
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
work_6deeimjrfve7bpjcc77u45bodeDo you think your match is made in heaven?
work_6usyt4f6c5cmfa6tctfemo6bwy), “ Fragment, montage- démontage, collage- décollage, la défection de l’œuvre? ”, coll.
work_azsquoo4ybddhh7wob4bwhhqhyKadın İmgesi Nedir?
work_bmexjj4vujemdjpthmsprsijoyHow to introduce larger forces from one plane into another?
work_bqtjrjgjyrhfpe4y2deciwefweThe invention of immersion ultramicroscopy in 1912—the birth of nanotechnology?
work_diomb2b5bbd2pdxmgmq53tz5zqThe Relationship Between Drawing Skill and Artistic Creativity: Do Age And Artistic Involvement Make A Difference?
work_ehgnuefj2vax5alozv2g62fsbiCoulehan J. What ’s in your library? S13 Why Should We Perform Endoscopic Spine Surgery?
work_esn2t2exvzcyjjc3wwil4pmmqqYes, but what about humans?
work_fleg652s6jgwzcv6guvc4zznymIs cervical stabilization for all cases of Chiari- I malformation an overkill?
work_fmly3h4b5zf7xh2ik6p6tcyzcq“ Seder- Masochism: Why Is This Film Different from All Other Films? ” Animation World Network: 2018.
work_frs2bdylpfhg5mpm2xkpmwapjyDoes abstract art convey information?
work_fwpygjl5sjgubcwonytnssqlkaDeMets, Surrogate end points in clini- cal trials: Are we being misled?
work_4jhqdkodsjckxizg53wwrgacfeWill these monuments now better maintained?
work_5t3fcd4q7rbdbalywgezqd3bqmWhat is ekphrasis for?.
work_7l3qfqdo5ze2zlbrkyy723wyo4Biegl T: Glücklich singen – singend glücklich?
work_7l3qfqdo5ze2zlbrkyy723wyo4Migraine or epilepsy?
work_efwj4bfogvfmpmkvb46xfmczpaHow I do it?
work_efwj4bfogvfmpmkvb46xfmczpaIs biportal technique/ en- doscopic spinal surgery satisfactory for lumbar spinal steno- sis patients?
work_jqkxghsxcvfrvniurk27t4wp4eShe is author of numerous publications, including Art brut: une avant- garde en moins?
work_atyd6nwgdjf6ja4fsan6pzkt2uLevy Medicine 2018 View 2 excerpts, cites background Save Alert Research Feed Stressing diets?
work_k2mgugqiorgfdjzpg4ipsnmi3mQuestion: Which image in each pair gives more essential information about the content for each given pair?
work_bdgouxk4a5fqve3cmyifkucwraPicasso, matisse, or a fake?
work_bdgouxk4a5fqve3cmyifkucwraWhat is the future ahead of us?
work_f2vnr4iplva3zihzjrrgavei4aRemission versus response as the goal of therapy in ADHD: a new standard for the field?
work_f2vnr4iplva3zihzjrrgavei4a역사 속 유명인사 중에 ADHD가 있었을까?
work_kuaoa5c4sfctlhk7bmh43nbq6iHow many words are in the English language( 9)?
work_cejwynuejrck7ewoii7hr5u3fqThe main problems are not technical, but social: how should external user annotations be handled?
work_ei2yosg36jalpgn2ovojz2rg6yAre the elevated levels of high- melting- point fatty acids in PG the direct cause of the damage and death of fab1 plants at 2 � C?
work_ei2yosg36jalpgn2ovojz2rg6ypp900196 803.. 804 On the Inside Trichomes: The Source of Heavy Metal in Tobacco Smoke?
work_lse663omxjdw7h6woe6hmbdz3e( 2010) Practice Based Research in Art& Design, Why Not?
work_fkvz7epx5ja2ldt7i3izxt7bh4The main problems are not technical, but social: how should external user annotations be handled?
work_mfod347e5bbr5kx5qvnxg6j47iBarbara Kiser The Fate of Food Amanda Little HarmoNy( 2019) As Earth ’s human population tips towards 8 billion, is our food system up to it?
work_mevee444jbcu5j3f4ubuafejsmThe question remains, how- ever, where does one locate ‘ ‘ the real ’ ’ in any text?
work_2uaef3obkzen3lul7dq2vcoumqBut after all, what are the objective criteria that led the critic to assign that work an uncertain status?
work_3z72acm7rfejdhsqoszi5krx5iPerceptual events that are stored in episodic memory are encoded in terms of their perceptible( imaginal?)
work_46wmz2hmybd3bp23vpzkxqofpiGoetzmann, W. “ How costly is the fall from fashion?
work_46wmz2hmybd3bp23vpzkxqofpi“ Follow your heart?
work_hk57jvs5mjcx3e6ht26gqlpxlqWhat is an ontology?
work_hk57jvs5mjcx3e6ht26gqlpxlqWhere to publish and find ontologies?
work_mkpr3g5edbalhh3vgk63lcrkc4In summary, the papers I could read are excellent examples of the ongoing technical evo- lution( revolution?)
work_mx3ruyzhjbfjdlmnht3u3gdurmWarhol kendi sözleriyle bu tespiti onaylar “ Resimlerimi neden böyle yapıyorum?
work_ilaebg6jyzg6nkbnfyyb4aaspaSo where is this fourth dimension?
work_jl3ufvuuwzacbac4s4k4slx7miAfter all, was not he completing a mural for Henry Ford in Detroit?
work_jl3ufvuuwzacbac4s4k4slx7miHas not everything about that incident already been said and written?
work_jum53bzee5e4hg6h6rxwidrbvyBABACAN, İ., 1997, “ Karel Appel ”, Eczacıbaşı Ansiklopedisi 1, YEM Yayın, İstanbul BARRET, T., 2015, Neden Bu Sanat?
work_lnr722a3cfea7kj5vb4ui3kjiqIs it because we recognise a quality or motif about them that, even if we are not aware and can not name it, evokes these responses?
work_ktpw4hxc2bgeblqj5a6q5iihsiWhat is interesting?
work_pg3id7st2baafambphu7s3ainyWhy Stylistic Approach Is an Appropriate Approach to Teach Poetry?
work_pgtewhhqxbdrfjm6zvibbvoy2eBarbara Kiser The Fate of Food Amanda Little HarmoNy( 2019) As Earth ’s human population tips towards 8 billion, is our food system up to it?
work_prixtkgelrflrkkrwooubqxpzyWill he meld abstraction with land- scapes and portraits whether collaged or not?
work_pkug7h2nyjdk5mlfhzrbmt4qyyDans sa communication intitulée Colloque « Gertrude Stein et les Arts » Transatlantica, 2| 2011 1 « Stein and the Arts: What is the Question?
work_2rqzebt6erhspbnlqq2qb7g62eQu- est- ce- que … le Cubisme?
work_2rqzebt6erhspbnlqq2qb7g62eYet are we sure about that?
work_gfkqjgisvzavfhm46wm4an4feqColor Symbolism in Literature: What Do Colors Mean in Literature and Poetry?
work_gfkqjgisvzavfhm46wm4an4feqDoes Gender Influence Colour Choice in the Treatment of Visual Stress?
work_4zhhjnhvgzc7hil6njyeq6ma7yApuzzo MLJ, Liu CY: Honored guest presentation: Quid novi?
work_4zhhjnhvgzc7hil6njyeq6ma7yA’Hearn MF: Whence comets?
work_4zhhjnhvgzc7hil6njyeq6ma7yGiven its form and content, would this have been cre- ated or accepted 100, 75, or even 50 years ago?
work_4zhhjnhvgzc7hil6njyeq6ma7yWhat area of endeavor will follow molecular biology as a seminal innovative concept?
work_qqlqdxgsgbhepi3z6uhq33ra5yWhen is artification?.
work_icywckx4abdipdz4f5t67x7ipuIs the thinking that produced the general theory of relativity fundamentally distinct from that which created a painting like Guernica? ”( p. xxx).
work_icywckx4abdipdz4f5t67x7ipuOr must we draw the contrary conclusion that there is no such thing as a “ one- size- fits- all ” creative process?
work_icywckx4abdipdz4f5t67x7ipuThese are framed as questions, including, “ Is the creative thought of an Albert Einstein comparable with that of a Pablo Picasso?
work_i7i4jsienzdctn4kuemqhvmccuA history( of design?
work_i7i4jsienzdctn4kuemqhvmccuof cinema?
work_7b6553qcubbwrotiug55rlunuqIs it worth mentioning the relevance of chimeras in modern realities?
work_7b6553qcubbwrotiug55rlunuqMeanwhile, let ’s ask a professional question: how far is, for example, Ernst Fuchs ’s “ mag- ical realism ” from the surrealistic basis?
work_7b6553qcubbwrotiug55rlunuqСтоит ли упоминать об актуаль- ности химер в современных реалиях?
work_77b2fbbsl5abdno4o2bg2jzyiqEbből kiindulva felteszi a kérdést: vajon a vizuális metaforák valójában vizualitásba burkolózott nyelvi metaforák?
work_77b2fbbsl5abdno4o2bg2jzyiqPeacocke, C.( 2001): Does Perception Have a Nonconceptual Content?
work_77b2fbbsl5abdno4o2bg2jzyiqTalán … végtelenül szomorú évszak lesz belőle?
work_77b2fbbsl5abdno4o2bg2jzyiqUgyanez érvényes Alterman „ elgyötört/ vigasztalan ősz ” szóképére: az ősz átváltozik – de mivé?
work_a4abbpbgbffh7fq4yrnamnf2hmA tango,says Larionov,"get it?
work_a4abbpbgbffh7fq4yrnamnf2hmWhat''s that? work_a4abbpbgbffh7fq4yrnamnf2hm ?/Our guys have arrived.
work_a4abbpbgbffh7fq4yrnamnf2hmFi, fa, fu Vot!?
work_ajo2gm5whvdxbjdsbxcq4nwhdyFor instance, what might be the first access to semantic memory when a person identifies Pablo Pi- casso ’s ‘ ‘ Dora Maar seated ”?
work_ajo2gm5whvdxbjdsbxcq4nwhdyObject categories and expertise: Is the basic level in the eye of the beholder?
work_ajo2gm5whvdxbjdsbxcq4nwhdySpecial features of art- objects What might be the entry point in the identification of visual art?
work_afvq3evub5di5amme7aycjh3jeBut can an architect use the free sketch to express his ideas as a painter?
