This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
A88452 | Alleyne, Thomas, Sir, fl. 1660. aut | Aleyn Mayor. At a Common-Councel holden at the Guild-hall London, on VVednesday the 23 day of November 1659 | 1659.0 | 837 | 169 | nan | ./cache/A88452.xml | ./txt/A88452.txt |
A17136 | Buddle, George, b. ca. 1568. | A short and plaine discourse Fully containing the vvhole doctrine of euangelicall fastes. By George Buddle, Bachelour of Diuinitie, and parson of Whikkenby in Lincolne-shire. | 1609.0 | 24948 | 7853 | nan | ./cache/A17136.xml | ./txt/A17136.txt |
A78991 | Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. | By the King. A proclamation for a generall fast to be held throughout this kingdome on the second Friday in every moneth | 1643.0 | 1142 | 279 | nan | ./cache/A78991.xml | ./txt/A78991.txt |
A61415 | Chillingworth, William, 1602-1644. | An admonition concerning a publick fast the just causes we have for it, from the full growth of sin, and the near approaches of God''s judgments : and the manner of performance to obtain the desired effects thereof, which ought to be other than our Common Forms, and with stricter acts of moritication than is usual amongst us : with an abstract of Mr. Chillingworth''s judgement of the state of religion in this nation in his time : and of a letter from the Hague concerning two sermons preached there in the French church at which were present divers of the English nobility. | 1691.0 | 17083 | 4736 | nan | ./cache/A61415.xml | ./txt/A61415.txt |
A79705 | Church of Scotland. General Assembly. | Causes of a solemn national fast and humiliation, agreed upon by the Commissioners of the late General Assembly, met at Edinburgh the 4. of June 1696 and presented to the Lords of His Majesties most honourable Privy Council, to be read by the ministers, in all the churches at the intimation of the said fast. | 1696.0 | 1558 | 259 | nan | ./cache/A79705.xml | ./txt/A79705.txt |
A20731 | Downame, George, d. 1634. | The Christians sanctuarie vvhereinto being retired, he may safely be preserued in the middest of all dangers. Fit for all men to read at all times, especially for those that are exercised in the schoole of affliction, in the time of Gods present visitation. Described in two bookes or treatises: I. Of the Christian exercise of fasting. II. Of holy inuocation on Gods name. By George Dovvname Doctor of Diuinitie. | 1604.0 | 40246 | 13074 | nan | ./cache/A20731.xml | ./txt/A20731.txt |
A80908 | England and Wales. Council of State. aut | A declaration of His Highness, with the advice of his council inviting the people of this Commonwealth to a day of solemn fasting and humiliation. | 1655.0 | 1030 | 200 | nan | ./cache/A80908.xml | ./txt/A80908.txt |
A78989 | England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) | By the King. A proclamation for a generall fast thorowout [sic] this realme of England | nan | 897 | 188 | nan | ./cache/A78989.xml | ./txt/A78989.txt |
B05600 | Gibson, Alexander, Sir, d. 1693. | A proclamation for a publick general fast throrowout the realm of Scotland | 1678.0 | 1449 | 255 | nan | ./cache/B05600.xml | ./txt/B05600.txt |
A57186 | Reynolds, John, of Kings-Norton. | A discourse upon prodigious abstinence occasioned by the twelve moneths fasting of Martha Taylor, the famed Derbyshire damosell : proving that without any miracle, the texture of humane bodies may be so altered, that life may be long continued without the supplies of meat & drink : with an account of the heart, and how far it is interessed in the business of fermentation / by John Reynolds ... | 1669.0 | 13135 | 3590 | nan | ./cache/A57186.xml | ./txt/A57186.txt |
B05599 | Scotland. Privy Council. | A proclamation, for a publick general fast throughout the kingdom of Scotland. At Edinburgh, the eight day of August, one thousand six hundred and sixty five years. | 1665.0 | 1324 | 206 | nan | ./cache/B05599.xml | ./txt/B05599.txt |