This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
cord-271660-5sfkhg19 | Why is in- hospital diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis delayed in southern Taiwan? |
cord-264560-hxvadp24 | Available online Potential for global spread of a novel coronavirus from Travellers give wings to novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) Impact of international travel and border control measures on the global spread of the novel 2019 coronavirus outbreak The effect of travel restrictions on the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus( COVID-19) outbreak Wuhan novel coronavirus( COVID-19): Why global control is challenging? |
cord-000581-ewx5xhrb | But exactly how wide are these gaps, what are the consequences of the gaps in terms of the pandemic disease burden, and to what extent could these consequences be mitigated by improving resource allocation and mobilization? |
cord-265146-j0n3a4m6 | A recent outbreak of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection in southern China was initiated by two highly homogeneous, geographically separated strains, circulating recombinant form AE and a novel BC recombinant Asia and Africa: on different trajectories? |
cord-256504-odbaubqm | This leads to the question,"are hospital staff suffering from the same magnitude of stress as before? |
cord-279754-95zawygq | : what did we do and what have we learned? |
cord-275510-fotolimq | A quick review of diagnoses, therapies, and vaccines Assessing the application of a pseudovirus system for emerging SARS- CoV-2 and re- emerging avian influenza virus H5 subtypes in vaccine development Is there an association between oral health and severity of COVID-19 complications? |
cord-280403-fcdmbo4c | COVID-19 era: How can public policies make it happen? |
cord-001202-xcrshplk | How Much Does Emergency Department Use Affect the Cost of Medicaid Programs? |
cord-269772-4zrmsw2f | Spatial and temporal analysis of human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus in China Infectivity and transmissibility of H9N2 avian influenza virus in chickens and wild terrestrial birds Infectivity, transmission, and pathology of human- isolated H7N9 influenza virus in ferrets and pigs Emergence in China of human disease due to avian influenza A(H10N8)-cause for concern? |
cord-269772-4zrmsw2f | Why do I need it? |
cord-257917-4496gzdu | The what and why of goal pursuits: human needs and the selfdetermination of behavior Self- Determination Theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well- being Impact of organizational climate on organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance: empirical evidence from public hospitals Who will be there? |
cord-257917-4496gzdu | What are the research needs for the field of disaster nursing? |
cord-030504-442pnl5s | : what's next? |
cord-287739-58fth3xl | Is bloodstream infection preventable among premature infants? |
cord-002322-cy7j31wq | An inactivated enterovirus 71 vaccine in healthy children Efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of an enterovirus 71 vaccine in China Virology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, and control of enterovirus 71 Global epidemiology of enterovirus 71 Human enterovirus 71 epidemics: what's next? |
cord-002322-cy7j31wq | The association between enterovirus 71 infections and meteorological parameters in Taiwan Is hand, foot and mouth disease associated with meteorological parameters? |
cord-019032-vdiaexbw | In Water: At What Cost? |
cord-001169-6sfleb1b | Taiwan Enterovirus Epidemic Working Group Non- polio enteroviruses in acute flaccid paralysis children of India: vital assessment before polio eradication Transmission and clinical features of enterovirus 71 infections in household contacts in Taiwan Enterovirus 71 vaccine: when will it be available? |
cord-001169-6sfleb1b | The question is, what are the important epidemiological characteristics that will be helpful in surveillance of EV-71 to minimize the severity of future epidemics? |
cord-268370-kfjujs4z | Will the SARS epidemic recur? |
cord-290257-2u228xe9 | Why did public health nurses lack confidence in implementing the anti- SARS program? |
cord-262646-64ldtrjf | : when is an exposed individual known to be disease free? |
cord-262646-64ldtrjf | How complete and accurate is meningococcal disease notification? |
cord-023837-kenstpja | In Water: At What Cost? |
cord-276197-gmx1p71j | Does empirical treatment of community- acquired pneumonia with fluoroquinolones delay tuberculosis treatment and result in fluoroquinolone resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis? |
cord-285804-lyj9tua8 | Accessed Personal protective equipment management integrated research plan? |
cord-285804-lyj9tua8 | Pandemic readiness and response plan for influenza and other acute respiratory diseases Management of the National Medical Stockpile? |