work_afvq3evub5di5amme7aycjh3jeHave you ever wondered how big your mirror image is?
work_afvq3evub5di5amme7aycjh3jeWhat is the difference between the drawing of an archi- tect and the drawing commonly understood as that of an artist or a painter?
work_afvq3evub5di5amme7aycjh3jeWhat is the perspective machine we use every day?
work_allww2nryncrbi5vriu4kn7upmDo you have a photograph of your fiancée?
work_allww2nryncrbi5vriu4kn7upmHow could a bullet be lodged in the right ventricle of a living patient?
work_allww2nryncrbi5vriu4kn7upmMay I see it?
work_allww2nryncrbi5vriu4kn7upmShe''s kind of small, is n''t she?
work_bewbmanmg5exlod3rtc3ecmohqBut what does it mean that something is more beautiful than something else and how more beautiful is it?
work_bewbmanmg5exlod3rtc3ecmohqBut what does it mean that something is more beautiful than something else and how more beautiful is it?
work_bewbmanmg5exlod3rtc3ecmohqDimitriadis, P.; Koutsoyiannis, D.; Tzouka, K. Predictability in dice motion: How does it differ from hydro- meteorological processes?
work_pbpm5kpnune7rd3itf42ouibwe¿ Es esto cierto?
work_buvggge5uffi7o7mdbpk6oxbguSo will optimal care pathways for the evaluation and treatment of ASD patients require in- put for both the patient and surgeon/ center provider?
work_buvggge5uffi7o7mdbpk6oxbguWhy would ASD surgery be any different?
work_cdmwfeoywbentpsugpvzujatxeThe Drop of Water Why, then, do I work in a way which may bring me distress, cause me un- ease or wound me or my companions?
work_cdmwfeoywbentpsugpvzujatxeWhat is the difference?
work_k6v4p7jllfg7bkvix366euunzaBut after all, what are the objective criteria that led the critic to assign that work an uncertain status?
work_swygyom6zzgazoovwyxhv5r7riJR. Can art change the world?
work_2unzkseei5efxg3szt3h6asvl43Rojas Giménez, Alberto: “ Pintura nueva ” e “ ¿ Y en Chile?
work_2unzkseei5efxg3szt3h6asvl4Mmm... ¿ No será el huevo de Damocles?
work_2unzkseei5efxg3szt3h6asvl4Siento como si todo el tiempo colgara sobre mi cabeza la espada de Colón... El médico: – ¿ La espada de Colón?
work_2unzkseei5efxg3szt3h6asvl4¿ Qué significaba esto, con algo más de exactitud?
work_txnapspsjne5ffda4xohgvfeqiTo Louis Parrot he had declared: “ Poems?
work_3qaqer4itbdtdl3ffs4mm3ixxeA su hermana Ximena que cree a Wanda y a su madre “ en medio del mundo chic ”, le pregunta: “ El mundo chic ¿ dónde está?
work_3qaqer4itbdtdl3ffs4mm3ixxeEsa coincidencia me parece digna de serle con- tada ¿ no encuentra? ”.
work_3qaqer4itbdtdl3ffs4mm3ixxe¿ A eso te refieres? ” Concluye: “ Cada día siento la mentira en todo esto ”( 56).
work_3qaqer4itbdtdl3ffs4mm3ixxe¿ Comprende ahora que prefiera evitar esas tardes perdidas en los salones de costura?
work_qomcok57tna2zgwxrkorfku7ru3) Miller, S.( 2007), Fashion as Art; is Fashion Art?, Fashion Theory, 11(1).
work_qomcok57tna2zgwxrkorfku7ruDarfur Still Deaf?
work_gfjqb3y3mjcana5tam6yntxtpiIMportance of an Irregular Z Line: Is Barrett ’s in the Eye of the Beholder?
work_npxvevzt5rdwdkxyqgrzaxxsym1) so that we can appreciate all of her facets and beauty as a whole?
work_npxvevzt5rdwdkxyqgrzaxxsymThat is, how can we develop a more accurate understanding of human genetic diseases by taking a cubist approach?
work_qstpugqrvzgaxdmw6pvyaqym6mDid the Abstract Expressionist Hide his Name amid the Swirls and Torrents of a Legendary 1943 Mural? ” en Smithsonian Magazine​.
work_dzmsk45m5jceng2tmjddueulkmA R T Í C U L O E S P E C I A L CREAR O COPIAR... ¿ CUÁL ES LA DIFERENCIA?
work_dzmsk45m5jceng2tmjddueulkmRevMedNoviembre 2004 121 ARTÍCULO ESPECIAL Rev Méd Chile 2009; 137: 121- 126 Crear o copiar … ¿ Cuál es la diferencia?
work_dzmsk45m5jceng2tmjddueulkmWhich is the difference?
work_eh7e33pcbzcfbljxotmv25qb4qAre these also applicable to performance art, installation art and video art?
work_eh7e33pcbzcfbljxotmv25qb4qCan the analogy be explained from the way great minds work, both in the natural sciences and in the arts?
work_eh7e33pcbzcfbljxotmv25qb4qOr between the visual arts and other natural sciences?
work_eh7e33pcbzcfbljxotmv25qb4qWhat, if anything, is left to be said on the “ physics and art ” front?
work_rc6lhlcx45gzfmy267uc5kngsqIn what ways did the intermingling of Western and Ukrainian culture take place in those years?
work_rc6lhlcx45gzfmy267uc5kngsqW jaki sposób przeplatały się kultura zachodnia i ukraińska w owych latach?
work_6zmwsbf2ofgqzj4o3nh3gp6vceA typical query URL looks like:
work_6zmwsbf2ofgqzj4o3nh3gp6vceCarnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:40:57, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
work_6zmwsbf2ofgqzj4o3nh3gp6vceFor example, how do we begin to answer questions such as ‘ Where can I see artworks by the Scottish Artist Joan Eardley? ’.
work_6zmwsbf2ofgqzj4o3nh3gp6vceq= pablo+picasso&section= artanddesign&format= xml
work_k7cxusnoyza5bi77o6ilko4zz4Art as therapy: An effective way of promoting positive mental health?
work_k7cxusnoyza5bi77o6ilko4zz4Does art improve mood?
work_k7cxusnoyza5bi77o6ilko4zz4Every interview initiated with the question as what painting means to you?
work_k7cxusnoyza5bi77o6ilko4zz4METHOD Research question Can art creation be used as a therapeutic tool for improving emotional wellness of incarcerated women?
work_rqcn5dxc4jdmbj2wgqc7hrc2t4¿ Cuánto tardó en explicarse en las aulas uni- versitarias españolas el evolucionismo?
work_rqcn5dxc4jdmbj2wgqc7hrc2t4¿ Cuánto tiempo ha tardado en llegar a la escuela primaria?
work_wctnc7ot2bdu7hl3fux2wp7jw4Their anachronistic attire, feathered hats and the swords they carried – are n’t these a fitting allusion to war itself being outdated and futile?
work_wwsszpocyfgjbhggml6i67pt4y1 Félix Santos: “ ¿ A veces el coraje no tiene recompensa? ”, El País, 22 de febrero de 2019.
work_tr5t72prb5bppfe2js55hbip6morg/ artist- bran- cusi- constantin-artworks.htm#pnt_2 Resim 4. https:// search?
work_tukiz4v4jva35j3rdly37alpnmŠemelík, Martin Přibík, Radek Proč je v noci tma?
work_tunrihlei5fexe5hczy6dyr7kiIs beau- ty in the perceiver''s processing experience?, ” Per- sonality and Social Psychology Review 8, No.
work_tyj4mpmb4zbntikhl5eeffesiiWill these monuments now better maintained?
work_33dhrzsubndb5eojbmpio7ad4uAle czy wzrost zainteresowania dla sztuki tradycyjnej u sangwiników to odstymulowanie czy dostymulowanie się?
work_33dhrzsubndb5eojbmpio7ad4uCzy sztuka tradycyjna podwyższa, czy może obniża aktywację układu nerwowego?
work_33dhrzsubndb5eojbmpio7ad4uDoes Music Induce Emotion?
work_33dhrzsubndb5eojbmpio7ad4ui wreszcie: jeśli podwyższa, to dlaczego ten efekt nie występuje w warunku kontrolnym?
work_hcuom5ensrah3hmytloncvd6uaWhat all- too- human need is fulfilled by the compelling force of Nietzsche as cultural origin?
work_hcuom5ensrah3hmytloncvd6uaWhat of Willis ’s legacy, which Buchanan handles in two thousand words?
work_vel3hk57vbc5xcaw76v6vw6ty4Goel A. Occipitocervicalfixation: is it necessary?
work_vel3hk57vbc5xcaw76v6vw6ty4Is atlantoaxial instability the cause of Chiari malfor- mation?
work_vmwzwwe3pnhetddg7hlp7325raFrogs taste nice when there are few mice: do dietary shifts in barn owls result from rapid farming intensi- fication?
work_vmwzwwe3pnhetddg7hlp7325raHabitat use by armadillos in agroecosystems of central Argentina: does plot identity matter?
work_7qkrrpxgdfevncbo2wkxsowiau“ Can We Teach Patriotism in Schools? ” Educational Horizons, Bahar: 146- 150.
work_7qkrrpxgdfevncbo2wkxsowiau“ Why Do People Sacrifice for Their Nations? ” Political Psychology, Haziran: 217- 235.
work_ajmbjncxtjef3nro377lbzpggyHow do Finessing networks converse the cognitive evaluation of the emotionally distressing situation of having a preemie?
work_ajmbjncxtjef3nro377lbzpggyHow do Twitter hashtags about preemies forge ambient online networks of hope and support?
work_ajmbjncxtjef3nro377lbzpggyHow do hashtaged couplings of Interpersonal attitudes and Ideations instantiate an ambient bond of affiliation among the preemi families?
work_ajmbjncxtjef3nro377lbzpggyHow do preemie hashtags discharge participants from the position of sufferers and recharge them as supporters?
work_ajmbjncxtjef3nro377lbzpggyWhat are the encoded metaphoric repertoire resulted from the coupling instantiations?
work_w7hcambwjrhhfoj7rphjtajpu4Did Picasso and De Chirico really suffer from migraine auras?
work_w7hcambwjrhhfoj7rphjtajpu4Did Picasso and De Chirico really suffer from migraine auras?
work_z6m6ionjdfev3d5xnaezqnhkeeGervais C, Languille M- A, Réguer S, Gillet M, Pelletier S, Garnier C, Vicenzi EP, Bertrand L( 2013) Why does Prussian blue fade?
