
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-001421-6t5puo6pThe nomenclature of chronic hepatitis: time for a change Proteomic profiling of cholangiocarcinoma: diagnostic potential of SELDI- TOF MS in malignant bile duct stricture Evaluation of liver fibrosis: a concise review Biopsy and non- invasive methods for the diagnosis of liver fibrosis: does it take two to tango?
cord-002240-38aabxh1The influence of corticosteroid treatment on the outcome of influenza A(H1N1pdm09)-related critical illness Association between systemic corticosteroids and outcomes of intensive care unit- acquired pneumonia Prevalence and predictors of corticosteroid- related hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients Hyperglycaemia is associated with poor outcomes in patients admitted to hospital with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Hyperglycaemia as a predictor of outcome during non- invasive ventilation in decompensated COPD Intensive insulin therapy in the critically ill patients Intensive insulin therapy in the medical ICU Glucocorticoid- induced myopathy Paresis acquired in the intensive care unit: a prospective multicenter study Infectious Diseases Society of America/ American Thoracic Society consensus guidelines on the management of community- acquired pneumonia in adults Anti- inflammatory effects of macrolides- an underappreciated benefit in the treatment of community- acquired respiratory tract infections and chronic inflammatory pulmonary conditions?
cord-000831-zwfxnd7rpulmonary radiographic findings at presentation predict mortality in patients with community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-002514-pp06m5xkAntivirals for influenza: where now for clinical practice and pandemic preparedness?
cord-000308-cxr1ul7qa multicentre randomised controlled trial Mortality rates for patients with acute lung injury/ ARDS have decreased over time Has mortality from acute respiratory distress syndrome decreased over time?:
cord-004379-91a7sgirinfluenza A virus Can Disproportionality Analysis of Post- marketing Case Reports be Used for Comparison of Drug Safety Profiles?
cord-001313-f72hl6duThe epigenetic conductor: a genomic orchestrator in chronic kidney disease complications?
cord-002294-qa8e90qvCyclosporin treatment in steroid- resistant and acutely exacerbated interstitial pneumonia Cyclosporin A in the treatment of acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Noninvasive ventilation in acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Evaluation of new Japanese diagnostic criteria for disseminated intravascular coagulation in critically ill patients Coagulation and fibrinolysis in human acute lung injury- new therapeutic targets?
cord-004147-9bcq3jnmWhy is it so hard to stop doing things that are unwanted, non- beneficial, or unsustainable?
cord-004310-hl7fa4af: Is it really different?
cord-001322-7xmxcm35when does it happen, and do systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria help predict course?
cord-003798-nki2sasranother piece of the puzzle Human metapneumovirus infection plays an etiologic role in acute asthma exacerbations requiring hospitalization in adults Human metapneumovirus infection in adults with community- acquired pneumonia and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Severe viral pneumonia in adults: what is important for the ICU physician?
cord-004636-t6qldq3s: what's the best study design to investigate its impact on patient outcome?
cord-001661-dj9bxhwbAn early PEEP/ FiO2 trial identifies different degrees of lung injury in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome Acute respiratory distress syndrome 40 years later: time to revisit its definition Are we able to optimize the definition and diagnosis of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-003219-iryb3v0zthe APRONET( ARDS Prone Position Network) study Dynamic driving pressure associated with mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation Driving pressure: a marker of severity, a safety limit, or a goal for mechanical ventilation?
cord-005481-00rezmqjGene therapy: adenovirus vectors Gene therapy for cancer: what have we done and where are we going?
cord-002724-gtv9syziImmunodepression following neurosurgical procedures Depression of the mononuclear phagocyte system caused by high doses of narcotics Granulocytemacrophage colony- stimulating factor( GM- CSF) restores decreased monocyte HLA- DR expression after cardiopulmonary bypass Delayed recovery of human leukocyte antigen- DR expression after cardiac surgery with early non- lethal postoperative complications: only an epiphenomenon?
cord-006179-7uv4yfv2Will high dose chemotherapy followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation supplant cranio- spinal irradiation in young children treated for medulloblastoma?
cord-005425-0hxow3sj12 How can these results be improved?
cord-004515-x22q1f21Pregnancy or breast- feeding Opposition from the patient or his/ her relatives Protected major( Guardianship) Contraindication to the use of dornase alfa Known intolerance to dornase alfa Patient whose life expectancy is less than 24 h, according to the treating physician"Do not resuscitate"order Who will take informed consent?
cord-004263-m1ujhhscCan calculation of energy expenditure based on CO2 measurements replace indirect calorimetry?
cord-003376-2qi4aibxWhy have clinical trials in sepsis failed?
cord-000268-480d3yfva new player in acute inflammatory responses TREM-1 amplifies inflammation and is a crucial mediator of septic shock Does soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 play any role in the pathogenesis of septic shock?
cord-003615-vpzzsdld: is there a clinical relevance?
cord-003701-i70ztypgInfluenza B hospitalizations are associated with mortality in children Effect of influenza vaccination on the prognosis of hospitalized influenza patients Influenza vaccination modifies disease severity among community- dwelling adults hospitalized with influenza Does influenza vaccination modify influenza severity?
cord-003701-i70ztypginfluenza seasons Estimates of global seasonal influenza- associated respiratory mortality: a modelling study Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths Averted by Vaccination in the United States Influenza seasonality in the tropics and subtropics-when to vaccinate?
cord-006332-ikh45wuyLongitudinal analysis of neutrophil superoxide anion generation in patients with septic shock Aggressive nutritional support does not prevent protein loss despite fat gain in septic intensive care patients Perioperative parenteral nutrition: a meta- analysis Nutritional outcome and pneumonia in critical care patients randomized to gastric versus jejunal tube feedings Do weighted nasoenteric feeding tubes facilitate duodenal intubations?
cord-003686-1pfk4qveSafety profile of the interleukin-1 inhibitors anakinra and canakinumab in real- life clinical practice: a nationwide multicenter retrospective observational study Fluorouracil and bevacizumab plus anakinra for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer refractory to standard therapies( IRAFU): a single- arm phase 2 study Interleukin-1 Beta- a friend or foe in malignancies?
cord-003686-1pfk4qvethe legendary fifth cardinal sign of inflammation, added by Galen to the four cardinal signs of Celsus Robbins& Cotran pathologic basis of disease Inflammation and metabolic disorders Endoplasmic reticulum stress and the inflammatory basis of metabolic disease Inflammatory mechanisms in obesity Approaching the asymptote?
cord-001536-ta1i0ataThe clinical impact and preventability of ventilator- associated conditions in critically ill patients who are mechanically ventilated Toward improved surveillance: the impact of ventilator- associated complications on length of stay and antibiotic use in patients in intensive care units Implementation of clinical practice guidelines for ventilator- associated pneumonia: a multicenter prospective study Temporal trends of ventilator- associated pneumonia incidence and the effect of implementing health- care bundles in a suburban community Is a strategy based on routine endotracheal cultures the best way to prescribe antibiotics in ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-001536-ta1i0ataprospective cohort study Meropenem and piperacillin/ tazobactam prescribing in critically ill patients: does augmented renal clearance affect pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic target attainment when extended infusions are used?
cord-005808-w0763eskDo corticosteroids reduce the mortality of influenza A( H1N1) infection?
cord-001879-bn7h0kcwInternational consensus statement Prednisone, azathioprine, and Nacetylcysteine for pulmonary fibrosis Steroids in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis acute exacerbation: defenders or killers?
cord-001879-bn7h0kcwWhere Are We Now?
cord-004404-s6udpwxqThe re- emerging role of the intestinal microflora in critical illness and inflammation: why the gut hypothesis of sepsis syndrome will not go away Muscle wasting: the gut microbiota as a new therapeutic target?
cord-004404-s6udpwxqcachexia Beneficial bacteria inhibit cachexia ESPEN guideline on clinical nutrition in the intensive care unit Effectiveness of continuous enteral nutrition versus intermittent enteral nutrition in intensive care patients: a systematic review Intermittent versus continuous feeding in critically ill adults Treatment of opioid- induced gut dysfunction Bacterial translocation: overview of mechanisms and clinical impact Gastric acid reduction leads to an alteration in lower intestinal microflora Probiotics in the critical care unit: fad, fact, or fiction?
cord-005503-hm8tvkt3A prospective study Accuracy of Power mode transcranial Doppler in the diagnosis of brain death Standardized care versus precision medicine in the perioperative setting: Can point- of- care testing help bridge the gap?
cord-005503-hm8tvkt3The impact of Bispectral Index monitoring on sedation administration in mechanically ventilated patients Utility of bispectral index in the management of multiple trauma patients Can BIS monitoring be used to assess the depth of propofol anesthesia in the treatment of refractory status epilepticus?
cord-000161-hxjxczyr2004 update Comparison of two fluid- management strategies in acute lung injury Fluid- management strategies in acute lung injuryliberal, conservative, or both?
cord-000161-hxjxczyrEfficacy and safety of corticosteroids for persistent acute respiratory distress syndrome Confronting an influenza pandemic with inexpensive generic agents: can it be done?
cord-003291-zuqx6ksyDoes delivery improve maternal condition in the respiratory- compromised gravida?
cord-003291-zuqx6ksyThe Journal of maternal- fetal medicine Is ethnicity a risk factor for developing preeclampsia?
cord-005861-3k8h3eujCan our current understanding of anesthesiology and physiology and pharmacology explain how the injury occurred?
cord-005861-3k8h3eujHow are we to avoid this understandable but serious outcome bias?
cord-007575-5ekgabx5Diffuse pneumonia and acute respiratory failure due to infectious mononucleosis Clinical, virologic, and serologic evidence of Epstein- Barr virus infection in association with childhood pneumonia Pneumonia associated with rising cytomegalovirus antibody titres in a healthy adult Does cytomegalovirus playa role in communityacquired pneumonia?
cord-005480-yg7salqtWhat to do when the first allogeneic stem cell transplantation fails?
cord-005480-yg7salqtWhy is important to built a paediatric nurse group inside PDs WP?
cord-006544-yr4u61qvThe role of infection in the pathogenesis of catastrophic antiphospholipid syndromemolecular mimicry?
cord-006544-yr4u61qvdo the benefits outweigh the risks?
cord-005795-sgi54hq8The cost of respiratory care in mechanically ventilated patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Outcomes and cost- effectiveness of ventilator support and aggressive care for patients with acute respiratory failure due to pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome Occurrence, causes, and outcome of delirium in patients with advanced cancer Does delirium contribute to poor hospital outcomes?
cord-005795-sgi54hq8psychosisº really exist?
cord-006768-r2pa9qw0overlaps with that of Wegener's granulomatosis Segmental necrotising glomerulonephritis with antineutrophil antibody: possible arbovirus aetiology?
cord-003520-f3jz59ptA role in acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-003520-f3jz59ptCan FFAs level in critically ill patients be modulated by short- term caloric restriction( permissive underfeeding)?
cord-003520-f3jz59ptWorking group on"sepsis- related problems"of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection: A short note on cases with renal failure problem Is BMI the best measure of obesity?
cord-005478-5iu38pr6These results warrant prospective comparative trials of PTCy versus standard use of ATG- based GVHD Disease status: CR1 Disclosure: Nothing to declare O178 Myeloablative conditioning for first allogeneic HSCT in pediatric all: FTBI or chemotherapy?
cord-004450-daxz9yhpIntravenous iloprost to recruit the microcirculation in septic shock patients?
cord-004450-daxz9yhpwhich route is superior in experimental pig lung transplantation: inhaled or intravenous?
cord-006856-b1w25ob5P21 FTY720 interferes with effector functions and downregulates protein expression of S1P1 and S1P4 in human dendritic cells tures with FTY720/ FTY720-P- treated DC illustrated a cytokine production profile with a lower IFN-?( 22% vs. 25% relative reduction) and a higher IL-4( 64% vs. 92% relative increase), indicating a shift from Th1 toward Th2 differentiation as previously evinced for S1P. DC yields, phenotypic differentiation into iDC and mDC( besides a minor reduction in CD18 surface expression), as well as the investigated mechanisms of iDC antigen uptake( bacterial phagocytosis, mannose receptor- mediated, and fluid- phase endocytosis), were not affected at therapeutically relevant concentrations.
cord-004986-en7taikkApproximativement 30?
cord-004986-en7taikket certains auteurs sceptiques sugg6rent que ces diarrh6es seraient dues?
cord-007567-vst954efWith the outbreak of SARS, the"A"now stands for"Are,"as in"Are we all protected?
cord-007563-33jxxp1bWhat's new in"connected"medical devices?
cord-008672-luoxomifHow then may these results contribute to the care of HIV- infected patients with chronic diarrhoea in areas with limited diagnostic and microbiological facilities?
cord-006869-g2q1gpp0QI method be used to incrementally add and evaluate individual facets of neuroprotective therapeutic bundles?
cord-003832-q1422ydiAcute respiratory distress syndrome mimickers lacking common risk factors of the Berlin definition Etiologies, diagnostic work- up and outcomes of acute respiratory distress syndrome with no common risk factor: a prospective multicenter study Rare respiratory diseases in the ICU: when to suspect them and specific approaches Serological and morphological prognostic factors in patients with interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features research statement: interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features: an additional risk factor for ARDS?
cord-003832-q1422ydiAnn Intensive Care Blood platelets and sepsis pathophysiology: a new therapeutic prospect in critical ill patients?
cord-003832-q1422ydiNew insights on a complex relationship Coagulation, fibrinolysis, and fibrin deposition in acute lung injury Tissue factor expression and fibrin deposition in the lungs of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and systemic sclerosis Procoagulant signalling mechanisms in lung inflammation and fibrosis: novel opportunities for pharmacological intervention?
cord-002757-upwe0cpj: can we retain the clinical use of mold- active antifungal azoles?
cord-002757-upwe0cpjContribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Impact of climate change in the epidemiology of vector- borne diseases in domestic carnivores Impact of climate change on human infectious diseases: empirical evidence and human adaptation Climate change and health: global to local influences on disease risk Climate change and mosquito- borne disease Climate of origin affects tick( Ixodes ricinus) host- seeking behavior in response to temperature: implications for resilience to climate change?
cord-002757-upwe0cpjThe burden of co- infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and malaria in pregnant women in sub- saharan Africa Is there an interaction between human immunodeficiency virus and Plasmodium falciparum?
cord-004096-obrq7q57Does high- dose buprenorphine cause respiratory depression?: possible mechanisms and therapeutic consequences
cord-004096-obrq7q57Unresponsive wakefulness syndrome: a new name for the vegetative state or apallic syndrome Reply: Response to « Minimally conscious state or cortically mediated state?
cord-004096-obrq7q57what next?
cord-001293-dfaxj3bvAre patients with sepsis dying of immune failure-dissecting the arguments used to describe compensatory immunosuppression occurring after sepsis?
cord-001293-dfaxj3bvIs boosting the immune system in sepsis appropriate?
cord-001293-dfaxj3bvauthors: Cavaillon, Jean- Marc; Eisen, Damon; Annane, Djilalli title: Is boosting the immune system in sepsis appropriate?
cord-004675-n8mlxe7p; and whether the information is actionable( clinical utility)?
cord-004675-n8mlxe7p; whether a given variant is causative( pathogenicity)?
cord-004675-n8mlxe7pThrough the sharing of genetic and health data, ClinGen seeks to answer whether a given gene is associated with a disease( clinical validity)?
cord-003198-1kw5v6rmA new simplified acute physiology score( SAPS II) based on a European/ North American multicenter study Delivered oxygen concentrations using low- flow and high- flow nasal cannulas Early identification of acute respiratory distress disorder in the absence of positive pressure ventilation: implications for revision of the berlin criteria for acute respiratory distress syndrome Interstitial lung disease associated with the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies: what progress has been made in the past 35 years?
cord-003198-1kw5v6rmDo we need ARDS?
cord-003198-1kw5v6rmMedicine( Baltimore) Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features: an additional risk factor for ARDS?
cord-007786-cu831tl7Recent advances in dengue pathogenesis and clinical management Corticosteroids for treating dengue shock syndrome Effects of short- course oral corticosteroid therapy in early dengue infection in Vietnamese patients: a randomized, placebocontrolled trial Corticosteroids for dengue- why do n't they work?
cord-004314-gtwtakprBrugerinddragelse-ny professionalisme og nye omsorgsrum?
cord-004314-gtwtakprCure- oriented versus care- oriented attitudes in medicine Priority actions for the non- communicable disease crisis Implementation of patient- centred care: which organisational determinants matter from decision maker's perspective?
cord-004314-gtwtakprSynthesis Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research( COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups Evaluating meta- ethnography: systematic analysis and synthesis of qualitative research Meta- ethnography: synthesizing qualitative studies Medicine taking for asthma: a worked example of metaethnography Qualitative research on health communication: what can it contribute?
cord-005953-5z89yeb6Aortenklappenstenose auf den klinischen Langzeitverlauf nach Aortenklappenersatzoperation?
cord-005953-5z89yeb6Nichtinvasive Bestimmung des Herzzeitvolumens mittels Inertgas- Rückatmung und CW- Doppler- Ultraschall-Sind die Ergebnisse vergleichbar?
cord-006182-kck5e1ryManagement of this phenomenon is controversial: should you treat the seizures or the arrhythmia?
cord-006880-9dgmdtj8Patients were asked"do you enjoy life more, about the same, or less than you did before your brain hemorrhage?"
cord-006864-t5qsjyfiFungal infections are a major cause of morbidity in critically ill surgical patients?
cord-006864-t5qsjyfiMiniaturised Total Chemical Analysis Systems; a novel concept for chemical sensing Current concepts on trace element requirements in nutrition Manganese levels in a jaundiced long term total parenteral nutrition patient: Potentiation of Haloperidol toxicity?:
cord-006226-fn7zlutjWhat kind of study should be performed( e. g. cost- effectiveness, cost- utility, cost- benefit analysis)?
cord-006226-fn7zlutjWhich objectives should be considered?
cord-006226-fn7zlutjWho should perfom a pharmacoeconomic study?
cord-006714-q7wy76e2Effect of aminoglycoside and beta- lactam combination therapy versus beta- lactam monotherapy on the emergence of antimicrobial resistance: a meta- analysis of randomized, controlled trials Does combination antimicrobial therapy reduce mortality in Gram- negative bacteraemia?
cord-006714-q7wy76e2the role of antimicrobial combinations Mortality and morbidity attributable to inadequate empirical antimicrobial therapy in patients admitted to the ICU with sepsis: a matched cohort study Impact of inappropriate antibiotic therapy on mortality in patients with ventilator- associated pneumonia and blood stream infection: a meta- analysis Benefit of empirical appropriate antibiotic treatment: thirty- day mortality and duration of hospital stay Impact of adequate antibiotic empirical therapy on the outcome of patients admitted to the intensive care unit with sepsis Aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity: modeling, simulation, and control Aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity: do time and frequency of administration matter?
cord-005750-54hul2lwA prospective study of factors influencing the outcome of patients after a Medical Emergency Team review What type of monitoring has been shown to improve outcomes in acutely ill patients?
cord-005750-54hul2lwConsensus Paper of the Austrian Associations of Intensive Care Medicine End- of- life care in Spain: legal framework Opiates at the end of life in an emergency department in Spain: euthanasia or good clinical practice?
cord-005750-54hul2lwis it underrecognized in the pediatric intensive care unit?
cord-009507-l74c9x0nEmerging infectious diseases and risk to the traveler Fever in the returned traveler Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine Should pericardial drainage be performed routinely in patients who have a large pericardial effusion without tamponade?
cord-001617-ff3j7i7iPart II: determinants operating at environmental and institutional level Bacteraemia in adult patients presenting with malaria in India Vivax malaria and bacteraemia: a prospective study in Kolkata Postmortem characterization of patients with clinical diagnosis of Plasmodium vivax malaria: to what extent does this parasite kill?
cord-001617-ff3j7i7iThe neglected burden of Plasmodium vivax malaria Plasmodium vivax hospitalizations in a monoendemic malaria region: severe vivax malaria?
cord-001617-ff3j7i7iWhy Is Plasmodium vivax a neglected tropical disease?
cord-001617-ff3j7i7irelapse Is anemia in Plasmodium vivax malaria more frequent and severe than in Plasmodium falciparum?
cord-006518-al94gxjwDefinitions for Sepsis and Organ Failure and Guidelines for the Use of Innovative Therapies in Sepsis Strategies for the Treatment of Sepsis Epidemiology of Severe Sepsis in the United States: Analysis of Incidence, Outcome, and Associated Costs of Care Has the Mortality of Septic Shock Changed with Time?
cord-006518-al94gxjwGenetically Determined by TNF- β NcoI Gene Polymprophism?
cord-006518-al94gxjwPouring Oil on Troubled Waters or Another Fishy Tale?
cord-006518-al94gxjwShould Immunonutrition Become Routine in Critically Ill Patients?
cord-003532-lcgeingzCan myocardial perfusion imaging with echo contrast help recognise type 1 acute myocardial infarction in the critically ill?
cord-003532-lcgeingzIs esmolol associated with worse outcome at the acute phase of ischemic stroke that receives thrombolysis?
cord-003532-lcgeingzThe question was"in situations where an expert opinion on an ultrasound is not immediately available, is it acceptable to get an expert review via an online medium such as WhatsApp, and would you be happy to be that expert?
cord-003532-lcgeingzWhat is the role of the pulmonary embolism severity index( PESI) and RV/ LV ratio as clinical risk assessment tools for patients undergoing ultrasound- assisted catheter- directed thrombolysis( UACDT)?
cord-002626-jzwwses4: does it improve clinical outcome?
cord-002626-jzwwses4A randomized controlled trial Early diagnosis of human cytomegalovirus disease in transplant recipients by DNA amplification in plasma Clinical utility of viral load in management of cytomegalovirus infection after solid organ transplantation Interpreting quantitative cytomegalovirus DNA testing: understanding the laboratory perspective Cytomegalovirus in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients Cytomegalovirus quantification: where to next in optimising patient management?
cord-002626-jzwwses4Busulfan pharmacokinetic lab cross verification results Personalizing busulfanbased conditioning: considerations from the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation Practice Guidelines Committee Liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry assay for androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone, and testosterone with pediatric and adult reference intervals Immunoassays for testosterone in women: better than a guess?
cord-002626-jzwwses4The'70% claim': what is the evidence base? Targets for future clinical trials in Huntington's disease: what's in the pipeline?
cord-004532-flo9139jA randomized trial Efficacy of adequate early antibiotic therapy in ventilator- associated pneumonia: influence of disease severity Clinical cure and survival in Gram- positive ventilator- associated pneumonia: retrospective analysis of two double- blind studies comparing linezolid with vancomycin Linezolid in VAP by MRSA: a better choice?
cord-004532-flo9139jDoes ICU- acquired paresis lengthen weaning from mechanical ventilation?
cord-004532-flo9139jDoes the patient require antibiotics?
cord-004532-flo9139jThe pathogenesis of catheter- related bloodstream infection with noncuffed short- term central venous catheters Watchful waiting versus immediate catheter removal in ICU patients with suspected catheter- related infection: a randomized trial Suspected central venous catheter- associated infection: can the catheter be safely retained?
cord-004532-flo9139jThus the relevant questions are: Is this patient developing VAP?
cord-009982-zgbu46fopharmacokinetics, degree of disease and pharmacodynamics of sepsis Pharmacokinetic issues for antibiotics in the critically ill patient Piperacillin penetration into tissue of critically ill patients with sepsis- bolus versus continuous administration?
cord-005697-l1zmrq4pFuture implications: immuno- adjuvants to the rescue?
cord-005697-l1zmrq4pHow should development of immunosuppression impact clinical management?
cord-005697-l1zmrq4pPène, Frédéric; Pickkers, Peter; Hotchkiss, Richard S. title: Is this critically ill patient immunocompromised?
cord-005697-l1zmrq4pTime for a paradigm change?
cord-009285-1ddfywfa16 Concentrations of calcitonin gene- related peptide, the product of the calcitonin gene in nerve cells, are also increased in patients with sepsis.1?
cord-009285-1ddfywfaDo the procalcitonin molecules originate from the thyroid gland or from other tissues in these patients?
cord-006508-rje9bnphA randomized trial of the efficacy and tolerability of the COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib vs ibuprofen in patients with osteoarthritis Immune thrombocytopenia resulting from sensitivity to metabolites of naproxen and acetaminophen Are selective COX-2 inhibitors nephrotoxic?
cord-006508-rje9bnphBook of abstracts of the 17th Annual Sickle Cell Disease Conference Leg ulcers in patients tested with hydroxyurea for myeloproliferative disorders: What is the trigger?
cord-006508-rje9bnphThe prevalence of avascular necrosis in sickle cell anemia: correlation with athalassemia Sickle cell disease as a cause of osteonecrosis of the femoral head Leg ulcers in patients with sickle cell disease Alpha thalassemia and stroke risk in sickle cell anemia Is Hb A2 elevated in adults with sickle- α- thalassemia( Bs/ Bs;-α/-α)?
cord-006828-i88on326-was hat sich verändert?
cord-006828-i88on326Aktivitätsmarker der Lupusnephritis?
cord-006828-i88on326Komplementmangels ist bisher nicht untersucht( andere Bestandteile der Kaskade?)
cord-000891-5r2in1gw: can we predict it?
cord-000891-5r2in1gwDoes this patient have influenza?
cord-000891-5r2in1gwEmilio title: Should lower respiratory tract secretions from intensive care patients be systematically screened for influenza virus during the influenza season?
cord-000891-5r2in1gwShould lower respiratory tract secretions from intensive care patients be systematically screened for influenza virus during the influenza season?
cord-000891-5r2in1gwWhen should a diagnosis of influenza be considered in adults requiring intensive care unit admission?
cord-011159-k2kca8zlrecommendations of the endoscopy working group of the French Society of Pulmonary Medicine Surgical lung biopsy in adult respiratory distress syndrome: a meta- analysis Diffuse pulmonary infiltrates after bone marrow transplantation: the role of open lung biopsy Multiplex platforms for the identification of respiratory pathogens: are they useful in pediatric clinical practice?
cord-007321-7gi6xrciA placebo- controlled, double- blind trial of erythromycin in adults with acute bronchitis Role of infection in chronic bronchitis Antibiotictherapy in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Community- acquired pneumonia and acutebronchitis Prospective study of the aetiology and outcome of pneumonia in the community Howcommonis legionnaire's disease?
cord-007321-7gi6xrciDoes penicillin make Johnny's strep throat better?
cord-007321-7gi6xrciInformation about concentrations?
cord-010116-hfzs16jhInfectious complications in pulmonary allograft recipients Infectious complications of lung transplantation Acute rejection and humoral sensitization in lung transplant recipients Is amiodarone an underrecognized cause of acute respiratory failure in the ICU?
cord-010116-hfzs16jhThe Lung Transplantation Group of Vall d'Hebron University General Hospital Lung transplant edema: chest radiography after lung transplantation- the first 10 days Unilateral radiographic abnormalities after bilateral lung transplantation: exclusion from the definition of primary graft dysfunction?
cord-010141-955r29sd: Where Are We with Them?
cord-009575-bd67ph64I1-The search for an exogenous aetiology Birth order and risk of multiple sclerosis: Are they associated and how?
cord-009575-bd67ph64tuberculin reactivity, age at measles infection, tonsillectomy and appendicectomy Pregnancy, oral contraceptives and multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis and gestation Sex factors in immunity and autoimmunity Sex distribution, age of onset and HLA profiles in two types of multiple sclerosis Is multiple sclerosis an age- dependent host response to measles?
cord-009788-bc6sc2rcCanberra, ACT: Department of Health and Ageing Occupationally acquired human immunodeficiency virus( HIV) infection: national case surveillance data during 20 years of the HIV epidemic in the United States Consensus Document on the Epidemiology of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome( SARS) Risk of tuberculosis infection and disease associated with work in health care settings Health- care workers: source, vector, or victim of MRSA?
cord-003828-bhfghcbyA streptococcus and mammalian muscle Spreading of T- cell autoimmunity to cryptic determinants of an autoantigen Antiviral immune responses: triggers of or triggered by autoimmunity?
cord-003828-bhfghcbyCan vaccines cause MS and( ii) can vaccines provoke or trigger relapses in patients with MS?
cord-003828-bhfghcbyTargeting prohibitins at the cell surface prevents Th17-mediated autoimmunity Immunization in patients with multiple sclerosis Chlamydia pneumoniae infection of the central nervous system in multiple sclerosis Epstein- Barr virus and multiple sclerosis Coronaviruses in brain tissue from patients with multiple sclerosis Active human herpesvirus 6 infection in patients with multiple sclerosis Cerebrospinal fluid molecular demonstration of Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA is associated to clinical and brain magnetic resonance imaging activity in a subset of patients with relapsing- remitting multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis, sporadic creutzfeldt- jakob disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy: are they autoimmune diseases evoked by acinetobacter microbes showing molecular mimicry to brain antigens?
cord-003828-bhfghcbyThe neuro- paralytic accidents of antirabies treatment Autoimmune encephalitis in humans: how closely does it reflect multiple sclerosis?
cord-003828-bhfghcbyThe risk of relapses in multiple sclerosis during systemic infections Relapsing encephalomyelitis following the use of influenza vaccine Ocular abnormalities after influenza immunization Acute transverse myelitis after influenza vaccination: magnetic resonance imaging findings Optic neuritis after influenza vaccination Diffuse myelitis associated with rubella vaccination Diffuse myelitis associated with rubella vaccination Transverse myelitis after measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine Optic neuritis complicating measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination Optic neuritis following measles/ rubella vaccination in two 13-year- old children Relapsing acute encephalopathy: a complication of diphtheria- tetanus- poliomyelitis immunization in a young boy Multiple sclerosis and vaccination Central- nervous- system demyelination after immunisation with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine Encephalitis after hepatitis B vaccination: recurrent disseminated encephalitis or MS?
cord-003828-bhfghcbyauthors: Zrzavy, Tobias; Kollaritsch, Herwig; Rommer, Paulus S.; Boxberger, Nina; Loebermann, Micha; Wimmer, Isabella; Winkelmann, Alexander; Zettl, Uwe K. title: Vaccination in Multiple Sclerosis: Friend or Foe?
cord-009967-fyqc5batThis is medical progress?
cord-006888-qfnukav4Is Brain Natriuretic Peptide a good marker for Obstructive Sleep Apnea and the efficacy of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients?
cord-006888-qfnukav4The question that this project will address is; are CF neutrophils intrinsically abnormal?
cord-006888-qfnukav4[ yes/ no]?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziCognitive impairment and decline are associated with carotid artery disease in patients without clinically evident cerebrovascular disease Cognitive functioning in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and mild hypoxemia compared with patients with mild Alzheimer disease and normal controls Progressive neuropsychologic impairments and hypoxemia: relationship in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Postoperative hypoxia is a contributory factor to cognitive impairment after cardiac surgery Evaluation of tests of central nervous system performance after hypoxemia for a model of cognitive impairment Quality of life, emotional, and cognitive functioning following acute respiratory distress syndrome Neuropsychological sequelae in survivors of ARDS compared with critically ill control patients Acute respiratory distress syndrome and long term cognitive impairment: a case study Neuropsychological impairments following hanta virus pulmonary syndrome Clock- drawing: is it the ideal cognitive screening test?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziHow do you identify cognitive impairment following ICU stay in hospitalized patients?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziHow do you identify cognitive impairment following ICU stay in the outpatient clinic?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziHow do you identify cognitive impairment in critically ill ICU patients?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziNeurocognitive impairment influences quality of life in HIV- infected patients receiving HAART Cognitive impairment in adults with good recovery after bacterial meningitis Factors associated with perceived quality of life many years after traumatic brain injury Instrumental activities of daily living: a stepping stone towards Alzheimer's disease diagnosis in subjects with mild cognitive impairment?
cord-005606-c8c2rfziShould the ICU team strive towards early identification of cognitive impairment?
cord-010658-67k8pthyHow can medical resources be allocated fairly during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-010658-67k8pthyHow is the importance of providing goal- concordant care heightened during this pandemic?
cord-006702-ekf6mja9A cost- consequence analysis of treatment of vesicoureteral reflux( VUR): Which children benefit from antimicrobial prophylaxis?
cord-006702-ekf6mja9Can urinary proteomes be used as non- invasive markers for renal involvement in childhood febrile Urinary Tract Infection( UTI)?
cord-006702-ekf6mja9Do patients diagnosed with primary hyperoxaluria through family screening have different characteristics compared with those diagnosed conventionally?
cord-006702-ekf6mja9What's new?
cord-006426-baf2d47yAdenosine generation catalyzed by CD39 and CD73 expressed on regulatory T cells mediates immune suppression Toll- like receptor signalling on Tregs: to suppress or not to suppress?
cord-006426-baf2d47yMarker of injury or mediator of infl ammation?
cord-006426-baf2d47ySystemic cytokine response after major surgery Chemokines: extracellular messengers for all occasions?
cord-006426-baf2d47yThe"danger"sensors that STOP the immune response: the A2 adenosine receptors?
cord-011138-y9v5ivzgInfluence of the National Trauma Data Bank on the study of trauma outcomes: is it time to set research best practices to further enhance its impact?
cord-011138-y9v5ivzgdoes a GCS of 8 require intubation?
cord-006860-a3b8hyyr( platelet count< I50/~L) or a relative decrease in platelet count(?
cord-006860-a3b8hyyrThe examination reveals, that Fg- Au was present in a low density on the platelet surface, in higher density in the surface connected system( SCS), in coated pits and vesicles and separated smooth vesicles( representing endosomes?)
cord-006860-a3b8hyyrThe superpositisn of hepatitis infections on the treatment with blood and native blood products in most of the cases has let unanswered the question related to the mechanism of the immunodeficiency: the hepatitis B or C infections or the negative impact of the itarative important alloantigenlc load?
cord-010844-y26y5mybDoes early decompression improve neurological outcome of spinal cord injured patients?
cord-010844-y26y5mybauthors: Lessing, Noah L.; Lazaro, Albert; Zuckerman, Scott L.; Leidinger, Andreas; Rutabasibwa, Nicephorus; Shabani, Hamisi K.; Härtl, Roger title: Nonoperative treatment of traumatic spinal injuries in Tanzania: who is not undergoing surgery and why?
cord-010921-yzv43e8lEnhanced recovery after surgery( ERAS) protocols: time to change practice?
cord-011093-d9dbvbcyA non- x- linked syndrome with susceptibility to severe Epstein- Barr virus infections Does natural killer cell deficiency( NKD) increase the risk of cancer?
cord-010566-tciwtxudIntensive therapy for life threatening medical complications of hematological malignancy Outcome of recipients of bone marrow transplant who require intensive- care unit support Mortality during intensive care after orthotopic liver transplantation Intensive care unit management in liver transplant recipients: Beneficial effect on survival and preservation of quality of life Mortality in intensive care patients with respiratory disease; is age important?
cord-004339-7nwpic3dCan the Sino- nasal Outcome Test( SNOT-22) be used as a reliable outcome measure for successful septal surgery?
cord-004339-7nwpic3dNasal septoplasty with submucosal diathermy to inferior turbinates improves symptoms at 3 months postoperatively in a study of one hundred and one patients Septoplasty for nasal obstruction due to a deviated nasal septum in adults: a systematic review Suturing of the nasal septum after septoplasty, is it an effective alternative to nasal packing?
cord-004339-7nwpic3dOtolaryngol Head Neck Surg Does septoplasty enhance the quality of life in patients?
cord-004339-7nwpic3da suitable evaluation for septorhinoplasty?
cord-004339-7nwpic3dcan we make it more clinically meaningful?
cord-004339-7nwpic3ddemographics and perioperative outcomes Admitted Patient Care-England Nasal patency: problems in obtaining standard reference values for the surgeon Complications in septoplasty based on a large group of 5639 patients Is nasal packing necessary after septoplasty?
cord-000522-d498qj2bCan drotrecogin alfa( activated) be used in patients on dialysis for pre- existing renal failure, a category that was specifically excluded in the PROWESS trial?
cord-000522-d498qj2bDo patients require any laboratory testing before they receive drotrecogin alfa( activated)?
cord-000522-d498qj2bHow do severe sepsis and septic shock differ hemodynamically in the early stages compared with that classically described in the ICU?
cord-000522-d498qj2bWhat are the most important ways in which EGDT can improve outcomes?
cord-000522-d498qj2bWhat is the optimal dose for this intervention?
cord-000522-d498qj2bWhat is the optimal duration for this intervention?
cord-000522-d498qj2bWhy was cardiovascular collapse a significant cause of death in the control group?
cord-011413-yv4x8viuA random association?
cord-010929-d598h08wInfection in Japan Vonoprazan, a novel potassium- competitive acid blocker, as a component of first- line and second- line triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication: a phase III, randomised, double- blind study Is eradication therapy useful as the first line of treatment in Helicobacter pylori- positive idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura?
cord-010929-d598h08wIs methylprednisolone pulse therapy more effective than conventional oral PSL therapy in an emergency?
cord-010461-un9pls28Improving wait time for patients in a pediatric echocardiography laboratory- a quality improvement project Influence of positive distractions on children in two clinic waiting areas Effectiveness of art therapy with adult clients in 2018-what progress has been made??
cord-010461-un9pls28Improving wait time for patients in a pediatric echocardiography laboratory- a quality improvement project Influence of positive distractions on children in two clinic waiting areas Effectiveness of art therapy with adult clients in 2018-what progress has been made??
cord-006882-t9w1cdr4And what can we do to ensure high risk populations do nt slip through the cracks, as this gentleman did?
cord-006882-t9w1cdr4Poster 10 Q Fever: Questions to be Answered?
cord-006882-t9w1cdr4When should we remember it?
cord-006882-t9w1cdr4When should we test for it?
cord-011712-fyrbe8tw: how do they differ from those in seasonal influenza?
cord-009360-rgwe2pkxA neglected cause of male infertility?
cord-009360-rgwe2pkxIs the venous diameter sufficient for predicting clinical and subclinical varicocele?
cord-009360-rgwe2pkxThe value of testing semen for Chlamydia trachomatis in men of infertile couples DNA of adeno- associated virus( AAV) in testicular tissue and in abnormal semen samples Infectious, inflammatory and'autoimmune'male factor infertility: How do rodent models inform clinical practice?
cord-011296-nutl2ovkThus, can VAE truly be preventable?
cord-011975-8vl45xb7Does dysphagia matter?
cord-011349-bykvn367joint Geriatric distal femur fracture: are we underestimating the rate of local and systemic complications?
cord-007865-1oyl6clqIf one were to seek the input of interested members of the general public, then where better to look than those whose family or friends are currently ED patients?
cord-007865-1oyl6clqIs it possible that actually being an ED boarder is less horrid than imagining being one?
cord-007865-1oyl6clqSubjects were asked “ If you needed to be admitted to the hospital but no inpatient bed is available, would you prefer to be kept in an ER hallway or a hallway on an inpatient ward? ”
cord-007865-1oyl6clqis available, would you prefer to be kept in the ER hallway, or a hallway on an inpatient ward?
cord-012025-faj682bpwhat do we know so far?
cord-005646-xhx9pzhjCan HFO ce considered standard, not experimental method of therapy?
cord-005646-xhx9pzhjK deficiency in earl?
cord-005646-xhx9pzhjSpeculation: Should not HFO be used ir pediatric patients with ARDS earlier than aggressive CMV?
cord-005646-xhx9pzhjThe thesis of the questionnaire was: Does the ICU syndrome occur in critical ill children in the age between three and ten, who have been intubated and/or ventilated in a PICU?
cord-005646-xhx9pzhjThunnissen t, Reinoud J.B.J. Gemke 1, Loes Veenhuizer?, Krijn Haasnoot 3, A.Johannes van Vugh0 Department of pediatrics,~Wilhelmina
cord-005646-xhx9pzhjan influence of nasal mask ventilation on the REE?3.What is the nutritional state?4.What is the estimated total energy expenditure(ETE) in relation to the caloric intake?
cord-005646-xhx9pzhj~tttdy at"Ihe stale~f hematocr~ chcplm/ itic bm~ ic~ in ckil&en with 31110oN emergensy is of abviou.~!?
cord-007696-83v9yfa6A cytokine reborn?
cord-007696-83v9yfa6Collaborating Centers Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis and Epstein- Barr virus: an association?
cord-007696-83v9yfa6Does interferon- gamma improve pulmonary function in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
cord-007696-83v9yfa6What causes cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis?
cord-007696-83v9yfa6report-2002 Single versus bilateral lung transplantation for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a ten- year institutional experience Health- related quality of life in lung transplant candidates and recipients Research on the quality of life of lung transplant candidates and recipients: an integrative review Predicting survival of lung transplantation candidates with idiopathic interstitial pneumonia: does PaO(2) predict survival?
cord-011221-rhyxp4v5Laparoscopic approach to colorectal procedures in the obese patient: risk factor or benefit?
cord-006343-c0amee70( r=-0.56, p= 0.031), that predict acute cellular rejection with high sensitivity, concluding that protracted depletion of the mucosal CD138?
cord-006343-c0amee70Down- regulation of the immunoglobulin( Ig)A? plasma cell- specific CCR10 gene correlated with decreased mature mucosal CD138?
cord-006343-c0amee70Down- regulation of the immunoglobulin( Ig)A? plasma cell- specific CCR10 gene correlated with decreased mature mucosal CD138?
cord-006343-c0amee70cells characterize the rejection- prone intestine allograft and that mucosal IgA?
cord-006343-c0amee70plasma cell barrier and early mucosal infiltration with memory IgG?
cord-006343-c0amee70plasma cell numbers in corresponding biopsy specimens( r= 0.761, p= 0.006) and inversely correlated with enhanced allo- reactivity of CD154?
cord-012115-hpsxi9aytheir nature, associations, and relation to quality of life Psychological variables and cancer pain Psychological distress of patients with advanced cancer: influence and contribution of pain severity and pain interference Effect of cancer pain on performance status, mood states, and level of hope among Taiwanese cancer patients Study of anxiety disorder and depression in long- term survivors of testicular cancer Mixed anxiety/ depression symptoms in a large cancer cohort: prevalence by cancer type Anxiety in terminally ill cancer patients Are anxiety and depressed mood related to physical symptom burden?
cord-005692-n4vxazstDoes this patient have VAP?
cord-005692-n4vxazstDoes this patient have ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-005692-n4vxazstHigh prevalence of multidrugresistant nonfermenters in hospital- acquired pneumonia in Asia High incidence of MDR and XDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates obtained from patients with ventilator- associated pneumonia in Greece, Italy and Spain as part of the MagicBullet clinical trial Incidence and outcome of polymicrobial ventilator- associated pneumonia Antibiotic treatment of hospital- acquired pneumonia: is it different from ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-005692-n4vxazstIf invasive quantitative cultures are performed, should patients with suspected VAP whose culture results are below the diagnostic threshold for VAP( PSB with< 10 3 CFU/ mL, BAL with< 10 4 CFU/ mL) have their antibiotics withheld rather than continued?
cord-005692-n4vxazstNosocomial pneumonia in the intensive care unit acquired during mechanical ventilation or not Epidemiology and outcomes of ventilator- associated pneumonia in a large US database Ventilator- associated pneumonia( VAP) with multidrug- resistant( MDR) pathogens: optimal treatment?
cord-005692-n4vxazstOral care with chlorhexidine and stress ulcer prophylaxis may be harmful, new data affirm the long- held fear that selective oral and Should patients with suspected VAP be treated based on the results of invasive sampling( BAL, PSB, blind mini- BAL) with quantitative culture results, noninvasive sampling( endotracheal aspiration) with quantitative culture results, or noninvasive sampling with semiquantitative culture results?
cord-005692-n4vxazsta hospital- wide, observational cohort study Protocol for a multi- centered, stepped wedge, cluster randomized controlled trial of the de- adoption of oral chlorhexidine prophylaxis and implementation of an oral care bundle for mechanically ventilated critically ill patients: the CHORAL study What US hospitals are currently doing to prevent common device- associated infections: results from a national survey Infection prevention practices in Japan, Thailand, and the United States: results from national surveys Semi- recumbent position versus supine position for the prevention of ventilatorassociated pneumonia in adults requiring mechanical ventilation Randomized, multicenter trial of lateral Trendelenburg versus semirecumbent body position for the prevention of ventilator- associated pneumonia Which multicenter randomized controlled trials in critical care medicine have shown reduced mortality?
cord-010477-g754gjvh: is our safety net unraveling?
cord-010477-g754gjvhBest practices for improving flow and care of pediatric patients in the emergency department Optimizing emergency department front- end operations Implementation of a front- end split- flow model to promote performance in an Urban Academic Emergency Department Established and novel initiatives to reduce crowding in emergency departments Health care provider in triage to improve outcomes Are split flow and provider in triage models in the emergency department effective in reducing discharge length of stay?
cord-010477-g754gjvhDoes an ED flow coordinator improve patient throughput?
cord-011103-sstpidvkIs ventilator- associated pneumonia in trauma patients an epiphenomenon or a cause of death?
cord-006444-eq56zhtd10 patients showed antitumor response to immunotherapy: 3 complete remissions( CR) and?
cord-006444-eq56zhtdAre the growth factors simply permissive for these processes?
cord-006444-eq56zhtdOr do they have an inductive role to play in lineage commitment of stem cells and subsequent maturation into phenotypically mature cells?
cord-006444-eq56zhtdThe number of activated T- cells defined by the antigens CD38, HLA- DR and CD56 were low or in the normal range, and did not fu~ er decrease during therapy in contrast to the non- activated T- cells.?
cord-006444-eq56zhtdW41/88/ Ha-1- 2 from the Deutsche Krebshilfe and 90.055.1 from the Withe~ m- Sander Stiftung IS GRANULOCYTE COLONY- STIMULATING FACTOR AN ANGIOGENIC FACTOR IN HUMAN GLIOBLASTOMA?
cord-006444-eq56zhtdthe high- dose chemotherapy consisted of prednisolone 60rag/ n? p.o.
cord-006563-qmigctkpCan Chronic Pain Be Prevented?
cord-006563-qmigctkpKnowing how the operating rooms and emergency rooms are ventilated and how can they be separated to prevent the Major difficulties in providing anesthesia in mass casualties- how to prevent them by practical exercise?
cord-006563-qmigctkpPersistent postsurgical pain: risk factors and prevention When does acute pain become chronic?
cord-006563-qmigctkpWe may agree that opportunity alone is a strong argument to use simulation to train for catastrophic rare events like malignant hyperthermia or emergency cricothyroidotomy, but is that the case for routine care as well?
cord-006563-qmigctkpWhatdo we know?
cord-006563-qmigctkpqmigctkp nan Ultrasound guided nerve blocks: what makes us happy?
cord-010460-pczs9alvThe child life intervention notes included the questions"Was the child cooperative preintervention?"and"Was the child cooperative postintervention?"which CCLS answered by selecting"yes"or"no.
cord-010460-pczs9alvThe child life intervention notes included the questions"Was the child cooperative preintervention?"and"Was the child cooperative postintervention?"which CCLS answered by selecting"yes"or"no.
cord-010460-pczs9alvVirtual reality in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders Virtual reality exposure therapy Provider- controlled virtual reality experience may adjust for cognitive load during vascular access in pediatric patients Effect of virtual reality headset for pediatric fear and pain distraction during immunization Is virtual reality ready for prime time in the medical space?
cord-011327-zsoc4wecSharon title: Antibiotic prophylaxis in the ICU: to be or not to be administered for patients undergoing procedures?
cord-005487-vac061r8: do we need a randomized study?
cord-005487-vac061r8And fi nally, is DCL also observed as a very late complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation?
cord-005487-vac061r8How is the incidence of DCL evolving?
cord-005487-vac061r8Is development of DCL associated with viral status before and viral reactivation/ infection during as well as after transplantation?
cord-005487-vac061r8Is the risk of malignant transformation of grafted cells increasing with donor age?
cord-005487-vac061r8Is there any association with the form and extent of pretreatment( radiotherapy and chemotherapy) implicating a role of damaged microenvironment in the development of DCL?
cord-005487-vac061r8Is there any infl uence of graft source and donor type( bone marrow vs. peripheral blood stem cells vs. cord blood and related vs. unrelated)?
cord-005487-vac061r8While convention dictates that MRD is preferred over MUD, does this wisdom hold in RIC SCT?
cord-007444-c9vu8akoA meta- analysis A controlled trial of methylprednisolone in the emergency treatment of acute asthma Lode H Respiratory tract infections: When is antibiotic therapy indicated?
cord-007444-c9vu8akoEffect of non- invasive positive pressure ventilation on mortality in patients admitted with acute respiratory failure: A meta- analysis Clinical efficacy of pneumococcal vaccine in the elderly: A randomized, single- blind population- based trial Randomized, prospective trial of noninvasive positive- pressure ventilation in acute respiratory failure Does chest physical therapy work?
cord-007444-c9vu8akoGroup 1 patients have acute simple bronclutis, likely of viral origin, for which anti- Antibiotic therapy is directed at l? aeruginosa and other commonly drug- resistant gram- negative bacteria( see Table 3).
cord-007444-c9vu8akoIts use was associated with a 40% reduction in the incidence of acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and a 28% decrease in antibiotic use among elderly institutionalized patients in one trial, and the same frequency of exacerbations but less than half as many days in hospital as those given placebo in another?
cord-007444-c9vu8akoSimilar findings were reported in another largescale, randomized trial comparing amoxicillin/ clavulanate to placebo?,
cord-007444-c9vu8akoThey are reviewed elsewhere?
cord-006466-e1phpqes; Full- body magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates generalized lymphadenomegaly and hepatosplenomegaly; PET- CT showing signs of hypoperfusion in temporal( right), occipital and cerebellum regions( suggestive of hypoperfusion-vasculitis?)
cord-006466-e1phpqesA( p.=?) of unknown significance and a MEFV heterozygous variant.
cord-006466-e1phpqesAcute pneumonia?
cord-006466-e1phpqesModerate diffuse changes in the renal parenchyma( toxic- inflammatory?).
cord-011725-t1jl4cy1COVID-19) Transient complete heart block in a patient with critical COVID-19 A young woman presenting with a viral prodrome, palpitations, dizziness, and heart block Cardiac and arrhythmic complications in patients with COVID-19 Cardiac involvement in a patient with coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Guidance on minimizing risk of drug- induced ventricular arrhythmia during treatment of COVID-19: a statement from the Canadian Heart Rhythm Society How to protect the protectors: 10 lessons to learn for doctors fighting the COVID-19 coronavirus Inpatient use of mobile continuous telemetry for COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin ISHNE- HRS expert consensus statement on ambulatory ECG and external cardiac monitoring/ telemetry Comparison of QT interval readings in normal sinus rhythm between a smartphone heart monitor and a 12-lead ECG for healthy volunteers and inpatients receiving sotalol or dofetilide A wearable remote monitoring system for the identification of subjects with a prolonged QT interval or at risk for drug- induced long QT syndrome Can smartphone wireless ECGs be used to accurately assess ECG intervals in pediatrics?
cord-011725-t1jl4cy1How well do results from large randomized clinical trials diffuse into clinical practice?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuHow can it be that AI or machine- learning predictive algorithms that can already automatically drive cars or successfully understand human speech failed to predict the microbial cause of pneumonia accurately?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuPredicting the microbial cause of community- acquired pneumonia: can physicians or a data- driven method differentiate viral from bacterial pneumonia at patient presentation?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuThe aim of our study was to evaluate and compare the abilities of experienced physicians and a data- driven approach to answer this simple question within the first hours of a patient's admission to the ICU for CAP: is it a viral or a bacterial pneumonia?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuThe clinicians had to answer the question: is it a viral or a bacterial pneumonia?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuThe first time point of this organized approach requires the physician to ask:"Does this patient have an infection that requires antibiotics?".
cord-004464-nml9kqiuWe aimed to evaluate the abilities of experienced physicians and AI to answer this question at patient admission: is it a viral or a bacterial pneumonia?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuWe demonstrated that experienced clinicians synthesizing all this information failed to adequately answer the question:"is it a viral or a bacterial pneumonia?", as the discriminant ability between the two diagnoses was considered low.
cord-004464-nml9kqiua systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2010 Ten- year trends in intensive care admissions for respiratory infections in the elderly Use of tracheal aspirate culture in newly intubated patients with community- onset pneumonia Data- driving methods: more than merely trendy buzzwords?
cord-009512-o4y9s8zf( i) LSI13 and LSID13S319 for detection of 13q14 deletion; CEP12 for detection of aneuploidy of chromosome 12; LSIp53 for detection of 17p13 dele- meeting report: The top 10 clinically- oriented abstracts in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Soluble interleukin-2 receptor concentration as a biochemical indicator for acute graft- versus- host disease after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation Plasma biomarkers in graft- versushost disease: A new era?
cord-009512-o4y9s8zfBiology of blood and marrow transplantation Acute lung injury after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: Is the lung a target of acute graft- versus- host disease?
cord-009512-o4y9s8zfBut, what should constitute this medical care?
cord-009512-o4y9s8zfIn vitroartifact or prerequisite for cell immortalization?
cord-009512-o4y9s8zfWould MSCs be most effective combined with a specific consistent second- line therapy?
cord-010078-8lkkez3nIs only EGFR gene status related with prognosis of lung cancer?
cord-010078-8lkkez3nIs survival data same between Asian and Caucasian?
cord-010078-8lkkez3nIs the criteria of pathological diagnosis for lung cancer same between Asian countries and western countries?
cord-010078-8lkkez3nWhat would be the cause of ALK abnormality?
cord-010078-8lkkez3nWhy EGFR mutation is frequent in Asian patients?
cord-012778-yr8zuvw9Should psychiatrists be more cautious about the long- term prophylactic use of antipsychotics?
cord-005777-6rvfsx4pIs it not our rescuer?
cord-005777-6rvfsx4pThe APACHE?
cord-005777-6rvfsx4pWhat is the impact of newly diagnosed AF on mortality and length of ICU stay in patients with septic shock?
cord-005777-6rvfsx4pWhat is the incidence of newly diagnosed AF on a surgical intensive care unit( ICU)?
cord-005777-6rvfsx4pWhich percentage of patients suffering a septic shock eventually does develop AF?
cord-013003-gxd29jxfDo all Charcot spine require surgery?
cord-010856-3g0123lkA web- based prediction score for head and neck cancer referrals Oral cavity examination: beyond the core curriculum?
cord-010856-3g0123lkIs there a way to decrease the number of patients being seen, while keeping the high sensitivity of positive diagnoses?
cord-010856-3g0123lkMouth cancer: presentation, detection and referral in primary dental care Two- week wait false alarms?
cord-010856-3g0123lkWaiting Times for Suspected and Diagnosed Cancer Patients: 2016- 17 Annual Report Referral guidelines for suspected cancer New NICE referral guidance for oral cancer: does it risk delay in diagnosis?
cord-010036-6czkzek0, 11- 14 oromandibular dystonias, IS spasmodic torticollis.v??
cord-010036-6czkzek0, 11- 14 oromandibular dystonias, IS spasmodic torticollis.v??
cord-010036-6czkzek0It was pioneered for the treatment of strabismus by Dr Alan Scott'?
cord-010036-6czkzek0Who needs botulinum toxin?
cord-013149-y0dbhtef: how long is long enough?
cord-011836-zib8wkm2Highlighting graphical presentation of missing pattern Building Predictive Models in R Using the caret Package Molecular classification of brain tumor biopsies using solid- state magic angle spinning proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and robust classifiers Can machine- learning improve cardiovascular risk prediction using routine clinical data?
cord-014712-5u4e00q6DO WE STAND NOW?
cord-013457-rqon1adgThe 6-min walk test( 6MW) as an efficacy endpoint in pulmonary arterial hypertension clinical trials: Demonstration of a ceiling effect Natriuretic Peptides, 6-Min Walk Test, and Quality- of- Life Questionnaires as Clinically Meaningful Endpoints in HF Trials Towards a personalised approach in exercise- based cardiovascular rehabilitation: How can translational research help?
cord-015335-l0kjxhd130 • 5uA/ cm?
cord-011483-zc6ve6leDeep structural brain lesions associated with consciousness impairment early after hemorrhagic stroke Amantadine: a new clinical profile for traumatic brain injury Amantadine as N- methyl- d- aspartic acid receptor antagonist: new possibilities for therapeutic applications?
cord-011483-zc6ve6leModafinil may alleviate poststroke fatigue: a randomized, placebo- controlled, double- blinded trial Can amantadine ameliorate neurocognitive functions after subarachnoid haemorrhage?
cord-011483-zc6ve6lePrescribing multiple neurostimulants during rehabilitation for severe brain injury Dopamine for motor recovery after stroke: where to from here?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9( 1) Are serum- S1P levels affected by cardiac surgery?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9( 2) Are potential alterations of serum- S1P levels related to changes of acute- phase proteins, S1P sources or carrier?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9( 3) Is the invasiveness of the surgery a factor that may influence serum- S1P levels?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9A hybrid approach as treatment for coronary artery disease: endo- CABG or PCI first, does it matter?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9Assessing the volume of blood taken for blood culture and culture positivitydo we need to take less blood?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9Does the endotoxin adsorption of PMX column saturate in 2 hours?
cord-005497-w81ysjf9What is the useful coagulation and fibrinolysis marker for predicting extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuit exchange due to intra- circuit thrombus?
cord-013558-0sa63lp3The challenges and opportunities of Social Media Videoassisted patient education to modify behavior: a systematic review Vlogging on: could video blogging enhance medical education?
cord-011284-u4qmvz3cThe cascading effects of marginalization and pathways of resilience in attaining good health among LGBT older adults Real- time associations between discrimination and anxious and depressed mood among sexual and gender minorities: the moderating effects of lifetime victimization and identity concealment Does one size fit all?
cord-011284-u4qmvz3cThe psychological implications of concealing a stigma: a cognitive- affective- behavioral model How does sexual minority stigma"get under the skin"?
cord-011284-u4qmvz3cWill veterans answer sexual orientation and gender identity questions?
cord-013035-7sfj0czvAnd if so, at what time following initial administration would re- assessment be wise to be performed?
cord-013035-7sfj0czvThese would be clinical, laboratory or imaging?
cord-006750-cg2i2baeDiffuse alveolar hemorrhage: a nonthrombotic antiphospholipid lung syndrome?
cord-006750-cg2i2baeHow Common Is Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage in Antiphospholipid Syndrome?
cord-006750-cg2i2baeIs the warfarin to blame?
cord-006750-cg2i2baeWhat Is the Etiopathogenesis of Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage in Antiphospholipid Syndrome?
cord-006750-cg2i2baeWhat Is the Optimal Management of Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage in Antiphospholipid Syndrome?
cord-006750-cg2i2baeaway from thrombosis?
cord-008596-zhk82corDo n't like what they sell?
cord-008596-zhk82corMore basic, will the public's representatives expect him to devote a considerable portion of his youth preparing for the profession, only to find financial reward insufficient to provide for his family a quality of life commensurate with its sacrifices, and a work environment in which suffocating bureaucratic constrictions overcome professional fulfillment?
cord-008596-zhk82corThe questions are"what happened?"and"why review this topic now?"
cord-008596-zhk82corThe questions are"what happened?"and"why review this topic now?"
cord-008596-zhk82corToday, does licensure require the physician accept those risks for himself, and his family?
cord-008596-zhk82corWhat happened?"will be the focus of the remainder of the essay.
cord-014933-3jezc0812010 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America Management of fever in patients with cancer and treatment- induced neutropenia Significance of hospital acquisition of potential pathogens Retrospective analysis of 410 episodes guidelines for the use of antimicrobial agents in neutropenic patients with cancer Current trends in the epidemiology of nosocomial bloodstream infections in patients with hematological malignancies and solid neoplasms in hospitals in the United States Invasive grampositive bacterial infection in cancer patients Treatment of febrile neutropenia: what is new?
cord-015930-18qznqp0The primacy of IL-6 in IPS?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08How important is methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus as a cause of community- acquired pneumonia and what is best antimicrobial therapy?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08How long should we treat community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08Reaching stability in community- acquired pneumonia: the effects of the severity of disease, treatment, and the characteristics of patients Early switch to oral treatment in patients with moderate to severe community- acquired pneumonia: a meta- analysis Antimicrobial treatment failures in patients with community- acquired pneumonia: causes and prognostic implications What is the best approach to the nonresponding patient with community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08a prospective, controlled clinical evaluation Evaluation of the immunochromatographic Binax NOW assay for detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae urinary antigen in a prospective study of community- acquired pneumonia in Spain Is the lateral decubitus radiograph necessary for the management of a parapneumonic pleural effusion?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08one step forward with markers?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08when and why?
cord-006523-zxn4oqlyA causal link between handwashing and risk of infection?
cord-006523-zxn4oqlyDiagnostic efficiency of endotracheal aspirates with quantitative bacterial cultures in intubated patients with suspected pneumonia: comparison with protected specimen brush Blind protected specimen brush and bronchoalveolar lavage in ventilated children Ventilator- associated pneumonia or not?
cord-006523-zxn4oqlyIt has been noticed that health personnel practice hand washing in only 25- 50% of the opportunities?
cord-006523-zxn4oqlyLipid infusions have specifically been associated with risk of catheter- related bloodstream infections due to coagulase negative staphylococcus?
cord-006523-zxn4oqlyMore than 90% of all nosocomial bloodstream infections are in children with central venous lines?
cord-006523-zxn4oqlyNosocomial pneumonia in intubated patients given sucralfate as compared with antacids or histamine type 2 blockers: the role of gastric colonization Guidelines for prevention of nosocomial pneumonia New strategies for preventing nosocomial pneumonia: which common interventions leave patients at increased risk?
cord-006523-zxn4oqlyThe ventilator circuit tubings should be changed no more often than every 48 hours?
cord-012934-c6pbr64iSudden sensorineural hearing loss: is there a connection with inner ear electrolytic disorders?
cord-012934-c6pbr64iVisual analog scale versus numeric pain scale: what is the difference?
cord-014980-cz1gx9ojCan we improve the morbidity and mortality associated with the associating liver partition with portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy( ALPPS) procedure in the management of colorectal liver metastases?
cord-015884-mtpbzgr9Does the term,"Standard,"downplay the role and signifi cance of these precautions?
cord-012902-efprpk72Part II: further mechanisms and therapeutic potential of the nitrate- nitrite- NO pathway A randomised, factorial trial to reduce arterial stiffness independently of blood pressure: Proof of concept?
cord-012902-efprpk72The task force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology( ESC) and the European Society of Hypertension Effectiveness of a barber- based intervention for improving hypertension control in black men: the BARBER-1 study: a cluster randomized trial Barbershops as hypertension detection, referral, and follow- up centers for black men Variability in low- density lipoprotein cholesterol and cardiovascular risk: should consistency be a new target?
cord-007798-9ht7cqhu: Are we forcing gastric content beyond the pylorus?
cord-007798-9ht7cqhuA comparison of physostigmine and benzodiazepines for the treatment of anticholinergic poisoning Physostigmine: Is there a role for this antidote in pediatric poisonings?
cord-007798-9ht7cqhuA randomized clinical trial of activated charcoal for the routine management of oral drug overdose How feasible is it to conform to the European guidelines on administration of activated charcoal within one hour of an overdose?
cord-007798-9ht7cqhuCould the[ 13 C]methionine breath test be useful to assess liver mitochondrial function?
cord-007798-9ht7cqhuFinal report of a multicenter study Digoxin- specific Fab fragments as single first- line therapy in digitalis poisoning The use of digoxin- specific Fab fragments for severe digitalis intoxication in children Review of clinical experience with digoxin immune Fab( ovine) Digoxin- specific antibody fragments: How much and when?
cord-007798-9ht7cqhuScience review: Carnitine in the treatment of valproic acid- induced toxicity-What is the evidence?
cord-016248-dxk0i6t7How low can you go?
cord-016110-mlwe7fzz: what is the evidence?
cord-011302-pfepyvaw: what are the outcomes of neurosurgical care?
cord-011302-pfepyvawDo age and anticoagulants affect the natural history of acute subdural hematomas?
cord-011302-pfepyvawThe efficacy of dexamethasone on reduction in the reoperation rate of chronic subdural hematomathe DRESH study: straightforward study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Prognosis of acute subdural hematoma in the elderly: a systematic review Are the frail destined to fail?
cord-006876-v2m5l5wz73%( neurology, neurosurgery, anesthesiology, IM and EM) 11% neurology only 15% neurology, neurosurgery and anesthesia Knowledge of San Francisco matching system?
cord-006876-v2m5l5wzBesides the impact of the initial bleeding, CV remains the leading cause for mortality and morbidity after successful CIAN therapy?
cord-006876-v2m5l5wzDo you know about the application cycle for the NCC match?
cord-006876-v2m5l5wzDoes Neurocritical Care Need to Improve Outreach to non- Neuro Specialties?
cord-006876-v2m5l5wzHow long is the NCC fellowship?
cord-006876-v2m5l5wzNo Knowledge of Emergency Neurological Life Support?
cord-006876-v2m5l5wzResidents of what specialty can apply to a NCC fellowship?
cord-010027-r0tl01kqAre Current Automated Approaches for Determining the Phylogeny of Multiple Deposits Capable of Interpreting the Complexity of Cancer Evolution?
cord-010027-r0tl01kqShould I keep the brain?
cord-010027-r0tl01kq Molecular Pathology: The Future?
cord-016135-44pgjah8human hand transplantation Alemtuzumab: key for minimization of maintenance immunosuppression in reconstructive transplantation?
cord-016177-fz48wydzEmergency medical services for management of patients who present with possible Ebola virus disease Emergency medical services public health implications and interim guidance for the Ebola virus in the United States Considerations for safe EMS transport of patients infected with Ebola virus Development of prehospital, population- based triagemanagement protocols for pandemics Symptom- based, algorithmic approach for handling the initial encounter with victims of a potential terrorist attack Ebola or not?
cord-013380-1jwzbgwbIs it an overrated job?
cord-013380-1jwzbgwbThe outcome and techniques of primary and secondary tracheoesophageal puncture Voice prosthesis rehabilitation after total laryngectomy: are satisfaction and quality of life maintained over time?
cord-013380-1jwzbgwbWhat should the physician expect?
cord-005816-i54q5gsuIs a trauma registry present in your service area?
cord-005816-i54q5gsuIs there a designated trauma advisory committee that evaluates the performance of trauma care delivery within your service area?
cord-005816-i54q5gsuIs there a legal authority to formally designate hospital's trauma response in your city?
cord-005816-i54q5gsuNaomi Beks, Mariëlle Van Gameren, Sander Ten Raa, Armand Van Kanten, Gert Roukema 1 1 Emergency Department, Maasstad Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Analgesia use at the emergency department, how evidence- based do we work when dealing with patient with acute abdominal pain?
cord-005816-i54q5gsuWere the number of hospitals identified for your service area limited based on the results of needs assessment?
cord-005816-i54q5gsuWhat sources were used as a basis for standards of the trauma response in your service area?
cord-005816-i54q5gsuWhat type of transport practice occurs in your service area when a field assessment identifies a trauma patient with severe injuries that threaten loss of life or limb?
cord-005816-i54q5gsuWhy Ankle Should be Reduced Urgently?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvHow good is the evidence for the recommended empirical antimicrobial treatment of patients hospitalized because of community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvLa première question concerne le diagnostic même de la PAC: le diagnostic étiologique est- il nécessaire au diagnostic positif de PAC?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvQuel est l'impact d'une donnée microbiologique positive sur la prise en charge des patients?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvQuel est l'impact pronostique de l'antibiothérapie?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvUpdate of practice guidelines for the management of community- acquired pneumonia in immunocompetent adults update of BTS pneumonia guidelines: what's new?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvchez un alcoolique, fumeur, bronchopathe, de 55 ans?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvconcernant la prise en charge des PAC pneumococciques bactériémiques( mono- ou bithérapie?)
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvd'envisager la stratégie d'utilisation des diverses techniques microbiologiques sous un angle plus général pour tenter de répondre aux questions suivantes: • quel est l'impact d'une recherche étiologique sur le pronostic des patients?
cord-005147-mvoq9vln-how do we manage the extreme costs of these products, especially in light of the many unsolved issues with respect to effectiveness?
cord-005147-mvoq9vln-what is the influence of antibody generation on clinical effectiveness?
cord-005147-mvoq9vln-what is the natural history and"point of no return"for subgroups of patients within one LSD's?
cord-005147-mvoq9vln> G;p.?)
cord-005147-mvoq9vlnAnd then: what is early?
cord-005147-mvoq9vlnCongenital myopathies and congenital muscular dystrophies: Will genetic testing replace muscle biopsy in the near future?
cord-005147-mvoq9vlnDisproportioned short stature and multiple anomalies in a patient with a homozygous PIK3C2A mutation-a new ciliopathy?
cord-005147-mvoq9vlnInherited DNA repair mutations: are they modifiers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 penetrance and age at onset of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer?
cord-005147-mvoq9vlnMany unresolved questions exist at this stage, including the following:-what is the natural history and"point of no return"for the different LSD's?
cord-005147-mvoq9vlnWhat is the functional role of these ectopically expressed olfactory receptors?
cord-016280-d47e3art: is streptokinase the answer?
cord-016280-d47e3artThe performance of four pleural drainage systems in an animal model of bronchopleural fistula Focal reexpansion pulmonary edema after drainage of large pleural effusions: clinical evidence suggesting hypoxic injury to the lung as the cause of edema Reexpansion pulmonary edema Complications in Cardiothoracic Surgery Smoking and the increased risk of contracting spontaneous pneumothorax Treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax: a more aggressive approach?
cord-016211-8j8n9ennThe evolution of H5N1 infl uenza viruses in ducks in southern China Induction of proinfl ammatory cytokines in human macrophages by infl uenza A( H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-016211-8j8n9ennwill it be the next pandemic infl uenza?
cord-016871-1mlamf20A comparison of fi brinogen measurement methods with fi brin clot elasticity assessed by thromboelastometry, before and after administration of fi brinogen concentrate in cardiac surgery patients Can the use of thromboelastography predict and decrease bleeding and blood and blood product requirements in adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery?
cord-016127-tbot0fc9Analysis of incidence, outcome, and associated cost of care Is the mortality rate for septic shock really decreasing?
cord-016127-tbot0fc9Is oxygen use impaired in sepsis as a result of an acquired intrinsic derangement in cellular respiration?
cord-016300-vw11c2wtKorean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey High serum levels of tumour necrosis factor- α and interleukin-8 in severe asthma: markers of systemic inflammation?
cord-015389-vwgai4k9C allow a long- term hematopoietic reconstitution and clinical course even if storage is greater than 6 months?
cord-015389-vwgai4k9Can type of delivery infl uence cord blood units'quality?
cord-015389-vwgai4k9The disease free survival in this small cohort of high risk patients with t- FL is encouraging but needs longer follow- up Rituximab or not?
cord-015372-76xvzvdgCan any of the cognitive assessments help to predict behavioural dysfunction.'?
cord-015372-76xvzvdgThis is the first Irish Report of PSP and a most remarkable use of saxitoxin(?)
cord-016105-jkaxemmbThe magnitude of the problem must be measured in terms of questions such as"why it is a problem?"
cord-016105-jkaxemmband"why and how should it be solved?"
cord-005881-oswgjaxzAn vitro cadaveric study Is the mortality rate for septic shock really decreasing?
cord-005881-oswgjaxzAre patients being transferred to level- I trauma centers for reasons other than medical necessity?
cord-005881-oswgjaxzIs CT grading of splenic injury useful in the nonsurgical management of blunt trauma?
cord-005881-oswgjaxzIs There an Advantage in Immobilization in 20 Degrees Dorsiflexion Compared to Immobilization in a Neutral Position?
cord-005881-oswgjaxzReferences: Prevalence of suicide ideation and suicide attempts in nine countries Uptake and intracellular distribution of various metal ions in human monocyte- derived dendritic cells detected by Newport Green DCF diacetate ester Biomechanical analysis of bicondylar tibial plateau fixation: how does lateral locking plate fixation compare to dual plate fixation?
cord-005881-oswgjaxzS111 Is Angular Stable Osteosynthesis of the Olecranon More Economical than Traditional Treatment?
cord-005881-oswgjaxzTuberosity malposition and migration: reasons for poor outcome after hemiarthroplasty for displaced fractures of the proximal humerus Tuberosity osteosynthesis and hemiarthroplasty for four part fractures of the proximal humerus Abdominal 64-MDCT for suspected appendicitis: the use of oral and IV contrast material versus IV contrast material only Socioeconomic factors, medicolegal issues, and trauma patient transfer trends: Is there a connection?
cord-005881-oswgjaxzWhere to Pay Attention to?
cord-005881-oswgjaxza Lost Cause?
cord-016973-s32jp0ejHow safe is the prone position in acute respiratory distress syndrome at late pregnancy Does delivery improve maternal condition in the respiratory- compromised gravida?
cord-016601-gp259urbThe most relevant nosocomial pathogens persisting on dry inanimate surfaces and the duration of their persistence are reported in How long do nosocomial pathogens persist on inanimate surfaces?
cord-016601-gp259urba review Prevention and control of health care- associated waterborne infections in health care facilities Influence of copper surfaces on biofilm formation by Legionella pneumophila in potable water Occurrence of nosocomial Legionnaires'disease in hospitals with contaminated potable water supply Estimating health care- associated infections and deaths in U.S. hospitals How long do nosocomial pathogens persist on inanimate surfaces?
cord-015922-5wwy0m2kMycoses Study Group Voriconazole compared with liposomal amphotericin B for empirical antifungal therapy in patients with neutropenia and persistent fever Voriconazole versus amphotericin B for primary therapy of invasive aspergillosis Voriconazole and sirolimus coadministration after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Torsades de pointes associated with voriconazole use Salvage therapy with voriconazole for invasive fungal infections in patients failing or intolerant to standard antifungal therapy Posaconazole or fluconazole for prophylaxis in severe graft- versus- host disease Posaconazole vs. fluconazole or itraconazole prophylaxis in patients with neutropenia Prophylaxis and aspergillosis- has the principle been proven?
cord-015922-5wwy0m2kShould vascular catheters be removed from all patients with candidemia?
cord-015922-5wwy0m2kan international consensus Should the consensus guidelines'specific criteria for the diagnosis of invasive fungal infection be changed?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6q: Are you aware that Medicare can reject critical care charges( 99291 and 99292) can be rejected unless you are listed as a CMS'critical care provider'or as a neurocritical care provider?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qA management QEEG ADR in Poor Grade SAH: Is it Really Useful?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qLumbar puncture in the presence of mass effect?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qNeurocritical care taxonomy code 2084A2900X?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qQ3: Are you aware why the NCC taxonomy code was created?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qQ6: Are you aware of rejection of critical care charges happening at your own institution due to this misclassification?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qQuestion( Q1) and( Answers, A1): Are you a neurology or neurosurgery back grounded intensivist who does neurocritical care at your hospital?
cord-006870-f5w6fw6qWhat is your primary department for revenue collection?
cord-016460-39yniw0tAttacks of FMF?
cord-016460-39yniw0tColchicine use in cyclosporine treated transplant recipients: how little is too much?
cord-017227-66dx2dkvThe use of liver grafts from donors with bacterial meningitis Intrathoracic organ transplantation from donors with meningitis: a single- center 20-year experience Donors with positive blood culture: could they transmit infections to the recipients?
cord-017302-xez0zso3a new therapeutic prospect in critical ill patients?
cord-011875-ga0dzj3vAre Patients with COVID-19 Dying of or with Cardiac Injury?
cord-011875-ga0dzj3vDid the arrhythmia occur on a substrate of"myocardial injury,"or was this a complication of the prescribed medications( i.e., chloroquine)?
cord-011875-ga0dzj3vDid these"cardiac injuries"involve patients with myocarditis?
cord-011875-ga0dzj3vFurthermore, did the patients, dying of malignant arrythmia and cardiac arrest, suffer from cardiac comorbidities?
cord-011875-ga0dzj3vOr were there features indicative of stress or even septic cardiomyopathy, mostly reversible entities?
cord-011062-ukz4hnmyData examined was categorised as follows: New patients, Follow- ups; How many patients were seen on day of ED attendance vs after day of attendance?
cord-011062-ukz4hnmyHave you lost a lot of weight recently without wishing to do so?
cord-011062-ukz4hnmyIn the last year, have you lost weight unintentionally( i.e., not due to dieting or exercise)?
cord-011062-ukz4hnmyThe unintentional weight loss was assessed by questions contained in three frailty assessment tools and one nutrition screening and assessment tool, described below:( 1)"Have you recently lost weight such that your clothing has become more loose?"
cord-011062-ukz4hnmyThen … what a better way to know their needs that asking them personally?
cord-014833-ax09x6gkHow are complex diseases analyzed by sensor devices?
cord-014833-ax09x6gkHow are data collected from patients in the mobile health environment?
cord-014833-ax09x6gkHow is the probability of each disease analyzed using mobile devices and sensor devices?
cord-014833-ax09x6gkWhich data are important for the system and doctors to evaluate diseases?
cord-017420-tjwxec77Meta- analysis of randomized controlled trials of prophylactic granulocyte colony- stimulating factor and granulocyte- macrophage colony- stimulating factor after autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantation Blood platelets and sepsis pathophysiology: a new therapeutic prospect in critical ill patients?
cord-017518-u2gsa4lg2016 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America Non- intensive care unit acquired pneumonia: a new clinical entity?
cord-010398-5wot7tix: Why are some more aware than others?
cord-010398-5wot7tixA comparative review of systemic and neurological symptomatology in 12 outbreaks collectively described as chronic fatigue syndrome, epidemic neuromyasthenia, and myalgic encephalomyelitis Fixed belief in cognitive dysfunction despite normal neuropsychological scores: Neurocognitive hypochondriasis?
cord-010398-5wot7tixA meta- analysis and systematic review of methodological quality of heart rate variability studies in functional somatic disorders Epidemiology of chronic musculoskeletal pain Resistance exercise training improves heart rate variability in women with fibromyalgia POTS versus deconditioning: The same or different?
cord-010398-5wot7tixAs good as it gets?
cord-010398-5wot7tixComorbid clinical conditions in chronic fatigue: A co- twin control study Are chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome valid clinical entities across countries and health- care settings?
cord-010398-5wot7tixDoes depression mediate the relation between fatigue severity and disability in chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers?
cord-010398-5wot7tixPostinfectious chronic fatigue: A distinct syndrome?
cord-010398-5wot7tixThe reasons ■ Dual reuptake inhibitors such as ■ Tricyclic compounds( amitriptyline, cyclobenzaprine) ■ SNRIs and NSRIs( milnacipran, duloxetine, venlafaxine?)
cord-016208-u12ngkpcIntensive care unit design and environmental factors in the acquisition of infection How many nosocomial infections are associated with cross- transmission?
cord-016208-u12ngkpcProspective study of peripheral arterial catheter infection and comparison with concurrently centralized central venous catheters Central venous catheter infections at a county hospital in Sweden: a prospective analysis of colonization, incidence of infection and risk factors Surveillance of nosocomial infections in ICUs: is postdischarge surveillance indispensable?
cord-016208-u12ngkpcreduce blood culture contamination?
cord-009417-458rrhcm: Is there a reason?
cord-009417-458rrhcm: Preventing future occurrences: Available at Hemolytic transfusion reaction Transfusion reactions associated with anti- IgA antibodies: Report of four cases and review of the literature Febrile transfusion reaction: What blood component should be given next?
cord-009417-458rrhcmA prospective study of transmission by transfusion of HTLV- I and risk factors associated with seroconversion Post- transfusion cytomegalovirus infections Reducing the risk for transfusion- transmitted cytomegalovirus infection Is white blood cell reduction equivalent to antibody screening in preventing transmission of cytomegalovirus by transfusion?
cord-009417-458rrhcmA revival for partial liquid ventilation?
cord-009417-458rrhcmAn in vivo evaluation of microaggregate blood fi ltration during total hip replacement Massive transfusion as a risk factor for acute lung injury: Association or causation?
cord-009417-458rrhcmDoes the use of erythropoietin reduce the risk of exposure to allogeneic blood transfusion in cardiac surgery?
cord-009417-458rrhcmEffect of plasma transfusions on the prothrombin time and clotting factors in liver disease Clotting factor levels and the risk of diffuse microvascular bleeding in the massively transfused patient Fresh frozen plasma and platelet transfusion for nonbleeding patients in the intensive care unit: Benefi t or harm?
cord-009417-458rrhcmHemostasis testing during massive blood replacement: A study of 172 cases Should plasma be transfused prophylactically before invasive procedures?
cord-009417-458rrhcmIs a low transfusion threshold safe in critically ill patients with cardiovascular diseases?
cord-009417-458rrhcmOxygen extraction ratio: A valid indicator of transfusion need in limited coronary vascular reserve?
cord-009417-458rrhcmWhat does it mean clinically?
cord-009417-458rrhcmWhy is fresh- frozen plasma transfused?
cord-016498-j72vrvqf: a meta- analysis Is higher viral load in the upper respiratory tract associated with severe pneumonia?
cord-016498-j72vrvqfHow can we interpret these studies utilizing comprehensive molecular methods for etiology diagnosis of CAP?
cord-016498-j72vrvqfWhat is the best therapy for influenza and viral causes of communityacquired pneumonia?
cord-016498-j72vrvqfWhat is the role of respiratory viruses in community- acquired pneumonia in ambulatory pneumonia?
cord-011512-gw2sk90qAs if being bounced backwards and forwards within the health care system is not discouraging enough, in the meantime, who has a responsibility of care for these patients when they are in pain or develop abscesses, and where do they go?
cord-011512-gw2sk90qHow long is the wait?
cord-011512-gw2sk90qHow many courses of antibiotics can be given for recurrent abscesses before it becomes unacceptable?
cord-011512-gw2sk90qRegarding the study, I pose a question to the authors: I was interested to read that almost half of the participants( 48%) reported that music made communication easier and wonder if they could elaborate on this?
cord-011512-gw2sk90qWhat other transforming dental or medical treatment would you undergo, without an in- person evaluation or supervision by a medical professional?'.
cord-011512-gw2sk90qWhere do they go?
cord-011512-gw2sk90q behavioural therapy?
cord-017581-6lubp7ioHow safe is the prone position in acute respiratory distress syndrome at late pregnancy Does delivery improve maternal condition in the respiratory- compromised gravida?
cord-013105-tmhce7p5And where critically ill patients are most commonly located?
cord-013105-tmhce7p5How can this be done?
cord-013105-tmhce7p5What health- care providers who take care of critically ill patients( emergency department physicians, intensivists, anesthesiologists, pulmonologists, infectologists, clinicians and surgeons) can do to curb the fate of antibiotic loss?
cord-013105-tmhce7p5Which patients end up receiving the majority of empiric intravenous antibiotics?
cord-013105-tmhce7p5tmhce7p5 nan administration of antibiotics, is the accelerating drive of bacterial resistance- then, a begging question must be answered: Who is responsible for most intravenous antibiotic use?
cord-017815-0t7jvvz5a prospective observational cohort study Adverse outcomes associated with contactless precautions: a review of the literature Contact isolation for infection control in hospitalized patients: is patients satisfaction affected?
cord-010999-u2guhh3hAbsent any clues as to the patient's preferences, who should make medical decisions?
cord-010999-u2guhh3hHow much pain?
cord-010999-u2guhh3hShould alert, but cognitively impaired patients be interviewed by the committee, or even allowed to attend the formal PWP meetings and voice their( incapacitated) opinions?
cord-010999-u2guhh3hShould unconscious patients at least be visited by the committee?
cord-010999-u2guhh3hThe role of a hospital ethics consultation service in decision- making for unrepresented patients Who should decide for the unrepresented?
cord-010999-u2guhh3hThe role of social support following a transport accident Medical decision making for patients without proxies: The effect of personal experience in the deliberative process Ethical and legal considerations in the management of an unbefriended patient in a vegetative state Evidence from a large sample on the effects of group size and decision- making time on performance in a marketing simulation game Decisions to limit life- sustaining treatment for critically ill patients who lack both decision- making capacity and surrogate decision- makers Life support for patients without a surrogate decision maker: Who decides?
cord-010999-u2guhh3hWhat principles should guide these decisions?
cord-010999-u2guhh3h•"What will be their quality of life when it's all over, and what's recuperation like?
cord-014976-546zaoxnAre peak level measurements of cyclosporin A useful in allogeneic stem cell transplantation?
cord-014976-546zaoxnHow much change in quantitative chimerism values is enough for clinical significance?
cord-014976-546zaoxnThe case raises a number of important questions regarding the biological implications of chimerism values, such as: 1) is 10% a relative or absolute figure; 2) is there a minimum/ threshold chimerism value for functionality of the graft in these metabolic diseases; 3) do all patients have the same% chimerism interval/ differential and threshold?
cord-014976-546zaoxnWhy will an amotosalen- based protocol for extracorporeal photopheresis be valuable?
cord-014976-546zaoxnhow to learn from artefacts?
cord-017337-vq3edhxnNew method of classifying infections in critically ill patients Septic shock of early or late onset: does it matter?
cord-017337-vq3edhxnThe Key to Success?
cord-017862-9fkjjmvfHow should you proceed at this point?
cord-018182-lleti89nOnce daily ofloxacin in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation requiring mechanical ventilation: a randomized placebo- controlled trial Non- invasive ventilation in acute respiratory failure Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in the setting of severe acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: more effective and less expensive Does noninvasive positive pressure ventilation improve outcome in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure?
cord-017142-vx3rgs4rIs elevated plasma B- natriuretic peptide in amyloidosis simply a function of the presence of heart failure?
cord-017142-vx3rgs4rIs surgery required in the management of spinal cord compression in myeloma patients?
cord-017142-vx3rgs4rhematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients Fine- needle aspiration of abdominal fat pad for amyloid detection: a clinically useful test?
cord-005105-twsy61oq-SIU 2015 ABSTRACT BOOK Pelvic Strength Physiotherapy Percutaneous Treatment of Bladder Stones in Children: 10-Year Experience; Is Blind Access Safe?
cord-005105-twsy61oq: A New Therapeutic Indication?
cord-005105-twsy61oqCould Surgery Be Prevented in the Management of Small Renal Masses?
cord-005105-twsy61oqDid you know?
cord-005105-twsy61oqDiffi culty benchmarking individual and institutional outcomes; 2) Small sample sizes and reduced power of studies; 3) Assessment of regional and nationwide outcome trends: diffi cult to achieve and oft en done years in retrospect with no ongoing monitoring; 4) Care centralisation debate: can small volume centres provide comparable outcomes to high volume centres?
cord-005105-twsy61oqDoes Intercostals Nerve Block and Peritubal Nerve Block with Bupivacaine Reduce Post- Operative Pain after Percutaneous Nephrolithomy?
cord-005105-twsy61oqDue to Penile Cancer Affect the Sexual Life?
cord-005105-twsy61oqIs Increased Prostatic Urethral Angle Related to Lower Urinary Symptoms in Male without Prostatic Obstruction?
cord-005105-twsy61oqIs Spinal Anesthesia Adequate for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy?
cord-005105-twsy61oqIt is diffi cult to give a defi nite answer to the questions;"Can genitourinary cancers be spread around during coitus or in public bathtub?".
cord-005105-twsy61oqLaparoscopic Nephrectomy: Does Patient Obesity Affect Outcome?
cord-005105-twsy61oqTh e secondary outcomes included objective( leakage of less than 1 gram on 1-hour pad test) and subjective cure( a'never'response to'How oft en do you leak urine?), incontinence diary, pelvic fl oor muscle strength, urofl owmetry, Patient Global Impression of Improvement( PGI- I) and International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire- Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Quality of Life
cord-005105-twsy61oqTh is study was designed to respond this question that"is sonography proper enough to supersede X- Ray in PCNL under spinal anesthesia?"
cord-016757-3d320c0aA case report Role of plasmapheresis in the management of acute hepatic failure in children A new procedure for the removal of protein bound drugs and toxins Experiences with MARS liver support therapy in liver failure: analysis of 176 patients of the International MARS Registry Extracorporeal perfusion for the treatment of acute liver failure Reversal of fulminant hepatic failure using an extracorporeal liver assist device Which hepatocyte will it be?
cord-016757-3d320c0aA treatable disorder?
cord-016757-3d320c0aAre there histopathologic characteristics particular to fulminant hepatic failure caused by human herpesvirus-6 infection?
cord-017883-6a4fkd5vRecommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee( HICPAC) Management of fever in neutropenic patients with different risks of complications Repeated blood cultures in pediatric febrile neutropenia: would following the guidelines alter the outcome?
cord-017883-6a4fkd5va time series analysis Guidelines for preventing infectious complications among hematopoietic cell transplantation recipients: a global perspective High rates of potentially infectious exposures between immunocompromised patients and their companion animals: an unmet need for education Pet ownership in immunocompromised children-- a review of the literature and survey of existing guidelines Should immunocompromised patients have pets?
cord-015365-iqdi99pdErkrankung und lebenserhaltenden Transplantation?
cord-015365-iqdi99pdErlebenüberlebenund dann?
cord-015365-iqdi99pdIst die ungeplante Reoperation nach Nierentransplantation ein Indikator für Organverlust?
cord-015365-iqdi99pdNighttime kidney transplantationa risk or a need?
cord-015365-iqdi99pdlebt länger, wer lebt besser?
cord-018106-5giapmcfCan the health- care system meet the challenge of pandemic flu?
cord-015334-8p124rwpIt is impossible to analyse a nonresponse of our recommendations: is our advice even red, is it considered as inadequate?
cord-015334-8p124rwpWhat are the experiences of patients?
cord-015334-8p124rwpWhat does current information provision on antidepressants to patients with a depression admitted to a psychiatric hospital look like?
cord-015334-8p124rwpWhat is the current practice of health care professionals?
cord-015334-8p124rwpanti- References Simultaneous determination of olanzapine, clozapine and demethylated metabolites in serum by on- line column- switching Comparative study and optimisation of the administration mode of three proton pump inhibitors by nasogastric tube Is the administration of esomeprazole through a nasogastric tube modified by concomitant delivery of a nutrition mixture?
cord-015334-8p124rwp… where do we stand?
cord-017252-88b3preq: what is the most accurate combination?
cord-017252-88b3preqWhat's new?
cord-017252-88b3preqleukemia Frequent and prolonged shedding of bocavirus in young children attending daycare Human bocavirus: passenger or pathogen in acute respiratory tract infections?
cord-017252-88b3preqwhat's old?
cord-018408-ttae193bprophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in solid organ transplant recipients ever be discontinued?
cord-018545-fk17n2bxwhat treatments are effective for the management of shock in severe dengue?
cord-017569-fv88n70vCase definition for Ebola Virus Disease( EVD) Ebola or not?
cord-017569-fv88n70vWhy were doctors afraid to treat Rebecca McLester?
cord-017569-fv88n70vwhy were children spared?
cord-018225-dozmy3lba clue to the susceptibility of jaundiced patients to shock?
cord-016814-tf17dpo5Do cryopreserved mesenchymal stromal cells display impaired immunomodulatory and therapeutic properties?
cord-016814-tf17dpo5The extracellular matrixthe under- recognized element in lung disease?
cord-016814-tf17dpo5The lack of translating the encouraging preclinical data into clinically relevant effects in patients with COPD and emphysema brings up the following question: is COPD the most suitable pulmonary disease for MSC- based treatment?
cord-016814-tf17dpo5angiotensin- converting enzyme 2 rescue lipopolysaccharide- induced lung injury Prostacyclin improves transcoronary myocardial delivery of adipose tissue- derived stromal cells Effect of shock wave- facilitated intracoronary cell therapy on LVEF in patients with chronic heart failure: the CELLWAVE randomized clinical trial Angiogenic pretreatment improves the efficacy of cellular cardiomyoplasty performed with fetal cardiomyocyte implantation Mesenchymal stromal cells: a novel therapy for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
cord-018209-v2crgj5wBone Marrow Transplantation Team Trends in the postmortem epidemiology of invasive fungal infections at a university hospital Clinical and radiologic predictors of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in cancer patients: should the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/ Mycosis Study Group( EORTC/ MSG) criteria be revised?
cord-018209-v2crgj5wWhat Has Been Learned from Postmortem Studies?
cord-017531-fm8gl5b3Can anthrax infect from patient to patient?
cord-017531-fm8gl5b3The threat of biological attack: why concern now?
cord-017531-fm8gl5b3» ways to track infectious diseases hazards and outbreaks?
cord-018447-z4jyjczyAn historic exhort study Primary antiohospholipid syndrome evolving into SLE Seronegative antiphospholipid syndrome Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome: where do we stand?
cord-016521-ouwwkxox: potential economic implications Is continuous subglottic suctioning cost- effective for the prevention of ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-016521-ouwwkxoxDoes deescalation of antibiotic therapy for ventilatorassociated pneumonia affect the likelihood of recurrent pneumonia or mortality in critically ill surgical patients?
cord-016521-ouwwkxoxDoes this patient have ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-016521-ouwwkxoxVentilator- associated pneumonia: is zero possible?
cord-015126-cyhcbk1jCan the regional cerebral oximetry helps us to determine individual adequate blood pressure?
cord-015126-cyhcbk1jCan we achieve desired therapeutic goal in treatment of respiratory failure( RF) with this very simple, non- invasive method?
cord-015126-cyhcbk1jDoes diabetes mellitus matter?
cord-015126-cyhcbk1jL patients died, however, hospital mortality rate was 53.8?
cord-015126-cyhcbk1jSeveral statistical tests by the use of SPSS made it possible to analyse and answer the research question: Are children who only get long- term opioids in the initial anaesthetic phase( B) of the operation more agitated than those who where also given a refill of long- term opioids( A)?
cord-015126-cyhcbk1jTable:% of positive response for each item("would you like information on this topic in an ICU booklet?") grouped into categories.
cord-018623-of9vx7ogDoes type- D personality predict outcomes among patients with cardiovascular disease?
cord-018801-amet0wx4Implications for Therapy Systematic review of randomized trials on vasoconstrictor drugs for hepatorenal syndrome Management of the critically ill patient with cirrhosis: a multidisciplinary perspective Improved analgesia, sedation and delirium protocol associated with decreased duration of delirium and mechanical ventilation Dexmedetomidine vs. midazolam or propofol for sedation during prolonged ventilation Fast tracking in liver transplanatation: which patient benefits from this approach?
cord-011188-59hn9wsv-Teaching tomorrow's doctors( Education and debate) Fear, knowledge, and efficacy beliefs differentially predict the frequency of digital rectal examination versus prostate specific antigen screening in ethnically diverse samples of older men Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment LGBTQ family fact sheet Do clinical clerks suffer ethical erosion?
cord-011188-59hn9wsvAre patients really viewed as a teaching tool rather than a human being?
cord-011188-59hn9wsvGynecological conditions: Periodic screening with the pelvic examination Teaching pelvic examinations under anaesthesia: what do women think?
cord-011188-59hn9wsvHow sure can we be that the patient is sleeping indeed?
cord-011188-59hn9wsvIs there no alternative?
cord-011188-59hn9wsvThe Utility of and Indications for Routine Pelvic Examination Opinions on patient- physician relationships& the Legal Advisors Committee, Concern for Dying Informed consent to human experimentation: The subject's dilemma Medical students and informed consent: A consensus statement prepared by the faculties of medical and health science of the universities of Auckland and Otago, chief medical officers of district health boards, New Zealand medical students'association and the medical council of New Zealand An introduction to medical malpractice in the United States Practicing pelvic examinations by medical students on women under anesthesia: Why not ask first?
cord-011188-59hn9wsvWhy are pelvic exams on unconscious, unconsenting women still part of medical training?
cord-011188-59hn9wsvaged 15- 20 years in the United States Are med students practicing on you?
cord-011188-59hn9wsvcan we create lasting change': What can we learn from the Dr Larry Nassar tragedy?
cord-017309-pt27efu1Does colorectal cancer clinical advancement affect adhesion molecules( sP- selectin, sE- selectin and ICAM-1) concentration?
cord-017309-pt27efu1I( s- VCAM- I) and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule- I( s- ICAM- I) levels in bladder carcinoma patients with different stages Autoantibodies and other serological markers in rheumatoid arthritis: predictors of disease activity?
cord-017309-pt27efu1The antitumor activity of an anti- CD54 antibody in SCID mice xenografted with human breast, prostate, non- small cell lung, and pancreatic tumor cell lines Infectious susceptibility and severe deficiency of leukocyte rolling and recruitment in E- selectin and P- selectin double mutant mice Endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular diseases: the role of oxidant stress Invasive amebiasis: A microcirculatory disorder?
cord-017309-pt27efu1The impact of peripheral arterial disease on circulating platelets Intestinal inflammation in adhesion molecule- deficient mice: an assessment of P- selectin alone and in combination with ICAM-1 or E- selectin Adhesion molecule polymorphisms in chronic renal allograft failure Endothelial adhesion molecules are associated with inflammation in subjects with HIV disease Evaluation of microbiologic and hematologic parameters and E- selectin as early predictors for outcome of neonatal sepsis Expression of endothelial protein C receptor and thrombomodulin in human coronary atherosclerotic plaques P- selectin in arterial thrombosis Role of ICAM-1 in persisting inflammation in Parkinson disease and MPTP monkeys Cellular adhesion molecules and blood pressure: interaction with sex in a multi- ethnic population Association between the Thr715Pro P- selectin gene polymorphism and soluble P- selectin levels in a multiethnic population in South London Effect of clopidogrel on the expression of inflammatory markers in rabbit ischemic coronary artery Allergic rhinitis: continuous or on demand antihistamine therapy?
cord-017309-pt27efu1The levels of soluble adhesion molecules in diabetic and nondiabetic patients with combined hyperlipoproteinemia and the effect of ciprofibrate therapy Increased platelet activation markers in rheumatoid arthritis: are they related with subclinical atherosclerosis?
cord-018590-rkp89dqoThe machinistexclaimed,"Get your fingeroff my die!", to which his managerreplied,"Do you knowwhothis is?"
cord-018590-rkp89dqoWhat exactly is a narrative?
cord-000083-3p81yr4nBetween patients with HOMA- IR positive and negative, however, statistically no significant difference was found in terms of age, sex, etiology, Child- Pugh classification, spleen size, TNF-?,
cord-000083-3p81yr4nDo we all failed in addressing socio- economic issues of cancer- sufferers?
cord-000083-3p81yr4nIn additon, we aimed to investigate the relation of insulin resistance in liver cirrhosis with such parameters as age, sex, etiology, Child- Pugh classification, spleen size, TNF-?, IL-1?
cord-000083-3p81yr4nIn additon, we aimed to investigate the relation of insulin resistance in liver cirrhosis with such parameters as age, sex, etiology, Child- Pugh classification, spleen size, TNF-?, IL-1?
cord-000083-3p81yr4nIn liver cirrhosis group, glucose, insulin, C- peptid, HOMA- IR, TNF-?
cord-000083-3p81yr4nIn patients with liver cirrhosis, the levels of glucose, insulin, C- peptid, HOMA- IR, TNF-?, IL-2RES, IL-6, CRP and Hs- CRP increase with respect to normal population.
cord-000083-3p81yr4nIn the study, it was also determined that the mechanism of insulin resistance development occurs independent of age, sex, etiology, Child- Pugh classification, spleen size, TNF-?,
cord-000083-3p81yr4nThe two groups were compared with each other in terms of glucose, insulin, C- peptid, HOMA- IR, TNF-?,
cord-000083-3p81yr4nThese two groups, i.e., HOMA- IR positive and HOMA- IR negative, were compared in terms of age, sex, etiology, Child- Pugh classification, spleen size, TNF-?,
cord-017897-mbwm0ytg: the ABC of weaning failure-- a structured approach Is weaning failure caused by low- frequency fatigue of the diaphragm?
cord-017897-mbwm0ytgCompressive forces and computed tomography- derived positive end- expiratory pressure in acute respiratory distress syndrome Recruitment maneuvers in acute respiratory distress syndrome and during general anesthesia Effects of alveolar recruitment maneuvers on clinical outcomes in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review and meta- analysis Bedside ultrasound assessment of positive end- expiratory pressure- induced lung recruitment Lung stress and strain during mechanical ventilation: any safe threshold?
cord-017897-mbwm0ytgIs mechanical ventilation a contributing factor?
cord-017897-mbwm0ytgwhat is the relationship?
cord-017393-kx8kmdejCan antibacterial therapy be discontinued in persistently febrile granulocytopenic cancer patients?
cord-017393-kx8kmdejEchinocandins-first- choice or first- line therapy for invasive candidiasis?
cord-017393-kx8kmdejIs there agreement?
cord-017393-kx8kmdejThe identification of febrile, neutropenic children with neoplastic disease at low risk for bacteremia and complications of sepsis Fever control in septic shock: beneficial or harmful?
cord-017393-kx8kmdejb lactam monotherapy versus b lactam- aminoglycoside combination therapy for fever with neutropenia: systematic review and meta- analysis Aminoglycosides: single or multiple daily dosing?
cord-016301-vqmqnipq-the past, present and future Should heart transplantation be considered as a treatment option for patients aged 70 years and older?
cord-016301-vqmqnipqHow great is the survival advantage of transplantation over dialysis in elderly patients?
cord-016301-vqmqnipqPatient and graft survival in older kidney transplant recipients: does age matter?
cord-016301-vqmqnipqTransplant Data Differences in quality of life across renal replacement therapies: a meta- analytic comparison Comparison of mortality in all patients on dialysis, patients on dialysis awaiting transplantation, and recipients of a first cadaveric transplant How old is old for transplantation?
cord-016301-vqmqnipqWhat is the best way to deal with these competing allocation philosophies, namely, giving everyone an equal chance to receive an organ vs. getting the maximum benefit from each organ transplanted?
cord-016301-vqmqnipqWill an older patient be able to survive the operation, manage the medications, endure the potential side effects of immunosuppression, and have the social and financial support necessary to recover and maintain rigorous doctor appointments?
cord-016301-vqmqnipqWill this organ improve the patients'overall survival and quality of life?
cord-017946-fa4ehlb0: is there a role for low- volume hypertonic saline resuscitation in patients managed with damage control surgery?
cord-017946-fa4ehlb0The importance of early treatment with tranexamic acid in bleeding trauma patients: an exploratory analysis of the CRASH-2 randomised controlled trial Tranexamic acid in trauma: how should we use it?
cord-017946-fa4ehlb0The use of recombinant activated factor VII in platelet- associated bleeding Use of recombinant factor VIIa for adjunctive hemorrhage control in trauma and surgical patients Recombinant factor VIIa for hemorrhage control: early experience in critically ill trauma patients Recombinant factor VIIa for the treatment of severe postoperative and traumatic hemorrhage Recombinant factor VIIa as adjunctive therapy for bleeding control in severely injured trauma patients: two parallel randomized, placebocontrolled, double- blinded clinical trials Use of activated recombinant coagulation factor VII in patients undergoing reconstruction surgery for traumatic fracture of pelvis or pelvis and acetabulum: a double- blind, randomized, placebocontrolled trial Results of the CONTROL trial: efficacy and safety of recombinant activated factor VII in the management of refractory traumatic hemorrhage Vasopressin in hemorrhagic shock: a systematic review and meta- analysis of randomized animal trials Vasopressin clearance and secretion during haemorrhage in normal dogs and in dogs with experimental diabetes insipidus Vasopressin and shock but not fluid resuscitation, enhances survival in a liver trauma model with uncontrolled and otherwise lethal hemorrhagic shock in pigs Potential benefit of vasopressin in resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock Vasopressin deficiency in the syndrome of irreversible shock Arginine vasopressin, but not epinephrine, improves survival in uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock after liver trauma in pigs Vasopressin improves survival in a porcine model of abdominal vascular injury Anti- tumor mechanisms if valproate: a novel role for an old drug Acetylation: a regulatory modification to rival phosphorylation?
cord-009567-osstpum6( for women) and"How difficult is it for you to get or keep an erection?"
cord-009567-osstpum6: Can We Afford It?
cord-009567-osstpum6:"How difficult is it for your vagina to get or stay wet or moist?"
cord-009567-osstpum6Roberto Hernandez- Alejandro, 1 Xusheng Zhang, 2 Dong Chen, 2 Xiufen Zheng, 2 Hongtao Sun, 2 Weihua Liu, 2 Marianne Beduhn, 2 Aminah Shunnar, 2 Motohiko Suzuki, 2 Norihiko Kubo, 2 Bertha Garcia, 2 Anthony Jevnikar, 1,2 Living kidney donation is rapidly increasing worldwide to offer a partial(?) solution for the numerous ESRD wait- listed pts.
cord-009567-osstpum6These include the phosphorylation of PERK target eIF2?
cord-009567-osstpum6or Not Enough?
cord-018414-6ffhm895Intracardiac thrombus formation and pulmonary thromboembolism immediately after graft reperfusion in 7 patients undergoing liver transplantation A comparison of dopexamine and dopamine to prevent renal impairment in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation Does aprotinin really reduce blood loss in orthotopic liver transplantation?
cord-018414-6ffhm895Living related and split donors Fast tracking in liver transplantation: which patient benefits from this approach?
cord-018414-6ffhm895Primary pulmonary hypertension and cirrhosis: are they related?
cord-017772-zpf1xjqi: the Canadian Sepsis Treatment and Response Registry Thrombocytopenia is associated with a dysregulated host response in critically ill sepsis patients Is thrombocytopenia an early prognostic marker in septic shock?
cord-017772-zpf1xjqiStep 2: Is the Patient Bleeding?
cord-017772-zpf1xjqiUpdate Fresh frozen plasma and platelet transfusion for nonbleeding patients in the intensive care unit: benefit or harm?
cord-017772-zpf1xjqiWhat's new in the diagnostic criteria of disseminated intravascular coagulation?
cord-017184-1ewi3dkaIl bambino con deficit di IgA: le caratteristiche cliniche, immunologiche e genetiche per una corretta gestione Il bambino immunodepresso Th1 T- cell and monocyte defects Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome( ALPS) in a child from consanguineous parents: a dominant or recessive disease?
cord-017184-1ewi3dkaLong- term followup and prognosis of chronic granulomatous disease in Yugoslavia: is there a role for early bone marrow transplantation?
cord-017184-1ewi3dkaPhenotypic and functional characteristics of peripheral B lymphocytes Localization of the properdin structural locus to Xp11.23-Xp21 Cellular and cytokine abnormalities in common variable immunodeficiency Hypoparathyroidism and the DiGeorge syndrome Heterogeneity of humoral immune abnormalities in children with Nijmegen breakage syndrome: an 8-year follow- up study in a single centre Unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplantation: marrow or umbilical cord blood?
cord-017184-1ewi3dkaWiskott- Aldrich syndrome?
cord-017184-1ewi3dkaprospective data from the United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group Registry Lowered yields of virus- induced interferon production in leukocyte cultures and risk of recurrent respiratory infections in children Clinical heterogeneity and reversibility of selective immunoglobulin A deficiency in 80 children Two siblings with deficiency of IgA1, IgG2, IgG4 and IgE due to deletion of immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region genes Extensive deletion of immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region genes in the absence of recurrent infections: when is IgG subclass deficiency clinically relevant?
cord-014464-m5n250r210 Questions to Help You Make Sense of Qualitative Research Quality measurement at intensive care units: which indicators should we use?
cord-014464-m5n250r2An Acute Problem?
cord-014464-m5n250r2As TEG measures the thrombodynamic properties of whole blood coagulation, perhaps it is a more reliable indicator of heparin activity?
cord-014464-m5n250r2Both hypoxemia and extreme hyperoxemia may be detrimental in patients with severe traumatic brain injury Focused assessment with sonography in trauma( FAST): should its role be reconsidered?
cord-014464-m5n250r2Early prognosis in traumatic brain injury: from prophecies to predictions One- year extended Glasgow Outcome Scale and hospital mortality predictors in patients with severe traumatic brain injury in Brazil R Turon 1, FR Ferreira 1, D Prado 1 Bioavailability of subcutaneous low- molecular- weight heparin to patients on vasopressors Prophylactic anticoagulation with enoxaparin: is the subcoutaneous route appropriate in the critically ill?
cord-014464-m5n250r2Introduction Are safety guidelines being followed when administering procedural sedation in the emergency department?
cord-014464-m5n250r2Overcrowding estimation in the emergency department: is the simplest score the best?
cord-017012-yl0vanuhAcute glomerulonephritis associated with varicella infection Varicella infection in a renal transplant recipient associated with abdominal pain, hepatitis, and glomerulonephritis Nephrotic syndrome associated with varicella infection Epstein- Barr virus- associated acute interstitial nephritis: infection or immunologic phenomenon?
cord-017012-yl0vanuhDifferent pathohistological presentations of acute renal involvement in Hantaan virus infection: report of two cases Clinical characteristics of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in children Prospects for treatment of viral haemorrhagic fever with ribavirin, a broad spectrum antiviral drug Lassa fever: effective therapy with ribavirin Human infection with highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus Renal insufficiency on presentation of bird flu infection: is it correlated to outcome?
cord-017012-yl0vanuhDoes antimicrobial therapy of streptococcal pharyngitis or pyoderma alter the risk of glomerulonephritis?
cord-017012-yl0vanuhImpact of antibiotics on expression of virulence?
cord-017012-yl0vanuhPhiladelphia Schistosomal specific nephropathy leading to end- stage renal failure Is glomerulopathy due to schistosomiasis mansoni disappearing?
cord-017012-yl0vanuhthe balance right Comparison of three fluid solutions for resuscitation in dengue shock syndrome Epidemiology and clinical features of Crimean- Congo haemorrhagic fever in Southern Africa Viral hemorrhagic fever- induced acute kidney injury Hantavirus: an increasing problem?
cord-005569-9d51l6bn( 2) What ICP technologies are available and what are their relative advantages/ disadvantages?
cord-005569-9d51l6bn( 3) Should CPP monitoring and autoregulation testing be used?
cord-005569-9d51l6bn( 5) Should structurally normal or abnormal tissue be monitored with PbrO(2)?
cord-005569-9d51l6bn( 6) Should microdialysis be considered in complex cases?
cord-005569-9d51l6bnAn assessment of the validity of spectral entropy as a measure of sedation state in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients Understanding international differences in terminology for delirium and other types of acute brain dysfunction in critically ill patients Recognition and labeling of delirium symptoms by intensivists: does it matter?
cord-005569-9d51l6bnHyponatremia in neurological patients: cerebral salt wasting versus inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Is procalcitonin a marker of critical illness in heatstroke?
cord-005569-9d51l6bnMedian PCT value was 0.58 lg/ l and 31( 58%) patients had PCT above 0.2 lg/ l( PCT?).
cord-005569-9d51l6bnOnce is not enough: clinical trials in sepsis Influence of insertion site on central venous catheter colonization and bloodstream infection rates Indwelling time and risk of colonization of peripheral arterial catheters in critically ill patients Risk factors and prognosis of catheter- related bloodstream infection in critically ill patients: a multicenter study Do antibiotics administered at the time of central venous catheter removal interfere with the evaluation of colonization?
cord-005569-9d51l6bnPreoperative apolipoprotein CI levels correlate positively with the proinflammatory response in patients experiencing endotoxemia following elective cardiac surgery Gene profiling in human blood leucocytes during recovery from septic shock Sepsis mortality prediction based on predisposition, infection and response Prognostic value of midregional pro- atrial natriuretic peptide in ventilator- associated pneumonia Plasma apolipoprotein CI correlates with increased survival in patients with severe sepsis Stress doses of hydrocortisone in septic shock: beneficial effects on opsonizationdependent neutrophil functions Impact of recent intravenous chemotherapy on outcome in severe sepsis and septic shock patients with hematological malignancies How many patients with severe sepsis are needed to confirm the efficacy of drotrecogin alfa activated?
cord-005569-9d51l6bnThe effects of sedation on gastric emptying and intra- gastric meal distribution in critical illness Initial efficacy and tolerability of early enteral nutrition with immediate or gradual introduction in intubated patients Risk of Clostridium difficile diarrhoea in critically ill patients treated with erythromycin- based prokinetic therapy for feed intolerance Immunonutrition in critically ill patients: a systematic review and analysis of the literature Fish oil supplementation in the parenteral nutrition of critically ill medical patients: a randomised controlled trial Antiinflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids in critical illness: novel mechanisms and an integrative perspective Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock Serum levels of osteopontin are increased in SIRS and sepsis Does severe non- infectious SIRS differ from severe sepsis?
cord-005569-9d51l6bnThe first was, what is the current probability that activated protein C is not better than the control?
cord-005569-9d51l6bnThe questions discussed and addressed in this manuscript were:( 1) Who should have ICP monitoring and for how long?
cord-005569-9d51l6bnWhen should brain tissue oxygen tension[ PbrO(2)] be monitored?
cord-005569-9d51l6bnand, if the current probability is not small, then the second question was, how many patients will be needed for the activated protein C confirmatory trial?
cord-005569-9d51l6bnare we getting out of the black hole in sepsis research?
cord-017324-l3d3t4wh( Balkanska) nefropatija kao prirodno- žarišna infekcija?
cord-017324-l3d3t4whKidny Int Chronic aristolochic acid toxicity in rabbits: a model of Chinese herbs nephropathy?
cord-017324-l3d3t4whPapillary transitional cell tumours, Balkan nephropathy, and beta2-microglobulin Cytogenetic studies in Balkan endemic nephropathy Spontaneous and induced chromosome aberrations in Balkan endemic nephropathy Genetic predisposition to Balkan endemic nephropathy Etiology of Balkan endemic nephropathy: a multifactorial disease?
cord-017324-l3d3t4whRapidly progressive interstitial renal fibrosis in young women: association with slimming regimen including Chinese herbs Chinese herbs nephropathy: a clue to Balkan endemic nephropathy?
cord-017324-l3d3t4whendemique Balcanique Endemic Balkan nephropathy, a slow virus disease?
cord-018638-4pyjhpbk: a state- of- the- art review Variations in ORAI1 gene associated with Kawasaki disease Transforming growth factor- beta signaling pathway in patients with Kawasaki disease Is Kawasaki disease an infectious disorder?
cord-018638-4pyjhpbkTropospheric winds from northeastern China carry the etiologic agent of Kawasaki disease from its source to Japan Kawasaki disease in India: increasing awareness or increased incidence?
cord-018638-4pyjhpbkWhat dose of aspirin should be used in the initial treatment of Kawasaki disease?
cord-016235-2lhrkmrvEvolving strategies in lung transplantation for emphysema Surveillance bronchoscopy in lung transplant recipients: risk versus benefit Clinical implications and longitudinal alteration of peripheral blood transcriptional signals indicative of future cardiac allograft rejection Lung transplantation: a decade of experience Acute humoral rejection of human lung allografts and elevation of C4d in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid Lung transplantation for end- stage pulmonary sarcoidosis: outcome in a series of seven consecutive patients Pulmonary hypertension in patients with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome listed for retransplantation Epstein- Barr virus- negative post- transplant lymphoproliferative disorders: a distinct entity?
cord-016235-2lhrkmrvInhaled corticosteroids and the treatment of lymphocytic bronchiolitis following lung transplantation Are symptom reports useful for differentiating between acute rejection and pulmonary infection after lung transplantation?
cord-016235-2lhrkmrvPrediction of lung- transplant rejection by hepatocyte growth factor Development of malignancy following lung transplantation Utility of peritransplant and rescue intravenous immunoglobulin and extracorporeal immunoadsorption in lung transplant recipients sensitized to HLA antigens Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease in thoracic organ transplant patients: ten years of cyclosporine- based immunosuppression Graft- vs.-host disease in lung and other solid organ transplant recipients Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation: Twelfth Official Pediatric Lung and Heart/ Lung Transplantation Report-2009 Limitations of spirometry in detecting rejection after singlelung transplantation Surveillance bronchoscopy in children during the first year after lung transplantation: is it worth it?
cord-016235-2lhrkmrvThe changing pattern of posttransplant malignancies Does human leukocyte antigen matching influence the outcome of lung transplantation?
cord-016235-2lhrkmrvThe effect of recipient's age on lung transplant outcome Pretransplant panel reactive antibody in lung transplant recipients is associated with significantly worse post- transplant survival in a multicenter study Gastroesophageal reflux disease in lung transplant recipients Lung homotransplantation in man Association of minimal rejection in lung transplant recipients with obliterative bronchiolitis Prospective analysis of 1, 235 transbronchial lung biopsies in lung transplant recipients Rejection is reduced in thoracic organ recipients when transplanted in the first year of life C4d deposition in lung allografts is associated with circulating anti- HLA alloantibody Acute and chronic onset of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome( BOS): are they different entities?
cord-016235-2lhrkmrvThe incidence of cancer in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis in the UK Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders not associated with Epstein- Barr virus: a distinct entity?
cord-016235-2lhrkmrvThe potential role of mast cells in lung allograft rejection Revision of the 1990 working formulation for the classification of pulmonary allograft rejection: Lung Rejection Study Group Can immunohistological analysis of transbronchial biopsy specimens predict responder status in early acute rejection of lung allografts?
cord-016235-2lhrkmrvThe role of interleukin-17 during acute rejection after lung transplantation Complications in the native lung after single lung transplantation Obliterative bronchiolitis following lung transplantation: from old to new concepts?
cord-018809-3nrvm4jtAre we giving enough coagulation factors during major trauma resuscitation?
cord-018809-3nrvm4jtz Where are we Heading?
cord-018110-mcw4v13cDetailed history: Endocrine diseases?
cord-018110-mcw4v13cDoes the child startle at loud sounds, does it react to voice when the speaker is not visible, e. g. calming or smiling?
cord-018110-mcw4v13cDoes the child vocalize, does it imitate( mama, papa), what is the range of vocabulary, are there articulation problems, are there problems with syntax or grammar?
cord-018110-mcw4v13cRecurrent fe-• ver?
cord-017534-0ai8chbuA multidrug resistant, methicillin- susceptible strain of Staphylococcus aureus from a neonatal intensive care unit in Oslo Psychological effects of source isolation nursing( 2) patient satisfactory Depression, anxiety, and moods of hospitalized patients under contact precaution Care of children isolated for infection control: a prospective observational cohort study Adverse outcomes associated with contactless precautions: a review of the literature Contact isolation for infection control in hospitalized patients: is patients satisfaction affected?
cord-017534-0ai8chbuCould hospital patients'hands constitute a missing link?
cord-017534-0ai8chbuHospital outbreak control requires joint efforts from hospital management, microbiology and infection control Changing epidemiology of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the veterans affairs healthcare system Comparative surface-to- hand and fingertip- to- mouth transfer efficiency of gram- positive bacteria, gram- negative bacteria, and phage Evidence from a UK teaching hospital that MRSA is primarily transmitted by the hands of healthcare workers Health- care workers: source, vector or victim of MRSA?
cord-017534-0ai8chbuThe airborne transmission of infection in hospital buildings: fact or fiction?
cord-017534-0ai8chbuthe next step in infection prevention Systematic Patients'hand disinfection: impact on methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection rates in a community hospital Occurrence of skin and environmental contamination with methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus before results of polymerase chain reaction at hospital admission become available What may be lurking in the hospital undergrowth?
cord-019010-9xgwjvsvClinical signs and symptoms predicting influenza infection Early administration of oral oseltamivir increases the benefits of influenza treatment Impact of oseltamivir treatment on influenza- related lower respiratory tract complications and hospitalizations Antiviral therapy and outcomes of influenza requiring hospitalization in Ontario Viral infections in immunocompromised patients: what's new with respiratory viruses?
cord-019010-9xgwjvsvInfluenza pneumonia: a descriptive study Influenza infection and risk of acute pulmonary embolism Anticoagulants for acute respiratory distress syndrome: can they work?
cord-014538-6a2pviol( 2) to what extent does this relationship impact their experience of ICU?
cord-014538-6a2pviol6 Réanimation Médicale An audit of intensive care unit recyclable waste S77 Point of care ultrasonography: is there a place for pocket size ultrasonography devices?
cord-014538-6a2pviolFormalisées d'Experts « Prise en charge des infections intra- abdominales Strategies to reduce curative antibiotic therapy in intensive care units( adult and paediatric) Risk factors for developing ESBL E. coli: can clinicians predict infection in patients with prior colonization?
cord-014538-6a2pviolQuand y penser-quoi faire Outcomes of early decompressive craniectomy versus conventional medical management after severe traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta- analysis Myocardial dysfunction evaluation in pediatric brain death donor Service de régulation et d'appui, Agence biomedecine Prone position for acute respiratory failure in adults Prone positioning in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome Effects of the prone position on respiratory mechanics and gas exchange during acute lung injury Does prone positioning increase intracranial pressure?
cord-014538-6a2pviolSpecifically, our research questions were, with regards to the letters'content,( 1) how is the caring relationship tackled and characterized by relatives?
cord-014538-6a2pviolWhere should we place the stethoscope's chestpiece to hear the noise of the primary bronchi?
cord-014538-6a2pviolanalysis of 5263 patients using a national inpatient database in Japan Is the 77.1% rate of in- hospital mortality in patients receiving venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation really that high?
cord-014538-6a2pviolanswers from the microcirculation?
cord-014538-6a2pviolwhat finding?
cord-016476-78r0rsio: how does it differ from IPF?
cord-016476-78r0rsioHow should the clinical approach differ?
cord-016476-78r0rsioMethotrexate use and risk of lung disease in psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease: systematic literature review and metaanalysis of randomised controlled trials Risk factors for methotrexate- induced lung injury in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a multicenter, case- control study Reducing the risk of methotrexate pneumonitis in rheumatoid arthritis Pulmonary function in patients receiving long- term low- dose methotrexate Can baseline pulmonary function tests predict pulmonary toxicity in patients receiving methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis?
cord-016476-78r0rsioa prospective study incorporating HRCT scanning and pulmonary function tests Long- term safety of methotrexate monotherapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature research How common is methotrexate pneumonitis?
cord-016476-78r0rsioa systematic literature review HLA- A*31:01 and methotrexate- induced interstitial lung disease in Japanese rheumatoid arthritis patients: a multidrug hypersensitivity marker?
cord-016476-78r0rsioin patients with rheumatoid arthritis: comparison between switching from reference infliximab to CT- P13 and continuing CT- P13 in the PLANETRA extension study Efficacy and safety of switching from reference infliximab to CT- P13 compared with maintenance of CT- P13 in ankylosing spondylitis: 102-week data from the PLANETAS extension study A phase III randomised, double- blind, parallelgroup study comparing SB4 with etanercept reference product in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite methotrexate therapy Rituximab- induced lung disease: a systematic literature review Rituximab- induced interstitial lung disease Rituximab- induced interstitial lung disease: five case reports Lung involvement and drug- induced lung disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Safety and effectiveness of rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis following an inadequate response to 1 prior tumor necrosis factor inhibitor: the RESET trial The efficacy and safety of rituximab in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite methotrexate treatment: results of a phase IIB randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled, dose- ranging trial Efficacy and safety of different doses and retreatment of rituximab: a randomised, placebo- controlled trial in patients who are biological naive with active rheumatoid arthritis and an inadequate response to methotrexate Efficacy and safety of retreatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with previous inadequate response to tumor necrosis factor inhibitors: results from the SUNRISE trial Efficacy of B- cell- targeted therapy with rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Non- infectious pulmonary toxicity of rituximab: a systematic review Safety of abatacept administered intravenously in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: integrated analyses of up to 8 years of treatment from the abatacept clinical trial program A case of acute respiratory failure in a rheumatoid arthritis patient after the administration of abatacept A case of rheumatoid arthritis complicated with deteriorated interstitial pneumonia after the administration of abatacept Refractory rheumatoid arthritis with interstitial lung disease: could abatacept be the answer?
cord-016476-78r0rsiothe LOTUSS trial Is pirfenidone ready for use in non- idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis interstitial lung diseases?
cord-021917-z9wpjr0dHow will a hospital, or an ICU, care for a potentially massive influx of patients with communicable disease or specific requirements?
cord-018714-i291z2juHow is HHV-6 acquired?
cord-018714-i291z2juWhat are the targets of cell- mediated cytotoxicity?
