
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A255421 sheet([ 1] p.) s.n.,[ London: 168-?]
A57896& c. I leave it to every mans judgement?
A57896Others say, what good doth the meat when it is vomited up again, and that whosoever doe use it, have not the benefit of nature downwards?
A56639Doth the French- man wear Feathers in his Hat, and Pantaloons to hide his stradling?
A56639Mimus Quis melior?
A56639Oh Heavens, how do the English Palats differ from those of more sober Nations?
A56639Will you know the reason?
A56639— nam quae comoedia?
A31685At last says he to Don, I trow You understand me?
A31685Here the Wit doth pause A little while, then opes his jaws, And says to Monsieur, you enjoy Our tongue I hope?
A31685Non par ma foy, Replies the Frenchman: nor you, Sir?
A31685Says he to th''Dutchman, Neen mynheer: VVith that he''s gone, and cries, why sho''d He stay where wit''s not understood?
A31685The Player bawls for Chocolate, All which the Bumpkin wond''ring at, Cries, ho, my Masters, what d''ye speak, D''ye call for drink in Heathen Greek?
A31685Then having charg''d their Pipes around, They silence break; First the profound And sage Phanatique, Sirs, what news?
A31685With that as he the Nectar fills From pot to pot, some on''t he spills Upon the Songster, Oh cries he, Pox, what dost do?
A67740But''t is no marvel, Quid cum amaraco sui, what must Swine do with such Pearls?
A67740If you make not that appear, What do you argue for?
A67740Is this a crime for a man to demonstrate?
A67740Is this a crime?
A67740Where are your wheadles now, Sir?
A67740and all those great labours in Parliament, and their Votes, declaring what you would now question?
A67740inclinations to declare his submission to the Church of England?
A67740not to satisfie the World that there was or is any such intention, but to asperse the great Council of the Kingdom?
A67740why were such proposals offered by his Majesty for securing the Protestant Religion against a Popish successor?
A70365A little Dish, and a large Coffee- house, What is it, but a Mountain and a Mouse?
A70365Admitting then, and not confessing, that the use thereof were healthful for some sorts of Diseases, should it be used for all Sicknesses?
A70365And are not all English- men engaged in the Ship of the Kingdom, or Common- wealth of England?
A70365And is it not just with God, that he who will put out his natural light, should have his spiritual extinguished?
A70365And then to whom are Wounds, broken Heads, blue Eyes, maimed Limbs?
A70365And verily next under the word of God, which is Omnipotent, how potent and wonder- working is the Word of a King?
A70365And what can be more horrible then to die in the act of a Sin, without the act of Repentance?
A70365And what is impossible to the work of his Grace?
A70365And( to conclude) is it not, to the Devil, Most pleasing ▪ pleasing so( most) the most evil?
A70365Another man on Whitson- Eve I saw so sadly drunk, he could neither go nor stand, but sate down on a Door- stone, I asked him, Where he had been?
A70365But now the question may be asked; Why is not Drunkenness usually mortal?
A70365But to cure Drunkards it has got great Fame; Posset or Porrige, will''t not do the same?
A70365But what is there no help nor hope, no Amulet, Antidote or Triacle, are there no Presidents found of Recovery?
A70365But what seest thou?
A70365Can London ever forget those sad and lamentable consuming Flames, that brake forth the Second of September, 1666?
A70365Doth not England match any of her Enemies in Sins and Provocations, namely Drunkenness?
A70365Had we no other Sin reigning but this( which can not reign alone) will not God justly spue us out of his mouth for this alone?
A70365How long ye simple Ones will ye love simplicity?
A70365If Vertue hate it, is it not unholy?
A70365If Wisdom baulk it, must it not be folly?
A70365If men of worth, and minds right generous, Discard it, scorn it, is''t not scandalous?
A70365If the Lion roar, what Beast of the Forest shall not tremble and hide their head?
A70365If this go on, what shall become of us in time?
A70365If woe be to single Drunkards, is not a National woe to be feared and expected of a Nation over- run with Drunkenness?
A70365Is it not the part of an honest true English- man to help to save this Ship, by lightening its burden, and casting these bad Commodities over- board?
A70365Lastly, if all delights of all Mankind Be vanity, vexation of the Mind, All under Sun, must not Tobacco bee, Of Vanities, the vainest Vanity?
A70365Maynwaringe, Everard, 1628- 1699?
A70365Or hath a Spirit of slumber put out thine Eyes?
A70365SEer, art thou also blind?
A70365So is not this the very case of all the great takers of Tobacco, which therefore they themselves do attribute to a bewitching quality in it?
A70365Sure Coffee''s vext he has the breeches lost, For she''s above, and he lies undermost; What shall I add but this?
A70365To whom is Woe?
A70365To whom is woe?
A70365Up and Arise, lift up thy Voice, spare not, and cry aloud?
A70365Up to thy Watch- Tower, what descriest thou?
A70365Watchman, art thou also drunk, or asleep?
