_l6yr6hunf5atnl3tqjan3dvy64Is it based on auditory, phonatory, or manual motor resources?
work_l6yr6hunf5atnl3tqjan3dvy64Is it linked to expertise of music instrument, music literacy, music theory, sight reading, or absolute perfect pitch?
work_l6yr6hunf5atnl3tqjan3dvy64Is the process similar to other actions involving “ inner hearing, ” such as subvocalization, inner voice, or inner speech?
work_l6yr6hunf5atnl3tqjan3dvy64Motor imagery: Perception or action?
work_l6yr6hunf5atnl3tqjan3dvy64Subvocalization in auditory- verbal im- agery: Just a form of motor imagery?
work_lzcrk6hbjbhdtdgn6megkb77ayAre “ accurate ” metrics and material propositions enough to manufacture an acoustical twin?
work_xmwqoqkdhvhafjd3iibwtv4hbe( 33) Is the second sentence of this excerpt necessary?
work_xmwqoqkdhvhafjd3iibwtv4hbeAre these hall- marks found in music that is primarily white?
work_xmwqoqkdhvhafjd3iibwtv4hbeBut did n''t Armstrong participate on those Oliver dates?
work_xmwqoqkdhvhafjd3iibwtv4hbeBut then, was n''t Freeman''s tone and attack of the heavier type as compared to Miller, or for that matter Lester Young?
work_xmwqoqkdhvhafjd3iibwtv4hbeBut will it teach us that blacks and whites coex- isted peacefully?
work_xmwqoqkdhvhafjd3iibwtv4hbeCould n''t it be left at cit- ing the under- sung talents and achievements of Elmer Schoebel?
work_xmwqoqkdhvhafjd3iibwtv4hbeIs this a rejoinder to Albert Murray''s insistence that jazz can not exist without the blues?
work_xmwqoqkdhvhafjd3iibwtv4hbeIs this because the only black bands invited to record were the ones with greater novelty appeal?
work_xmwqoqkdhvhafjd3iibwtv4hbeSimilarly, Jimmy Dorsey''s famous"Tiger Rag"variation is found on page 141 in the transposed key of F. What purpose do these transpositions serve?
work_xmwqoqkdhvhafjd3iibwtv4hbeWill the"noble lie"be righted and will those learning about jazz get a balanced viewpoint?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2uAn instrument from 1720 or 1950, dates of the creation of the pieces?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2uDo we actually even need to hear it to understand it?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2uDo we understand an old instrument by hearing it?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2uFrom which period really is this instrument?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2uHas a dark sounding violin a dark colour?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2uIs it about an instrument newly made from an old template?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2uIs it even from a precise period?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2uOr an instrument from 1803 which has the incredible capability of being used for both music written way before and way after its fabrication?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2uWhat do we hear in each concert: a violin from 1995 or 2002, date of the concerts?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2uWhat is the real signification ot the manufacture year still visible on the authentic maker ’s tag inside the instrument?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2u[ 19] Belluck P. “ A Strad?
work_jjcsitw7trfdtk4gsf6unluy2u[ 3] Barclay R. The preservation and use of historic musical instruments: display case or concert hall?
work_ukxdgneatbhmzin4vjoqgafwhi10 Sub- questions How has MFT impacted my artistic practice and contributed to the communication of non- musical factors behind my music?
work_ukxdgneatbhmzin4vjoqgafwhi106 What next?
work_ukxdgneatbhmzin4vjoqgafwhiRationale: Why Alternate Tuning?
work_ukxdgneatbhmzin4vjoqgafwhiRationale: Why Alternate Tuning?
work_ukxdgneatbhmzin4vjoqgafwhiTo what extent does this research contribute to unlocking some of the underlying creative processes inherent to alternate tuning practices?
work_ukxdgneatbhmzin4vjoqgafwhiWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of applying MFT to composition and performance?
work_ukxdgneatbhmzin4vjoqgafwhiWhat kind of music would a pianist create if the organization of the 12 chromatic tones within the piano ’s octave were drastically rearranged?
work_ukxdgneatbhmzin4vjoqgafwhiWhat melodic inventions would a saxophonist come up with if the relationships among fingerings and pitches were manipulated?
work_ukxdgneatbhmzin4vjoqgafwhiWhen will we choose love over hatred?
work_lrrbivovsbbrnpvkf2jtxxpvgiDoes Golijov ’s music sound more cosmopolitan than León ’s for its explicit genre references?
work_lrrbivovsbbrnpvkf2jtxxpvgiFor whom does their music sound “ Latin American ” and for whom does it not?
work_lrrbivovsbbrnpvkf2jtxxpvgiHow can theories of global connectedness and cultural iden- tifi cation help explain their experiences, opinions, and music?
work_lrrbivovsbbrnpvkf2jtxxpvgiHow have iden- tity politics aff ected their self- presentation and reception among audiences and critics?
work_lrrbivovsbbrnpvkf2jtxxpvgiSounding Cosmopolitan?
work_lrrbivovsbbrnpvkf2jtxxpvgiWhy “ Latin American ”?
work_lrrbivovsbbrnpvkf2jtxxpvgi“ Arts Participation as Cultural Capital in the United States, 1982–2002: Signs of Decline? ” Poetics 32: 169–94.
work_lrrbivovsbbrnpvkf2jtxxpvgi“ But how? ” he asked, laughing.
work_lrrbivovsbbrnpvkf2jtxxpvgi“ What was Multiculturalism? ” Portal Journal of Multidisci- plinary International Studies 2, no.
work_lrrbivovsbbrnpvkf2jtxxpvgi“ Why Does n’t the Whole World Love Chamber Music? ” American Music 19, no.
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuq( Tirro 1993, p. 51) Is there such a thing as the ‘ blue note ’?
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuqAs correctly noted by Keil: Bob Blaumer got the title wrong in his essay ‘ Black Culture Myth or Reality? ’: it should be ‘ Myth as Reality ’.
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuqFor me it ’s really hard to separate between jazz Is there such a thing as the ‘ blue note ’?
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuqFor what is there to measure?
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuqI am using the notion ‘ diatonic ’ to stress the Is there such a thing as the ‘ blue note ’?
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuqIn Is there such a thing as the ‘ blue note ’?
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuqIs there such a thing as the ‘ blue note ’?
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuqPrinted in the United Kingdom Is there such a thing as the ‘ blue note ’?
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuqThe idea of the ‘ blue note ’ as pitch Is there such a thing as the ‘ blue note? ’ This question is raised for a number of reasons.
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuqThe main question still is: What aspects of the musical material are conceived of as significant to listeners and performers?
work_cxoqb4uja5ctrhdxq764cqjxuq‘ John Scofield – 80-åras ledende jazzgitarist? ’, Musikk Praksis, 5/86, pp.
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismDoes Helga not acquire more achievement- value in total than Liam?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismDoes the effortful interpretation of DCV allow, problematically, for need- lessly introduced difficulties to contribute to the value of achievements?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismFor that reason, this seems to me an objection to the competence requirement.24 Why is this the right conclusion?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismIf( again per DV) greater difficulty contributes greater value, then pre- cisely how do we measure difficulty?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismIn such a place where no exertion is necessary, would we not find ways to introduce challenges into our easy lives?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismIs difficulty enough for achievement?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismIs it at all clear that she would choose the easier project?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismIs it clear that the easier would be the prudentially better choice?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismIs n’t difficulty bad for us?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismIt limits the scope of the original objection, rather than addressing it completely.23 How does the competitive interpretation compare?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismThey were certainly both great, but was one or the other greater in virtue of Django ’s physiological limita- tions?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismWhat about when the ceteris paribus clause does hold?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismWhat counts as an achievement in art more than such contribution?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismWhat does it mean for a task to be difficult?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismWhen is a task difficult and so( per DV) its completion a valuable achieve- ment?
