
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-000549-qwhaesfkThe immunophysiological basis for vaccinating ruminants against mastitis Vaccines against bovine mastitis in the New Zealand context: What is the best way forward?
cord-272303-6s0qr4e6Do negative emotions predict alcohol consumption, saturated fat intake, and physical activity in older adults?
cord-013477-dzm4xi21Could Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Be Managed Through Dietary Bioactive Compounds?
cord-013477-dzm4xi21Curcumin: Could This Compound Be Useful in Pregnancy and Pregnancy- Related Complications?
cord-013477-dzm4xi21Which Role for Dietary Polyphenols?
cord-003520-f3jz59ptA role in acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-003520-f3jz59ptCan FFAs level in critically ill patients be modulated by short- term caloric restriction( permissive underfeeding)?
cord-003520-f3jz59ptWorking group on"sepsis- related problems"of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection: A short note on cases with renal failure problem Is BMI the best measure of obesity?
cord-013176-6ckuya1w: Is There Sufficient Evidence to Define a Health- Promoting Polyphenol- Rich Dietary Pattern?
cord-279960-1phc0wdsA Measure of Nutritional Adequacy or an Indicator of Healthy Diet?
cord-260413-elyn2fdhCause or Consequence?
cord-260413-elyn2fdhWhat else?
cord-260413-elyn2fdhWhere to Look into the Puzzle of Polyphenols and Health?
cord-255233-rvgj6pvkPeriodontal diseases in the Australian adult population Prevalence of periodontitis in adults in the United States: 2009 and 2010 Comorbidity of periodontal disease: Two sides of the same coin?
cord-274548-yeucn13xA Systematic Review Does telemedicine improve treatment outcomes for diabetes?
cord-265332-a6qr8yooThe relationship of breakfast skipping and type of breakfast consumption with nutrient intake and weight status in children and adolescents: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Breakfast: The most important meal of the day?
cord-271968-92p8dmhaA systematic review, meta- analysis, and trial sequential analysis Vitamin D: A new anti- infective agent?
cord-271968-92p8dmhaCalcium and Vitamin D Vitamin D supplementation, 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations, and safety Subclinical vitamin D deficiency in neonates: Definition and response to vitamin D supplements How much vitamin D for neonates?
cord-271968-92p8dmhaThe role of calcium and vitamin D in the management of osteoporosis Calcium and osteoporosis Osteoporosis in Populations with High Calcium Intake: Does Phosphate Toxicity Explain the Paradox?
cord-271968-92p8dmhaVitamin D deficiency and rickets Bespoke or one size fits all- Vitamin D fortification, targeted supplementation in risk groups or individual measurement?
cord-293311-dr2ysrweCombined Osteopenia/ Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia Confer Greater Risk of Falls and Fracture than Either Condition Alone in Older Men?
cord-293311-dr2ysrweThe Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project Prospective associations of osteosarcopenia and osteodynapenia with incident fracture and mortality over 10 years in community- dwelling older adults Do sarcopenia and/or osteoporosis increase the risk of frailty?
cord-293311-dr2ysrweThe mini nutritional assessment( MNA) and its use in grading the nutritional state of elderly patients Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable Is osteoporosis a predictor for future sarcopenia or vice versa?
cord-252584-pcp1i0vbA randomised placebo- controlled trial Omega-3 fatty acids'supplementation in Alzheimer's disease: A systematic review Defining the optimal target population for trials of polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation using the erythrocyte omega-3 index: A step towards personalized prevention of cognitive decline?
cord-252584-pcp1i0vbAre omega-3 fatty acids safe and effective in acute pancreatitis or sepsis?
cord-252584-pcp1i0vbCase of diabetes Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in critical illness: Anti- inflammatory, proresolving, or both?
cord-252584-pcp1i0vbDo patients with weight loss have a worse outcome when undergoing chemotherapy for lung cancers?
cord-252584-pcp1i0vbShould immunonutrition become routine in critically ill patients?
cord-252584-pcp1i0vbWhy, how and what?
cord-296836-aizquh16Potential for Limiting the Death Toll during and beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic?
cord-296836-aizquh16The contribution of"inflame- aging"The possible role of vitamin d in suppressing cytokine storm and associated mortality in COVID-19 patients Vitamin D receptor stimulation to reduce acute respiratory distress syndrome( ARDS) in patients with Coronavirus SARS- CoV-2 infections Vitamin- D and COVID-19: Do deficient risk a poorer outcome?
cord-332118-jg80szw7A 14-item Mediterranean diet assessment tool and obesity indexes among high- risk subjects: The PREDIMED trial Is diet partly responsible for differences in COVID-19 death rates between and within countries?
cord-303053-238eegeuDo negative emotions predict alcohol consumption, saturated fat intake, and physical activity in older adults?
cord-303053-238eegeuHow emotions affect eating: A five- way model Obesity: The"Achilles heel"for COVID-19? Metabolism Association of obesity with disease severity among patients with COVID-19 Is adipose tissue a reservoir for viral spread, immune activation and cytokine amplification in COVID-19 Obesity a risk factor for severe COVID-19 infection:
cord-287076-uxuff57yHave you been able to do this?