A70365What caused God to rain down Fire and Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, but their Sins of Pride, Idleness, and fulness of Bread?
A70365What difference is there between sickness and drunkenness?
A70365What hear I?
A70365What shall I cry?
A70365What speak I of Medicine?
A70365What then, take we pleasure in thundering out Hell against Drunkards?
A70365Who smites upon his Thigh?
A70365and ye ▪ Scorners delight in scorning, and Fools hate Knowledge?
A70365is there nothing but death and damnation to Drunkards?
A70365should it be used at all times?
A70365should it be used by all men?
A70365to whom is Sorrow?
A70365to whom is Strife?
A70365what Vice so predominant which these subdue not?
A70365what end or number is there of the Vanities which mine Eyes are weary of beholding?
A70365when both meet as the Sun, and some good Star in a benigne Conjunction; what Enemy shall stand before the Sword of God and Gideon?
A70365who saith, what have I done?
A70365why praise they not his name For hoped good, and good had by this same?
A70365yea, should it be used by able, young, strong, healthful men?
A87472A little Dish, and a large Coffee- house, What is it, but a Mountain and a Mouse?
A87472Admitting then, and not confessing, that the use thereof were healthful for some sorts of Diseases, should it be used for all Sicknesses?
A87472And are not all English- men engaged in the Ship of the Kingdom, or Common- wealth of England?
A87472And is it not just with God, that he who will put out his natural light, should have his spiritual extinguished?
A87472And then to whom are Wounds, broken Heads, blue Eyes, maimed Limbs?
A87472And verily next under the word of God, which is Omnipotent, how potent and wonder- working is the Word of a King?
A87472And what can be more horrible then to die in the act of a Sin, without the act of Repentance?
A87472And what is impossible to the work of his Grace?
A87472And( to conclude) is it not, to the Devil, Most pleasing, pleasing so( most) the most evil?
A87472Another man on Whitson- Eve I saw so sadly drunk, he could neither go nor stand, but sate down on a Door- stone, I asked him, Where he had been?
A87472But now the question may be asked; Why is not Drunkenness usually mortal?
A87472But to cure Drunkards it has got great Fame; Posset or Porrige, will''t not do the same?
A87472But what is there no help nor hope, no Amulet, Antidote or Triacle, are there no Presidents found of Recovery?
A87472But what seest thou?
A87472Can London ever forget those sad and lamentable consuming Flames, that brake forth the Second of September, 1666?
A87472Doth not England match any of her Enemies in Sins and Provocations, namely Drunkenness?
A87472Had we no other Sin reigning but this( which can not reign alone) will not God justly spue us out of his mouth for this alone?
A87472How long ye simple Ones will ye love sumplicity?
A87472If Vertue hate it, is it not unholy?
A87472If men of worth, and minds right generous, Discard it, scorn it, is''t not scandalous?
A87472If the Lion roar, what Beast of the Forest shall not tremble and hide their head?
A87472If this go on, what shall become of us in time?
A87472If woe be to single Drunkards, is not a National woe to be feared and expected of a Nation over- run with Drunkenness?
A87472Is it not the part of an honest true English- man to help to save this Ship, by lightening its burden, and casting these bad Commodities over- board?
A87472Lastly, if all delights of all Mankind Be vanity, vexation of the Mind, All under Sun, must not Tobacco bee, Of Vanities, the vainest Vanity?
A87472Maynwaringe, Everard, 1628- 1699?
A87472Or hath a Spirit of slumber put out thine Eyes?
A87472SEer, art thou also blind?
A87472So is not this the very case of all the great takers of Tobacco, which therefore they themselves do attribute to a bewitching quality in it?
A87472Sure Coffee''s vext he has the breeches lost, For she''s above, and he lies undermost; What shall I add but this?
A87472To whom is Woe?
A87472To whom is woe?
A87472Up and Arise, lift up thy Voice, spare not, and cry aloud?
A87472Up to thy Watch- Tower, what descriest thou?
A87472Watchman, art thou also drunk, or asleep?
A87472What caused God to rain down Fire and Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, but their Sins of Pride, Idleness, and fulness of Bread?
A87472What difference is there between sickness and drunkenness?
A87472What hear I?
A87472What shall I cry?
A87472What speak I of Medicine?
A87472What then, take we pleasure in thundering out Hell against Drunkards?
A87472Who smites upon his Thigh?
A87472and ye Scorners delight in scorning, and Fools hate Knowledge?
A87472is there nothing but death and damnation to Drunkards?
A87472should it be used at all times?
A87472should it be used by all men?
A87472to whom is Sorrow?
A87472to whom is Strife?
A87472what Vice so predominant which these subdue not?
A87472what end or number is there of the Vanities which mine Eyes are weary of beholding?
A87472when both meet as the Sun, and some good Star in a benigne Conjunction; what Enemy shall stand before the Sword of God and Gideon?
A87472who saith, what have I done?
A87472why praise they not his name For hoped good, and good had by this same?
A87472yea, should it be used by able, young, strong, healthful men?