work_7bbjlq5xyfaglhzelefr2g7ismWho are the relevant competitors to our virtuosic violinist: other( professional) violinists or other virtuosi?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 3 What is Physical Modeling Synthesis?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 4 Why Musical Physical Models on handheld mobile devices?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 54 What is moForte''s"Conduct and Express"metaphor?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 55 Can users jam together across the internet?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 56 Can users jam together across the internet?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 58 What about wireless audio out of the device?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 59 What about wireless synchronized performances( virtual orchestras)?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 60 What about playing along with your music library?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 61 Can the app listen to your music library and automatically generate charts to play?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 62 What will the social network sharing look like?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 63 Will moForte do Physical Models for games?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 65 Do you have backing tracks?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 66 How much of the CPU is moForte Guitar utilizing?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 67 How accurate is the timing in moForte Guitar?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 68 Why even model a guitar, do n''t samples sound great?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 70 What about acoustic guitars and all the other chordophones?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 71 When will moForte offer a Ukulele?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 73 What ’s the plan for growing the number of effects that are offered?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 77 Why would a guitar player be interested in moForte Guitar?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 78 Will you do plugins VST, Audio Units, other audio plugin architectures?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 79 How are you different from the Guitar Hero& Rock Band line of games?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi5/10/2014 80 Will moForte provide guitar training software?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoiCoupling, multi stage decay?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoiWhat about overdrive?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoiWhat is the latency?
work_b7qrowue6naevdorm5cfvertoi• The ukulele is one of the most requested instruments that we are asked about;-) 5/10/2014 72 Can I plug my real guitar into the effects chain?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiAnthony keeps the game going, asking 96 why not now — why wait until tomorrow, why do n’t they meet this afternoon?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiBeat Down to Your Soul: What Was the Beat Generation?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiDavis, Rocio G. “ Oral Narrative as Short Story Cycle: Forging Community in Edwidge Danticat''s ‘ Krik?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiDid we put them down or repress them?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiI answered to my legal name, of course, but who was Lizzy Thompson?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiRocio G. Davis, “ Oral Narrative as Short Story Cycle: Forging Community in Edwidge Danticat''s ‘ Krik?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiShe no longer sings, teaches, nor hears from any of her old friends, and she is left wondering to herself, “ ‘ Why did I ever become a singer?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiTrigilio, “ Who Writes?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiUpon rereading his first novel, Go, in 1976, Holmes questions in a new Introduction: “ Can it really have been like that?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiWe ’re responsible for the lack of outstanding genius in the women we knew?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchjiWere there any?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchji“ Many Drummers, a Single Dance? ” Girls Who Wore Black: Women Writing the Beat Generation.
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchji“ The Know- Nothing Bohemians. ” Beat Down to Your Soul: What Was the Beat Generation?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchji“ The Other Night at Columbia: A Report from the Academy. ” Beat Down to Your Soul: What Was the Beat Generation?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchji“ What Is Magical Realism, Really? ” Writing- World.
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchji“ Who Writes?
work_naabgn6aujg3dd2lsn63lwchji… But then, among the group of people we knew at the time, who were the writers of such power as Kerouac or Burroughs?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aAn understanding between Bollywood and Hollywood?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aDid I give the example- a starving person, if you feed him a meal, you feed him once, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for life?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aDo I have to do anything?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aHe''s actually a former student also so Kirtana: What''s his name?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aHow does someone interested in jazz develop their musical skill in India?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aHow does someone interested in jazz develop their musical skill in India?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aI ask myself are they really that good?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aIn what ways do jazz artists build professional careers in India?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aIn what ways do jazz artists build professional careers in India?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aJazz goes to college: has academic status served the art?.
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aKirtana: Yeah, with just my guitar teacher, yeah Marcus: How many did you have?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aKirtana: yeah, piano as well, piano, and voice Marcus: and voice, did they have any other instruments?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aMarcus: Oh you did?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aMarcus: Ok yeah, how''s your practice like?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aMarcus: Ok, is teaching pretty good?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aMarcus: Really?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aMarcus: You are?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aPlaying by ear: Foundation or Frill?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aWhat are the circumstances that might cause an Indian to choose jazz as a genre to perform?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aWhat are the circumstances that might cause an Indian to choose jazz as a genre to perform?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aWhy jazz?
work_qjjc6yhjvzevtjxnb7zmhhog2aor guitar?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaouga* But why write?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaAnd as for King Richard?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaAnd finally, who could possibly expect that that x- ray would show a tumor in her pelvic girdle, as clear as the sun rising over a hill?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaAnd where do you begin, if the only way to express compassion and concern is bu hao?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaAnd, more worriedly, What do you expect from us?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaBHow can you make it new?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaBNo go back, just … right … you see it?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaBut I remember thinking: is n’t every patient one in a million?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaBut Matt is not average, is he?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaBut how can you know if you ’re truly doing good?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaBut who expects acute hip pain to turn into a limp that persists for months?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaCould anyone die?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaCould it make them aware at 3 AM, attending a patient in the ICU, of the extraordinary nature of their experiences?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaCould our hours here perhaps change how they how they converse with patients?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaEstimated time of departure would be 4:00 a.m. Did I want pancakes on the plane, or something else?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaHow can one be both a doctor and a writer?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaHow do we understand the consequences of our intentions and actions?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaHow is that possible?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaIf they''re not well- rounded, ethical people by the time they are admitted to medical school, how can a brief course possibly make a difference?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaNow what are the chances of that?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaOne in seven billion, or whatever the growing number is now?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaOr could he be better?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaOr was it for that person?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaPlus, why bother?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaThe fact that this math professor got his life- changing diagnosis on March 14th, Pi Day, however?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaWhat can you say that is different from the thousands who have been here before and who will be here in the future?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaWhat do these have to do with becoming a doctor?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaWhat else can we do?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaWhat if he ’s worse?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaWhat if the cure leads to a more vicious problem?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaWhat ’s your point?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaWhen will the gravel arrive?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaWhere were we going?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaWhy are you making us read these things?
work_nelbnukmyvcdtefv2mhbqaougaWhy narrative?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krum( Revolution Now? work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krum Analysis- What is it Good For?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumDoes the Song Remain the Same? work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krum Introduction: What is Film Genre?"
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumSmart, Lyrical, Even Genteel, But Is It Rock?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumThey''re Recording, But Are They Artists?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumWhaf''s a Record Exec To Do With Aimee Mann?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krum( thump thump) i do?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krum11 Djjmin/ Cjj Cjjmin Djjmin/ Cjj Cjjmin Djjmin/ Cjj Cjjmin Djjmin/ Cjj Cjjmin Djjmin/ Cjj Cjjmin rt J?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krum1st( whistled) 1 J\ 7 7?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krum7 J 7 J 7 J 7"7?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumAs Siberry commented,"Picking up my own telephone and asking''Where''s that T- shirt I ordered?''.
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumBass 0*_ 54 1< s> r-7 P''•_ the gt E m i n sus4 Dn\lf I J\ V nin^*''1 V F 1 r-"FT?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumBass 239 D 35 a tempo knocked the ta- ble o- ver then I I grabbed your shoul B[?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumBass 9 y?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumBass go?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumBut what are you gon na do about money?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumBut what if people do n''t like what you do?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumDo n''t I take good care of you, Joe?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumDo n''t make it once, but can you make it twice?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumHello Joe, how ya doin''?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumHer dog can smile 122"at strangers,""laugh,"use a phone and, by extension, talk("do you want me to dial the number for you?").
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumHow far can you go with only a dream?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumHow far is the nearest throne?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumI P S?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumIs the tonal centre here D dorian or G mixolydian?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumJ, J, J 1 J 1 J?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumMrs. Bergman, how you doin''?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumSouljah explains:"Where are all the good black men?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumThis choice is particularly striking considering that in her prior negotiation of the Latin genre on"are we dancing now?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumU Cjjmin Djjmin/ Cjj Cjjmin 5 1- r t a?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumWhat if you fail?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumWhose Music?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumWith only a hope?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krum[ The French torch song tradition?]
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumdo you?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumdoes it hurt them?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumi have to clear your table excuse me it''s right to keep it clean so i clean yes — i clean do you clean?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumlook at it, do you want to go for a walk, want a cookie, do you want me to dial the number for you?
work_ehzscqefgndlzb4imawdl6krumwe were waiting in the darkness and one night( or was it day?)
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyIs it f i n i s h e d y e t?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t i f t h e p r o j e c t h a d n o t b e e n f i n i s h e d?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny), And What Would You Do?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny115 On Becoming( My Own Hero?)