cord-018714-i291z2jua brief report In vitro interferon- gamma release test in the diagnosis of druginduced erythema nodosum Drug induced psoriasis Advances in the diagnosis of drug eruptions Baboon syndrome resulting from systemic drugs: is there strife between SDRIFE and allergic contact dermatitis syndrome?
cord-021721-80pp1ra4The Tokyo subway Sarin attacklessons learned Emergency departments and crowding in US teaching hospitals Trends in emergency department utilization Do admitted patients held in the emergency department impact the throughput of treat- andrelease patients?
cord-021721-80pp1ra4Why pour such resources into building capacity that may never be used or undertake other costly initiatives in anticipation of disaster events?
cord-019968-o5bdb37qStrains B7a( serotype 0148 K?H28), H10407( serotype 078Hll) and 408- 3(? serotype) were used as positive enterotoxigenic( ST+/LT+) strains and gave mean ratios of 0"1077, 0- 0843 and 0.1203 respectively with ranges of 0.0769- 0.1466, 0.0700- 0.1066 and 0- 0707- 0.2877 respectively; with standard deviations of__ 0.022,+ 0.011 and-0- 0516 respectively.
cord-019968-o5bdb37qstrains B7a( serotype 0148 K? H28), H10407( serotype 078 Hll) and ST-/LT- U5/41( serotype 01K1H7) were kindly supplied by Dr B. Rowe, Salmonella and Shigella Reference Laboratory, Central Public Health Laboratory, Colindale Avenue, London NW9 5HT and ST+/LT+ strain 408- 3 and ST-/ LT
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzAnd with improvements leads to new interventions, can new assessment lead to new interventions?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzCan assessments lead to interventions?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzCan this system be measured for its effectiveness and improved based on feedbacks and results?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzHow reliable is measuring CSF opening pressure under GA?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzImportant questions raised were: Should all obese children with pIIH have access to a specialised obesity service?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzNo. 061 NMDA receptor encephalitis a potential complication of biologic therapy for juvenile idiopathic arthritis?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzShould CSF diversion surgery be restricted to cases of sight threatening pIIH only?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzShould all children have dedicated venographic imaging?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzShould repeat LPs be done for persistent symptoms?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzWhat are the information needs of parents whose child is diagnosed with glutaric aciduria type 1 to help preserve neuro- developmental outcome?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzWhat are the perspectives and understanding of healthcare professionals including occupational therapists on treatment and care of babies with infantile spasms and early- onset epilepsy?
cord-009713-sxd4t2tzWhere LP is not possible should ICP monitoring always be done?
cord-012518-ncrdwtdgIn different countries the frequency( incidence?) of the disease varies from 0.7 to 31%.
cord-012518-ncrdwtdgIn situ donor keratometry in deceased patients as a new screening technique for eye banking?
cord-012518-ncrdwtdgIst das U- Net zur Objektivierung manueller Markierungen in Phasenkontrastmikroskopbildern geeignet?
cord-012518-ncrdwtdgLHON- Therapie mit Idebenon-wann beginnen, wie lange therapieren?
cord-012518-ncrdwtdgThe Bowman layer transplantation can restore not only normal anatomy of cornea, but also intercellular interactions( relationships?)
cord-012518-ncrdwtdgTime window for intervention?
cord-012518-ncrdwtdgi m Erwachsenenalter?
cord-012518-ncrdwtdgkeep the eye muscles in place, and thereby acts like a pulley?
cord-012518-ncrdwtdgoder nicht?
cord-021713-e0hzcag6Does interferon and ribavirin combination therapy increase the rate of treatment response in children with hepatitis C?
cord-021713-e0hzcag6Hepatitis C virus RNA kinetics during the initial 12 weeks treatment with pegylated interferon- alpha 2a and ribavirin according to virological response Alpha interferon and ribavirin combination therapy of chronic hepatitis D HIV/ hepatitis C virus- coinfected virologic responders to pegylated interferon and ribavirin therapy more frequently incur interferon- related adverse events than nonresponders do Should living donor liver transplantation be offered to patients with hepatitis C virus cirrhosis?
cord-015024-2xzc0uc5Does chest physical therapy work?
cord-015024-2xzc0uc5Intraoperative fluid restriction improves outcome after major elective gastrointestinal surgery SURROGATE DESIGNATION: CAN WE TRUST OUR RELATIVES?
cord-015024-2xzc0uc5The development and evaluation of an incident reporting system in intensive care Adverse events in critical ill patients Ministry of Health and Social Policy 1254 COMMUNICATION: A KEY FACTOR IN THE PATIENT SAFETY?
cord-015024-2xzc0uc5There was however a clear decrease in serum ferritin levels from 162 ± 48 at baseline to 109?
cord-015024-2xzc0uc5To the staff of the critical care department, faculty of medicine Injury severity and quality of life: whose perspective is important?
cord-015024-2xzc0uc5sodium bicarbonatein treting lactic acidosis from shock?
cord-022521-r72jtoso: What is the current treatment and what are the challenges?
cord-022173-kb6mez61report from the consensus conference on clinical practice in chronic GVHD Obliterative bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome in lung transplant recipients: can thin- section CT findings predict disease before its clinical appearance?
cord-018303-dvuwhpyqShould the United States pursue international agreements regarding the entry of military aircraft carrying contagious disease patients into other countries under certain conditions?
cord-018303-dvuwhpyqWhat is the role of methods such as vaporized hydrogen peroxide in decontaminating aircraft after transport of patients with highly infectious diseases?
cord-018303-dvuwhpyqWhat is the utility of ultraviolet( UV) light in reducing transmission of airborne infections in aircraft?
cord-018303-dvuwhpyqWill additional smoke and simulant dispersal studies be done in various current AE aircraft to determine optimal aircraft type and patient configurations for AE of patients with contagious diseases?
cord-018303-dvuwhpyqWould the use of HEPA- filtered recirculated air reduce the risk of disease transmission in USAF aircraft that could potentially be used for tactical or strategic AE?
cord-017350-rwqaw5ii( e.g., Are the major sepsis- induced inhibitory mechanisms fully elucidated?
cord-017350-rwqaw5iiCould immune dysfunction be just another organ failure?).
cord-017350-rwqaw5iiHow important is the neuroendocrine- mediated part of immunosuppression?
cord-017350-rwqaw5iiHow large a part is played by physicianinduced immunosuppression, as sedatives, catecholamines, and insulin are all immunsuppressive agents?
cord-017350-rwqaw5iiHow preponderant is immune failure among other organ failures?
cord-017350-rwqaw5iiIs the cellular energetic status crucial in maintaining immune functions?
cord-018595-x3tleombPseudoporphyria induced by voriconazole Pseudoporphyria induced by propionic acid derivatives Diclofenac- induced pseudoporphyria; an under- recognized condition?
cord-018595-x3tleombResults from the prospective RegiSCAR study Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms: is cutaneous phenotype a prognostic marker for outcome?
cord-018595-x3tleombVariability in the clinical pattern of cutaneous side- effects of drugs with systemic symptoms: does a DRESS syndrome really exist?
cord-018595-x3tleombWhat is a serious adverse event?
cord-014533-6qfecv5hA 6 yr prospective evaluation of the single tapered dilator technique Can outcomes of intensive care unit patients undergoing tracheostomy be predicted?
cord-014533-6qfecv5hA Quality Finish?
cord-014533-6qfecv5hAssociated With Chronic Opioid Use?
cord-014533-6qfecv5hCombined ICU multi- disciplinary handover rounds with the lead consultant asking the question"Can this patient be mobilised?"for every patient reviewed.
cord-014533-6qfecv5hCrit Care Are the dysnatremias a permanent threat to the critically ill patient?
cord-014533-6qfecv5hThe impact of organ dysfunction in cirrhosis: survival at a cost?
cord-014533-6qfecv5hWhat Do Recent Studies Tell Us?
cord-014533-6qfecv5ha case series Outcomes and cost of cardiac surgery in octogenarians is related to type of operation: a multiinstitutional analysis Aortic valve replacement with and without coronary artery bypass graft surgery in octogenarians: is it safe and feasible?
cord-014533-6qfecv5hcuff pressure control: does the CO2 matter?
cord-021701-yan5q2r7Do admitted patients held in the emergency department impact the throughput of treat- and- release patients?
cord-021701-yan5q2r7Why pour such resources into building capacity that we hope never to use?
cord-018318-vzzrsqsn? Impact of hepatic vein deprivation on liver regeneration after major hepatectomy Loss of NF- kB activation in Kupffer cell- depleted mice impairs liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy
cord-018318-vzzrsqsnHypercoagulability, hypocoagulability or normocoagulability?
cord-018318-vzzrsqsnPerioperative nutritional support in patients undergoing hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma Kidney failure following liver resection Frailty as a predictor of surgical outcomes in older patients Analysis of morbidity and mortality rates in right hepatectomy with the preoperative APACHE II score Should hepatic resections be performed at high- volume referral centers?
cord-018318-vzzrsqsnWhere do we stand?
cord-018318-vzzrsqsnartifi cial extracorporeal liver support-- how does Prometheus compare with MARS?
cord-019490-m1cuuehiThe origin of CRP and GSH in CSF is unknown( production in CNS and/or from blood due to blood- brain barrier permeability increasing?).
cord-018454-sy21cpffHow should we approach classification of autoinflammatory diseases?
cord-018454-sy21cpffStill's disease with disseminated intravascular coagulation and multiple organ dysfunctions dramatically treated with cyclosporine A Macrophage activation syndrome associated with adult- onset Still's disease successfully treated with anakinra Thrombotic microangiopathy and purtscher- like retinopathy associated with adult- onset Still's disease: a role for glomerular vascular endothelial growth factor?
cord-018454-sy21cpffStill's disease: can recent advances in our understanding of its pathogenesis lead to targeted therapy?
cord-018454-sy21cpffStill's disease: rapid response to anakinra Ten years of clinical experience with adult onset Still's disease: is the outcome improving?
cord-021905-fjcks7w4What Really Matters?
cord-021905-fjcks7w4What is an asthma trigger?
cord-019063-mcxbl8mvIs the incidence of parasitic lung diseases increasing, and how may this effect modern respiratory medicine?
cord-019063-mcxbl8mvThe course of lung function in treated tropical eosinophilia Diffusing capacity in acute untreated tropical eosinophilia Pulmonary membrane diffusing capacity and capillary blood volume in tropical eosinophilia Persistent lower respiratory tract infl ammation associated with interstitial lung disease in patients with tropical pulmonary eosinophilia following treatment with diethylcarbamazine How to diagnose and manage common parasitic pneumonias?
cord-019063-mcxbl8mvbreaking the paradigm?
cord-018780-zeok60hnAdditionally, does the space have a clearly demarcated area for doffing of PPE?
cord-018780-zeok60hnEarly identification and prevention of the spread of Ebola-United States Clinical inquiries regarding Ebola virus disease received by CDC- United States Development and use of mobile containment units for the evaluation and treatment of potential Ebola virus disease patients in a United States hospital Institutional preparedness to prevent future Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus- like outbreaks in Republic of Korea Ebola or not?
cord-018780-zeok60hnFirst, is the room appropriate to support the care of a patient- is the room AII and is there a private bathroom( or other appropriate individual toileting procedure) available?
cord-018780-zeok60hnSecond, does the location of the room( or rooms, if multiple rooms will be used) support both safe entry of clean clinical personnel into the room and safe exit for contaminated clinical personnel?
cord-018780-zeok60hnThird, is the room in a location within the ED where its use for evaluation of the PUI will not excessively disrupt other ED activities?
cord-022216-k4pi30sdA meta- analysis of peritoneal drainage versus laparotomy for perforated necrotizing enterocolitis Is there a role for high jejunostomy in the management of severe necrotizing enterocolitis?
cord-022216-k4pi30sdevidence of gut ischemia in a normodynamic model of septic shock Bacterial toxins and enteral feeding of premature infants at risk for necrotizing enterocolitis Escherichia coli transcytosis in a caco-2 cell model: implications in neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis Inflammation in the developing human intestine: a possible pathophysiologic contribution to necrotizing enterocolitis A critical analysis of the routine testing of newborn stools for occult blood and reducing substances Colonic pneumatosis intestinalis in preterm infants: different to necrotizing enterocolitis with a more benign course?
cord-023288-sqr33y72Enrolled children were aged 2- 16 years with recurrent wheeze and required Ն600?
cord-023288-sqr33y72Ever diagnosed asthma 27.9 Current asthma('Does he/ she still have asthma?')
cord-018620-3kqx8arnEndothelial dysfunction and decreased production of nitric oxide in the intrahepatic microcirculation of cirrhotic rats Hemodynamic mechanism of esophageal varices Pathophysiology of portal hypertension and esophageal varices Portal hypertension and its complications Is sinusoidal portal hypertension a necessary factor for the development of hepatic ascites?
cord-018620-3kqx8arnRecent data on incidence and treatment Intestinal permeability in cirrhotic patients with and without spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: is the ring closed?
cord-018620-3kqx8arnThe model for end- stage liver disease( MELD) MELD vs Child- Pugh and creatinine- modified Child- Pugh score for predicting survival in patients with decompensated cirrhosis MELD score is better than Child- Pugh score in predicting 3-month survival of patients undergoing transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt Comparison and improvement of MELD and Child- Pugh score accuracies for the prediction of 6-month mortality in cirrhotic patients Comparison of MELD, Child- Pugh, and Emory model for the prediction of survival in patients undergoing transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting Systematic review: The model for end- stage liver disease-should it replace Child- Pugh's classification for assessing prognosis in cirrhosis?
cord-018620-3kqx8arnThe real capabilities of contrast- enhanced ultrasound in the characterization of solid focal liver lesions Noninvasive tests for liver disease, fibrosis, and cirrhosis: is liver biopsy obsolete?
cord-018620-3kqx8arnToo much lactate or too little liver?
cord-019064-e5z92vg8Steroid use during pregnancy Double- blind, randomized, placebo- controlled pilot study of leflunomide in systemic lupus erythematosus Human papillomavirus is associated with the frequent detection of warty and basaloid high- grade neoplasia of the vulva and cervical neoplasia among immunocompromised women Idiopathic NSIP: an interstitial lung disease associated with autoimmune disorders?
cord-019064-e5z92vg8The contribution of leflunomide to efficiency Low salivary dehydroepiandrosterone and androgen- regulated cysteine- rich secretory protein 3 levels in Sjogren's syndrome Pilot clinical trial of dehydroepiandrosterone( DHEA) versus placebo for Sjogren's syndrome Prevalence of primary Sjögren's syndrome in an elderly population Effects of prasterone on corticosteroid requirements of women with systemic lupus erythematosus Dehydroepiandrosterone in systemic lupus erythematosus Is there a case for DHEA replacement?
cord-019064-e5z92vg8The effect of combined estrogen and progesterone hormone replacement therapy on disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus: a randomized trial Can women with systemic lupus erythematosus safely use exogenous estrogens?
cord-019064-e5z92vg8does it exist?
cord-018907-c84t1bo5( to predict what are the likely pathogens), what clinical specimen(s) should be obtained( empiric/ definitive therapy)?
cord-018907-c84t1bo5Infections in the immunocompromised Low risk episodes of fever and neutropenia in pediatric oncology: is outpatient oral antibiotic therapy the new gold standard care?
cord-018907-c84t1bo5and which antimicrobial agents have predictable activity against pathogens?
cord-018907-c84t1bo5that is/ are affected?
cord-018907-c84t1bo5what the clinical syndrome/ site of infection is?
cord-023303-fxus38mpEnrolled children were aged 2- 16 years with recurrent wheeze and required Ն600?
cord-023303-fxus38mpEver diagnosed asthma 27.9 Current asthma('Does he/ she still have asthma?')
cord-009997-oecpqf1jQuestions addressed their current feeding route and perception, for example,"What aspect(s) of tube feedings are beneficial to you?"
cord-009997-oecpqf1jThe question remains: which mechanisms influence platelet immune function and are they developmentally regulated?
cord-009997-oecpqf1jand"What aspect(s) of tube feeding worry or scare you?
cord-015348-qt0worsl( 2) ABMR but no C4d?
cord-015348-qt0worsl( 3) Are"atypical"staining patterns of diagnostic relevance?
cord-015348-qt0worsl** Germany How to scale image information in virtual slides?
cord-015348-qt0worslExpression of MMP-2 and PTEN in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma- biological predictors?
cord-015348-qt0worslHow to separate follicular adenoma from follicular carcinoma and follicular variant PTC?
cord-015348-qt0worslIn my talk, I will address the following issues:( 1) C4d deposits but no ABMR?
cord-015348-qt0worslIs this entirely new?
cord-015348-qt0worslThe association between neoplasia of the endometrium and others benign genital lesions: independent or similar mechanism?
cord-015348-qt0worslThe first question to be considered when handling a problematic pleural biopsy is: Is the biopsy material adequate and representative as can be judged from clinical, imaging and thoracoscopic findings?
cord-015348-qt0worslUpdates of TNM classification: for the better or worse?
cord-015348-qt0worslantigens reliable markers of stem cells in squamous cell carcinoma of vulva?
cord-019027-6chba2ru2009 International Clinical Practice Guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society of America Contamination, disinfection, and cross- colonization: are hospital surfaces reservoirs for nosocomial infection?
cord-019027-6chba2ruAntimicrobial efficacy of copper surfaces against spores and vegetative cells of Clostridium difficile: the germination theory Are hygiene standards useful in assessing infection risk?
cord-019027-6chba2ruHow do we assess hospital cleaning?
cord-019027-6chba2ruThe antimicrobial efficacy of copper alloy furnishing in the clinical environment: a crossover study Vapor- phase hydrogen peroxide as a surface decontaminant and sterilant Estimating health care- associated infections and deaths in U.S. hospitals How long do nosocomial pathogens persist on inanimate surfaces?
cord-019027-6chba2ruWhat is the evidence for a causal link between hygiene and infections?
cord-024956-oht0v33sWhat to do next to control the 2019-ncov epidemic?
cord-023483-owgs4syoIn so doing, are we trading off short- term risk for ultimate worse long- term outcomes?
cord-023483-owgs4syoShould we continue to treat our patients using standard guidelines or should we modify our treatments to mitigate risk?
cord-024073-243addffrespiratory syndrome Rapid response: Re: preventing a Covid-19 pandemic-is there a magic bullet to save COVID-19 patients?
cord-023186-gqltd6u0Can the Raised-Volume Passive Expiration Flow- Volume Curve Be Used to Estimate Pulmonary Functions in Infants?
cord-023186-gqltd6u0However, in TOF patients, restrictive type was slightly more common than obstructive type. J-115| To Squeeze or Not to Squeeze?
cord-022594-fx044gcdDoes the history of multiple sclerosis go back as far as the 14th century?
cord-022594-fx044gcdThe 150-year anniversary of multiple sclerosis: Does its early history give an etiological clue?
cord-022594-fx044gcdWhen should treatment be initiated in patients with very early demyelinating disease?
cord-016960-xhzvp35g( 2007)?
cord-016960-xhzvp35g(, 2005?
cord-016960-xhzvp35g: where does it come from?
cord-016960-xhzvp35gDoes the use of tumour necrosis factor antagonist therapy in poor prognosis, undifferentiated arthritis prevent progression to rheumatoid arthritis?
cord-016960-xhzvp35gThe biology of VEGF and its receptors Development of ranibizumab, an antivascular endothelial growth factor antigen binding fragment, as therapy for neovascular agerelated macular degeneration Clinical and immune responses in resected colon cancer patients treated with anti- idiotype monoclonal antibody vaccine that mimics the carcinoembryonic antigen Clinical and immune responses in melanoma patients immunized with an anti- idiotype antibody mimicking disialoganglioside GD2 Is IgG galactosylation the relevant factor for pregnancy- induced remission of rheumatoid arthritis?
cord-016960-xhzvp35gThe wolf in sheep's clothing: the role of interleukin-6 in immunity, inflammation and cancer Gender disparity in liver cancer due to sex differences in MyD88-dependent IL-6 production Microchimerism: incidental byproduct of pregnancy or active participant in human health?
cord-016960-xhzvp35gTocilizumab: therapy and safety management Swedish natalizumab( Tysabri) multiple sclerosis surveillance study Partial reduction of human FOXP31 CD4 T cells in vivo after CD25-directed recombinant immunotoxin administration Enhancement of cell- mediated immunity in melanoma patients immunized with murine anti- idiotypic monoclonal antibodies( MELIMMUNE) that mimic the high molecular weight proteoglycan antigen Fc receptors in immune thrombocytopenias: a target for immunomodulation?
cord-016960-xhzvp35gVACTERL association?
cord-016960-xhzvp35gblocking antibodies transmitted from mother to child Prenatal diagnosis of Huntington disease in maternal plasma: direct and indirect study Pregnancy outcomes in patients with systemic autoimmunity Understanding systemic lupus erythematosus physiopathology in the light of primary immunodeficiencies Tumor necrosis factor- a inhibition and VATER association: a causal relationship?
cord-016960-xhzvp35gcase report and literature review Lethal vasculitis of coronary arteries in a neonate and two infants: possible neonatal variant of the MLNS/ IPN complex?
cord-023308-af5nihyiEnrolled children were aged 2- 16 years with recurrent wheeze and required Ն600?
cord-023308-af5nihyiEver diagnosed asthma 27.9 Current asthma('Does he/ she still have asthma?')
cord-015306-us58wwmp-SAT309 Does malnutrition interact with acute kidney injury in children?
cord-015306-us58wwmpC p.(Met1?)
cord-015306-us58wwmpChronic kidney disease during long- term follow- up in children treated with neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: do we need to worry?
cord-015306-us58wwmpDoes It Impact Outcome Of Kidney Transplant In Infants?
cord-015306-us58wwmpFinally, we had to close with a synthetic non resorbable plate( Goretex?), without skin closure.
cord-015306-us58wwmpIn both cases, kidney was successfully replaced intra abdominally at day 6, with superficial closure of facia and skin in one child and with Vicryl?
cord-015306-us58wwmpIn this situation, Goretex? plate is an option for initial wound closure and graft salvaging.
cord-015306-us58wwmpLong- term follow- up of children with nocturnal enuresis-do enuretics become nocturics?
cord-015306-us58wwmpP- SAT040 Fibronection in reflux nephropathy, is it a marker of grade of reflux?
cord-027551-a92lv4sh: what is the role for nutrition support in your daily practice?
cord-000718-7whai7nr: Are they the clues in determination of tumor grade?
cord-000718-7whai7nr: Do we need a cut- off?
cord-000718-7whai7nrA marker for BRAF mutated colorectal carcinomas?
cord-000718-7whai7nrAfter two mediastinal biopsies with unspecific features( Castleman disease?), the diagnostic one showed fibrosis, abundant small reactive lymphocytes( CD20+/CD3+) and areas with diffuse small- medium size lymphocytes positive for CD3, TdT, CD34, CD7, LMO2 and high Ki67.
cord-000718-7whai7nrAre HMB-45 and MIB1 results reliable for safe diagnosis of nevi?
cord-000718-7whai7nrCan we rely on alternative sampling method of radical prostatectomy specimens?
cord-000718-7whai7nrCould the appearance of this tumor be related either to transplanted pneumocytes or it is inmunosupression the main risk factor?
cord-000718-7whai7nrCould these AIPs provide the way to escape the cell death?
cord-000718-7whai7nrIs the contusion a cause of death per se?
cord-000718-7whai7nrMore than it meets the eye?
cord-000718-7whai7nrOFP-03- 002 Tumor budding in pancreatic cancer: Are we missing important prognostic information?
cord-000718-7whai7nrOFP-09- 002 Is quality of histological and cytological slides a palatable issue?:
cord-000718-7whai7nrPresent study investigated; could nuclear morphometery differentiate histomorphologically similar paediatric malignant small round cell tumors in H& E stained sections for using in a poor resource country?
cord-000718-7whai7nrTelomerase expression in urothelial carcinomas of the urinary bladder: Does it make sense for carcinogenesis or prognosis?
cord-000718-7whai7nrTurkey Objective: Is there an effect of the length of appendix vermiformis on the settlement of the bowel parasites?
cord-000718-7whai7nrWhich is the best method to measure multiple breast cancer?
cord-000718-7whai7nrWhich morphological criteria ensure the diagnosis?
cord-000718-7whai7nrand CyclinD3 useful to characterize oncocytic adenomas and carcinomas?
cord-000718-7whai7nrusual finding in gastrointestinal specimen?
cord-025749-mip9mkefTransient increase in intrathoracic pressure as a contributing factor to cardioembolic stroke Atrial fibrillation among Medicare beneficiaries hospitalized with sepsis: incidence and risk factors Pulmonary embolism in the mechanically- ventilated critically ill patient: is it different?
cord-023331-jrvmgnu3Enrolled children were aged 2- 16 years with recurrent wheeze and required Ն600?
cord-023331-jrvmgnu3Ever diagnosed asthma 27.9 Current asthma('Does he/ she still have asthma?')
cord-008695-y7il3hyb( neuraminidase inhibitors) during a pandemic?
cord-008695-y7il3hybAirway hyperreactivity and peripheral airway dysfunction in influenza A infection American College of Chest Physicians/ National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Conference on Oxygen Therapy Acute hypercapnic respiratory failure in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease: risk factors and use of guidelines for management Instability on hospital discharge and the risk of adverse outcomes in patients with pneumonia Pandemic influenza: is an antiviral response realistic?
cord-008695-y7il3hybAntibiotic choice for severe or complicated pneumonia?
cord-008695-y7il3hybDoes this patient have influenza?
cord-008695-y7il3hybFor how long should antibiotics be given?
cord-008695-y7il3hybThe impact of influenza epidemics on mortality: introducing a severity index Human influenza Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology Clinical features of influenza Age and Asian influenza, 1957 Rapid diagnosis of primary influenza pneumonia Importance of Staphylococcus aureus in pneumonia in the 1957 epidemic of influenza A Should staff in long- stay hospitals for elderly patients be vaccinated against influenza?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhat are the optimum antibiotic choices when specific pathogens have been identified?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhat drugs should be used for antiviral treatment during a pandemic?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhat general investigations should be done in the community?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhat monitoring should be conducted during a hospital stay?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhat severity assessment strategy is recommended for patients referred to hospital with influenzarelated pneumonia?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhen can children be safely discharged from hospital?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhen should the IV route be changed to oral?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhen should transfer to a high dependency unit( HDU) or intensive care unit( ICU) be considered?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhich adults require hospital referral?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWho should get antibiotics?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWho should receive antiviral drugs?
cord-027266-jdti1pwaThe anticoagulation and risk factors in atrial fibrillation( ATRIA) study Thyroid disease and the heart Interrelation of remodeling of the heart and blood vessels with thyrotoxicosis Low serum thyrotropin concentrations as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation in older persons Is there a place for the late cardioversion of atrial fibrillation?
cord-017016-twwa9djm366 Abnormalities in sperm flagella may differ in type and quantity from those of respiratory cilia within the same patient, suggesting separate genetic control of axone mal structures at differing loci?
cord-017016-twwa9djm97 More recently the prognosis is much better, but the mortality associated with established abscess formation remains in the range of25%?
cord-017016-twwa9djmA rare occurrence?
cord-017016-twwa9djmA viral disease?
cord-017016-twwa9djmColonization or infection?
cord-017016-twwa9djmDo nasal ciliary changes reflect bronchial changes?
cord-017016-twwa9djmLung abscess Should fiberoptic bronchoscopy aspirates be cultured?
cord-017016-twwa9djmScreening Young syndrome patients for CFTR mutations Respiratory tract disease and obstructive azoospermia Ciliary function in Young's syndrome Rutland I Mucociliary function, ciliary ultrastructure, and ciliary orientation in Young's syndrome Measurement of nasal potential difference in adult cystic fibrosis, Young's syndrome and bronchiectasis Viscoelastic properties of sputum from patients with Young's Syndrome Was Young's syndrome caused by exposure to mercury in childhood?
cord-017016-twwa9djmThe diagnostic criteria of TBM by CT scan are a tracheal diameter of greater than 3 cm( measured 2 cm above the aortic arch) and diameters of 2.4 and 2.3 cm for the right and left main bronchi, respectively.415Al?
cord-017016-twwa9djman uncommon cause of neonatal respiratory distress?
cord-023833-xpfibjh2A pilot study on implementation across multiple hospitals and multiple clinical areas Implementation of a mandatory checklist of protocols and objectives improves compliance with a wide range of evidence- based intensive care unit practices Measurable outcomes of quality improvement in the trauma intensive care unit: the impact of a daily quality rounding checklist Using a bundle approach to improve ventilator care processes and reduce ventilator- associated pneumonia Critical care medicine-quo vadis?
cord-023833-xpfibjh2The Checklist Manifesto: How To Get Things Right, 1st edn Evidence- based reviews and databases: are they worth the effort?
cord-026653-094bk0t0The relevance of tick bites to the production of IgE antibodies to the mammalian oligosaccharide galactose- α-1,3-galactose Alpha- Gal in therapeutics: more relevant than thought?
cord-022646-f7qs1obg( i) LSI13 and LSID13S319 for detection of 13q14 deletion; CEP12 for detection of aneuploidy of chromosome 12; LSIp53 for detection of 17p13 dele- meeting report: The top 10 clinically- oriented abstracts in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Soluble interleukin-2 receptor concentration as a biochemical indicator for acute graft- versus- host disease after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation Plasma biomarkers in graft- versushost disease: A new era?
cord-022646-f7qs1obgBiology of blood and marrow transplantation Acute lung injury after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: Is the lung a target of acute graft- versus- host disease?
cord-022646-f7qs1obgBut, what should constitute this medical care?
cord-022646-f7qs1obgIn vitroartifact or prerequisite for cell immortalization?
cord-022646-f7qs1obgWould MSCs be most effective combined with a specific consistent second- line therapy?
cord-025172-qg3jxgchDoes HIV influence outcomes after trauma?
cord-025172-qg3jxgchEstimated HIV incidence and prevalence in the United States World Health Organization( WHO) Assessing the impact of HIV status on injury outcomes: a multicenter study of trauma patients in Rwanda Human immunodeficiency virus infection in trauma patients: where do we stand?
cord-022103-4zk8i6qbThe effects of antibiotics on the microbiome throughout development and alternative approaches for therapeutic modulation Multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreak in a pediatric oncology ward related to bath toys Molecular epidemiology of Candida parapsilosis sepsis from outbreak investigations in neonatal intensive care units Outbreak of fungemia due Candida parapsilosis in a pediatric oncology unit Single molecule sequencing to track plasmid diversity of hospital- associated carbapenemase- producing Enterobacteriaceae Whole genome sequencing in real- time investigation and management of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreak on a neonatal intensive care unit Modes of transmission of respiratory syncytial virus Transmission of influenza A in human beings Tuberculosis among adult visitors of children with suspected tuberculosis and employees at a children's hospital Airborne transmission of communicable infection: the elusive pathway Control of influenza in healthcare settings: early lessons from the 2009 pandemic Surgical masks for protection of healthcare personnel against pandemic novel swine- origin influenza A( H1N1)-2009: results from an observational study Protecting healthcare personnel from acquiring Ebola virus disease How often do asymptomatic healthcare workers cause methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus outbreaks?
cord-022103-4zk8i6qbThe effects of antibiotics on the microbiome throughout development and alternative approaches for therapeutic modulation Necessary infrastructure of infection prevention and healthcare epidemiology programs: a review Guidance for infection prevention and healthcare epidemiology programs: healthcare epidemiologist skills and competencies Approaches for preventing healthcareassociated infections: go long or go wide?
cord-022103-4zk8i6qbThe scientific basis for using surveillance and risk factor data to reduce nosocomial infection rates Feeding back surveillance data to prevent hospital- acquired infections Statistical process control as a tool for research and healthcare improvement National Healthcare Safety Network report, data summary for 2013, device- associated module Lack of patient understanding of hospitalacquired infection data published on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Hospital Compare website Compliance with prevention practices and their association with central line- associated blood stream infections in neonantal intensive care units Guidance on public reporting of healthcareassociated infections: recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee Reconsidering contact precautions for endemic methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin- resistant Enterococcus Approaches for preventing healthcareassociated infections: go long or go wide?
cord-022103-4zk8i6qbUpdated Recommendations for Use of Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid, and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine( Tdap) in Pregnant Women- Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices( ACIP) Molecular characterization of strains of respiratory syncytial virus identified in a hematopoietic stem cell transplant outpatient unit over 2 years: community or nosocomial infection?
cord-022103-4zk8i6qbwhat can we do to prevent infections?
cord-018601-mk66097yA mutation found in the promoter region of the human survivin gene is correlated to overexpression of survivin in cancer cells Primary pulmonary hypertension between inflammation and cancer Protective role of angiopoietin-1 in experimental pulmonary hypertension Primary pulmonary hypertension in a patient with a familial platelet storage pool disease: role of serotonin Increased plasma serotonin in primary pulmonary hypertension Role of serotonin in the pathogenesis of acute and chronic pulmonary hypertension Endothelin-1 and serotonin: mediators of primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension?
cord-018601-mk66097yFor example, why is the pathology of PAH restricted to the pulmonary vessels, leaving all the systemic vessels intact?
cord-018601-mk66097yIs there a link between these diverse abnormalities?
cord-018601-mk66097yPrognostic factors for survival in human immunodeficiency virus- associated pulmonary arterial hypertension Expression of human herpesvirus 8 in primary pulmonary hypertension Pulmonary hypertension,"plexogenic pulmonary artericopathy"and the appetite depressant drug aminorex: post or propter?
cord-018601-mk66097yWhat is it that predisposes the pulmonary arteries or protects the systemic arteries from this disease?
cord-018601-mk66097yWhile the mechanisms that we discuss below, alone or in combination, can explain most of the features of PAH, no mechanisms so far can adequately explain perhaps the biggest mystery of this challenging disease: Why are the vascular abnormalities in PAH restricted to the pulmonary circulation?
cord-018601-mk66097ycase report and review of the literature High prevalence of hypothyroidism in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension Hypothyroidism and primary pulmonary hypertension: an autoimmune pathogenetic link?
cord-018601-mk66097ymarker or mediator of disease?
cord-028709-r1inj3raAre there benefits?
cord-007818-jfp9uumb( 2) How should these healthcare professionals be trained?
cord-007818-jfp9uumb( 3) How should electricity be supplied to ICUs in resource- limited settings?
cord-007818-jfp9uumb( 4) How should oxygen be supplied to ICUs in resource- limited settings?
cord-007818-jfp9uumb( 5) Which hygienic facilities are fundamental in ICUs in resource- limited settings?
cord-007818-jfp9uumb( 6) Which technical equipment should be available in ICUs in resource- limited settings?
cord-007818-jfp9uumb( 7) Which quality measures to improve care should be implemented in ICUs in resourcelimited settings?
cord-007818-jfp9uumb* Eradicating central line- associated bloodstream infections statewide: the Hawaii experience Decreasing centralline- associated bloodstream infections in Connecticut intensive care units Achieving zero central line- associated bloodstream infection rates in your intensive care unit Does the architecture of hospital facilities influence nosocomial infection rates?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbAn official American Thoracic Society Systematic review: the effect of nighttime intensivist staffing on mortality and length of stay among intensive care unit patients Economic implications of nighttime attending intensivist coverage in a medical intensive care unit Standards for nurse staffing in critical care units determined by: The British Association of Critical Care Nurses, The Critical Care Networks National Nurse Leads, Royal College of Nursing Critical Care and In- flight Forum Nurse staffing, medical staffing and mortality in intensive care: an observational study Postoperative complications: does intensive care unit staff nursing make a difference?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbClinical features of severe malaria associated with death: a 13-year observational study in the Gambia Artesunate versus quinine for treating severe malaria Comparison of bedside and laboratory blood glucose estimations in critically ill children with shock Performance of point- of- care diagnostics for glucose, lactate, and hemoglobin in the management of severe malaria in a resource- constrained hospital in Uganda Accuracy of AccuChek glucose measurement in intensive care patients Bedside glucose monitoring- is it safe?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbDo intensivist staffing patterns influence hospital mortality following ICU admission?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbDo we need a pharmacist in the ICU?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbDoes telemonitoring of patients-- the eICU-- improve intensive care?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbFor example, can the technical equipment run with frequent electric current interruptions?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbHow reliable are the supply chains to obtain or replace the equipment and are local technicians available for repairs?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbIn this chapter, we aim to answer seven questions basic prerequisites for quality intensive care in resource- limited settings:( 1) Which healthcare professionals should provide care in ICUs in resourcelimited settings?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbIs donated equipment relevant in the local context and are clinicians educated on how to use it[ 134]?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbThe impact of early monitored management on survival in hospitalized adult Ugandan patients with severe sepsis: a prospective intervention study* Treatment outcomes after implementation of an adapted WHO protocol for severe sepsis and septic shock in Haiti Effectiveness of multifaceted hospitalwide qualityimprovement programs featuring an intervention to removeunnecessary urinary catheters at a tertiary care center in Thailand Effectiveness of a catheter- associated bloodstream infection bundle in a Thai tertiary care center: a 3-year study Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians sepsis treatment checklist: optimizing sepsis care in Canadian emergency departments A standardized rapid sequence intubation protocolfacilitates airway management in critically injured patients Checklist for early recognition and treatment of acute illness: International collaboration to improve critical care practice Will benchmarking ICUs improve outcome?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbWhat is an intensive care unit?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbWhat is an intensive care unit?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbWhat is the use?
cord-007818-jfp9uumbrandomised clinical trial Environmental contamination and persistence of Ebola virus RNA in an Ebola treatment center Seeking clearer recommendations for hand hygiene in communities facing Ebola: a randomized trial investigating the impact of six hand washing methods on skin irritation and dermatitis Is the use of boxed gloves in an intensive care unit safe?
cord-016372-opojt70eBeating heart surgery: does it make a difference?
cord-016372-opojt70eCardiac surgery Hemodynamic advantage to left atrial epinephrine administration in open heart surgery Lack of renoprotective effects of dopamine and furosemide during cardiac surgery Dopamine therapy for patients at risk of renal dysfunction following cardiac surgery: fact or fiction?
cord-016372-opojt70eCardiopulmonary bypass and the lung Oxygen derived free radical and postischemic myocardial dysfunction Reperfusion injury"by oxygen derived free radicals?
cord-016372-opojt70eDo off- pump techniques reduce the incidence of post- operatic atrial fibrillation in elderly patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting?
cord-016372-opojt70eIschemia- a coagulation problem?
cord-016372-opojt70eMyocardial oxygen supply and demand Manual of perioperative care in cardiac and thoracic surgery Reperfusion injury"by oxygen free radicals?
cord-016372-opojt70eRefractory postoperative torsades de pointes syndrome successfully treated with isoproterenol Atrial fibrillation following coronary artery bypass surgery Predictors of atrial fibrillation after coronary artery surgery: current trends and impact on hospital resources Atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery Is the incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation following cardiac valve surgery reduced by minimally invasive surgery( abstract)?
cord-016372-opojt70eRigid internal fixation of the sternum in postoperative mediastinitis Does bilateral internal mammary artery grafting increase surgical risk?
cord-016372-opojt70eStroke following coronary artery bypass grafting: a ten year study Usefulness of atrial fibrillation as a predictor of stroke after isolated coronary artery bypass grafting Differential effects of advanced age on neurologic and cardiac risks of coronary artery operations Risk factors for stoke after coronary artery bypass Central nervous system complications of open- heart surgery Postcardiotomy delirium: conclusions after 25 years?
cord-016372-opojt70eVentricular wall stress Comparison of two transfusion strategies after elective operations for myocardial revascularization Does hemoglobin affect perioperative myocardial lactate flux in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery?
cord-016372-opojt70eprevention and treatment Pharmacological approach for the prevention of atrial fibrillation after cardiovascular surgery Meta- analysis of the effectiveness of prophylactic drug therapy in preventing supraventricular arrhythmia early after coronary artery bypass grafting Atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting: is it a disorder of the elderly?
cord-016372-opojt70ereview of a counterproductive controversy Is kidney function altered by the duration of cardiopulmonary bypass?
cord-025176-f0frlpwhHow to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-025176-f0frlpwhShould the distribution of operating room time be in an"open block"fashion or should the block time grid be reconfigured for a limited number of weeks only, prior to complete reopening( stage 3)?
cord-028379-ghudhac6The role of the complement system in acute kidney injury Terminal complement complex in septic shock with capillary leakage: marker of complement activation?
cord-029211-6o7qn2y2Article 8 Pancreatectomy with arterial resection for pancreatic adenocarcinoma: how can it be done safely and with which outcomes?
cord-005727-li8pwigg; Hospital readmission within one- year?
cord-005727-li8pwiggAfter what duration of onset of AF you consider starting anticoagulation?
cord-005727-li8pwiggAre you aware of any guidelines?
cord-005727-li8pwiggDo you commence anti platelet therapy?
cord-005727-li8pwiggDo you commence anticoagulation for acute onset AF?
cord-005727-li8pwiggHow long do you continue anticoagulation?
cord-005727-li8pwiggIf yes, which guidelines?
cord-005727-li8pwiggIt could be that APACHE II is over estimating the severity of illness in these individuals, or is there something about the way chronic AF is treated that affects the response to critical illness, for example, anticoagulation therapy?
cord-005727-li8pwiggNext, participants were asked to explore the questions'How do you learn the mentioned items?'
cord-005727-li8pwiggShould the use of video laryngoscopy be implemented as a routine for airway management in a critical care setting?
cord-005727-li8pwiggSo, what is lost in translation?
cord-005727-li8pwiggTaurine and niacin block lung injury and fibrosis by down- regulating bleomycin- induced activation of transcription nuclear factor- kappaB in mice Antioxidants and sepsis: Can we find the ideal approach?
cord-005727-li8pwiggThe questions asked were; is there a protocol in your unit?
cord-005727-li8pwiggWhat do you use for anticoagulation and in what dose?
cord-005727-li8pwiggWhen is HIT really HIT?
cord-005727-li8pwiggand'What ways of learning do you find useful or superfluous?'
cord-005727-li8pwiggpredict: One- year all- cause mortality in ACS?
cord-005727-li8pwiggshould we use?
cord-029112-u507i0t0can the SF-12 replicate results from the SF-36 longitudinal studies?
cord-022653-qa1uph35Prevalence of wood dust sensitization in occupationally exposed workers in Germany- What can be tested?
cord-022653-qa1uph35Should we screen children with bronchial asthma for primary immune deficiencies?
cord-022653-qa1uph35| Is specific immunotherapy effective in subjects suffering from VKC?
cord-022653-qa1uph35| Oral immunotherapy with peach- juice in lipid transfer protein( LTP) allergy: is it possible to reach tolerance?
cord-023873-fidpskcsA 7-year study of severe hospital- acquired pneumonia requiring ICU admission Comparison of epidemiological, clinical, and biological features of invasive aspergillosis in neutropenic and nonneutropenic patients: a 6-year survey Galactomannan in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid: a tool for diagnosing aspergillosis in intensive care unit patients Immunoparalysis as a cause for invasive aspergillosis?
cord-023873-fidpskcsCorticosteroid treatment as a risk factor for invasive aspergillosis in patients with lung disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: benefits of intensive care?
cord-023873-fidpskcsSo, can a threshold of immunosuppression needed for the development of IA be defined?
cord-023873-fidpskcsTrends in the postmortem epidemiology of invasive fungal infections at a university hospital Revised definitions of invasive fungal disease from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/ Invasive Fungal Infections Cooperative Group and the Comparison of premortem clinical diagnoses in critically iII patients and subsequent autopsy findings Invasive aspergillosis in critically ill patients without malignancy Post mortem examination in the intensive care unit: still useful?
cord-023873-fidpskcsWho is at Risk for Developing IA in the ICU?
cord-029612-cts1al9zRobert Wood Johnson Foundation Do hospital mergers reduce costs?
cord-025666-u8w4sk07Perhaps then, should we refocus our efforts on measuring the impact of scarring of the mind on recovery of quality of life( QoL)?
cord-025666-u8w4sk07So, what is the next evolutionary step towards patientcentric measurement of recovery after a burn?
cord-025666-u8w4sk07That said, is this what patients truly care about and value the most?
cord-027805-p0bhju1s: Do we know what to do( and why)?
cord-027805-p0bhju1sCurrent issues Not being able to talk was horrid": A descriptive, correlational study of communication during mechanical ventilation Noninvasive ventilation outside the intensive care unit from the patient point of view: A pilot study How to cope with the mask?
cord-027805-p0bhju1sDoes noninvasive ventilation reduce the ICU nosocomial infection risk?
cord-025164-hqj22yxeNeuromuscular blockers in the acute respiratory distress syndrome: a meta- analysis Medical and ventilatory management of status asthmaticus Severe weakness complicating status asthmaticus despite minimal duration of neuromuscular paralysis Myopathy following mechanical ventilation for acute severe asthma: the role of muscle relaxants and corticosteroids Effects of cisatracurium on cerebral and cardiovascular hemodynamics in patients with severe brain injury Early, routine paralysis for intracranial pressure control in severe head injury: is it necessary?
cord-025164-hqj22yxeRetrospective pharmacoeconomic evaluation of dosing vecuronium by peripheral nerve stimulation versus standard clinical assessment in critically ill patients Consensus statement on perioperative use of neuromuscular monitoring The interpretation of train- of- four monitoring in intensive care: what about the muscle site and the current intensity?
cord-025164-hqj22yxeTactile and visual evaluation of the response to train- of- four nerve stimulation Incidence of complications in the post- anesthesia care unit and associated healthcare utilization in patients undergoing non- cardiac surgery requiring neuromuscular blockade 2005- 2013: a single center study Pharyngeal function and breathing pattern during partial neuromuscular block in the elderly: effects on airway protection Neuromuscular monitoring in the perioperative period Bispectral index for improving anaesthetic delivery and postoperative recovery Reduction in deep vein thrombosis incidence in intensive care after a clinician education program Deep vein thrombosis and its prevention in critically ill adults Complication profiles of adult asthmatics requiring paralysis during mechanical ventilation Critical illness myopathy and neuropathy Neuromuscular blockade and skeletal muscle weakness in critically ill patients: time to rethink the evidence?
cord-023033-tgt69ir6Following exposure to the T cell expander, the level of CD4+CD25+ T cells increased 4.5 times( 28.6 2 30.8) in normal controls, but only 1.85 times in AM-2 patients( 6.62?
cord-023033-tgt69ir6Full- length HCV cDNA corresponding to the pH77 strain previously shown to be infectious in the presence of?
cord-023033-tgt69ir6Ischemic preconditioning decreased serum ALT activity compared to control( 168?
cord-023033-tgt69ir6SEMI vs 333?
cord-023033-tgt69ir6p= O.O2), a difference present both at diagnosis( 2.24? 0.56, p<0.005) and during remission( 4.25 2 0.35, p= O.Ol).
cord-000977-ka4261wc(?= 0.11- 0.56, pre- RT and?=0.11- 0.46, post- RT).
cord-000977-ka4261wc0.31, pre- and post- RT) and SI of the urethral wall(?= 0.33, pre- and post- RT) and ranged from slight to moderate for SI of the pelvic muscles
cord-000977-ka4261wc1) Is there a correlation between the maximum standardised uptake value( SUVmax) of 18 F- FDG PET/ CT and maximum signal- intensity increase as well as type of signal- intensity curve( 1- 3) on dMRM? 2) Do contrast- enhanced LN negative on 18 F- FDG PET/ CT have a significantly lesser signal- intensity increase and/or lower curve grading on dMRM compared to 18 F- FDG PET/ CT positive LN?
cord-000977-ka4261wc1) Is there a correlation between the maximum standardised uptake value( SUVmax) of 18 F- FDG PET/ CT and maximum signal- intensity increase as well as type of signal- intensity curve( 1- 3) on dMRM? 2) Do contrast- enhanced LN negative on 18 F- FDG PET/ CT have a significantly lesser signal- intensity increase and/or lower curve grading on dMRM compared to 18 F- FDG PET/ CT positive LN?
cord-000977-ka4261wcAre the preferential patterns of myocardial iron overload preserved at the CMR follow- up?
cord-000977-ka4261wcCT assessment of post- resection arterial stumps for right- sided colorectal cancer: a potential marker of quality of resection?
cord-000977-ka4261wcCan iterative reconstructions improve the detection of small hypervascular liver nodules with dual- energy CT?
cord-000977-ka4261wcDiffusion- weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the female pelvis: do apparent diffusion coefficient values of the fat tissue change over the menstrual phases?
cord-000977-ka4261wcDoes heterogeneous echogenicity of the thyroid parenchyma influence the detection of multifocality and bilaterality for papillary thyroid carcinoma on preoperative ultrasound staging?
cord-000977-ka4261wcImaging of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer patients: How do enhancement kinetics of contrast- enhanced lymph nodes apparent on dynamic MR- mammography correlate with standardised uptake value of 18 F- FDG PET/ CT?
cord-000977-ka4261wcInter- reader agreement was fair for MD(?
cord-000977-ka4261wcIs a radiographer- led immediate reporting service for emergency department referrals a cost- effective initiative?
cord-000977-ka4261wcIs there a role for standard uptake value in the prognostic evaluation of lung nodules?
cord-000977-ka4261wcIschiofemoral impingement, do you want to believe?
cord-000977-ka4261wcNon- solid, part- solid or solid?
cord-000977-ka4261wcPreoperative classification of cerebral tumours by applying whole brain VPCT: which parameter to use in order to achieve the highest prognostic value?
cord-000977-ka4261wcThe"central vein sign": is there a place for susceptibility- weighted imaging in possible multiple sclerosis?
cord-000977-ka4261wcWhat could be done to improve this?
cord-000977-ka4261wcWhich T1 pulse should be used to study the preterm brain with a 3 Tesla scanner?
cord-000977-ka4261wccan weight- bearing MRI solve the problem?
cord-018412-kv3vxmcw-do we practice what we preach?
cord-018412-kv3vxmcw: are we ready if it happens again?
cord-018412-kv3vxmcw: should there be a line in the sand?
cord-018412-kv3vxmcwAre you aware of any hospitals doing this?
cord-018412-kv3vxmcwElder care in the ICU: spin bravely?
cord-018412-kv3vxmcwOpen visiting policies in intensive care units may not affect consent to organ donation Nonpharmacological interventions to manage common symptoms in patients receiving mechanical ventilation What criteria should be used for pet therapy in critical care?
cord-018412-kv3vxmcwThe very elderly admitted to ICU: a quality finish?
cord-018412-kv3vxmcwWhat about the future of ICUs?
cord-018412-kv3vxmcwhave we been and where are we going?
cord-018412-kv3vxmcwwhat weight or why weight?
cord-024189-t7mbsr25A population- based study Does this patient have temporal arteritis?
cord-024189-t7mbsr25A review Is there a place for large vessel disease in the diagnostic criteria for Behçet's disease?
cord-024189-t7mbsr25Proposal of an international consensus conference Epidemiology of systemic vasculitis: changing incidence or defi nition?
cord-024189-t7mbsr25Treatment of giant cell arteritis: interleukin-6 as a biologic marker of disease activity Large- vessel vasculitis Is duplex ultrasonography useful for the diagnosis of giant- cell arteritis?
cord-021742-sdz6d1r5A more aggressive approach?
cord-021742-sdz6d1r5A systematic review Chest tubes: indications, techniques, management and complications Recurrent re- expansion pulmonary edema Chest tube removal: End- inspiration or end- expiration?
cord-021742-sdz6d1r5Common or uncommon?
cord-021742-sdz6d1r5Do bullae indicate a predisposition to recurrent pneumothorax?
cord-021742-sdz6d1r5Is spirometry a predictor?
cord-021742-sdz6d1r5Low diagnostic yield with routine chest roentgenograms Safety of the transbronchial biopsy in outpatients Is routine chest radiography after transbronchial biopsy necessary?
cord-021742-sdz6d1r5The pathophysiology of progressive tension pneumothorax Pathogenesis of spontaneous pneumothorax with special reference to the ultrastructure of emphysematous bullae Infl uence of height on the risk of spontaneous pneumothorax Familial spontaneous pneumothorax Familial primary spontaneous pneumothorax consistent with true autosomal dominant inheritance Spontaneous pneumothorax in Norfolk Time relation between sale of cigarettes and the incidence of spontaneous pneumothorax Smoking and the increased risk of contracting spontaneous pneumothorax Fraser and Paré's Diagnosis of Diseases of the Chest Spontaneous pneumothorax in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Complications, treatment and recurrences Diseases of the pleural space Complications of attempted central venous injection performed by drug abusers Man's worst enemy- himself Spontaneous bilateral pneumothorax in drug addicts Alternate therapy for traumatic pneumothorax in"pocketshooters Pneumothorax in drug abusers: An urban epidemic?
cord-010088-s9tfvtao3C- S14- 01 DO WE REALLY NEED FFP?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoBut is this a myth?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoBut was the three- gene theory really wrong, when the boundaries of genes were not understood at the time?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoBut who decides what is false?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoHow can they be investigated and what should be considered?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoHow do I know if I have enough information to write a paper?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoHow has this happened?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoHow should my paper be put together to give it the best chance of being accepted?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoIf it is returned to me with comments from the reviewers, what should I do?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoIs it an ATMP or non- manipulated cell product, is it a blood product or a pharmaceutical?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoWHATS NEW WITH TRALI?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoWhat happens to my paper after I submit it?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoWhat is my next step if my paper is rejected, either without review or with review?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoWhat is the value of discussing case studies?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoWhat should be considered in different clinical situations?
cord-010088-s9tfvtaoWhere should I try to publish the paper?
cord-026392-cvb44v5vCan the patient decide?
cord-026392-cvb44v5vDoes this patient have medical decision- making capacity?
cord-026392-cvb44v5vThe experience of surrogate decision makers on being approached for consent for patient participation in research a multicenter study ICU research: the impact of invasiveness on informed consent Obtaining surrogate consent for a minimal- risk research study in the intensive care unit setting Who should consent for research in adult intensive care?
cord-029547-9ei1ram3A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person- to- person transmission: a study of a family cluster Characteristics of ocular findings of patients with coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19 Enteric involvement of coronaviruses: is faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-023592-w96h4rirtigecycline the answer?
cord-018840-ts2g1ux7A new paradigm for the treatment of sepsis: is it time to consider combination therapy?
cord-018840-ts2g1ux7A study of the American Bone Marrow Transplant Group Does intravenous immune globulin have a role in HIV- infected patients?
cord-018840-ts2g1ux7CCM.0000216189.80613.BB Mirror, mirror on the wall, which is the fairest meta- analysis of all?
cord-018840-ts2g1ux7The effect of prophylactic intravenous immune globulin on the incidence of septicemia in marrow transplant recipients Polyclonal immunoglobulin for treatment of bacterial sepsis: a systematic review Comparison of early IgM- enriched immunoglobulin vs polyvalent IgG administration in score- identified postcardiac surgical patients at high risk for sepsis Immunoglobulin prophylaxis in hematological malignancies and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Haemolytic anaemia after lung transplantation: an immune- mediated phenomenon Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy: how does IgG modulate the immune system?
cord-018840-ts2g1ux7Why have clinical trials in sepsis failed?
cord-018840-ts2g1ux7a pediatric oncology group study Afelimomab- another therapeutic option in sepsis therapy?
cord-018840-ts2g1ux7how to choose the best option for the patient?
cord-018840-ts2g1ux7the answer"no"?
cord-014670-e31g8lns( 2) Is it feasible to profit from the additional 3D information in the clinical setting?
cord-014670-e31g8lns2 value between 30-35 mm Hg and II group-6 patients with????
cord-014670-e31g8lns2 value between 30-35 mm Hg and II group-6 patients with????
cord-014670-e31g8lns2 value between 30-35 mm Hg and II group-6 patients with????
cord-014670-e31g8lns2 value between 30-35 mm Hg and II group-6 patients with????
cord-014670-e31g8lns6 patients we applied controlled hypocapnea with????
cord-014670-e31g8lns6 patients we applied controlled hypocapnea with????
cord-014670-e31g8lns6 patients we applied controlled hypocapnea with????
cord-014670-e31g8lns6 patients we applied controlled hypocapnea with????
cord-014670-e31g8lnsA 1,?
cord-014670-e31g8lnsA-21 patients receiving conventional therapy and B-19 patients who received CVVH for a period of 24 h. Criteria for receiving CVVH was a severe cardiovascular dysfunction( catcholamine support required in large amounts, norepinephfrine or epinephrine> 0.1?
cord-014670-e31g8lnsAt Group A( 25 patients) somatostatin( 250?
cord-014670-e31g8lnsChytra I 1, Kasal E 1, Bosman R 1,?
cord-014670-e31g8lnsThe objective was to determine:( 1) How accurate is the 3D imaging compared to the 2D method?
cord-014670-e31g8lnsx m-?
cord-028328-5lews3uwDelayed administration of antibiotics and atypical presentation in community- acquired pneumonia Antibiotics and pneumonia: is timing everything or just a cause of more problems?
cord-028328-5lews3uwIntrapulmonary penetration of linezolid Intrapulmonary pharmacokinetics of linezolid Pneumonia treatment process and quality Quality of care, process, and outcomes in elderly patients with pneumonia Antibiotic timing and diagnostic uncertainty in Medicare patients with pneumonia: is it reasonable to expect all patients to receive antibiotics within 4 hours?
cord-028328-5lews3uwThe role of atypical pathogens: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila in respiratory infection Diagnosis of pneumonia by cultures, bacterial and viral antigen detection tests, and serology with special reference to antibodies against pneumococcal antigens Pneumonia acquired in the community through drug- resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Multivariate analysis of risk factors for infection due to penicillin- resistant and multidrug- resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: a multicenter study Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a new communityacquired pathogen?
cord-018834-4ligp4ak-serious adverse events reported worldwide in 1998- 2000 Albumin administration in the acutely ill: what is new and where next?
cord-018834-4ligp4ak: how should you do it and what do the results mean?
cord-018834-4ligp4ak: systematic review of randomised controlled trials Beautiful small: misleading large randomized controlled trials?
cord-018834-4ligp4akAlbumin competitively inhibits glycation of less abundant proteins Impairment of serum albumin antioxidant properties in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome Review article: albumin as a drug-- biological effects of albumin unrelated to oncotic pressure Serum albumin level as a risk factor for mortality in burn patients Risk factors and prognosis of hypoalbuminemia in surgical septic patients Hypoalbuminemia in acute illness: is there a rationale for intervention?
cord-018834-4ligp4akAlbumin treatment reduces neurological defi cit and protects blood- brain barrier integrity after acute intracortical hematoma in the rat Serum albumin is a specifi c inhibitor of apoptosis in human endothelial cells Early albumin infusion improves global and local hemodynamics and reduces infl ammatory response in hemorrhagic shock Albumin resuscitation for traumatic brain injury: is intracranial hypertension the cause of increased mortality?
cord-018834-4ligp4akAlbumin- beyond fl uid replacement in cardiopulmonary bypass surgery: why, how, and when?
cord-018834-4ligp4akPost- operative hypoalbuminaemia and procalcitonin elevation for prediction of outcome in cardiopulmonary bypass surgery Albumin supplementation as a therapeutic strategy in cardiac surgery: useful tool or expensive hobby?
cord-018834-4ligp4akSaline or albumin for fl uid resuscitation in patients with traumatic brain injury Fluid therapy and the use of albumin in the treatment of severe traumatic brain injury Fluid resuscitation in patients with traumatic brain injury: what is a safe approach?
cord-018834-4ligp4akbiochemical properties and therapeutic potential S- nitroso- albumin carries a thiol- labile pool of nitric oxide, which causes venodilation in the rat Nitric oxide and peroxynitrite in health and disease Administration of albumin to patients with sepsis syndrome: a possible benefi cial role in plasma thiol repletion Albumin infl uences total plasma antioxidant capacity favorably in patients with acute lung injury Albumin-an important extracellular antioxidant?
cord-031544-clzt6kyg: cord-031544-clzt6kyg authors: Clavijo, Raul; Ramasamy, Ranjith; Halpern, Joshua; Melnick, Alexis; Stewart, Joshua; Rosenwaks, Zev; Brannigan, Robert title: “ Online ” and “ at- home ” versus traditional models of health care: enhancing access or impeding optimal therapeutics?
cord-022119-bzd9e1q6A simple model to help distinguish necrotizing fasciitis from nonnecrotizing soft tissue infection Hospital epidemiology of emergent cervical necrotizing fasciitis Septic arthritis of the hip by Fusobacterium necrophorum after tonsillectomy: a form of Lemierre syndrome?
cord-022119-bzd9e1q6Antibiotics b. Fungal culture c. HIV testing d. None? 4.
cord-022119-bzd9e1q6In addition to starting the patient on antifungal treatment, what other tests or treatments would be prudent in this patient?
cord-022119-bzd9e1q6Please refer to the supplementary information section for answers to these exercises.?
cord-022119-bzd9e1q6What is the most appropriate next step in treatment?
cord-022119-bzd9e1q6What is your next step in the management of this patient?
cord-022119-bzd9e1q6c. Perform an airway evaluation, and establish a secure airway if needed d. Perform a bedside ultrasound to assess for a drainable abscess?
cord-022119-bzd9e1q6d. Perform a throat culture and use results to guide antibiotic treatment?
cord-021075-8hba6au3L'IFN agit- il uniquement sur le mécanisme des poussées ou agit- il aussi sur le phénomène de progression lente?
cord-021075-8hba6au3Martin Dunitz Benign multiple sclerosis?
cord-021075-8hba6au3Quel est le rôle de l'auto- immunité dans la sclérose en plaques?
cord-021075-8hba6au3Si l'IFN agit essentiellement sur la partie de la progression liée à la constitution de lésions récentes lors de poussées( dégénérescence wallérienne?)
cord-021075-8hba6au3The prevalence of multiple sclerosis in Tayside, Scotland: do latitudinal gradients really exist?
cord-021075-8hba6au3Why treat early multiple sclerosis patients?
cord-021075-8hba6au3est- elle une maladie d'origine virale?
cord-021075-8hba6au3si l'effet principal( action sur le processus inflammatoire?)
cord-019347-tj3ye1mx: This research addresses the following question: when stratifying by race, gender, age, metropolitan/ rural place of residence and comorbidity, do adults with asthma have fewer ED or unscheduled office visits for urgent asthma care if they: a) have an identified primary care provider, or b) have health insurance?
cord-019347-tj3ye1mxSignificant Rr6 pre beta-2-agonists and?
cord-019347-tj3ye1mxThe patient was treated with interferon?
cord-019347-tj3ye1mxThe question was if CD30 activity in cord blood and in 1-year- old children correlates with development or not of allergy?
cord-019347-tj3ye1mxThe question,"Do you have Delta Crud?"was added.
cord-029991-0sy417j0Author details Airway epithelial differentiation and mucociliary clearance Effect of cuffed endotracheal tubes on tracheal mucous velocity Ventilator- associated pneumonia or endotracheal tube- associated pneumonia?
cord-029991-0sy417j0What is the best pulmonary physiotherapy method in ICU?
cord-018430-u3k8pds6( Fieldler's?) treated with ACTH; report of a case in a 7-year- old boy with improvement Acute aseptic myocarditis: corticosteroid therapy Dilated cardiomyopathy caused by acute myocarditis in pediatric patients: evolution of myocardial damage in a group of potential heart transplant candidates Immunosuppressive therapy in experimental and clinical myocarditis Lack of objective improvement in ventricular systolic function in patients with myocarditis treated with azathioprine and prednisone Treatment of chronic myocarditis with corticosteroids Gamma- globulin treatment of acute myocarditis in the pediatric population Long- term follow up of patients with dilated heart muscle disease treated with human leucocytic interferon alpha or thymic hormones initial results
cord-018430-u3k8pds6A minor villain?
cord-018430-u3k8pds6Anti- idiotype- pulsed B cells in the induction and expression of autoimmune myocarditis Viral myocarditis leading to cardiomyopathy: do cytokines contribute to pathogenesis?
cord-018430-u3k8pds6High- dose intravenous gammaglobulin for Kawasaki disease Giant cell myocarditis: evidence for the macrophage origin of the giant cells Giant cell myocarditis: an autoimmune disease?
cord-018430-u3k8pds6Potential role of sarcolemmal induction of the MHC and ICAM-1 in the detection of autoimmune mediated myocyte injury Should endomyocardial biopsy be performed for detection of myocarditis?
cord-018430-u3k8pds6The difficulty of diagnosing and treating myocarditis was recognized by Senac 1 in 1772:"The inflammation of the heart is difficult to diagnose and when we have diagnosed it, can we then treat it better?"
cord-018430-u3k8pds6The tyrosine kinase p56lck is essential in coxsackievirus B3-mediated heart disease Viral myocarditis: receptors that bridge the cardiovascular with the immune system?
cord-018430-u3k8pds6Validation study and meta- analysis of published HLA association studies Anti- idiotypic antibodies to a polyomavirus monoclonal antibody recognize cell surface components of mouse kidney cells and prevent polyomavirus infection Autoanti- idiotype: a basis for autoimmunity and a strategy for antireceptor antibodies Naturally occurring anti- idiotypic antibodies- mechanisms for autoimmunity and immunoregulation?
cord-018430-u3k8pds6What lessons can be learned from animal model studies in viral heart disease?
cord-018430-u3k8pds6a link between myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy?
cord-018430-u3k8pds6first report of disease recurrence in the transplanted heart Giant cell myocarditis- like appearance after transplantation: an atypical manifestation of rejection?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Adjunctive therapies Which patients will benefit from steroid therapy in CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Can steroids and macrolides have an addictive anti- inflammatory effect?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Could PK/ PD interventions change the outcomes in severe CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33How should microbiologic surveillance be performed in a global way?
cord-009278-98ebmd33How should viral infection be excluded before steroid treatment?
cord-009278-98ebmd33In non- severe CAP might new oral antibiotics be directed to once- daily dosages?
cord-009278-98ebmd33In patients with CAP presenting with high inflammatory response, can steroid therapy improve hard outcomes?
cord-009278-98ebmd33In severe CAP what is the best drug on top of beta- lactam therapy: macrolide or quinolone?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Is PCV13 superior to PPV23 in invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Is adult pneumococcal vaccination cost- effective in settings with high childhood vaccination rates?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Is vaccine efficacy equivalent in immunocompetent and immunosuppressed patients?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Should antiviral therapy be used empirically during influenza seasonal epidemics or all year?
cord-009278-98ebmd33What are the best steroid, steroid dose and duration in CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33What is the real burden of morbidity and mortality after CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33What is the role of tetracyclines in CAP treatment?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Which is the best scheme/ schedule of anti- pneumococcal vaccination?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Which is the epidemiology of lethal CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Which patients should be treated with antiviral therapy in CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Why is evidence of short duration antibiotic therapy in CAP not applied in clinical management?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Will vaccines directed to S. pneumoniae virulence factors be more efficient than current ones?
cord-023049-fio7cjj5Direct sequencing of the APTX gene revealed two variants, c.544- 2A> G, p?
cord-023669-3ataw6gyA randomized, controlled trial Anidulofungin: A new echinocandin with a novel profi le Combination antifungal therapy for invasive aspergillosis Treatment of solid organ transplant patients with invasive fungal infections: should a combination of antifungal drugs be used?
cord-023669-3ataw6gyAn evidence- based evaluation of important aspects of empirical antibiotic therapy in febrile neutropenic patients Effi cacy of caspofungin against invasive Candida or invasive Aspergillus infections in neutropenic patients Antifungal therapy in patients with fever and neutropeniamore rational and less empirical?
cord-023669-3ataw6gyHow often does it mimic Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia?
cord-023669-3ataw6gyHow should a patient with AIDS- associated PCP be managed if there is no improvement, or if there is deterioration, after 5 to 10 days of therapy?
cord-023669-3ataw6gyPosttransplant microbiological surveillance Should prophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in solid organ transplant recipients ever be discontinued?
cord-023669-3ataw6gyShould patients with AIDS- related PCP be intubated and provided with mechanical ventilation?
cord-023669-3ataw6gySpecifically, if a patient has a CD4+ T lymphocyte count of 400 cells/µL while receiving HAART and that patient's CD4+ T lymphocyte count was 50 cells/µL before HAART, is that patient at greater risk for developing an opportunistic infection than another patient whose current CD4+ T lymphocyte count is 400 cells/µL but whose nadir before HAART was 250 cells/µL?
cord-030216-l38i06v2: what is the role of interleukin-6?
cord-032335-6c9gt7t9systematic review and geriatrician's point of view Is frailty a prognostic factor for critically ill elderly patients?
cord-022501-9wnmdvg5Is erysipelas- associated Tinea pedis a site of streptococcal colonisation?
cord-022501-9wnmdvg5Is it necessary to incubate the BacT/ Alert blood culture bottles more than 3 days?
cord-022501-9wnmdvg5Regarding MEPM, it was 85.9% for 500 mg gid? and
cord-033279-bcf9568aa better predictor of suc- cessfulantibiotictherapythanprocalcitoninandC- reactive protein?
cord-023157-0lqlx2rvIn this study the answer to"Which is a better indicator for diabetes screening; BMI or waist circumference?"has been questioned.
cord-022658-mq91h15t: The Netherlands Cetirizine effects on objective measures of daytime sleepiness and performance Does cetirizine belong to the new generation of antihistamines?
cord-022658-mq91h15tDo you anticipate any problems from treatment?
cord-022658-mq91h15tDo you have any preferences in medications?
cord-022658-mq91h15tSpecifically, patients should be asked the following types of questions: How does rhinitis affect you daily?
cord-022658-mq91h15tThe effects of loratadine, diphenhydramine and placebo on worker productivity: results of a double blind trial[ Abstract 5601 Differential cognitive effects of terfenadine and chlorpheniramine Antihistamines, drowsiness, and psychomotor impairment: central nervous system effect of cetirizine Antihistamines and visual function: studies on dynamic acuity and the pupillary response to light A double- blind study of the effects of loratadine versus placebo on the performance of pilots Comparison of the effect of the macrolide antibiotics erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin on terfenadine steady- state pharmacokinetics and electrocardiographic parameters Torsades de pointes associated with drugs and toxins: recognition and management Loratadine and pseudoephedrine sulfate: a double- bhd, placebo- controlled comparison of a combination tablet( SCH 434) and its individual components in seasonal allergic rhinitis A cross- over comparison of acrivastine, pseudoephedrine and their combination in seasonal allergic rhinitis Fireman l?
cord-022658-mq91h15tThe familial incidence of allergic disease Comparison of patients'compliance with prescribed oral and inhaled asthma medications Determinants of patient compliance with allergen immunotherapy Is your asthmatic patient really complying?
cord-022658-mq91h15tWhat do you expect from anti- allergy therapy?
cord-022658-mq91h15tWhat medications or measures have you tried to reduce your symptoms?
cord-029626-j6b59y7a: have we improved?
cord-029626-j6b59y7aNYU Langone Health/ NYU School of Medicine Tele- trust: what is telemedicine's impact on the physician- patient relationship?
cord-029626-j6b59y7aThe transition from reimagining to recreating health care is now Tele- trust: what is telemedicine's impact on the physician- patient relationship?
cord-029626-j6b59y7aUse open- ended questions, such as"You scheduled this visit because of XYZ, what else would you like to discuss today?"to encourage more meaningful conversations.
cord-031130-xvkyt3l3An improved definition of immune heparin- induced thrombocytopenia in postoperative orthopedic patients Laboratory testing for the antibodies that cause heparin- induced thrombocytopenia: how much class do we need?
cord-031130-xvkyt3l3The approach to heparin- induced thrombocytopenia Ischemic limb necrosis in septic shock: what is the role of high- dose vasopressor therapy?
cord-031130-xvkyt3l3What is the potential for overdiagnosis of heparin- induced thrombocytopenia?
cord-027860-s97hdhh6( Do I have cold sores?
cord-027860-s97hdhh6Do I have genital herpes?
cord-027860-s97hdhh6How should this change the way I live my life?).
cord-027860-s97hdhh6The lesions are most Who to Screen?
cord-027860-s97hdhh6The question,"Do you regularly use condoms?"has little relevance to infection control for many sexual practices.
cord-024651-578c9ut5A Promising Approach For Non- CGD Primary Immune Deficiencies Requiring Myeloablation?
cord-028285-n4dommetAccessed Immediate and long- term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on delivery of surgical services Orthopaedic Education During the COVID-19 Innovations in neurosurgical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: is it time to reexamine our neurosurgical training models?
cord-028285-n4dommetCOVID-19: What are the challenges for NHS surgery?
cord-028285-n4dommetHow is intensive care reimbursed?
cord-028285-n4dommetThis raises the question: as the largest employer in the UK, should be the NHS be more responsible for addressing the health of its workforce?
cord-028285-n4dommetthe NHS post- COVID-19 COVID-19: Can Orthopaedic Surgeons Really Work From Home?
cord-025170-dtbm4ue1Ab)normal saline and physiological Hartmann's solution: a randomized double- blind crossover study Should chloride- rich crystalloids remain the mainstay of fluid resuscitation to prevent'pre- renal'acute kidney injury?:
cord-025170-dtbm4ue1The EMAISS study Effects of intravenous fluid restriction on postoperative complications: comparison of two perioperative fluid regimens: a randomized assessor- blinded multicenter trial Arterial pressure and the rate of elimination of crystalloid fluid Volume kinetics of Ringer's lactate solution in acute inflammatory disease Fluids and gastrointestinal function Is crystalloid preloading useful in spinal anaesthesia in the elderly?
cord-025170-dtbm4ue1The clinical use of albumin: the point of view of a specialist in intensive care Albumin in critically ill patients: the ideal colloid?
cord-025170-dtbm4ue1Volume preloading is not essential to prevent spinal- induced hypotension at caesarean section Variability in practice and factors predictive of total crystalloid administration during abdominal surgery: retrospective two- centre analysis A rational approach to perioperative fluid management Perioperative fluid management: turning art to science Perioperative fluid management: science, art or random chaos?
cord-025170-dtbm4ue1a randomised, placebo- controlled trial Do all trauma patients benefit from tranexamic acid?
cord-025170-dtbm4ue1the CRISTAL randomized trial Comparison of hydroxyethyl starch colloids with crystalloids for surgical patients: a systematic review and meta- analysis EMA recommendation to suspend HES is hazardous Data too important to share: do those who control the data control the message?
cord-005705-j765ruj1-Clinical trials should be appraised according to the ethical principle of distributive justice: what cost for what result?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Are we really reducing tidal volume- and should we?
cord-005705-j765ruj1As mentioned above, what makes the greatest contribution to clinical practice regarding the prevention of gastrointestinal bleeding in ICU patients:"discordant"metaanalyses of multiple RCTs[ 45, 46] or a well conducted cohort study[ 47]?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Assessing the use of activated protein C in the treatment of severe sepsis Is academic medicine for sale?
cord-005705-j765ruj1But how generalizable are the data generated by RCTs with excellent internal validity but limited external validity?
cord-005705-j765ruj1California's new law allowing surrogate consent for clinical research involving subjects with impaired decision- making capacity Suspension of the NIH ARDS Network fluids and catheters treatment trial Control group selection in critical care randomized controlled trials evaluating interventional strategies: an ethical assessment Beyond randomised versus observational studies How best to ventilate?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Do surrogate decision makers provide accurate consent for intensive care research?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Does it make ethical sense to distress family members by asking them to consent to yet another study on SDD or on the prevention of gastrointestinal bleeding?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Finally, will the lack of effect of prone positioning on mortality in RCTs[ 37] discourage clinicians from using this very inexpensive and effective maneuver to improve patient oxygenation, and will these clinicians continue to await an RCT providing"proof"of efficacy[ 30]?
cord-005705-j765ruj1How many studies will be needed to convince clinicians to use a method they do not want to use?
cord-005705-j765ruj1How useful are RCTs in critically ill patients?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Intermittent positive- pressure hyperventilation with high inflation pressures produces pulmonary microvascular injury in rats Improved prognosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome 15 years on Searching for evidence: do n't forget the foundations Effectiveness of antibiotic prophylaxis in critically ill adult patients: systematic review of randomised controlled trials Selective digestive decontamination: for everyone, everywhere?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Is informed consent always necessary for randomized, controlled trials?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Medicine based evidence, a prerequisite for evidence based medicine Truth survival in clinical research: an evidence- based requiem?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Non- therapeutic research in the EU in adults incapable of giving consent?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Or shall we wait until the"final"meta- analysis is"negative"and"proves"that clinicians were right when they refused to use SDD despite the accumulation of so- called evidence?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Safeguarding patients in clinical trials with high mortality rates Is the concept of informed consent applicable to clinical research involving critically ill patients?
cord-005705-j765ruj1The effect of waiving consent on enrollment in a sepsis trial Is informed consent always necessary for randomized controlled trials?
cord-005705-j765ruj1The integral role of clinical research in clinical care Is informed consent always necessary for randomized, controlled trials?
cord-005705-j765ruj1What ethical problems do RCTs raise in critically ill patients?
cord-005705-j765ruj1What have these multimilliondollar trials contributed?
cord-005705-j765ruj1What is best for ARDS management?
cord-005705-j765ruj1What is the socioeconomic role of RCTs?
cord-005705-j765ruj1Why not evaluate new therapeutic interventions sequentially under conditions of genuine equipoise?
cord-005705-j765ruj1authors: Dreyfuss, Didier title: Is it better to consent to an RCT or to care?:
cord-031821-rywdkqcdr o o f Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Clinical characteristics of COVID-19-infected cancer patients: A retrospective case study in three hospitals within Wuhan Do Patients with Cancer Have a Poorer Prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-030149-hkpjnqm9The pain course: a randomised controlled trial comparing a remote- delivered chronic pain management program when provided in online and workbook formats How health literacy and patient activation play their own unique role in self- management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( COPD)?
cord-030149-hkpjnqm9What do physical therapists think about evidence- based practice?
cord-030149-hkpjnqm9What does best practice care for musculoskeletal pain look like?
cord-033778-u2r0neycDifferent respiratory treatment for different phenotypes?
cord-030918-0w327dgjDoes this mean that we should devote our attention to chronic patients to the detriment of other activities, such as prevention programmes or the management of acute disease in primary care centres?
cord-030918-0w327dgjIs a paradigm change needed?
cord-030918-0w327dgjStatus complexicus?
cord-033247-2cbslnb7Anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery from the inappropriate sinus of valsalva Prevalence and cause of early Fontan complications: does the lymphatic circulation play a role?
cord-033247-2cbslnb7The primary question is"Do the risks of sudden cardiac events outweigh the risks of surgery?"and this study answers the question about the risks of surgery although the first part of the question about the preoperative risk in AAOCA is still to be answered.
cord-030369-4dn02a35If the strict definition of acute and subacute liver failure as"no past history of liver disease"is executed, how to name the patients who had a history of chronic liver disease( caused by HBV from mother to child transmission in China)?
cord-030369-4dn02a35When should"I"consider a new hepatitis B virus genotype?
cord-030369-4dn02a35is tenofovir the answer?
cord-032928-m0awip9yCan the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) affect the eyes?
cord-032928-m0awip9yCovid-19 pandemic and the skin- what should dermatologists know?
cord-033574-4y53ryoaa prospective cohort study Effects of weight loss on airway responsiveness in obese adults with asthma: does weight loss lead to reversibility of asthma?
cord-032930-ohsh46l2PKA- mediated effect of MAS receptor in counteracting angiotensin II- stimulated renal Na+-ATPase Renin angiotensin system in liver diseases: friend or foe?
cord-034036-1wigu3i3: what's new?
cord-031558-8wysernxHow can it be assessed?
cord-031558-8wysernxNo offense though, I'm chasing physicians down left, right and center, so them filling out that paper?
cord-031558-8wysernxwhat factors affect bundle adoption in a voluntary quality improvement campaign?
cord-031734-5wnvuk2nAre American surgical residents prepared for humanitarian deployment?
cord-031734-5wnvuk2nWar surgery in Afghanistan: a model for mass causalities in terror attacks?
cord-029770-72ncfyc5Human performance and cognition Prefrontal neuropsychological effects of sleep deprivation in young adults- a model for healthy aging?
cord-029770-72ncfyc5Sound and light levels are similarly disruptive in ICU and non- ICU wards Sleep disturbance: the patient care activities applied at the night shift in the intensive care unit Sleep quality and factors influencing self- reported sleep duration and quality in the general internal medicine inpatient population Quality and quantity of sleep and factors associated with sleep disturbance in hospitalized patients Objective sleep duration and quality in hospitalized older adults: associations with blood pressure and mood Quantity and quality of sleep in the surgical intensive care unit: are our patients sleeping?
cord-029770-72ncfyc5The impact of moderate sleep loss on neurophysiologic signals during working- memory task performance Sleep disruption in the intensive care unit Is delirium after cardiac surgery related to plasma amino acids and physical condition?
cord-029770-72ncfyc5a systematic review and qualitative meta- analysis Is there a final common neural pathway in delirium?
cord-029770-72ncfyc5delirium Fast, systematic, and continuous delirium assessment in hospitalized patients: the nursing delirium screening scale Bundling sleep promotion with delirium prevention: ready for prime time?
cord-032544-2yrqjw1oA link between end- stage renal disease and cardiovascular disease?
cord-032544-2yrqjw1o[ 46] Should we still adopt the general measures to reduce cardiovascular risk and refer to cardiology for intervention?
cord-032544-2yrqjw1oan example of triage theory: is micronutrient inadequacy linked to diseases of aging?
cord-005460-ezrn8cvaAny role of high- dose chemotherapy in mediastinal nonseminoma germ cell tumors?
cord-005460-ezrn8cvaGut microbiota and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: where do we stand?
cord-005460-ezrn8cvaIs it feasible?
cord-005460-ezrn8cvaTo wash or not to wash?
cord-023509-tvqpv6fpA smoking gun?
cord-023509-tvqpv6fpA study of the histological cell types of lung cancer in workers suffering from asbestosis in the United Kingdom Lung cancer cell type and asbestos exposure Histological type of lung carcinoma in asbestos cement workers and matched controls Incidence of lung cancer by histological type among asbestos cement workers in Denmark Lung cancer in asbestos cement workers in Denmark Asbestos and lung cancer in Glasgow and the west of Scotland Exposure to crocidolite and the incidence of different histological types of lung cancer Asbestos and lung cancer Asbestos and lung cancer: is it attributable to asbestosis or to asbestos fibre burden?
cord-023509-tvqpv6fpDoes aluminum smelting cause lung disease?
cord-023509-tvqpv6fpFine structural changes in the lungs following cardiopulmonary bypass Complement and the damaging effects of cardiopulmonary bypass Acute lung injury during cardiopulmonary bypass: are the neutrophils responsible?
cord-023509-tvqpv6fpThe new prescription: industrial injuries benefits for smokers?
cord-023509-tvqpv6fpThe quantitative risks of mesothelioma and lung cancer in relation to asbestos exposure Is asbestos or asbestosis the cause of the increased risk of lung cancer in asbestos workers?
cord-023509-tvqpv6fpradiation therapy Hamman- Rich syndrome'primed'by radiation?
cord-023509-tvqpv6fpthe Himalayan highlander adapted?
cord-023509-tvqpv6fpthe epidemiological evidence Do silica and asbestos cause lung cancer?
cord-015354-yknwveyz18F- FDG PET/ CT monitoring of tumor response to chemotherapy: does 18F- FDG imaging can be used as a chemosensitivity testing method?
cord-015354-yknwveyz; 1 Nat Is it possible, from stress images only, to decide if a myocardial perfusion rest study is needed?
cord-015354-yknwveyzAim of this study was to assess the predictivity of FDG Small Animal PET for the early identification of reactive animals, possibly identifying not only the peritoneal inflammation caused by the injection but also the liver Kupffer cells activation and behaviour( are they originated from the peritoneum or from the liver itself?).
cord-015354-yknwveyzEffect of aerobic training on Tc99m- sestamibi uptake by rat brain: evidence for exercise augmentation of the blood- brain barrier( BBB) function?
cord-015354-yknwveyzQuestion: Is it possible to individually adjust administrated activity by combination of age and bodyweight without loss of quality?
cord-015354-yknwveyzSLN was negative in all 3 cases with disease spread to other nodes(?
cord-032588-8bfl2qy1Flu isolation wards: does sex matter?
cord-032588-8bfl2qy1Where have all the women gone?
cord-032588-8bfl2qy1does medical specialty matter?
cord-032588-8bfl2qy1Ähnliche Muster lassen sich in den verschiedensten Disziplinen der Medizin erkennen, aber spiegeln sich diese auch in den österreichischen Fachgesellschaften wider?
cord-034746-uxhpufnvmellitus Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor is a predictor of incident non- AIDS comorbidity and all- cause mortality in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection Modification of kidney barrier function by the urokinase receptor What is the role of soluble urokinase- type plasminogen activator in renal disease?
cord-032244-s7t5u9lfHow to balance acute myocardial infarction and COVID-19: the protocols from Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital Analysis of myocardial injury in patients with COVID-19 and association between concomitant cardiovascular diseases and severity of COVID-19 Virtually perfect?
cord-035067-ic843wr9title: COVID-19 and the gastrointestinal tract: what do we already know?
cord-048489-ajafw966The clinical significance of serum and bronchoalveolar lavage inflammatory cytokines in patients at risk for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Cytokine profiles as markers of disease severity in sepsis: a multiplex analysis Diagnosis of dengue by using reverse transcriptase- polymerase chain reaction Schatzmayr HG: Dengue epidemic in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: virological and epidemiological aspects NK cells, displaying early activation, cytotoxicity and adhesion molecules, are associated with mild dengue disease Evaluation of an IgG enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay for dengue diagnosis Clinical, epidemiologic, and virologic features of dengue in the 1998 epidemic in Nicaragua Clinical diagnosis and assessment of severity of confirmed dengue infections in Vietnamese children: is the world health organization classification system helpful?
cord-030370-89n13hmlAre adaptive randomised trials or non- randomised studies the best way to address the Ebola outbreak in west Africa?
cord-030370-89n13hmlCenter for Strategic and International Studies Pregnancy, labor, and delivery after Ebola virus disease and implications for infection control in obstetric services, United States Pregnancy outcomes in Liberian women who conceived after recovery from Ebola virus disease Recommendations for breastfeeding/ infant feeding in the context of Ebola virus disease Heterogeneities in the case fatality ratio in the West African Ebola outbreak 2013- 2016 Age- specific incidence of Ebola virus disease Transmission of Ebola hemorrhagic fever: a study of risk factors in family members Ebola hemorrhagic fever: why were children spared?
cord-030370-89n13hmlDid Ebola relatively spare children?
cord-030370-89n13hmlHow did Ebola impact maternal/ child health in Liberia and Sierra Leone?
cord-030370-89n13hmlWhat do we know about controlling Ebola virus disease outbreaks?
cord-015369-72cjogxz( MammaPrint??)
cord-015369-72cjogxz( MammaPrint??)
cord-015369-72cjogxzBringt der routinemäßige postoperative Einsatz der Sonographie zusätzliche relevante Befunde zur Verlaufskontrolle?
cord-015369-72cjogxzDo we have similar strategies in the( neo-) adjuvant setting and in treating metastatic ore advanced disease or not?
cord-015369-72cjogxzDo we need to substitute Vitamin B12 parenterally after gastric sleeve resection?
cord-015369-72cjogxzEine kritische Analyse der Ergebnisqualität von Pankreaskopfresektionen an einer Peripherieabteilung Dynamic graciloplasty in patients with severe anal sphincter lesiona method still up- to- date?
cord-015369-72cjogxzIs a SARME possible without detachement of nasal septum?
cord-015369-72cjogxzIs preoperative tissue diagnosis mandatory for suspect lesions of the pancreas?
cord-015369-72cjogxzLokaltherapie und Operation ersparen?
cord-015369-72cjogxzNeed an aggressive surgical approach fpr management of giant cystic pancreas neoplasm?
cord-015369-72cjogxzRechtsseitiger Oberbauchschmerz-Ein klarer Fall?
cord-015369-72cjogxzResection or palliation?
cord-015369-72cjogxzTaktik verzichtet werden?
cord-015369-72cjogxzUnterschied zwischen den verschiedenen Systemen?
cord-015369-72cjogxzWhy have neuroendocrine tumors( NET) of the gut such a bad prognosis?
cord-015369-72cjogxzWie schlecht sind,, low volume hospitals''?
cord-015369-72cjogxza crucial enzyme in bile pigment mediated tumor inhibition?
cord-015369-72cjogxzauch die Chemotherapie in der Lage, eine ausreichende Lokalkontrolle zu gewährleisten?
cord-015369-72cjogxzer wirklich?
cord-033965-c1i7dnntFixation of sternal fractures: a systematic review Sternal fractures: retrospective analysis of 100 cases Current treatment and outcomes of traumatic sternal fractures: a systematic review Operative fixation of chest wall fractures: an underused procedure?
cord-033965-c1i7dnnta retrospective study Do low profile implants provide reliable stability in fixing the sternal fractures as a"fourth vertebral column"in sternovertebral injuries?
cord-033965-c1i7dnntconservative treatment still preferred?
cord-034690-x8lkngraIncidence of thrombotic complications in critically ill ICU patients with COVID-19 Clinical and immunological features of severe and moderate coronavirus disease 2019 Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-034690-x8lkngrapneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-102199-mc6zruyxSome evidence for dose or metabolite level dependent effects?
cord-034340-3ksfpaf7Before making a definitive diagnosis of HLH patients were treated for PUO, sepsis?
cord-034340-3ksfpaf7None declared AB041 Paediatric extra- pulmonary large vessel arteritis, a forme fruste of pediatric Behcet's disease?
cord-034371-j3xxmkjd( NSAIDs) Uncertainty surrounds use of OTC anti- inflammatory drugs in patients with COVID-19 Updated: WHO now does n't recommend avoiding ibuprofen for COVID-19 symptoms What we have learnt from the SARS epidemics in mainland China?
cord-034371-j3xxmkjdFirst respiratory transmitted food borne outbreak?
cord-034371-j3xxmkjdPediatrics[ serial online Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-217201-lvefk7qxThe COVID-19 Pandemic during the Time of the Diabetes Pandemic: Likely Fraternal Twins?
cord-035024-kx9jfssiIs the recommendation to use highdose heparin for thromboprophylaxis justified?
cord-035024-kx9jfssiProphylaxis in Medical Patients with Enoxaparin Study Group Efficacy and safety of fondaparinux for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in older acute medical patients: randomized placebo- controlled trial Randomized, placebo- controlled trial of dalteparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in acutely ill medical patients Pulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis in CO- VID-19?
cord-030380-okue1ksoDecreases in readmissions credited to Medicare's program to reduce hospital readmissions have been overstated Did hospital readmissions fall because per capita admission rates fell?
cord-030380-okue1ksoIf You Ca n't Measure Performance, Can You Improve It?
cord-030380-okue1ksoThe quality of outpatient care delivered to adults in the United States Improving the quality of health care: what's taking so long?
cord-030380-okue1ksoWhich approach would produce the better paper?
cord-030380-okue1ksoWhich the better scientist?
cord-024120-3eemj37rAnd what aspects of trying to improve safety have proved to be the most frustrating for you personally?
cord-024120-3eemj37rArchives of internal medicine Ten Principles for More Conservative, Care- Full Diagnosis Crossing Boundaries- Violation or Obligation?
cord-024120-3eemj37rDetermining the Diagnostic Probabilities at Which Clinicians Initiate Testing and Treatment Clinical scholars and their program: Children of the sixties in the eighties Addressing the Issue of Chronic, Inappropriate Benzodiazepine Use: How Can Pharmacists Play a Role?
cord-024120-3eemj37rFurther, how do we better grapple with and communicate to patients all the uncertainties related to COVID-19 diagnosis and coronavirus test results with their imperfect sensitivity?
cord-024120-3eemj37rOf your many patient safety endeavors, which ones have given you the greatest pride?
cord-024120-3eemj37rWhat are your current projects?
cord-024120-3eemj37rWhat do you see as the most encouraging progress made in the field of patient safety?
cord-024120-3eemj37rWhat do you see as the most important advances in this area, and what are the most important problems to tackle moving forward?
cord-024120-3eemj37rWhich ones will have the highest impact on patient safety?
cord-024120-3eemj37rWhy is n't there as much, if not more, satisfaction in and support for taking care of the system and our future patients as there is in caring for the individual patient in front of us today?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yComputed tomography: Are we doing enough? cord-015352-2d02eq3y A new integrated approach for the evaluation of fetal cerebral pathologies? cord-015352-2d02eq3y And why do we grow up so slowly and get so old? cord-015352-2d02eq3y Do ADC- values reflect renal function or obstruction in children with uretero- pelvic- junction obstruction? cord-015352-2d02eq3y Fluoroscopy in pediatric radiology-how important is an individual impact to radiation exposure of children? cord-015352-2d02eq3y Has everything been invented? cord-015352-2d02eq3y However, although the principles of these diagnostic and therapeutic IR procedures remain essentially the same in their translation from adults to children, well recognized differences in pediatric physiology and metabolism, as well as the range in weight, size, and age of children, result in a practical question ofhow do we do this?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yIf clinical examination is reliable and accurate, then why bother with imaging?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yIs Sclerotherapy an Effective Treatment Option for Ranulas or Thyroglossal Duct Cysts in Children?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yIs it surely Canavan Disease?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yLung ultrasound in pediatric pneumonia-why is it necessary to use the additional trans- abdominal approach?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yPre- and Postnatal Imaging in Zika virus: Where are we?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yReal time central review of imaging is feasible in pediatric oncology Wilms tumor remains the most common pediatric renal malignancy, followed by renal cell carcinoma Cystic nephroma typically presents as a Bosniak 3 lesion, and has high association with DICER-1 mutations Is there a role for DWI in nephroblastoma?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yThe patient subsequently underwent a sonography which revealed a pelvic mass probably arising from the right ovary?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yThere is one fundamental challenge for imaging research in JIA: what is the reference standard?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yWhy are we born with brains that have the size of adult great ape brains?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yand when?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yit really as reliable as chest X- ray?
cord-015352-2d02eq3yroutinely satisfiable in a paediatric radiology division?
cord-104507-xx7t26rlThe Lancet Respiratory medicine Proinflammatory versus anti- inflammatory response in sepsis patients: looking at the cytokines Cytopathology or immunopathology?
cord-104507-xx7t26rlcollaborative analysis of 137 cases of a nationwide German registry Are there any association between COVID-19 severity and immunosuppressive therapy?
cord-006854-o2e5na78: This study includes 40 patients who underwent LC implementing metallic clip( MC) and 40 patients implementing Hem- O- Lock clips( H0)?.
cord-006854-o2e5na78Adenocarcinoma of Duodenum: Surgical or Endoscopic Treatment?
cord-006854-o2e5na78And the temperature in FT under 50 s cases was significantly higher than over FT over 50 s cases( 26.3 vs 30.8?).
cord-006854-o2e5na78Applying to Surgical Residency: What Makes the Best Candidates?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Conclusion: Preserving Duodenal- jejunal transit does not impede glucose tolerance and diabetes remission after gastric bypass in Type-2 diabetes Sprague- Dawley rat model Is Bariatric Surgery Effective for Comorbidity Resolution in Super Obese Patients?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Does Concomitant Placement of a Feeding Jejunostomy Tube During Esophagectomy Affect Quality Outcomes?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Does Robotic System Have Advantages Over Laparoscopic System for Distal Pancreatectomy?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Histological grade(?
cord-006854-o2e5na78ICG- enhanced?
cord-006854-o2e5na78In residual intestine, the temperature was siginificantly higher than resected intestine( 31.5 vs 29.0?, p.01).
cord-006854-o2e5na78Is It Safe?
cord-006854-o2e5na78It's in the Bag; Can Stoma Output Predict Acute Kidney Injury in New Ostomates?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Opportunity Lost?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Results: out of 308 patients who went through the procedure 9( 2.9%) suffered hemorrhagic complications: 7 patients had?
cord-006854-o2e5na78The Influence of Thickest Background: The use of stapling devices for distal pancreatectomy remains controversial, due to concerns about the development of postoperative pancreatic?
cord-006854-o2e5na78The intraoperative and postoperative parameters were collected including duration of the operation and complications?.
cord-006854-o2e5na78The surgical outcomes were compared between non- obese( body mass index[ BMI]\25 kg/ m 2) and obese( BMI? 25 kg/ m 2) patients.
cord-006854-o2e5na78There were no intraoperative complications, and one postoperative pancreatitis with grade? of Clavien- Dindo classification of surgical complications.
cord-006854-o2e5na78These patients were divided into three groups by the degree of esophageal clearance( Group A: clearance rate\10%, Group B: 10%?
cord-006854-o2e5na78This study compares the traditional standard metallic clip with Hem- O- Lock used in laparoscopic cholecystectomy( LC) in regard of the safety and efficacy?.
cord-006854-o2e5na78We reviewed the literature and present our data to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of ICG- enhanced?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Weekday or Weekend Hospital Discharge: Does it Matter for Acute Care Surgery?
cord-006854-o2e5na78Without Interruptions: Does Twitter Level the Playing Field?
cord-006854-o2e5na78clearance rate\50%, and Group C: 50%?
cord-006854-o2e5na78distal to the ligament of Treitz Peri- operative and short- term follow- up results up to Does Age or Preoperative BMI Influence Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery?
cord-014687-0am4l5ms: How Big a Problem is It?
cord-014687-0am4l5ms: Where Are We Now?
cord-014687-0am4l5msA conversant?
cord-014687-0am4l5msBeen a leader in science and application?
cord-014687-0am4l5msBeen part of the dialogue that has been increasingly influential across all of Radiology, a conversation steeped in a deep tradition of excellence in diagnosis and treatment, and the safety and welfare of our children?
cord-014687-0am4l5msCan Time- Resolved Contrast- Enhanced MRA( TWIST) Classify Soft Tissue Vascular Anomalies in the Head and Neck in Children Accurately?
cord-014687-0am4l5msDoes a Tertiary Care Radiologist Make a Difference?
cord-014687-0am4l5msHas he been part of the Pediatric Radiology landscape these last ten years?
cord-014687-0am4l5msHorizons, innovation, and the gift of en- abling … What else is needed to define a true pioneer?
cord-014687-0am4l5msHow can we maintain and expand these relationships?
cord-014687-0am4l5msHow was this done?
cord-014687-0am4l5msImaging Followup of Lymphoma in Pediatric Patients: Is Pelvic CT Necessary?
cord-014687-0am4l5msImaging Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Infants: What are the Most Useful Diagnostic Radiological Findings?
cord-014687-0am4l5msIs Dedicated Chest CT needed in Addition to PET CT for Evaluation of Pediatric Oncology Patients?
cord-014687-0am4l5msM.D. Why George Bisset?
cord-014687-0am4l5msPart of the dialogue?
cord-014687-0am4l5msPart of the landscape?
cord-014687-0am4l5msPart of the science and application?
cord-014687-0am4l5msSonographic Evaluation of Pediatric Skeletal Lesions: Is it worthwhile?
cord-014687-0am4l5msUtility of Contrast- Enhanced MR Imaging in Children with Osteonecrosis: Does Gadolinium Help?
cord-014687-0am4l5msWith these successes in mind, who better to embody the concept of bridging horizons that is the theme for this entire meeting?
cord-032181-gmcugd8h: What do we really know?
cord-032181-gmcugd8hThe pathophysiology of trauma- induced coagulopathy Laboratory evidence of hyperfibrinolysis in association with low PAI-1 activity Interventional algorithms for the control of coagulopathic bleeding in surgical, trauma, and postpartum settings: recommendations from the Share Network Group Hyperfibrinolysis and the risk of hemorrhage in stable cirrhotic patients Does negative heparin- platelet factor 4 enzymelinked immunosorbent assay effectively exclude heparin- induced thrombocytopenia?
cord-032181-gmcugd8hThe role of antioxidants and zinc in minimal hepatic encephalopathy: a randomized trial Tranilast reduces serum IL-6 and IL-13 and protects against thioacetamide- induced acute liver injury and hepatic encephalopathy Is it worth removing albumin- bound substances in hepatic encephalopathy?
cord-252473-i4pmux28key: cord-252473-i4pmux28 authors: Rogers, Sharon title: Why ca n't I visit?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3: could immunosuppression of the eosinophilic myositis alter the early natural course of the dystrophic disease?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3Allergic pulmonary inflammation in mice is dependent on eosinophil- induced recruitment of effector T cells Human eosinophils constitutively express multiple Th1, Th2, and immunoregulatory cytokines that are secreted rapidly and differentially Eosinophils: singularly destructive effector cells or purveyors of immunoregulation?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3Calpain 3: a key regulator of the sarcomere?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3How Did the Eosinophil's Biology Further Link This Cell Type to Asthma?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3How does the critical role of redox 49 inform eosinophil function in relation to DAMPs?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3How might eosinophils contribute to stent- related thrombosis?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3However, the question remains: are eosinophilic contents biomarkers of restenosis and thrombosis or do they actively contribute to these processes?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3Should we be cautious?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3Specifically, do eosinophil activities limit tumor growth through destructive effector functions or do eosinophilderived immunoregulation and tissue repair/ remodeling promote tumor growth and metastasis?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3The eosinophil- mediated antitumor activity of interleukin-4 Human Eosinophils Exert TNF-{alpha} and Granzyme A- Mediated Tumoricidal Activity toward Colon Carcinoma Cells Selective depletion of eosinophils or neutrophils in mice impacts the efficiency of apoptotic cell clearance in the thymus Eosinophils in health and disease: the LIAR hypothesis NK cells: innate immunity against hematological malignancies?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3What factor(s) could preelevate ECP levels in individuals who had not yet been exposed to potential allergens contained in DES?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3What factors related to coronary stents and/or their deployment attract eosinophils to stented vessel segments?
cord-022527-a0x6lws3eosinophil infiltration of solid tumors is an early and persistent inflammatory host response Eosinophil degranulation: an evolutionary vestige or a universally destructive effector function?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tAre you prepared to diagnose and manage any adverse event?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tCan this information absolve the defendants from responsibility of the patient's adverse outcome?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tCounsel for the defendants requested expert opinion on two key issues:( 1) was the steroid dose the deceased received sufficient to cause immunosuppression?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tHave you considered other factors such as comorbidity that might influence the dosing and monitoring?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tHave you considered the need for monitoring that would be reasonable for your patient?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tHave you considered the potential effect of any concomitant medication that might influence the dosing, monitoring, and side effects?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tHave you counseled the patient on potential side effects, how to recognize early signs, and necessary actions?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tHence, it may be asked; what is the best method of informing patients on medication toxicity?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tHow can we explain this reaction?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tIf antibiotics were indicated, was the choice of the TMP- SMX appropriate?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tIf appropriate therapy with acyclovir were started at initial presentation with chickenpox, would the outcome have been any different?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tIs it absolutely certain that the fulminant hepatitis suffered by the patient was due to isoniazid?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tIs it the responsibility of the physicians to explain all potential albeit rare adverse effects of any treatment?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tIs the starting dose and need for continuation appropriate?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tIs there an appropriate indication for this drug?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tThe first relevant issue in this case is the following question: Should any antibiotic have been prescribed?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tWhat counseling should patients receive when prescribing an antibiotic, and specifically TMP- SMX?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tWhat should have been the appropriate steps of action in this case?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tWhen discharging patients, have you provided reasonable information about the risks of adverse reactions, precautions to be observed, and person to notify?
cord-016982-qt25tp6tto predict the prognosis of epidermal necrolysis Toxic epidermal necrolysis: does immunoglobulin make a difference?
cord-252539-kx8ew3apWorth the effort?
cord-027678-k64whepc: how do they differ from those in seasonal influenza?
cord-027678-k64whepcAre there host factors that explain the failure( e.g. obstruction of bronchus by a foreign body or tumour, inadequate host response)?
cord-027678-k64whepcAre there other organisms?
cord-027678-k64whepcHas a complication developed( e.g. empyema, superinfection, bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia, metastatic abscess)?
cord-027678-k64whepcHas the patient got pneumonia?
cord-027678-k64whepcIs the fever a drug fever?
cord-027678-k64whepcIs the organism resistant to the drug being given?
cord-027678-k64whepcIs the right drug being given in an adequate dose by the right route?
cord-027678-k64whepcre-)bronchoscopy( is the diagnosis correct?), treat co- pathogens and consider a short course of high- dose i.v. methylprednisolone Fungi are rare but important causes of pneumonia.
cord-029332-yn603pvbCOVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-029332-yn603pvbCOVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-029332-yn603pvbClinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study Direct oral anticoagulants for the treatment of left ventricular thrombus- a new indication?
cord-029332-yn603pvbIntraventricular thrombus and severe mitral regurgitation in the acute phase of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: two case reports Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 ISTH interim guidance on recognition and management of coagulopathy in COVID-19 Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-029332-yn603pvbThe ACE2 expression in human heart indicates new potential mechanism of heart injury among patients infected with SARS- CoV-2 Soluble angiotensin- converting enzyme 2: a potential approach for coronavirus infection therapy?
cord-029332-yn603pvbwhat next?
cord-029332-yn603pvbwhat next?
cord-029332-yn603pvbwhere are the heart attacks and strokes?
cord-022888-dnsdg04n/CRTAM on gd T cells?
cord-022888-dnsdg04nAs the results show, could there not be a direct relationship between the HLA system and the development of SA or TBC, or in contrast, was the first patient missdiagnosed of TBC being a good prognosis SA?
cord-022888-dnsdg04nCould Carabin play a role of negative regulator of B cell function?
cord-022888-dnsdg04nHow is the IGSF4-CRTAM axis regulated in T cells?
cord-022888-dnsdg04na one- year prospective birth cohort study PC09/16 TO WHAT EXTENT T- SPOT.TB COULD BE USED IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDREN EXPOSED TO TB INFECTION?
cord-252159-6t35bxwvHyponatremia, IL-6, and SARS- CoV-2( COVID-19) infection: may all fit together?
cord-252159-6t35bxwva cohort study in England Management of Graves'hyperthyroidism and orbitopathy in time of COVID-19 pandemic Methylprednisolone pulse treatment of Graves'ophthalmopathy is not associated with secondary adrenocortical insufficiency Adrenal reserve following treatment of Graves'orbitopathy with intravenous glucocorticoids COVID-19 outbreak and steroids administration: are patients treated for Sars- Cov-2 at risk of adrenal insufficiency?
cord-138439-wvynetna2 fit in?
cord-138439-wvynetnaDo men have a higher case fatality rate of severe acute respiratory syndrome than women do?
cord-251957-luw8m3eqShould an anticipated need 17 for personal protective equipment( PPE), blood products, or prolonged intubation or ICU stay in 18 this time of constraint play a role in decision making?
cord-251957-luw8m3eqShould patients be temporized with an expeditious 15 strategy of stabilization through endovascular repair rather than a definitive open repair to 16 decrease the length of stay and preserve scarce hospital resources?
cord-048343-nzk8m912Fast three dimensional sodium imaging MR imaging of sodium in the human brain with a fast three- dimensional gradient- recalled- echo sequence at 4 T Noninvasive quantification of total sodium concentrations in acute reperfused myocardial infarction using 23Na MRI Three- dimensional triplequantum- filtered( 23)Na imaging of in vivo human brain Direct, longitudinal comparison of( 1)H and( 23)Na MRI after transient focal cerebral ischemia Sodium MRI of reversible focal brain inchemia in the monkey Comprehensive MR imaging protocol for stroke management: tissue sodium concentration as a measure of tissue viability in nonhuman primate studies and in clinical studies Direct, longitudinal comparison of( 1)H and( 23)Na MRI after transient focal cerebral ischemia Clinical practice guidelines for the sustained use of sedatives and analgesics in the critically ill adult Haloperidol prophylaxis for elderly hip- surgery patients at risk for delirium: a randomized placebo- controlled study Haloperidol use in mechanically ventilated patients is associated with lower hospital mortality Pilot clinical trial of gabapentin to decrease postoperative delirium in older patients A randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled trial of donepezil hydrochloride( Aricept) for reducing the incidence of postoperative delirium after elective total hip replacement Dexmedetomidine: Can it reduce the incidence of ICU delirium in postcardiotomy patients?
cord-048343-nzk8m912Is dopamine administration possibly a risk factor for delirium?
cord-048343-nzk8m912acidic protein Is there an association between release of protein S100B during cardiopulmonary bypass and memory disturbances?
cord-104404-ytszpa4c: is it protective in lung injury?
cord-021571-7kbq0v9w*'From the PPN data it has been estimated that J? aeruginosa species account for 6.8% of total pathogens, 5% of bloodstream infections, and 15% of respiratory infections.21 l?
cord-021571-7kbq0v9w*'From the PPN data it has been estimated that J? aeruginosa species account for 6.8% of total pathogens, 5% of bloodstream infections, and 15% of respiratory infections.21 l?
cord-021571-7kbq0v9wAn epidemic of Malassezia pachydermatis in an intensive care nursery associated with colonization of health care workers'pet dogs Pichia anomah outbreak in a nursery: exogenous source?
cord-021571-7kbq0v9wConjunctivitis appears to be the most common of these infections, accounting for 54% to 76%, depending on birth weight?'
cord-021571-7kbq0v9wIdentified risk factors for enterococcal sepsis, after adjustment for birth weight, include use of a nonumbilical CVC, prolonged presence of a CVC, and bowel resection?'
cord-021571-7kbq0v9wIn a study by Chien and colleagues?'the relative risk of bloodstream infection, after adjustment for differences in infant characteristics and admission illness severity, was 2.5 per 1000 catheter days for umbilical venous catheters, 4.6 for PICCs, and 4.3 for Broviac catheters, compared with no catheter( P<.05).
cord-021571-7kbq0v9wIn addition, neonates in the NICU become colonized not only with Candida albicans but also with non- albicans Candida species and Malasse~ ia.'~-''Because colonization of the neonate with pathogenic organisms is a prelude to invasive infection from the same pathogens?
cord-021571-7kbq0v9wThe Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee Effectiveness of a hospitalwide programme to improve compliance with hand hygiene Skin hygiene and infection prevention: more of the same or different approaches?
cord-021571-7kbq0v9wThe potential for airborne transmission, however, has been suggested by the occurrence of"cloud babies?
cord-021571-7kbq0v9wThe practice has not been found to reduce infection or colonization in neonates and is u n n e c e~ s a r y?'
cord-021571-7kbq0v9wThese studies suggested a rate of transmission to babies born to seronegative mothers as high as 12% to 270/0.8~,~'A recent case- control study evaluating risk factors for lateonset GBS infection demonstrated that premature birth was a strong predictor?'
cord-021571-7kbq0v9whigh impact on mortality Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in very low birth weight infants: a case- control study Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit: a possible link to contaminated hand lotion Nosocomial Pseudomonm pickem'i colonization associated with a contaminated respiratory therapy solution in a special care nursery Neonatal infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa associated with a water- bath used to thaw fresh frozen plasma Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreak associated with a contaminated blood- gas analyser in a neonatal intensive care unit Sepsis in a newborn due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa from a Contaminated tub bath Endemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a neonatal intensive care unit A prolonged outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a neonatal intensive care unit: did staff fingernails play a role in disease transmission?
cord-021571-7kbq0v9winclude CoNS, S. aureus, and I?
cord-214006-0w6bqroxA Social Support Perspective Feeling Blue?
cord-214006-0w6bqroxAs such, this study aims to investigate the potential practices of online diabetes communities to address the following question; how can an online diabetes community empower patients in context of a Diabetes Group Education Program( DGEP)?
cord-214006-0w6bqroxWhat's the Point?"
cord-253148-3t4o27xpProspective study of human bocavirus( HBoV) infection in a pediatric university hospital in Germany Human bocavirus a respiratory and enteric virus Clinical and molecular epidemiology of human bocavirus in respiratory and fecal samples from children in Hong Kong Detection of human bocavirus in children hospitalized because of acute gastroenteritis Human bocavirus: a novel parvovirus epidemiologically associated with pneumonia requiring hospitalization in Thailand Severe pneumonia and human bocavirus in adult Human bocavirus infection in young children in the United States: molecular epidemiological profile and clinical characteristics of a newly emerging respiratory virus Human bocavirus: passenger or pathogen in acute respiratory tract infections?
cord-030962-2xem8inuOr will supplementary testing need to be updated due to the delays in medical treatment?
cord-030962-2xem8inuWhat should we do?
cord-030962-2xem8inuWhat will happen to our patients who have been on the waiting list for at least 1, 2 or 3 months?
cord-030962-2xem8inuWill their cancer be treated at its pre- pandemic stage?
cord-030962-2xem8inuWill their tumor need to be restaged?
cord-030962-2xem8inuwhat do we do now?
cord-030962-2xem8inuy ahora qué hacemos?
cord-028590-rw0okd0pAre mental health problems on the increase?
cord-028590-rw0okd0pAt what point does an individual realise they need to talk to someone?
cord-028590-rw0okd0pCould we see loved ones, parents, grandparents?
cord-028590-rw0okd0pDid they make use of government money to furlough staff?
cord-028590-rw0okd0pHowever they are now returning to the uncertainty of missing time in training, new ways of assessing competency and even'will there be a job?'.'
cord-028590-rw0okd0pWhat does the future hold for the workforce of tomorrow?
cord-028590-rw0okd0pWhat happens if a patient complains to the GDC that their dentist was responsible for them developing COVID-19?
cord-028590-rw0okd0pWhat kind of shambles are they running not to even consider payments in installations?
cord-028590-rw0okd0pWhere can dentists get mental health support?
cord-028590-rw0okd0pWith disruption to their clinical time with patients, will dental students be ready to hit the ground running?
cord-007890-bie1veti( 5?-GCAAGTTCTT- CAGCTTGTTT-3?).
cord-007890-bie1veti( 5?-TATTGCGCT- TAGAAAATTAA-3?)
cord-007890-bie1veti( hence, if we treat alcoholic cirrhosis patients with interferon could we have a favorable response?).
cord-007890-bie1veti*/does its aetiology matter?
cord-007890-bie1vetiAnd on the basis of which classification system should the two legs of such a trial be separated?
cord-007890-bie1vetiCan coins and paper currency transmit Bacillus anthracis?
cord-007890-bie1vetiCan varicella be eliminated by universal childhood vaccination?
cord-007890-bie1vetiDo the trials with interferon alfa for patients with HBV or HCV cirrhosis exhibit a favorable result due to the antiviral properties of interferon, or is interferon exhibiting anti- oncogenic potential?, and is HCC cytokine and hormone sensitive( view ongoing trials with somatostatine analogues versus HCC)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiDo the trials with interferon alfa for patients with HBV or HCV cirrhosis exhibit a favorable result due to the antiviral properties of interferon, or is interferon exhibiting anti- oncogenic potential?, and is HCC cytokine and hormone sensitive( view ongoing trials with somatostatine analogues versus HCC)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiDoes their end in the stage of cirrhosis?
cord-007890-bie1vetiHBV Á/ HCV and liver carcinogenesis: where does the viral influence end?
cord-007890-bie1vetiHow ethical is it to conduct a randomised trial where one leg of cirrhotic patients is left without antiviral therapy?
cord-007890-bie1vetiHow much hope can be put on a drug that seems to be partly useless before its initiation?
cord-007890-bie1vetiIn vivo activity of glycopeptides against S. aureus infection in a rabbit endocarditis model: is MIC predictive for in vivo efficacy?
cord-007890-bie1vetiIs progression towards HCC independent of the etiology of cirrhosis( since alcoholic cirrhosis also proceeds to HCC)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiLactulose, a factor that decreases endotoxaemia, in obstructive jaundice?
cord-007890-bie1vetiMoreover, do viral proteins with oncogenic potential exist( the controversy over the recently discovered HBV protein is still, unresolved)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiOur experience suggests a promising role of lamivudine in the treatment of acute hepatitis B, but how long such therapy have to be practiced and in which patients?
cord-007890-bie1vetiThese strains was genotypically characterized for the mec A gene presence by PCR method using the mec A 1- 5?-AAA ATC CAT GGT AAA GGT TGG C-3? and the mec A 2 Á/5?-AGT TCT GCA GTA CCG GAT TTG C-3? primers( GIBCO, BRL).
cord-007890-bie1vetiThese strains was genotypically characterized for the mec A gene presence by PCR method using the mec A 1- 5?-AAA ATC CAT GGT AAA GGT TGG C-3? and the mec A 2 Á/5?-AGT TCT GCA GTA CCG GAT TTG C-3? primers( GIBCO, BRL).
cord-007890-bie1vetiWhich patients with HBV or HCV cirrhosis are eligible for interferon treatment?
cord-007890-bie1vetiand of transconjugants and the amplification by PCR of the gene aac(6?)-aph(2??
cord-007890-bie1vetiand of transconjugants and the amplification by PCR of the gene aac(6?)-aph(2??
cord-007890-bie1vetican the associated morbidity and mortality in this rare but deadly disease be reduced?
cord-225218-x32a4sp3Do existing measures of poincare plot geometry reflect nonlinear features of heart rate variability?
cord-225218-x32a4sp3Do we still have a digital divide in mental health?
cord-103214-3lz33pj3In which area of the hospital is the first aid for the patient safest, considering infection protection and medical criteria?
cord-103214-3lz33pj3Is the treatment of the patient with the resources of the hospital in the specific situation irrefutable and not deferrable necessary?
cord-103214-3lz33pj3Is there a suspicion or case of differential diagnostic clarification regarding COVID-19? 3.
cord-103214-3lz33pj3what next?
cord-254148-wc762p6vPatient Characteristics, Access to Treatment, and Formation of Regional Centers Characteristics and dynamics of inpatient treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease in Germany: Analysis of 1.5 million patient cases from Perspective on Provided Health Services in Parkinson's Disease in Germany- a Cross- Sectional Survey Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease and Current Concepts of Outpatient Care in Germany Parkinson Networks in Germany: Future or Utopia?
cord-252617-rqm0p19eCan the reduction in aerosolized particles be quantified?
cord-252617-rqm0p19eOr shall we think outside the box?
cord-252617-rqm0p19eWhat ’s inside the box?
cord-034898-zjfhpum2Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation with multiple- organ failure: can molecular adsorbent recirculating system therapy improve survival?
cord-034898-zjfhpum2The role of echocardiography in neonates and pediatric patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in infants and children with cardiac disease: a scientific statement from the The complex relationship of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and acute kidney injury: causation or association?
cord-034898-zjfhpum2Weaning from veno- arterial extra- corporeal membrane oxygenation: which strategy to use?
cord-034898-zjfhpum2conventional tests, point- of- care, or both?
cord-034898-zjfhpum2why, when and how?
cord-253417-ihi67m1uPaper presented at: British Association of Head and Neck Oncology Development and implementation of a remote follow- up plan for colorectal cancer patients Risk prediction tools for cancer in primary care Virtually perfect?
cord-253962-ug7yflxhAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-252085-8dq3gdo8Regarding acute respiratory distress syndrome( ARDS), which of the following summarizes the best ventilation strategy?
cord-252085-8dq3gdo8We confirm that we have provided a current, correct email address which is accessible by the Corresponding Author and which has been configured to accept email from( Signed by the author: Which of the following is true about primary spontaneous pneumothorax?
cord-253189-uba6dy08Would new efficiencies be gained by the addition of another nurse or alternate provider instead of a scribe?
cord-005814-ak5pq312* p<0.05 CAN vs NaCI?
cord-005814-ak5pq3122) Are whole body changes in VAPCO2 and AVpH associated with parallel changes in regional circulation?
cord-005814-ak5pq312: We inquired all the nurses of the Intensive Care Unit of an Regional Hospital by an semiestructurated questionary which included personal data: age, sex, contractual relation, professional experience.., and opinion data: do you think to inform relatives is a nurse task?.
cord-005814-ak5pq312A HEROE?
cord-005814-ak5pq312A PROGNOSTIC FACTOR?
cord-005814-ak5pq312After more than 2 years clinical experience two aspects were investigated: What effort is necessary to install and support a CIS, and what is the benefit for patients and personnel on the ICU?
cord-005814-ak5pq312Are circular circuits safe?
cord-005814-ak5pq312CO, MAP, CVP, PCWP, PaO?, and Pv~ remained unchan NO administration.
cord-005814-ak5pq312Case report: A 41 year old man developed typical skin manifestations of HSP following an episode of severe( biliary?)
cord-005814-ak5pq312GS score difference seems suggestive and can be that an abnormal cerebral activity( hipofisary hormones?) may play a crucial role on onset of ARF in these patients.
cord-005814-ak5pq312In 35 patients with cardiogenic shock due to ischemic heart disease( N=26), heart failure( N=7) and valvulopathy( N=2), hemod31aamic data including measures of intravascular pressures, cardiac output and mixed venous gases were collected at regular times intervals, at least 3 times a da?.
cord-005814-ak5pq312In all 13 patients with positive blood cultures the clinical course of S, infection was complicated:?
cord-005814-ak5pq312In case ot GER persistence at the pH- metry on?
cord-005814-ak5pq312In this stud?', wc recorded the gastrointestinal motility of critically ill patients with abundant(> 250 mL/24 hours) fasting gastric aspirates.
cord-005814-ak5pq312Is there any way to individualise the triple H therapy when it is necessary?
cord-005814-ak5pq312TA Buckle?
cord-005814-ak5pq312The absence of this mechanism( right heart impairement?)
cord-005814-ak5pq312Therefore, extreme attention should be paid to the maintenance of an adequate mean arterial blood pressure( above 90 mmHg?)
cord-005814-ak5pq312We were considered that a patient had Ventilator associated pneumonia( VAP) when the specimens of Bronchoalveolar Lavage( BAL) or Protected Specimen Brush( PSI?,), ebb'ned through the bronchoscope, had one or more microorganisms in concentrations greater than 105 and 103 cfu/ ml respectively.
cord-005814-ak5pq312Where are we?.
cord-005814-ak5pq312Which of the next informafions do you think is more important?
cord-005814-ak5pq312and AVpH also reflect the onset of tissue hypoxia during endotoxemia?
cord-005814-ak5pq312thrombolytic therapy or pulmonary embolectomy?
cord-253456-u9num2o9What did the researchers do and find?
cord-253456-u9num2o9Why was this study done?
cord-184194-zdxebonvBMC health services research Are the serious problems in cancer survival partly rooted in gatekeeper principles?
cord-184194-zdxebonvDo patients choose hospitals with high quality ratings?
cord-184194-zdxebonvRandomized Controlled Experiment Does universal health insurance make health care unaffordable?
cord-184194-zdxebonvWhich factors decided general practitioners'choice of hospital on behalf of their patients in an area with free choice of public hospital?
cord-252775-faxiem2wShould we consider a"regional"reorganization as well as a"hospital"reorganization?
cord-103659-wpwfqhp2Subjective neurological symptoms frequently occur in patients with SARS- CoV2 infection Mood, anxiety and olfactory dysfunction in COVID-19: evidence of central nervous system involvement?
cord-103659-wpwfqhp2The Lancet Psychiatry New onset neurologic events in people with COVID-19 infection in three regions in China Neurologic Involvement in COVID-19: Cause or Coincidence?
cord-103659-wpwfqhp2Underestimated Opportunistic Pathogens of the Central Nervous System?
cord-103659-wpwfqhp2Which lessons can we learn?
cord-252981-hywvmdjbWhat Is Our Role in the COVID-19 Pandemic?
cord-252981-hywvmdjbWhat about orthopaedic problems that require immediate attention?
cord-252452-wwkw1uyiHow does coronavirus kill?
cord-252452-wwkw1uyiThe association between cardiac injury and outcomes in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Teaching old drugs new tricks: statins for covID-19?
cord-252452-wwkw1uyiThe use of anti- inflammatory drugs in the treatment of people with severe coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): the experience of immunologists from China Inflammation, immunity, and HMG- CoA reductase inhibitors: statins as anti- inflammatory agents?
cord-252368-njlo6g78New recommendations regarding urgent and nonurgent patient care Virtually perfect?
cord-252368-njlo6g78Where does telemedicine fit into otolaryngology?
cord-252368-njlo6g78what next?
cord-253746-15w4gquqEffect of dexamethasone in hospitalized patients with COVID-19; preliminary report Remdesivir for the treatment of Covid-19-Preliminary report Research in the context of a pandemic Clinical trials for Covid-19: can we better use the short window of opportunity?
cord-252279-0gozdv43Can we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-252279-0gozdv43Cardiac complications attributed to chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine: a systematic review of the literature Retinal pigment epithelium cell culture as a model for evaluation of the toxicity of tamoxifen and chloroquine Increased incidence of gastrointestinal side effects in patients taking hydroxychloroquine: a brand- related issue?
cord-252279-0gozdv43Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as available weapons to fight COVID-19 Design and synthesis of hydroxyferroquine derivatives with antimalarial and antiviral activities Bioavailability of hydroxychloroquine tablets in healthy volunteers Pharmacokinetics of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine during treatment of rheumatic diseases Pharmacokinetics and cellular uptake of 4-aminoquinoline antimalarials CANDO and the infinite drug discovery frontier Paths to a malaria vaccine illuminated by parasite genomics Malaria vaccine: a future hope to curtail the global malaria burden Antimalarial drug discovery: in silico structural biology and rational drug design Genome- scale protein expression and structural biology of Plasmodium falciparum and related Apicomplexan organisms Antimalarial drug discovery: approaches and progress towards new medicines Medical need, scientific opportunity and the drive for antimalarial drugs Natural products from synthetic biology High- level semisynthetic production of the potent antimalarial artemisinin Mobile phones and malaria: modeling human and parasite travel Big data opportunities for global infectious disease surveillance Smooth or risky revisit of an old malaria drug for COVID-19?
cord-252279-0gozdv43Reduced activation of CD4?
cord-032392-ex3s8evv: what do they really want to know?
cord-032392-ex3s8evvAnd he said,"ah what church do you go to?
cord-032392-ex3s8evvBut the moment he started talking to me, and then- how did we strike it up?
cord-032392-ex3s8evvMark said: I kept thinking,"who's this young guy?
cord-032392-ex3s8evvMark said: Straight away, you just get angry and"why's this happening to me?"
cord-032392-ex3s8evvWhat does that mean?
cord-032392-ex3s8evvwhat can be learnt from doctor and patient accounts of their experience?
cord-254025-j1l0mderDoes COVID-2019 have an Impact on the Purchase Intention of Commercial Long- Term Care Insurance among the Elderly in China?
cord-254990-nrzwn6ozwhat did patients report provided benefit?
cord-254040-s3k51rkk-which step forward rushed by the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-255197-79yfslu1Covid-19: a once- in- a- century pandemic?
cord-253862-jl1zhg13Teicoplanin: an alternative drug for the treatment of COVID-19?
cord-253862-jl1zhg13what next?
cord-253256-909chgl0( SARS- CoV-2) from a symptomatic patient Perioperative care provider's considerations in managing patients with the Covid-19 infections Cross- contamination via anesthesia equipment?
cord-253256-909chgl0What clinical recommendations to follow?
cord-255233-rvgj6pvkPeriodontal diseases in the Australian adult population Prevalence of periodontitis in adults in the United States: 2009 and 2010 Comorbidity of periodontal disease: Two sides of the same coin?
cord-035030-ig4nwtmiClinical and EEG mapping study Effects of acetyl- L- carnitine on Cardiac Dysautonomia in Rett Syndrome: Prevention of Sudden Death?
cord-035030-ig4nwtmiHow can we as patient representatives get the fruits of the ERNs into the national health system?
cord-035030-ig4nwtmiWhat will be the role of technology in care delivery?
cord-035030-ig4nwtmiWhich scenarios are most likely to happen?
cord-035030-ig4nwtmiWhich scenarios are most preferred by the RD community? 2.
cord-035030-ig4nwtmiWill there be easier access to expert multidisciplinary teams?
cord-254993-bndl93qrThe iron age of host- microbe interactions Metals in infectious diseases and nutritional immunity Prevalence and Predictive Value of Anemia and Dysregulated Iron Homeostasis in Patients with COVID-19 Infection Iron: innocent bystander or vicious culprit in COVID-19 pathogenesis?
cord-255267-o8k5ep9ya Solution for Protecting Healthcare Workers from Emerging Aerosol- Transmissible Diseases?
cord-035026-2qcsfd87: FDA warns that DPP-4 inhibitors for type 2 diabetes may cause joint pain Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 is a functional receptor for the emerging human coronavirus- EMC Covid 19 and Diabetes: can DPP4 inhibition play a role?
cord-035026-2qcsfd87Does COVID-19 Have Any Direct Effect on the Pancreas?
cord-035026-2qcsfd87Does the above implication mean better efficacy of DPP4 inhibitors in diabetic patients with COVID-19?
cord-035026-2qcsfd87Does zinc supplementation enhance the clinical efficacy of chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine to win today's battle against COVID-19?
cord-035026-2qcsfd87Obesity New insights into insulin: the anti- inflammatory effect and its clinical relevance Outcomes in patients with hyperglycemia affected by COVID-19: can we do more on glycemic control?
cord-035026-2qcsfd87Should anti- diabetic medications be reconsidered amid COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-104180-f3hoz9buCan we manipulate this therapeutically in human sepsis?
cord-104180-f3hoz9buRecently published papers: inflammation, elucidation, manipulation?
cord-104180-f3hoz9buSo will stress doses of hydrocortisone attenuate severe systemic inflammatory response syndrome after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass?
cord-104180-f3hoz9buWhy is this so?
cord-104180-f3hoz9buWith respect to inotropes, which one should we use?
cord-104180-f3hoz9bua prospective clinical trial Adrenocortical hormones in survivors and nonsurvivors of severe sepsis: diverse time course of dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone- sulfate, and cortisol Stress doses of hydrocortisone reduce severe systemic inflammatory response syndrome and improve early outcome in a risk group of patients after cardiac surgery Coagulation blockade prevents sepsis- induced respiratory and renal failure in baboons Blockade of tissue factor: treatment for organ injury in established sepsis Development of ionized hypomagnesemia is associated with higher mortality rates Injurious mechanical ventilation and end- organ epithelial cell apoptosis and organ dysfunction in an experi- Critical Care Effect of mechanical ventilation on inflammatory mediators in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a randomized controlled trial Prevention of endotracheal suctioning- induced alveolar derecruitment in acute lung injury Dose- response characteristics during long- term inhalation of nitric oxide in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective, randomized, controlled study Effects of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine on the splanchnic circulation in septic shock: Which is best?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7( Nur) Benefit für den Patienten?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7( SIL- AE) sinnvoll?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7, MILS oder SIL?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7, wenn die Narben in Summe größer sind, als bei der offenen Technik?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7-wirklich alles GIST?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Does pouch size affect outcome in patients undergoing revisional gastric bypass?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Down to up- TAMIS( transanal minimal invasive surgery)-approach to TME- is this the way to go?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Kombination der Pfortaderembolisation mit subcutaner Hormongabe in der Leberchirurgie: eine Chance zur Verbesserung der Leberhypertrophie mit Erhöhung der Operabilität? points.
