
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-000104-3b8b8p61How many different cytosolic sensors exist for nucleic acids?
cord-001901-2s6hpakkToll- like receptor 10 is involved in induction of innate immune responses to influenza virus infection Differential role of TLR- and RLR- signaling in the immune responses to influenza A virus infection and vaccination Innate immune responses to influenza A H5N1: friend or foe?
cord-000725-rafwlw0timproves functional outcome in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by suppressing chronic central nervous system inflammation Reactive astrocytes protect tissue and preserve function after spinal cord injury Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice lacking glial fibrillary acidic protein is characterized by a more severe clinical course and an infiltrative central nervous system lesion Apoptosis of inflammatory cells in immune control of the nervous system: role of glia IFN- gamma shapes immune invasion of the central nervous system via regulation of chemokines Neurologic disease induced in transgenic mice by cerebral overexpression of interleukin 6 Increased production of interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor precedes clinical manifestation in multiple sclerosis: do cytokines trigger off exacerbations?
cord-001236-cgiok0ceIs intranasal vaccination a feasible solution for tuberculosis?
cord-001546-ndz3oarfWhat is the significance of accelerated IFN response in VLP mediated protection?
cord-001868-utsvsja0The lipid mediator protectin D1 inhibits influenza virus replication and improves severe influenza Influenza- induced innate immunity: regulators of viral replication, respiratory tract pathology& adaptive immunity Role of host cellular proteases in the pathogenesis of influenza and influenza- induced multiple organ failure Molecular pathogenesis of influenza A virus infection and virus- induced regulation of cytokine gene expression Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A( H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-007654-lchdm4xrthe blood- braln barrier and the measurement of de novo central nervous system of Ig synthesis Viral etiology of multiple sclerosis: where does the truth fie'?
cord-003300-994731g9How does the intermediately pathogenic SFSV fit into this picture?
cord-001834-6xf4o3oy: What can we look forward to?
cord-007621-rapinoddPrehybridization was performed at 42 °(7 in a solution containing 50%( v/ v) formamide, 5 x SSC, 1× Denhardt's solution, 50 p, g/ ml of denatured salmon sperm DNA, and 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate( SDS) for 8- 24 h. Hybridization was carried out at 420(` for 48 h in prehybridization solution containing 10% dextran sulfate, 0.05 mM Na phosphate buffer and denatured?
cord-012418-6ralcn8pRelated Compounds Inhibition of virus multiplication by foreign nucleic acid Approaching the asymptote?
cord-003855-so8xl199Viruses in bats and potential spillover to animals and humans Bats and viruses: friend or foe?
cord-021872-rhi7hi9mA review of the last 20 years Susceptibility of feline immunodeficiency virus/ human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase chimeras to non- nucleoside RT inhibitors Clinical aspects of feline immunodeficiency and feline leukemia virus infection Is AZT/3TC therapy effective against FIV infection or immunopathogenesis?
cord-001273-plz1ja2eWhat have we learned from the IL28 receptor knockout mouse?
cord-001273-plz1ja2einterferon: friend or foe?
cord-007689-0vpp3xdlApproaching the asymptote?
cord-007783-z1vv63u2Moreover, TAbs may neutralize the effect of a number of"biologic"drugs and give rise to side- effects Control of early viral and bacterial distribution and disease by natural antibodies Auto- antibodies and immunological theories: an analytical review Naturally occurring autoantibodies to exoplasmic and cryptic regions of band 3 protein, the major integral membrane protein of human red blood cells Naturally occurring anti- band-3 antibodies and complement together mediate phagocytosis of oxidatively stressed human erythrocytes Autoantibodies to cytokines-friends or foes?
cord-007664-c5snhymzDoes T cell restriction to Ia limit the need for self- tolerance?
cord-012909-o6t2srimA target for cancer vaccines?
cord-016343-wc3i54fc( 2005)?
cord-001964-iy6qzq58A Strategy for Viral Maintenance?
cord-001964-iy6qzq58How long is it detectable after oral vaccination?
cord-001397-nrq4ncdfWhy is tick- borne encephalitis increasing?
cord-001397-nrq4ncdfan update Internally deleted WNV genomes isolated from exotic birds in New Mexico: function in cells, mosquitoes, and mice Modeling antibody- enhanced Dengue virus infection and disease in mice: protection or pathogenesis?
cord-048489-ajafw966The clinical significance of serum and bronchoalveolar lavage inflammatory cytokines in patients at risk for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Cytokine profiles as markers of disease severity in sepsis: a multiplex analysis Diagnosis of dengue by using reverse transcriptase- polymerase chain reaction Schatzmayr HG: Dengue epidemic in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: virological and epidemiological aspects NK cells, displaying early activation, cytotoxicity and adhesion molecules, are associated with mild dengue disease Evaluation of an IgG enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay for dengue diagnosis Clinical, epidemiologic, and virologic features of dengue in the 1998 epidemic in Nicaragua Clinical diagnosis and assessment of severity of confirmed dengue infections in Vietnamese children: is the world health organization classification system helpful?
cord-005077-ejgzfzd2Randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled trial of interferon alfa2a with and without amantadine as initial treatment for chronic hepatitis C A randomized trial of amantadine and interferon versus interferon alone as initial treatment for chronic hepatitis C Combination of interferon induction therapy and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C Triple antiviral therapy as a new option for patients with interferon non- responsive chronic hepatitis C Randomized, placebo- controlled, double- blind trial with interferon- alpha with and without amantadine sulfate in primary IFN- alpha non- responders with chronic hepatitis C Amantadine for chronic hepatitis C: a magic bullet or yet another dead duck?
cord-005077-ejgzfzd2Vogel, Wolfgang title: Treatment of chronic hepatitis C patients not responding to combination therapy with ribavirin and interferon α — hype or hope?
cord-001124-qcjbtfltHow do viral infections predispose patients to bacterial infections?
cord-001124-qcjbtflttype II interferon- induced antiviral factors Functional role of type I and type II interferons in antiviral defense Type I interferon: friend or foe?
cord-028945-p3hhd5ed: a global challenge Is toxoplasma Gondii infection related to brain and behavior impairments in humans?
cord-005953-5z89yeb6Aortenklappenstenose auf den klinischen Langzeitverlauf nach Aortenklappenersatzoperation?
cord-005953-5z89yeb6Nichtinvasive Bestimmung des Herzzeitvolumens mittels Inertgas- Rückatmung und CW- Doppler- Ultraschall-Sind die Ergebnisse vergleichbar?
cord-002844-jv42o789Chromatin remodeling, histone modifications, and DNA methylation- how does it all fit together?
cord-002844-jv42o789is the eIF4E cap- binding factor required for viral mRNA translation?
cord-023425-3sjsogvqNecrosis Factor‐α Responders Exist in Dairy Cows?
cord-011438-imbpgsubNO apoptosis or turning it ON?
cord-011438-imbpgsubSeasonal and Pandemic Human Influenza Viruses Attach Better to Human Upper Respiratory Tract Epithelium than Avian Influenza Viruses Human and Avian Influenza Viruses Target Different Cells in the Lower Respiratory Tract of Humans and Other Mammals Avian influenza and sialic acid receptors: More than meets the eye?
cord-003492-rodqdtfjDo they protect against disease or enhance it?
cord-003492-rodqdtfjinflammasome- mediated IL-1β induction Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus( PRRSV) inhibits RNAmediated gene silencing by targeting ago-2 Novel insights into host responses and reproductive pathophysiology of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome caused by PRRSV-2 Comparison of host genetic factors influencing pig response to infection with two North American isolates of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Variation among sows in response to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome 1 Genetic resistance-an alternative for controlling PRRS?
cord-034467-jh9msz1c( PCEP) is a potent enhancer of mixed Th1/ Th2 immune responses in mice immunized with influenza virus antigens Restriction factors: from intrinsic viral restriction to shaping cellular immunity against HIV-1 Expression profiles of the immune genes CD4, CD8β, IFNγ, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 in mitogen- stimulated koala lymphocytes( Phascolarctos cinereus) by qRT- PCR Imbalance in the game of T cells: what can the CD4/ CD8 T- cell ratio tell us about HIV and health?
cord-005664-n4xv247lThe acute respiratory distress syndrome Ventilator- induced lung inflammation: is it always harmful?
cord-005664-n4xv247la contributing factor?
cord-007013-tlvgyzftInterferon in nasal secretions from infants with viral respiratory tract infections Cross- reactive human B cell and T cell epitopes between influenza A and B viruses Influenza virus lung infection protects from respiratory syncytial virus- induced immunopathology Severe seasonal influenza in ferrets correlates with reduced interferon and increased IL-6 induction Does homologous reinfection drive multiple- wave influenza outbreaks?
cord-007013-tlvgyzftWhat is the mechanism of viral interference induced by A(H1N1)pdm09?
cord-013280-kczj24seAutophagy, antiviral immunity, and viral countermeasures Autophagy and viruses: Adversaries or allies?
cord-013280-kczj24seI interferon suppression LGP2 synergy with MDA5 in RLR- mediated RNA recognition and antiviral signaling PUM1 is a biphasic negative regulator of innate immunity genes by suppressing LGP2 Innate immune sensor LGP2 is cleaved by the Leader protease of foot- and- mouth disease virus Stress granules and cell signaling: More than just a passing phase?
cord-007382-5kb16qb7T cells Human deoxyribonucleases STING- dependent cytosolic DNA sensing pathways CRISPR provides acquired resistance against viruses in prokaryotes A developmentally regulated activity that unwinds RNA duplexes An unwinding activity that covalently modifies its double- stranded RNA substrate Toll- like receptor 9 processing: The key event in Toll- like receptor 9 activation?
cord-007382-5kb16qb7The ribonuclease activity of SAMHD1 is required for HIV-1 restriction Trashing the genome: The role of nucleases during apoptosis Approaching the RNA ligand for RIG- I?
cord-253501-hkxlq3osan active ubiquitinproteasome system Inhibition of hepatitis E virus replication by proteasome inhibitor is nonspecific Zinc salts block hepatitis E virus replication by inhibiting the activity of viral RNA- dependent RNA polymerase Zinc: an overview Zinc in innate and adaptive tumor immunity Zinc: A complementary factor in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C?
cord-252268-o63ep08bA/ H1N1 virus is as virulent as its wild- type counterpart in mice and ferrets Expression profiles of human interferon- alpha and interferon- lambda subtypes are ligand- and celldepenedent Differential pathological and immune responses in newly weaned ferrets are associated with a mild clinical outcome of pandemic 2009 H1N1 infection Assessing the development of oseltamivir and zanamivir resistance in A(H5N1) influenza viruses using a ferret model Detection of intracellular cytokines by flow cytometry Pandemic H1N1 influenza virus causes a stronger inflammatory response than seasonal H1N1 influenza virus in ferrets Effects of carteolol hydrochloride on the in vitro production of LPS- induced proinflammatory cytokines by murine macrophage New animal models of cystic fibrosis: what are they teaching us?
cord-255997-oer5lxxrfrom chronic viral infections to cancer SARS- CoV-2 Cell Entry Depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and Is Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor Mechanism of endosomal TLR inhibition by antimalarial drugs and imidazoquinolines Chloroquine and COVID-19, where do we stand?
cord-025181-eg108wcdBut, type I interferon are vital for CD4?
cord-025181-eg108wcdand CD8?
cord-256187-ofp7tupvWhat is known about the mechanism underlying IFITM dependent inhibition of host cell entry of EBOV and other viruses?
cord-257662-viy65y72tumor associated macrophages suppress antitumor T cell responses Myeloid- derived suppressor cells: the dark knight or the joker in viral infections?
cord-003130-p2h8p5bmRed arrow= secretory pathway, blue arrow="?
cord-003130-p2h8p5bmTo what extent has climate change contributed to the recent epidemiology of tick- borne diseases?
cord-003130-p2h8p5bmWhy is tick- borne encephalitis increasing?
cord-259669-fod4xkd7The peripheral blood fibrocyte is a potent antigen- presenting cell capable of priming naive T cells in situ Peripheral blood fibrocytes: differentiation pathway and migration to wound sites Responsiveness of fibrocytes to Toll- like receptor danger signals Regulated production of type I collagen and inflammatory cytokines by peripheral blood fibrocytes Interaction of Borrelia burgdorferi with peripheral blood fibrocytes, antigen- presenting cells with the potential for connective tissue targeting Dendritic cells in immunity and tolerance- do they display opposite functions?
cord-256325-q70rky3rThis raises the question: do henipavirus M proteins traffic through the nucleolus for other reasons?
cord-259748-x7dq1sy4interferon response reduces microglial reactivity and neuroinflammation Modulation of the immune system by UV radiation: more than just the effects of vitamin D?
cord-252528-rgnhfcbxWhat is the role of hydroxychloroquine in reducing thrombotic risk in patients with antiphospholipid antibodies?
cord-252528-rgnhfcbxattenuates coagulation activation in experimental endotoxemia in chimpanzees Cytokine- induced alteration of platelet and hemostatic function Role of IL-6 and its soluble receptor in induction of chemokines and leukocyte recruitment Endothelial activation and apoptosis mediated by neutrophil- dependent interleukin 6 trans- signalling: a novel target for systemic sclerosis?