cord-287076-uxuff57yHow Is Each US State Handling Coronavirus?
cord-287076-uxuff57yHow should the severity of depression be rated on self- report depression scales?
cord-287076-uxuff57yWhat is your workplace doing to adjust?"
cord-287076-uxuff57yWho Are They?
cord-316395-o9nblj5iAn Israeli population- based study Inflammation and vitamin D: The infection connection The latitude hypothesis, vitamin D, and SARS- Co- V2 COVID-19 and vitamin D- Is there a link and an opportunity for intervention?
cord-316395-o9nblj5iUnderstanding common pathways Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths Vitamin D and Influenza- Prevention or Therapy?
cord-316395-o9nblj5iVitamin D supplementation guidelines Controversies in Vitamin D: Summary Statement From an International Conference Evaluation, treatment, and prevention of vitamin D deficiency: An Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline Vitamin D deficiency in Europe: Pandemic?
cord-279649-wllc0gl5: A systematic review Are low- to- middle- income households experiencing food insecurity in Victoria, Australia?
cord-279649-wllc0gl5An economic and social justice model for regional Australia?
cord-279649-wllc0gl5Are They Distinguishable?
cord-279649-wllc0gl5In the last 30 days, how many days did this happen?
cord-279649-wllc0gl5In the last 30 days, were you ever hungry but did n't eat because there was n't enough money for food?
cord-279649-wllc0gl5The State of Food Insecurity in the What are we assessing when we measure food security?
cord-279649-wllc0gl5What does increasing severity of food insecurity indicate for food insecure families?
cord-279649-wllc0gl5Where to Next?
cord-311965-3x3tjzhi-Could ready meals be part of the solution?
cord-311965-3x3tjzhi: What have we learned?
cord-311965-3x3tjzhiAn essential interrelation Zinc deficiency Low zinc status: A new risk factor for pneumonia in the elderly?
cord-345373-ulsz1d85Have you started cooking more meals yourself?
cord-345373-ulsz1d85Q23 Has the frequency of eating certain foods changed during the pandemic?
cord-337849-tyabf12rCCL27 Does vitamin D affect risk of developing autoimmune disease?
cord-328562-g5i838b3Since the coronavirus outbreak( March 8th), how often did these happen to your household?
cord-328562-g5i838b3The role of food insecurity in developmental psychopathology Food insecurity and dietary quality in US adults and children: A systematic review Household food insecurity during childhood and subsequent health status: The early childhood longitudinal study- Kindergarten cohort Development and Validity of a 2-Item Screen to Identify Families at Risk for Food Insecurity Implementation of a food insecurity screening and referral program in student- run free clinics Food Insecurity Screening in Pediatric Primary Care: Can Offering Referrals Help Identify Families in Need?
cord-328562-g5i838b3What Factors Influence SNAP Participation?
cord-328562-g5i838b3What, if anything, would make it easier for your household to meet its food needs during the coronavirus pandemic?
cord-328562-g5i838b3Why do low- income women not use food stamps?
cord-325436-pp3q022y: Is there a role for vitamin D?
cord-325436-pp3q022y: The need to maintain regular physical activity while taking precautions Physical exercise as therapy to fight against the mental and physical consequences of COVID-19 quarantine: Special focus in older people Does high cardiorespiratory fitness confer some protection against pro- inflammatory responses after infection by SARS- CoV-2?
cord-325436-pp3q022yA review The immune system: A target for functional foods?
cord-325436-pp3q022yA review of micronutrients and the immune system- working in harmony to reduce the risk of infection Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths Risk factors associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients with coronavirus disease Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-325436-pp3q022yPotential As Immunosuppressant Peptides?
cord-325436-pp3q022yThe compelling link between physical activity and the body's defense system Effects of Acute and Chronic Exercise on Immunological Parameters in the Elderly Aged: Can Physical Activity Counteract the Effects of Aging?
cord-325436-pp3q022yWell- known as psychotropic substance, but little as immunomodulator Immunomodulatory effects of caffeine: Friend or foe?
cord-346510-upyhirb7A Systematic Review Is Patient Empowerment the Key to Promote Adherence?
cord-346510-upyhirb7How Do Small Groups Promote Behaviour Change?
cord-346510-upyhirb7Participants indicated"How sure are you that you could prepare the foods listed below in a tasty way?"
cord-346510-upyhirb7Participants were asked,"To what extent do you feel you have control over the course of your cancer( that is, whether your cancer will come back, get worse, or you will develop a different type of cancer)?"
cord-332533-iqe6sdq2( Not) Understood Vitamin D and Influenza- Prevention or Therapy?
cord-332533-iqe6sdq2: A retrospective cohort study Impact of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D on cardiac prognosis in Chinese patients with heart failure Is vitamin D deficiency related to a higher risk of hospitalization and mortality in veterans with heart failure?