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Maligne, ösophagotracheale Fistel-in seltenen Fällen eine Operationsindikation?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Nutzen oder Gefährdung?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Pancreaschirurgie: Status quowas bringt die Zukunft?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Postoperative hypocalcemia: dispensable or dangerous?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7RF- Ablation von Lungenmetastasen: Eine Alternative zur operativen Resektion?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Status quowas bringt die Zukunft?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7V.-poplitea- Aneurysmas Is the rate of bypass degeneration in the Omniflow II prosthesis higher than we think?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Vollnarkose benötigen?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Wann ist denn die Aufklärung des Patienten rechtzeitig?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7Weight regain after gastric bypass: where to go now?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7es ein Alterslimit?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7es einen Benefit?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7open- minded Herangehensweise angeraten?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7septische Thoraxchirurgie ihren Schrecken verloren?
cord-015370-4jfgsic7vor oder nach der Chemotherapie?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Are MUC 2 and MUC 5AC reliable markers in the differential diagnosis of primary and metastatic ovarian carcinomas?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Are there any relationship between Bellini duct carcinoma and urothelial cell carcinoma?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Can a pleomorphic vulvar leiomyoma be a tumor with local aggressive behavior?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Case report The full- term female patient-3100 g/49 cm-has been developing well with the exception of early( intrauterine?)
cord-014794-yppi30a0Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma: the variant with the best outcome?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Do human papillomaviruses infect proximal parts of the male genital tract?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Does HPV play a role in the development of bladder TCC?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Does TGF- α1 prevent carcinoma spreading?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Ezrin immunoreactivity: Is it a usefull marker for the prognosis and grading of astrocytoma?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Is telomerase catalytic subunit gene re- expression an early event in gallbladder carcinogenesis?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Is the activation of Akt a prognostic parameter in colorectal cancer?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Is there any prognostic significance for HER2 protein in urothelial tumors of the upper urinary tract?
cord-014794-yppi30a0It has been speculated that secondary iron overload( heavy alcohol, chronic hepatitis,?-thalassemia) may be a critical co- factor in those heterozygotes that develop symptoms of HH.
cord-014794-yppi30a0Measurements of DNA amount and nuclear size by image cytometry: are these two features sufficient for diagnosis of early lung cancer?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Primary or metastatic?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Trichoblastic fibroma or primary soft tissue adamantinoma?
cord-014794-yppi30a0Two questions are to be studied: 1. does FH, HP, Adenoma( A) and Carcinoma( Ca) represent a continuum in terms of Ki-67 proliferative activity?
cord-014794-yppi30a0What is the relation of age, gender and histological types to the subsite location of colon carcinoma?
cord-014794-yppi30a0carcinoma( HP- Ca)?
cord-014794-yppi30a0it possible to predict clinical behaviour?
cord-004894-75w35fkd0.56; 95%CI 0.43- 0.69), the surveillance database slightly(?= 0.14; 95%CI 0.02- 0.27).
cord-004894-75w35fkd51% had cholinesterase levels below the mean value of 0.7?
cord-004894-75w35fkdAre they different from the''classic''tools and frameworks of clinical epidemiology?
cord-004894-75w35fkdConclusion: Long- term ICS use(> 2 years) seems to be associated with a reduced?
cord-004894-75w35fkdDo these questions about needs give other results compared to questions about prevalence of health problems?
cord-004894-75w35fkdDo we feel comfortable with this''black- box''reasoning, i.e. do we question the role of pathophysiological and mechanistic reasoning in clinical medicine?
cord-004894-75w35fkdFEV1, with respect to non- users, of 10.4(95%CI: 1.6- 19.2) mL/ year.?
cord-004894-75w35fkdFor reliability, Cohen's kappa coefficient(?) was applied.
cord-004894-75w35fkdHave GPs treatment arm preferences?
cord-004894-75w35fkdHow can epidemiologic data be used for( quantitative) risk assessment?
cord-004894-75w35fkdHow much sense does it make for epidemiology to play with and scrutinize proteomics and genomics approaches in epidemiology and clinical medicine?
cord-004894-75w35fkdInfection diseases: Beneficial or Disaster for man?
cord-004894-75w35fkdIs population- based primary prevention more favourable than secondary prevention( risk factor reduction in coronary heart disease( CHD) patients)?
cord-004894-75w35fkdMethods: From the Netherlands Cancer Registry patients were selected with invasive pT1(? 2.0 cm) or pT2( 2.1- 5.0 cm) tumours, without metastasis at time of diagnosis.
cord-004894-75w35fkdMethods: We retrospectively analysed medical data from 3,166 episodes of LRTI among patients?
cord-004894-75w35fkdObjective: What factors are associated with referral to physiotherapy or specialist in non- traumatic armneck- shoulder complaints in general practice, during the first consultation?
cord-004894-75w35fkdObjectives: Our question was: Can we understand RCT outcomes better with qualitative research?
cord-004894-75w35fkdObjectives: The question is: Are observed increasing rates due to actual changes in incidence rates or mainly caused by changes in registration practice or artefacts?
cord-004894-75w35fkdOur question is: Does BPSA yield improved interval estimation of treatment effects compared to PSA?
cord-004894-75w35fkdResults: When adjusting for all covariates, ICS use for> 2 years significantly reduced?
cord-004894-75w35fkdShould a researcher foresee press reaction and what can be done to prevent negative consequences?
cord-004894-75w35fkdTHE FUTURE: DO THEY FULFIL IT?
cord-004894-75w35fkdThe ODP database was moderately reliable(?
cord-004894-75w35fkdThe annual FEV1 decrease(? FEV1) was analysed by multi- level regression models, according to age, sex, height, BMI, occupation, familiarity of asthma, hospitalization for asthma( baseline factors); cumulative time of inhaled corticosteroid( ICS) use and annual weight gain during the follow- up; lifetime pack- years smoked.
cord-004894-75w35fkdThe use of BCS and BCS- RT in pT1(? 2 cm) and pT2-tumours( 2- 5 cm) was investigated in the Netherlands in the period 1990 and 2001.
cord-004894-75w35fkdTwo different IFN- g tests will be done in those with a TST induration of?
cord-004894-75w35fkdViruses were detected in 58% of the cases,?
cord-004894-75w35fkdWhat are at meaningful and consequential examples of current findings in proteomics, genomics and similar approaches in biomedical research?
cord-004894-75w35fkdWhat is the effect on allocation concealment and selection bias?
cord-004894-75w35fkdWhich factors are associated with differences in utilisation of GP care?
cord-004894-75w35fkdWhich factors are associated with ethnic differences in self- rated health?
cord-004894-75w35fkdWhose responsibility is this misunderstanding between press and researchers?
cord-004894-75w35fkdthe main biological, clinical and public health implications of current findings in these research fields?
cord-253402-6sgerawsTime to use the p- word?
cord-253402-6sgerawsauthors: Remuzzi, Andrea; Remuzzi, Giuseppe title: COVID-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-253970-sbj869yyReadiness for responding to a severe pandemic 100 years after 1918 Coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): a systematic review of imaging findings in 919 patients Neurologic manifestations of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in Wuhan China Imaging in neurological disease of hospitalized COVID-19 patients: an Italian multicenter retrospective observational study Cerebral venous thrombosis associated with COVID-19 COVID-19-associated diffuse leukoencephalopathy and microhemorrhages Neurologic features in severe SARS- CoV-2 infection COVID-19 associated encephalopathies and cerebrovascular disease: the New Orleans experience Brain MRI Findings in severe COVID-19: a retrospective observational study Hemorrhagic posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome as a manifestation of COVID-19 infection Anosmia in COVID-19 associated with injury to the olfactory bulbs evident on MRI Guillain- Barrè syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infecion: causality or coincidence?
cord-253970-sbj869yyThe immunology of COVID-19: is immune modulation an option for treatment?
cord-254377-j8e8gb0lprevious Covid-19 – should we prolong prophylactic anticoagulation?
cord-252829-gn56tsz3An economic view on the current state of the economics of palliative and end- of- life care Time- bound opportunity costs of informal care: consequences for access to professional care, caregiver support, and labour supply estimates The value of uncertainty in critical illness?
cord-252829-gn56tsz3But what are the costs for ICrs?
cord-252829-gn56tsz3Marie Curie UK Is homebased palliative care cost- effective?
cord-252829-gn56tsz3family member perceptions of unmet need associated with last place of care The environment and disease: association or causation?
cord-252829-gn56tsz3what factors influence this?
cord-253129-v5lck9l7Evidence of barotrauma since enrolment? a.
cord-253129-v5lck9l7Not optimally resuscitated with fluids( e.g. stable blood pressure, but pulse pressure variation ≥ 12% because of inadequate left ventricular preload)?
cord-253129-v5lck9l7Yes A minimal algorithm for a minimal recruitment model- model estimation of alveoli opening pressure of an acute respiratory distress syndrome( ARDS) lung Patient- ventilator asynchrony during assisted mechanical ventilation Patient- ventilator asynchronies: may the respiratory mechanics play a role?
cord-253077-61fmul8c( COVID-19): A Review Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-253077-61fmul8c:( 1) what is the contribution of T cells to initial virus control and tissue damage in the context of COVID-19, and( 2) how do memory T cells established thereafter contribute to protective immunity upon re- infection?
cord-253077-61fmul8cCytoplasmic Origin SARS- CoV-2 is sensitive to type I interferon pretreatment Prediction and Evolution of B Cell Epitopes of Surface Protein in SARS- CoV-2 Serology characteristics of SARS- CoV-2 infection since the exposure and post symptoms onset Quantifying treatment effects of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19: a secondary analysis of an open label non- randomized clinical trial Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding Adjuvant corticosteroid therapy for critically ill patients with COVID-19( medRxiv) Meta- Analysis: Convalescent Blood Products for Spanish Influenza Pneumonia: A Future H5N1 Treatment?
cord-253375-m3qjj7r4Are we ready to treat diffuse large b- cell and high- grade lymphoma according to major genetic subtypes?
cord-253375-m3qjj7r4COVID-19) pandemic Risk of COVID-19 for patients with cancer Fair allocation of scarce medical resources in the time of Covid-19 Challenges for NHS hospitals during covid-19 epidemic Care of haematology patients in a COVID-19 epidemic American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Aggressive B cell lymphomas in the 2017 revised WHO classification of tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues Is now the time for molecular driven therapy for diffuse large B- cell lymphoma?
cord-253375-m3qjj7r4Is there a role for"watch and wait"in patients with mantle cell lymphoma?
cord-256262-lwc4ghj2we propose the optimal diagnostic tools to ensure a correct survey?
cord-254852-qr5gdmbcDoes this infant have pneumonia?
cord-254852-qr5gdmbcUpdated recommendations for prevention of invasive pneumococcal disease among adults using the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine( PPSV23) Vaccines for preventing pneumococcal infection in adults What is the best approach to the nonresponding patient with community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-254446-yxqbe1dj: Facts and myths Impact of corticosteroid therapy on outcomes of persons with SARS- CoV-2, SARS- CoV, or MERS- CoV infection: a systematic review and meta- analysis COVID-19, cytokines and immunosuppression: what can we learn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-254446-yxqbe1djTemporal profiles of viral load in posterior oropharyngeal saliva samples and serum antibody responses during infection by SARS- CoV-2: an observational cohort study Viral dynamics of SARS- CoV-2 across a spectrum of disease severity in COVID-19 Molecular and serological investigation of 2019-nCoV infected patients: implication of multiple shedding routes Comparisons of viral shedding time of SARS- CoV-2 of different samples in ICU and non- ICU patients Lack of dyspnea in patients with Covid-19: another neurological conundrum?
cord-254446-yxqbe1djThe facts during the third epidemic Clinical course of COVID-19 in a series of patients with chronic arthritis treated with immunosuppressive targeted therapies Successful recovery of COVID-19 pneumonia in a renal transplant recipient with long- term immunosuppression Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: Does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgy( Symposium arranged with EFWISG) S460 MRSA in food products: cause for concern or case for complacency?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyAnd are we gaining or losing?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyAnd the equally valid question: to what extent does biological science benefit from study of fungi that are opportunistic pathogens?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyAre we aware?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyAre we in command?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyClinical microbiology − is outsourcing the way to go?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyDo the efflux pump inhibitors reserpine and verapamil reduce the mutation frequency?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyDo we have a choice?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyDo we know where we are going?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyDo we recognise a driving force other than money?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyDoes efflux phenotype impose a fitness cost?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyEmerging infections: can we cope with them?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyFurthermore, is there a pathophysiological impact of viral replication in individuals with CIHHV-6?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyIf you do n't look for them, you wo n't find them: anaerobes revisited S481 Anaerobic microbiota of the mouth − friend or foe?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyIs it good, bad or just plain necessary?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyMRSA screening − will we ever agree?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyO391 Throwing caution to the winds?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyPBP 3 − SOS response?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyPatient management: the era of rapid diagnostic results( Symposium organised by Cepheid) S161 Will community MRSA and Clostridium difficile change infection control in hospitals?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyS485 Is culture still the gold standard, really?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyShould we oppose or cooperate?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgySo, it is unclear how the transcription and translation of viral genes is influenced?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyThe( r)evolution of clinical microbiology in Europe − is it good or bad?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyTo what extent do patients benefit from translation of basic research into tools for clinical management?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyWhat about Europe?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyWhat is driving the evolution?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgyor gyrA QRDR mutation frequencies than efflux negative isolates?
cord-009664-kb9fnbgywhich antifungal treatment for which patient?
cord-006460-3ayc0hne-20 years later The complications of trauma and their associated costs in a level I trauma center Are we winning the battle in the surgical intensive care unit?
cord-006460-3ayc0hne8 primes neutrophils in patients with trauma at risk of multiple organ failure Does programmed cell death( apoptosis) play a role in the development of multiple organ dysfunction in critically ill patients?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneAn acronym or a response?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneAre these the causes or are they associations that are not totally worked out?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneAre we improving patient care and, if so, how?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneAre we improving patient care, are we winning the battle[ 96, 97], and is MOF disappearing?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneBlakiston's Gould medical dictionary SIRS, MODS, MOFwhat's in a name?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneCan we control inflammation without doing harm to the host?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneDoes H. pylori modulate the response to injury and is it a nosocomial infection[ 83, 84]?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneHave there been any clinical advances in the care of patients in the past 20 years?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneHelicobacter pylori and critical illness: a passive bystander or cause of disease?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneHow do we sort out which is most important and which should be treated or blocked?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneIs there an interleukin-1 genetic predisposition to developing severe sepsis?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneIs there immune deficiency or immune excess?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneThey can only be documented by the types of experience that were cited earlier in the section entitled"Are we improving patient care and, if so, how?:
cord-006460-3ayc0hneThus, to answer the question-is MOF disappearing?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneWhat difference does it make?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneWhat is the answer to this gender gap?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneWhat should you do if you are injured and develop an infection?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneWhat's in a name?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneWhy have new effective therapies for sepsis not been developed?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneWhy have there been failures of so many potential magic bullets?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneWhy is this?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneWhy sepsis trials fail Anti- inflammatory therapies to treat sepsis and septic shock: a reassessment MOF, MODS and SIRS-why no magic bullets?
cord-006460-3ayc0hnedo we stand Multiple organ failure: is it disappearing?
cord-006460-3ayc0hnegrowth hormone, glutamine, and a modified diet Characterization of growth hormone enhanced donor site healing in patients with large cutaneous burns Priming of the neutrophil respiratory burst is species- dependent and involves MAP kinase activation Molecular mimicry and autoimmunity Systemic inflammatory response syndrome( SIRS), multiple organ dysfunction syndrome( MODS), multiple organ failure( MOF): are we winning the battle?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneit disappearing?
cord-006460-3ayc0hneold ideas crushed, new mysteries bared Inflammation, infection, and coronary artery disease Does Chlamydia pneumoniae cause atherosclerosis?
cord-006460-3ayc0hnewe winning the battle?
cord-256117-t9v1hng5As such, we are easily incapacitated with quarantine or illness; who will take care of our community then?
cord-253295-82ydczid( diagnosis),"how it going to behave?"
cord-253295-82ydczid( prognosis), and"how do I treat it?"
cord-253295-82ydczidPathologists collect the data needed to answer patients'and clinicians'questions, simply phrased as"what is it?"
cord-032183-yqqqe325An integration of deep viral suppression with sequential immune modulation( cocktail therapy) to restore antiviral capacity: the future of chronic hepatitis B?
cord-032183-yqqqe325Dissecting the divergent effects of interferon- alpha on immune cells: time to rethink combination therapy in chronic hepatitis B?
cord-032183-yqqqe325Does antiviral therapy reduce complications of cirrhosis?
cord-032183-yqqqe325Entecavir treatment prevents disease progression in hepatitis B virus- related acute- on- chronic liver failure: establishment of a novel logistical regression model Management of severe acute to fulminant hepatitis B: to treat or not to treat or when to treat?
cord-032183-yqqqe325HBV cure- can we pin our hopes on immunotherapy?
cord-032183-yqqqe325What MELD score mandates use of entecavir for ACLF- HBV HBeAg- negative patients?
cord-032183-yqqqe325hepatitis B immunoglobulin necessary in prophylaxis of hepatitis B recurrence after liver transplantation?
cord-032183-yqqqe325the effect of preventive lamivudine on hepatitis B reactivation during chemotherapy Management of the HBV reactivation in isolated HBcAb positive patients affected with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Hepatitis B virus reactivation associated with anti- neoplastic therapy Thyroid abnormalities in chronic viral hepatitis and their relationship to interferon alfa therapy Can pegylated interferon alpha 2a cause development of thyroid disorders in patients with chronic hepatitis B?
cord-255240-ltatgq3eHence one faces a therapeutic dilemma; with such extensive cerebral white matter disease and stable coronary artery disease, is anti- platelet therapy warranted in the presence of more than five CMBs?
cord-255240-ltatgq3eThe question at hand states: is anti- platelet therapy safe in this patient with more than five micro- hemorrhages( CMBs) in the brain?
cord-256888-tdx12ccjdifferent respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-002774-tpqsjjet( 2) does participation in drug treatment programs increase social capital?, and( 3) is there a significant difference among treatment modalities in affecting change in~ial capital?
cord-002774-tpqsjjet( 2) does participation in drug treatment programs increase social capital?, and( 3) is there a significant difference among treatment modalities in affecting change in~ial capital?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetDie: How to Save our Children?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetFindings suggest that HM have less access t?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetHow can we Measure this Elusive Goal?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetHow do AIDS mortality and fatality rates vary when related community characteristics, such as household income, ethnic mix, and geographic access to primary and ancillary HIV/ AIDS services are considered?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetHow has the widespread availability of HAART( after 1996) impacted AIDS outcomes at the community level?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetHowever, as part of an ongoing study?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetIn June 2004, the Association of?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetMoreover, there is n? basis for assessing the impact of the resultant initiatives to improve health~onditions amo~ g~o":1":1um ties settled in unplanned areas.
cord-002774-tpqsjjetNearly all participants( 97%) reported a history of contact with drug llt.lnnent services( methadone maintenance, rehabilitation clinics and judicial treatment), mental health car?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetSince urban areas are more than the aggregation?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetSystem for Homeless, HIV- infected Patients in NYC?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe increase m parnc1pat10n, the CHR mvolvement in the community, and the positive feedback from the agen?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe moot question in all the above observed development are: has the city rationally addressed it planning needs?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe principle research questions were: 1) What is the relationship between the locations of areas with concentrations of PL WA and the distribution of both primary and ancillary service providers?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe quesuon to be 1~: If health care is available and accessible to one person, what makes it not available to all people?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetThe research questions were: What are the effects of homelessness on health?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetTwo research questions were investigated: are there spatial patterns to the events dis · tribution, and moreover, are these patterns overlapping across space?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhat kind of supports are needed for homeless people to get off the street?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhen the govern · ment withdrew from direct service provision as reform trends and donor advocacy suggested, how does it perform its new indirect role of managing relations with new direct health services providers in terms of regulating, enabling, and managing relations with these health services providers?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhen/(calen · dar time), By 2, fisher exact and t were appliedxwhom( authors?).
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWho and Why?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetWhy children die in Bangladesh?
cord-002774-tpqsjjet_ contacts these women via?
cord-002774-tpqsjjeta report of the efforts being made towards such a goal: The paper descr~ bes~ c~ se study?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetand dent~ I hygiene t?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetblocks, we considered a broad range of factors including evidence of homogeneity an~ heterogeneity( socmeconomic, ethnic, housing type, environmental) across blocks within and blocks ad1acent to a nei.ghborhood, and across the 36 sample neighborhoods; the potential for efficient recruit · ment of appropriate particip.ants( i.e. sufficient local pedestrian traffic); and boundaries used in reporting census data( s?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetcQue tenemos para aprender de las"soluciones"que ellos mismos encuenrran a los usos problemat1cos?
cord-002774-tpqsjjeten estas comunidades?
cord-002774-tpqsjjett) does social capital predict parti~ ipating in treatment programs?
cord-002774-tpqsjjetto all pama~~g?
cord-002774-tpqsjjet~i~ an~ s were recruited from drop in centres in 7 cities across
cord-002774-tpqsjjet~ts: In addmon to reporting process data and descriptions of the SIF users, we report on data indicating that the establishment of the SIF has been independently associated with reductions in public~': ° g~( p
cord-023168-cd7adns8Are there any other treatments I should give before making the decision to transfuse, such as intravenous replacement fluids or oxygen?
cord-023168-cd7adns8Can I minimize blood loss to reduce this patient's need for transfusion?
cord-023168-cd7adns8Can hematological parameters discriminate malaria from nonmalarious acute febrile illness in the tropics?
cord-023168-cd7adns8How much time do health services spend on antenatal care?
cord-023168-cd7adns8Is it HIV TTP or HIV- associated thrombotic microangiopathy?
cord-023168-cd7adns8Plateletmediated clumping of Plasmodium falciparuminfected erythrocytes is a common adhesive phenotype and is associated with severe malaria Willebrand factor propeptide in malaria: evidence of acute endothelial cell activation Thrombopoietin in Plasmodium falciparum malaria Immunemediated thrombo- cytopenia of malaria Thrombocytopenia in malaria: who cares?
cord-023168-cd7adns8Thalassaemia intermedia Alpha- thalssemia Hemoglobin H disease and mental retardation: a new syndrome or a remarkable coincidence?
cord-023168-cd7adns8The Thalassaemia Syndromes Pathophysiology of beta thalassaemia-a guide to molecular therapies Beta- thalassaemia intermedia: is it possible consistently to predict phenotype from genotype?
cord-023168-cd7adns8What are the risks of transmitting HIV, hepatitis, syphilis or other infectious agents through the blood products that are available for this patient?
cord-023168-cd7adns8What are the specific clinical or laboratory indications for transfusion in this patient?
cord-023168-cd7adns8What improvement in the patient's clinical condition am I aiming to achieve?
cord-023168-cd7adns8What works?
cord-023168-cd7adns8Why would the incidence of HIV- associated Hodgkin lymphoma increase in the setting of improved immunity?
cord-023168-cd7adns8can we learn and how can we help in improving diagnosis, managing patients and fostering translational research?
cord-023168-cd7adns8deficiency Importance of folate in human nutrition Review of the magnitude of folate and vitamin B 12 deficiencies worldwide Red cell or serum folate?
cord-023168-cd7adns8there models for developing countries?
cord-253638-5f9ofdscA report of the american college of cardiology/ american heart association task force on clinical practice guidelines 2018 aha/ acc guideline for the management of adults with congenital heart disease: A report of the american college of cardiology/ american heart association task force on clinical practice guidelines Vulnerable groups with congenital heart disease Diagnosis and management of noncardiac complications in adults with congenital heart disease: A scientific statement from the american heart association Endocarditis in congenital heart disease: Who is at highest risk?
cord-253638-5f9ofdscAn alternative drug for the treatment of coronavirus covid-19?
cord-253638-5f9ofdscCovid-19: Ibuprofen should not be used for managing symptoms, say doctors and scientists Ema gives advice on the use of non- steroidal anti- inflammatories for covid-19 Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for covid-19 infection?
cord-253638-5f9ofdscsars An invited commentary on"world health organization declares global emergency: A review of the 2019 novel coronavirus( covid-19)": Emergency or new reality?
cord-256639-4e0irb6dA Meta- Analysis of Observational Studies Sevoflurane, a Sigh of Relief in COVID-19?
cord-256849-8w2avwo2Is there a case for quarantine?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9009 State- of- the- art 2007: mitral valve repairminimally invasive or median sternotomy?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9115 Prophylactic operations in palliativ surgerya conflict?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9201 Is TME an adequate treatment for low rectal cancer?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9229 Teaching means learning-who benefits from academic teaching duties?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9233 Single- port appendectomy in obese children-a useful alternative?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9253 Does lifting of the abdominal wall for the set up of the pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopy increase the safetiness?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9333 Breast cancer centres-can quality only be achieved in high- volume- institutions?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9354 Fast track surgery without thoracic peridural anaesthesia?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9368 Segmental duodenectomy at periampullary lesions-an adequate therapy?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9380 Oversewing of gastric pull up staple line in reconstruction after esophageal resection: counterproductive or helpful procedure?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9A protective effect towards myocyte damage was further underlined by reduced troponin levels in groups receiving B- beta 15- 42. 081 Acute cellular rejection after cardiac transplantation-is there a way to reduce the number of biopsies?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9Based on our case we like to discuss the indication for surgery, incidence of malignant change, risk factors, discovery and diagnosis, detection and prevention, the surgical procedures for the treatment of chledochal cysts and especially whether the typ of surgery have an impact on malignant transformation?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9But how can the terms''malpractice''or medical error be defined at all?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9But what is the standard treatment in recurrent pneumothorax after primary operation in the era of VATS?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9Does the lunar phase influence the incidence of postoperative haemorrhage after thyroid surgery?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9Does the route of gastric pull- up influence the oxygen supply of the anastomosis?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9However, the question remains, which fields of specialisation are realistic for a general surgical department with a limited staff?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9Is the laparoscopic sigmoid resection with a primary anastomosis in acute sigmoid diverticulitis the optimal surgical therapy?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9P08 Stamm- Kader gastrostomy or PEG W. H. Weissenhofer Time- honoured or forgotten?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9P21 Lymphatic vessel invasion in upper GI cancer: an indication for an additive or adjuvant therapy?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9P33 Lipocalin-2, regulator or byproduct during ischemia and reperfusion?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9Pure esophageal atresia with normal outer appearance-a new subtype?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9Stenosis and occlusion of the proximal subclavian artery-surgical or interventional treatment?
cord-015368-a0qz4tb9Which conditions must be fulfilled for the motion to court or the medical arbitration committee?
cord-256893-3sh87h2xCOVID-19: risk for cytokine targeting in chronic inflammatory diseases?
cord-257600-0plhquk9Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-254777-h8hw4m9fImmunopathology in COVID-19 Is the HScore useful in COVID-19?
cord-254777-h8hw4m9fThe JAK/ STAT signaling pathway Complex Immune Dysregulation in COVID-19 Patients with Severe Respiratory Failure Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment?
cord-254777-h8hw4m9fThe Lancet Infectious Diseases JAK Inhibition as a New Treatment Strategy for Patients with COVID-19 Janus kinase inhibitor baricitinib is not an ideal option for management of COVID-19 Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment?
cord-022659-chwk2bs4( mean 2 standard error of mean) without U74500A and was reduced to 0.76?
cord-022659-chwk2bs436* 12 yr), and 17 normal controls( 8 male, 9 female; 3 1? 9 yr) on specific neuropsychological( NP) and computer- administered tasks of attentional ability.
cord-022659-chwk2bs4Differentiated from Alzheimer's Disease?
cord-022659-chwk2bs4Do these results suggest that whatever causes MS can be eradicated in half of the demyelinating areas by the time of death?
cord-022659-chwk2bs4Does deprenyl have a symptomatic effect on patients with untreated and L- dopa- treated Parkinson's disease( PD)?
cord-022659-chwk2bs4Helpers( T4) decreased from 1,436 in controls to 985 in migraine patients, and total?'
cord-022659-chwk2bs4K, of tumor- free brain was 1.40 to 2.69( mean 1.89? 0.50).
cord-022659-chwk2bs4Normals completed the battery in 297 i 56, and cognitively declined patients completed the battery in 359?
cord-022659-chwk2bs4Once deprenyl is started, how long is it before another medication is needed to control symptoms of continued disease progression?
cord-022659-chwk2bs4PMN- mediated myelin oxidation was 1.89_ t 0.44 without drug and 0.64? 0.10 with drug( p< 0.02).
cord-022659-chwk2bs4Polyneuropathy: A Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy Variant?
cord-022659-chwk2bs4Six months later, 7/24( 29.2%) patients still had low thresholds but the mean MEP/ CMAP ratio had dropped to 24.9?
cord-022659-chwk2bs4To investigate the effects of lacunar infarction( LI) on cognitive function, we examined 57 LI patients 3 months after stroke( age= 71.6?
cord-022659-chwk2bs4Twenty were considered to be at increased risk(? 85%), 14 at decreased risk(< 15%), and in 1 individual no modification could be given.
cord-022659-chwk2bs4We report a married couple, both of Clue to Etiology?
cord-022659-chwk2bs4We therefore compared 17 TS patients( 9 male, 8 female; mean age 32? 11 yr), 17 ADHD patients( 8 male, 9 female;
cord-022659-chwk2bs4mean* SD, 0.94? 0.33 and 0.74
cord-022659-chwk2bs4well 2 0.6 x lo5 cells; ceramide- treated cells grew to 1.6 X lo5?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdAcknowledging, Managing, And Coping with Human Error Facing our Mistakes Born This Way: Reading Frankenstein with Disability Dr. Frankenstein, I Presume?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdAesthetics, likeness, and difference:"I had selected his features as beautiful"How do aesthetic categories- culturally conditioned standards of perfection, conformity, and beauty- shape the relationship between physicians and their patients?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdAs Chronic Illness?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdHow do aesthetic categories- standards of perfection and beauty, expectations and perceptions of likeness and difference- structure the desires of and ultimately the relationships between physicians and their patients?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdIn what sense does a physician bring a patient( back) to( their) life?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdIn what sense does a physician bring a patient( back) to( their) life?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdIs it simply the Creature's hideous body?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdIs there anything left to say about Frankenstein?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdOr what if Victor were the kind of physician that he ideally could be, the linguistic medium that he shares with his unnamed creation developed to its fullest capacity?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdThe possibility that he is more like the Creature than different?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdThus the question becomes, how might doctors speak with their patients about such imperfections and vulnerabilities?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdVictor's own loss of control over what he has created?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhat are the physician's ongoing responsibilities to a creation that falls short of expectations and defies medical expertise; and are these responsibilities in fact shared between physician and patient?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhat are the physician's responsibilities to the patient?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhat does"bring to life"mean in the context of contemporary medical practice?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhat emotions arise when expectations and ideals are violated?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhat happens when we, Shelley's present- day readers, share the responsibility of interpretation that is itself historically part of the physician's job?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhat is its object?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhat parallel feelings arise when these categories of difference are violated?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhat then is to be done?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhat, for example, of laughter?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhose Time Has Come Ahmed Saadawi's Frankenstein in Baghdad: A Tale of Biomedical Salvation?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhy Do Doctors Think They Are God?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhy does Victor refuse to learn this vocabulary?
cord-012469-6cvu5umdWhy might a physician also fear even a recovering patient?
cord-012469-6cvu5umd[ … W]here can I find rest but in death?"
cord-257467-b8o5ghvi: can we lower the risk?
cord-257781-ybpliz32Guidelines on the management of critically ill adults with coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Severe Covid-19 World Health Organization: Clinical Management of COVID-19: Interim Guidance Use of non- invasive ventilation for patients with COVID-19: A cause for concern?
cord-256634-gg8hptfg( COVID-19) Therapies COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines: National Institutes of Health FDA Drug Safety Communication: FDA cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems Tocilizumab in COVID-19: Beware the risk of intestinal perforation FACT SHEET FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION( EUA) OF REMDESIVIR( GS-5734 ™) 2020 Prevalence surveys of healthcare- associated infections: what do they tell us, if anything?
cord-258278-25rhf91vWhat Is the Optimal Antithrombotic Regimen for Secondary Prevention?
cord-255519-tcobane8A positive value of 1 was assigned when participants responded"yes"to the following question,"In the last year, have you lost more than 10 pounds unintentionally?"
cord-255519-tcobane8An early intervention program High- intensity interval training for patients with cardiovascular disease- is it safe?
cord-255519-tcobane8Improving long- term outcomes after discharge from intensive care unit: report from a stakeholders'conference Is prolonged use of computer games a risk factor for deep venous thrombosis in children?
cord-257732-3xuy6tbnwhat next?
cord-257274-fzyamd7vImplementation Handbook Is larger scoliosis curve magnitude associated with increased perioperative health- care resource utilization?: a multicenter analysis of 325 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis curves Empirically derived maximal acceptable wait time for surgery to treat adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
cord-257274-fzyamd7vThe effect of sporting events on emergency department attendance rates in a district general hospital in Northern Ireland Do major televised events affect pediatric emergency department attendances or delay presentation of surgical conditions?
cord-257309-sazs5wghA possible role for B cells in COVID-19?
cord-258576-ywbyflasChina Extracellular DNA traps promote thrombosis Thrombosis: tangled up in NETs What has the COVID-19 pandemic taught us so far?
cord-256051-87alqfkdA role for CT in COVID-19?
cord-256051-87alqfkdEndorsed by the Society of Thoracic Radiology, the American College of Radiology, and RSNA- Secondary Publication Is There a Role for Lung Ultrasound During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
cord-256051-87alqfkdpneumonia: a random association?
cord-257276-h5542vqgChin Optimising the routing of home health caregivers: can a hybrid ant colony metaheuristic provide a solution?
cord-257276-h5542vqgDo drones have a realistic place in a pandemic fight for delivering medical supplies in healthcare systems problems?
cord-258315-yt1ytaswwe treat Diamond Princess Cruise Ship with 3700 passengers?
cord-255807-7goz1agp( In Dutch) Underdiagnosis of asthma: is the doctor or the patient to blame?
cord-255807-7goz1agpRelation between influenza vaccination and outpatient visits, hospitalization, and mortality in elderly persons with chronic lung disease Is immunising all patients with chronic lung disease in the community against influenza cost- effective?
cord-255807-7goz1agpThe introduction of computer- based patient records in the Netherlands Improving influenza vaccination coverage among high- risk patients: a role for computer- supported prevention strategy?
cord-255393-aknebauo: a randomized controlled trial Is the sodium thiosulfate therapy useful for vascular calcification in dialysis Pts?
cord-255393-aknebauoAs usual, in this era of evidence- based medicine, the question that arises is whether we should wait for a"perfect", large- scale randomised controlled trial, or for irrefutable evidence on the promising new alternatives[ 8], or, in the absence of alternatives, and, more importantly, in the absence of severe side effects of a drug we routinely use with slightly different indications[ 9], we should wisely select those of our patients who would, to the best of our clinical knowledge, benefit more from halting or regressing vascular calcifications?
cord-255393-aknebauoCalciphylaxis: a conundrum for patients and nephrologists?
cord-255393-aknebauoWhy were these promising studies not followed up?
cord-258128-qtmjgrmla prospective observational study Clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis and management of cough- Chinese Thoracic Society( CTS) Asthma Consortium Pharmacology of dextromethorphan: relevance to dextromethorphan/ quinidine( Nuedexta ®) clinical use Hypothesis: angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers may increase the risk of severe COVID-19 SARS- CoV2: should inhibitors of the renin- angiotensin system be withdrawn in patients with COVID-19?
cord-258930-60yn4hg7COVID-19: Gastrointestinal manifestations and potential fecal- oral transmission Imbalance of the renin- angiotensin system may contribute to inflammation and fibrosis in IBD: a novel therapeutic target?
cord-023017-k6edtg58( I?
cord-023017-k6edtg5812mmHg or by?
cord-023017-k6edtg5812mmHg or? lo%), had a significantly lower probability of bleeding( P?O.Ol) and of requiring hospital admission because decompensations of cirrhosis, while survival probability was higher, both after acute and chronic beta- blocker administration.
cord-023017-k6edtg582) what are the risk factors of IR; 3) does IR play a role( and to what extent) in the occurrence of steatosis?
cord-023017-k6edtg5820% in 38% of cases and decreased? lo% in 74%( P?O.OOl) after acute beta- blocker.
cord-023017-k6edtg584) is IR involved in the progression of fibrosis?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Control( 0.65 cellsltriad?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Hemodynamic responders( defining response as a decrease of HVPG to?
cord-023017-k6edtg58If CD34 numbers are adjusted for the total mononuclear cell counts then the increase in circulating stem cells between these two groups became even more apparent( 0.44? 0.34 and 4.98XlOX6 cellsll 24.8; p<0.05).
cord-023017-k6edtg58In patients with chronic hepatitis C, we adressed the following issues: 1) is IR the cause or consequence of steatosis and fibrosis?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Methods: Chronic liver injury was induced in rats by CC14 treatment( of the development of cirrhosis in Group 1( histopathology score of 3.7?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Our results suggest that: 1) A decrease of HVFG?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Overall, patients with PNF were older( 55.7 t 10 vs. 48.99 years, p=0.03) and had higher peak ALT levels( 141? 185 vs. 40 2 32 U/ L, p=0.04).
cord-023017-k6edtg58Studies dealing with the prevention of rebleeding have shown that hemodynamic response to pharmacological treatment of portal hypertension is adequate when the hepatic venous pressure gradient( HVPG) decreases to?
cord-023017-k6edtg58The HCV RNA was done by a PCR technique with a detectability cutoff of 50-copieslmb Results: Both randomized groups were similar at baseline without statistical significant difference, 190( 90%) were infected with genotype 4, mean age was 39.5 years?
cord-023017-k6edtg58The HVPG decreased?
cord-023017-k6edtg58The area of ASMA- positive cells was however significantly decreased by SSR 182289 from 3.83? 1.04 to 2.86
cord-023017-k6edtg58The mean level of circulating apoptotic cells in Day 1 recipient PBMC was higher than healthy controls( 0.9% t-0.2 vs 0.2%?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Using ROC curve a decrease of HVPG?
cord-259747-sl9q63ocCOVID-19 pneumonia: ARDS or not?
cord-001221-due9tloa1) Is this a true occlusion( how to differentiate it from adynamic ileus)?
cord-001221-due9tloa2) Does the obstruction concern the small bowel or the colon( impacting on the decision to operate or not)?
cord-001221-due9tloa4) Are there signs of bowel ischaemia?
cord-001221-due9tloaA-017 17:00 C. MR/ PET: do we really need it?
cord-001221-due9tloaAnd if so, which kinds of images( CT, MRI, x- ray, etc).?
cord-001221-due9tloaAre there associated findings other than GGO, such as nodules, reticulation or focal disease, and distribution of findings that can narrow the differential diagnosis?
cord-001221-due9tloaAre there specific radiological and HRCT findings that can help us differentiate GGO in autoimmune inflammatory conditions from infectious and neoplastic processes?
cord-001221-due9tloaAre there sufficient data to support the implementation of individual lung cancer screening in clinical practice?
cord-001221-due9tloaCardiac MR/ PET: Do we really need it?
cord-001221-due9tloaHow accurate and prognostically valid is coronary CT angiography?
cord-001221-due9tloaHow can we manage the portability of patients'data( security issues, data loss, etc).?
cord-001221-due9tloaHow can we reduce the amount of contrast agent by volume?
cord-001221-due9tloaHow can we reduce the amount of iodine concentration in the contrast agent?
cord-001221-due9tloaHow can we reduce the time of cardiac CT studies?
cord-001221-due9tloaHow can we reduce the x- ray dose?
cord-001221-due9tloaHow should subjects be informed about screening?
cord-001221-due9tloaIn view of this rapid technological development, again radiology falls in the middle of a storm and is asked to find a solution to problem: are tablets suitable to read and report DICOM images?
cord-001221-due9tloaIs cell imaging relevant for the clinic?
cord-001221-due9tloaKey components of differential diagnosis is configuration of the enhancement( does it follow the orientation of the milk duct or not?)
cord-001221-due9tloaRight heart and chronic respiratory diseases: can CT be used as a onestop- shop?
cord-001221-due9tloaStereotactic radiofrequency ablation of liver tumours: does improved targeting increase tumour response?
cord-001221-due9tloaTherefore, what happens in those patients in whom we found highly suggestive lesions but have never had symptoms?
cord-001221-due9tloaWhat about the alternatives of waiting for additional data from ongoing trials or the validation of new biomarkers of lung cancer, permitting better selection of screened population before implementing individual lung cancer screening?
cord-001221-due9tloaWhat are the most optimised risk profiles for screening?
cord-001221-due9tloaWhat are the optimal follow- up duration and screening interval?
cord-001221-due9tloaWhat are the protocols with the lowest radiation dose in clinical practice? J.-F.
cord-001221-due9tloaWhat are the technical and positive screen management requirements?
cord-001221-due9tloaWhat is the cause of the obstruction?
cord-001221-due9tloaWhat is the minimum level of infrastructure support and organisation required?
cord-001221-due9tloaWhat is the radiographer's role in cardiac CT studies?
cord-001221-due9tloaWhat will be the impact on teleradiology?
cord-001221-due9tloaWhere are the turf battles in diagnostic imaging?
cord-001221-due9tloaWhy is it important in your imaging protocol of the IAC and CPA region to use gadolinium?
cord-254357-5s84kimnA retrospective study of the real- life utilization and effectiveness of ranibizumab therapy for neovascular age- related macular degeneration in the UK Four- year treatment results of neovascular age- related macular degeneration with ranibizumab and causes for discontinuation of treatment Is patient empowerment the key to promote adherence?
cord-254357-5s84kimnA systematic review of the relationship between self- efficacy, health locus of control and medication adherence Development of the patient activation measure( PAM): conceptualizing and measuring activation in patients and consumers Improving medication adherence to reduce vision loss in patients with glaucoma: low hanging fruit?
cord-254357-5s84kimnHow Engaged are Consumers in Their Health and Health Care, and Why Does It Matter?
cord-254357-5s84kimnThe relationship between glaucoma medication adherence, eye drop technique and visual field defect severity Toward identifying the causes and combinations of causes increasing the risks of nonadherence to medical regimens: combined results of two German self- report surveys Health literacy and adherence to medical treatment in chronic and acute illness: a meta- analysis Barriers to follow- up and strategies to improve adherence to appointments for care of chronic eye diseases Understanding non- adherence from the inside: hypertensive patients'motivations for adhering and not adhering Patients'beliefs about treatment: the hidden determinant of treatment outcome?
cord-254357-5s84kimnWhat matters to patients?
cord-022292-msz4au4bIn one study, resolution followed bronchoscopy(aversive stimulus"?)
cord-022292-msz4au4bBecause many disorders of childhood have genetic or nongenetic familial components, the family history can provide helpful information: Are there older siblings with cystic fibrosis( CF) or asthma?
cord-022292-msz4au4bCan the child be calmed or engaged in play?
cord-022292-msz4au4bDid the child receive a bone marrow transplant a year ago?
cord-022292-msz4au4bDid the infant have a tracheoesophageal fistula repaired in the neonatal period?
cord-022292-msz4au4bDid the toddler choke on a carrot or other food 3 months ago?
cord-022292-msz4au4bDoes the child appear wasted, with poor growth that may indicate a chronic illness?
cord-022292-msz4au4bDoes the child have an anxious look?
cord-022292-msz4au4bDoes the examining room or the clothing smell of stale cigarette smoke?
cord-022292-msz4au4bDoes the patient look"barrel- chested"?
cord-022292-msz4au4bDoes this patient have sinusitis?
cord-022292-msz4au4bInitial inspection often reveals the seriousness of an illness: Is the child struggling to breathe( dyspnea)?
cord-022292-msz4au4bIs the anteroposterior( AP) diameter increased, which indicates hyperinflation of the lungs from obstruction of small airways( asthma, bronchiolitis, CF)?
cord-022292-msz4au4bIs the child immunized?
cord-022292-msz4au4bIs the child's breath malodorous, as can be noticed in sinusitis, nasal foreign body, lung abscess, or bronchiectasis?
cord-022292-msz4au4bIs the child's skin blue( representing cyanosis) or ashen?
cord-022292-msz4au4bIs there a coughing sibling whose kindergarten class has been closed because of pertussis?
cord-022292-msz4au4bIs there a foul odor from a diaper with a fatty stool, which may suggest pancreatic insufficiency and CF?
cord-022292-msz4au4bIs this diameter small, as can be seen with some restrictive lung diseases with small lung volumes( muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy)?
cord-022292-msz4au4bWas the child premature and, if so, did he or she spend a month on the ventilator, and does he or she now have chronic lung disease( bronchopulmonary dysplasia)?
cord-259907-yqmi0cqyCritically ill patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Antepartum pneumonia in pregnancy Pneumonia during pregnancy: has modern technology improved maternal and fetal outcome?
cord-254494-wbfgrez1A qualitative exploration of facilitators and barriers for diabetes self- management behaviors among persons with type 2 diabetes from a socially disadvantaged area Are patients with type 2 diabetes not aware or are they unable to practice self- care?
cord-254494-wbfgrez1Are people with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus at high risk of reinfections with COVID-19?
cord-254494-wbfgrez1During the formal interviews, the interviewees were encouraged to express their thoughts and perceptions thoroughly and probing questions, such as,"Can you please elaborate on this?"were included to increase the depth of the discussion.
cord-254494-wbfgrez1How Do We Balance Tensions Between COVID-19 Public Health Responses and Stigma Mitigation?
cord-257433-qgkwylmkDoes SARS- Cov-2 invade the brain?
cord-257433-qgkwylmkTranslational lessons from animal models Spectrum of neuropsychiatric manifestations in COVID-19 Large- vessel stroke as a presenting feature of Covid-19 in the Young Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome( PRES) in a COVID-19 patient Hypertension, thrombosis, kidney failure, and diabetes: is COVID-19 an endothelial disease?
cord-259329-8pta6o6aThe Lancet How do bootstrap and permutation tests work?
cord-260037-ys62jrgwRethinking rescue medicine Clinical presentation and management of severe Ebola virus disease Responding to Ebola: questions about resuscitation American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care Duty to treat or right to refuse?
cord-258708-da6x5rxaA double- edged sword?
cord-258708-da6x5rxaThe epidemiology and pathogenesis of coronavirus disease( COVID-19) outbreak Description and Proposed Management of the Acute COVID-19 Cardiovascular Syndrome Recognition and Initial Management of Fulminant Myocarditis: A Scientific Statement From the COVID-19 and acute myocardial injury: the heart of the matter or an innocent bystander?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfi, okay?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfiA systematic review Psychiatric disorders in advanced cancer Advance care planning in advanced cancer: can it be achieved?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfiAn exploratory randomized patient preference trial of a care planning discussion An Integrated, Developmental Four- Year Medical School Curriculum in Palliative Care: A Longitudinal Content Evaluation Based on National Competency Standards Evaluation of healthcare professionals'understanding of eponymous maneuvers and mnemonics in emergency obstetric care provision Evaluating the effectiveness of a mnemonic to guide staff when providing patient education to autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients Videotaped simulated interviews to improve medical students'skills in disclosing a diagnosis of cancer Values Plan •I'd like to discuss some difficult information with you, okay?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfiMVP is a 3-step sequential, fluid process, supported by 3 core communication skills, to guide serious illness conversations •How does that sound to you?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfiOR …)•What do you think about this plan?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfiWe can also provide other treatments to try to keep you alive, but I am concerned that even so, you will probably die.•Yes, anyone would be angry to be denied what they want.•Given what you've heard, if you do get sicker, or appear likely to die, what you would hope for?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfiWhat are you thinking?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfiWhat do you think?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfiWhat do you think?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfithat make sense?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfithis make sense?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfi•COVID is on many people's minds, and I think it is important to discuss with you, OK?•What have you been thinking about COVID?
cord-029884-zl0uqmfi•Who is your backup( HCP) if you ca n't speak for yourself?
cord-257051-ntnfu5nsAn app with remote support achieves better adherence to home exercise programs than paper handouts in people with musculoskeletal conditions: a randomised trial Does a Web- Based Exercise Programming System Improve Home Exercise Adherence for People With Musculoskeletal Conditions?:
cord-257051-ntnfu5nsPractical advice for physiotherapists and support workers on how to implement remote consultations rapidly and efficiently Validity and reliability of Internet- based physiotherapy assessment for musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review Doctor, can you see my squats?
cord-257051-ntnfu5nsWhat is the patient acceptability of real time 1: 1 videoconferencing in an orthopaedics setting?
cord-260232-98gtlad62 Enalapril attenuates downregulation of angiotensin- converting enzyme 2 in the late phase of ventricular dysfunction in myocardial infarcted rat Combination renin- angiotensin system blockade and angiotensin- converting enzyme 2 in experimental myocardial infarction: implications for future therapeutic directions Elevated plasma angiotensin converting enzyme 2 activity is an independent predictor of major adverse cardiac events in patients with obstructive coronary artery disease Urinary angiotensinconverting enzyme 2 in hypertensive patients may be increased by olmesartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker Impact of angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors and statins on viral pneumonia Angiotensin- converting enzyme 2( ACE2) mediates influenza H7N9 virus- induced acute lung injury Antihypertensive drugs and risk of COVID-19 receptor: molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic target Soluble angiotensinconverting enzyme 2: a potential approach for coronavirus infection therapy?
cord-031907-ilhr3iu5Extracellular Vesicle- based liquid biopsy in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia: a reliable source of residual disease biomarkers?
cord-256011-0cr4ejxuFor example, how should physicians respond if, hypothetically, COVID-19 mortality rates were found to be significantly higher for boys as they entered puberty- compared not only to younger patients but also to elderly ones?
cord-256011-0cr4ejxuThe authors declare that they have no competing interests What explains COVID-19's lethality for the elderly?
cord-256011-0cr4ejxuWhen can a patient be said to have responded positively to curative treatment?
cord-256011-0cr4ejxukind clarify what is meant?
cord-256011-0cr4ejxuso we can truly say that it has been saved?
cord-260980-tyf3fuz9COVID-19 Infection Be Considered?
cord-259073-dixskemzfeatures of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan Interim Clinical Guidance for Management of Patients with Confirmed Coronavirus Disease( COVID-19) Are we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19?
cord-259073-dixskemzthe missing link?
cord-259848-0thzmh7kCovid-19: ibuprofen should not be used for managing symptoms, say doctors and scientists Safety of Ibuprofen in Patients With COVID-19: Causal or Confounded?
cord-022633-fr55uod6All sites were asked:''Are psychiatric consults available in- person to the ED?''
cord-022633-fr55uod6Does Implementation of a Therapeutic Hypothermia Protocol Improve Survival and Neurologic Outcomes in all Comatose Survivors of Sudden Cardiac Arrest?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Does the Addition of a Hands- Free Communication Device Improve ED Interruption Times?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Due to the Medication?
cord-022633-fr55uod6EMS 9- 1- 1 Protocols Predict ED Utilization for Pediatric Patients?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Has a doctor or other health professional every told you that you are overweight?
cord-022633-fr55uod6How often have you felt down, depressed or hopeless?'
cord-022633-fr55uod6In both surveys, physicians were asked to rate a list of 18 items in response to the question,''What is your current level of competence in each of the following aspects of work in EM?''
cord-022633-fr55uod6Is the Australian Triage System a Better Indicator of Psychiatric Patients'Needs for Intervention than the ENA Emergency Severity Index Triage System?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Objectives: Is PRP helpful in acute ankle sprains in the the emergency department?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Objectives: To answer the following research question: are wounds closed via primary repair after the golden period at increased risk for infection?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Objectives: We assessed patients'perceptions about obesity as disease and patient communication with their providers through two questions: Do you believe your present weight is damaging to your health?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Over the last two weeks, how often have you had little interest in doing things?
cord-022633-fr55uod6Residents were asked:''What do you feel are your greatest strengths as a resident?
cord-022633-fr55uod6The Way Of The Future?
cord-022633-fr55uod6The question being asked: is the TBT still useful as a screening tool for patients with suspected mandibular fractures when compared to the new gold standard of HCT?
cord-260762-1kuj5dzzGroin Recurrence Still Be Considered as a Palliative Situation in Vulvar Cancer Patients?:
cord-260762-1kuj5dzzThe impact of overall radiotherapy treatment time and delay in initiation of radiotherapy on local control and distant metastases in gastric cancer Does delay in starting treatment affect the outcomes of radiotherapy?
cord-259411-434acu0hCurrent diabetes reports Debate on Insulin vs Non- insulin Use in the Hospital Setting- Is It Time to Revise the Guidelines for the Management of Inpatient Diabetes?
cord-259411-434acu0hIs It Time to Revise the Guidelines for the Management of Inpatient Diabetes?
cord-261485-0ke5nqy0If a MAS- like state exists and excessive IL-6 levels are detrimental, why should n't corticosteroids be firstline therapy as these will vigorously suppress IL-6 and a raft of other cytokines?
cord-255460-r5p5helx( HRD) status predicts response to standard neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with triple- negative or BRCA1/2 mutation- associated breast cancer Use of complementary and alternative medicine and breast cancer survival in the Health, eating, activity, and lifestyle study Breast cancer management: past, present and evolving Serendipity in cancer drug discovery: rational or coincidence?
cord-255460-r5p5helxA phase II study Can the pharmaceutical industry reduce attrition rates?
cord-255460-r5p5helxCan you teach old drugs new tricks?
cord-255460-r5p5helxRecent advances in drug repositioning for the discovery of new anticancer drugs Drug repurposing in malignant pleural mesothelioma: a breath of fresh air?
cord-255460-r5p5helxis repurposing the future of drug discovery research?
cord-256856-jw1d6uigExtrapolating beyond the traditional E/ M encounter to our procedural practice, we consider another iconoclastic concept- does the operating physician need to actually be at the bedside to perform certain invasive procedures?
cord-256856-jw1d6uigHow does one perform a complete assessment of the patient without a physical examination?
cord-256856-jw1d6uigVirtual Visits with Medical Specialists Draw Strong Consumer Demand, Survey Shows What drives attitude towards telemedicine among families of pediatric patients?
cord-256856-jw1d6uigdoes a plurality of EP patients actually need to see an electrophysiologist in person to receive appropriate care?
cord-260274-c3586tp6A Cautionary Case Report Tocilizumab for cytokine storm syndrome in COVID-19 pneumonia: an increased risk for candidemia?
cord-260274-c3586tp6prospective cohort study The immunology of COVID-19: is immune modulation an option for treatment?
cord-261856-i1e0uj0sCopenhagen City Heart Study Group Chronic mucus hypersecretion in COPD and death from pulmonary infection Functional status and survival following pulmonary rehabilitation Outcomes following acute exacerbation of severe chronic obstructive lung disease Does increased access to primary care reduce hospital readmissions?
cord-261980-bm0benu2How Should Emergency Medical Services Personnel Protect Themselves and the Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic?
cord-261062-9zhe3ejyA Simple, Quantitative, Reproducible Method Is There a Role for Lung Ultrasound During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
cord-261062-9zhe3ejyCan Lung US Help Critical Care Clinicians in the Early Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus( COVID-19) Pneumonia?
cord-256688-yy7abob9A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person- to- person transmission: a study of a family cluster Clinical characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus- infected pneumonia in Wuhan, China Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients with digestive symptoms in Hubei, China: a descriptive, cross- sectional, multicenter study Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection when novel coronavirus( nCoV) infection is suspected COVID-19) Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations Novel Coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) healthcare infection prevention and control FAQs for COVID-19 COVID-19: what is next for public health?
cord-256688-yy7abob9How does the new coronavirus compare with the flu?
cord-256688-yy7abob9What are the risks of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women?
cord-256688-yy7abob9molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic target Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-262150-j72jbohiEnhancing construction quality inspection and management using RFID technology Summary of probable SARS cases with onset of illness from 1 Health care- associated infections fact sheet Where is my suitcase?
cord-258548-1u7v1nlrCan COVID 2019 disease induces a specific cardiovascular damage or it exacerbates pre- existing cardiovascular diseases?
cord-258548-1u7v1nlrCan SARS- CoV-2 induce new heart conditions or can it only exacerbate pre- existing cardiovascular diseases?
cord-258548-1u7v1nlrCovid-19 COVID-19 and Angiotensin- Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers: What Is the Evidence?
cord-258548-1u7v1nlrThe Potential for QT Interval Prolongation with Chronic Azithromycin Therapy in Adult Cystic Fibrosis Patients Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-022650-phsr10jp0757| Electronic documentation of drug allergies in a tertiary hospital in Singapore: are we relying too much on it?
cord-022650-phsr10jp1049| Is PR-10 sensitization a Portuguese phenomenon as well?
cord-022650-phsr10jp1594| Allergy to wheat- dependent exerciseinduced anaphylaxis( WDEIA) proteins, without?
cord-022650-phsr10jp: Is it possible to predict and prevent asthma?
cord-022650-phsr10jpAssessing knowledge of allergic rhinitis among final year medical and pharmacy students in Croatia- Curriculum change necessity?
cord-022650-phsr10jpColonoscopy done after cessation of therapy for one month, revealed exudative ulcerous lesions, lacerations, loss of haustration compatible with colitis( inflammatory/ allergic?).
cord-022650-phsr10jpHow frequent are they and how are they treated?
cord-022650-phsr10jpHow multifaceted the clinical presentation and etiology of allergic diseases could be?
cord-022650-phsr10jpThe pollensniffer( 1385| Does the allergy risk due to pollen exposure information is useful for the allergy sufferers?
cord-022650-phsr10jpTo the question:"As asthmatic, would you suggest to an asthmatic smoker to start vaping instead of smoking?"1.3% answered no, 98.7% yes.
cord-022650-phsr10jpTo the question:"Do you take medications for your Asthma?"57% declared to use a drug as needed, 0% used a single drug daily, 16% used more than one drug daily and 27% declared"I do n't take any asthma medication".
cord-022650-phsr10jpTo the question:"Has vaping ever worsened asthma symptoms?"90% answered no, 10% yes.
cord-022650-phsr10jpTo the question:"How much nicotine do your vaping liquids have?"15% answered 0 mg/ mL, 4% 1.5 mg/ mL, 62% 3 mg/ mL, 11% 6 mg/ mL, 6% 9 mg/ mL, 1% 12 mg/ mL and 0% 18 mg/ mL.
cord-022650-phsr10jpWhat do we( not) know?
cord-022650-phsr10jpWhat is adhesion to treatment of asthmatic patients like in Argentina according to the TAI questionnaire?
cord-022650-phsr10jp| Extensively hydrolyzed formulas for the management of cow's milk protein allergy in infants: is extensive hydrolysis sufficient to guarantee success?
cord-022650-phsr10jp| Ginger: flavory, spicy … allergenic?
cord-261025-y49su5ucHave you been asked about your travel history today?
cord-261025-y49su5ucin the past 2 weeks OR Had close contact with someone who has traveled and is ill with fever or cough or has difficulty breathing?
cord-260871-dtn5t8kaGuillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-260871-dtn5t8kaShould We Be Concerned about the Nervous System?
cord-262626-yk4e737wWhich lessons shall we learn from the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak?
cord-262068-9ixq8hwbSuccessful recovery of COVID-19 pneumonia in a renal transplant recipient with long- term immunosuppression What to do next to control the 2019-nCoV epidemic? Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open- label non- randomized clinical trial A Rush to Judgment?
cord-257729-s0vo7dlkCOVID19 Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-257729-s0vo7dlkCan SARS- CoV-2 infection be acquired in utero?
cord-257729-s0vo7dlkWhat are the risks of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women?
cord-257729-s0vo7dlkretrospective, single- centre, observational cohort study Risk factors for failed conversion of labor epidural analgesia to cesarean delivery anesthesia: a systematic review and meta- analysis of observational trials Perinatal transmission of COVID-19 associated SARS- CoV-2: should we worry?
cord-259801-xuvcrvo2How Can Environmental Factors Contribute to the Incidence of Thyroid Cancer?
cord-259801-xuvcrvo2How do levels of( endogenous) glucocorticoids, interleukin-10 and interleukin-12 relate to multiple sclerosis relapse before, during and after pregnancy?
cord-259801-xuvcrvo2Incidental parathyroidectomy during thyroid surgery does not cause transient symptomatic hypocalcemia Total Versus Neartotal Thyroidectomy in Graves Disease: Results of the Randomized Controlled Multicenter TONIG- trial Treatment options for Graves disease: a cost- effectiveness analysis How does neural monitoring help during thyroid sugery for Graves'disease?
cord-259801-xuvcrvo2inhibitors and sex hormones: Immunomodulatory properties?
cord-262467-epqqd8n8Negative nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab does not rule out COVID-19 Persistence and clearance of viral RNA in 2019 novel coronavirus disease rehabilitation patients Middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection dynamics and antibody responses among clinically diverse patients, Saudi Arabia Viral shedding patterns of coronavirus in patients with probable severe acute respiratory syndrome Profiling early humoral response to diagnose novel coronavirus disease( COVID-19) portable tests come online to curb coronavirus pandemic Serology- based tests for COVID-19 Good IgA bad IgG in SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-262708-hctuxrw9Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-260119-pgu2crhsDoes silicone gel sheeting reduce the incidence of reulceration?
cord-260119-pgu2crhsIn Handbook of Human Motion Potential Applications of Smart Multifunctional Wearable Materials to Gerontology Smarter Sole Survival: Will Neuropathic Patients at High Risk for Ulceration Use a Smart Insole- Based Foot Protection System?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5( CME)-Independence through competence and transparency Interdisciplinary CME: is the need evident?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5An Overview of Cancer Drugs Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration Based on the Surrogate End Point of Response Rate Thrombotic Stroke and Myocardial Infarction with Hormonal Contraception General Data Protection Regulation Prescription rates for antiplatelet therapy in coronary artery disease- which benchmark are we aiming at in continuing medical education?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5Comparison of Payment Changes and Choosing Wisely Recommendations for Use of Low- Value Laboratory Tests in the USA and Canada Requests for futile treatments: what mechanisms play a role?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5However, if community( and public) health research should systematically be considered for CME, some important issues have to be addressed: What is a meaningful improvement of community health that CME providers should promote as a benchmark in their CME activities?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5Intervention Be Considered for Left Main Coronary Artery Disease?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5Therefore, is"100%"the benchmark?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5What are the implications for CME accrediting bodies?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5What are the implications for the concept of CME, and CME providers?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5What does CME accreditation stand for?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5What healthcare professionals owe us: why their duty to treat during a pandemic is contingent on personal protective equipment( PPE) Whose life to save?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5Which role do surrogate endpoints play, in particular when a drug has been approved without evidence that it improves patient prognosis[ 55, 56]?
cord-035182-ax6v3ak5Why are n't physicians prescribing more buprenorphine?
cord-263061-ocplcdivClinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study Systolic blood pressure target in systemic arterial hypertension: is lower ever better?
cord-263055-4f25h9l4COVID-19 coagulopathy in Caucasian patients'COVID-19 coagulopathy in Caucasian patients VTE prophylaxis protocol for inpatients aged 16 or over with COVID-19 or medical conditions What factors should be considered when using LMWH to treat venous thromboembolism in patients with high body weight?
cord-256508-ce59ovanAre reinfections less severe than the first?
cord-256508-ce59ovanHow does COVID-19 kill?
cord-256508-ce59ovanThis case lead to several open questions: How frequent is reinfection?
cord-256508-ce59ovanTracking down RNA synthesis Viral load dynamics and disease severity in patients infected with SARS- CoV-2 in Zhejiang province, China Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China Pulmonary Vascular Endothelialitis, Thrombosis, and Angiogenesis in Covid-19 Treatment of hepatitis C virus infection with direct- acting antiviral agents: 100% cure?
cord-256508-ce59ovanWhere does the virus replicate?
cord-256508-ce59ovanWill vaccine protect against reinfections?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1: Is there a correlation between MRI and the prognostic symptom of referred pain to the ear in patients with oropharynx carcinoma?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1A non- invasive tool for assessing plaque morphology and potential risk?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Are there changes in signal intensity of enlarged lymph nodes after contrast application?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Cervical spine injuries in elderly patients: Does trauma mechanism and age influence the distribution, type and stability?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Changing the imaging paradigm in ultrasound: Can 3D technology improve productivity, decrease sonographer work- load and maintain study quality?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Contrast media in MR, CT and DSA angiography MDCT in emergency radiology: Is a standardized chest and/or abdomen protocol sufficient for evaluation of thoracic and lumbar spine trauma?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Does a dose reduction by a factor of 27 affect the diagnostic value of multirow detector helical CT of the sinuses?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Does an absolute image quality measure exist?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Does contrast enhancement contribute to CT colography?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Does the preoperative core- cut biopsy influence the appearance of local recurrence of breast cancer?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Grade one vesicoureteral reflux-an undergrading?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Is 1 mm collimation( effective slice width 1.25 mm) essential for multislice CT colonography?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Is it of benefit for pancreatic tumour staging or diagnosis?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Is speech recognition the best reporting method for any case?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Is there a role for contrast enhanced sonography?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Is there additional information in MRI?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Late improvement of regional myocardial wall motion in the area of infarction after acute PTCA in a 6-month follow- up study using delayed contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging: Is"bright"really"dead"?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Neurovascular compression of the rostral medulla as a cause of essential hypertension?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Percutaneous image- guided radio- frequency thermal ablation of the lung Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling in Cushing's syndrome; final solution?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Rib sonography: Can we obtain more information than with conventional radiologic studies?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Should biopsy precede surgery?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1When can balloon dilatation of esophageal strictures in children be considered successful?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Which is the optimal phase for the detection of hypervascular liver lesions with multislice helical CT?
cord-015359-gf32a6f1Which parameter should be used for rapid assessment of extraocular muscle enlargement in patients with Graves'ophthalmopathy?
cord-263599-cqol8zf2Epidemiologic studies of travelers'diarrhea, severe gastrointestinal infections, and cholera Nosocomial Infection with C. di#iciZe Diarrhea: a neglected nosocomial hazard?
cord-263285-89zqgqx1COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-263046-3aerbonzA Systematic Review Does achieving the best practice tariff improve outcomes in hip fracture patients?
cord-262824-xgf5v1okHow dangerous is this virus?
cord-262824-xgf5v1okWhat are the options when facing the choice of whether to intubate or not and to resuscitate or not?
cord-257717-fbfe5vt4: what are the costs for French public health insurance?
cord-257717-fbfe5vt4A comparative study Feasibility of a mobile health application to monitor recovery and patientreported outcomes after robot- assisted radical prostatectomy Effectiveness, acceptance and satisfaction of guided chat groups in psychosocial aftercare for outpatients with prostate cancer after prostatectomy RiseTx: testing the feasibility of a web application for reducing sedentary behavior among prostate cancer survivors receiving androgen deprivation therapy Smartphone application versus pedometer to promote physical activity in prostate cancer patients Is a digital rectal examination necessary in the diagnosis and clinical staging of early prostate cancer?
cord-257717-fbfe5vt4How much can telemedicine be useful during and after the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-257717-fbfe5vt4The impact of COVID-19 on European health care and urology trainees Traditional and virtual congress meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic and the post- COVID-19 era: is it time to change the paradigm?
cord-257717-fbfe5vt4hospital- in- home program Randomised controlled trial comparing effectiveness and acceptability of an early discharge, hospital at home scheme with acute hospital care Remote patient monitoring using mobile health for total knee arthroplasty: validation of a wearable and machine learning- based surveillance platform Are current wireless monitoring systems capable of detecting adverse events in highrisk surgical patients?
cord-257717-fbfe5vt4randomised controlled trial: the first 30 patients Perioperative monitoring of inguinal hernia patients with a smartphone application Apple watch, wearables, and heart rhythm: where do we stand?
cord-260854-v7wgb6mrCan DPP4 inhibition play a role?
cord-260854-v7wgb6mrEnvironment impacts innate immune ontogeny Interplay of strain and race/ ethnicity in the innate immune response to M. tuberculosis Associations between demographic variables and multiple measles- specific innate and cell- mediated immune responses after measles vaccination Is COVID-19 receiving ADE from other coronaviruses?
cord-260854-v7wgb6mrkey: cord-260854-v7wgb6mr authors: Colafrancesco, Serena; Alessandri, Cristiano; Conti, Fabrizio; Priori, Roberta title: COVID-19 gone bad: A new character in the spectrum of the hyperferritinemic syndrome?
cord-261941-xf1k5uj1Will it be possible to develop a treatment or neutralizing vaccine that the virus does n't circumvent through mutation?
cord-261941-xf1k5uj1Will the disease become more or less virulent over time?
cord-263530-t9ryky6fincidence of meningoencephalitis in the absence of CSF pleocytosis Central nervous system infections in the absence of cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis Cerebrospinal fluid white cell count: discriminatory or otherwise for enteroviral meningitis in infants and young children?
cord-262784-r9gq2oanAlso, are there any special characteristics of patients who can not be released from quarantine for a long period?
cord-262784-r9gq2oanAs a region outside Hubei province, what are the similarities and differences between the characteristics of the cases diagnosed here and those diagnosed in Hubei province and even other countries and regions?
cord-264180-0vd3tr9jkey: cord-264180- 0vd3tr9j authors: Gupta, Anupam K; Jackson, Max; Genuit, Thomas; Roberts, John title: Is It Safe to Perform Lung Surgery During the Coronavirus Pandemic?
cord-260215-gsnjlhjdAre outcomes the same with all dry powder inhalers?
cord-260215-gsnjlhjdInhaled antibiotics: dry or wet?
cord-260215-gsnjlhjdInhaled bronchodilator administration during mechanical ventilation: how to optimize it, and for which clinical benefit?
cord-260215-gsnjlhjdIs inhalation rate important for a dry powder inhaler?
cord-262928-l2bqcd0lMedical management of diabesity Diabetes and its drivers: the largest epidemic in human history?
cord-262928-l2bqcd0lobesity impairs the adaptive immune response to Influenza virus Immunological mechanisms contributing to the double burden of diabetes and intracellular bacterial infections ACE and ACE2 activity in diabetic mice Characterization of ACE and ACE2 expression within different organs of the NOD mouse COVID-19 pandemic, coronaviruses, and diabetes mellitus Practical recommendations for the management of diabetes in patients with COVID-19 Diabetes and COVID-19: evidence, current status and unanswered research questions Long- term metabolic effects of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy Weight regain and diabetes evolution after sleeve gastrectomy: a cohort study with over 5 years of followup Is type 2 diabetes really resolved after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy?
cord-264368-p2fwuh0iCovid-19 and thrombosis: what do we know about the risks and treatment?
cord-262987-7h91n9roPatient satisfaction and quality of surgical care in US hospitals Is quality important to our patients?
cord-262987-7h91n9roWhat we know?
cord-261736-jlwctmxwBacteria emitted in ambient air during bronchoscopy — a risk to health care workers?
cord-261736-jlwctmxwHow long do nosocomial pathogens persist on inanimate surfaces?
cord-261736-jlwctmxwNosocomial bacteraemia in hospital staff caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b Nosocomial outbreak of group C meningococcal disease Occupational transmission of Acinetobacter baumannii from a United States serviceman wounded in Iraq to a health care worker A Randomized clinical trial of the immunogenicity of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine compared to 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine in frail, hospitalized elderly SARS plague: duty of care or medical heroism?
cord-260981-647wfa8zA Protective Mechanism from Beta Chain Hemoglobin Defects?
cord-260981-647wfa8zCould we hypothesize a protective mechanism of BCH modified?
cord-260981-647wfa8zThe role of ORF viral proteins, essential both in viral replication and inflammation, and the interaction with the BCH and porphyrins might be one of the links to the epidemiologic distribution and mortality among hemoglobinopathic patients?
cord-260981-647wfa8zThus, might abnormalities of BCH, quantitative in thalassemias, and qualitative in Sickle- Cell- Disease( SCD), influence the outcome?
cord-264647-9r443j3lSpinal epidural abscess: report on 27 cases How best to manage the spinal epidural abscess?
cord-261151-27ocvgnw: What's in a name?
cord-261151-27ocvgnwThe Diagnosis and Management of Delirium in Infancy Antipsychotics for treatment of delirium in hospitalised non- ICU patients Antipsychotics for Treating Delirium in Hospitalized Adults: A Systematic Review Clonidine in pediatric anesthesia: the new panacea or a drug still looking for an indication?
cord-261151-27ocvgnwWhat Is the Relationship?
cord-261151-27ocvgnwWhen should screening of pediatric trauma patients for adult behaviors start?
cord-258416-1jrbu8ox-A potential clue to the role of androgens in COVID-19 severity What does androgenetic alopecia have to do with COVID-19?
cord-258416-1jrbu8oxA call for action Should biologics for psoriasis be interrupted in the era of COVID-19?
cord-258416-1jrbu8oxA distinctive skin rash associated with coronavirus disease 2019?
cord-258416-1jrbu8oxAbulafia L. Zika, chikungunya, and dengue infections as exacerbating factors of psoriasis in patients receiving biological therapy COVID-19 and psoriasis: is it time to limit treatment with immunosuppressants?
cord-258416-1jrbu8oxRoyal College of Radiologists-Non- melanoma skin cancer( NMSC) and COVID-19( PDF) Royal College of Radiologists-Guidelines for follow- up and SACT for melanoma during COVID-19 pandemic( PDF) Management of advanced melanoma in the COVID-19 the International Society of Dermatology United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium recommendations for treatment of cutaneous lymphomas during the COVID-19 pandemic What are we doing in the dermatology outpatient department amidst the raging of the 2019 novel coronavirus?
cord-258416-1jrbu8oxSafety concerns of clinical images and skin biopsies Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a new contribution Varicella- like exanthem as a specific COVID-19-associated skin manifestation: multicenter case series of 22 patients Clinical and histological characterization of vesicular COVID-19 rashes: a prospective study in a tertiary care hospital Marzano Angelo V. Varicella- like exanthem associated with COVID-19 in an 8-yearold girl: a diagnostic clue?
cord-262766-ndn6iwreIt's not all swine flu … are we missing opportunities to diagnose primary HIV infection in patients with flu symptoms?
cord-258117-5gpo8smn: an open- label, single- arm, phase II study Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy in muscle- invasive bladder cancer: time to change clinical practice?
cord-258117-5gpo8smnCan IDO activity predict primary resistance to anti- PD-1 treatment in NSCLC?
cord-258117-5gpo8smnNivolumab gets FDA nod for bladder cancer Approved checkpoint inhibitors in bladder cancer: which drug should be used when?
cord-258117-5gpo8smnPerioperative FLOT: new standard for gastric cancer?
cord-258117-5gpo8smnRevisiting IDO and its value as a predictive marker for anti- PD-1 resistance Metabolomic adaptations and correlates of survival to immune checkpoint blockade Marrying immunotherapy with chemotherapy: why say IDO?
cord-258117-5gpo8smnbrachyury- a biomarker for progression and prognosis?
cord-264751-2l3cqhe2The child with a non- blanching rash: how likely is meningococcal disease?
cord-264889-1vsvcza2COVID-19: What do we need to know about ICU delirium during the SARS- CoV-2 pandemic?
cord-252243-ua2w6xkiDifferent members of staff have audited different topics, have n't you? cord-252243-ua2w6xki I think sepsis has to be first, does n't it?
cord-252243-ua2w6xkiAn Interrupted Time Series Analysis Antibiotics in primary care in England: Which antibiotics are prescribed and for which conditions?
cord-252243-ua2w6xkiInt: how would you diagnose a suspected UTI over the phone versus in face to face consultation?
cord-252243-ua2w6xkiIt's the trump card, is it?"
cord-252243-ua2w6xkiSo what determines whether they get sent for culture?
cord-252243-ua2w6xkiWe have our own internal audits and most of you do an audit for your appraisals and things as well do n't you?"
cord-252243-ua2w6xkiWhy did some practices not implement new antibiotic prescribing guidelines on urinary tract infection?
cord-252243-ua2w6xkican you make sure you keep a clean catch?
cord-252243-ua2w6xkilike with coughs and colds everyone knows now that they're not going to get an antibiotic necessarily, they've braced themselves for the bad news, have n't they?
cord-252243-ua2w6xkiwhy have you dropped it off?"
cord-262518-a2ql8hibHow were they going to isolate themselves from their families in order to keep their families safe?
cord-262518-a2ql8hibThe immediate psychological and occupational impact of the 2003 SARS outbreak in a teaching hospital Contact isolation in surgical patients: a barrier to care?
cord-262518-a2ql8hibWhat changes needed to be made before they return home?
cord-265111-d44ireu5Might the double X- chromosome in females be protective against SARS- CoV-2 compared to the single X- chromosome in males?
cord-263066-umvojci8infectés par le SARS- COV2 Réponses rapides dans le cadre du COVID-19-Mesures et précautions essentielles pour le masseur- kinésithérapeute auprès des patients à domicile Does enhanced physical rehabilitation following intensive care unit discharge improve outcomes in patients who received mechanical ventilation?
cord-263066-umvojci8to develop an expert- based opinion on early and short- term rehabilitative interventions( after the acute hospital setting) in COVID-19 survivors Coronavirus disease 2019 in elderly patients: characteristics and prognostic factors based on 4-week follow- up Report of the WHO- China joint mission on coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan?
cord-264779-71s7e18iparamyxoviruses Mitochondrial toxicity of antiviral drugs Mechanism of inhibition of Ebola virus RNA- dependent RNA polymerase by remdesivir Gilead Sciences statement on request to rescind remdesivir orphan drug designation Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-010092-uftc8inxCan you confirm my genotype? cord-010092-uftc8inx Who is a blood donor recruiter?"was the topic of ABD- VII at 9- 11 March 2018.
cord-010092-uftc8inx4A- S18- 05 WHO IS SYPHILIS TESTING EXCLUDING?
cord-010092-uftc8inxA donor was classified as"tired"if they responded"all the time"or"most of the time"to the question"how often do you feel that you lacked energy and strength?".
cord-010092-uftc8inxALL TOGETHER?
cord-010092-uftc8inxAre we alone in the Universe?
cord-010092-uftc8inxAs a consequence, questions asked 30 years ago have changed: Today, molecular biologists looking at hundreds of newly discovered blood group alleles find themselves not being asked by serologists any more:"Can you confirm my serology?", but instead, pose their question to the experts for the blood group phenotype:
cord-010092-uftc8inxBut can we apply the metaphor as successfully into donating blood for research?
cord-010092-uftc8inxDonors and Donation-Donor Adherence-are we doing the Right Thing?
cord-010092-uftc8inxHow can we start using this tool in unison with our existing tools to improve science and clinical practice in our respective( bio)medical fields?
cord-010092-uftc8inxSo is there a future for new anti- platelet agents?
cord-010092-uftc8inxTo evaluate self- rated health we used the well- validated single question:"How would you rate your health in general?".
cord-010092-uftc8inxWhat is the optimal balance between iron supplementation and prolongation of interdonation intervals?
cord-010092-uftc8inxWhat then is the best approach to use?
cord-010092-uftc8inxWhere are we from?
cord-010092-uftc8inxWhere are we going?
cord-010092-uftc8inxWill serologic typing be replaced by DNAbased typing?
cord-010092-uftc8inxbut how does this affect health?
cord-005453-4057qib7Disclosure: Nothing to declare Can the drugs used before autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation have impact on CMV reactivation that results in decreased os in myeloma patients after ASCT?
cord-005453-4057qib7Disclosure: Nothing to declare In haploidentical transplants is the incidence of acute and chronic GVHD strictly related to the stem cell source?
cord-005453-4057qib7Disclosure: Nothing to declare P620 Does body mass index( BMI) pose a risk to outcome for pediatric non- infantile patients undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation( HSCT)?
cord-005453-4057qib7Disclosure: Nothing to declare Pre- and- post magnetic resonance imaging of hips and knees for detecting osteonecrosis in children undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation: In whom is it necessary?
cord-005453-4057qib7Disclosure: Nothing to disclose Is there any impact of the uric acid levels during the preand early post- graft infusion period, on the GVHD occurence and allotransplant outcome?
cord-005453-4057qib7Do we need to freeze hematopoietic cells for autotransplants in patients with myeloma conditioned with melphalan?
cord-005453-4057qib7Is fungal prophylaxis necessary in non myeloablative peripheral blood stem cell allogeneic transplantation in the pre- engrafment period?
cord-005453-4057qib7Is it really GVHD?
cord-005453-4057qib7Nothing to declare Is mobilization with chemotherapy effect response in the multiple myeloma?
cord-005453-4057qib7Nothing to declare Is there any association between thrombotic risk factors and veno- oclusive disease in childhood allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation?
cord-028721-x6f26ahr: a multicenter, retrospective, chart review Epididymal anomalies associated with hydrocele/ hernia and cryptorchidism: implications regarding testicular descent Congenital deformities of the testis and epididymis Signifi cance of epididymal and ductal anomalies associated with undescended testis Insulin- like factor 3 gene mutations in testicular dysgenesis syndrome: clinical and functional characterization Testicular dysgenesis syndrome: possible role of endocrine disrupters Ethnic differences in occurrence of TDS-genetics and/or environment?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrA chance association?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrA male with XXYY chromosomes Do the 48 XXYY males have a characteristic phenotype?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrA separate type of motor neuron disease?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrA study including data of 1,335 consecutive boys who underwent testicular biopsy simultaneously with surgery for cryptorchidism Experience of screening for carcinoma- in- situ of the testis among young men with surgically corrected maldescended testes Distribution of carcinoma- in- situ in testes from infertile men Carcinoma- in- situ of the testis: aneuploid cells in semen Cryptorchidism and testicular neoplasia Testicular microlithiasis: sonographic features with pathologic correlation Testicular microlithiasis in a child with torsion of the appendix testis Testicular microlithiasis occurring in a postorchidopexy testis Microcalcifi cations in testicular malignancy: diagnostic tool in occult tumor?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrCause or effect?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrGlandular changes in the rete testis: metastatic tumour or adenomatous hyperplasia?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrIs bilateral congenital anorchia genetically determined?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrLate presentation of cryptorchidism: The etiology of testicular re- ascent Ascent of the testis: fact or fi ction Incomplete disappearance of the processus vaginalis as a cause of ascending testis Undescended testis: congenital or acquired?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrSpontaneous ascent of the testis Acquired undescended testis Does proximal genitofemoral nerve division induce testicular maldescent or ascent in the rat?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrThe interval of development of testicular carcinoma in a patient with previously demonstrated testicular microlithiasis Surveillance of testicular microlithiasis?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrThe vanishing testis Is the vanished testis always a scrotal event?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrUltrastructural and meiotic segregation study Lack of acrosome formation in mice lacking a Golgi protein Human infertility due to production of multiple- tailed References spermatozoa with excessive amounts of DNA Multi- tailed spermatozoa in a case with asthenospermia and teratospermia Human spermatozoa with large heads and multiple fl agella: a quantitative ultrastructural study of 6 cases Chromosomal analysis of spermatozoa with normal- sized heads in two infertile patients with macrocephalic sperm head syndrome Crater defect in human spermatozoa Ultrastructural study of human binucleate spermatids Ultrastructural abnormalities of human spermatozoa Cytoplasmic droplets: the good, the bad or just confusing?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrWilms'tumor development Nephrogenic rests in Wilms'tumor patients with the Drash syndrome Frasier syndrome, part of the Denys Drash continuum or simply a WT1 gene associated disorder of intersex and nephropathy?
cord-028721-x6f26ahra generalized or a cell typespecifi c phenomenon?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrclinical signifi cance of resistive index values of the testicular artery measured by Doppler ultrasound as a predictor of testicular histology Testicular function in men treated in childhood for undescended testes Histologic lesions in undescended ectopic obstructed testes Is a testis located at the superfi cial inguinal pouch( Denis Browne pouch) comparable to a true cryptorchid testis?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrforme degradée de cryptorchidie?
cord-028721-x6f26ahrit really a normal variant?
cord-023239-06a03o14A Pathway to Metabolic Derangements in Children?
cord-023239-06a03o14A novel microbiota stratification system predicts future exacerbations in bronchiectasis Prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients with bronchiectasis: a meta- analysis Efficacy of azithromycin in the treatment of bronchiectasis Azithromycin for prevention of exacerbations in non- cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis( EM- BRACE): a randomised, double- blind, placebo- controlled trial Respiratory exacerbations in indigenous children from two countries with noncystic fibrosis chronic suppurative lung disease/ bronchiectasis Localised pulmonary resection for bronchiectasis in hypogammaglobulinaemic patients Autonomic regulation of the airways Regulation of airway inflammation and remodeling by muscarinic receptors: perspectives on anticholinergic therapy in asthma and COPD Treatment of disorders characterized by reversible airway obstruction in childhood: are anticholinergic agents the answer?
cord-023239-06a03o14A refined symptom- based approach to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis in children Proportion of tuberculosis transmission that takes place in households in a high- incidence area Assessment of the Xpert MTB/ RIF assay for diagnosis of tuberculosis with gastric lavage aspirates in children in sub- Saharan Africa: a prospective descriptive study Evaluation of the Xpert MTB/ RIF assay at a tertiary care referral hospital in a setting where tuberculosis and HIV infection are highly endemic Treatment of paediatric TB: revised WHO guidelines Immune- based diagnostics for TB in children: what is the evidence?
cord-023239-06a03o14An important consideration when creating reference equations is what characterizes a"normal"population and who should be excluded?
cord-023239-06a03o14Can we enhance NCPAP and get better outcome for NRS by using nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation( NIPPV)?
cord-023239-06a03o14Consensus de la f ed eration des Centres de Ressources et de Comp etences de la Mucoviscidose Growth and pulmonary outcomes during the first 2 years of life of breastfed and formula- fed infants diagnosed with cystic fibrosis through the Wisconsin Routine Screening Program Do infants with cystic fibrosis need a protein hydrolysate formula?
cord-023239-06a03o14Could differences in body proportions explain the ethnic differences in lung function?
cord-023239-06a03o14Cystic fibrosis: terminology and diagnostic algorithms Recommendations for the classification of diseases as CFTR- related disorders Spectrum of CFTR mutations in cystic fibrosis and in congenital absence of the vas deferens in France Variation in a repeat sequence determines whether a common variant of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene is pathogenic or benign Mutations of the cystic fibrosis gene in patients with chronic pancreatitis CFTR gene mutations in adults with disseminated bronchiectasis Consensus on the use and interpretation of cystic fibrosis mutation analysis in clinical practice CFTR CFTR Biomarkers: time for promotion to surrogate endpoint?
cord-023239-06a03o14Given that simple snoring has such a strong association with daytime symptoms À are these reversible?
cord-023239-06a03o14How should a decision between regular inhaled steroids, or leukotriene receptor antagonists be made?
cord-023239-06a03o14How well do the GLI reference equations predict lung function in people in individual countries?
cord-023239-06a03o14If 20- 30% of an adult population smoke, should they be excluded from equations designed to the lung function of that population?
cord-023239-06a03o14If not via intermittent desaturation, could the relationship with poor school performance be mediated via frequent arousals elicited by recurrent obstructive apnea?
cord-023239-06a03o14Progression of lung disease in primary ciliary dyskinesia: Is spirometry less accurate than CT?
cord-023239-06a03o14The dataset used to construct the GLI reference equations excluded ever smokers, but is this reasonable?
cord-023239-06a03o14The development of anticholinergics in the management of COPD Tiotropium in asthmatic adolescents symptomatic despite inhaled corticosteroids: a randomised dose- ranging study Treatment of disorders characterized by reversible airway obstruction in childhood: are anti- cholinergic agents the answer?
cord-023239-06a03o14The influence of the reference values on the interpretation of lung function in children: comparison of the Global Lung Initiative 2012 and Polish 1998 reference values Disparities in pulmonary function in healthy children across the Indian urban- rural continuum Persistent effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy on lung function and asthma in adolescents How"healthy"should children be when selecting reference samples for spirometry?
cord-023239-06a03o14The role of neurotrophins in inflammation and allergy RSV and asthma: Speed- dating or long- term relationship?
cord-023239-06a03o14Vertical transmission of respiratory syncytial virus to fetuses in utero conveys elevated nerve growth factor expression and airway hyperreactivity upon repetitive post- natal RSV re- challenge infections Fetal nutrition and cardiovascular disease in adult life Alternative mechanisms for respiratory syncytial virus( RSV) infection and persistence: could RSV be transmitted through the placenta and persist into developing fetal lungs?
cord-023239-06a03o14What constitutes"normal"data?
cord-023239-06a03o14What is the GLI?
cord-023239-06a03o14Why do we develop"tolerance"to the microbes living in us and on us?
cord-023239-06a03o14Why... when... how?
cord-265053-x70501t3WHO Director- General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 When does Hospital Capacity Get Overwhelmed in USA?
cord-263883-7ba0huwyA potential target for treatment of influenza virus and coronavirus infections Potential new treatment strategies for COVID-19: is there a role for bromhexine as add- on therapy?
cord-263883-7ba0huwyWhat is new here?
cord-263883-7ba0huwyWhat is the current knowledge? √
cord-266583-avhiqlgyThe role of the chest roentgenogram in febrile neutropenic patients Routine chest radiography of children with cancer hospitalized for fever and neutropenia: is it really necessary?
cord-257344-d13at1y5COVID-19: a recommendation to examine the effect of hydroxychloroquine in preventing infection and progression Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as available weapons to fight COVID-19 New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-257344-d13at1y5Friend or Foe?
cord-257344-d13at1y5Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for treatment or prophylaxis of COVID-19: a living systematic review Safety of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 and other diseases: a systematic review and meta- analysis of 53 randomized trials Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine: a potential and controversial treatment for COVID-19 Insights from nanomedicine into chloroquine efficacy against COVID-19 A systematic review on the efficacy and safety of chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19 Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) in vitro Hydroxychloroquine- Induced Stevens- Johnson Syndrome in COVID-19: A rare Case Report Characterizing the adverse dermatologic effects of hydroxychloroquine: a systematic review American Pharmaceutical Association Drugs in pregnancy and lactation: a reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk Arbidol: a broad- spectrum antiviral compound that blocks viral fusion Arbidol as a broad- spectrum antiviral: an update Anti- HCV, nucleotide inhibitors, repurposing against COVID-19 Ribavirin's antiviral mechanism of action: lethal mutagenesis?
cord-257344-d13at1y5Promising Supportive Therapies in Severe Cases of COVID-19?
cord-257344-d13at1y5The origin, transmission and clinical therapies on coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) outbreak-an update on the status COVID-19-new insights on a rapidly changing epidemic The SARS, MERS and novel coronavirus( COVID-19) epidemics, the newest and biggest global health threats: what lessons have we learned?
cord-257344-d13at1y5Why and to What Extent?
cord-257344-d13at1y5the Application of Lopinavir/ Ritonavir for the Treatment of COVID-19 Infected Pneumonia Monitored by Quantitative RT- PCR Patients of COVID-19 may benefit from sustained lopinavir- combined regimen and the increase of eosinophil may predict the outcome of COVID-19 progression Simultaneous population pharmacokinetic model for lopinavir and ritonavir in HIV- infected adults Should COVID-19 Concern Nephrologists?
cord-257344-d13at1y5the potential role of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-266214-l8pmhcd5Cardiovascular considerations for patients, health care workers, and health systems during the COVID-19 pandemic Does beta- blocker therapy improve clinical outcomes of acute myocardial infarction after successful primary angioplasty?
cord-266478-642m488aRespir Care Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation COVID-19 and the role of 3D printing in medicine To bag or not to bag?
cord-266429-0xaz8kbsAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-265278-wf5pbvvtDr. Kathy M. Tran( Medicine): Dr. Maggiore, would you tell us how you would manage this patient's immunosuppressive regimen?
cord-265278-wf5pbvvtHow should I manage immunosuppression in a kidney transplant patient with COVID-19?
cord-266450-g9vihgbkkey: cord-266450-g9vihgbk authors: Tran, Michael; Sheth, Chirag; Bhandari, Rohan; Cameron, Scott J.; Hornacek, Deborah title: SARS- CoV-2 and pulmonary embolism: who stole the platelets?
cord-265721-wmz3wywiCan we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-265721-wmz3wywiSmall COVID-19 study shows encouraging results for EUSA Pharma Association of treatment dose anticoagulation with in- hospital survival among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Corticosteroid treatment of patients with coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) SARS- COV-2 infection in cancer patients undergoing checkpoint blockade: clinical course and outcome COVID-19: risk for cytokine targeting in chronic inflammatory diseases?
cord-262551-hxhlhb5mAre elevated monoamines an etiological factor in some cases of major depression?
cord-262551-hxhlhb5mThe corticosteroid receptor hypothesis of depression Is depression an inflammatory disorder?
cord-262551-hxhlhb5mThe evolution of NMDA receptor antagonists as antidepressant agents Esketamine for treatment resistant depression: a trick of smoke and mirrors?
cord-262551-hxhlhb5mWhat does the legacy of Hans Selye and Franz Alexander mean today?
cord-263793-bmadusm6Can this affect measurements and risk assessment?
cord-263793-bmadusm6Do we have data on the suPAR clearance?
cord-263793-bmadusm6How can this be adjusted in the SUPERIOR trial?
cord-259767-x9s8qprc: a randomized trial Long- term retention of central venous catheter insertion skills after simulation- based mastery learning Cost savings from reduced catheter- related bloodstream infection after simulation- based education for residents in a medical intensive care unit Simulation- based mastery learning reduces complications during central venous catheter insertion in a medical intensive care unit Bridging the stressful gap between ICU and home: medical simulation for pediatric patients and their families Simulation- based education to improve emergency management skills in caregivers of tracheostomy patients Tracheostomy education for parents utilizing simulation: a new Immersive virtual reality as an adjunctive nonopioid analgesic for pre- dominantly Latin American children with large severe burn wounds during burn wound cleaning in the intensive care unit: a pilot study Is virtual reality ready for prime time in the medical space?
cord-259767-x9s8qprcAs simulation research has moved away from answering the question"is simulation effective?"for educating healthcare workers and towards measuring patient level outcomes and other innovative uses, larger research collaboratives have shown benefits.
cord-259767-x9s8qprcStud Health Technol Inform Can simulation based- team training impact bedside teamwork in a pediatric intensive care unit?
cord-259767-x9s8qprcThe future vision of simulation in health care Low- to high- fidelity simulation-a continuum of medical education?
cord-259767-x9s8qprcThe impact of telemedicine on teamwork and workload in pediatric resuscitation: a simulation- based, randomized controlled study Telesimulation for COVID-19 ventilator management training with social- distancing restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic Remote rapid cycle deliberate practice simulation training during the COVID-19 pandemic Medical education research as translational science Beyond the simulation laboratory: a realist synthesis review of clinical outcomes of simulation- based mastery learning Evaluating the impact of simulation on translational patient outcomes Translational simulation: not'where?'
cord-259767-x9s8qprcyield better results than traditional clinical education?
cord-261470-sqxdwu6jDexamethasone- induced immunosuppression: Mechanisms and implications for immunotherapy Dexamethasone for COVID-19?
cord-261470-sqxdwu6jExtrapulmonary manifestations of COVID-19 Kidney disease is associated with in- hospital death of patients with COVID-19 COVID-19-associated nephritis: early warning for disease severity and complications?
cord-261470-sqxdwu6jIs COVID-19 an Endothelial Disease?
cord-261470-sqxdwu6jShould COVID-19 Concern Nephrologists?
cord-261470-sqxdwu6jWhy and to What Extent?
cord-261470-sqxdwu6ja controlled study Inhibition of smoking- induced platelet aggregation by aspirin and pycnogenol Pine bark extract reduces platelet aggregation Coronavirus disease 2019 induces multi- lineage, morphologic changes in peripheral blood cells Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-267142-ys7z7j8jRational use of personal protective equipment for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Infection prevention and control for coronavirus disease( COVID-19): interim guidance for acute healthcare settings Stepping up infection control measures in ophthalmology during the novel coronavirus outbreak: an experience from Hong Kong On a knife's edge of a COVID-19 pandemic: is containment still possible?
cord-265230-ozyx8u64Does microsatellite instability predict the efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer?
cord-265230-ozyx8u64a multicenter study during the COVID-19 outbreak Clinical determinants for fatality of 44,672 patients with COVID-19 Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-265022-p5cab562Vascular aspects of cognitive impairment and dementia Can angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors impact cognitive decline in early stages of Alzheimer's disease?
cord-265022-p5cab562yes or no?
cord-265262-r01u4jr6Does a male polycystic ovarian syndrome equivalent exist?
cord-265262-r01u4jr6What is the evidence?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3Are some centers the'Best'and what does that mean for patient care?By examining lung function and nutrition outcomes for children and adults annually from 1998 to 2001, ranking centers and selecting those that were reliably in the top 10 in several categories we identified 7 centers with consistently good outcomes across patient groups.
cord-023216-avn8f2w3What are these centers doing to be so successful? cord-023216-avn8f2w3 By what mechanisms are the neutrophils recognized and designated for removal? cord-023216-avn8f2w3 Does NBD1 play any role in channel gating? cord-023216-avn8f2w3 Does all this variation matter? cord-023216-avn8f2w3 Each mother was given the opportunity to ask a question or give advice structured around the challenge of Cystic Fibrosis;How do I get my threeyear- old to sit still while taking a breathing treatment?"
cord-023216-avn8f2w3Eyeballs or smiles?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3Further complicating the issue of"what is a CF diagnosis?"were the observations that CF mutations can not be identified in a subset of patients who have clinical features typical of CF( 7), and that some individuals who carry two known CF mutations may remain asymptomatic over extended periods of time.
cord-023216-avn8f2w3How are the excess mononuclear phagocytes cleared from the lung?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3How are they removed?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3How can we now use it to identify opportunities for change and to monitor progress in the care of people with CF?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3How could a clinically useful data instrument describe a center where there are fail safe systems in place, where every patient gets everything they need at every visit, where handoffs between care givers are smooth, where culture results are never lost, where patients and families are well informed, activated, responsible, and supported?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3How did they get support that day?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3How ought we as clinicians assess these claims and counterclaims about anxiety, and how ought we to weigh the relief or creation of anxiety when assessing the ethics of newborn screening?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3How should we understand our collective use of"early"and"late"diagnosis of CF as we consider the ethics of newborn screening?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3Studies in CF mice may also be helpful in answering the question: How much CFTR is enough?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3There followed the inevitable blaming, the condemnation, and the perennial questions:"Why such a tragedy in our family?","How did this happen?","Where was God?".
cord-023216-avn8f2w3There followed the inevitable blaming, the condemnation, and the perennial questions:"Why such a tragedy in our family?","How did this happen?","Where was God?".
cord-023216-avn8f2w3There followed the inevitable blaming, the condemnation, and the perennial questions:"Why such a tragedy in our family?","How did this happen?","Where was God?".
cord-023216-avn8f2w3This simple scheme raises a number of important questions, including: 1) What initiates the decline in neutrophil accumulation?.
cord-023216-avn8f2w3What about airways?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3What can I do to manage my time better?","How can I get my teenager to take his enzymes when he goes out with friends?".
cord-023216-avn8f2w3What can I do to manage my time better?","How can I get my teenager to take his enzymes when he goes out with friends?".
cord-023216-avn8f2w3What can be done right now to accelerate the improvement in CF care that we have seen over the past decades?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3What causes the later influx of monocytes( 1)?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3Why do we care if CF patients have diabetes?
cord-023216-avn8f2w3Why do we tell each other this story so often?
cord-266010-ectnfv5zThe first two cases of 2019-nCoV in Italy: where they come from COVID-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-266010-ectnfv5zagility and collaboration toward a common goal Mammography screening reduces rates of advanced and fatal breast cancers: results in 549,091 women Association of screening and treatment with breast cancer mortality by molecular subtype in US women Breast cancer screening programs: does one risk fit all?
cord-259984-csdf1a69Did you have any contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case within the past 14 days?
cord-259984-csdf1a69Do you have any fever or acute respiratory infection( sudden onset of respiratory infection with at least one of: shortness of breath, cough or sore throat)?
cord-259984-csdf1a69Do you have any history of travelling to or residing in affected countries in the past 14 days?
cord-259984-csdf1a69Should the surgical instrument be reused?
cord-259984-csdf1a69The impact of professional isolation on teleworker job performance and turnover intentions: does time spent teleworking, interacting face- toface, or having access to communicationenhancing technology matter?
cord-259984-csdf1a69Then what will happen to all elective cases that will be pushed back for a further few months?
cord-259984-csdf1a69Will that add to the mounting burden of long waiting lists that is already stretched?
cord-268049-7xqln70dWhy Did Outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Occur in Some Hospital Wards but Not in Others?
cord-265052-hfuvm1ohWhat it whispers to us?
cord-265052-hfuvm1ohwhat next?
cord-265052-hfuvm1ohwhat next?
cord-268168-yzvag38xTreatment outcome reporting in anorexia nervosa: time for a paradigm shift?
cord-266750-41gth6o0Can we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-266750-41gth6o0The coagulative and cardiorespiratory responses to reamed intramedullary nailing of isolated fractures Coagulation, fibrinolysis and cytokine responses to intramedullary nailing of the femur: an experimental study in pigs comparing traditional reaming and reaming with a onestep reamer- irrigator- aspirator system Intramedullary nailing of the femur: current concepts concerning reaming Primary intramedullary femur fixation in multiple trauma patients with associated lung contusiona cause of posttraumatic ARDS?
cord-266455-rbblg4puEvaluation and comprehensive analysis of the unyvero P50 pneumonia assay Assessment of the multiplex PCR- based assay unyvero pneumonia application for detection of bacterial pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes in children and Evaluation of Curetis unyvero, a multiplex PCR- based testing system, for rapid detection of bacteria and antibiotic resistance and impact of the assay on management of severe nosocomial pneumonia Sample- in, answer- out'?
cord-266455-rbblg4pusevere hospital- acquired pneumonia( HAP) Comparison of unyvero P55 pneumonia cartridge, inhouse PCR and culture for the identification of respiratory pathogens and antibiotic resistance in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids in the critical care setting n Sample- in, answer- out'?
cord-267020-4mpc246uWhat has happened in the medical decision- making process?
cord-267020-4mpc246uWhen uncertain, does human self- motion decision- making fully utilize complete information?
cord-266512-xh6zed03In conclusion, atopic status seems to protect against the most severe, often fatal A NovelCoronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China Favorable outcome of COVID19 in two patients with X- linked agammaglobulinemia Type 2 cytokines: mechanisms and therapeutic strategies Th1 and Th2 responses: what are they?
cord-266512-xh6zed03Influence of Atopy on the Clinical Manifestations of Coronavirus Infection in Adult Volunteers Association of respiratory allergy, asthma and expression of the SARS- CoV-2 receptor, ACE2 Clinical Characteristics of 138 Hospitalized Patients With 2019 Novel Coronavirus- Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China Mapping the innate signalling cascade essential for cytokine storm during influenza virus infection Is asthma protective against COVID-19?
cord-262412-bs7quwovA distinctive skin rash associated with coronavirus disease 2019?
cord-262412-bs7quwovA vasculopathy- related symptom?
cord-262412-bs7quwovAcral cutaneous lesions in the time of COVID-19 ¿ COVID19 en forma de sabañones?
cord-262412-bs7quwovCOVID-19 frequent or not?
cord-262412-bs7quwovHas viral infection a role in drug induced exanthemas?
cord-262412-bs7quwovy adolescentes Varicella- like exanthem associated with COVID-19 in an 8-year- old girl: A diagnostic clue?
cord-268455-btuzihsyCovid-19 outbreak: is there still a place for scheduled surgery?
cord-266744-31p212aqCOVID-19 length of hospital stay: a systematic review and data synthesis Non- specific abdominal pain: the resource implications What happened to surgical emergencies in the era of COVID-19 outbreak?
cord-266744-31p212aqWhat is happening to non- covid deaths?
cord-268632-p1rsz8fkChina Cutaneous lesions in a patient with COVID-19: are they related?
cord-263882-s5oxr6esA child confirmed COVID-19 with only symptoms of conjunctivitis and eyelid dermatitis Characterizing the adverse dermatologic effects of hydroxychloroquine: a systematic review A case of exacerbation of psoriasis after oseltamivir and hydroxychloroquine in a patient with COVID-19: Will cases of psoriasis increase after COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-263882-s5oxr6esCEBD: Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology Classification of the cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19: a rapid prospective nationwide consensus study in Spain with 375 cases Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a new contribution Cutaneous lesions in a patient with COVID-19: are they related?
cord-263882-s5oxr6esCOVID-19 can present with a rash and be mistaken for dengue Varicella- like exanthem as a specific COVID-19-associated skin manifestation: multicenter case series of 22 patients Varicella- like exanthem associated with COVID-19 in an 8-year- old girl: A diagnostic clue?
cord-263882-s5oxr6esFor consensus and more exact expert recommendations in this group of patients, we need data gathering about people who were in this situation and know more about what experience say about dermatologic disease course, COVID-19 course and manner of managing both conditions in the best possible way?
cord-263882-s5oxr6esNajar Nobar, Niloufar; Goodarzi, Azadeh title: Patients with specific skin disorders who are affected by COVID‐19: what do experiences say about management strategies?:
cord-268324-86a0n0dc-what should anaethesiologists and intensivists know about it?
cord-268886-mpceglk1On target, but missing the point?
cord-267357-7aap2cteWhat are we doing in the dermatology outpatient department amidst the raging of the 2019 novel coronavirus?
cord-267357-7aap2cteWorth preventing, but how?
cord-268561-vq1uhj5iA Prospective Cohort Study Factors associated with hospitalization and critical illness among 4,103 patients with COVID-19 disease Likelihood of survival of coronavirus disease Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: the experiences of Barcelona and Rome Cutaneous small- vessel vasculitis associated with novel 2019 coronavirus SARS- CoV-2 infection( COVID-19) Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a first perspective Cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19: A review of the published literature Olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions as a clinical presentation of mild- to- moderate forms of the coronavirus disease Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease Relation Between Chest CT Findings and Clinical Conditions of Coronavirus Disease( COVID-19) Pneumonia: A Multicenter Study Clinical characteristics of 140 patients infected with SARS- CoV-2 in Wuhan Diagnosis of the Coronavirus disease( COVID-19): rRT- PCR or CT?
cord-268540-wrjzr3ws( COVID-19) Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread Synergistic antiviral effect of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in combination against SARS- CoV-2: what molecular dynamics studies of virus- host interactions reveal Deployment of convalescent plasma for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 Plasma therapy against infectious pathogens, as of yesterday, today and tomorrow Meta- analysis: convalescent blood products for Spanish influenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cCan postnatal US diagnose significant PNU?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cCrescentic Glomerulonephritis with Isolated C3 Deposits Associated to Complement Abnormalities: a New Entity?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cDoes ANH predict renal tract pathology in neonates?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cDoes sonographic quantification of the renal parenchyma allow estimation of isotopic renal function?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cDrug Intake in the Background of Sudden Death?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cFollowing Halothane Anesthesia in Young Child?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cGeneration of Oxidized Lipoproteins in Obstructive Nephropathy-Atherogenic or Fibrogenic?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cHow many neonates with ANH would need to be investigated to prevent one case of ESRF/ CRF?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cHow much Iron is Needed and how much is Toxic?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cIn order to improve long term outcome of these patients, increased awareness and an European( International?)
cord-015324-y44sfr0cIs Repeated Urine Culture Essential after Antibiotic Therapy in UTI in Thai Children?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cIs there a Role for Bisphosphonates in Pediatric Bone Disease?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cNephronophthisis and Joubert Syndrome: Converging on Convergent Extension?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cUnilateral Renal Agenesis( URA): how Intensively do we Need to Investigate and Follow- up?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cWhat exactly happened during arteriography in her left kidney, in order to provoke such ischemic injury, knowing that the left renal artery was not catheterized during arteriography and PTA?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cWhat is the value of prophylactic antibiotics in infants with ANH?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cWhen is the optimal time to screen infants postnatally?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cWhich Immunosuppression in Pediatric Transplantation?
cord-015324-y44sfr0cWhich imaging modalities are necessary to diagnose the cause of the HN?
cord-266905-j9ljwqv0As a matter of medicine, policy and ethics, what is right here?
cord-266905-j9ljwqv0Laboring Alone?:
cord-266905-j9ljwqv0What Is to Be Done?
cord-269087-f9hyntvfDifferent points from adults Are children less susceptible to COVID-19?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuA well- designed EMR system can"stack"required co- signing tasks on a computer screen, offer standard entries as well as free- hand options, and create a process far faster than paper records for an attending's validation( same as reconciliation?).
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuAre these rare variants the source of much of the missing heritability?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuBasic sciences aside, could a clinicalbased educational training center have an advantage over a school- based clinical center?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuDental care for your baby Does caries in primary teeth predict enamel defects in permanent teeth?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuFor those affected, why do some progress more rapidly than others?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuHe also posed the question"Can dentists recognize signs and systems of contagious diseases?", and emphasized that education can be essential.