work_ofns3rivfjfi3d3drcmemqisgaSpine surgery in the ambulatory surgery center setting: value- based advance- ment or safety liability?
work_ofns3rivfjfi3d3drcmemqisgaThe successful evolution of endoscopic spine sur- gery: coincidence or human spirit?
work_ofns3rivfjfi3d3drcmemqisgaWhere is the value in ambulatory versus inpatient surgery?
work_soqwedagm5hrtmlfcuhonaxdqeAnd, finally, why is a doctor ’s role at the deathbed so profoundly circumscribed that few would expect her to offer comfort and support?
work_soqwedagm5hrtmlfcuhonaxdqeWhy is palliative care only now and still begrudgingly accepted as part of standard medical care?
work_soqwedagm5hrtmlfcuhonaxdqeWhy then do we still know so little about the experience of dying?
work_sklmn5i3qvh3re3dgagmjmedfyThis renewed interest in Buckminster Fuller begs the question, could the Dymaxion be a viable proposition now, eight decades after it conception?
work_sklmn5i3qvh3re3dgagmjmedfybe a viable proposition now?
work_lf4f5p6uijdwpkz2rhdosgb4ceBULGULAR VE YORUM Mustafa TUNÇALP Kimdir?
work_lf4f5p6uijdwpkz2rhdosgb4ceBu sanatçıların eserleri arasında kullanılan ek malzeme açısından nasıl bir fark vardır?
work_lf4f5p6uijdwpkz2rhdosgb4ceBu sanatçıların eserlerinde renk açı- sından nasıl bir fark vardır?
work_lf4f5p6uijdwpkz2rhdosgb4ceMustafa TUNÇALP ve Tufan DAĞISTANLI eserleri arasında form konu- sunda nasıl bir farklılık vardır?
work_lf4f5p6uijdwpkz2rhdosgb4ceTufan DAĞISTANLI Kimdir?
work_t6x5u35c4zdtbeh3qba54nm57mCiudad( i, París8?).
work_t6x5u35c4zdtbeh3qba54nm57m\ i~ o h o< l o t?
work_t6x5u35c4zdtbeh3qba54nm57minude b~ j the c r i t i c s, are f u n d n t?
work_q5i3igzm25hcbkfpunthck2xyyA blind MAKING IMAGES TALK: PICASSO ’S MINOTAUROMACHY26 │ ANA MARíA LEYRA SORIANO Minotaur seeing the stars?
work_q5i3igzm25hcbkfpunthck2xyyHe tells us that he claims “ the right to dream ”, but what does exercising “ the right to dream ” mean to us?
work_q5i3igzm25hcbkfpunthck2xyyWhat, then, do we mean in speaking of domesticating time and space?
work_q5i3igzm25hcbkfpunthck2xyyWho is this character, half- human, half- beast, who evokes his lair, his house, his labyrinths in the images of Picasso?
work_xi3fiq7w6rbnnhr7znkzuslw7uWhat did the bronze eye- like prism tell us?
work_xi3fiq7w6rbnnhr7znkzuslw7uWhy did Picasso paint his lover Dora in such a tortured style?
work_vb45xvux2fdd3haco5h2nwwxciDoes the idea of the process we suggest transfer between cultures?
work_vb45xvux2fdd3haco5h2nwwxciIs it capable of a more universal use?
work_vb45xvux2fdd3haco5h2nwwxciLeadership learning through lived experience: A process of apprenticeship?
work_npijvzrmsfg5th53aywfxjr6tiQue ses parents furent ennoblis par la reine Elizabeth II?
work_npijvzrmsfg5th53aywfxjr6tiQu’il a parcouru les continents afin d’entretenir vivante la mémoire artistique de ses parents?
work_npijvzrmsfg5th53aywfxjr6tiQu’il est l’auteur de plusieurs livres, best sellers, parus à la prestigieuse maison d’édition Thames& Hudson?
work_npijvzrmsfg5th53aywfxjr6tiQu’à l’âge des interrogations, il avait comme partenaire de jeu le grand Picasso, qui lui a offert quelques- uns de ses ouvrages?
work_nqlksuqcwjfedlttcvqw7cagve11 Supposing, then, that the ‘ non- consequentialist ’ label is reasonable, what about ‘ self- transcendence ’?
work_nqlksuqcwjfedlttcvqw7cagveWhat are those?
work_nqlksuqcwjfedlttcvqw7cagveWhat is 17 causally responsible for a large degree of the course of a representative person ’s life?
work_nqlksuqcwjfedlttcvqw7cagveWhat property might unify this classic triad?
work_nqlksuqcwjfedlttcvqw7cagveWhat, if anything, do these( along with other intuitive sources of meaning in life) have in common?
work_bq4wh2vkuza6jlxtghx5b45sry(<) 1957’de miydi?
work_bq4wh2vkuza6jlxtghx5b45sryAmacım, aslında; ‚ İkinci Yeni şiiriyle resim sanatı arasında bir etkileşim olmuş mu?
work_bq4wh2vkuza6jlxtghx5b45sryBir etkileşim varsa,-en azından şiir açısından bir etkilenme söz konusuysa- bunun somut örnekleri neler?
work_bq4wh2vkuza6jlxtghx5b45sryKarıştırırdık albümleri( ne albümler ama): Chagall ne yapmış?
work_bq4wh2vkuza6jlxtghx5b45sryYüksel Arslan?
work_wk6ezdjaefg47fgxly5556km4q), Velhice ou terceira idade?, Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Getú- lio Vargas, pp.
work_wk6ezdjaefg47fgxly5556km4qHEILBORN, M. L. 1994 “ De que gênero estamos falando? ”, Sexualidade, Gênero e Sociedade, Rio de Ja- neiro, vol.
work_wk6ezdjaefg47fgxly5556km4qO que é ser jovem?
work_me5bvbyqkve6dpmffyoj5hq3gyDo n’t we all understand that they are “ just movies ”?
work_me5bvbyqkve6dpmffyoj5hq3gyI do n’t know what ideology is but is it so important that brothers have to point guns at each other?
work_me5bvbyqkve6dpmffyoj5hq3gyWhere ’s the honor in starving to death?
work_me5bvbyqkve6dpmffyoj5hq3gyWhy did the descendants of general Bae Seol feel the need to charge the producers of Roaring Currents for defamation?
work_me5bvbyqkve6dpmffyoj5hq3gyWhy is it a big deal, for example, that Christian Bale is playing Moses?
work_wpeiqwd7yfdsrlmube7ice6ub4Or, if you like, what things are important to you?
work_wpeiqwd7yfdsrlmube7ice6ub4Or, in more operational terms, what are the goals that give meaning to your life and are worth starting despite the difficulties?
work_zqz5e5cbdbb6zcwd6zptc7aaumHP030 Rouge de Chine 16 Dry film 0.91 0.59 xx Ricinoleic acid; anthraquinone?
work_2np4qtdcozbe7dfwcl5ifmderiHow are we to know which of the goods of today are the cultural heritage of tomorrow?
work_2np4qtdcozbe7dfwcl5ifmderiIn 1940, 50 or 60?
work_2np4qtdcozbe7dfwcl5ifmderiWhen does a Matisse in Italy become a National Treasure?
work_2np4qtdcozbe7dfwcl5ifmderiWhy not pledge for an interchange of cultural property on the basis of loans?
work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfu3: Breaking the hold of continental Europe?
work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfuInterviewer Classics like what?
work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfu‘ Are All Britons Reluctant Europeans?
work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfu‘ Britishness or Englishness?
work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfu‘ Distinction in America?
work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfu‘ Towards a European Identity?
work_j52g66khljas5apbqzejujmommPaul Cézanne padre de la pintura moderna- M. Miranda Rev Med Chile 2017; 145: 508- 513 512 ARTÍCULO ESPECIAL ¿ Cézanne como neurocientista?
work_j52g66khljas5apbqzejujmomm¿ Entre un pino que se muestra ante mis ojos y uno tal cual es en realidad?
work_j52g66khljas5apbqzejujmomm¿ No sería ello la realización de un parte de la natura- leza, que el cuadro nos da al caer sobre nuestra mirada?
work_j52g66khljas5apbqzejujmomm¿ Qué hay en común entre los árboles y nosotros?
work_j52g66khljas5apbqzejujmomm¿ los árboles como seres sensibles?
work_i6wyhdtt2rfztm27clqz7t7uc4< 쿠스코?
work_i6wyhdtt2rfztm27clqz7t7uc4< 쿠스코?
work_i6wyhdtt2rfztm27clqz7t7uc4< 쿠스코?
work_i6wyhdtt2rfztm27clqz7t7uc4< 쿠스코?
work_i6wyhdtt2rfztm27clqz7t7uc4디즈니의 애니메이션< 쿠스코?
work_i6wyhdtt2rfztm27clqz7t7uc4본질과 현상| 2010년 겨울 22호| pp.296- 325| 2010년 12월| 본질과 현상 김윤지, “ 미야자키 하야오"3D 애니메이션?
work_xqbf4ec6gzgxjperxfth4zz7giIs there a significant difference between the control group aesthetic judgement pre- test and post- test scores?
work_xqbf4ec6gzgxjperxfth4zz7giIs there a significant difference between the experimental group aesthetic judgement pre- test and post- test scores?
work_xqbf4ec6gzgxjperxfth4zz7giIs there a significant difference between the post- test scores of the experimental and control groups?
work_vodcbm7gn5brlbi53xrlu6awja( Will she fade on the white leaves Of his album of better days?)
work_vodcbm7gn5brlbi53xrlu6awjaIn the final couplet of the poem, Vilmorin asks: Pâlira- t- elle aux feuilles blanches De son album des temps meilleurs?
work_7hwd3gqirzbu5n2pvk7maimsveA New Avant- Garde?
work_7hwd3gqirzbu5n2pvk7maimsveCan the dialectic break bricks?
work_7hwd3gqirzbu5n2pvk7maimsveConclusion: The Next Avant- Garde?
work_7hwd3gqirzbu5n2pvk7maimsveDOI: 10.1080/08935696.2011.605286 A New Avant- Garde?
work_7hwd3gqirzbu5n2pvk7maimsveHow, then, is art propositional?
work_7hwd3gqirzbu5n2pvk7maimsveWhat is at issue between epistemic and traditional accounts of truth?
work_z2a7yo6a4nbyrgkk4h7j4aq5w4SUBIRATS, Joan( 2011) “ ¿ No nos representan? ”, El País, Madrid, 26- 6- 2011, 15.html.