cord-285804-lyj9tua8 | Severe acute respiratory syndrome- Taiwan SARS in healthcare facilities Study on rational inventory level and supply chain model of national material stocks for the infectious disease with focus on personal protection equipment? |
cord-290119-2yao5a80 | : does an advanced life support service make a difference? |
cord-268278-owmcxq9e | Associating emergency room visits with first and prolonged extreme temperature event in Taiwan: a population- based cohort study Ambient temperature and morbidity: a review of epidemiological evidence Is the association between temperature and mortality modified by age, gender and socio- economic status? |
cord-268278-owmcxq9e | Do biometeorological indices improve modeling outcomes of heat- related mortality? |
cord-268278-owmcxq9e | What measure of temperature is the best predictor of mortality? |
cord-268278-owmcxq9e | how hot is too hot? |
cord-343634-ybouh0cw | If we add in the factor that there was a"lack of large scale tests"in Taiwan, such good fortune begs a question: does a higher proportion of Taiwanese have an"antibody"in the first place? |
cord-273291-75j2axjd | An integrated model to evaluate water- energyfood nexus at a household scale Demand side management policies for residential water use: who bears the conservation burden? |
cord-273291-75j2axjd | Results from a meta- analysis Average Water Price Loading in the World Demand- side management policies for residential water use: who bares the conservation burden? |
cord-273291-75j2axjd | The Social Organization of Normality Energy consumptions and associated greenhouse gas emissions in operation phases of urban water reuse systems in Korea Domestic water supply, residential water use bahaviour, and household willingness to pay: the case of Banda Aceh, Indonesia after ten years since the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami What are households willing to pay for improved water access? |
cord-317093-c70c1op4 | What does a one- month free bus ticket do to habitual drivers? |
cord-023510-gd4phncm | Can a significant discriminant function be developed to interpret the differences between respondents who did and did not visit theme parks during the SARS outbreak period in Taiwan on the basis of their personal characteristics? |
cord-023510-gd4phncm | How accurately can respondents be classified into the two categories by the developed discriminant function? |
cord-023510-gd4phncm | What marketing implications can be derived from theme park visitors'different patronage decisions in response to the SARS outbreak? |
cord-023510-gd4phncm | Which characteristics contribute to most of the inter- group differences? |
cord-303528-4myoqms8 | Why so? |
cord-303528-4myoqms8 | if Beijing continues to impose embargo against Taiwan's proposal to host TWG or GE meetings within the Track Two framework of SCS Workshop?[ 23]. |
cord-331123-8e1fkafa | First experience Inflammation in deep vein thrombosis: a therapeutic target? |
cord-326924-4h4q9h02 | How important is vertical transmission in mosquitoes for the persistence of dengue? |
cord-294452-432t0q7w | : what were the initial effects? |
cord-294452-432t0q7w | An algorithmic approach Evaluation of prolonged and recurrent unexplained fevers Fever of unknown origin Etiology and resource use of fever of unknown origin in hospitalized children Fever of unknown origin: a retrospective review of pediatric patients from an urban Does universal health insurance make health care unaffordable? |
cord-294452-432t0q7w | Clinical analysis of fever of unknown origin in children: a 10-year experience in a northern Taiwan medical center Fever of unknown origin or fever of too many origins? |
cord-333976-zhiuuwv1 | WHO Report of the Ebola interim assessment panel Will Ebola change the game? |
cord-288510-v90jryi2 | The economic import of local sport events: significant, limited or otherwise? |
cord-288510-v90jryi2 | The face- to- face interview adopted the semi- structured format and two main questions were raised:"Is the hosting of the World Games beneficial to the hotel business?" |
cord-288510-v90jryi2 | The operating report of international tourist hotels in Taiwan Monthly report on hotel operations in Taiwan Mega- events and impacts on tourism; the predictions and realities of the Lillehammer Olympics Underestimated costs and overestimated benefits? |
cord-288510-v90jryi2 | and"What is the importance of the World Games on future tourism development in Kaohsiung City?". |
cord-355280-l8pbw4ry | What is energy efficiency? |
cord-272838-wjapj65w | ( Accessed Why tourism? |
cord-272838-wjapj65w | How are jobs and ecosystem services linked at the local scale? |
cord-272838-wjapj65w | Pei- Ing title: The effect of China's open- door tourism policy on Taiwan: Promoting or suppressing tourism from other countries to Taiwan? |
cord-272838-wjapj65w | Why tourism? |
cord-286274-1tb3uha2 | Does corporate growth really matter in the restaurant industry? |
cord-286274-1tb3uha2 | Is the tourism- led growth hypothesis valid for Turkey? |