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuHow does one measure the economic impact of a life not lived and another derailed by such tragedy?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuHow much would all of this cost?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuHow will we seize them?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuHow would it compare to the benefi ts that may be available?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuIs it better to travel down a road that leads a school to develop and operate a clinic?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuMight an enterprise profi cient at running a successful clinical business model have an advantage running a professional, patient- centered clinical training program as compared to a pedagogical business model attempting to run a clinical training model?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuNeed we say more?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuOr is the road less traveled, where a clinic becomes a school, the better of the two options?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuOral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod Oral hygiene can reduce the incidence of and death resulting from pneumonia and respiratory tract infection Effect of daily asprin on long- term risk of death due to cancer: analysis of individual patient data from randomized trails Access to oral health care for elders: mere words or action?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuSo what do we mean by an aggressive dental treatment plan?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuThe evolution of molecular markers-just a matter of fashion?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuThe relationship between reduction in periodontal infl ammation and diabetes control: a report of 9 cases Can presence or absence of periodontal pathogens distinguish between subjects with chronic and aggressive periodontitis?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuTo what extent are medical and dental and providers aware of recommendations for a fi rst dental visit for a child by age one, as recommended by the AAP, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry( AAPD), and the American Dental Association?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuWhat about cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuWhat causes some patients to respond to therapies, while others suffer from adverse reactions?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuWhat's strange about recent events?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuWhy do some acquire diseases and others do not?
cord-023913-pnjhi8cuwhat value, what price?
cord-266463-ci0g1dno: What Is the Evidence?
cord-266463-ci0g1dnoThe randomized registry trial-- the next disruptive technology in clinical research?
cord-266463-ci0g1dnoa single- centered, retrospective, observational study Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-267947-dnv2xl0hWhat Should Gastroenterologists and Patients Know About COVID-19?
cord-267947-dnv2xl0hcord-267947-dnv2xl0h authors: Gornet, Jean- Marc; Linh Tran Minh, My; Leleu, Florian; Hassid, Deborah title: What do surgeons need to know about the digestive disorders and paraclinical abnormalities induced by COVID-19?
cord-020342-u8jzmloq: can we predict those at risk for emesis?
cord-020342-u8jzmloq: is it worthy?
cord-020342-u8jzmloq: is there a need?
cord-020342-u8jzmloq: simplified criteria for diagnosis and grading Emergency contraception and risk of ectopic pregnancy: is there need for extra vigilance?
cord-020342-u8jzmloq: what did we do wrong?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqA three- year study of mortality in a university emergency department Is screening for myocardial infarction improved by the addition of the combination of creatine kinase and creatine kinase Index to the second generation troponin I?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqAre pediatric computed tomography scanners now drug- free zones?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqCan we rely on synovial fluid white blood cell count to rule out infectious arthritis?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqChildhood poisoning: is there a greater role for emergency medicine?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqDo pediatric disaster patients have special needs?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqDoes anticoagulation increase risk of intracranial hemorrhage from blunt trauma?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqDoes resident- selected patient follow- up lead to improvements in patient care?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqDoes the WBC count predict which febrile children from 90 days to 36 months of age will have a positive urine culture?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqDoes the use of bedside ultrasonography decrease the time needed to emergency medicine residents to remove soft tissue foreign bodies?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqDoes video- assisted instruction help the novice intubator?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqInjury characteristics by type of vehicle and restraint: are light trucks safe?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqNeedlestick injuries, management, and education: a role for emergency medicine?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqNo coronary patients attending chest pain units: should we do other than just discharge them?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqOut- of- hospital rapid sequence intubation: are we helping or hurting our patients?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqOutpatient antibiotic therapy: are emergency physicians aware of the cost of commonly used antibiotics?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqSama AE( see Schwaner et al) Is there a sixth sense for detecting patients with acute coronary syndrome before treating them?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqStandards of quality on the management of the acute coronary syndrome: can a chest pain unit catch up with them?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqThe effect of noise in the emergency department Zwemer FL( see Schneider et al) Are emergency medicine residency programs using a valuable resource to educate the residents in caring for sexual assault victims?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqThe treatment of pain in acute extremity injury: are we treating the radiograph or the patient?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqWhat are the barriers to the use of outpatient enoxaparin therapy in deep venous thrombosis?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqWhat is the impact of child- specific motor vehicle restraints on pediatric morbidity and mortality from motor vehicle crashes in Pennsylvania from 1992 to Does the presence or absence of sonographically identified cardiac activity predict resuscitation outcomes of pulseless patients?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqWhen is a patient safe for discharge after procedural sedation?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqWhy no antivenom?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqan essential need in emergency medicine?
cord-020342-u8jzmloqepidemiology and severity of anogenital injury Awareness of coronary artery disease risk factors and homocysteine treatment in high- risk patients Does the accuracy of potential cardiac histories depend on question type?
cord-259229-e8m8m4utA potential approach for coronavirus infection therapy?
cord-259229-e8m8m4utAdmitted to ICUs of the Lombardy Region Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-259229-e8m8m4utCompared to the Single X- Chromosome in Males?
cord-259229-e8m8m4utDirect regulation of interleukin-6 expression by Notch signaling in macrophages COVID-19 in the heart and the lungs: Could we"Notch"the inflammatory storm?
cord-259229-e8m8m4utInhibitors of RAS Might Be a Good Choice for the Therapy of COVID-19 Pneumonia Urinary angiotensin- converting enzyme 2 in hypertensive patients may be increased by olmesartan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker Renin- Angiotensin- Aldosterone System Blockers and the Risk of Covid-19 Inhibitors of the Renin- Angiotensin- Aldosterone System and Covid-19 Renin- Angiotensin- Aldosterone System Inhibitors and Risk of Covid-19 SARS- coronavirus modulation of myocardial ACE2 expression and inflammation in patients with SARS COVID-19 Illness and Heart Failure: A Missing Link?
cord-259229-e8m8m4utThe COVID-19 pandemic in the USA: What might we expect?
cord-259229-e8m8m4utThe cardiac renin- angiotensin system: Conceptual, or a regulator of cardiac function?
cord-259229-e8m8m4utThe role of the Notch pathway The Notch pathway: A novel target for myocardial remodelling therapy?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8n, within the last 10 days( that is, the incubation period for SARS), traveled internationally or visited an area where documented or suspected community transmission of SARS is occurring?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nAlso, will those exposed to the virus be carriers of the disease in the face of a new infection?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nHow good are hand- washing practices?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nHow many will be silent healthy carriers of the virus?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nWill an emergent strain or strains behave similarly to the older counterpart?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nhow contagious are common respiratory tract infections?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nyou come into contact with a patient with SARS in the past 10 days?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nyou experienced a recent onset of a respiratory problem, such as a cough or difficulty breathing?
cord-260503-yq4dtf8nyou have fever?
cord-267402-kca05rvzIs COVID-19 directly contributing to stroke incidence?
cord-267402-kca05rvzIs ethnicity linked to incidence or outcomes of covid-19? Radiological findings from 81 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study Clinical and imaging findings in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome CT correlation with outcomes in 15 patients with acute Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
cord-264829-ynel6oreJACC Case Rep Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-264829-ynel6orePrimary Target or Secondary Bystander?
cord-264829-ynel6oreStatistical Primer: heterogeneity, random- or fixed- effects model analyses?
cord-264829-ynel6oreThe Nordic Cochrane Centre: The Cochrane Collaboration Assessing heterogeneity in meta- analysis: Q statistic or I2 index?
cord-264829-ynel6oreThe cardiovascular burden of coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) with a focus on congenital heart disease COVID-19 illness and heart failure: a missing link?
cord-265934-wjdxqj8hTelehealth: voice therapy using telecommunications technology Design and implementation of an interactive website for pediatric voice therapy- the concept of in- between care: a Telehealth model Management of dysphagia in the patient with head and neck cancer during COVID-19 pandemic: practical strategy Performance of an automated, remote system to detect vocal fold paralysis Laryngeal cancer: is computed tomography a valuable imaging technique?
cord-265934-wjdxqj8hWhere does telemedicine fit into otolaryngology?
cord-265934-wjdxqj8ha feasibility study Digital images for postsurgical follow- up of tympanostomy tubes in remote Alaska Smartphone otoscopy performed by parents Smartphone- enabled otoscopy in neurotology/ otology iPhone otoscopes: currently available, but reliable for tele- otoscopy in the hands of parents?
cord-265934-wjdxqj8ha systematic review Need for mental health providers in progressive tinnitus management: a gap in clinical care Audiology telemedicine evaluations: potential expanded applications Digital otoscopy versus microscopy: how correct and confident are ear experts in their diagnoses?
cord-269105-yuphgyrnImmunothrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism?
cord-264924-ds6jv5ekDo we isolate all patients who were in the same ward as patients with SARS, even if they did not have direct contact with the infected patients?
cord-264924-ds6jv5ekDo we isolate these patients for the duration of their hospital stay in spite of normal chest radiographs and alternative explanations for their fevers?
cord-264924-ds6jv5ekHow contagious are common respiratory tract infections?
cord-264924-ds6jv5ekWhat should be the patient management protocol?
cord-264924-ds6jv5eksevere acute respiratory syndrome- Singapore Laboratory- acquired severe acute respiratory syndrome Sealing the net: how effective was isolation of suspect SARS cases not fulfilling WHO criteria and can we afford it the next time around?
cord-266722-qfn2dc1qEarly treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis Does penicillin make Johnny's strep throat better?
cord-266722-qfn2dc1qHow important then is the lessened efficacy of penicillin preparations for streptococcal pharyngitis noted in recent studies?
cord-266722-qfn2dc1qThe group A streptococcal upper respiratory tract carrier state: an enigma Effect of treatment on streptoeoccal pharyngitis: is the issue really settled?
cord-268879-ajd7ofc8Short- course regimens of rifapentine plus isoniazid to treat latent tuberculosis infection in older Chinese: a randomised controlled study Where is tuberculosis transmission happening?
cord-268879-ajd7ofc8What's to stop its use?
cord-266160-464v4g8oHow might it impact on clinical practice in the foreseeable future? ►
cord-266160-464v4g8oNACSELD- ACLF) score predicts 30-day survival in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis Acute- On- Chronic liver failure: getting ready for prime time?
cord-266160-464v4g8oWhat are the new findings? ►
cord-266160-464v4g8oWorldwide, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection causing COVID-19 has been What is already known on this subject? ►
cord-268140-s5lailkpCan we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-268140-s5lailkpThis overwhelming fascination with hydroxychloroquine until recently has continued across the globe from USA, Europe to China and India, perhaps due to the drug being inexpensive?
cord-268140-s5lailkpkey: cord-268140-s5lailkp authors: Atal, Shubham; Fatima, Zeenat title: IL-6 Inhibitors in the Treatment of Serious COVID-19: A Promising Therapy?
cord-270509-roc93m4fa systematic review Effect of early versus late or no tracheostomy on mortality and pneumonia of critically ill patients receiving mechanical ventilation: a systematic review and metaanalysis Tracheostomy does not improve the outcome of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation: a propensity analysis Is tracheostomy associated with better outcomes for patients requiring long- term mechanical ventilation?
cord-269503-ij4u980vkey: cord-269503-ij4u980v authors: Amaratunga, Eluwana A; Corwin, Douglas S; Moran, Lynn; Snyder, Richard title: Bradycardia in Patients With COVID-19: A Calm Before the Storm?
cord-266713-rghowch1a delayed pandemic?
cord-270210-gfy2ytg5Does physical training reduce fatigue in sarcoidosis?
cord-270327-v4td3zsaShould Cardiac Troponin Levels be Monitored in COVID-19 Patients?
cord-270712-v6nnnzhmThus, does one recommend withholding a potentially effective agent( thus potentially exposing substantial numbers of dental HCWs to extra risk), or does one recommend that a simple, cheap, safe and potentially effective agent is used to help safeguard the profession while the extra information is sought?
cord-264449-p3tgjuj4Are all fresh fractures emergencies or only life and limb saving surgeries?
cord-264449-p3tgjuj4How about our relatives and patients with whom we have a long- standing or good relationship with?
cord-264449-p3tgjuj4How do we turn them down?
cord-264449-p3tgjuj4In times where several hospitals have started taking special'Corona consent', do we save ourselves and hopefully patients'lives now and manage complications like non- union or malunion later 3?
cord-264449-p3tgjuj4The traditional elective surgeries like arthroscopy and arthroplasty are obvious nobrainers but what about trauma?
cord-264449-p3tgjuj4What constitutes elective surgery?
cord-264295-7ojvhwb0Can We Do More on Glycemic Control?
cord-264295-7ojvhwb0Covid-19 Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-264295-7ojvhwb0Diabetes is a risk factor for the progression and prognosis of COVID-19 Association of Blood Glucose Control and Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 and Pre- existing Type 2 Diabetes Frailty and geography: should these two factors be added to the ABCDE contemporary guide to diabetes therapy?
cord-264295-7ojvhwb0Laboratory testing for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) in suspected human cases Could Anti- Hypertensive Drug Therapy Affect the Clinical Prognosis of Hypertensive Patients With COVID-19 Infection?
cord-264295-7ojvhwb0Preventing SARS- CoV-2 infection and/ or progression of COVID-19? Diabetes Comorbidity and its impact on 1590 patients with Covid-19 in China:
cord-264295-7ojvhwb0Pulmonary vascular endothelialitis, thrombosis, and angiogenesis in Covid-19 Potential effects of coronaviruses on the cardiovascular system Hypertension, thrombosis, kidney failure, and diabetes: is COVID-19 an endothelial disease?
cord-270740-3su8pc3f-Is Protocol- Driven COVID-19 Ventilation Doing More Harm Than Good?
cord-270763-idkylpb6chest CT findings Pneumonia and respiratory failure from swine- origin Influenza A( H1N1) in Mexico Viral pneumonias in adults: radiologic and pathologic findings Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome( SARS) on pulmonary function, functional capacity and quality of life in a cohort of survivors Swine flu fibrosis: Regressive or progressive?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0: Is CT a useful predictor of histological type?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0A reason for discussion between radiologists and cardiologists?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0A useful tool to indicate reoperation?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Are the misinterpretations avoidable?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Can the isolated distension of the colon be infl uenced by adequate preparation during virtual colonoscopy, or, if needed, can adequate small intestine distension also be achieved?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Can we refi ne our use of MRI in the management of breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Correlating radiological and histopathological staging for prostate cancer in a general NHS setting: Do fi ndings live up to national standards?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Do radiologists need to report A&E trauma extremity fi lms?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Extended fi eld- of- view sonography: Does this technique provide additional information to conventional B- mode images?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Feasibility of showing radiologic images on iPOD: Can Pod save the space?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0How versatile is CT- AEC?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Is contrast- enhanced ultrasound useful?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Is it necessary to review all casualty radiographs?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Is virtual enteroscopy an acceptable method for detecting Peutz- Jeghers poliposis in the small bowel?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0MRI of the pelvis in mullerian duct abnormalities: Is there a role in selecting patient for histerocopic metroplasty?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Misinterpretation of radiographs by emergency physicians: How big is the problem?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Pattern recognition in lobar collapse: Can you read the signs?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0The routine CDUS is appropriate in these patients since if silent arterial or venous thrombosis is identi Developmental dysplasia of the hip in children: Can MRI features predict the need for surgical oseotomy?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0What are the basic requirements of an'interpretable'scan?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0What is the advantage of angio- CT system equipped with 16-channel MDCT?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0When and why do we misinterpret?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Where is the pelvic sidewall?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Why did I miss appendicitis on abdominal CT?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0Why do we misinterpret lesions on cardiac CT while compared with catheter coronary angiography?
cord-021206-4zyqqgs0With these fi lms being looked at by radiographers( red dotting fi lms), trauma juniors and/or senior doctors, is there still a necessity for reporting of these fi lms by radiologists?
cord-269554-fzu6dy4eNational Academy of Medicine Comorbidity and its impact on 1590 patients with COVID-19 in China: a nationwide analysis Hospitalization Rates and Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized with Laboratory- Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019-COVID- NET, 14 States COVID-19): are you at higher risk for severe illness?
cord-269554-fzu6dy4ekey: cord-269554-fzu6dy4e authors: Hussein, M. H.; Toraih, E. A.; Attia, A. S.; Youssef, M.; Omar, M.; Burley, N.; Zhang, A. D.; Roos, J.; Houghton, A.; Aniemeka, N.; Shama, M. A.; Duchesne, J.; Kandil, E. title: Asthma in COVID-19: An extra chain fitting around the neck?
cord-271149-qnhlfozoHow does the New Cooperative Medical Scheme influence health service utilization?
cord-271660-5sfkhg19Why is in- hospital diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis delayed in southern Taiwan?
cord-271212-y8denvjuClinical Characteristics of 138 Hospitalized Patients With 2019 Novel Coronavirus- Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan, China Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus- Infected Pneumonia Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Plasma inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in severe acute respiratory syndrome MERS- CoV infection in humans is associated with a pro- inflammatory Th1 and Th17 cytokine profile Children with Covid-19 in Pediatric Emergency Departments in Italy Enteric involvement of coronaviruses: is faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-000843-e1bn79ui( 1) Is there a lesion in the brain?
cord-000843-e1bn79ui( 2) Is the lesion a tumour?
cord-000843-e1bn79ui( 3) Is the tumour a glioma?
cord-000843-e1bn79ui( 4) Is it a high- or low- grade glioma?
cord-000843-e1bn79ui( 8) After radiotherapy, if a new enhancing lesion occurs, is it a recurrent neoplasm or radiation necrosis?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiAre they always important, do they perhaps predict the development of more severe disease, or are there cases where they have little influence on diagnosis and therapy?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiBehaving ethically towards one's own profession, towards the others and towards ourselves, is it, or could this be the common ground of European professional ethics?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiCan CT predict the outcome of percutaneous intervention?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiCan we assess cell density of tumours with imaging techniques?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiCan we predict the athletes return to sport?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiCan we still use the term BME or should we be more specific?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiCould the'molecule of life'also be the'molecule of the mind'?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiFacts from the statistician( true for once?)
cord-000843-e1bn79uiHow can imaging techniques discriminate recurrence, inflammation, necrosis or scar?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiHow do we report CT of the chest?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiHow to design such algorithms?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiHowever, the clinically important question should rather be the following: Does this higher accuracy have an impact on patient management?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiIf there is need for adjunctive radiotherapy, how the extent of the tumour should be defined?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiImaging of adnexal masses: is it feasible to diagnose ovarian cancer?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiIn this setting, and mindful of the medico legal consequences of'delayed diagnosis', is there still room to allow a patient to leave the one stop clinic without a definitive diagnosis?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiIs it now feasible in daily practice?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiIs it time for integrating standard imaging with the functional information provided by DWI and/or CT or MR perfusion techniques?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiIs mammography still an accepted modality for breast cancer imaging in 2025?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiIs the lesion cystic or solid?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiIs there any risk of the radiologist having a detrimental impact on either the welfare of the patient or the judicial process by either under- diagnosing or over- diagnosing child abuse?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiStroke around the clock: will the challenger( CT perfusion) beat the champion( diffusion MRI)?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiThe question becomes: are these techniques ready for routine clinical use or are they most appropriate for research?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWe will conclude with a panel discussion asking the question: are the repeatability, reproducibility, and robustness of the non- invasive biomarkers presented in this session adequate for routine clinical implementation?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhat have we learned from our mistakes? 09:44
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhat is the role of MR( as well as MRS, DW MR and dynamic MR) in precluding the need for multiple biopsies?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhat specific precautions are mandatory in order to guarantee contrast media safety to patients and healthcare professionals?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhat will be the standard machine and field of the future?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhat would happen if our professional identity were perceived and acknowledged through the way we can interact and relate to others?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhen do we need"neuroimaging"and what is the optimal diagnostic work- up?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhen should an expiratory scan be performed?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhen should we report these changes?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhen should we stop in cases with high or increasing levels of PSA despite consecutive negative biopsy outcomes?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhere do we stand in brain aneurysm treatment today?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhere do we stand in stroke therapy today?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhere is the mass located?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhich evidence level are we at presently?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhich imaging modality is best for endovascular management?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWhy does the radiologist need to understand the importance of monitoring response and how it is done?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWill new MR contrast probes compete with PET?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWill new technologies allow a jump in sensitivity?
cord-000843-e1bn79uiWill these technologies allow a jump in sensitivity?
cord-000843-e1bn79uibut when and why do they really matter?
cord-269835-mz7i66qpDisinfection of Environments in Healthcare and Nonhealthcare Settings Potentially Contaminated with SARS Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan Effect of tight control management on Crohn's disease( CALM): a multicentre, randomised, controlled phase 3 trial Fecal calprotectin levels predict histological healing in ulcerative colitis Review article: faecal calprotectin and histologic remission in ulcerative colitis Epidemiological, clinical and virological characteristics of 74 cases of coronavirus- infected disease 2019( COVID-19) with gastrointestinal symptoms Faecal calprotectin indicates intestinal inflammation in COVID-19 Management of acute severe colitis in the era of biologicals and small molecules Cortisone in ulcerative colitis; final report on a therapeutic trial Predicting outcome in severe ulcerative colitis Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirusinfected pneumonia in Wuhan, China Relationship between cytomegalovirus infection and steroid resistance in inflammatory bowel disease: a meta- analysis Ulcerative colitis and cytomegalovirus infection: from A to Z Identification of clinically relevant cytomegalovirus infections in patients with inflammatory bowel disease Cytomegalovirus in inflammatory bowel disease: pathogen or innocent bystander?
cord-269835-mz7i66qppart 1: definitions, diagnosis, extra- intestinal manifestations, pregnancy, cancer surveillance, surgery, and ileo- anal pouch disorders European evidence- based consensus: inflammatory bowel disease and malignancies Use of cross- sectional imaging for tight monitoring of inflammatory bowel diseases Uselessness of serum p53 antibody for detecting colitis- associated cancer in the era of immunosuppressive therapy Consecutive negative findings on colonoscopy during surveillance predict a low risk of advanced neoplasia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease with long- standing colitis: results of a 15-year multicentre, multinational cohort study European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation topical review on prediction, diagnosis and management of fibrostenosing Crohn's disease Efficacy of home telemonitoring versus conventional follow- up: a randomized controlled trial among teenagers with inflammatory bowel disease Is home monitoring of inflammatory bowel disease feasible?
cord-271944-oxtus5vbCureus Acute Symptomatic Seizures in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: Is There an Association?
cord-271871-8grkln6oCOVID-19: What proportion are asymptomatic?
cord-271483-33kuvpl7the case of the price/ perceived- quality relationship What makes clinical research ethical?
cord-270876-kul6bs3wBut is n't it better than patients not coming at all?
cord-270876-kul6bs3wWhy do patients miss their appointments at primary care clinics?
cord-023354-f2ciho6o( with a selfadministered questionnaire with an open- ended question: How does blood donation affect you?
cord-023354-f2ciho6o/socially during or after blood donation?) revealed that perceived negative effects( fatigue, diminished physical working capacity, vertigo/ dizziness, susceptibility to infections etc)
cord-023354-f2ciho6o: will it become reality?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oAfter the first 10 years with haemovigilance in the European countries, what has been the outcome of this big effort?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oAgainst this background where should our attentions focus?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oAim: Does the interpretation of reports obtained through Outcome Review lead to an increase in the number of products per run and the overall productivity of the apheresis center?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oAn ISO standard for blood transfusion?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oAre transfusion guidelines evidence- based?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oBeing anti- D immunoglobulin a product that has the potential risk of infection transmission, is it appropriate to use indiscriminately as a routine antenatal prophylaxis?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oIn addition, how much are we willing to pay for protection against emerging viruses?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oIs it a mutual decision making between physician and patient?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oMobilization is also seen following the use of other cytokines( i.e. kit- L, Flt-3 L, IL-3) or chemokines( i.e. IL-8, Gro?), complement activation, etc., but the detailed mechanisms or the interdependence of these other pathways with the ones already proposed have not been worked out.
cord-023354-f2ciho6oScientific evidence to fully answer the questions'when are platelet components clinically effective'and'what do we really know?'is limited.
cord-023354-f2ciho6oShould patients with thalassemia intermedia be regularly transfused?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oThe research theme of this questionnaire is as follows:'What is the level of knowledge and of motivation in the non- remunerated and voluntary blood donation at students?'
cord-023354-f2ciho6oThe subjects selected and debated were( i) what are the medical considerations for reducing the rate of mistransfusion?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oThese ties to industry create a tension that actually is or can be perceived as • work internationally; • send young volunteers to international youth forums; • employ young people in your organisation; Why use volunteers in blood donor recruitment?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oWe therefore resorted to developing our own model but ask the question: Why not have one international standard for blood transfusion?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oWhat is however the meaning of informed consent?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oWho cares about the quality of life of the chronic patients treated with blood products?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oWho will hear it?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oand( ii) what are the medical considerations for managing a limited blood inventory?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oto apply which screening method?
cord-023354-f2ciho6oyour Trima ® can be?
cord-272318-8yfg1j0ocausative or coincidental?
cord-010980-sizuef1v( 2) Are direct oral anticoagulants( DOACs) associated with better survival than vitamin K antagonists( VKA) in TBI patients on anticoagulation?
cord-010980-sizuef1v( A2?
cord-010980-sizuef1v( F1? 2).
cord-010980-sizuef1v1 Los Angeles County?
cord-010980-sizuef1v: Do they speak the same language?
cord-010980-sizuef1v: The 40 patients of the 2018 pilot study''Trauma and Coagulation''run in IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute have been reviewed and analyzed using a suite of experimental coagulation factors including ROTEM parameters, activated protein C( aPC), thrombomodulin, endothelial protein C receptor, thrombin- antithrombin complex( TAT), plasminogen activator inhibitor 1( PAI-1), sESelectin, interleukin-8( IL-8), interleukin-10( IL-10), D- dimer( XDP), antithrombin III( ATIII), and prothrombin fragment F1?
cord-010980-sizuef1vA serosa injury was made on the small intestine and three different treatments were applied: simple suture, simple suture? OxiplexAP, and Oxiplex- AP only; the last group received no treatment of the injury before closure of the abdomen.
cord-010980-sizuef1vAt second look laparotomy a significant difference in adhesion was noticed between the simple sutures and simple suture?
cord-010980-sizuef1vBMI( p= 0,043), type of osteosynthesis( p= 0,024), DHS?
cord-010980-sizuef1vBut is this really necessary?
cord-010980-sizuef1vCan vascular injury be appropriately assessed with physical examination after knee dislocation?
cord-010980-sizuef1vCan we expect an optimum result?
cord-010980-sizuef1vClinical findings: Patient had a diffusedlty tender abdomen and had not passed flatus proceeding his admission to the A?
cord-010980-sizuef1vCritical surgery within the first hour of presentation: is it a feasible intervention for better trauma care outcomes in Low and Middle income countries?
cord-010980-sizuef1vDid ultrasound fulfill the promise of safety in regional anesthesia?
cord-010980-sizuef1vDoes Garden''s classification of femoral neck fracture match between orthopedic specialist and clinical resident?
cord-010980-sizuef1vDoes the number of a- or low symptomatic but intervention requiring complications justify regularly chest X- ray controls after less than 3 rib fractures?
cord-010980-sizuef1vHow accurate can gaps and step- offs be determined in acetabular fracture treatment?
cord-010980-sizuef1vHowever, it still should be considered as a cause of A?
cord-010980-sizuef1vI injuries?
cord-010980-sizuef1vIn 2( 2.4%) patients, the SCS[ MCS? 2 mm.
cord-010980-sizuef1vIntensities of GABA, glutamate?
cord-010980-sizuef1vIs operative therapy still warranted for dislocated acetabular fractures in elderly patients?
cord-010980-sizuef1vMaterial and Methods: 365 operations were performed for trochanteric fracture( AO 31A1? A2) from 2012 to 2018.
cord-010980-sizuef1vMaterials and methods: We used a qualitative design and included older patients( 65? years) with a variety of( severe) injuries, who were admitted to the emergency department after an e- bike accident( n= 12) and their relatives( n= 11).
cord-010980-sizuef1vMean MCS on mortise radiograph was 3.3 mm( range 1.7- 5.9); in 12( 13.3%) patients the MCS was[ 4 mm and in 15 patients( 18.3%) the superior clear space( SCS) was[ MCS? 1 mm.
cord-010980-sizuef1vMediastinum widening: how to manage it?
cord-010980-sizuef1vMissed ureteric injuries in gunshot injuries of the abdomen: how to avoid?
cord-010980-sizuef1vOpen Orthop J. 2012;6:531- 4 Is ultrasound- guided regional anesthesia safer than landmark technique?
cord-010980-sizuef1vRib fractures associated with pneumo- and/ or hemothorax; does everyone need a chest tube?
cord-010980-sizuef1vShe attended A?
cord-010980-sizuef1vSplenectomy in current surgical practice: a tricky and elusive procedure for the surgical resident?
cord-010980-sizuef1vSymptom triggered reappearance for patients after rib fractures in hospitals seems to be sufficient and more economical compared to regularly re- imaging( 2) Is computed tomography a first line modality in stable blunt chest trauma elderly patients?
cord-010980-sizuef1vThe association between trauma patient characteristics and adverse laboratory values: which patient characteristics are most predictive?
cord-010980-sizuef1vThe need for extraperitonal pelvic packing-finally confirmed to be vanishing?
cord-010980-sizuef1vTherapy and Progressions: Patient was taken to theatre for laparoscopy?
cord-010980-sizuef1vThere are two research questions addressed in this study:( 1) Does preinjury antithrombotic therapy affect survival in elderly patients with TBI?
cord-010980-sizuef1vThis increase depends on the Zone of inflation( increase of?
cord-010980-sizuef1vcase series review and discussion Trauma patients with open abdomen: do they differ from others?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9: Is still useful in the diagnosis of peritubal pathology?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9A step forward in vascular diagnostic procedures?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Are efficient contrast agents available for use with ultra- high field MR imaging?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Are radiographers up to it?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Assesment of skeletal age with hand and wrist sonography: Could a standardised method replace radiography?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Can a mammogram dictate to you the diagnosis?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Can calcaneal spur help in the evaluation of a painful heel?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Diagnosis of aortic and supraaortic emergency with CT angiography: How does aortic morphology influence the choice of treatment?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Does CT- perfusion imaging based on parametric deconvolution permit prediction of infarct volume in acute stroke?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Does an interpolated high resolution matrix improve the detection of brain hyperintensities on FLAIR images in multiple sclerosis?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Does case volume matter?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Does clinical examination of polytrauma guide properly CT evaluation?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Does high iodine concentration contrast agent improve arterial enhancement in MDCT angiography of the run off vessels?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Is an increased capsular width a reliable indirect indicator of temporomandibular joint effusion?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Is dual- phase spiral CT adequate for the confirmation of resectability and preoperative staging of pancreatic carcinoma?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Negative calcium scoring: Can it rule out severe stenosis?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Should a chest radiograph be requested in all cases of febrile neutropenia admissions?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Should such a finding on CT be considered as reactive hyperplasia or a pathological finding?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Sliding window reconstruction of interleaved- spiral acquisitions provides high temporal rates, but do functional parameter values depend on the temporal frame rate?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9What is normal?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9What is pathological?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9What tips the balance?
cord-021087-n4epxwn9Which temporal frame rate is necessary in quantitative dynamic ³He- MRI? C. Heussel 1, A. Dahmen 1, F. Lehmann 1, M. Salerno 2, K.K. Gast 1, H.-U. Kauczor 1, J.P.I. Mugler 2, E.E. de Lange 2, W. Schreiber 1; 1 Mainz/ DE, 2 Charlottesville, VA/ US Purpose:
cord-021087-n4epxwn9double contrast barium enema exams incidentally detect terminal ileum tumoral lesions?
cord-272727-a5ngjuyzHow will country- based 680 mitigation measures influence the course of the covid-19 epidemic?
cord-266294-ua22udlcAre disulfiram- like reactions associated with abacavir- containing antiretroviral regi mens in clinical practice?
cord-266294-ua22udlcDoes it still have a role?
cord-266294-ua22udlcIs acyclovir involved?
cord-266294-ua22udlcPharmacokinetic evaluation of the effects of ribavirin on zidovudine triphosphate formation: ACTG 5092s Study Team Efficacy and safety of tenofovir double- dose in treatment- experi enced HIV- infected patients: the TENO PLUS study Castillo Muñoz A, toxicity in HIV- infected subjects: a rando- Baños Roldán U, Artacho Criado S. Analisis mized, controlled study Increased haemoglobin A2 percentage in HIV infection: disease or treatment?
cord-266294-ua22udlcRôle de l'acy clovir?
cord-266294-ua22udlca pharmacokinetics, efficacy and safety review Once- daily dosing of nevirapine in HAART Plasma nevirapine levels, adverse events and efficacy of antiretroviral therapy among HIV- infected patients concurrently receiving nevirapine- based antiretroviral therapy and fluconazole Phar macokinetics of darunavir( TMC114) and atazanavir during coadministration in HIVnegative, healthy volunteers Alo pecia associated with ritonavir- boosted ata zanavir therapy Pharmacokinetic interaction between rifampicin and ritonavir- boosted atazanavir in HIV- infected patients Increased incidence of cutaneous mycoses after HAART initiation: a benign form of immune reconstitution disease?
cord-269099-q5nyzlhsAn improved visibility analysis methodology Splendid isolation?
cord-269099-q5nyzlhsEmploying visibility and agent- based accessibility analysis to enhance social interactions in older adult care facilities Computing walking distances within buildings using the universal circulation network Can intensive care staff see their patients?
cord-269099-q5nyzlhsHealth Design A 36-hospital time and motion study: how do medical- surgical nurses spend their time?
cord-269099-q5nyzlhsShould hospitals provide all patients with single rooms?
cord-272135-a09bf50o: do we need a change?
cord-269690-6r2bfydw: Does Inflammation Play a Role?
cord-269690-6r2bfydwDoes SARS- Cov-2 invade the brain?
cord-269690-6r2bfydwno support from any organisation for the submitted work; no financial relationships with any organisations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years Pulmonary fibrosis secondary to COVID-19: a call to arms?
cord-272112-egsha2j7COVID-19 and cancer care: what do international guidelines say?
cord-271180-cnrs0zpgWith regards to the submission of Cytosorb Filter: An adjunct for survival in a COVID-19 patient in cytokine storm?
cord-271180-cnrs0zpgcord-271180-cnrs0zpg authors: Rizvi, Saniya; Danic, Michael; Silver, Mark; LaBond, Virginia title: Cytosorb Filter: An adjunct for survival in the COVID-19 patient in cytokine storm?
cord-269469-7pmnxi9aAre the results of HESACOVID practice changing?
cord-269469-7pmnxi9aDoes this mean that only 1 block was used for each arm?
cord-269469-7pmnxi9aWhere do we go from here?
cord-272630-2na1gnduOtolaryngol Neck Surg Is Office Laryngoscopy an Aerosol- Generating Procedure?
cord-254419-qw83atrxAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-254419-qw83atrxCan we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-254419-qw83atrxClinical features suggestive of macrophage activation syndrome( MAS) associated with low CD4?
cord-254419-qw83atrxCytokine and anti- cytokine interventions Reduction and functional exhaustion of T cells in patients with coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Dysregulation of immune response in patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China Will complement inhibition be the new target in treating COVID-19-related systemic thrombosis?
cord-254419-qw83atrxDisease severity has been found to positively correlate with serum levels of TNFa, IL6, and IL10, and there was also a strong negative correlation of levels of TNFa and IL6 with the number of CD4?, CD8?
cord-254419-qw83atrxDisease severity has been found to positively correlate with serum levels of TNFa, IL6, and IL10, and there was also a strong negative correlation of levels of TNFa and IL6 with the number of CD4?, CD8?
cord-254419-qw83atrxIn another study, lymphocyte subset analysis in COVID-19 patients showed a statistically significant lower number of CD4?
cord-254419-qw83atrxIn this study, patients with severe disease( 32% cases) had significantly lower CD4?
cord-254419-qw83atrxIn- hospital use of statins is associated with a reduced risk of mortality among individuals with COVID-19 Convalescent plasma: new evidence for an old therapeutic tool?
cord-254419-qw83atrxLupus anticoagulant is frequent in patients with Covid-19 Venous thrombosis and arteriosclerosis obliterans of lower extremities in a very severe patient with 2019 novel coronavirus disease: a case report Complement- associated microvascular injury and thrombosis in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 infection: a report of five cases Pathological evidence of pulmonary thrombotic phenomena in severe COVID-19 Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-254419-qw83atrxPulm Ther immune responses in COVID-19?
cord-254419-qw83atrxT- cells, CD19? B- cells, and NK cells were found in all the patients.
cord-254419-qw83atrxWhy tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19? High- dose intravenous immunoglobulin as a therapeutic option for deteriorating patients with coronavirus disease 2019
cord-254419-qw83atrxand CD8?
cord-254419-qw83atrxhelper T cells, CD8?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1( with a selfadministered questionnaire with an open- ended question: How does blood donation affect you?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1/socially during or after blood donation?) revealed that perceived negative effects( fatigue, diminished physical working capacity, vertigo/ dizziness, susceptibility to infections etc)
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1: will it become reality?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1After the first 10 years with haemovigilance in the European countries, what has been the outcome of this big effort?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1Against this background where should our attentions focus?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1Aim: Does the interpretation of reports obtained through Outcome Review lead to an increase in the number of products per run and the overall productivity of the apheresis center?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1An ISO standard for blood transfusion?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1Are transfusion guidelines evidence- based?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1Being anti- D immunoglobulin a product that has the potential risk of infection transmission, is it appropriate to use indiscriminately as a routine antenatal prophylaxis?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1In addition, how much are we willing to pay for protection against emerging viruses?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1Is it a mutual decision making between physician and patient?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1Mobilization is also seen following the use of other cytokines( i.e. kit- L, Flt-3 L, IL-3) or chemokines( i.e. IL-8, Gro?), complement activation, etc., but the detailed mechanisms or the interdependence of these other pathways with the ones already proposed have not been worked out.
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1Scientific evidence to fully answer the questions'when are platelet components clinically effective'and'what do we really know?'is limited.
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1Should patients with thalassemia intermedia be regularly transfused?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1The research theme of this questionnaire is as follows:'What is the level of knowledge and of motivation in the non- remunerated and voluntary blood donation at students?'
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1The subjects selected and debated were( i) what are the medical considerations for reducing the rate of mistransfusion?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1These ties to industry create a tension that actually is or can be perceived as • work internationally; • send young volunteers to international youth forums; • employ young people in your organisation; Why use volunteers in blood donor recruitment?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1We therefore resorted to developing our own model but ask the question: Why not have one international standard for blood transfusion?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1What is however the meaning of informed consent?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1Who cares about the quality of life of the chronic patients treated with blood products?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1Who will hear it?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1and( ii) what are the medical considerations for managing a limited blood inventory?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1to apply which screening method?
cord-023346-8sqbqjm1your Trima ® can be?
cord-269425-e9iyso7nCould antiphospholipid antibodies contribute to coagulopathy in COVID-19?
cord-269425-e9iyso7nWhy do patients with immune thrombocytopenia( ITP) experience lower bleeding events despite thrombocytopenia?
cord-269425-e9iyso7ncausation or correlation?
cord-271220-sntawlnfRenin- angiotensin system inhibitors improve the clinical outcomes of COVID-19 patients with hypertension COVID-19 and diabetes: Is there enough evidence?
cord-271220-sntawlnfcord-271220-sntawlnf authors: Tadic, Marijana; Cuspidi, Cesare; Sala, Carla title: COVID‐19 and diabetes: Is there enough evidence?
cord-260605-smkr7b15* guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of biofilm infections Clinical courses following acute bacterial prostatitis Acute bacterial prostatitis: How to prevent and manage chronic infection?
cord-260605-smkr7b15: Cause or consequence?
cord-260605-smkr7b15A confocal scanning laser microscopy study Damage to Ciliated Epithelium in Chronic Rhinosinusitis: What is the Role of Bacterial Biofilms?
cord-260605-smkr7b15A review Current concepts in the pathogenesis and treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media Biofilm presence in humans with chronic suppurative otitis media Do orally administered antibiotics reach concentrations in the middle ear sufficient to eradicate planktonic and biofilm bacteria?
cord-260605-smkr7b15A superior diagnostic marker for recurrent UTI in renal transplant recipients?
cord-260605-smkr7b15Do biofilms confer a pro- carcinogenic state?
cord-260605-smkr7b15Effects of lactose and milk on the expression of biofilm- associated genes in Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from a dairy cow with mastitis Characterization of the ability of coagulase- negative staphylococci isolated from the milk of Canadian farms to form biofilms Is the biofilm formation and slime producing ability of coagulase- negative staphylococci associated with the persistence and severity of intramammary infection?
cord-260605-smkr7b15Otolaryngol.-Head Neck Surg Factors affecting bacterial biofilm expression in chronic rhinosinusitis and the influences on prognosis Are biofilms associated with an inflammatory response in chronic rhinosinusitis?
cord-260605-smkr7b15The Trojan horse of recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis?
cord-260605-smkr7b15The bacteriology and cytology of chronic otitis media with effusion Detection of Haemophilus influenzae in middle ear of otitis media with effusion by polymerase chain reaction Molecular analysis of bacterial pathogens in otitis media with effusion Is otitis media with effusion a biofilm infection?
cord-260605-smkr7b15What is new and where next?
cord-270124-tqhkzd2wThat Generate Smoke?
cord-270124-tqhkzd2wThe big question of the moment is: when to operate or when to delay?
cord-272976-pb2bjpopThe yield of chest radiography in febrile and neutropenic patients Conventional chest radiography in the initial assessment of adult cancer patients with fever and neutropenia Early detection of pneumonia in febrile neutropenic patients: use of thin- section CT Galactomannan and computed tomography- based preemptive antifungal therapy in neutropenic patients at high risk for invasive fungal infection: a prospective feasibility study Clinical and radiologic predictors of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in cancer patients: should the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/ Mycosis Study Group( EORTC/ MSG) criteria be revised?
cord-273045-ele1cz86Public perceptions of doctors of chiropractic: results of a national survey and examination of variation according to respondents'likelihood to use chiropractic, experience with chiropractic, and chiropractic supply in local health care markets Patients using chiropractors in North America: who are they, and why are they in chiropractic care?
cord-268347-xz6fptolDo the benefits of initiation or continuation of pharmacological agents for the management of( newly) diagnosed systemic rheumatic diseases outweigh the risks of COVID-19 acquisition?
cord-268347-xz6fptolDoes the baseline use of rheumatologic treatment, including biological and non- biological agents, increase the risk of COVID-19 acquisition or adverse outcomes?
cord-268347-xz6fptolFuture studies should aim to answer the following questions raised in our discussion: • Does the presence of systemic rheumatic disease increase the risk of COVID-19 acquisition or a worse prognosis from COVID-19? •
cord-268347-xz6fptolShould pharmacological regimens for the management of systemic rheumatic diseases be adjusted( continued/ discontinued) in patients with documented or presumptive COVID-19?
cord-268347-xz6fptolWhen is the optimal time for the resumption of antirheumatic drugs after COVID-19?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6: the ENGAGES randomized clinical trial Is intercostal block for pain management in thoracic surgery more successful than epidural anaesthesia?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6A comparison of a left- sided Broncho- Cath with the torque control blocker univent and the wire- guided blocker Assessing the diagnostic accuracy of pulse pressure variations for the prediction of fluid responsiveness: a"gray zone"approach Safety of peripheral intravenous administration of vasoactive medication Role of sugammadex in accelerating postoperative discharge: a meta- analysis Clinical review: Goal- directed therapy- what is the evidence in surgical patients?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6A comparison of the deflecting- tip bronchial blocker with a wire- guided blocker or left- sided double- lumen tube Anaesthetic agents for thoracic surgery: what's best?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6A randomised trial of serratus anterior plane block for analgesia after thoracoscopic surgery Dexamethasone as an adjuvant to peripheral nerve block Iatrogenic hemodilution: a possible cause for avoidable blood transfusions?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6A randomized, double- blind, prospective study Crystalloid fluid therapy Are daily routine chest radiographs necessary after pulmonary surgery in adult patients?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6A retrospective study Do surgical patients benefit from perioperative gabapentin/ pregabalin?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6A systematic review of efficacy and safety Non- invasive positive pressure ventilation for prevention of complications after pulmonary resection in lung cancer patients Lung ultrasound compared with chest X- ray in diagnosing postoperative pulmonary complications following cardiothoracic surgery: a prospective observational study Chest Xray prior to discharge after video- assisted thoracic anatomical pulmonary resection: friend or foe?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6Administrative Council A comparison of the efficacy and adverse effects of double- lumen endobronchial tubes and bronchial blockers in thoracic surgery: a systematic review and meta- analysis of randomized controlled trials Double- lumen tube position should be confirmed by fiberoptic bronchoscopy Management of chest tubes after pulmonary resection: a systematic review and meta- analysis Predictors of prolonged postoperative endotracheal intubation in patients undergoing thoracotomy for lung resection Non- invasive pressure support ventilation in major lung resection for high risk patients: does it matter?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6Balanced crystalloids versus saline in noncritically ill adults Is routine chest radiography indicated following chest drain removal after cardiothoracic surgery?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6CALoR 1, a single- centre pilot study Complications from administration of vasopressors through peripheral venous catheters: an observational study Analgesia and pulmonary function after lung surgery: is a single intercostal nerve block plus patient- controlled intravenous morphine as effective as patientcontrolled epidural anaesthesia?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6Continuous paravertebral block using a thoracoscopic catheter- insertion technique for postoperative pain after thoracotomy: a retrospective case- control study Pain control of thoracoscopic major pulmonary resection: is pre- emptive local bupivacaine injection able to replace the intravenous patient controlled analgesia?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6Does a protective ventilation strategy reduce the risk of pulmonary complications after lung cancer surgery?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6Does external pleural suction reduce prolonged air leak after lung resection?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6Does fast- tracking increase the readmission rate after pulmonary resection?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6Does perioperative glucocorticosteroid treatment correlate with disturbance in surgical wound healing after treatment of facial fractures?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6Grade definitions Association between intraoperative hypotension and myocardial injury after vascular surgery Clinical observations on reversal of rocuronium- induced residual neuromuscular blockade by sugammadex after thoracic surgery Saline versus balanced solutions: are clinical trials comparing two crystalloid solutions really needed?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6How long is a transurethral catheter necessary in patients undergoing thoracotomy and receiving thoracic epidural analgesia?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6Which anesthesia regimen is best to reduce morbidity and mortality in lung surgery?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6a comparison with a doublelumen tube and bronchial blocker without disconnection Risk factors for reinsertion of urinary catheter after early removal in thoracic surgical patients Is there a role for gabapentin in preventing or treating pain following thoracic surgery?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6a five- year experience A comparison of the analgesic efficacy and side- effects of paravertebral vs epidural blockade for thoracotomy-- a systematic review and meta- analysis of randomized trials Is flexible bronchoscopy necessary to confirm the position of double- lumen tubes before thoracic surgery?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6the second national survey Noninvasive ventilation in acute respiratory failure: which recipe for success?
cord-034185-e0am7pa6video- assisted thoracoscopic segmentectomy a suitable alternative to thoracotomy and segmentectomy in terms of morbidity and equivalence of resection?
cord-273091-40gda9n9Chlamydia species as a cause of community- acquired pneumonia in Canada Is Chlamydia pneumoniae an important pathogen in patients with community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-273175-bao8xxe2For perception of risk of severe illness with COVID-19, we asked participants whether they felt at high risk of severe illness with COVID-19 with the question:"Do you feel at increased risk of severe illness with COVID-19 as compared to people of the same age as you but without chronic disease?"
cord-272427-jqs00ilpEffective and easy procedures to reduce inhospital positivity COVID-19 risk contagion: organization and procedures in a South Italy geriatric oncology ward Treatment strategy for gastrointestinal tumor under the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia in China Treatment strategies for colorectal cancer patients in tumor hospitals under the background of corona virus disease 2019 Surgical treatment strategy for digestive system malignancies during the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia High- risk aerosol- generating procedures in COVID-19: respiratory protective equipment considerations Minimally invasive surgery and the novel coronavirus outbreak: lessons learned in China and Italy International guidelines and recommendations for surgery during Covid-19 pandemic: a systematic review What is the appropriate use of laparoscopy over open procedures in the current COVID-19 climate?
cord-272427-jqs00ilpwhat next?
cord-269009-0i2bvt77Coagulation, fibrinolysis, and fibrin deposition in acute lung injury Pulmonary thrombosis: a clinical pathological entity distinct from pulmonary embolism?
cord-269009-0i2bvt77Is the recommendation to use high- dose heparin for thromboprophylaxis justified?
cord-269009-0i2bvt77Practical guidance for the prevention of thrombosis and management of coagulopathy and disseminated intravascular coagulation of patients infected with COVID-19: Thrombosis- UK; 2020 Prevalence of venous thromboembolism in patients with severe novel coronavirus pneumonia Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Pulmonary thrombosis in 2019-nCoV pneumonia?
cord-269009-0i2bvt77The versatile heparin in COVID-19 Pulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-269009-0i2bvt77the putative receptor of Wuhan Is COVID-19 an endothelial disease?
cord-272553-bcmta2heCOVID-19: What is next for public health?
cord-272553-bcmta2heWhat are the risks of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women?
cord-263292-qjfe2t9vA current review of COVID-19 for the cardiovascular specialist Is there an impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on male fertility?
cord-263292-qjfe2t9vCOVID-19: is there a link between the course of infection and pharmacological agents in diabetes?
cord-263292-qjfe2t9vCOVID-19: the perspective of Italian embryologists managing the IVF laboratory in pandemic emergency COVID-19 and Human Reproduction Joint Statement: ASRM/ ESHRE/ IFFS Navel V( 2020) PTSD as the second tsunami of the SARS- Cov-2 pandemic COVID-19 pandemic and impending global mental health implications Psychological status and behavior changes of the public during the COVID-19 epidemic in China Mental health consequences during the initial stage of the 2020 COronavirus pandemic( COVID-19) in Spain Lessons learned from 9/11: mental health perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic Post- traumatic stress disorder, coping strategies and type 2 diabetes: psychometric assessment after L'Aquila earthquake Changes in sexual behaviors of young women and men during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak: a convenience sample from the epidemic area Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on female sexual behavior Challenges in the practice of sexual medicine in the time of COVID-19 COVID-19, or the triumph of monogamy?
cord-263292-qjfe2t9vFolate: a possible role in erectile dysfunction?
cord-263292-qjfe2t9vJohns Hopkins Coronavirus Research Center COVID-19 pandemic ARDS survivors: pain after the Storm?
cord-263292-qjfe2t9vMight erectile dysfunction be due to the thermolabile variant of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase?
cord-263292-qjfe2t9vMinerva Endocrinol Risk factors associated with primary and secondary reduced libido in male patients with sexual dysfunction Onset of effects of testosterone treatment and time span until maximum effects are achieved Pulmonary fibrosis secondary to COVID-19: a call to arms?
cord-263292-qjfe2t9vType 1 diabetes triggered by COVID-19 pandemic: a potential outbreak?
cord-263292-qjfe2t9vWhy can patients with erectile dysfunction be considered lucky?
cord-263292-qjfe2t9vis COVID-19 an endothelial disease?
cord-273869-buavj9mma preliminary study on 63 patients Chilblain- like lesions on feet and hands during the COVID-19 pandemic Acral cutaneous lesions in the time of COVID-19 Acute acro- ischemia in the child at the time of COVID-19 Are chilblainlike acral skin lesions really indicative of COVID-19?
cord-023364-ut56gczm( with a selfadministered questionnaire with an open- ended question: How does blood donation affect you?
cord-023364-ut56gczm/socially during or after blood donation?) revealed that perceived negative effects( fatigue, diminished physical working capacity, vertigo/ dizziness, susceptibility to infections etc)
cord-023364-ut56gczm: will it become reality?
cord-023364-ut56gczmAfter the first 10 years with haemovigilance in the European countries, what has been the outcome of this big effort?
cord-023364-ut56gczmAgainst this background where should our attentions focus?
cord-023364-ut56gczmAim: Does the interpretation of reports obtained through Outcome Review lead to an increase in the number of products per run and the overall productivity of the apheresis center?
cord-023364-ut56gczmAn ISO standard for blood transfusion?
cord-023364-ut56gczmAre transfusion guidelines evidence- based?
cord-023364-ut56gczmBeing anti- D immunoglobulin a product that has the potential risk of infection transmission, is it appropriate to use indiscriminately as a routine antenatal prophylaxis?
cord-023364-ut56gczmIn addition, how much are we willing to pay for protection against emerging viruses?
cord-023364-ut56gczmIs it a mutual decision making between physician and patient?
cord-023364-ut56gczmMobilization is also seen following the use of other cytokines( i.e. kit- L, Flt-3 L, IL-3) or chemokines( i.e. IL-8, Gro?), complement activation, etc., but the detailed mechanisms or the interdependence of these other pathways with the ones already proposed have not been worked out.
cord-023364-ut56gczmScientific evidence to fully answer the questions'when are platelet components clinically effective'and'what do we really know?'is limited.
cord-023364-ut56gczmShould patients with thalassemia intermedia be regularly transfused?
cord-023364-ut56gczmThe research theme of this questionnaire is as follows:'What is the level of knowledge and of motivation in the non- remunerated and voluntary blood donation at students?'
cord-023364-ut56gczmThe subjects selected and debated were( i) what are the medical considerations for reducing the rate of mistransfusion?
cord-023364-ut56gczmThese ties to industry create a tension that actually is or can be perceived as • work internationally; • send young volunteers to international youth forums; • employ young people in your organisation; Why use volunteers in blood donor recruitment?
cord-023364-ut56gczmWe therefore resorted to developing our own model but ask the question: Why not have one international standard for blood transfusion?
cord-023364-ut56gczmWhat is however the meaning of informed consent?
cord-023364-ut56gczmWho cares about the quality of life of the chronic patients treated with blood products?
cord-023364-ut56gczmWho will hear it?
cord-023364-ut56gczmand( ii) what are the medical considerations for managing a limited blood inventory?
cord-023364-ut56gczmto apply which screening method?
cord-023364-ut56gczmyour Trima ® can be?
cord-272655-qeojdpez: What is the best therapy for influenza and other viral causes of community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-272655-qeojdpezWhat is the role of respiratory viruses in community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-272975-gzsd4ybtInitial Observations of COVID-19 in US Children Cases With Non- respiratory Symptoms as the First Manifestation in Children COVID-19: Fever syndrome and neurological symptoms in a neonate Self- limited focal epilepsy in a young child with SARS- CoV-2: serendipity or causal association?
cord-272975-gzsd4ybtIs there a specific EEG pattern?
cord-273587-nja58vxwWhy do defects in the Fas- Fas ligand system cause autoimmunity?
cord-273602-cq276tj8COVID-19-related myocarditis in a 21-year- old female patient Acute myocarditis presenting as a reverse Tako- Tsubo syndrome in a patient with SARS- CoV-2 respiratory infection Clinical predictors of mortality due to COVID-19 based on an analysis of data of 150 patients from Wuhan, China COVID-19: An Unintended Force for Medical Revolution?
cord-273602-cq276tj8Members and Graduates Reperfusion of STEMI in the COVID-19 Era-Business as Usual?
cord-273758-hhd8xnveCOVID-19 infection in Italian people with diabetes: lessons learned for our future( an experience to be used) Pathophysiology and management strategies for hyperglycemia for patients with acute illness during and following a hospital stay Patients with diabetes are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 Diabetes mellitus is associated with increased mortality and severity of disease in COVID-19 pneumonia- a systematic review, meta- analysis, and metaregression Diabetes is a risk factor for the progression and prognosis of COVID-19 Clinical characteristics and risk factors for mortality of COVID-19 patients with diabetes in Wuhan Severe obesity, increasing age and male sex are independently associated with worse in- hospital outcomes, and higher in- hospital mortality Epidemiology, clinical course, and outcomes of critically ill adults with COVID-19 in New York City: a prospective cohort study Outcomes in patients with hyperglycemia affected by Covid-19: can we do more on glycemic control?
cord-268939-ws74xprtHow do extracellular pathogens cross the blood- brain barrier?
cord-268939-ws74xprtIs this just a lot of hot air?
cord-268939-ws74xprtMay we deliver neuro- oncology in difficult times( e.g. COVID-19)?
cord-268939-ws74xprtThe perioperative immune response Does major surgery induce immune suppression and increase the risk of postoperative infection?
cord-268939-ws74xprtas Compared with SARS- CoV-1 Letter: Rongeurs, Neurosurgeons, and COVID-19: How Do We Protect Health Care Personnel During Neurosurgical Operations in the Midst of Aerosol- Generation From High- Speed Drills?
cord-274542-fpzk5k79should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting?
cord-273945-b1lekw47Osteo- Oncology Center Ten- year experience of the multidisciplinary Osteoncology Center Virtually perfect?
cord-266079-nv28ppftCOVID-19: a new virus, but a familiar receptor and cytokine release syndrome Prognostic value of interleukin-6, C- reactive protein, and procalcitonin in patients with COVID-19 Induction of pro- inflammatory cytokines( IL-1 and IL-6) and lung inflammation by Coronavirus-19( COVI-19 or SARS- CoV-2): anti- inflammatory strategies Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab Antirheumatic agents in covid-19: is IL-6 the right target?
cord-266079-nv28ppftDo such"organizing pneumonia"-like abnormalities in HRCT progress or relapse after corticosteroids discontinued?
cord-266079-nv28ppftFor example, who is most likely to benefit from corticosteroid usages?
cord-266079-nv28ppftHow long will it take for lung functions to recover?
cord-266079-nv28ppftHowever, is the treatment durance appropriate?
cord-266079-nv28ppftWhat extent or degree will the interstitial abnormalities be left in the lung?
cord-266079-nv28ppftWhen should we consider to take corticosteroids intervene?
cord-266079-nv28ppftWhich dosages or durations are appropriate?
cord-274632-d9z0m2l8Novel coronavirus-19( COVID-19) in the immunocompromised transplant recipient:# flatteningthecurve COVID-19: a global transplant perspective on successfully navigating a pandemic Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-274782-yymo9i6rWhat we do when a COVID-19 patient needs an operation: operating room preparation and guidance Misguided drug advice for COVID-19 Characteristics and early prognosis of COVID-19 infection in fracture patients Minimally invasive surgery and the novel coronavirus outbreak Orthopedic oncology: what's new in 2019?
cord-272419-y3ebt4jmA suggested new protocol for COVID-19 early management Nitazoxanide, a new drug candidate for the treatment of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus Infectious Diseases Society of America Guidelines on the Treatment and Management of Patients with COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Off- label use of medicines for COVID-19 Clinical Management of COVID-19-Interim Guidance Outcomes in Patients With Hyperglycemia Affected by COVID-19: Can We Do More on Glycemic Control?
cord-272419-y3ebt4jmCOVID-19: A recommendation to examine the effect of hydroxychloroquine in preventing infection and progression New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: What to expect for COVID-19?
cord-272419-y3ebt4jmNowadays, one of the critical issues still to be pointed out regards COVID-19 treatment regimens and timing: which drug, in which phase, for how long?
cord-271896-1ad18z11How might it impact on clinical practice in the foreseeable future?
cord-271896-1ad18z11What are the new findings?
cord-271896-1ad18z11What is already known on this subject?
cord-023211-kt5gt26t2) Were there any adverse haematological effects with the use of oral chloramphenicol at RBH?
cord-023211-kt5gt26t4) Was the parent diagnosed before or after pregnancy was confirmed?
cord-023211-kt5gt26t6) Was the parent's diagnosis a result of prenatal testing?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tDo pre- packaged salt packets contain a precise amount of sodium and thus could be recommended to fulfill the daily requirement of sodium in patients with CF?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tDo you presently care for any patients with CF who have given birth to, or fathered a CF affected child?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tDoes CF patient age or ethnicity increase the likelihood of hearing loss as determined by a hearing questionnaire?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tDoes gender play a role in perception of CF quality of life domains before and after lung transplantation?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tFukushima, L.K.; Hsu, E.; Woo, M.S. Division of Pediatric Pulmonology, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA Do Hispanic and Caucasian CF patients share the same frequency of pulmonary exacerbations?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tHow effective is chloramphenicol in comparison to ciprofloxacin?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tHow many patients at your center have had CF affected children?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tIf parent's diagnosis came after conception, was this after child was diagnosed?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tIs the increased morbidity/ mortality risk due to decreased access to outpatient CF care?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tThe potentially protective effects of the now available HPV vaccination in females and males?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tThirty- five% of parents in group A and 53% in group B changed their family planning projects following the diagnosis PHYSICAL HEALTH AND ANXIETY SYMPTOMS: DOES MONITORING MEDIATE THE RELATION?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tThis study aimed to address three questions: 1) What proportion of PSA is sensitive to ciprofloxacin and/or chloramphenicol?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tWhat are the results of hearing questionnaires administered to pediatric CF patients?
cord-023211-kt5gt26tWhat is the estimated incidence of CF patients having CF affected children attending accredited CF centers in the United States?
cord-268326-sbz3uk5hD inhibitors block the formation of hyperphosphorylated tau fragments in hippocampus Does intraneuronal accumulation of carboxyl terminal fragments of the amyloid precursor protein trigger early neurotoxicity in Alzheimer's disease?
cord-268326-sbz3uk5hElastinolytic activity in granules of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes Defensins- and cathepsin G- ANCA in systemic lupus erythematosus T cell hyperactivity in lupus as a consequence of hyperstimulatory antigen- presenting cells Steroids, lyosomes and systemic lupus erythematosus Autoimmunity to lysosomal enzymes: new clues to vasculitis and glomerulonephritis?
cord-268326-sbz3uk5hEnzyme replacement for lysosomal diseases Enzyme replacement therapy: lessons learned and emerging questions Enzyme replacement therapies: what is the best option?
cord-268326-sbz3uk5hHow close are we to therapies for Sanfilippo disease?
cord-268326-sbz3uk5hfrom theory to therapy Autophagy: a lysosomal degradation pathway with a central role in health and disease Endo- lysosomal and autophagic dysfunction: a driving factor in Alzheimer's disease?
cord-268326-sbz3uk5hrecent patents and future strategies Tuning protein folding in lysosomal storage diseases: the chemistry behind pharmacological chaperones Treatment strategies for lysosomal storage disorders Cysteine proteases as therapeutic targets: does selectivity matter?
cord-270245-zziwb2jy: a cohort study Provision of cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemice Case- fatality rate and characteristics of patients dying in relation to COVID-19 in Italy Prediction models for diagnosis and prognosis of covid-19 infection: systematic review and critical appraisal Anosmia and ageusia are emerging as symptoms in patients with COVID-19: what does the current evidence say?
cord-270245-zziwb2jyManaging cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic: agility and collaboration toward a common goal COVID-19 and cancer: do we really know what we think we know?
cord-270245-zziwb2jyThe experience on coronavirus disease 2019 and cancer from an oncology hub institution in Milan, Lombardy Region Clinical characteristics and prognosis in cancer patients with COVID-19: a single center's retrospective study Case fatality rate of cancer patients with COVID-19 in a New York hospital system Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-270245-zziwb2jyThe role of biomarkers in diagnosis of COVID-19-A systematic review Evidence mounts on the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on ethnic minorities Vitamin- D and COVID-19: do deficient risk a poorer outcome?
cord-274779-0emfl1e5revised criteria for the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Electrodiagnostic criteria for diagnosis of ALS Telemedicine and COVID-19 Predictors of diagnostic delay in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a cohort study based on administrative and electronic medical records data Is firstly diagnosed ALS really ALS?
cord-274871-jlquvz51: what can we expect?
cord-275041-fcdwitxyA randomized trial of hydroxychloroquine as postexposure prophylaxis for COVID-19 Race, socioeconomic deprivation, and hospitalization for COVID-19 in English participants of a national biobank Could chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine be harmful in Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) treatment?
cord-271358-5666nsb9Doubtless this is a very important issue in the management of COVID-19 patients, but can heparin be administered in all cases?
cord-271358-5666nsb9How could heparin be administered in a fixed therapeutic dose in these critical patients?
cord-271358-5666nsb9In case of concomitant VTE could be appropriate positioning of an inferior vena cava( IVC) filter with prophylactic heparin administration and platelet transfusion?
cord-271358-5666nsb9Should we consider a dose reduction in those patients with a severe thrombocytopenia?
cord-273426-55vu6b3uDifferent respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-273426-55vu6b3uFor information regarding this article, E- mail: Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: A random association?
cord-273426-55vu6b3uProminent changes in blood coagulation of patients with SARS- CoV-2 infection Will complement inhibition be the new target in treating COVID-19 related systemic thrombosis?
cord-264843-cwtdkyloA critical evaluation of videoconferencingbased approaches Telepsychiatry: psychiatric consultation by interactive television Telepsychiatry Use in U.S. Mental Health Facilities Effectiveness and feasibility of telepsychiatry in resource constrained environments?
cord-264843-cwtdkyloAre there differences by gender, race, and other individual factors outside of psychiatric conditions?
cord-264843-cwtdkyloEffective, Evidence- Based, and at a Tipping Point in Health Care Delivery?
cord-264843-cwtdkyloIs video- based telehealth necessarily superior to audio- only( i.e., telephone appointments)?
cord-264843-cwtdkyloTop health industry issues of 2020: will digital start to show an ROI?:
cord-264843-cwtdkyloWhat are the financial implications of widespread adoption of telehealth, taking into account potential benefits including increases in mental health service utilization, concomitant decreases in morbidity and mortality from psychiatric illness, decreases in lost productivity related to not needing to take time off work to commute to a provider's office, and decreases in no- show rates?
cord-264843-cwtdkyloWhat types of patients respond particularly well to virtual rather than in- person visits?
cord-264843-cwtdkyloWho are they?
cord-264843-cwtdkyloWhy are you so slow?
cord-273913-xem3alih: what should dermatologists know?
cord-273913-xem3alihRemdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) in vitro Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open- label non- randomized clinical trial A pilot study of hydroxychloroquine in treatment of patients with moderate COVID-19 Efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients with COVID-19: results of a randomized clinical trial Should chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine be used to treat COVID-19?
cord-274184-hm516x6pEnteric involvement of coronaviruses: is faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-274184-hm516x6pis faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-275518-p03sl946The evolving model Virtually Perfect?
cord-270628-jtj30v0rCan lung US help critical care clinicians in the early diagnosis of novel coronavirus( COVID-19) pneumonia?
cord-270628-jtj30v0rCan we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-270628-jtj30v0rIs there a role for lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-270628-jtj30v0rWorld Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology position statement: how to perform a safe ultrasound examination and clean equipment in the context of COVID-19 Lower- extremity Doppler for deep venous thrombosis: can emergency physicians be accurate and fast?
cord-272071-445ivhx0As a practitioner in the United States, I have always found this trial difficult to interpret; what would have happened if patients had received mechanical ventilation?
cord-272071-445ivhx0Is it possible there was a signal that was lost without the use of this rescue support?
cord-272071-445ivhx0Polio: the story of the great polio epidemic in Copenhagen in 1952 COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-272071-445ivhx0What is the mortality for the patients who receive mechanical ventilation with COVID-19?
cord-274008-p3st70u3M1-like monocytes are a major immunological determinant of severity in previously healthy adults with life- threatening influenza Progression of whole- blood transcriptional signatures from interferon- induced to neutrophil- associated patterns in severe influenza Risks versus benefits of cyclooxygenase-2-selective nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs NSAIDs in patients with viral infections, including Covid-19: Victims or perpetrators?
cord-274008-p3st70u3T cells in the lungs of patients with HIV infection and T- cell alveolitis Active replication of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and aberrant induction of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in human macrophages: implications for pathogenesis Delayed clearance of viral load and marked cytokine activation in severe cases of pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza virus infection Host adaptive immunity deficiency in severe pandemic influenza Misguided drug advice for COVID-19 Nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs increase TNF production in rheumatoid synovial membrane cultures and whole blood Complement as a target in COVID-19?
cord-274250-95yzt1gjWhat is there besides Tocilizumab?
cord-274250-95yzt1gjis interleukin-6( IL-6) the'culprit lesion'of ARDS onset?
cord-269289-6uog10j4A few small studies have demonstrated that SARS- CoV-2 can affect the kidneys directly, but it is unclear if this is a key mechanism in acute kidney injury seen in patients with SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-269289-6uog10j4This study claimed that hypokalaemia was prevalent amongst SARS- CoV-2 infected patients, affecting 108 of 175 patients( 62%) that had a serum potassium of 4.0 mmol/ l which is the value required for those with myocardial dysfunction.Hypokalaemia affected 62% of patients with a K less than 3.5?
cord-269289-6uog10j4Are all factual statements correct and adequately supported by citations?
cord-269289-6uog10j4Does this significantly alter management in these patients, outside of a research context?
cord-269289-6uog10j4Partly Are arguments sufficiently supported by evidence from the published literature?
cord-269289-6uog10j4What is the evidence for hypokalaemia in SARS- CoV-2 infection so far?
cord-275477-blu6wjhuA Distinct Entity?
cord-263908-4ti8l2ea( 1) Are people with well- controlled diabetes at higher risk of getting COVID-19 infection than non- diabetic individuals?
cord-263908-4ti8l2ea( 2) Is there any effect of obesity on the severity of COVID-19 in people with diabetes?
cord-263908-4ti8l2ea( 3) Is there any specific diet or supplement which could help patients of diabetes and COVID-19?
cord-263908-4ti8l2ea( 7) Ethnic variations in severity of COVI19 in patients with diabetes?
cord-263908-4ti8l2ea( 8) Benefits of lockdown?
cord-263908-4ti8l2eaCOVID-19 testing for all patients with diabetes?
cord-263908-4ti8l2eaThe color of coronavirus, COVID-19 deaths by race and ethnicity in the The host's angiotensin- converting enzyme polymorphism may explain epidemiological findings in COVID-19 infections COVID-19 as a factor influencing air pollution?
cord-263908-4ti8l2eaWhat is the natural history of COVID-19 in patients with diabetes?
cord-263908-4ti8l2eaWhat is the role of renin angiotensin aldosterone system( RAAS) and inhibitors of RAAS in determining the predisposition to COVID-19 and its severity?
cord-271920-1dzkgt6wArchives of Iranian medicine Coronavirus disease-2019: Is fever an adequate screening for the returning travelers?
cord-271920-1dzkgt6wDo we know the diagnostic properties of the tests used in COVID-19?
cord-271920-1dzkgt6wThe Lancet Digital Health Sensitivity of Chest CT for COVID-19: Comparison to RT- PCR Diagnosis of the Coronavirus disease( COVID-19): rRT- PCR or CT?
cord-271920-1dzkgt6wWhen should a new test become the current reference standard?
cord-275272-qdg8sqpyHow to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-276241-4g6pa7kzChina An outbreak of severe Kawasaki- like disease at the Italian epicentre of the SARS- CoV-2 epidemic: an observational cohort study Pulmonary vascular endothelialitis, thrombosis, and angiogenesis in Covid-19 Characteristics and outcomes of recipients of heart transplant with coronavirus disease 2019 Colchicine as a potent anti- inflammatory treatment in COVID-19: can we teach an old dog new tricks?
cord-269275-b7xxk48tClinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Clinical characteristics of 50 466 hospitalized patients with 2019-nCoV infection SARS diagnosis and treatment protocol Clinical analysis of 260 cases of SARS in GuangZhou Management and prevention of SARS in China Human coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses: underestimated opportunistic pathogens of the central nervous system?
cord-269275-b7xxk48tDiagnosis and treatment of the novel coronavirus pneumonia Protection and disinfection policies against SARS- CoV-2( COVID-19) Digestive system involvement of novel coronavirus infection: prevention and control infection from a gastroenterology perspective Enteric involvement of coronaviruses: is faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-269275-b7xxk48tLooking ahead: The risk of neurologic complications due to COVID-19 Coronavirus infections and immune responses IgM in microbial infections: taken for granted?
cord-269275-b7xxk48tPeripheral nerve function in sepsis and multiple organ failure ICU- acquired weakness: should medical sovereignty belong to any specialist?
cord-269275-b7xxk48tPossible central nervous system infection by SARS coronavirus Diagnosis and management of sensory polyneuropathy Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-269275-b7xxk48tneurology Human immune system variation Clinical characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in China Regulatory T cells in arterivirus and coronavirus infections: do they protect against disease or enhance it?
cord-274557-2071770hAntired blood cell antibodies, free light chains, and antiphospholipid antibodies in intravenous immunoglobulin preparations Soluble HLA class I and class II concentrations in commercial immunoglobulin preparations High- dose intravenous immunoglobulin treatment and cerebral vasospasm: a possible mechanism of ischemic encephalopathy?
cord-274557-2071770hDo we have autoantibodies?
cord-276132-tv5y1eqcDo patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-274934-s8xppipe-an interventional study WhatsApp in hospital?
cord-274934-s8xppipethis potential critical health CONTEXT Key Objective Are instant messaging systems useful to oncologists to care for patients with cancer and to mitigate their anxieties and fears during the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2( COVID-19) outbreak?
cord-275506-3t5gf66cThe trinity of COVID-19: immunity, inflammation and intervention Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 COVID-19 and its implications for thrombosis and anticoagulation n COVID-19-associated hyperviscosity: a link between inflammation and thrombophilia?
cord-273408-jtpaue0z: Is there a link?
cord-273408-jtpaue0zOn discharge, the patient's oxygen saturation was 95%, and his To what extent has pain in the last 3 months impaired free- time activities or activities with family or friends?
cord-273408-jtpaue0zTo what extent has pain in the last 3 months impaired your capacity to do work( including housework)?
cord-276524-th6eu11hTocilizumab treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is associated with reduced fibrinogen levels and increased blood loss after total knee arthroplasty Antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with COVID-19: a relevant observation?
cord-274355-6hiutrctThe size and the duration of air- carriage of respiratory droplets and droplet- nuclei CFD study of the thermal environment around a human body: A review Assessment of health- care worker exposure to pandemic flu in hospital rooms Are toilet seats a vector for transmission of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus?
cord-274355-6hiutrctThe ventilation of multiple- bed hospital wards: Review and analysis LES over RANS in building simulation for outdoor and indoor applications: a foregone conclusion?
cord-275185-9br8lwmaThe effectiveness of convalescent plasma and hyperimmune immunoglobulin for the treatment of severe acute respiratory infections of viral etiology: a systematic review and exploratory meta- analysis Convalescent plasma treatment reduced mortality in patients with severe pandemic influenza A( H1N1) 2009 virus infection Challenges of convalescent plasma infusion therapy in Middle East respiratory coronavirus infection: a single centre experience Clinical characteristics of 26 human cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza A( H5N1) virus infection in China Evaluation of Convalescent Plasma for Ebola Virus Disease in Guinea Treatment of 5 critically Ill patients With COVID-19 with convalescent plasma Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in severe COVID-19 patients Treatment with convalescent plasma for critically Ill patients with SARS- CoV-2 infection Treatment with convalescent plasma for COVID-19 patients in Wuhan Use of convalescent plasma therapy in two COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome in Korea clinicalmanagement- of- severe- acute- respiratory- infection- when- novel- coronavirus-(ncov)-infection- is- suspected Guideline for diagnosis and treatment for novel coronavirus pneumonia Establishment and validation of a pseudovirus neutralization assay for SARS- CoV-2 Meta- analysis: convalescent blood products for Spanish influenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment?
cord-275185-9br8lwmawhy and how?
cord-275260-xuhxqkyjCan we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-275260-xuhxqkyjthe CORONADO study Risk factors for severity and mortality in adult COVID-19 inpatients in Wuhan Association of blood glucose control and outcomes in patients with COVID-19 and pre- existing type 2 diabetes Outcomes in hyperglycemic patients affected by Covid-19: can we do more on glycemia control?
cord-276343-sb3vd7fqLung Rejection Study Group American Society of Transplantation recommendations for screening, monitoring and reporting of infectious complications in immunosuppression trials in recipients of organ transplantation Infectious etiology of bronchiolitis obliterans: the respiratory viruses connection- myth or reality?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9f: who are the''frequent fliers''in the emergency department?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fA comparison of breath- actuated and conventional metered- dose inhaler inhalation techniques in elderly subjects Acquisition and short- term retention of inhaler techniques require intact executive function in elderly subjects What determines whether an elderly patient can use a metered dose inhaler correctly?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fA randomized clinical trial of peak flow versus symptom monitoring in older adults with asthma Differences in airway inflammation in patients with fixed airflow obstruction due to asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Are chronic wheezing and asthma- like attacks related to FEV1 decline?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fAccessed Is allergen skin test reactivity a predictor of mortality?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fAre there any detrimental effects of the use of inhaled long- acting beta 2-agonists in the treatment of asthma?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fCardiovascular Health Study Research Group Increasing U.S. asthma mortality rates: who is really dying?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fDrosophila melanogaster A genetic pathway conferring life extension and resistance to UV stress in Caenorhabditis elegans Divergent roles of RAS1 and RAS2 in yeast longevity Can an improved environment cause maximum lifespan to decrease?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fGiven this, why is it so challenging to diagnose asthma in the elderly?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fHave you ever had asthma?'
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fHow should we quantify asthma control?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fIntra- individual change over time in DNA methylation with familial clustering Epigenetic reprogramming and imprinting in origins of disease Aging by epigenetics- a consequence of chromatin damage?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fIs asthma in the elderly really different?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fIs late- onset asthma( LOA; asthma that starts in middle age or older) different from longstanding asthma( LSA; asthma of early onset that has persisted into older adulthood)?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fMany questions about this issue remain: Is asthma the same disease in older adults as it is in children and younger adults?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fThe limited in vitro lifetime of human diploid cell strains Cell culture aging: insights for cell aging in vivo?
cord-258093-6fn8ei9fThe role of allergy and airway inflammation Asthma in the elderly: cockroach sensitization and severity of airway obstruction in elderly nonsmokers Prick puncture skin tests and serum specific IgE as predictors of nasal challenge response to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus in older adults Particulate air pollution and hospital admissions for cardiorespiratory diseases: are the elderly at greater risk?
cord-273996-z5vlw6nmHow might these results change the focus of research or clinical practice?
cord-273996-z5vlw6nmIn this scenario, adult patients affected by type 1 diabetes mellitus( T1D) may be considered a vulnerable population, since hypertension and diabetes are known risk What is already known about this subject?
cord-273996-z5vlw6nmWhat are the new findings? ►
cord-275214-mqvw0219COVID-19 prothrombotic state: are preexisting thrombophilic risk profiles responsible for heterogenous thrombotic events?
cord-275214-mqvw0219key: cord-275214-mqvw0219 authors: Burlacu, Alexandru; Artene, Bogdan; Crisan- Dabija, Radu; Popa, Iolanda Valentina; Covic, Adrian title: Is Thrombophilic Genetic Profile Responsible for an Acute Ischemic Stroke in a COVID-19 Male Patient?
cord-276249-9opsg7p2a small case series preliminary report Neurologic Features in Severe SARS- CoV-2 Infection Acute Symptomatic Seizures in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: Is There an Association?
cord-276249-9opsg7p2case series Electroencephalogram( EEG) in COVID-19: A systematic retrospective study De Novo Status Epilepticus in patients with COVID-19 COVID-19 associated encephalopathy: is there a specific EEG pattern?
cord-274121-3w6kc0c9How might this impact on clinical practice or future developments?
cord-274121-3w6kc0c9What does this study add?
cord-274121-3w6kc0c9[ 6][ 7][ 8][ 9] Key messages What is already known about this subject? ►
cord-275154-vwnpred5in sputum of asthmatic patients: linking T cell driven inflammation and granulocytic influx?
cord-275154-vwnpred5lessons from the virus for successful vaccine design Tc17, a unique subset of CD8 T cells that can protect against lethal influenza challenge Critical role of IL-17RA in immunopathology of influenza infection Confronting an influenza pandemic with inexpensive generic agents: can it be done?
cord-275340-q8d7rvnjTargeting endosomal acidification by chloroquine analogs as a promising strategy for the treatment of emerging viral diseases Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-275340-q8d7rvnjthey effective and safe in rheumatic diseases?
cord-274494-heu6rmbt3 4 An excess of morbimortality associated with the previous use of conventional or What is already known about this subject? ►
cord-274494-heu6rmbtHow might this impact on clinical practice or future developments?
cord-274494-heu6rmbta double- edged sword?
cord-276405-yfvu83r92019-United States Does Covid-19 hit women and men differently?
cord-276405-yfvu83r9Could there be choices in diuresis and fluid management that may explain differing trajectories?
cord-277146-4a4vz36hCritical Care Thrombosis, Haemostasis of the Scientific, Standardization Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis, Haemostasis?
cord-276676-lgt0rzobCOVID-19/ Coronavirus Outbreak: How To Establish A Central Venous Access By Placing A Central Venous Catheter Regional anaesthesia and COVID-19: first choice at last?
cord-276676-lgt0rzobThe Systemic Inflammatory Response to Cardiac Surgery: Implications for the Anesthesiologist Inflammatory response and cardioprotection during open- heart surgery: the importance of anaesthetics Extracorporeal Oxygenation and Coronavirus Disease 2019 Epidemic: Is the Membrane Fail- Safe to Cross Contamination?
cord-277430-x02u7oh0checkpoint inhibitors compromise the cancer patients'immunity and increase the vulnerability to COVID-19 infection?
cord-277486-12uah5qiWhen Is it Safe to Discharge Cases Form the Hospital or End Home Isolation?
cord-277576-3dvt6uj7Cyclosporin A inhibits the replication of diverse coronaviruses Macrophage activation syndrome COVID-19 and Calcineurin Inhibitors: Should They Get Left Out in the Storm?
cord-276856-88d3vzbsHow much can they differ before we are no longer saving two lives but risking both?
cord-276856-88d3vzbsThe central question remains: What does it mean to match patients?
cord-271887-blwrpf38A Missed Opportunity?
cord-271887-blwrpf38How can the RHS platform like PHC be adapted to accommodate emergency response situations like COVID-19?
cord-271887-blwrpf38However, some questions remain unanswered: How to redesign RHS such as the PHC platform to achieve the goal more effectively in a pandemic situation like COVID-19?
cord-271887-blwrpf38If long- term suppression is not possible, how do we minimize mortality for COVID-19 and other emerging infectious disease outbreaks?
cord-271887-blwrpf38Virtually Perfect?
cord-271887-blwrpf38• How to ensure coverage of underserved rural populations who have comparatively less access to healthcare facilities?
cord-276784-8lmg97zc( SARS- CoV-2) Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: Results of an open- label non- randomized clinical trial A Rush to Judgment?
cord-276784-8lmg97zcCOVID-19 in a MS patient treated with ocrelizumab: Does immunosuppression have a protective role?
cord-276782-3fpmatkbmedRxiv preprint • on a pragmatic side, we use the model to assist the senior manager in answering 364 his/ her questions as listed in our introduction: how many beds do I need on the 365 floor, how is this affecting patient outcomes, do we need to transfer patients to a 366 different facility, etc.?
cord-276782-3fpmatkbwhich parameter is the best reflection of deficits?
cord-270294-g95skuik: what's new with respiratory viruses?
cord-270294-g95skuikA study by Marcos et al.!?
cord-270294-g95skuikMost published studies's?
cord-270294-g95skuikNucleic acid amplification tests for detection and analysis of respiratory viruses: the future for diagnostics?
cord-270294-g95skuikOne study.!?
cord-270294-g95skuikTo date, there have been few studies, 5, 7,[ 9][ 10][ 11] 16, 17 reported in patients with pneumonia using NATs to detect viral infection, and these studies have either not included clinical data 7.9.11 or have not tested for all potentially important respiratory viruses in a comprehensive!?
cord-270294-g95skuikTo our knowledge, only two previous etiology studiess-!?
cord-277643-xh8z9v0mDefining the pharmacist role in the pandemic outbreak of novel H1N1 influenza Ebola virus disease: how can African pharmacists respond to future outbreaks?
cord-276288-upv2o8f6Am I not answering your questions properly?'
cord-276288-upv2o8f6From passive subject to active agent: the potential of citizens'juries for nursing research Citizens'juries and deliberative democracy Grounded citizens'juries: a tool for health activism?
cord-276288-upv2o8f6The use of citizens'juries in health policy decision- making: a systematic review Do consumer voices in healthcare citizens'juries matter?
cord-277014-iz8jo44eDiagnosis Hyponatremia, IL-6, and SARS- CoV-2( COVID-19) infection: may all fit together?
cord-277014-iz8jo44eElectrolyte imbalances in patients with severe coronavirus disease Is low sodium intake a risk factor for severe and fatal COVID-19 infection?
cord-278993-w5aa0eljIn Wuhan China Baseline characteristics and outcomes of 1591 patients infected with Sars- Cov-2 admitted to icus of the Lombardy Region Italy Characteristics and outcomes of 21 critically Ill Patients with covid-19 in Washington State Critical care crisis and some recommendations during the covid-19 epidemic in China Critical care utilization for the covid-19 outbreak in Lombardy, Italy: early experience and forecast during an emergency response Covid-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-278106-ev1nx60hDoes SARS- CoV-2 has a longer incubation period than SARS and MERS?
cord-276267-77903fldThe digestive system is a potential route of 2019-nCov infection: a bioinformatics analysis based on single- cell transcriptomes Imbalance of the renin- angiotensin system may contribute to inflammation and fibrosis in IBD: a novel therapeutic target?
cord-276267-77903fldThe safety of vedolizumab for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease Differential expression of adhesion molecules and chemokines between nasal and small intestinal mucosae: implications for T- and sIgA+ B- lymphocyte recruitment Switch to adalimumab in patients with Crohn's disease controlled by maintenance infliximab: prospective randomised SWITCH trial Herpes zoster infection in patients with ulcerative colitis receiving tofacitinib Safety and efficacy of tofacitinib for up to 9.5 years in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: final results of a global, open- label, long- term extension study Tofacitinib as induction and maintenance therapy for ulcerative colitis Growing evidence of the safety of JAK inhibitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Real- world experience with tofacitinib in IBD at a Tertiary Center COVID-19: combining antiviral and anti- inflammatory treatments Guidance for discharge and ending isolation in the context of widespread community transmission of COVID-19-first update Infection- related hospitalizations are associated with increased mortality in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases Nonpharmaceutical measures for pandemic influenza in nonhealthcare settings- social distancing measures Effectiveness of workplace social distancing measures in reducing influenza transmission: a systematic review Virtually perfect?
cord-276267-77903fldinitial virological and clinical findings Treatment with lopinavir/ ritonavir or interferon- beta1b improves outcome of MERS- CoV infection in a nonhuman primate model of common marmoset A trial of lopinavir- ritonavir in adults hospitalized with severe Covid-19 New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-277399-0w8is9xmThe effect of human chorionic gonadotropin- based hormonal therapy on intratesticular testosterone levels and spermatogonial DNA synthesis in men with non- obstructive azoospermia Optimization of spermatogenesis- regulating hormones in patients with non- obstructive azoospermia and its impact on sperm retrieval: a multicentre study Hormonal stimulation of spermatogenesis: a new way to treat the infertile male with non- obstructive azoospermia?
cord-277399-0w8is9xmWhat is a clean room?
cord-279052-8hxdfdlsCan preventive hyperbaric oxygen therapy optimise surgical outcome?:
cord-277700-nxm1jr0xBoth Dice similarity score and Haussdorff distances were higher with the 2D approach compared to the 3D approach( Figure??).
cord-277700-nxm1jr0xBoth Dice similarity score and Haussdorff distances were higher with the 2D approach compared to the 3D approach( Figure??).
cord-276635-0ciy732eAn extended statement by the British cardiovascular intervention Society president regarding the COVID-19 pandemic EAPCI position statement on invasive management of acute coronary syndromes during the COVID-19 pandemic High thrombus burden in patients with COVID-19 presenting with ST- elevation myocardial infarction ST- Segment Elevation in Patients with Covid-19-A Case Series Reperfusion of STEMI in the COVID-19 Era-Business as Usual?
cord-276635-0ciy732eHas there really been a fall in heart attack presentations in the UK?
cord-276635-0ciy732eSummary of a Report of 72 314 Cases From the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Association of cardiac injury with mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China Cardiovascular implications of fatal outcomes of patients with coronavirus disease Cardiac injury is associated with mortality and critically ill pneumonia in COVID-19: a metaanalysis Fourth universal definition of myocardial infarction Comparison of hospitalized patients with ARDS caused by COVID-19 and H1N1 Potential effects of coronaviruses on the cardiovascular system: a review SARS- CoV2: should inhibitors of the renin- angiotensin system be withdrawn in patients with COVID-19? Renin- Angiotensin system blockers and the COVID-19 pandemic: at present there is no evidence to abandon renin- angiotensin system blockers ESC guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST- segment elevation Long- Term outcome of a routine versus selective invasive strategy in patients with non- ST- segment elevation acute coronary syndrome
cord-275266-e6omvo5xAbove all, which is the safest, most effective way to treat our patients suffering from a joint disease at this time?
cord-275266-e6omvo5xDue to the reallocation of resources for COVID-19 patients, the ethical issue becomes: How long non- COVID-19 patients scheduled for elective orthopaedic surgery should be excluded from medical care?
cord-275266-e6omvo5xWhat are the costs of hip osteoarthritis in the year prior to a total hip arthroplasty?
cord-275266-e6omvo5xhow far do we allow the safety of patients and staff to prevail, and at what stage do we allow the economic side of this discussion to prevail?
cord-279435-ffgd2etsEmerg Infect Dis Can the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) affect the eyes?
cord-273929-kpcmy9x8How many more senior surgeons have elected to take early retirement or were some lost to COVID?
cord-273929-kpcmy9x8How many surgeons were lost during this pandemic?
cord-273929-kpcmy9x8What are the manpower needs for increasing remote evaluation?
cord-273929-kpcmy9x8What are the privacy issues of remote consultation?
cord-273929-kpcmy9x8What new technology is needed?
cord-273929-kpcmy9x8With a fragile future, how do we conduct our day- to- day activities, and plan to retain our robust education and training programs, to educate and train the next generation of head and neck surgeons?
cord-278838-qraq5ahoViral infection in patients with severe pneumonia requiring intensive care unit admission Incidence and characteristics of viral community- acquired pneumonia in adults Human metapneumovirus as a major cause of human respiratory tract disease Human bocavirus: prevalence and clinical spectrum at a children's hospital Human coronavirus NL63, a new respiratory virus Severe pneumonia and human bocavirus in adult Human bocavirus: passenger or pathogen in acute respiratory tract infections?
cord-278477-9a7gmzz3In; Ho Lee, Dae; Jung, Jaehun title: Impact of obesity, fasting plasma glucose level, blood pressure, and renal function on the severity of COVID-19: a matter of sexual dimorphism?
cord-278477-9a7gmzz3Meta- analysis Obesity aggravates COVID-19: a systematic review and metaanalysis Obesity and Outcomes in COVID-19: When an Epidemic and Pandemic Collide Arterial hypertension and risk of death in patients with COVID-19 infection: Systematic review and meta- analysis Patients with arterial hypertension and COVID-19 are at higher risk of ICU admission Association of hypertension, diabetes, stroke, cancer, kidney disease, and high- cholesterol with COVID-19 disease severity and fatality: A systematic review COVID-19 and arterial hypertension: Hypothesis or evidence?
cord-279357-83hisxroDo Asian patients require only half of the clozapine dose prescribed for Caucasians?
cord-279557-hk77e3ppA simple, fast, and accurate algorithm to estimate large phylogenies by maximum likelihood Family cluster of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus infections Detection of herpes simplex virus DNA by real- time PCR Real- time reverse transcription- PCR assay for comprehensive detection of human rhinoviruses Respiratory herpes simplex virus type 1 infection/ colonisation in the critically ill: marker or mediator?
cord-277803-7p1qu2rfHow should we prioritise whom to serve first with limited resources?
cord-277803-7p1qu2rfSemaglutide induces weight loss in subjects with type 2 diabetes regardless of baseline BMI or gastrointestinal adverse events in the SUSTAIN 1 to 5 trials Consensus recommendations for the management of diabetes in patients with COVID-19 Diets with high or low protein content and glycemic index for weight- loss maintenance Two- year sustained weight loss and metabolic benefits with controlled- release phentermine/ topiramate in obese and overweight adults( SEQUEL): a randomized, placebo- controlled, phase 3 extension study Weight loss with naltrexone SR/ bupropion SR combination therapy as an adjunct to behavior modification: the COR- BMOD trial XENical in the prevention of diabetes in obese subjects( XENDOS) study: a randomized study of orlistat as an adjunct to lifestyle changes for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in obese patients 3 years of liraglutide versus placebo for type 2 diabetes risk reduction and weight management in individuals with prediabetes: a randomised, double- blind trial Adjunctive liraglutide treatment in patients with persistent or recurrent type 2 diabetes after metabolic surgery( GRAVITAS): a randomised, double- blind, placebo- controlled trial Joint international consensus statement for ending stigma of obesity Bariatric, metabolic, and diabetes surgery: what's in a name?
cord-279570-lgbqpfh5The course of Creactive protein response in untreated upper respiratory tract infection Changes in serum C- reactive protein during complicated and uncomplicated measles virus infections Bacterial pneumonia as a suprainfection in young adults with measles Severe measles pneumonia in adults with respiratory failure: role of ribavirin and high- dose vitamin A Severe measles pneumonitis in adults: evaluation of clinical characteristics and therapy with intravenous ribavirin Acute Myocardial Infarction after Laboratory- Confirmed Influenza Infection H1N1-Induced Venous Thromboembolic Events?
cord-267041-i94lyfsh* Is it community- or hospital- acquired?@
cord-267041-i94lyfsh* Is the current condition accurately termed"acute,"or is it really chronic?
cord-267041-i94lyfsh* Is the patient a member of an at- risk group for AIDS?
cord-267041-i94lyfsh* Is the pneumonia cavitating?
cord-267041-i94lyfsh* Is there a pleural friction rub or has there been a rigor?
cord-267041-i94lyfsh*) ias there been an unusual exposure?
cord-267041-i94lyfshIs it perhaps an acute illness superimposed on several months of progressive respiratory symptoms?
cord-267041-i94lyfshIs there serrous underlying disease?
cord-267041-i94lyfshWho is the host?
cord-267041-i94lyfshYoung and healthy?
cord-278672-pxzsntfgDo psychiatric patients experience more psychiatric symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown?
cord-278672-pxzsntfgThe Global Impact of COVID-19 and Strategies for Mitigation and Suppression Immediate Psychological Responses and Associated Factors during the Initial Stage of the 2019 Coronavirus Disease( COVID-19) Epidemic among the General Population in China Is returning to work during the COVID-19 pandemic stressful?
cord-279732-cea0nt8zSpecific Is the patient independent in bed mobility?
cord-279571-chiadufaThe Dose Response Multicentre Investigation on Fluid Assessment( DoReMIFA) in critically ill patients Fluid balance and mortality in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: a multicenter prospective epidemiological study Fluid accumulation threshold measured by acute body weight change after admission in general surgical intensive care units: how much should be concerning?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndAmong all potential causes investigated, only the gel card lot number was associated with the number of"?"generated( table 1).
cord-010119-t1x9gkndAssuming 30 seconds of technologist time per"?", we estimate that 13.6 hours were needed to resolve and update these results.
cord-010119-t1x9gkndCan Texting Decrease Wastage?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndInterference: More Than Just Kell?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndIs Its Use Inappropriate?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndOf 19,647 columns run as part of antibody screens, 1,633( 8.3%) columns generated"?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndPatient 1 was a 29 yo female, C2E2c1e1, whose RBCs reacted 11 by ECHO and 31 by NEO with anti- D4, and'?'
cord-010119-t1x9gkndPlatelet Rich Plasma and Quality Control: Is There a Role for the Blood Bank?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndShortly after implementation, technologists reported increased time spent performing manual resolution of indeterminate( designated as"?") results.
cord-010119-t1x9gkndStudy Design/ Method: We analyzed allogeneic interview responses to the screening question,"In the past 12 months have you had a tattoo?"
cord-010119-t1x9gkndStudy Design/ Methods: With assistance from Ortho Diagnostics, analyzer archives were queried to identify the number of gel card columns used for screens, the number of columns with"?"results, and the gel card lot numbers used for testing from 1/29/2017 to 3/31/2017.
cord-010119-t1x9gkndTesting Worth the Headache?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndTexas Children's Hospital, 2 Baylor College of Medicine AP127 Vision Titers--Easier or Problematic?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndThe Future of Plasma Therapy?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndThe incidence of"?"and visually negative analyzer positive results is dependent on the specific lot of MTS- Gel TM cards used.
cord-010119-t1x9gkndThe objective of this study was to investigate the cause of"?"and apparent false positive results on VisionV R three- cell antibody screens.
cord-010119-t1x9gkndVariations in Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism during Plateletpheresis: Impact of Socio- Demographic and Lifestyle Factors?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndWere Patients Transfused after Testing?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndWhat Is the Best Practice for Testing Residual White Blood Cells in Blood Components for Monthly Routine Quality Control?
cord-010119-t1x9gkndWhere We Go?
cord-279790-zzvetjrtTherefore, health workers should still wear masks, goggles, protective clothing and disposable gloves when treating the ordinary patients, while the protection of treating patients receiving a tracheotomy should be more stringent, such as upgrading general surgical masks to N95 masks as list in Table 1 Discovery of a novel coronavirus associated with the recent pneumonia outbreak in humans and its potential bat origin China coronavirus: what do we know so far?
cord-279483-gwikyux2Can clinical prediction models assess antibiotic need in childhood pneumonia?
cord-276621-9exp8e7hParticipants answered the following question:"If you had to decide today concerning advance directives for long term ventilation, how would you choose?", the possible answers being"yes, I would choose to be ventilated,""no, I would choose not to be ventilated,"or"unsure."
cord-276621-9exp8e7hWhat of those cast away?
cord-276621-9exp8e7hWhat of those cast away?
cord-276621-9exp8e7hdecide today concerning advance directives for ventilation, how would you choose?"7 of 61 participants( 11.5%) answered that they would choose not to be ventilated, compared to 52/61( 85.2%) who would choose again to be ventilated, and 2 participants who were undecided.
cord-280280-9jr7ekbuDiagnosis, Treatment and Prevention Options in Children Diagnosis and treatment recommendations for pediatric respiratory infection caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Critically Ill Children: A Narrative Review of the Literature Epidemiology and clinical features of coronavirus disease 2019 in children COVID-19 virus and children: What do we know?
cord-275979-cx2h5bswA case- control study Metformin treatment was associated with decreased mortality in COVID-19 patients with diabetes in a retrospective analysis SGLT-2 inhibitors for COVID-19-a miracle waiting to happen or just another beat around the bush?
cord-275979-cx2h5bswA thorough description of the clinical characteristics and their impact on outcome of patients with diabetes mellitus and COVID-19 Obesity aggravates COVID-19: a systematic review and meta- analysis Two things about COVID-19 might need attention Tissue specific up regulation of ACE2 in rabbit model of atherosclerosis by atorvastatin: role of epigenetic histone modifications Endothelial cell dysfunction and the pathobiology of atherosclerosis Are certain drugs associated with enhanced mortality in COVID-19?
cord-275979-cx2h5bswA very interesting comprehensive analysis of the pathomechanisms of COVID-19, also discussing its clinical implication What's new in the renin- angiotensin system?
cord-275979-cx2h5bswCARDIOVID registry Association of angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker use with COVID-19 diagnosis and mortality Is the use of ACE inb/ ARBs associated with higher in- hospital mortality in Covid-19 pneumonia patients?
cord-275979-cx2h5bswThe role of physical activity in primary stroke prevention Does high cardiorespiratory fitness confer some protection against pro- inflammatory responses after infection by SARS- CoV-2?
cord-279111-jaa45kycMycoplasma pneumoniae infection in primary care investigated by real- time PCR in England and Wales Increased incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections detected by laboratory- based surveillance in Denmark in 2010 Prevalence, diagnosis, and disease course of pertussis in adults with acute cough in primary care Swabbing for respiratory viral infections in older patients: a comparison of rayon and nylon flocked swabs Rhinovirus and coronavirus infections Two outbreaks of severe respiratory disease in nursing homes associated with rhinovirus Respiratory syncytial virus and other respiratory viral infections in older adults with moderate to severe influenza- like illness Design and validation of consensus- degenerate hybrid oligonucleotide primers for broad and sensitive detection of corona- and toroviruses Detection of respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in adults with and without respiratory illness Prolonged shedding of rhinovirus and re- infection in adults with respiratory tract illness Evidence of human bocavirus circulating in children and adults Comorbidity and high viral load linked to clinical presentation of respiratory human bocavirus infection Human bocavirus: passenger or pathogen in acute respiratory tract infections?
cord-279111-jaa45kycThe novel KI, WU, MC polyomaviruses: possible human pathogens?
cord-276234-2nkeq4udCan the Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) Affect the Eyes?
cord-276234-2nkeq4udDo you show any of the following COVID-19 symptoms[ 39-42]?
cord-276234-2nkeq4udHave you travelled internationally within the last 14 days?
cord-276234-2nkeq4udPatients should be asked the following: ▪ Have you been in contact with people diagnosed with or showing symptoms of COVID-19 within the last 14 days?
cord-279456-oouylyx9Are we already that far?
cord-279456-oouylyx9what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-280111-6hiuzkvzAn empathetic approach to doctor- patient communication Being as good as your dumbest competitor?
cord-279480-nqp1pc9vcan we prevent the spread of infection?
cord-279480-nqp1pc9vneonatal outcomes General anaesthesia for emergency caesarean delivery: is the time saved worth the potential risks?
cord-279396-qmixem8iInstitute for Health Improvement Hospitals warned of increased fire risk on COVID-19 wards Supporting information for patient safety alert: reducing the risk of connecting oxygen tubing to air flowmeters London begins major COVID-19 reconfiguration Does wearing CBRN- PPE adversely affect the ability for clinicians to accurately, safely, and speedily draw up drugs?
cord-279396-qmixem8iIntensive and Critical Care Nursing Rational use of personal protective equipment for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Limiting factors for wearing personal protective equipment( PPE) in a health care environment evaluated in a randomised study Does wearing CBRN- PPE adversely affect the ability for clinicians to accurately, safely, and speedily draw up drugs?
cord-276592-dsilwfl1Can you really be social at a distance?
cord-276592-dsilwfl1He assents, and I ask,"What do you know of social distancing?"
cord-276592-dsilwfl1I ask, May I add something?
cord-276592-dsilwfl1What else?
cord-279197-cesemos0How will medical administrators view some of the staples of integrative cancer therapies in the next few years?
cord-279197-cesemos0Will administrators be eager to restart programs that rely on inperson services for high- risk patients?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7-what are the current issues?
cord-034286-m1c98nv71. Is the patient deteriorating and, if so, from what?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7: Do you think the nursing staff will be comfortable with taking care of him?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7A standardized checklist improves the transfer of stroke patients from the neurocritical care unit to hospital ward Does housestaff discontinuity of care increase the risk for preventable adverse events?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Any neurointensivist will instinctively ask,"What is the matter with this patient?"and look for patterns even when our referring colleagues do not explain things clearly.
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Anything more I need to know?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Call, text or email?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Can you avoid being dismissive or overwrought?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Do we need to improve the way we communicate?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Do we perceive things correctly?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Do you become easily annoyed?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Do you recognize loss of resilience?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7He provocatively asked,"Can you present a case to an intelligent colleague in 2 min?"and"Can you tell who is sick?"
cord-034286-m1c98nv7He provocatively asked,"Can you present a case to an intelligent colleague in 2 min?"and"Can you tell who is sick?"
cord-034286-m1c98nv7How can we best communicate urgent admissions to and discharges from the neurosciences ICU?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7How can we best communicate urgent triage or urgent changes in the patient condition?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Is a neurosurgical( craniotomy) or neurocritical care intervention( osmotic agents) urgently needed?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Is an endovascular procedure needed?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Is your"listener"actually listening?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Neurointensivist: Can you tell me more?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Neurointensivist: What does his examination show?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7There is no substitute for a face- to- face conversation but what would the receiving end want to know?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7We can be reached instantaneously, but, in all sincerity, why are some messages unheeded?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7What are the potential expectations?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7What do I need to know for the night?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7What is the resident or fellow's threshold to call a consultant?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7What more can you tell me?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Which pending studies need review, and when are they expected?
cord-034286-m1c98nv7Which studies are repeated?
cord-273119-jfy0iviyAddressing concerns face- to- face or through telephone should n't really be any different, should it?
cord-273119-jfy0iviyI think"should I quickly google something about gardening?"
cord-273119-jfy0iviyIs there anyone else with you joining in on this call that you feel comfortable having with you?
cord-273119-jfy0iviyThe use of silence and listening has become even more important; I wonder whether this patient could have opened up like this had we been speaking face- to- face?
cord-273119-jfy0iviyWe're due to catch up for a treatment review over the phone this morning, is now a good time?
cord-273119-jfy0iviyWhat evidence is there on the effectiveness of different models of delivering urgent care?
cord-273119-jfy0iviyyou want to sit for the duration of this phone call?
cord-280984-2j8ckz14Efficacy of high intensity exercise on disease activity and cardiovascular risk in active axial spondyloarthritis: a randomized controlled pilot study COVID-19 and treatment with NSAIDs and corticosteroids: should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting?
cord-278984-0zof6s4dEleven consistent recommendations from high- quality clinical practice guidelines: systematic review Efficacy, tolerability, and dose- dependent effects of opioid analgesics for low back pain: a systematic review and meta- analysis Spinal fusion for chronic low back pain: a'Magic Bullet'or Wishful Thinking?
cord-278984-0zof6s4dWhat does best practice care for musculoskeletal pain look like?
cord-278984-0zof6s4dwhat influences patients to consult?
cord-276927-rxudwp2vCombination of high frequency oscillatory ventilation and interventional lung assist in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome Clinical characteristics and outcomes of sepsis- related vs non- sepsis- related ARDS Virus- induced acute respiratory distress syndrome: epidemiology, management and outcome Biomarkers of acute lung injury: worth their salt?
cord-276927-rxudwp2vDoes noninvasive positive pressure ventilation improve outcome in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure?
cord-276927-rxudwp2vThe acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS and diffuse alveolar damage: a pathologist's perspective Clinical year in review III: asthma, lung transplantation, cystic fibrosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome Performance of an automated electronic acute lung injury screening system in intensive care unit patients Introducing automated acute lung injury/ acute respiratory distress syndrome electronic screening in intensive care unit practice: is it the future?
cord-276927-rxudwp2vWhat has computed tomography taught us about the acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-276927-rxudwp2vand what do we need to get there?
cord-280431-tuzdng4hIn contrast, the payers for clinical education( investment) are very far from the payers for health care( insurance?)
cord-277539-xt2nt11eA systematic review of the effect of different models of after- hours primary medical care services on clinical outcome, medical workload, and patient and GP satisfaction Guidelines for dental care Provision during the COVID-19 pandemic Characteristics of endodontic emergencies during Covid-19 Outbreak IN Wuhan Could air filtration reduce COVID-19 severity and spread?
cord-277539-xt2nt11eAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-277539-xt2nt11eCan we contain the COVID-19 outbreak with the same measures as for SARS?
cord-277539-xt2nt11emedRxiv 2020.04.16 COVID-19 patients with respiratory failure: what can we learn from aviation medicine?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0y2) Does the patient have someone to stay with at discharge?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yCan you exit in an emergency?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yCan you get around bedroom, bathroom?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yDo you know your medicines and treatments?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yHow many steps to enter the patient's home?Did the patient previously use an assistive device for ambulation?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yHow will you avoid infecting others?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yHow will you get them at home?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yHow will you get there?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yThink: Where will you go after the hospital?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yWhat do they need to learn?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yWhat is the patient's current oxygen use( liters per minute)?What is the patient's current level of cognition?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yWho will be there to help you at first?
cord-264952-0t0t4x0yWill you be safe?
cord-281060-1ud5hzlhCase definition and European surveillance for COVID-19, as of 2 Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a first perspective Chilblainlike lesions on feet and hands during the COVID-19 Pandemic Cutaneous lesions in a patient with COVID-19: are they related?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5, What is the role of Ministry of Health?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5Are antibiotics against which the strain is resistant inducing the changes in bacterial proteome?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5Can YKL-40 be an inflammatory biomarker in vitamin D deficiency?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5Hemolysis and test rejection: are we following a reliable process?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5His- flag tag as a fusion partner in insect expression systemgain or loss?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5How does different lead levels affect TSH, FT3, FT4, vitamin B12 and folate?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5How preeclampsia affects oxidant status and antiinflammatory potential of breast milk?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5Is this strain characterized by other differences on a proteome level?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5It was intended to shed light on some questions such as, what is the place and importance of IVD in Turkey?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5MRM transitions used were m/ z? 250/164 for 8-iso- PGF 2a and m/ z?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5MRM transitions used were m/ z? 250/164 for 8-iso- PGF 2a and m/ z?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5Medical and biological illustrations for life sciences education: Is'a picture worth a thousand words'in visualizing medicine and science?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5P-04.01.1- 006 Host- pathogen interactions: is there a relationship between TLR 4 polymorphisms and tuberculosis in a group of Turkish patients?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5P-05.01.1- 015 Does causes 1800 MHz magnetic field application KRAS and P53 mutations in colon?:
cord-022940-atbjwpo5P-09.04.4- 108 Is there any relation between 50 g oral glucose challenge test and serum total oxidant- antioxidant status in pregnant woman?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5What are the responsibilities of educational institutions?
cord-022940-atbjwpo5What is extra to learn from protein drying measurements?
cord-281039-a7q5nzwnFocus on angiotensin Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-270153-krhkqcevCan DME treatment be prescribed for patients seen via telemedicine, including positive airway pressure( PAP), OAT, and nasal expiratory PAP devices?
cord-270153-krhkqcevCan a doctor- patient relationship be established via telemedicine?
cord-270153-krhkqcevCan medications be prescribed for patients seen via telemedicine?
cord-270153-krhkqcevCan testing be ordered for patients seen via telemedicine?
cord-270153-krhkqcevHow long is the patient wait time?
cord-270153-krhkqcevIs it already overbooked?
cord-270153-krhkqcevIs the clinician uncomfortable with the idea of engaging with a patient remotely?
cord-270153-krhkqcevWill the patients be willing to be seen via telemedicine?
cord-270153-krhkqcevWill they be amenable to a telemedicine visit?
cord-270153-krhkqcevWill they be champions or will they create barriers?
cord-277889-8u685f45Could myo- inositol treatment downregulate inflammation and cytokine release syndrome in SARS- CoV-2?
cord-277889-8u685f45The IL-17 Family of Cytokines in Health and Disease Cell host response to infection with novel human coronavirus EMC predicts potential antivirals and important differences with SARS coronavirus Distinct immune response in two MERS- CoV- infected patients: can we go from bench to bedside?
cord-277889-8u685f45odd one out or part of the family?
cord-277889-8u685f45r o o f amplified?
cord-281752-64mrflcrUnderestimated Opportunistic Pathogens of the Central Nervous System?
cord-280348-vrnxucyeNetwork medicine: a network- based approach to human disease From COPD to chronic systemic inflammatory syndrome?
cord-280348-vrnxucyedi Torino Projections of global mortality and burden of disease from 2002 to 2030 Complex chronic comorbidities of COPD Characterisation of COPD heterogeneity in the ECLIPSE cohort Comorbidities of COPD Comorbidities and risk of mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Are asthmatics enrolled in randomized trials representative of real- life outpatients?
cord-279513-m4jdc8uaHow might this impact on clinical practice?
cord-279513-m4jdc8uaWhat does this study add?
cord-279513-m4jdc8uaWhat is already known about this subject? ►
cord-281561-r10y2sgb: what's next?
cord-277260-7se220ozCOVID-19 and surgery Timing of breast cancer surgery- how much does it matter?
cord-277260-7se220ozCould intravenous immunoglobulin collected from recovered coronavirus patients protect against COVID-19 and strengthen the immune system of new patients?
cord-277260-7se220ozTMPRSS2 CD24 and Fc fusion protein protects SIVmac239-infected Chinese rhesus macaque against progression to AIDS Breakthrough: chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an openlabel non- randomized clinical trial Should chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine be used to treat COVID-19?
cord-277260-7se220oza case series Is there a role for tissue plasminogen activator( tPA) as a novel treatment for refractory COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syndrome( ARDS)?
cord-277260-7se220ozan opportunity for combination with cytokines?
cord-280241-h16s6wwmA prospective study COVID-19 and its implications for thrombosis and anticoagulation Hypoxaemia related to COVID-19: vascular and perfusion abnormalities on dual- energy CT An epidemiological analysis of the burden of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in the USA CT measurement of central pulmonary arteries to diagnose pulmonary hypertension( PHTN): more reliable than valid?
cord-280241-h16s6wwmpneumonia: a random association?
cord-280360-rh37d5wc-I infiltration in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue: a control mechanism of cytokine production?
cord-280360-rh37d5wcWorldwide prevalence of juvenile arthritis: why does it vary so much?
cord-275828-c6d6nk7xHow common is human toxocariasis?
cord-275828-c6d6nk7xHow good is the evidence for the recommended empirical antimicrobial treatment of patients hospitalized because of community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-275828-c6d6nk7xHow much isoniazid is needed for prevention of tuberculosis among immune competent adults?
cord-275828-c6d6nk7xIs bacterial tracheitis changing?
cord-275828-c6d6nk7xWhat is health- care associated pneumonia, and how should it be treated?
cord-280097-f7ky61dsThe Utility of Serum C- Reactive Protein in Differentiating Bacterial from Nonbacterial Pneumonia in Children: A Meta- Analysis of 1230 Children Does a high WBC count signal infection?
cord-280097-f7ky61dscord-280097-f7ky61ds authors: Zarogoulidis, Paul; Constantinidis, Theodoros; Steiropoulos, Paschalis; Papanas, Nikolaos; Zarogoulidis, Kostas; Maltezos, Efstratios title: Are there any differences in clinical and laboratory findings on admission between H1N1 positive and negative patients with flu- like symptoms?
cord-280097-f7ky61dsthe example of prevention of influenza complications Are there any differences in clinical and laboratory findings on admission between H1N1 positive and negative patients with flu- like symptoms?
cord-279667-ikfduu2kClinical manifestations and outcome of SARS- CoV-2 infection during pregnancy Maternal Deaths with Covid19: a different outcome from mid to low resource countries?
cord-279667-ikfduu2kMaternal and perinatal outcomes with COVID-19: A systematic review of 108 pregnancies Novel corona virus disease( COVID-19) in pregnancy: What clinical recommendations to follow?
cord-279667-ikfduu2kPublished Thursday 9 Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-281298-qheq9lc8Prevention SARS- CoV-2 Outbreak: How Can Pharmacists Help?
cord-276495-q22jnkn2Could BCG vaccination be a more promising therapeutic alternative than chloroquine?
cord-276495-q22jnkn2Dr. Netea said that preliminary results showed that in a large number of human volunteer cohorts, the BCG vaccine induced trained immunity( 450%; as stated in
cord-276495-q22jnkn2How is memory in CD8+ T cells formed chemically?
cord-276495-q22jnkn2However, the big question is,''how are antibodies produced against an infectious pathogen or vaccine?''
cord-276495-q22jnkn2Is innate memory more effective against SARS- CoV-2 than acquired memory?
cord-276495-q22jnkn2a database of global BCG vaccination policies and practices Is BCG vaccination causally related to reduced COVID-19 mortality?
cord-273567-8fp3a9h8It remains important to note that the results for some items( e.g., how do patients receive information?; what preventive measures do they perform?) are based on actively reported answers.
cord-273567-8fp3a9h8It remains important to note that the results for some items( e.g., how do patients receive information?; what preventive measures do they perform?) are based on actively reported answers.
cord-273567-8fp3a9h8On the basis of the simple yes/ no questions( e.g.,"Have you reduced contact?","Have you changed your behavior?"), the majority of patients seemed to be adherent and to adhere to the instructions.
cord-273567-8fp3a9h8On the basis of the simple yes/ no questions( e.g.,"Have you reduced contact?","Have you changed your behavior?"), the majority of patients seemed to be adherent and to adhere to the instructions.
cord-273567-8fp3a9h8The crucial question is, what measures can improve KAP and adherence in elderly people?
cord-273567-8fp3a9h8This shows that the use of a simple dichotomous question("Have you reduced social contact?") overestimates adherence to this preventive measure.
cord-273567-8fp3a9h8When asked"Have you reduced social contacts?", 86.9% of patients stated that they had reduced their contacts with relatives and friends and stayed at home more.
cord-273567-8fp3a9h8When asked"Have you reduced social contacts?,"86.9% of patients stated that they had reduced their contacts with relatives and friends and stayed at home more.
cord-281064-b69p44uqBut can MPV as an indicator has the same clinical value for COVID-19 patients with diabetes?
cord-281064-b69p44uqWhich lessons shall we learn from the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak?
cord-282361-gje78nb1How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect the preoperative evaluation and anesthesia applied for urinary stones?
cord-282504-m3npy0omWhen should treatment of AL amyloidosis start at relapse?
cord-282535-gnuhjs32Can we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-282660-9x937eusWhat we do when a COVID-19 patient needs an operation: operating room preparation and guidance Novel coronavirus and orthopaedic surgery: early experiences from Singapore Preparing to perform trauma and orthopaedic surgery on patients with COVID-19 Secular trend in the incidence of hip fracture in Catalonia, Spain Thirty- day mortality after hip fractures: has anything changed?
cord-281106-vzb5xzzaIs the recommendation to use highdose heparin for thromboprophylaxis justified?
cord-281106-vzb5xzzaPulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-280848-z0sbztkwAnosmia, hyposmia, and dysgeusia symptoms of coronavirus disease Practice patterns in office- based rhinology: survey of the American Rhinologic Society Current opinions in office- based rhinology Electronic consults in otolaryngology: a pilot study to evaluate the use, content, and outcomes in an academic health system Where does telemedicine fit into otolaryngology?
cord-280848-z0sbztkwDepartment of Health& amp Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet Malpractice in treatment of sinonasal disease by otolaryngologists: a review of the past 10 years Image- guidance in endoscopic sinus surgery: is it associated with decreased medicolegal liability?
cord-280848-z0sbztkwFurthermore, do different procedures harbor different risks to the Otolaryngologist and staff?
cord-282912-jegpgqqiWhat cardiac surgery should expect?
cord-265472-b1s4stvz5 case reports Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa in a child following hepatitis B vaccination Systemic polyarteritis nodosa following hepatitis B vaccination Kawasaki disease in an infant following immunisation with hepatitis B vaccine Yellow fever vaccination and Kawasaki disease Churg- strauss vasculitis with brain involvement following hepatitis B vaccination ANCA- associated vasculitis following influenza vaccination: causal association or mere coincidence?
cord-265472-b1s4stvz: does it induce autoimmunity and cutaneous sclerosis?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzA review on the association between inflammatory myopathies and vaccination Fibromyalgia and overlapping disorders: the unifying concept of central sensitivity syndromes Etiology of fibromyalgia: the possible role of infection and vaccination Infection and vaccination in chronic fatigue syndrome: myth or reality?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzBullous pemphigoid after herpes zoster vaccine administration: association or coincidence?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzCan immunisation trigger rheumatoid arthritis?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzDoes influenza vaccination induce bullous pemphigoid?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzThe immunobiology of aluminium adjuvants: how do they really work?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzThe mosaic of autoimmunity Infections and autoimmunity- friends or foes?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzThe pro- oxidant activity of aluminum Regulatory role of zinc during aluminium- induced altered carbohydrate metabolism in rat brain Aluminum and Alzheimer's disease: after a century of controversy, is there a plausible link?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzVaccine safety datalink team Efficacy and duration of immunity after yellow fever vaccination: systematic review on the need for a booster every 10 years Risk of yellow fever vaccine- associated viscerotropic disease among the elderly: a systematic review Bacillus calmette- guérin immunotherapy for genitourinary cancer Arthritis after BCG vaccine in a healthy woman Dermatomyositis after B.C.G. vaccination Aetiopathogenesis of Takayas's arteritis and BCG vaccination: the missing link?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzanti- TRIB2 autoantibody positive patient IgG causes hypothalamic orexin neuron loss and sleep attacks in mice Is narcolepsy a classical autoimmune disease?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzautoimmunity, effector T cell activation due to infection, or T cell independent, major histocompatibility complex class II induced neuronal loss?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzfollowing human papillomavirus vaccination HBV vaccine and dermatomyositis: is there an association?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzinterferon alpha-2b confer additional benefit in the adjuvant treatment of high- risk melanoma?
cord-265472-b1s4stvzvaccination- a case report Human papillomavirus( HPV) vaccine policy and evidence- based medicine: are they at odds?
cord-280996-anq680a1Can high- flow nasal cannula reduce the rate of endotracheal intubation in adult patients with acute respiratory failure compared with conventional oxygen therapy and noninvasive positive pressure ventilation?
cord-280996-anq680a1Using a human patient simulator programmed to different severities of lung injury in a negative pressure room with 20?
cord-280996-anq680a1Why did outbreaks of severe acute respiratory syndrome occur in some hospital wards but not in others?
cord-275110-safr9z37Based on the quality of the evidence to date, can a clinical practice guideline issue any recommendations on the use of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine alone or combination with other treatments?
cord-275110-safr9z37The urgency of the COVID-19 situation would also make it appropriate to be creative and move beyond the classical modalities and boundaries of academic research: what if a mobile app was made available by a respectable institution to allow randomizing any small number of consenting patients, collecting a small set of relevant covariates( age, sex, days since diagnosis, relevant comorbidities), by any doctor willing to participate in a chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine trial wherever the treatment is available for compassionate prescription( i.e. most of the world)?
cord-275110-safr9z37Therapeutic Trial Synopsis Suspected hydroxychloroquine- associated QT- interval prolongation in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus torsade de pointes and cardiorespiratory arrest induced by azithromycin in a patient with congenital long qt syndrome Azithromycin and the risk of cardiovascular death Azithromycin and risk of sudden cardiac death: guilty as charged or falsely accused?
cord-275110-safr9z37What if the dataset at 1000 patients, or every 1000 patients if needed, was made publicly available for highly skilled statisticians to propose their interpretation?
cord-275110-safr9z37What is new?
cord-275110-safr9z37What is new?
cord-275110-safr9z37Why extreme caution is urged in using chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, or any drug?
cord-275110-safr9z37if mortality in the two groups, masked as being treatment and control, was posted on a website every 100 patients reaching the outcome( recovered or dead) to transparently show if equipoise persists?
cord-282867-kbyxdeguHow should the rehabilitation community prepare for 2019-nCoV?
cord-283719-zmizyx7eShould Early Mobilization Be Routine in Mechanically Ventilated Patients?
cord-284188-ujdla954SWS and EJH drafted the manuscript, and all authors contributed substantially to its revision for important intellectual content Virtually Perfect?
cord-283826-lgyc3sroThe question becomes, when there is no deficit of antibody quality, is isolated hypogammaglobulinemia clinically a problem?
cord-279719-z0wuajpxCan the COVID-19 crisis strengthen our treatment escalation planning and resuscitation decision making?
cord-279719-z0wuajpxEs lo mismo retirar un tratamiento de soporte vital que no iniciarlo?
cord-279719-z0wuajpxGuía práctica para médicos y directivos de hospitales Ethical rationing of personal protective equipment to minimize moral residue during the COVID-19 pandemic Whose life to save?
cord-279719-z0wuajpxthe Italian perspective during the COVID-19 epidemic Is it wrong to prioritise younger patients with covid-19?
cord-284042-awl5bb0jFirst report from the Middle East Are chilblain- like acral skin lesions really indicative of COVID-19?
cord-283682-4fcyoyeavirus induced?
cord-281344-iswbgqqe: Can we connect them all?
cord-281344-iswbgqqe: a systematic review Never too old?
cord-276641-40r4mitgCan cancer surgeries be delayed or cancelled during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-276641-40r4mitgCan cancer surgeries be delayed or cancelled?
cord-276641-40r4mitgCan potentially immunocompromising treatments be delayed or altered the delivery?
cord-276641-40r4mitgIs there a role for'prioritising treatment'for cancer patients?
cord-276641-40r4mitgIs there a role for'telemedicine'at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-276641-40r4mitgkey: cord-276641- 40r4mitg authors: Elkhouly, Enas A; Salem, Radwa H; Haggag, Mahmoud title: Should cancer treatment be continued during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-282043-cs1oyohuInflammasome activation and IL-1beta and IL-18 processing during infection Infection, inflammation, and infarction: does acute endothelial dysfunction provide a link?
cord-282043-cs1oyohua meta- analysis of more than 20 000 patients Multifaceted effects of hydroxychloroquine in human disease Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-278332-fbksw3omDoes patient rurality predict quality colon cancer care?
cord-278332-fbksw3omInduction Therapy Lymph node retrieval during esophagectomy with and without neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy: prognostic and therpauetic impact on survival Should en bloc esophagectomy be the standard of care for esophageal carcinoma?
cord-278332-fbksw3omIs there an Association with Treatment Approach?
cord-278332-fbksw3omOverall, 60.8% of patients received neoadjuvant therapy( including 61.9% of patients with T3 or T4 disease and 60.2% of patients with N? disease on final pathology).
cord-278332-fbksw3omThe assessment of prognosis of surgically resected oesophageal cancer is dependent on the number of lymph nodes examined pathologically How many lymph nodes should be dissected in esophagectomy with or without neoadjuvant therapy to get accurate staging?
cord-278332-fbksw3omThe effect of hospital and surgeon volumes on multiple outcome measures in oesophago- gastric cancer surgery Is It Time to Centralize High- risk Cancer Care in the United States?
cord-282474-74273qgkThe upper pressure will be determined to achieve a tidal volume of 6 ml/ kg lean body mass, while the respiratory rate will be set to maintain an arterial BGA??
cord-282474-74273qgkThe upper pressure will be determined to achieve a tidal volume of 6 ml/ kg lean body mass, while the respiratory rate will be set to maintain an arterial BGA??
cord-284365-g46myqe7the R Foundation for Statistical Computing Are we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19?
cord-284251-brn5izwocausative or coincidental?
cord-277818-8w15dz20A risk to patients and health care workers Disease transmission by inefficiently sanitized anesthetizing apparatus Contamination, disinfection, and cross- colonization: are hospital surfaces reservoirs for nosocomial infection?
cord-277818-8w15dz20Anesthesia practice- a vector of infection?
cord-277818-8w15dz20Preventing the transmission of pathogenic microbes during anesthesia Infection control and anesthesia: lessons learned from the Toronto SARS outbreak Fecal patina in the anesthesia work area Intensive care unit environments and the fecal patina: a simple problem?
cord-277818-8w15dz20Reducing surgical site infections at a pediatric academic medical center Drug allergies in the surgical population Is there cross- reactivity between penicillins and cephalosporins?
cord-277818-8w15dz20do anesthesiologists practice proper infection control precautions?
cord-277818-8w15dz20the cost effectiveness of using varicella vaccine in healthcare workers Varicella vaccination for healthcare workers at a university hospital: an analysis of costs and benefits A survey of policies at children's hospitals regarding immunity of healthcare workers: are physicians protected?
cord-280944-uphs5gvlAnd finally, why has it not become a prevalent form of treatment considering its efficacy and appropriateness in the current climate?
cord-280944-uphs5gvlConsidering all of the benefits, it begs the following questions-why is it still unlicensed as a caries- arresting agent in the UK?
cord-280944-uphs5gvlWhere is the official guidance on its use?
cord-284387-cjziykrzEmergency medicine should play a fundamental role not only in the management but also in the rapid identification of and as an aid for surveillance and dissemination control of COVID-19. Human coronaviruses: what do they cause?
cord-285469-b61y9eziA Multinational Consensus Statement from the Fleischner Society Acute Stroke Care Is at Risk in the Era of COVID-19: Experience at a Comprehensive Stroke Center in Barcelona Has the aetiology of ischaemic stroke changed in the past decades?
cord-266255-898h9rl1A problematic interpretation by some is that the Given the astronomical financial losses faced by our health systems, will our careers face major hurdles in turn affecting our lives?
cord-266255-898h9rl1AF and fibrosis go hand- in- hand, but which is the proverbial"chicken"and which is the"egg"?
cord-266255-898h9rl1COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-266255-898h9rl1Could the liver stiffness assessment improve the management of patients with heart failure?
cord-266255-898h9rl1Hemodynamic and cardiac effects of an open lung strategy with recruitment maneuver analyzed using echocardiography Prognostic value of right ventricular longitudinal strain in patients with COVID-19 Abnormal right ventricularpulmonary artery coupling with exercise in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction Lack of a tricuspid regurgitation doppler signal and pulmonary hypertension by invasive measurement Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism with use of computed tomographic angiography Pulmonary embolism and coexisting deep vein thrombosis: a detrimental association?
cord-266255-898h9rl1How can the presence of AF be associated with strokes even at times when AF does not happen?
cord-266255-898h9rl1How can this make sense?
cord-266255-898h9rl1In the heart of stiffness: are natural heart vibrations reliable to assess myocardial stiffness, the new holy grail in echocardiography?
cord-266255-898h9rl1Is AF a consequence of fibrosis, is fibrosis the consequence of AF, or is the answer a combination of the 2?
cord-266255-898h9rl1Should NICE guidelines be universally accepted for the evaluation of stable coronary disease?
cord-266255-898h9rl1an imaging tool for assessing severe COVID International evidence- based recommendations for point- of- care lung ultrasound Assessment of lung aeration and recruitment by CT scan and ultrasound in acute respiratory distress syndrome patients Is there a role for lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-266255-898h9rl1anisotropy Ultrasound imaging of cardiac fiber orientation: what are we looking at?
cord-266255-898h9rl1expert recommendations Early T1 myocardial MRI mapping: value in detecting myocardial hyperemia in acute myocarditis Guidance and best practices for nuclear cardiology laboratories during the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) pandemic: an information statement from ASNC and SNMMI 2020 Management of acute myocardial infarction during the COVID-19 pandemic Virtually perfect?
cord-266255-898h9rl1not ischemia is associated with defibrillator shocks and sudden cardiac death in stable patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction Frequency and implications of ischemia prior to ventricular tachyarrhythmia in patients treated with a wearable cardioverter defibrillator following myocardial infarction CMR for sudden cardiac death risk stratification: are we there yet?
cord-266255-898h9rl1relationship to central haemodynamics and left ventricular mass Arterial stiffness estimation by shear wave elastography: validation in phantoms with mechanical testing Arterial Stiffness Assessment by Shear Wave Elastography and Ultrafast Pulse Wave Imaging: Comparison with Reference Techniques in Normotensives and Hypertensives Evaluation of materials used for vascular anastomoses using shear wave elastography Shear wave elastography imaging of carotid plaques: feasible, reproducible and of clinical potential Liver stiffness is directly influenced by central venous pressure ESC/ ERS guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension Diagnosis and management of noncardiac complications in adults with congenital heart disease: a scientific statement from the Fontan- associated liver disease Instantaneous pressurevolume relationships and their ratio in the excised, supported canine left ventricle Assessment of systolic and diastolic ventricular properties via pressure- volume analysis: a guide for clinical, translational, and basic researchers Doppler- derived myocardial systolic strain rate is a strong index of left ventricular contractility Myocardial strain: can we finally measure contractility?
cord-285472-cj5r3xt1Will complement inhibition be the new target in treating COVID-19 related systemic thrombosis?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxu( 2) How will public opinion change as institutions protect their financial interests over the wellbeing of their neighbors?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuAs certain areas in the country have the resources to resume elective surgery, how will they be remembered in a time when other, heavily affected parts of the country struggle with unmet needs for goods and services?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuAs the federal government makes decisions to re- open the economy, how will each state be remembered for their own autonomous decisions to do what is best for their citizens based on the data they have?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuAs this pandemic passes, will our woes not be counted by those that we have lost-a scar in our mortality, our roots, our identity?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuBut how will these tenuous months be remembered in history?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuBut who will enforce?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuHow does one quantify an emergency?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuHow long can you treat a patient's cancer with chemotherapy before their cancer becomes unresectable?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuHow long should we continue to delay care to ensure we are doing what is best for all of our patients?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuHow long will our patients wait at home until their elective surgeries become urgent?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuHow will patients be affected by increasing length of stay by several days for follow up studies to avoid returning to clinic, or by decreasing length of stay for patients who are sent home from the hospital with monitoring devices and telehealth to decrease exposure?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuWhat will come of loosened shelter- in- place orders as economies suffer?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuWill this patient survive one week, one month, one pandemic without undergoing surgery?
cord-269280-1zbxjmxuwe not exist purely for love, for family, for passion, for beauty?