work_t4al4kwsgnfthgjbtvrr7a3guq( 2007) Is there a correlation between extroversion personality characteristics of medical students and awareness of works of art?
work_t4al4kwsgnfthgjbtvrr7a3guqDo individuals ’ personality types differentiate according to their art preferences?
work_t4al4kwsgnfthgjbtvrr7a3guqIs there a relation between personality types of individuals and their art preferences?
work_t4al4kwsgnfthgjbtvrr7a3guqIs there any relationship between the personality and art preferences?
work_t4al4kwsgnfthgjbtvrr7a3guqWho art thou?
work_qva4px3zbvfelc4ojp7euslttmAnother early AR Art piece involving interdisciplinary collaborations is Can You See Me Now?
work_qva4px3zbvfelc4ojp7euslttmAvailable online:
work_qva4px3zbvfelc4ojp7euslttmCan You See Me Now?
work_qva4px3zbvfelc4ojp7euslttmCan you see me now?
work_qva4px3zbvfelc4ojp7euslttmTherefore, a question arises: are these interesting collaborations still needed?
work_yf7rhvygurgdnl7dqj64375qzeHow consciously did he depict the fear of the irresistible force of Bolshevism?
work_yf7rhvygurgdnl7dqj64375qzeHow do you get to Plyushkin ’s from here?
work_yf7rhvygurgdnl7dqj64375qzeIndeed, what do a traveler and clouds have in common?
work_yf7rhvygurgdnl7dqj64375qzeOr was he full of ambivalent feelings of admiration for national power and unconscious fear of this force?
work_yysmmqftrfcl5irddrjvdhcqxyEstetik birer obje oldukları için mi yoksa kendi cinsel gücünü ve iktidarını yansıtmak için mi?
work_yysmmqftrfcl5irddrjvdhcqxyPeki, Picasso neden hayat kadınlarını resminde kullanmıştır?
work_zazrv4zhefcq3g772konheryvi( Que sais- je?
work_zazrv4zhefcq3g772konheryviConfinement is not a new measure?
work_zazrv4zhefcq3g772konheryviHow is an epidemic stopped?
work_pow3yod6ebhmnnrg3nvmf6k2xe( Зашто Радић бира баш вокалноинструментални жанр – омиљени жанр соцреализма?)
work_pow3yod6ebhmnnrg3nvmf6k2xeКоји су, дакле, конкретни видови у којима се испољава Радићев модернизам?
work_mhks7theu5ejbjtf7ybjmrdwmy46 indicated ‘ yes ’, with one who indicated ‘ no ’ Enjoyed the safari?
work_mhks7theu5ejbjtf7ybjmrdwmy50%: ‘ no ’; 9%: ‘ sometimes ’; 40%: ‘ yes ’ Participated in art exhibitions before?
work_mhks7theu5ejbjtf7ybjmrdwmy72%: ‘ no ’; 20%: ‘ yes ’; 9%: ‘ yes ’, at school Learnt something new?
work_mhks7theu5ejbjtf7ybjmrdwmyLiterature view What is art?
work_mhks7theu5ejbjtf7ybjmrdwmyVisited galleries before?
work_mhks7theu5ejbjtf7ybjmrdwmyWho makes the decision: The parent or the child?
work_iakafyecwje6lludod7d4pmfz4Are our preferences so variable?
work_iakafyecwje6lludod7d4pmfz4But is the increase in sanguines ’ preference for traditional art an attempt to moderate the level of stimulation?
work_iakafyecwje6lludod7d4pmfz4Could these preferences change under the influence of fear?
work_iakafyecwje6lludod7d4pmfz4Does Music Induce Emotion?
work_iakafyecwje6lludod7d4pmfz4Does traditional art cause an increase or decrease of activation?
work_iakafyecwje6lludod7d4pmfz4Finally, is it possible that biology determines what we like in a particular context or situation?
work_iakafyecwje6lludod7d4pmfz4If an increase, why does this effect not occur in the no fear condition?
work_iakafyecwje6lludod7d4pmfz4Is it possible that preferences for modern or abstract painting are related to their temperament?
work_6srpggk7v5ctjhtlystxgu6xeyBut first, who was Barsky and what was the JAFRC?
work_6srpggk7v5ctjhtlystxgu6xeySee Deery, “ ‘ A Divided Soul ’? ” 177- 204.
work_6srpggk7v5ctjhtlystxgu6xeySee also undated[ fall, 1954?]
work_6srpggk7v5ctjhtlystxgu6xeyWhy did HUAC target the JAFRC?
work_6srpggk7v5ctjhtlystxgu6xey[ 114] So what were these “ present demands ”?
work_6srpggk7v5ctjhtlystxgu6xey[ 145] For revealing portraits of both, see John E. Haynes, Red Scare or Red Menace?
work_6srpggk7v5ctjhtlystxgu6xey[ 35] What were these activities?
work_6srpggk7v5ctjhtlystxgu6xey[ 47] For example, Henry Steele Commager, “ Who is Loyal to America? ”, Harper ’s Magazine, 9 September 1947.
work_srrxgknqoja6xf62kidcnkgmlq( Orijinal Adı, Et Quid Amabo Nisi Quod Enigma Est?
work_srrxgknqoja6xf62kidcnkgmlqAnladınız mı beni?
work_srrxgknqoja6xf62kidcnkgmlqBu sözcüğün nasıl bir muamma içerdiğini anladınız mı?
work_srrxgknqoja6xf62kidcnkgmlqChirico, Oto portre, Muammayı Değilse Neyi Seveyim?
work_srrxgknqoja6xf62kidcnkgmlqNereden gelmektedir ve nereye gitmektedir?
work_srrxgknqoja6xf62kidcnkgmlqVe her şeyin anlamı nedir?
work_w6wgq25c2vdqvecc5ltnd2oy6y( RQ1) and What interest and desire is there to get to know diverse artistic practices?
work_w6wgq25c2vdqvecc5ltnd2oy6y( RQ1) • How do the pupils understand the content and the communication of artworks or how they connect the latter with everyday life?
work_w6wgq25c2vdqvecc5ltnd2oy6y( RQ2) • What interest and desire is there to get to know diverse artistic practices?
work_w6wgq25c2vdqvecc5ltnd2oy6yThe research questions we asked are: • What attitude do the pupils have toward contemporary art?
work_w6wgq25c2vdqvecc5ltnd2oy6yWhat attitude do the pupils have toward contemporary art?
work_w6wgq25c2vdqvecc5ltnd2oy6y» Prepovedane teme « v sodobni umetnostni vzgoji?
work_p7f4lsofgvcu3jt6zqpnn3pf2yDicen así: ¿ Cómo hilvanar tercetos fugitivos?
work_p7f4lsofgvcu3jt6zqpnn3pf2yLa beLLeza: anotaciones paRa... 291 ¿ Dónde está lo importante y lo superfluo?
work_p7f4lsofgvcu3jt6zqpnn3pf2yPero ¿ qué fueron los Cursos de Cultura Católica?
work_p7f4lsofgvcu3jt6zqpnn3pf2y¿ Por qué?
work_p7f4lsofgvcu3jt6zqpnn3pf2y¿ Qué es la buena vida?
work_p7f4lsofgvcu3jt6zqpnn3pf2y¿ Qué quiso trans- mitir Picasso con ese cuadro?
work_p7f4lsofgvcu3jt6zqpnn3pf2y¿ Y cómo aprisionar en el papel la brisa que conmueve los follajes y resiste la traza del pincel?
work_p7f4lsofgvcu3jt6zqpnn3pf2y¿ Y qué es la “ vida buena ”?
work_wkrmox26ezflvcuurc7zx37l5qAvete mai sentito la frase “ Variazioni nel tema … ” tanto usata nelle opere di Beethoven, Mozart o Bach?
work_wkrmox26ezflvcuurc7zx37l5qCome ci riesce?
work_wkrmox26ezflvcuurc7zx37l5qCosa ha di diverso da un cambiamento di paradigma, sociologicamente parlando?
work_wkrmox26ezflvcuurc7zx37l5qCosa intende?
work_wkrmox26ezflvcuurc7zx37l5qRiguardandoli con il terzo occhio, quello sociologico apertoci da Nisbet, vi ritorna in mente per caso un certo Karl Marx?
work_qcqqdk6ctnge5mukldipq4ujpyDoes the scientific evidence support the recovery model?
work_wzdtbyuk75cnvaacbixfx5tb2yWhat is Modern Painting?
work_wzdtbyuk75cnvaacbixfx5tb2yWhat is distinctive of the outputs of such interactions, and why should we consider those outputs desirable?
work_wzdtbyuk75cnvaacbixfx5tb2yWho can tell what the absolute space intuition is?
work_mpl4z7trijbkrc7o63pvaq5edyOs outros alunos prontamente já começaram a se pronunciar com frases do tipo “ ah, escrever?
work_xpybsq6fgfg7vp2cnypcan2zw4Mathematics has been part of the art, but can it be used in evaluating the art?
work_xpybsq6fgfg7vp2cnypcan2zw4Mathematics has been part of the art, but can it be used in evaluating the art?
work_xpybsq6fgfg7vp2cnypcan2zw4Mathematics has been part of the art, but can it be used in evaluating the art?
work_xpybsq6fgfg7vp2cnypcan2zw4So, the answer to the question “ was the restoration of Last Supper successful? ” seems to be positive.
work_xpybsq6fgfg7vp2cnypcan2zw4Thus, a philosophical issue arises from the above analysis: does the inherent uncertainty in arts suggest some similarity with physical phenomena?
work_xpybsq6fgfg7vp2cnypcan2zw4Thus, a philosophical issue arises from the above analysis: does the inherent uncertainty in arts suggest some similarity with physical phenomena?
work_ro7sjoel4bcqzglrjqoud66jnuFor instance, who is the author of such an art object?
work_ro7sjoel4bcqzglrjqoud66jnuHow does Western methods account for the artists who kept adding pictorial elements?
work_ro7sjoel4bcqzglrjqoud66jnuIs it relief painting?
work_ro7sjoel4bcqzglrjqoud66jnuIs it the artist who produced the initial carving or moulding?
work_ro7sjoel4bcqzglrjqoud66jnuWhat will be the age of the work so reconfigured?
work_skej3jc4uzbyhc4wvptg4rayjuA las 5(?)
work_skej3jc4uzbyhc4wvptg4rayjuAt 5[?]