cord-286274-1tb3uha2 | Why is there a home bias? |
cord-022316-mh4pslnv | China Peace over the Taiwan Strait? |
cord-022316-mh4pslnv | How do the main tourist markets see the safety and security situation in China, and how do they perceive it as a tourist destination? |
cord-022316-mh4pslnv | What are the main factors regarding safety and security affecting the tourism industry? |
cord-022316-mh4pslnv | What factors have caused disruptions in tourism growth? |
cord-022316-mh4pslnv | What might be the implications of those issues for destinations? |
cord-022316-mh4pslnv | Why did the SARS outbreak have such a repercussion on China's tourism sector? |
cord-354780-yzyixucr | The SARS, MERS and novel coronavirus( COVID-19) epidemics, the newest and biggest global health threats: what lessons have we learned? |
cord-306259-vi997dms | : what are the key issues? |
cord-306259-vi997dms | How prepared is Europe for pandemic influenza? |
cord-293403-o1i999hy | Doctors in a wired world: can professionalism survive connectivity? |
cord-293403-o1i999hy | How will the Internet change our health system? |
cord-293403-o1i999hy | The impact of cyberhealthcare on the physician- patient relationship E- health: transforming the physician/ patient relationship Health care web sites: are they reliable? |
cord-337546-60xq8dpg | ,"Taiwan's Coronavirus Response Hits Obstacles Set by Chinese Government?, |
cord-337546-60xq8dpg | How do great powers utilize economic and social instruments to coerce the other countries? |
cord-337546-60xq8dpg | What Is'Sharp Power'? |
cord-333225-654rd38j | What other measures did Taiwanese public do with additional contributions to the significant reduction of severe influenza burden, invasive S. pneumoniae disease activity and the death toll from pneumonia? |
cord-333225-654rd38j | Why Taiwan could effectively contain the COVID-19 outbreak? |
cord-342157-qjyooq68 | Internaltional notes dengue type 3 infection-Nicaragua and Panama Cities spawn epidemic dengue viruses Disease exacerbation caused by sequential dengue infections: myth or reality? |
cord-342157-qjyooq68 | This raises an important question: Is the introduction of different DENV genotypes in disparate geographical locations a result of sequence differences outside of the E gene altering their epidemic potential, or it is simply a stochastic event in viral evolution? |
cord-324798-qh0cxp10 | In the context of endof- life decision- making, the following question is especially important: who should make, or contribute to, decisions, when patients with dementia who lack family or close friends are unable to make treatment decisions for themselves? |
cord-324798-qh0cxp10 | What is the Mental Capacity Act 2005? |
cord-324798-qh0cxp10 | What is the new Independent Mental Capacity Advocate service and how does it work? |
cord-324798-qh0cxp10 | Which factors have the greatest influence on bereaved families'willingness to execute advance directives in Taiwan? |
cord-033204-v17d98c9 | Amid high uncertainty, how to make collective sense of this crisis as a society? |
cord-033204-v17d98c9 | Here's the difference between asymptomatic and pre- symptomatic spread The secrete behind 8.5 times of mask production in 3 months: How did Taiwan do it? |
cord-033204-v17d98c9 | How do the public perceive the risks? |
cord-033204-v17d98c9 | Room for industrial upgrade? |
cord-033204-v17d98c9 | That is, how to cope with the uncertainty brought by or embedded in this crisis? |
cord-033204-v17d98c9 | There is obviously huge demand for facemasks during this crisis, but why is n't there corresponding supply? |
cord-033204-v17d98c9 | What are the lessons policymakers can learn from Taiwan's experience? |
cord-033204-v17d98c9 | What explains Taiwan's success? |
cord-033204-v17d98c9 | Why ca n't other countries mass- produce facemasks like Taiwan does? |
cord-033204-v17d98c9 | is privacy respected? |
cord-344813-dlpn3l0j | Is it not important to have an outpatient visit along with telephone consultation? |
cord-344813-dlpn3l0j | Is there any other communication option aside from calling our families? |
cord-344813-dlpn3l0j | Moreover, there are several unresolved issues: How do we restore our daily life? |
cord-269723-gm65p1op | Are we facing a crashing wave of neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID-19? |
cord-269723-gm65p1op | Covid-19? |
cord-269723-gm65p1op | Front Are chronic periodontitis and gingivitis associated with dementia? |
cord-269723-gm65p1op | Neurología( English Edition Long- term psychological and occupational effects of providing hospital healthcare during SARS outbreak Taiwan's healthcare report 2010 Is weight control surgery associated with increased risk of newly onset psychiatric disorders? |
cord-269723-gm65p1op | a nationwide cohort study Are Anticholinergic medications associated with increased risk of dementia and behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia? |