cord-285897-ahysay2lChina A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-280060-gzby85u9Does the patient have a fever(> 38 8C) or history of fever in the previous 24 hours?
cord-280060-gzby85u9Has the patient lived or worked in basic rural conditions where Lassa, Ebola, or Marburg fever is endemic, i.e., West/ Central Africa or South America?
cord-280060-gzby85u9Has the patient received a tick bite and/or crushed a tick with their bare hands and/or travelled to a rural environment where contact with livestock or ticks is possible in a CCHF endemic area?
cord-280060-gzby85u9Has the patient travelled to any local area where a VHF outbreak has occurred?
cord-280060-gzby85u9come into contact with body fluids of/ handled clinical specimens( blood, urine, faeces, tissues, laboratory cultures) from a live or dead individual or animal known or strongly suspected to have VHF?
cord-277178-nbotxv35How is patient deterioration determined and flagged? 5.
cord-277178-nbotxv35What are the aims and designs of remote home monitoring models?
cord-277178-nbotxv35What are the benefits and limitations of implementing these models?
cord-277178-nbotxv35What are the expected outcomes of implementing remote home monitoring?.
cord-277178-nbotxv35What are the main stages involved in remote home monitoring for COVID- 19?
cord-277178-nbotxv35What are the patient populations considered appropriate for remote monitoring?
cord-277178-nbotxv35What is their impact on outcomes and costs?
cord-283215-dgysimh5Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Directorate Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: Does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-283215-dgysimh5what next?
cord-285757-fiqx4tllWhat's new with common colds?
cord-284910-vjcrhwqzAwareness of an Increased Prevalence Association of Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) With Myocardial Injury and Mortality Influenza and Cardiovascular Disease Is There a Causal Relationship?
cord-284163-3jmqzemfWhat is the rationale to use the Seraph ® 100 in COVID-19 patients?
cord-284163-3jmqzemfand rationale for extracorporeal therapies Detectable serum SARS- CoV-2 viral load( RNAaemia) is closely correlated with drastically elevated interleukin 6( IL-6) level in critically ill COVID-19 patients Interpreting the mechanisms of continuous renal replacement therapy in sepsis: the peak concentration hypothesis Early therapeutic plasma exchange in septic shock: a prospective open- label nonrandomized pilot study focusing on safety, hemodynamics, vascular barrier function, and biologic markers Effect of therapeutic plasma exchange on endothelial activation and coagulation- related parameters in septic shock Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in severe COVID-19 patients International registry on the use of the CytoSorb ® adsorber in ICU patients: study protocol and preliminary results Effect of targeted polymyxin B hemoperfusion on 28-day mortality in patients with septic shock and elevated endotoxin level: the EUPHRA- TES randomized clinical trial Heparin: an essential drug for modern medicine Heparin and heparan sulfate: analyzing structure and microheterogeneity Heparan sulfate: biosynthesis, structure, and function Heparan sulfate proteoglycans and viral attachment: true receptors or adaptation bias?
cord-285226-4ydvjmr3With increasing use of AI and robotics, will human beings still be involved in 674 patient care?
cord-285818-eh12lumaEpilepsia Open Similarity of Lateralized Rhythmic Delta Activity to Periodic Lateralized Epileptiform Discharges in Critically Ill Patients Acute Symptomatic Seizures in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: Is There an Association?
cord-283779-mudwcyplCompared to Standard of Care Treatment Favipiravir versus Arbidol for COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Covid-19: trials of four potential treatments to generate"robust data"of what works Covid-19: what treatments are being investigated?
cord-283779-mudwcyplHow will COVID-19 and global trends in physical inactivity and sedentary behavior affect one another?
cord-280070-c1bkhgazHost- microbial interactions in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Outcome of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis admitted to the ICU for respiratory failure[ see comment Pneumocystis jirovecii colonisation in patients with interstitial lung disease statement: update of the international multidisciplinary classification of the idiopathic interstitial pneumonias Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia: what is the optimal approach to management?
cord-280070-c1bkhgazIncreased incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in chronic interstitial lung disease Respiratory microbiome in IPF: cause, effect, or biomarker?
cord-280070-c1bkhgazMucin 5B promoter polymorphism is associated with susceptibility to interstitial lung diseases in Chinese males Acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a systematic review Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: multiple causes and multiple mechanisms?
cord-280070-c1bkhgazSarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis Sarcoidosis: in search of the cause Evidence for mycobacteria in sarcoidosis Etiology of sarcoidosis: does infection play a role?
cord-280070-c1bkhgaza meta- analysis High prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in biopsies from sarcoidosis patients from Catalonia Quantitative analysis of mycobacterial and propionibacterial DNA in lymph nodes of Japanese and European patients with sarcoidosis Is there any association between sarcoidosis and infectious agents?: a systematic review and meta- analysis Antibodies to Epstein- Barr virus and some other herpesviruses in patients with sarcoidosis, pulmonary tuberculosis and erythema nodosum Antibiotics as anti- inflammatory agents Oral antimycobacterial therapy in chronic cutaneous sarcoidosis: a randomized, single- masked, placebo- controlled study Effects of broad- spectrum antimycobacterial therapy on chronic pulmonary sarcoidosis
cord-284454-malfatniteam?What was it like for you as you cared for these patients?
cord-284454-malfatnithere anything else that you would like to add that would help me understand the challenges that you experienced as a result of caring for these patients?
cord-282730-pawasfh4Are telemedicine visits permissible if the surgeon and patient are physically located in different states?
cord-282730-pawasfh4What are the keys to a high- quality telemedicine interaction?
cord-282730-pawasfh4but the attending was present?
cord-286096-h275nnerTime trends in primary- care morbidity, hospitalization and mortality due to pneumonia Respiratory viruses in adults with community- acquired pneumonia Low prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae in adults with community- acquired pneumonia A casecontrol study of acute respiratory tract infection in general practice patients in The Netherlands Identification of respiratory viruses in adults: nasopharyngeal versus oropharyngeal sampling Viral pneumonia Aetiological role of viral and bacterial infections in acute adult lower respiratory tract infection( LRTI) in primary care BTS guidelines for the management of community acquired pneumonia in adults: update Is quantitative PCR for the pneumolysin( ply) gene useful for detection of pneumococcal lower respiratory tract infection?
cord-284995-8lyr3gs4A Consensus Paper Is the kidney a target of SARS- CoV-2?
cord-284995-8lyr3gs4What Is the Arrhythmic Substrate in Viral Myocarditis?
cord-284332-p4c1fnehALI/ ARDS The role of exogenous surfactant in the treatment of acute lung injury A mutation in the surfactant protein B gene responsible for fatal neonatal respiratory disease in multiple kindreds Target disruption of the surfactant protein B gene disrupts surfactant hemeostasis, causing respiratory failure in newborn mice Differential activity and lack of synergy of lung surfactant proteins SP B and SP C in interactions with phospholipids Surfactant inhibition by plasma proteins: differential sensitivity of various surfactant preparations Importance of hydrophobic apoproteins as constituents of clinical exogenous surfactants Is outcome from ARDS related to the severity of respiratory failure?
cord-284332-p4c1fnehInjurious mechanical ventilation and end- organ epithelial cell apoptosis and organ dysfunction in an experimental model of acute respiratory distress syndrome Does programmed cell death( apoptosis) play a role in the development of multiple organ dysfunction in critically ill patients?
cord-275440-fl4dsu7d( Cochrane review) Are amoxycillin and folate antagonists as effective as other antibiotics for acute sinusitis?
cord-275440-fl4dsu7dA meta- analytic attempt to resolve the brouhaha Role of surgery for otitis media in the era of resistant bacteria Antimicrobial treatment in acute maxillary sinusitis: a meta- analysis Are amoxycillin and folate inhibitors as effective as other antibiotics for acute sinusitis?
cord-275440-fl4dsu7dAre antibiotics indicated as initial treatment for children with acute otitis media?
cord-275440-fl4dsu7dDo antibiotics confer benefit?
cord-275440-fl4dsu7dHowever, in the lay mind the term is often interpreted as'this is a trivial infection; why did you bother to consult me?'.
cord-275440-fl4dsu7dIn general, if antibacterials are going to be prescribed, it is Sore throat or strep throat?
cord-275440-fl4dsu7dIs an antibacterial required?
cord-275440-fl4dsu7dThe end of antibiotic treatment in adults with sinusitis- like complaints in general practice?
cord-275440-fl4dsu7da new treatment strategy Diagnosis and antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media: report from International Primary Care Network Otitis media-principles of judicious use of antimicrobial agents Antimicrobials for acute otitis media?
cord-284983-xvtkso79COVID-19 infected patients exhibit increased clot waveform analysis parameters consistent with hypercoagulability Hematological findings and complications of COVID-19 Randomized controlled trials for comparison of laparoscopic versus conventional open catheter placement in peritoneal dialysis patients: a meta- analysis What is the appropriate use of laparoscopy over open procedures in the current COVID-19 climate?
cord-284983-xvtkso79Laparoscopy at all costs?
cord-285354-bp2dozzgA low cost, safe and effective method for smoke evacuation in laparoscopic surgery for suspected coronavirus patients Being a doctor will never be the same after the COVID-19 pandemic Laparoscopy at all costs?
cord-285354-bp2dozzgAs the father of asepsis Joseph Lister asked himself"if a man is not to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to him, what is he to do, or what is he good for?
cord-281887-b511bjdyHave you had close or home contact in the last 7 days with a laboratory- confirmed case for COVID-19?
cord-281887-b511bjdyHow to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-281887-b511bjdyPrehospital screening( telephone or other remote technology) shortness of breath, runny nose, headache, loss of smell or taste, body pain, chills or fever in the last 14 days?
cord-281887-b511bjdyprimeiro tratamento de paciente com neoplasia maligna comprovada e estabelece prazo para seu início Cancer patient management during the COVID-19 Pandemic COVID-19 global pandemic: options for management of gynecologic cancers Alternative management for gynecological cancer care during the COVID-2019 pandemic: a Latin American survey Which preventive measures might protect health care workers from SARS?
cord-286853-9gbel3pqbut how?
cord-278319-44bvju3gAre antibiotics effective treatment for acute bronchitis?
cord-278319-44bvju3gDoes this patient have community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-278319-44bvju3gHow close do we come to its aetiology in general practice?
cord-278319-44bvju3gSymptomatic effect of inhaled fenoterol in acute bronchitis: a placebo- controlled double- blind study Antibiotics and respiratory infections: are patients more satisfied when expectations are met?
cord-278319-44bvju3gThe relation between purulent manifestations and antibiotic treatment of upper respiratory tract infections Green sputum Adult bacterial nasopharyngitis: a clinical entity?
cord-278319-44bvju3gWhat symptomatic therapy should we offer patients seeking care for uncomplicated acute bronchitis?
cord-278319-44bvju3gWhat's in a name?
cord-287515-oe7adj91The effects of azithromycin on patients with diffuse panbronchiolitis: a retrospective study of 29 cases Should noninvasive ventilation be considered a high- risk procedure during an epidemic?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippAnd today?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippBradykinin- mediated angioedema?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippDoes variation in fetal production of kinin- inactivators or other factors underlie any variation in angioedema symptoms between pregnancies in the same individual, or between individuals in the same families, all with the same C1-INH mutation?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippFor example, are there hormonal factors in pregnancy, not operative during estrogen therapy, that increase kinin inactivation or other factors and reduce angioedema, despite an estrogeninduced lowering of C1-INH?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippHow, chemically, does one proceed from insufficient functional C1-INH to localized, full- blown angioedema?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippIs the fetus or placenta a source of kinin inactivation factors or other factors that mitigate the effects of estrogen- induced lowering of C1-INH?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippLupus erythematosus associated with C1 inhibitor deficiency C1 inhibitor deficiency in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis- increased risk of adverse effects of penicillamine?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippNeuroendocrine connection?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippWhat is different about the small percentage of patients taking ACE inhibitors who have angioedema?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippWhat regulatory pathways are involved?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippWhy should patients with ACE inhibitorinduced angioedema have this angioedema in bouts if bradykinin is constantly elevated?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippantihypertensive therapy Vasopeptidase inhibition: a double- edged sword?
cord-269776-hj1s3ippreplacement therapy with C1-INH and analysis of patients'C1-INH and anti- C1-INH autoantibodies Autoimmune C1-inhibitor deficiency Acquired angioedema with C1 inhibitor deficiency: is the distinction between type I and type II still relevant?
cord-026025-xqj877en: Are they resolvable?
cord-026025-xqj877en: Is there a link?
cord-026025-xqj877en: Is there an association?
cord-026025-xqj877en: Pathologic and histochemical study of mucosal biopsy specimens Pouchitis: Is it a wastebasket diagnosis?
cord-026025-xqj877en: Why does it only occur in parts of Europe?
cord-026025-xqj877enA clinicopathologic study of 33 cases of focal active colitis: Does it ever represent Crohn's disease?
cord-026025-xqj877enA clinicopathological confrontation of lymphocytic and collagenous colitis Drug- induced lymphocytic colitis Ranitidine, diarrhea, and lymphocytic colitis Focal lymphocytic colitis and collagenous colitis: Patterns of Crohn's colitis?
cord-026025-xqj877enA condition different from ulcerative proctitis?
cord-026025-xqj877enA nonspecific finding related to mucosal prolapse Histologic features of mycophenolate mofetil- related colitis: A graft- versus- host diseaselike pattern The Pathology of Bone Marrow Transplantation Gastrointestinal pathology in patients with common variable immunodeficiency and X- linked agammaglobulinemia Small intestinal lesion resembling graft- vs- host disease: A case report in immunodeficiency and review of the literature Graft- versus- host disease- like syndrome in malignant thymoma Enteropathy associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Ultrastructural features of epithelial degeneration in rectal crypts of patients with AIDS Collagenous colitis"with watery diarrhea: A new entity?
cord-026025-xqj877enA rational decision concerning management of a patient with an endoscopically removed malignant colorectal polyp( one containing invasive adenocarcinoma) requires weighing the chances of finding residual or metastatic cancer with a follow- up surgical excision( whom do I help?)
cord-026025-xqj877enAganglionosis and related disorders Does zonal aganglionosis really exist?
cord-026025-xqj877enAn indication for colectomy The fate of low- grade dysplasia in ulcerative colitis Observer study of the grading of dysplasia in ulcerative colitis: Comparison with clinical outcome Inter- observer variation between general and specialist pathologists when grading dysplasia in ulcerative colitis Colonoscopic surveillance for cancer in patients with chronic ulcerative colitis: Is it working?
cord-026025-xqj877enAre abnormalities present?
cord-026025-xqj877enAre colonic tubules straight?
cord-026025-xqj877enAre crypt abscesses present?
cord-026025-xqj877enAre inflammatory cells increased in the lamina propria or epithelium?
cord-026025-xqj877enAre we telling patients the truth about surveillance colonoscopy in ulcerative colitis?
cord-026025-xqj877enAre"solitary"rectal ulcer syndrome and"localized"colitis cystica profunda analogous syndromes caused by rectal prolapse?
cord-026025-xqj877enCan we stop looking?
cord-026025-xqj877enClinicopathologic study of 18 patients in comparison to collagenous colitis Collagenous colitis: Pathogenesis and management Short- and long- term follow- up of treatment for lymphocytic and collagenous colitis Systematic review: Microscopic colitis Collagenous colitis in the setting of nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs and antibiotics Lymphocytic colitis: A distinct clinical entity?
cord-026025-xqj877enCure by colonoscopy or colectomy?
cord-026025-xqj877enDo the colonic tubules reach the muscularis mucosae or are they short, branched, or budded?
cord-026025-xqj877enDoes the lesion represent a harmless sporadic adenoma or is it a dangerous DALM?
cord-026025-xqj877enHow closely are they related to inflammatory fibroid polyps?
cord-026025-xqj877enIf intracellular mucin is depleted, is this change focal or diffuse?
cord-026025-xqj877enIf present, are the changes diffuse or focal?
cord-026025-xqj877enIs intraepithelial mucin( the goblet cell population) preserved or depleted?
cord-026025-xqj877enIs the lamina propria obliterated by fibrous or fibromuscular tissue?
cord-026025-xqj877enIs the luminal border of the specimen straight or irregular?
cord-026025-xqj877enIs this increase diffuse or focal?
cord-026025-xqj877enMucosal pseudolipomatosis of the colon A case of colonic pseudolipomatosis: A rare complication of colonoscopy?
cord-026025-xqj877enPathology working group report Chronic mucosal changes of the colon in graft- versus- host disease Emerging concepts of proctosigmoiditis Observations on idiopathic proctitis Diagnosis and treatment of ulcerative proctitis Diverticular disease and chronic idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease: Associations and masquerades Crohn's disease of the colon and its distinction from diverticulitis Granulomatous inflammation in sigmoid diverticulitis: Two diseases or one?
cord-026025-xqj877enThe care of patients with colorectal polyps that contain invasive adenocarcinoma: Endoscopic polypectomy or colectomy?
cord-026025-xqj877enWhat does it mean?
cord-026025-xqj877enWhat kind of inflammatory cells are they?
cord-026025-xqj877enagainst the risk of surgical mortality and morbidity( whom do I hurt?).
cord-026025-xqj877engastrointestinal mucosal mast cells increased in patients with systemic mastocytosis?
cord-026025-xqj877enpredicts future development of dysplasia in ulcerative colitis Flow cytometric and histological progression to malignancy in Barrett's esophagus: Prospective endoscopic surveillance of a cohort Dysplasia in ulcerative colitis: Aneuploidy versus morphology Colonoscopic surveillance for cancer in patients with chronic ulcerative colitis: Is it working?
cord-287786-zfe0el8iCovid-19 Is the Renin- Angiotensin- Aldosterone System Good for the Kidney in Acute Settings?-FullText
cord-287497-93oiiqqiDo checkpoint inhibitors compromise the cancer patients'immunity and increase the vulnerability to COVID-19 infection?
cord-287648-nhsn4cruThe relation between quantitative right ventricular ejection fraction and in dices of tricuspid annular motion and myocardial performance index Myocardial function during low versus intermediate tidal volume ventilation in patients without acute respiratory distress dyndrome Respiratory and haemodynamic changes during decremental open lung positive end- expiratory pressure titration in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-286403-gdkwabcjIs It the Current Standard of Care?
cord-286403-gdkwabcjWhat testing should be performed during follow up?
cord-287895-63wy5ztbwhat next?
cord-281804-lhnw8jx5A randomized controlled trial Discharge instructions for emergency department patients: What should we provide?
cord-281804-lhnw8jx5But, while ED providers and staff are stretched so thin-both professionally and emotionally-is it practical to put another"ask"on our plates?
cord-281804-lhnw8jx5Can 40 seconds of compassion reduce patient anxiety?
cord-281804-lhnw8jx5What do we know about behavioral crises in dementia?
cord-287505-ihqzpdarWhy tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19?
cord-286525-0354438sThe role of IL-6 and other mediators in the cytokine storm associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19-Preliminary Report Is a"Cytokine Storm"Relevant to COVID-19? Efficacy of Tocilizumab in COVID-19: A Systematic review and Meta- Analysis Clinical microbiology and infection: the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Confounding by Indication in Clinical Research Association Between Administration of Systemic Corticosteroids and Mortality Among Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19: A Meta- analysis Methylprednisolone as Adjunctive Therapy for Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19( Metcovid):
cord-286525-0354438sado about nothing?
cord-288158-6gicgsj8A first case of meningitis/ encephalitis associated with SARS- Coronavirus-2 Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease Nervous system involvement after infection with COV- ID-19 and other coronaviruses COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-283517-7gd0f06mPersonal communication Pharmacists in the laboratory space: friends or foes?
cord-283517-7gd0f06mWe should all be looking around asking,"What are our expectations?"
cord-283517-7gd0f06mWill patients be willing to bear paying this increased cost for such a diagnostic test long term?
cord-283517-7gd0f06mand will they impact on treatment?
cord-287732-abzpfdcuAll rights reserved Influenza-- time to target the host?
cord-286843-8qh1pblcThe immunology of influenza virusassociated bacterial pneumonia Integrated clinical, pathologic, Virologic, and transcriptomic analysis of H5N1 influenza virus- induced viral pneumonia in the rhesus macaque Kinetics of coinfection with influenza a virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae Etiology of severe communityacquired pneumonia during the 2013 hajj- part of the MERS- CoV surveillance program Clinical and molecular characterization of rhinoviruses a, B, and C in adult patients with pneumonia Human rhinoviruses and severe respiratory infections: is it possible to identify at- risk patients early?
cord-286843-8qh1pblcThe past decade in bench research into pulmonary infectious diseases: what do clinicians need to know?
cord-281346-bjhdy8mgConsidering the patients'clinical symptoms, when should a 2019-nCoV case be labeled as suspected, probable or confirmed?
cord-281346-bjhdy8mgOne of the most widely used preventive measures is face masks, but can they stop the propagation?
cord-281346-bjhdy8mgThe next big threat to global health?
cord-281346-bjhdy8mgWhat advice can we give to travellers?
cord-281346-bjhdy8mgWho are most susceptible to the infection?
cord-288271-p074ffpt: Does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-286334-d9v5xtx7Is there within- season waning of influenza type/ subtype vaccine effectiveness with increasing time since vaccination?
cord-286334-d9v5xtx7What to do next to control the 2019-ncov epidemic?
cord-288040-uuqfvvmkAre hospitals near me ready for coronavirus?
cord-288580-onzzpkyeCan lung US help critical care clinicians in the early diagnosis of novel coronavirus( COVID-19) pneumonia?
cord-288697-9dywuhkcAre we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19?
cord-288558-rthnj6wdwhat are the clinical distinctions from secondary infection?
cord-288790-5uzgentyOur experience in Nepal Total knee arthroplasty rehabilitation protocol: What makes the difference?
cord-287376-wxldnlihCan surgery follow the dictates of the pandemic “ keep your distance ”?
cord-287376-wxldnlihCan surgery follow the dictates of the pandemic"keep your distance"?
cord-288575-srpc68t8Is regional anesthesia safe enough in suspected of confirmed COVID-19 patients?
cord-289046-frhpt8n9COVID-19 crisis lead to action?
cord-286638-bqxyb61pHypertension Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors can inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme COVID-19 and Diabetes: can DPP4 inhibition play a role?
cord-286638-bqxyb61pVirtually perfect?
cord-286638-bqxyb61pa retrospective propensity- matched cohort study Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-289457-06gwrpu0a hopeful treatment strategy for refractory dermatomyositis?
cord-285291-pep4opiqApproximately one in three US adults completes any type of advance directive for end- of- life care Allocating scarce life support in a public health emergency Who should receive life support during a public health emergency?
cord-285291-pep4opiqIntravascular complications of central venous catheterization by insertion site Does obesity preclude lumbar puncture with a standard spinal needle?
cord-285291-pep4opiqThe use of computed tomography to measure the skin to lumbar subarachnoid space distance in the general hospital population Using body mass index to predict needle length in fluoroscopy- guided lumbar punctures Aerosol delivery through adult high flow nasal cannula with heliox and oxygen Non- invasive ventilation or high- flow oxygen therapy: When to choose one over the other?
cord-285291-pep4opiqoxyMask ™ compared with the hudson RCI( ®) non- rebreather mask ™: Safety and performance comparison Epoprostenol delivered via high flow nasal cannula for ICU subjects with severe hypoxemia comorbid with pulmonary hypertension or right heart dysfunction Expert recommendations for tracheal intubation in critically ill patients with noval coronavirus disease 2019 Rocuronium versus succinylcholine for rapid sequence induction intubation Should intermittent mandatory ventilation be abolished?
cord-290006-63sa00juAn analysis of consecutive histopathologically confirmed 45 cases Viral pneumonia after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: High- resolution CT findings Initial CT manifestations of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in 45 non- HIV immunocompromised patients: Association with patient outcome?
cord-289574-engwi8h3Transplantation proceedings Cytopathology or immunopathology?
cord-288051-wp8v2mc5COVID-19 ’s Patients?
cord-288051-wp8v2mc5Why tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19?
cord-279056-mmcoqtb52 Infection SARS- CoV-2 infection presenting as a febrile rash Varicella- like exanthem associated with COVID-19 in an 8-year- old girl: A diagnostic clue?
cord-279056-mmcoqtb5: Is it time to limit treatment with immunosuppressants?
cord-279056-mmcoqtb5: Is it time to limit treatment with immunosuppressants?
cord-279056-mmcoqtb5: what do we know?
cord-279056-mmcoqtb5An Assessment of United States Dermatology Practices during the COVID-19 Outbreak Teledermatology: a useful tool to fight COVID-19 Cutaneous Side- Effects of the Potential Covid-19 Drugs Potential of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 causes fears of shortages among people with systemic lupus erythematosus Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a new contribution Urticarial eruption in COVID-19 infection Cutaneous lesions in a patient with COVID-19: are they related?
cord-279056-mmcoqtb5COVID-19 and psoriasis: should we fear for patients treated with biologics?
cord-279056-mmcoqtb5Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a first perspective Characterization of acute acro- ischemic lesions in non- hospitalized patients: a case series of 132 patients during the COVID-19 outbreak Clinical and Histopathological study of skin dermatoses in patients affected by COVID-19 infection in the Northern part of Italy Chilblain- like lesions during COVID-19 epidemic: a preliminary study on 63 patients Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a first perspective"by Recalcati S Varicella- like exanthem as a specific COVID-19-associated skin manifestation: multicenter case series of 22 patients Acral cutaneous lesions in the Time of COVID-19 A case of exacerbation of psoriasis after oseltamivir and hydroxychloroquine in a patient with COVID-19: Will cases of psoriasis increase after COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-279056-mmcoqtb5Pediatric dermatology Azithromycin induced bullous fixed drug eruption Adverse effects of antiretroviral treatment Dermatology patients'knowledge and concerns regarding their immunomodulatory medication during the COVID-19 pandemic Mass quarantine measures in the time of COVID-19 pandemic: psycho- social implications for chronic skin conditions and a call for qualitative studies Potential role of Janus kinase inhibitors in COVID-19 Should SARS- CoV-2 influence immunosuppressive therapy for autoimmune blistering diseases?
cord-289930-7xm6q68sDo corticosteroids reduce the mortality of influenza A( H1N1) infection?
cord-014996-p6q0f37c( G? M), succinate( S) or ascorbate/ TMPD( A/ T) were used as substrates to test the function of complex I, II and IV, respectively.
cord-014996-p6q0f37c( Na?
cord-014996-p6q0f37c** Mean ± SD mean ± standard deviation, min minimum, Max, maximum, PBW 50( men) or 45.5( female)?
cord-014996-p6q0f37c** p\ 0.01 Tables 1???
cord-014996-p6q0f37c** p\ 0.01 Tables 1???
cord-014996-p6q0f37c** p\ 0.01 Tables 1???
cord-014996-p6q0f37c-3.61 to?
cord-014996-p6q0f37c17 pts received 3- 5 ml/ kg( 250 ml) HHES( 7.2% NaCl?
cord-014996-p6q0f37c2.02 L, mean arithmetic error ± SD:?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cA brief history of procalcitonin Biomarkers of sepsis: is procalcitonin ready for prime time?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cA protective role of heterozygousity for the functionally relevant TNFRSF1B?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cA similar pattern was seen in the hepatic?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cAfter 4 h of ventilation, animals were sacrificed and cardiac function was measured ex vivo in a Langendorff setup and expressed as developed pressure and?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cAll files were reviewed to assess the diagnosis of early- onset pneumonia P(?), or not P(-) during the first 5 days of ICU stay.
cord-014996-p6q0f37cCan they be used as a diagnostic tool in conjunction with procalcitonin in order to direct antimicrobial therapy?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cCharacteristics of P(?)
cord-014996-p6q0f37cData of resistance( R rs), elastance( E rs) and total positive end expiratory pressure( PEEP tot) were obtained by fitting the equation Paw= R rs 9 V 0?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cDeveloped pressure( p\ 0.01) and?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cFour trials of one hour each were performed at a constant FiO 2 60% during( 1) spontaneous breathing( SB) via a Venturi mask,( 2) CPAP 1,( 3) CPAP?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cI am the Best Clinical Educator … are you!?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cIn the presence of sevoflurane mRNA level of the a 1-subunit mRNA of Na?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cLevels of TNFa were significantly reduced in the LPS?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cOur aim was to investigate the influence of 1 MAC(= 2.2 vol%) sevoflurane on mRNA and protein levels of ENaC and Na?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cOut the total population, 51.6% of patients, with a median( IQR) pre- operative CRS of 7( 5- 8) underwent a coronary- artery bypass grafting( CABG) surgery, whereas 20.7% of them, with a preoperative median( IQR) NYHA of 3( 2.25- 3) needed a valve replacement( VR) and 16.1% of them combined( CABG? VR) operations; moreover, 11.6% of patients underwent other type of cardiac and aortic surgery.
cord-014996-p6q0f37cP(?) was defined by the presence of a new pulmonary infiltrate on chest radiography, persistent for at least 48 h, associated with either positive quantitative culture of the endotracheal aspirates, either, in case of lack of bacteriological sample, conjunction of purulent sputum and hypoxemia( P/ F\ 200).
cord-014996-p6q0f37cPatients were deemed as having hypoactive delirium if they were DSM positive by the reference rater and had RASS-3 to 0, or having hyperactive delirium if their RASS was between? 1 and? 4.
cord-014996-p6q0f37cPatients were deemed as having hypoactive delirium if they were DSM positive by the reference rater and had RASS-3 to 0, or having hyperactive delirium if their RASS was between? 1 and? 4.
cord-014996-p6q0f37cPrevious studies have shown that halothane decreases Na?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cSecondary indices derived from the ICP waveform were analyzed by ICM? software.
cord-014996-p6q0f37cSeptic shock( SS) has been defined as sepsis related hypotension despite adequate fluid resuscitation?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cSequential Kaplan- Meier survival analysis of TNFRSF1B?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cSequential Kaplan- Meier survival analysis of TNFRSF1B?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cT lymphocytes were distinguished from the other lymphocyte subpopulation as cells labeled with anti- CD3 monoclonal antibody but negative for CD56 staining( CD3?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cThe fluid- induced changes in invasive(? 20 ± 36%) and non invasive(?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cThe fluid- induced changes in invasive(? 20 ± 36%) and non invasive(?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cV T/ C rs?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cWhat alters physicians'decisions to admit to the coronary care unit?
cord-014996-p6q0f37ca- subunit Na?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cand 2???
cord-014996-p6q0f37cand 2???
cord-014996-p6q0f37cand 2???
cord-014996-p6q0f37cand CD11c- CD123?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cand-1.26 ± 5.41 kg) and slightly better between BWC and AdjTFB( 0.714 and? 0.18 ± 3.68Kg).
cord-014996-p6q0f37cand-308, LTA?
cord-014996-p6q0f37cand-308, LTA?
cord-288181-9thl46oe9thl46oe nan Fungal Infection during COVID-19: Does Aspergillus Mean Secondary Invasive Aspergillosis?
cord-288181-9thl46oekey: cord-288181- 9thl46oe authors: Fekkar, Arnaud; Poignon, Corentin; Blaize, Marion; Lampros, Alexandre title: Fungal Infection during COVID-19: Does Aspergillus Mean Secondary Invasive Aspergillosis? date: 2020- 09- 15 journal:
cord-282780-34j7gquoCan applications designed to evaluate visual function Be used in different iPads?
cord-282780-34j7gquoDoes it Pay to Play?
cord-282780-34j7gquoEasy app versus Humphrey field analyser in glaucoma patients Can home monitoring allow earlier detection of rapid visual field progression in glaucoma?
cord-282780-34j7gquoHas the tablet perimetry arrived?
cord-282780-34j7gquoHow Is it Relevant to Neuro- Ophthalmology?
cord-287048-5od0ssykAre we able to provide care in multiple languages and at all levels of socioeconomic and educational diversity?
cord-287048-5od0ssykCan we pivot to back- up technologies, such as audio only, if smart devices are not available in the home or if the internet connection does not have enough bandwidth to support synchronous audio- video interactions?
cord-287048-5od0ssykOne must ask, for example, To whom are we offering this service?
cord-290401-t87i3exoWhat's new in skin antisepsis for short- term intravascular catheters: new data to address old problems?
cord-284298-tcied4l5Are We Facing a Crashing Wave of Neuropsychiatric Sequelae of COVID-19?
cord-284298-tcied4l5During the SARS- CoV-2 Pandemic?
cord-284298-tcied4l5Position Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic, Mental Health Issues| Indian Psychiatric Society Discourse and stigmatization of psychiatric disorder in Thailand Health anxiety, cyberchondria, and coping in the current COVID-19 pandemic: Which factors are related to coronavirus anxiety?
cord-284298-tcied4l5That Is The Question Developing a guidance resource for managing delirium in patients with Covid-19 The FDA Extended Warning for Intravenous Haloperidol and Torsades De Pointes: How Should Institutions Respond?
cord-284298-tcied4l5Yes or No?
cord-290065-ouua7wnqDuring the Coronavirus Disease Will Complement Inhibition be the New Target in Treating COVID-19 Related Systemic Thrombosis?
cord-290041-zxlq63n5A Systematic Review on What can be Deferrable vs Waiting time from initial urological consultation to nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma-- does it affect survival?
cord-290200-csmisulwCould irAEs predict longer survival, or is the higher incidence of irAEs simply the result of longer time on treatment?
cord-286574-t9z2ynt5Active surveillance based on MDR gram- negative pathogens?
cord-286574-t9z2ynt5Epidemiology and management of mucormycosis and invasive aspergillosis: are there lessons to be learned?
cord-286574-t9z2ynt5What is the proper volume of resuscitating fluid and how to monitor are also important issues we should have interest?
cord-286574-t9z2ynt5What to use in the clinical practice?
cord-287742-y1j9x5neA first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis Is there a role for tissue plasminogen activator as a novel treatment for refractory COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-287742-y1j9x5neAcute cerebral stroke with multiple infarctions and COVID-19 Macrothrombosis and stroke in patients with mild Covid-19 infection Acute ischemic stroke complicating common carotid artery thrombosis during a severe COVID-19 infection COVID-19 and intracerebral haemorrhage: causative or coincidental?
cord-287742-y1j9x5nea multicenter prospective cohort study New onset neurologic events in people with COVID-19 infection in three regions in China Characteristics of ischaemic stroke associated with COVID-19 COVID-19 presenting as stroke Coagulopathy and antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with Covid-19 Ischaemic stroke and SARS- CoV-2 infection: a causal or incidental association?
cord-282610-zim7nondArchaea are interactive components of complex microbiomes Measuring the archaeome: detection and quantification of archaea signatures in the human body Uncovering Earth's virome Bacteriophage transcytosis provides a mechanism to cross epithelial cell layers Does the microbiome and virome contribute to myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome?
cord-282610-zim7nondBacteria- tohuman protein networks reveal origins of endogenous DNA damage Extracellular vesicles and viruses: Are they close relatives?
cord-282610-zim7nondIMG/ VR: a database of cultured and uncultured DNA Viruses and retroviruses IMG/ VR Database Triples in Size Persistent elevated expression of cytokine transcripts in ganglia latently infected with herpes simplex virus in the absence of ganglionic replication or reactivation Function and functional redundancy in microbial systems Functional redundancy of soil microbiota-does more always mean better?
cord-282610-zim7nondStealth Pathogens Parallels between post- polio fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome: a common pathophysiology?
cord-282610-zim7nondThe Jarisch- Herxheimer reaction in syphilis: could molecular typing help to understand it better?
cord-282610-zim7nondThe human microbiome project Does blood of healthy subjects contain bacterial ribosomal DNA?
cord-285588-ug7upa3rMeta- analysis with meta- regression of randomized controlled trials Mobile health medication adherence and blood pressure control in renal transplant recipients: a proof- of- Concept randomized controlled trial Is telemedicine an answer to reducing 30-day readmission rates post- acute myocardial infarction?
cord-285588-ug7upa3rThe optimal diagnostic methods for COVID-19 Tele- oncology in the COVID-19 Era: the way forward?
cord-285588-ug7upa3rThe use of telemedicine in the management of vascular surgical referrals Telemedicine in vascular surgery: does it work?
cord-285588-ug7upa3rthe better effectiveness after transition- heart failure( BEAT- HF) randomized clinical trial Does self- monitoring reduce blood pressure?
cord-290712-flj352qlPrior COVID-19 Infection?
cord-281566-6v5zfue6( IL)-22 and IL-17 are coexpressed by Th17 cells and cooperatively enhance expression of antimicrobial peptides Border patrol: regulation of immunity, inflammation and tissue homeostasis at barrier surfaces by IL-22 IL-12 and IL-23: master regulators of innate and adaptive immunity Novel p19 protein engages IL-12p40 to form a cytokine, IL-23, with biological activities similar as well as distinct from IL-12 IL-22 in antifungal immunity Polymorphisms in the interleukin-22 receptor alpha-1 gene are associated with severe chronic rhinosinusitis Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps is associated with decreased expression of mucosal interleukin 22 receptor Evidence for distinct cytokine expression in allergic versus nonallergic chronic sinusitis A clinical and pathologic study of chronic sinusitis: the role of the eosinophil Assessment of inflammation in noninfectious chronic maxillary sinusitis Eosinophilia in chronic childhood sinusitis Features of airway remodeling and eosinophilic inflammation in chronic rhinosinusitis: is the histopathology similar to asthma?
cord-281566-6v5zfue6Could it be that the''proinflammatory''state of CRS relates to a lack of tolerance to seemingly innocuous''commensal''organisms?
cord-281566-6v5zfue6Different biofilms, different disease?
cord-281566-6v5zfue6In vitro biofilm formation in an 8-well chamber slide Prevalence of biofilm- forming bacteria in chronic rhinosinusitis Evidence of bacterial biofilms in human chronic sinusitis Demonstration of biofilm in human bacterial chronic rhinosinusitis Bacterial biofilms in surgical specimens of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis Bacterial biofilms on the sinus mucosa of human subjects with chronic rhinosinusitis Confocal scanning laser microscopy evidence of biofilms in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis Characterization of bacterial and fungal biofilms in chronic rhinosinusitis Biofilms correlate with TH1 inflammation in the sinonasal tissue of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis Damage to ciliated epithelium in chronic rhinosinusitis: what is the role of bacterial biofilms?
cord-281566-6v5zfue6Is the presence of biofilm of prognostic value?
cord-281566-6v5zfue6Is there an inappropriate or heightened response to colonizing''commensal''organisms in patients with CRS?
cord-281566-6v5zfue6exaggerated epithelial regulated upon activation, normal T- cell expressed and secreted/ CCL5 expression in chronic rhinosinusitis Is chronic rhinosinusitis caused by persistent respiratory virus infection?
cord-290326-umv0q4d7: What we know?
cord-290195-8uaai9nvWhat is the best drug to treat COVID-19?
cord-288009-8i3gsq9pPossible correlation of interleukin-6 receptor inhibitors with osteonecrosis of the jaws Evaluation of the effect of bosentan treatment on proinflammatory cytokine serum levels in patients affected by systemic sclerosis Pulmonary arterial hypertension related to HIV: is inflammation related to IL-6 the cornerstone?
cord-288009-8i3gsq9pWhy not consider an endothelin receptor antagonist against SARS- CoV-2?
cord-288009-8i3gsq9pWhy not consider an endothelin receptor antagonist against SARS‐CoV‐2?
cord-291016-c83fs5ihOutbreak on ST- segment- elevation myocardial infarction care in Hong Kong SARS- CoV2: should inhibitors of the renin- angiotensin system be withdrawn in patients with COVID-19?
cord-290832-zmj59rc3Front Immunol Management of malnutrition in older patients- current approaches, evidence and open questions Could nutritional and functional status serve as prognostic factors for COVID-19 in the elderly?
cord-291265-qmylxndpCoronavirus COVID-19 global cases by the American Academy of Ophthalmology website 2019-nCoV transmission through the ocular surface must not be ignored Can the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) affect the eyes?
cord-290611-fhaguv3f: evidence from a meta- analysis Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan Clinical and biochemical indexes from 2019-nCoV infected patients linked to viral loads and lung injury Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus- infected pneumonia in Clinical predictors of mortality due to COVID-19 based on an analysis of data of 150 patients from Wuhan, China COVID-19 and acute myocardial injury: the heart of the matter or an innocent bystander?
cord-289006-7dv1zsp9: can we stop at two?
cord-289006-7dv1zsp9A New Beginning?
cord-289006-7dv1zsp9PCR testing for COVID-19: where to swab?
cord-291176-evb6yt0r2020 Characteristics of COVID-19 patients dying in Italy Report based on available data on Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-287538-qbf5lv7dOccupational latex allergy: the current state of affairs Conversion to low- protein, powder- free surgical gloves: is it worth the cost?
cord-287538-qbf5lv7dcan its safety be predicted?
cord-287538-qbf5lv7dfood allergy due to immunological cross- reactions with common inhalant allergens Allergic contact dermatitis from natural rubber latex without immediate hypersensitivity Delayed hypersensitivity to natural rubber latex: does it exist or not?
cord-287538-qbf5lv7dwhy it remains a problem?
cord-287508-133inel2A Potential Vector of Infection?
cord-287508-133inel2The Effect of an Educational Intervention on the Contamination Rates of Stethoscopes and on the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding the Stethoscope Use of Healthcare Providers in a Tertiary Care Hospital* Can education influence stethoscope hygiene?
cord-287508-133inel2The stethoscope and healthcare- associated infection: A snake in the grass or innocent bystander?
cord-287508-133inel2The stethoscope: a potential source of nosocomial infection?
cord-289775-40bi87iz: when is it done and how do they fare?
cord-289775-40bi87izresults from a randomized study Anesthetic management of patients undergoing pulmonary vein isolation for treatment of atrial fibrillation using high- frequency jet ventilation Complications during catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: identification and prevention Assessment of catheter tip contact force resulting in cardiac perforation in swine atria using force sensing technology Ablation of atrial fibrillation using an irrigated- tip catheter: open or closed?
cord-284038-93s3ffoyA Potential New Neuropsychiatric Condition Triggered by Novel Coronavirus Infection and the Inflammatory Response?
cord-284038-93s3ffoyCOVID-19-White matter and globus pallidum lesions: Demyelination or small- vessel vasculitis?
cord-284038-93s3ffoyCOVID-19: What do we need to know about ICU delirium during the SARS- CoV-2 pandemic?
cord-284038-93s3ffoyThe New England journal of medicine Are we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19?
cord-284038-93s3ffoyUnderestimated Opportunistic Pathogens of the Central Nervous System?
cord-284038-93s3ffoymedRxiv Epidemiological, clinical characteristics of cases of SARS- CoV-2 infection with abnormal imaging findings Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-015021-pol2qm74( 3) Should future clinical trials be based on new classifications of illness such as MODS, SIRS, APACHE III, SAP II, MRM, etc., or should trials be dedicated to specific diseases-urinary tract infections, pneumonia, trauma patients, cardiac surgery and other specific problems, rather than generalized problems of sepsis, the sepsis syndrome and other classifications?
cord-015021-pol2qm743-Is the ACCP classification of sepsis useful at the bedside to select oatients?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Abnormally high skeletal muscle pO 2 in septic patients and its normalization during recovery: Evidence against tissue hypoxia but for impaired oxygen metabolism of skeletal muscle?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Administration of exogenous IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74And, finally, how can the participants be sure that the trial will be stopped at the right time, to ensure that no treatment is given to any patient that might be harmful?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Are all eligible patients being studied, and their results reported?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Are all the participants truly unbiased about the relative merits of the regimens being studied?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Before using the model for risk of death in septic patients, is it mandatory to validate it( by calibration, i.e. goodness of fit, and discrin'dnation, i.e., ROC curves) first on a data base using the same definition for sepsis as in the trial and secondly on the placebo group of the trial?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Can it achives a significant improvement in the septic course, organ dysfunction, and final outcome?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Conversely, administration of anti- IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Correlatively the RNI inhibitor MMLA induces in vitro a decrease in the rate of bacterial killing, fxom 78% to 57%, in macrophages triggered with IFN-?+ LPS.
cord-015021-pol2qm74How can organ dysfunction and/or failure be defined?
cord-015021-pol2qm74How should we decide which of them should be brought to clinical trial?
cord-015021-pol2qm74If there is agreement that thin is an appropriate antibiotic protocol, should it not be used in all seriously ill septic patients in the hospital?
cord-015021-pol2qm74In contrast, GF109203X significantly reduced ICAM-1 expression induced by Interferon- y( IFN-?)
cord-015021-pol2qm74In fact, the IFN-? and IL-1 induced adhesion of PBMC to cytokine treated HUVEC could be downregulated by the PKC- inhibitor, whereas TNFc~-and LPS- mediated adhesion was not influenced.
cord-015021-pol2qm74In other words, should we now begin to have clinical trials on specific diseases with causes that are known and can be attacked?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Is like being compared with like-are all the end points and the standards for measuring them clearly defined so that they can not be misunderstood?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Is there any role for antioxidative therapy in sepsis?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Is truly informed consent being sought that will satisfy not only the patient's right to choose what happens to him, but also the law of the land?
cord-015021-pol2qm74MIF secretion also was induced by TNFoc( 1 ng/ ml) and IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74MIF secretion is induced by LPS, TNFc~ and IFN?.
cord-015021-pol2qm74Macrophages of C57BL/10ScCr mice are incapable of producing interferon-~( IFN~) which we could show to be obligatory for the production of IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74On closer investigation the impaired IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74The IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74The absence of sensitization to LPS in Lps d C57BL/10ScCr mice was identified as being due to their inability to produce interferon-7( IFN?).
cord-015021-pol2qm74The clinical"take"rate o? cultured epithelial autografts( CEA) has been observed to Increase with transplantation to allodermls, but the reasons for the improved clinical performance have not yet been defined.
cord-015021-pol2qm74The inability to produce adequate amounts of IL-2, most likely attributable to alterations in the transmission of signals from the cell membrane to the nucleus, results in incomplete proliferative T- cell responses to antigenic stimuli, while a lack of?
cord-015021-pol2qm74There are reports of nentrophil dysfunction in inflammatory disorders of the skin( 2), Are there dysfunctions concerning the unspecific host defense in SIRS, as well?
cord-015021-pol2qm74This has not happened, however, and the question is"Why not"?
cord-015021-pol2qm74This might be due to a preexisting( genetic?) or more likely to an epiphenomenal receptor defect.
cord-015021-pol2qm74We have investigated the proinflaznmatory oytokine secretion patter~ by PMN in patients following major~hermal or tra~ matic injury and in volunteers fellowinq endotoxemia.?
cord-015021-pol2qm74What are the definitions?
cord-015021-pol2qm74What are the issues, then, in 1994, to be dealt with at this symposium and congress?
cord-015021-pol2qm74What are the mechanisms?
cord-015021-pol2qm74What is the aplpiieability of study results in typical clinical situations?
cord-015021-pol2qm74What is the availability of speciftc antibiotics at a participating hospital?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Will the patient's physicians agree to the protocol choice?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Will they be helpful in the study and esro of patients?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Will this contribute to better clinical trials, information basis and better research?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Will we benefit Oleo from a more precise classification and definition of a non- outjty, a hodgu- podge of human disorders which have charsmeristic.s and manifestations of tissue injury, inflammation and infactian?
cord-015021-pol2qm74and?-IFN and T- helper-2( Th2) acting principally in inducing antibody formation with a secretion of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 and TNF-[3 has still to be established within the context of major trauma.
cord-015021-pol2qm74anti- IFN-?( p<0.05).
cord-015021-pol2qm74or is it better to use a specific model for each trial?
cord-015021-pol2qm74~is s?.
cord-291388-tt9eq7e0multi- country outbreak updated 34 Harrison's principles of internal medicine Gram- negative bacteremia Severe acute respiratory syndrome- Taiwan Induction of postinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A( H5N1) virus: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-289973-1mczuxsyWhy tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID19?
cord-289973-1mczuxsya single center study of 100 patients in Tocilizumab improves significantly clinical outcomes of patients with moderate or severe COVID19 pneumonia Realworld evidence: what is it and what can it tell us?
cord-289719-64ugdvfePatients with proxy respondents or who had died were excluded What is already known about this topic?
cord-289719-64ugdvfeWhat are the implications for public health practice?
cord-289719-64ugdvfeWhat is added by this report?
cord-289115-bntcn0m62020 Patients of COVID-19 may benefit from sustained lopinavir- combined regimen and the increase of eosinophil may predict the outcome of COVID-19 progression COVID-19: risk for cytokine targeting in chronic inflammatory diseases?
cord-289115-bntcn0m6: What should we expect?
cord-289115-bntcn0m6: what do we know?
cord-290975-2kmvyovmA Follow- up Study Was SARS a mental health catastrophe?
cord-290975-2kmvyovmWhat about heart and mind in the covid-19 era?
cord-289553-gygvhzccCan NO be safely administered to a patient in their own home, potentially helping to unburden overwhelmed healthcare systems?
cord-289553-gygvhzccHow might iNO have benefited this patient?
cord-289553-gygvhzccWould we expect the benefit to be unique to iNO, or could other therapies that increase signaling along the NO axis also be helpful, such as NO donors, NO precursors, or phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors?
cord-286611-e1i1wemoAre they wearing their hearing aids?
cord-286611-e1i1wemoAsk if they note a bounding pulsation in the neck?
cord-286611-e1i1wemoDo they endorse any pain or limitation with motion?
cord-286611-e1i1wemoHow can clinicians obtain this and other similar information in a telehealth visit?
cord-286611-e1i1wemoVirtually Perfect?
cord-291340-8gj0ofmpAnn Intensive Care Low Albumin Levels Are Associated with Mortality Risk in Hospitalized Patients Hypoalbuminemia in acute illness: is there a rationale for intervention?
cord-291340-8gj0ofmpCan Probiotics and Diet Promote Beneficial Immune Modulation and Purine Control in Coronavirus Infection?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8COVID-19 Hyperinflammation: What about Neutrophils?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8COVID-19 pandemic and the skin: what should dermatologists know?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: An old drug against today's diseases?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8How far the lung surfactant system gets affected during severe symptoms?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8Lessons from atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome Complement- mediated endothelial cell damage in immune complex vasculitis of the skin: Ultrastructurallocalization of the membrane attack complex Mannose- Binding Lectin in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Highly pathogenic coronavirus N protein aggravates lung injury by MASP-2-mediated complement over- activation The complement system in COVID-19: friend and foe?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8On the adaptive immune aspects, what variations exist within population in terms of the proportion of neutralising antibodies?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8Possible involvement of infection with human coronavirus 229E, but not NL63, in Kawasaki disease SARS- CoV-2-related paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome, an epidemiological study Why does COVID-19 disproportionately affect older people?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8What are the genetic contributors to susceptibility and resistance to developing COVID-19?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8What happens during the period of latency, i.e. between being infected and showing symptoms?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8Where and What Is the Evidence?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8Why there are a huge population that are asymptomatic carriers?
cord-274802-7ioiwsd8observational cohort study Loss of smell and taste as symptoms of COVID-19: what does the evidence say?
cord-291697-wpnq9wc0a retrospective cohort study Minimally invasive surgery and the novel coronavirus outbreak: lessons learned in China and Italy Ann Surg DYPD genotyping to predict toxicity in patients with stage III colon cancer treated with 5-fluorouracil- based adjuvant chemotherapy in the PETACC-8 phase III trial Does delaying adjuvant chemotherapy after curative surgery for colorectal cancer impair survival?
cord-292620-t8ocqm6gAmong 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area Trends in length of stay and short- term outcomes among Medicare patients hospitalized for heart failure Rehospitalizations among patients in the Medicare fee- for- service program Do countries or hospitals with longer hospital stays for acute heart failure have lower readmission rates?:
cord-291855-wtwz94sy: what have we learned?
cord-290856-6de0mwg0COVID-19: what is next for public health?
cord-290856-6de0mwg0Is there a role for lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-289114-ifnk41oqAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-289114-ifnk41oqWill We Still Speak Ill of These Materials?
cord-289114-ifnk41oqa first- in- class broad- spectrum antiviral agent Antiviral research Sick sinus syndrome induced by interferon and ribavirin therapy in a patient with chronic hepatitis Comparative analyses of SAR- CoV-2 genomes from different geographical locations and other coronavirus family genomes reveals unique features potentially consequential to host- virus interaction and pathogenesis Effects of chloroquineon viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-290750-85731og8As priorities and resources increasingly shift towards the COVID-19 pandemic, will it be possible to maintain the high standard and quality of care for patients with IBD?
cord-290750-85731og8But what are the implications of COVID-19 for patients with inflammatory bowel disease( IBD)?
cord-286607-5i406twrCurrent recommendations for the pharmacologic therapy in Kawasaki syndrome and management of its cardiovascular complications Responsiveness to intravenous immunoglobulins and occurrence of coronary artery abnormalities in a single- center cohort of Italian patients with Kawasaki syndrome Critical overview of the risk scoring systems to predict non- responsiveness to intravenous immunoglobulin in Kawasaki syndrome Kawasaki disease incidence in children and adolescents: an observational study in primary care Epidemiologic features of Kawasaki disease in Japan: results of the 2009- 10 nationwide survey Kawasaki disease: what is the epidemiology telling us about the aetiology?
cord-286607-5i406twrHas the microbiota played a critical role in the evolution of the adaptive immune system?
cord-286607-5i406twrIs Kawasaki disease an infectious disorder?
cord-286607-5i406twrNL63 is not detected in the respiratory tracts of children with acute Kawasaki disease Lack of association between Kawasaki syndrome and infection with parvovirus B19, human herpes- virus 8, TT virus, GB virus C/ hepatitis G virus or Chlamydia pneumoniae Kawasaki disease with a concomitant primary Epstein- Barr virus infection Adenovirus type 2 isolated from a patient with fatal Kawasaki disease Isolation of human herpesvirus-6 from an infant with Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease associated with measles virus infection in a monozygotic twin Kawasaki disease associated with Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia and parainfluenza type 3 virus infection Concomitant dengue hemorrhagic fever with Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease coincident with influenza A H1N1/09 infection Kawasaki syndrome and concurrent Coxsackie- virus B3 infection Clinical and virologic characteristics may aid distinction of acute adenovirus disease from Kawasaki disease with incidental adenovirus detection Human adenovirus infection in Kawasaki disease: a confounding bystander?
cord-286607-5i406twrThe broad- ranging panorama of systemic autoinflammatory disorders with specific focus on acute painful symptoms and hematologic manifestations in children Kawasaki syndrome: an intriguing disease with numerous unsolved dilemmas Non- infectious makers of Kawasaki syndrome: tangible or elusive triggers?
cord-292394-91b3mm6cminimising risk to healthcare workers during aerosol producing respiratory therapy using an innovative constant flow canopy Use of non- invasive ventilation for patients with COVID-19: a cause for concern?
cord-285467-uxfk6k3c: What Does the Literature Say?
cord-285467-uxfk6k3cA Double- Edged Sword Do All Opioid Drugs Share the Same Immunomodulatory Properties?
cord-285467-uxfk6k3cContinuing Education in Anaesthesia Critical Care& Paracetamol: not as safe as we thought?
cord-285467-uxfk6k3cCytotoxic CD4 T Cells- Friend or Foe during Viral Infection?
cord-285467-uxfk6k3cHow do people with knee osteoarthritis use osteoarthritis pain medications and does this change over time?
cord-285467-uxfk6k3cinduces TNF- production and facilitates viral entry Up- regulation of IL-6 and TNF- α induced by SARS- coronavirus spike protein in murine macrophages via NF- κB pathway Imbalance of the renin- angiotensin system may contribute to inflammation and fibrosis in IBD: a novel therapeutic target?
cord-292335-al6v3b9xThe problem with cephalosporins Does antibiotic exposure increase the risk of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus( MRSA) isolation?
cord-291686-kgewmqg5Interventional Cardiology A nationwide survey of UK cardiac surgeons'view on clinical decision making during the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) pandemic Perioperative planning for cardiovascular operations in the COVID-19 pandemic Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia A risk assessment model for the identification of hospitalized medical patients at risk for venous thromboembolism: the Padua prediction score Coagulation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients with COVID-19 Prioritizing cardiovascular surgical care in COVID-19 pandemic: Shall we operate or defer?
cord-291686-kgewmqg5key: cord-291686-kgewmqg5 authors: Patel, Surendra; Kaushik, Atul; Sharma, Alok Kumar title: Prioritizing cardiovascular surgical care in COVID‐19 pandemic: Shall we operate or defer?
cord-292493-lx7zfgoiAn interactive web- based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time Characteristics of and important lessons from the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) outbreak in China: summary of a report of 72 314 cases from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Responses to COVID-19 Outbreaks on Cruise Ships- Worldwide Perioperative care provider's considerations in managing patients with the COVID-19 infections How to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-290836-jldfrec9Which are the main targets in older adults?
cord-290836-jldfrec9Whose life to save?
cord-293143-1k170shhLung infection by human bocavirus induces the release of profibrotic mediator cytokines in vivo and in vitro Human bocavirus: from common cold to cancer?
cord-293570-gh6ykmeaThe pathogenesis and treatment of the`cytokine storm'in COVID-19 Analysis of clinical features of 29 patients with 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia First case of COVID-19 complicated with fulminant myocarditis: a case report and insights COVID-19 in the heart and the lungs: could we"Notch"the inflammatory storm?
cord-293180-f1ulk9ceDoes it have a place in everyday practice?
cord-289612-4x5t4c5uCan you put a price on COVID-19 options?
cord-289612-4x5t4c5uNurs A conceptual model for the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan, China with individual reaction and governmental action Diagnosis of the Coronavirus disease( COVID-19): rRT- PCR or CT?
cord-289612-4x5t4c5unecessity or potentiality?
cord-293575-h3wc7j4v2 fit in?
cord-293522-gg706q8sAn important question will likely raise future controversy when evidence has accumulated: why did we not start the recommendation of hydroxychloroquine prescription earlier?
cord-287520-51kmd2dsReplace Computerized Tomography Urogram in Patients Investigated for Microscopic Hematuria?
cord-287520-51kmd2dsShould we always try systemic treatment first?
cord-287520-51kmd2dsWhat is the correct order to remove the surgical PPE?
cord-287520-51kmd2dsWhat is the role of cytoreductive nephrectomy in the current scenario?
cord-287520-51kmd2dsWhen should we go into isolation?
cord-287953-prn8cnvo-what is the evidence?
cord-287953-prn8cnvoAre hygiene standards useful in assessing infection risk?
cord-287953-prn8cnvoOne Man, Many South Korean Hospitals[ WWW Document Epidemiological Investigation on the 119th Confirmed MERS- CoV Case with the Indefinite Mode of Transmission in Pyeongtaek Outbreak Transmission characteristics of MERS and SARS in the healthcare setting: a comparative study A dynamic model of the systemic causes for patient treatment delays in emergency departments How do we assess hospital cleaning?
cord-287953-prn8cnvoThe diagnosis of healthcare policy problems in Korea Historical and changing epidemiology of healthcare- associated infections Evidence- based model for hand transmission during patient care and the role of improved practices Transmission of viruses via contact in a household setting: experiments using bacteriophage??
cord-287953-prn8cnvoThe diagnosis of healthcare policy problems in Korea Historical and changing epidemiology of healthcare- associated infections Evidence- based model for hand transmission during patient care and the role of improved practices Transmission of viruses via contact in a household setting: experiments using bacteriophage??
cord-291687-kwu0otpiThe coronavirus is infecting and killing black Americans at an alarmingly high rate At the heart of the matter: unmasking and addressing COVID-19's toll on diverse populations Is racism a fundamental cause of inequalities in health?
cord-291687-kwu0otpi[ Registry[ Full COVID-19 Registry Dashboard Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-294336-fqobpo47Clinical features of cytokine storm syndrome Laboratory features and pathology of the cytokine storm syndrome Cytokine production regulating Th1 and Th2 cytokines in hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndrome and immunosuppression COVID-19, cytokines and immunosuppression: what can we learn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-294349-ps3qlho2They are a large family of singlestranded RNA viruses(? ssRNA) that can be isolated from different animal species.
cord-293472-d3iwlpsrDoes this patient have influenza?
cord-294443-w6p3f5qcmethods of assessment and application to hypertension Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-284526-a5kgo4ctA case series of Guillain- Barré syndrome following Covid-19 infection in New York Guillain- Barré syndrome related to SARS- CoV-2 infection Guillain- Barre syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-284526-a5kgo4ctDemyelination or small- vessel vasculitis?
cord-284526-a5kgo4ctEndothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 Do viral infections mimic bacterial sepsis?
cord-284526-a5kgo4ctOsteonecrosis in patients after severe acute respiratory syndrome( SARS): possible role of anticardiolipin antibodies Lung pathology of fatal severe acute respiratory syndrome Analysis of deaths during the severe acute respiratory syndrome( SARS) epidemic in Singapore: challenges in determining a SARS diagnosis Complement as a target in COVID-19?
cord-284526-a5kgo4ctThe ACE2 expression in human heart indicates new potential mechanism of heart injury among patients infected with SARS- CoV-2 receptor recognition by the novel coronavirus from Wuhan: an analysis based on decade- long structural studies of SARS coronavirus Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection causes neuronal death in the absence of encephalitis in mice transgenic for human ACE2 Evidence of the COVID-19 virus targeting the CNS: tissue distribution, host- virus interaction, and proposed neurotropic mechanisms Does SARS- Cov-2 invade the brain?
cord-284526-a5kgo4ctThe first European observational series on neurologic features of COVID-19 patients admitted to intensive care units Are we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19?
cord-284526-a5kgo4ctTwo patients with acute meningoencephalitis concomitant to SARS- CoV-2 infection Generalized myoclonus in COVID-19 De novo status epilepticus in patients with COVID-19 New onset acute symptomatic seizure and risk factors in coronavirus disease 2019: a retrospective multicenter study Frequent convulsive seizures in an adult patient with COVID-19: a case report Miller fisher syndrome and polyneuritis cranialis in COVID-19 Guillain- Barre syndrome related to COVID-19 infection Fatal Guillain- Barre syndrome after infection with SARS- CoV-2 Guillain- Barre syndrome following COVID-19: new infection, old complication?
cord-284526-a5kgo4ctcausative or coincidental?
cord-295123-x2gxgaveAre corticosteroids salvage therapy for refractory acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-294139-78c5h7laA pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease Guillain Barre syndrome associated with COVID-19 infection: A case report Guillain- Barre syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-294933-oc2glu4aThe SARS MERS and novel coronavirus( COVID-19) epidemics, the newest and biggest global health threats: what lessons have we learned?
cord-289828-3k088z9n,"Luca said,"I want to see my friends,"and Michela said,"could I go back to school?"
cord-289828-3k088z9nArguments emerged about the end of the restrictive measures, for example, Erika said,"who knows when it ends?
cord-289828-3k088z9nFirst, we decided to adopt the old role play games( RPGs), such as memory, pictionary, fightlist, quiz, trivial, names things and cities, guess who?
cord-289828-3k088z9nIn this view, what could be better than the simple idea to activate a virtual room where our patients could stay together and safe?
cord-294907-i836d6imwhat lessons have we learned?
cord-293285-w8c3ma8lHow Do We Plan Hematopoietic Cell Transplant and Cellular Therapy With the Looming COVID-19 Threat?
cord-293285-w8c3ma8lSpotlight: COVID-19, induced activation of hemostais, and immune reactions: can an auto- immune reaction contribute to the delayed severe complications observed in some patients) 0.9% NaCl( Normal Saline)-Perhaps not so normal after all?
cord-291469-cohrewj5Are we ready for this?
cord-291469-cohrewj5Who will pay the consequences for this shift in human and physical resources?
cord-291469-cohrewj5key: cord-291469-cohrewj5 authors: Cortese, Bernardo title: How is the cardiovascular patient managed during Covid‐19 pandemic?
cord-293167-3bd3adipAssociated with SARS- CoV-2 Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-293167-3bd3adipGuillain- Barré syndrome following COVID-19: new infection, old complication?
cord-294064-vdpak3fmStrengthening the Reporting of Cohort Studies in Surgery COVID-19 Pandemic: How, When and Where?
cord-293730-dlqo6fepImperial College COVID-19 Response Team COVID-19 in Italy: impact of containment measures and prevalence estimates of infection in the general population Clinical features of infection in older adults Age- related differences in symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis of bacteremia Influence of age on symptoms at presentation in patients with community- acquired pneumonia Should clinical case definitions of influenza in hospitalized older adults include fever?
cord-293730-dlqo6fepbased on 4-week follow- up Risk factors associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 Pneumonia in Wuhan, China Characteristics and outcomes of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 and cardiac disease in Northern Italy Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Hypertension and COVID-19 Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-292474-dmgd99d6A sound transplant protection strategy Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: Does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-292474-dmgd99d6COVID-19: How can a department of general surgery survive in a pandemic What happened to surgical emergencies in the era of COVID-19 outbreak?
cord-292474-dmgd99d6what next?
cord-295332-wlnss6bgWhat have we learned about the use of cytosorb adsorption columns?
cord-295700-lzaxzuweKidney disease is associated with in- hospital death of patients with COVID-19 Cardiac complications in patients with community- acquired pneumonia: incidence, timing, risk factors, and association with short- term mortality Causes of death for patients with community- acquired pneumonia: results from the Pneumonia Patient Outcomes Research Team cohort study Risk factors associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients with coronavirus disease COVID-19, SARS and MERS: are they closely related?
cord-286683-mettlmhz: what decides the outcome?
cord-286683-mettlmhzCould enhanced influenza and pneumococcal vaccination programs help limit the potential damage from SARS- CoV-2 to fragile health systems of southern hemisphere countries this winter?
cord-286683-mettlmhzISUOG Interim Guidance on 2019 novel coronavirus infection during pregnancy and puerperium: information for healthcare professionals Pediatric Patients With 2019 Coronavirus Disease in China Characteristics of pediatric SARS- CoV-2 infection and potential evidence for persistent fecal viral shedding Angiotensin- converting enzyme 2 inhibits lung injury induced by respiratory syncytial virus Clinical and CT features in pediatric patients with COVID-19 infection: Different points from adults Are children less susceptible to COVID-19?
cord-286683-mettlmhzIf clinically indicated:"Is it?
cord-286683-mettlmhzReport of two cases& review of the literature Clinical characteristics and intrauterine vertical transmission potential of COVID-19 infection in nine pregnant women: a retrospective review of medical records Clinical manifestations and outcome of SARS- CoV-2 infection during pregnancy Coronavirus in pregnancy and delivery: rapid review Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) and Pregnancy: What obstetricians need to know Guidelines for pregnant women with suspected SARS- CoV-2 infection Analysis of the pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women with COVID-19 in Hubei Province Novel corona virus disease( COVID-19) in pregnancy: What clinical recommendations to follow?
cord-286683-mettlmhzThe convalescent sera option for containing COVID-19 Drugmaker Takeda Is Working on Coronavirus Drug Breadth of concomitant immune responses prior to patient recovery: a case report of non- severe COVID-19 A Tale of Two Viruses: Does Heterologous Flavivirus Immunity Enhance Zika Disease?
cord-286683-mettlmhzThe role of ultrasound lung artifacts in the diagnosis of respiratory diseases Is there a role for lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-294768-bs6thjw2Critical care and resuscitation: journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine SARS-2 Coronavirus- Associated Hemostatic Lung Abnormality in COVID-19: Is It Pulmonary Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism?
cord-296018-lgx5k2kpThe pathogenesis of human periodontitis: an introduction Oral hygiene and maintenance of periodontal support Oral hygiene related to long- term effects of periodontal therapy Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry Compliance with supportive periodontal therapy and its relation to the bleeding index Awareness of patients with periodontal disease under treatments at initial and maintenance phase What factors influence patient compliance with supportive periodontal therapy in a general practice setting?
cord-295800-w0dup04bA major outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong Case definitions for surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome( SARS) Induction of postinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A( H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-295371-ccqne6nuCan I refuse, and even consider litigation?
cord-291397-look6ddt: cord-291397-look6ddt authors: Roberto, Palumbo; Francesco, Londrino; Emanuela, Cordova; Giorgia, Gambardella; Pasquale, Niscola; Sara, Dominijanni title: Current treatment of COVID-19 in renal patients: hope or hype?
cord-291397-look6ddtCOVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-291397-look6ddtFact sheet for health care providers Emergency Use Authorization( EUA) of remdesivir( GS-5734 ™) Nucleosides for the treatment of respiratory RNA virus infections Mutagenesis in norovirus in response to Favipiravir treatment Laboratory findings, compassionate use of Favipiravir, and outcome in patients with Ebola virus disease, guinea, 2015-a retrospective observational study Drugs for influenza treatment: is there significant news?
cord-291397-look6ddtThe epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 Chest X- ray features of SARS- CoV-2 in the emergency department: a multicenter experience from northern Italian hospitals New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-289852-4uxb70rhA new approach in stem cell research- exosomes: their mechanism of action via cellular pathways CoviD-19: a conundrum to decipher Thromboembolic findings in COVID-19 autopsies: pulmonary thrombosis or embolism?
cord-289852-4uxb70rhAnn Human mesenchymal stromal cells decrease the severity of acute lung injury induced by E. coli in the rat Extracellular vesicles: biology and emerging therapeutic opportunities Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells: the new gold standard for mesenchymal stem cell based therapies?
cord-289852-4uxb70rhMesenchymal stromal cell infusion modulates systemic immunological responses in stable COPD patients: a phase I pilot study Expanded umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells( UC- MSCs) as a therapeutic strategy in managing critically ILL COVID-19 patients: the case for compassionate use Mesenchymal stem/ stromal cell secretome for lung regeneration: the long way through"pharmaceuticalization"for the best formulation Human Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cells show unique gene expression compared with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells using single- cell RNA- sequencing Immunoinformatics- aided identification of T cell and B cell epitopes in the surface glycoprotein of 2019-nCoV Secretome of mesenchymal stromal cells prevents myofibroblasts differentiation by transferring fibrosis- associated microRNAs within extracellular vesicles Remdesivir for the treatment of covid-19-preliminary report Extracellular vesicles, exosomes and shedding vesicles in regenerative medicine-a new paradigm for tissue repair International society for extracellular vesicles and international society for cell and gene therapy statement on extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stromal cells and other cells: considerations for potential therapeutic agents to suppress coronavirus disease-19 Pathogenic role of HMGB1 in SARS?
cord-289852-4uxb70rhdoes ACE2 receptor matter?
cord-295794-glcg36siBut what happens when the initial critical phase of the COVID-19 outbreak has passed?
cord-296219-zzg9hds0The role of lung function in brain tissue oxygenation following traumatic brain injury Brain tissue oxygen response in severe traumatic brain injury Hypoxaemia related to COVID-19: vascular and perfusion abnormalities on dual- energy CT COVID-19 patients with respiratory failure: what can we learn from aviation medicine?
cord-294079-px9c20il: what is it and who does it involve?
cord-294079-px9c20il: what is the'adequate'dose for acute kidney injury?
cord-293740-4c3yemi3COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatment for different phenotypes?
cord-293740-4c3yemi3Early paralytic agents for ARDS?
cord-293086-6282sb6bAnother thought experiment cropping up is the trolley problem: should one pull the lever to divert the trolley so that it kills one rather than five?
cord-293086-6282sb6bAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-293086-6282sb6bWho gets the ventilator?
cord-288255-p8uzrsbd( COVID-19) Infection in Wuhan, China Systematic review or meta- analysis?
cord-288255-p8uzrsbdCOVID-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-288255-p8uzrsbdCan angiotensin receptor- blocking drugs perhaps be harmful in the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-288255-p8uzrsbdCirculation Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-288255-p8uzrsbdLinking Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease across the Life- Course?
cord-288255-p8uzrsbdThe immunology of COVID-19: is immune modulation an option for treatment?
cord-296440-18vpg419enquête Do chronic respiratory diseases or their treatment affect the risk of SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-291624-fod0eyujAs a potential treatment of COVID-19: Montelukast Recent advances in our understanding of mast cell activationor should it be mast cell mediator disorders?
cord-291624-fod0eyujPathophysiologic and therapeutic considerations Kounis syndrome: an update on epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapeutic management Mast cell activation disorders presenting with cerebral vasospasm- related symptoms: a"Kounis- like"syndrome?
cord-291624-fod0eyujThe mystery of the pandemic's'happy hypoxia Implications for forensic death investigations from rst Swiss post- mortem CT in a case of non- hospital treatment with COVID-19 Sudden and Complete Olfactory Loss Function as a Possible Symptom of COVID-19 The Early Natural History of SARS- CoV-2 Infection: Clinical Observations From an Urban, Ambulatory COVID-19 Clinic COVID-19 pneumonia: ARDS or not?
cord-291624-fod0eyuja review of the vascular barrier Therapeutic strategies targeting the endothelial glycocalyx: acute de cits, but great potential Increased levels of glycosaminoglycans during septic shock: relation to mortality and the antibacterial actions of plasma Thromboin ammation: challenges of therapeutically targeting coagulation and other host defense mechanisms Is Neuronal Histamine Signaling Involved in Cancer Cachexia?
cord-297138-t8b3914hDuration of symptoms was assessed as the number of days from enrollment, before the participant reported"Not sick"to the question"How sick do you feel today?"
cord-297093-ld89vmctClinical and translational science Pharmacokinetics of anakinra in subjects with different levels of renal function Is the HScore useful in COVID-19?
cord-287901-56goaqir: comparing MRgFUS( MR- guided focused ultrasound) versus UAE( uterine artery embolization) for uterine fibroids Is this the end for EVAR?
cord-287901-56goaqirNew technology failures: who to blame or time to be cautious?
cord-287901-56goaqirThe cost of cures: what does zolgensma teach us about the use of cost- effectiveness assessments?
cord-287901-56goaqiran integrated approach Medical care costs: how much welfare loss?
cord-287901-56goaqiris imaging surveillance robust, and does it influence long- term mortality?
cord-287901-56goaqirmedical technology and health expenditures in OECD countries Is there a Sisyphus Syndrome in health care?
cord-287901-56goaqiryield better results than traditional clinical education?
cord-296773-5o4hr6irSaving the frontline health workforce amidst the COVID-19 crisis: Challenges and recommendations Oncology nursing during a pandemic: critical reflections in the context of COVID-19 COVID-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-298067-awo3smgpmedRxiv A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China Evaluation of coronavirus in tears and conjunctival secretions of patients with SARS- CoV-2 infection Enteric involvement of coronaviruses: is faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-298325-2gm4fnqiCOVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-295523-5pv7kw6iStill's disease and catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome triggered by fulminant Chikungunya infection: A case report of two patients Serum ferritin is derived primarily from macrophages through a nonclassical secretory pathway Regulation of ferritin genes and protein Hyperferritinemia in the critically ill child with secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis/ sepsis/ multiple organ dysfunction syndrome/ macrophage activation syndrome: What is the treatment?
cord-295523-5pv7kw6iThe association between systemic glucocorticoid therapy and the risk of infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Systematic review and meta- analyses Long- term anti- TNF therapy and the risk of serious infections in a cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Comparison of adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab in the GISEA registry Long- term safety of abatacept in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Adverse effects of biologics: A network meta- analysis and Cochrane overview Influenza vaccination in systemic lupus erythematosus: Safe and protective?
cord-297836-y9vt6wvu: what is patient safety?
cord-296562-3h2oqb9k: A nationwide analysis Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-296562-3h2oqb9kWhy tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19? Pathogenic T cells and inflammatory monocytes incite inflammatory storm in severe COVID-19 patients
cord-294959-xy8976jzHow is it possible that a small episode of self care when the disease is not yet full- blown might become the David who kills the giant Goliath?
cord-294959-xy8976jzWhen is the"not yet"?
cord-294959-xy8976jzWho is the"superior craftsman"?
cord-292387-2xv3wgaqAfter the COVID-19 Crisis: Novel Resources to Sustain/ Improve Psychosis Outcome?
cord-292387-2xv3wgaqBrief psychotic disorder triggered by fear of coronavirus?
cord-292387-2xv3wgaqPerspectives from SARS to Ebola Elderly suicide and the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic in populations with serious mental illness Mental health services in Italy during the COVID-19 outbreak What causes psychosis?
cord-292387-2xv3wgaqthe need for prevention and early intervention Is there a case for quarantine?
cord-299024-jkqdzt87Mangner, Norman; Sveric, Krunoslav; Gerber, Johannes C.; Svitil, Jan; Linke, Axel; Jellinghaus, Stefanie title: Paraneoplastic syndrome and SARS- CoV-2 – incremental effect of two thrombogenic conditions?
cord-298894-t5hyfum3Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-296607-h2zwlyz7Reperfusion of STEMI in the COVID-19 era-business as usual?
cord-296607-h2zwlyz7phase 3b study on behalf of the COVID-19& AMI committee of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, recommendations from the Peking Union Medical College Hospital for the management of acute myocardial infarction during the COVID-19 outbreak Treatments, trends, and outcomes of acute myocardial infarction and percutaneous coronary intervention Percutaneous coronary intervention versus fibrinolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction: is timing( almost) everything?
cord-298403-ilpzj2svpneumonia: ARDS or not?
cord-293852-r72c6584Could interferon- gamma be a therapeutic target for treating heart failure?
cord-293852-r72c6584Fatal Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is Associated with Multiorgan Involvement by Coronavirus Quantitative temporal- spatial distribution of severe acute respiratory syndromeassociated coronavirus( SARS- CoV) in post- mortem tissues SARS- coronavirus modulation of myocardial ACE2 expression and inflammation in patients with SARS Preventing a Covid-19 Pandemic SARS- CoV2: should Inhibitors of the Renin- Angiotensin System be Withdrawn in Patients with COVID-19?
cord-293852-r72c6584Noncoding RNAs regulating inflammation and the cardiovascular system: are they playing a role in COVID-19?
cord-293852-r72c6584over Ready to submit your research?
cord-292350-cmrtg91aA Report of Thromboelastography Findings and other Parameters of Hemostasis Spontaneous echo contrast in venous ultrasound of severe COVID-19 patients COVID-19 and Thrombotic or Thromboembolic Disease: Implications for Prevention, Antithrombotic Therapy, and Follow- up Type and dose of heparin in COVID-19 The old but new: Can unfractioned heparin and low molecular weight heparins inhibit proteolytic activation and cellular internalization of SARS- CoV2 by inhibition of host cell proteases?
cord-292350-cmrtg91aReport of 3 autopsies from Houston, Texas, and review of autopsy findings from other United States cities Catheter- directed thrombolysis in COVID-19 pneumonia with acute PE: Thinking beyond the guidelines Occurrence of pulmonary embolism in a patient with mild clinical expression of COVID-19 Acute Cerebral Stroke with Multiple Infarctions and COVID-19 Placental Pathology in Covid-19 Positive Mothers: Preliminary Findings Concomitant brain arterial and venous thrombosis in a COVID-19 patient Is there a correlation between inflammatory markers and coagulation parameters in women with advanced ovarian endometriosis?
cord-292350-cmrtg91aTwo Complications of COVID-19 Pneumonia?
cord-292350-cmrtg91aan updated perspective of the European experience Delivering extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for patients with COVID-19: what, who, when and how?
cord-299222-vmofcrimCOVID-19 and its implications for thrombosis and anticoagulation Anticoagulant treatment is associated with decreased mortality in severe coronavirus disease 2019 patients with coagulopathy Emicizumab, a bispecific antibody recognizing coagulation factors IX and X: how does it actually compare to factor VIII?
cord-299449-226dd23uGlioblastoma Multiforme Are three weeks hypofractionated radiation therapy( HFRT) comparable to six weeks for newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients?
cord-296182-hhswage4All these four webinars were organized by Dr Responding to COVID-19-A once- in- acentury pandemic?
cord-296182-hhswage4Can breathing circuit filters help prevent the spread of influenza A( H1N1) virus from intubated patients?
cord-296182-hhswage4Infection and perspectives of healthcare workers Should noninvasive ventilation be considered a high- risk procedure during an epidemic?
cord-292315-7vwybku8Are South Korea's Alerts Too Revealing?
cord-292315-7vwybku8Available online at Using thematic analysis in psychology Localness of location- based knowledge sharing: a study of naver KiN?
cord-292315-7vwybku8How Coronavirus Is Eroding Privacy South Korea is reporting intimate details of COVID-19 cases: has it helped?
cord-292315-7vwybku8The metric model for personal information disclosure Available online at: https:// Mobile phone data and COVID-19: missing an opportunity?
cord-294557-4h0sybiyCOVID-19 pneumonia in asymptomatic trauma patients; report of 8 cases Incidental findings suggestive of COVID-19 in asymptomatic patients undergoing Nuclear Medicine procedures in a high prevalence region Point- of- Care Lung Ultrasound findings in novel coronavirus disease-19 pnemoniae: a case report and potential applications during COVID-19 outbreak Point of care and intensive care lung ultrasound: a reference guide for practitioners during COVID-19 Is there a role for lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-294557-4h0sybiyCan lung US help critical care clinicians in the early diagnosis of novel coronavirus( COVID-19) pneumonia?
cord-294557-4h0sybiyRole of thoracic ultrasound in diagnosis of pulmonary and pleural diseases in critically ill patients CT on the Diamond Princess: what might this tell us about sensitivity for COVID-19?
cord-294527-fct2y5vnCOVID-19 psychosis: a potential new neuropsychiatric condition triggered by novel coronavirus infection and the inflammatory response?
cord-294527-fct2y5vnThe spectrum of antecedent infections in Guillain- Barré syndrome: a case- control study Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with Zika virus infection Neurological complications during treatment of middle east respiratory syndrome Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-294527-fct2y5vnbased case- control study Anosmia and dysgeusia in the absence of other respiratory diseases: should COVID-19 infection be considered?
cord-294527-fct2y5vnduring the acute treatment phase: a series of 10 cases Factors associated with psychosis among patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome: a case- control study Psychiatric and neuropsychiatric presentations associated with severe coronavirus infections: a systematic review and meta- analysis with comparison to the COVID-19 pandemic Cytokines, oxidative stress and cellular markers of inflammation in schizophrenia Are we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19?
cord-299679-6z9e5gi6COVID-19 pneumonia different respiratory treatment for different phenotypes?
cord-300608-eju7wnb9medRxiv Identifying medical diagnoses and treatable diseases by image- based deep learning Outbreak of novel coronavirus( COVID-19): What is the role of radiologists?
cord-300559-vuuxthx2Impaired albumin function: a novel potential indicator for liver function damage?
cord-301281-yur5hs2hRemdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19-preliminary report Complement as a target in COVID-19?
cord-299082-s8bm40vyAn example of reversible electrical storm Incessant monomorphic ventricular tachycardia during febrile illness in a patient with Brugada syndrome: fatal electrical storm Fhf2 gene deletion causes temperature- sensitive cardiac conduction failure Fever increases the risk for cardiac arrest in the Brugada syndrome Hyperthermia influences the effects of sodium channel blocking drugs in human- induced pluripotent stem cell- derived cardiomyocytes Controversies of renin- angiotensin system inhibition during the COVID-19 pandemic Antihypertensive treatment with ACEI/ ARB of patients with COVID-19 complicated by hypertension Angiotensin II and angiotensin 1- 7: which is their role in atrial fibrillation?
cord-299082-s8bm40vyCOVID-19: risk for cytokine targeting in chronic inflammatory diseases?
cord-298967-vjyh1xvhChina Barriers and facilitators to healthcare workers'adherence with infection prevention and control( IPC) guidelines for respiratory infectious diseases: a rapid qualitative evidence synthesis What are we doing in the dermatology outpatient department amidst the raging of the 2019 novel coronavirus?
cord-298967-vjyh1xvhHow do we leave lockdown?
cord-296676-2anl2aglBut, how would a respiratory virus, like SARS- CoV-2, get access to the central nervous system( CNS)?
cord-296676-2anl2aglComplicated by acute pulmonary embolism Cerebral venous thrombosis associated with COVID-19 Atypical deep cerebral vein thrombosis with hemorrhagic venous infarction in a COVID-19-positive patient First case of Covid-19 presented with cerebral venous thrombosis: a rare and dreaded case Cerebral venous thrombosis: atypical presentation of COVID-19 in the young Cerebral venous thrombosis associated with COVID-19 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-296676-2anl2aglHow does one explain this apparent association between AIS and COVID-19?
cord-289008-c4cu3vrp: what is the link?
cord-289008-c4cu3vrpDoes surgical delay for radical prostatectomy affect biochemical recurrence?
cord-289008-c4cu3vrpDoes the delay from prostate biopsy to radical prostatectomy influence the risk of biochemical recurrence?
cord-289008-c4cu3vrpEvaluating the effect of time from prostate cancer diagnosis to radical prostatectomy on cancer control: can surgery be postponed safely?
cord-289008-c4cu3vrpIs observation a valid strategy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma?
cord-289008-c4cu3vrpPrognostic factors and risk groups in T1G3 non- muscleinvasive bladder cancer patients initially treated with bacillus Calmette- Guerin: results of a retrospective multicenter study of 2451 patients What is the prognostic and clinical importance of urothelial and nonurothelial histological variants of bladder cancer in predicting oncological outcomes in patients with muscle- invasive and metastatic bladder cancer?
cord-289008-c4cu3vrpThe effect of time from biopsy to radical prostatectomy on adverse pathologic outcomes Is time from diagnosis to radical prostatectomy associated with oncological outcomes?
cord-289008-c4cu3vrpWaiting time from initial urological consultation to nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma- does it affect survival?
cord-295144-tyyc81ucA cross- sectional study on 916 atients Are patients with systemic lupus erythematosus at increased risk for COVID-19?
cord-295144-tyyc81ucCOVID-19 patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis on biologic immunosuppressant therapy versus apremilast in North Spain COVID-19 with rheumatic diseases: a report of 5 cases Incidence of COVID-19 in patients with rheumatic diseases treated with targeted immunosuppressive drugs: what can we learn from observational data?
cord-295144-tyyc81uca multicenter prospective cohort study Prevalence, specificity, and clinical association of anti- phospholipid antibodies in COVID-19 patients: are the antibodies really guilty?
cord-295144-tyyc81ucthe risk of a complicated course of CTD/ vasculitis patients heightened?
cord-300356-oorac5heA meta- analysis Global and local epidemiology of community- acquired pneumonia: the experience of the CAPNETZ network Pneumonia: still the old man's friend?
cord-300356-oorac5heDoes this patient have community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-301521-mpm43agaWhat is Telepsychiatry?
cord-301590-70qmpccsShould viral RNA detection by RT- PCR testing be asked for all asymptomatic patients undergoing topical anesthetic procedures, such as phacoemulsification or intra- vitreal injections?
cord-297001-4g3wb8qiCovid-19 Will complement inhibition be the new target in treating CO- VID-19 related systemic thrombosis?
cord-297001-4g3wb8qiFar? date: 2020- 05- 12 journal:
cord-297001-4g3wb8qia descriptive study Risk factors associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia in Wuhan, China Prevalence of venous thromboembolism in patients with severe novel coronavirus pneumonia Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia The Task Force for the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism of the European Society of Cardiology( ESC) Acute management of pulmonary embolism Thrombosis: a major contributor to global disease burden Incidence of thrombotic complications in critically ill ICU patients with COVID-19 Pathological evidence of pulmonary thrombotic phenomena in severe COVID-19 D- dimer as a biomarker for disease severity and mortality in COVID-19 patients: a case control study Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-288371-uyj4iske30 Gy or 34 Gy?
cord-288371-uyj4iskeCancer and Leukemia Group B Chemoradiation and granulocyte- colony or granulocyte macrophagecolony stimulating factors( G- CSF or GM- CSF): time to think out of the box?
cord-288371-uyj4iskeDo you have any consideration for trimodality( chT, surgery& RT) treatment?
cord-288371-uyj4iskeESMO Open Lymphopenia in Cancer Patients and its Effects on Response to Immunotherapy: an opportunity for combination with Cytokines?
cord-288371-uyj4iskeThe role of a cachexia grading system in patients with non- small cell lung cancer treated with immunotherapy: implications for survival Surgical operations during the COVID-19 outbreak: Should elective surgeries be suspended?
cord-288371-uyj4iskeWhat can platinum offer yet in the treatment of PS2 NSCLC patients?
cord-288371-uyj4iske[ 49] 10.0 Non oncogene- driver mutations and suitable for immunotherapy immunotherapy be considered a safe treatment during the pandemic?
cord-288371-uyj4iskeregimens with immunotherapy treatment could be followed with 4-weekly outpatient visits rather than 3-weekly?
cord-297414-zq16s9ud: an unsolved dilemma Is virtual existence our new reality?
cord-297414-zq16s9udCovid-19 and beyond Telemedical diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity: accuracy of expert versus non- expert graders Telemedicine and diabetic retinopathy: review of published screening programs Ophthalmology practice during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: the University of Pittsburgh experience in promoting clinic safety and embracing video visits Virtual visits in ophthalmology: timely advice for implementation during the COVID-19 public health crisis AMA applauds Medicare telemedicine policy change during pandemic COVID-19 transforms health care through telemedicine: evidence from the field Virtually perfect?
cord-297414-zq16s9udwhat should we be wearing for ophthalmic surgery in the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-265848-afkeuwup( 2) Will the patient's outcome likely be significantly better if the procedure is undertaken?
cord-265848-afkeuwup( 3) Are there acceptable alternatives to HD or HP?
cord-265848-afkeuwup: is there a Tower of Babel bias?
cord-265848-afkeuwup: is there a consensus on management?
cord-265848-afkeuwupA review of the literature Lidocaine and rapid sequence intubation Acute asthma in emergency room Does ketamine have a role in managing severe exacerbation of asthma in adults?
cord-265848-afkeuwupAn evaluation of the effect of repeated doses of oral activated charcoal on salicylate elimination Does multiple- dose charcoal therapy enhance salicylate excretion?
cord-265848-afkeuwupContinuous arterial- venous diahemofiltration and continuous veno- venous diahemofiltration in infants and children Functional characteristics of pediatric veno- venous hemofiltration Rapid removal of vancomycin by continuous veno- venous hemofiltration Is continuous veno- venous hemofiltration for acetaminophen- induced acute liver and renal failure worthwhile?
cord-265848-afkeuwupCould the patient inadvertently have taken too much of a prescribed medication?
cord-265848-afkeuwupDoes the patient live alone, did he or she just lose a job, or have there been recent emotionally traumatic events?
cord-265848-afkeuwupEvaluation of the use of an amphoteric solution as the rinsing product Is there a delay in bathing the external eye in the treatment of ammonia eye burns?
cord-265848-afkeuwupHow long after drug ingestion is activated charcoal still effective?
cord-265848-afkeuwupHow tightly can a drug be bound to a protein and still be removable by charcoal hemoperfusion in overdose cases?
cord-265848-afkeuwupIf it can be identified, is the substance nontoxic?
cord-265848-afkeuwupIn patients with head injuries who undergo rapid sequence intubation using succinylcholine, does pretreatment with a competitive neuromuscular blocking agent improve outcome?
cord-265848-afkeuwupIn patients with head injury undergoing rapid sequence intubation, does pretreatment with intravenous lignocaine/ lidocaine lead to an improved neurological outcome?
cord-265848-afkeuwupIs surgical decontamination definitive treatment of"body- packers"?
cord-265848-afkeuwupIs the patient eating a special diet or taking a new health food, alternative medication, or performance enhancer?
cord-265848-afkeuwupPosition statement and practice guidelines on the use of multi- dose activated charcoal in the treatment of acute poisoning Multiple doses of activated charcoal: time for reappraisal?
cord-265848-afkeuwupThe decision to transfer a patient for these therapies should rest on evaluation of several elements:( 1) Is the patient stable for transport?
cord-265848-afkeuwupThe demise of ipecac Poison Prevention: Poison treatment in the home Guideline on the use of ipecac syrup in the out- of- hospital management of ingested poisons Changes in arterial oxygen tension after gastric lavage for drug overdose Gastrointestinal tract perforation with charcoal peritoneum complicating orogastric intubation and lavage Esophageal tear following forceful removal of an impacted oral- gastric lavage tube Aspiration pneumonia following severe self- poisoning Position paper: gastric lavage Severe esophageal damage due to button battery ingestion: can it be prevented?
cord-265848-afkeuwupThe following questions may be revealing: What other medicines are in the house?
cord-265848-afkeuwupThe role of the Molecular Adsorbents Recirculating System( MARS) in the management of liver failure Preconditioning by extracorporeal liver support( MARS) of patients with cirrhosis and severe liver failure evaluated for living donor liver transplantation- a pilot study Application of MARS artificial liver support as bridging therapy before split liver retransplantation in a 15-month- old child Application of Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System in patients with severe liver failure after hepatic resection or transplantation: initial single- centre experiences Experiences with MARS liver support therapy in liver failure: analysis of 176 patients of the International MARS Registry MARS preconditioning for living donor liver transplantation: panacea or placebo?
cord-265848-afkeuwupWhat was the patient doing that day?
cord-265848-afkeuwupWhen should dialysis be performed in lithium poisoning?
cord-265848-afkeuwupan evaluation of indications and results Rapid correction of acute salt poisoning by peritoneal dialysis Toxicologic and pharmacokinetic evaluation of a case of vancomycin intoxication during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis Use of peritoneal dialysis in experimental amphetamine poisoning Baclofen neurotxicity in uremic patients: is continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis less effective than intermittent hemodialysis?
cord-265848-afkeuwupis hemodialysis really necessary?
cord-293547-29i3u83sA novel syndrome?
cord-293547-29i3u83sAllergy Is BCG vaccination affecting the spread and severity of COVID-19?
cord-293547-29i3u83sDistinct characteristics of COVID-19 patients with initial rRT- PCR- positive and rRT- PCR- negative results for SARS- CoV-2 Advanced forecasting of SARS- CoV-2-related deaths in Italy Is global BCG vaccination- induced trained immunity relevant to the progression of SARS- CoV-2 pandemic?
cord-293547-29i3u83sEAACI Position Paper Is diet partly responsible for differences in COVID-19 death rates between and within countries?
cord-293547-29i3u83sGermany( AWMF) Impact Of"eHealth"in Allergic Diseases and Allergic Patients Telemedicine for Allergy Services to Rural Communities Is there a role for telemedicine in adult allergy services?
cord-293547-29i3u83sThe journal of allergy and clinical immunology ERS/ EAACI statement on severe exacerbations in asthma in adults: facts, priorities and key research questions Infection- related asthma Do chronic respiratory diseases or their treatment affect the risk of SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-302403-kahi8cbcIs this tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, or viral or bacterial infection?
cord-297132-lhfa9fl5Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-297132-lhfa9fl5Is COVID-19 an endothelial disease?
cord-297132-lhfa9fl5a retrospective cohort study COVID-19 and its implications for thrombosis and anticoagulation Acute cerebrovascular disease following COVID-19: a single center Coagulopathy and antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with Covid-19 Large- vessel stroke as a presenting feature of Covid-19 in the young Emergency room neurology in times of COVID-19: malignant ischemic stroke and SARS- COV2 infection Lupus anticoagulant is frequent in patients with Covid-19 Is endothelial dysfunction the concealed cornerstone of COVID-19?
cord-297132-lhfa9fl5related coagulopathy: a distinct entity?
cord-300866-cso6l6zeIs the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage in patients related to the consumption of ACE2 by SARS- CoV-2?
cord-300866-cso6l6zeNevertheless, are patients with type A more likely to develop cerebrovascular accidents after SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-302862-znnlyz3yComparison of spinal cord presentations of multiple sclerosis Discriminatory features of acute transverse myelitis: a retrospective analysis of 45 patients Distinct features between longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis presenting with and without anti- aquaporin 4 antibodies Acute myelitis due to Zika virus infection Clinical and evoked potential changes in acute transverse myelitis following methyl prednisolone Residual bladder dysfunction 2 to 10 years after acute transverse myelitis Transverse myelitis in children: long- term urological outcomes Involvement of the entire spinal cord and medulla oblongata in acute catastrophic- onset transverse myelitis in SLE Neuromuscular electrical stimulation for muscle weakness in adults with advanced disease Point: should phrenic nerve stimulation be the treatment of choice for spinal cord injury?
cord-302695-vyo3w2a4Why tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19?
cord-296881-2g81sjnlA retrospective cohort study Regulation of interferon production as a potential strategy for COVID-19 treatment New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-296881-2g81sjnlAhmed Doubtful precipitation of hemolysis by hydroxychloroquine in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase- deficient patient with COVID-19 infection Psychosis consequent to antimalarial drug use in a young child Teicoplanin: an alternative drug for the treatment of COVID-19?
cord-296881-2g81sjnlLopinavir/ ritonavir use in Covid-19 infection: Is it completely non- beneficial?
cord-296881-2g81sjnlModeling the potential for face mask use by the general public to curtail the COVID-19 pandemic Hydroxychloroquine- induced hypoglycaemia in non- diabetic renal patient on peritoneal dialysis Anti- HCV, nucleotide inhibitors, repurposing against COVID-19 Which countries do best in beating COVID-19?
cord-294969-57xgqf2gA pilot randomised controlled trial Disparities in time spent seeking medical care in the United States Virtually perfect?
cord-294969-57xgqf2gIs Telerehabilitation the Answer?
cord-294969-57xgqf2gThe transition from reimagining to recreating health care is now Telerehabilitation services: A successful paradigm for occupational therapy clinical services?
cord-294969-57xgqf2gWhat is telehealth?
cord-294969-57xgqf2gWill covid-19 change US healthcare for the better?
cord-302864-2xnq1oq7Why tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19?
cord-303017-4zx94rm6Individuals Beta- blockers: Friend or foe in asthma?
cord-294700-pb5k21da: First case report Ruxolitinib for treatment of refractory hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis Ruxolitinib for the treatment of lymphoma- associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: A cautionary tale Ruxolitinib in treatment of severe coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): A multicenter, single- blind, randomized controlled trial Use of Baricitinib in Patients with Moderate and Severe COVID-19 Beneficial impact of Baricitinib in COVID-19 moderate pneumonia; multicentre study Herpes Zoster in Patients Receiving JAK Inhibitors For Ulcerative Colitis: Mechanism, Epidemiology, Management, and Prevention Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment?
cord-294700-pb5k21da: Implications for Paediatric Syndromes?
cord-294700-pb5k21daWhat agents, if any, are preferred if immunomodulatory therapy is considered for children with COVID-19?
cord-294700-pb5k21daWhat criteria define the pediatric population in whom immunomodulatory therapy may be considered?
cord-301947-b6nwaostCOVID-19 New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-301947-b6nwaostCOVID-19: a recommendation to examine the effect of hydroxychloroquine in preventing infection and progression Increased incidence of gastrointestinal side effects in patients taking hydroxychloroquine: a brand- related issue?
cord-299346-f13xly6q7 Face masks and Respirators; Which to Use?
cord-299346-f13xly6qA randomized controlled trial Telemedicine in the time of coronavirus Personal protective equipment doffing practices of healthcare workers Are health care personnel trained in correct use of personal protective equipment?
cord-299346-f13xly6qAir Filtration Reduce COVID-19 Severity and Spread?
cord-300963-1n1f8mf2Could patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated with immunomodulators or biologics be at lower risk for severe forms of covid-19?
cord-300963-1n1f8mf2recent insights into emerging coronaviruses Pathogenic human coronavirus infections: causes and consequences of cytokine storm and immunopathology A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Profile of specific antibodies to the SARSassociated coronavirus Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome Are patients with inflammatory bowel disease at increased risk for Covid-19 infection?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklAre the findings incremental to our current understanding of the topic and do they fulfill an evidence gap?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklAs we evaluate each manuscript, we will continue to ask ourselves the following key questions: Are the findings valid?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklBreast arterial calcium: a game changer in women's cardiovascular health?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklChemotherapy- induced cardiotoxicity: detection, prevention, and management Long- term chemotherapy- related cardiovascular morbidity Cardiovascular disease in adult survivors of childhood cancer Epirubicin versus doxorubicin: which is the anthracycline of choice for the treatment of breast cancer?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklIs it comprehensive, yet focused?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklIs it really normal?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklIs the methodology rigorous?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklIs the topic of clinical importance?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklIs this data- driven and accurately reflective of the current evidence?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklOsimertinib- induced cardiotoxicity: a retrospective review of the FDA adverse events reporting system( FAERS) Increase in blood pressure associated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors targeting vascular endothelial growth factor CAR T- cell therapy- related cardiovascular outcomes and management: systemic disease or direct cardiotoxicity?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklWe will continue to publish State- of- the- Art Reviews and Primers, and similarly ask ourselves: is this an authoritative, critical appraisal of the literature?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklWhat is the normal value of the neutrophil- to- lymphocyte ratio?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklWhat is the potential clinical impact and the potential for advancing the field?
cord-282783-ps5jyjklthe CAC Consortium Elevated coronary artery calcium quantified by a deep learning model from radiotherapy planning scans predicts mortality in lung cancer Is the coronary artery calcium score associated with acute coronary events in breast cancer patients treated with radiotherapy?
cord-303244-5tfrmsm7Is amiodarone an underrecognized cause of acute respiratory failure in the ICU?
cord-301992-oin1m0uq: motor learning Do women have an accurate perception of their pelvic floor muscle contraction?
cord-301992-oin1m0uqAn education program about pelvic floor muscles improved women's knowledge but not pelvic floor muscle function, urinary incontinence or sexual function: a randomised trial Effectiveness of pelvic floor muscle training and bladder training for women with urinary incontinence in primary care: a pragmatic controlled trial Evaluation of smartphone pelvic floor exercise applications using standardized scoring system Appsolutely fabulous?
cord-303880-zv4nbz9pArtificial intelligence vs COVID-19: limitations, constraints and pitfalls Apple and Google's covid- tracing tech has been released to 23 countries Can mathematical modelling solve the current Covid-19 crisis?
cord-303483-wendrxee2019 Coronavirus Disease in China Is there a role for lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-296694-2js639bkCOVID-19 milieu?
cord-296694-2js639bkCan this be done using D- dimer alone and what is the threshold to use?
cord-296694-2js639bkOne obvious question is whether these rates of thrombosis are higher than we would expect?
cord-296694-2js639bkWhat do you do with patients when they are discharged?
cord-296694-2js639bkWith regards to non- ICU patients, questions to be asked include: what are the triggers for more intense anticoagulation where imaging is not available?
cord-303661-etb19d6yNebulized heparin is associated with fewer days of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients: a randomized controlled trial Inhibition of feline( FIPV) and human( SARS) coronavirus by semisynthetic derivatives of glycopeptide antibiotics Teicoplanin: an alternative drug for the treatment of COVID-19?
cord-303349-0kn7apl3World Health Organization Which lessons shall we learn from the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak?
cord-302788-kg8zwysgDo these experiences count as adverse childhood experiences( ACEs) that should trigger parental and professional concerns and interventions?
cord-302788-kg8zwysgVulnerable Children in a Dual Epidemic by CAROL LEVINE W hat will be the short- and long- term impact on vulnerable children and adolescents living through the Covid-19 pandemic, some of whom are also closely affected by the opioid epidemic?
cord-304602-jpxjiaruDying patients with COVID-19: What should Hospital Palliative Care Teams( HPCTs) be prepared for?
cord-303819-w1785lapCOVID-19 Patients: Experience from Case Series of 54 Patients in Long- Term Care Facilities Composite Outcomes in Randomized Trials: Greater Precision but with Greater Uncertainty?
cord-294593-mh1uh1b3( e.g.: How much misalignment is acceptable?).
cord-294593-mh1uh1b3Do more opioid policies reduce opioid dispensing in traditional medicaid?:
cord-294593-mh1uh1b3Enhanced revenue after surgery?
cord-294593-mh1uh1b3In Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee and Others; United States Department of What factors affect physicians'decisions to prescribe opioids in emergency departments?
cord-294593-mh1uh1b3Prescription Drug Prices Determined?
cord-294593-mh1uh1b3The effect of a federal controlled substance act schedule change on hydrocodone combination products claims in a Medicaid population State legal restrictions and prescription- opioid use among disabled adults Goals of chronic pain management: Do patients and primary care physicians agree and does it matter?
cord-300458-jeuwaj50Is it only that patients do not dare to go to the cath lab because they fear the virus?
cord-300458-jeuwaj50Is reading and remembering so difficult?
cord-300458-jeuwaj50could it still be the virus?
cord-299333-qu0bmov5Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-299333-qu0bmov5Can COVID-19 present unusual GI symptoms?
cord-299333-qu0bmov5Human coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses: underestimated opportunistic pathogens of the central nervous system?
cord-299333-qu0bmov5What will be the economic impact of COVID-19 in the US?
cord-300445-qzu4gz2dCOVID-19 treatment: close to a cure?
cord-300445-qzu4gz2dCOVID-19: are we dealing with a multisystem vasculopathy in disguise of a viral infection?
cord-300445-qzu4gz2dClinical and biochemical indexes from 2019-nCoV infected patients linked to viral loads and lung injury COVID-19 and decompressive hemicraniectomy for acute ischemic stroke Cerebrovascular disease in patients with COVID-19: a review of the literature and case series COVID-19 and stroke: casual or causal role?
cord-303192-il3s8lgpNo evidence of rapid antiviral clearance or clinical benefit with the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in patients with severe COVID-19 infection Clinical course of coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) in a series of 17 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus under long- term treatment with hydroxychloroquine Clinical and immunologic features in severe and moderate Coronavirus Disease Management of cytokine release syndrome related to CAR- T cell therapy Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab Baricitinib as potential treatment for 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment?
cord-303192-il3s8lgpWhat is the true incidence of COVID-19 in patients with rheumatic diseases?
cord-303145-rc5lualiWhat have we learned about lipids and cardiovascular risk from PCSK9 inhibitor outcome trials: ODYSSEY and FOURIER?
cord-303145-rc5lualiWhy patients with familial hypercholesterolemia are at high cardiovascular risk?
cord-302821-b9ikg0xyA sporadic occurrence?
cord-302821-b9ikg0xythe Framingham Heart Study Is epicardial fat tissue associated with atrial fibrillation recurrence after ablation?
cord-305076-v56y5nytwhere do KyberSept and SCARLET leave us?
cord-302413-7a80jff2Once- in- a- Century Pandemic?
cord-302413-7a80jff2Was your planned surgery postponed or canceled by My surgeon postponed or canceled the operation your surgeon/ hospital or did you cancel the surgery?
cord-302413-7a80jff2When was your surgery originally planned?
cord-287758-da11ypiy( COVID-19) Clinically Significant Drug Interactions with Cyclosporin Glycopeptide Antibiotics Potently Inhibit Cathepsin L in the Late Endosome/ Lysosome and Block the Entry of Ebola Virus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus( MERS- CoV), and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus( SARS- CoV) Discovery and development of safe- in- man broadspectrum antiviral agents Teicoplanin: an alternative drug for the treatment of COVID-19?
cord-287758-da11ypiy: cord-287758-da11ypiy authors: Mônica Vitalino de Almeida, Sinara; Cleberson Santos Soares, José; Lima dos Santos, Keriolaine; Emanuel Ferreira Alves, Josival; Galdino Ribeiro, Amélia; Trindade Tenório Jacob, Íris; Juliane da Silva Ferreira, Cindy; Celerino dos Santos, Jéssica; Ferreira de Oliveira, Jamerson; Bezerra de Carvalho Junior, Luiz; do Carmo Alves de Lima, Maria title: COVID-19 therapy: what weapons do we bring into battle?
cord-287758-da11ypiyA Review of Its Use in the Management of HIV-1 Infection Discovering drugs to treat coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Therapeutic Options and Critical Care Strategies in COVID-19 Patients; Where Do We Stand in This Battle?
cord-287758-da11ypiyA new trick for an old drug?
cord-287758-da11ypiyAntiviral treatment of COVID-19 Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin: A synergistic combination for COVID-19 chemoprophylaxis and treatment?
cord-287758-da11ypiyClinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with SARS- CoV-2 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a single- centered, retrospective, observational study Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-287758-da11ypiyEngineering an antiviral for COVID-19?
cord-287758-da11ypiyHow Far Are We?
cord-287758-da11ypiyThe Use of Cyclosporine A in Rheumatology: a 2016 Comprehensive Review Cyclosporine A: a valid candidate to treat COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory failure?
cord-287758-da11ypiyThe possible mechanisms of action of 4-aminoquinolines( chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine) against Sars- Cov-2 infection( COVID-19): A role for iron homeostasis?
cord-287758-da11ypiyThe world is facing a huge challenge in the coronavirus disease( COVID-19) pandemic: How to fight an enemy without weapons in terms of therapy?
cord-301011-xbuqd0j5: what is next?
cord-301011-xbuqd0j5COVID-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-301011-xbuqd0j5She was probably able to ambulate, but I'm not sure Response to pulmonary rehabilitation: toward personalised programmes?
cord-301011-xbuqd0j5The use of neuromuscular blocking agents in the ICU: where are we now?
cord-298679-w0yp4u19Beyond smoking cessation: Investigating medicinal nicotine to prevent and treat COVID-19 Is nicotine exposure linked to cardiopulmonary vulnerability to COVID-19 in the general population?
cord-298679-w0yp4u19How will country- based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-298679-w0yp4u19May old anti- diabetic agents become the new philosopher's stone?
cord-298679-w0yp4u19Systematic review of the prevalence of current smoking among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in China: could nicotine be a therapeutic option?
cord-298679-w0yp4u19what next?
cord-304573-3nhglbw4: what is the new normal?
cord-304573-3nhglbw4How will country- based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-297127-nhgm09dbAs in the general population, patients with IRD having comorbidities are at higher risk to develop a more severe course of How might this impact on clinical practice? ►
cord-297127-nhgm09dbDoes a specific immunomodulatory treatment ameliorate or deteriorate the course of COVID-19? ►
cord-297127-nhgm09dbDoes geographical location/ different access to healthcare within Germany affect the course? ►
cord-297127-nhgm09dbWhat does this study add? ►
cord-297127-nhgm09dbWhat is the course of COVID-19 in patients with IRD? ►
cord-297127-nhgm09dbWhich other factors are associated with a poor outcome of COVID-19 in patients with IRD?
cord-304090-l5rocsk5How does communication heal?
cord-304090-l5rocsk5Would you find it useful if your doctor communicated with you directly through the computer?
cord-302806-1e99cygsCan the Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) Affect the Eyes?
cord-302806-1e99cygsIs There Ophthalmological Concern?
cord-302806-1e99cygsNew insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-305139-851v2qr3massive hemoptysis Observational, multicentre study on the epidemiology of haemoptysis Is EVALI the new scapegoat for every abnormal chest imaging?
cord-305520-7gxmdo56: what happens to patients in a virtual clinic?
cord-303787-dx1n8japAll rights reserved Neurological Complications during Treatment of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Guillain- Barre syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-303787-dx1n8japCoagulopathy and Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Patients with Covid-19 Neurological manifestations in severe acute respiratory syndrome Environmental Triggers of Autoreactive Responses: Induction of Antiphospholipid Antibody Formation Human coronaviruses and other respiratory viruses: Underestimated opportunistic pathogens of the central nervous system?
cord-294184-jte9xx5e: can we protect our ethical integrity against the odds?
cord-294184-jte9xx5eCoupling the unclear risk profile of COVID-19 with a lack of alternatives to provide the gold standard surgery, what is the ethical justification for performing a substitute procedure on this cohort of patients?
cord-294184-jte9xx5eDoes the current climate mean we can change the gold standard regardless of the challenge around quantifying risk? 13
cord-294184-jte9xx5eDoes the short- term benefit outweigh the long- term risk?
cord-294184-jte9xx5eIt follows that when the question'who should we operate on during this crisis when capacity has been significantly reduced?'is asked, an optimal answer may be derived.
cord-294184-jte9xx5eOne must also ask; how does this affect long- term outcomes?
cord-294184-jte9xx5eThe CoVId-19 CrIsIs?
cord-294184-jte9xx5eWith consideration of the above, is delivering the gold standard surgery safely possible through alternative pathways?
cord-299156-1dwsm3ie3 in the left eye only with follicular reaction, associated with discharge graded?
cord-299156-1dwsm3ieCan the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) affect the eyes?
cord-299156-1dwsm3ieOn exam there was active conjunctival injection graded?
cord-299156-1dwsm3ieOn exam there was active conjunctival injection graded?
cord-299156-1dwsm3ieOn exam there was active conjunctival injection graded?
cord-306092-5bi2q3jjDo all infants with apparent life- threatening events need to be admitted?
cord-305283-1bg1ykuiWhy tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19?
cord-306062-g9hk1iq5Cancer patients in SARS- CoV-2 infection: a nationwide analysis in China Clinical characteristics of COVID-19-infected cancer patients: a retrospective case study in three hospitals within Wuhan, China Causes of death in long- term survivors of head and neck cancer Comorbidity as a major risk factor for mortality and complications in head and neck surgery Dysphagia, stricture, and pneumonia in head and neck cancer patients: does treatment modality matter?
cord-305838-i0ck2oo0Can a normal peak expiratory flow exclude severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
cord-306149-sd0s0jupRespiratory support in novel coronavirus disease( COVID-19) patients, with a focus on resource- limited settings COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-303791-yw80ndg6What's up dermatology?
cord-303791-yw80ndg6[ 24] How to run the show?
cord-291588-tp89j1kkA novel syndrome?
cord-291588-tp89j1kkAcute Symptomatic Seizures in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: Is There an Association?
cord-291588-tp89j1kkAre we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19?
cord-291588-tp89j1kkCOVID-19 and herpes zoster co- infection presenting with trigeminal neuropathy Pearls and Oy- sters: Facial nerve palsy as a neurological manifestation of Covid-19 infection Guillain Barre syndrome associated with COVID-19 infection: A case report Early Guillain- Barré syndrome in coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): a case report from an Italian COVID- hospital COVID-19 may induce Guillain- Barré syndrome Guillain- Barré syndrome related to COVID-19 infection Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-291588-tp89j1kkCOVID-19-White matter and globus pallidum lesions: Demyelination or small- vessel vasculitis?
cord-291588-tp89j1kkCase Report Guillain- Barré syndrome in the COVID-19 era: just an occasional cluster?
cord-291588-tp89j1kkCause or Coincidence?
cord-291588-tp89j1kkGuillain- Barré syndrome following COVID-19: new infection, old complication?
cord-291588-tp89j1kkSevere COVID-19 Infection: Sequela of Hypoxemia?
cord-291588-tp89j1kkVersion 2 Delirium as a presenting feature in COVID-19: Neuroinvasive infection or autoimmune encephalopathy?
cord-303054-s1clwuncCan the Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) Affect the Eyes?
cord-303054-s1clwuncCovid-19 Outbreak: Is There Still a Place for Scheduled Surgery?"
cord-303054-s1clwuncHow to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-305582-3hmsknonYu Ping Feng San, an ancient Chinese herbal decoction, induces gene expression of anti- viral proteins and inhibits neuraminidase activity Oseltamivir compared with the Chinese traditional therapy maxingshigan- yinqiaosan in the treatment of H1N1 influenza: a randomized trial Convalescent plasma: new evidence for an old therapeutic tool?
cord-300183-z3fwtwqbAs the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, where have all the STEMIs gone?
cord-300183-z3fwtwqbBe prepared How many hospital beds are near you?
cord-300183-z3fwtwqbSt- Segment elevation myocardial infarction in times of COVID-19: back to the last century?
cord-300183-z3fwtwqbThe COVID-19 pandemic and cardiovascular complications what have we learned so far?
cord-300183-z3fwtwqbdetails by Ohio County Cuyahoga County reports most coronavirus deaths in the state ESC guidelines for the management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST- segment elevation: the task force for the management of acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting with ST- segment elevation of the European Society of cardiology( ESC) Stemi care during COVID-19: losing sight of the forest for the trees Where have the STEMIs gone during COVID-19 lockdown?
cord-301805-sb0ij8k7Consensus recommendations on measurement of blood glucose and reporting glycemic control in critically ill adults Continuous glucose monitoring in insulintreated patients in non- ICU settings Glucose variability; does it matter?
cord-301805-sb0ij8k7Glycemic variability and acute ischemic stroke: the missing link?
cord-301805-sb0ij8k7Sliding scale insulin- time to stop sliding Various blood glucose parameters that indicate hyperglycemia after intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke could predict worse outcome Glucose and stroke: What about glycemic variability?
cord-301805-sb0ij8k7over Ready to submit your research?
cord-304418-k9owyolj-A systematic review of the literature, case series, and recommendations for clinical assessment and management Epidemiologie und therapie in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients with Coronavirus Disease COVID-19 and anosmia: A review based on up- to- date knowledge Self- reported olfactory and taste disorders in SARS- CoV-2 patients: a cross- sectional study Neurologic features in severe SARS- COV-2 infection Neurological manifestations and complications of COVID-19: A literature review A first Case of Meningitis/ Encephalitis associated with SARS- Coronavirus-2 Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-304418-k9owyoljWhat Is a Pandemic?
cord-297327-19dfgfz6A molecular platform triggering activation of inflammatory caspases and processing of proil- beta Acute neurodegeneration and the inflammasome: Central processor for danger signals and the inflammatory response?
cord-297327-19dfgfz6COVID-19 and treatment with NSAIDs and corticosteroids: Should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting?
cord-297327-19dfgfz6Does analgesia and condition influence immunity after surgery?
cord-297327-19dfgfz6Similar or different?
cord-297327-19dfgfz6The X- ray crystal structure of the membrane protein prostaglandin H2 synthase-1 Cyclo- Oxygenase( COX) inhibitors and cardiovascular risk: Are non- steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs really anti- inflammatory?
cord-297327-19dfgfz6What do we need to know about ICU delirium during SARS- CoV-2 pandemic?
cord-297327-19dfgfz6What is the risk?
cord-302459-grs2x26lDoctors'approaches to PSA testing and overdiagnosis in primary healthcare: a qualitative study Time trends and local variation in primary treatment of localized prostate cancer Prostate cancer biomarkers: Are we hitting the mark?
cord-302459-grs2x26lRe: The prostate specific antigen era in the United States is over for prostate cancer: what happened in the last 20 years?
cord-302459-grs2x26lSynthetic essentiality of chromatin remodelling factor CHD1 in PTEN- deficient cancer ProsCan for men: randomised controlled trial of a decision support intervention for men with localised prostate cancer Trajectories of quality of life, life satisfaction, and psychological adjustment after prostate cancer Stability of Circulating Blood- Based MicroRNAs-Pre- Analytic Methodological Considerations Potential pitfalls in microRNA profiling Normalization strategies for microRNA profiling experiments: a'normal'way to a hidden layer of complexity?
cord-302459-grs2x26lcell- cell communication function?
cord-301592-n5ns3m34: is it such a big deal anymore?
cord-301592-n5ns3m34Aetiology of acute pharyngitis: the role of atypical bacteria Febrile exudative tonsillitis: viral or streptococcal?
cord-301592-n5ns3m34Are empiric antibiotics for acute exudative tonsillitis needed in children?
cord-301592-n5ns3m34Latent species C adenoviruses in human tonsil tissues Are procalcitonin or other infection markers useful in the detection of group A streptococcal acute tonsillitis?
cord-301592-n5ns3m34What is the added benefit of oropharyngeal swabs compared to nasal swabs alone for respiratory virus detection in hospitalized children aged< 10 years?
cord-306997-84pjfawkThe single nucleotide polymorphism Ser128Arg in the E- selectin gene is associated with enhanced coagulation during human endotoxemia Prevention and treatment of acute renal failure in sepsis Risk factor for venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patient with acute medical illness: analysis of the MEDENOX Study Fibrinolysis and inflammation in venous thrombus resolution Pulmonary thrombosis in 2019-nCoV pneumonia?
cord-303718-7bpap31fDaily step counts: a new prognostic factor in locally advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer?
cord-303718-7bpap31fTrakking the Global Outbreak People Who Are At Higher Risk for Severe Illness Incidence of haematological malignancy by sub- type: a report from the haematological malignancy research network Impaired immune health in survivors of diffuse large B- cell lymphoma Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus- infected pneumonia in Wuhan Clinical characteristics of COVID-19-infected cancer patients: a retrospective case study in three hospitals within Wuhan, China SARS- CoV-2 transmission in patients with cancer at a tertiary care hospital in Wuhan, China Cancer patients in SARS- CoV-2 infection: a nationwide analysis in China Managing cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic: agility and collaboration toward a common goal Virtually perfect?
cord-303718-7bpap31fWe Leaving Out?
cord-306646-6c7n0xirVirtually Perfect?
cord-301832-6czrdmzb1 Does serious psychological distress( SPD) contribute to the burden of ADRD among African Americans( AAs) disproportionately to whites?
cord-301832-6czrdmzbCan methylphenidate relieve CRF?
cord-301832-6czrdmzbWhat factors are associated with reduced recovery after SD?
cord-301832-6czrdmzbWhat is the daily effect of specialist palliative care unit( SPCU) admission on patient and family/ caregiver outcomes?
cord-301832-6czrdmzb[ 1][ 2][ 3] How can our legal system's commitment to prohibiting discrimination remain steadfast in times of emergency?
cord-306896-khn8epxdCOVID-19 Pandemic Respiratory muscle wasting in the ICU: is it time to protect the diaphragm?
cord-297840-z5l6vdsrA new pandemic threat?
cord-297840-z5l6vdsrAre we really?
cord-297840-z5l6vdsrHow big a problem?
cord-297840-z5l6vdsrIssues pertaining to flight attendant comfort What happens to patients with respiratory disease when they fly?
cord-297840-z5l6vdsrThe BEST study-a prospective study to compare business class versus economy class air travel as a cause of thrombosis Travel as a risk factor for venous thromboembolic disease: a case- control study Association between acute hypobaric hypoxia and activation of coagulation in human beings Changes of biochemical markers and functional tests for clot formation during long- haul flights Is mild normobaric hypoxia a risk factor for venous thromboembolism?
cord-297840-z5l6vdsrThe effect of carbon monoxide inhalation on pulse oximetry and transcutaneous PO 2 Accuracy of oxyhemoglobin saturation monitors during simulated altitude exposure of men with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Is normobaric simulation of hypobaric hypoxia accurate in chronic airflow limitation?
cord-297840-z5l6vdsrWashington Post Staff Writer Entry screening for severe acute respiratory syndrome( SARS) or influenza: policy evaluation Are we ready for pandemic influenza?
cord-304280-2a84u4tm: what is the evidence?
cord-304280-2a84u4tmAn update of its mode of action, pharmacological properties and medical applications SARS- CoV-2 cell entry depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and is blocked by a clinically proven protease inhibitor Pharmacology of the renin- angiotensin system Where are we now with COVID-19?
cord-304280-2a84u4tmThe Nrf2 Activator( DMF) and Covid-19: Is there a Possible Role?
cord-303363-uu9hb1c9A contribution of Thalassaemia International Federation to its global patients'community Role of iron in inducing oxidative stress in thalassemia: Can it be prevented by inhibition of absorption and by antioxidants?
cord-303363-uu9hb1c9Oxidative stress and inflammation in iron- overloaded patients with betathalassaemia or sickle cell disease Oxidative stress and age- related changes in T cells: is thalassemia a model of accelerated immune system aging?
cord-303363-uu9hb1c9Very few cases in thalassemia have so far been reported; is this due to lack of testing or a true lack of infection/ susceptibility?
cord-303363-uu9hb1c9key: cord-303363-uu9hb1c9 authors: Karimi, Mehran; De Sanctis, Vincenzo title: Implications of SARSr- CoV 2 infection in thalassemias: Do patients fall into the “ high clinical risk ” category?
cord-307862-a082sghmFor those dealing with patients at risk of thrombosis, it is essential that care is taken not to miss the occasional patient with pulmonary embolism( PE); why would this happen?
cord-306016-2gudro8vAnd when should we return to operating on elective 267 arthroplasty cases again?
cord-306016-2gudro8vWeighing this with institutional PPE and health care provider 227 availability, it is our hope is that we will be positioned to efficiently, within our arthroplasty 228 division, as well as within the orthopaedic department and across try to continue to get as much volume done early while the prevalence of disease is low in our 263 hospitals and community on the front end of the curve?