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny152 Section IV What have I learned/ unlearned?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny160 R e f e r e n c e s 162 v i Demo CD of Poetry, Narratives, and Soundscapes T r a c k l H o w O l d?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny22 W h e r e d o I c o m e f r o m/ t o?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny31 I A m S t a r t i n g( to L o s e) 32 I''ve( E m) b r a c e d 34 iv W h a t d o I e n c o u n t e r?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny35 B i g P e o p l e 37 How O l d?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny52 W h a t d o I create?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny57 O n M u s i c C l a s s after a S l e e p l e s s N i g h t 58 H o w D o Y o u D e t e r m i n e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny59 How Do You Determine?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny60 L e a r n e d o r i n v e n t e d, I a s k?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyA f t e r a l l, is t h e n o t i o n o f h e r o i s m n o t r e a l l y p a r t o f t h e s c a f f o l d i n g o f o u r c u l t u r e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyA l l p a t h s e v e n t u a l l y l e a d t o G o d?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyA m I, as a g u i t a r i s t, a m e t a p h o r i c g u n s l i n g e r?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyA r e q u e s t i o n s great t h a t h a v e n o a n s w e r?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyA r e y o u b r i n g i n g u s a n e w c l o c k?"
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyB u t h o w c a n o n e e x p l a i n s p i r i t?"
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyB u t w h a t h a p p e n s if, after a l l t h i s i n d o c t r i n a t i o n a n d p r a c t i c e, y o u d o n''t m e a s u r e u p as a h e r o?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyB u t who is the real me?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyD i d h i s m o t h e r o r f a t h e r treat h i m l i k e t h i s?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyD i d n''t I e x p l a i n?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyD o I seek a d v e n t u r e s a n d p e r f o r m a n c e c h a l l e n g e s o n t h e m u s i c a l f r o n t i e r?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyD o e s n''t C l o v e r B l u f f s n e e d i t?"
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyD o n''t y o u see?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyD o y o u h e a r w h a t I h e a r?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyDid he, as principal, not have to at least give me a little say in this matter?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH e r o e s: w h o are t h e y?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w c a n t h i s b e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w c a n t h i s b e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w c o u l d I t u r n t h i s a r o u n d?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w d o w e p e r f o r m i n r e l a t i o n t o t h e s e s h i f t i n g b o u n d a r i e s?"
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w d o y o u d e t e r m i n e I n y o u r p o s i t i o n o f p o w e r If the question put to you Is w o r t h y o f a n a n s w e r?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w d o y o u k n o w?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w is t h a t so?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w m u c h d i d I l a u g h?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w m u c h d i d I l a u g h?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w m u c h d i d I l a u g h?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w o f t e n d o y o u h e a r t h e p h r a s e"G r e a t Q u e s t i o n"?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyH o w w i l l h e h a n d l e t h e r i g o r s o f h i g h s c h o o l l i f e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyHow Do You Determine?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyHow does one prepare?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyI was too shocked to say"But it''s only September- can''t you alter the schedule and give me one night?"
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyN o w, w h a t S H O U L D w e d o?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyO n e o f m y f i r s t p o e m s, How Old?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyO r a re t h e y s i m p l y great as segues i n a p e r f o r m a n c e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyRetrieved J u l y 15 2 0 0 7 from\?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyS h e a s k s,"W o u l d t h e g i r l s l i k e t o m a k e o n e?"
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyS h o u l d w e t e l l h e r T h e t h i n g s t h a t w e n t o n t h e r e t h a t d a y?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyS h o u l d w e t e l l h e r a b o u t i t?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyThat was that?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW a s I w r o n g i n m y a c t i o n s?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW a t c h c a r e f u l l y N o w w h o is t o b l a m e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t c o u l d I d o t o r e m e d y t h i s s i t u a t i o n?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t c o u l d i t b e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t d i d y o u d o?"
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t d o I create( i n t h e c l a s s r o o m, t h e a c a d e m y, a n d f o r m y s e l f?)
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t d o I e n c o u n t e r?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t d o t h i n k a b o u t y o u a n d m e p e r f o r m i n g a s o n g t o g e t h e r?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t does t h i s s p e l l?"
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t h a s t r a n s p i r e d i n t h e class A s y o u w a x e d p o e t i c a b o u t y o u r p a s t?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t i f I d i d n''t u n d e r s t a n d w h a t h e w a s s a y i n g?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t i f m y m u s i c e m p h a s i z e d o r t o o k t h e p o e t r y o n a n i n a p p r o p r i a t e t a n g e n t?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t i f t h e t r u t h f u l n e s s o f o u r u n f o l d i n g r i p s at t h e v e r y f a b r i c o f w h o w e t h o u g h t w e w e r e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t i f y o u are s h o r t e r t h a n six feet?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t i f y o u h a v e b r i g h t r e d h a i r?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t i f( p e r i s h t h e t h o u g h t) y o u are n o t a t o u g h f i g h t e r b u t r a t h e r a s e n s i t i v e d r e a m e r?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t w i l l h a p p e n i f w e are u n c o m f o r t a b l e o r d i s g r a c e d w i t h w h a t w e f i n d?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h a t w o u l d Y O U d o If y o u r m o t h e r a s k e d y o u?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h o a m I?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW h o q u a l i f i e s as a h e r o?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyW i l l s o m e o n e l o o k at these p i c t u r e s w i t h C u r i o s i t y s o m e t i m e i n t h e f u t u r e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyWhat do I create?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyWhere do I come from/ to?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyWhere to Now?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyWho am I?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcnyi t?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny• A m I m y yet m y o w n h e r o?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny• H o w d i d t h e y r e s o n a t e w i t h m e • H o w d o t h e y l i v e t h r o u g h m e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny• H o w d o t h e y i m p a c t o n m y t e a c h i n g?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny• W h a t is t h e r o l e o f p r e s e n t d a y h e r o e s f o r m e?
work_sqtz6bndpff3za5medjcaubcny• W h y d o I see t h e m as h e r o e s?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq( 1996a, p. 552) W h a t is a curriculum of user interface?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq( 1996a, p. 597) W H A T I S L I T E R A C Y?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq( Kay 1994) Surely this is far- fetched; but why does this seem so beyond our reach?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq( Kay 2000a, p. 395) W h a t is to be done, then?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq( Lessig 2002a) H o w does a society ensure freedom?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq), Power, Action and Belief: A New Sociology of Knowlege?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq1 1 This clearly presents difficulties from a business perspective; how o n earth does one market such a concept to a potential audience?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq253 Where is that Dynabook, Anyway?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq254 Squeak and Croquet at OOPSLA''04 255 Squeak: Mouse that Roared?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq259 Chapter 8: Drawing Things Together 261 Where we''ve Been 261 Dynabook: Artifact or Idea?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq267 Cultural history is not Biography 270 Back from the Future 272 Who Cares About the Dynabook?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq3: C a r t o o n b y T e d K a e h l e r, f r o m G o l d b e r g& R o b s o n( 1983) H o w different is this from the world we''ve come to inhabit?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqA n d how could we know anyway, given that our thinking about technology is so circumscribed?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqA n d so what shall we do, right now?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqA n d where w i l l we learn such things?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqA r e these not the special province of education?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqAdele Goldberg and Joan Ross wrote an the 1981 BYTE special issue on Smalltalk entitled"Is the Smalltalk-80 System for Children?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqAlternatively, we can ask: who''s responsible for this mess?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqAt what cost?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBecause literacy is about ideas, Kay connects the notion of literacy firmly to literature: W h a t is literature about?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBut Smalltalk was escaping to where?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBut even mechanically, we make up more complexirepresentations than one/ zero or yes/ no by collecting bits''into?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBut i n this are also the seeds of an alternative; how could different media be harnessed in such a way as to lead i n a more productive direction?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBut if, as this suggests, the actual implementation is not important, what are we left with?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBut what had happened to the Dynabook?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBut what is Squeak, exactly?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBut what would"criticism"mean, exactly, i n the context of educational technology?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBut when is a project ever finished?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBut where do we place math curriculum along this continuum?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqBut would n''t, one might argue, the appearance of a personal computer on every desk be right i n line w i t h what Kay was driving at?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqChapter 2: Positions and Approaches 63 H o w Do W E K N O W A G O O D I D E A W H E N W E S E E O N E?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqChapter 6: Personal Computing in the Age of the Web 187 taught something like Maxwell''s equations?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqChapter 8: Drawing Things Together 266 D Y N A B O O K: A R T I F A C T O R I D E A?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqCroquet Anyone?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqD o these two exclusives represent our full realm of possibility?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqD o we see anyone calling this out, or Working on alternative channels?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqDaddy Are We There Yet?.