cord-269723-gm65p1op | suicide and the psychological undercurrent of COVID-19 Elderly suicide and the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome( SARS) outbreaks on the use of emergency department medical resources Factors associated with psychosis among patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome: a case- control study Coping responses of emergency physicians and nurses to the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak Impact of SARS- CoV-2 infection on neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases: a delayed pandemic? |
cord-269723-gm65p1op | title: What could we learn from SARS when facing the mental health issues related to the COVID-19 outbreak? |
cord-322451-cwpz4akv | As those scary stories are repeated numerous times among HCWs, can medical ethics overcome their emotions? |
cord-322451-cwpz4akv | Can someone who makes an involuntary sacrifice be called as a hero? |
cord-322451-cwpz4akv | Could we expect nurses who were called when they are needed and paid by working hour to devote themselves to the full professional code and make all efforts when their life is threatened? |
cord-322451-cwpz4akv | Does the accepted norm of responsibility mean they must put their own lives at risk? |
cord-322451-cwpz4akv | However, could we regard the HCW as a soldier in an army, as quoted in a China Daily report? |
cord-322451-cwpz4akv | What have we experienced and learned from the outbreak of SARS in Beijing? |
cord-322451-cwpz4akv | Will the public accept a health professional to exercise their right to remain off the job in this critical moment? |
cord-289378-ghmqd3yv | For this study, the four questions were modified to evaluate the self- rated physical and psychological health of the respondent compared with those of other people before the COVID-19 outbreak and during the week before filling out the questionnaire("How is the state of your physical/ psychological health compared with other people before the COVID-19 pandemic/ in the recent week?"). |
cord-289378-ghmqd3yv | For this study, the four questions were modified to evaluate the self- rated physical and psychological health of the respondent compared with those of other people before the COVID-19 outbreak and during the week before filling out the questionnaire("How is the state of your physical/ psychological health compared with other people before the COVID-19 pandemic/ in the recent week?"). |
cord-289378-ghmqd3yv | The four cognitive constructs included perceived relative susceptibility to COVID-19("What do you think are your chances of contracting COVID-19 over the next 1 month compared with others outside your family?"), perceived severity of COVID-19 relative to SARS("How serious is COVID-19 relative to SARS?"), sufficiency of knowledge and information about COVID-19("Do you think you have sufficient knowledge and information on COVID-19?"), and perceived self- confidence in coping with COVID-19("How confident are you that you can cope well with COVID-19?"). |
cord-289378-ghmqd3yv | The four cognitive constructs included perceived relative susceptibility to COVID-19("What do you think are your chances of contracting COVID-19 over the next 1 month compared with others outside your family?"), perceived severity of COVID-19 relative to SARS("How serious is COVID-19 relative to SARS?"), sufficiency of knowledge and information about COVID-19("Do you think you have sufficient knowledge and information on COVID-19?"), and perceived self- confidence in coping with COVID-19("How confident are you that you can cope well with COVID-19?"). |
cord-289378-ghmqd3yv | The four cognitive constructs included perceived relative susceptibility to COVID-19("What do you think are your chances of contracting COVID-19 over the next 1 month compared with others outside your family?"), perceived severity of COVID-19 relative to SARS("How serious is COVID-19 relative to SARS?"), sufficiency of knowledge and information about COVID-19("Do you think you have sufficient knowledge and information on COVID-19?"), and perceived self- confidence in coping with COVID-19("How confident are you that you can cope well with COVID-19?"). |
cord-289378-ghmqd3yv | The four cognitive constructs included perceived relative susceptibility to COVID-19("What do you think are your chances of contracting COVID-19 over the next 1 month compared with others outside your family?"), perceived severity of COVID-19 relative to SARS("How serious is COVID-19 relative to SARS?"), sufficiency of knowledge and information about COVID-19("Do you think you have sufficient knowledge and information on COVID-19?"), and perceived self- confidence in coping with COVID-19("How confident are you that you can cope well with COVID-19?"). |
cord-289378-ghmqd3yv | Three questions developed in the study of Tardy[ 38] were used to assess the levels of perceived social support from families, friends, and colleagues during the preceding week("In the past 7 days, were you satisfied with the support from your( 1) family,( 2) friends, and( 3) colleagues or classmates?). |