work_skej3jc4uzbyhc4wvptg4rayjuSi le dan a V.5 melones y se come 4 ¿ Cuánto le quedaran?
work_skej3jc4uzbyhc4wvptg4rayjuTeacher: ‘ If you are given 5 melons and you eat 4, how many will you be left with? ’ Pupil: ‘ One. ’ T: ‘ Think carefully.
work_skej3jc4uzbyhc4wvptg4rayjuWhat will you be left with? ’ P: ‘ Indigestion ’].
work_2f3mobevijdorp5vk6lreipuie( 2015) Picasso at the bombsite: whither resilient place?
work_2f3mobevijdorp5vk6lreipuie1 Why should this be?
work_2f3mobevijdorp5vk6lreipuieAnd which temporalities does resilience discourse embody and silence?
work_2f3mobevijdorp5vk6lreipuieSo what do ‘ bouncing back ’ and resilience mean, if they are not concerned with the recovery of urban sites?
work_2f3mobevijdorp5vk6lreipuieSo where is ‘ place ’ in resilience?
work_2f3mobevijdorp5vk6lreipuieWhere and when is resilience not deployed?
work_2f3mobevijdorp5vk6lreipuieWhy is this silence important?
work_2f3mobevijdorp5vk6lreipuieWhy, then, does n’t resilience recognise this retroactive place- making?
work_psbukd5xjbbmhje4pnb3tbsbwiO que esse trabalho com as imagens proporcionaram às aulas de f́ısica?
work_psbukd5xjbbmhje4pnb3tbsbwiPor que tratar de um tema desenvol- vido há cem anos como a teoria da relatividade restrita?
work_psbukd5xjbbmhje4pnb3tbsbwià exploração do tema?
work_psbukd5xjbbmhje4pnb3tbsbwi• Outras obras do pintor escolhido seguiam o mesmo padrão de representação?
work_psbukd5xjbbmhje4pnb3tbsbwi• Outros pintores da época seguiam o mesmo ca- minho de representação?
work_psbukd5xjbbmhje4pnb3tbsbwi• Quais eram as teorias cient́ıficas mais importan- tes da época para explicar os movimentos celestes e os terrestres?
work_6rn6kpxr7rexpjaebjvzy3srjqAnd what about the looking glass?
work_6rn6kpxr7rexpjaebjvzy3srjqDoes a perfect symmetrical image exist at all?
work_6rn6kpxr7rexpjaebjvzy3srjqFor a scientist, the subject of study should be sought where symmetry is distorted; what is there to study in a “ perfect ” object?
work_6rn6kpxr7rexpjaebjvzy3srjqWhat are we to believe about the perfection of our world ’s symmetry?
work_6rn6kpxr7rexpjaebjvzy3srjqWhat happened?
work_6rn6kpxr7rexpjaebjvzy3srjqWhich is your real image?
work_6rn6kpxr7rexpjaebjvzy3srjqWhich of the two represents your appearance more perfectly?
work_6rn6kpxr7rexpjaebjvzy3srjqWould the image be more symmetrical if one drew the picture again, changing the right figure only so that it lifts the hand closest to us?
work_7nyvjiogy5a6xp2jp2zc7snwdmEtkinliğin öğrencilerin kolaj tekniği ile ilgili farkındalıklarına katkısı ne olmuştur?
work_7nyvjiogy5a6xp2jp2zc7snwdmEtkinliğin, modern resim ile ilgili öğrencilerin farkındalık düzeylerine katkısı ne olmuştur?
work_7nyvjiogy5a6xp2jp2zc7snwdmEtkinliğin, öğrencilerin modern resimden yararlanan çalışmalar üretmelerine etkisi ne olmuştur?
work_7nyvjiogy5a6xp2jp2zc7snwdmHisset- tirmiyorsa “ ya bu ne? ” diyebiliyordum.
work_7nyvjiogy5a6xp2jp2zc7snwdmNeden? ” ve aynı tarihte “ Programın modern sanata yönelik eleştirel bakışınıza ne gibi bir etkisi olmuştur? ” soruları sorulmuştur.
work_7nyvjiogy5a6xp2jp2zc7snwdmNeden? ” ve aynı tarihte “ Programın modern sanata yönelik eleştirel bakışınıza ne gibi bir etkisi olmuştur? ” soruları sorulmuştur.
work_onmcr3t7nba7hcsprrje7rc3n41)... en un tema... ¿ Hay algún rasgo creativo que esté a la base de las pruebas de creatividad?
work_onmcr3t7nba7hcsprrje7rc3n4Aproximaciones a la creatividad ¿ Es posible identificar las fuentes de la creatividad humana?
work_onmcr3t7nba7hcsprrje7rc3n4Inteligencia y creatividad ¿ El estudio de la creatividad necesariamente incluye el estudio de la inteligencia?
work_onmcr3t7nba7hcsprrje7rc3n4o ¿ Puede considerarse a la creatividad como un"dar en el blanco"en un momento determinado?
work_onmcr3t7nba7hcsprrje7rc3n4¿ Es esta genéticamente"programada"o es una mezcla favorable de habilidades innatas y condiciones ambientales?
work_onmcr3t7nba7hcsprrje7rc3n4¿ Es la novedad un criterio esencial?
work_onmcr3t7nba7hcsprrje7rc3n4¿ Puede ser la creatividad medida como un ítem psicométrico?
work_onmcr3t7nba7hcsprrje7rc3n4¿ Son los productos creativos independientes del juicio externo?
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5m;How will this tragedy end?".
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5m;Is there really no hope for the child?"
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5m;Where is he now?
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5mAll this, with the distortions accompany- ing the near absence of perspective, prompt in one such urgent questions as"Did the man warn her?
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5mD o w n lo a d e d fro m Morton What prompted this first excursion into Cubism?
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5mMhoary Catterall Macq sky''s Colposcopy?
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5mPart 4 react?
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5mThepharmacist is asked by his friend"How''s business?
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5mWas he perhaps afraid of something more sinister?
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5mWhy then conclude with a 1972 production?
work_fgc4rlimwbgkjfpgclz4mfhl5mWill he match the young mother''s anguish and insight?
work_pzk4qcmwfjfq7muzhddjjgwqayCan artists and intellectuals play a role in this process?
work_pzk4qcmwfjfq7muzhddjjgwqayCould it be the war has been visually defined by the Abu Ghraib images or to the general malaise and collapse of support for the war?
work_pzk4qcmwfjfq7muzhddjjgwqayHow come?
work_pzk4qcmwfjfq7muzhddjjgwqayWhat do Pictures Mean?
work_pzk4qcmwfjfq7muzhddjjgwqayWhere Does Art Come From?
work_dpukmp5hp5fgzcjtodasq7fjxm( Do you know Berlin?)
work_dpukmp5hp5fgzcjtodasq7fjxm24 For an example see, Osborn, Kennen Sie Berlin?
work_dpukmp5hp5fgzcjtodasq7fjxm5 geschieht?
work_dpukmp5hp5fgzcjtodasq7fjxmKennen Sie Berlin?
work_dpukmp5hp5fgzcjtodasq7fjxmWhat happens?
work_dpukmp5hp5fgzcjtodasq7fjxmWill they reject or will they concede?
work_dpukmp5hp5fgzcjtodasq7fjxmWird man ablehnen, oder gibt man nach?
work_dpukmp5hp5fgzcjtodasq7fjxm[...] Was machen die Sozis?
work_dpukmp5hp5fgzcjtodasq7fjxm[...] What are the Social Democrats up to?
work_dpukmp5hp5fgzcjtodasq7fjxm• User may use extracts from the document in line with the concept of ‘ fair dealing ’ under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988(?)
work_nytbtr3rtjbnxlzwcrzj7mzcseWell, what is there to be done about that?
work_nytbtr3rtjbnxlzwcrzj7mzcseWhat is, then, the use of preaching liberty to Spain?
work_xzjcutuotnerdklf4h3cmbhrauPero, ¿ qué entender por imaginación, por imaginario?, ¿ en qué aspectos podríamos distinguir el imaginario político griego del moderno?
work_xzjcutuotnerdklf4h3cmbhrauPero, ¿ qué entender por imaginación, por imaginario?, ¿ en qué aspectos podríamos distinguir el imaginario político griego del moderno?
work_xzjcutuotnerdklf4h3cmbhrauPero, ¿ qué significa autonomía en la esfera política?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmBut what are the forms and spatial patterns of the world during a period of continuous change?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmBut what are the forms and spatial patterns of the world during the state of continuous change?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmBut what are the forms and spatial patterns of the world during this state of continuous change?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmBut what happens in the periods of change, in extreme social, cultural and spatial conditions?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmCould a certain depth structure be recognized in the contemporary dynamic of social and spatial transformation?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmCould a certain depth structure be recognized in the contemporary dynamic of social and spatial transformation?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmCould a certain depth structure be recognized in the contemporary dynamic of social and spatial transformation?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmHow can we today perceive these elementary formal organizations?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmHow can we today recognize the lines and frames as the main organizational form and use them in architectonic projects?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmHow will these basic spatial schemes express themselves as the exclusive results of changed conditions?
work_nzmfhpmfrra37htfobo2omtznmWho erected them and why?
work_m55vwg7z4zhsnkp4e3socuiut4Circuitos de alta eficacia ¿ Qué sustrato hacemos de lo que vivimos?
work_m55vwg7z4zhsnkp4e3socuiut4Los versos de Machado( 1913) decían “ Cuando recordar no pueda ¿ dónde mi recuerdo irá?
work_m55vwg7z4zhsnkp4e3socuiut4The episodic buffer: a new component of working memory?
work_m55vwg7z4zhsnkp4e3socuiut4¿ Cómo funciona el cerebro de un adolescente?.
work_m55vwg7z4zhsnkp4e3socuiut4¿ Cómo vamos a entender la vida como el acto creativo que es, sino nos ayudan a entender que todo está en continuo cambio y evolución?
work_m55vwg7z4zhsnkp4e3socuiut4¿ Gestionamos de igual manera nuestras equivocaciones?
work_m55vwg7z4zhsnkp4e3socuiut4¿ Pero qué pasa con quienes tienen otra ma- nera de aprender o se sienten llamados por un desarrollo diferente de los contenidos?
work_m55vwg7z4zhsnkp4e3socuiut4¿ Qué de lo que percibimos es significativo para poder ser almacenado en la memoria?
work_m55vwg7z4zhsnkp4e3socuiut4¿ Sucede acaso lo mismo en la educa- ción?