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqDoes Latour''s parable of the irrevocable, tragic reversibility( pace Callon) of technosocial systems totally apply?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqDoes Squeak bring us closer to the Dynabook vision, then?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqDoes this make the Dynabook more alive — or just more undead, a better candidate for the B- movie horror genre?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqDoes this mean that the teaching of such concepts as algebra is quaint?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqEducation and Powerful Ideas W h a t are"powerful ideas"?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqEtoys simulations?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqH o w can children have any"embedded cultural experience"that encourages learning logic and systems thinking?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqH o w do we as a society ensure freedom?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqH o w do we ensure that it does not''become the IT equivalent of"music appreciation?"
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqH o w many schools can claim this kind of involvement?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqH o w would millions of users make effective use of digital information technology?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqHe wondered"what w o u l d the equivalent be for general- purpose programming?"
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqHow does it fit into our lives?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqHow would one count them?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIf Croquet really took off, w o u l d Etoys wither?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIf we take away the necessity of actual technical artifacts, are we not left w i t h human beings, w i t h pure society?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIn 1972, Kay wrote: W h a t then is a personal computer?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIn order to answer the question,"how do we recognize a good idea when we see one?"
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIn school, w i l l our children learn the logic and dynamics of digital media, in the sense I outlined in Chapter 3?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs Squeak really an"idea processor for kids of all ages"or is it just another authoring environment?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs Using a Computer Like Driving a Car, Reading a Book, or Solving a Problem?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs it that we have now seen through the"technohype,"realizing, after all, that we were the dupes of salespeople and other evangelists?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs that enough?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs the Dynabook real, or not?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs the Smalltalk-80 System for Children?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs there a Text in this Class?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs this just nostalgia for a golden age?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs this likely to change?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs this not precisely the point of traditional science education?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs this not the responsibility of education, of schooling?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs this not what democractic citizenship — as framed by Dewey — is all about?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIs this so radical a stance?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqIt is i n many ways a discourse of anxiety: how to deal w i t h complexity, inundation, threats, spam, viruses?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqJust the boys?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqJust the girls?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqJust what is a powerful idea, anyway?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqL A T E B I N D I N G"A N D S Y S T E M S D E S I G N But how would you do it?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqN o w, if technology is translation, is n''t something always"lost i n translation"?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqNorm Friesen''s excellent article,"What are Educational Objects?"
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqO n l y students planning to study science or engineering in University?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqO r do we still believe there is some more general value i n mathematics?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqO r is it"too little too late?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqO r is it?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqO r w i l l we be content to accept pre- packaged, shrinkwrapped capabil- ities, defined by corporations and marketers?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqO r, prevailing aside, why is it so very marginalized?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqOr is it?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqPioneering computer scientist Edsger Dykstra wrote, i n 1989: W h a t is a program?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqS Q U E A K: M O U S E T H A T R O A R E D?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqShould we learn to expect it to be malleable, manipulable, combinable, and understandable?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqSo the deeper and more difficult question is how do we as a culture ensure freedom?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqSo why have powerful ideas been evacuated from educational computing i n the past decade or so?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqSo, when can we drop the"interim"qualifier?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqSoftware: Art, Engineering, Mathematics, or Science?.
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqSqueak in print?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqSqueak vs. Squeakland Is Etoys what Squeak is all about?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqT H E D Y N A B O O K T O D A Y: H O W F A R H A V E W E C O M E?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqT H E S Q U E A K C O M M U N I T Y A N D I T S T R A J E C T O R I E S W h a t to make of Squeak?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqT H E S T O R Y S O F A R — A C O N V E N T I O N A L M Y T H O L O G Y Y o u may ask yourself, how did we get here?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqT o what can we attribute this shift?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqThe question at hand, for me as an historian, is what happened?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqThe question w h i c h Squeak begs — is it really"back to the future?"
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqThe question,"what are these things good for?"
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqThe underlying political question here is who w i l l have access to those ideas and their application?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqThis tendency shows up i n questions like"What is T H E effect of T H E computer on cognitive development?"
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW H O C A R E S A B O U T T H E D Y N A B O O K?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW H Y N O T T H E D Y N A B O O K?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW H Y T H I S A P P R O A C H?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW H Y T H I S S T U D Y?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t are we to make of such a case?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t does that mean, exactly?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t is Digital?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t is its relation- ship to education, defined broadly?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t is the lesson in that gap?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t lessons can we draw from that?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t makes an idea powerful?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t makes us able to recognize a good or powerful idea, and conversely what prevents us from that recognition?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t should we as individuals expect from digital media?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t ties these varying brands together?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h a t to do?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h o could conceive of how software might become a marketable item?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h y has the Dynabook vision not prevailed?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h y is n''t Squeak a bigger deal, given its heritage, its flexibility, its goals, its cost?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h y not divide it up into little computers, as time sharing was starting to?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h y not thousands of them, each simulating a useful structure?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h y should it be important that computer scientists have their minds — god forbid their hands — on education?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h y should we care about this?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h y should we want to sidestep those issues?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW h y?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqW i t h o u t the concretion of black boxes w h i c h may be closed, objectified, reified, what are techno- social networks to be composed of?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWas all that talk of powerful ideas just marketing?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhat are Educational Objects?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhat good is a PC without a network connection, we can now legitimately ask?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhat good is it?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhat is a computer?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhat is it for?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhat is mediation, then, or media?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhat, then, is personal computing in the early years of the 21st century?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhen''sthe last time you used duct tape on a duct?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhere are the Missing Masses?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhere are we?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhere is that Dynabook, Anyway?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhich Way to the Future?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhitehead''s event- oriented process philosophy?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhy Not the Dynabook?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqWhy This Approach?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqiv Web authoring and computer literacy 214 Why Not Smalltalk?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqmultimedia presentation?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqor"Does Logo work?"...
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqs m f o r i^ m t i n B K^ j l f i i s t i t e m f i o m- j list 1 ccT»isilveT^fpRjyjng''sii<.hi a f u n c t i o n a l l o w s o n e X t^ » t j?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqt e r s a E?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttquser- interface research?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqweb application development?)
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqwhat it is about — how could He?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttqwhy»not a n 8- s i d e d star?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq— 247 The Blue Plane and the Pink Plane 248 Squeak Communities Today 250 Squeak in print?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq• Chapter 5: Translating Smalltalk 185 Chapter 6: Personal Computing in the Age of the Web W H A T IS A"P O W E R F U L I D E A,"A N Y W A Y?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq• W H Y N O T S M A L L T A L K?
work_d3f7mu4mfvf27lv2p7esonhttq•:"Digital"simply refers to digits,, and what • aredigitsbutfingers?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy( Gerhardstein, 2002, p. 115) Are jammers audiating?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy( Please use back of the page if you need more space) Please circle the phrase or word that best describes your participation: Do you do vocals?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy( if so) How would you explain to other musicians what to play on one of your songs?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy( jamming) Are the others you play with just as good?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy2.4.4 Ear- playing My beginning band method book contained the song Are You Sleeping?, playable with the first six notes the students had learned.
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy2.4.5 Composition and Creativity “ Hey, want to hear our song?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy430) By the time we are ready to recognize rock, will something different be on the horizon?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyAgain, I do n''t want to take too much of your jamming time; would 15 minutes be a reasonable amount of time?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyAll of them?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyAre there some parts of school that are more satisfying for you than others?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyAre these people you jam with your friends too?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyAre those without such skills necessarily lost to curricular or extracurricular music?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyAre you as good a musician as these people you jam with, or are they better or worse than you?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyAre you good at this?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyAre you nervous playing in front of an audience, and can you tell me about a time when you were not nervous?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyAs the music curriculum continues to evolve, will jamming be part of what lies beyond band?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyBecause your parents want you to?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyCan you describe the feeling?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyCan you describe what that feels like?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyCan you give an example or two?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyCan you give an example?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyCan you tell me about a time when that happened, what it felt like?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyCanadian pop/ rock music in the grade seven classroom, what, who, where, when, why, how?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyCould a focus more inclusive of popular music in schools reverse this trend by changing student dispositions regarding school music?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyCould their continued participation in the jam be explained by an existing theory of motivation?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyCould you play it again? ” They did so, playing a bit self- consciously at first.