cord-006828-i88on326-was hat sich verändert?
cord-006828-i88on326Aktivitätsmarker der Lupusnephritis?
cord-006828-i88on326Komplementmangels ist bisher nicht untersucht( andere Bestandteile der Kaskade?)
cord-265697-bbvlowyoanimal to human interaction MERS- CoV: the intermediate host identified?
cord-013481-3zwq67doCould IFNβ have distinct biological effects that are likely not due to other IFN- Is?
cord-013481-3zwq67doWhich ISGs are responsible for the discordant effects of IFN- Is at distinct phases of infection with persistent viruses?
cord-013481-3zwq67doe.g., IFNα2 for HIV-1 infection) achieve the same in vivo effect as that of more potent IFN- Is( e.g., IFNα14)?
cord-002630-5616n73pA pilot study Randomized placebo- controlled phase ii trial of autologous mesenchymal stem cells in multiple sclerosis Bht-3009, a myelin basic protein- encoding plasmid for the treatment of multiple sclerosis Treg cell resistance to apoptosis in DNA vaccination for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis treatment Induction of antigen- specific tolerance in multiple sclerosis after immunization with DNA encoding myelin basic protein in a randomized Evolution of ms lesions to black holes under DNA vaccine treatment Pathogen recognition and development of particulate vaccines: Does size matter?
cord-002630-5616n73pPart of the ms disease spectrum or separate disease entity?
cord-002630-5616n73pProphylactic treatmentpast, present, and future aspects Real- life impact of early interferonβ therapy in relapsing multiple sclerosis Cause of death in ms: Long- term follow- up of a randomised cohort, 21 years after the start of the pivotal ifnβ-1b study Survival in ms a randomized cohort study 21 years after the start of the pivotal ifnβ-1b trial New pieces in the puzzle: How does interferon- beta really work in multiple sclerosis?
cord-002630-5616n73pThe major histocompatibility complex and multiple sclerosis: A smoking gun?
cord-017785-zwnkrs23Antiviral immune responses of bats: a review Viral antibody dynamics in a chiropteran host Lack of inflammatory gene expression in bats: a unique role for a transcription repressor Studying immunity to zoonotic diseases in the natural host- keeping it real Bat white- nose syndrome: an emerging fungal pathogen?
cord-017785-zwnkrs23Mass extinctions, biodiversity and mitochondrial function: are bats'special'as reservoirs for emerging viruses?
cord-017785-zwnkrs23Specific alterations in complement protein activity of little Brown Myotis( Myotis lucifugus) hibernating in whitenose syndrome affected sites Hibernating little Brown Myotis( Myotis lucifugus) show variable immunological responses to white- nose syndrome Bats and zoonotic viruses: can we confidently link bats with emerging deadly viruses?
cord-270380-1me7ugkgIn Vitro Feline infectious peritonitis: Still an enigma?
cord-268419-j90daoiqInterleukin-12 augments a Th1-type immune response manifested as lymphocyte proliferation and interferon gamma production in Leishmania infantum- infected dogs Control of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis: is it time to change strategies?
cord-004675-n8mlxe7p; and whether the information is actionable( clinical utility)?
cord-004675-n8mlxe7p; whether a given variant is causative( pathogenicity)?
cord-004675-n8mlxe7pThrough the sharing of genetic and health data, ClinGen seeks to answer whether a given gene is associated with a disease( clinical validity)?
cord-007796-zggk0x2q: Is there a causal relationship?
cord-007796-zggk0x2qNF- kappa B Do rhinoviruses cause pneumonia in children?
cord-007796-zggk0x2qPathophysiological mechanisms for the respiratory syncytial virus- reactive airway disease link Respiratory syncytial virus and subsequent asthma: One step closer to unravelling the Gordian knot?
cord-007796-zggk0x2qPredictive value for subsequent development of persistent wheezing Are we ready for universal influenza vaccination in paediatrics?
cord-276166-b1e0bbrpCan hepatitis C virus antigen testing replace ribonucleic acid polymearse chain reaction analysis for detecting hepatitis C virus?
cord-277409-q5wx313kComplexities of assessing the disease burden attributable to leishmaniasis Control of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis: is it time to change strategies?
cord-273144-er6irjw3The avian immune genome- a glass half- full or halfempty?
cord-255781-55zrmgxqCytoskeleton rearrangement induced by tetraspanin engagement modulates the activation of T and NK cells Natural killer cells: primary target for hepatitis C virus immune evasion strategies?
cord-255781-55zrmgxqGenital HPV infection- fact sheet Epidemiologic classification of human papillomavirus types associated with cervical cancer Update on human papillomavirus vaccines: life saver or controversy magnet?
cord-255781-55zrmgxqInterferon- alpha- induced trail on natural killer cells is associated with control of hepatitis C virus infection Impaired effector function of hepatitis C virus- specific CD81 T cells in chronic hepatitis C virus infection Association of genetic polymorphisms with interferon- induced haematologic adverse effects in chronic hepatitis C patients Reducing the immunogenicity and improving the in vivo activity of trichosanthin by site- directed pegylation Pegylated interferons: what role will they play in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C?
cord-276587-ynionj5rThe role of chemokines during viral infection of the CNS Type I interferon: friend or foe?
cord-253862-jl1zhg13Teicoplanin: an alternative drug for the treatment of COVID-19?
cord-253862-jl1zhg13what next?
cord-278569-yr06jwm1Do men have a higher case fatality rate of severe acute respiratory syndrome than women do?
cord-279733-c0w9bw5uDelayed induction of proinflammatory cytokines and suppression of innate antiviral response by the novel Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: implications for pathogenesis and treatment Active replication of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and aberrant induction of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in human macrophages: implications for pathogenesis Distinct immune response in two MERS- CoV- infected patients: can we go from bench to bedside?
cord-271970-i35pic5oA user's guide to genetic screens HIV-1 and interferons: who's interfering with whom?
cord-271970-i35pic5oepithelium Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus( HIV) replication by HIV- trans- activated alpha 2-interferon Somatic expression of LINE-1 elements in human tissues Developmental and cell type specificity of LINE-1 expression in mouse testis: implications for transposition Complex interplay between HIV-1 Capsid and MX2-independent IFNα- induced antiviral factors HIV-1 uncoats in the nucleus near sites of integration A sensitive and specific enzyme- based assay detecting HIV-1 virion fusion in primary T lymphocytes Specific inhibition of viral protein synthesis in HIV- infected cells in response to interferon treatment Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) by real- time RT- PCR Nuclear pore blockade reveals that HIV-1 completes reverse transcription and uncoating in the nucleus Am I ready for CRISPR?
cord-278397-u33x4jawwhy so many receptors?
cord-253077-61fmul8c( COVID-19): A Review Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-253077-61fmul8c:( 1) what is the contribution of T cells to initial virus control and tissue damage in the context of COVID-19, and( 2) how do memory T cells established thereafter contribute to protective immunity upon re- infection?
cord-253077-61fmul8cCytoplasmic Origin SARS- CoV-2 is sensitive to type I interferon pretreatment Prediction and Evolution of B Cell Epitopes of Surface Protein in SARS- CoV-2 Serology characteristics of SARS- CoV-2 infection since the exposure and post symptoms onset Quantifying treatment effects of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19: a secondary analysis of an open label non- randomized clinical trial Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding Adjuvant corticosteroid therapy for critically ill patients with COVID-19( medRxiv) Meta- Analysis: Convalescent Blood Products for Spanish Influenza Pneumonia: A Future H5N1 Treatment?
cord-265941-eff4le0gNecroptotic signaling is primed in Mycobacterium tuberculosis- infected macrophages, but its pathophysiological consequence in disease is restricted Is receptor- interacting protein kinase 3 a viable therapeutic target for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection?
cord-265941-eff4le0gThe same goes for the recently identified small molecule therapy, Proteolysis- Targeting Chimeras( PROTACs), for the selective degradation of RIPK2[ 229]; given the importance of RIPK2 in detection of multiple intracellular pathogens, what would be the effect on infection outcome?
cord-001542-f089bs8r-beta an alternative treatment for chronic hepatitis C?
cord-001542-f089bs8rDo therapeutic antibodies hold the key to an effective treatment for Ebola hemorrhagic fever?
cord-001542-f089bs8rEarly epidemic dynamics of the West African 2014 Ebola outbreak: estimates derived with a simple two- parameter model Filoviruses": a real pandemic threat?
cord-001542-f089bs8rIs β- interferon a promising therapeutic option for the management of hepatitis C?
cord-001542-f089bs8rVP40 be a drug target?
cord-278050-wl83d6gsRibavirin in the treatment of SARS: a new trick for an old drug?
cord-255034-x100xo2tHowever, what about the therapeutic indication of NK cells in infectious diseases in general and in the lungs particularly?
cord-255034-x100xo2tMost of the papers discussed above investigated the NK cell cytotoxicity toward autologous cells or conventional NK target cells, but what about a potential direct bacterial killing?
cord-255034-x100xo2tthe forgotten population Harnessing innate immunity in cancer therapy NK cell education via nonclassical MHC and non- MHC ligands Natural killer cell education and the response to infection and cancer therapy: stay tuned Unlicensed'natural killer cells dominate the response to cytomegalovirus infection Use of CAR- transduced natural killer cells in CD19-positive lymphoid tumors NK cell- mediated recall responses: memory- like, adaptive, or antigen- specific?
cord-255013-njpuc475( Myotis daubentonii) Bats and viruses: friend or foe?
cord-255013-njpuc475European bat Lyssavirus type 2a infection in Scotland Emerging diseases in Chiroptera: why bats?
cord-255013-njpuc475What links bats to emerging infectious diseases?
cord-274816-6xpma224Why is COVID-19 so mild in children?
cord-274816-6xpma224key: cord-274816- 6xpma224 authors: Onal, Merih; Onal, Ozkan; Turan, Alparslan title: Can secondary lymphoid organs exert a favorable effect on the mild course of COVID-19 in children?
cord-254895-ym0jsir5Interferon alpha/ beta and interleukin 12 responses to viral infections: pathways regulating dendritic cell cytokine expression in vivo Dendritic cell responses to early murine cytomegalovirus infection: subset functional specialization and differential regulation by interferon alpha/ beta MyD88-dependent and-independent murine cytomegalovirus sensing for IFN- alpha release and initiation of immune responses in vivo Viral infection switches non- plasmacytoid dendritic cells into high interferon producers Innate antiviral responses by means of TLR7-mediated recognition of single- stranded RNA Does Toll- like receptor 3 play a biological role in virus infections?
cord-254895-ym0jsir5What is the molecular basis for the rapid and robust interferon production in pDCs?
cord-254895-ym0jsir5What is the role of TLR9 for antiviral immunity in vivo?
cord-285757-fiqx4tllWhat's new with common colds?
cord-288017-f9b3t0tsUnderstanding immunopathological fallout of human coronavirus infections including COVID‐19: Will they cross the path of rheumatologists?
cord-256998-or73in8mAfter initial setback, IL-12 regaining popularity Interleukin 12: still a promising candidate for tumor immunotherapy?
cord-256998-or73in8mGamma interferon enhances macrophage transcription of the tumor necrosis factor/ cachectin, interleukin 1, and urokinase genes, which are controlled by short- lived repressors Interferon and major histocompatibility complex genes: a model to analyse eukaryotic gene regulation?
cord-256998-or73in8mThe molecular pathogenesis of semliki forest virus: a model virus made useful?
cord-258685-ayek8zboShould we try to alleviate immunosenescence and inflammaging- why, how and to what extent?
cord-258685-ayek8zboThe anti- tumor effect of allogeneic bone marrow/ stem cell transplant without graft vs. host disease toxicity and without a matched donor requirement?
cord-258685-ayek8zboover Ready to submit your research?
cord-017184-1ewi3dkaIl bambino con deficit di IgA: le caratteristiche cliniche, immunologiche e genetiche per una corretta gestione Il bambino immunodepresso Th1 T- cell and monocyte defects Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome( ALPS) in a child from consanguineous parents: a dominant or recessive disease?
cord-017184-1ewi3dkaLong- term followup and prognosis of chronic granulomatous disease in Yugoslavia: is there a role for early bone marrow transplantation?
cord-017184-1ewi3dkaPhenotypic and functional characteristics of peripheral B lymphocytes Localization of the properdin structural locus to Xp11.23-Xp21 Cellular and cytokine abnormalities in common variable immunodeficiency Hypoparathyroidism and the DiGeorge syndrome Heterogeneity of humoral immune abnormalities in children with Nijmegen breakage syndrome: an 8-year follow- up study in a single centre Unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplantation: marrow or umbilical cord blood?
cord-017184-1ewi3dkaWiskott- Aldrich syndrome?
cord-017184-1ewi3dkaprospective data from the United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group Registry Lowered yields of virus- induced interferon production in leukocyte cultures and risk of recurrent respiratory infections in children Clinical heterogeneity and reversibility of selective immunoglobulin A deficiency in 80 children Two siblings with deficiency of IgA1, IgG2, IgG4 and IgE due to deletion of immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region genes Extensive deletion of immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region genes in the absence of recurrent infections: when is IgG subclass deficiency clinically relevant?