cord-289378-ghmqd3yv | Two questions adopted from the revised 5-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale were used to assess sleep problems("In the past week, did you have sleep problems?") and suicidal ideation("In the past week, did you ever have suicidal thoughts?") |
cord-289378-ghmqd3yv | Two questions adopted from the revised 5-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale were used to assess sleep problems("In the past week, did you have sleep problems?") and suicidal ideation("In the past week, did you ever have suicidal thoughts?") |
cord-289378-ghmqd3yv | We assessed whether the participants avoided crowded places, washed their hands more often, or wore a mask more often in the preceding week to protect themselves from contracting COVID-19("In the past week, did you( 1) avoid going to crowded places,( 2) wash your hands more often, and( 3) wear a mask more often?") |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | An influenza epicentre? |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | Can we say that birdwatchers take the perspectives of threatened wild birds as virologists take the perspective of poultry infected with flu viruses? |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | Cultural Anthropology website Pourquoi la fiction? |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | He asks: how do participants come to believe in a series of speeches and actions-the novice's death and the goat's consent to sacrifice-that are obviously false? |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | How do humans in charge of the protection of animals cope with the oppositions we have seen in reverse scenarios of pandemics? |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | How does preparedness transform relations between humans and birds? |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | How does the description of animals as victims of disasters transform them into actors of simulations( Keck& Ticktin 2015)? |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | The main question, according to Mr Wong, was:'If there are 200 casualties in one hospital, which resources do they need?' |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | What does it mean for a simulation to be realistic? |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | What does it mean to include birds, and more generally animals, in exercises simulating coming disasters? |
cord-253111-n5ywei4t | Who thought of the blood- stained old woman with the birdcage? |
cord-318336-hslnkv6p | Aware Enough? |
cord-318336-hslnkv6p | Do you feel developing a resilient community and building capacity is necessary? |
cord-318336-hslnkv6p | Has your community built a feasible action plan after the workshop? |
cord-318336-hslnkv6p | Is retraining necessary for the community? |
cord-318336-hslnkv6p | Q1: Do you understand the disaster risk of your community after the workshop? |
cord-318336-hslnkv6p | Q4: Do you understand the tasks of the response team? |
cord-318336-hslnkv6p | Q5: Are you willing to become a member of the response team? |
cord-318336-hslnkv6p | Q6: Have you learned basic medical skills and been capable of performing it when necessary? |
cord-318336-hslnkv6p | Q7: Have you learned the fire- fighting skills and been capable of performing it when necessary? |
cord-340889-ff35696d | Second, change in sexual activity was asked about inCompared with that before the COVID-19 outbreak, how has your sexual activity changed in the past 1 month?"Third, change in sex- seeking activity was asked about in"Compared with that before the COVID-19 outbreak, how has your sex- seeking activity, such as using dating apps or visiting a sex worker, changed in the past 1 month? |
cord-340889-ff35696d | Second, change in sexual activity was asked about inCompared with that before the COVID-19 outbreak, how has your sexual activity changed in the past 1 month?"Third, change in sex- seeking activity was asked about in"Compared with that before the COVID-19 outbreak, how has your sex- seeking activity, such as using dating apps or visiting a sex worker, changed in the past 1 month? |
cord-340889-ff35696d | : Who will be the high- risk group? |
cord-340889-ff35696d | Compared with that before the COVID-19 outbreak, how has your satisfaction with sex life changed in the past 1 month? |
cord-340889-ff35696d | Compared with that before the COVID-19 outbreak, how has your use of protection during sex, such as wearing a condom or taking pre- exposure prophylaxis, changed in the past 1 month? |
cord-340889-ff35696d | In the past 1 week, have you ever worried about getting COVID-19? |
cord-340889-ff35696d | The fifth question was"What do you think are your chances of getting COVID-19 over the next 1 month compared with others outside your family?" |
cord-340889-ff35696d | The fourth question was"How likely do you think it is that you will contract COVID-19?" |