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyCould you play the bridge, or the B section, of this melody, if I was to play it for you first?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDespite the fact that you take actual music courses, you come to the band room during your free time and play – why?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDid anyone help you, and if so, in what ways?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDid you ever feel “ in the zone ” today while playing?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDid you feel distracted at any time?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDid you feel that you made a contribution to the session today?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDid you practice an instrument at home this week?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDirected Journaling One of the questions I asked subjects to answer in their journaling was: “ Did you practice an instrument at home this week?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo any or all of you bring your own music ideas to a practice to show the others?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo other people in this school think of you as a musician?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo other students think of you as musicians?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo they know you have a band going here?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo they support you in any way?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo we consider the rock band as a chamber ensemble worthy of our coaching?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo we, as band teachers, do a good job of teaching people to play by ear?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you ever feel bad after you jam?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you ever finish each other''s sentences, or read each other''s thoughts, figuratively or musically speaking?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you get musical support and help from anyone in the school, and if so, from whom?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you have any plans for continuing in music after you leave school?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you like figuring songs out by ear?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you like playing by ear?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you play alone sometimes?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you see yourself as a good student overall?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you share them with others?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you tend to hang out together?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you tend to jam with the same people most days?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you think any of what you learn from playing together as a band would help you in that job?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you think you are good at playing by ear?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you think you are good at reading music, say, in band class, or in piano lessons?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you think you work well together, generally speaking?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you write your own songs?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDo you, as a group, see yourselves as part of the music program at this school, even though what you are doing here is not a course?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDoes jamming have any effect on the rest of your life?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDoes jamming make the rest of your life better in any way?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDoes that matter to you?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDoes this matter to you?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDoes what you are doing here help all of you to become better musicians?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyDoes what you have learned in choir, concert band, jazz band or music comp help you in your jamming?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyFive years from now, what role do you think( or hope) music will play in your life?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyFor grades?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyFor some other reason?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyFor status in the school?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHave you ever been surprised that the time has gone so quickly when you were playing?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHave you ever played this melody before?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHave you ever taken private lessons on an instrument?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHave you learned anything in regular music classes that has helped you play here?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHow accurate were their results likely to be?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHow are they learning?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHow close are you?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHow did you get started?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHow do the AMMA scores of the jammers in my sample compare to the AMMA scores of the non- jammers in my sample?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHow do you think this could be improved?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHow long have you been working together as a group?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHow long have you played the( jam session instrument), and why did you choose this instrument?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHow well had they coped?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHow would you do that?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyHowever, might I also have looked at the scores of Doris and Snoop and concluded that they were not likely to accomplish much?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyI play keyboards, and I wondered if you would be willing to teach me your song?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf a class in the school was canceled for the day, how would you spend that time?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, because of what?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, can you give a specific example of this happening?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, can you give an example?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, could you tell me who and where?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, did the teacher use printed music most of the time, or did he/ she show you things to play in another way?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, do you encourage the others to contribute different ideas that might fit?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, how?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, in what way?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, what do you see yourself doing musically?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, what does he do that helps?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, when?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf so, why did you do that?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf subjects generally improved their scores the second time they took the test, might this point to a way to improve ear- to- hand achievement?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIf you were not allowed to do this in school, could you and would you find another way of playing together?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIn what ways does Csikszentmihalyi''s flow theory explain the continued participation of students in the jam session?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIn what ways is this a positive experience for you?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIn what ways might this activity make you feel good?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIn what ways?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIs music education, in fact, less valued in our culture that it has been?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIs this not evidence of their musical sensitivity?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIs your band teacher supportive of jamming?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIs “ music for every student ” a motto that we live up to?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyIt''s something from American Idol, right? ” I had to admit that I had no idea.
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyLooking back to when you first started doing this, do you think you are a better musician now than you were then?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyMy ancillary question regarding SOR scores asked: How did the SOR scores of the jammers compare to the SOR scores of the non- 105 jammers?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyMy second specific research question asked: In what ways does flow theory explain the continued participation of students in the jam session?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyMy third analysis( above) addressed this question: How did the SOR scores of the jammers compare to the SOR scores of the non- jammers?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyNo one seemed to know what made people happy about their lives: What made life meaningful?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyOr do you do this in several ways?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyPoint of view: concert band: is concert band outmoded?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyReady? ” The song was the theme from cartoon show King of the Hill.
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoySome of them?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoySubject# Jam frequency: self- reported Jam frequency: my observations Studio log:# of bookings Jams outside of school?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyThe general research question was: Does participation in a band room jam session benefit students cognitively and motivationally?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyThe last question, “ Was the child in flow? ” was answered by observation of focus, affect, and obliviousness to surroundings.
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyThe sax player turned to us: “ Hey, wanna hear this new song I wrote for the Remembrance Day assembly next week?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyThere is an advocacy movement for music education, but has it been effective?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyTo be fair, there were several subjects who got all the way through the test, turned to me, and said, “ Can I do it again?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWanna form a virtual band?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWas a subject who appeared in the jam spaces only occasionally, but always participated musically during those times a jammer?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWas a subject who was always in the jam spaces but never played an instrument a jammer?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWas that the bell?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWas this transformation of time entirely a reflection of the activity, music- making, or could other factors have been involved as well?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWas today''s music session fun?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWere any of these people jammers?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWere you happy with how you played today?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat I want to know is this: Are these students learning?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat are musical identities and why are they important?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat are some of your favorite things about( what do you like best about) playing the 70( jam session instrument)?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat are they learning?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat classes, and what did you learn, specifically?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat designation could I put on a subject who appeared in the jam spaces for the first few days, and was never seen there again after that time?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat do you figure they think of you and your music?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat do you get from this personally?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat do you think other people in the school think of people like you who hang out in the band room and play?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat do you think you learn musically from this experience?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat instruments do you play?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat key would you suggest?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat made it enjoyable?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat made life worth living?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat music courses are you taking this year?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat would be your usual way of learning a new song?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhat, specifically?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhen I asked him: “ Do you know the term autotelic?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhen you jam in the band room, are you nervous?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhich one do you like playing most, and why?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy do you come here, as opposed to, say, going to McD''s to hang out?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy do you play?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy do you think so?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy do you think that is?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy do you think they do that?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy do you think this is?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy do you think this is?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy or why not?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy or why not?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy or why not?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy or why not?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy or why not?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy or why not?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy these people?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy, or why not?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWhy, or why not?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWould 15 minutes be a reasonable amount of time?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWould n''t comparing these two groups on the basis of TMEHC scores be a bit like comparing oranges and apples?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWould the offering of of classes in rock musicology necessarily solve the problem of inclusion?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWould you like me to tell you the key it''s in?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWould you say the people you play with are your friends?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyWould you say you are fairly happy when jamming?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyand In what ways does flow theory explain the continued participation of students in the jam session?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyand In what ways does flow theory6 explain the continued participation of students in the jam session?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoychurch group, a band in a basement/ garage, a group session at a music store, a cafe gig, etc) Do you play by ear?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoynever/ a little/ sometimes/ often/ all the time If you do play by ear, could you tell me the circumstances?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoynever/a little/sometimes/often/always Can you operate the recording equipment?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoyno/a little/some/fairly well/very competently Do you write your own songs?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy“ Are you our sub? ” they asked hopefully, perhaps anticipating a fun- filled hour putting a new teacher through her paces.
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy“ Can we figure out another song?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy“ Do you recognize it?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy“ Hey, I know that one! ” I said, “ Do you want to jam it? ” Snoop nodded shyly, and I sat down at the piano.
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy“ Hey, what about me? ” came the shout from the corner of the room.
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy“ If you found it easy, would you like to continue?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy“ On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being most difficult, how difficult did you find this task?
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy“ What about those two? ” I asked.
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy“ What''s the matter, could n''t stand the noise? ” one colleague joked.
work_v6xbsimt7ngf5a53ch3akhhzoy“... should we broaden our base of operation by including students who are outside our regular music classes? ”( Kuzmich, 1991, pg.
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq( If not offended to be asked and if it has not come up in the conversation prior) How old are you?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq( Looking at the courses) What is your opinion of this version?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq( Please check all that apply) 73. Who most inspires you to be the musician you are?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq( Simon) Teaching?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq( Throsby, 1989); But What Do You Do for a Living?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq( Upon looking at the MLaaM course outlines) What is your opinion of a course such as MLaaM?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq( primary motivation) 4. Who inspires me to be a good musician?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq( when was that — at what age?)