work_lmvwnf4ysvdznaywqou6yhu47m/ Not enough years left ”?
work_lmvwnf4ysvdznaywqou6yhu47mHow could I have looked him in the face? ” “ I looked at my face in the mirror and saw Open Admissions. ” The first line is from Walden( 1854).
work_lmvwnf4ysvdznaywqou6yhu47mI was 15 when it woke me, and I felt a chill and — and what?—an imaginative stretch?
work_lmvwnf4ysvdznaywqou6yhu47mThe MFA is indeed terminal and raises the question: is American poetry in the same terminal cesspool?
work_lmvwnf4ysvdznaywqou6yhu47mThe result?
work_lmvwnf4ysvdznaywqou6yhu47mThe snake appears even in “ Akhmatova ’s Fountain House ” in which the poet descries a boa constrictor( in a photo?)
work_lmvwnf4ysvdznaywqou6yhu47mThe title?
work_ft5wuzvif5brrpx6vltficy2qmATRIAL FIBRILLATION Treatment Options DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS Symptoms& Dangers of DVT SCHIZOPHRENIA How Common Is It?
work_ft5wuzvif5brrpx6vltficy2qmRelapsing MS Options Enlarged Prostate Facts Finance Plastic Surgery Bent Finger Causes Living With Psoriasis?
work_ft5wuzvif5brrpx6vltficy2qmSEXUAL HEALTH What''s Killing Your Sex Drive?
work_ft5wuzvif5brrpx6vltficy2qmTreat Bent Fingers Discover hATTR Symptoms Tired of Dandruff?
work_ft5wuzvif5brrpx6vltficy2qmTreat HR+, HER2- MBC Rethink MS Treatment AFib- Related Strokes Risk of a Future DVT/ PE Is My Penis Normal?
work_ft5wuzvif5brrpx6vltficy2qmWhy Obesity May Worsen COVID-19 Outcomes Top Stories Life After Your COVID Vaccination: What to Do Why Do Some COVID Tests Hurt So Much?
work_ft5wuzvif5brrpx6vltficy2qmWill Drop in Common Viral Infections Lead to Masks Forever?
work_vf2d3tobpza27pvprrqa6cvzwyGözlerim, Gözlerim nerde?
work_vf2d3tobpza27pvprrqa6cvzwyOysa sevgimiz yerde; kara sevda sen uç ey ” Sen usul, ben yavaĢ, kime yaraĢır bu sessizlik?
work_vf2d3tobpza27pvprrqa6cvzwySevda ve arzu biçiminde yansıtır: “ Yoksa onlar mı iĢte seninle seviĢme biçiminde?
work_vf2d3tobpza27pvprrqa6cvzwyonlar mı bu sürüylen? ”( Ey, Yerçekimli Karanfil, s.94) Gözlerin yırtıcı kuĢları, yine insanın bilinçaltı derinliğini yüklenir.
work_vf2d3tobpza27pvprrqa6cvzwyġiĢenin de bir anlamı oluyor böylece Kim konuĢuyor?
work_vf2d3tobpza27pvprrqa6cvzwy“ Bu sanki niye durduğumuz mu?
work_vf2d3tobpza27pvprrqa6cvzwy“ Kim bilir neyi saldığımız bu da; yalnızlığımız gel Yırtıcı kuĢları mı gözlerimizin?
work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoyFacilitating Student Engagement in Art History Surveys Next Post CAA Wrap Up: What Have You Done for Art History Lately?
work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoyHow do the request vs submitted works of art break down by gender?
work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoyHow does the number of women compare with the number of men?
work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoyHow many women artists participated in the Armory Show?
work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoyRequired fields are marked* Previous Post Why Participation?
work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoyWhat percentage of works of art were requested vs submitted by the artist?
work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoyWhat was the role of gender in sale prices?
work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoyWhat were the dominant media in the show?
work_zgp3uxbaungevjyucwh7pbduoyWho sold their art for the most/ least money?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yA Philosophical Journey, 4( 2017): Sublimazione 5 Data di pubblicazione: 15.12.2017 ospitano i quaderni di poesie dell’adolescenza?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yChe era la loro anima polverizzata, insieme al tuorlo d’uovo e ai minerali sminuzzati, ciò che spalmavano in modo denso sulle viscere della terra?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yCome non cogliere che era del suo stesso colore che facevano uso gli uomini del Paleolitico per dipingere le pareti delle loro grotte?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yCome non vedere in questa macchia il vero pigmento, la materia prima della pittura?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yDi che cosa ci vergogniamo?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yNon c’è in questa neutralizzazione un modo per intendere quanto Freud affermava con il termine equivoco di desessualizzazione?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yQual è il modo che lo stesso Freud indica come tentativo di risposta al trauma?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yQuale animale?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yQuanti pittori non si separano dai propri quadri?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yQuanti scrittori tengono nel cassetto il proprio romanzo?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7yQuanti si mettono a ballare in casa davanti allo specchio in modo scemo e scatenato, ma in una discoteca rimangono rigidi come un manico di scopa?
work_3a6yujs4djeibplbkwlxln3b7ySi chiede l’autore: « Che cosa ‘ depongono ’ i verbi medi o deponenti?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiA Grassroots Proposal to Accelerate Brain Science Discovery Introduction What Would Change If We Capitalize on This Opportunity?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiHow Might We Achieve It?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiHow Might We Achieve It?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiHow can we maximally accelerate our collective ability to extract meaning from such data?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiWhat Are the Design Criteria?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiWhat Are the Design Criteria?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiWhat Are the Primary Goals?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiWhat Are the Primary Goals?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiWhat Would Change If We Capitalize on This Opportunity?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiWhat ’s the Big Idea?
work_x3ok32zpifb37gmefeafg53xaiWhat ’s the Big Idea?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoa12 How do the subversive dynamics operate?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaDo the stories they tell get them the money they need?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaDoes money matter?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaEntrepreneurship in the Informal Economy: Why Does it Matter?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaFools rush in?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaIt depends in particular on the type of system targeted: is it a supra- system like a State?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaL''artiste: immunité ou responsabilité?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaLa dérive Situationniste: le plus court chemin pour apprendre à entreprendre?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaOr a more specific system such as a particular organization( company, university, …)?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaSchumpeter''s Legacy?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaThe response of old technology incumbents to technological competition- Does the sailing ship effect exist?
work_oqs444cepja5leqqoxhf5zhmoaWhat''s Wrong with Contemporary Art?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniAnd how do deviant artists gain recogni- tion and make a lasting impact?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniCan counter- stereotypes boost flexible thinking?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniCan science account for taste?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniDeviance or uniqueness, harmony or conformity?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniDo we give power to the right people?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniHow Deviance Shapes Artistic Impact How does deviance from prevailing artistic norms shape an artist ’s impact?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniProcessing fluency and aesthetic pleasure: Is beauty in the perceiver ’s processing experience?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniThis raises the question, is willful deviance valued even if it is for ignoble or immoral rea- sons?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniWhat determines whether artists make an impact?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniWhat is interesting?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniWhen is the unfamiliar the uncanny?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniWho ’s afraid of red, yellow, and blue?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oiniWhy, then, do visual artworks often deviate from the prevailing artistic norms of their era?
work_mbrastzd4raatneejkkyh7oinidoes this artist feel free to do what s/ he wants in his/ her relations with others? ” and the reverse- scored “.
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ueBut what was hanging in the al- cove, in this most carefully designed Japan- ese setting, when I visited the Kahitsukan myself?
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ueDo they meet on the bridge where opposites emerge and dis- solve?
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ueHow could Klee, a non- Buddhist, make » Buddhist « art?
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ueHow did Klee learn to harmonize so beautifully?
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ueIs that not how a non- Buddhist artist made » Buddhist « art?
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ueIt ’s wonderful. « Takichiro, now unsure what to think of the obi he had designed, asks, » Chieko, does this obi have harmony?[...
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ueOkuda 2007 Osamu Okuda, » Warum mögen Japaner Paul Klee? «, in Japan und der Westen.
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ueWhat should be in a tokonoma?
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ueWho ’s Klee?
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ue] of the heart? « Her response: » Harmony?[...]
work_f4jqsxjau5gsniiwzvp24vv5ue] of the heart? « Her response: » Harmony?[...]
work_zjihesfr2bfh3l3bkvsnqiciuqBut just how friendly is it really?
work_zjihesfr2bfh3l3bkvsnqiciuqHow do counterfeiters get away with their forgeries?
work_zjihesfr2bfh3l3bkvsnqiciuqSkyscrapers hc/$ 16.95/ £ 10.99 978- 1- 61689- 270- 8 Who Built That?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueBut where will the scientists of tomorrow come from?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueBut why should a small academic society like ours with limited re- sources tackle a problem so big?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueCan we always recognize it when we see it, or agree upon it?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueConsider the following: What is our Society all about?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueDoes creativity in industry resemble creativ- ity in biomedical research?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueDoes this creative process march to a different drummer?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueHow about highly cited in- vestigators in the physical sciences?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueIs it a genuinely creative work, or is it just plain bull?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueIs it having a positive impact on teachers and perhaps on the career choices of students?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueIs it stimulating a hands- on experimental approach to high school science education?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueNow, what is this imaginative skill and innovative spirit that we call creativity?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueScience education: finery and fads or fundamental change?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueScience: the end of the frontier?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueSo what can we do to help?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueWas this pure serendipity?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueWhat are the benefits to the ASCI?
work_ex4ptkv24na4jcda55c37horueWhat do individuals re- gard as important who themselves have made important, inno- vative, and lasting scientific contributions?
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5iLa pregunta es ¿ Cuál fue la motivación para emprender ese difícil trabajo?
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5iScherchen le dijo “ ¿ Qué hace usted aquí?
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5iSchneider: “ ¿ Usted tomó conciencia de eso espontáneamente? ”.
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5iSchneider: “ ¿ Y cómo era la cosa con Mauricio Kagel? ”.
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5i¿ Cuál fue la motivación? ”.
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5i¿ Cómo se estructuraban los días en concreto?
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5i¿ Cómo se sitúa allí Allende- Blin, donde comienzan sus obras tardías, si es que existen?
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5i¿ Qué influencia tuvo eso en el desarrollo?
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5i¿ Y qué dice esa expresión finalmente?
