This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
1246 | Aiken, Conrad | The House of Dust: A Symphony | nan | 22203.0 | 2423.0 | nan | ./cache/1246.txt | ./txt/1246.txt |
574 | Blake, William | Poems of William Blake | nan | 6905.0 | 757.0 | nan | ./cache/574.txt | ./txt/574.txt |
1418 | Graves, Robert | Country Sentiment | nan | 8548.0 | 955.0 | nan | ./cache/1418.txt | ./txt/1418.txt |
579 | Lanier, Sidney | The Poems of Sidney Lanier | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
424 | Lindsay, Vachel | General William Booth Enters into Heaven, and Other Poems | nan | 12583.0 | 1367.0 | nan | ./cache/424.txt | ./txt/424.txt |
15313 | Purney, Thomas | A Full Enquiry into the Nature of the Pastoral (1717) | nan | 26176.0 | 1756.0 | nan | ./cache/15313.txt | ./txt/15313.txt |
14495 | Rapin, René | De Carmine Pastorali Prefixed to Thomas Creech''s translation of the Idylliums of Theocritus (1684) | nan | 17594.0 | 979.0 | nan | ./cache/14495.txt | ./txt/14495.txt |