cord-278159-afce61g0Does Toll- like receptor 3 play a biological role in virus infections?
cord-278159-afce61g0key: cord-278159-afce61g0 authors: Perales- Linares, Renzo; Navas- Martin, Sonia title: Toll- like receptor 3 in viral pathogenesis: friend or foe?
cord-007696-83v9yfa6A cytokine reborn?
cord-007696-83v9yfa6Collaborating Centers Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis and Epstein- Barr virus: an association?
cord-007696-83v9yfa6Does interferon- gamma improve pulmonary function in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
cord-007696-83v9yfa6What causes cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis?
cord-007696-83v9yfa6report-2002 Single versus bilateral lung transplantation for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a ten- year institutional experience Health- related quality of life in lung transplant candidates and recipients Research on the quality of life of lung transplant candidates and recipients: an integrative review Predicting survival of lung transplantation candidates with idiopathic interstitial pneumonia: does PaO(2) predict survival?
cord-283505-ousbar6cthe interplay between host and pathogen Influenza at the Human- Animal Interface: Summary and Assessment A highly pathogenic avian H7N9 influenza virus isolated from a human is lethal in some ferrets infected via respiratory droplets Recovery from severe H7N9 disease is associated with diverse response mechanisms dominated by CD8?
cord-285148-bch7814vUp- regulation of interferonstimulated genes If interferon production in response to virus infection is impaired in asthmatics what are the possible molecular mechanisms underlying this?
cord-015147-h0o0yqv8Here we report on the development of the PGE2 mimetic combination therapy( DP-837953) that inhibits basal and LPS/ TLR4 induced TNF-?, IL-1ß, and MMP-1, 8, 9, 13 in human and murine synovial membranes and peripheral macrophages.
cord-015147-h0o0yqv8In a murine model of chronic synovitis( dorsal skin air pouch), DP837953 dramatically inhibited IL-1ß, TNF-?, MIP2, MCP-2 and IL-8 expression, delayed the profile of leukocyte/ neutrophil extravasation and reduced exudate volume.
cord-015147-h0o0yqv8In addition, TNF-?, IL-1ß, MMP-8 and to a lesser extent MMP-9 expression/ synthesis levels were strongly suppressed as judged by RT- PCR and ELISA measurements
cord-015147-h0o0yqv8Most of the recent studies have focused on challenge- induced expression of antimicrobial peptides and have addressed the following questions:( 1) which genes are upregulated during various types of bacterial, fungal or viral infections and what are their functions?
cord-023033-tgt69ir6Following exposure to the T cell expander, the level of CD4+CD25+ T cells increased 4.5 times( 28.6 2 30.8) in normal controls, but only 1.85 times in AM-2 patients( 6.62?
cord-023033-tgt69ir6Full- length HCV cDNA corresponding to the pH77 strain previously shown to be infectious in the presence of?
cord-023033-tgt69ir6Ischemic preconditioning decreased serum ALT activity compared to control( 168?
cord-023033-tgt69ir6SEMI vs 333?
cord-023033-tgt69ir6p= O.O2), a difference present both at diagnosis( 2.24? 0.56, p<0.005) and during remission( 4.25 2 0.35, p= O.Ol).
cord-298131-zolwjl9udo apoptotic cells influence antigen processing and presentation?
cord-261028-sxux2ujocombined with novel STING- targeting oligonucleotides results in regression of established tumors MHC class I endosomal and lysosomal trafficking coincides with exogenous antigen loading in dendritic cells Cross- presentation of viral and self antigens by skin- derived CD103+ dendritic cells Intestinal dendritic cells in the regulation of mucosal immunity Cross- priming for a secondary cytotoxic response to minor H antigens with H-2 congenic cells which do not cross- react in the cytotoxic assay Cross- priming Silencing of Irf7 pathways in breast cancer cells promotes bone metastasis through immune escape Apoptotic cell recognition: will the real phosphatidylserine receptor(s) please stand up?
cord-261028-sxux2ujoradiotherapy- induced tumour immunogenicity Antigen- presentation properties of plasmacytoid dendritic cells cGAS is essential for the antitumor effect of immune checkpoint blockade Radiotherapy and immunotherapy: a beneficial liaison?
cord-261028-sxux2ujowhich signals induce tolerance or immunity Tumor associated regulatory dendritic cells Dendritic cells in the cancer microenvironment Do not let death do us part:'find- me'signals in communication between dying cells and the phagocytes The dendritic cell lineage: ontogeny and function of dendritic cells and their subsets in the steady state and the inflamed setting Dendritic cell development: a choose- your- own- adventure story Transcriptional priming of intrathymic precursors for dendritic cell development STING mediates neuronal innate immune response following Japanese encephalitis virus infection Antigen cross- presentation by dendritic cell subsets: one general or all sergeants?
cord-278018-3qemb0x3Can pleural tuberculosis be diagnosed using interferongamma release assays?
cord-278018-3qemb0x3Interferon- gamma release assays for the diagnosis of TB pleural effusions: hype or real hope?
cord-278018-3qemb0x3what works and what does not?
cord-295684-d3p9nbgqHigher Antitumor Activities?
cord-286072-kgpvdb42: What Do They All Do?
cord-286072-kgpvdb42How the SARS coronavirus causes disease: host or organism?
cord-296033-5zyoddl7( IPS-1) Replicates and repeatswhat is the difference and is it significant?
cord-303189-ktl4jw8vThe interferon response to intracellular DNA: why so many receptors?
cord-024651-578c9ut5A Promising Approach For Non- CGD Primary Immune Deficiencies Requiring Myeloablation?
cord-297512-l9re9h4j+874 A/ T is associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome Interferon- gamma gene polymorphisms associated with susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus Genetic polymorphism of the interferon- gamma gene in cervical carcinogenesis Association Study of Interferon-?
cord-003261-fz8ucwwmDo they play non- redundant roles, or do they function in the same way but in different cell types?
cord-003261-fz8ucwwmFor example, what role does each of the proteins play and how do they work together mechanistically to activate MDA5?
cord-003261-fz8ucwwmHow might these pathways be stimulated pharmacologically?
cord-003261-fz8ucwwmI IFN induction RIG- I- mediated antiviral responses to single- stranded RNA bearing 5'-phosphates Activation of MDA5 requires higher- order RNA structures generated during virus infection Who regulates whom?
cord-003261-fz8ucwwmIs there a role for exosomes in this process?
cord-003261-fz8ucwwmWhich molecules might be important for release of viral RNA?
cord-271250-ywb26cq6The adjuvant LT- K63 can restore delayed maturation of follicular dendritic cells and poor persistence of both protein- and polysaccharide- specific antibody- secreting cells in neonatal mice Adjuvants enhancing cross- presentation by dendritic cells: the key to more effective vaccines?
cord-271250-ywb26cq6a meta- analysis Immunobiology of HPV and HPV vaccines Comparative immunogenicity and safety of human papillomavirus( HPV)-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine and HPV-6/11/16/18 vaccine administered according to 2-and 3-dose schedules in girls aged 9- 14 years: results to month 12 from a randomized trial Adjuvants in tuberculosis vaccine development TB vaccine development and the end tb strategy: importance and current status NOD2 and toll- like receptors are nonredundant recognition systems of mycobacterium tuberculosis Multi- stage subunit vaccines against mycobacterium tuberculosis: an alternative to the BCG vaccine or a BCG- prime boost?
cord-271250-ywb26cq6opportunities and challenges What role does the route of immunization play in the generation of protective immunity against mucosal pathogens?
cord-302953-gr2kk9w4The critical role of IFN- γ in experimental coronavirus retinopathy Are proteinases functional molecules of T lymphocytes?
cord-303344-4aeu9n5vinterferon: friend or foe?
cord-006444-eq56zhtd10 patients showed antitumor response to immunotherapy: 3 complete remissions( CR) and?
cord-006444-eq56zhtdAre the growth factors simply permissive for these processes?
cord-006444-eq56zhtdOr do they have an inductive role to play in lineage commitment of stem cells and subsequent maturation into phenotypically mature cells?
cord-006444-eq56zhtdThe number of activated T- cells defined by the antigens CD38, HLA- DR and CD56 were low or in the normal range, and did not fu~ er decrease during therapy in contrast to the non- activated T- cells.?
cord-006444-eq56zhtdW41/88/ Ha-1- 2 from the Deutsche Krebshilfe and 90.055.1 from the Withe~ m- Sander Stiftung IS GRANULOCYTE COLONY- STIMULATING FACTOR AN ANGIOGENIC FACTOR IN HUMAN GLIOBLASTOMA?
cord-006444-eq56zhtdthe high- dose chemotherapy consisted of prednisolone 60rag/ n? p.o.
cord-023585-n3lr9z3uCould the activity have been due to contaminating, biologically active molecules also derived from human leucocytes?
cord-023585-n3lr9z3uFirstly, could people treat themselves with interferon using a simple design of nasal spray?
cord-023585-n3lr9z3uHow can interferon be used in prm'tke?
cord-023585-n3lr9z3uSc- condly, what is the minimum quantity of interferon necessary to protect against infection with cold viruses?
cord-023585-n3lr9z3uWhat is interferen?
cord-298938-xemarhlvCleavage of the divergent domains of ribosomal RNA in apoptosis Chronic hepatitis A with persistent viral replication Replication of hepatitis A viruses with chimeric 5 nontranslated regions 70 Specific proteolytic cleavage of poly(ADP- ribose) polymerase- an early marker of chemotherapy- induced apoptosis Cleavage of poly( A)-binding protein by coxsackievirus 2A protease in vitro and in vivo: another mechanism for host protein synthesis shutoff?
cord-298938-xemarhlvFine mapping of 28S rRNA sites specifically cleaved in cells undergoing apoptosis Divergence towards a dead end?
cord-305263-fgwf6wy3alpha-2a with or without ribavirin for HBeAg- negative chronic hepatitis B Increasing proportion of herpes simplex virus type I as a cause of genital herpes infection in college students Herpes simplex virus encephalitis: new infection or reactivation?
cord-310942-191m0e65Russel J. title: Beneficial actions of melatonin in the management of viral infections: a new use for this “ molecular handyman ”?
cord-310469-v4p01rzeType I human interferons equivalent?
cord-309381-cb80ntxsThe annual impact of seasonal influenza in the US: Measuring disease burden and costs The continual threat of influenza virus infections at the human- animal interface: What is new from a one health perspective?
cord-312955-gs65c3fyThis raises the question of why the innate immune system fails to combat SARS- CoV-2?
cord-306533-lvm11o4rThe ubiquitinmodifying enzyme A20 is required for termination of Toll- like receptor responses CYLD limits Lys63-and Met1-linked ubiquitin at receptor complexes to regulate innate immune signaling Deubiquitination, a new function of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus papain- like protease?
cord-310252-0cdqhrcwThe role of IFN- alpha as homeostatic agent in the inflammatory response: A balance between danger and response?
cord-300319-9k8zseaoEnterocyte- like differentiation and polarisation of the human colon carcinoma cell line Caco-2 in culture Tissue distribution of ACE2 protein, the functional receptor for SARS coronavirus: a first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis Inhibition of intestinal epithelial apoptosis and survival in a murine model of pneumonia- induced sepsis Total parenteral nutrition- induced apoptosis in mouse intestinal epithelium: modulation by keratinocyte growth factor Human intestinal epithelial cell survival: differentiation state- specific control mechanisms Failure to regulate TNF- induced NF- kappaB and cell death responses in A20-deficient mice Apoptosis- programmed cell death and its relevance to gastrointestinal epithelium: survival signal from the matrix Hierarchical cleavage of focal adhesion kinase by caspases alters signal transduction during apoptosis of intestinal epithelial cells Programmed cell death protein 4( pdcd4): a novel target for antineoplastic therapy?
cord-300319-9k8zseaointerferon type I- independent?
cord-308932-pp8etmwqInterferon signaling remains functional during Henipavirus infection of human cell lines Characterization of the bovine type I IFN locus: rearrangements, expansions, and novel subfamilies Mass extinctions, biodiversity and mitochondrial function: are bats'special'as reservoirs for emerging viruses?
cord-317499-mxt7stat: a case- control study Picornavirus infections: a primer for the practitioner Interferon lambda genetic polymorphisms and viral infection: the tip of the iceberg?
cord-313957-hviv5zarThe papain- like protease from the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus is a deubiquitinating enzyme Biomolecules 2020 Deubiquitination, a new function of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus papain- like protease?
cord-314333-hkyiy1gmAged BALB/ c mice as a model for increased severity of severe acute respiratory syndrome in elderly humans Is ageing associated with a shift in the balance between type 1 and type 2 cytokines in humans?
cord-315328-8g40ukmlThe interferon beta therapies for treatment of relapsing- remitting multiple sclerosis: are they equally efficacious?
cord-269734-u43gt8fhCould a small molecule be designed to reverse aspects of the immune- suppressive environment and promote virus control without compromising virus replication?
cord-269734-u43gt8fhFor example, could IFN- β signaling be selectively inhibited without altering IFN- α species engagement with the IFNAR1/2 receptor complex during ongoing viral infection using a small molecule or antibody therapeutic?