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5iÉl vivió esto como un duro contraste, ¿ me imagino que usted también? ”.
work_ws6tnlupwfdfxlxpjpypsgpc5i“ ¿ Cómo llegó a este título musical y programático? ”, le preguntó a Juan.
work_atq7e2le75evrg5gshtpk5k2ay- … C’est- à- dire que …( Rakotoson 1996: 39)- A ticket or a book of tickets?
work_atq7e2le75evrg5gshtpk5k2ay- …- Combien de zones?
work_atq7e2le75evrg5gshtpk5k2ay- …- How many zones?
work_atq7e2le75evrg5gshtpk5k2ayOui, et alors? ’( Rakotoson 1996: 38) ‘ A peasant girl!
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaAre these diverging consequences of global development mutually exclusive?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaBut what does “ peace ” mean on a continent torn by so many conflicts and ruptures?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaCan a Eu ropean sense of identity be reconciled with the yearning for a strong local or regional identity or feeling of belonging?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaDo we need it?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaHow can it enhance the political power of culture and cultural heritage in Europe?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaHow can the European Year of Cultural Heritage contribute to this?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaHow can this be achieved together with others and thus create a sense of community?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaHow do people develop a f eeling that the cultural heritage belongs to them and is theirs, and how do I f oster this?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaHow does it relate to other cultural identities?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaWhat are we doing in Germany to develop this sense of ownership and to foster this exchange on cultural heritage?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaWhat does common cultural identity mean in a society, what determines it and how does it change?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaWhat kind of bridges are conceivable?
work_twiu7rmrnbh75e7vgqg4fmfduaWhat memories and remembering do we need for Europe''s future?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraAfinal, por que filmar a saída dos operários de uma fábrica e a chegada de um trem numa estação?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraAfirmação frágil, afinal não seriam os filmes documentários também frutos de uma seleção, como são os ficcionais?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraE, talvez mais ousadamente, mesmo os curtos registros da realidade dos Lumière, não refletiriam uma escolha?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraNo que estará pensando?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraNão seria essa escolha já fruto das influências sociais, políticas e ideológicas de sua época?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraO Mistério de Picasso: documentário ou ficção?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraOu nus femininos?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraOu o ateliê de um artista?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraOu somente o touro?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraOu uma cena circense?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraPoderiam eles preservar a ―pureza do tratamento do real‖, como afirmou Vladimir Carvalho( 2003), como os primeiros filmes?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraPor que fica tão insatisfeito com suas telas, se nos parecem tão comoventes, interessantes e sedutoras?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraQuais são suas preocupações e aflições?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraQuantas pessoas ficariam emocionadas ao contemplarem essas telas?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraQuanto desse dinheiro Soleni Biscouto Fressato- 70- Picasso poderia ter revertido para obras assistenciais?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraQuantos colecionadores pagariam pequenas fortunas para tê- las em suas casas ou galerias?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraQuantos museus, em diversos países do mundo, ficariam honrados em mantê- las em seus acervos?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraSerá que, terminado o filme, conseguimos descobrir o que o move Picasso a pintar uma cena de tourada?
work_ifos2pkg2ngqdk7jnymk2xuvraÉ- nos dito no início do filme que iremos ―conhecer o mecanismo secreto que guia o criador‖, será?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvyAlthough we agree about the importance of art, it is difficult to find answers for such questions of ‘ what is art?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvyBir çalışmanın sanat eseri olduğunu üreten kişi olarak, bizzat sanatçının kendisi mi söyler?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvyGerçek sanatçı kimdir, tabii eğer sanatın ticari gerçekliğinden başka gerçeklik diye bir şey varsa?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvyPeki bir eserin özgün olup olmadığını saptamak kolaymı?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvySANAT EĞİTİMİ GEREKLİ MİDİR?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvySANAT NEDİR?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvySANAT, SANAT İÇİN Mİ, TOPLUM İÇİN MİDİR?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvySANATÇI KİMDİR?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvySanat Nedir?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvySanatın önemi konusunda hemfikir olsak da sanat nedir?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvynasıl anlaşılır?
work_ndpuahayjffehcbvy6ozv37wvyveya neye hizmet eder?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmu1315 A symbol — but of what?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmu1317 A symbol — but of what?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmu1319 A symbol — but of what?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuA symbol — but of what?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuBut we need not even ask such questions about the Salon hilt: why a human?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuBut why make the anthropomorphism of these dagger hilts explicit by adding human facial features?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuBut why was this dagger ’s hilt shaped like a man and decorated with human features?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuIn turn, a reassessment which looks beyond 1313 A symbol — but of what?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuIt is a symbol, but what does it mean?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuThe quintessential bovine head on the fire- dog is a symbol, but of what?.
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuWhat was the purpose of such a hilt shape?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuWhy are his arms and legs outstretched?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuWhy did the designers of this object choose this motif?
work_4wm36y6rcnhuzaczthak4gmcmuWhy must it be a symbol?
work_zksgqxtqoffpjoe736e7lerjd412 Peki ya düşünce dediğimiz şey nedir?
work_zksgqxtqoffpjoe736e7lerjd42- Sanatçının düşsel algısı ve düş nesnesi sanat eserine ne denli yansımaktadır?
work_zksgqxtqoffpjoe736e7lerjd43- Sanatta mantık ve bilincin yeri nedir?
work_zksgqxtqoffpjoe736e7lerjd45- Sanatçının resimsel imge yaratımı, doğanın gerçekliği ile sanatçının içsel gerçekliği arasındaki çatışmanın ürünü müdür?
work_zksgqxtqoffpjoe736e7lerjd4Alt Problemler 1- Sanatçıyı, sanat eserini oluşturma evresinde etkileyen unsurlar nelerdir?
work_zksgqxtqoffpjoe736e7lerjd4Doğrusunu isterseniz, resimlerimi gören biri kendi kendine şu basit soruyu sorar: ‘ Bunun manası ne? ’ O resmin bir manası yoktur.
work_zksgqxtqoffpjoe736e7lerjd4Problem Durumu Sanatçı öznenin, sanat eserinde kullandığı imgelerinin ardındaki gizil güç nedir?
work_zksgqxtqoffpjoe736e7lerjd4Terapide Serbest Çağrışım Nasıl İşe Yarar?, serbest-cagrisim-nasil-ise-yarar.html( 08.12.2018).
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqA guide to increased creativity in research: inspiration or perspiration?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqAgent- Based Models – Because They ’re Worth It?, Agent- based models of geographical systems.
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqCan modelling enable us to understand the rôle of humans in landscape evolution?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqDo simple models lead to generality in ecology?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqDoes empirical embeddedness matter?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqHow to define and quantify the level of complicatedness?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqIf so, how to build an ABM with an appropriate level of complicatedness?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqIs there an appropriate or optimal level of complicatedness?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqSimple Models, Complex Models, Useful Models: Can We Tell Them from the Flap of a Butterfly ’s Wings?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqSimple or complicated agent- based models?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqTen years of individual- based modelling in ecology: what have we learned and what could we learn in the future?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqWhat Are Models for?, In: Cossentino, M., Kaisers, M., Tuyls, K., Weiss, G.
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqWhat are the criteria for choosing simple vs. complicated models?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqWhat are the trade- offs between the two?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqWhat, then, is the “ appropriate ” level of complicatedness for ABMs?
work_vgggzbjynzeppb5ziuxpcjgwwqWhy Model?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yAnd what vision of human freedom, in general, is live theater transmitting as a form?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yAnd: the freedom that can be located by the question: why did he choose to paint this painting at all?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yExtra credit: What kind of world do you think you ’re living in?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yFor what were they cheering?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yGlowing about what?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yIs it a celebration of human freedom or a mourning of cosmic constraint?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yIt ’s not going to end that terrible way, is it?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yThe viewer looks for freedom within the work and finds it in only four places: what colors did Newman use?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yThought experiment: which would you rather see?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yWhat had happened?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yWhat is the live theater of Ma- met?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yWhat is the shape and size of the canvas?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yWhat is the worldview of such theater?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yWhat kind of world are we living in?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yWhat kind of world are we living in?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yWhat to make of the pleasure such a momentary rupture affords?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yWhere did he put the ‘ ‘ zip ’ ’?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yWhy can no resolution to the question ever be arrived at?
work_n5xdku3i3zhkdlw23cm5n7nu4yWhy was my father so happy?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qDominance interactions in young adult paper wasp( Polistes dominulus) foundresses: A playlike behavior?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qE- mail: Fun and play in invertebrates Sarah Zylinski Where should we look for playful invertebrates?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qIf play is so widespread in the animal kingdom, how and why did this happen?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qOK, but are they having fun?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qOK, but are they having fun?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qSo do cephalopods play What are they playing at?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qSo do cephalopods play?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qSo where should we look?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhat about fun and play in other invertebrates?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhat about fun and play in other invertebrates?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhat about play in reptiles?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhat are they playing at?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhat evidence is there then that cephalopods play, and more importantly, do they have fun doing it?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhere can I find out more about play?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhere can I find out more?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhere can I find out more?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhy did I enjoy it?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhy do n’t we see more invertebrates playing?
work_vc4xr63hcrbzdmtaua4ein2g2qWhy do n’t we see more invertebrates playing?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4a2. Who collects art?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4a4. Who does the investing?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aA few extraordinary strokes on a canvas or a famous artist ’s signature?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aAnd again, what to buy?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aCollecting or investing?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aFinally, what to buy?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aHe states: But what is the role of auctions in this apparent bubble?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aHow to undertake the purchase?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aHow were Pablo Picasso ’s pieces legitimated and how were George Braque ’s?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aIn other words, what needs does it meet?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aIs international exposure key to succeed?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aIs it possible to measure these risks or are there other more profitable markets, other optional markets?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aMany times the artist and his piece have the same degree of importance, which is why some questions arise such as: which is the piece?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aQuality, technology, age, experience, innovation, better promotion or fashion, location or formats used?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aScience Journal of Business and Management 2019; 7(6): 140- 149 149 References[ 1] Sherman A and Morrissey C. What Is Art Good for?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aThat is to say, why would a painting by Pablo Picasso be worth 104 million Euros and another by the same author worth 60 million?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aThe artist or his art piece?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhat does art- collecting mean?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhat does investing in art mean?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhat is the buyer acquiring?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhat is the underlying asset?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhat kinds of risks are assumed when acquiring a piece of art?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhat made the difference?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhat to buy?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhen it concerns a piece of visual art, there are some questions such as the following: which is the purpose of acquiring a specific piece?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhen to sell or disinvest( liquidate the investment)?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhich type of asset to invest in?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWho does this?