cord-332533-iqe6sdq2Re: Epidemic influenza and vitamin D Demographic differences and trends of vitamin D insufficiency in the US population What explains cross- city variation in mortality during the 1918 influenza pandemic?
cord-332533-iqe6sdq2The Roles of UVB Exposure and Diet Seasonality of influenza in the tropics: A distinct pattern in northeastern Brazil Urcuqui- Inchima, S. Vitamin D- Regulated MicroRNAs: Are They Protective Factors against Dengue Virus Infection?
cord-332533-iqe6sdq2The human cathelicidin LL-37 has antiviral activity against respiratory syncytial virus Vitamin D Receptor polymorphisms and risk of enveloped virus infection: A meta- analysis Is there a relationship between low vitamin D and rotaviral diarrhea?
cord-332533-iqe6sdq2What clinicians need to know Do studies reporting'U'-shaped serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D- health outcome relationships reflect adverse effects?
cord-342335-awu50iev: A Cause for Concern?
cord-342335-awu50ievA Cross- Sectional Study Vitamin C Supplementation in Pregnancy Is vitamin C supplementation beneficial?
cord-342335-awu50ievA study with balanced antioxidant profiles Do dietary and supplementary intakes of antioxidants differ with smoking status?
cord-342335-awu50ievAre lifestyle factors good predictors of retinol and vitamin C deficiency in apparently healthy adults?
cord-342335-awu50ievAscorbic acid recycling in human neutrophils Does vitamin C act as a pro- oxidant under physiological conditions?
cord-342335-awu50ievAssessment and response Scurvy, an old story in a new time: The hematologist's experience Nutritional value of cassava for use as a staple food and recent advances for improvement Synthetic or food- derived vitamin C- Are they equally bioavailable?
cord-342335-awu50ievIdentifying the current gaps in our knowledge Vitamin C in pneumonia and sepsis Is Diabetes Associated with Lower Vitamin C Status in Pregnant Women?
cord-342335-awu50ievTherefore, have these temporal changes been reflected in changing vitamin C status over time?
cord-342335-awu50ievToward a new recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans Vitamin C pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers: Evidence for a recommended dietary allowance Revisiting the pathobiology of scurvy: A review of the literature in the context of a challenging case Scurvy: Still a threat in the well- fed first world?
cord-264405-8v0o4krh..? You know, I ca n't afford to this and this and this.'
cord-264405-8v0o4krhAnd that makes it even more stressful, you know?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhAnd then what are we going to do?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhAny hospitalizations?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhBecause medical help is also included, she said,'Mommy, are you not going to be able to take me to the doctor, to the dentist anymore?'...
cord-264405-8v0o4krhBut what about February?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhCalFresh/ EBT?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhCan you think of any ways in which getting the February benefits in January changed how you shopped for food or what you ate in January?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhCan you think of any ways in which the longer period between receiving CalFresh/ EBT benefits has changed how you shopped for or got food or what you ate in February?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhCan you think of any ways that your family's health was different in February?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhDid you have any days that you missed work or school due to health issues in January?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhDid your children have any changes in their school attendance, behavior, or achievement during January?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhHas this change in payments led you to think about any ways you'd like to see CalFresh/ EBT change?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhHas this given you any new ideas about your usual CalFresh/ EBT benefit levels?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhHave any changes in stress affected how well you feel?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhHow Far Do SNAP Benefits Fall Short of Covering the Cost of a Meal?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhHow Much Does the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Reduce Food Insecurity?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhHow can CalFresh/ EBT better help you and your family?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhI was able to, like, buy stuff to make a complete meal, you know what I mean?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhI was like,'Okay is that my- is that how much they increased it?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhShe said,'Mom, did they advance you the money because they're going to take away your help?'
cord-264405-8v0o4krhThe Hamilton Project Effects of the Decline in the Real Value of SNAP Benefits From Do High Food Prices Increase Food Insecurity in the United States?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhThe Philadelphia Inquirer Captive audience?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhThinking about stress, how would you say the payment of February CalFresh/ EBT benefits in January impacted your stress level?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhThinking about your stress level, how has increased time between CalFresh benefits impacted your stress level?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhTo see if they can take it or not or what, what's the deal here?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhWhat about your family members?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhWhat am I going to do?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhWhat did you think about getting a second benefit payment in January?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhWhat do you want decision makers to know about your experience with this change in CalFresh/ EBT payments?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhWhat is it going to be?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhWhat is- is April going to be nothing?'
cord-264405-8v0o4krhWhat's going to happen then?'
cord-264405-8v0o4krhWhen Labor Cost Is Considered Not enough money or not enough time to satisfy the Thrifty Food Plan?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhWhy do you think you got this benefit?
cord-264405-8v0o4krh[ laughs] What's going on?'
cord-264405-8v0o4krhit gets really stressful trying to be like,'Okay, where's my next meal gon na come from?
cord-264405-8v0o4krhyour family?