
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A571862dly, How shall natural heat be preserved from extinction without a constant feeding on the radical moysture?
A571863ly, How shall Fermentation be continued in the blood without new additions of Chyle?
A571864ly, How shall there be a supply of vital spirits, and consequently of animal, without food and fermentation?
A571865ly, How can life consist without sleep?
A57186Fourthly, How can Spirits both vital and animal be prepared and separated without food, and frequent fermentations?
A57186How shall natural heat be preserved, if not fed by Oyl, continually supply''d and renew''d by aliment?
A57186Moreover, to what end are such miracles wrought?
A57186Thirdly, How shall Fermentation be continued in the blood without the addition of chyle?
A57186and how can chyle be added without food assumed?
A57186and how shall Chyle be added, if no food received?
A57186and how shall this Oleaginous humour be secur''d from a nimble consumption, if it receive not additions from frequent feeding?
A57186and how shall we attain sleep without ascending fumes to the brain from ingested food?
A57186for to what end should these Plants be given to those persons whose blood exceeds with salt and sulphur already?
A61415And why should it not?
A61415For this would be to deceive You after the manner of the False Prophets of old?
A61415How few desire in earnest to avoid Temptation?
A61415LET us examine our ways, and consider impartially, What the Religion of most Men is?
A61415Nay, who almost is there, that takes not the Devil''s Office out of his Hand, and is not himself a Tempter both to himself and others?
A61415That his Blessed Will should be universally Obeyed?
A61415That his Kingdom should be advanced and inlarged?
A61415Who shews by his forsaking sin that he desires so much as he should do the forgiveness of it?
A61415for example; How few of our Ladies and Gentlewomen, do or will understand, that a Voluptuous Life, is Damnable and prohibited to them?
A171366.3) Is not this goodman Iosephs sonne?
A17136A seruant, when he reigneth: and a foole, when his bellie is full, who is able to beare?)
A17136Dauids Hath not one man sinned?
A17136Is it not I that commanded to number the people?
A17136Is not this my Fast to deale thy bread to the hungrie, to bring the poore, that wander, vnto thy house?
A17136Is not this the Carpenter Maries sonne?
A17136Quid prodest oleo non vesci& molestias quasdam difficultatesque ciborum qu ● rere, caricas, piper, nuces, palmarum fructus, similam, mel, pistacia?
A17136This man speaketh blasphemies, who can forgiue sinnes, but God?
A17136What reason then, that such fasters should be set in the paedagogie, or disciplinarie exercise of such a Fast?
A17136When thou seest the naked, that thou couer him, and bide not thy selfe from thine owne flesh?
A17136but these sheepe, what haue they done?
A17136of his kindred and parentage, Are not Iames and Ioses, Iuda and Simon his kinsmen?
A17136what a Madnesse is this?
A17136whom doth S Austin counsell his friend Casulan to follow in the order of Church fasts, but chiefely his Prouinciall or Diocesan Bishop?
A20731145, The Lord is neare to all that call vpon him: what to all?
A2073115.22, Hath the Lord as great pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as when the voyce of the Lord is obeyed?
A20731And if the righteous scarcely be preserued, where shall the vngodly and the sinner appeare?
A20731And likewise Cyrill, Wilt thou haue mee shew thee what manner of fast thou must obserue?
A20731And shall there be euill( namely of affliction) in a citie, and the Lord hath not done it?
A20731Art thou still addicted to the world, minding and affecting things below, more than the things which are aboue?
A20731Be it that in respect of thy selfe and those that belong to thee thou hast no cause of mourning( as who almost is free?)
A20731Because you aske amisse: and wherein did they aske amisse?
A20731Behold( sayth Salomon) the righteous shall be recompenced, that is, corrected, in the earth; how much more the wicked and the sinner?
A20731But for whose sinnes I beseech you is this publicke judgement laid vpon the land?
A20731But if it begin with vs, what shall be the end of those who obey not the Gospell of God?
A20731But it may be asked, how are we to glorifie God?
A20731But some man will aske, When is this day of affliction, wherein we are to call vpon God?
A20731But what followeth?
A20731But you will say: If our faith must bee grounded vpon the promises of God, what helpe then doth fasting affoord vnto it?
A20731Did Dauid fast and mourne and pray for his enemies when they were in affliction, and doest not thou mourne for thy deare brethren and friends?
A20731Doest thou not flie vnto the Lord by prayer, or if thou prayest, doest thou pray but coldly, and as it were for fashion sake?
A20731First, art thou not yet humbled vnder the mightie hand of God, but continuest still as proud and as vaine as in former times?
A20731For as the sonne of Syrach sayth, He that washeth himselfe because of a dead bodie, and toucheth it againe, what auaileth his washing?
A20731For being demaunded, why his disciples fasted not; he said, can the children of the mariage chamber mourne, as long as the bridegroome is with them?
A20731For their sinnes alone, who haue beene visited, or are dead of the plague?
A20731For what a thing is this, that any deceiuer should abstaine from meats which God hath created, and should grow fat with sinne?
A20731For what are we better for fasting at any time, if we recompence our fasting with fulnesse at other time?
A20731For why( may euery one of vs thinke) doth the Lord forbid me on the day of rest, the lawfull workes of may calling?
A20731Hast thou not yet learned obedience by that which thou doest suffer?
A20731Hast thou not yet learned patiently to beare the crosse,& to repose thine affiance in God more than in the meanes which God permitteth to thee?
A20731Hast thou not yet repented thee of thy sinne, whereby thou diddest prouoke the Lords anger against thee?
A20731Hast thou not yet turned to him that smiteth thee?
A20731In like sort Iames, Is any among you afflicted?
A20731Must I forbeare that which in it selfe is lawfull; and may I doe that which is vnlawfull?
A20731Must I therefore for this time sequester my selfe from my honest businesse, that I may attend vanities or sinnes?
A20731Or doth the Lord enjoyne me rest, because hee is delighted with idlenesse, and would haue me to doe nothing?
A20731Or how canst thou looke that God should heare or regard thy prayer, when thou doest not heare nor regard thy selfe?
A20731Or why doe I cease from mine honest affaires?
A20731What auaileth it to keepe the body emptie from meats, and to fill the soule with sinne?
A20731What then is the spirituall exercise and the inward fast, whereunto the outward abstinence must be referred?
A20731Wherefore haue we fasted, and thou respectest it not, we haue afflicted our soules, and thou regardest it not?
A20731Which promises of God if we can not find in our hearts to beleeue, to what purpose should we pray?
A20731With faith I say in God: for how canst thou call vpon him in whom thou doest not beleeue?
A20731and, that the disposition of our bodie doth much depend vpon our diet?
A20731from companie and delights?
A20731so it is with a man that fasteth for his sins, and committeth them again: who will heare his prayer, or what doth his fasting helpe him?