cord-269734-u43gt8fhIFN- I signaling in a productive way to lower viral loads and bring persistent/ chronic viral infection under control?
cord-269734-u43gt8fhThe alliance of sphingosine-1-phosphate and its receptors in immunity HIV controllers: How do they tame the virus?
cord-313684-61hkogdhWhy Children Fare Better than Adults?
cord-283096-qm7h4qui: how close are the family ties?
cord-283096-qm7h4quiI TLR3 in antiviral immunity: key player or bystander?
cord-283096-qm7h4quiThe interferon regulated ubiquitin- like protein, ISG15, in tumorigenesis: friend or foe?
cord-254747-vox5xsgdAthmer et al., 2017)?
cord-254747-vox5xsgdHow does nsp15 mediate the evasion of host sensors?
cord-254747-vox5xsgdHow does the EndoU activity of nsp15 alter the fate of dsRNA?
cord-254747-vox5xsgdHow is this EndoU activity regulated to avoid unwanted cleavage events?
cord-254747-vox5xsgdWhat is the natural target of EndoU?
cord-314505-7qh8dsew-how did we miss them?
cord-323756-atnrw9ewApproaching the asymptote?
cord-288238-36hiiw91Does nitric oxide play a critical role in viral infections?
cord-288238-36hiiw91Why do cancers have high aerobic glycolysis?
cord-288238-36hiiw91van der Poll T. Hyperglycemia enhances coagulation and reduces neutrophil degranulation, whereas hyperinsulinemia inhibits fibrinolysis during human endotoxemia High glucose disrupts oligosaccharide recognition function via competitive inhibition: a potential mechanism for immune dysregulation in diabetes mellitus Polymorphonuclear leukocytes in non- insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus: abnormalities in metabolism and function Increased susceptibility of diabetic mice to influenza virus infection: compromise of collectin- mediated host defense of the lung by glucose?
cord-311823-85wj08grDoes the converse hold true for a virus such as HCV, which typically establishes a persistent infection characterized by mild( or slowly progressing) disease?
cord-311823-85wj08grHow then can greater benefits be gained from using functional genomics to study virus- host interactions?
cord-325624-6anybxnkWhen can axonal injury be beneficial?
cord-007417-az8xd66p: Is there a link?
cord-007417-az8xd66pA critical role for dendritic cells?
cord-007417-az8xd66pA prospective cohort study Are rhinovirus- induced airway responses in asthma aggravated by chronic allergen exposure?
cord-007417-az8xd66pEnhanced pulmonary histopathology is observed in cotton rats immunized with formalin- inactivated respiratory syncytial virus( RSV) or purified F glycoprotein and challenged with RSV 3- 6 months after immunization Allergens, viruses, and asthma exacerbations Gender analysis in acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus Age and sex as factors of response to RSV infections among those with previous history of wheezing Nerve growth factor: The central hub in the development of allergic asthma?
cord-007417-az8xd66pThe antibody response to primary and secondary infection with respiratory syncytial virus: Kinetics of class- specific responses Relationship between respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis and future obstructive airway diseases Phenotypes in asthma: Useful guides for therapy, distinct biological processes, or both?
cord-007417-az8xd66pThe cold case: Are rhinoviruses perfectly adapted pathogens?
cord-007417-az8xd66pThe first sign of childhood asthma?
cord-321992-lk2ao6m8: what decides the outcome?
cord-321992-lk2ao6m8The nature of the principal type 1 interferon- producing cells in human blood Induction of neonatal TH1 and CTL responses by live viral vaccines: a role for replication patterns within antigen presenting cells?
cord-312001-8p7scli8Re- evaluation of the immunological Big Bang Pattern recognition receptors and control of adaptive immunity Approaching the asymptote?
cord-312001-8p7scli8The interferon response to intracellular DNA: Why so many receptors?
cord-318339-j35w1vswWhat Did the Researchers Do and Find?
cord-318339-j35w1vswWhat Do These Findings Mean?
cord-282246-wyanwvxaAre there other inflammasome sensors of RV or other enteric viruses?
cord-282246-wyanwvxaDoes a monovalent inactivated human rotavirus vaccine induce heterotypic immunity?
cord-282246-wyanwvxaWhat is the physiological relevance of these s sensors in the human intestine?
cord-282246-wyanwvxacoordinate in the cytoplasm?
cord-271114-hv3gwvdi-174 genotype associated with the development of septicemia in preterm infants?
cord-271114-hv3gwvdiGenetic predisposition of the interleukin-6 response to inflammation: implications for a variety of major diseases?
cord-271114-hv3gwvdiThe relationship between hospital spending and mortality in patients with sepsis 4 million neonatal deaths: when?
cord-327855-txryqil7involvement of RNase L, protein kinase R, and alternative pathways Activation of NF- κB by double- stranded RNA( dsRNA) in the absence of protein kinase R and RNase L demonstrates the existence of two separate dsRNA triggered antiviral programs Membrane permeability induced by hepatitis A virus proteins 2B and 2BC and proteolytic processing of HAV 2BC Replication of hepatitis A viruses with chimeric 5 nontranslated regions Cleavage of poly( A)-binding protein by coxsackievirus 2A protease in vitro and in vivo: another mechanism for host protein synthesis shutoff?
cord-022888-dnsdg04n/CRTAM on gd T cells?
cord-022888-dnsdg04nAs the results show, could there not be a direct relationship between the HLA system and the development of SA or TBC, or in contrast, was the first patient missdiagnosed of TBC being a good prognosis SA?
cord-022888-dnsdg04nCould Carabin play a role of negative regulator of B cell function?
cord-022888-dnsdg04nHow is the IGSF4-CRTAM axis regulated in T cells?
cord-022888-dnsdg04na one- year prospective birth cohort study PC09/16 TO WHAT EXTENT T- SPOT.TB COULD BE USED IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDREN EXPOSED TO TB INFECTION?
cord-307813-elom30nxA decoy peptide that disrupts TIRAP recruitment to TLRs is protective in a murine model of influenza Novel strategies for targeting innate immune responses to influenza Highly pathogenic avian influenza A H5N1 and pandemic H1N1 virus infections have different phenotypes in toll- like receptor 3 knockout mice Inhibition of toll- like receptor signaling as a promising therapy for inflammatory diseases: a journey from molecular to nano therapeutics Small- molecule inhibitors of the TLR3/ dsRNA complex Radix isatidis polysaccharides inhibit influenza a virus and influenza A virus- induced inflammation via suppression of Host TLR3 signaling in vitro Novel effect of methionine enkephalin against influenza A virus infection through inhibiting TLR7-MyD88-TRAF6-NF- kappaB p65 signaling pathway Influenza virus and glycemic variability in diabetes: a killer combination?
cord-307813-elom30nxInnate lymphoid cells in asthma: will they take your breath away?
cord-307813-elom30nxa mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-319501-a2x1hvkkThe action points at which viral proteins function marked with a question mark(?) represent controversial and inconclusive findings in the field or molecular mechanisms not well studied.
cord-319501-a2x1hvkkannouncement of the coronavirus study group Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: transmission, virology and therapeutic targeting to aid in outbreak control Inhibition of novel β coronavirus replication by a combination of interferon- α2b and ribavirin Distinct immune response in two MERS- CoV- infected patients: Can we go from bench to bedside?
cord-307598-p54p7enkDetection of viral RNA-which structure stimulates RIG- I?
cord-307598-p54p7enkRNase cleavage products- ligands for RIG- I and MDA5?
cord-307598-p54p7enkhow bad is it?
cord-335245-1eksm537The structure of the APPBP1-UBA3-NEDD8-ATP complex reveals the basis for selective ubiquitin- like protein activation by an E1 Structures of the SUMO E1 provide mechanistic insights into SUMO activation and E2 recruitment to E1 Insights into the ubiquitin transfer cascade from the structure of the activating enzyme for NEDD8 Ubiquitin- conserved protein or selfish gene?
cord-299949-kmn53e2zFlaviviruses are neurotropic, but how do they invade the CNS?
cord-299949-kmn53e2zGamma interferon- dependent, noncytolytic clearance of sindbis virus infection from neurons in vitro Control of sindbis virus infection by antibody in interferon- deficient mice Maturation- dependent responses of human neuronal cells to western equine encephalitis virus infection and type I interferons Neurons under viral attack: victims or warriors?
cord-299949-kmn53e2zHow do immune cells support and shape the brain in health, disease, and aging?
cord-333600-k6ws97atDo men have a higher case fatality rate of severe acute respiratory syndrome than women do?
cord-265005-e6rpryrhHow type I interferons work in multiple sclerosis and other diseases: some unexpected mechanisms Role of type I interferons in inflammasome activation, cell death, and disease during microbial infection Does Type I interferon limit protective neutrophil responses during pulmonary Francisella Tularensis infection?
cord-265005-e6rpryrhI IFN receptor- triggering of T cells and of DC is required to promote maximal modified vaccinia virus Ankara- induced T- cell expansion Antiviral immune responses: triggers of or triggered by autoimmunity?
cord-265005-e6rpryrhIs chronic plaque psoriasis triggered by microbiota in the skin?
cord-265005-e6rpryrhPlasmacytoid dendritic cells suppress HIV-1 replication but contribute to HIV-1 induced immunopathogenesis in humanized mice Chronic hepatitis C: future treatment Host- targeting agents in the treatment of hepatitis C: a beginning and an end?
cord-265005-e6rpryrhPredominant role of bacterial pneumonia as a cause of death in pandemic influenza: implications for pandemic influenza preparedness Pathology of human influenza revisited Immune dysfunction and bacterial coinfections following influenza Type I interferon: friend or foe?
cord-265005-e6rpryrhThe pathology of influenza virus infections How do viral infections predispose patients to bacterial infections?
cord-337677-ktktqs7bCan interferons stop COVID-19 before it takes hold?
cord-275795-ee7qyw5hAlpha- beta T cells provide protection against lethal encephalitis in the murine model of VEEV infection Correlates of protective immunity in poxvirus infection: where does antibody stand?
cord-275795-ee7qyw5hCirculating rotavirus- specific T cells have a poor functional profile Fulfilling the promise of rotavirus vaccines: how far have we come since licensure?
cord-275795-ee7qyw5hIntracellular IFN- gamma expression in natural killer cells precedes lung CD8 þ T cell recruitment during respiratory syncytial virus infection HBV pathogenesis in animal models: recent advances on the role of platelets Basis of rabies virus neurovirulence in mice: expression of major histocompatibility complex class I and class II mRNAs Postlicensure effectiveness of varicella vaccine during an outbreak in a child care center Management of rabies in humans Vaccinia virus vaccines: past, present and future Hepatitis A virus in West Africa: is an epidemiological transition beginning?
cord-275795-ee7qyw5hThe T¼4 envelope of Sindbis virus is organized by interactions with a complementary T¼3 capsid Bystander target cell lysis and cytokine production by dengue virus- specific human CD4(þ) cytotoxic T- lymphocyte clones What is immune privilege( not)?
cord-275795-ee7qyw5hThe global burden of viral hepatitis from Analysis of T cell responses during active varicella- zoster virus reactivation in human ganglia REVIEW PAPER: pathology of animal models of alphavirus encephalitis Interview about immune privilege with Memory CD8 T cells in RSV infection: friend or foe?
cord-023143-fcno330z, Cara Wilsont, Kelledy Mansons, Michael Wyands, Bruce Walker?, Ronald C. Desrosiers
cord-023143-fcno330zHowever, productive virus replication is minimized by antiviral CD8 T cells which suppress( kill?)
cord-023143-fcno330zPrP genes were used to demonstrate that the"specie9 bank?'
cord-023143-fcno330zThe interferons( IFNs) a n? a family of cytokines whose functions include the protection of cells against viral infection.
cord-023143-fcno330zofthe influenza HA protein from this second promoter in baby hamster kidney( BHK) cells was approximately 50??
cord-023143-fcno330zofthe influenza HA protein from this second promoter in baby hamster kidney( BHK) cells was approximately 50??
cord-340475-h0q1m3edThis raises the question why the infection persist in spite of increased levels of antiviral factors?
cord-309619-glb2y82uThe antithrombotic effect of angiotensin-(1- 7) involves mas- mediated NO release from platelets High frequency of antiphospholipid antibodies in critically- ill COVID-19 patients: a link with hypercoagulability?
cord-309619-glb2y82urisk factors in medical- surgical critically ill patients* multicenter study; randomized controlled trial Pulmonary thrombosis: a clinical pathological entity distinct from pulmonary embolism?
cord-309619-glb2y82urs12252-C is associated with disease severity in COVID-19 Genomewide Association study of severe Covid-19 with respiratory failure Use of reninÀangiotensinÀaldosterone system inhibitors and risk of COVID-19 requiring admission to hospital: a case- population study Novel antibody epitopes dominate the antigenicity of spike glycoprotein in SARS- CoV-2 compared to SARS- CoV Soluble angiotensin- converting enzyme 2: a potential approach for coronavirus infection therapy?
cord-344798-q34j4zxuShould we stimulate or suppress immune responses in COVID-19?
cord-347200-dtwhd6zyAre NK cells more important for immune stimulation or regulation or do they have bifunctional roles as a plastic cell able to respond to the environment?