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq................ 207 6.9.3 Does money matter?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq......................................... 138 5.2.3 Tertiary education: What should students be learning?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq.................................................................... 219 6.11.6 Fallback careers or teaching- artists?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq139 5.2.3 Tertiary education: What should students be learning?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq159 3 Neutral Who cares?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq245 3 Neutral What is ‘ portfolio ’?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq351 The DRA?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq5.1.8 What should be included in vocational preparation in the conservatoire environment( MLaaM)?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq54 • What do I understand now that I did not understand before I began the interviews?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq6.11.6 Fallback careers or teaching- artists?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq6.13 The ‘ Gig ’ Economy: Has the Industry Changed For the Western Art Musician?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq6.9 How Much Does an Australian Portfolio Career Musician Earn?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq6.9.3 Does money matter?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq71 It could be argued that the DRA?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAll responses were categorised into Dreamers, Realists, Artists and Unclear( DRA?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAlthough the primary question is central to this study, the sub- question ‘ how do I improve my practice? ’ forms its foundation.
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAn example of the open- ended questions asked: What are your music employment ambitions?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAnd how that will affect your students?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAnd trying to keep up with the fam[ily] and[ my] sister lives in Sydney and oh, it ’s just … hectic, you know?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAny other comments?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqApproximately how much($ or trade of services/ products) were you paid for this employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqApproximately how much($ or trade of services/ products) were you paid for this employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAre musicians truly important?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAre there more skills you would like to learn?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAre you happy with what you are currently doing?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAside from your chief practical study training, what skills and training do you feel you should possess for successful music employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqAustralian artists, starving and wellnourished: What can we learn from the prototypical protean career?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqBroadly speaking — on a scale of one to 10—how confident are you that you can continue being a musician until you choose to retire?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqBut there is no collaboration — not even with Wind or Brass? ’( Amanda, 1YFG).
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqCan you see yourself retiring from music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqCan you see yourself retiring from music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqCollege student responses to web and paper surveys: Does mode matter?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDescribe the changes in tertiary music education have you seen during your time as a tertiary music educator?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDescribe the changes in the music industry have you experienced during this time?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDescribe what do you know about MLaaM?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDescribe what you are currently employed as?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDescribe your career path to date?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDescribe your impressions of the future of music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDescribe your impressions of their career ambitions?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDescribe your students ’ communicated career ambitions?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDid you graduate from the Queensland Conservatorium?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDid you graduate from the Queensland Conservatorium?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDid you study at the Queensland Conservatorium?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDid you study at the Queensland Conservatorium?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDo you believe this to include teaching music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDo you believe this to include teaching music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDo you believe this to included teaching music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDo you consider ‘ teaching ’ to be part of the profile of the term ‘ musician ’?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDo you have any other thoughts you would like to mention?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDo you really expect to get paid?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDoes the profession and industry need to further shrink and become increasingly territorial for such a course to be accepted as imminently relevant?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqDoes your website possess a call- to- action?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqFor the same music service, approximately how much would you currently expect to be paid?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqFor the same music service, approximately how much would you currently expect to be paid?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqGen Z vs. Gen Y: Does the hype add up?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHas your music degree been what you expected?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHave you communicated your point of differentiation from other grant applicants?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHave you completed non- music tertiary education?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHave you completed non- music tertiary education?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHave you ever felt like quitting music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHave you ever studied at a tertiary music institution?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHave you ever studied at a tertiary music institution?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHave you given appropriate evidence of your activity as a musician that supports your grant request?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow can I improve my teaching and learning practice of MLaaM?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow can it align with the students ’ experience of their degree, professional expectations and career realities?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow did it go?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow did you gain your music employment when you were first beginning/ starting out?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow did you gain your music employment when you were first beginning/ starting out?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow do you currently financially and artistically sustain your career?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow do you currently financially and artistically sustain your career?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow do you feel about graduating next year/ year after?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow do you feel you contribute to their career reality?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow do you presently gain your music employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow do you presently gain your music employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow does an undergraduate course introduce the reality of the music industry, respect and retain ‘ the dream ’ and vocationally prepare for both?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow has the year been?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow have the students responded to these music industry course introductions?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow have they gone beyond?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow long have you been teaching tertiary education?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow long have you been teaching this course?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow long have you experienced music- related employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow long have you experienced music- related employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow many years after graduating from your undergraduate degree was your experience of financially earning from music employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow many years after graduating from your undergraduate degree was your experience of financially earning from music employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow much do musicians really make from Spotify, iTunes and YouTube?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow old are you?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow old are you?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow old are you?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow old are you?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow old were you when you first began financially earning from music- related employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow old were you when you first began financially earning from music- related employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow will you overcome these?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqHow would you have reacted to a course introducing the realities and business basics required in the music industry when you were a student?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqI do both of those things and you know how much work I ’ve got from them?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqIn what way( if at all) has this changed over the course of your employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqIn your experience as an active industry musician, what significant changes or trends have you noticed to date?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqIn your opinion — Should MLaaM be something all music institutions should adopt?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqIn your opinion, what stage can these elements be introduced into to a degree?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqIntegrating quantitative and qualitative research: How is it done?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqIs it achievable, and how should it be defined?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqIs there a final life goal — something you have always been striving towards?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqIt provokes the question: What is the primary motivation for students aspiring to a music career in the twenty- first century?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqKnowing what you know now, what would you say to next year ’s first years starting out?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqLikewise, in their paper survey, they were asked the open question, What skills are required to be a successful musician?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqMaree 2 I could have talked to people in the same class as I were going through the same thing[ so seek help?]
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqMy compulsory career counselling session in Year 12( was n’t it a bit late for that?)
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqOf the minimal face- to- face complaints regarding relevance, she would challenge criticisms and ask the students: ‘ Who is your favourite composer?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqOr is the resistance to such a course an indicator of potential career failure?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqPeas in a cultural pod?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqPerhaps redesigning it to ‘ Do you consider teaching to be part of the profile of being a musician? ’ may have clarified the intent.
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqPlease briefly describe your career path from training to now?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqPlease state for the record your name and age?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqPlease state your name and Music Industry Course Title/ s and Institution/ s where you teach?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqReport titles reflected this: When Are You Going to Get a Real Job?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqRight so how do I do it? ’ I ’ll figure that out and I ’ll learn on the job very quickly.
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqSend another reminder email?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqShaping the tertiary music curriculum: What can we learn from different contexts?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqShe wondered what defined an inactive performer: ‘ if they have n’t performed for six months, do they no longer count?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqShould a music industry studies lecturer remain active in their industry profession?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqShould they stalk them on Facebook?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqStudent learning in higher instrumental education: Who is responsible?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqTable 6.3 Relationship Status of Survey Participants Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqTable 6.48 Survey Q72: ‘ What I Love About Music ’ Q72 What do you love about music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqTable 6.5 Tertiary Study of Survey Participants Have you ever studied at a tertiary music institution?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqTable 6.7 Duration of Music- Related Employment of Survey Participants How long have you experienced music- related employment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThat is, their response to Question 3( Why?)
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThe adequacy of response rates to online and paper surveys: what can be done?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThe dilemma is: What career theories should be included in vocational preparation courses?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThe education of the professional musician: How much music is required?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThe focus groups were asked, What skills are needed to sustain a successful career?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThe genealogy and anatomy of the Australian tertiary music sector: How far have we come and where are we going?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThe other part of me says be realistic because at the end of the four years what have they got?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThe portfolio career: Pushed or pulled to it?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThey are saying[ to me], ‘ when am I going to find a job?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThis commentary raises these questions: Is the delivery of MLaaM ahead of its time?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThis regularly resulted in a feeling of ‘ Well why did I even bother? ’ particularly if it was a low[-paid] or unpaid gig.
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqThose in the Unclear(?)
