
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-009688-kjx6cvzhDoes this mean that the transmissibility of shigellosis among males is stronger than that among females?
cord-009688-kjx6cvzhDoes this mean that the transmission features differ between male and female?
cord-265680-ztk6l2n2Lessons to be learnt from Hubei Province – Are under- detected “ silent hypoxia ” and subsequently low admission rate to blame?
cord-345877-rhybnlw0Laboratory testing of 2019 novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV?) in suspected human cases: interim guidance
cord-296669-1md8j11e: What can we learn?
cord-296669-1md8j11eHow Are Quarantine and Isolation Different?
cord-273531-q9ah287wWhat is fecal- oral transmission?
cord-351880-iqr419fpWhat do we know so far?
cord-354095-4sweo53lThe effects of employment on influenza rates Who has a clue to preventing the flu?
cord-339743-jxj10857COVID-19: what is next for public health?
cord-339743-jxj10857Can we contain the COVID-19 outbreak with the same measures as for SARS?
cord-283891-m36un1y2( e.g., are they independent, or do they weaken/ enhance each other?)
cord-283891-m36un1y2The Lancet What to do next to control the 2019-nCoV epidemic?
cord-283891-m36un1y2The SARS, MERS and novel coronavirus( COVID-19) epidemics, the newest and biggest global health threats: what lessons have we learned?
cord-286334-d9v5xtx7Is there within- season waning of influenza type/ subtype vaccine effectiveness with increasing time since vaccination?
cord-286334-d9v5xtx7What to do next to control the 2019-ncov epidemic?
cord-317465-ucwuptggAn important policy- relevant question is, then, how many COVID-19 cases were actually prevented by the Wuhan lockdown in China?
cord-317465-ucwuptggAnd how does the extent of undocumented infection cases evolve over time?
cord-317465-ucwuptggFifth, are social distancing policies in destination cities effective in reducing the spread of the infections?
cord-317465-ucwuptggFirst, how does the lockdown of the city of Wuhan amid the Novel Coronavirus outbreak affect population movement?
cord-317465-ucwuptggFourth, how many COVID-19 cases elsewhere in China were prevented by the unprecedented Wuhan lockdown?
cord-317465-ucwuptggSecond, how do population flows among Chinese cities, particularly outflows from Wuhan and other cities in Hubei province, affect virus infection in the destination cities?
cord-317465-ucwuptggThird, is there evidence of, and if so, what is the magnitude of, undocumented cases of COVID-19 cases in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei province during the early stages of the epidemic?
cord-327721-y39751g4A systematic review Will novel virus go pandemic or be contained?
cord-327721-y39751g4Respiratory medicine Does acute stress disorder predict post- traumatic stress disorder in traffic accident victims?
cord-327721-y39751g4The course of PTSD, major depression, substance abuse, and somatization after a natural disaster Students'emotions of enjoyment and boredom and their use of cognitive learning strategies-How do they affect one another?
cord-327721-y39751g4The lancet Geographical distance to the epicenter of Covid-19 predicts the burnout of the working population: Ripple effect or typhoon eye effect?
cord-327721-y39751g4What good are positive emotions in crises?