cord-308212-l8flyso7What is the role of patient autonomy in public health emergencies?
cord-307160-1vz0gw1wDo chronic respiratory diseases or their treatment affect the risk of SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-307160-1vz0gw1wThus, the question remains in our clinical practice, biologic treatment for whom and when?
cord-303816-c4z9ys3qClinical patterns and outcomes of ischae Abdominal catastrophes in the intensive care unit setting Ischemic colitis Serological biomarkers for acute mesenteric ischemia Diagnostic accuracy of novel serological biomarkers to detect acute mesenteric ischemia: a systematic review and meta- analysis Plasma Dlactate as a potential early marker for colon ischaemia after open aortic reconstruction Accuracy of the serum intestinal fatty- acid- binding protein for diagnosis of acute intestinal ischemia: a meta- analysis Human intestinal fatty acid binding protein: report of an assay with studies in normal volunteers and intestinal ischemia Role of acquired and hereditary thrombotic risk factors in colon ischemia of ambulatory patients Serum procalcitonin correlates with colonoscopy findings and can guide therapeutic decisions in postoperative ischemic colitis Positive predictive value of abdominal sonography in the diagnosis of ischemic colitis Predictors of severity in ischemic colitis: usefulness of early ultrasonography Magnetic resonance imaging: is there a role in clinical management for acute ischemic colitis?
cord-303816-c4z9ys3qIschemic colitis: clinical practice in diagnosis and treatment Ischemic colitis and portal venous gas Bowel ischemia and portal venous gas: what to do?
cord-303816-c4z9ys3qThe predictors of the severity of ischaemic colitis: a systematic review of 2823 patients from 22 studies Development and validation of a novel prognostic scoring model for ischemic colitis Fulminant gangrenous ischemic colitis: is it the solely severe type of ischemic colitis?
cord-303816-c4z9ys3qa first case report Intestinal ischemia in the COVID-19 era Acute intestinal ischemia in a patient with COVID-19 Ischemic colitis after cardiac surgery: can we foresee the threat?
cord-300080-l0fyxtva: will they come to work?
cord-300080-l0fyxtvaFurthermore, given the time needed to don PPE- an absolute requirement prior to any procedural intervention on an EVD patient- should cardiopulmonary resuscitation during an arrest event be considered futile due to the potential delay in its initiation and again the likely prognosis of the patient?
cord-300080-l0fyxtvaN Y Times Hospitals Prepared for the Next Ebola Case?
cord-300080-l0fyxtvaSpecific decisions regarding support for volunteer efforts should also include the number of volunteers and impact on ED staffing and potential impact on public health domestically( i.e., will the loss of experienced providers adversely affect the care of patients in the local area served by the emergency department?).
cord-300080-l0fyxtvaSpecifically, in the circumstance where a patient requires procedural interventions( central venous access, intubation, dialysis, etc) to provide intensive care level support, is the risk posed to providers too high compared to the low potential of benefit, if any, to a patient whose illness may have progressed to a point where such interventions are unlikely to be successful?
cord-300080-l0fyxtvawhat next?
cord-307808-0t6sw0zpThe role of telehealth in the medical response to disasters Virtually perfect?
cord-309194-jtouafgdFact or fiction?
cord-292094-vmsdhccp: a meta- analysis Is the lateral decubitus radiograph necessary for the management of a parapneumonic pleural effusion?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpA framework for improvement Do guidelines for community- acquired pneumonia improve the cost- effectiveness of hospital care?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpHow should we make the admission decision in community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpPredicting bacteremia in patients with community- acquired pneumonia Diagnosing pneumonia by physical examination: relevant or relic?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpThe burden of community- acquired pneumonia in seniors: results of a population- based study Mortality from invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in the era of antibiotic resistance, 1995- 1997 Guidelines for community- acquired pneumonia: are they reflected in practice?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpWhat factors influence physicians'decisions to switch from intravenous to oral antibiotics for community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpWhy do n't physicians follow clinical practice guidelines?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpan international derivation and validation study Community- acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization: 5-year prospective study outcome and prognostic factors in community- acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization Appropriateness of hospitalization of patients with community- acquired pneumonia Assessing prognosis and selecting an initial site of care for adults with community- acquired pneumonia Effect of increasing the intensity of implementing pneumonia guidelines: a randomized, controlled trial Community acquired pneumonia: aetiology and usefulness of severity criteria on admission Use of prognostic scoring and outcome assessment tools in the admission decision for community- acquired pneumonia Assessment of illness severity in community acquired pneumonia: a useful new prediction tool?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpanalysis of two double- blind studies of patients with methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus nosocomial pneumonia Subinhibitory concentrations of linezolid reduce Staphylococcus aureus virulence factor expression American Thoracic Society/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/ Infectious Diseases Society of America: controlling tuberculosis in the United States Anti- inflammatory effects of macrolides- an underappreciated benefit in the treatment of community- acquired respiratory tract infections and chronic inflammatory pulmonary conditions?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpimplications for the treatment of patients with community- acquired pneumonia Streptococcus pneumoniae in community- acquired pneumonia: how important is drug resistance?
cord-297638-ab70s980: what do we do now?
cord-297638-ab70s980Do women with pre- eclampsia, and their babies, benefit from magnesium sulphate?
cord-297638-ab70s980Neonatal early- onset infection with SARS- CoV-2 in 33 neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China Antibodies in infants born to mothers with COVID-19 pneumonia Perinatal transmission of COVID-19 associated SARS- CoV-2: should we worry?
cord-297638-ab70s980Risks posed by the use of oxygen therapy and non- invasive positive pressure ventilation: a pilot study Dispersal of respiratory droplets with open vs closed oxygen delivery masks: implications for the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome Liberal versus indicated maternal oxygen supplementation in labor: a beforeand- after Trial Use of oxygen therapy during labour and acid- base status in the newborn Is it a safe practice to administer oxygen during uncomplicated delivery: a randomized controlled trial?
cord-297638-ab70s980Safe prevention of the primary cesarean delivery Airflows around oxygen masks: A potential source of infection?
cord-297638-ab70s980Should patients with documented fetal lung immaturity after 34 weeks of gestation be treated with steroids?
cord-297638-ab70s980What are the risks of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women?
cord-297638-ab70s980what clinical recommendations to follow?
cord-309370-g8d3w7itCan the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) affect the eyes?
cord-302382-eifh95zmImmunosuppression for hyperinflammation in COVID-19: a doubleedged sword?
cord-302382-eifh95zmThe use of anti- inflammatory drugs in the treatment of people with severe coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): The experience of clinical immunologists from China Immunosuppression for hyperinflammation in COVID-19: a doubleedged sword?
cord-302382-eifh95zmVirus Research A Role for Metal- Based Drugs in Fighting Covid-19 Infection?
cord-302382-eifh95zmWhere Do We Stand Now?
cord-302382-eifh95zminterferon responses in COVID-19 Integrated analyses of single- cell atlases reveal age, gender, and smoking status associations with cell type- specific expression of mediators of SARS- CoV-2 viral entry and highlights inflammatory programs in putative target cells DPP4 inhibition: Preventing SARS- CoV-2 infection and/or progression of COVID-19?
cord-309302-n6cd2fc3Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) in vitro Efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients with COVID-19: results of a randomized clinical trial Convalescent plasma: new evidence for an old therapeutic tool?
cord-309395-5yan9fcninternational guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock Fluid resuscitation in sepsis: the great 30 mL per kg hoax Fluid resuscitation in human sepsis: time to rewrite history?
cord-309323-yflng8m3Can we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-309507-oe4i6v5xoverview and estimates Global estimates of the prevalence and incidence of four curable sexually transmitted infections in 2012 based on systematic review and global reporting Being a cardiologist at the time of SARS- COVID-19: is it time to reconsider our way of working?
cord-301800-ssdzd43tA clinical exploratory study with itolizumab, an anti- CD6 monoclonal antibody, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Alzumab( Itolizumab) solution for iv infusion Rationale for targeting CD6 as a treatment for autoimmune diseases Safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of T1h, a humanized anti- CD6 monoclonal antibody, in moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis- results from a randomized phase II trial Efficacy and safety of itolizumab, a novel anti- CD6 monoclonal antibody, in patients with moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis: results of a double- blind, randomized, placebo- controlled, phase- III study Itolizumab, an anti- CD6 monoclonal antibody, as a potential treatment for COVID-19 complications IL-6 inhibitors in the treatment of serious COVID-19: a promising therapy?
cord-301800-ssdzd43tDCGI gives Nod for Restricted Emergency Use to Itolizumab for moderate to severe COVID-19 patients?
cord-301800-ssdzd43tDoes this breach the principle of intention- to- treat analysis?
cord-301800-ssdzd43tSays biocon's drug trial not good enough to prove mortality reduction How effective are the drugs approved to treat COVID-19 patients in India?
cord-301800-ssdzd43tSo, instead of welcoming the approval with open arms, why are so many doubts being raised?
cord-301800-ssdzd43tcord-301800-ssdzd43 t authors: Atal, Shubham; Fatima, Zeenat; Balakrishnan, Sadasivam title: Approval of Itolizumab for COVID-19: A Premature Decision or Need of The Hour?
cord-309482-frawgvk7However, how low must the prevalence be before all staff will be prepared to accept lower levels or abandonment of PPE?
cord-309238-7lbt0f03Should the ultrasound probe replace your stethoscope?
cord-302115-r39ser2cExercise, upper respiratory tract infection, and the immune system Favorable outcome of COVID19 in two patients with X- linked agammaglobulinemia A possible role for B cells in COVID-19?:
cord-302115-r39ser2cHow does COVID-19 kill?
cord-302115-r39ser2cThe species and its viruses- A statement of the Coronavirus Study Group COVID-19: what is next for public health?
cord-302115-r39ser2cWhat makes COVID-19 pneumonia a life- threatening disease?
cord-302115-r39ser2cWhat makes the difference?
cord-302115-r39ser2cWhat prevents the virus from rapidly reaching the lungs and then causing severe pneumonia?
cord-309735-bwa1zo07Given these known and admitted disadvantages of this technique what are the advantages?
cord-309728-7vfotgrrInterim infection prevention and control recommendations for patients with suspected or confirmed coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) in healthcare settings Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-310661-hrvuhkq9findings from the IMPROVE investigators Definition of clinically relevant non- major bleeding in studies of anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation and venous thromboembolic disease in non- surgical patients: communication from the SSC of the ISTH Biased estimation of thrombosis rates in cancer studies using the method of Kaplan and Meier Thromboembolism in hospitalized neutropenic cancer patients Predicting risk of venous thromboembolism in hospitalized cancer patients: Utility of a risk assessment tool Prevention of venous thromboembolism in medical patients with enoxaparin: a subgroup analysis of the MEDENOX study Thromboprophylaxis with dalteparin in medical patients: which patients benefit?
cord-310891-yfouizjbCoronavirus fulminant myocarditis saved with glucocorticoid and human immunoglobulin Predisposition or Protection?:
cord-305786-06dpjik8A prediction rule to identify low- risk patients with community- acquired pneumonia Pneumonia in neonates: can it be managed in the community?
cord-305786-06dpjik8CT and pathologic examination findings MR imaging of pneumonia in immunocompromised patients: comparison with helical CT Role of flexible bronchoscopy in immunocompromised patients with lung infiltrates Lung biopsy in immunocompromised children: when, how, and who?
cord-305786-06dpjik8a prospective observational study Initial microbiologic studies did not affect outcome in adults hospitalized with community- acquired pneumonia Utility of blood cultures in pediatric patients found to have pneumonia in the emergency department Nonvalue of the initial microbiological studies in the management of nonsevere community- acquired pneumonia Rejection criteria for endotracheal aspirates from adults Evaluation of rapid assay for detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae urinary antigen among infants and young children with possible invasive pneumococcal disease Usefulness of urinary antigen detection by an immunochromatographic test for diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia in children Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae by two polymerase chain reactions and role of M. pneumoniae in acute respiratory tract infections in pediatric patients Is a chest radiograph necessary in the evaluation of every febrile infant less than 8 weeks of age?
cord-309214-v2iqgjc4Associated with COVID-19 Pneumonia Detected by Pulmonary CT Angiography Pulmonary Embolism or Pulmonary Thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-304972-aktfbriwAre any of the following criteria present?
cord-304972-aktfbriwDoes this patient have strep throat?
cord-304972-aktfbriwQué papel tiene la otorrinolaringología en la asistencia primaria?
cord-304972-aktfbriwWhich treatments provide the most relief for pharyngitis pain?
cord-307285-bxy0zsc7An old drug against today's diseases?
cord-307285-bxy0zsc7Are we different, like Antihypertensive drugs and risk of COVID-19?
cord-307285-bxy0zsc7Quinoline- based antimalarial drugs: A novel class of autophagy inhibitors Hydroxychloroquine in systemic lupus erythematosus( SLE) Chloroquine- induced oral mucosal hyperpigmentation and nail dyschromia Pigmented lichenoid drug eruption secondary to chloroquine therapy: An unusual presentation in lower lip Safety of ibuprofen in patients with COVID-19; causal or confounded?
cord-309024-pu830bn9COVID-19 pneumonia progressing into the cytokine storm syndrome: results from a single Italian Centre study on tocilizumab versus standard of care Tocilizumab for cytokine storm syndrome in COVID-19 pneumonia: an increased risk for candidemia?
cord-309024-pu830bn9Can we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-304791-wv4qu9xmCOVID-19 Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 New therapeutic implications of endothelial nitric oxide synthase( eNOS) function/ dysfunction in cardiovascular disease Pulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-304791-wv4qu9xmIs the recommendation to use high- dose heparin for thromboprophylaxis justified?
cord-304791-wv4qu9xmSubstantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus( SARS- CoV-2) Outcomes in patients with hyperglycemia affected by COVID-19: can we do more on glycemic control?
cord-304791-wv4qu9xmWill complement inhibition be the new target in treating COVID-19 related systemic thrombosis?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2COVID-19: a promising cure for the global panic New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2Does this mean that the government has the right to decide whether a treatment even not proven yet, should be prescribed as a treatment?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2Finally, what are the government, physicians, and patient ’s rights and responsibilities?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2If the answer is yes, there remain the questions of what are the main ethical principles to be applied in this case?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2If yes, is a randomized controlled trial to prove the hydroxychloroquine for the Covid-19 treatment, necessary, in the context of covid-19 pandemic?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2Should they present that treatment to their patients as experimental or as therapeutic?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2That is why its use in the context of Covid-19 is rising many controversial questions: Is it ethical not to treat a patient while a treatment exists and is used for other indications than Covid-19 for which it's not proven yet?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2They may ask what might be the ethical implications of doing so?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2WHO Informed consent: what must a physician disclose to a patient?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2We mainly tried to discuss the following controversial questions: Is it ethical not to treat a patient while a treatment exists and is used for other indications than Covid-19 for which it ’s not proven yet?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2While the government has decided on the treatment prescription, some doctors may feel forced to prescribe a treatment regimen of which they are not necessarily convinced and may feel double challenging: should they strictly follow the therapeutic protocol as dictated by their government?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2and is there other evidence based pathway other than Randomized Clinical Trial to support new purposes of this drug?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2and what should be the physicians ’ attitudes?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2de Covid-19? et quelles devraient être les attitudes des médecins?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2de Covid-19? et quelles devraient être les attitudes des médecins?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2les droits et responsabilités du gouvernement, des médecins et des patients?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2qu'un traitement existe et est utilisé pour d'autres indications que le Covid-19 pour lequel il n'est pas encore prouvé?
cord-281276-rffp6qe2the government ’s right to decide the hydroxychloroquine treatment for all covid-19 patients?
cord-294617-i8j36bolAre our colleagues, who are receiving these referrals, at less risk than us?
cord-294617-i8j36bolAre they better equipped than us?
cord-294617-i8j36bolAre we, at a primeval level, giving into that basic instinct of self- preservation?
cord-294617-i8j36bolDid we refer out of fear?
cord-294617-i8j36bolDoes the poor patient benefit?
cord-294617-i8j36bolHow can we be of greater help to them without compromising the quality of the patient care?
cord-294617-i8j36bolHow could we practice beneficence, non- maleficence, autonomy and justice from our uniquely ineffective roles[ 2, 3]?
cord-294617-i8j36bolIs it possible for us to minimize their exposure whilst ensuring patient safety?
cord-294617-i8j36bolMe, my parent or my patient?
cord-294617-i8j36bolMy parent or my patient?
cord-294617-i8j36bolYour country needs you?'
cord-304479-uxp1kg86A Periodic Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open- label non- randomized clinical trial Is Hydroxychloroquine Safe During Pregnancy?
cord-304479-uxp1kg86A first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis Cryo- EM structure of the 2019-nCoV spike in the prefusion conformation Receptor recognition by the novel coronavirus from Wuhan: an analysis based on decade- long structural studies of SARS coronavirus Prosper, Inhibition of SARS- CoV-2 infections in engineered human tissues using clinical- grade soluble human Soluble angiotensin- converting enzyme 2: a potential approach for coronavirus infection therapy?
cord-304479-uxp1kg86Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-304479-uxp1kg86Can cell therapies halt cytokine storm in severe COVID-19 patients?
cord-310823-xksu8fn1key: cord-310823-xksu8fn1 authors: Anand, Abhinav; Kumar, Ramesh; Shalimar, title: Obesity and mortality in COVID-19: cause or association?
cord-311275-ysr9nquna global comparative review Respiratory syncytial virus circulation in seven countries with Global Disease Detection Regional Centers Is clinical recognition of respiratory syncytial virus infection in hospitalized elderly and high- risk adults possible?
cord-304255-7xs9cit7So how can we use telemedicine to access critical data in patients who are not usually bothered by their disease?
cord-304255-7xs9cit7What Does Telemedicine Mean for the Care of Patients With Glaucoma in the Age of COVID-19? date: 2020- 08- 13 journal:
cord-304255-7xs9cit7When offered a video conference appointment, some patients have asked,''If you ca n't check my pressure or do a visual field, then why should I see you now?''
cord-304255-7xs9cit7Will telemedicine just be another tool that inadvertently divides those who already have access to health care from those who do not?
cord-304255-7xs9cit7Would going to a public place, such as a library, with free internet access really provide a secure and appropriate environment for a doctorpatient conversation?
cord-310539-8zk3hkgjIf we assume the best- case scenario for the availability of a vaccine, do we expect that the public and particularly patients with diabetes will all get vaccinated?
cord-289064-435bp4rt: the CORONADO study Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-289064-435bp4rtA pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Physiological and pathological regulation of ACE2, the SARS- CoV-2 receptor Obesity and impaired metabolic health in patients with COVID-19 Could anti- hypertensive drug therapy affect the clinical prognosis of hypertensive patients with COVID-19 infection?
cord-289064-435bp4rtBe the New Target in Treating COVID-19-Related Systemic Thrombosis?
cord-289064-435bp4rtCan We Do More on Glycemic Control?
cord-289064-435bp4rtCan pioglitazone be potentially useful therapeutically in treating patients with COVID-19?
cord-289064-435bp4rtCould ACE2 present on beta cells represent a direct target for virus entry, potentially leading to the dysregulation or destruction of these cells, promoting a( potentially irreversible) loss of insulin production?
cord-289064-435bp4rtCould this affect islet or kidney function?
cord-289064-435bp4rtData from centers of southern Italy ACE2 and Diabetes: ACE of ACEs?
cord-289064-435bp4rtInsulin inhibits intranuclear nuclear factor kappaB and stimulates IkappaB in mononuclear cells in obese subjects: evidence for an anti- inflammatory effect?
cord-289064-435bp4rtIs Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor How does coronavirus kill?
cord-289064-435bp4rtMight elevated levels of ACE2, facilitating viral entry, contribute to increased disease risk and mortality in metabolic disease?
cord-289064-435bp4rtThe immunology of COVID-19: is immune modulation an option for treatment?
cord-289064-435bp4rtThe most question remains: are the effects of the virus on glycemic control purely the result of an over- active immune system, with immune cells and inflammatory cytokines acting on multiple tissues( which)?, or are there direct actions of the virus on tissues and organs relevant to metabolic homoeostasis( beta cells, other islet hormone- secreting cells, liver, fat, muscle, brain, kidney etc.)?
cord-289064-435bp4rtThe most question remains: are the effects of the virus on glycemic control purely the result of an over- active immune system, with immune cells and inflammatory cytokines acting on multiple tissues( which)?, or are there direct actions of the virus on tissues and organs relevant to metabolic homoeostasis( beta cells, other islet hormone- secreting cells, liver, fat, muscle, brain, kidney etc.)?
cord-289064-435bp4rtnew insights Is it relevant to wound healing in diabetic foot disease?
cord-310117-19qsszns2019 update in vitro antiviral activity and projection of optimized dosing design of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2( saRs- CoV-2) Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COViD-19: results of an open- label non- randomized clinical trial a rush to judgment?
cord-310117-19qssznsFor this retrospective, single- centre study, we obtained the medical records and compiled data for inpatients who were diagnosed with COVID-19( ordinary, severe and critical cases) and admitted How might this impact on clinical practice or future developments? ►
cord-310976-24b3c3a4Virtually perfect?
cord-311373-ngs7baocCan Chinese medicine be used for prevention of corona virus disease 2019( COVID-19)?
cord-308075-1ftswsm8But when?
cord-308075-1ftswsm8How to resume endoscopic activity following the cessation of the current outbreak?
cord-308075-1ftswsm8What do we know now?
cord-305304-d3x734nuCollaborative Group Is thrombolytic therapy really better than conventional treatment in acute inferior myocardial infarction?
cord-305304-d3x734nuIs thrombolytic therapy in acute inferior myocardial infarction really better than conventional treatment?
cord-305304-d3x734nuPrognostic significance of the initial electrocardiographic pattern in patients with inferior wall acute myocardial infarction Prognostic significance of precordial ST segment depression on admission electrocardiogram in patients with inferior wall myocardial infarction Maximal precordial ST- segment depression in leads V4-V6 in patients with inferior wall acute myocardial infarction indicates coronary artery disease involving the left anterior descending coronary artery system Value of the initial electrocardiogram in patients with inferior- wall acute myocardial infarction for prediction of multivessel coronary artery disease Is thrombolytic therapy really better than conventional treatment in acute inferior myocardial infarction?
cord-305304-d3x734nuShould We Adhere to Current Guidelines?
cord-305304-d3x734nua randomized open- label study for patients admitted to community hospitals Primary coronary angioplasty vs. thrombolysis G. does time matter?
cord-305534-936peb1nA 55-day- old female infant infected with COVID 19: presenting with pneumonia, liver injury, and heart damage Anosmia and dysgeusia in the absence of other respiratory diseases: should COVID-19 infection be considered?
cord-305534-936peb1nSingle- cell RNA- seq data analysis on the receptor ACE2 expression reveals the potential risk of different human organs vulnerable to 2019-nCoV infection Generation of a transgenic mouse model of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection and disease SARS- coronavirus modulation of myocardial ACE2 expression and inflammation in patients with SARS Acute renal impairment in coronavirus- associated severe acute respiratory syndrome Should COVID-19 Concern Nephrologists?
cord-305534-936peb1nWhy and to what extent?
cord-305534-936peb1nis faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-303517-8971aq02-The Editors Speak Out Dermatological diseases presented before COVID-19: Are patients with psoriasis and superficial fungal infections more vulnerable to the COVID-19?
cord-303517-8971aq02A Trial of Lopinavir- Ritonavir in Adults Hospitalized with Severe Covid-19 Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas Incidence and Severity of COVID-19 in HIV- Positive Persons Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy Could HIV infection alter the clinical course of SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-303517-8971aq02Mult Scler Houndmills Basingstoke Engl COVIDa MS patient treated with ocrelizumab: does immunosuppression have a protective role?
cord-303517-8971aq02Should cyclosporine be useful in renal transplant recipients affected by SARS- CoV-2?
cord-303517-8971aq02When less is better Maintaining HIV care during the COVID-19 pandemic Biomarkers of immunosuppression Immunosuppression for the non- transplant physician: what should you know?
cord-303517-8971aq02a narrative review Attenuated early inflammatory response in solid organ recipients with COVID-19 Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: Does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-305405-me4gebvm: Can We Do More on Glycemic Control?
cord-305405-me4gebvm: Is COVID-19 an Endothelial Disease?
cord-305405-me4gebvmCan angiotensin receptor- blocking drugs perhaps be harmful in the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-305405-me4gebvmHyperglycemia, hydroxychloroquine, and the COVID-19 pandemic Angiotensin receptor blockers as tentative SARS- CoV-2 therapeutics Could Anti- Hypertensive Drug Therapy Affect the Clinical Prognosis of Hypertensive Patients With COVID-19 Infection?
cord-311848-8n9ee57a71 factors associated with COVID-19 death in 17 million patients Clinical characteristics of COVID-19- 73 infected cancer patients: a retrospective case study in three hospitals within Wuhan Clinical characteristics and outcomes of cancer 19 CoV-2 infection in cancer patients undergoing active treatment: analysis of clinical features and 81 predictive factors for severe respiratory failure and death Granulocyte-83 colony stimulating factor in COVID-19: Is it stimulating more than just the bone marrow?
cord-310901-oooat8xjAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-306351-ka6asw3m( COVID-19): A Review A brief review of antiviral drugs evaluated in registered clinical trials for COVID-19 Arbidol combined with LPV/ r versus LPV/ r alone against Corona Virus Disease 2019: A retrospective cohort study Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment?
cord-306351-ka6asw3mHow will country- based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-306351-ka6asw3mHydroxychloroquine in Covid-19: Does the end justify the means?
cord-306351-ka6asw3mIs Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-311752-stqrf50kChina Presenting characteristics, comorbidities, and outcomes among 5700 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in the New York City area Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-310974-hz37yf39Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-310974-hz37yf39do we really know what we think we know?
cord-308466-f0iu6sjeCan we identify patients with different illness schema following an acute exacerbation of COPD: a cluster analysis Rehabilitation following hospitalization in patients with COPD: can it reduce readmissions?
cord-308466-f0iu6sjeDisruption of the Microbiome?
cord-308466-f0iu6sjeWhich patients with AECOPD should be hospitalized?
cord-308466-f0iu6sjea nationwide population- based study Is elevated troponin associated with in- hospital mortality in emergency department patients admitted with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
cord-311730-189vax2mWhat does it offer?
cord-311730-189vax2mand why might it be effective in the treatment of COVID-19?
cord-310597-zy6ckr53The effect of head and neck radiotherapy on blood pressure and orthostatic hypotension in patients with head and neck tumors Cardiovascular risk factors in adult survivors of pediatric cancer- a report from the childhood cancer survivor study Glucocorticoid- dependent hypertension ESC Position Paper on cancer treatments and cardiovascular toxicity developed under the auspices of the ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines: The Task Force for cancer treatments and cardiovascular toxicity of the European Society of Cardiology( ESC) Clinical usefulness and cost effectiveness of home blood pressure telemonitoring: meta- analysis of randomized controlled studies Virtually Perfect?
cord-310597-zy6ckr53a report of the American college of cardiology/ american heart association task force on clinical practice guidelines Combination therapy is superior to sequential monotherapy for the initial treatment of hypertension: a double- blind randomized controlled trial Home blood- pressure monitoring in patients receiving sunitinib Initial assessment, surveillance, and management of blood pressure in patients receiving vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway inhibitors Rapid development of hypertension by sorafenib: toxicity or target?
cord-310597-zy6ckr53pathway Bevacizumab induced hypertension in gynecologic cancer: Does it resolve after completion of therapy?
cord-307653-nyr6mtj1: Why is SARS- CoV-2 infection milder among children?
cord-307653-nyr6mtj1In contrast, could the relative resistance of children be due to an immature immune system?
cord-307653-nyr6mtj1Preventing a COVID-19 pandemic: ACE inhibitors as a potential risk factor for fatal COVID-19 Can angiotensin receptor- blocking drugs perhaps be harmful in the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-307653-nyr6mtj1bioRxiv Angiotensin- converting enzyme 2( ACE2) in disease pathogenesis SARS- CoV-2 infects T lymphocytes through its spike protein- mediated membrane fusion Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-307653-nyr6mtj1the renin- angiotensin system to gut microbiota and malnutrition ACE2: more of Ang-(1- 7) or less Ang II?
cord-308252-qwoo7b1lCOVID-19: risk for cytokine targeting in chronic inflammatory diseases?
cord-308252-qwoo7b1lCOVID-19: what has been learned and to be learned about the novel coronavirus disease Complement as a target in COVID-19?
cord-308252-qwoo7b1lIntestinal permeability-- a new target for disease prevention and therapy Novel coronavirus infection and gastrointestinal tract Are patients with inflammatory bowel disease at increased risk for Covid-19 infection?
cord-308252-qwoo7b1lWhy tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19? Cytokine release syndrome.
cord-307690-1qqyixun: do all narcissists base their self- esteem on the same domains?
cord-307690-1qqyixunAre you looking at me?
cord-307690-1qqyixunCOVID-19: are extroversion and conscientiousness personality traits associated with engagement with containment measures?
cord-307690-1qqyixunGrandiose and entitled, but still fragile: a network analysis of pathological narcissistic traits Abdelrahman M Personality traits, risk perception, and protective behaviors of Arab residents of Qatar during the COVID-19 pandemic Pathological narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder Factorial structure of traits delineating personality disorders in clinical and general population samples Coronavirus( COVID-19) in the United Kingdom: a personality- based perspective on concerns and intention to self- isolate Psychiatric and neuropsychiatric presentations associated with severe coronavirus infections: a systematic review and metaanalysis with comparison to the COVID-19 pandemic Obsessive- compulsive personality disorder and component personality traits Intolerance of uncertainty and obsessivecompulsive personality disorder Relationship between hypochondriasis and obsessivecompulsive personality disorder: close relatives separated by nosological schemes?
cord-307690-1qqyixunpreliminary validation studies Bifactor structure of the schizotypal personality questionnaire( SPQ) COVID-19 as a psychological contagion: a new Pandora's box to close?
cord-308002-abgv87e4Covid-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-308002-abgv87e4In these dramatic days of the SARS- CoV-2 pandemic, what is our role as oncologists in a country like Italy, characterised by a very high prevalence of the Covid-19 infection and high mortality rates, and a universal healthcare system?
cord-308002-abgv87e4Should we do triage too, as oncologists, in our wards?
cord-308002-abgv87e4Why do our patients get chemotherapy until the end of life?
cord-311215-x3b7ewo2What we know?
cord-311215-x3b7ewo2lessons learnt in Hong Kong Staff safety during emergency airway management for COVID-19 in Hong Kong Early versus late tracheostomy: a systematic review and meta- analysis Systematic review and meta- analysis of studies of the timing of tracheostomy in adult patients undergoing artificial ventilation Timing of tracheotomy in ICU patients: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials Risk factors for adult laryngotracheal stenosis: a review of 74 cases Clinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with SARS- CoV-2 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a single- centered, retrospective, observational study Retrospective Analysis of Clinical Features in 101 Death Cases with COVID-19 Alerte covid-19 endoscopies et fibroscopies orl, chirurgie endonasale, tracheotomie et soins de tracheotomie Aerosol generating procedures and risk of transmission of acute respiratory infections to healthcare workers: a systematic review Which preventive measures might protect health care workers from SARS?
cord-313028-0nhgxoima descriptive study Plasma inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in severe acute respiratory syndrome MERS- CoV infection in humans is associated with a pro- inflammatory Th1 and Th17 cytokine profile Expression of elevated levels of pro- inflammatory cytokines in SARS- CoV- infected ACE2+ cells in SARS patients: relation to the acute lung injury and pathogenesis of SARS Distinct immune response in two MERS- CoV- infected patients: can we go from bench to bedside?
cord-312677-rwznqiibCOVID-19 pneumonia: an increased risk for candidemia?
cord-307287-zpq6bymlCase Reports and Review of Treatment Options Identification of Kidney Transplant Recipients with Coronavirus Disease Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: Does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-307287-zpq6bymlShould cyclosporine be useful in renal transplant recipients affected by SARS- CoV-2?
cord-307287-zpq6bymlkey: cord-307287-zpq6byml authors: Poulsen, Nadia Nicholine; von Brunn, Albrecht; Hornum, Mads; Blomberg Jensen, Martin title: Cyclosporine and COVID‐19: Risk or Favorable?
cord-307287-zpq6bymlmedRxiv Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-310779-4puiao40A Pediatric Telemedicine 187 Response to a Natural Disaster Novel Use of 189 Telemedicine by Hurricane Evacuation Shelters Virtually Perfect?
cord-310779-4puiao40How accurate is web- based self- reported 226 height, weight, and body mass index in young adults?
cord-311970-o9xao5rlCOVID-19: learning from experience Coagulopathy and antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with Covid-19 Pulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-311970-o9xao5rlIs the recommendation to use high- dose heparin for thromboprophylaxis justified?
cord-312795-0e4esl2oWhat to do in case of confinement at home?
cord-311673-z4hkw17g: Why is SARS- CoV-2 infection more severe in obese men?
cord-311673-z4hkw17gCOVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-310902-cfci8lef5 Preliminary experiences in patients with show that those with chronic arthritis treated with synthetic conventional or targeted synthetic/ biologic disease- modifying antirheumatic What is already known about this subject? ►
cord-310902-cfci8lef: a descriptive study Are my patients with rheumatic diseases at higher risk of COVID-19?
cord-310902-cfci8lefHow might this impact on clinical practice or future developments?
cord-312467-kbhljongwhat next?
cord-308071-1bk3xuwfExtracorporeal life support as a bridge to lung transplantation- experience of a high- volume transplant center Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19 Predicting infectious SARS- CoV-2 from diagnostic samples Bilateral lung transplantation on intraoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenator: an observational study Lung transplantation as therapeutic option in acute respiratory distress syndrome for coronavirus disease 2019-related pulmonary fibrosis Lung transplantation for elderly patients with end- stage COVID-19 pneumonia Covid-19: why test?
cord-308071-1bk3xuwfHow to test?
cord-308071-1bk3xuwfVirological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for critically ill patients with COVID-19-related acute respiratory distress syndrome: worth the effort?
cord-308071-1bk3xuwfWho to test?
cord-308071-1bk3xuwfwhat next?
cord-312754-3yhxcfr2When is CMR re- activation appropriate?
cord-313136-ab56mg6jThe'procoagulopathy'of trauma: too much, too late?
cord-308195-nlibv0u4: what drives the time- dependent decrease in serious infection rates under TNF inhibition and what does this imply for the individual patient?
cord-308195-nlibv0u4How might this impact on clinical practice or future developments?
cord-308195-nlibv0u4The trinity of COVID-19: immunity, inflammation and intervention BSR and BHPR guideline for the prescription and monitoring of non- biologic disease- modifying anti- rheumatic drugs Is Albumin Predictor of Mortality in COVID-19?
cord-308195-nlibv0u4What does this study add?
cord-308195-nlibv0u4What is already known?
cord-296494-6kn4mr04A Missing Link?
cord-296494-6kn4mr04A Nationwide Analysis Immunology in the clinic review series; focus on type 1 diabetes and viruses: the enterovirus link to type 1 diabetes: critical review of human studies Autoantibody negative new onset type 1 diabetic patients lacking high risk HLA alleles in a caucasian population: are these type 1b diabetes cases?
cord-296494-6kn4mr04Advances in the physiology in the last decade consider atherothrombosis and aging as an inflammatory disorder( 81) but, which molecular aspects are common to both conditions?.
cord-296494-6kn4mr04Do we give the value it really has?.
cord-296494-6kn4mr04How to Oppose Aging Strategically?
cord-296494-6kn4mr04In accordance with the above, could the immunosenescence be related to the special aggressiveness of COVID-19 in the elderly?.
cord-296494-6kn4mr04In aged COVID-19 patients or with history of coronary artery disease( CAD) an acute coronary syndrome( ACS) can also be seen for plaque vulnerability in the presence of a pro- inflammatory state with cytokine release( 71) but from the experience in animals, could it be plausible that any of them could be due to arteritis?
cord-296494-6kn4mr04In patients of COVID-19, what are the symptoms and clinical features of mild and moderate cases?
cord-296494-6kn4mr04In this sense, are we really optimizing the main targets during the hospitalisation?
cord-296494-6kn4mr04Our questions are, why?, and beyond, would it be useful?.
cord-296494-6kn4mr04Our questions are, why?, and beyond, would it be useful?.
cord-296494-6kn4mr04The question now is, what can we do pro- actively, in the meantime?
cord-313294-ffgo56glShould atrial fibrillation be considered a cardiovascular risk factor for a worse prognosis in COVID-19 patients?
cord-310084-taaz6mhsDeep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: two complications of COVID-19 pneumonia?
cord-310084-taaz6mhsMedRxiv Can we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-310084-taaz6mhsa retrospective case series study Venous thrombosis and arteriosclerosis obliterans of lower extremities in a very severe patient with 2019 novel coronavirus disease: a case report New coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control program Global action plan on physical activity 2018- 2030: more active people for a healthier world: World Health Organization Ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes in Dakar, Senegal: a hospitalbased study Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19 Prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism associated with coronavirus disease 2019 infection: a consensus statement before guidelines SARS- CoV-2: olfaction, brain infection, and the urgent need for clinical samples allowing earlier virus detection COVID-19 and stroke: casual or causal role?
cord-311847-2czqs84qCommon Findings in COVID-19 Patients First case of 2019 novel coronavirus disease with Encephalitis Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: Causality or coincidence?
cord-311847-2czqs84qUnderestimated Opportunistic Pathogens of the Central Nervous System?
cord-313728-08kwkbmdpor coronavirus SARS- CoV-2( Covid-19) en pacientes con transplante renal Safety of mTOR inhibitors in adult solid organ transplantation Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-309360-cpis1l4uIschaemic stroke and SARS- CoV-2 infection: a causal or incidental association?
cord-309360-cpis1l4uauthors: Barrios- López, J. M.; Rego- García, I.; Muñoz Martínez, C.; Romero- Fábrega, J. C.; Rivero Rodríguez, M.; Ruiz Giménez, J. A.; Escamilla- Sevilla, F.; Mínguez- Castellanos, A.; Fernández Pérez, M. D. title: Ischaemic stroke and SARS- CoV-2 infection: A causal or incidental association?
cord-309360-cpis1l4upor SARS- CoV-2?
cord-309360-cpis1l4u¿ Una pandemia demorada?
cord-306377-s9j21zsy# 7&8'9&$':(C@A8AB$A9 is the matrix formed by the corresponding columns of?
cord-306377-s9j21zsy'( C@A8AB$A9 is the matrix formed by the corresponding columns of?
cord-306377-s9j21zsyAdd element?
cord-306377-s9j21zsyAlgorithm 1 Feature selection 2)?
cord-306377-s9j21zsy[ i] to?
cord-310685-gi2ycrfkAre physicians equipped to address the obesity epidemic?
cord-310685-gi2ycrfkCan ED staff accurately estimate the weight of adult patients?
cord-310685-gi2ycrfkSociety of Critical Care Medicine Is obesity associated with major depression?
cord-313785-8tipkksu( COVID-19) Optimizing the trade- off between learning and doing in a pandemic Desired turbulence?
cord-313684-61hkogdhWhy Children Fare Better than Adults?
cord-309706-kikx05djDo we augment the prehospital system with hospital- based transport providers?
cord-309706-kikx05djDo we expand the scope of practice for a cohort of prehospital providers?
cord-309706-kikx05djDo we understand the real risks of responding to a surge in a system near or over capacity?
cord-309706-kikx05djHow does our prehospital system support patients needing transport when our critical care teams are not available?
cord-313693-qmkrn7prWhy did outbreaks of severe acute respiratory syndrome occur in some hospital wards but not in others?
cord-310069-ay4af6xrDo we need ARDS?
cord-310069-ay4af6xrThe question"Do patients with COVID-19 develop typical ARDS?
cord-310069-ay4af6xrWhat exactly is ARDS, and how should a doctor decide whether some patient has ARDS or another disorder?
cord-310069-ay4af6xrauthors: Tobin, Martin J. title: Does making a diagnosis of ARDS in COVID-19 patients matter?
cord-314088-ktj17dvq: does it affect compensatory stepping?
cord-314218-6znw9zczComparison between the new fully automated viscoelastic coagulation analysers TEG 6s and ROTEM Sigma in trauma patients: a prospective observational study Tranexamic acid and perioperative bleeding in children: what do we still need to know?
cord-305134-s7h6bpof: retrospective analysis Is MERS another SARS?
cord-305134-s7h6bpofComplement as a target in COVID-19?
cord-305134-s7h6bpofThe intrinsic pathway of coagulation: a target for treating thromboembolic disease?
cord-305134-s7h6bpofUsing Clinical- Grade Soluble Human ACE2 Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 Overcoming barriers: the endothelium as a linchpin of coronavirus disease 2019 pathogenesis?
cord-305134-s7h6bpofWill complement inhibition be the new target in treating COVID-19-related systemic thrombosis?
cord-305134-s7h6bpofa multicenter prospective cohort study Incidence of venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 COVID and coagulation: bleeding and thrombotic manifestations of SARS- CoV2 infection Pulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-305134-s7h6bpofis the recommendation to use high- dose heparin for thromboprophylaxis justified?
cord-313989-bc7q8swu: What is the role of heart rate variability?
cord-311000-abntwzuyGuidelines and Recommendations Telemedicine in long- term care of glaucoma patients Two- year outcomes of a pilot glaucoma suspect telemedicine monitoring program Results from the first teleglaucoma pilot project in Addis Ababa Tele- glaucoma vs clinical evaluation: the New Jersey Health Foundation Prospective Clinical Study Glaucoma screening: where are we and where do we need to go?
cord-311000-abntwzuyThe possibility of COVID-19 transmission from eye to nose Can the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) affect the eyes?
cord-311000-abntwzuyWhy miss the chance?
cord-308169-a0ft6wdyCan asthma control be improved by understanding the patient's perspective?
cord-308169-a0ft6wdyIn other words,'are the pathophysiological features a consequence or an underlying cause of the disease?'
cord-308169-a0ft6wdyRhinovirus- induced wheezing in infancy- the first sign of childhood asthma?
cord-308169-a0ft6wdyThe link between fungi and severe asthma: a summary of the evidence Randomized controlled trial of oral antifungal treatment for severe asthma with fungal sensitization: The Fungal Asthma Sensitization Trial( FAST) study Can guideline- defined asthma control be achieved?
cord-308169-a0ft6wdyTiotropium improves lung function in Ltd patients with severe uncontrolled asthma: a randomized controlled trial Randomized trial of omalizumab( anti- IgE) for asthma in inner- city children Anti- IgE for asthma in inner- city children Dupilumab in persistent asthma with elevated eosinophil levels Against all odds: anti- IgE for intrinsic asthma?
cord-312798-2cbgnv1hCOVID-19) Transient complete heart block in a patient with critical COVID-19 A young woman presenting with a viral prodrome, palpitations, dizziness, and heart block Cardiac and arrhythmic complications in patients with COVID-19 Cardiac involvement in a patient with coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Guidance on minimizing risk of drug- induced ventricular arrhythmia during treatment of COVID-19: a statement from the Canadian Heart Rhythm Society How to protect the protectors: 10 lessons to learn for doctors fighting the COVID-19 coronavirus Inpatient use of mobile continuous telemetry for COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin ISHNE- HRS expert consensus statement on ambulatory ECG and external cardiac monitoring/ telemetry Comparison of QT interval readings in normal sinus rhythm between a smartphone heart monitor and a 12-lead ECG for healthy volunteers and inpatients receiving sotalol or dofetilide A wearable remote monitoring system for the identification of subjects with a prolonged QT interval or at risk for drug- induced long QT syndrome Can smartphone wireless ECGs be used to accurately assess ECG intervals in pediatrics?
cord-312798-2cbgnv1hHow well do results from large randomized clinical trials diffuse into clinical practice?
cord-302756-343y63e5And as we restart semi- elective surgery should we give patients subsequently found to be COVID-19 positive additional thromboprophylaxis?
cord-302756-343y63e5How should we manage antiocoagulation for these patients on ICU for renal replacement therapy or ECMO?
cord-302756-343y63e5If so, for how long, when do we think the additional risk has passed?
cord-302756-343y63e5Pathological evidence of pulmonary thrombotic phenomena in severe COVID-19 COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-302756-343y63e5These include: should all patients hospitalised with severe COVID-19 be treated empirically with therapeutic anticoagulation until venous thromboembolism is discounted?
cord-302756-343y63e5We must wonder, however, why some Western patients affected by the virus get severe respiratory compromise requiring critical care support whilst others have a relatively mild illness?
cord-302756-343y63e5We must, therefore, ask ourselves what is the link between the extremes of the immune system, presenting as cytokine storm, and the extremes of coagulation, presenting as arterial and venous thromboembolism?
cord-302756-343y63e5We must, therefore, ask ourselves what is the link between the extremes of the immune system, presenting as cytokine storm, and the extremes of coagulation, presenting as arterial and venous thromboembolism?
cord-302756-343y63e5where are we after 20 years?
cord-309751-7elnvjk3A hospitalbased analysis How to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-309751-7elnvjk3COVID-19 outbreak: Is there still a place for scheduled surgery?"
cord-309751-7elnvjk3What is the definition of an elective procedure?
cord-309751-7elnvjk3What risks and what precautions?
cord-309751-7elnvjk3What should be offered to patients as an alternative to surgical intervention?
cord-312684-3i2r2ahrAll rights reserved Disseminated intravascular coagulation in patients with 2019-nCoV pneumonia COVID-19 complicated by acute pulmonary embolism Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-312684-3i2r2ahrRisk Factors Associated With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Death in Patients With Coronavirus Disease Viral hemorrhagic fever-- a vascular disease?
cord-017217-zjab7o2oWhat tests should be ordered prior to commencing this drug? cord-017217-zjab7o2o Dialysis- related amyloidosis: late finding or hidden epidemic? cord-017217-zjab7o2o How common is this abnormality? cord-017217-zjab7o2o How could this have been prevented? cord-017217-zjab7o2o How would you initially manage his joint pain? cord-017217-zjab7o2o How would you manage her? cord-017217-zjab7o2o How would you manage her? cord-017217-zjab7o2o How would you manage him? cord-017217-zjab7o2o How would you manage the patient? cord-017217-zjab7o2o How would you manage this patient? cord-017217-zjab7o2o How would you treat him? cord-017217-zjab7o2o How would you treat his gout? cord-017217-zjab7o2o Muscle strength is 5/5 throughout What additional blood tests would you like to know? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What advice would you give her regarding contraception? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What complication has occurred? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What complication has occurred? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What complication has occurred? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What complication has occurred? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What does the X- ray show and what advice would you give to the orthopaedic surgeon? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What does the X- ray show? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What else would you look for on examination? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What further tests can confirm this? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What investigations, if any, are appropriate? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the differential diagnosis and most likely scenario? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the major clinical concern in this patient? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis and cause? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis and how would you confirm it? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis and how would you make this diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis based on this lateral view? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the most likely scenario? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the next appropriate step? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the next best step to evaluate this? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the optimal treatment? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What is the prognosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What management is indicated? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What other film would be helpful? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What other tests will facilitate the diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What test should you order from your laboratory that will most likely yield the diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What tests would you order to confirm the diagnosis? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What tests would you order? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What treatment is advisable? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What treatment is advised? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What treatment is advised? cord-017217-zjab7o2o What treatment is indicated? cord-017217-zjab7o2o Who was Lisfranc? cord-312065-nqy7m38f For example: should the pager be clipped on the OR uniform inside the OR? cord-312065-nqy7m38f Should we use tape from the roll to secure the endotracheal tube or should the tape be precut? cord-312065-nqy7m38f severe acute respiratory syndrome Updated 47-Studies of SARS virus survival, situation in China but fast enough? cord-315116-u7btx7nt COVID-19 COVID-19 outbreak: an overview on dentistry Interim Guidance for Minimizing Risk of COVID-19 Transmission Personal protective equipment and Covid 19-a risk to healthcare staff? cord-312209-3yi1w44v : what have we learned? cord-312209-3yi1w44v How Will COVID-19 Affect the Health Care Economy? cord-312209-3yi1w44v The opportunity awaits to lead orthopaedic telehealth innovation: AOA critical issues Patient- reported outcomes use during orthopaedic surgery clinic visits improves the patient experience Engaging patients to improve quality of care: a systematic review What is value in health care? cord-313227-6zwkfzab An overview on medicinal perspective of thiazolidine-2,4-dione: a remarkable scaffold in the treatment of type 2 diabetes TNF- alpha and inflammatory cytokines and risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta- analysis Selective insulin resistance and the development of cardiovascular diseases in diabetes: the 2015 edwin bierman award lecture Can pioglitazone be potentially useful therapeutically in treating patients with COVID-19? cord-313227-6zwkfzab are we already that far? cord-312033-iarl77n0 A Special Writing Group from the Task Force on Children and Youth Congenital heart disease never goes away, even when it has been'treated': the adult with congenital heart disease General anxiety of adolescents and adults with congenital heart disease is comparable with that in healthy controls Quality of Life of Adults With Congenital Heart Disease in 15 Countries: Evaluating Country- Specific Characteristics Health related quality of life and health status in adult survivors with previously operated complex congenital heart disease Psychological adjustment and quality of life in children and adolescents following open- heart surgery for congenital heart disease: a systematic review Quality of life in adults with congenital heart disease Is sense of coherence a pathway for improving the quality of life of patients who grow up with chronic diseases? cord-312033-iarl77n0 A hypothesis Quality of life of patients with congenital heart diseases Living with CHD: quality of life( QOL) in early adult life Quality of life of adult congenital heart disease patients: a systematic review of the literature Medical factors that predict quality of life for young adults with congenital heart disease: What matters most? cord-312033-iarl77n0 Cause for despair or hope? cord-312572-i7r28wdc Are we doing too many unnecessary in- person follow- up consultations? cord-312572-i7r28wdc How strict of a follow- up is actually necessary in uro- oncologic patients? cord-312572-i7r28wdc To what extent can the follow- up visits be replaced by phone calls or video conversations, in order to safely ease the burden in our offices and to provide the patients with more convenience? cord-313494-a4pms2ub How can we accomplish this? cord-313494-a4pms2ub People who are at higher risk for severe illness Coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): What to do if you get sick? cord-313836-mcm0xmzw A multicenter observational study Is thromboprophylaxis with high- dose enoxaparin really necessary for COVID-19 patients? cord-313836-mcm0xmzw A newprudent"randomisedclinical trial Rebuttal to letter"Is thromboprophylaxis with high- dose enoxaparin really necessary for COVID-19 patients?
cord-312918-iof45k1r: over 100 M website views per year Ready to submit your research?
cord-312918-iof45k1rAfter these four large RCTs, it is legitimate to ask ourselves:"Who won and who lost?".
cord-312918-iof45k1rcord-312918-iof45k1r authors: Ortolani, Claudio; Pastorello, Elide A. title: Hydroxychloroquine and dexamethasone in COVID-19: who won and who lost?
cord-312847-2cg3ylfl: is it possible?
cord-312847-2cg3ylflClinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with SARS- CoV-2 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a single- centered, retrospective, observational study Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Clinical characteristics of 140 patients infected by SARS- CoV-2 in Wuhan Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-312847-2cg3ylflWhat is the best way to sedate critically ill patients?
cord-315188-a9pvugjtAn analysis based on decade- long structural studies of SARS coronavirus COVID-19 patients'clinical characteristics, discharge rate, and fatality rate of meta- analysis Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers in the treatment of hypertension: Should they be used together?
cord-300344-57vxlctl( there would be a provider available on site if you needed immediate in person attention)?
cord-300344-57vxlctl: If given the choice, would you rather see another physician provider in the room in- person each week or would you rather see your regular radiation oncologist through a tele- visit weekly( there would be a provider on site if you needed medical attention immediately)?
cord-300344-57vxlctlHow confident did you feel your doctor was able to address your concerns equally effectively using this platform compared to an in person visit?
cord-300344-57vxlctlHow did you feel about the quality of this visit as compared to prior weekly visits with your radiation oncologist?
cord-300344-57vxlctlHow did you feel about the quality of this visit as compared to prior weekly visits with your radiation oncologist?
cord-300344-57vxlctlHow supportive are you of using tele- video visits for your weekly visit during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-300344-57vxlctlIf no why not?
cord-300344-57vxlctlIf"A"do they plan to obtain or have they obtained software system to allow use of virtual OTVs?
cord-300344-57vxlctlIf"B"does your healthcare system plan to obtain necessary hardware to allow virtual OTVs?
cord-300344-57vxlctlIf"C", would you be willing and able to perform virtual OTVs if you were educated as to how to perform?
cord-300344-57vxlctlIf"D"was it RN, RTT or both that were cause of concern?
cord-300344-57vxlctlPlease rate your satisfaction with your telemedicine visit?
cord-313860-mzs3ya0sIs the tobacco user willing to make a quit attempt at this time?
cord-313860-mzs3ya0sThe patient should answer the question"why it is so important to quit smoking?"
cord-310205-j57x9ke6: abscess of cellulitis?
cord-310205-j57x9ke6A cost- effectiveness analysis of diagnosis and management of adults with pharyngitis Diagnosing strep throat in the adult patient: do clinical criteria really suffice?
cord-310205-j57x9ke6Antibiotics for sore throat Are cephalosporins superior to penicillin for treatment of acute streptococcal pharyngitis?
cord-310205-j57x9ke6Definition of a clinical illness associated with seroconversion Primary HIV infection Clinical presentations and virologic characteristics of primary human immunodeficiency virus type-1 infection in a university hospital in Taiwan Clinical picture of HIV infection presenting as a glandular- fever- like illness Is antiretroviral treatment of primary HIV infection clinically justified on the basis of current evidence?
cord-310205-j57x9ke6The role of streptococcus in the pathogenesis of rheumatic fever Rapid diagnosis of pharyngitis caused by group A streptococci Practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of group A streptococcal pharyngitis Management of acute pharyngitis in adults: reliability of rapid streptococcal tests and clinical findings Treatment failures and carriers: perception or problems?
cord-314171-431buxxrClinical and biochemical indexes from 2019-nCoV infected patients linked to viral loads and lung injury Soluble angiotensin- converting enzyme 2: a potential approach for coronavirus infection therapy?
cord-314171-431buxxrwhat to expect for COVID-19?
cord-308184-w8ewm8veA review of the 2019 novel coronavirus( COVID-19) COVID-19, cytokines and immunosuppression: what can we learn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-308184-w8ewm8veAvailable NHS Clinical guide for the management of rheumatology patients during the coronavirus pandemic Available from Are my patients with rheumatic diseases at higher risk of COVID-19?
cord-308184-w8ewm8veDis Virtually Perfect?
cord-308184-w8ewm8veHost or organ- ism?
cord-308184-w8ewm8veHydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin in Patients with Severe COVID-19 Infection Natural small molecules as inhibitors of coronavirus lipid- dependent attachment to host cells: a possible strategy for reducing SARS- COV-2 infectivity?
cord-308184-w8ewm8veSars- coronavirus-2 trigger autoimmune and/or autoinflammatory mechanisms in genetically predisposed subjects?
cord-308184-w8ewm8veWhat is the role of rheumatologists in the era of COVID-19?
cord-314378-cs9ggqwk: situation summary Coronavirus: are there two strains and is one more deadly?
cord-314378-cs9ggqwktreat infected patients), but a separate statement to"minimise the potential impact on society … including key public services"is also present: what does this mean for plastic surgery departments?
cord-315311-azamwuzlHow these changes are perceived from people and how do they will influence the doctor/ patient relationship?
cord-315311-azamwuzlOne of them is how to face virtual medicine and virtual doctor?
cord-311044-kjx0z1hcAre the facilities satisfactory to operate safely?
cord-311044-kjx0z1hcBritish society of Thoracic Imaging statement Thailand joins the WHO"Solidarity Trial": global testing of effective treatments of COVID-19 across 8 countries-an aggressive effort to save lives from the pandemic( press release) Could chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine be harmful in Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) treatment?
cord-311044-kjx0z1hcCOVID-19 status: does the patient present a concomitant viral infection in addition to the surgical disease?
cord-311044-kjx0z1hcsufficient protective material( personal protective equipment[ PPE])?
cord-311044-kjx0z1hcthere any alternative treatments other than surgery that would be safe for the patient?
cord-311074-j3fw4dfc* Is there a role for noninvasive ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-311074-j3fw4dfcCOVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-311074-j3fw4dfcCan non- invasive positive pressure ventilation prevent endotracheal intubation in acute lung injury/ acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-311074-j3fw4dfcDuring Spontaneous Breathing in Patients With COVID-19?
cord-311074-j3fw4dfca single centre cohort Is continuous positive airway pressure( CPAP) a new standard of care for type 1 respiratory failure in COVID-19 patients?
cord-316029-z708c3exDoes beta- lactam pharmacokinetic variability in critically ill patients justify therapeutic drug monitoring?
cord-312199-jy3izkouAdequate hydration and 300 avoidance of POUR seem to be the greatest targets of perioperative optimization and should be 301 Arthroplasty of the Hip: A New Operation Is it safe?
cord-312199-jy3izkouOvernight After Total Joint Arthroplasty?
cord-312199-jy3izkouTotal Hip or Knee Arthroplasty Does Not Increase Major Complication and Readmission Rates Rapid Recovery of stay increase readmissions after total joint replacements?
cord-312199-jy3izkouWhy still in 417 hospital after fast- track hip and knee arthroplasty?
cord-313118-dv5xq2k4The effect of sleep apnea on allcause mortality in nondialyzed chronic kidney disease patients Sleep apnea is a novel risk predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and death in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis Obstructive sleep apnea and kidney disease: a potential bidirectional relationship?
cord-313118-dv5xq2k4The prevalence and associations of fatigue in systemic lupus erythematosus Determinants of sleep quality in women with systemic lupus erythematosus Do evidence based interventions for chronic fatigue syndrome improve sleep?
cord-313118-dv5xq2k4critically ill and non- critically ill hospitalised patients: a review of data from prospective, randomised studies Delirium: a disturbance of circadian integrity?
cord-313468-lloh1b0yShould we fear"flu fear"itself?
cord-313468-lloh1b0ySome implications for eating disorders research Children and adolescents with eating disorders during COVID-19 confinement: Difficulties and future challenges Gambling during the COVID-19 crisis-a cause for concern?
cord-313468-lloh1b0yThe psychological impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on college students in China Development and initial validation of the COVID-19 anxiety scale Identity statuses in prebariatric patients with obesity: Associations with eating disorder symptoms, psychological complaints, and coping behaviour?
cord-312614-63qzisswA Lesson from Triage?
cord-312614-63qzisswA Lesson from Triage?
cord-312614-63qzisswA baseline standard of any such policy has to be that scarce resources should be shifted away from those patients who are unlikely What factors should contribute to a judgment that a given Covid-19 patient is unlikely to survive?
cord-312614-63qzisswDoes preventive bioethics exist?
cord-316572-7ei96rrn: where are we now and where are we going?
cord-312486-rumqopg0Management of patients with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic: results of an international meeting Factors associated with COVID-19-related death using OpenSAFELY Epigenetic dysregulation of ACE2 and interferon- regulated genes might suggest increased COVID-19 susceptibility and severity in lupus patients On the alert for cytokine storm: immunopathology in COVID-19 COVID-19-induced acute respiratory failure- an exacerbation of organ- specific autoimmunity?
cord-312486-rumqopg0What has SARS- CoV-2 revealed?
cord-312486-rumqopg0an overview The Complement System in COVID-19: Friend and Foe?
cord-312486-rumqopg0medRxiv Serum IgA, IgM, and IgG responses in COVID-19 Anti- SARS- CoV IgG response in relation to disease severity of severe acute respiratory syndrome Anti- spike IgG causes severe acute lung injury by skewing macrophage responses during acute SARS- CoV infection Antibodydependent infection of human macrophages by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus Molecular mechanism for antibodydependent enhancement of coronavirus entry Clinical efficiency of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in critical patients with COVID-19: a multicenter retrospective cohort study The potential danger of suboptimal antibody responses in COVID-19 Frequency of infection in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis compared with controls: a population study Risk of severe herpes simplex virus infection in SLE: analysis of epidemiology and risk factors analysis in Taiwan Incidence of COVID-19 in patients with rheumatic diseases treated with targeted immunosuppressive drugs: what can we learn from observational data?
cord-315486-pjb5v1tcAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for covid-19 infection?
cord-315486-pjb5v1tcWhat else might explain the poorer clinical outcomes of COVID-19 patients with hypertension or diabetes?
cord-316835-qf0c91vrAvascular necrosis of distal tibial epiphysis: report of two cases Childhood cancer survivors: an at- risk cohort for ankle osteonecrosis Osteonecrosis of the distal tibia after a pronation external rotation ankle fracture: literature review and management Inflammatory bowel disease related osteonecrosis: report of a large series with a review of the literature Arterial occlusive disease and osteonecrosis in HIV infection: a common etiologic and pathogenetic mechanism?
cord-315569-e56c5g8hSummary of a Report of 72 314 Cases From the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Correlation of chest CT and RT- PCR testing in coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) in China: a report of 1014 cases How safe is metabolic/ diabetes surgery?
cord-315569-e56c5g8hWhich postoperative complications matter most after bariatric surgery?
cord-316873-2gwl9m94Approach to adult extracorporeal membrane oxygenation patient selection Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is a team sport: institutional survival benefits of a formalized ECMO team Adult ICU triage during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: who will live and who will die?
cord-315195-m2xqlct8: does it influence the physiology of prone ventilation?
cord-315195-m2xqlct8Interim Guidance Strategies regarding COVID-19 in PD patients Is everyone really breathing 20 times a minute?
cord-315249-yclnl87nAcute infective exacerbations of chronic bronchitis Is an objective assessment of antibiotic therapy in exacerbations of chronic bronchitis possible?
cord-315249-yclnl87nWhat will it take to stop physicians from prescribing antibiotics in acute bronchitis?
cord-314826-usfvulc2: a narrative review Prevalence of Streptococcus pneumoniae in ventilator- associated pneumonia by real- time PCR Antibiotic prescription, organisms and its resistance pattern in patients admitted to respiratory ICU with respiratory infection in Mysuru Epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance among commonly encountered bacteria associated with infections and colonization in intensive care units in a university- affiliated hospital in Shanghai Prevalent bacterial infections in intensive care units of Shiraz University of medical sciences teaching hospitals, shiraz, Iran Nosocomial infections in the intensive care unit: incidence, risk factors, outcome and associated pathogens in a public tertiary teaching hospital of eastern India Are high nurse workload/ staffing ratios associated with decreased survival in critically ill patients?
cord-314826-usfvulc2A review of coronavirus Disease-2019( COVID-19) Molecular immune pathogenesis and diagnosis of COVID-19 Klebsiella pneumoniae: going on the offense with a strong defense Staphylococcus aureus in the intensive care unit: are these Golden grapes ripe for a new approach?
cord-316938-64jxtg9ythrombin generation and decreased fibrinolytic capacity in patients with acute liver injury or acute liver failure Enhancement of fibrinolytic potential in vitro by anticoagulant drugs targeting activated factor X, but not by those inhibiting thrombin or tissue factor SARS-2 Coronavirus- Associated Hemostatic Lung Abnormality in COVID-19: Is It Pulmonary Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism?
cord-317242-e7000i2u: Is It Exudate or Transudate?
cord-317265-n6x0r58iauthors: Singh, Varsha title: Can Vitamins, as Epigenetic Modifiers, Enhance Immunity in COVID-19 Patients with Non- communicable Disease?
cord-314070-8qz23nn4: do we understand it yet?
cord-314070-8qz23nn4Hypoxaemia related to COVID-19: vascular and perfusion abnormalities on dual- energy CT Management of COVID-19 respiratory distress COVID-19 pneumonia: ARDS or not?
cord-314070-8qz23nn4factors associated with COVID-19 death in 17 million patients Clinical characteristics of patients who died of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Immune response, inflammation, and the clinical spectrum of COVID-19 COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-317468-pnxni1x5How to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-311816-j8c2lk7yHow much will cardiac injury or pulmonary embolism due to COVID-19 affect the natural history of patients with chronic HF following the acute phase of the infection?
cord-311816-j8c2lk7yIs it more scientifically correct to think of waiting for robust data before drawing conclusions about the CV impact of COVID-19?
cord-311816-j8c2lk7yWhere are we and Where are we Going?
cord-311816-j8c2lk7yWill the attitude of cardiologists, who have always been trained to work using the evidence- based medicine, have to be changed?
cord-311816-j8c2lk7yillness and heart failure: a missing link?
cord-310663-504p29hvA Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Vascular effects of L- arginine: Anything beyond a substrate for the NO- synthase?
cord-310663-504p29hvA promising biomarker for cardiovascular disease?
cord-310663-504p29hvA randomized crossover trial l- Arginine supplementation does not improve muscle function during recovery from resistance exercise To give or not to give?
cord-310663-504p29hvCause or association?
cord-310663-504p29hvClinical and Basic Evidence Hypertension, Thrombosis, Kidney Failure, and Diabetes: Is COVID-19 an Endothelial Disease?
cord-310663-504p29hvThe promise of blocking the renin- angiotensin system Is COVID-19 an Endothelial Disease?
cord-316370-t802kjpkCould Ibuprofen Worsen Disease for People With COVID-19?
cord-316370-t802kjpkPharmacologic treatment for episodic migraine prevention in adults ARISE: A phase 3 randomized trial of erenumab for episodic migraine Safety and efficacy of erenumab for preventive treatment of chronic migraine: A randomised, double- blind, placebo- controlled phase 2 trial A controlled trial of erenumab for episodic migraine Evaluation of galcanezumab for the prevention of episodic migraine: The EVOLVE-1 randomized clinical trial Galcanezumab in chronic migraine: The randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled REGAIN study Efficacy and safety of galcanezumab for the prevention of episodic migraine: Results of the EVOLVE-2 Phase 3 randomized controlled clinical trial Fremanezumab for the Preventive Treatment of Chronic Migraine Effect of fremanezumab compared with placebo for prevention of episodic migraine: A randomized clinical trial Eptinezumab for prevention of chronic migraine: A randomized phase 2b clinical trial Eptinezumab in episodic migraine: A randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled study( PROMISE-1) Prophylactic treatment of migraine with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor( lisinopril): Randomised, placebo controlled, crossover study Prophylactic treatment of migraine with an angiotensin II receptor blocker: A randomized controlled trial ACE and ARB agents in the prophylactic therapy of migraine- how effective are they?
cord-316067-mlcczr8cCould ferritin help the screening for COVID-19 in hemodialysis patients?
cord-316067-mlcczr8cWhat lies below the tip of the iceberg?
cord-315970-m5o962ywCOVID-19) fatality rate Can atmospheric pollution be considered a co- factor in extremely high level of SARS- CoV-2 lethality in Northern Italy?
cord-315970-m5o962ywwhat next?
cord-318167-b25g6zkpProlonged viral shedding in a lymphoma patient with COVID-19 infection receiving convalescent plasma Convalescent( immune) plasma treatment in a myelodysplastic COVID-19 patient with disseminated tuberculosis Convalescent plasma: new evidence for an old therapeutic tool?
cord-317689-gp4x54peviral and cellular factors involved in neuroinvasiveness and neuropathogenesis A first case of meningitis/ encephalitis associated with- SARS- Coronavirus Does brain inflammation mediate pathological outcomes in epilepsy?
cord-313474-1gux1gsi( n ¼ 1 Introduction: Our previous research has provided the evidence that an autoreactive immune system can be?
cord-313474-1gux1gsi( range) Time to Minimum On- tx( days) Proportion?
cord-316728-vyfkmniuCan global longitudinal strain predict reduced left ventricular ejection fraction in daily echocardiographic practice?
cord-316728-vyfkmniuCould quantitative longitudinal peak systolic strain help in the detection of left ventricular wall motion abnormalities in our daily echocardiographic practice?
cord-318021-4qrf5m8sShould International Classification of Diseases codes be used to survey hospitalacquired pneumonia?
cord-318229-29cgwivtA Global Perspective Outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus( RSV) infection in immunocompromised adults on a hematology ward Contributing and Terminating Factors of a Large RSV Outbreak in an Adult Hematology and Transplant Unit Risk of nosocomial respiratory syncytial virus infection and effectiveness of control measures to prevent transmission events: A systematic review How long do nosocomial pathogens persist on inanimate surfaces?
cord-318355-38x3f3eeCOVID-19, cytokines and immunosuppression: what can we learn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-318694-370ccaocCalifornia Health Care Found Virtually perfect?
cord-316743-q6gbxghxCan pioglitazone be potentially useful therapeutically in treating patients with COVID-19?
cord-316743-q6gbxghxPractical recommendations for the management of diabetes in patients with COVID-19 Should anti- diabetic medications be reconsidered amid COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-312012-6a7i72bkAfter all, who else will look at his abdomen?"
cord-312012-6a7i72bkAm I Part of the Cure or Am I Part of the Disease?
cord-312012-6a7i72bkPreparing to go see our hernia repair patient, I was forced to ask,"do I need to see him?"
cord-312012-6a7i72bkWas my commitment to the ceremony of surgical ownership and abdominal examination really worth adding yet another list on that clipboard?
cord-312012-6a7i72bkWas this exposure really necessary?
cord-318954-pj5lsvsaConvalescent plasma treatment reduced mortality in patients with severe pandemic influenza A( H1N1) 2009 virus infection Hyperimmune IV immunoglobulin treatment: a multicenter double- blind randomized controlled trial for patients with severe 2009 influenza A(H1N1) infection Successful treatment of avian influenza with convalescent plasma Meta- analysis: convalescent blood products for Spanish influenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment?
cord-318909-h5b7mncfUnderestimated Opportunistic Pathogens of the Central Nervous System?
cord-319333-jwbgytwdNovel coronavirus infection( COVID-19) in humans: a scoping review and meta- analysis Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan Neurologic alterations due to respiratory virus infections Neurological manifestations of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective case series study Neurologic features in severe SARS- CoV-2 infection Venous and arterial thromboembolic complications in COVID-19 patients admitted to an academic hospital in Incidence of thrombotic complications in critically ill ICU patients with COVID-19 Macrothrombosis and stroke in patients with mild Covid-19 infection Large- vessel stroke as a presenting feature of Covid-19 in the young Clinical predictors of mortality due to COVID-19 based on an analysis of data of 150 patients from Wuhan COVID-19: ICU delirium management during SARS- CoV-2 pandemic Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome Epidemiology of acute symptomatic seizures among adult medical admissions Seizures associated with coronavirus infections Acute ischaemic stroke and infection: recent and emerging concepts Why now?
cord-314106-r3axl3w1: What is the role of thrombin?
cord-314106-r3axl3w1A clinico- pathological study in injured and burned patients Pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis in trauma: Are they related?
cord-314106-r3axl3w1Pulmonary embolism without deep venous thrombosis: De novo or missed deep venous thrombosis?
cord-318520-hgjv7ot9Who Is at Increased Risk for Severe Illness?
cord-305422-t8azymo7After 2019-nCoV Infection Applications of acute phase reactants in infectious diseases Aspartate aminotransferase: bridging carbohydrate and energy metabolism in Plasmodium falciparum Lactate dehydrogenase in sickle cell disease Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A( H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-305422-t8azymo7Although molecular modeling and biochemical assays have demonstrated that SARS- CoV-2 binds to ACE2, how exactly does the virus enter the airway cells and cause subsequent pathological changes?
cord-305422-t8azymo7Do N95 respirators provide 95% protection level against airborne viruses, and how adequate are surgical masks?
cord-305422-t8azymo7Does the virus also bind ACE2-expressing cells in other organs[ 121]?
cord-305422-t8azymo7How is the virus genetically evolving during transmission among humans?
cord-305422-t8azymo7How long will the epidemic last?
cord-305422-t8azymo7Should the quarantine time be extended to 24 days?
cord-305422-t8azymo7The spike protein of SARS- CoV-- a target for vaccine and therapeutic development SARS vaccines: where are we?
cord-305422-t8azymo7What animal was the intermediate species to transmit the virus from the original host, say bats, to humans?
cord-305422-t8azymo7Will it become a pandemic worldwide, die down like SARS or relapse periodically like the flu?
cord-305422-t8azymo7• Where did SARS- CoV-2 come from?
cord-310177-4jw1lkli: what is the role of performance status?
cord-310177-4jw1lkliA mixedmethods exploration of variability in decision- making in oncology Prognostic value of performance status assessed by patients themselves, nurses, and oncologists in advanced non- small cell lung cancer Patient- physician disagreement regarding performance status is associated with worse survivorship in patients with advanced cancer Relationship between physician and patient assessment of performance status and survival in a large cohort of patients with haematologic malignancies Performance status agreement assessed by the patient and clinician in a rapid access lung cancer service: can either predict completion of treatment?
cord-310177-4jw1lkliCOVID-19 rapid guideline: critical care in adults 09 Assessing clinical frailty in advanced lung cancer patients-an opportunity to improve patient outcomes?
cord-310177-4jw1lkliHow do clinicians rate patient's performance status using the ECOG performance scale?
cord-310177-4jw1lkliImproving the effectiveness of multidisciplinary team meetings in cancer services Do patients with reduced or excellent performance status derive the same clinical benefit from novel systemic cancer therapies?
cord-310177-4jw1lkliItalian Multicenter and Study Group on Palliative Care Survival prediction for terminally ill cancer patients: revision of the palliative prognostic score with incorporation of delirium How far along the disease trajectory?
cord-310177-4jw1lkliuse of the patient- generated subjective global assessment in survival prediction Performance status score: do patients and their oncologists agree?
cord-319400-lghjiw5pWhat Share of the World Population Is Already on COVID-19 Lockdown?
cord-319930-ymqnb54a: viral and cellular factors involved in neuroinvasiveness and neuropathogenesis Human Coronaviruses and Other Respiratory Viruses: Underestimated Opportunistic Pathogens of the Central Nervous System?
cord-316306-vfez5k02A 468 systematic review and meta- analysis Effects of early virtual reality- based rehabilitation in patients with total knee 471 arthroplasty: A randomized controlled trial What the evidence shows about patient activation: better 473 health outcomes and care experiences; fewer data on costs Why does patient activation matter?
cord-316306-vfez5k02Compared with Traditional Care After Total Knee Arthroplasty: 411 VERITAS, a Randomized Controlled Trial Telehealth Care Navigation for Arthroplasty Patients: A Retrospective Case Series A fiasco in the making?
cord-316306-vfez5k02Is virtual reality effective in orthopedic rehabilitation?
cord-316118-ph582weg: what should we tell them?
cord-316118-ph582wegThe incidence of dysphagia following endotracheal intubation: a systematic review Evaluation of swallow function post- extubation: is it necessary to wait 24 hours?
cord-316118-ph582wegc43d4 ae Screening for dysphagia and aspiration in acute stroke: a systematic review Diagnosing tests: using and misusing diagnostic and screening tests Clinical approaches to assess post- extubation dysphagia( PED) in the critically Ill Endoscopic assessment of swallowing after prolonged intubation in the ICU setting Post- extubation dysphagia: does timing of evaluation matter?
cord-270348-5804ffwxDoes the system have a plan for admitting SARS- CoV-2 negative patients to a different facility, or a different unit within the same facility?
cord-270348-5804ffwxDoes the unit have adequate wifi for video conferences as required?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow do staff access higher levels of evaluation or treatment if necessary?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow does the system process SARS- CoV-2 testing for admitted patients?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow many assistant staff will be required for donning/ doffing PPE?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow many beds?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow many nursing staff per patient?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow will SARS- CoV-2 positive patients be admitted?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow will SARS- CoV-2 positive patients be transported to their discharge site?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow will aftercare be arranged?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow will legal conferences and hearings be handled?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow will repeat SARS- CoV-2 testing be done to determine negativity, if required?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow will staff be trained in use of PPE?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow will the unit handle seclusion/ restraint events?
cord-270348-5804ffwxHow will the unit handle visitors?
cord-270348-5804ffwxIf patients are in their rooms with doors closed for negative pressure, how will they be monitored?
cord-270348-5804ffwxIs there a consultation- liaison psychiatrist or other psychiatrist with knowledge of COVID-19 illness and comfortable with managing minor disease?
cord-270348-5804ffwxSingle or double rooms?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWhat PPE is available for your unit?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWhat activities will be available for recreation?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWhat is the best location for a SARS- CoV-2 positive asymptomatic psychiatry unit in the system?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWhat is the transfer process?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWhat processes are in place for rapid intervention for patients developing illness?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWhat resources are in place to help staff deal with stress?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWhat systems are in place to monitor staff for symptoms of stress?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWhat therapies will be offered and how?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWhere will be the clean zones for donning/ doffing PPE? III.
cord-270348-5804ffwxWho will be responsible for vital signs and pulse oximetry and how often?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWill patients eat in their rooms?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWill providers see patients face to face or via telepsychiatry?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWill staff be required to wear PPE for extended periods or only while interacting with patients in their rooms?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWill the unit accept involuntary patients?
cord-270348-5804ffwxWill there be communal spaces for treatment/ activity?
cord-270348-5804ffwxb. Are medicines available for patients being discharged into quarantine?
cord-270348-5804ffwxi. 1 test, 2 tests separated by 24 hours, rapid tests or regular- time tests, etc.?
cord-320477-zbp8a8drAlert: important coronavirus updates for ophthalmologists Management of Ophthalmology Services during the Covid pandemic Where are all the patients?
cord-319013-oytqcifaIs it time to rethink UK restrictions on blood donation?
cord-320599-hxn4bgecmedRxiv Lower detection rates of SARS- COV2 antibodies in cancer 172 patients vs healthcare workers after symptomatic COVID-19 Do Patients with Cancer Have a Poorer Prognosis of COVID-19? 174
cord-313894-stgx36h5COVID-19 influence the decision- making process of oncologists?
cord-313894-stgx36h5Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-313894-stgx36h5Telemedicine for Covid-19 Airborne or droplet precautions for health workers treating COVID-19?
cord-313894-stgx36h5The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on uro- oncological practice across Europe: Which burden of activity are we facing ahead?
cord-313894-stgx36h5The official French guidelines to protect patients with cancer against SARS- CoV-2 infection Impact of PD-1 blockade on severity of COVID-19 in patients with lung cancers Covid-19 and health care's digital revolution Virtually perfect?
cord-319805-b6ypt5d0oxford centre for evidence- based medicine What to add to nothing?
cord-320811-9sm7iz5xSo how do we practice surgery ethically during this pandemic?
cord-316616-j82q99inHas China faced only a herald wave of SARS- CoV-2?
cord-316616-j82q99inInfluenza vaccination: a one- shot deal to reduce cardiovascular events Initial precipitants and recurrence of atrial fibrillation Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Cardiac involvement in a patient with coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome Myocardial localization of coronavirus in COVID-19 cardiogenic shock Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) in vitro Compassionate use of remdesivir for patients with severe COVID-19 A trial of lopinavirritonavir in adults hospitalized with severe COVID-19 Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus- infected pneumonia in Wuhan, China Discovering drugs to treat coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Experimental treatment with favipiravir for COVID-19: an open- label control study Favipiravir versus arbidol for COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-316616-j82q99ina case series Catheterization laboratory considerations during the coronavirus( COVID-19) pandemic: from the ACC's Interventional Council and SCAI COVID-19 and thrombotic or thromboembolic disease: implications for prevention, antithrombotic therapy, and follow- up Of birds and men: cardiologists'role in influenza pandemics Influenza and cardiovascular disease: is there a causal relationship?
cord-317966-ut6tzc8sA Case Report of Oligosymptomatic Kidney Transplant Patients with COVID-19: Do They Pose a Risk to Other Recipients?
cord-317966-ut6tzc8sThe origin, transmission and clinical therapies on coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) outbreak-an update on the status Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: Does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-320149-3q4q98a6the Cardiovascular Health Study Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 Early Guillain- Barré syndrome in coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): a case report from an Italian COVID- hospital Miller Fisher syndrome and polyneuritis cranialis in COVID-19 Guillain Barre syndrome associated with COVID-19 infection: a case report Acute symptomatic seizures in critically Ill patients with COVID-19: is there an association?
cord-317344-wznzmssz: a randomized controlled trial Probiotics improve outcomes after Roux- en- Y gastric bypass surgery: a prospective randomized trial Urogenital infections in women: can probiotics help?
cord-317344-wznzmsszThe treatment of pouchitis e is there a role for probiotics?
cord-317344-wznzmsszsymptom responses and relationship to cytokine profiles Is Bifidobacterium a more effective probiotic therapy than Lactobacillus for patients with irritable bowel syndrome?
cord-321543-qdmvn44hCovid-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-313082-n3bo9jw1A more challenging question for health systems is,''Is the test accurate enough to alter patient management and infection control precautions based on its results?''
cord-313082-n3bo9jw1How many patients harbouring SARS- CoV-2 should be admitted to our hospitals for elective surgery?
cord-313082-n3bo9jw1Why, then, would preoperative testing for SARS- CoV-2 be any different?
cord-313082-n3bo9jw1atteints de SARS- CoV-2 devrions- nous admettre dans nos hôpitaux pour des chirurgies non urgentes?
cord-313082-n3bo9jw1du SARS- CoV-2 serait- il donc différent?
cord-313082-n3bo9jw1risque d'exposition et symptômes)?
cord-315696-43wmazxa: A case report A familial cluster, including a kidney transplant recipient Coronavirus disease 2019 in renal transplant recipients: Report of two cases COVID-19) in a Renal Transplant Patient Fatal SARS- CoV-2 infection in a renal transplant recipient COVID-19 pneumonia in a kidney transplant recipient successfully treated with tocilizumab and hydroxychloroquine COVID-19 in kidney transplant recipients Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: Does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-315696-43wmazxaDo They Pose a Risk to Other Recipients?
cord-315696-43wmazxaShould cyclosporine be useful in renal transplant recipients affected by SARS- CoV-2?
cord-315696-43wmazxaThe interplay between immunosuppression and novel therapy including tocilizumab COVID-19 pneumonia in kidney transplant recipients- Where we are?
cord-318333-rzhrgp5qAlone Sufficient to Protect Healthy Lungs?
cord-318333-rzhrgp5qHe, Yuhong; Wu, Yang title: COVID-19 infection, a potential threat to surgical patients and staff?
cord-310690-50z2kdajCan I make a microbiological diagnosis?
cord-310690-50z2kdajCan I rely on biomarkers such as C- reactive protein, procalcitonin or Interleukin 6?
cord-310690-50z2kdajHow long should antimicrobial treatment be continued?
cord-310690-50z2kdajHow useful is it to order a prompt bronchoscopy?
cord-310690-50z2kdajIs the pattern of lung infiltrates on pulmonary CT scans informative for differential diagnosis?
cord-310690-50z2kdajShould I refer leukaemia patients with acute respiratory failure to the intensive care unit?
cord-310690-50z2kdajTable I. Do non- culture based diagnostic methods( antigen detection, polymerase chain reaction) help?
cord-310690-50z2kdajThe reversed halo sign: pathognomonic pattern of pulmonary mucormycosis in leukemic patients with neutropenia?
cord-320632-369kax2mClose to a Cure? –
cord-320877-1i0hzfjkThe second is that if the patient needs urgent surgery, what will be the route, laparoscopy or laparotomy?
cord-319706-2e9jrv0sDo men have a higher case fatality rate of severe acute respiratory syndrome than women do?
cord-317566-6ch6na31How young patients with cancer perceive the COVID-19( coronavirus) epidemic in Milan, Italy: is there room for other fears?
cord-317566-6ch6na31What was learned from the study?
cord-317566-6ch6na31Why carry out this study?
cord-320695-gq7k331zthe HELISUR study Physical activity and obesity: is there a difference in association between the Asian- and African- Surinamese adult population?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3h: a randomized clinical trial Skin tolerance and effectiveness of two hand decontamination procedures in everyday hospital use Assessment of two hand hygiene regimens for intensive care unit personnel EfÀ cacy of handrubbing with alcohol based solution versus standard handwashing with antiseptic soap: randomised clinical trial Handwashing with soap or alcoholic solutions?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3h: does it introduce bias in percutaneous injury reporting?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hA systematic review Is there evidence for recommending silver- coated urinary catheters in guidelines?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hAn exploratory study of patient's feelings about asking healthcare professionals to wash their hands Hand hygiene: what about our patients?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hCan high- level mupirocin resistance reporting be relied upon to ensure patients are prescribed appropriate treatment?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hCan we?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hCincinnati: Department of Health and Human Services Infection control in clinical practices What features of educational interventions lead to competence in aseptic insertion and maintenance of CV catheters in acute care?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hCould hospital patients'hands constitute a missing link?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hDoes disinfection of environmental surfaces inÁ uence nosocomial infection rates?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hDoes instillation of chlorhexidine into the bladder of catheterized geriatric patients help reduce bacteriuria?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hEffect of a closed sterile draining system Does the addition of disinfectant to urine drainage bags prevent infection in catheterised patients?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hExcess length of stay, extra costs, and attributable mortality Is routine replacement of peripheral intravenous catheters necessary?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hFemoral vs jugular venous catheterization and risk of nosocomial events in adults requiring acute renal replacement therapy: a randomized controlled trial Impact of central venous catheter type and methods on catheter- related colonization and bacteraemia To reduce catheterrelated bloodstream infections: is the subclavian route better than the jugular route for central venous catheterization?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hPhysical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses Face masks to prevent transmission of inÁ uenza virus: a systematic review Protecting healthcare workers from pandemic inÁ uenza: N95 or surgical masks?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hThe high impact actions for nursing and midwifery 5: protection from infection Preventing catheter- related bacteriuria: should we?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hThe pathogenesis and epidemiology of catheter- related infection with pulmonary artery Swan- Ganz catheters: a prospective study utilizing molecular subtyping Ultrastructural analysis of indwelling vascular catheters: a quantitative relationship between luminal colonization and duration of placement DNA À ngerprinting analysis of coagulase negative staphylococci implicated in catheter related bloodstream infections colonization and infrequent hematogenous seeding in catheterrelated infections Optimal frequency of changing intravenous administration sets: is it safe to prolong use beyond 72 hours?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the effectiveness of antiseptics vs antiseptic- impregnated products( sponges or cloths) for decontaminating skin at the insertion site or surrounding area whilst a CVC or PVC is in situ in reducing the risk of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the effectiveness of low- dose systemic anticoagulation to reduce the risk of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the effectiveness of system interventions in improving healthcare workers'knowledge and behaviour relating to the insertion, maintenance and timely removal of indwelling urinary catheters to minimise the risk of bacteriuria, CAUTI, other morbidities and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the effectiveness of system interventions in reducing the risk of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality, and improving healthcare workers'knowledge and behaviour relating to the use of central venous access device( CVAD) and peripheral vascular device( PVD)?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the effectiveness of system interventions in reducing the use and duration of short- term urinary catheterisation to minimise the risk of bacteriuria, CAUTI, other morbidities and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the effectiveness of the prophylactic administration of systemic antimicrobials in reducing the incidence of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the effectiveness( in terms of patient acceptability and reduced risk of bacteriuria, CAUTI, other morbidities and mortality) and the cost- effectiveness of different types of short- term indwelling urinary catheters( material, coatings and design)?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the evidence for the effectiveness of replacing administration sets to reduce the risk of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the evidence for the effectiveness of using antibiotics or antiseptics to lock, Á ush or clean the catheter hub or entry ports of CVCs and PVCs in reducing the risk of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the evidence that additional ports or lumens increase the risk of CR- BSI and related complications/ adverse events including phlebitis, mortality, catheter tip colonisation and premature line removal?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the evidence that the needle- safe devices are associated with increased risk of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the most effective and cost- effective means of maintaining meatal hygiene and a closed drainage system?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the most effective catheter insertion technique in terms of patient acceptability and minimisation of urethral trauma, bacteriuria, CAUTI and other morbidities?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the most effective skin antisepsis solution/ antiseptic- impregnated product for decontamination of the skin prior to insertion of CVCs and PVCs to reduce the risk of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the optimal frequency to change or re- site PVCs or midline catheters to reduce the risk of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat is the risk associated with short- term catheterisation in terms of bacteriuria, CAUTI, other morbidities and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat levels of barrier precautions are most effective in reducing the risk of CR- BSI and related complications/ adverse events including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhat types of CVCs( material, coating, antibiotic impregnation, cuffed, tunnelled, midline, PICC) and PVCs( material, coating, antibiotic impregnation) are most effective in reducing the risk of CR- BSI and related complications/ adverse events including phlebitis, related mortality, catheter tip colonisation and premature line removal?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhich CVC/ PVC insertion site is associated with the lowest risk of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, related mortality, catheter tip colonisation and premature line removal?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhich dressing type is the most clinically effective in reducing the risk of CR- BSI and related complications including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality, and how frequently should dressings be changed?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hWhich infection prevention precautions used for inserting intravascular catheters are most effective in reducing the risk of CR- BSI and related complications/ adverse events including phlebitis, catheter tip colonisation, premature line removal and mortality?
cord-267132-nb0j6k3hantimicrobial urinary catheters to prevent catheter- associated urinary tract infection in hospitalized patients A prospective microbiologic study of bacteriuria in patients with chronic indwelling urethral catheters Catheter- associated urinary tract infections Are physicians aware of which of their patients have indwelling urinary catheters?
cord-321461-1s3y9kc5COVID-19-associated hyperviscosity: a link between inflammation and thrombophilia?
cord-321552-lsz1onrjMiller Fisher syndrome and polyneuritis cranialis in COVID-19 Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: Causality or coincidence?
cord-319823-sp5wibeh: what is the evidence?
cord-319823-sp5wibehevidence from the field Virtually perfect?
cord-322009-0cwljo0cWhy is coinfection with influenza virus and bacteria so difficult to control Co- circulation of human metapneumovirus and SARS- associated coronavirus during a major nosocomial SARS outbreak in Hong Kong Are SARS superspreaders cloud adults?
cord-322063-96suqyfgwhat next?
cord-316845-k9zvsfvjHyperkinetic Movement Disorders PubMed Abstract Publisher Full Text Is the topic of the opinion article discussed accurately in the context of the current literature?
cord-316845-k9zvsfvjPublisher Full Text Is the topic of the opinion article discussed accurately in the context of the current literature?
cord-316845-k9zvsfvjYes Are all factual statements correct and adequately supported by citations?
cord-316845-k9zvsfvjYes Are all factual statements correct and adequately supported by citations?
cord-321472-n4nnmlv1The Relationship of Health Insurance and Mortality: Is Lack of Insurance deadly?
cord-322394-b18fv3r3The comparative impact of video- consultation on neurosurgical health services Does teleradiology improve inter- hospital management of head- injury?
cord-316647-jj8anf5gDoes pulse pressure variation predict fluid responsiveness in critically ill patients?
cord-316647-jj8anf5gThe convalescent sera option for containing COVID-19 Meta- analysis: convalescent blood products for Spanish influenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment?
cord-316647-jj8anf5gUse of convalescent plasma therapy in SARS patients in Hong Kong Convalescent plasma treatment reduced mortality in patients with severe pandemic influenza A( H1N1) 2009 virus infection Challenges of convalescent plasma infusion therapy in Middle East respiratory coronavirus infection: a single centre experience Treatment of 5 critically ill patients with COVID-19 with convalescent plasma Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in severe COVID-19 patients Convalescent plasma: new evidence for an old therapeutic tool?
cord-316647-jj8anf5ga study on coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients Monitoring sound and light continuously in an intensive care unit patient room: a pilot study The efficacy of earplugs as a sleep hygiene strategy for reducing delirium in the ICU: a systematic review and meta- analysis Effect of dexmedetomidine added to standard care on ventilatorfree time in patients with agitated delirium: a randomized clinical trial Melatonin decreases delirium in elderly patients: a randomized, placebo- controlled trial Preventive effects of ramelteon on delirium: a randomized placebo- controlled trial Melatonin, ramelteon, suvorexant, and dexmedetomidine to promote sleep and prevent delirium in critically ill patients: a narrative review with practical applications Interpreting and implementing the 2018 pain, agitation/ sedation, delirium, immobility, and sleep disruption clinical practice guideline Sedation with sufentanil in patients receiving pressure support ventilation has no effects on respiration: a pilot study Could remifentanil reduce duration of mechanical ventilation in comparison with other opioids for mechanically ventilated patients?
cord-322102-4fi0y96fA familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person- to- person transmission: a study of a family cluster Practical aspects of otolaryngologic clinical services during the 2019 novel coronavirus epidemic: an experience in Hong Kong Possible SARS coronavirus transmission during cardiopulmonary resuscitation Personal protective equipment for preventing respiratory infections: what have we really learned?
cord-318262-w8oixzdgNovel Coronavirus Pneumonia Emergency Response Epidemiology Team Human Coronaviruses and Other Respiratory Viruses: Underestimated Opportunistic Pathogens of the Central Nervous System?
cord-318262-w8oixzdgThe psychological impact of the SARS epidemic on hospital employees in China: exposure, risk perception, and altruistic acceptance of risk Timely mental health care for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak is urgently needed What about telepsychiatry?
cord-318262-w8oixzdgla mise en question du modèle asilaire?
cord-318326-q9fnbg8nA contribution to personalized therapy?
cord-318326-q9fnbg8nWhy tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19?
cord-318326-q9fnbg8nhost- directed therapies should be an option IL-17 have a role in COVID-19 infection?
cord-321784-nubu5fuzA novel coronavirus outbreak of global health concern Isolation and rapid sharing of the 2019 novel coronavirus( SARS- CoV-2) from the first patient diagnosed with COVID-19 in Australia Linear Regression Analysis to predict the number of deaths in India due to SARS- CoV-2 at 6 weeks from day 0( 100 cases Spread of SARS- CoV-2 in the Icelandic Population Preliminary case report on the SARS- CoV-2 cluster in the UK Outcomes of hydroxychloroquine usage in United States veterans hospitalized with Covid-19 Meta- analysis: convalescent blood products for Spanish influenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment?
cord-322439-86dojc70What Should Palliative Care's Response Be to the COVID-19 Pandemic?
cord-317151-cxx5pclnBefore access to the infusion clinic all patients should have body temperature measured and they should complete a history questionnaire( symptoms compatible with COVID-19?
cord-317151-cxx5pclnContact with individuals with SARS- CoV-2 infection?).
cord-317151-cxx5pclnEpub ahead of print 18 Proposal for the return to routine endoscopy during the COVID-19 pandemic Elective surgery cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic: global predictive modelling to inform surgical recovery plans COVID-19: elective case triage guidelines for surgical care Coronavirus pandemic and colorectal surgery: practical advice based on the Italian experience Laparoscopy at all costs?
cord-317151-cxx5pclnThe current question is: how has the pandemic changed the landscape of the management of IBD patients?
cord-319037-77l9wdybAre CAR- T therapies living up to their hype?
cord-319037-77l9wdybC1-esterase inhibitor concentrate Is complement alternative pathway disregulation involved in veno- occlusive disease of the liver?
cord-319037-77l9wdybCoronavirus Pathogenesis Neutralizing Complement C5a Protects Mice with Pneumococcal Pulmonary Sepsis Blockade of the C5a- C5aR axis alleviates lung damage in hDPP4-transgenic mice infected with MERS- CoV Complement as a target in COVID-19? Complement activation in obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes mellitus
cord-322104-f1dukpsoMicrobiology of severe aspiration pneumonia in institutionalized elderly Validation of predictive rules and indices of severity for community acquired pneumonia Mortality from invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in the era of antibiotic resistance Antimicrobial therapy of community- acquired pneumonia A prediction rule to identify low- risk patients with community- acquired pneumonia Associations between initial antimicrobial therapy and medical outcomes for hospitalized elderly patients with pneumonia Timing of antibiotic administration and outcomes for Medicare patients hospitalized with community- acquried pneumonia Empiric antibiotic therapy and mortality among Medicare pneumonia inpatients in 10 Western states Pneumonia: still the old man's friend?
cord-321149-hffj7s4oRetrieval of severe acute respiratory failure patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: any impact on their outcomes?
cord-321149-hffj7s4oa retrospective cohort study COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-322590-twnlaq24Not all world leaders use Twitter in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: impact of the way of Angela Merkel on psychological distress, behaviour and risk perception Where are all the patients?
cord-322552-95bj65qfCan ticagrelor be used to prevent sepsis- induced coagulopathy in COVID-19?
cord-322799-opf1qwglwhat does it mean?
cord-320930-9yiu0080Cloning and functional expression as a captopril- insensitive carboxypeptidase SARS- CoV2: should inhibitors of the renin- angiotensin system be withdrawn in patients with COVID-19?
cord-320930-9yiu0080What is the role of angiotensin- converting enzyme 2( ACE2) in COVID-19 infection in hypertensive patients with diabetes?
cord-322957-clf8f90twhat next?
cord-323180-3ih0i81skey: cord-323180- 3ih0i81s authors: Pardo, Emmanuel; Constantin, Jean- Michel; Bonnet, Francis; Verdonk, Franck title: Nutritional support for critically ill patients with COVID-19: New strategy for a new disease?
cord-322893-av8hj005a direct- comparison meta- analysis of short- and long term outcomes in women with symptomatic leiomyomas Are morbidly obese patients suitable for ambulatory surgery?
cord-321837-0r86qxz1An intervention to improve compliance with transmission precautions for influenza in the emergency department: successes and challenges Evaluation of preprocessing techniques for chief complaint classification Fever detection from free- text clinical records for biosurveillance Pandemic influenza triage in the clinical setting Evaluation of syndromic algorithms for detecting patients with potentially transmissible infectious diseases based on computerised emergency- department data Evaluation of natural language processing from emergency department computerized medical records for intra- hospital syndromic surveillance Syndromic surveillance: hospital emergency department participation during the Kentucky Derby Festival Point- of- care tests for infection control: should rapid testing be in the laboratory or at the front line?
cord-321837-0r86qxz1To err is human: building a safer health system Is evidence guiding practice?
cord-323809-bocidwg4Should They Get Left Out in the Storm?
cord-312063-5c2w2ct1Can adults with mild cognitive impairment build cognitive reserve and learn mindfulness meditation?
cord-312063-5c2w2ct1Can exercise improve cognitive symptoms of alzheimer's disease?
cord-312063-5c2w2ct1Can the patient successfully complete tasks that require multiple steps; for example, planning a trip or throwing a dinner party?
cord-312063-5c2w2ct1Can the patient use appliances and devices as well as they used to?
cord-312063-5c2w2ct1Does the patient ever fail to see something that is right in front of them?
cord-312063-5c2w2ct1Does the patient tend to get lost or turned around?
cord-312063-5c2w2ct1Has the patient become impulsive, careless, or unguarded?
cord-312063-5c2w2ct1Is obstructive sleep apnoea related to neuropsychological function in healthy older adults?
cord-312063-5c2w2ct1Social comportment Does the patient behave appropriately in social situations?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7Gilead Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7Lessons from Other Coronavirus Strains Low incidence of severe liver events in HIV patients with and without hepatitis C or B coinfection receiving lopinavir/ ritonavir Saunders Handbook of Veterinary Drugs Interaction between antihypertensives and NSAIDs in primary care: a controlled trial Risk of serious infections in tocilizumab versus other biologic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a multidatabase cohort study Review of safety and minimum pricing of nitazoxanide for potential treatment of COVID-19 A review of the safety of favipiravir-a potential treatment in the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7PHOSPHATE Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7The Lancet Fifteen years of losartan: what have we learned about losartan that can benefit chronic kidney disease patients?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7What if I take an extra contraceptive pill by accident?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7Why your health may never be the same after Covid-19. Retrieved from Swedish Orphan Biovitrum Ltd Sarilumab plus methotrexate in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis and inadequate response to methotrexate: results of a randomized, placebo- controlled phase III trial in Japan Hydroxychloroquine in patients with COVID-19: an open- label, randomized Cardiovascular Safety During Treatment With Baricitinib in Rheumatoid Arthritis Mechanism of Inhibition of Ebola Virus RNA- Dependent RNA Polymerase by Remdesivir Interferon and cytokine responses to SARS- coronavirus infection Antihypertensive drugs and risk of COVID-19?
cord-322497-hdy3va8e421 causative or coincidental?
cord-322497-hdy3va8eThe other side of abnormal coagulation pattern?
cord-323582-7y8pt72rwhat lessons have we learned?
cord-323787-9lq8rkihWhat conclusions can be drawn from the experiences with this transplant collective?
cord-323910-lms3xw4kOdds ratio( OR); confidence interval( CI); hazard ratio( HR); acute respiratory distress syndrome( ARDS); glucocorticoids( GC); standard of care( SoC); intensive care unit( ICU); invasive mechanical ventilation( IMV); not applicable( NA) A Rush to Judgment?
cord-324666-fvk72o0pThe 2016 World Health Organization classification of tumors of the central nervous system: A summary Brain cancer: A viral link to glioblastoma?
cord-323133-gdg50ompHow does it develop?
cord-323133-gdg50ompHow frequent is it?
cord-319849-3shr5grgA prospective clinical study of detailed neurological manifestations in patients with COVID-19 Acute cerebrovascular disease following COVID-19: a single center, retrospective, observational study Neurologic manifestations of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease Coronavirus disease 2019 and stroke in Iran: a case series and effects on stroke admissions Letter to editor: severe brain haemorrhage and concomitant COVID-19 Infection: a neurovascular complication of COVID-19 Clinical and imaging characteristics in patients with SARS- CoV-2 infection and acute intracranial hemorrhage Neurological manifestations and COVID-19: experiences from a tertiary care center at the Frontline Neurologic involvement in COVID-19: cause or coincidence?
cord-319849-3shr5grgCOVID-19 and ischemic stroke: a systematic review and meta- summary of the literature Stroke risk factors, genetics, and prevention Epidemiology, risk factors, and clinical features of intracerebral hemorrhage: An Update Risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage in patients with COVID-19 Neuroinvasion, neurotropic, and neuroinflammatory events of SARS- CoV-2: understanding the neurological manifestations in COVID-19 patients Understanding the neurotropic characteristics of SARS- CoV-2: from neurological manifestations of COVID-19 to potential neurotropic mechanisms Available from) COVID-19 as cardiovascular disease: the potential role of chronic endothelial dysfunction Hypertension, thrombosis, kidney failure, and diabetes: is COVID-19 an endothelial disease?
cord-319849-3shr5grgSars- Cov-2: underestimated damage to nervous system Downregulation of ACE2 induces overstimulation of the renin- angiotensin system in COVID-19: should we block the renin- angiotensin system?
cord-319849-3shr5grgcausative or coincidental?
cord-324314-os1btxx1The SARS, MERS and novel coronavirus( COVID-19) epidemics, the newest and biggest global health threats: what lessons have we learned?
cord-324232-nupi7f72If the evidence favors the use of corticosteroids in nonviral ARDS, why does the WHO not recommend CST for COVID-19-associated ARDS?
cord-316432-xemz7zn9: cord-316432-xemz7zn9 authors: Talaie, Haleh; Hosseini, Sayed Masoud; Nazari, Maryam; Fakhri, Yadollah; Mousavizadeh, Atieh; Vatanpour, Hossein; Firoozfar, Ali title: Is there any potential management against COVID-19?
cord-316432-xemz7zn9A commentary on World Health Organization declares global emergency: A review of the 2019 novel Coronavirus( COVID-19) Outbreak of COVID-19-an urgent need for good science to silence our fears?
cord-316432-xemz7zn9Adding of Hydroxychloroquine to the Standard Care Provide any Benefit in Reducing the Mortality among COVID-19 Patients?:
cord-316432-xemz7zn9Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis Lack of Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine or Azithromycin on COVID-19 Clinical Course Coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): a clinical updateThe epidemiology of norovirus gastroenteritis in China: disease burden and distribution of genotypes Antiviral activity of arbidol and its derivatives against the pathogen of severe acute respiratory syndrome in the cell cultures Favipiravir, an antiviral for COVID-19?
cord-316432-xemz7zn9Should chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine be used to treat COVID-19?
cord-316432-xemz7zn9what we know so far Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment?
cord-323489-ro7kbnu3COVID-19 destinadas a consejeros de sanidad de comunidades autónomas Presumed Asymptomatic Carrier Transmission of COVID-19 How Should U.S. Hospitals Prepare for Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19)?
cord-323489-ro7kbnu3and What Should We Do?
cord-318944-13zk6cco: The world should face the reality The Size Distribution of Droplets in the Exhaled Breath of Healthy Human Subjects Infectivity of respiratory syncytial virus by various routes of inoculation Characterization of infectious aerosols in health care facilities: An aid to effective engineering controls and preventive strategies How far droplets can move in indoor environments?
cord-318944-13zk6ccoIs IL-6 the right target?
cord-318944-13zk6ccoResults of a retrospective chart review Tuberculosis infection control: A reasonable approach for dentistry Dentistry and tuberculosis in the 1900s Tuberculosis in the 1990s: Current implications for dentistry Tuberculosis: A Growing Concern for Dentistry?
cord-318944-13zk6ccoWhat Changes for Dentists and Oral Medicine Experts?
cord-318944-13zk6ccoas Compared with SARS- CoV-1 Airborne or droplet precautions for health workers treating COVID-19?
cord-324944-ixh3ykrcNot Applicable;"?": unknown;"NAATs":
cord-323314-y3k9dntfAre patients suffering from severe obesity getting a raw deal during COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-323314-y3k9dntfIs there a role for ERAS program implementation to restart bariatric surgery after the peak of COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-318063-bainw3d6: what is it, what causes it and how can we prevent it?
cord-318063-bainw3d6Handwashing versus alcoholic rub: can we afford 100% compliance?
cord-318063-bainw3d6Is Human: what have we learned?
cord-318063-bainw3d6No time for handwashing!?
cord-318063-bainw3d6The clinical and economic consequences of nosocomial central venous catheter- related infection: are antimicrobial catheters useful?
cord-325619-qmszgw66How young patients with cancer perceive the COVID-19( coronavirus) epidemic in Milan, Italy: is there room for other fears?
cord-323816-3m1iu9j2An international consensus Scoring systems for predicting mortality for severe patients with COVID-19 Does communicable diseases( including COVID-19) may increase global poverty risk?
cord-323816-3m1iu9j2Is ethnicity linked to incidence or outcomes of covid-19?
cord-323761-9m177ozmA prospective study of respiratory viral infection in pregnant women with and without asthma Are proton pump inhibitors safe during pregnancy and lactation?
cord-323761-9m177ozmAn official ATS clinical practice guideline: interpretation of exhaled nitric oxide levels( FENO) for clinical applications A systematic review and meta- analysis: tailoring asthma treatment on eosinophilic markers( exhaled nitric oxide or sputum eosinophils) Exhaled nitric oxide in pregnant healthy and asthmatic women Australian asthma Handbook Should we encourage allergen immunotherapy during pregnancy?
cord-320634-x7a3k5xuHow could we defer surgical revascularization for patient X seen in the office with his family for the benefit of an unidentified statistic( ie, a patient in the emergency department with worsening COVID acute respiratory disease syndrome)?
cord-320634-x7a3k5xuThe question arises, what is the role of utilitarianism in cardiac surgery- a field rife with acuity and where"elective"perhaps could be redefined as"electively acute"?
cord-320634-x7a3k5xuWhat proportion of"resource consumption"to"life years gained"is ethically acceptable?
cord-320634-x7a3k5xuWicked problems and proportionality: is the lesser of two evils the best we can do?
cord-323980-rcyjthze-Gesundheit: Statistisches Bundesamt( DeStatis) Prevalence, utilization, and costs of antiepileptic drugs for epilepsy in Germany- a nationwide population- based study in children and adults Definition of drug resistant epilepsy: consensus proposal by the ad hoc Task Force of the ILAE Commission on Therapeutic Strategies Definition of refractory epilepsy: defining the indefinable?
cord-323980-rcyjthzeLancet Neurol Revised version of quality guidelines for presurgical epilepsy evaluation and surgical epilepsy therapy issued by the Austrian, German, and Swiss working group on presurgical epilepsy diagnosis and operative epilepsy treatment Association of levels of specialized care with risk of premature mortality in patients with epilepsy Incidence and case fatality rate of COVID-19 in patients with active epilepsy Global telemedicine implementation and integration within health systems to fight the COVID-19 pandemic: a call to action Virtually perfect?
cord-324175-5c4ijkpmA familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person- to- person transmission: a study of a family cluster How does COVID-19 spread?
cord-324175-5c4ijkpmVirtually Perfect?
cord-325793-5vrr7mswHow Long Does the Coronavirus Live on Surfaces?
cord-324245-cfiekxr4Can the US examination for lower extremity deep venous thrombosis be abbreviated?
cord-324245-cfiekxr4This high prevalence of asymptomatic DVT patients, even with a standard thromboprophylaxis, poses us a crucial question: how and when to suspect VTE in this particular medical condition?
cord-324669-qca0uwxoThe role of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Covid-19: Only an hypothesis or a potential new field of research?
cord-324669-qca0uwxoToo Much of a Good Thing?
cord-317811-mxsujb5u... what situation? cord-317811-mxsujb5u Are n't you rather annoyed by the current situation?
cord-317811-mxsujb5uHave you heard of the coronavirus? cord-317811-mxsujb5u By the fact that you ca n't go out?
cord-317811-mxsujb5uDementia care during COVID-19 The G8 Dementia Research Summit- a starter for eight?
cord-317811-mxsujb5uThe conversation often takes place similarly to this one with Mrs. P:"Good morning Mrs. P, how do you feel today?"
cord-326185-gjte739i: clinical correlation is recommended COVID-19) outbreak: what the Department of radiology should know Outbreak of novel coronavirus( COVID-19): what is the role of radiologists?
cord-325863-3t73v4ngWhy tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19?
cord-325631-c7jwizpjWhich lessons shall we learn from the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak?
cord-325649-zzhsrytw( COVID-19) Acute myelitis after SARS- CoV-2 infection: a case report COVID 19 infection presenting as motor peripheral neuropathy Spinal emergencies in primary care practice Cancellation of elective surgery and intensive care unit capacity in New York state: a retrospective cohort analysis When will hospitals recover from Covid-19? 3 questions answered Neurosurgery in the Storm of COVID-19: Suggestions From the Lombardy Region Impact of COVID-19 Mitigation Measures on Patients With Spine Disease in Friuli Venezia Giulia Triaging Spine Surgery in the COVID-19 Era North American Spine Society.
cord-322990-q07yy5k8Cancerrelated loneliness mediates the relationships between social constraints and symptoms among cancer patients Supporting the health care workforce during the COVID-19 global epidemic Are high- performing health systems resilient against the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-322990-q07yy5k8The Cancer Loneliness Scale and Cancer- related Negative Social Expectations Scale: development and validation Dealing with the dangers of fear: the role of risk communication Cancer patients in SARS- CoV-2 infection: a nationwide analysis in China Managing COVID-19 in the oncology clinic and avoiding the distraction effect On Death and Dying Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy Coping with loss: facing loss Prognosis, treatment benefit and goals of care: what do oncologists discuss with patients who have incurable cancer?
cord-322990-q07yy5k8What are the psychological"enemies"that cancer patients have to live with in these times?
cord-323092-j2u0ny2uNew insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-323092-j2u0ny2uPre- publication date Receptor recognition by novel coronavirus from Wuhan: an analysis based on decade- long structural studies of SARS Are Patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-323092-j2u0ny2uYou Saw on Facebook?
cord-321237-ynhdii60Does it alarm?
cord-321237-ynhdii60Does it convey the right parameters and appropriate alarms for the event?
cord-321237-ynhdii60If so, does the Split Ventilator keep the same pre- event parameters?
cord-321237-ynhdii60The simulations aim was to determine:  Does the Adaptive Split Ventilator setup keeps ventilating the Co- vent patient B while patient A is having a clinical event?
cord-325971-volbaipvThe effectiveness of convalescent plasma and hyperimmune immunoglobulin for the treatment of severe acute respiratory infections of viral etiology: a systematic review and exploratory meta- analysis A report of clinical diagnosis and treatment of nine cases of coronavirus disease 2019 High- dose intravenous immunoglobulin as a therapeutic option for deteriorating patients with Coronavirus Disease Angiotensin receptor blockers as tentative SARS- CoV-2 therapeutics Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-325700-f102uk2mWhen do random forests fail?
cord-323940-ubazgvovThe trinity of COVID-19: immunity, inflammation and intervention The pathogenesis and treatment of the` Cytokine Storm'in COVID-19 The eye as the discrete but defensible portal of coronavirus infection Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-323940-ubazgvovwhat to expect for COVID-19?
cord-323965-6mzzibj8Could Air Filtration Reduce COVID-19 Severity and Spread?
cord-323965-6mzzibj8How do we leave lockdown?
cord-323965-6mzzibj8a rapid qualitative evidence synthesis What are we doing in the dermatology outpatient department amidst the raging of the 2019 novel coronavirus?
cord-324810-92fosk3cDo bacteria cause exacerbations of COPD?
cord-324810-92fosk3cLancet gatifloxacin therapy with 7-day gatifloxacin therapy and 10-day clarithromycin Respiratory tract infections: when is antibiotic therapy indicated?
cord-315181-emf4i6irDiagnosis and management of dementia with Lewy bodies: fourth consensus report of the DLB consortium Delirium and dementia with Lewy bodies: distinct diagnoses or part of the same spectrum?
cord-315181-emf4i6irDoes the combination use of two pain assessment tools have a synergistic effect?
cord-315181-emf4i6irHow is COVID-19 affecting South Korea?
cord-315181-emf4i6irHypersensitivity to atypical antipsychotics in dementia with Lewy bodies: is it common or rare?
cord-315181-emf4i6irSupporting the health care workforce during the COVID-19 global epidemic Infection prevention and control guidance for long- term care facilities in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance?
cord-315181-emf4i6irThe effects of confinement on neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease during the COVID-19 crisis Is mild cognitive impairment prodromal for vascular dementia like Alzheimer's disease?
cord-315181-emf4i6irThe spectrum of neurologic disease in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic infection How to detect and track chronic neurologic sequelae of COVID-19? Use of auditory brainstem responses and neuroimaging for long- term patient follow- up Neurobiology of COVID-19 Neurologic manifestations of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in Wuhan, China A first case of meningitis/ encephalitis associated with SARS- coronavirus-2 Expression of the SARS- CoV-2 cell receptor gene ACE2 in a wide variety of human tissues Venous and arterial thromboembolic complications in COVID-19 patients admitted to an academic hospital in Large- vessel stroke as a presenting feature of COVID-19 in the young A case of coronavirus disease 2019 with concomitant acute cerebral infarction and deep vein thrombosis Intermittent hypoxia and cognitive function: implications from chronic animal models
cord-315181-emf4i6irwhere are we and where are we going?
cord-323463-osf6t7cw: why is it so successful?
cord-323463-osf6t7cwThe changing epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus?
cord-323463-osf6t7cwThe prospects of treatment failure in the chemotherapy of infectious diseases in the 1990s Multiple mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: our worst nightmare?
cord-323705-n2rec4i8And who is most at risk?
cord-323705-n2rec4i8How common are neurological and psychiatric complications in patients with COVID19?
cord-323705-n2rec4i8What proportion of neurological and psychiatric complications affect the CNS versus the peripheral nervous system, and are novel syndromes emerging?
cord-324007-hapzf0flDoes this patient have influenza?
cord-324007-hapzf0flMcGeer, Allison J. title: Diagnostic Testing or Empirical Therapy for Patients Hospitalized with Suspected Influenza: What to Do?
cord-324007-hapzf0flThe question becomes, what data do we have on the impact of antiviral therapy for the treatment of influenza in patients requiring hospitalization?
cord-327165-vlyfbiemCOVID-19: how prepared are front line healthcare workers in England?
cord-326834-eeldyj2uThe impact of COPD and smoking history on the severity of COVID-19: A systemic review and meta- analysis ACE-2 Expression in the Small Airway Epithelia of Smokers and COPD Patients: Implications for COVID-19 A Global Information Extraction and Terminology Expansion Framework in the Medical Domain Extracting information from the text of electronic medical records to improve case detection: A systematic review Diagnosis of the Coronavirus disease( COVID-19): rRT- PCR or CT?
cord-323906-ro078y52Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease2019 in China Hypertension, thrombosis, kidney failure, and diabetes: is COVID-19 an endothelial disease?
cord-323906-ro078y52Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult in patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study COVID-19 and its implications for thrombosis and anticoagulation Outcomes in patients with hyperglycemia affected by COVID-19: can we do more on glycemic control?
cord-323906-ro078y52Could anti- hypertensive drug therapy affect the clinical prognosis of hypertensive patients with COVID-19 infection?
cord-324159-jv3lknl8If they present with acute stroke, should they be started on full anticoagulation to prevent recurrence or worsening of their stroke?
cord-324159-jv3lknl8The interesting question that arises from this case is whether young patients with COVID-19 have an increased risk of stroke in the presence of PFO, and should prophylactic anticoagulation be initiated to prevent stroke until these patients recover from their illness?
cord-324159-jv3lknl8Venous and arterial thromboembolic complications in COVID-19 patients admitted to an academic hospital in The Factor VIII acute phase response requires the participation of NFkappaB and C/ EBP Complement associated microvascular injury and thrombosis in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 infection: a report of five cases COVID-19-associated hyperviscosity: a link between inflammation and thrombophilia?
cord-325970-ivtunxrdA cluster randomized controlled trial Telemedicine: the future of outpatient therapy?
cord-325970-ivtunxrdCOVID-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9: can there be consensus?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9A comparison of general medical and clinical ethics consultations: what can we learn from each other?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9Can India stop drug companies giving gifts to doctors?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ethics: a response to Michael Ardagh Heart disease, guidelines, regulations, and the law Variation in cardiologists'propensity to test and treat: is it associated with regional variation in utilization?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9It's ethical, but is it legal?
cord-320184-wacoz5t9Mosby- Elsevier Ethical issues in cardiac surgery Treating the right patient at the right time: access to specialist consultation and non- invasive testing Ethical issues in fetal management: a cardiac perspective How many are underinsured?
cord-323293-4gmnkg092019, 11, 4 Amelio, I. Do mutations turn p53 into an oncogene?
cord-323293-4gmnkg09A review through enhancing mutant p53 protein levels and function Serum p53 antibodies: Predictors of survival in small- cell lung cancer?
cord-323293-4gmnkg09Does p53 affect organismal aging?
cord-323293-4gmnkg09The two- faced role of molecular chaperones in p53 tumor suppressor action Mechanisms of switching on p53: A role for covalent modification?
cord-327349-rxb6zfocIs checkpoint blockade a friend or foe in the context of COVID-19?
cord-326354-fhafg41xCOVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-326354-fhafg41xwhat to expect for COVID-19?
cord-327214-kcbxyhhhPathological inflammation in patients with COVID-19: a key role for monocytes and macrophages Immunosuppression for hyperinflammation in COVID-19: a double- edged sword?
cord-326851-0jxdnm1l: What could the West Learn from Asia?
cord-326851-0jxdnm1lWhat Is a Pandemic?
cord-018363-qr1pk78u1.6 mg/ dL. Which of the following is the likely diagnosis?
cord-018363-qr1pk78u65 mg/ dL. Which of the following is the most appropriate erythrocyte transfusion product for this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uBased on the data provided, what is the most likely cause of her ascites?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uCreatinine is 2.2 units/ L, bicarbonate is 17 meq/ L, and creatinine kinase( CPK) is 36,000 units/ L. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uHow long after the bleeding episode can this patient's warfarin be safely restarted?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uHow should his warfarin be managed prior to placement of his AICD?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uIn addition to continuing his bronchodilator therapy, which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the treatment of this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uIn attempting to obtain consent for the procedure, which of the following is the next best step?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uPlasma glucose level measured on the day of surgery is 210 mg/ L. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for patients with elevated blood sugars preoperatively and postoperatively?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uPreoperative malnutrition is associated with which outcome in patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uThe most likely cause of his paralysis is?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uThe most likely diagnosis is?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is his expected postoperative risk of a major cardiac event?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is the best method for assessing pain in the nonverbal patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is the correct management of this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is the correct treatment?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is the most appropriate approach to correcting the hypophosphatemia?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is the most likely cause of her thrombosis?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is the next best step in the management of this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is the next most appropriate investigation?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is the next step?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat is your next step in the management of this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat should be done next?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat test would be most likely to make the diagnosis?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat would be the next appropriate treatment for his nausea and vomiting?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhat would be the next best alternative in lipid therapy for this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhen is surgery indicated in the presence of endocarditis?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich is true concerning his nutritional management?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following drugs should be administered immediately?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following imaging modalities would you do next?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following interventions is most likely to increase mortality in the postoperative period?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is an acceptable indication for urinary catheter placement?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is appropriate in the care of your patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is appropriate treatment for stroke prevention?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is most likely regarding cognitive function in patients such as this?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the appropriate management of the patient's atrial fi brillation?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the appropriate management of this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the appropriate response/ treatment for this patient's delirium?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the correct course of action?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the correct treatment for this patient's ongoing constipation?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most accurate statement regarding enteral tube feeds in this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most appropriate insulin therapy after surgery?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most appropriate management?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most appropriate management?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most appropriate minimum platelet threshold for this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most appropriate next diagnostic test?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient's constipation?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most appropriate perioperative recommendation regarding anticoagulation in this patient?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most appropriate treatment for the patient's diarrhea?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most appropriate treatment?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following is true concerning the heterophile antibody test?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following occurs in the cognitive function following major cardiac surgery?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following patients with metastatic disease is potentially curable by surgical resection?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following should be done next?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following should you do now?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following should you now recommend?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following should you recommend now?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following should you recommend now?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following statements accurately characterizes the treatment of these complications of severe dementia?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following statements accurately characterizes ventilator withdrawal in this situation?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following statements regarding this patient's diagnosis and treatment are TRUE?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following will characterize the patient's post- arrest clinical course?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following will most likely improve this patient's ability to eat and ensure adequate caloric intake and fl uids?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following will provide the best bowel preparation for a morning colonoscopy?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following would be considered an abnormal post- void residual( PVR) amount?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following would be the appropriate treatment of her atrial fi brillation?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following would be the best management of this patient's symptoms?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following would be the most appropriate therapy for primary seizure prevention?
cord-018363-qr1pk78uWhich of the following would be the most likely outcome of intravenous hydration or nutrition in this patient?
cord-325316-uffxyas12019 novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV): what advice can we give to travellers?
cord-325316-uffxyas1What and how must this be changed?
cord-325316-uffxyas1a modelling study The next big threat to global health?
cord-326991-m0lfk0a9As priorities and resources increasingly shift towards the COVID-19 pandemic, will it be possible to maintain the high standard and quality of care necessary for trauma and orthopaedics patients while the pandemic persists?
cord-326991-m0lfk0a9How can we organize and help?
cord-327827-oliw4ee5Possible central nervous system infection by SARS coronavirus Coronavirus infection of the central nervous system: host- virus stand- off Angiotensin- converting enzyme 2( ACE2) as a SARS- CoV-2 receptor: molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic target ACE2/ ANG-(1- 7)/Mas pathway in the brain: the axis of good Influenza and stroke risk: a key target not to be missed?
cord-328829-yywxmioq: when are bacteria important?
cord-326023-vwukiwe4China Clinical features of deaths in the novel coronavirus epidemic in China Clinical characteristics of 140 patients infected by SARS- CoV-2 in Wuhan Early Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of 28 Cases of Coronavirus Disease in South Korea Body Temperature at the Emergency Department as a Predictor of Mortality in Patients With Bacterial Infection Clinical feature of COVID-19 in elderly patients: a comparison with young and middle- aged patients Fever in the elderly Fever response in elderly nursing home residents: are the older truly colder?
cord-326023-vwukiwe4Does the body temperature change in older people?
cord-326023-vwukiwe4What Are the Risks for Older Patients?
cord-319615-p2labgd829 Dose of Low- Molecular- Weight Heparin: Standard or Increased?
cord-319615-p2labgd8Autopsy findings in eight patients with fatal H1N1 influenza Influenza and cardiovascular disease: does swine- origin, 2009 H1N1 flu virus represent a risk factor, an acute trigger, or both?
cord-319615-p2labgd8Does the hypercoagulability result in a higher incidence of thromboembolism than in other patients with severe infection in the ICU?