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqTo what extent are these skills and capabilities explicitly or implicitly represented in the QCGU tertiary undergraduate curriculum?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqUnfortunately, if these skills are not ‘ forced upon ’ the students, the question remains, when are they going to learn them?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWas it what you expected?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat additional components need consideration, and how do they fit within typical conservatoire curriculum design?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat advice can you give an undergraduate musician in the twenty- first century?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat advice would you give current graduating music students?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat advice would you give tertiary music students aspiring to working in the music industry?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat are considered the key skills and capabilities of sustainable portfolio career musicians in Australia?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat are the demographics of your student enrolments and what careers do they envisage themselves as possessing?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat are you doing next year?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat careers do the graduates most likely possess?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat careers does your faculty encourage?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat careers does your institution currently train them for?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat challenges do you think are in store for you?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat changes, additions, and/or subtractions would you recommend( course content, assessment and course activities)?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat city, state and country do you currently live in?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat city, state and country do you currently live in?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do I currently love about music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do I want to do long term with my career?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do musicians do for a living?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do you consider should be included in a tertiary music vocational education programme?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do you consider the most important aspects of your tertiary study?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do you feel that current tertiary music students should be learning to survive and sustain this environment?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do you love about music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do you love about music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do you love about music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do you think about a conservatoire delivering a vocational preparation strand such as MLaaM?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do you wish to do long- term with your career?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do you wish to do long- term with your career?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat do your students communicate to you about MLaaM?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat has been the most and least$ you have earned?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat has been your career path to date?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat have been the highlights and lowlights of your career?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat have been your career highs and lows?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat implications do these have for the future of the music industry?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat industry activity are you/ have you been engaged in so far?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat influenced you to exit or consider exiting a career in music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat influenced you to exit or consider exiting a career in music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat is your highest MUSIC qualification?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat is your highest MUSIC qualification?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat is your impression of the music industry?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat is your name and position at the QCM?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat is your opinion of the music industry in Australia and Internationally?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat methods do you use to find work?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat non- music skills do current tertiary music students need upon graduation?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat non- music skills do you feel you will need to use?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat non- music skills have you had to learn to support your career that you did not learn in your degree/ diploma?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat non- music skills have you needed for this activity?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat non- music skills/ knowledge do you consider graduating music students need to sustain a music career in the 21st century?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat non- music skills/ knowledge do you consider graduating music students need to sustain a music career in the 21st century?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat positive or negative outcomes can you foresee a course such as MLaaM being implemented in your institution?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat qualities do you observe that successful musicians possess?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat ramifications does this have on the future of the music industry and those musicians currently employed?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat significant changes in the music industry have you noticed during this time?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat skills am I going to need to achieve my dreams?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat skills and experience should a music industry studies lecturer possess?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat skills and qualifications should a tertiary music industry preparation lecturer possess?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat skills and qualifications should a tertiary music industry vocational preparation lecturer possess?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat skills do current tertiary music students need to possess in order to sustain a career in the music industry?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat skills do you think students need to have upon graduation?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat skills will you need by the time you graduate to sustain a career in music?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat were you like as a training musician( in your diploma, degree?)
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat ’s your other job?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat( if) has changed?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhat, to your knowledge has been the past history and content of music industry education and career information at your institution?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhen you were first training to become a musician a) how old were you and b) what did you want to do long term with your career?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhich of the following best describes your current relationship status?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhich of the following best describes your current relationship status?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWho am I?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWhy does Opera Australia no longer come to Brisbane?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWithin your own employment — what is the approximate ratio of teaching to performance and how, if at all, has that changed over the years?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWould I have been more open and accepting of employment opportunities?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWould my performance outcome be better, worse or the same?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWould you credit it?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWould you describe yourself as a contract musician or a job creator/ instigator?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqWould you want to?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqYou would be like ‘ what??!!
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqYou would be like ‘ what??!!
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqand can apply it in a variety of mediums?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqdoes the budget balance?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqdoes your CV capitalise on the strengths the audience it is intended for needs?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqdoes your biography have a sense of story line?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqdried up — how confident would you be to instigate your own projects?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqhave you demonstrated that you not only understand the knowledge given in class but also are applying it?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqreluctant to consider lifelong learning) • What- can- the- university- do- for- me?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqwas the same as their response to Question 1( What do you love about music?).
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyqwhat is the likelihood of this grant being successful if submitted upon graduation?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq• Can you describe( if applicable) the reflective element you use in your course?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq• Do you have a tutorial process in conjunction with this course?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq• How do I understand and explain these connections?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq• How have their interviews been consistent or inconsistent with the literature?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq• The assessment — and why you chose it • What supporting texts do you use?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq• What element of( if at all) and when is entrepreneurship discussed or encouraged?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq• What extra learning activities do you incorporate that do not appear on the course outline?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq• What is your criticism of your own course?
work_6r5fds5lfbdzfilb4szygi5gyq• What surprises or confirmations of previous instincts have there been?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq! 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq! U? bb-!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq"? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 2 5 7? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 2.>? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 2? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 2? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 3 37 7&## 3 37 7? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 3? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 3? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 5? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 8? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 8? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & 9? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & U? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & b 2>>>>>>>>>? b 2& cross hands->->->->->->->->->ÿ! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & b 3 3? b! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & b Use a mode of D, F A, Bb and C as base of improvisation40Play approx bars--.>--? b 40Play approx bars? b 40! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & b Use a mode of D, F A, Bb and C as base of improvisation40Play approx bars--.>--? b 40Play approx bars? b 40! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & b arco? b------ nat. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & b>>>>>>-------& b->->->->->!<>? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & b? b? b! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & b? b? b! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bb o o o o o o o o o o o o o “<> Locoo o o& bb? bb! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bb ” “& bb? bb! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb-? bbbb-& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb-. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb-? bbbb-& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb-. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb-? bbbb-& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb-. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb& bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbb? bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbbb •2 •2 •2& bbbbb •2 •2 •2? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2? bbbbb simile. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbbb •2 •2 •2& bbbbb •2 •2 •2? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2? bbbbb simile. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbbb •2 •2& bbbbb •2 •2? bbbbb • 2 •2? bbbbb • 2 •2. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbbb •2 •2& bbbbb •2 •2? bbbbb • 2 •2? bbbbb • 2 •2. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbbb->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb->.-->.-->.-->.-& bbbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & div.#$#$#$##$#$# B? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & o o o 3? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & o o o o o o o o? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & o o o o o o? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq & o o o o? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &## 3&# 3& b--.>--.>--.>? b? b. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &## 3&# 3& b--.>--.>--.>? b? b. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &-->? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &.>? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ” “>&>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?>& B? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ” “>&>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?>& B? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &>>>>>>>>>>>>? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &>>>>? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &>? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq &? b! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq ( Harmon) 3? bbbbb! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq ( cup mute)? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb& bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq ( cup mute)? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb& bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq ( cup mute)? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb& bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq ( cup mute)? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb& bbbb. work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq ( cup) 3? bbbbb! work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq - 4? work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq -& b>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-------& b cross hands->->->->->->->->->->->->->->ÿ?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq--- 3? bbbbb--- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq--- 3? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq--- 3? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq--- 3? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq--- 3? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq--- 3? bbbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq---""# 3? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq---------- 3 3 3 3 3?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq------------? b#"""#"""#"""#"""#"""#""!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq---------> 3 3 3 3& 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq----? bbbb 16? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq----? bbbb 16? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq----? bbbb 16? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq----? bbbb 16? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq----? bbbb 16? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq----? bbbb 16? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq----? bbbb 16? bbbb? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq----? bbbb 16? bbbb? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq----? bbbb 16? bbbb? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq---? b 2 5? b 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq---? b 2 5? b 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq--? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->->->->->-> U? bbbb U& bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->->->->->-> U? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->->->->->-> U? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->->->->->-> U? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->->->->->-> U? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->.-->.-->.-->.->----? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq-? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq-? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq-? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq-? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq-? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq-? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq-? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb---.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq-? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb---.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq-? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb---.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.> 3 3?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.> U? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.> U? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.> U? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.> U? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.>? bb& bb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.>? bb& bb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.>? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.>? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.>? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.>? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.>? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.>? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq.>? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq/ 40.>& b.>--.>--.>? b? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq/ 40.>& b.>--.>--.>? b? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq/ •2•2 •2•2 •2•2&## 3&# 3& b--.>--.>? b? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq/ •2•2 •2•2 •2•2&## 3&# 3& b--.>--.>? b? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq/ •2•2 •2•2 •2•2&##&#& b---? b? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq/ •2•2 •2•2 •2•2&##&#& b---? b? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq/.> •2•2 •2•2&## 3&# 3& b--.>--.>--.>? b? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq/.> •2•2 •2•2&## 3&# 3& b--.>--.>--.>? b? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq10 pizz.>>>>>> CONSPIRACY THEORY Nanako Sato?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq116& bbbbb? bbbbb& bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq231 234 q=110236 74 74& b ” “? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq2? bb senza sord.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq2? bb senza sord.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq2? bb senza sord.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3 3? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3 5? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq301& b? b& b 40Play bars Use a mode of D, F A, Bb and C as base of improvisation Collective improvisation section? b 40Play bars& b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq301& b? b& b 40Play bars Use a mode of D, F A, Bb and C as base of improvisation Collective improvisation section? b 40Play bars& b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq37 3 3 3 3?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? b----!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb-.End of Alto solo? bbbb- 6? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb-.End of Alto solo? bbbb- 6? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb-.End of Alto solo? bbbb- 6? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb-.End of Alto solo? bbbb- 6? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb-.End of Alto solo? bbbb- 6? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbb-.End of Alto solo? bbbb- 6? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb---- 3? bbbbb 4 8 6? bbbbb? bbbbb 12? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb---- 3? bbbbb 4 8 6? bbbbb? bbbbb 12? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb---- 3? bbbbb 4 8 6? bbbbb? bbbbb 12? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb---- 3? bbbbb 4 8 6? bbbbb? bbbbb 12? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb---- 3? bbbbb 4 8 6? bbbbb? bbbbb 12? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb---- 3? bbbbb 4 8 6? bbbbb? bbbbb 12? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq3? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb---- 3? bbbbb 4 8 6? bbbbb? bbbbb 12? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq4 9? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq4& b 5 9? b 5& b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq40Play bars& b 40Play bars Use a mode of D, F A, Bb and C as base of improvisation? b 40Play bars? b 40Play bars/ •2•2 40Play bars& b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq40Play bars& b 40Play bars Use a mode of D, F A, Bb and C as base of improvisation? b 40Play bars? b 40Play bars/ •2•2 40Play bars& b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5 3 5 3? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5 5 5 5 5? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5 5? b 5!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5 5? b 55& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5 A Piece of Hope in the Darkness Nanako Sato? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5 A Piece of Hope in the Darkness Nanako Sato? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5 A Piece of Hope in the Darkness Nanako Sato? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5 ‘ “&>>>>?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5& b. ” “ 5 3? b ” “!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq5? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq6 4? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq6& b 4 4? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq6& b 4& b? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq6& b"#"# sul tallon->? b"#"#!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq6? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq9-- 3?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq>>? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq>? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq>? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq>? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? CB A E!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? DCB| EFGA!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b non divis.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b& b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b& b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b----!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b 2 2? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b 2 2? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b 2 2? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/ •2&##!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/ •2&##!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/ •2•2 œ œ œ œ ˙!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/ •2•2 œ œ œ œ ˙!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/ •2•2&## 3 3>>>--- 3&# 3>>>--- 3& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/ •2•2&## 3 3>>>--- 3&# 3>>>--- 3& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/ •2•2&##!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/ •2•2&##!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/ •2•2&##!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/ •2•2&##!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b/& b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b? b 7 3? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b? b 7 3? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b? b 7 3? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? b? b? b 7 3? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb 2? bb? bb 16 4? bb 2? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb! U& bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb& bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb& bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb& bb? bb& bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb& bb? bb& bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb/!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb/!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb? bb 17!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb? bb 17!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb? bb 17!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb? bb 17!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb? bb 17!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb? bb 17!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb? bb? bb? bb/!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb? bb? bb? bb/!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb? bb? bb? bb/!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bb? bb? bb? bb/!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb 4!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb 4!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb 4!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb---.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-> 2 2->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-> 2 2->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-> 2 2->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-> 2 2->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-> 2 2->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-> 2 2->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-> 2 2->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb-> 2 2->? bbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb->!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb->!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb->!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb->!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.>!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb.>!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb>>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb End of Alto solo? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb End of Alto solo? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb End of Alto solo? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb-- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb--- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb--- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb--- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb---- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb& bbbbb simile.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb& bbbbb simile.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb& bbbbb simile.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb? bbbbb& bbbbb simile.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqA Piece of Hope in the Darkness Nanako Sato? bb 5! U!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqA. Bass Dr. 67&##&#& b--.>--.>--.>? b? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqA. Bass Dr. 67&##&#& b--.>--.>--.>? b? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqAlto 1 solo? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqAlto 1 solo? bbbb.>!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqAlto 1 solo? bbbb.>!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqAlto 1 solo? bbbb.>!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqAlto 1 solo? bbbb.>!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqAlto 1 solo? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqBlue Butterfly Piano Cadenza for 30- 40 bars until B section Nanako Sato? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqC28 mf ff p mf mf p p ° ø ° ø ° ø ° ø ° ø ° ø C 44 34 44 34 44 34 44 34 44 34 44 34 44 34 44 34 44 34 44 34 44 34 44 34?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqCONSPIRACY THEORY Nanako Sato?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqC‹7 B‹7 B¨‹7 A‹7 A¨Œ„!7 G7 C‹7 B‹7& bbbb? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqDCB| EFGA 10& U?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqEnd of Alto solo? bbbb- 6? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqEnd of Alto solo? bbbb- 6? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqEnd of Alto solo? bbbb- 6? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqEnd of Alto solo? bbbb- 6? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqEnd of Alto solo? bbbb-.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqG&7(#9) G¨Œ„!13 EŒ„!13(#11) f E13(#11) f 106& bbbbb •2 •2 •2 •2? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2 •2& bbbbb? bbbbb& bbbbb--- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqG&7(#9) G¨Œ„!13 EŒ„!13(#11) f E13(#11) f 106& bbbbb •2 •2 •2 •2? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2 •2& bbbbb? bbbbb& bbbbb--- 3!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqI145 34 34&##&#& b--.>--.>--.>? b? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqI145 34 34&##&#& b--.>--.>--.>? b? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqI95 98 24 44 24 44 44 24 44 44 24 44 34 34& b 5 5 5 5& b 5? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqI95 Copyright © Nanako Sato 2011 f 101 108 mp fp J114 f p mp f mp mp f p K121 34 44 24 44 24 44 34 44? b? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqI95 Copyright © Nanako Sato 2011 f 101 108 mp fp J114 f p mp f mp mp f p K121 34 44 24 44 24 44 34 44? b? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqK109? bbbbb->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb 4->.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqK109? bbbbb->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb 4->.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqK112 117? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2 •2? bbbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqK112 117? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2 •2? bbbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqK112? bbbbb->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb 4->.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqK112? bbbbb->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb 4->.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqK112? bbbbb->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb 4->.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqK112? bbbbb->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb 4->.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqK112? bbbbb->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb 4->.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqK112? bbbbb->.-->.-->.-->.-? bbbbb 4->.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqNanako Sato Rainforest? bbbb 4 4.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqNanako Sato Reminiscence of a Japanese Garden? b 12----- 3 pizz.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqNanako SatoRainforest? bbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqO conspiracy, Sham’st thou to show thy dang’rous brow by night, When evils are most free?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqPlay approx bars Use a mode of D, F A, Bb and C as base of improvisation 65& b Play approx bars 65?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqU& 4?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqU? bb U/!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqU? bb senza sord.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqU? bb senza sord.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqU? bb senza sord.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqU? bbbb>.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqU? bbbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqU? bbbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqU? bbbbb.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqUse open D string at the same time 3? b>-!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqarco""? b pizz.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqarco"#"#"? b#"# 7? b sul pont.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqarco"#"#"? b#"# 7? b sul pont.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqarco>? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqdiv arco?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqff mf G‹Œ„!7 q=180 SwingG95 44 44& bb& bb& bb& bb------? bb& bb------? bb& bb? bb& bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqff mf G‹Œ„!7 q=180 SwingG95 44 44& bb& bb& bb& bb------? bb& bb------? bb& bb? bb& bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqff mf G‹Œ„!7 q=180 SwingG95 44 44& bb& bb& bb& bb------? bb& bb------? bb& bb? bb& bb!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqlegato 26 44 44 24 24 44& b 5 3 Nanako Sato Reminiscence of a Japanese Garden? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqlet ring ¿ 5& b 5? b 5!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqo o o o?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqo o?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqo o?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqplay sounds like koto3? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqpluck D string at the same time with finger nail? b!
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqq=110 L238 34 74? b.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgqsim.------? b--- nat.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq‘ “?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq“<> ‘ “&?
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq•2 •2 •2& bbbbb •2 •2 •2 •2? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2 •2? bbbbb simile.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq•2 •2 •2& bbbbb •2 •2 •2 •2? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2 •2? bbbbb simile.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq•2? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2? bbbbb • 2? bbbbb arco--- 3? bbbbb simile.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq•2? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2? bbbbb • 2? bbbbb arco--- 3? bbbbb simile.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq•2? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2? bbbbb • 2? bbbbb arco--- 3? bbbbb simile.
work_wi5cuuu54nejjhcn7pduan4cgq•2? bbbbb • 2 •2 •2? bbbbb • 2? bbbbb arco--- 3? bbbbb simile.