cord-263141-n200x6z1Are similar immune mechanisms activated by the microbiota in high- risk populations( infants, elderly, immunocompromised hosts) in which respiratory viral infections are more frequent and severe?
cord-263141-n200x6z1Has the microbiota the ability to influence immune responses to other respiratory viruses?
cord-263141-n200x6z1How the different microbial species from the gut microbiota influence the common mucosal immune system?
cord-263141-n200x6z1Is it possible to beneficially modulate antiviral respiratory defenses by orally administering selected microorganisms with immunomodulatory capacities?
cord-263141-n200x6z1Which PRRs are activated by the gut microbiota to functionally modulate antiviral immunity locally and in distal mucosal sites?
cord-263141-n200x6z1Which cellular functions are modulated by the microbiota after PRR activation?
cord-351489-tzmev77cAn old drug against today's diseases?
cord-355671-t890eixt, how big are they and where do they occur?
cord-299754-tgexahwdDo TRIM proteins function as hubs connecting different signaling pathways or different systems?
cord-299754-tgexahwdFor example, how many TRIMs act as autophagic receptors and what are their specific targets?
cord-299754-tgexahwdHow is the autophagic role of TRIMs integrated with the other functions of TRIMs, including regulation of gene expression and pro- inflammatory signaling?
cord-299754-tgexahwdI interferons in infectious disease Are the IKKs and IKK- related kinases TBK1 and IKK- epsilon similarly activated?
cord-299754-tgexahwdWhat is the interplay between the E3 ligase activity of TRIMs and precision autophagy?
cord-351845-bli3qm8wThe innate immune system: fighting on the front lines or fanning the flames of COVID-19?
cord-302340-pw2xqhwaIs there a common characteristic shared by IFITM3-susceptible viruses?
cord-302340-pw2xqhwaThese studies also raise new questions including i) how do IFN and IFITM3 prevent viral fusion?
cord-302340-pw2xqhwaand iii) is the latter action required for viral restriction, or alternatively does it arise as an outcome of IFITM3's potential cellular role?
cord-302340-pw2xqhwahow do IFN and IFITM3 alter the endosomal and autolysosomal compartments?
cord-009567-osstpum6( for women) and"How difficult is it for you to get or keep an erection?"
cord-009567-osstpum6: Can We Afford It?
cord-009567-osstpum6:"How difficult is it for your vagina to get or stay wet or moist?"
cord-009567-osstpum6Roberto Hernandez- Alejandro, 1 Xusheng Zhang, 2 Dong Chen, 2 Xiufen Zheng, 2 Hongtao Sun, 2 Weihua Liu, 2 Marianne Beduhn, 2 Aminah Shunnar, 2 Motohiko Suzuki, 2 Norihiko Kubo, 2 Bertha Garcia, 2 Anthony Jevnikar, 1,2 Living kidney donation is rapidly increasing worldwide to offer a partial(?) solution for the numerous ESRD wait- listed pts.
cord-009567-osstpum6These include the phosphorylation of PERK target eIF2?
cord-009567-osstpum6or Not Enough?
cord-356094-sbtigcfrSince H. perforatum could resist influenza A virus and PRRSV, could it resist IBV?
cord-328252-dk54w8z93C- Like Protease Regulates Its Interferon Antagonism by Cleaving NEMO Ubiquitin in the activation and attenuation of innate antiviral immunity Deubiquitination, a new function of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus papain- like protease?
cord-328252-dk54w8z9Cell Host Microbe Quo vadis?
cord-328252-dk54w8z9to Usurp Ubiquitin and SUMO Host Pathways Human coronaviruses: what do they cause?
cord-032183-yqqqe325An integration of deep viral suppression with sequential immune modulation( cocktail therapy) to restore antiviral capacity: the future of chronic hepatitis B?
cord-032183-yqqqe325Dissecting the divergent effects of interferon- alpha on immune cells: time to rethink combination therapy in chronic hepatitis B?
cord-032183-yqqqe325Does antiviral therapy reduce complications of cirrhosis?
cord-032183-yqqqe325Entecavir treatment prevents disease progression in hepatitis B virus- related acute- on- chronic liver failure: establishment of a novel logistical regression model Management of severe acute to fulminant hepatitis B: to treat or not to treat or when to treat?
cord-032183-yqqqe325HBV cure- can we pin our hopes on immunotherapy?
cord-032183-yqqqe325What MELD score mandates use of entecavir for ACLF- HBV HBeAg- negative patients?
cord-032183-yqqqe325hepatitis B immunoglobulin necessary in prophylaxis of hepatitis B recurrence after liver transplantation?
cord-032183-yqqqe325the effect of preventive lamivudine on hepatitis B reactivation during chemotherapy Management of the HBV reactivation in isolated HBcAb positive patients affected with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Hepatitis B virus reactivation associated with anti- neoplastic therapy Thyroid abnormalities in chronic viral hepatitis and their relationship to interferon alfa therapy Can pegylated interferon alpha 2a cause development of thyroid disorders in patients with chronic hepatitis B?
cord-343963-99rd3o79Hepatitis C Virus induces the mitochondrial translocation of Parkin and subsequent mitophagy Autophagy and RNA virus interactomes reveal IRGM as a common target MicroRNAs and immunity: novel players in the regulation of normal immune function and inflammation How do microRNAs regulate gene expression?
cord-343963-99rd3o79NS5A nonstructural protein: a new paradigm for phosphorylation- dependent viral RNA replication?
cord-312438-zr9zx7pvDoes the human placenta express the canonical cell entry mediators for SARS- CoV-2?
cord-312438-zr9zx7pvHow can pathogens cross the SCT barrier and the VCT to infect the villous stroma?
cord-312438-zr9zx7pvWhat is trophoblast?
cord-312438-zr9zx7pvhow do different pathogens escape or modulate the maternal- fetal host innate immune barrier( ii) why do some pathogens lead to congenital infection but not others?
cord-349647-cfjrwt44Are rhinovirus- induced airway responses in asthma aggravated by chronic allergen exposure?
cord-349647-cfjrwt44Can we distinguish respiratory viral infections based on clinical features?
cord-334624-chnibsa1Are the viral 390 immune manipulation strategies ineffective?
cord-334624-chnibsa1However, an important question remains: Why 389 are some innate immune pathways, such as IFN- γ signaling less antagonized( Fig. 1)?
cord-334624-chnibsa1Why would multiple effective proteins target the same pathway?
cord-351520-c5fi2uohRIG- I- mediated innate antiviral signaling by the dihydroxyacetone kinase RNF5, a RING finger protein that regulates cell motility by targeting paxillin ubiquitination and altered localization Innate antiviral responses by means of TLR7-mediated recognition of single- stranded RNA Poxvirus protein N1L targets the I- kappaB kinase complex, inhibits signaling to NF- kappaB by the tumor necrosis factor superfamily of receptors, and inhibits NF- kappaB and IRF3 signaling by toll- like receptors Activation of IKK by TNFalpha requires site- specific ubiquitination of RIP1 and polyubiquitin binding by NEMO Does Toll- like receptor 3 play a biological role in virus infections?
cord-351520-c5fi2uohan in- Toll- erant protein kinase?
cord-023724-5at0rhqk( Long- term) pathogenic consequences?
cord-023724-5at0rhqkA high proportion of the human population has already been vaccinated- lifelong protection may result in poor response to recombinant vaccines(?).
cord-023724-5at0rhqkDifficult to grow to high titer and purify for direct administration( patient cells must be cultured in vitro); can not infect nondividing cells- most somatic cells( except lentiviruses?); insertional mutagenesis/ activation of cellular oncogenes.
cord-023724-5at0rhqkHow do CRISPRs work?
cord-023724-5at0rhqkHow do plant viruses induce disease?
cord-023724-5at0rhqkHow do viruses avoid inhibition by endogenous cellular microRNAs?
cord-023724-5at0rhqkIntegrate into cell genome, giving long- lasting( lifelong?)
cord-023724-5at0rhqkSo how do bacteria survive against this constant onslaught?
cord-023724-5at0rhqkSo who( apart from bacteria) cares about CRISPRs?
cord-297790-tpjxt0w5A comparison of bats and rodents as reservoirs of zoonotic viruses: are bats special?
cord-297790-tpjxt0w5A molecular phylogeny for bats illuminates biogeography and the fossil record Host and viral traits predict zoonotic spillover from mammals Are disease reservoirs special?
cord-297790-tpjxt0w5Are bats exceptional viral reservoirs?
cord-297790-tpjxt0w5Do our life history traits make us susceptible to generating damaging immune responses to RNA viruses or does the physiology of bats make them particularly tolerant or resistant?
cord-297790-tpjxt0w5Mass extinctions, biodiversity and mitochondrial function: are bats'special'as reservoirs for emerging viruses?
cord-297790-tpjxt0w5What links bats to emerging infectious diseases?
cord-332632-u2ud0vmq: what resistance and tolerance can teach us about treating infectious diseases Increased ribonuclease expression reduces inflammation and prolongs survival in TLR7 transgenic mice Immune responses against classical swine fever virus: between ignorance and lunacy, Front Innate immunity: quo vadis?
cord-332632-u2ud0vmqTLR recognition of self nucleic acids hampers glucocorticoid activity in lupus Nucleic acids and endosomal pattern recognition: how to tell friend from foe?
cord-332632-u2ud0vmqWhat can pestiviral endonucleases teach us about innate immunotolerance?
cord-332632-u2ud0vmqvon der Biologie zur Bekämpfung Pestivirus control programs: how far have we come and where are we going?
cord-262673-j2ot35ltDo men have a higher case fatality rate of severe acute respiratory syndrome than women do?
cord-262673-j2ot35ltH1N1 influenza in the United States Severe morbidity and mortality associated with respiratory syncytial virus versus influenza infection in hospitalized older adults Respiratory syncytial virus infection in elderly and high- risk adults Clinical characteristics and outcomes of human rhinovirus positivity in hospitalized children Detection of human rhinoviruses in the lower respiratory tract of lung transplant recipients Upper and lower respiratory tract infections by human enterovirus and rhinovirus in adult patients with hematological malignancies Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus shows poor replication but significant induction of antiviral responses in human monocytederived macrophages and dendritic cells Macrophages: a Trojan horse in COVID-19?
cord-262673-j2ot35ltHow the SARS coronavirus causes disease: host or organism?
cord-262673-j2ot35ltMiddle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus( MERS- CoV) causes transient lower respiratory tract infection in rhesus macaques Clinical features and viral diagnosis of two cases of infection with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: a report of nosocomial transmission SARS- CoV2: should inhibitors of the renin- angiotensin system be withdrawn in patients with COVID-19?
cord-262673-j2ot35ltSpatiotemporal interplay of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and respiratory mucosal cells drives viral dissemination in rhesus macaques Location or origin?
cord-262673-j2ot35ltThe involvement of natural killer cells in the pathogenesis of severe acute respiratory syndrome Expression of lymphocytes and lymphocyte subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS- CoV-2 infection in children: transmission dynamics and clinical characteristics Will children reveal their secret?
cord-262673-j2ot35ltThe role of neutrophil extracellular traps in Covid-19: only an hypothesis or a potential new field of research?
cord-262673-j2ot35ltWhat is critical for macrophage propagation of lung fibrosis?
cord-306424-gf0bglm0IFN- lambda( IFN-??) is expressed in a tissue- dependent fashion and primarily acts on epithelial cells in vivo Severe acute respiratory syndrome- related coronavirus is inhibited by interferon- alpha Interferon- beta and interferongamma synergistically inhibit the replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome- associated coronavirus( SARS- CoV) Evaluation of immunomodulators, interferons and known in vitro SARS- CoV inhibitors for inhibition of SARS- CoV replication in BALB/ c mice Single- dose intranasal administration with mDEF201
cord-306424-gf0bglm0IFN- lambda( IFN-??) is expressed in a tissue- dependent fashion and primarily acts on epithelial cells in vivo Severe acute respiratory syndrome- related coronavirus is inhibited by interferon- alpha Interferon- beta and interferongamma synergistically inhibit the replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome- associated coronavirus( SARS- CoV) Evaluation of immunomodulators, interferons and known in vitro SARS- CoV inhibitors for inhibition of SARS- CoV replication in BALB/ c mice Single- dose intranasal administration with mDEF201
cord-306424-gf0bglm0Membranous replication factories induced by plus- strand RNA viruses Does form meet function in the coronavirus replicative organelle?
cord-306424-gf0bglm0interferon induction Cardif is an adaptor protein in the RIG- I antiviral pathway and is targeted by hepatitis C virus Identification and characterization of MAVS, a mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein that activates NF VISA is an adapter protein required for virus- triggered IFN-?.?.
cord-306424-gf0bglm0interferon induction Cardif is an adaptor protein in the RIG- I antiviral pathway and is targeted by hepatitis C virus Identification and characterization of MAVS, a mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein that activates NF VISA is an adapter protein required for virus- triggered IFN-?.?.
cord-306424-gf0bglm0what and how?
cord-327135-4c2flue4: do interferon lambda 3 polymorphisms predict the outcome of interferon- therapy in hepatitis B infection?
cord-327135-4c2flue4One more piece in the interleukin 28B gene puzzle?