cord-319615-p2labgd8If so, is it justified to use higher than standard doses of pharmacological prophylaxis against thromboembolism in these patients?
cord-319615-p2labgd8Is the hypercoagulability specific for COVID-19 infection?
cord-319615-p2labgd8Pulmonary thrombosis: a clinical pathological entity distinct from pulmonary embolism?
cord-319615-p2labgd8What are the indicators of hypercoagulability in COVID-19 infection?
cord-327413-zdbnoy1qA global inception cohort study Evaluation and management of shock in patients with COVID-19 Association of Cardiac Injury With Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 in Wuhan, China Sepsis Campaign Guidelines Committee including The Pediatric S: Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock Right atrial pressure: determinant or result of change in venous return?
cord-327413-zdbnoy1qShould we use angiotensin II infusion in COVID-19-associated vasoplegic shock?
cord-328607-lzai90zqinhibitors of the renin- angiotensin system be withdrawn in patients with COVID-19?
cord-327611-g2ssh0fkHow should her dysphagia be managed?
cord-327611-g2ssh0fkWhat is causing the patient's dysphagia and what is her prognosis?
cord-327545-y3vejwtrSevere pneumonitis refractory to steroids following anti- PD-1 immunotherapy Pneumonitis from anti- PD-1/ PD- L1 therapy High incidence and early onset of nivolumab- induced pneumonitis: four case reports and literature review Immunotherapy and pulmonary toxicities: can concomitant immune- checkpoint inhibitors with radiotherapy increase the risk of radiation pneumonitis?
cord-327545-y3vejwtrSignificant risk of graft- versus- host disease with exposure to checkpoint inhibitors before and after allogeneic transplantation Fatal graft- versus- host disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in a patient recently exposed to nivolumab Immune checkpointbased therapy in myeloid malignancies: a promise yet to be fulfilled PD-1/ PD- L1 inhibitors in haematological malignancies: update 2017 Nivolumab for classical Hodgkin's lymphoma after failure of both autologous stem- cell transplantation and brentuximab vedotin: a multicentre, multicohort, single- arm phase 2 trial Nivolumab in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma( CheckMate 040): an open- label, non- comparative, phase 1/2 dose escalation and expansion trial Immune checkpoint inhibitors in challenging populations Pre- existing autoimmune disease and the risk of immunerelated adverse events among patients receiving checkpoint inhibitors for cancer Pulmonary sarcoid- like granulomatosis induced by ipilimumab Peripheral lung cancer: screening and detection with low- dose spiral CT versus radiography Chronic diffuse interstitial lung disease: diagnostic value of chest radiography and high- resolution CT Anti- PD-1 inhibitor- related pneumonitis in non- small cell lung cancer Prophylaxis for pneumocystis pneumonia( PCP) in non- HIV immunocompromised patients Prophylaxis of pneumocystis pneumonia in immunocompromised non- HIVinfected patients: systematic review and meta- analysis of randomized controlled trials Prophylactic effect of trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole for pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with rheumatic diseases exposed to prolonged high- dose glucocorticoids Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients without acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: associated illness and prior corticosteroid therapy Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia without acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: who should receive prophylaxis?
cord-323647-q67fa0m3A systematic review of the prophylactic role of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in coronavirus disease-19( COVID-19) A case of breakthrough COVID-19 during hydroxychloroquine maintenance Swinging the pendulum: lessons learned from public discourse concerning hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19 Usefulness of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: does answer lie in timing to start?
cord-323647-q67fa0m3COVID-19 and hydroxychloroquine: is the wonder drug failing?
cord-323647-q67fa0m3Can the thiol/ disulfide imbalance be a predictor of colchicine resistance in familial mediterranean fever?
cord-323647-q67fa0m3The effect of hydroxychloroquine on glucose control and insulin resistance in the prediabetes condition The marketing of unproven drugs for diabetes and dyslipidaemia in India Hydroxychloroquine, a promising choice for coronary artery disease?
cord-323647-q67fa0m3When there is a pandemic there is no time to waste: should we have hydroxychloroquine in our armoury against COVID-19 infected patients?
cord-327622-ezgufe24Cases, data and surveillance Exhaled air dispersion and removal is influenced by isolation room size and ventilation settings during oxygen delivery via nasal cannula Airflow and droplet spreading around oxygen masks: a simulation model for infection control research Airflows around oxygen masks: a potential source of infection?
cord-327622-ezgufe24anesthetic concerns, including airway management and infection control High- flow nasal cannula therapy as apneic oxygenation during endotracheal intubation in critically ill patients in the intensive care unit: a systematic review and metaanalysis Mask ventilation and dispersion of exhaled air Effect of ventilator circuit changes on ventilator- associated pneumonia: a systematic review and meta- analysis Trends in tracheostomy for mechanically ventilated patients in the United States Tracheotomy in ventilated patients with COVID-19 CORONA- steps for tracheotomy in COVID-19 patients: a staff- safe method for airway management Negativepressure aerosol cover for COVID-19 tracheostomy Does endotracheal tube clamping prevent air leaks and maintain positive endexpiratory pressure during the switching of a ventilator in a patient in an intensive care unit?
cord-327577-c0d09cykIf we have diagnosed the problem and we are aware of possible solutions, why are we not dealing with this?
cord-327577-c0d09cyky accesibilidad Efficacy of telemedical interventional management in patients with heart failure( TIM- HF2): A ran- domised, controlled, parallel- group, unmasked trial Is telehealthcare for heart failure patients cost- effective?
cord-317952-4oa9hfb4All rights reserved Quantitative proteomic analysis reveals the deregulation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide metabolism and CD38 in inflammatory bowel disease Upregulation of circulating components of the alternative renin- angiotensin system in inflammatory bowel disease: A pilot study Imbalance of the renin- angiotensin system may contribute to inflammation and fibrosis in IBD: a novel therapeutic target?
cord-317952-4oa9hfb4COVID-19 concern nephrologists?
cord-317952-4oa9hfb4Covid-19: risk factors for severe disease and death Cyclosporin A inhibits the replication of diverse coronaviruses COVID-19: risk for cytokine targeting in chronic inflammatory diseases?
cord-317952-4oa9hfb4Preventing a covid-19 pandemic Can angiotensin receptor- blocking drugs perhaps be harmful in the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-317952-4oa9hfb4Renin- angiotensin- aldosterone system inhibitors in patients with Covid-19 Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-317952-4oa9hfb4Why and to what extent?
cord-317952-4oa9hfb4causative or coincidental?
cord-317952-4oa9hfb4induced pneumonia and macrophage activation syndrome- like disease A combined set of four serum inflammatory biomarkers reliably predicts endoscopic disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease Tocilizumab treatment in COVID-19: A single center experience Favorable changes of CT findings in a patient with COVID-19 pneumonia after treatment with tocilizumab Rapid and severe Covid-19 pneumonia with severe acute chest syndrome in a sickle cell patient successfully treated with tocilizumab Off- label use of tocilizumab in patients with SARS- CoV-2 infection Preventing COVID-19-induced pneumonia with anticytokine therapy Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable teatment?
cord-328525-80xk3glnBest Control Influenza Spread in a Hospital?
cord-324798-qh0cxp10In the context of endof- life decision- making, the following question is especially important: who should make, or contribute to, decisions, when patients with dementia who lack family or close friends are unable to make treatment decisions for themselves?
cord-324798-qh0cxp10What is the Mental Capacity Act 2005?
cord-324798-qh0cxp10What is the new Independent Mental Capacity Advocate service and how does it work?
cord-324798-qh0cxp10Which factors have the greatest influence on bereaved families'willingness to execute advance directives in Taiwan?
cord-328814-s3963anwThe role of immunological testing and intervention in reproductive medicine: A fertile collaboration?
cord-321030-isc3p46tConsiderations in the triage of urologic surgeries during the COVID-19 pandemic Endourological stone management in the era of the COVID-19 Telemedicine in the time of coronavirus Global telemedicine implementation and integration within health systems to fight the COVID-19 pandemic: a call to action Bolstering the surgical response to COVID-19: how virtual technology will save lives and safeguard surgical practice COVID-19 pandemic- is virtual urology clinic the answer to keeping the cancer pathway moving?
cord-321030-isc3p46tFAQs on telehealth and HIPAA during the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency Current use of telehealth in urology: a review Virtually perfect?
cord-321030-isc3p46tHow to contact patients and make a televisit?
cord-321030-isc3p46tHow to interact with other telemedicine team members?
cord-321030-isc3p46tHow to perform telemedicine triage?
cord-321030-isc3p46tHow to pursue telemedicine and smart working in urology?
cord-321030-isc3p46ta European survey Teleurology in the time of COVID-19 pandemic: here to stay?
cord-317028-f3bpwm5jAny activity that can not be completed within a single work shift Type D Major demolition and construction projects Includes but is not limited to: Activities that require consecutive work shifts Requires heavy demolition or removal of a complete cabling system New construction Step 10: do plans allow for an adequate number of isolation/ negative airflow rooms?
cord-317028-f3bpwm5jCan or will the work be done during non- patient- care hours?
cord-317028-f3bpwm5jStep 12: do the infection prevention and control staff agree with the minimum number of sinks for this project?
cord-317028-f3bpwm5jStep 13: do the infection prevention and control staff agree with the plans relative to clean and soiled utility rooms?
cord-317028-f3bpwm5jWhat types of barriers( eg, solids wall barriers)?
cord-317028-f3bpwm5jWhy did outbreaks of severe acute respiratory syndrome occur in some hospital wards but not in others?
cord-317028-f3bpwm5jWill HEPA filtration be required?
cord-317028-f3bpwm5jdo the plans allow for the required number and type of handwashing sinks?
cord-317028-f3bpwm5jwhat potential in interrupting the spread of healthcare- associated infection?
cord-328113-eczjjc2v( COVID-19)-Induced Cytokine Release Syndrome( CRS)?
cord-329582-y4gyw8vzkey: cord-329582-y4gyw8vz authors: Tham, Hui- Yu; Lau, Jerrald; Lee, Sean Kien- Fatt; Hwang, Stephen; Chan, Dedrick Kok- Hong; Tan, Ker- Kan title: Is There Still a Role for Physical Consultation in Colorectal Cancer Surveillance?
cord-327836-6o66a4i5JACC Stateof- the- Art Review Decreased myocardial infarction admissions during COVID times: what can we learn?
cord-327836-6o66a4i5a retrospective cohort study Re The source of elevated plasma D- dimer levels in COVID-19 infection Lupus anticoagulant is frequent in patients with Covid-19 Risk of developing antiphospholipid antibodies following viral infection: a systematic review and meta- analysis Antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with COVID-19: A relevant observation?
cord-327597-fgnrujsfAt the top of the Covid-19 curve, how do hospitals decide who gets treatment?
cord-327597-fgnrujsfwhat next?
cord-327148-dzozl70hAre the results equivalent?
cord-327148-dzozl70hMore than 2 m operations cancelled as NHS fights Covid-19 Management of patients with urgent orthopaedic conditions and trauma during the coronavirus pandemic Long- term outcomes after high- energy open tibial fractures: Is a salvaged limb superior to prosthesis in terms of physical function and quality of life?
cord-327148-dzozl70hVirtually perfect?
cord-327961-ysatxwphMeanwhile, some questions remain to be answered: first, it has been reported that pneumonia attributed to potentially antibiotic- resistant bacteria is associated with an increased risk of readmission[ 21], we strongly felt that macrolide resistance has a role on the risk of readmission, but what is the role?
cord-327961-ysatxwphSecond, coinfection with influenza A will increase the risk of readmission, what is the underlying mechanism?
cord-328438-irjo0l4sPhenomapping of patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction using machine learning- based unsupervised cluster analysis Machine learning methods improve prognostication, identify clinically distinct phenotypes, and detect heterogeneity in response to therapy in a large cohort of heart failure patients Harmonized outcome measures for use in atrial fibrillation patient registries and clinical practice: endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society Board of Trustees Identification of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation subtypes in over 13,000 individuals Atrial fibrillation burden signature and near- term prediction of stroke: a machine learning analysis Huff and puff, this CASTLE is made of bricks US FDA artificial intelligence and machine learning discussion paper New concepts in sudden cardiac arrest to address an intractable epidemic: JACC state- of- the- art review Who owns the data?
cord-328438-irjo0l4scan we go to analyze pulse rate variability with reliability?
cord-330655-crfj5adfFirst case of 2019 novel coronavirus disease with encephalitis Neurological manifestations of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective case series study Evidence of the COVID-19 virus targeting the CNS: tissue distribution, host- virus interaction, and proposed neurotropic mechanisms COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression How to carry out and interpret EEG recordings in COVID-19 patients in ICU?
cord-325766-hbppklm5How were groups created?
cord-325766-hbppklm5On which variables was comparability assessed?"[ 13].
cord-325766-hbppklm5The Cochrane collaboration proposed a 16( or 15)-item scale that consists of 4 headings:"Was there a comparison?
cord-325766-hbppklm5Which parts of the study were prospective?
cord-328147-61gtx2h22 What Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Taught Us so Far?
cord-328147-61gtx2h2Time for screening?
cord-326883-j7pbe50g: why should we learn?
cord-326883-j7pbe50gCOVID-19) Cardiovascular manifestations and treatment considerations in covid-19 COVID-19-related myocarditis in a 21-year- old female patient Myocarditis revealing COVID-19 infection in a young patient COVID-19 in the heart and the lungs: could we"Notch"the inflammatory storm?
cord-326883-j7pbe50gcan novel echocardiographic techniques assist with diagnosis?
cord-324619-y7gilopuCovid-19 in patients presenting with influenza- like symptoms Self- reported olfactory and taste disorders in SARS- CoV-2 patients: a cross- sectional study Olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions as a clinical presentation of mild- to- moderate forms of the coronavirus disease( COVID-19): a multicenter European study Human Coronaviruses and Other Respiratory Viruses: Underestimated Opportunistic Pathogens of the Central Nervous System?
cord-324619-y7gilopuSmooth or Risky Revisit of an Old Malaria Drug for COVID-19?
cord-324619-y7gilopuThe gut as a neurological organ Can the enteric nervous system be an alternative entrance door in SARS- CoV2 neuroinvasion?
cord-324619-y7gilopua strategy for viral dissemination Enterovirus infections of the central nervous system Flaviviruses are neurotropic, but how do they invade the CNS?
cord-324619-y7gilopulong- term neurologic effects of COVID-19?
cord-330492-kbob8z48: How Should We Prepare?
cord-329985-5rji08p7A systematic review and meta- analysis of randomized controlled trials High- Flow Oxygen through Nasal Cannula in Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Lung recruitment in patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-329863-r2vqsg5rEpub ahead of print 12 Prevalence of venous thromboembolism in patients with severe novel coronavirus pneumonia Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism Utility of lower- extremity duplex sonography in patients with venous thromboembolism SARS-2 coronavirusassociated hemostatic lung abnormality in covid-19: is it pulmonary thrombosis or pulmonary embolism?
cord-329863-r2vqsg5rEpub ahead of print 27 Clinical characteristics of 24 asymptomatic infections with COVID-19 screened among close contacts in Nanjing Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Coagulation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients with COVID-19 COVID-19 and its implications for thrombosis and anticoagulation SARS-2 coronavirusassociated hemostatic lung abnormality in COVID-19: is it pulmonary thrombosis or pulmonary embolism?
cord-327764-4nlg26p5The Lancet Infectious Diseases, COVID-19, a pandemic or not?
cord-327764-4nlg26p5The underlying changes and predicting role of peripheral blood inflammatory cells in severe COVID-19 patients: a sentinel?
cord-327764-4nlg26p5Thirdly, is there an inter- relationship between the alterations of PBICs and ALI/ ARDS in COVID-19 patients?
cord-327989-6p39cx2eAll rights reserved Antihypertensive drugs and risk of COVID-19?
cord-327989-6p39cx2eAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-327989-6p39cx2eIs there a relation between cardiac risk factors or cardiac injury and the mortality risk in COVID-19?
cord-329741-604gtqx9The Authors evaluated the management and outcome of idiopathic recurrent pericarditis during pregnancy Medical treatment of pericarditis during pregnancy The EULAR points to consider for use of antirheumatic drugs before pregnancy, and during pregnancy and lactation Five successful pregnancies with antenatal anakinra exposure Multimodality imaging in patients with post- cardiac injury syndrome Pericarditis: an unusual manifestation of giant cell arteritis Clinical manifestations and treatment of Churg- Strauss syndrome Wegener's granulomatosis and the heart Application of imaging techniques for Takayasu arteritis Antinuclear antibodies in recurrent idiopathic pericarditis: prevalence and clinical significance Diagnosis of systemic inflammatory diseases among patients admitted for acute pericarditis with pericardial effusion Colchicine: a simple and effective treatment for pericarditis in systemic lupus erythematosus?
cord-329741-604gtqx9The Authors reviewed the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and management of RP in pediatric patients Recurrent pericarditis: still idiopathic?
cord-328569-1lx3fkv3, a nitric oxide donor compound Nitric oxide inhibits the replication cycle of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus Inhalation of nitric oxide in the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome: a rescue trial in Beijing Could nasal nitric oxide help to mitigate the severity of COVID-19?
cord-328569-1lx3fkv3Care Med COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-329727-h47q76y8Darreres mesures Systematic review of the efficacy and safety of antiretroviral drugs against SARS, MERS or COVID-19: initial assessment Should chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine be used to treat COVID-19?
cord-329727-h47q76y8Novel Coronavirus Situació n del COVID-19 en España Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Enteric involvement of coronaviruses: is faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-329215-awxfetdj: Are We Following the Recommendations for Safe Practice?
cord-329215-awxfetdjClinical guide for the management of critical care patients during the coronavirus pandemic Consensus guidelines for managing the airway in patients with COVID-19 Device or target?
cord-324859-0yuhb5dlCan we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-324859-0yuhb5dlShould we stimulate or suppress immune responses in COVID-19?
cord-324859-0yuhb5dlSignificant changes of peripheral T lymphocyte subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome COVID-19, SARS and MERS: are they closely related?
cord-324859-0yuhb5dlThe immunology of COVID-19: is immune modulation an option for treatment?
cord-324859-0yuhb5dlwhat can we learn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-324679-rds8o5z4How do we manage the'stragglers'?
cord-324679-rds8o5z4It is in these situations that both unexpected issues( which phones work when there is no power given the availability of voice- over- internet phones) and expected although none- the- less challenging( who is in charge, who is deciding when my patient can go to CT?) may arise, impacting care delivery.
cord-324679-rds8o5z4Looking forward, where do we go next to address unmet needs, improve existing programs, and develop a broader group of educators?
cord-324679-rds8o5z4The challenge will be how to use this dataare there resources to continue remediation as needed for all learners?
cord-324679-rds8o5z4Using pediatric advanced life support in pediatric residency training: does the curriculum need resuscitation?
cord-330877-nsx4b4rmcyclosporine A are out, rituximab is the new normal World Health Organization Early transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China, of novel coronavirus- infected pneumonia Imaging and clinical features of patients with 2019 novel coronavirus SARS- CoV-2: a systematic review and meta- analysis Infectious complications of induction therapies in kidney transplantation Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-330870-l0ryikhvWhat is the impact of multidisciplinary team simulation training on team performance and efficiency of patient care?
cord-276758-k2imddzr: National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards Reality of developing a community- wide antibiogram Are United States hospitals following national guidelines for the analysis and presentation of cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility data?
cord-276758-k2imddzr: do they pose a risk to the safety of transfused blood and blood products?
cord-276758-k2imddzr: is it really necessary?
cord-276758-k2imddzr: what is the evidence?
cord-276758-k2imddzrA comparison of hand- washing techniques to remove Escherichia coli and caliciviruses under natural or artificial fingernails Impact of a 5-minute scrub on the microbial flora found on artificial, polished, or natural fingernails of operating room personnel Bacterial carriage by artificial versus natural nails Pathogenic organisms associated with artificial fingernails worn by healthcare workers Postoperative Serratia marcescens wound infections traced to an out- of- hospital source A prolonged outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a neonatal intensive care unit: did staff fingernails play a role in disease transmission?
cord-276758-k2imddzrA training program in universal precautions for second- year medical students Control of vancomycinresistant enterococcus in health care facilities in a region Risk factors for ventilator- associated pneumonia: from epidemiology to patient management SARS transmission among hospital workers in Hong Kong Influenza vaccination of healthcare workers and vaccine allocation for healthcare workers during vaccine shortages Influenza immunization: improving compliance of healthcare workers Improving influenza immunization rates among healthcare workers caring for high- risk pediatric patients Correlation between healthcare workers'knowledge of influenza vaccine and vaccine receipt Learning styles and teaching/ learning strategy preferences: implications for educating nurses in critical care, the operating room, and infection control Impact of formal continuing medical education: do conferences, workshops, rounds, and other traditional continuing education activities change physician behavior or health care outcomes?
cord-276758-k2imddzrAn outbreak of Burkholderia( formerly Pseudomonas) cepacia respiratory tract colonization and infection associated with nebulized albuterol therapy Home- use nebulizers: a potential primary source of Burkholderia cepacia and other colistin- resistant, Gram- negative bacteria in patients with cystic fibrosis Low bacterial contamination of nebulizers in home treatment of cystic fibrosis patients Cleaning home nebulizers used by patients with cystic fibrosis: is rinsing with tap water enough?
cord-276758-k2imddzrAvailable from Tracking perinatal infection: is it safe to launder your scrubs at home?
cord-276758-k2imddzrBarrier precautions in trauma: is knowledge enough?
cord-276758-k2imddzrDo physicians examine patients in contact isolation less frequently?
cord-276758-k2imddzrEvidence- based medicine meets patient safety Infection control: a problem for patient safety Managing infection in the critical care unit: how can infection control make the ICU safe?
cord-276758-k2imddzrFailure of bland soap handwash to prevent hand transfer of patient bacteria to urethral catheters Skin tolerance and effectiveness of two hand decontamination procedures in everyday hospital use Replace hand washing with use of a waterless alcohol hand rub?
cord-276758-k2imddzrHow can clinicians measure safety and quality in acute care?
cord-276758-k2imddzrIs Burkholderia( Pseudomonas) cepacia disseminated from cystic fibrosis patients during physiotherapy?
cord-276758-k2imddzrLearning associated with participation in journal- based continuing medical education Blood and body fluid exposures during clinical training: relation to knowledge of universal precautions Universal precautions training of preclinical students: impact on knowledge, attitudes, and compliance An educational intervention to prevent catheter- associated bloodstream infections in a nonteaching, community medical center Increasing ICU staff handwashing: effects of education and group feedback Handwashing practices in a tertiary- care, pediatric hospital and the effect on an educational program Knowledge of the transmission of tuberculosis and infection control measures for tuberculosis among healthcare workers Senior medical students'knowledge of universal precautions An educational intervention to reduce ventilator- associated pneumonia in an integrated health system: a comparison of effects Evaluation of a patient education model for increasing hand hygiene compliance in an inpatient rehabilitation unit Patient- education handbook Learning styles and teaching strategies: enhancing the patient education experience Handwashing: the Semmelweis lesson forgotten?
cord-276758-k2imddzrMolecular heterogeneity of Acinetobacter baumanii isolates during seasonal increase in prevalence How contagious are common respiratory tract infections?
cord-276758-k2imddzrNosocomial outbreak of tuberculosis in an outpatient HIV treatment room Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in a health clinic Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in a health clinic Measles spread in medical settings: an important focus of disease transmission?
cord-276758-k2imddzrNosocomial rotavirus in a pediatric hospital Toys in a pediatric hospital: are they a bacterial source?
cord-276758-k2imddzrNursing research in home health care: endangered species?
cord-276758-k2imddzrPersistent Acinetobacter baumannii?
cord-276758-k2imddzrResults of a survey of work duties of 56 infection control professionals( ICPs): are new guidelines needed for the staffing of infection control( IC) programs?
cord-276758-k2imddzrThe burden of infection in long- term care Healthcare industry market update Nosocomial infection and antibiotic utilization in geriatric patients: a pilot prospective surveillance program in skilled nursing facilities Regional data set of infection rates for long- term care facilities: description of a valuable benchmarking tool Intensive surveillance for infections in a three- year study of nursing home patients Two years of infection surveillance in a geriatric long- term care facility Nosocomial infection rates during a one- year period in a nursing home care unit of a Veterans Administration hospital Infection surveillance and control programs in the Department of Veterans Affairs nursing home care units: a preliminary assessment Everyday matters in the lives of nursing home residents: wish for and perception of choice and control Care of the nursing home patient Higher respiratory infection rates on an Alzheimer's special care unit and successful intervention Issues in the management of resistant bacteria in longterm- care facilities Vancomycin- resistant enterococci in long- term- care facilities Antimicrobial resistance in long- term- care facilities Infections in Long- Term- Care Facilities: Screen or Clean?
cord-276758-k2imddzrThe case for face masks: zorro or zero?
cord-276758-k2imddzrThe experience of infectious patients in isolation Contact isolation in surgical patients: a barrier to care?
cord-276758-k2imddzrThe infection control nurse in US hospitals, 1976- 1977: characteristics of the position and its occupant Are there regional variations in the diagnosis, surveillance, and control of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus?
cord-276758-k2imddzrThe use and interpretation of quasi- experimental studies in infectious diseases Effect of regression to the mean on decision making in health care Randomized trials or observational tribulations?
cord-276758-k2imddzrTo err is human: building a safer health system Hospital- onset infections: a patient safety issue What practices will most improve safety?
cord-276758-k2imddzrWhat is the evidence for a causal link between hygiene and infections?
cord-276758-k2imddzrWorking Group Vancomycin resistance in staphylococci Risk factors for increasing multidrug resistance among extended- spectrum ß- lactamase- producing Escheria coli and Klebsiella species Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 4 outbreak in a home for the aged: report and review of recent outbreaks Persistence of fluoroquinolone- resistant, multidrug- resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in a long- term- care facility: efforts to reduce intrafacility transmission Failure to control an outbreak of multidrug- resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in a longterm- care facility: emergence and ongoing transmission of a fluoroquinolone- resistant strain Role of healthcare workers in outbreaks of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a 10-year evaluation from a Dutch university hospital SHEA guideline for preventing nosocomial transmission of multidrug- resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus and enterococcus Nasal and hand carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in staff at a Department for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery: endogenous or exogenous source?
cord-276758-k2imddzra prospective four- year study based on knowledge of the carrier state Are most ICU infections really nosocomial?
cord-276758-k2imddzrhow do infection control and quality assurance personnel compare?
cord-276758-k2imddzrinterruption by infection- control measures How contagious is necrotizing enterocolitis?
cord-276758-k2imddzrmedical and public health management Notice to readers update: management of patients with suspected viral hemorrhagic fever, United States Hemorrhagic fever viruses as biological weapons: medical and public health management Contact vaccinia: transmission of vaccinia from smallpox vaccination How contagious is vaccinia?
cord-276758-k2imddzrpractical recommendations for the hospital, clinic, and social settings Probable secondary infections in households of SARS patients in Hong Kong Contamination, disinfection, and cross- colonization: are hospital surfaces reservoirs for nosocomial infection?
cord-276758-k2imddzrterminals a surrogate marker for nosocomial MRSA transmission and handwashing compliance?
cord-276758-k2imddzrthree cases and review Streptococcal meningitis after myelography Iatrogenic meningitis: an increasing role for resistant viridans streptococci?
cord-331268-kzy33hdb: Relationship to a retrovirus?
cord-329444-t8ixrdpqDo Patients of Subspecialist 523 Physicians Benefit from Written Asthma Action Plans?
cord-329444-t8ixrdpqand How This Can Be Implemented into Clinical Practice Design and Benchmark Testing 558 for Open Architecture Reconfigurable Mobile Spirometer and Exhaled Breath Monitor with GPS and Data 559 Telemetry STAAR: a randomised controlled trial 561 of electronic adherence monitoring with reminder alarms and feedback to improve clinical outcomes for 562 children with asthma A tailored mobile health intervention 564 to improve adherence and asthma control in minority adolescents Propeller Health Asthma Platform: A Randomized Clinical Trial The Asthma Mobile Health Study, a 569 large- scale clinical observational study using ResearchKit Telehealth to improve asthma 571 control in pregnancy: A randomized controlled trial Impact of a digital health 573 intervention on asthma resource utilization Short- term effect of a smart nebulizing device on adherence to 575 inhaled corticosteroid therapy in Asthma Predictive Index- positive wheezing children Developing a Healthcare App in 2020: What Do Patients Really Want?:
cord-331487-jh34klbgInterferon Responses Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-324041-lqokztor: first, why is COVID-19 infection responsible for such a high incidence of anosmia?
cord-324041-lqokztorAs COVID related anosmia appears rare in childhood, and most prevalent in the 40- 50 year old age group, perhaps this is related to peak expression in ACE2R and other entry proteins?
cord-324041-lqokztorIf it is indeed true that anosmia is less prevalent in more severe forms, what mechanism may account for this?
cord-324041-lqokztorSecond, in patients with more severe forms is anosmia really less prevalent and why?
cord-324041-lqokztorSecond, in patients with more severe forms is anosmia really less prevalent?
cord-324041-lqokztorWe then looked to address the next important questionwhat proportion of patients presenting with isolated and/ or initial severe anosmia, with or without additional upper respiratory symptoms during the COVID pandemic, were actually COVID- positive?
cord-324041-lqokztorfirst, why is COVID-19 infection responsible for such a high incidence of anosmia?
cord-331165-2yn1n3eqPhysiotherapist- delivered cognitivebehavioural interventions are effective for low back pain, but can they be replicated in clinical practice?
cord-330597-nftwj0d5Pulmonary Vascular Endothelialitis, Thrombosis, and Angiogenesis in Covid-19 Pulmonary Vascular Pathology in Covid-19 Pulmonary Vascular Pathology in Covid-19 SARS- CoV-2 infection of the liver directly contributes to hepatic impairment in patients with COVID-19 SARS- CoV-2: Is the liver merely a bystander to severe disease?
cord-330597-nftwj0d5SARS- CoV-2 Causes a Specific Dysfunction of the Kidney Proximal Tubule Visualization of putative coronavirus in kidney Multivesicular bodies mimicking SARS- CoV-2 in patients without COVID-19 Electron microscopic investigations in COVID-19: not all crowns are coronas Am I a coronavirus?
cord-316522-fbw9x3ik( 1) Have you had a temperature of 100 • F or greater in the past 7 days?
cord-316522-fbw9x3ik( 2) Have you been diagnosed with Covid-19 in the past 14 days?
cord-316522-fbw9x3ik( 3) Have you had contact with a known confirmed Covid-19 positive person in the last 14 days?
cord-316522-fbw9x3ik( 4) Do you have a cough?
cord-316522-fbw9x3ik( 5) Do you have shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
cord-316522-fbw9x3ik: Are they really partners in crime?
cord-316522-fbw9x3ikHas the time really finally arrived?
cord-316522-fbw9x3ikIs the oxygen saturation less than 90%?
cord-316522-fbw9x3ikIs the temperature greater than or equal to 102 • F and not responding to antipyretics?
cord-316522-fbw9x3ikThe impact of 2019 novel coronavirus on heart injury: A systematic review and meta- analysis The diagnostic and prognostic role of myocardial injury biomarkers in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Isolation, quarantine, social distancing and community containment: Pivotal role for old- style public health measures in the novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) outbreak Managing the supportive care needs of those affected by COVID-19 Inflammation resolution: A dual- pronged approach to averting cytokine storms in COVID-19? Promise and challenges in the development of COVID-19 vaccines Design and development of a customizable telemedicine platform for improving access to healthcare for underserved populations Telemedicine in minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities amidst COVID-19 pandemic.
cord-316522-fbw9x3ikThe role of doctor- patient online interaction COVID-19 moves medicine into a virtual space I'm not feeling like i'm part of the conversation patients'perspectives on communicating in clinical video telehealth visits Virtually perfect?
cord-331547-uqmjhhnaCOVID-19 infected patients exhibit increased clot waveform analysis parameters consistent with hypercoagulability Associations between immune- suppressive and stimulating drugs and novel COVID-19-a systematic review of current evidence COVID-19 and treatment with NSAIDs and corticosteroids: should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting?
cord-327442-e02y93f6Baricitinib as potential treatment for 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease COVID-19: combining antiviral and antiinflammatory treatments Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open- label non- randomized clinical trial Clinical and microbiological effect of a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in 80 COVID-19 patients with at least a 6-day follow up: a pilot observational study Observational study of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized patients with Covid-19 A rush to judgment?
cord-327442-e02y93f6On the alert for cytokine storm: immunopathology in COVID-19 Immunosuppression for hyperinflammation in COVID-19: a double- edged sword?
cord-327442-e02y93f6When there is a pandemic there is no time to waste: should we have hydroxychloroquine in our armoury against COVID-19 infected patients?
cord-327442-e02y93f6a retrospective cohort study Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab Favorable Anakinra responses in severe COVID-19 patients with secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment?
cord-333340-ekok0mp5: what is the optimal approach for detection of Clostridium difficile infection?
cord-326785-le2t1l8gBronchial biopsies were taken from right upper and middle lobe carinas lmmunastaining was performed on acetone fixed cells and frozen tissue Sections using alkaline phosphatase and immunoperoxidase techniques All biopsies showed strong positive staining of epithelium for alphe?
cord-326785-le2t1l8gThere was striking plasma cell differentiation and COlonisation of lymphad folllcks by monacytoid cell?.
cord-326785-le2t1l8gbuta-2and~-4showednosignificantdifferencefromnormal Thelncreasedlntegrin expression by keratinocytes seems to be a reflection of awered epidermal differentiation rather than increased keratinoc?
cord-326785-le2t1l8gmay h e up to 1001oid duriLg?& erehkpoxic; tress.
cord-329856-0m5mc320For example, can we predict if patients from a village carry COVID-19 virus infection from Asia, the UK, or any of the six groups studied here?
cord-329856-0m5mc320Why should people with different travel history respond to a virus differently?
cord-333470-0a0i6vjnAccording to Setting, Personnel and Type of Activity Erratum: Two fractions of high- dose- rate brachytherapy in the management of cervix cancer: Clinical experience with and without chemotherapy High- dose- rate orthogonal intracavitary brachytherapy with 9 Gy/ fraction in locally advanced cervical cancer: is it feasible?
cord-326017-qw4qynqv( COVID-19) Lessons for the Future Telemedicine in the Era of COVID-19 Artificial intelligence: Who is responsible for the diagnosis?
cord-326017-qw4qynqvIt Is Pneumonia?
cord-326017-qw4qynqvNew evidence for an old therapeutic tool?
cord-326017-qw4qynqvin Human Nasopharyngeal Swab Specimens Using Field- Effect Transistor- Based Biosensor Cross- reactive Antibody Response between SARS- CoV-2 and SARS- CoV Infections Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Chest radiograph vs. computed tomography scan in the evaluation for pneumonia Middle East respiratory syndrome corona virus: Can radiology be of help?
cord-326017-qw4qynqvthe culprit in the autoimmune haemolytic anaemia affecting patients with COVID-19?
cord-314449-ukqux772: implications for on- site disinfection for hospital infection control Surveillance of hospital water and primary prevention of nosocomial legionellosis: what is the evidence?
cord-314449-ukqux772A cost benefit analysis of gown use in controlling vancomycin resistant Enterococcus transmission: is it worth the price?
cord-314449-ukqux772A review of the research Can methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus be found in an ambulance fleet?
cord-314449-ukqux772Are antiseptic- coated central venous catheters effective in a real- world setting?
cord-314449-ukqux772Can we?
cord-314449-ukqux772Does disinfection of environmental surfaces influence nosocomial infection rates?
cord-314449-ukqux772Should we?
cord-314449-ukqux772Stethoscopes and nosocomial infection Epidemiology of colonisation of patients and environment with vancomycin resistant enterococci Potential micro- organism transmission from the re- use of 3 M Red Dot adhesive electrocardiograph electrodes Using marker pens on patients: a potential source of cross infection with MRSA Impact of ring wearing on hand contamination and comparison of hand hygiene agents in a hospital Neck ties as vectors for nosocomial infections Artificial nails: are they putting patients at risk?
cord-314449-ukqux772The airborne transmission of infection in hospital buildings: fact or fiction?
cord-314449-ukqux772The influence of high- efficiency particulate air filtration on mortality and fungal infection among highly immunocompromised patients: a systematic review Reduction in MRSA environmental contamination with a portable HEPA- filtration unit Airborne dissemination of epidemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the Nottingham Cystic Fibrosis population: a role for portable HEPA filtration?
cord-314449-ukqux772The medical overcoat e is it a transmitting agent for bacterial pathogens?
cord-314449-ukqux772what works other than impregnated or coated catheters?
cord-334524-8uqnlpvcIn an age of social distancing and virtual visits, are platforms such as this the future for clinical follow- up?
cord-334367-w96iqo6qIs That Affecting Their Medical Decisions?
cord-333453-v3gap8kjMolecular diagnosis of a novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) causing an outbreak of pneumonia Detection of SARS- CoV-2 in human breastmilk Structure, function, and antigenicity of the SARS- CoV-2 spike glycoprotein Angiotensin- converting enzyme 2( ACE2) as a SARS- CoV-2 receptor: molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic target Towards definition, clinical and laboratory criteria, and a scoring system for disseminated intravascular coagulation Flowchart showing the reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction test results of the newborns and their mothers Correlation of chest CT and RT- PCR testing in coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) in China: a report of 1014 cases Clinical characteristics of fatal and recovered cases of coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) in Wuhan, China: a retrospective study Venous and arterial thromboembolic complications in COVID-19 patients admitted to an academic hospital in COVID-19 and thrombotic or thromboembolic disease: implications for prevention, antithrombotic therapy, and follow- up Epidemiology and prevention of neonatal candidiasis: fluconazole for all neonates?
cord-331270-12zx0o2pThe HealthyTexts study: A randomized controlled trial to improve skin cancer prevention behaviors among young people Comparative effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention to improve adherence to annual colorectal cancer screening in community health centers: a randomized clinical trial Effect of short message service as a reminder on breast self- examination in breast cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial Can skin cancer prevention and early detection be improved via mobile phone text messaging?
cord-331270-12zx0o2pThe effect of timing of the provision of information on anxiety and satisfaction of cancer patients receiving radiotherapy Effective, clinically feasible and sustainable: Key design features of psycho- educational and supportive care interventions to promote individualised selfmanagement in cancer care Impact of a novel nurse- led prechemotherapy education intervention( ChemoEd) on patient distress, symptom burden, and treatment- related information and support needs: results from a randomised, controlled trial Self- care strategies to cope with taste changes after chemotherapy Immediate versus delayed self- reporting of symptoms and side effects during chemotherapy: does timing matter?
cord-334324-remrcm2qA retrospective crosssectional study Neutrophil- to- lymphocyte ratio as an independent risk factor for mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Rapid response: re: preventing a covid-19 pandemic: ACE inhibitors as a potential risk factor for fatal Covid-19 Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-332788-8lq9qygnPositive and negative changes indicate an improvement and deterioration, respectively, in QoL. EORTC QLQ- MY20 item 43('Did you have tingling hands or feet?')
cord-334408-w0yxz7zbCOVID-19: Epidemiology, evolution, and cross- disciplinary perspectives Coronavirus and drugs related issues: are we ready to learn the lessons?
cord-333183-xyuj1j57( Compute and Storage for the Life Sciences): a collection of compute and storage resources for supporting research at the University of Birmingham Skeel's Handbook of cancer therapy Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-331533-0toegbv8Even transfer to another area of the hospital with the potential exposure to staff during transport and the safety of patient and staff during inter- hospital transport become important when considering intubation: can a patient safely be transported to the proper intensive care unit without being intubated first?
cord-331533-0toegbv8Therapy Application in Management of COVID-19 Breaking down the different types of COVID-19 tests-and why Illinois and the nation have struggled with mass testing amid the pandemic China coronavirus: what do we know so far?
cord-334092-50r3h7jv: what is the evidence?
cord-330431-9txstz4nAs our operating rooms reopen, how should patients who were placed on some kind of medical treatment( e.g. neoadjuvant chemotherapy) be managed?
cord-330431-9txstz4nHowever, how realistic and true was that saying, as we stayed"out of service"for a long time?
cord-330431-9txstz4nauthors: Nomikos, Iakovos N title: What Else but Covid-19 Pandemic?
cord-330431-9txstz4nwhat next?
cord-333024-1yrmun3zRSV testing in bronchiolitis: which nasal sampling method is best?
cord-331500-l3hkn2liHost- pathogen interaction during mechanical ventilation: systemic or compartmentalized response?
cord-331500-l3hkn2liHow can we distinguish ventilator- associated tracheobronchitis from pneumonia?
cord-330963-w24q8sn7Could there be cognitive bias and therapeutic nihilism at play once'metastatic cancer'has been identified and broadly included under exclusion criteria of official triage guidelines?
cord-330963-w24q8sn7How might we achieve equal prognostic consideration?
cord-330963-w24q8sn7What factors might be considered?
cord-318282-ocgfgx9r: prospective two- centre study Eradication of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus by"ring fencing"of elective orthopaedic beds Are active microbiological surveillance and subsequent isolation needed to prevent the spread of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus?
cord-318282-ocgfgx9rAn often- heard reaction is"am I a leper?", and it may be taxing to the attending physician to explain the reasoning behind the precautionary measure.
cord-318282-ocgfgx9rDo we have any hope for the future?
cord-318282-ocgfgx9rEpidemiology of emerging methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus( MRSA) in Denmark: a nationwide study in a country with low prevalence of MRSA infection Control of multiply resistant cocci: do international comparisons help?
cord-318282-ocgfgx9rInducible clindamycin resistance in staphylococci: should clinicians and microbiologists be concerned?
cord-318282-ocgfgx9rManagement of inpatients colonized or infected with antimicrobialresistant bacteria in hospitals in the United States Are active microbiological surveillance and subsequent isolation needed to prevent the spread of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus?
cord-318282-ocgfgx9rPerhaps the development of mixed specialty wards has facilitated its introduction into this population?
cord-318282-ocgfgx9rThe evaluation of nosocomial infection during 1-year- period in the burn unit of a training hospital in Istanbul Trends in antimicrobial resistant staphylococci in an university hospital over a 6-year period Nosocomial infections in intensive care unit in a Turkish university hospital: a 2-year survey New aspects of antimicrobial resistance and the resultings therapeutic dilemmas Specific detection of meticillinresistant staphylococcus species by multiplex PCR Molecular genotyping of meticillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains in a teaching hospital in Turkey Testing the efficacy of a molecular surveillance network: meticillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus( MRSA) and vancomycin- resistant Enterococcus faecium( VREF) genotypes in six hospitals in the metropolitan New York city area Socioeconomic burden of nosocomial infections Hospital infections: where are we?
cord-318282-ocgfgx9rThe impact of methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia on patient outcomes: mortality, length of stay, and hospital charges Adverse clinical and economic outcomes attributable to methicillin resistance among patients with Staphylococcus aureus surgical site infection Surgical site infections associated with methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus: do postoperative factors play a role?
cord-318282-ocgfgx9rWhy do MRSA rates vary so much across countries?
cord-318282-ocgfgx9rlife is possible over there is n't it?"
cord-333808-deifddartheir oncologists agree?
cord-334075-ruqd2c1j: a mathematical modelling study What are we doing in the dermatology outpatient department amidst the raging of the 2019 novel coronavirus?
cord-333142-ek7hct52: is there a common metabolic pathway?
cord-335597-anrzcsrtIs there a difference in local disease control between a VATS and thoracotomy approach?
cord-332055-lrpfzsogPrognostic significance of dyspnea in patients referred for cardiac stress testing Management of emergency department patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax: needle aspiration or tube thoracostomy?
cord-332055-lrpfzsogacute heart failure syndromes Brain natriuretic peptide in the evaluation of emergency department dyspnea: is there a role?
cord-333528-9mczqtjeCOVID-19: what's now?
cord-326272-ya3r0h1tA potential link between the renin- angiotensinaldosterone system and thrombosis Prevalence of venous thromboembolism in patients with severe novel coronavirus pneumonia Deep vein thrombosis in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) in Wuhan, China: prevalence, risk factors, and outcome Extremely high incidence of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis in 48 patients with severe COVID-19 in Wuhan High incidence of venous thromboembolic events in anticoagulated severe COVID-19 patients Incidence of venous thromboembolism in critically ill coronavirus disease 2019 patients receiving prophylactic anticoagulation Incidence of thrombotic complications in critically ill ICU patients with COVID-19 Thromboembolic events and apparent heparin resistance in patients infected with SARS- CoV-2 Routine venous thromboembolism prophylaxis may be inadequate in the hypercoagulable state of severe coronavirus disease 2019 Prevalence of venous thromboembolism in critically ill patients with COVID-19 Incidence of asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and elevated D- dimer levels Incidence of deep vein thrombosis among non- ICU patients hospitalized for COVID-19 despite pharmacological thromboprophylaxis Venous thromboembolism in SARS- CoV-2 patients: only a problem in ventilated ICU patients, or is there more to it?
cord-326272-ya3r0h1tIs the recommendation to use high- dose heparin for thromboprophylaxis justified?
cord-326272-ya3r0h1tLAC) testing in patients with inflammatory status: does C- reactive protein interfere with LAC test results?
cord-326272-ya3r0h1tThe old but new: can unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparins inhibit proteolytic activation and cellular internalization of SARS- CoV2 by inhibition of host cell proteases?
cord-326272-ya3r0h1tThe source of elevated plasma D- dimer levels in COVID-19 infection D- dimer as a predictor of venous thromboembolism in acutely ill, hospitalized patients: a subanalysis of the randomized controlled MAGELLAN trial Pulmonary thrombosis in 2019-nCoV pneumonia?
cord-326272-ya3r0h1ta multicenter prospective cohort study Pulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-333451-p2plpeewAre we spinal cord rehabilitation units not predestined to look after these numerous patients similarly concerned with all these handicaps after intensive care?
cord-333451-p2plpeewWho takes care of all these"Post- COVID-19"patients after they have struggled in ICUs, been intubated for a long time and sedated against the disease and have luckily survived after weeks of mechanical ventilation?
cord-328294-gii1b7s7Are there cognitive subtypes in adult attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder?
cord-328294-gii1b7s7The authors concluded that these patients had received no benefit from either prior surgery or corticosteroid treatment alone, noting that"the results of this report raise an interesting question: why was the combined treatment with corticosteroids and surgery effective in long- term reversal of anosmia, whereas individual treatment with either modality had proved ineffective?"
cord-328294-gii1b7s7The olfactory and cognitive deficits of Parkinson's disease: evidence for independence Bilateral olfactory dysfunction in early stage treated and untreated idiopathic Parkinson's disease Olfactory testing as an aid in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease: development of optimal discrimination criteria Olfactory function in Parkinson's disease subtypes Is Parkinson's disease a primary olfactory disorder?
cord-328294-gii1b7s7The patient group was initially divided into two groups: those who answered the question"Is your sense of smell impaired?"
cord-328384-jzfr2t3pAre the rationale for, and objectives of, the Systematic Review clearly stated?
cord-328384-jzfr2t3pPublisher Full Text Are the rationale for, and objectives of, the Systematic Review clearly stated?
cord-328384-jzfr2t3pYes Are sufficient details of the methods and analysis provided to allow replication by others?
cord-328384-jzfr2t3pYes Are the conclusions drawn adequately supported by the results presented in the review?
cord-328384-jzfr2t3pYes Is the statistical analysis and its interpretation appropriate?
cord-331481-zeaqi1ucAssociated with COVID-19 Pneumonia Detected by Pulmonary CT Angiography Pulmonary Embolism or Pulmonary Thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-331481-zeaqi1ucCOVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-331481-zeaqi1ucCan I use any d- Dimer?
cord-334002-irbpehtsThe use of open- ended questions to inquire about precautions( eg, when at work, what steps do you take to keep yourself safe?)
cord-328895-p75b7jii: a three dimensional view Is volume related to outcome in health care?
cord-328895-p75b7jiiDo patients always prefer quicker treatment?
cord-328895-p75b7jiiThe importance of physician gender in the selection of an obstetrician or a gynecologist Patient choice: comparing criteria for selecting an obstetrician- gynecologist based on image, gender, and professional attributes Is lack of surgery for older breast cancer patients in the UK explained by patient choice or poor health?
cord-328895-p75b7jiiThe structure of quality systems is important to the process and outcome, an empirical study of 386 hospital departments in Sweden Structure, process or outcome: which contributes most to patients'overall assessment of healthcare quality?
cord-328895-p75b7jiiWhat is the Real Cost of More Patient Choice?
cord-334188-bggt1i2eHow will country- based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-328289-3h3kmjlzCan Covid Damage the Brain?
cord-328289-3h3kmjlzDoes the brain contribute to respiratory failure and hypertension?
cord-328289-3h3kmjlzDoes the brain contribute to the immune dysregulation?
cord-328289-3h3kmjlzHere are some of the outstanding questions: Do the neurological manifestations of COVID-19 reflect brain invasion?
cord-328289-3h3kmjlzWhat are the long- term neurological and neuropsychiatric consequences of COVID-19?
cord-333876-fhxkpbq7Dizziness presentations in U.S. emergency departments Normal head impulse test differentiates acute cerebellar strokes from vestibular neuritis International survey of emergency physicians'priorities for clinical decision rules Disconnect between charted vestibular diagnoses and emergency department management decisions: a cross- sectional analysis from a nationally representative sample Nystagmus assessments documented by emergency physicians in acute dizziness presentations: a target for decision support? cord-335168-3ofarutr May Be Forever Changed What are we doing in the dermatology outpatient department amidst the raging of the 2019 novel coronavirus? cord-335168-3ofarutr Will cases of psoriasis increase after COVID-19 pandemic? cord-335593-cjb0daps a multicenter European study Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence? cord-335916-fh28qrt7 Should we stimulate or suppress immune responses in COVID-19? cord-333175-klnxnxwm An extra chain fitting around the neck? cord-333175-klnxnxwm National Academy of Medicine Comorbidity and its impact on 1590 patients with COVID-19 in China: a nationwide analysis Hospitalization Rates and Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized with Laboratory- Confirmed Coronavirus Disease COVID-19): are you at higher risk for severe illness? cord-331273-1fixwxuo : A review of the literature Is spinal cord stimulation safe? cord-331273-1fixwxuo A Prospective, open- label, multicenter study to assess the efficacy of spinal cord stimulation and identify patients who would benefit Does a screening trial for spinal cord stimulation in patients with chronic pain of neuropathic origin have clinical utility and cost- effectiveness? cord-331273-1fixwxuo Do All Opioid Drugs Share the Same Immunomodulatory Properties? cord-331273-1fixwxuo Do psychiatric patients experience more psychiatric symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown? cord-336252-e92omqyr COVID-19) Fighting COVID-19 exhausts T cells Dysregulation of Immune Response in Patients With Coronavirus Interferon- mediated immunopathological events are associated with atypical innate and adaptive immune responses in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Immunosuppression for hyperinflammation in COVID-19: a double- edged sword? cord-335719-tnimrff9 What is e- health? cord-330869-k5ro0edf Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Can pioglitazone be potentially useful therapeutically in treating patients with COVID-19? cord-330869-k5ro0edf Can dapagliflozin have a protective effect against COVID-19 infection? cord-330869-k5ro0edf Emerg Microb Infect Role of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors in Diabetic Patients with Coronavirus-19 COVID-19 and diabetes: Can DPP4 inhibition play a role? cord-330869-k5ro0edf Our Response to COVID-19 as Endocrinologists and Diabetologists Should anti- diabetic medications be reconsidered amid COVID-19 pandemic? cord-336258-dxps48bo How does China, Shenzhen, our Hospital and our Center manage to achieve the current control and service provision? cord-336368-sudi4mdx How much is your patient really getting? cord-327370-zo0n8wf6 Acute pulmonary embolism associated with COVID-19 pneumonia detected with pulmonary CT angiography Scientific and standardization Committee communication: clinical guidance on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 ESC guidelines for the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism developed in collaboration with the Respiratory failure as an indication for thrombolysis in pulmonary embolism? cord-327370-zo0n8wf6 COVID-19 infection: origin, transmission, and characteristics of human coronaviruses Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection? cord-327370-zo0n8wf6 COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association? cord-327370-zo0n8wf6 Is interleukin-6( IL-6) the'culprit lesion'of ARDS onset? cord-327370-zo0n8wf6 Thrombolysis in pulmonary embolism: are we under- using it? cord-327370-zo0n8wf6 What is there besides Tocilizumab? cord-327370-zo0n8wf6 do heparins have direct anti- inflammatory effects? cord-335918-uc225mhn Does the timing of esophagectomy after chemoradiation affect outcome? cord-336268-azgswke8 Coronavirus infections- more than just the common cold Director- General's Opening Remarks at the Media Briefing on COVID19- 11 How to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic? cord-335892-hwahcec5 Hydroxychloroquine: from malaria to autoimmunity National Institute for Health and Care Excellence( NICE) 2020, Hydroxychloroquine sulfate Implementing screening for hydroxychloroquine ocular toxicity: how big is the problem? cord-333654-8rg99di5 Imaging Features Acute myelitis after SARS- CoV-2 infection: a case report Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence? cord-333654-8rg99di5 We first formulated the research question:How significant is thromboembolism in the morbidity and mortality of COVID-19?"and focused on answering it.
cord-336053-cjq7szcnG Italy Cardiol Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: A random association?
cord-336053-cjq7szcnkey: cord-336053-cjq7szcn authors: Mottola, Filiberto Fausto; Verde, Nicoletta; Ricciolino, Riccardo; Di Mauro, Marco; Migliaccio, Marco Giuseppe; Carfora, Vincenzo; Spiniello, Giorgio; Coppola, Nicola title: Cardiovascular System in COVID-19: Simply a Viewer or a Leading Actor?
cord-335338-wzxjn5ipHow the SARS coronavirus causes disease: host or organism?
cord-335338-wzxjn5iphow, why, and so what?
cord-332480-3uodkrkpA Future H5N1 Treatment?
cord-332480-3uodkrkpIntravenous immunoglobulin for infectious diseases: back to the pre- antibiotic and passive prophylaxis era?
cord-332480-3uodkrkpmedRxiv Effect of regular intravenous immunoglobulin therapy on prognosis of severe pneumonia in patients with COVID-19 Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy: how does IgG modulate the immune system?
cord-335078-z7k59k8oAre all the source data underlying the results available to ensure full reproducibility?
cord-335078-z7k59k8oIs the study design appropriate and is the work technically sound?
cord-335078-z7k59k8oYes Are all the source data underlying the results available to ensure full reproducibility?
cord-332150-j76726no: what does viral RNA load really mean?
cord-332150-j76726noA dynamic COVID-19 immune signature includes associations with poor prognosis Tocilizumab for cytokine storm syndrome in COVID-19 pneumonia: an increased risk for candidemia?
cord-332150-j76726noA first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis ACE2 at the centre of COVID-19 from paucisymptomatic infections to severe pneumonia Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan Longitudinal analyses reveal immunological misfiring in severe COVID-19 Detectable 2019-nCoV viral RNA in blood is a strong indicator for the further clinical severity Viral dynamics in mild and severe cases of COVID-19 The role of interleukin 6 during viral infections Inflammasomes and Pyroptosis as Therapeutic Targets for COVID-19 The Innate Immune System: Fighting on the Front Lines or Fanning the Flames of COVID-19?
cord-332150-j76726noShould we stimulate or suppress immune responses in COVID-19?
cord-330701-k68b0wqeA storm is raging SARS- CoV2: should inhibitors of the renin- angiotensin systeme withdrawn in patients with COVID-19?
cord-330701-k68b0wqeEven before the COVID-19 vaccine is found, national leaders are faced with the dilemma of whether to immunize as much of the population as possible or whether compulsory vaccination carries the risk of movement, which is already prone to conspiracy theories about pharmaceutical companies and government authoritarian tendencies?
cord-330701-k68b0wqeOn the Occasion of the COVID-19 Pandemic-One of the Most Important Dilemma: Vaccinate or Not?
cord-330701-k68b0wqeThe Nrf2 Activator( DMF) and Covid-19: is there a Possible Role?
cord-330701-k68b0wqeWhat are the factors that correlate with a poor patient prognosis?
cord-336462-7dltsav4Learn more Ready to submit your research Ready to submit your research?
cord-321697-yua3apfi: cord-321697-yua3apfi authors: Crigna, Adriana Torres; Samec, Marek; Koklesova, Lenka; Liskova, Alena; Giordano, Frank A.; Kubatka, Peter; Golubnitschaja, Olga title: Cell- free nucleic acid patterns in disease prediction and monitoring — hype or hope?
cord-321697-yua3apfiAlu repeat sequences are present in increased proportions compared to a unique gene in plasma/ serum DNA: evidence for a preferential release from viable cells?
cord-321697-yua3apfiCham: Advances in Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine Mitochondrial dysfunction in the aging retina Parkinson disease epidemiology, pathology, genetics, and pathophysiology Mitochondria and autophagy dysfunction in glucocorticoidinduced ocular hypertension/ glaucoma mice model Cancer predisposition in diabetics: risk factors considered for predictive diagnostics and targeted preventive measures Cell cycle checkpoints: the role and evaluation for early diagnosis of senescence, cardiovascular, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases Feeling cold and other underestimated symptoms in breast cancer: anecdotes or individual profiles for advanced patient stratification?
cord-321697-yua3apfiConsequently, the question is- how to distinguish between beneficial physical activity on one hand and damaging exercise- induced oxidative stress on the other hand, when providing recommendations at individual level?
cord-321697-yua3apfiFrom Phenotype to Associated Pathologies, Prediction, Prevention and Personalisation Flammer syndrome Risks associated with the stroke predisposition at young age: facts and hypotheses in light of individualized predictive and preventive approach Pre- metastatic niches"in breast cancer: are they created by or prior to the tumour onset Mystery of the brain metastatic disease in breast cancer patients: improved patient stratification, disease prediction and targeted prevention on the horizon?
cord-321697-yua3apfiMicroRNAs in human diseases: from cancer to cardiovascular disease MicroRNA function in cancer: oncogene or a tumor suppressor?
cord-321697-yua3apfiMore answers or More confusion? MicroRNA
cord-321697-yua3apfiWhat is known about CFNAs signature utility in COVID-19 management?
cord-321697-yua3apfiWhy the gold standard approach by mammography demands extension by multiomics?
cord-321697-yua3apfieffective and affordable cancer care hsa- miR-135a-1 inhibits prostate cancer cell growth and migration by targeting EGFR Covid-19 pandemic by the"realtime"monitoring: the Tunisian case and lessons for global epidemics in the context of 3PM strategies COVID-19 what have we learned?
cord-321697-yua3apfiprimary and recurrent colorectal cancer Establishment of tumor- specific copy number alterations from plasma DNA of patients with cancer Is the role of circulating DNA as a biomarker of cancer being prematurely overrated?
cord-320663-xypg6evoActivating KIRs and NKG2C in viral infections: toward NK cell memory?
cord-320663-xypg6evoAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-320663-xypg6evoCOVID-19 and treatment with NSAIDs and corticosteroids: should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting?
cord-320663-xypg6evoDoes COVID-19 spread through droplets alone?
cord-320663-xypg6evoHave I found the missing ingredient in a coronavirus vaccine?
cord-320663-xypg6evoHow is immunosuppressive status affecting children and adults in SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-320663-xypg6evoThe SARS, MERS and novel coronavirus( COVID-19) epidemics, the newest and biggest global health threats: what lessons have we learned?
cord-320663-xypg6evoThe innate immune system: fighting on the front lines or fanning the flames of COVID-19?
cord-320663-xypg6evoThe role of the interleukin-1 family in trained immunity Training the trainable cells of the immune system and beyond BCG- induced trained immunity: can it offer protection against COVID-19?
cord-320663-xypg6evoThe trafficking of natural killer cells Keeping NK cells in highly regulated antiviral warfare Human NK cell lytic granules and regulation of their exocytosis Natural killer cells: development, maturation, and clinical utilization Natural killer cell memory in infection, inflammation and cancer About training and memory: NK- cell adaptation to viral infections Is there natural killer cell memory and can it be harnessed by vaccination?
cord-320663-xypg6evoThe use of antiinflammatory drugs in the treatment of people with severe coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): the perspectives of clinical immunologists from China Adjunct immunotherapies for the management of severely Ill COVID-19 patients HiJAKing SARS- CoV-2?
cord-320663-xypg6evointerferon responses: from friend to foe in the battle against chronic viral infection NK cells and interferons Innate or adaptive immunity?
cord-336614-u6alc6rsCOVID-19: Consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab Current pharmacological treatments for COVID-19: What's next?
cord-335540-lahu5dno, 2020)?
cord-335540-lahu5dnoDid the COVID‐19 pandemic silence the needs of people with epilepsy?
cord-337297-fkw8780tGuillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-337120-irpm5g7gVibrio illness after Hurricane Katrina- multiple states but fast enough?
cord-324060-vvexfg1cCan it be given as a prophylaxis, as in the case of malaria?
cord-324060-vvexfg1cDo we need to stratify patients according to severity or not?
cord-324060-vvexfg1cDo we really need to wait for international guidelines to be issued regarding its applicability to COVID-19 pneumonia?
cord-324060-vvexfg1cIt may also A systematic review on the efficacy and safety of chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19 New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-324060-vvexfg1cWhat is the appropriate dose and what is the ideal duration of treatment?
cord-324060-vvexfg1cWhen must we initiate treatment?
cord-324060-vvexfg1cWhen there is a pandemic there is no time to waste: should we have hydroxychloroquine in our armoury against COVID-19 infected patients?
cord-324060-vvexfg1cWho is going to be treated?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5Are you experiencing uncontrolled bleeding?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5Can pain or discomfort be tolerated or managed at home for 2- 3 weeks?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5Do you need biopsy of abnormal tissue?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5Do you need dental treatment required prior to medical treatment( e.g., radiotherapy)?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5Do you need denture repair or adjustment prior to medical treatment or due to trouble eating?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5If yes, when did it start?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5If yes, when did you first notice the swelling?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5In vitro bactericidal and virucidal efficacy of povidone- iodine gargle/ mouthwash against respiratory and oral tract pathogens Aerosol and splatter contamination from the operative site during ultrasonic scaling How to make choice of the carious removal methods, Carisolv or traditional drilling?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5This paper focused on dental management during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to answer the following four questions: • Which procedures are allowed to perform during the COVID-19 outbreak?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5What are the conditions and necessities for patient admission, waiting room, and operatory room?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5What is the efficacy of standard face masks compared to respirator masks in preventing COVID- type respiratory illnesses in primary care staff?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5What is your pain level on a scale of 1- 10?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5What personal protective equipment( PPE) is necessary for dental clinicians and the office staff?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5Which patients are in priority to receive dental care services?
cord-316095-jzyb4jn5the gingiva is irritated?
cord-337896-mct29ergRefreshingly, we have relearned what our beloved mentor, Dan Present, would say in his inimitable Brooklyn accent,"If you wanna know how a patient is doin'all you need to do is say,'how you doin'?"
cord-336882-x9e6r0h0predict which patients will achieve minimally clinically important differences from 500 total joint arthroplasty?
cord-334495-7y1la856* Is There a Role for Lung Ultrasound During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
cord-334495-7y1la856An Information Statement from ASNC Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction During the COVID-19 Pandemic Virtually Perfect?
cord-334495-7y1la856COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-336782-0zkb39v1Task force of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Position paper for the organization of ECMO programs for cardiac failure in adults Echocardiography: do we need new standards for ECMO patients?
cord-331452-y5lhawqo: Can You Sustain What You Need?
cord-331452-y5lhawqoHow is patient care impacted?
cord-331452-y5lhawqoThis review provides an evidence- based approach 698 to management of the physiologically- challenging airway What are the key findings?
cord-331452-y5lhawqoWhat does this review attempt to show?
cord-331452-y5lhawqoWhy is this topic important?
cord-323273-q53wf6au2768 What is their place in clinical practice?
cord-323273-q53wf6au3263'Prevalence of glaucoma in a rural northern china adult population: a population-3264 based survey in kailu county, inner mongolia Teleophthalmology: improving patient outcomes?
cord-323273-q53wf6au3344 tomography using deep learning', Graefe's Archive for What is the real gold standard for ROP screening?
cord-323273-q53wf6auCan We Stop the Current 2605 Epidemic of Blindness From Retinopathy of Prematurity?
cord-323273-q53wf6auCan we predict the future growth of demand on UK Eye 2491 Care Services?
cord-323273-q53wf6auL'Examen qualitatif de la fonction maculaire Can 2414 Home Monitoring Allow Earlier Detection of Rapid Visual Field Progression in 2415 Glaucoma?
cord-323273-q53wf6auThe War on Diabetic Retinopathy: Where Are We 3426 Now?
cord-323273-q53wf6auThe efficacy of a nurse- led 2882 preoperative cataract assessment and postoperative care clinic 2885'Fifteen- year cumulative incidence of age- related macular degeneration: the Beaver 2886 Dam Eye Study Experiences with developing 2888 and implementing a virtual clinic for glaucoma care in an NHS setting A technician- delivered'virtual clinic'for 2891 triaging low- risk glaucoma referrals Deep learning models in genomics; are we there yet?
cord-323273-q53wf6auVirtually Perfect?
cord-323273-q53wf6aumoving from blueprint to action 2522 with a new focus on public health Characteristics of severe retinopathy of prematurity patients in 2524 China: a repeat of the first epidemic?
cord-333696-3ci9re9aIs nicotine exposure linked to cardiopulmonary vulnerability to COVID-19 in the general population?
cord-333696-3ci9re9aLeukoencephalopathy Associated with Severe COVID-19 Infection: Sequela of Hypoxemia?
cord-333696-3ci9re9aNicotine Modulates the Renin- Angiotensin System of Cultured Neurons and Glial Cells from Cardiovascular Brain Areas of Wistar Kyoto and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Nicotine and the renin- angiotensin system Brain renin- angiotensin system and dopaminergic cell vulnerability Angiotensins in Alzheimer's disease&# x2013; friend or foe?
cord-333696-3ci9re9aWhy now?
cord-335975-m6lkrehiCould ICU to ward transfers and care course after hospital be optimized?
cord-335975-m6lkrehiPharmacokinetic analysis of unfractionated heparin in critically ill children during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: Do we achieve the target?
cord-336784-24qizp9kHow well does chart abstraction measure quality?
cord-337665-roelk7i5What is the appropriate use of laparoscopy over open procedures in the current COVID-19 climate?
cord-338192-2v9dbc9hY. title: How many patients will need ventilators tomorrow?
cord-336395-v157jzvvAn updated systematic review Is the Prone Position Helpful during Spontaneous Breathing in Patients with COVID-19?
cord-336395-v157jzvv® Therapy of Postoperative Hypoxemia in the Recovery Room: Experiences With the New Compact System of End- Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure Distinct phenotypes require distinct respiratory management strategies in severe COVID-19 Multiple Organ Dysfunction in SARS- CoV-2: MODS- CoV-2 Pulmonary and extrapulmonary acute respiratory distress syndrome: Myth or reality?
cord-337094-aa3ourc6The sooner the better?
cord-337094-aa3ourc6® PtO2 system reliable for monitoring of free flaps?
cord-326994-y8p724s4Are you irradiating elective lymph nodes for high- risk cases during this time?
cord-326994-y8p724s4Has anything permanently changed about your management of UIR or high- risk cases as a result of the pandemic?
cord-326994-y8p724s4How would you approach management of this patient after he re- presents with high- risk disease?
cord-326994-y8p724s4Taking into consideration your hospital policies and regional COVID-19 considerations, would you have done anything differently in March 2020?
cord-326994-y8p724s4What if the patient has baseline lymphopenia?
cord-326994-y8p724s4What is your recommended fractionation for UIR patients?
cord-326994-y8p724s4What would you do?
cord-326994-y8p724s4When and how often?
cord-326994-y8p724s4Would you test this patient for SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-336621-0w3rroirA nurse was concerned about the dose and asked the resident"Is this right?"to verify the order.
cord-336621-0w3rroirAre hospital incidents being reported?
cord-337926-6ddvqowrDo immediate postoperative radiographs change patient management after fracture fixation?
cord-338135-zwo7e7gyA case of exacerbation of psoriasis after oseltamivir and hydroxychloroquine in a patient with COVID-19: Will cases of psoriasis increase after COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-334881-x9nxxled2020-medrxiv Comparative therapeutic efficacy of remdesivir and combination lopinavir, ritonavir, and interferon beta against MERS- CoV Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open- label non- randomized clinical trial FDA approval: siltuximab for the treatment of patients with multicentric Castleman disease Prospects in Connective Tissue Diseases COVID-19 and diabetes: Can DPP4 inhibition play a role?
cord-334881-x9nxxledThe effectiveness of an anti- human IL-6 receptor monoclonal antibody combined with chemotherapy to target colon cancer stem- like cells International Guidelines on Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer During the COVID-19 Pandemic Nivolumab combined with ruxolitinib: antagonism or synergy?
cord-334881-x9nxxledcancermedicalscience COVID-19 and treatment with NSAIDs and corticosteroids: should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting?.
cord-332153-fczf3lzc-A novel"virus sink"that is defective in asthma?
cord-332153-fczf3lzcCOVID-19-what should anaethesiologists and intensivists know about it?
cord-332153-fczf3lzcCOVID-19: faecal- oral transmission?
cord-332153-fczf3lzcIs global BCG vaccination- induced treained immunity relevant to the progression of the SARS.CoV-2 pandemic?
cord-332153-fczf3lzcRationale and study design Can melatonin reduce the severity of COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-338131-6y96eyoqLaparoscopy in these Trying Times?
cord-338182-cetv78baDoes viral co- infection influence the severity of acute respiratory infection in children?
cord-339455-b8nu34vvJACC State- of- the- Art Review Thromboembolic risk and anticoagulant therapy in COVID-19 patients: emerging evidence and call for action SARS-2 Coronavirus- Associated Hemostatic Lung Abnormality in COVID-19: Is It Pulmonary Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism?
cord-339614-28s205p8-What should dermatologists know?
cord-337487-1lbopasoHow many life years are lost in patients with rheumatoid arthritis?
cord-337487-1lbopasoSecular causespecific and allcause mortality in rheumatoid arthritis, and their predictors in a longterm Australian cohort study Trend in and predictors for cardiovascular mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis over a period of 15 years: a prospective cohort study Decreased cardiovascular mortality in patients with incident rheumatoid arthritis( RA) in recent years: dawn of a new era in cardiovascular disease in RA?
cord-337487-1lbopasoThe beneficial therapy with colchicine for atherosclerosis via antiinflammation and decrease in hypertriglyceridemia Colchicine in stable coronary artery disease Colchicine use is associated with decreased prevalence of myocardial infarction in patients with gout Effects of colchicine on risk of cardiovascular events and mortality among patients with gout: a cohort study using electronic medical records linked with Medicare claims Effect of shortterm colchicine treatment on endothelial function in patients with coronary artery disease Canakinumab for the patient with difficulttotreat gouty arthritis: review of the clinical evidence Anakinra for the treatment of acute gout flares: a randomized, doubleblind, placebocontrolled, activecomparator, noninferiority trial Antiinflammatory therapy with canakinumab for atherosclerotic disease updated European League Against Rheumatism evidencebased recommendations for the diagnosis of gout What is the evidence for treattotarget serum urate in gout?
cord-335977-f00758o2Do glucocorticoids decrease mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-335977-f00758o2Interferon- mediated immunopathological events are associated with atypical innate and adaptive immune responses in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Fatal outcome of human influenza A( H5N1) is associated with high viral load and hypercytokinemia Glucocorticoid in the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome patients: a preliminary report Coronavirus- positive nasopharyngeal aspirate as predictor for severe acute respiratory syndrome mortality Effects of early corticosteroid treatment on plasma SARS- associated Coronavirus RNA concentrations in adult patients Hydrocortisone therapy for patients with septic shock Organ dysfunction/ failure in patients with septic shock: results of the CORTICUS study Compartmentalized cytokine production within the human lung in unilateral pneumonia Effects of systemic steroids in patients with severe community- acquired pneumonia Guidelines for the management of adults with hospital- acquired, ventilator- associated, and healthcareassociated pneumonia Bench- to- bedside review: appropriate antibiotic therapy in severe sepsis and septic shock- does the dose matter?
cord-335977-f00758o2influenza A( H1N1) virus infection Corticosteroids for H1N1 associated acute lung injury: is it just wishful thinking?
cord-336563-hwemigk7A Trial of Lopinavir- Ritonavir in Adults Hospitalized with Severe Covid-19 Medication patterns and disease progression among 165 patients with coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) in Wuhan, China: a single- centered, retrospective, observational study Risk Factors Associated With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Death in Patients With Coronavirus Disease SARS: systematic review of treatment effects Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with Tocilizumab Clinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with SARS- CoV-2 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a single- centered, retrospective, observational study ACTEMRA ®( tocilizumab) injection, for intravenous or subcutaneous use Interleukin-6 and cytochrome- P450, reason for concern?
cord-336563-hwemigk7Should ACE and ARB's for hypertension be stopped in patients infected with COVID19?
cord-336563-hwemigk7Should NSAIDS be stopped in patients infected with COVID-19?
cord-338741-gy3ovkrtThis study demonstrated that the administration of convalescent plasma to hospitalized patients might? be redundant, according to the authors[ 25].
cord-332992-8rmqg4rf: what do we know so far?
cord-332992-8rmqg4rfFront Public Health Trained immunity: a tool for reducing susceptibility to and the severity of SARS- CoV-2 infection Complement as a target in COVID-19?
cord-332992-8rmqg4rfIndeed, demographic differences as well as differences in health status, health care, COVID-19 treatment and cause of death assessment( i.e. did a person die with or die from COVID-19?), may explain the differences in reported case- fatality rates between different countries.
cord-332992-8rmqg4rfSARS- CoV-2 Are pangolins the intermediate host of the 2019 novel coronavirus( SARS- CoV-2)?
cord-332992-8rmqg4rfThe possible mechanisms of action of 4-aminoquinolines( chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine) against SARS- CoV-2 infection( COVID-19): a role for iron homeostasis?
cord-336000-v88bq4bxAutopsy findings in eight patients with fatal H1N1 influenza H1N1-Induced Venous Thromboembolic Events?
cord-336000-v88bq4bxDue to Occurrence of Pulmonary Vascular Thrombosis?
cord-336000-v88bq4bxResults of a Single- Institution Case Series Acute Pulmonary Embolism and COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Random Association?
cord-336000-v88bq4bxWhat Is the Evidence?
cord-337338-7uj2r0gyAdditionally, how do patients view their visits with us?
cord-337338-7uj2r0gyThis poses the question of how can we better examine patients through a virtual visit?
cord-337338-7uj2r0gyWhere Does Telemedicine Fit into Otolaryngology?
cord-337431-3rrvm787: one size no longer fits all Is airway inammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( COPD) a risk factor for cardiovascular events?
cord-337431-3rrvm787Is the thymocyte development functional in the aged?
cord-339474-tsdq1rgzDoes the 83-year- old patient breathing at 28 breaths per minute in front of them have advanced cancer and mild cognitive impairment or no medical problems and recently ran a half marathon?
cord-325869-3mvjc805All these data should enable us to answer crucial questions in clinical practice( i.e., what should be the correct management for a positive COVID-19 patient before or after a cycle of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy and/ or surgery?
cord-325869-3mvjc805Can immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors influence the course of infection with particular regard to PD-1-related pneumonia?
cord-325869-3mvjc805Can the reactivation of COVID-19 infection occur during chemotherapy?
cord-325869-3mvjc805How the similarities between these two conditions can help us cope with the emergency effort represented by the management of cancer patients in the COVID-19 era, today and in the future?
cord-325869-3mvjc805In a manner similar to the Cancer Moonshot initiative in the United States[ 5], can we hypothesize a multinational moonshot project towards the management of cancer patients during COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-325869-3mvjc805In particular, can oncological treatments in cancer patients with asymptomatic infection be considered without consequences?
cord-325869-3mvjc805Keeping this hypothetical parallelism in mind, one could reason how the lesson from COVID-19 epidemic can be applied to cancer and vice versa, and how the similarities between the two conditions can help us cope with the emergency effort represented by the management of cancer patients in the COVID-19 era, today and in the future?
cord-325869-3mvjc805What could be the ethical and practical implications of these data?).
cord-325869-3mvjc805What could be the impact of the infection on the clinical outcomes of these patients?
cord-325869-3mvjc805What data should be collected in this general research strategy?
cord-325869-3mvjc805While waiting for accurate estimates, four months after the first cases reported in China[ 5] and two months after the lockdown in Italy, the question we should ask is: what have we learned in the management of cancer patients at risk of or infected by COVID-19?
cord-325869-3mvjc805what have we learned and what could the Italian network of cancer centers( Alliance Against Cancer, ACC) do after the pandemic wave?
cord-339940-80757pwuhow much do they count?
cord-339811-dms0rlmris a medical oncology fellow an"essential worker?
cord-339705-x8l3zgfdAt that point if the fingerprint is as of now selecting? at that point send it to the coordinating stage in any case do the enrolment stage and store it in the database as a format.
cord-337302-fpz2jfuj; how do we manage cancer optimally through a public health crisis?
cord-337302-fpz2jfujBlood Advances Immune checkpoint inhibitors in SARS- CoV-2 infected cancer patients: the spark that ignites the fire?
cord-337302-fpz2jfujWhich cancer type has the highest risk of COVID-19 infection?
cord-337995-z4rcczkiAll rights reserved 34 Case report of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient: Does immunosuppression alter the clinical presentation?
cord-337995-z4rcczkiDo They Pose a Risk to Other Recipients?
cord-337995-z4rcczkiHow should I manage immunosuppression in a kidney transplant patient with COVID-19?
cord-338023-gb5jgqcgAir contamination with SARS- CoV-2 in the operating room Human papillomavirus DNA in surgical smoke during cervical loop electrosurgical excision procedures and its impact on the surgeon Electrocautery, diathermy, and surgical energy devices: are surgical teams at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-338023-gb5jgqcgCOVID-19: are we ready for the second wave?
cord-336438-mlgxiyurAppropriate Use of Laparoscopy over Open Procedures in the Current COVID-19- 19 Climate?
cord-336438-mlgxiyurCOVID-19: Role of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities in This Global Pandemic Exploring the adoption of telemedicine and virtual software for care of outpatients during and after COVID-19 pandemic Virtually perfect?
cord-336438-mlgxiyurDo we need to tell the patient of such a probability during admission?
cord-336438-mlgxiyurf infection, though temporarily?
cord-339504-8svo2w3uCureus Strategies for prevention of spinal- associated hypotension during cesarean delivery: Are we paying attention?
cord-339686-oybnk1j8: what are the remaining choices?
cord-340204-3gm58qzaCOVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-338668-z2z4gte2All rights reserved abnormalities of microbiota( proliferation of Malassezia spp.?)
cord-338668-z2z4gte2In our patients with SD, it is possible that high temperature of the face induces abnormalities of microbiota( proliferation of Malassezia spp.?)
cord-338668-z2z4gte2In our patients with SD, it is possible that high temperature of the face induces abnormalities of microbiota( proliferation of Malassezia spp.?)
cord-340253-lpner9f8Are beta- blockers needed in patients receiving spironolactone for severe chronic heart failure?
cord-340232-cadu5ah8The old but new: can unfractioned heparin and low molecular weight heparins inhibit proteolytic activation and cellular internalization of SARS- CoV2 by inhibition of host cell proteases?
cord-340650-mwsa326cinduce a specific cardiovascular damage or it exacerbates pre- existing cardiovascular diseases?
cord-335312-yp73z008: Should liver embolization be performed?
cord-335312-yp73z008Chemotherapy: Should chemotherapy potentially be stopped, delayed, or interrupted?
cord-335312-yp73z008Everolimus and sunitinib: Should everolimus or sunitinib be stopped or interrupted during the COVID outbreak?
cord-335312-yp73z008Imaging: Should imaging be postponed?
cord-335312-yp73z008Is one modality preferable to another in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak?
cord-335312-yp73z008What should providers do to prepare their clinic for patients?
cord-328513-81yvcgulCytosolic autoantigens in lymphocytic hypophysitis Anti- alpha- enolase antibodies in pituitary disease Pituitary autoantibodies in autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 Detection of anti- pituitary autoantibodies by immunoblotting Identification of the 49-kDa autoantigen associated with lymphocytic hypophysitis as aenolase Pituitary autoantibodies in lymphocytic hypophysitis target both gamma- and alpha- Enolase- a link with pregnancy?
cord-328513-81yvcgulIn another study the antitumor and autoimmune effect of these agents resulted from direct activation of CD4?
cord-328513-81yvcgulIt has been recently suggested that two distinct entities of LYH can be distinguished on the basis of the prevalence of T- regulatory cells or TH17 cells, which are CD4?
cord-328513-81yvcgulLymphocytic hypophysitis: a rare or underestimated disease?
cord-328513-81yvcgulProspective investigation of pituitary functions in patients with acute infectious meningitis: is acute meningitis induced pituitary dysfunction associated with autoimmunity?
cord-328513-81yvcgulPure Lymphocytic Infundibuloneurohypophysitis caused by the rupture of Rathke's Cleft Cyst: report of 2 cases and review of the literature Pituitary autoimmunity in patients with Sheehan's syndrome Antipituitary antibodies after traumatic brain injury: is head trauma- induced pituitary dysfunction associated with autoimmunity?
cord-328513-81yvcgulThese germinal centres frequently consist of CD20 positive B cells located centrally with peripheral CD3?
cord-328513-81yvcgul[ 111], IgG4-related hypophysitis is characterized by the following features: IgG4 serum concentration[ 135 mg/ dl; involvement of other organs; infiltration of IgG4?
cord-328513-81yvcgulbut rather''foreign targeted''( infective agents?).
cord-338900-8ojah695Does 3-dimensional imaging of the third molar reduce the risk of experiencing inferior alveolar nerve injury owing to extraction?:
cord-338900-8ojah695Ex vivo comparison of CBCT and digital periapical radiographs for the quantitative assessment of periodontal defects Impact of CBCT on treatment decision related to surgical removal of impacted maxillary third molars: does CBCT change the surgical approach?
cord-338900-8ojah695Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the Coronavirus Disease Can oral rinses play a role in preventing transmission of Covid 19 infection?
cord-338729-v2suoj3cCan we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-338729-v2suoj3cCould Tocilizumab be an Attractive Therapeutic Option for Elderly Patients with Severe COVID-19?
cord-338729-v2suoj3cWhy tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19?
cord-339267-p3djwg7v, it could be a nurse within the GP practice, so we'll call it the community team, shall we?'
cord-339267-p3djwg7v: Is It Still Necessary with the Use of PSA?
cord-339267-p3djwg7vHow do GPs and patients share the responsibility for cancer safety netting follow- up actions?
cord-340651-g3518bq2Updated SARS case definition using laboratory criteria Is traditional Chinese medicine useful in the treatment of SARS?
cord-330856-j1wqrc8v: do we have a general hygienical problem?
cord-330856-j1wqrc8vBut what happens if this is overlooked in a busy ED, especially during the pandemic?
cord-330856-j1wqrc8vShould radiologists rethink their patient care?
cord-330856-j1wqrc8vThe dating and domestic violence app rubric: synthesizing clinical best practices and digital health app standards for relationship violence prevention smartphone apps A survey of the mobile phone- based interventions for violence prevention among women Imaging of child abuse Artificial intelligence: threat or boon to radiologists?
cord-330856-j1wqrc8vThe prevalence of maxillofacial fractures due to domestic violence-a retrospective study in a hos Maxillofacial injuries associated with domestic violence Making the"invisible"visible: transforming the detection of intimate partner violence Missed opportunities: emergency department visits by police- identified victims of intimate partner violence Longitudinal histories as predictors of future diagnoses of domestic abuse: modelling study Does screening in the emergency department hurt or help victims of intimate partner violence?
cord-330856-j1wqrc8vWhat can European radiologists learn from the outbreak of COVID-19 in China?
cord-330856-j1wqrc8vWhat should I do?
cord-330856-j1wqrc8vWill such injuries be treated as routine trauma?
cord-339406-81a7fkpjPulmonary postmortem findings in a large series of COVID-19 cases from Northern Italy Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Diagnosis and Management of the Antiphospholipid Syndrome Lupus anticoagulant is frequent in patients with Covid-19 Lupus Anticoagulant and Abnormal Coagulation Tests in Patients with Covid-19 High Frequency of Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Critically- ill COVID-19 Patients: a Link with Hypercoagulability?
cord-339406-81a7fkpjStill Useful?
cord-339406-81a7fkpjtitle: Prevalence, specificity, and clinical association of anti- phospholipid antibodies in COVID-19 patients: are the antibodies really guilty?
cord-335382-fk4um9nwCorrelative study of adult respiratory distress syndrome by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy Pulmonary pathology of the adult respiratory distress syndrome Roles of oxidants and redox signaling in the pathogenesis of acute respiratory distress syndrome Acute lung injury and cell death: How many ways can cells die?
cord-335382-fk4um9nwMost notably, why do only 10%-20% of patients with the mutation develop clinical disease?
cord-335382-fk4um9nwSquamous dysplasia and carcinoma in situ Lung cancer and lung stem cells: Strange bedfellows?
cord-335382-fk4um9nwThe genetic approach in pulmonary fibrosis Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Clinical relevance of pathologic classification Pathology of advanced interstitial diseases: Pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis, histiocytosis X, autoimmune pulmonary disease, lymphangioleiomyomatosis Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Multiple causes and multiple mechanisms?
cord-335382-fk4um9nwTriumph of the trimolecular complex?
cord-335382-fk4um9nwWhat is sarcoidosis?
cord-343052-dc9s2rauPulmonary vascular endothelialitis, thrombosis, and angiogenesis in COVID-19 COVID-19 and its implications for thrombosis and anticoagulation Bleeding in COVID-19 severe pneumonia: the other side of abnormal coagulation pattern?
cord-342810-41dghl0cCOVID-19: How do we protect health care personnel during neurosurgical operations in the midst of aerosol- generation from high- speed drills?
cord-339885-mpzgrogdAnother question was that did all patients with viral community- acquired pneumonia, especially those without evidence of bacteria infection, need to be treated with antibiotics?
cord-339885-mpzgrogdHence, one of our puzzled questions remained that among viral pneumonia patients, who needed to be treated with antiviral agents?
cord-340710-dmow5p7kLapping or biting?
cord-338517-1mxcssjj( H1N1) 2009 virus infection Read in the Section on Diseases of Children, at the Forty- fourth Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association Meta- Analysis: Convalescent Blood Products for Spanish Influenza Pneumonia: A Future H5N1 Treatment?
cord-338517-1mxcssjjA possible role for B cells in COVID-19?:
cord-338517-1mxcssjjCould Intravenous Immunoglobulin Collected from Recovered Coronavirus Patients Protect against COVID-19 and Strengthen the Immune System of New Patients?
cord-338517-1mxcssjjIs COVID-19 receiving ADE from other coronaviruses?
cord-341531-w788qwyaGeneral or regional anaesthesia?
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( 0/50 N?)
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( LAR? TME) with high or low ligation( LL) of the inferior mesenteric artery( IMA).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( LR? 5,6).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( n?=?
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( n?=?
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( p?\? 0.001).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts( p?\? 0.001).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts25 Gy/ 10 fraction/5 days? S-1 or Xeloda) is performed to secure circumferential resection margin( CRM) due to tumor shrinkage, reduction of cancer cells with viability, reduction of radiation hazard for resectable locally advanced lower rectal cancer( more T3 or N1).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts3 cycles Carboplatine? 5FU).
cord-006849-vgjz74ts6 months after surgery, the number of post- operative strictures increased in both groups, but was lower in the research group and amounted to 4 cases in the research group and 11 cases in the control group(?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsA 56-year- old male with distal rectal cancer underwent neoadjuvant CRT for a mrT3cN2M0 mrEMVI?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsA consecutive experience from its introduction of SILS?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsA nomogram was performed; as regards the BMI, the positive likelihood index in the group of BMI[ 30 a prediction index of conversion of 50%( LR? 4,95) and in BMI\ 30 the prediction index of conversion is 5%( LR-0,52).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsA randomized prospective cohort study with two groups( A? B) of ten laparoscopically naïve medical students was conducted.
cord-006849-vgjz74tsAccording to pathological grading about rectal neuroendocrine neoplasm, there were 17 grade 1( G1) and 3 grade 2( G2) in conventional ESD group while 13 grade 1( G1) and 4 grade 2( G2) in DFS- ESD group(? 2= 0.436, P= 0.509).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsAfter reduction of the stomach to abdominal cavity, a total D1?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsAll the patients underwent the laparoscopic right colectomy( CME? CVL) with D3 lymph node dissection.
cord-006849-vgjz74tsAs Rubric evaluation showed weak points of detailed parts of maneuver, and VR?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsBoth the treatment of LCBDE and ERCP?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsCD4(-) GOG1(-) Caldesmon(?)
cord-006849-vgjz74tsConclusions: LL of the IMA in LAR?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsEpCAM? cells spreading out from the ductular reactions( DR).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsFurthermore, the sutures'appearance itself correlated with EWL% at both time points( rho? 0.416; p= 0.002 and rho 0.439; p= 0.028 respectively).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsHSI analyzes optical properties of tissues and acquires 3D data sets with two spatial dimensions( x, y) and one spectral dimension(?).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsHowever, pathological results showed tumor tissue close to the burning margin in 5 cases of conventional ESD group and in 2 cases of DFS- ESD group(? 2= 0.364, P= 0.546).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsIn postoperative outcomes, there were significant differences in complications(? grade3)
cord-006849-vgjz74tsIn the video we can see how we perform a laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with D1?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsInter- rater agreement using the Doublet View vs. the Binary method was as follows: 83.33%(?= 0.54) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.75) for CVS achievement, 66.66%(?= 0.48) vs. 93.59%(?= 0.79) for the 2 structures, 65.38%(?= 0.45) vs. 82.05%(?= 0.62) for the hepatocystic triangle and 61.53%(?= 0.36) vs. 88.46%(?= 0.77) for the cystic plate( Fig. 1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsIntroduction: We have developed and previously reported single- incision plus one port laparoscopic anterior resection of the rectum( SILS? 1-AR) as a reduced port surgery in which we can utilize the incision for drainage as an additional access route for laparoscopic procedures including the transection the lower rectum.
cord-006849-vgjz74tsIs the appendicolith a causative factor or merely an incidental finding?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsKnowing the lack of perfusion in the gastric pouch could be of great interest in revisional surgeries; but the question remains: is the current icg technology reliable enough to make intraoperative decisions in bariatric surgery?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsMajor etiological factors were: viral hepatitis C( 47 patients( 48.0%)), B( 29 patients( 29.6%)), B?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsMeasurement data were compressed to low- dimensional vectors using a TUCKER 3 like algorithm, and used to train an artificial neural network( ANN) to provide a classification between patients(? 1) and healthy controls(-1).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsMethods: Between June 2014 and December 2016, patients who underwent elective laparoscopic LAR?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsNo N?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsOne hundred and forty- one patients( 53 female) with a mean age of 67.6 years adopted the SILS?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsOne hundred and thirty- six patients( 96.5%) completed with SILA?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsResearch group did not register a single case of EGA leakage while 2 patients in control group(?\ 0,05).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsResult: Intervention: Complete laparoscopic approach, right lateral partial decubitus, massive splenomegaly,?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsSubgroup analysis showed that the CS3 of patients who had poor prognostic factors initially demonstrated the greatest increase in postoperative survival time( e.g., N3b: 26.6%-84.1%,? 57.5% vs. N0: 84.1%-93.3%,? 9.2%).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsSubgroup analysis showed that the CS3 of patients who had poor prognostic factors initially demonstrated the greatest increase in postoperative survival time( e.g., N3b: 26.6%-84.1%,? 57.5% vs. N0: 84.1%-93.3%,? 9.2%).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsSurgery was performed under epidural anesthesia in 24 patients and multimodal analgesia in 15: periodic acetaminophen administration?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe Ethicon SecureStrap??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe Ethicon SecureStrap??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe above procedure was performed for 45 RGC patients with stage cT1- 4aN0/?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe accumulated macrophages existed around fibrous scar as well as CK19?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe criterion standard surgical approach for rectal cancer is LAR?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe day before surgery, ICG diluted 50 times( 0.2 ml of reagent?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe extent of lymph node dissection( D1?/ D2) was 23/7 cases in both groups
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe macrophages were CD163?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe mechanism possibly include hepatic accumulation of anti- fibrotic CD163-positive macrophages and stimulation of DR- derived CK19?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe software was implemented in C??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe software was implemented in C??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe stone size of the ERCP?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe study is completed with MRI where the lesion is located below the right kidney, in front of the right psoas muscle and lateral to the inferior vena cava, and without contact with these structures.??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThe study is completed with MRI where the lesion is located below the right kidney, in front of the right psoas muscle and lateral to the inferior vena cava, and without contact with these structures.??
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThere were 2 cases of esophagus postoperative strictures which developed 3 months after the surgery in the research group which was less than in the control group which saw 6 cases of strictures of EGA(?\ 0,05).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThere were 5 cases of esophagus postoperative strictures which developed 12 months after the surgery in the research group which was less than in the control group which saw 13 cases of strictures of EGA(?\ 0,05).
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThirty patients were N?, and 28 were NND.
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThis study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under project?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThis way, D2 dissection for advanced gastric cancer and D1?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsThree months later, intervention was carried out; Laparotomy Hysterectomy?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsTo conquer these weak points, virtual reality( VR)?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsWe performed likelihood index( LR?/-
cord-006849-vgjz74tsWe present a case in which we have performed a laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with D1?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsactin- DOG1???
cord-006849-vgjz74tsactin- DOG1???
cord-006849-vgjz74tsactin- DOG1???
cord-006849-vgjz74tsdouble anexectomy?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsfollow up was 15?
cord-006849-vgjz74tsin the first case and pT3N1( 2/40 N?) in the second.
cord-006849-vgjz74tslocal anesthesia of the wound in 2, and periodic acetaminophen administration?
cord-006849-vgjz74tstransverse abdominis plane( TAP) block in 6, periodic acetaminophen administration?
cord-340826-2530zdeq: what is the evidence?
cord-340826-2530zdeqHow should rehabilitative departments of hospitals prepare for coronavirus disease 2019?
cord-340687-99ad1rwqCOVID-19, SARS- CoV-2 and pregnancy: does the past predict the present?
cord-340687-99ad1rwqEarly treatment of COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: A retrospective analysis of 1061 cases in Marseille, France Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: preliminary results of an open- label non- randomized clinical trial Safety and efficacy of different anesthetic regimens for parturients with COVID-19 undergoing Cesarean delivery: a case series of 17 patients Evidence for and against vertical transmission for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 Unlikely SARS- CoV-2 vertical transmission from mother to child: a case report Possible vertical transmission of SARS- CoV-2 from an infected mother to her newborn Severe COVID-19 during pregnancy and possible vertical transmission Coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) pandemic and pregnancy Clinical characteristics and intrauterine vertical transmission potential of COVID-19 infection in nine pregnant women: a retrospective review of medical records Perinatal transmission of COVID-19 associated SARS- CoV-2: should we worry?
cord-341284-jmqdnartA novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China WHO Director- General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 COVID-19)-overview Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-341999-nosdj7b2Should biologics for psoriasis be interrupted in the era of COVID-19?
cord-340536-azlajqbeTime to use the p- word?
cord-340536-azlajqbewhat next?
cord-339956-o5o2yz1u: what is the role of imaging in diagnosis?
cord-339956-o5o2yz1uAn important question is: who is the most appropriate volunteer( five CPs under class O) that can donate CP for this critical patient( patient class A)?
cord-339956-o5o2yz1uRecent patents on anti- infective drug discovery Convalescent plasma: new evidence for an old therapeutic tool?
cord-340811-w4x4falmMilitary COVID-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-340811-w4x4falmWhat happens to people ’s lungs when they get coronavirus disease 2019?
cord-342569-ja96xfnsCOVID-19: Implications for the Cardiovascular System Cardiovascular disease and COVID-19 COVID-19 in the heart and the lungs: could we"Notch"the inflammatory storm?
cord-338346-e3fk6gz2HFSA/ ACC/ AHA statement addresses concerns re: using RAAS antagonists in COVID-19 COVID-19 and angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers: what is the evidence?
cord-338346-e3fk6gz2Renin- angiotensinaldosterone system inhibitors in patients with Covid-19 First cases of COVID-19 in heart transplantation from China Therapeutic strategy for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 during left ventricular assist device supports Characteristics and outcomes of recipients of heart transplant with coronavirus disease 2019 Organ transplants make a turnaround from COVID-19 decline Predisposition or protection?:
cord-338346-e3fk6gz2SARS- CoV-2 fulminant myocarditis Takotsubo syndrome in the setting of COVID-19 infection Cardiac arrhythmias in COVID-19 infection Cardiac tamponade secondary to COVID-19 Mechanisms of myocardial injury in coronavirus disease 2019 Impaired cardiac function is associated with mortality in patients with acute COVID-19 infection Prevalence and impact of myocardial injury in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 infection Virtually perfect?
cord-338346-e3fk6gz2Telemedicine for Covid-19 Telehealth is having a moment: will it last?
cord-340164-vzdyy656Participants noted that the difficulties and emotional involvement with patients in the COVID-19 centres have challenged their practice of principles of genuine nursing care: I just want to end these difficult days, no one can live with these hardships, people are in trouble, I wish God would help end this tragedy sooner, do you think that I can think about the principles of care now?
cord-340164-vzdyy656The basic care revisited program Six nursing care problems in hospitals: a cross- sectional study of quality of care Relationship among safety culture, nursing care, and standard precautions adherence Nursing Ethical Considerations Improving the quality of nursing documentation in a palliative care setting: a quality improvement initiative Nursing Without Caring?
cord-340164-vzdyy656Why should the world be so involved and then do nothing?
cord-342555-5r9aa7u5Covid-19: a once- in- a- century pandemic?
cord-342555-5r9aa7u5Sensors( Basel) Loneliness of older adults: social network and the living environment How often and how far do frail elderly people need to go outdoors to maintain functional capacity?
cord-335265-kuc3v5m9Asian Pac COVID-19 and treatment with NSAIDs and corticosteroids: should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting?
cord-335265-kuc3v5m9Beyond How can biosimilars change the trajectory of breast cancer therapy?
cord-335265-kuc3v5m9Blockers HFSA/ ACC/ AHAstatement addresses concerns re: using RAAS antagonists in COVID-19 Granulocyte- colony stimulating factor in COVID-19: is it stimulating more than just the bone marrow?
cord-335265-kuc3v5m9Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products( FAMHP) Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-335265-kuc3v5m9The SARS- CoV-2 vaccine pipeline: an overview Report 9: impact of non- pharmaceutical interventions( NPIs) to reduce COVID19 mortality and healthcare demand Preparedness for COVID-19 in the oncology community in Africa Breast cancer disparities among women in low- and middle- income countries Survival and time to initiation of adjuvant chemotherapy among breast cancer patients: a systematic review and meta- analysis Impact of delayed treatment in women diagnosed with breast cancer: a population- based study Breast cancer in low- and middle- income countries: an emerging and challenging epidemic Guideline implementation for breast healthcare in low- income and middle- income countries: overview of the Breast Health Global Initiative Global Summit To adopt, to adapt, or to contextualise?
cord-335265-kuc3v5m9UK consensus statements-a model of patient, clinical and commissioner engagement?
cord-339695-3ij5pjjyA report of thromboelastography findings and other parameters of hemostasis COVID-19 and thrombotic complications: Pulmonary thrombosis rather than embolism?
cord-339695-3ij5pjjyIs the Recommendation to Use High- Dose Heparin for Thromboprophylaxis Justified?
cord-339695-3ij5pjjyNon- Overt Coagulopathy in Non- ICU Patients with Mild to Moderate COVID-19 Pneumonia Pulmonary Embolism or Pulmonary Thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-336201-fl606l3bIncreased circulating resistin is associated with insulin resistance, oxidative stress and platelet activation in type 2 diabetes mellitus Increased levels of soluble adhesion molecules in type 2( non- insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus are independent of glycaemic control Molecular mechanisms underpinning microparticle- mediated cellular injury in cardiovascular complications associated with diabetes Association between mean platelet volume in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic macrovascular complications in Japanese patients Increased erythrocyte- and platelet- derived microvesicles in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: have all risk factors the same strength?
cord-336201-fl606l3bLow levels of hydrogen sulfide in the blood of diabetes patients and streptozotocintreated rats causes vascular inflammation?
cord-336201-fl606l3bOne Health Influenza virus and glycemic variability in diabetes: a killer combination?
cord-336201-fl606l3bThe role of methylglyoxal and the glyoxalase system in diabetes and other age- related diseases Role of advanced glycation end products in cardiovascular disease Advanced glycation end products, inflammation, and chronic metabolic diseases: links in a chain?
cord-336201-fl606l3bphosphorylation Functional convergence of Akt protein with VEGFR-1 in human endothelial progenitor cells exposed to sera from patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus Humanin: a harbinger of mitochondrialderived peptides?
cord-336201-fl606l3bseroprevalence, risk factors, and case- control studies Association between helminth infections and diabetes mellitus in adults from the Lao People's Democratic Republic: a cross- sectional study Is there an association between positive Strongyloides stercoralis serology and diabetes mellitus?
cord-338965-ewuqsfsfThe epidemiology of the first described carbapenem- resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae outbreak in a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia: how far do we go?
cord-338965-ewuqsfsfcan we apply"precision medicine"to antimicrobial chemotherapy?
cord-338965-ewuqsfsfthe quiet before the storm?
cord-337898-ncrbd8rpAll rights reserved Practical recommendations for the management of diabetes in patients with COVID-19 Reply to comment on"Should anti- diabetic medications be reconsidered amid COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-337898-ncrbd8rpAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-337898-ncrbd8rpNone Is the type of diabetes treatment relevant to outcome of COVID-19?
cord-337898-ncrbd8rpPioglitazone improves glucose metabolism and modulates skeletal muscle TIMP-3-TACE dyad in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomised, double- blind, placebo- controlled, mechanistic study Should anti- diabetic medications be reconsidered amid COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-337898-ncrbd8rpcord-337898-ncrbd8rp authors: Pal, Rimesh; Banerjee, Mainak title: Comment on “ Is the type of diabetes treatment relevant to outcome of COVID‐19? ”
cord-337898-ncrbd8rpthe editorial entitled"Is the type of diabetes treatment relevant to outcome of COVID-19?
cord-342809-wrxejwmsPubertal transition, stressful life events, and the emergence of gender differences in adolescent depressive symptoms Sex differences in suicides among children and youth: the potential impact of misclassification Service use and unmet needs in youth suicide: a study of trajectories Mental disorders and termination of education in high- income and low- and middle- income countries: epidemiological study What proportion of failure to complete secondary school in the US population is attributable to adolescent psychiatric disorder?
cord-341627-21m8rdhyPoint- of- Care Lung Ultrasound findings in novel coronavirus disease-19 pnemoniae: a case report and potential applications during COVID-19 outbreak Is There a Role for Lung Ultrasound During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
cord-341627-21m8rdhyThe comet- tail artifact Is There a Role for Lung Ultrasound During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
cord-341933-dwki1hwuAnd how do we do it?
cord-341933-dwki1hwuShould we treat pyrexia?
cord-343490-94vkfrtwCOVID-19: Good Practice for Surgeons and Surgical Teams Considerations for Optimum Surgeon Protection Before, During, and After Operation Coronavirus disease 2019: what we know?
cord-340984-blkhfhe2Did pangolins spread the China coronavirus to people?
cord-340984-blkhfhe2Taste and smell Olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions as a clinical presentation of mildto- moderate forms of the coronavirus disease( COVID-19): a multicenter European study Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-342603-k0f33p3lCOVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-342451-yfy5jcw6: cord-342451-yfy5jcw6 authors: Rigamonti, Andrea; Mantero, Vittorio; Piamarta, Francesca; Spena, Giannantonio; Salmaggi, Andrea title: Cerebral venous thrombosis associated with coronavirus infection: an underestimated entity?
cord-336554-n8n5ii5kAn analysis based on decade- long structural studies of SARS Do viral infections mimic bacterial sepsis?
cord-336554-n8n5ii5kCOVID-19 treatment by repurposing drugs until the vaccine is in sight Tissue specific up regulation of ACE2 in rabbit model of atherosclerosis by atorvastatin: role of epigenetic histone modifications ACE 2: more of Ang 1- 7 or less Ang II?
cord-336554-n8n5ii5kDexamethasone for COVID-19?
cord-336554-n8n5ii5kRibavirin, remdesivir, sofosbuvir, galidesivir, and tenofovir against SARS- CoV-2 RNA dependent RNA polymerase( RdRp): a molecular docking study Computational target- based drug repurposing of elbasvir, an antiviral drug predicted to bind multiple SARS- CoV-2 proteins COVID-19 and chronological aging: senolytics and other anti- aging drugs for the treatment or prevention of corona virus infection?
cord-336554-n8n5ii5kan open- label, randomised, phase 2 trial Mechanisms of coronavirus cell entry mediated by the viral spike protein SARS- CoV-2 cell entry depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and is blocked by a clinically proven protease inhibitor New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-343917-67qjqxqha new classification Emergency Theatre plan for COVID-19( suspected or confirmed) obstetric patients Retrospective Study of the Performance of Video Laryngoscopy in an Obstetric Unit Where does ergometrine stand in prevention of postpartum haemorrhage in caesarean section?
cord-341314-1mav631s: is this the time for the continuity of care?
cord-341314-1mav631s: what next?
cord-342857-vj6sw2neA randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled trial Can Zn Be a Critical Element in COVID-19 Treatment?
cord-342857-vj6sw2neProfiling serum cytokines in COVID-19 patients reveals IL-6 and IL-10 are disease severity predictors Can steroids reverse the severe COVID-19 induced"cytokine storm"?
cord-342139-t2tukk0zThe cognitive consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic: collateral damage?
cord-342139-t2tukk0zThe many estimates of the COVID-19 case fatality rate COVID-19 in the UK: how many coronavirus cases are there in your area?
cord-343819-1uki4b3dWhat we know?
cord-337622-rc9pejmoFace- to- face sessions may feel more satisfying to the health- professional, but is it patient- centred if we are asking the young person to first drive( or be driven) two hours to reach us, and then pay parking costs for the visit?
cord-337622-rc9pejmoNew clinical psychology client?
cord-337622-rc9pejmoSo, what can we learn by reflecting on the barriers to its use prior to March 2020?
cord-337622-rc9pejmoTherapeutically, how often would we otherwise spend so much of a session closely observing the changing emotional engagement on a patient's face when they are in their own bedroom?
cord-337622-rc9pejmoThese are usability concerns: is the technology able to do what it promises, and will I as a user, be able to navigate it?
cord-337622-rc9pejmoWhat enabled this necessary practice change?
cord-304399-7t2mu13s( political ethics?)
cord-304399-7t2mu13s-Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center Are some ethnic groups more vulnerable to COVID-19 than others?
cord-304399-7t2mu13s: Who Will Be Saved?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sAt the Top of the Covid-19 Curve, How Do Hospitals Decide Who Gets Treatment?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sAvoid complicity with torture( political ethics?)
cord-304399-7t2mu13sFor instance, is providing short- term to long- term pain management and comfort care the best way to spend limited funds in humanitarian contexts, where even the basics of survival may be under threat?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sHow can we ensure that implicit biases or structural forces such as socioeconomic status do not impede appropriate care, whether curative or palliative, for minority or vulnerable populations in humanitarian contexts?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sHow can we ensure that we learn our lessons, again from the Ebola outbreak of 2014- 2015, when Western values and practices of safety and public health clashed with local values and rituals around death and bereavement, each of them not only natural, but non- debatable, in the minds of those who held them?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sHow do the ethos and practice of palliative care interact with these questions?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sHow is coronavirus changing aid work?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sHow much should healthcare workers risk their own safety so as to leave no- one behind and/or accompany the dying?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sIf some of those who are dying will be left behind or left alone, what is the right thing to do for them?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sIn light of global colonialism, what does it look like for respondents from predominantly high- income countries to provide palliative care to persons from middle- income and low- income countries?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sIn resource- scarce environments, is the right thing to do only to relieve pain?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sIs it right to continuously provide such patients with pain medication and comfort care while depriving of these patients who may survive?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sIs there a role in such contexts for voluntary or non- voluntary euthanasia and/or assisted suicide to alleviate intractable pain, conserve pain medications and reduce the emotional burden on care providers and loved ones, 2 3 while also respecting patient wishes?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sOr, should we allocate all pain medications and personnel towards those who are likely to survive in order to increase their current and subsequent quality Extended essay of life?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sPalliative care considerations in mass casualty events with scarce resources Taking seriously the"what then?"
cord-304399-7t2mu13sPrinciples which seem to fall outside of both these frameworks are annotated with a question mark and a conjecture of the most proximate ethical debate, not least in view of the political context in which the guide was prepared( eg, political ethics?).
cord-304399-7t2mu13sProtect from violence and coercion( political ethics?)
cord-304399-7t2mu13sShould they risk dying themselves in order to relocate to a safer place patients who are already dying or accompany infectious disease patients in their final hours?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sShould we be developing policies and programmes to bolster trust in the context of palliative care or, even more generally, in crises with a high death toll from'invisible'causes?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sThe influence of culture on end- of- life decision making Demographic factors and awareness of palliative care and related services What Explains The COVID-19 Race Gap?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sThe reason for undertaking such high- risk action must be grave( misuses of science?).
cord-304399-7t2mu13sWho Wo n't?
cord-304399-7t2mu13squestion: an ethical framework for the responsible management of medical disasters Should palliative care be a necessity or a luxury during an overwhelming health catastrophe?
cord-304399-7t2mu13srelief agencies, moral dilemmas and responsibility in political emergencies and war Who gets the ventilator in the coronavirus pandemic?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sright to life vs right to die Development of palliative care and legalisation of euthanasia: antagonism or synergy?
cord-304399-7t2mu13sto whom 2?
cord-341202-1pg7rq2dOf the two processes proposed, what is the most suitable one, if any?
cord-341202-1pg7rq2dWhat if the physician empirically disagrees with the protocol since his work experience taught him to believe that for that specific patient something more could be done than what the written guidelines suggest?
cord-341202-1pg7rq2dWhatever the method implemented, healthcare personnel still faces everyday a tough dilemma: to treat or to let go?
cord-342841-b1rucgmgA randomised, open- label, non- inferiority trial Is telepsychiatry equivalent to face- to- face psychiatry?
cord-342841-b1rucgmgAll rights reserved anywhere?
cord-335140-njg0ln33: what are the implications for now and in the future?
cord-335140-njg0ln33COVID-19 and Cancer: Lessons From a Pooled Meta- Analysis CoV-2-Human Protein- Protein Interaction Map Reveals Drug Targets and Potential Drug- Repurposing AI finds potential COVID-19 drugs that can be used on humans immediately Karyopharm to Evaluate Low Dose Selinexor as a Potential Treatment for Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Antihypertensive drugs and risk of COVID-19?
cord-335140-njg0ln33How might this be achieved in myeloma?
cord-335140-njg0ln33However, what does the future hold for our patients?
cord-335140-njg0ln33The impact of disease- related symptoms and palliative care concerns on health- related quality of life in multiple myeloma: a multi- centre study Timeliness of Endof- Life Discussions for Blood Cancers Is Early Palliative Care Feasible in Patients With Multiple Myeloma?
cord-335140-njg0ln33This article is protected by copyright Virtually Perfect?
cord-335140-njg0ln33What lessons will be taken forward to tackle myeloma in the fiscally constrained future?
cord-335140-njg0ln33Will anti- viral prophylaxis( once available) be required for certain at- risk groups?
cord-341197-e8m4oxmaAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-341197-e8m4oxmaNot Associated?
cord-341197-e8m4oxmaNot Associated?
cord-344104-592r71l1Will we Be Prepared?
cord-332145-rw16o02gDo these adaptations add to or deprive neurology training, and will these changes persist after the pandemic?
cord-332145-rw16o02gDoes a patient on therapeutic anticoagulation and a low ABCD score for transient numbness warrant admission?
cord-332145-rw16o02gFact Sheet Virtually perfect?
cord-332145-rw16o02gFinally, how do we manage outpatients with progressive neurologic disease- the ones with limited life expectancy but who not ill enough to be in the hospital?
cord-332145-rw16o02gHow can we best protect this vulnerable population while providing continuity of care?
cord-332145-rw16o02gHow do we factor in neurologic comorbidities when making triage decisions?
cord-332145-rw16o02gHow do we weigh diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's against ventilated patients when asked about"life prognosis"or"prospective instrumental value to others"( 4)?
cord-332145-rw16o02gHow does our diagnostic plan differ from pre- pandemic?
cord-332145-rw16o02gWhat are the effects on patient outcome if we adjust our diagnostic and treatment algorithm in the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-332145-rw16o02gWhat is the benefit of a 32-lead EEG established by an EEG technologist over a portable and limited EEG that can be established by a bedside provider who already had used PPE and was at the bedside?
cord-343566-epvswt7fAge- and gender- related difference of ACE2 expression in rat lung Circulating ACE2 activity is increased in patients with type 1 diabetes and vascular complications Pulmonary angiotensin- converting enzyme 2( ACE2) and inflammatory lung disease COVID-19 and the RAAS- a potential role for angiotensin II?
cord-344131-e7phs0jdSo why even try?
cord-344191-veug3daeA pilot RCT using mixed methods GP at hand: a digital revolution for health care provision?
cord-340000-1e66aqihCultural competence education Are providers more likely to contribute to healthcare disparities under high levels of cognitive load?
cord-340000-1e66aqihIt is possible that they are deemed inferior and defective("Your people are so successful, so what's wrong with you?").
cord-340000-1e66aqihWhy do providers contribute to disparities and what can be done about it?
cord-340000-1e66aqihand what we need to do Racial stereotyping and medicine: the need for cultural competence Paved with good intentions: do public health and human service providers contribute to racial/ ethnic disparities in health?
cord-340000-1e66aqihthe model minority myth and the invisibility of Asian American students Does endorsement of the model minority myth relate to anti- Asian sentiments among White college students?
cord-344270-874i31h8The procoagulant pattern of patients with COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome Incidence of thrombotic complications in critically ill ICU patients with COVID-19 Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-336543-ydrmlujjA possible role for B cells in cOVId-19?
cord-336543-ydrmlujjIn the eye of the cOVId-19 cytokine storm complement associated microvascular injury and thrombosis in the pathogenesis of severe cOVId-19 infection: A report of five cases complement as a target in cOVId-19?
cord-336543-ydrmlujjLupus anticoagulant is frequent in patients with covid-19 Lupus anticoagulant and abnormal coagulation tests in patients with covid-19 cRIcS TRIggERSEP group( clinical Research in Intensive care and Sepsis Trial group for global Evaluation and Research in Sepsis): high risk of thrombosis in patients with severe SARS- coV-2 infection: A multicenter prospective cohort study high frequency of antiphospholipid antibodies in critically- ill cOVId-19 patients: a link with hypercoagulability?
cord-336543-ydrmlujjRelated coagulopathy: A distinct entity?
cord-336543-ydrmlujjThe treatment of anti- phospholipid syndrome: a comprehensive clinical approach coagulopathy and antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with covid-19 Acute cerebral stroke with multiple infarctions and cOVId-19 cOVId-19 and ischemic stroke: Should we systematically look for lupus anticoagulant and antiphospholipid antibodies?
cord-336543-ydrmlujjWill complement inhibition be the new target in treating cOVId-19-related systemic thrombosis?
cord-344508-a67vsux2There is still an essential ongoing debate on the specific question:"should we change our surgical indications for urgent conditions in this global situation?
cord-343797-kpmz5kwg2016 Update on Prevention and Treatment Publishing in the time of COVID-19 Mitigating the impact of conference and travel cancellations on researchers The aftermath of coronavirus disease of 2019: devastation or a new dawn for nephrology?
cord-343797-kpmz5kwgand What Should We Do?
cord-331114-lumfg1383) Which patients should be considered for full- dose anti- coagulation even without a measurable thromboembolic event and how should that anti- coagulation be monitored?
cord-331114-lumfg1384) Should patients receive post- discharge anti- coagulation?
cord-331114-lumfg138: Cause or consequence?
cord-331114-lumfg138A related issue is what is the best way to treat COVID coagulopathy when a patient's status deteriorates?
cord-331114-lumfg138How do the different treatments for this disease impact the coagulation issues?
cord-331114-lumfg138In view of the above, should one use either prophylactic or intermediate dose anti- coagulation prophylaxis in every hospitalized COVID patient without bleeding contraindications?
cord-331114-lumfg138Samuel A Berkman Pandemic H1N1 influenza infection and vascular thrombosis Thromboembolic events in patients with severe pandemic influenza A/ H1N1 Analysis of deaths during the severe acute respiratory syndrome( SARS) epidemic in Singapore: challenges in determining a SARS diagnosis Acute respiratory distress syndrome in critically ill patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome State of knowledge and data gaps of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus( MERS- CoV) in humans Therapeutic modulation of coagulation and fibrinolysis in acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome Coagulation and fibrinolysis in human acute lung injury- new therapeutic targets?
cord-331114-lumfg138There are several unresolved controversies including 1) Should all hospitalized patients with COVID-19 receive prophylactic anti- coagulation? 2)
cord-331114-lumfg138What thrombotic issues are related to the various medications being used to treat this coagulopathy? 6) Is anti- phospholipid anti- body part of this syndrome?
cord-331114-lumfg138What thrombotic issues are related to the various medications being used to treat this coagulopathy? 6) Is anti- phospholipid anti- body part of this syndrome?
cord-331114-lumfg138Which patients should have their dosage escalated to intermediate dose?
cord-331114-lumfg138Who Might Be a Candidate For Prophylactic Dose Escalation In The Hospital?
cord-343973-n5ogyxz7Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-343973-n5ogyxz7What is it and What can it tell us?
cord-343443-ljehete1COVID-19 Concern Nephrologists?
cord-343443-ljehete1Why and to What Extent?
cord-343876-2inr4mcyWhat does the PANSS mean?
cord-343876-2inr4mcyinfectious H. COVID-19: what is next for public health?
cord-339436-0k73tlna2019 patients with coagulopathy Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia COVID-19, cytokines and immunosuppression: what can we learn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-339436-0k73tlnaDoes COVID-19 Disprove the Obesity Paradox in ARDS?
cord-339436-0k73tlnaThe ACE2 expression in human heart indicates new potential mechanism of heart injury among patients infected with SARS- CoV-2 ACE2 in Brain Physiology and Pathophysiology: Evidence from Transgenic Animal Models ACE2 and diabetes: ACE of ACEs?
cord-339436-0k73tlnaThe conundrum Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-339436-0k73tlnaWorse progression of COVID‐19 in men: Is Testosterone a key factor?
cord-345632-iha2c5zosummary: mycophenolic acid pathway Mycophenolate mofetil: effects on cellular immune subsets, infectious complications, and antimicrobial activity Lymphocyte- selective antiproliferative and immunosuppressive effects of mycophenolic acid in mice Does mycophenolate mofetil increase the risk of cytomegalovirus infection in solid organ transplant recipients?:
cord-343970-anocx4y1Can We Do More on Glycemic Control?
cord-343970-anocx4y1Managing diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic Issues of Cardiovascular Risk Management in People With Diabetes in the COVID-19 Era Coronavirus Infections and Type 2 Diabetes- Shared Pathways with Therapeutic Implications COVID-19 and Diabetes: can DPP4 inhibition play a role?
cord-345860-d02x3151The law reform( epidemic preparedness) bill-a proper response to the pandemic threat?
cord-343897-f4imrlttCampylobacter jejuni infection and Guillain- Barr e syndrome Transient neonatal Lambert- Eaton syndrome Bilateral radial nerve palsies from use of the standard birthing bar Postpartum femoral neuropathy: managing the next pregnancy Outcome in pregnancies complicated by myotonic dystrophy: a study of 31 patients and review of the literature Pregnancy and delivery in Charcot- Marie- Tooth disease type 1 Obstetric aspects in women with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, limb- girdle muscular dystrophy, and congenital myopathies Outcome and effect of pregnancy in myotonic dystrophy type 2 Acute pulmonary edema secondary to pregnancy in a patient with the mitochondrial disease MELAS International consensus guidance for management of myasthenia gravis: executive summary MuSK myasthenia gravis and pregnancy Two consecutive pregnancies in early and late stage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Eculizumab in pregnancy: a narrative overview Azathioprine and breastfeeding: is it safe?
cord-343897-f4imrlttWhere do we stand?
cord-346061-pbghgitgThe association between diabetes and an episode of depressive symptoms in the 2002 World Health Survey: an analysis of 231,797 individuals from 47 countries Recognizing the psychosocial aspects of type 1 diabetes in adolescents Depressive symptoms predict hospitalization for adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus Are children most of the submerged part of SARS- CoV-2 iceberg?
cord-342930-f7cw2ca6Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at 33 increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-342930-f7cw2ca6Lapping or biting?
cord-342930-f7cw2ca6The Lancet Misguided drug advice for COVID-19 Characteristics of and Public Health Responses to the Coronavirus Disease 36 2019 Outbreak in China Inflammation in Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Friend or 38 Foe?
cord-345546-v7t26oosCould the patients possibly be doing better if receiving modafinil instead of methylphenidate, as is the case now?
cord-330831-3b7vfv9b( thinking, feelings, behavior, any bodily sensation)?;( v) what worries do you have about the future?;( vi)
cord-330831-3b7vfv9b( thinking, feelings, behavior, any bodily sensation)?;( v) what worries do you have about the future?;( vi)
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bA case- control Study with Service and Research Implications for Immunopsychiatry Is returning to work during the COVID-19 pandemic stressful?
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bA multinational, multicentre study on the psychological outcomes and associated physical symptoms amongst healthcare workers during COVID-19 outbreak Posttraumatic stress symptoms and attitude toward crisis mental health services among clinically stable patients with COVID-19 in China Nervous system damage after COVID-19 infection: presence or absence?
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bAre we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19?
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bDo psychiatric patients experience more psychiatric symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown?
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bIn the future, when we want to visit your clinic for review, I wonder if you will also avoid us?"
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bWhat is there to worry about living in such a country and with such people?"
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bhow did you feel and react after your first infection( thinking, feelings, behavior, any bodily sensation)?
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bwhat advice, if any, would you give to countries and people experiencing a new epidemic?; and( viii)
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bwhat do you think you, your family and friends did to help you recover physically and emotionally?
