This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
5193 | Dufresny, Charles Rivière | The Double Widowing | nan | 9904 | 1663 | nan | ./cache/5193.txt | ./txt/5193.txt |
6680 | Molière | The Bores: A Comedy in Three Acts | nan | 13714 | 1203 | nan | ./cache/6680.txt | ./txt/6680.txt |
6681 | Molière | Sganarelle, or, the Self-Deceived Husband | nan | 10320 | 1035 | nan | ./cache/6681.txt | ./txt/6681.txt |
6563 | Molière | The Blunderer | nan | 24001 | 2539 | nan | ./cache/6563.txt | ./txt/6563.txt |
6564 | Molière | The Love-Tiff | nan | 19796 | 2269 | nan | ./cache/6564.txt | ./txt/6564.txt |
6562 | Molière | The Pretentious Young Ladies | nan | 12200 | 1297 | nan | ./cache/6562.txt | ./txt/6562.txt |