cord-327135-4c2flue4So the question arises: is the IFN- λ4-generating SNP the sole functional SNP or the other SNPs regulating the expression of IFN- λ3 also have independent roles?
cord-327135-4c2flue4So, how does the expression of a functional IFN- λ4 in patients who get an acute HCV infection will lead them to become chronically infected?
cord-337365-hugenn14HSV-1 can be treated, but can WNV or enteroviruses?
cord-337365-hugenn14What role does the RIPK3 signaling pathway in microglia play in viral encephalitis?
cord-337365-hugenn14phagocyte immunity and the neuropathogenesis of HIV-1 infection Regulated expression of sodium- dependent glutamate transporters and synthetase: a neuroprotective role for activated microglia and macrophages in HIV infection?
cord-337365-hugenn14scapegoat, saboteur, or something else?
cord-016499-5iqpl23pAntimicrobials for acute otitis media?
cord-016499-5iqpl23pDo rhinoviruses reduce the probability of viral codetection during acute respiratory tract infections?
cord-016499-5iqpl23pHuman major group rhinoviruses downmodulate the accessory function of monocytes by inducing IL-10 Rhinovirus- induced lower respiratory illness is increased in asthma and related to virus load and Th1/2 cytokine and IL-10 production Interleukin-11: stimulation in vivo and in vitro by respiratory viruses and induction of airways hyperresponsiveness Nasal- secretion leukocyte populations determined by fl ow cytometry during acute rhinovirus infection Expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1( ICAM-1) in nasal epithelial cells of atopic subjects: a mechanism for increased rhinovirus infection?
cord-016499-5iqpl23pInfl uenza vaccination in the prevention of acute otitis media in children Effi cacy of a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against acute otitis media Rhinovirus in acute otitis media Temporal relationships between colds, upper respiratory viruses detected by polymerase chain reaction, and otitis media in young children followed through a typical cold season Presence of viral nucleic acids in the middle ear: acute otitis media pathogen or bystander?
cord-016499-5iqpl23pIs acute otitis media a treatable disease?
cord-016499-5iqpl23pSo, what do cohort studies, supported by comprehensive PCR- based testing, tell us about asymptomatic virus infections?
cord-016499-5iqpl23pThe cold case: Are rhinoviruses perfectly adapted pathogens?
cord-016499-5iqpl23pThe common cold: control?
cord-016499-5iqpl23pThe impact of dual viral infection in infants admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit associated with severe bronchiolitis Rhinovirus infections of children in hospital; isolation of three possibly new rhinovirus serotypes Do rhinoviruses reduce the probability of viral co- detection during acute respiratory tract infections?
cord-016499-5iqpl23pThis feature raises an issue: did the use of older subjects in many common cold studies underplay the pathogenic potential of the HRVs because protective or partially cross- protective antibodies moderated the impact of infection?
cord-016499-5iqpl23phuman rhinovirus type 17 Antigenic variation of rhinovirus type 22 Isolation of rhinovirus intertypes related to either rhinoviruses 12 and 78 or 36 and 58 Is a rhinovirus vaccine possible?
cord-336510-qzm9wgdeNF- kappa B induction of major histocompatibility class I and beta 2-microglobulin gene expression in transfected human neuroblastoma cells Complex formation of the interferon( IFN) consensus sequence- binding protein with IRF-1 is essential for murine macrophage IFN- gamma- induced iNOS gene expression Does nitric oxide play a critical role in viral infections?
cord-336510-qzm9wgdeNO or no NO?
cord-336510-qzm9wgdeThe acquisition of herpes simplex virus during pregnancy Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection in relation to asymptomatic maternal infection at the time of labor Herpes simplex virus infections of women and their offspring: implications for a developed society Neonatal herpes simplex virus infections: is there a role for immunoglobulin in disease prevention and therapy?
cord-336510-qzm9wgdeinterferon- beta mRNA levels in human fibroblasts Is Wiskott- Aldrich syndrome a cell trafficking disorder?
cord-005393-rhji4io9As detected by immunohistochemical analysis, the addition of IFN-7 to brain cells in culture results in 9% of neurons expressing MHC class I, whereas direct injection into the CNS results in approx 15% of neurons expressing MHC class I. Moreover, the response of the OLB21 neuronal cell line to IFN-? has been investigated( Joly and Oldstone, 1992).
cord-005393-rhji4io9IFN-? also plays a role in regulating antibody production, promoting an IgG2a response through a direct effect on B- cells( Snapper and Paul, 1987).
cord-005393-rhji4io9IFN-? is also a potent stimulator of the expression of the Fc receptors for IgG immunoglobins on macrophages( Erbe et al., 1990).
cord-005393-rhji4io9IFN-? is also a powerful effector molecule of the inflammatory response( reviewed in Schreiber and Celada, 1985).
cord-005393-rhji4io9Interferon- gamma( IFN-?) was originally discovered by Wheelock( 1965) as an activity that interfered with viral replication.
cord-005393-rhji4io9Moreover, EAE can be transferred to naive animals using IFN-~,-secreting Tqymphocytes isolated from animals experiencing EAE( Zamvil and SteLnman, 1990), and a significant increase in the level of IFN-?,
cord-005393-rhji4io9Reversible inhibitory effects of interferon- y and tumouar necrosis factor- o: on oligodendroglial lineage cell proliferation and differentiation in vitro Molecular cloning and expression of the human interferon-?
cord-005393-rhji4io9Taken as a whole, these observations demonstrate that IFN-? can either directly or indirectly mediate many of the CNS pathological effects that are observed in disorders in which immune cell traffic in the CNS increases.
cord-005393-rhji4io9The IFN-? work in Brian Popko's laboratory has been supported by the National Institutes of Health( NIH) research grant ROI NS34939, and
cord-005393-rhji4io9The presence of Table 2 Effects of IFN-? on the CNS Disruption of myelination Exacerbation of reactive gliosis Disruption of the blood- brain barrier Recruitment of inflammatory cells from the periphery Induction of MHC expression Stimulation of macrophage/ microglial cells Disruption of cerebellar granule cell migration this cytokine in the CNS leads to an abundance of pathological effects, including decreased myelination, increased gliosis, disruption of blood- brain barrier func~ on, increased MHC expression, stimulation of macrophage/ microglial activation, and disruption of cerebellar granule cell migration.
cord-005393-rhji4io9production of interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor precedes clinical manifestation in multiple sclerosis: do cytokines trigger off exacerbations?
cord-304553-gbwb7fqiA cure for bioterrorism?
cord-304553-gbwb7fqiAvian influenza virus infections in humans Seed viruses containing novel avian HA and NA antigens for prevention against potential influenza pandemic Antiviral chemotherapeutic agents against respiratory viruses: where are we now and what's in the pipeline?
cord-304553-gbwb7fqiDo DNA vaccines induce autoimmune disease?
cord-304553-gbwb7fqiMacrophages secrete a novel heparin- binding protein with inflammatory and neutrophil chemokinetic properties Macrophage inflammatory proteins 1 and 2: members of a novel superfamily of cytokines Annual review prize lecture cytokines-killers in the brain?
cord-304553-gbwb7fqineuraminidase activates latent transforming growth factor beta Predominant contribution of IFN- beta expression to apoptosis induction in human uterine cervical fibroblast cells by influenza- virus infection Local immune responses to influenza virus infection in mice with a targeted disruption of perforin gene T cell- dependent production of IFN- gamma by NK cells in response to influenza A virus Protective cross- reactive cellular immunity to lethal A/ Goose/ Guangdong/1/96-like H5N1 influenza virus is correlated with the proportion of pulmonary CD8(+) T cells expressing gamma interferon Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A( H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-304553-gbwb7fqisynthetic TLR 7 agonists TLR7 is involved in sequence- specific sensing of single- stranded RNAs in human macrophages Toll- like receptor- mediated activation of neutrophils by influenza A virus Immunotherapeutic activity of a conjugate of a Toll- like receptor 7 ligand Administration of a dual toll- like receptor 7 and toll- like receptor 8 agonist protects against influenza in rats Nucleic acid recognition receptors in autoimmunity Control of toll- like receptor 7 expression is essential to restrict autoimmunity and dendritic cell proliferation Treatment of lupus- prone mice with a dual inhibitor of TLR7 and TLR9 leads to reduction of autoantibody production and amelioration of disease symptoms TLR7 ligands induce higher IFN- alpha production in females Human and avian influenza viruses target different cell types in cultures of human airway epithelium Avian influenza and sialic acid receptors: more than meets the eye?
cord-307914-lgprrwee( Gowen et al., 2007)?
cord-307914-lgprrwee, 2009)?
cord-307914-lgprrwee-I given that RIG- I senses the 5 0 diphosphate terminus?
cord-307914-lgprrwee: DNase II deficiency prevents activation of autoreactive B cells by double- stranded DNA endogenous ligands Toll- like receptor 3 in viral pathogenesis: friend or foe?
cord-307914-lgprrweeC a robust activator of MDA5 while many other defined, long dsRNAs such as poly(A: U) are not( Colby and Chamberlin, 1969; Pichlmair et al., 2009)?
cord-307914-lgprrweeThe interferon response to intracellular DNA: why so many receptors?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7Gilead Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7Lessons from Other Coronavirus Strains Low incidence of severe liver events in HIV patients with and without hepatitis C or B coinfection receiving lopinavir/ ritonavir Saunders Handbook of Veterinary Drugs Interaction between antihypertensives and NSAIDs in primary care: a controlled trial Risk of serious infections in tocilizumab versus other biologic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a multidatabase cohort study Review of safety and minimum pricing of nitazoxanide for potential treatment of COVID-19 A review of the safety of favipiravir-a potential treatment in the COVID-19 pandemic?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7PHOSPHATE Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7The Lancet Fifteen years of losartan: what have we learned about losartan that can benefit chronic kidney disease patients?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7What if I take an extra contraceptive pill by accident?
cord-315730-fzgxuak7Why your health may never be the same after Covid-19. Retrieved from Swedish Orphan Biovitrum Ltd Sarilumab plus methotrexate in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis and inadequate response to methotrexate: results of a randomized, placebo- controlled phase III trial in Japan Hydroxychloroquine in patients with COVID-19: an open- label, randomized Cardiovascular Safety During Treatment With Baricitinib in Rheumatoid Arthritis Mechanism of Inhibition of Ebola Virus RNA- Dependent RNA Polymerase by Remdesivir Interferon and cytokine responses to SARS- coronavirus infection Antihypertensive drugs and risk of COVID-19?
cord-312386-88uwlmjxwhat factors determine the switch between pro- and anti- inflammatory functions of STAT3?,"how are viruses able to exploit STAT3 signalling for their gene replication?,and"does STAT3
cord-312386-88uwlmjxwhat factors determine the switch between pro- and anti- inflammatory functions of STAT3?,"how are viruses able to exploit STAT3 signalling for their gene replication?,and"does STAT3
cord-312386-88uwlmjxInnate defense mechanism against virus infection within the cardiac myocyte requiring gp130-STAT3 signaling Innate immunity to H5N1 influenza viruses in humans Induction of proinflammatory cytokines in human macrophages by influenza A( H5N1) viruses: a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-312386-88uwlmjxeither negatively or positively regulate type 1 IFN response depending on the virus type involved?"
cord-312386-88uwlmjxhow intimate is the relationship?
cord-312386-88uwlmjxsignaling What does Stat3 do?
cord-344093-3bniy5b5Viral infection and pulmonary hypertension: is there an association?
cord-344093-3bniy5b5a mechanism for the unusual severity of human disease?
cord-344093-3bniy5b5inhibits lung edema clearance during influenza infection Approaching the asymptote?
cord-344093-3bniy5b5interferon: friend or foe?
cord-347298-7kqrl3rv, why are such reactions not more common?
cord-347298-7kqrl3rvLPS Flagellin/ Profilin ?
cord-347298-7kqrl3rvSignificant ROS include the superoxide anion( O 2-), hydrogen peroxide( H 2 O 2), the hydroxyl radical( HO?), nitric oxide( NO?), and the peroxynitrite anion( ONOO À).
cord-347298-7kqrl3rvSignificant ROS include the superoxide anion( O 2-), hydrogen peroxide( H 2 O 2), the hydroxyl radical( HO?), nitric oxide( NO?), and the peroxynitrite anion( ONOO À).
cord-347298-7kqrl3rvThe question then arises: if immune responses against exogenous and endogenous antigens are inhibited in the testis environment, does the testis display a reduced capacity to deal with infections and greater susceptibility to certain kinds of tumors?
cord-314019-8n0jafskAt what stage during a picornavirus infection does MDA5 become activated?
cord-314019-8n0jafskNonetheless, assuming RIG- I is targeted by EMCV, how could this benefit virus replication?
cord-314019-8n0jafskWhat RNA(s) are directly bound by MDA5?
cord-314019-8n0jafskWhat is the minimum length of MDA5 filaments that can activate MAVS in cells?
cord-314019-8n0jafskWhere and when do viral proteinases encounter and target crucial factors of immune pathways?
cord-314019-8n0jafskWhere does MDA5 gain access to viral RNA PAMPs that are produced in restricted subcellular microenvironments?
