This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
29415 | Avery, Harold | Soldiers of the Queen | nan | 64671 | 4259 | nan | ./cache/29415.txt | ./txt/29415.txt |
57313 | Bulkley, M. E. (Mildred Emily) | The Feeding of School Children | nan | 94050 | 6052 | nan | ./cache/57313.txt | ./txt/57313.txt |
35746 | Leslie, Madeline | The Pearl of Peace; or, The Little Peacemaker | nan | 8340 | 679 | nan | ./cache/35746.txt | ./txt/35746.txt |
22410 | Martineau, Harriet | The Crofton Boys | nan | 56759 | 3538 | nan | ./cache/22410.txt | ./txt/22410.txt |
23265 | Martineau, Harriet | The Crofton Boys | nan | 56880 | 3570 | nan | ./cache/23265.txt | ./txt/23265.txt |
60581 | Moulton, Louise Chandler | More Bed-Time Stories | nan | 44373 | 2752 | nan | ./cache/60581.txt | ./txt/60581.txt |