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bwhat enlightenment will this experience bring to your life and why is that so?
cord-330831-3b7vfv9bwill this life ever end?"
cord-346288-9to4sdfqHow do bootstrap and permutation tests work?
cord-346241-w076l97sWhat does a radiologist need to know?
cord-346607-1mewok8lUse Disorder Treatment?
cord-344709-5hy1e4t1COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-344709-5hy1e4t1can dual- energy computed tomography help distinguish cardiogenic pulmonary edema and acute interstitial lung disease?
cord-346894-iy35298oPut succinctly, the current concern for most pediatric radiologists is this: what level of PPE is required for a mask- off, likely aerosol- generating procedure in a child of uncertain COVID-19 status?
cord-346664-ilebaqx3( COVID-19) Lockdown deals deadly blow to kidney patients, The Hindu What happened to surgical emergencies in the era of COVID-19 outbreak?
cord-340786-12vzsl6pMND OptNIVent) Telemedicine system for the care of patients with neuromuscular disease and chronic respiratory failure Telemedicine for Facio- Scapulo- Humeral Muscular Dystrophy: A multidisciplinary approach to improve quality of life and reduce hospitalization rate?
cord-340786-12vzsl6pOne hundred years of telemedicine: does this new technology have a place in paediatrics?
cord-340786-12vzsl6pThe Feasibility of Using Robotic Technology to Quantify Sensory, Motor, and Cognitive Impairments Associated With ALS A promising tool for flail arm in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis rehabilitation: a case report Robotic gait rehabilitation and substitution devices in neurological disorders: where are we now?
cord-340786-12vzsl6pWhat Is an Emerging Technology?
cord-340786-12vzsl6pkey: cord-340786- 12vzsl6p authors: Pinto, Susana; Quintarelli, Stefano; Silani, Vincenzo title: New technologies and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – Which step forward rushed by the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-345517-ji4cet51: What Is the Role of Antibiotics?
cord-345517-ji4cet51title: Copd: will there be room for nebulisers after the current covid-19 pandemic?
cord-347058-kejcwlngnon- severe COVID-19 patients, a systematic review and meta- analysis Prognostic significance of neutrophil- tolymphocyte ratio in patients with sepsis: a prospective observational study Immune- epidemiological parameters of the novel coronavirusa perspective Neurological manifestations of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective case series study Covid-19 pandemic and the skin- What should dermatologists know?
cord-343743-6k3soh1lCOVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-343743-6k3soh1lCanadian critical care trials, functional disability 5 years after acute respiratory distress syndrome Pulmonary fibrosis secondary to COVID-19: a call to arms?
cord-343743-6k3soh1lHowever, we find ourselves asking: Is it worth spending valuable time, resources, and scientific energy studying anti- fibrotic therapies in acutely ill, consent- weary patients that truly need a targeted antiviral treatment or trial?
cord-343743-6k3soh1lPseudoscience and COVID-19-we've had enough already COVID-19 lung injury and high altitude pulmonary edema: a false equation with dangerous implications Chloroquine for influenza prevention: a randomised, double- blind, placebo controlled trial Observational study of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized patients with Covid-19 A randomized trial of hydroxychloroquine as postexposure prophylaxis for Covid-19 The role of epidermal growth factor receptor( EGFR) signaling in SARS coronavirus- induced pulmonary fibrosis Pulmonary fibrosis and COVID-19: the potential role for antifibrotic therapy Long- term outcome after the acute respiratory distress syndrome: different from general critical illness?
cord-347280-jpwf55l6How is cardiac troponin released from injured myocardium?
cord-345762-khvcoqtiCan we increase the tempo of discovery while staying faithful to scientific method?
cord-345762-khvcoqtiSo how can RCT be rendered more doable and informative during a pandemic?
cord-343715-y594iewiCOVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-343715-y594iewiCT and MRI features Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-343715-y594iewiCan the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) affect the eyes?
cord-343715-y594iewiThe Heart in COVID19: primary target or secondary bystander?
cord-332861-7b5pzmk6After stimulation, they activate and transform into cytotoxic CD56?
cord-332861-7b5pzmk6After the female's condition improvement, the number of CD19? and CD16?
cord-332861-7b5pzmk6After the female's condition improvement, the number of CD19? and CD16?
cord-332861-7b5pzmk6It is known that in the resting state NK cells are CD56?
cord-332861-7b5pzmk6May it suggest that the 2019-nCoV induce slight different immune response from the SARS- CoV?
cord-332861-7b5pzmk6Routine urine test: urine glucose: 1?;
cord-332861-7b5pzmk6The levels of CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, and CD16?
cord-332861-7b5pzmk6and CD16?
cord-332861-7b5pzmk6cells increased, and this may suggest that the number of CD19?
cord-344668-9m1vnpmo-what can they see?
cord-344668-9m1vnpmoClose the other eye, what can they see?
cord-344668-9m1vnpmoWould a trial of medication be reasonable if this is safe?
cord-347289-3yi5tz04Has modern technology improved maternal and fetal outcome?
cord-348051-o1hxoaspThe Socio- Economic Implications of the Coronavirus and COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review How to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-347607-ydbyonbgSecond European evidence- based consensus on the prevention, diagnosis and management of opportunistic infections in inflammatory bowel disease Are patients with inflammatory bowel disease at increased risk for Covid-19 infection?
cord-343201-98scxky8Calorie restriction induces reversible lymphopenia and lymphoid organ atrophy due to cell redistribution Study of lymphocyte subpopulations in bone marrow in a model of protein- energy malnutrition Effects of cyclic enteral nutrition on the immunological status of malnourished patients Do n't overlook digestive symptoms in patients with 2019 novel coronavirus disease( COVID-19) Epidemiological, clinical and virological characteristics of 74 cases of coronavirus- infected disease 2019( COVID-19) with gastrointestinal symptoms Gut dysbiosis during influenza contributes to pulmonary pneumococcal superinfection through altered shortchain fatty acid production Microbiome as mediator: do systemic infections start in the gut?
cord-343201-98scxky8Laryngorhinootologie Evidence for gastrointestinal infection of SARS- CoV-2 Gastrointestinal manifestations of SARS- CoV-2 infection and virus load in fecal samples from the Hong Kong Cohort and systematic review and meta- analysis Enteric involvement of coronaviruses: is faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-343201-98scxky8in younger patients Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-343201-98scxky8prospective non- interventional study Monitoring nutrition in the ICU Guidelines for the provision and assessment of nutrition support therapy in the adult critically Ill patient: Society of Critical Care Medicine( SCCM) and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Use of noninvasive ventilation during feeding tube placement Novel coronavirus pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan( provisional Surviving Sepsis campaign on the management of critically ill adults with coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) Science and fiction in critical care: established concepts with or without evidence?
cord-343201-98scxky8what it comes down to?
cord-348422-werg9ofapneumonia: a random association?
cord-344486-iu5flbcl2) Does the presence of any underlying medical condition or characteristic warrant different criteria for remdesivir use based on an increased risk of COVID-19-related morbidity or mortality?
cord-344486-iu5flbcl3) Should any other agents with potential antiviral activity be used to treat COVID-19?
cord-344486-iu5flbclThe panel considered three major questions: 1) What criteria define the pediatric population in whom remdesivir should be prescribed?
cord-346345-jc9bq0zuA SARS- CoV-2 protein interaction map reveals targets for drug repurposing Broad anti- coronaviral activity of FDA approved drugs against SARS- CoV-2 in vitro and SARS- CoV in vivo Are we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19? neuropsychiatric symptoms and potential immunologic mechanisms Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia
cord-346345-jc9bq0zuMadrid COVID-19 psychosis: a potential new neuropsychiatric condition triggered by novel coronavirus infection and the inflammatory response?
cord-346276-1dcp05rdWho can say?
cord-346276-1dcp05rdWill it be that masks will push us back in time, to paternalistic prescriptions?
cord-344117-lr6roxejA Preliminary Study on the Ultrasonic Manifestations of Peripulmonary Lesions of Non- Critical Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia( COVID-19) Can lung US help critical care clinicians in the early diagnosis of novel coronavirus( COVID-19) pneumonia?
cord-344117-lr6roxejAccessed Intensive use of general ultrasound in the intensive care unit, a prospective study of 150 consecutive patients Lung ultrasound in emergency and critically ill patients: number of supervised exams to reach basic competence Can nephrologists use ultrasound to evaluate the inferior vena cava?
cord-344117-lr6roxejRadiology Is there a role for lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-344117-lr6roxejWhat's new in lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 pandemic watch?
cord-346594-tbsxgz43COVID-19: An Update on the Epidemiological, Clinical, Preventive and Therapeutic Evidence and Guidelines of Integrative Chinese- Western Medicine forthe Management of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease Delaying initiation of dialysis till symptomatic uraemia- is it too late?
cord-346594-tbsxgz43systematic review and meta- analysis Do the outcomes of living donor renal allograft recipients differ with peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis as a bridge renal replacement therapy?
cord-348881-w0moe21tCOVID-19 complicated by acute pulmonary embolism Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association?
cord-342786-dl8vjwfnCOVID-19 in the heart and the lungs: could we"Notch"the inflammatory storm?
cord-342786-dl8vjwfnCan we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-342786-dl8vjwfnCardiovascular manifestations and treatment considerations in covid-19 Cardiac Involvement in a Patient With Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) Cardiac Valves: Another"Disaster- Hit Area"of COVID-19 Patients?
cord-342786-dl8vjwfnThe Myocarditis Treatment Trial Investigators The Imperfect Cytokine Storm: Severe COVID-19 with ARDS in Patient on Durable LVAD Support Corticosteroids for viral myocarditis Controlled Trial of Intravenous Immune Globulin in Recent- Onset Dilated Cardiomyopathy Treatment of 5 Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19 With Convalescent Plasma Statin therapy in COVID-19 infection COVID-19, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases: Should we change the therapy?
cord-342786-dl8vjwfnThe possible mechanisms of action of 4-aminoquinolines( chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine) against Sars- Cov-2 infection( COVID-19): A role for iron homeostasis?
cord-348423-zq86ms8w: What is next for public health?
cord-337644-aobdzwpxBlockage/ Congestion of the nose?
cord-337644-aobdzwpxFatigue during the day?
cord-337644-aobdzwpxLoss of smell/ taste?
cord-337644-aobdzwpxNasal sneezing?
cord-337644-aobdzwpxShortness of breath?
cord-337644-aobdzwpxThe questionnaire only offered a binary answer( yes/ no) to the following questions: Do you have/ experienced any improvement/ resolution of Cough?
cord-342303-ddulfe06Can immunosuppressive therapy be cancelled, delayed or interrupted?
cord-342303-ddulfe06If swabbing is feasible and is implemented systematically, how will it impact patients whom testing identifies as presymptomatic?
cord-342303-ddulfe06Is swabbing all patients before these therapies to detect asymptomatic infection adequate?
cord-342303-ddulfe06Should members of the community continue with recommended activities for detecting cancer( e.g., mammograms)?
cord-342303-ddulfe06What are the recommendations for the general care of cancer patients?
cord-342303-ddulfe06What happens with asymptomatic patients in this community transmission phase?
cord-349280-12hc3mhqManagement of locally advanced gastroesophageal cancer: still a multidisciplinary global challenge?
cord-347238-yacn6xqkBiological samples transportation by drones: ready for prime time?
cord-347238-yacn6xqkwhat might it mean for health?
cord-347121-5drl3xasVersion 4.2 Specification Health data privacy and confidentiality rights: Crisis or redemption?
cord-347121-5drl3xasWhy do some people get severely sick and die while others do not show any symptoms?
cord-349329-f0pbd968a postinfluenza pneumococcal pneumonia model Lung epithelial GM- CSF improves host defense function and epithelial repair in influenza virus pneumonia- a new therapeutic strategy?
cord-348202-6we8e60bCan Lung US Help Critical Care Clinicians in the Early Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus( COVID-19) Pneumonia?
cord-348202-6we8e60bEmergence and implications for emergency care COVID-19: what is next for public health?
cord-347697-uz0i6wfpa retrospective cohort study Short- term Outcomes of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Risk Factors for Progression Appointments in General Practice Early insight into the impacts of COVID-19 on care for people with long- term conditions Covid-19 and the treatment of acute appendicitis in Ireland- A new era or short- term pivot?
cord-347697-uz0i6wfptitle: A single- centre observational cohort study to evaluate volume and severity of emergency general surgery admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic: is there a “ lockdown ” effect?
cord-349565-g1emvmduBleeding in COVID-19 severe pneumonia: The other side of abnormal coagulation pattern?
cord-345028-56hg62be: Sedation of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients: Challenges and special considerations Sevoflurane, a sigh of relief in COVID-19?
cord-345028-56hg62beDifferent respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-345028-56hg62beIs a new player emerging in critical care sedation?
cord-345028-56hg62beWhich specificities?
cord-348672-e34103b1Does segmentectomy really preserve the pulmonary function better than lobectomy for patients with early- stage lung cancer?
cord-348672-e34103b1Lung segmentectomy: does it offer a real functional benefit over lobectomy?
cord-345628-a4c46m2wA Review COVID-19-associated hyperviscosity: a link between inflammation and thrombophilia?
cord-345628-a4c46m2wJM is also supported by R01HLHL122238, 2R01HL102368- 06A1 Immune activation in severe heart failure: Does etiology play a role?
cord-345628-a4c46m2wPressure Overload COVID-19, SARS and MERS: are they closely related?
cord-345628-a4c46m2wWith Ventricular remodeling after infarction and the extracellular collagen matrix: when is enough enough?
cord-350166-loxe11d6As change accelerates, how can medtechs move ahead and stay there?
cord-348130-t9tysvr8: how do we prevent and treat them?
cord-348130-t9tysvr8Cancer or resistant pathogens?
cord-350325-vu8v9eprA distinctive skin rash associated with coronavirus disease 2019?
cord-340576-dabcs3w5A Randomized Trial Is Lactulose Plus Rifaximin Better Than Lactulose Alone in the Management of Hepatic Encephalopathy?
cord-340576-dabcs3w5Is Associated With Cirrhosis and Its Complications Short Chain Fatty Acids Exchange: Is the Cirrhotic, Dysfunctional Liver Still Able to Clear Them?
cord-340576-dabcs3w5Microbiota- driven Gut Vascular Barrier Disruption Is a Prerequisite for Non- Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Development Increased intestinal permeability and decreased barrier function: Does it really influence the risk inflammation?
cord-340576-dabcs3w5No Effect of Rifaximin on Soluble CD163, Mannose Receptor or Type III and IV Neoepitope Collagen Markers in Decompensated Cirrhosis: Results From a Randomized Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in Cirrhosis- How Long to Treat?
cord-340576-dabcs3w5Pathophysiological Basis for Therapy Gut Flora- Based Therapy in Liver Disease?
cord-340576-dabcs3w5Sarcopenia Associated With Hepatic Encephalopathy in Liver Cirrhosis?
cord-340576-dabcs3w5What relevance for health?
cord-350437-dq1il88ya cohort study Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-349439-3z0b77r5A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person- to- person transmission: a study of a family cluster COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-349838-p6vfzblaCoronavirus and Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Acute respiratory distress syndrome Granulocyte- colony stimulating factor in COVID-19: Is it stimulating more than just the bone marrow?
cord-348535-tvs1snq8: What is the best drug to treat COVID-19?
cord-350401-suefuurqCOVID-19, cytokines and immunosuppression: what can we learn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-346721-l6y3n21bHave you been diagnosed with COVID-19?
cord-346721-l6y3n21bHave you been exposed to someone with known or suspected COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
cord-346721-l6y3n21bHave you recently had, or do you currently have any one of the following?
cord-346558-u1e0kzmmCOVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-346558-u1e0kzmmX- chromosome- located microRNAs in immunity: might they explain male/ female differences?
cord-346558-u1e0kzmmup and down or upside down?
cord-350679-69lv4wbzWaiting time from diagnosis to treatment has no impact on survival in patients with esophageal cancer Time to surgery and breast cancer survival in the United States Delay to curative surgery greater than 12 weeks is associated with increased mortality in patients with colorectal and breast cancer but not lung or thyroid cancer Evaluating the effect of time from prostate cancer diagnosis to radical prostatectomy on cancer control: can surgery be postponed safely?
cord-350338-lcsa06gmOutbreak of COVID-19-an urgent need for good science to silence our fears?
cord-343205-zjw4fbfdA systematic review of the evidence Is telepsychiatry equivalent to face- to- face psychiatry?
cord-343205-zjw4fbfdAvailable online at The potential impact of COVID-19 in refugee camps in Bangladesh and beyond: a modeling study Efficacy of telepsychiatry in refugee populations: a systematic review of the evidence Effectiveness and feasibility of telepsychiatry in resource constrained environments?
cord-343205-zjw4fbfdCan telemedicine improve adherence to resuscitation guidelines for critically Ill children at community hospitals?
cord-343205-zjw4fbfdDoes remote monitoring change OSA management and CPAP adherence?
cord-343205-zjw4fbfdHow will telemedicine change clinical practice in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
cord-343205-zjw4fbfdThe use of technology for mental healthcare delivery among older adults with depressive symptoms: a systematic literature review What Will Happen if Coronavirus Enters a Refugee Camp?
cord-350232-zml4o93tThe impact of disease appears to vary between populations, for example, men appear to be at greater risk of dying from COVID-19 than women( 8); might there be differences in exposure- response to therapies due to gender or other factors?
cord-350232-zml4o93tWhat are the immediate next steps?
cord-351046-yq7287k9How Much Drool Is Too Much?
cord-350589-h6hotlqkAre health care workers protected?
cord-340857-teq5txm9: how close are we?
cord-340857-teq5txm9Are negative pressure rooms really necessary?
cord-340857-teq5txm9Emerg Infect Dis Comparison of different samples for 2019 novel coronavirus detection by nucleic acid amplification tests Symbiotic gut microbes modulate human metabolic phenotypes A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person- to- person transmission: a study of a family cluster Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS- CoV-2 as Compared with SARS- CoV-1 Hot air?
cord-340857-teq5txm9How to organize the Endoscopy Unit spaces?
cord-340857-teq5txm9How to organize the staff workstations and workflow?
cord-340857-teq5txm9What do we have to do before endoscopic procedures?
cord-340857-teq5txm9Which patients must undergo endoscopy?
cord-343773-9f7ew8ujCan an early tracheostomy improve the survival of patients since it reduces the ventilatory dead space, decreases the probability of ventilator pneumonia, decreases the stay in ICU, decreases the probability of developing septic shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation( CID)[ 19]? cord-343773-9f7ew8uj For which patients is tracheostomy indicated? cord-343773-9f7ew8uj How many Healthcare workers are infected? cord-343773-9f7ew8uj What is the best timing for tracheostomy? cord-343773-9f7ew8uj Which is the correlation between viral load and staff security? cord-343773-9f7ew8uj cord-343773- 9f7ew8uj authors: Volo, T.; Stritoni, P.; Battel, I.; Zennaro, B.; Lazzari, F.; Bellin, M.; Michieletto, L.; Spinato, G.; Busatto, C.; Politi, D.; Spinato, R. title: Elective tracheostomy during COVID-19 outbreak: to whom, when, how? cord-350200-1w5u3w8i and what should we do? cord-346205-vqgcq3qt His anxiety about his new diagnosis came with many big questions, likeWhat's next?","Who will take care of me?", and"Can I afford treatment?"
cord-346205-vqgcq3qtHis anxiety about his new diagnosis came with many big questions, like"What's next?","Who will take care of me?", and"Can I afford treatment?"
cord-346205-vqgcq3qtHis anxiety about his new diagnosis came with many big questions, like"What's next?","Who will take care of me?", and"Can I afford treatment?"
cord-346205-vqgcq3qtProbing for a positive spin, he asked,"This is bad, right?", and probably sensed my hesitation when encouraging him not to get too far ahead of ourselves.
cord-347696-rsjwp0b3Can Sural Fasciocutaneous Flaps Be Effective in Patients Older Than 65?
cord-347696-rsjwp0b3Can Sural Fasciocutaneous Flaps Be Effective in Patients Older Than 65?
cord-347696-rsjwp0b3Clin Ortho Relat Res Can sural fasciocutaneous flaps be effective in patients older than 65?
cord-347696-rsjwp0b3Reply to the Letter to the Editor: Can Sural Fasciocutaneous Flaps Be Effective in Patients Older Than 65?
cord-351195-2fdqu2l1nan title: How to manage, after containment, patients with chronic conditions at risk?
cord-349031-tbof9yqiA randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled, multicentre trial Comparative therapeutic efficacy of remdesivir and combination lopinavir, ritonavir, and interferon beta against MERS- CoV Efficacy of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19 Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) in vitro Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: Results of an open- label non- randomized clinical trial Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as available weapons to fight COVID-19 Case of the index patient who caused tertiary transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 in Korea: The application of lopinavir/ ritonavir for the treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia monitored by quantitative RT- PCR A trial of lopinavir- Ritonavir in adults hospitalized with severe Covid-19 A review of the safety of favipiravir- A potential treatment in the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-349031-tbof9yqiThe presence of SARS- CoV-2 RNA in the feces of COVID-19 patients Review article: Gastrointestinal features in COVID-19 and the possibility of faecal transmission Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19 Covid-19: Identifying and isolating asymptomatic people helped eliminate virus in Italian village Clinical characteristics of 24 asymptomatic infections with COVID-19 screened among close contacts in Nanjing COVID-19 herd immunity and convalescent plasma transfer therapy High- flow nasal oxygen versus noninvasive ventilation for hypoxemic respiratory failure: Do we know enough?
cord-349031-tbof9yqiWhy and how?
cord-325201-yoy7kdli* 6 mls/ kg tidal volume really represent our best guess safe and effective ventilation during both acute and recovery phase of lung injury?
cord-325201-yoy7kdli: where are we now?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliCan we generate clinically meaningful guidance from the bedside tools such as transpulmonary pressure( TPP) measurements and electrical impedance tomography( EIT)?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliDoes this patient have Ebola virus disease?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliEbola in West Africa: be aware and prepare Understanding organ dysfunction in Ebola virus disease Coma alarm dreams on paediatric intensive care Evolution of inspiratory diaphragm activity in children over the course of the PICU stay How to manage ventilation in pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliIs it appropriate to infer guidance from adult studies?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliOverall survival after ECMO is improving and therefore other indications are starting to be considered( bridge to lung transplantation anyone?).
cord-325201-yoy7kdliPediatric cancer type predicts infection rate, need for critical care intervention, and mortality in the pediatric intensive care unit Optimism and no longer foolishness?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliPredictors of insufficient amikacin peak concentration in critically ill patients receiving a 25 mg/ kg total body weight regimen Tigecycline use in critically ill patients: a multicentre prospective observational study in the intensive care setting What can be expected from antimicrobial deescalation in the critically ill?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliThe interaction of vasopressin and corticosteroids in septic shock: a pilot randomized controlled trial Prognostic significance of hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal axis hormones in early sepsis: a study performed in the emergency department Steroids and vasopressin in septic shock- brother and sister or just distant cousins?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliThey asked if 24-h dexamethasone pretreatment was superior to 6-h pretreatment for prevention of postextubation airway obstruction in children?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliThey present a candid view of the many gaps in our knowledge: is our( new) Berlin definition sufficient for selection of patients for randomized trials?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliThis was reviewed by Argent and Biban[ 71] who asked:''What's new on NIV in the PICU: does everyone in respiratory failure require endotracheal intubation''?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliWhat is new in infection prevention in critical care in 2014?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliWhat's new in antimicrobial use and resistance in critically ill patients?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliWhat's new in diagnosis and antimicrobial therapy of febrile neutropenic patients with lung infiltrates?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliWhat's new in paediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation?
cord-325201-yoy7kdliWhat's new on NIV in the PICU: does everyone in respiratory failure require endotracheal intubation?
cord-325201-yoy7kdlicolonization: a retrospective analysis Candida colonization of respiratory tract: to treat or not to treat, will we ever get an answer?
cord-325201-yoy7kdlimonitoringbased dose optimisation of piperacillin and meropenem: a randomised controlled trial What is new in the use of aminoglycosides in critically ill patients?
cord-351129-lzzyn570a statement from the EAACI- section on pediatrics Asthma and COVID-19: is asthma a risk factor for severe outcomes?
cord-349949-jp0hvcg6: a modelling study Is a delayed cancer diagnosis a consequence of COVID-19?
cord-349949-jp0hvcg6Summary of a report of 72314 cases from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Case fatality rate of cancer patients with COVID-19 in a New York hospital system Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-350639-iguadmw1current evidence and recommendations Joint international collaboration to combat mental health challenges during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic Risk of myocardial infarction and stroke after acute infection or vaccination Why now?
cord-350529-yqtu059xThe Lancet Laparoscopy at all costs?
cord-350529-yqtu059xWhat Is the Appropriate Use of Laparoscopy over Open Procedures in the Current COVID-19 Climate?
cord-350408-rqlkwoyaThe FAIR guiding principles for scientific data management and stewardship The SYSCID Consortium& Rosenstiel, P. Systems medicine in chronic inflammatory diseases Real- time ethics engagement in biomedical research: ethics from bench to bedside Thinking'ethical'when designing a new biomedical research consortium People in the EU: who are we and how do we live?
cord-350408-rqlkwoyaWhat happened to personalized medicine?
cord-343437-cz1w9od9European Multicenter Study Group on Antithyroid Drug Treatment Comparison of efficacy and adverse effects between methimazole 15 mg+inorganic iodine 38 mg/ day and methimazole 30 mg/ day as initial therapy for Graves'disease patients with moderate to severe hyperthyroidism Safety of long- term antithyroid drug treatment?
cord-343437-cz1w9od9How Significant Is the Clinical Problem?
cord-343437-cz1w9od9Lack of effect of thyroxine in patients with Graves'hyperthyroidism who are treated with an antithyroid drug TSH suppression combined with carbimazole for Graves'disease: effect on remission and relapse rates Effect of methimazole, with or without Lthyroxine, on remission rates in Graves'disease Effects of l- thyroxine administration, TSH- receptor antibodies and smoking on the risk of recurrence in Graves'hyperthyroidism treated with antithyroid drugs: a double- blind prospective randomized study TSH receptor antibody measurements and prediction of remission in Graves'disease patients treated with minimum maintenance doses of antithyroid drugs Clinical features of patients with Graves'disease undergoing remission after antithyroid drug treatment Does smoking increase relapse rates in Graves'disease?
cord-343437-cz1w9od9Quo Vadis?
cord-343437-cz1w9od9What is the best definitive treatment for Graves'disease?
cord-343437-cz1w9od9Will biological agents supplant systemic glucocorticoids as the first- line treatment for thyroid- associated ophthalmopathy?
cord-343437-cz1w9od9a population- based cohort study Clinical associations between thyroid and liver diseases Guidelines of the American Thyroid Association for the Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Disease During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Maternal hyperthyroidism and congenital malformation in the offspring Maternal and perinatal outcome in thyrotoxicosis complicating pregnancy Maternal Thyroid Function in Early Pregnancy and Child Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Danish Nationwide Case- Cohort Study Therapy of endocrine disease: antithyroid drug use in early pregnancy and birth defects: time windows of relative safety and high risk?
cord-351531-wo1ggmmnCOVID-19 pneumonia: ARDS or not?
cord-351446-j4ambec5: what should be taken into account?
cord-351446-j4ambec5Enteric involvement of coronaviruses: is faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6( 2) are ICIs, in particular, a risk factor for SARS- CoV-2 infection rate and/or development of severe symptoms?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6: What do we really know?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6About COVID-19 Potential Antiviral Drugs for SARS- Cov-2 Treatment: Preclinical Findings and Ongoing Clinical Research Acute respiratory failure in COVID-19: Is it"typical"ARDS?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6Based on these observations, is it acceptable to continue ICIs to cancer patients during COVID-19 acute pandemic phase?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6Based on these observations, is it acceptable to continue ICIs to cancer patients during COVID-19 acute pandemic phase?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6Do ICIs compromise cancer patients'immunity and increase the vulnerability to COVID-19 infection?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6Do checkpoint inhibitors compromise the cancer patients'immunity and increase the vulnerability to COVID-19 infection?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6From these two studies some questions remain unsolved:( 1) is any type of anti- cancer therapy a positive or a negative risk factor for SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6Is ICIs administration harmful or beneficial for cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6Is Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors- Based Immunotherapy Harmful or Beneficial?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6Or, on the contrary, do ICIs potentiate their immune system?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6The Innate Immune System: Fighting on the Front Lines or Fanning the Flames of COVID-19?
cord-332778-rf47ptj6The spark that ignites the fire?
cord-350594-0zxq4lxcIs the recommendation to use high- dose heparin for thromboprophylaxis justified?
cord-350594-0zxq4lxcPulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-348430-8xk4dt7tA call for action Should biologics for psoriasis be interrupted in the era of COVID-19?
cord-348430-8xk4dt7tCOVID-19, cytokines and immunosuppression: what can we learn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-348430-8xk4dt7tFemale patients are less satisfied with biological treatment for psoriasis and experience more side- effects than male patients: results from the prospective BioCAPTURE registry COVID-19 and psoriasis: is it time to limit treatment with immunosuppressants?
cord-348430-8xk4dt7tMedication adherence: WHO cares?
cord-349740-xed4aybrPeri- operative considerations in urgent surgical care of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 orthopedic patients: operating rooms protocols and recommendations in the current COVID-19 pandemic Is it possible that most of the displaced acetabular fractures can be managed through a single ilioinguinal approach?
cord-349740-xed4aybrWhat PPE should be worn, and what preventive steps should be undertaken by healthcare workers in different areas of the patient pathway?
cord-349740-xed4aybra paradigm shift Returning to orthopaedic business as usual after COVID-19: strategies and options Guidelines for ambulatory surgery centers for surgically necessary/ time- sensitive the care of orthopaedic cases during the COVID-19 Pandemic Triaging spine surgery in the COVID-19 era COVID-19: initial experience of an international group of hand surgeons Notice of novel coronavirus infection office in the office of the national health and Health Commission for medical waste management Are pelvic anatomical structures in danger during arthroscopic acetabular labral repair?
cord-349396-a6zyioc1Dissecting inflammatory complications in critically injured patients by within- patient gene expression changes: a longitudinal clinical genomics study Trauma mortality in mature trauma systems: are we doing better?
cord-349396-a6zyioc1What Have We Learned from Microarrays?
cord-349396-a6zyioc1Why have clinical trials in sepsis failed?
cord-349210-8t4a5qqoCOVID-19: a case for inhibiting IL-17?
cord-349210-8t4a5qqoCan we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-349210-8t4a5qqoFDA Commissioner Says Agency Wants to Develop Master Protocol Trials to Test Multiple COVID-19 Drug and Vaccine Candidates at Once 79 Treatment for COVID-19 in High- Risk Adult Outpatients Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Risk factors associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia in Wuhan, China Cardiovascular Impairment in COVID-19: Learning From Current Options for Cardiovascular Anti- Inflammatory Therapy Pulmonary fibrosis secondary to COVID-19: a call to arms?
cord-350904-wyg8ikphDo men have a higher case fatality rate of severe acute respiratory syndrome than women do?
cord-350904-wyg8ikphFunctional angiotensin- converting enzyme 2 is expressed in human cardiac myofibroblasts COVID-19 and chronological aging: senolytics and other antiaging drugs for the treatment or prevention of corona virus infection?
cord-348855-lnltoj1n: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-348855-lnltoj1nCould Intravenous Immunoglobulin Collected from Recovered Coronavirus Patients Protect against COVID-19 and Strengthen the Immune System of New Patients?
cord-348855-lnltoj1nShould we stimulate or suppress immune responses in COVID-19?
cord-348855-lnltoj1nshould inhibitors of the reninangiotensin system be withdrawn in patients with COVID-19?
cord-352177-05sku8a8Patient distrust in pharmaceutical companies: an explanation for women under- representation in respiratory clinical trials?
cord-347905-w0fnc43aAn algorithmic approach to the evaluation and treatment of olfactory disorders Olfaction preservation in anterior cranial base approaches: an anatomic study When are we operating for chronic rhinosinusitis?
cord-347905-w0fnc43aDoes olfactory function improve after endoscopic sinus surgery?
cord-347905-w0fnc43aDoes surgery of the olfactory clefts modify the sense of smell?
cord-347905-w0fnc43aImmunohistochemical examination of olfactory mucosa in patients with olfactory disturbance Olfactory mucosal findings and clinical course in patients with olfactory disorders following upper respiratory viral infection Esthesioneuroblastoma: 25-year experience at a single institution Nasal patency and the aerodynamics of nasal airflow in relation to olfactory function Effect of anatomy on human nasal air flow and odorant transport patterns: implications for olfaction Conductive olfactory losses in chronic rhinosinusitis?
cord-347905-w0fnc43aThe status of the olfactory cleft may predict postoperative olfactory function in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis Central presentation of postviral olfactory loss evaluated by positron emission tomography scan: a pilot study Clinical and histologic studies of olfactory outcomes after nasoseptal flap harvesting Olfactory changes after endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal approach for skull base tumors Do sinus computed tomography findings predict olfactory dysfunction and its postoperative recovery in chronic rhinosinusitis patients?
cord-347105-my9niokoA call for addressing barriers to telemedicine: health disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic Access to telemedicine- are we doing all that we can during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-347105-my9niokoAbout telemedicine: what is telemedicine?
cord-347105-my9niokoHow many interviews are enough?
cord-347105-my9niokoWhat if I do n't do it right?
cord-347105-my9niokoso I was afraid, right?
cord-339517-93nuovsj,"How much do you think your patients are worried of contracting COVID-19 during a dental service?"
cord-339517-93nuovsjA descriptive study Anosmia and ageusia are emerging as symptoms in patients with COVID-19: What does the current evidence say?
cord-339517-93nuovsjFor the question"Which of the following emotions( fear, anxiety, threat, concern, sadness, anger) do you feel when thinking about COVID-19?"response categories were assigned a score ranging from 0 to 4( 0=
cord-339517-93nuovsjFor the questions"How worried are you of contracting COVID-19 during your clinical activity?","In your opinion, how likely is it that a patient can contract COVID-19 during a dental service?
cord-339517-93nuovsjFor the questions"How worried are you of contracting COVID-19 during your clinical activity?","In your opinion, how likely is it that a patient can contract COVID-19 during a dental service?
cord-339517-93nuovsjThe future of our specialty: Is oral and maxillofacial surgery in jeopardy?
cord-339517-93nuovsjThe last question asked"Which improvements do you think can result from the COVID-19 emergency?"and multiple answers could be indicated.
cord-339517-93nuovsjTo the question"During clinical activity, which measures do you use to prevent COVID-19 infection?", dentists replied highlighting a good knowledge of what is reported in the most recent indications from the literature.
cord-339517-93nuovsjTo the question"Which aids do you think could help dental professionals during COVID-19 pandemic?", for which two preferences could be expressed, the dentists replied indicating"Economic relieves from Italian government"( 65.7%),"Social security institutions support and subsidy"( 44.1%),"Economic relieves from dental associations"( 32.1%) and"Improvement of communication with patients"( 8.1%).
cord-339517-93nuovsjWhat will come of this pandemic?
cord-339517-93nuovsjand"How worried are you for your professional future?", response categories were assigned a score ranging from 0 to 4( 0="not at all"; 4="extremely").
cord-349144-cvmebr3f( 2) Currently you prefer telemedicine to"face- to- face"evaluation?
cord-349144-cvmebr3f( 2) Was the method used safe?
cord-349144-cvmebr3fBut what developments and benefits have there been in the meantime?
cord-349144-cvmebr3fWhat real benefits has the use of this"new"technology brought to doctors and patients?
cord-352846-p7hhv297Can we contain the COVID-19 outbreak with the same measures as for SARS?
cord-348570-plds5kbn: a cohort study The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer deaths due to delays in diagnosis in England, UK: a national, population- based, modelling study Virtually Perfect?
cord-348570-plds5kbnA randomized waitlist controlled trial of commercially available mobile app- delivered mindfulness training Effects of exercise intervention in breast cancer patients: is mobile health( mHealth) with pedometer more effective than conventional program using brochure?
cord-348570-plds5kbnThe PRISMA Statement Random- effects model for meta- analysis of clinical trials: an update Quantifying heterogeneity in a meta- analysis Assessing heterogeneity in meta- analysis: Q statistic or I2 index?
cord-348570-plds5kbnkey: cord-348570-plds5kbn authors: Buneviciene, Inesa; Mekary, Rania A.; Smith, Timothy R.; Onnela, Jukka- Pekka; Bunevicius, Adomas title: Can mHealth interventions improve quality of life of cancer patients?
cord-352544-7b6btzrxShould anti- diabetic medications be reconsidered amid COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-346062-q0trgj12And with respect to the ethical principle of distributive justice, how is one to say that one life is worth more than another?
cord-346062-q0trgj12Exploring Personal disaster preparedness and nursing staff response to disasters Physician staffing patterns and clinical outcomes in critically ill patients: a systematic review ESICM Working Group on Quality Improvement, Valentin A, Ferdinande P. Recommendations on basic requirements for intensive care units: structural and organizational aspects The toughest triage- allocating ventilators in a pandemic Ventilator triage policies during the COVID-19 pandemic at U.S. Hospitals associated with members of the association of bioethics program directors Emotional impact of end- of- life decisions on professional relationships in the ICU: an obstacle to collegiality?
cord-346062-q0trgj12Priority setting of ICU resources in an influenza pandemic: a qualitative study of the Canadian public's perspectives Prepared to respond?
cord-346062-q0trgj12The importance of addressing advance care planning and decisions about do- not- resuscitate orders during novel coronavirus 2019( COVID-19) Not dying alonemodern compassionate care in the Covid-19 pandemic Grief during the COVID-19 pandemic: considerations for palliative care providers Les professionnels de santé face à la pandémie de la maladie à coronavirus( COVID-19): quels risques pour leur santé mentale?
cord-346062-q0trgj12The proliferation of reports on clinical scoring systems: issues about uptake and clinical utility Prognostic accuracy of the SOFA score, SIRS criteria, and qSOFA score for in- hospital mortality among adults with suspected infection admitted to the intensive care unit Effect of systematic intensive care unit triage on long- term mortality among critically Ill elderly patients in France: a randomized clinical trial Décision d'admission des patients en unités de réanimation et unités de soins critiques dans un contexte d'épidémie à Covid-19 Clinical ethics recommendations for the allocations of intensive care treatments, in exceptional, resource- limited circumstances Long- term outcome after the acute respiratory distress syndrome: different from general critical illness?
cord-346062-q0trgj12This appears to be an insoluble brain teaser: why not prioritize other societal actors who may favor the fight against pandemic such as researchers or other professionals helping to maintain the balance of our society in times of acute crisis?
cord-353256-7nfklun9Bronchoscopic evaluation of pulmonary infiltrates following bone marrow transplantation Bronchoalveolar lavage( BAL) in immunocompromised children: 8 years single center experience Cytomegalovirus load in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid: a clue to the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus pneumonia?
cord-350179-ltk5hfc4How does the concept of sudden onset mass casualty incident( MCI) surge capability apply to the process to expand COVID-19 pandemic surge structure response?
cord-350179-ltk5hfc4The science of surge Understanding surge capacity: essential elements Resilience and resource management Social and ecological resilience: are they related?
cord-350179-ltk5hfc4This study reviewed the available surge science literature specifically to guide an emergency department ’s surge structural response using a translational science approach to answer the question: How does the concept of sudden onset mass casualty incident surge capability apply to the process to expand COVID-19 pandemic surge structure response?
cord-350179-ltk5hfc4What is Translational Science?
cord-351604-x4rsdwqzPathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China From the Rheumatology Practice to the Fight Against COVID-19, a virus infection with multiple faces Should we stimulate or suppress immune responses in COVID-19?
cord-351604-x4rsdwqzWhat can we learn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-341063-3rqnu5bu-If not currently using has it been considered?
cord-341063-3rqnu5bu-Which antibiotics are you using for continuous or extended infusions?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buIs enzymatic debridement better in critically burned patients?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buP441 Acquired neuromuscular weakness in eldery patients with femoral bone fracture, could we decrease the incidence?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buQuestions included:-Are you using continuous or extended antibiotic infusions?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buUsing a protocol for fluid resuscitation: how well is it followed?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buWhat are physicians in doubt about?
cord-341063-3rqnu5buis it still required?
cord-353004-ocnp758oHow to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-354372-vfvnjmv1Autopsy- a procedure of medical history?
cord-351823-ldbscq4sChina Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Alterations in smell or taste in mildly symptomatic outpatients with SARS- CoV-2 infection Loss of smell and taste in 2013 European patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 Gastrointestinal manifestations of SARS- CoV-2 infection and virus load in fecal samples from the Hong Kong cohort and systematic review and meta- analysis Misinformation of COVID-19 on the internet: infodemiology study Are UK doctors getting sufficient protective equipment against covid-19?
cord-351823-ldbscq4sThe impact of COVID-19 on the provision of cardiac surgical services Examining the impact of COVID-19 on cardiac surgery services: The lessons learned from this pandemic Essentials of Telemedicine and Telecare BMJ Variation in use of the 2-week referral pathway for suspected cancer: a cross- sectional analysis COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on service provision: A cardiology prospect Virtually perfect?
cord-348458-dwj90mbqExercise programs via online 147 platforms have become pervasive, but will they be enough to counter inactivity 148 while at home?
cord-348458-dwj90mbqHome quarantine and closing of restaurants have left many to 149 cook for themselves, but will the health benefits of home cooking be mitigated by 150 the potential increased purchasing of"comfort foods"and preservative- laden 151 choices with long shelf lives?
cord-348458-dwj90mbqIn NYC, when will Madison Square Garden host its next 170 sporting event?
cord-348458-dwj90mbqWhen we 14 reach the"end"of the COVID era, how will our lives have changed as practicing 15 cardiologists, fellows in training( FIT), and human beings in society at large?
cord-348458-dwj90mbqWhen will we feel comfortable 169 hugging a friend?
cord-348458-dwj90mbqWill our communities survive the economic devastation from 171 prolonged closure?
cord-351340-7y19ystpThere's a real paucity of data out there.How very true these observations are?
cord-351340-7y19ystpAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-351340-7y19ystpWhat is currently known about these differences in disease risk and fatality rates?
cord-352901-ia34l2ml, prospective cohort study Thrombosis, Kidney Failure, and Diabetes: Is COVID-19 Endothelial Disease?
cord-352901-ia34l2mlWhich Parameters Should Be Evaluated?
cord-353697-ocxextfjWith Chronic Granulomatous Disease Is humidified better than non- humidified low- flow oxygen therapy?
cord-347268-vb6z0hzbBut, what if Dr. Morrison also refuses to perform therapeutic abortions- i.e., abortions to prevent morbidity or mortality?
cord-347268-vb6z0hzbBut, what if, due to conscience- based objections, another ob/ gyn physician, Dr. Morrison, refuses only to prescribe emergency contraception, perform abortions, and administer terminal or palliative sedation?
cord-347268-vb6z0hzbDoes it follow that she is failing to honor a commitment to promote healing?
cord-347268-vb6z0hzbSimilarly, in the case of conscientious objection, the key question is: what is a''reasonable''reciprocity- based requirement?
cord-347268-vb6z0hzbThe fragile web of responsibility: AIDS and the duty to treat Duty to treat or right to refuse?
cord-347268-vb6z0hzbclearly fall within the scope of the physician's professional obligation to promote healing?
cord-347268-vb6z0hzbkey: cord-347268-vb6z0hzb authors: Wicclair, Mark R. title: Is conscientious objection incompatible with a physician ’s professional obligations?
cord-353340-l0icku0iA mixed methods pilot study to investigate the impact of a hospital- specific iPhone application( iTreat) within a British junior doctor cohort Attitudes and behaviours to antimicrobial prescribing following introduction of a smartphone App Medical students and personal smartphones in the clinical environment: The impact on confidentiality of personal health information and professionalism Mobile Health Regulating medical apps: Which ones and how much?
cord-349561-4mkiwg9kA SARS- CoV-2 Cell Entry Depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and Is Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-349561-4mkiwg9kFact or fiction?
cord-349561-4mkiwg9kThe devil's in the dosing: severe druginduced liver injury in a hydroxychloroquine- naive patient with subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus and porphyria cutanea tarda Antimalarial myopathy: an underdiagnosed complication?
cord-349561-4mkiwg9kToxicokinetics and Management Novel Therapies for Myocardial Irritability following Extreme Hydroxychloroquine Toxicity Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is effective in inhibiting SARS- CoV-2 infection in vitro Chloroquine analogues in drug discovery: new directions of uses, mechanisms of actions and toxic manifestations from malaria to multifarious diseases Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-346389-gbmnoo84COVID-19 and diabetes: can DPP4 inhibition play a role?
cord-346389-gbmnoo84COVID-19) The ACE2 expression in human heart indicates new potential mechanism of heart injury among patients infected with SARS- CoV-2 Pulmonary embolism or pulmonary thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-346389-gbmnoo84Comparative therapeutic efficacy of remdesivir and combination lopinavir, ritonavir, and interferon beta against MERS- CoV Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double- blind, placebo- controlled, multicentre trial Gilead Announces Results From Phase 3 Trial of Remdesivir in Patients With Moderate COVID-19 Available online at Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in severe and refractory systemic lupus erythematosus Survival after mesenchymal stromal cell therapy in steroidrefractory acute graft- versus- host disease: systematic review and metaanalysis Transplantation of ACE2-mesenchymal stem cells improves the outcome of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia Extraordinary GUrich single- strand RNA identified from SARS coronavirus contributes an excessive innate immune response Delayed induction of proinflammatory cytokines and suppression of innate antiviral response by the novel Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: implications for pathogenesis and treatment Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab Favorable changes of CT findings in a patient with COVID-19 pneumonia after treatment with tocilizumab Tocilizumab, an anti- IL6 receptor antibody, to treat Covid-19-related respiratory failure: a case report Rapid and severe Covid-19 pneumonia with severe acute chest syndrome in a sickle cell patient successfully treated with tocilizumab Dissection of the effects of jak and btk inhibitors on the functionality of healthy and malignant lymphocytes COVID-19: combining antiviral and anti- inflammatory treatments Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment?
cord-346389-gbmnoo84Do men have a higher case fatality rate of severe acute respiratory syndrome than women do?
cord-346389-gbmnoo84Is the recommendation to use high- dose heparin for thromboprophylaxis justified?
cord-346389-gbmnoo84Where are we?
cord-346389-gbmnoo84the battle continues Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-353698-gj8sx3zyCOVID-19: towards controlling of a pandemic Covid-19 and community mitigation strategies in a pandemic First case of 2019 novel coronavirus in the United States Estimation of COVID-19 outbreak size in Italy Outbreak investigation for COVID-19 in northern Vietnam COVID-19 and Italy: what next?
cord-352577-h3652sebEarly noninvasive ventilation averts extubation failure in patients at risk: a randomized trial Non- invasive ventilation in community- acquired pneumonia and severe acute respiratory failure Utilization of noninvasive ventilation in acute care hospitals Noninvasive versus conventional mechanical ventilation: an epidemiologic survey Should noninvasive ventilation be considered a high- risk procedure during an epidemic?
cord-352577-h3652sebWhy did outbreaks of severe respiratory syndrome occur in some hospital wards but not in others?
cord-350923-532lnnllA review in the theme: cellular responses to hypoxia Roles and regulation of ketogenesis in cultured astroglia and neurons under hypoxia and hypoglycemia Amino acids and immune response: a role for cysteine, glutamine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and arginine in Tcell function and cancer?
cord-350923-532lnnllI Can daily dietary arginine supplement affect the function and subpopulation of lymphocytes in patients with advanced gastric cancer?
cord-350923-532lnnllThe Warburg effect as an adaptation of cancer cells to rapid fluctuations in energy demand The Warburg effect in tumor progression: mitochondrial oxidative metabolism as an anti- metastasis mechanism Cellular metabolism and macrophage functional polarization Macrophage immunometabolism: where are we( going)?
cord-350923-532lnnllThis is a simplified sketch and clinical outcomes of HDAC treatment that may be different depending on the pathogen, previous exposures of immune cells to drugs, viral and bacterial species, as well as the nominal T- cell receptor repertoire available in the microenvironment cells obtain enough"food"in these adverse conditions?
cord-349533-51cex2sl51cex2sl nan Are treat- to- target and dose tapering strategies for rheumatoid arthritis possible during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-349533-51cex2slCan we wean patients with inflammatory arthritis from biological therapies?
cord-349533-51cex2slSo, where does the concept of stable disease fit within treat- to- target?
cord-349533-51cex2sla study of two cohorts in the Dutch Rheumatoid Arthritis Monitoring registry Is treat- to- target really working in rheumatoid arthritis?
cord-349533-51cex2slkey: cord-349533- 51cex2sl authors: Yeoh, Su- Ann; Ehrenstein, Michael R title: Are treat- to- target and dose tapering strategies for rheumatoid arthritis possible during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-352399-2xfzpw9mHow an interactive mobile messaging programme is used by mothers in South Africa Design of a USSD system for TB contact tracing Mobile health technology for enhancing the COVID-19 response in Africa: A potential game changer?
cord-352399-2xfzpw9mIs it possible that heart failure can go, and I get healed?
cord-355028-1x7w1749( COVID-19): challenges and recommendations Baseline characteristics and outcomes of 1591 patients infected with SARS- CoV-2 admitted to ICUs of the Lombardy Region Surgical considerations for tracheostomy during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned from the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome outbreak Tracheostomy practice in adults with acute respiratory failure Effect of early versus late or no tracheostomy on mortality and pneumonia of critically ill patients receiving mechanical ventilation: a systematic review and meta- analysis Tracheostomy: epidemiology, indications, timing, technique, and outcomes Timing of tracheostomy in critically ill patients: a meta- analysis Is tracheostomy a better choice than translaryngeal intubation for critically ill patients requiring mechanical ventilation for more than 14 days?
cord-355003-1o2midnhTherapeutic schedule of novel coronavirus pneumonia rehabilitation's convalescent plasma( Trial version 2)[ EB/ OL Convalescent plasma treatment reduced mortality in patients with severe pandemic influenza A( H1N1) 2009 virus infection Use of convalescent plasma therapy in SARS patients in Hong Kong Clinical progression and viral load in a community outbreak of coronavirus- associated SARS pneumonia: a prospective study Convalescent plasma: new evidence for an old therapeutic tool?
cord-354216-4khdcjedWill the Quality of Research Remain the Same During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0t5, 30 Does It Matter Whether It Is Pulmonary Microthrombi or Pulmonary Emboli?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tAre patients who are already on anticoagulants for previous thromboembolic episodes, mechanical heart valves, or atrial fibrillation protected from severe disease and complications if they indeed get infected with the SARS-2 corona virus?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tCombined pulmonary hypertension and renal thrombotic microangiopathy in cobalamin C deficiency Pulmonary arterial hypertension in pediatric patients with hematopoietic stem cell transplant- associated thrombotic microangiopathy Pulmonary thrombosis: a clinical pathological entity distinct from pulmonary embolism?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tIs It Pulmonary Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tIs it the intense inflammation related to the viral invasion of the lungs which triggers hemostasis activation?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tIs there a role for antiplatelet agents in patients who progress to more severe disease while on therapeutic anticoagulation, since activated platelets are pathogenic in the lung inflammation?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tShould low- dose anticoagulants be considered for patients who may have a prothrombotic tendency and are currently in self- isolation but do not have severe symptoms of COVID-19?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tShould patients who have recovered from severe COVID-19 after being in critical care units be considered for longterm anticoagulation with low- dose anticoagulants, like those patients who had massive pulmonary embolism in the pre- pandemic era?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tSince there is a crucial link between inflammation and thrombosis, more so in COVID-19 patients, are patients who are on immunosuppressants less likely to get severe pulmonary disease and complications?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tStructural basis for human coronavirus attachment to sialic acid receptors Is COVID-19 an endothelial disease?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tWhat then is the pathophysiology of pulmonary microthrombi in patients with COVID-19?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tWhere and how should anticomplement and anti- inflammatory therapies be used in patients with COVID-19, with the intention of dampening the coagulation response?
cord-339589-dl2qpc0tWill patients with underlying severe bleeding disorders such as hemophilia or Glanzmann thrombasthenia have less severe lung complications?
cord-354337-a70avg2xWe aimed to answer the following main question: • Which available ECG changes associated with novel coronavirus infection have been noted in recent studies?
cord-353484-q7d0ysboRemdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) in vitro First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the United States Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19 Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double- blind, placebo- controlled, multicentre trial Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-353484-q7d0ysboWhat Do We Know?
cord-352905-ge3u32hmThe CoV-2 outbreak: how hematologists could help to fight Covid-19 European LeukemiaNet recommendations for the management of chronic myeloid leukemia Dynamics of persistent TT virus infection, as determined in patients treated with alpha interferon for concomitant hepatitis C virus infection Molecular monitoring of chronic myeloid leukemia: principles and interlaboratory standardization Torque Teno Virus viremia kinetics after autologous stem cell transplantation are predictable and may serve as a surrogate marker of functional immune reconstitution Torque Teno Virus: any pathological role in liver transplanted patients?
cord-352905-ge3u32hmwhat can we lea rn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-352065-960xqft4: Who Will Live and Who Will Die?
cord-352065-960xqft4Severe COVID-19 and healthcare- associated infections on the ICU: time to remember the basics?
cord-352065-960xqft4The epidemiology and clinical information about COVID-19 Estimates of the severity of coronavirus disease 2019: a model- based analysis Bacterial and fungal co- infection in individuals with coronavirus: A rapid review to support COVID-19 antimicrobial prescribing Biomarkers for antimicrobial stewardship: a reappraisal in COVID-19 times?
cord-349360-dv4lxx52Are we prepared for this challenge?
cord-349360-dv4lxx52In addition, how did the outbreak affect the activity of acute care surgery units?
cord-349360-dv4lxx52Should we still consider laparoscopy for these patients?
cord-349360-dv4lxx52Which precautions should be considered mandatory in open and laparoscopy surgery?
cord-349360-dv4lxx52our indications to conservative treatments as for COVID-19 alone?
cord-355528-y4a1g6kmAccessed on The SARS, MERS and novel coronavirus( COVID-19) epidemics, the newest and biggest global health threats: what lessons have we learned?
cord-350578-wyz5jyjhIts three basic processes are comprehensive perception? cord-350578-wyz5jyjh People's Medical Publishing House Co 5 G and intelligence medicine- how the next generation of wireless technology will reconstruct healthcare? cord-350578-wyz5jyjh To reflect the three basic processes of''comprehensive perception? cord-350578-wyz5jyjh reliable transmission? cord-350578-wyz5jyjh reliable transmission? cord-354160-sca9bgeq What about those who might be incubating or are in the pre- symptomatic stage? cord-354160-sca9bgeq Would routine nasopharyngeal swabs and PCR testing be screening of high enough sensitivity that a negative test would indicate that those patients are not infected? cord-353594-z1vxamvp COVID-19: risk for cytokine targeting in chronic inflammatory diseases? cord-353594-z1vxamvp PR3 and MPO antigen microdots improve the laboratory diagnostics of ANCA- associated vasculitis From ANA to ENA: how to proceed? cord-350718-jzliir37 Noninfectious serious hazards of transfusion Are blood transfusions associated with greater mortality rates? cord-350718-jzliir37 The Blood transfusion: friend or foe Acute lung injury following blood transfusion: expanding the definition Leucocyte depletion of perioperative blood transfusion does not affect long- term survival and recurrence in patients with gastrointestinal cancer Duration of red- cell storage and complications after cardiac surgery Time- dependent, spontaneous release of white cell- and platelet- derived bioactive substances from stored human blood EORTC guidelines for the use of erythropoietic proteins in anaemic patients with cancer: 2006 update Autologous blood predonation and perioperative use of erythropoietin New erythropoiesis- stimulating agents: how innovative are they? cord-350718-jzliir37 ill: when is it time to say enough? cord-350718-jzliir37 working alone or together in hypoxia? cord-355033-txxylmrw Can Zn Be a Critical Element in COVID-19 Treatment? cord-335141-ag3j8obh : Letter from plastic surgeons at the COVID-19 warfront Dear Sir, How many times have we heard these words in this time? cord-335141-ag3j8obh : what's in a name? cord-335141-ag3j8obh Are we still publishing our presented abstracts from the British Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery( BAPRAS)? cord-335141-ag3j8obh Are you ready to play your part? cord-335141-ag3j8obh By the end of training, a UK surgical trainee spends an average of £ 5411 attending academic conferences, but beyond this personal expenditure, what is the environmental cost? cord-335141-ag3j8obh Increasing body mass index increases complications but not failure rates in microvascular breast reconstruction: a retrospective cohort study Are overweight and obese patients who receive autologous free- flap breast reconstruction satisfied with their postoperative outcome? cord-335141-ag3j8obh Please doctor, could you tell him that I love him?
cord-335141-ag3j8obhSingle use medical devices seem like an obvious item to replace with a more environmentally friendly re- usable alterative, but what about patient safety?
cord-335141-ag3j8obhThe diagnostic effectiveness of dermoscopy performed by pastic surgery registrars trained in melanoma diagnosis Analysis of the benign to malignant ratio of lesions biopsied by a general dermatologist before and after the adoption of dermoscopy Assessing suspected or diagnosed melanoma Dermoscopy- time for plastic surgeons to embrace a new diagnostic tool?
cord-335141-ag3j8obhThe use of the MolecuLight i: X in managing burns: a pilot study Improved detection of clinically relevant wound bacteria using autofluorescence image- guided sampling in diabetic foot ulcers Efficacy of an imaging device at identifying the presence of bacteria in wounds at a plastic surgery outpatients clinic Publication rates for abstracts presented at the British Association of Plastic Surgeons meetings: how do we compare with other specialties?
cord-335141-ag3j8obhVarious recent articles 1, 2 discuss the negative impacts of this in the surgical world, but can we look at the NHS sustainability as a bigger picture?
cord-335141-ag3j8obhWe are sometimes those who communicate the death of his or her beloved but also those who bring words of hope, words of love:"Please doctor, could you tell him that I love him so much?".
cord-335141-ag3j8obhWe will never give up! … and what about you?
cord-335141-ag3j8obhWhen asked"Do you think the AR leaflet would make you less anxious about surgery?"
cord-335141-ag3j8obhWhen asked"Would you think other patients would like to have a similar AR leaflet before surgery"and"Would you like to see further AR leaflets to be developed in the future?", 100% responded"yes".
cord-335141-ag3j8obha review of the evidence that clinical and professional skills fade during time out of practice, and of how skills fade may be measured or remediated Ad hoc committee on health literacy for the council on scientific affairs Training strategies for attaining transfer of problemsolving skill in statistics: a cognitive- load approach Use of a virtual 3D anterolateral thigh model in medical education: augmentation and not replacement of traditional teaching?
cord-335141-ag3j8obhthe lesion be removed or monitored?
cord-352227-827987jf: highdimensional undirected graph estimation Microbiome responses to an uncontrolled short- term diet intervention in the frame of the Citizen Science Project Rural and urban microbiota: to be or not to be?
cord-352227-827987jfOscillospira: a central, enigmatic component of the human gut microbiota Akkermansia muciniphila in the human gastrointestinal tract: when, where, and how?
cord-352227-827987jfRegional homovanillic acid production in humans Catabolism of 3-and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid by Klebsiella pneumonia Catabolism of aromatic biogenic amines by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 via meta cleavage of homoprotocatechuic acid Intraalveolar catecholamines and the human lung microbiome Pseudomonas aeruginosa- catecholamine inotrope interactions: a contributory factor in the development of ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-352678-8f2ygul2COVID-19 and chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine: is there ophthalmological concern?
cord-352678-8f2ygul2Is the coronavirus airborne?
cord-352678-8f2ygul2Where We Are Heading?
cord-354168-omen8vvqDaratumumab plus lenalidomide and dexamethasone for untreated myeloma High- dose therapy and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma: upfront or rescue treatment?
cord-354168-omen8vvqWhat Is Special about MM Patients?
cord-338600-wpfcxnyuCan you recall what you were told about the risks and benefits of treatment? cord-338600-wpfcxnyu Can you tell me what your treatment decision is?
cord-338600-wpfcxnyuHow do you balance those things? cord-338600-wpfcxnyu Please tell me what you understand about your condition""What do you think is wrong with you?"
cord-338600-wpfcxnyuReason( Weigh)Tell me how you reached the decision to accept( reject) treatment?"
cord-338600-wpfcxnyuWhat do you believe will happen if you are not treated"Why do you think we have recommended this treatment for you?
cord-338600-wpfcxnyuWhat have you been told about treatment?
cord-338600-wpfcxnyuWhat is the treatment likely to do for you? cord-338600-wpfcxnyu What things were important to you in reaching the decision?"
cord-338600-wpfcxnyuCould COVID-19 cloud decision- making for the cognitively impaired?
cord-338600-wpfcxnyuHave you decided whether to go along with our suggested treatment?"
cord-338600-wpfcxnyuHow much do emergency healthcare workers know about capacity and consent?
cord-338600-wpfcxnyuWhy do you think it will have that effect?"
cord-355384-qa7grviy: why do they fail to protect against Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
cord-355039-qi4fwqbcA multibasic cleavage site in the spike protein of SARS- CoV-2 is essential for infection of human lung cells COVID-19, diabetes mellitus and ACE2: the conundrum Angiotensin receptor blockers as tentative SARS- CoV-2 therapeutics Angiotensin- converting enzyme 2( ACE2) as a SARS- CoV-2 receptor: molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic target Soluble angiotensin- converting enzyme 2: a potential approach for coronavirus infection therapy?
cord-355039-qi4fwqbcphysiology and pathology Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-352828-4ecik6xwAre they closely related?
cord-352828-4ecik6xwCould SARScoronavirus-2 trigger autoimmune and/or autoinflammatory mechanisms in genetically predisposed subjects?
cord-352828-4ecik6xwWorld Health Organization Diagnosis of the coronavirus disease( COVID-19): rRT- PCR or CT?
cord-356195-5pcaxpp9The Lancet 11 Use of SARS CoV 2--infected deceased organ donors: Should we always"just say no?
cord-356379-e8ohc25wChina Co- infection of SARS- CoV-2 and HIV in a patient in Wuhan city Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Could HIV infection alter the clinical course of SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-356056-82bvcuvdWe learnt that most( 80%?) of the academic or administrative work we do can be done in isolation( without a big group).
cord-354204-23xkug85COVID-19: pneumonia, ARDS or something else?
cord-354204-23xkug85Findings of lung ultrasonography of novel corona virus pneumonia during the 2019- 2020 epidemic Is there a role for lung ultrasound during the COVID-19 outbreak?
cord-354204-23xkug85The diagnosis of pneumonia in a pregnant woman with covid-19 using maternal lung ultrasound Acute respiratory distress syndrome in pregnancy Point- of- Care Lung Ultrasound findings in novel coronavirus disease-19 pnemoniae: a case report and potential applications during COVID-19 outbreak Is lung ultrasound useful for diagnosing pneumonia in children?
cord-354619-pftjhtpoA possible strategy for reducing SARS- COV-2 infectivity?
cord-354619-pftjhtpoCOVID-19: Faecal- oral transmission?
cord-354619-pftjhtpoIs faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-353599-cw29edwrA narrative review of the potential pharmacological influence and safety of ibuprofen on coronavirus disease 19( COVID-19), ACE2, and the immune system: a dichotomy of expectation and reality Treatment with ACE- inhibitors is associated with less severe disease with SARS- Covid-19 infection in a multi- site UK acute Hospital Trust Safety of Ibuprofen in Patients With COVID-19: Causal or Confounded?
cord-353599-cw29edwrCOVID-19 telemedicine five days protocol Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-353599-cw29edwrDoes Ibuprofen Worsen COVID-19?
cord-352557-l7sahv5tA first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19 Appraising the evidence: What is selection bias?
cord-352557-l7sahv5tIn line with the PICOT format( Riva et al., 2012) of framing subjects for clinical research, this study centres on answering the question:'In patients suspected of, and diagnosed with, COVID-19, How efficacious, relative to standard symptomatic care, and safe are CQ and HCQ in patients at risk or suspected of, and diagnosed with, COVID-19?'
cord-352557-l7sahv5tWhat Clinicians Should Know about the QT Interval Chloroquine and COVID-19: A Light at the End of the Tunnel, or is it Another Train?
cord-352557-l7sahv5tWhat is your research question?
cord-347351-emdj66vj: how much do we really know?
cord-347351-emdj66vj: what does viral RNA load really mean?
cord-347351-emdj66vjA Case Report Surgical mask partition reduces the risk of non- contact transmission in a golden Syrian hamster model for Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) Australian Government releases face masks to protect against coronavirus Rapid assessment of regional SARS- CoV-2 community transmission through a convenience sample of healthcare workers, the Netherlands Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era Mass masking in the COVID-19 epidemic: people need guidance Covid-19: should the public wear face masks?
cord-347351-emdj66vjA SARS- CoV-2 familial cluster infection reveals asymptomatic transmission to children Familial cluster of SARS- CoV-2 infection associated with a railway journey What settings have been linked to SARS- CoV-2 transmission clusters?
cord-347351-emdj66vjClinical infectious diseases: an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of Viral kinetics of SARS- CoV-2 in asymptomatic carriers and presymptomatic patients Clinical infectious diseases: an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of Viral Load Kinetics of SARS- CoV-2 Infection in First Two Patients in Korea A field indoor air measurement of SARS- CoV-2 in the patient rooms of the largest hospital in Iran Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patients Can Contaminate Their Surroundings: an Environment Sampling Study Environmental contamination by SARS- CoV-2 in a designated hospital for coronavirus disease 2019 Do established infection prevention and control measures prevent spread of SARS- CoV-2 to the hospital environment beyond the patient room?
cord-347351-emdj66vjTemporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19 Clearance and persistence of SARS- CoV-2 RNA in patients with COVID-19 Journal of clinical virology: the official publication of the Pan American Society for Airborne or droplet precautions for health workers treating COVID-19? Transmission routes of respiratory viruses among humans Aerobiology and its role in the transmission of infectious diseases Modes of transmission of virus causing COVID-19: implications for IPC precaution recommendations On air- borne infection: study II.
cord-347351-emdj66vjan official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of How will country- based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-347351-emdj66vjthe Spread of the Novel Coronavirus?
cord-355558-r6r1t47cWhy do some patients with covid-19 develop severe lung disease requiring mechanical ventilation in the ICU and associated with significant mortality?
cord-355558-r6r1t47cWhy is diabetes associated with severe covid-19 lung disease requiring admission to the ICU?
cord-353648-rl9dts7lAvailable from
cord-353648-rl9dts7lPLhnlWcdDi3TebTUrGMClr0uD- HKDMUl4Zb;
cord-335198-qp964238And how do we quickly establish and conduct difficult and costly randomized, controlled clinical trials for the most promising old and new therapies where there is a clear equipoise between possible benefits and potential risks?
cord-335198-qp964238But how do we minimize the risks of progression in more severe hospitalized cases, particularly older patients with risk factor co- morbidities?
cord-335198-qp964238How did we rapidly implement a convalescent plasma program?
cord-335198-qp964238How do we best explore and exploit our overall clinical management and scientific research approach during the COVID19 pandemic?
cord-335198-qp964238How do we maximize compassionate use of available, potentially useful but unproven therapies when no other alternatives exist?
cord-335198-qp964238How do we minimize the risks of these very same therapies for individual patients?
cord-335198-qp964238How many patients?
cord-335198-qp964238How to adjust for confounder variables?
cord-335198-qp964238What disease severity?
cord-335198-qp964238What dose?
cord-335198-qp964238What to measure?, and how?, and why?
cord-335198-qp964238What to measure?, and how?, and why?
cord-335198-qp964238What to measure?, and how?, and why?
cord-335198-qp964238Which drugs to trial?
cord-335198-qp964238Which endpoints?
cord-335198-qp964238Which patients?
cord-335198-qp964238Whose needs are being met?
cord-335198-qp964238Why have n't others delivered more results?
cord-356127-xy5tyd7t, Masoumeh title: Prosthetic heart valves and the COVID‐19 pandemic era: What should we be concerned about?
cord-356127-xy5tyd7tWhat should we be concerned about?
cord-356057-87kxlqdcCan thrombotic events be a major concern in hepatocellular carcinoma patients under systemic treatment during SARS- Cov-2? Liver Int
cord-356057-87kxlqdcManagement of hepatocellular carcinoma Brazilian Society of Hepatology updated Recommendations for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Laparoscopic resection of hepatocellular carcinoma: when, why, and how?
cord-355294-gifsqph6Choose BMC and benefit from:?
cord-355294-gifsqph6Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-355294-gifsqph6Ready to submit your research Ready to submit your research?
cord-355589-3zdv9zim( COVID-19) Patients Psychosocial factors and hospitalisations for COVID-19: Prospective cohort study of the general population Clinical predictors of donor antibody titer and correlation with recipient antibody response in a COVID-19 convalescent plasma clinical trial Chronic ACE Inhibitor use is Associated with Decreased Odds of Severe Disease in Patients with COVID-19 Intraluminal Carotid Artery Thrombus in COVID-19: Another Danger of Cytokine Storm?
cord-355589-3zdv9zima comparison of patients with and without COVID-19 Clinical and Genetic Characteristics of Covid-19 Patients from UK Biobank Is sleep apnoea a risk factor for Covid-19? Findings from a retrospective cohort study Cardiac Structural and Functional Characteristics in Patients with Coronavirus Disease
cord-349500-603v8lfbHarnessing the natural inhibitory domain to control TNFα converting enzyme( TACE) activity in vivo Soluble angiotensin- converting enzyme 2: a potential approach for coronavirus infection therapy?
cord-349500-603v8lfbIs there a theoretical rationale to assume that patients with IBD might be less susceptible to inflammation?
cord-349500-603v8lfbIs there an increased or a decreased risk for patients with IBD to suffer from covid-19?
cord-349500-603v8lfbWhat is the effect of biological agents and cytokine blockers on covid-19?
cord-349500-603v8lfbWhat is the effect of corticosteroids and classical immunosuppressive agents such as methotrexate( MTX) and azathioprine on covid-19?
cord-349500-603v8lfbWhat is the evidence for intestinal covid-19 disease and how does covid-19 induce mucosal immune cell activation and a cytokine release syndrome? ►
cord-349500-603v8lfba distinct entity leading to early death in sepsis Human T cell immunosenescence and inflammation in aging Dysregulation of immune response in patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China Clinical features of severe pediatric patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in Wuhan: a single center's observational study Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China Diagnostic utility of clinical laboratory data determinations for patients with the severe COVID-19 Quantitative mRNA expression profiling of ACE 2, a novel homologue of angiotensin converting enzyme Imbalance of the renin- angiotensin system may contribute to inflammation and fibrosis in IBD: a novel therapeutic target?
cord-349500-603v8lfbbinding site prediction Are patients with inflammatory bowel disease at increased risk for Covid-19 infection?
cord-353293-vjdwh19xChildren are not infected, or most of them are asymptomatic, but do they spread the infection in family clusters?
cord-353293-vjdwh19xDo children play a role in this pandemic?
cord-353293-vjdwh19xDo they play a role in the contagion chain?
cord-353293-vjdwh19xThe most important open question to be answered is as follows:"Once recovered from COVID-19 what happens to patients, and how has the virus impacted their body?"
cord-355898-hlkwwaqe-Can the standard EEG provide useful diagnostic information to prevent a possible and imminent emergency condition, thus avoiding access to the emergency room( ER, e.g., for a seizure or epileptic status), with an increased risk of exposure to infection and other comorbidities?
cord-355898-hlkwwaqeIt is essential that PPE is dressed and undressed in accordance with procedures established by the Ministry of Health(
cord-355898-hlkwwaqethe EEG be useful for changes to the treatment plan?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13COVID-19 and diabetes management: What should be considered?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression COVID-19, cytokines and immunosuppression: what can we learn from severe acute respiratory syndrome?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Can we use interleukin-6( IL-6) blockade for coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19)-induced cytokine release syndrome( CRS)?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Considerations for obesity, vitamin D, and physical activity amid the COVID-19 pandemic Obesity is a risk factor for severe COVID-19 infection: multiple potential mechanisms Does high cardiorespiratory fitness confer some protection against pro- inflammatory responses after infection by SARS- CoV-2?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 distribution in the human respiratory tract implications for the middle east respiratory syndrome COVID-19 and diabetes: can DPP4 inhibition play a role?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Does coronavirus disease 2019 disprove the obesity paradox in acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13F1000Prime Rep Is there a role for statin therapy in acute viral infections?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Functional assessment of cell entry and receptor usage for SARS- CoV-2 and other lineage B betacoronaviruses COVID-19 and comorbidities: a role for dipeptidyl peptidase 4( DPP4) in disease severity?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Hollingsworth, How will country- based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Is the ACE2 overexpression a risk factor for COVID-19 infection?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Prevalence of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes: a systematic literature review of scientific evidence from across the world in Potential effects of coronaviruses on the cardiovascular system: a review Hypertension, thrombosis, kidney failure, and diabetes: is COVID-19 an endothelial disease?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Should anti- diabetic medications be reconsidered amid COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Sliding Scale Insulin Use: Myth or Insanity?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13The etiology of lower respiratory tract infections in people with diabetes Prevalence of comorbidities in the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus( MERS- CoV): a systematic review and meta- analysis Benefits of flu vaccination for persons with diabetes mellitus: a review COVID-19 and diabetes: knowledge in progress Glycemic control and risk of infections among people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes in a large primary care cohort study Influenza virus and glycemic variability in diabetes: a killer combination?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13Worse progression of COVID-19 in men: is testosterone a key factor?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13inhibitors/ angiotensin receptor blockers have a biphasic effect?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13medRxiv ACE2 in BRain physiology and pathophysiology: evidence from transgenic animal models ACE2 and diabetes: ACE of ACEs?
cord-334773-yw2qgv13the conundrum Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-353401-y1mxnth7What is it costing you to do this work?
cord-353401-y1mxnth7Will it ever end?
cord-353401-y1mxnth7Will it have long- term effects on you?
cord-353401-y1mxnth7Will there be more beyond?
cord-331434-2x9m37cw( PO2,temperature, SHiFT tool may act as guides).[8].In principle, active surgical treatment should be performed unless the patient's health condition is very poor, the patient can not tolerate the operation, the risk of death during the operation is very high or postoperative nursing would be very difficult It improved O2 saturation and assisted respiratory support[ 4, 8, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21] Dictum: Operate within 24 hours reduce blood loss and early respiratory rehab to avoid ICU.[12]Is spine fracture an emergency?
cord-331434-2x9m37cw9]Were more and more fractures treated conservatively?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwAll PPE in 2 cases, only extra face shield in one case, only protective clothing in one case and none in one case Did countries segregate COVID patients needing fracture care from non- COVID at entry into a health care facility or did they have different COVID and non- COVID areas in a health center?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwAny objective tool?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwBMJ evidence- based medicine Risk factors for severity and mortality in adult COVID-19 inpatients in Wuhan Is operative delay associated with increased mortality of hip fracture patients?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwShould all in patients be screened and sampled?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwWas there a need for health education by media?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwWas there any screening protocol followed in case of emergency?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwWas there any special PAC advise or preoperative advice?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwWere the patients triaged?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwWhat about sensitivity of HRCT/ Chest CT and RT- PCR, should both be done, do they complement each other?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwWhat major changes have occurred in the epidemiology of fractures in the COVID 19 era?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwWhat was the PPE used?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwWhat were the Rehab protocol/practices?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwWhat were the common modes of injury?
cord-331434-2x9m37cwWhich is a better screening tool in an emergency setting?
cord-331434-2x9m37cw[ 1, 18] Did hospitals have outpatient- fracture clinics?
cord-331434-2x9m37cw[ 1, 5, 6, 12, 15, 17] Were clinical symptoms of COVID different?
cord-331434-2x9m37cw[ 16] Were fractures due to fall more common for the reason of febrile patient's general or systemic weakness?
cord-331434-2x9m37cw[ 4, 13] Which fracture is emergency and to be operated first?
cord-331434-2x9m37cw[ 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13] Did this review consider only emergency trauma surgeries?
cord-354411-4emzxu09The geriatric patient: the ideal one for chest ultrasonography?
cord-354411-4emzxu09The views of a panel of worldwide international experts Proposal for international standardization of the use of lung ultrasound for patients with COVID-19: a simple, quantitative, reproducible method Lung ultrasound findings in a 64-year- old woman with COVID-19 Point- of- Care Lung Ultrasound findings in novel coronavirus disease-19 pnemoniae: a case report and potential applications during COVID-19 outbreak Can lung US help critical care clinicians in the early diagnosis of novel coronavirus( COVID-19) pneumonia?
cord-354411-4emzxu09a report of 1014 cases Diagnosis of the Coronavirus disease( COVID-19): rRT- PCR or CT?
cord-354411-4emzxu09prospective single- blinded observational trial Is bigger really better?
cord-351896-j6h02ab5COVID-19 may induce Guillain- Barré syndrome Guillain- Barré syndrome following COVID-19: new infection, old complication?
cord-351896-j6h02ab5Should we stimulate or suppress immune responses in COVID-19?
cord-351896-j6h02ab5a retrospective multicenter study How to carry out and interpret EEG recordings in COVID-19 patients in ICU?
cord-351896-j6h02ab5causative or coincidental?
cord-351896-j6h02ab5encephalopathy Lessons of the month 1: a case of rhombencephalitis as a rare complication of acute COVID-19 infection Guillain- Barré syndrome associated with SARS- CoV-2 infection: causality or coincidence?
cord-351896-j6h02ab5the fragile balance between infections and autoimmunity Guillain- Barré Syndrome Is COVID-19 a proteiform disease inducing also molecular mimicry phenomena?
cord-353671-xjpzhsupAn analysis of monoclonal antibody distribution in microscopic tumor nodules: consequences of a"binding site barrier A modeling analysis of monoclonal antibody percolation through tumors: a binding- site barrier Plasmapheresis in radioimmunotherapy of micrometastases: a mathematical modeling and dosimetrical analysis Improved tumor imaging and therapy via i.v. IgG- mediated time- sequential modulation of neonatal Fc receptor Biological properties of biotin- chelate conjugates for pretargeted diagnosis and therapy with the avidin/ biotin system Initial approach to separating radionuclide delivery from cancer targeting to reduce haematological toxicity Therapeutic applications of pretargeting Intra- arterial therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma: where do we stand?
cord-353671-xjpzhsupInvitation to participate in a randomized multicenter study Phase 1 study of high- specific- activity I-131 MIBG for metastatic and/or recurrent pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma Prostate- specific membrane antigen: a novel folate hydrolase in human prostatic carcinoma cells Characterization and glutamyl preferring carboxypeptidase function of prostate specific membrane antigen: a novel folate hydrolase Where to next for theranostics in prostate cancer?
cord-353671-xjpzhsupRPT-imaging, dosimetry and treatment planningthat can help guide and optimize patient treatment and that provide an advantage over other cancer therapies versus the more expedient approach of adopting a chemotherapy dosing paradigm?
cord-353671-xjpzhsupThe essential questions for RPT are where does the agent localize and for how long?
cord-353671-xjpzhsupWhy are investors not interested in my radiotracer?
cord-356371-w9ejgzvuHow can we risk allowing the patient to remove the tube?
cord-356371-w9ejgzvuWhat has happened to care during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-356371-w9ejgzvuWhat has happened to care during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-315598-qwh72inxA Missing Link?
cord-315598-qwh72inxAnn Intensive Care Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review and meta- analysis Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Posterior Probability of Mortality Benefit in a Post Hoc Bayesian Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial Surviving Sepsis Campaign International Guidelines for the Management of Septic Shock and Sepsis- Associated Organ Dysfunction in Children Use of ECMO in ARDS: does the EOLIA trial really help?
cord-315598-qwh72inxCOVID-19 pneumonia: ARDS or not?
cord-315598-qwh72inxCOVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatment for different phenotypes?
cord-315598-qwh72inxCan Lung US Help Critical Care Clinicians in the Early Diagnosis of Novel Coronavirus( COVID-19) Pneumonia?
cord-315598-qwh72inxCould Intravenous Immunoglobulin Collected from Recovered Coronavirus Patients Protect against COVID-19 and Strengthen the Immune System of New Patients?
cord-315598-qwh72inxCómo podemos medir la calidad de vida, en los pacientes con COVID-19 que egresan de la uci?
cord-315598-qwh72inxDocumento de Rionegro Surviving Sepsis Campaign: guidelines on the management of critically ill adults with Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) COVID-19 pneumonia: different respiratory treatments for different phenotypes?
cord-315598-qwh72inxDoes COVID19 Infect the Brain?
cord-315598-qwh72inxDoes SARS- Cov-2 invade the brain?
cord-315598-qwh72inxDoes central venous pressure predict fluid responsiveness?
cord-315598-qwh72inxHeart Lung Patient selfproning with high- flow nasal cannula improves oxygenation in COVID-19 pneumonia Expert Recommendations for Tracheal Intubation in Critically ill Patients with Noval Coronavirus Disease Intubation and Ventilation amid the COVID-19 Outbreak: Wuhan's Experience Sedation for critically ill patients with COVID-19: Which specificities?
cord-315598-qwh72inxHow should health systems prepare for the evolving COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-315598-qwh72inxHow will countrybased mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic?
cord-315598-qwh72inxIncidence, clinical course, and outcome in 217 patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome Driving pressure and survival in the acute respiratory distress syndrome Driving pressure: a marker of severity, a safety limit, or a goal for mechanical ventilation?
cord-315598-qwh72inxManagement of COVID-19 Respiratory Distress Stages or phenotypes?
cord-315598-qwh72inxNoninvasive ventilation in acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema Noninvasive Ventilation in Acute Heart Failure Noninvasive ventilation in immunosuppressed patients with pulmonary infiltrates, fever, and acute respiratory failure Is there a role for noninvasive ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-315598-qwh72inxPautas COVID-19 HiSpaFlow) endGEMdTdScAFeA. Respiratory support therapy after extubation: Who and how?
cord-315598-qwh72inxPdlr An international survey of training in adult intensive care medicine Do intensivist staffing patterns influence hospital mortality following ICU admission?
cord-315598-qwh72inxPor qué seguimos buscando métodos alternativos?
cord-315598-qwh72inxRadiography( Lond) Point- of- Care Lung Ultrasound Findings in Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia Cardiovascular Considerations for Patients, Health Care Workers, and Health Systems During the COVID-19 Pandemic D- dimer in patients infected with COVID-19 and suspected pulmonary embolism Anticoagulant treatment is associated with decreased mortality in severe coronavirus disease 2019 patients with coagulopathy Anticoagulation in COVID-19 Procalcitonin to initiate or discontinue antibiotics in acute respiratory tract infections Procalcitonin to Distinguish Viral From Bacterial Pneumonia: A Systematic Review and Meta- analysis Procalcitonin in patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): A meta- analysis Viral load of SARS- CoV-2 in clinical samples Discharge criteria for confirmed COVID-19 cases-When is it safe to discharge COVID-19 cases from the hospital or end home isolation?
cord-315598-qwh72inxThe SARS, MERS and novel coronavirus( COVID-19) epidemics, the newest and biggest global health threats: what lessons have we learned?
cord-315598-qwh72inxUnderestimated Opportunistic Pathogens of the Central Nervous System?
cord-315598-qwh72inxWhat are the effects of multimodal campaigns to improve hand hygiene of healthcare workers?
cord-315598-qwh72inxWill This Hemodynamically Unstable Patient Respond to a Bolus of Intravenous Fluids?
cord-315598-qwh72inxa la bata manga larga con antifluido durante la atención del paciente con COVID-19?
cord-315598-qwh72inxbeneficios en desenlaces clínicos de interés?
cord-315598-qwh72inxconvalescent blood products for Spanish influenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment?
cord-315598-qwh72inxde COVID-19?
cord-315598-qwh72inxwhy, when and how?
cord-355031-l0tj7kp211, 12, 13, 14 Building on these use cases in obstetrics and other specialties, the question arose: Could telehealth be utilized not only as an alternative medium for routine obstetric care, but also as a monitoring strategy for patients with COVID-19?
cord-355031-l0tj7kp2A systematic review of methodologies and patients'adherence Telemonitoring for patients with heart failure Is Telemedicine an Answer to Reducing 30-Day Readmission Rates Post- Acute Myocardial Infarction?
cord-355031-l0tj7kp2COVID-19 infection among asymptomatic and symptomatic pregnant women: Two weeks of confirmed presentations to an affiliated pair of New York City hospitals Virtually perfect?
cord-355031-l0tj7kp2The Future of Outpatient Therapy?
cord-355431-efwuy8p9: weathering the COVID-19 crisis: time for leadership, vigilance, and Unity Cadaveric hands- on training for surgical specialties: is this back to the future for surgical skills development?
cord-355431-efwuy8p9: what is our role in the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-355431-efwuy8p9N95 respirators vs medical masks for preventing influenza among health care personnel: a randomized clinical trial Preparing to perform trauma and Orthopaedic surgery on patients with COVID-19 A review of state guidelines for Elective Orthopaedic procedures during the COVID-19 outbreak What's important: redeployment of the Orthopaedic surgeon during the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives from the trenches Managing resident workforce and education during the COVID-19 of 9 pandemic: evolving strategies and lessons learned How to risk- stratify elective surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-355431-efwuy8p9What to expect from the future?
cord-354720-fu19u2b0: evidence from a meta- analysis Association of cardiac injury with mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China Inhibition of SARS- coronavirus infection in vitro by S- nitroso- N- acetylpenicillamine, a nitric oxide donor compound Clinical and biochemical indexes from 2019-nCoV infected patients linked to viral loads and lung injury Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-354720-fu19u2b0COVID-19 and angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers: what is the evidence?
cord-354720-fu19u2b0Is the prone position helpful during spontaneous breathing in patients with COVID-19?
cord-354720-fu19u2b0The perils of premature phenotyping in COVID: a call for caution Management of COVID-19 respiratory distress Use of non- invasive ventilation for patients with COVID-19: a cause for concern?
cord-354720-fu19u2b0angiotensin receptor blockers have a biphasic effect?
cord-354824-7fdcu2f0Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of sarilumab in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Overview of the IL-1 family in innate inflammation and acquired immunity Personalised immunotherapy for SARS- CoV-2( COVID-19) associated with organ dysfunction Clinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with SARS- CoV-2 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a single- centered, retrospective, observational study Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Clinical characteristics of 140 patients infected with SARS- CoV-2 in Wuhan Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-354824-7fdcu2f0Investigating mechanism of Qingfei Dayuan granules for treatment of COVID-19 based on network pharmacology and molecular docking Study on screening potential traditional Chinese medicines against 2019-nCoV based on Mpro and PLP Chinese herbal medicine for severe acute respiratory syndrome: a systematic review and metaanalysis Traditional Chinese herbal medicine as a source of molecules with antiviral activity Can Chinese medicine be used for prevention of corona virus disease 2019( COVID-19)?
cord-354824-7fdcu2f0The host immune response in respiratory virus infection: balancing virus clearance and immunopathology Groups at higher risk for severe illness Coronavirus and COVID-19: who is at higher risk?
cord-354824-7fdcu2f0Why tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19?
cord-354824-7fdcu2f0identifies potential anti- coronavirus drugs Nitazoxanide, a new drug candidate for the treatment of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus Meta- analysis: convalescent blood products for Spanish influenza pneumonia: a future H5N1 treatment?
cord-356040-qdpkidn8: what is the evidence?
cord-356040-qdpkidn8A call for action Should biologics for psoriasis be interrupted in the era of COVID-19?
cord-356040-qdpkidn8The protective and pathogenic roles of IL-17 in viral infections: friend or foe?
cord-356040-qdpkidn8the epidemic and the challenges COVID-19 and psoriasis: is it time to limit treatment with immunosuppressants?
cord-351555-hsgsuor2-ninth update The novel coronavirus disease( COVID-19) threat for patients with cardiovascular disease and cancer Covid-19 and cancer patients: delving into burning questions Nosocomial infections in patients with cancer Immunological effects of conventional chemotherapy and targeted anticancer agents Are cancer patients at higher risk of death with COVID-19?
cord-351555-hsgsuor2: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-351555-hsgsuor2Are there any specific measures to prevent infection?
cord-351555-hsgsuor2How soon should patients with colon cancer undergo definitive resection?
cord-351555-hsgsuor2Managing COVID-19 in the oncology clinic and avoiding the distraction effect Rischio infettivo da Coronavirus COVID 19: indicazioni per l'Oncologia da parte del Presidente AIOM, del Presidente eletto AIOM, del Presidente CIPOMO e del Presidente COMU Virtually perfect?
cord-351555-hsgsuor2Several suggestion of operation for colorectal cancer under the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 19 in China Cancer care in the time of COVID-19 Clinical guide for the management of cancer patients during the coronavirus pandemic Covid-19 and long term conditions: what if you have cancer, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease?
cord-351555-hsgsuor2Should any specific measures be taken during treatment?
cord-351555-hsgsuor2Some of the questions addressed are the following: Should the cancer patients'management be continued or deferred and under| 3 which conditions?
cord-343877-jzkaee16How generic or patient specific then should the criteria be?
cord-343877-jzkaee16How should doctors decide between us?
cord-343877-jzkaee16How should doctors decide between us?
cord-343877-jzkaee16How, then, should procedural consistency be realised in any local process of triage decision- making endorsed within national guidance?
cord-343877-jzkaee16However, those calling for national guidance in order to provide such consistency need to address an important question: what does consistency demand of doctors and others in this context?
cord-343877-jzkaee16Physicians Covid-19: government guidance on emergency rationing of critical care is needed to support professional decision making COVID-19: where is the National ethical guidance Who gets the ventilator?
cord-343877-jzkaee16Should the decisions of institutional review boards be consistent?
cord-343877-jzkaee16So, should clinical triage criteria be more patient specific?
cord-343877-jzkaee16This scoring system is helpful as a general guide to distinguish classes of patients, but how far can it take us towards distinguishing at the level of individual patients?
cord-343877-jzkaee16What happens if demand for intensive care exceeds the treatment facilities available?
cord-343877-jzkaee16What substantive triage criteria should be used to distinguish between patients and how should they be incorporated into a procedural framework for fair decision- making?
cord-343877-jzkaee16Where is the balance between systems which are too generic and those so precise as to camouflage reality?
cord-343877-jzkaee16Who Should We Treat?
cord-350959-bsbz3a1l: extra caution needed for patients with diabetes Are patients with cancer at higher risk of COVID-19?
cord-350959-bsbz3a1l: what we know?
cord-350959-bsbz3a1lCoronavirus COVID-19 exaggerated threat U.S opinion by gender China: gender distribution of novel coronavirus patients Italy: coronavirus cases distribution by gender Who is getting sick?
cord-350959-bsbz3a1lI Do patients with cancer have a poorer prognosis of COVID-19?
cord-350959-bsbz3a1lInfectious mononucleosis, other infections and prostate- specific antigen concentration as a marker of prostate involvement during infection Evidence for gastrointestinal infection of SARS- CoV-2 Persistence and clearance of viral RNA in 2019 novel coronavirus disease rehabilitation patients Evaluating the effect of time from prostate cancer diagnosis to radical prostatectomy on cancer control: can surgery be postponed safely?
cord-350959-bsbz3a1lSARS- CoV-2 transmission in patients with cancer at a tertiary care hospital in Wuhan, China Immunotherapy for prostate cancer: where we are headed The role of telehealth in the medical response to disasters Virtually perfect?
cord-350959-bsbz3a1lTelemedicine for COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic in South Korea Coronavirus: why did infections shoot up in South Korea?
cord-350959-bsbz3a1la systematic review of the evidence Association of smoking status with recurrence, metastasis, and mortality among patients with localized prostate cancer undergoing prostatectomy or radiotherapy: a systematic review and metaanalysis Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-350959-bsbz3a1lmicromechanics reassemble the signaling machinery of TMPRSS2-ERG positive prostate cancer cells Influenza vaccination and chemotherapy: a shot in the dark?
cord-354658-v451z3jq: what to expect for COVID-19?
cord-354658-v451z3jqHow to approach therapeutic futility for termination?
cord-354658-v451z3jqLeft ventricular distension in veno- arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: From mechanics to therapies Mechanical unloading in heart failure Incidence and implications of left ventricular distention during venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support How small is enough for the left heart decompression cannula during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation?
cord-354658-v451z3jqShould ECMO be considered for COVID-19 patients?
cord-354658-v451z3jqShould ECMO during CPR( E- CPR) be considered for COVID-19 patients?
cord-354658-v451z3jqThe Wuhan coronavirus Real- time tentative assessment of the epidemiological characteristics of novel coronavirus infections in Wuhan, China, as at 22 Epidemiology and cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome( SARS) in Guangdong, people's republic of China, in february Characteristics of and important lessons from the Coronavirus Disease 2019( COVID-19) outbreak in China: Summary of a report of 72 314 cases from the Chinese center for disease control and prevention Structural and functional basis of SARS- CoV-2 entry by using human ACE2 A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Bats: Important reservoir hosts of emerging viruses Probable pangolin origin of 2019-nCoV associated with outbreak of COVID-19 The emergence of a novel coronavirus( SARS- CoV-2), their biology and therapeutic options Structural basis for the recognition of SARS- CoV-2 by full- length human ACE2 Cryo- EM structure of the 2019-nCoV spike in the prefusion conformation Structure of the SARS- CoV-2 spike receptorbinding domain bound to the ACE2 receptor Radiological findings from 81 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in Wuhan, China: A descriptive study COVID-19): A perspective from China COVID-19 Retrospective Study of Chest CTs from China: What is the Relationship to Duration of Infection?
cord-354658-v451z3jqWhat protective measures for the team should be used?
cord-352969-rpt7xja6COVID-19 and calcineurin inhibitors: should they get left out in the storm?
cord-352969-rpt7xja6Clinical characteristics and immunosuppressant management of coronavirus disease 2019 in solid organ transplant recipients Severe COVID-19 in a renal transplant recipient: a focus on pharmacokinetics First case of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient treated with belatacept SARS- CoV-2 cell entry depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and is blocked by a clinically proven protease inhibitor Pharmacologic modulation of ACE2 expression Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-352969-rpt7xja6Renin- angiotensinaldosterone system inhibitors in patients with Covid-19 Post- mortem examination of COVID19 patients reveals diffuse alveolar damage with severe capillary congestion and variegated findings of lungs and other organs suggesting vascular dysfunction Incidence of thrombotic complications in critically ill ICU patients with COVID-19 Where do we stand with antithrombotic prophylaxis in patients with COVID-19?
cord-352969-rpt7xja6Solid organ transplantation programs facing lack of empiric evidence in the COVID-19 pandemic: a by- proxy society recommendation consensus approach Virtually perfect?
cord-352969-rpt7xja6The COVID-19 outbreak in Italy: initial implications for organ transplantation programs Early impact of COVID-19 on transplant center practices and policies in the United States Organ procurement and transplantation during the COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19: a global transplant perspective on successfully navigating a pandemic Use of SARS- CoV-2 infected deceased organ donors: should we always"just say no?
cord-352969-rpt7xja6UNOS website COVID-19-associated nephritis: early warning for disease severity and complications?
cord-352969-rpt7xja6Utilization of deceased donors during a pandemic: argument against using SARS- CoV-2 positive donors What is the appropriate use of laparoscopy over open procedures in the current COVID-19 climate?
cord-352969-rpt7xja6mBio Complement as a target in COVID-19?
cord-355038-o2hr5mox, and practice changes: echo guidance, antibiotic prophylaxis or locks?
cord-355038-o2hr5moxSecond generation catheters?
cord-355038-o2hr5moxTo remedy this requires the implementation of additional hygiene measures: antiseptic showers preoperatively, Chlorhexidine??
cord-355038-o2hr5moxTo remedy this requires the implementation of additional hygiene measures: antiseptic showers preoperatively, Chlorhexidine??
cord-355038-o2hr5moxa possibility for a fast and safe way to deliver treatments in the delivery room?
cord-355038-o2hr5moxcan citrate be avoided using citrate- and calcium- free dialysate( CCF- IHD)?
cord-345371-pjbviagq: Are we asking the right questions?
cord-345371-pjbviagqAn Individual Patient Data Systematic Review Negative impact of hyperglycaemia on tocilizumab therapy in Covid-19 patients Tocilizumab for cytokine storm syndrome in COVID-19 pneumonia: an increased risk for candidemia?
cord-345371-pjbviagqAn Overview of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome- Coronavirus( SARS- CoV) 3CL Protease Inhibitors: Peptidomimetics and Small Molecule Chemotherapy Targeting the Dimerization of the Main Protease of Coronaviruses: A Potential Broad- Spectrum Therapeutic Strategy Old drugs as lead compounds for a new disease?
cord-345371-pjbviagqBaricitinib: a chance to treat COVID-19?
cord-345371-pjbviagqBleeding and Thrombotic Manifestations of SARS- CoV2 Infection COVID-19 and Thrombotic or Thromboembolic Disease: Implications for Prevention, Antithrombotic Therapy, and Follow- up Pulmonary Embolism or Pulmonary Thrombosis in COVID-19?
cord-345371-pjbviagqEnteric involvement of coronaviruses: is faecal- oral transmission of SARS- CoV-2 possible?
cord-345371-pjbviagqIncreased cardiovascular mortality in African Americans with COVID-19 Will Complement Inhibition Be the New Target in Treating COVID-19-Related Systemic Thrombosis?
cord-345371-pjbviagqInhibitory Mechanisms A Trial of Lopinavir- Ritonavir in Adults Hospitalized with Severe Covid-19 Owa Lopinavir/ ritonavir use in Covid-19 infection: is it completely non- beneficial?
cord-345371-pjbviagqIs teicoplanin a complementary treatment option for COVID-19?
cord-345371-pjbviagqTeicoplanin: an alternative drug for the treatment of COVID-19?
cord-345371-pjbviagqThe serine protease inhibitor camostat inhibits influenza virus replication and cytokine production in primary cultures of human tracheal epithelial cells Cardiac arrest caused by nafamostat mesilate Three cases of treatment with Nafamostat in elderly patients with COVID-19 pneumonia who need oxygen therapy Potential new treatment strategies for COVID-19: is there a role for bromhexine as add- on therapy?
cord-345371-pjbviagqWhy Are Lopinavir and Ritonavir Effective against the Newly Emerged Coronavirus 2019?
cord-345371-pjbviagqWhy drugs fail in clinical trials in pulmonary arterial hypertension, and strategies to succeed in the future Increased renal vascular endothelial growth factor and angiopoietins by angiotensin II infusion is mediated by both AT1 and AT2 receptors Angiotensin- I converting enzyme inhibitors as potential anti- angiogenic agents for cancer therapy Our ACE in the HOLE: Justifying the Use of Angiotensin- converting Enzyme Inhibitors as Adjuvants to Standard Chemotherapy Vascular endothelial growth factor( VEGF) in acute lung injury( ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome( ARDS): paradox or paradigm?
cord-345371-pjbviagqWhy tocilizumab could be an effective treatment for severe COVID-19?
cord-354194-hf5ndv5fA comparison of methods to communicate treatment preferences in nursing facilities: traditional practices versus the physician orders for life- sustaining treatment program Family presence during resuscitation after trauma Family presence during trauma resuscitation: ready for primetime?
cord-354194-hf5ndv5fAcute Care Surgery Shared decision making in oncology practice: what do oncologists need to know?
cord-354194-hf5ndv5fCommunication patterns associated with physician discussion of patient expressions of negative emotion in hospital admission encounters Aligning ethics with medical decision- making: the quest for informed patient choice Rethinking informed consent: the case for shared medical decision- making Patients'expectations about effects of chemotherapy for advanced cancer Patients'understanding of treatment goals and disease course and their relationship with optimism, hope, and quality of life: a preliminary study among advanced breast cancer outpatients before receiving palliative treatment Recommendations for end- of- life care in the intensive care unit: a consensus statement by the American College[ corrected] of Critical Care Medicine Family members'perceptions of inpatient palliative care consult services: a qualitative study What constitutes quality of family experience at the end of life?
cord-354194-hf5ndv5fRisk of post- traumatic stress symptoms in family members of intensive care unit patients Substituted judgment: how accurate are proxy predictions?
cord-354194-hf5ndv5fThe costs of waiting: implications of the timing of palliative care consultation among a cohort of decedents at a comprehensive cancer center To operate or not to operate?
cord-354194-hf5ndv5fThe effectiveness of interventions to meet family needs of critically ill patients in an adult intensive care unit: a systematic review update Communication tools for end- of- life decision- making in the intensive care unit: a systematic review and meta- analysis Perspectives on death and dying: a study of resident comfort with end- of- life care Palliative care and surgical training: are we being trained to be unprepared?
cord-354194-hf5ndv5fWhen guiding patients, it is important to explain that a bad injury places them or their loved one at an increased risk of How do clinicians prepare family members for the role of surrogate decision- maker?
cord-354194-hf5ndv5fWhy should I talk about emotion?
cord-349076-x3rjasg0("Who?"), the questions of"When?"and"How much?"remain open.
cord-349076-x3rjasg0("Who?"), the questions of"When?"and"How much?"remain open.
cord-349076-x3rjasg0("Who?"), the questions of"When?"and"How much?"remain open.
cord-349076-x3rjasg0,"When?"and"How Much?"
cord-349076-x3rjasg0,"When?"and"How Much?"
cord-349076-x3rjasg0: Double- edged swords of innate immunity Age is the work of art?
cord-349076-x3rjasg0Can Concurrent Abnormalities in Free Light Chains and Immunoglobulin Concentrations Identify a Target Population for Immunoglobulin Trials in Sepsis?
cord-349076-x3rjasg0Can immune therapies reduce mortality?
cord-349076-x3rjasg0How are T(H)2-type immune responses initiated and amplified?
cord-349076-x3rjasg0The Questions of"Who?"
cord-349076-x3rjasg0Which Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trials in Critical Care Medicine Have Shown Reduced Mortality?
cord-349076-x3rjasg0Why have clinical trials in sepsis failed?
cord-349076-x3rjasg0an effective adjuvant in septic VLBW infants?
cord-335759-io18c6z0( 1) Do you have spiritual or religious concerns?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Concern for family, fear of death and R/ S concerns were the most commonly identified How well did the chaplain respond to your spiritual and emotional concerns on the phone?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Did receiving a phone call with the chaplain scare you?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Did the chaplain spend enough time with you on the phone?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Did the phone call with the chaplain provide enough privacy for you to feel comfortable talking?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Do you remember filling out a survey on a tablet when you were in for your appointment?
cord-335759-io18c6z0How satisfied are patients with the ministry of chaplains?
cord-335759-io18c6z0How satisfied were you with the chaplain's ability to make you feel comfortable on the phone?
cord-335759-io18c6z0How satisfied were you with the chaplain's ability to pray with you on the phone?
cord-335759-io18c6z0How satisfied were you with the chaplain's ability( on the phone) to help you overcome your fears or concerns?
cord-335759-io18c6z0How satisfied were you with the chaplain's ability( on the phone) to help you tap into your inner strengths and resources?
cord-335759-io18c6z0How satisfied were you with the chaplain's ability( on the phone) to provide a referral for other help you needed?
cord-335759-io18c6z0However, short conversations likely do not provide enough time to deeply assess or address patient's R/ S concern(s), as is shown by varied responses to the question"on the phone, did the chaplain help you use your faith, beliefs or values to cope?
cord-335759-io18c6z0If Yes: Can I get your email address?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Is that something you are still dealing with?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Is that something you are still dealing with?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Is there a time that we could meet in person or talk on the phone again?
cord-335759-io18c6z0On the phone did the chaplain seem to care about you?
cord-335759-io18c6z0On the phone, did the chaplain help you use your faith, beliefs or values to cope?
cord-335759-io18c6z0The role of the healthcare chaplain: a literature review Spiritual care in the hospital: who requests it?
cord-335759-io18c6z0These findings are How satisfied were you with the chaplain's ability to really listen to you on the phone?
cord-335759-io18c6z0What do I do?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Who needs it?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Would that be okay with you?
cord-335759-io18c6z0Would you be willing to fill out a quick email survey if we send it to you?
cord-344431-2wq7msqz: why do patients walk- in?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzA multi- state model analysis of a longitudinal study What is the concordance between the medical record and patient self- report as data sources for ambulatory care?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzA study of intermethod reliability Disease or no disease?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzA survey of assessments by walk- in patients and doctors of the urgency level of their encounters at a general emergency outpatient clinic in Oslo Evaluation of symptom checkers for self diagnosis and triage: audit study Self- triage for acute primary care via a smartphone application: practical, safe and efficient?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzDo people self- reporting information about chronic respiratory disease have corroborative evidence in their general practice medical records?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzHow do patientswhether they feature predisposing characteristics for SRW or notreach their decision to consult further"down the road"?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzHow well do network models predict observations?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzInternational perspectives on emergency department crowding Emergency department crowding: a systematic review of causes, consequences and solutions Patients attending emergency departments Why non- urgent patients choose emergency over primary care services?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzNonurgent patients in emergency departments: rational or irresponsible consumers?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzQuestion posed to the participants was"Why did you decide to visit an emergency department with your current complaints?"
cord-344431-2wq7msqzResults of a group consensus study in Germany How to decide adequately?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzWhich hospitalisations are ambulatory care- sensitive, to what degree, and how could the rates be reduced?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzWhy are we waiting?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzWhy do patients with minor or moderate conditions that could be managed in other settings attend the emergency department?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzWhy do people choose emergency and urgent care services?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzasthma episodes and emergency service use Guidelines for choosing between multi- item and single- item scales for construct measurement: a predictive validity perspective Is there an association between social determinants and care dependency risk?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzthe role of low health literacy Is it a matter of urgency?
cord-344431-2wq7msqzwho and why?
cord-324635-27q3nxteAmigos o enemigos?.
cord-324635-27q3nxteAnd the problem arises: What will we humans do then?
cord-324635-27q3nxteAt home?
cord-324635-27q3nxteBy whom are they treated?
cord-324635-27q3nxteDatos estadísticos estatales y por Comunidades Autónomas Ministerio de Sanidad Hallmarks of human"immunosenescence": adaptation or dysregulation?
cord-324635-27q3nxteDoes this matter for the control of infection in the elderly?
cord-324635-27q3nxteFrom an educational point of view?
cord-324635-27q3nxteFrom the legislative- regulatory point of view?
cord-324635-27q3nxteHow do senior citizens'associations deal with this problem?
cord-324635-27q3nxteHow do the problems of the elderly impact on the mainstream media?
cord-324635-27q3nxteHow does the problem of multi- resistance impact on the elderly?
cord-324635-27q3nxteHow does the training of the caregiver affect this?
cord-324635-27q3nxteHow many are there in Spain?
cord-324635-27q3nxteHow many will there be in the near future?
cord-324635-27q3nxteHow should the media contribute to the reduction of infection in the elderly?
cord-324635-27q3nxteHow will you find anything in your old age?
cord-324635-27q3nxteIn hospital?
cord-324635-27q3nxteShould we use antibiotic- loaded bone cement?
cord-324635-27q3nxteTo what extent do you think that infection in the elderly is preventable?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat are the main clinical syndromes of infection in the elderly?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat data exist on the effectiveness of educational measures on the incidence of infection in the elderly?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat do we mean when we talk about the elderly?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat do you do when you are no longer"efficient", at least in the way the economy defines efficiency?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat does infection in the elderly entail in terms of days of hospitalisation, financial expenditure and death?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat ethical aspects would you highlight in all these problems?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat is the administration doing and what can it do to reduce these problems?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat is the role of nursing in managing and reducing infection in the elderly?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat is the workload represented by elderly patients in Hospital Emergency Departments?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat proportion are acquired in nursing homes?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat proportion could be avoided with proper vaccination?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhat proportion of severe infections in the elderly require hospitalisation?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhere do they get these infections?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWhich microorganisms are most common?
cord-324635-27q3nxteWill we have anything to do?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuA united statement of the global chiropractic research community against the pseudoscientific claim that chiropractic care boosts immunity Advice for chiropractors False and misleading advertising on COVID-19 At- risk advertising by Australian chiropractors and physiotherapists Appeal to fear in health care: appropriate or inappropriate?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuCan VS care ever meet the code of conduct standards when it lacks an evidence base and is practitioner- centered?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuCan a patient ever provide informed consent for the removal of an entity( VS) without credible evidence/ reasonable grounds?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuDid the patient authorize the practitioner to perform the procedure?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuDid the patient know that the practitioner would perform the procedure?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuGiven this, is it possible for a subluxation- based practitioner to comply with practice standards?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuHow can a program teaching VS- based care become accredited if their graduates are exposed to negligence in consent liability because of the ideology underpinning the program?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuHow is a practitioner to decide what to disclose?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuImmune function and chiropractic what does the evidence provide?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuImmune function and chiropractic what does the evidence provide?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuIs it possible for a patient to provide informed consent for the removal of an entity without credible evidence?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuIs the practitioner's physical condition a risk factor similar to success rate or post- procedure complications?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuNo Longer Just What the Doctor Ordered?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuSimilarly, where practitioners sell products or services in their clinics, for example orthotics, pillows or radiographic services, is it conceivable that the practitioner has a duty to disclose their training to prescribe products or the availability of reasonable alternatives to the products and services offered?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuThe assessment and correction of vertebral subluxation is central to chiropractic practice: is there a gap in the clinical evidence?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuThe use of internet analytics by a Canadian provincial chiropractic regulator to monitor, evaluate and remediate misleading claims regarding specific health conditions, pregnancy, and COVID-19 Chiropractors falsely claim they can protect patients from coronavirus Davenport: Association for the History of Chiropractic Subluxation: dogma or science?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuThis raises the question: can a patient provide informed consent to receive VS- based care?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuWe will not delve into the quality of these seminars or the claims made about the effectiveness of the techniques, we simply raise the question: Would a reasonable person in a patient's position consider it material to be informed that their practitioner'learned'the proposed technique in a seminar the weekend beforehand?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuWhat is the responsible educative or punitive action for CCEs, chiropractic educators and professional associations, given this knowledge?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuWhat to disclose?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuWould a reasonable person be entitled to know their HCP's reasonable grounds for providing the proposed care?
cord-341591-ib8lsvkuauthors: Simpson, J. Keith; Innes, Stanley title: Informed consent, duty of disclosure and chiropractic: where are we?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5-An updated interim review and lessons from SARS- CoV and MERS- CoV Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5152 pandemic?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g550,153 endotype is associated with severe asthma in obese patients, are obese asthmatic patients more likely to develop severe COVID-19?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5: why might they be hazardous?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment BCG- induced trained immunity: can it offer protection against COVID-19?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5Advice for Healthcare Professionals Treating People with Asthma( adults) in relation to COVID-19 COVID-19 Related Genes in Sputum Cells in Asthma: Relationship to Demographic Features and Corticosteroids Asthma and COVID-19: is asthma a risk factor for severe outcomes?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5Covid-19-Navigating the Uncharted COVID-19, SARS and MERS: are they closely related?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5Exuberant elevation of IP-10, MCP-3 and IL-1ra during SARS- CoV-2 infection is associated with disease severity and fatal outcome Immunosuppression for hyperinflammation in COVID-19: a double- edged sword?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5IgG1(+) B- cell immunity predates IgE responses in epicutaneous sensitization to foods Laundry detergents and detergent residue after rinsing directly disrupt tight junction barrier integrity in human bronchial epithelial cells Emerging concepts and challenges in implementing the exposome paradigm in allergic diseases and asthma: a Practall document Will changes in alcohol and tobacco use be seen during the COVID-19 lockdown?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5Is BCG vaccination affecting the spread and severity of COVID-19?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5Is global BCG vaccination- induced trained immunity relevant to the progression of SARS- CoV-2 pandemic?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5The Multifaceted B Cell Response in Allergen Immunotherapy COVID-19 Autopsies EAACI position paper on how to classify cutaneous manifestations of drug hypersensitivity Lung eosinophils- A novel"virus sink"that is defective in asthma?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5The iceberg of COVID-19: are there asymptomatic cases below the surface?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5These zoonotic beta- coronaviruses share structural and genomic similarities that are useful to patients?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5Twelve Years after Pathogenesis of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Pulmonary Vascular Endothelialitis, Thrombosis, and Angiogenesis in Covid-19 Immunology of COVID-19: mechanisms, clinical outcome, diagnostics and perspectives-a report of the 1 COVID-19 pneumonia: ARDS or not?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5What specific therapies can be suggested for ARDS?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5Which cytokines are most elevated during CSS?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5Will helminth co- infection modulate COVID-19 severity in endemic regions?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5[ 277][ 278][ 279] What is the evidence supporting social distancing and face mask to prevent SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-346539-kxnrf5g5an urgent public health research priority Is ethnicity linked to incidence or outcomes of covid-19?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6DI012: Wikipedia and medicines: who edits medicine articles on the English Wikipedia?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6Does a hospital formulary system impact timely medication administration and quality of inpatient care?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6From those who were treated by TMP/ SMX, following data were collected: age, gender, weight, doses, and indications( probabilistic? documented?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6From those who were treated by TMP/ SMX, following data were collected: age, gender, weight, doses, and indications( probabilistic? documented?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6From those who were treated by carbapenems, PIP/ TAZ or AMX AC, following data were collected: age, gender, weight, doses, indications( probabilistic? documented?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6From those who were treated by carbapenems, PIP/ TAZ or AMX AC, following data were collected: age, gender, weight, doses, indications( probabilistic? documented?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6HP- PC015: Discharged patients: a problem for community pharmacists?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6HP- PC027: QT- prolongation in an acute psychiatric setting: fact or fiction?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6HP- PC068: Are hospital pharmaceutical staff educated on the criticality of thermosensitive drugs?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6HP- PC134: How the centralization of medicines manufacturing enable to generalize the pharmaceutical validation?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6Mapping of the DLQI scores to EQ-5D utility values using ordinal logistic regression and Monte Carlo simulations: is it plausible?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6On the question''What is your general perception of the benefit of the clinical pharmacy service; for collaborating health professionals?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6Personal changes in drug regimen: dangerous for health system?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6The office of access to healthcare: how to optimize secured access to treatments?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6The open questions:''What disadvantages/ advantages have you experienced by the introduction of clinical pharmacist into multidisciplinary teams?''received 153/185 comments respectively.
cord-350571-6tapkjb6The research questions were: When comparing dicloxacillin with other antibiotics commonly used in children,( 1) is there a difference in the age of conversion from liquid to solid formulation and( 2) is there a difference in re- prescription rates on day 1 and 2 after the initial prescription?
cord-350571-6tapkjb6for the patient?''the total benefit was ranked 5.45 and 5.54 respectively( Scale from 0(''no benefit'') to 6(''beneficial to a very large extent'').
cord-318803-xpa49sxtDid anyone ever use force or the threat of force to have sex or physical contact with you against your will?Remind the patient this conversation is privileged; you care about her/ him and are a trusted resource.
cord-318803-xpa49sxtHave you recently returned from the Persian Gulf?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtOn a typical day when you drink, how many drinks do you have? cord-318803-xpa49sxt What is the maximum number of drinks you had on any given day since learning about your deployment( or during deployment)?"ϭ score.
cord-318803-xpa49sxt( WMD)-are we there yet?
cord-318803-xpa49sxt5, 42 Would we be able to differentiate the neurobehavioral effects of brucellosis from the symptoms of PTSD in a returning Gulf warrior?
cord-318803-xpa49sxt71, 109 Are we the health care provider to someone who has a son or daughter, husband or wife, brother or sister, close friend in uniform and in a war zone?
cord-318803-xpa49sxt: is there a sterile cure?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtA random call"how are you doing?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtA statement such as,"how are you( have you) handling your concerns/ anxiety/ fear?"or"some people find that drinking more alcohol, smoking a few more cigarettes, drinking more coffee, or doing drugs like pot help relieves the stresswhich of these has been your approach?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtA statement such as,"how are you( have you) handling your concerns/ anxiety/ fear?"or"some people find that drinking more alcohol, smoking a few more cigarettes, drinking more coffee, or doing drugs like pot help relieves the stresswhich of these has been your approach?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtA---"Have people ANNOYED you by criticizing your drinking?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtAre our practices attuned to the special needs of multiple- prosthetic amputees?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtAre there health effects from depleted uranium and, if so, who do we contact?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtAre veterans seeking veterans affairs'primary care as healthy as those seeking department of defense primary care?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtC---"Have you ever felt that you should CUT down on your drinking?"
cord-318803-xpa49sxtCan TBI be prevented?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtCan we prevent a second'Gulf War Syndrome'?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtConcerns arose within the Veterans Administration and Department of Defense( DoD) whether veterans of Gulf War I have a medical illness of undetermined etiology?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtDo our communities have the resources for returning troops?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtDo we inquire of our patients if they are active, reserve, or former military or in families of a deployed troop?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtExamples include"while you were in the military, did you ever experience any unwanted physical or sexual attention, verbal remarks, touching, or pressure for sexual favors?"
cord-318803-xpa49sxtG---"Have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtGot a support network( friends, family, clergy)?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtHave you heard from( the person in uniform)?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtHow long should we be vigilant for signs and symptoms of malaria from a returning soldier who presents with fever?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtHow many of us in health care have been in the military or in a war zone?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtHow many patients with traumatic amputation have we treated?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtHow would we approach OIF/ OEF patients with diverse symptoms of unrecognized etiologies, and do we have appropriate resources such as a toxicology service?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtI raise the question, will the VA and domestic military health care facilities have the capacity to treat the complex and often highly specialized needs of all the returning troops?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtIf this is the benchmark upon which a society should be judged great or glaringly wanting of moral clarity and direction, what does it say about the U.S. when nearly 25% of the homeless are veterans and that the rate of convergence for recently returning veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, ie, from having a home to becoming homeless, is faster than at any other time in American history?!
cord-318803-xpa49sxtMore severe, even horrific wounds- traumatic amputations, burns, head injuries- are now survivable but at what impact to the survivor and his/ her family?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtMoreover, how familiar are we with the many challenges these people will face- interacting in a"peaceful"society, returning to work"business as usual,"receiving appropriate psychosocial and medical care attuned to the risks and threats of living in the Middle East or other far off lands?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtMost of us imagine the return home to be joyous and fulfilling, will it be if someone has been wounded?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtNeed to talk?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtNow imagine an adolescent who has returned from battle, having seen the horrors of war, only to find his or her job has not been preserved, or medical care- physical or psychological- is beyond reach because of either cost, access, or quality?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtOf concern is CMI, which has yet to be adequately characterized or diagnosed, nor have etiologies been clearly identified; will it become a problem among current or Gulf War II troops?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtOften they smoke non- U.S. cigarettes; what health risks beyond the norm would be expected from smoking local tobacco products?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtOn average, how many days a week do you drink alcohol?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtOr has lost the loved one who was supposed to be waiting at home?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtOr if someone has lost their job?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtOr meeting children who in return are facing a stranger because they were babies when dad( or mom) deployed?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtOr treated a case of Q fever?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtThe Tampa Tribune, Friday Rehabilitation and the long- term outcomes of persons with trauma- related amputations Does the presence of a specialized rehabilitation unit in a Veterans Affairs facility impact referral for rehabilitative care after a lower extremity amputation?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtWhat can we do as physicians to fill the voids?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtWhat does it say when the VA Office of the Inspector General report states that returning veterans are receiving less than optimal care, and must wait an exceedingly long time for such care?!
cord-318803-xpa49sxtWhat is the impact of the Gulf War on families?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtWhat readjustments will those returning face that we can assist as their health care provider? 9, 85 While PTSD is expected, so should substance abuse.
cord-318803-xpa49sxtWhat services- job training, home health, housing, social, and psychological- are available in your community and will they be enough if Gulf War veterans start returning home?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtWhat special needs do/ will they have that we should anticipate and provide?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtWill we diagnose them correctly or will their return be marked by another"Persian Gulf Syndrome?"
cord-318803-xpa49sxtWould we be able to identify intermediate syndrome?
cord-318803-xpa49sxt[ 104] How many of us have seen a case of dengue or leishmaniasis except in a textbook or lecture?
cord-318803-xpa49sxtyou ever had a drink first thing in the morning( an EYE- OPENER) to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?
cord-318803-xpa49sxt•"Do you have family members or friends who are currently in the Persian Gulf?
cord-318803-xpa49sxt•"How are you dealing with their absence?"
cord-318803-xpa49sxt•"How has the war in Iraq or Afghanistan( or name) affected your functioning back here?"
cord-318803-xpa49sxt•"How has your adjustment been back home?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydAny cleaning products used inside or outside the house within the last 48 hours?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydAny construction work or renovation recently?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydAny fertilizers or weed killer used in the last week?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydAny mouse or rat poison in your house, yard, or garage?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydAre there any abnormal postures?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydAre there any characteristic odors on the breath?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydAre there any other abnormal signs that you have seen?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydAre there any pulse deficits or dysrhythmias auscultated?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydAre there any traces of foreign material on the tongue or in the crevices of the teeth or gums?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydAre there petechiae or ecchymosis on the gums or bleeding from the gumline?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDid the owner attempt any irrigation or medical techniques prior to presentation?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDid you give any medications to your animal?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDid you witness the ingestion or exposure?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDid your pet eat this morning or last night?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDo the intestinal loops feel normal, or are they fluid- filled or gas- filled?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDo you have any over- the- counter or prescription medications that your animal may have had access to?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDo you have the container with you today?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDo you hear harsh airway sounds or pulmonary crackles?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDo you observe any ptyalism or attempts to vomit?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDo you think that the signs have been the same, better, or getting worse?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDoes it appear lethargic or hyperactive?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDoes the animal have access to any poisonous substances?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDoes your animal have access to any known toxins, or does he or she run loose unattended?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDoes your animal have any ongoing or past medical problems?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDoes your animal run loose outdoors unattended?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDoes your pet have access to a compost pile?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDoes your pet have access to neighboring properties( even for a short time)?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydDoes your pet run loose unattended?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydFor example, is the patient retaining bicarbonate( metabolic alkalosis) because of carbon dioxide retention( respiratory acidosis)?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHas it changed at all since the owner noticed the problem?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHas there been any gardening work recently?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHas there been any prior incident of ocular disease?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHas your animal been on any medications recently or currently?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHas your animal been vaccinated recently?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHas your animal had any previous or similar episodes?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHas your pet been off your property in the last 24- 48 hours?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHas your pet been to rural areas in the last week?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHas your pet had any antiflea/ tick medication within the last week?Your pet's environment Is your animal kept inside or outside of the house?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHas your pet traveled outside of your immediate geographic location?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHave any known relatives of your animal had any bleeding disorders?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHave similar signs occurred in the past?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHave the signs become better or worse since you first saw them?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHave you changed your radiator fluid or does a car leak antifreeze?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHave you fed table scraps or anything new recently?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHow fast did the clinical signs develop?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHow is the patient acting?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHow long ago do you think that your pet was exposed to the poison?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHow long ago was the exposure?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHow long has the animal been acting that way?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHow much did the animal consume?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydHow soon did other signs develop?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIf so, what?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIf so, when and how much did your animal consume?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIf so, when?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIf so, which?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs abdominal palpation painful?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs it a liquid concentrate, dilute spray, or solid?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs it fast, normal, or slow?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs it moist, dry, bubbling, or frothy, or caked with dirt?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs it normal and pink, or dark red( injected), pale, or icteric?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs it normal, fast, shallow, or labored?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs it synchronous with the heart rate, or are there dropped pulses?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs the animal ambulatory, and if so, do you observe any gait abnormalities?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs the lens clear and is it in the normal position?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs the ocular examination normal?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs the pulse bounding, normal, thready, or not palpable?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there a P wave for every QRS, and a QRS for every P wave?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there a chance that your pet may have gotten into the garbage?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there a palpable urinary bladder?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there any history of trauma or known chemical irritant or exposure?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there any possibility of any toxin exposure?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there any possibility of trauma?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there any vomiting, diarrhea, trembling, or seizures?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there evidence of vomiting or diarrhea?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there excessive salivation?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there respiratory distress?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs there urine production?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs your animal able to walk?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs your animal breathing or does it have respiratory difficulty?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIs your pet kept in a fenced- in yard or allowed to run loose unattended?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydIt is useful to phrase questions in a neutral fashion- for example,"Is such- and- such present on the premises?"
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWas the substance swallowed, or is it on the animal's skin or eyes?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat clinical signs developed?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat do you hear on thoracic auscultation?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the animal's activity level?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the capillary refill time?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the color and consistency of the feces?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the color of the gums or tongue?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the color of the urine?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the mucous membrane color?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the name of the product?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the nature of the bleeding?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the patient's blood pressure?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the patient's electrocardiogram?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the patient's heart rate?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the patient's rectal temperature?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the patient's respiratory character?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the patient's respiratory rate?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the pupil reactivity to light?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the pupil size?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the quality of the femoral pulse?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the sensitivity to light or sound?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is the substance that your animal ingested( was exposed to)?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat is your chief complaint or reason that you brought your animal in on emergency?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat other conditions have developed and what are they?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat sites are affected?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhat was the first abnormal sign noticed?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhen did the signs first start, or when was your animal last normal?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhen did you first notice that something was wrong with your pet?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhen was the animal last seen as normal?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhen was the last time you noticed your pet act normally?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhen was the onset of clinical signs?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhen was the problem first noticed?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhere do you think it happened?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydWhere has your pet been in the last 24 hours?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydif so, where?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydor When was the last time you saw your animal act normally?
cord-026031-hnf5vaydrather than"Could the dog have eaten such- and- such?"
cord-026031-hnf5vaydshe normally fed?
cord-026031-hnf5vayd• How long has the bleeding been going on?