cord-314019-8n0jafskis it only needed for specific( types of) RNA ligands?
cord-333463-u7je0d1o( via IFN- g secretion) contribute to these phenotypes?
cord-333463-u7je0d1oDampened responsiveness to type I IFN?
cord-333463-u7je0d1oMHC class I?
cord-333463-u7je0d1oStrain specific?
cord-333463-u7je0d1oStrain specific?
cord-333463-u7je0d1oYellow Fever Flaviviridae Monkeys( lemurs?)
cord-000083-3p81yr4nBetween patients with HOMA- IR positive and negative, however, statistically no significant difference was found in terms of age, sex, etiology, Child- Pugh classification, spleen size, TNF-?,
cord-000083-3p81yr4nDo we all failed in addressing socio- economic issues of cancer- sufferers?
cord-000083-3p81yr4nIn additon, we aimed to investigate the relation of insulin resistance in liver cirrhosis with such parameters as age, sex, etiology, Child- Pugh classification, spleen size, TNF-?, IL-1?
cord-000083-3p81yr4nIn additon, we aimed to investigate the relation of insulin resistance in liver cirrhosis with such parameters as age, sex, etiology, Child- Pugh classification, spleen size, TNF-?, IL-1?
cord-000083-3p81yr4nIn liver cirrhosis group, glucose, insulin, C- peptid, HOMA- IR, TNF-?
cord-000083-3p81yr4nIn patients with liver cirrhosis, the levels of glucose, insulin, C- peptid, HOMA- IR, TNF-?, IL-2RES, IL-6, CRP and Hs- CRP increase with respect to normal population.
cord-000083-3p81yr4nIn the study, it was also determined that the mechanism of insulin resistance development occurs independent of age, sex, etiology, Child- Pugh classification, spleen size, TNF-?,
cord-000083-3p81yr4nThe two groups were compared with each other in terms of glucose, insulin, C- peptid, HOMA- IR, TNF-?,
cord-000083-3p81yr4nThese two groups, i.e., HOMA- IR positive and HOMA- IR negative, were compared in terms of age, sex, etiology, Child- Pugh classification, spleen size, TNF-?,
cord-288960-v6l6o5vaI interferon responses in vivo Formation of STAT1-STAT2 heterodimers and their role in the activation of IRF-1 gene transcription by interferon-??
cord-288960-v6l6o5vaI interferon responses in vivo Formation of STAT1-STAT2 heterodimers and their role in the activation of IRF-1 gene transcription by interferon-??
cord-288960-v6l6o5vaRecent approaches to intracellular delivery of drugs and dna and organelle targeting IFN??
cord-288960-v6l6o5vaRecent approaches to intracellular delivery of drugs and dna and organelle targeting IFN??
cord-288960-v6l6o5vaThe regional function of cGAS/ STING signal in multiple organs: one of culprit behind systemic lupus erythematosus?
cord-288960-v6l6o5vaType I interferon in the pathogenesis of lupus Type I interferon: friend or foe?
cord-288960-v6l6o5vainterferon responses are impaired in latently HIV infected cells HIV-1 and interferons: who's interfering with whom?
cord-288960-v6l6o5valessons learned from antagonism of STING signalling during RNA virus infection E2 proteins of high risk human papillomaviruses down- modulate STING and IFN-??
cord-288960-v6l6o5valessons learned from antagonism of STING signalling during RNA virus infection E2 proteins of high risk human papillomaviruses down- modulate STING and IFN-??
cord-320663-xypg6evoActivating KIRs and NKG2C in viral infections: toward NK cell memory?
cord-320663-xypg6evoAre patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection?
cord-320663-xypg6evoCOVID-19 and treatment with NSAIDs and corticosteroids: should we be limiting their use in the clinical setting?
cord-320663-xypg6evoDoes COVID-19 spread through droplets alone?
cord-320663-xypg6evoHave I found the missing ingredient in a coronavirus vaccine?
cord-320663-xypg6evoHow is immunosuppressive status affecting children and adults in SARS- CoV-2 infection?
cord-320663-xypg6evoThe SARS, MERS and novel coronavirus( COVID-19) epidemics, the newest and biggest global health threats: what lessons have we learned?
cord-320663-xypg6evoThe innate immune system: fighting on the front lines or fanning the flames of COVID-19?
cord-320663-xypg6evoThe role of the interleukin-1 family in trained immunity Training the trainable cells of the immune system and beyond BCG- induced trained immunity: can it offer protection against COVID-19?
cord-320663-xypg6evoThe trafficking of natural killer cells Keeping NK cells in highly regulated antiviral warfare Human NK cell lytic granules and regulation of their exocytosis Natural killer cells: development, maturation, and clinical utilization Natural killer cell memory in infection, inflammation and cancer About training and memory: NK- cell adaptation to viral infections Is there natural killer cell memory and can it be harnessed by vaccination?
cord-320663-xypg6evoThe use of antiinflammatory drugs in the treatment of people with severe coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19): the perspectives of clinical immunologists from China Adjunct immunotherapies for the management of severely Ill COVID-19 patients HiJAKing SARS- CoV-2?
cord-320663-xypg6evointerferon responses: from friend to foe in the battle against chronic viral infection NK cells and interferons Innate or adaptive immunity?
cord-337458-dc90ecfeA Tool for Malaria Diagnosis?
cord-337458-dc90ecfeFor instance, what are the physiochemical differences between high and low affinity egg groups?
cord-337458-dc90ecfeIf so, should two types of magnetic microspheres be used to ensure the Helmintex method captures all egg types present in a sample?
cord-337458-dc90ecfeIn other words, what changes can be made to the diagnostic test format that maintain the simplicity of lateral flow assays but will enable improved quantification, communication, and aggregation of test results?
cord-337458-dc90ecfeIs there a biological difference between the two groups, such as egg maturity or surface antigen expression?
cord-337458-dc90ecfeNewly Developed, Rapid Immunochromatographic Antigen Detection Tests Be Reliably Used for the Laboratory Diagnosis of Influenza Virus Infections?
cord-337458-dc90ecfeWhat They Are and What They Are Not?
cord-337458-dc90ecfeWhy Is Trehalose an Exceptional Protein Stabilizer?
cord-337458-dc90ecfestudies were performed on eggs isolated from livers of infected mice, but do these two egg populations appear in the urine or feces of infected humans?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kAre genetic polymorphisms of STAT1, STAT3, PAI-1, HA, or EGFR related to the severity of COVID-19?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kHow does the STAT3/ PAI-1 axis contribute to other disease conditions, including cancer?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kIs IFN production different between asymptomatic carriers, and patients with less or more severe cases of COVID-19?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kIs IFN production different between people infected with SARS- CoV-2, SARS- CoV-1, MERS coronavirus, or other coronaviruses?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kIs STAT3 activated in SARS- CoV-2-infected tissues?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kPublic and Global Health Hyaluronan in acute respiratory distress syndrome( ARDS): simply a biomarker or a deeper insight into ARDS mechanisms?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kTemporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19 COVID-19, SARS and MERS: are they closely related?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kWill inhibition of EGFR signaling ameliorate the disease severity?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kWill inhibition of EGFR signaling potentiate the antiviral activity of IFN- I against SARS- CoV-2?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kWill inhibition of the STAT3/ PAI-1 axis decrease the severities of the cytokine storm and thrombosis/ coagulopathy in COVID-19?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kWill prophylactic activation of STAT1 protect against the severe symptoms of COVID-19?
cord-319248-ynoxec7kreveals IL-6 and IL-10 are disease severity predictors Alveolar macrophages regulate neutrophil recruitment in endotoxin- induced lung injury Monocyte- derived alveolar macrophages: the dark side of lung repair?
cord-023017-k6edtg58( I?
cord-023017-k6edtg5812mmHg or by?
cord-023017-k6edtg5812mmHg or? lo%), had a significantly lower probability of bleeding( P?O.Ol) and of requiring hospital admission because decompensations of cirrhosis, while survival probability was higher, both after acute and chronic beta- blocker administration.
cord-023017-k6edtg582) what are the risk factors of IR; 3) does IR play a role( and to what extent) in the occurrence of steatosis?
cord-023017-k6edtg5820% in 38% of cases and decreased? lo% in 74%( P?O.OOl) after acute beta- blocker.
cord-023017-k6edtg584) is IR involved in the progression of fibrosis?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Control( 0.65 cellsltriad?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Hemodynamic responders( defining response as a decrease of HVPG to?
cord-023017-k6edtg58If CD34 numbers are adjusted for the total mononuclear cell counts then the increase in circulating stem cells between these two groups became even more apparent( 0.44? 0.34 and 4.98XlOX6 cellsll 24.8; p<0.05).
cord-023017-k6edtg58In patients with chronic hepatitis C, we adressed the following issues: 1) is IR the cause or consequence of steatosis and fibrosis?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Methods: Chronic liver injury was induced in rats by CC14 treatment( of the development of cirrhosis in Group 1( histopathology score of 3.7?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Our results suggest that: 1) A decrease of HVFG?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Overall, patients with PNF were older( 55.7 t 10 vs. 48.99 years, p=0.03) and had higher peak ALT levels( 141? 185 vs. 40 2 32 U/ L, p=0.04).
cord-023017-k6edtg58Studies dealing with the prevention of rebleeding have shown that hemodynamic response to pharmacological treatment of portal hypertension is adequate when the hepatic venous pressure gradient( HVPG) decreases to?
cord-023017-k6edtg58The HCV RNA was done by a PCR technique with a detectability cutoff of 50-copieslmb Results: Both randomized groups were similar at baseline without statistical significant difference, 190( 90%) were infected with genotype 4, mean age was 39.5 years?
cord-023017-k6edtg58The HVPG decreased?
cord-023017-k6edtg58The area of ASMA- positive cells was however significantly decreased by SSR 182289 from 3.83? 1.04 to 2.86
cord-023017-k6edtg58The mean level of circulating apoptotic cells in Day 1 recipient PBMC was higher than healthy controls( 0.9% t-0.2 vs 0.2%?
cord-023017-k6edtg58Using ROC curve a decrease of HVPG?
cord-256838-8rzibpblA clue to Balkan endemic nephropathy?
cord-256838-8rzibpblAdverse cardiovascular and central nervous system events associated with dietary supplements containing ephedra alkaloids Is there an association between ephedra and heart failure?
cord-256838-8rzibpblAre these molecules specific for that specific activity of a TCM formula or herbs?
cord-256838-8rzibpblCould a specific ADR come from interactions between specific active molecules?
cord-256838-8rzibpblCould the gut microbiota reconcile the oral bioavailability conundrum of traditional herbs?
cord-256838-8rzibpblCould these activities be extrapolated into humans?
cord-256838-8rzibpblCould these inactive ingredients be omitted?
cord-256838-8rzibpblCould they reach a minimal serum level to exert that particular pharmacologic activity in humans?
cord-256838-8rzibpblDoes publication bias exist so that undesired pharmacologic effects are not published?
cord-256838-8rzibpblIs it possible that a particular gene is prone to a specific ADR of a TCM formula or herbs?
cord-256838-8rzibpblIs it possible that herbs and TCM formulas can be effective in this low concentration of bioactive compounds?
cord-256838-8rzibpblIs it possible that interactions between active molecules, e.g., synergism, but not active molecules themselves, account for a specific activity?
cord-256838-8rzibpblIs it possible that little amount of bioactive molecules can cause interactions?
cord-256838-8rzibpblIs it possible that new active molecules are generated during preparation of the TCM formula?
cord-256838-8rzibpblIs it possible that the clinical effects of herbs and TCM formulas can be effective with such a small amount of bioactive compounds?
cord-256838-8rzibpblIs it possible that there might be unidentified active molecules that actually account for a particular pharmacologic activity?
cord-256838-8rzibpblIs there a specific gene or single nucleotide polymorphism( SNP) largely affecting the pharmacokinetic profile?
cord-256838-8rzibpblPositive or Negative Actors?
cord-007890-bie1veti( 5?-GCAAGTTCTT- CAGCTTGTTT-3?).
cord-007890-bie1veti( 5?-TATTGCGCT- TAGAAAATTAA-3?)
cord-007890-bie1veti( hence, if we treat alcoholic cirrhosis patients with interferon could we have a favorable response?).
cord-007890-bie1veti*/does its aetiology matter?
cord-007890-bie1vetiAnd on the basis of which classification system should the two legs of such a trial be separated?
cord-007890-bie1vetiCan coins and paper currency transmit Bacillus anthracis?
cord-007890-bie1vetiCan varicella be eliminated by universal childhood vaccination?
cord-007890-bie1vetiDo the trials with interferon alfa for patients with HBV or HCV cirrhosis exhibit a favorable result due to the antiviral properties of interferon, or is interferon exhibiting anti- oncogenic potential?, and is HCC cytokine and hormone sensitive( view ongoing trials with somatostatine analogues versus HCC)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiDo the trials with interferon alfa for patients with HBV or HCV cirrhosis exhibit a favorable result due to the antiviral properties of interferon, or is interferon exhibiting anti- oncogenic potential?, and is HCC cytokine and hormone sensitive( view ongoing trials with somatostatine analogues versus HCC)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiDoes their end in the stage of cirrhosis?