cord-340889-ff35696d | The vision of the east and the west Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on female sexual behavior Does COVID-19 pandemic affect sexual behaviour? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | What is my optimal best? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | A Strategic Solution Focused Approach Essays on Indian Philosophy Theology and spirituality: strangers, rivals, or partners? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | An interesting question that is often asked within the context of life education is the following: What is life? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | Are immortality and the notion of transcendence beyond death a possibility? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | For example, as a question for consideration, would a two- group experimental design( e.g., control group vs. experimental group) be the course for usage in terms of validating the negative impact of cognitive load imposition( Sweller et al., 2011; Sweller, 2012)? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | For us, as scholars, we have a collective interest to seek understanding into the proactivity of human agency- for example, does having a positive mindset assist a person to flourish, and/or to cope with an impending health problem? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How can a person overcome grief and accept that a close relative has moved on from this physical world? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How can life education assist individuals to appreciate their sense of self- worth? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How can life education negate a person's perception of life dissatisfaction? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How does life education complement a person's emphasis on a need to have financial wealth? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How does life education, from the perspective of Taiwanese education, fit in with the teaching of positive psychology? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How does life wisdom assist a person in his daily functioning? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How does one approach death? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How does the subject of life education, from the perspective of Taiwanese education, support and/or coincide with the theoretical tenets of positive psychology? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How does this convergence point, in particular, assist a person to appreciate, value, and/or understand the true meaning of life? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How would positive psychology and, more importantly, a person's holistic self- address this fundamental topic? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | How would we scientifically determine whether this notion of postdeath experience is plausible? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | Importantly, however, Phan and his colleagues'research work of optimal best is seminal and innovative for their emphasis on the process of optimization- that is, what is it that governs and causes a person to achieve optimal best? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | In a similar vein, in a non- academic sense, what could we do to cultivate optimal health? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | In terms of schooling, for example, what is it that could encourage a student to strife for optimal best in gymnastic? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | In this sense, is it plausible for us to establish some form of"convergence"in terms of commonalities of theoretical understanding between, say, Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | Is this feat of developing a unified model possible, and/or can we develop a theoretical model of human agency( e.g., a person's achievement of optimal best in a particular domain of functioning) that could successfully take into account different philosophical beliefs, religious faiths, theoretical perspectives, etc.? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | Overall, then, what is the main premise of our conceptual analysis article and, more importantly, our proposition? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | The wisdom of life: It is important for a person, from birth to death, to continuously reflect on his/ her acquired knowledge and experiences, which could help refine understanding into the meaning of life wisdom( e.g.,"Why is it important for us, as a nation, to offer free health care?"). |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | What do the characteristics, or"virtues,"in Table 1, as we conceptualize, actually represent? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | What( and why) is positive psychology? |
cord-296752-jvhgrsbm | and/or the close relative who is experiencing the onset of grief, etc.? |