work_j5cjhr6jqvfyhpyr5ozh76wq4aWhy is the market not willing to pay such figures for a Braque, whereas it does for a Picasso?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4But what about ‘ ‘ the Red Countess Olga von Hagen ’ ’?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4But what revolutions was one afraid of?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4But why would the Dutch authorities confuse a Berlin communist with the world ’s most famous physicist?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4De Sitter lost his patience: ‘ ‘ What are you really, ’ ’ he asked Pannekoek, ‘ ‘ a communist or an astronomer ’ ’?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Did Carl Einstein also have any Dadaist credentials?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Did Weyland perhaps choose the location and format of his evening on purpose, as tacit ref- erence to Carl ’s appearance?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Did only Dutch officials confuse Albert and Carl Einstein?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Knegtmans, ed., Stille wijkplaatsen?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Or were there other times and places where they could be or in fact were mixed up?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4The Internationalist Perspective Einstein and the Politics of Dutch Appointment Practices What Went Wrong in The Hague?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Troubles in Berlin What Dr. Einstein?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Was there a communist Einstein in Berlin or elsewhere who actually fit this description?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Were there other occasions in which the two Einsteins were confused?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4What Dr. Einstein?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4What Went Wrong in The Hague?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4What motivated this peculiarly Dutch position?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4What role did Carl Einstein play in the communist movement?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Why Einstein?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Why are you not acting in line with my orders?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Why the delay?
work_6a5zhocbxzfk7nv7e6iop27vb4Why was there such an unexpected and long delay?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpq2- Sanat sizde ne tür duygu ve düşünce oluşturmakta ve sanat denilince sizde ne tür bir algı olmaktadır?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpq3- Gazete okuma alışkanlığınız nedir?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpq4- İnternete ne sıklıkla girersiniz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpq5- Yaklaşık kaç saat günlük internete giriyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpq6- İnternette genelde hangi tür sitelere giriyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpq7- Günlük kaç saat televizyon izliyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpq8- Televizyonda genelde hangi programları izliyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqEstetik nedir?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqGazete okuma alışkanlığınız nedir?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqGazete okuma alışkanlığınız nedir?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqGünlük kaç saat televizyon izliyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqGünlük kaç saat televizyon izliyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqH öğrencisi: Sanat ne algı oluşturuyor?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqSanat nedir?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqSanat sizde ne tür duygu ve düşünce oluşturmakta ve sanat denilince sizde ne tür bir algı olmaktadır?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqSanat sizde ne tür duygu ve düşünce oluşturmakta ve sanat denilince sizde ne tür bir algı olmaktadır?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqTelevizyonda genelde hangi programları izliyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqTelevizyonda genelde hangi programları izliyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqYaklaşık kaç saat günlük internete giriyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqYaklaşık kaç saat günlük internete giriyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqÖğrencilerin “ estetik sizde ne algı oluşturmaktadır? ” sorusuna verdikleri yanıtlar; A öğrencisi: Yanıt vermemiştir.
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqİnternete ne sıklıkla girersiniz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqİnternete ne sıklıkla girersiniz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqİnternette genelde hangi tür sitelere giriyorsunuz?
work_ybexhetugnf7rixjgb6z3dqmpqİnternette genelde hangi tür sitelere giriyorsunuz?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szm1 What is a visual object?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szm262 B Pinna 3 Boundary, color, shading, and lighting contours 3.1 Where are shape, color, and depth mostly located?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szm4.1 How do visual artists use figural attributes to create objects and scenes?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szm4.2 How are objects organized in shapes, shades, colors, and lighting during visual and pictorial reproduction development?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szm4.2 How are objects organized in shapes, shades, colors, and lighting during visual and pictorial reproduction development?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szm4.2.1 How do children use figural attributes to create objects?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmDoes their formation take time to develop?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmDoes their formation take time to develop?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmDoes their formation take time to develop?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow are boundaries, colors, shading, and lighting, so deeply and sharply represented, perceived and painted at different ages?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow are boundary, color, shade, and lighting attributes of the two conditions represented at different ages?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow do these colors interfere with the whole shape formation of the woman at different ages?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow do they contribute to determining and defining a visual object, and how do they differ?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow do they contribute to determining and defining a visual object, and how do they differ?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow do they contribute to determining and defining a visual object, and how do they differ?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow do they contribute to determining and defining a visual object, and how do they differ?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow do they contribute to determining and defining a visual object, and how do they differ?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow do visual artists use them to create objects and scenes?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow do visual artists use them to create objects and scenes?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmHow do visual artists use them to create objects and scenes?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmIn other words, how do colors inhibit or oppose the primary role of boundary formation?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmIs the way artists use them related to the way we perceive them?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmIs the way artists use them related to the way we perceive them?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmIs the way artists use them related to the way we perceive them?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmMore specifically, how do colors get organized in figural attributes during the development of visual object representation?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmThe main questions we asked in this work are the following: Where are representations of shape, color, depth, and lighting mostly located?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmThe main questions we asked in this work are: Where are representations of shape, color, depth, and lighting mostly located?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmThe question is: how do children organize and represent these figural attributes during the visual and pictorial development?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmThe questions are the following: Does this photo show the same object attributes as the artwork conditions?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmTherefore, the question is: How do children of different ages paint the amodal completion of color and the boundary, color, and shadow organization?
work_fadihbuombhxtjvbld72dh6szmWhat is the whole amodal color that completes behind shading and lighting?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe/N Kf^^B iiwaurwoA tonguc, i/he snu> w* V ougt re**, I luwi hRvtt?%STiv: woo w*#c a\_^?^O I I[ WM HT:/"\ TTI harnt mot twjk?w67n? work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe You mean this hunk o''junk?"
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe( P0PE7E1?^?^stertrT^^^Sv^?^"- v> ii?*?*!
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe( P0PE7E1?^?^stertrT^^^Sv^?^"- v> ii?*?*!
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work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe( P0PE7E1?^?^stertrT^^^Sv^?^"- v> ii?*?*!
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe( The Simpsons&?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe( The Simpsons&?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe--'', J|^^^H iKbmit60Tto< T^s jft^V*"** oWL** T-<***? K0 OONT SAY/?^.
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe--'', J|^^^H iKbmit60Tto< T^s jft^V*"** oWL** T-<***? K0 OONT SAY/?^.
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe7^\? I|?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe7^\? I|?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe> I WH INK 1 TD^B?MCrtOF^?S WKlTAJtWT( 1''OUT I? BUST 1''?-r?-*-''\f WH?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe> I WH INK 1 TD^B?MCrtOF^?S WKlTAJtWT( 1''OUT I? BUST 1''?-r?-*-''\f WH?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe> I WH INK 1 TD^B?MCrtOF^?S WKlTAJtWT( 1''OUT I? BUST 1''?-r?-*-''\f WH?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? 6T0 6WC I I 8C NICE- OON T> fh X IH OTOLR VJOftObl[>?* U..
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? 6T0 6WC I I 8C NICE- OON T> fh X IH OTOLR VJOftObl[>?* U..
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? 7 A*jssJ i- i< ̂rfi^s\ r^rt, U*JGI| hwwww''V^i> I i^''/jH"II^-*?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? 7 A*jssJ i- i< ̂rfi^s\ r^rt, U*JGI| hwwww''V^i> I i^''/jH"II^-*?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? II ItO? VCR STUCK ON.->''~Xyr?F*\t$,''/S I/ SuJKTV INKVMOfaE, I i^CsOT] Msfl-?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? II ItO? VCR STUCK ON.->''~Xyr?F*\t$,''/S I/ SuJKTV INKVMOfaE, I i^CsOT] Msfl-?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? II ItO? VCR STUCK ON.->''~Xyr?F*\t$,''/S I/ SuJKTV INKVMOfaE, I i^CsOT] Msfl-?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? fcjOW M?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? fcjOW M?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? iP^-?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe? iP^-?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe?\ HflH?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe?\ HflH?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeAll this makes even Bart a little nervous; he asks his dad,"Are you sure this is art and not vandalism?"
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeAn artist?"
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeDOUJH, MISSUS 0%HOOTCHiY/~|B|^HB Inn? un sujctTv J I** w* owns to set moo I i^vu.
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeElzie Segar, Thimble Theatre, 1930(?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeHis wife, Marge, agrees:"You?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeI I"M l\\^HPI?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeIf immaturity is a source of both big trouble and great creativity, do we give up creativity in order to eliminate immaturity?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeJi/ Vl/ jj^HB*** cWB If? V I I.^V T"R""''*** ̂ r?^^^H^C% I I''Y ̂^^^BFi jH&Sl I lift j^^ A Mil I''iTPMai''E I Hi-V f* T^^H^k X\f\?^^M FT:!
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeJi/ Vl/ jj^HB*** cWB If? V I I.^V T"R""''*** ̂ r?^^^H^C% I I''Y ̂^^^BFi jH&Sl I lift j^^ A Mil I''iTPMai''E I Hi-V f* T^^H^k X\f\?^^M FT:!
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeJi/ Vl/ jj^HB*** cWB If? V I I.^V T"R""''*** ̂ r?^^^H^C% I I''Y ̂^^^BFi jH&Sl I lift j^^ A Mil I''iTPMai''E I Hi-V f* T^^H^k X\f\?^^M FT:!
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeLeonardo da Vinci''s drawing of human proportions punches him; Picasso''s three musicians shoot him with machine guns; a Salvador Dal?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeSee Els Hoek,"Mondrian in Disneyland,"Art in America 77( February 1989): 137- 43, 181. e S I? 1 Akbar and Jeff.
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeSee, for example, Yasco Horsman,"Will Comics Ever Grow Up?"
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeThese words express bluntly what Homer''s question("Why does art hate me?")
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeTo offer another example, at this same opening we find Homer?the outsider?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeUpon waking, he asks Marge,"Why does art hate me?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeV fv?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeV* et u> w, ̂ JhS"3*******",?^1;!''"
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeWhere does this leave us?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeWho is an artist?''
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obeWho is this art dealer?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obe_ Thimble Theatre_^^ IPCPLfE.IF?O0U*MTMt)/ VJLT&?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obehe shouts,"What''s he doing in a museum?
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obejJS) I* I''ll''^***s''iW?Hl]Ji I"FSS IpJ? Tl r?.
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obejJS) I* I''ll''^***s''iW?Hl]Ji I"FSS IpJ? Tl r?.
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obetoo moch I f? c# v gcmti?*i**4.
work_7c2ri3cecverld743zahbx5obey f1^ vHH i V2v?''