cord-007890-bie1vetiHBV Á/ HCV and liver carcinogenesis: where does the viral influence end?
cord-007890-bie1vetiHow ethical is it to conduct a randomised trial where one leg of cirrhotic patients is left without antiviral therapy?
cord-007890-bie1vetiHow much hope can be put on a drug that seems to be partly useless before its initiation?
cord-007890-bie1vetiIn vivo activity of glycopeptides against S. aureus infection in a rabbit endocarditis model: is MIC predictive for in vivo efficacy?
cord-007890-bie1vetiIs progression towards HCC independent of the etiology of cirrhosis( since alcoholic cirrhosis also proceeds to HCC)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiLactulose, a factor that decreases endotoxaemia, in obstructive jaundice?
cord-007890-bie1vetiMoreover, do viral proteins with oncogenic potential exist( the controversy over the recently discovered HBV protein is still, unresolved)?
cord-007890-bie1vetiOur experience suggests a promising role of lamivudine in the treatment of acute hepatitis B, but how long such therapy have to be practiced and in which patients?
cord-007890-bie1vetiThese strains was genotypically characterized for the mec A gene presence by PCR method using the mec A 1- 5?-AAA ATC CAT GGT AAA GGT TGG C-3? and the mec A 2 Á/5?-AGT TCT GCA GTA CCG GAT TTG C-3? primers( GIBCO, BRL).
cord-007890-bie1vetiThese strains was genotypically characterized for the mec A gene presence by PCR method using the mec A 1- 5?-AAA ATC CAT GGT AAA GGT TGG C-3? and the mec A 2 Á/5?-AGT TCT GCA GTA CCG GAT TTG C-3? primers( GIBCO, BRL).
cord-007890-bie1vetiWhich patients with HBV or HCV cirrhosis are eligible for interferon treatment?
cord-007890-bie1vetiand of transconjugants and the amplification by PCR of the gene aac(6?)-aph(2??
cord-007890-bie1vetiand of transconjugants and the amplification by PCR of the gene aac(6?)-aph(2??
cord-007890-bie1vetican the associated morbidity and mortality in this rare but deadly disease be reduced?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mDiagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders Could viruses contribute to the worldwide epidemic of obesity?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mDo environments in infancy moderate the association between stress and inflammation in adulthood?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mDoes cytokine- induced depression differ from idiopathic major depression in medically healthy individuals?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mGiven evidence that anorexia may confer anti- pathogen effects( Raison and Miller, 2012), might similar benefits accrue to hyperphagia, especially in youth and females, under at least some evolutionarily relevant situations?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mHow do viral infections predispose patients to bacterial infections?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mHow might PATHOS- D theory seek to account for the existence of these reversed neurovegative symptoms, as well as their age and sex distribution?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mHowever, if this is indeed the case, why should we expect the immune changes seen in depression to be limited to circulating cytokines or CRP?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mHowever, what about the survival of the newborn, which reflects a significant investment on the mother's part in her long- term reproductive success?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mHowever, what should we make of the fact that multiple studies show that inflammatory markers are at least as elevated- and maybe more elevated- in manic episodes as they are during bipolar depressions( Goldstein et al, 2009)?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mIn this context, might genes linking inflammation with mania have undergone positive selection by conferring increased protection against the wide range of infections to which manic behavior would have exposed an individual in the EEA?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mIn what ways would elevated body temperature or reduced iron availability aid in negotiating relationships with other humans?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mMere visual perception of other people's disease symptoms facilitates a more aggressive immune response Pathogens, personality, and culture: disease prevalence predicts worldwide variability in sociosexuality, extraversion, and openness to experience Combined dexamethasone/ corticotropin- releasing hormone test in acute and remitted manic patients, in acute depression, and in normal controls: I Who keeps children alive?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mMight maternal depression contribute to the child's pathogen- host defense prospects?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mMight the association serve adaptive purposes or is it better considered as an example of antagonistic pleiotropy?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mMol Psychiatry Malaise, melancholia and madness: the evolutionary legacy of an inflammatory bias Chronic interferon- alpha administration disrupts sleep continuity and depth in patients with hepatitis C: association with fatigue, motor slowing, and increased evening cortisol A bad case of the flu?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mSimilarly, if depression is simply a non- adaptive phenomenon, why would such ancient, highly conserved and highly complex physiological responses be associated with the disorder?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mSo, can available data help us determine which theory is better supported?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mThe relationship between post- natal depression and mother- child interaction The effect of acute psychological stress on circulating inflammatory factors in humans: a review and meta- analysis Functional disability and social conflict increase risk of depression in older adulthood among bolivian forager- farmers Depression as sickness behavior?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mThe role of inflammation in depression: from evolutionary imperative to modern treatment target Infectious disease and psychoneuroimmunology Viral obesity: fact or fiction?
cord-347946-i6kx3n6mWhy might younger individuals in general, and females in particular, be more likely to develop depressive conditions characterized by hypersomnia and hyperphagia?
cord-257220-fe2sacjj, CD25?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjAre there any other porcine virus that infect macrophages and are eliminated in 7- 14 days?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjAre those with a suppressor phenotype functionally suppressive?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjComparative cellular studies of isolator piglets infected with PRRSV and SIV failed to reveal any evidence of immune suppression, i.e., lack of evidence for elevation of Fox3p CD4?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjCould an abundance of selfreactive Th2 cells, some of which may crossreact with PRRSV, be sufficient to drive rapid differentiation to plasma cells or perhaps IL-6 from infected MQ?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjCould it be the lack of functional Tregs that permits runaway B cell proliferation and differentiation?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjDevelopment of T cells in thymus is well described in textbooks, and at a certain stage, CD4?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjDo neutralizing antibodies bind those viral epitopes that prevent their recognition by the receptors on potentially permissive cells or do they inhibit the fusion of the viral membrane with the endocytic membrane?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjDo these IFNa- impaired macrophages preferentially or inappropriately stimulate certain T cell subsets or do they promote differentiation of MDSC?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjDoes it also cause more severe immune dysregulation?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjElevation of P3 expressing, CD4?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjFor example, does PRRSV infect lymphocytes or only macrophages/ dendritic cells?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjHow easy is that?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjHowever, is the effect of HP- PRRSV merely a quantitative difference or does it have a qualitative effect?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjIn isolator piglets, only the subset of CD2?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjIs simple blocking by antibodies enough or is help needed from an immune complex?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjNamely, does HP- PRRSV primarily target the thymus so its greatest impact is on T cell cells development?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjPorcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus induces CD4?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjROS- dependent suppression of CD4?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjSince PRRSV targets macrophages, could their infection result in differentiation of myeloid cells to MDSC?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjSo what is the purpose of PRRS research: to simulate the farm experience and produce a vaccine''in the blind''or to first understand how the virus affects the host?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjSome have reported the presence of CD4?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjThe extraordinary hypergammaglobulinemia simultaneously occurs as B cells rapidly differentiate to plasma cells in a manner in which the intermediate stage of activated B cells( CD2?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjThe same applies to cytokines: what cells are making which cytokines and where are these cells histologically located since cytokines typically act at short distances?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjThis is a valid assay for the cell line and the PRRSV strain used but does it test whether neutralization has occurred in vivo in infected animals in which different target cells and virus variants are interacting?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjWe hypothesize that the suppression of innate immunity can be an important contributing factor to the modulation of host immune responses because type I IFNs promote antigen presentation and natural killer cell functions, enhance antibody production of B cells, and play an important role in the differentiation of both CD4?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjand CD8?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjand CD8?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjcells with a suppressor phenotype( CD4?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjinterleukin-10 and regulatory T- lymphocytes( Treg) Induction of inducible CD4?
cord-257220-fe2sacjjporcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Age- dependent resistance to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication in swine Identification of immunodominant T cell epitopes present in glycoprotein 5 of the North American genotype of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Cell- mediated immunity to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in swine Evaluation of protective immunity in gilts inoculated with the NADC-8 isolate of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus( PRRSV) and challenged- exposed with an antigenically distinct isolate Control and elimination of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Effect on total pigs weaned of herd closure for elimination of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Functional impairment of PRRSV- specific peripheral CD3?
cord-015021-pol2qm74( 3) Should future clinical trials be based on new classifications of illness such as MODS, SIRS, APACHE III, SAP II, MRM, etc., or should trials be dedicated to specific diseases-urinary tract infections, pneumonia, trauma patients, cardiac surgery and other specific problems, rather than generalized problems of sepsis, the sepsis syndrome and other classifications?
cord-015021-pol2qm743-Is the ACCP classification of sepsis useful at the bedside to select oatients?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Abnormally high skeletal muscle pO 2 in septic patients and its normalization during recovery: Evidence against tissue hypoxia but for impaired oxygen metabolism of skeletal muscle?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Administration of exogenous IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74And, finally, how can the participants be sure that the trial will be stopped at the right time, to ensure that no treatment is given to any patient that might be harmful?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Are all eligible patients being studied, and their results reported?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Are all the participants truly unbiased about the relative merits of the regimens being studied?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Before using the model for risk of death in septic patients, is it mandatory to validate it( by calibration, i.e. goodness of fit, and discrin'dnation, i.e., ROC curves) first on a data base using the same definition for sepsis as in the trial and secondly on the placebo group of the trial?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Can it achives a significant improvement in the septic course, organ dysfunction, and final outcome?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Conversely, administration of anti- IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Correlatively the RNI inhibitor MMLA induces in vitro a decrease in the rate of bacterial killing, fxom 78% to 57%, in macrophages triggered with IFN-?+ LPS.
cord-015021-pol2qm74How can organ dysfunction and/or failure be defined?
cord-015021-pol2qm74How should we decide which of them should be brought to clinical trial?
cord-015021-pol2qm74If there is agreement that thin is an appropriate antibiotic protocol, should it not be used in all seriously ill septic patients in the hospital?
cord-015021-pol2qm74In contrast, GF109203X significantly reduced ICAM-1 expression induced by Interferon- y( IFN-?)
cord-015021-pol2qm74In fact, the IFN-? and IL-1 induced adhesion of PBMC to cytokine treated HUVEC could be downregulated by the PKC- inhibitor, whereas TNFc~-and LPS- mediated adhesion was not influenced.
cord-015021-pol2qm74In other words, should we now begin to have clinical trials on specific diseases with causes that are known and can be attacked?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Is like being compared with like-are all the end points and the standards for measuring them clearly defined so that they can not be misunderstood?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Is there any role for antioxidative therapy in sepsis?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Is truly informed consent being sought that will satisfy not only the patient's right to choose what happens to him, but also the law of the land?
cord-015021-pol2qm74MIF secretion also was induced by TNFoc( 1 ng/ ml) and IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74MIF secretion is induced by LPS, TNFc~ and IFN?.
cord-015021-pol2qm74Macrophages of C57BL/10ScCr mice are incapable of producing interferon-~( IFN~) which we could show to be obligatory for the production of IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74On closer investigation the impaired IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74The IFN?
cord-015021-pol2qm74The absence of sensitization to LPS in Lps d C57BL/10ScCr mice was identified as being due to their inability to produce interferon-7( IFN?).
cord-015021-pol2qm74The clinical"take"rate o? cultured epithelial autografts( CEA) has been observed to Increase with transplantation to allodermls, but the reasons for the improved clinical performance have not yet been defined.
cord-015021-pol2qm74The inability to produce adequate amounts of IL-2, most likely attributable to alterations in the transmission of signals from the cell membrane to the nucleus, results in incomplete proliferative T- cell responses to antigenic stimuli, while a lack of?
cord-015021-pol2qm74There are reports of nentrophil dysfunction in inflammatory disorders of the skin( 2), Are there dysfunctions concerning the unspecific host defense in SIRS, as well?
cord-015021-pol2qm74This has not happened, however, and the question is"Why not"?
cord-015021-pol2qm74This might be due to a preexisting( genetic?) or more likely to an epiphenomenal receptor defect.
cord-015021-pol2qm74We have investigated the proinflaznmatory oytokine secretion patter~ by PMN in patients following major~hermal or tra~ matic injury and in volunteers fellowinq endotoxemia.?
cord-015021-pol2qm74What are the definitions?
cord-015021-pol2qm74What are the issues, then, in 1994, to be dealt with at this symposium and congress?
cord-015021-pol2qm74What are the mechanisms?
cord-015021-pol2qm74What is the aplpiieability of study results in typical clinical situations?
cord-015021-pol2qm74What is the availability of speciftc antibiotics at a participating hospital?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Will the patient's physicians agree to the protocol choice?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Will they be helpful in the study and esro of patients?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Will this contribute to better clinical trials, information basis and better research?
cord-015021-pol2qm74Will we benefit Oleo from a more precise classification and definition of a non- outjty, a hodgu- podge of human disorders which have charsmeristic.s and manifestations of tissue injury, inflammation and infactian?
cord-015021-pol2qm74and?-IFN and T- helper-2( Th2) acting principally in inducing antibody formation with a secretion of IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 and TNF-[3 has still to be established within the context of major trauma.
cord-015021-pol2qm74anti- IFN-?( p<0.05).
cord-015021-pol2qm74or is it better to use a specific model for each trial?
cord-015021-pol2qm74~is s?.